Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Ntbraskan Completely Dominates
Iowa Democratio Convention.
Action Taken at Direct Request o'
Mr. Bryan.
First Sentiment Favored Adopting it
: Without Change.
Claade ft. Porter, Ceatervlllei Jerry
II. Sullivan, Des Moines) F. J.
Dnaa, Mason City I Darn
rombf, Fort Dodgr,
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. March 2.-Bryans
name came lustily from every democratic
throat at the at ate convention today. Demo
crat a who have been loyal tp the Nebraskan
, through all the yeara were selected as dele-gates-at-large,
the platform adopted being
a recant of Bryan's Nobraaka platform and
the endoreemnnt of Bryan In the Omaha
platform made 'stronger and more eloquent
by hla Iowa admlrera. Every mention of
his name was greeted with storms of
When the resolutions committee met It
heard a request from Mr. Bryan that the
Ideas of the Omaha platform be endorsed
by the democracy of Iowa. There waa some
sentiment tn favor of adopting; the Ne
braska platform without change, but finally
It waa rewritten. The committee spent all
the afternoon at this work and the con
i) ventlon listened to speeches by Judge
Wade, General Weaver, Fred White and
other leaders.
I)elegates-at-large were not chosen until
nearly T o'clock this evening. They are:
Claude R. Porter of Centervllle, Jerry B.
Sullivan of Des. Moines, E. J. Dunn of
Mason City, who were chosen on first
ballot, and C. Duncombs of Fort Dodge,
who won out In a contest with General
Weaver on the second ballot. A special
plea for Weaver waa made by Fred Wblte,
but the river counties defeated him because
of his former alignment wtlh the prohibi
tion party.
Undercurrent for Johnson.
In several districts, notably the Second
and Fifth, attempt was made to rote
down the Bryan resolutions, but the Bryan
sentiment prevailed. While the convention
was enthusiastic for Brysn, there Is a
strong U'idcrcurrent for Johnson. Chair
man Miller, against whom the radicals have
waged ceaaeless war, announced today he
will, net be a candidate for re-election to
the state committee, nor for election to
anything else. Rome of Miller's friends
want to put up a fight, but Miller decided
that discretion Is the better part of valor.
J(ilnliert was expected to be a member of
the .resolutions committee, but the Sev
enth alsirivt .'perrcd ,.hlm down. Talk on
side Indicates much better feeling be
tween the extreme factlonlsts. with a
large element anxious In the Interest of
harmony to have both factions subside.
John eon haa been made permanent
chairman. t
Claude J). Porter was chosen temporary
Delegates to the national convention se
lected by district caucuses are as follows:
First Dlstrlct-J. H." Crulckshank, E. A.
Second District E. M. Sharon, A. Brandt.
Third District W. M. Hlgbee, H. C. Lig
gett. Fourth District John' McCook, M. B.
Fifth District R J. Williamson. R. P.
Kltsgerald, J. P. Fralley, C. H. Platten
bcrg. with half a vote each.
Sixth Diatrlot-C. M. Meyers, C. B. Rey
nolds. '
Seventh District J. T. Mulvaney. J. P.
Eighth District E. M. 8ankey, John Don
nigan. Ninth District-John Blake, W. C. Camp
bell. Tenth District D. S. Caswell, J. A. Men
ton. Eleventh District W. F. Hutton, C. C.
First Republican Convention of East
era states to Be Held.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., March 26. The
firat republican s;tate convention in the
eastern part of the United States to elect
delegates; to the national convention at
Chicago met here today. The delegates-at-large,
who were not Instructed on the mat
ter of a presidential candidate, were chosen,
as follows:
Andrew J. Currier, Cumberland; Alexan
der C. Crumb, Westerly; Exra Dixon. Bris
tol, and John Fletcher, Providence.
The platform Indorsed the "able admin-
latratlon of Theodore Roosevelt, who has
so actively exemplified the policies of the
republican party Id dealing with the many
public questions that have demanded
prompt and earnest consideration during
his term of office, and haa met the great
and varied responsibilities of the presi
dency with courage and honesty of pur
pose. He haa embodied American .Ideals,
aspiration and character and has met all
emergencies with treat energy and moral
courage, and under his leadership a repub
lican congress haa enacted many laws in
the Interest of the people."
The resolutions urge promotion of the
best Interests of labor and capital and the
unflinching protection of both, according
etvtj and political rights" to colored cttl
ena In every state, and Insists that states
"adopting enactments virtually dis
franchising them should be made to suffer
JfJr" reduction In the representation In con
"gress and In the electoral college."
The platform declares unequivocally for
protection as the cardinal principle of live
republican party and Indorses the declara
tion of the Ohio platform In behalf of the
tariff by a special session of the next con
"insuring tbe maintenance of the
true principle of protection by Imposing
such customs duties as will equal the dif
ference between the cost of production at
horn and abroad."
Trench tar Not Yet Oat at Wyoming.
While Gorman Far le Near
x Reek Snrlnas.
The Union Pactflo reports the Italian
car passed Colby. Nov.. for Ey at 8:S0
this morning.
Union Pacific wires brought the reports
that the French car reached Aspen, Wyo..
ten stations this aide of Rock Springs, at
o'clock Thursday morning, and the Oer
maa car got Into Thayer, further eaat, at
T Wednesday morulas;. - j
Friday, March ST, 1S08.
1908 MiRcn 190$
SCX-noX HZ. HfHx TW fj. ST
1 2 3 4 5 6 Z
fiy 9 10 11 12 13 14
m 17 ir m sn 9 t
V "3 24 25 2G2Z 23
K. COUNCIL bluffs and
"air Friday.
tASKA Probably snow
Terr, r"
Generally fair Friday.
t Omaha yesterday:
6 a. m
6 a. m
7 a. m
a. m
t a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
13 m
f p. m
1 p. m
S p. m
4 p. m...
I p. m
p. m.....
7 P- rn
5 p. m
9 p. m
... 1W
... 27
... 2
... SO
... 32
... 85
... 87
... 89
... 41
... 42
... 41
... 40
... 40
... 3
... 88
Stockholders of Union Pacific will vote
on proposition to Issue 150.000,000 in
bonds May 5. Directors refused to bring
suit against E. II. Harriman for profits
he made on stocks sold to the company.
Page X
Big Sioux river rises rapidly at Sioux
Falls and much land Is inundated. FafO 1
General Home of Kansas City was
found not guilty of murder of Editor
Groves on ground of Insanity. Pe 1
Senate overrules the objections to the
manner of election of Senator Smith of
Maryland. 1
Coffeyville banker receives order to pay
over 1800 to a stranger, Pag 1
Leland hotel at Springfield, 111., suffers
170,000 damage by fire. Page 1
Released convict In Kansas says man
who Is serving term for murder of his
father Is Innocent. " 1
National Bank of Commerce will open
today for business, syndicate having
bought nearly 13,000,000 worth of slow
paper. I Page 1
Prairie fire near Kimball, S. D., ravages
large tract of land, endangering many
Special railroad rates for the demo
cratic convention In Denver have been
announced. Pag- B
Democrats of Iowa engage In a hard
struggle to settle their differences.
Speaker Cannon receives enthusiastic
Indorsement in Illinois for the presi
dency., Pago 1
Indiana democrats adopt platform in
dorsing Bryan and tariff for revenue only.
Page a
Rhode Island republicana send unln
structed delegation to the national con
vention. Page X
Japanese express deep regret at the
death of . W Stevens. - Fsge a
Diplomatic world al agog over pie re
fusal of the German government to re
ceive Dr. David Jayne Hill. , Pago a
Man who borrows originally $10 from
Dr. B. Prlbenow, pays over $300 usury
and stays In clutches for ten years, brings
suit to recover. Page 1
Commissioner Guild of the Commercial
club asserts that revision of the freight
rates In Nebraska la Inevitable, but dis
tance tariffs ars not demanded. Pago 10
' Signal Corps Aeronautical park will bo
name of the new balloon station at Fort
Omaha. Page a
Eleven protests are filed by John A.
Crelghton executors against paying the
Inheritance tax. Pago B
State Labor Commissioner Ryder backs
up City Building Inspector Wlthnell In
his orders for the destruction of old hotel
buildings. Page a
Live stock markets. Pags T
Oraln markets. Pago T
Stocks and bonds. Pag 7
Port. AniTee. Bailee.
NEW YORK! Kr. Wlihelm II...
NEW YOHK trrlhl
SOUTHAMPTON. K. W. dr Oroue. Oownla.
COFKNHAUBN...C. F. TlM.o....
GENOA Pr. l PMdmonte.
BREMEN K. P. OecU....
Noted. Hostelry at Sprlagrfleld, 111.
Daruaa-ed to the Kxteat of
SPRINGFIELD, 111., March K.-The Le
land hotel, one of the most widely known
hotels In the country, was severely dam
aged by fire today, entailing a loss on the
proprietors, the Wiggins estate, of abfcut
175,000. The fire broke out while the re
publican state convention was in aeaslon
three squares away, and when tho dele
gates received word that tho hotel was
burning they leaped from their chairs, tore
wildly for the doors and hastened to save
their effects. No lives wero lost, nor was
any person Injured.
The fire was under control by 1 o'clock,
but It was not until three hours later that
it was out for good. The roof, the entire
fourth floor and a portion of the third
were burned. Below the third there was
no damage except by smoke and water.
The greater part of the furnishings were
ruined and the hotel must be refitted and
practically rebuilt before It can be used
Postaaaater Geaeral Meyer Eaeladea
Italian Pablleatloa tram
the Malls.
WASHINGTON, March 38 Poatmaster
General Meyer today Issued an order an
nulling the second class mailing privileges
frames' in 1906 to "La Questions Socials,"
an Italian publication Issued by an alleged
anarchistic group at Peterson, N. J. The
order wss issued because "the publication
Is not a newspaper, within the meaning of
the law, but Is devoted to what the editor
terms the 'science' of extolling aseasslnr
tlon as a virtue."
Sir Hearr Casaabell-Baaaenaaa Rests
Easy, hat Staffers from
LONDON. March Sb. Premier Sir Henry
Campbell-B&nnerman passed a restful
night, but the bulletin this morning again
notes that the patient la suffering from
wsakneea, though otherwise Us condition
Is unchanged.
Illinois Platform Specifio on Method
of Tariff Change.
All Chaaares Shoald Bo Made la Far
tkeraaee of Same PHaclpIe
- Caaaoa Eadorsed for
8PRINOFTELD, 111., March 26. The re
publicans of Illinois today enthusiastically
endorsed Joseph O. Cannon as a candidate
for the presidency, declared In favor of a
revision of the tariff and elected four
dclegates-at-large to the national conven
tion. The men chosen ere United States
Senators Shelby M. Cullom and Albert J.
Hopkins, Governor Cbarles 8. Deneen and
Mayor Fred A. Busse of Chicago.
The convention also endorsed the ad
ministration of Governor Deneen and that
of all other state officers. The candidacy
of Governor Deneen to succeed himself
was not mentioned. It being understood that
only matters of national Import were to
come before the convention. ,
For the last two days It had been confi
dently asserted by the platform builders
that the resolutions would favor tariff
"adjustment" Instead of "tariff revision,"
It being the Idea that "revision" is gen
erally accepted as meaning reduction, and
"adjustment" might mean tho raising of
some schedules as well as the lowering of
others. In the last moment, however, Con
gressman Henry 8. Boutell arrived from
Washington, where he had consulted with
Speaker Cannon and other republican lead
ers, and the plank adopted today was the
The Cannon men had things entirely thetr
own way and there was not a whisper of
opposition throughout the day. All mo
tions were passed unanimously and with
out argument, and the applause that
greeted the reading of the plank endorsing
the candidacy of the speaker was great
and enthusiastic.
Just before the reading of the platform
the convention took an Impromptu and
sudden adjournment because of a fire in
the Leland hotel and many of the delegates
never returned to the hall, spending their
time In either watching the fire or in look
ing for their effects. After an interim of
one hour the convention was called to order
a second time by Chairman Buckingham
and the final part of the program was
carried out promptly.
Cheers Iaterrapt Prayer.
The first mention of Speaker Cannon's
name was In the player of Rev. J..-M.
Francis, who Invoked the divine blessing
upon him and hla career. He was Instantly
Interrupted by an outburst of applause,
which put a ten-second halt . In hla prayer.
At the conclusion of the invocation Chair
man West Introduced as the chairman of
the convention George T. Buckingham of
Danville, who made a brief address. . He
opened hla speech with an allusion compli
mentary to tho quality of the public men
that Illinois has furnished to the country.
"And," said the speaker, to the accom
paniment of enthusiastic chef re, "we stand
ready to supply the . country with plenty
more of tho same-sort." ' '
He paid an eloquent tribute to the work
and public 'services c'f ' Speaker' Cannon,
also reading to the convention a letter pub
lished some months ago written by Presi
dent Roosevelt In praise of the work of
the speaker, "and thu," said the speaker,
"is what the present president of tho United
States thinks of the next president of the
United States." The delegates went wild.
The speaker concluded his address by
declaring that Gladstone was premier at 83
and that Bismarck did his greatest work
when 80 years of age. "We offer to the
country," he said, "a man as wise as
Gladstone and brave as Bismarck."
There were no contests. Pending the re
ports of the' committees on permanent or
ganisation and resolutions an address was
made by Congressman Henry B. Boutell.
The temporary organization waa made per
manent and the resolutions committee
brought In the. platform, which was
adopted with great enthusiasm.
Text of Illinois Platform.
The text follows: ,
The republican party of Illinois, In con
vention assembled on the Kith day of
March, 1908, would remind the republicana
of this state and the nation, that fifty-two
years ago our great party waa founded on
principles that are as eternal and as neces
sary In republican government as our
axioms In mathematics.
The republican purty is now composed
largely of sturdy men who hsve come to
manhood since the war of the '80s, most
of that great host of patriots having
fiitched their tents on fame's eternal camp
ng ground, pledge that we will ever salute
the dead patriot hosts of all our wars and
Willi continue to remember, In the most
substantial manner, the soldiers and sail
ors of all our wars who are yet living, and
also their widows and orphans, knowing
that we can never repay their services to
the country.
Republican principles are as vital In 1908
as they have been in previous years. This
must guide us In the future as In the past,
in meeting and solving the questions now
pending, and which may arise.
We therefore attain announce our faith
In republican principles and republican
policies, and pledge ourselves to do all In
our power to elect the presidential nominee,
and all our state republican nominees on
next November 3. Believing in republican
principles of the past, in protection to
American labor and American industry, In
sound money. In the power of congress tn
Improve the nation's natural highways of
commerce, and the equality of all cltlsens
f before the law, we do not resort to the
aemocrauc expeaieni or m axing new and
novel declarations to attract temporary
support to continue republican administra
tion. That we endorse the administration of
President Roosevelt for its energy and
success, for recommending to congress
many measures of the greatest benefit to
the general welfare, and for vigorously
enforcing the law on the statute books
and striving to bring about that Ideal
condition of the nation, wherein each cltl
sen shall be equal before the law and give
equal obedience to the law. His adminis
tration will stand as one of the .greatest
In American history.
r resent Tor I a KsTectlva.
The present tariff law, which was passed
at tho special session of the Fifty-fifth con.
gresa, convened by President McKlnley,
and which waa signed July U4, lsyj, by that
Illustrious protectionist, has amply Justified
all the promisee and hopes of Its advocates
and supporters. It has proven the most
scientifically adjusted and therefore the
best tarltf that was ever placed on the
statute books. Under the beneflclenl Influ
ence abundant revenues have flowed into
the national treasury; our domestic com
merce has expanded beyond all expecta
tions, the volume of our export trade haa
constantly incrvased. until within the laat
alx months it has reached the high water
mark; the ratio of our manufactured ex
ports haa steadily advanced, our farmers
have received the hlgheat pricea and our
mechanics and other workmen the hlgheat
waea that, hsve ever been paid, and our
citisens of all classes have enjoyed a
greater degree of prosperity than has ever
prevailed during a like period In any other
The broadening of the home market and
the increased foreign demand for our
products have stimulated competition, and
this competition has brought out manifold
new discoveries and inventions which have
materially altered the coat of production
t Continued on 8coo4 Pago.)
Released Convict Ieelarea Joha Col
Has Did Not Kill Father la
EMPORIA. Kan., March M-Louls T. W.
Archer, a negro of this county, who re
cently was released from the penitentiary
after serving a sentence for assault with a
deadly weapon, has written a book on the
famous John Collins murder trial. In which
ho alleges that an offer was made to him,
together with two other negroes, to kill
Collins' father. He asserts that John Col
lins, who is aow serving a life sentence for
tho murder of his father. It guiltless.
Archer says that he would have appeared
at the trial and made public what he knows
If ho had not been confined In the peniten
tiary. The Collins murder trial was one of the
most sensational ever held In Kansas. J. 9.
Collins of Topeka, a wealthy real estate
man, waa murdered in his home on May
18. 1898, supposedly by robbers. His' son,
John Collins, then a student at the Kansas
university,, was arrested charged with the
murder and was convicted upon the testi
mony of two negroes. The state charged
that Collins had murdered his fattier to
gain an Inheritance that he might marry
a wealthy young woman. Collins always
stoutly maintained his innocence and it
was shown at the trial that he and his
father were on the most friendly terms.
An effort will be male to secure a par
don for Collins.
Water Rises I So Rapidly People
Escape from It with
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. March 2fi.-(Spe;lal
Telegram.) The Big Sioux river la on its
spring rampage and thus far about 2,000
acres of valuable farm lend In the vicinity
of Sioux Falls has been flooded. The firat
effects of the high water were felt In the
vicinity of the municipal water pumping
station north of the city and the water
climbed the banks of tho river rapidly.
During the night the high water reached
the city. An island at the foot of Ninth
street is completely Inundated.
A. C. Collins, a pioneer farmer living on
the river west of town, has had tiumerous
experiences with floods on the Big Sioux,
but he states he never saw the water
come up at such rapid speed as during the
present flood. . He, with a number of men,
were at work tn a field close to the river
bank. He left the men temporarily to look
after some other work and the next he
knew the men were being chased from the
field by the water. In, a remarkably short
time the river rose nearly two feet. The
water came down the river like a great
tidal wave and waa, soon out of the banks.
Farmers Mear Kimball, D., with
Dlfllenltr ve Their
KIMBALL, S. D., March 86. The worst
prairie fire In many years Is sweeping
through the country here, laying waste
thousands of acres of, land and burning
farm houses and barns. The loss will be
enormous. ', '
' The fire started It'' ml! east of
Pukwanna and In now" sweeping,, toward
Charles City. Fanned by a gale the flames
traveled fast. The town people and farm
ers fought In vain, the flames lumping the
fireguards as fast as they wero plowed.
Ranchmen and .homesteaders from all ithe
nearby settlements flocked to tho fire cen
ters to give aid. The flames passed four
miles south of Kimball and the last re
ports are to the effect that the flro Is
half way to Platte. Many buildings and
school houses have been destroyed. Heroic
work In saving women and children Is re
ported. The flames had reached over an area of
thirty miles in length and two miles in
width last night.
Date for Old Settlers Meeting:.
SIOUX FALIS, S. U . March -(Special.)
At a meeting of the officers and
board of directors of the Early Settlers'
association of this (Minnehaha) county,
June 11 was decided upon as the date for
the annual picnic and celebration of the
association. As no plcnlo was held by the
association last year because of the fact
that the permanent grounds of the asso
ciation were flooded by the excessive rain
fall of last May and June, this year's pic
nic Is looked forward to with unusual In
terest. It is expected that from 12,000 to
15,000 persons will attend this year's picnic
Rash of Mlssonrlans to Hear Address
of Mr. Bryan at Kansas
KANSAS CITY. March 26-Twelve hun
dred tickets. 1,000 of which have been sold
to out-of-town people, have already been
disposed of for the Toung Men's Demo
cratic club banquet, which is to be held
here In Convention hall Monday night
next. William J. Bryan and Judson Har
mon of Cincinnati will be the guests of
honor. Many other prominent democrats
will be present. Places for four ex-governors
of Missouri Dockery, Stons, Francis
and Crittenden together with Governor
Fojk, have been reserved at the guest
Accommodations for 1,000 banqueters are
being planned. After the serving of the
banquet the galleries of Convention hall
will bo thrown open to the public in order
that It may hear the speaking.
Nearly Three Million In Cash Taken
Over by Moneyed Men of
Knnsas City.
KANSAS CITY. March 26. -A 11 of the re
quirements laid down by the comptroller
of the currency for the reopening of the
National Bank of Commerce of this city
wero completed with when Receiver George
T. Cutts today received $2,870,000 in cash
from a syndicate which took over all the
slow paper of the bank and all the assets
termed "bad" by the government officials.
The bank will open next Monday with 47
per cent of its deposits in its vaults and
with Comptroller Ridgely as its president.
Charge of Nltrosilycerla Blows Oat
Front of State Bask at
COFFEYVILLE. Kan.. March 28-An at
tempt was. made to rob the State bank at
Earlton, near here laat night. No money
was secured. The safe was located In the
front of the building and the charge of
nitroglycerin used by the robbers waa
so heavy that It blew the entire front of
the building Into the street. Frightened,
tho robbers fled. A posse is In pursuit.
For Decade Man Payi Usury at Rate
of 120 Per Cent Yearly.
Started with Ten Dollar Lots, Pays
Over Three Ilaadred Dollars
and Still Held for Ovrr
Ten years In the clutches of the loan
sharks on a loan which began at $10, hav
ing paid in usury over (300 and still
hcid for the payment of $125 more usury
this Is the lot of Henry Jones, a clerk,
who has brought suit against Dr. B.
Prlbenow for the recovery of $300 with
interest and costs.
The petition in this action, which was
filed yesterday afternoon In the district
court by John O. Yelser, attorney for
Jones, alleges a conspiracy exists be
tween several loan sharks and that this
plaintiff felt the crushing force of that
conspiracy when he was tossed from one
tentacle to the other of the octopus. He
says he was shifted back and forth from
one loan agVnt to another, borrowing and
paying so long that he could not tell how
much money he really did get. He knows,
however, that he paid over $300 usury and
still owes, according to the astonishing
system of finance practiced by these'
sharks, $126.50.
Of all the shocking cases of this sort
revealed In the last few weeks, Mr. Yelser
thinks this Is the climax. His client, he
ays, paid money Into the coffers of
these men at the "outrageous rate" of
120 per cent a year. Mr. Yelser feels con
fident of getting Justice for hla client.
Just as he 4aa for others In previous
eases. Only a few days ago one victim
whose case he took was not only released
from further obligation, but was actually
given $160 by the shark that held her In
his grasp. This shark was given an Im
munity bath by the attorney as the only
means by which the settlement could be
effected and therefore escaped the lime
light. Text of tho Petition.
Here Is the petition which Mr. Yelser
filed in court:
Plaintiff alleges that he Is a clerk and
has been engaged In clerical work ever
since he was 17 years of age; that over
seven years ago, when plaintiff was 19
years of age, he borrowed $10 of ' one of
the chattel Joan companies of Omaha, en
gaged In usurous loans, to-wit, the Omaha
Chattel Mortgage and Loan bank, and has
never since been able to get out of the
clutches of said usurious transaction; that
all of the loan companies of Omaha and
persons engaged In loaning money at usuri
ous rates have conspired together and are
In a conspiracy to shift their victim
debtors from one to the other In attempts
to feign payments and as a pretense of
closing usurious transactions and to exact
more by this method than they could In
dependently and more than the legal rate;
that plaintiff had been for five years pay
ing on said usurious transaction when
there was still about $87.60 due and owing
under said usurious contract and transac
tion to the J. A. Hutton company and the
plaintiff waa forced and compelled to bor
row of the defendant $87.60 to pay off aaid
usurious transaction; that for said purpose
and on or about the day of October,
lDutl, the plaintiff borrowed and received of
the defendant $90 in cash, being $2.60 over
the amount necossury to pay said loan and
the defendant contracted for, took, charged
and received as Interest tlitreun lao btr
went pt?r annum, or more than the legal
raie ana ueing usurious interest; that plain
tiff paid upon said usurious contract last
mentioned and since the said last mentioned
date, m, and the defendant still claims
under said contract now due and owing the
sum of $16.60; that plaintiff gave the de
fendant a chattel mortgage on his house
bold goods signed jointly by the plaintiff
and ills wife and also gave a- salary as
signment to secure said amount; that on
March 2t, 1908, plaintiff demanded of de
fendant the cancellation of said chattel
mortgage and a return of said note and
salary assignment, but defendant refused
to concede aald demand and threutena to
collect said claim and will cause the plain
tiff Irreparable Injury and damage unlesa
the relief prayed herein Is granted; that the
plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law
in the resisting of said claims, defending
action at law because of. the fact that they
Involve plaintiffs household goods and
salary, upon which he dopends for the sup
port of his family; that plaintiff has puld
to said chattel loan men in aald conspiracy
over $300 In the said usurious demands,
upon the said usurious transaction, but al
leges that the same were not voluntary
payments, but that the same were made
by coercion, through fear of losing Ills po
sition if usury waa pleaded or the matter
made otherwise public or by having nerved
notice upon his employers of tbe said sal
ary assignments and claims, which involun
tary action was known to the defendant;
that defendant took part in the said con
spiracy during all the limes alleged herein
before and had knowledge of said usurious
Wherefore, plaintiff prays judgment
against the plaintiff In the sum of juo, with
interest and costs, and that the said note
of the plaintiff and his wife to the defend
ant and the chattel mortgage and salary
assignment to secure the same be cancelled
and held for naught; that defendant be en
joined from retaining said note and salary
assignment and from destroying the same
or transferring or delivering the same to
anyone but the piatntlff and for sucn other
relief as may be Just end equitable and
tho costs of this action.
Mrs. M. M. Caldwell Says Now York
Women Miss Mission In Plan
of Croatloa.
NEW YORK. March 26. Mrs. M. M.
Caldwell 6t Ohio, In a lecture on "Life As
a Fine Art In Relation to tho Arts of
Life," to an audience composed exclusively
of women, said:
"Boys and girls work too hard at school,
thus unfitting themselves for tho real busi
ness of life. They work for tho glory of
education, and true education is lacking In
Mrs. Caldwell declared 'education was
bought too often with an Impaired physique
as the price, and that a high state of mental
cultivation thus obtained made a girl a
detriment rather than a blessing to the
race, since she was unfitted for her real
mlssslon In the plan of creation.
Evan-Hale-8anders Fnetlon Make
Tholr Nominations.
NASHVILLE. Tenn., March 2.-The
Evans-Hale-Sanders faction of the repub
lican party, which waa worsted lny the
fight at the state capltol yesterday, held
their convention today. y
C. N. Tillman, prominently mentioned for
tho republican gubernatorial nomination.
In a speech said he was glad to have an
opportunity to address decent republicans,
where ho was not afraid of having a
dynamite bomb thrown under him.
The following were named aa delegates
to the national convention:
E. W. Easary of Henderson county, R. A.
Haggard of Wayne county, E. H. Hutlrum
of Scott county and Newell . Sanders of
Hamilton county.
Resolutions were adopted instructing tike
delegates for H. Clay Evans for vice pres
ident and Nathan Hale for national com
mitteeman. The resolutions also favor re
vision of the tariff for protection of
American industries and endorse Roose
velt's administration,
Kansas City Editor Fonnd Not Gallty
of .Marder on Gronad of
, Insanity,
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March M.-Oeneral
Richard C. Home was acquitted of tho
charge of murdering H. J. Groves, man
aging editor of the Kansas City Post, by
a Jury In the criminal court here tonight.
The verdict stated that General Home was
Insane when he shot Groves; that he has
not fully recovered and commits him to an
asylum. f
General Richard C. Home on November
23 last, after he had been notified that hla
Services were no longer needed by the
paper, shot and wounded O. D. Woodward,
theatrical manager and president of the
Kansas City Post, an evening paper, and
H. J. Groves, the managing editor, In the
editorial offices of that psper. Immediately
after the shooting General Home turned to
witness - and said: "I've been robbed."
Groves died a week later from the effecta
of his wounds. Woodward recovered.
It was the contention of the defense that
General Home was Insane at the time of
the shooting, a" condition brought on by
the fact that he had put everything he
possessed into the Post and lost not only
his small fortune, but his polstlon of edi
torial writer, which paid $25 a week and
which was his only means of livelihood.
General Home was a brigadier general
on the staff of Governor William J. Stone.
He Is one of the oldest and best known
editors In Missouri and comes of a splendid
family. He has taken an act lye part in
democratic politics for many years.
The case was given to the Jury at mid
night last night, "but the Jurors were so
fatigued that they retired Immediately and
only began balloting this morning.
Youna; Man Fonnd In Chleagro Vic
tim af Bnl let by Po
liceman. CHICAGO, March 28.-James Kane was
found dead In a cab at Eighteenth street
and Cdlumet avenue early today with a
bullet through his head. He la believed
to have met his death from wounds in
flicted by a policeman who tried to arrest
him after he and two companions had
beaten a cabman, stolen his cab and held
up and robbed two pedestrians In the west
side of the city.
Kane and his companions engaged Rob
ert Campion soon after midnight, at Stato
and Madison streets, to drive them in his
cab to an address on the North Bide. At
Rush and Ohio streets he was attacked
and robbed and left unconscious at the
basement entrance to a hotel. An hour
later the three men, one of whom acted as
driver, robbed and beat William Wlllard, 96
Dearborn avenue, at North Clark and Kin
xle streets, and still later treated In a like
manner, at Western and Halstead streets,
George Morris of 419 West Monroe street.
The policeman who fired the fatal shot
ordered a halt an they drove furiously
through Halstead street near Archer ave
nus, and opened fire In response to shots
with which the men. answered his com
mand. The Jaded horse and the partially wrecked
cab, with the dead body of Kane within,
were ' found by tho police at daybreak.
Kane's" companions escaped. Kane, who
was 18 years old, had a police record.
Chlcaa-o Woman Sends a200 to Par
Doty on Goods Which Were
NEW YORK, March 26. An anonymous
letter, registered and containing $200, was
received at the office of the collector of
customs this afternoon from a Woman, who
said her conscience hurt her because sho
had got some goods Into the country at
a lower duty than should have been. The
letter was registered at the Chicago post
office and was signed "Jane Smith," which
the woman took pains to say was not her
real name. Written In a dainty feminine
hand, on good paper, the letter stated that
a short time ago the writer had bought
some articles abroad and had them shipped
to this country. The shipper, she said, had
stated a lower figure than the actual worth
of the article's. Thus she did not pay a
heavy duty, but was Ignorant of the law
and facts until lately. She had figured
that she cwed $200 in duty and so paid it.
Three Attending- Physicians Sny There
Aro Grave Doabta About
PHILADELPHIA, March 26,-The condi
tion of Senator Penrose Is causing great
alarm and there are grave' doubts as to
hla recovery. The following bulletin was
Issued by the three attending physicians at
12:SU p. m.:
No significant change In patient's con
dition, which occasions great anxiety.
The senator at times Is unconscious and
has many delirious periods. Craemio
poisoning has been added to the complica
Negro Who Tried to Defend President
McKlnley Plneed on Dissect
lac Table.
PHILADELPHIA. March 2fl -Before a
class of students at the Jefferson Medical
college tho body of James B. Parker, the
negro who attempted to defend President
McKlnley when he was shot at Buffalj,
was today placed upon the dissecting table.
Parker died two weeks ago. As far as
known he had no friends.
Western Railroads Will Graat Hedue
tloa on Hound Trip Tickets
to Convention.
CHICAGO, March 26. Western railroads
today announced that during the national
democratic convention special rates will
be put Into effect as follows:
The round trip between Chicago and
Denver, $30; between St. Louis and Denver.
IS, and between Omaha and Kansas Ci.y
and Denver, $17.S0.
Damages Sustained by Japanese In
an Francisco ( Amounted
to a5o.
WASHINGTON. March 16-The State
department today lssuvd a statement that
an agreement had tx-en reached whereby
the suit for damages by certain Japinese
against the city and council of San Fran
cisco for mob violence on September 7 last
year will bo settled by the payment to the
Japanese ot St&a
Union Pacific Propoiei to Mortgage
Unincumbered Branch Linei.
It it Proposed to Raise About
Pifty Millions.
Directors Refuse to Bring; Suit for
Profits on Stock Deal.
IV Is Stated that Board Had Fall
Information Aboat Purchases
that Aro Complained of
by Stockholders.
NEW YORK, March 26. -Stockholders of
the Union Pacific Railroad company will
meet on May 6 to authorise an Issue of
bonds, to be secured by mortgage on all
the lines of the Union Pacific which arc
now unmortgaged. These lines aggregate
1,650 miles, according to an official an
nouncement. Tho amount and purpose of
the proposed bond Issue were not rnsdu
public, but It was currently reported that
it would be $40,000,000 or $50,000,000. This, It
was said, would bo sufficient to cover the
company's financial needs for some time,
and It was expected that only a portion of
the Issue will he made In the near future.
To facilitate this bond Issue the stockhold
ers will be asked at the same meeting to
ratify the taking over by the Union Pa
cific Railroad company of the physical
properties of the Leavenworth, Kansas' A
Western Railway company and of the To
peka it Northwestern Railroad company,
which are already through ownership of
stock a part of the Union Pacific system.
These roads taken together have about 200
miles of track und are unmortgaged. It Is
proposed to Include them with the other
unmortgaged lines by which the new issue
of bonds Is to be secured, and In order to do
this it is necessary, under the laws of Kan
sas by which the two companies were In.
corporated, that the transaction should be
ratified by the stockholders.
No Salt A ars I net 11 a rr I maa.
The directors by a vote declined) to grant
the request made by certain stockholders
that the board of directors bring a suit
against E. II. Harriman, II. H Rogers and
James Stlllman to recover profits which
they were alleged to have derived from a
sale of the stock of the Illinois Central
railroad, the Railroad Securities company
and the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad
to the Union Pactflo system. The suit was
requested by L. A. Btorrs and Henry R.
Buck of Hartford. W. A. Arnold of WII-.
limantlc and A. C. Bates of East Granby, '
Conn. In giving their reasons for refusal
to bring the desired action the directors
stated the Interests of Messrs. Harriman,
Rogers and Stlllman in the stock of the
Illinois Central and of Mr. Harriman In.
tbo stock of the Railroad Securities com
pany and tho St. Joseph Grand Island
was fully discussed before the directors
before the transaction and purchase was
unanimously authorised by the other mem
bers of the board, while Messrs. Rogers.
Harriman and Stlllman were excused from
Voting on that subject.
Stock Holders Approved Act.
It was also stated by the directors that
the proposed purchases were Investigated?
by a committee of three disinterested di
rectors, who knew the facts and advised
the purchase. The directors declared that
this action had been approved by the
stockholders of the Union Pacific and that
It would be unwise, unwarranted and detri
mental to the Interest of the company to
attempt to cancel the purchase or to ques
tion Its validity. Furthermore, the board
declares that the board Is opposed to it as
a matter of business policy. The directors
stated also that they bad no knowledge
that any director of the Union Pacific had
any Interest In the 105,000 shares of the
Illinois Central stock purchased by the
Union Pacific from Kuhn, Loeb 4b Co. and
that they were Informed by that firm that
no director he,ld any such Interest.
Steamer Lines Come to Terms for
Convenience of Traveling;
i i.
NEW YORK, March 28. An arrangement
of ticket Interchange which was brought
about by the recent conference In London
of the various transatlantic steamship lines
haa gone Into effect. The arrangement
provides that any person holding a ticket
to return on a specifio steamer of one line,
may. If necessary, return with that ticket
on a. steamer of another line which Is a
party to the conference. If the ticket
holder returns In cheaper accommodations
on a steamer of a line other than the ons
issuing the ticket the ticket will bo ac
cepted for transportation, and the differ
ence In price will be paid to the holder by
the line Issuing the ticket, less 10 per cent.
If the person wishes to travel In better ac
commodations on a steamer of a line other
than the one Issuing the original ticket bo
Is permitted to use the ticket by paying
the difference In price to the company of
the steamer on which he sails.
Two Ann Arbor Men Aro Held
l.fHto Bonds to Answer to
Circuit t'oort. .
ANN ARBOR. Mich., March 26.-C. Roy
Rook of Boweu, III., one of the fifteen
students arrested during the outbreak at
the Star theater ten daya ago, was today
bound over to the circuit court for trial on
the charge of rioting. Bull was fixed at
$1.0, with two sureties. Rook's examination
took but a few hours this forenoon. In con.
trast with that of O. G. Emcrick of Gal
veston, 111., which extended over nearly a
wek. Emerlck mas bound over to the cir
cuit court yesterday and his ball was also
fixed at $1,000.
CoSJeyvillo Banker Receives Aaoaya
mobs Letter Asking; for
- i
COFFEYVILLE. Kan.. March 16.-C. T.
Carrrfnitr, vice president of the Condon
National bank of tills city, received a let
ter todsy telling hi in to be ready to pay
a stranger $J00 or. demand, under penalty
of having his bank and his residence de
stroyed by Tbo lottos' was Hastened,
I -