Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaiia Daily Bee.
Entered it Omaha Postofftc a second
class matter.
Dally Be (without Sunday), one ear..HW
Iellir Bee and Sunday, one year 100
Sunday Boe, one year 1-50
Saturday Bee, one year 1W
Dally Bee (Including- Sunday), per week.Wo
Daily Bee (without Sunday), per week. 10c
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week 60
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week 10c
Addreaa all complaint, of irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Bee Bulkling. ,
South Omaha City tiall Hulldlng.
Council Bluffa 15 Scott Street.
Chicago 1640 University Building.
New York lsot Horn Late Insurant:
Washington BS Fourteenth Street N. W.
Communication, relating to n.wa and edi
torial matter ahotild be addreaaed, Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
Payable to Tha Bee Publishing company.
Only 1-cent stamps received In payment of
mall account. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not acceptad.
Stat nf Nebraska, Douglas Contny, as.:
Georre B. Tsschuck, treasurer of The
Be publishing oomouny, being duly sworn,
says that the actual number Of full and
eomplet cop If of The Dally, Morning,
Evening ana Sunday Be printed during
the month of February, 1908, was aa fol
lows: l. .......... M,reo 16 3B,ioo
1 38,300 IT, 39800
a 8S.180 it a,flo
4 36,840 It.. 30,730
.... 3aio so...; 86,300
38,030 11 38,344
T 3S.MO 21 30,830
80,030 It..... 36400
t.... 38,000 14 38300
10 38,00 It 38,870
tl 30,100 ! 38,490
ll 38,800 17 38,860
1 36400 St....;...... 8880
I 30.100 . It 34,950
.. saio
Totals 1,043,600
Lass unsold and returned copies. . 3,437
Nat total , 1,033,113
Dally average 36,831
. ... . Treaaurer.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to befora ma tola 3d day of March, 1808.
Notary Public
Vnkscr Iters leaving; tha city tcsa
nsrartly shoal kava The Be
nail- to thnm. Address will b
changed aa of teal aa rasted.
Universal peace seems Impossible.
Germany Is now making It hot for the
Omaha's school' board Is discussing
two new school buildings. Make
them fireproof.
This action of the banks reducing
their loans on eggs, looks like a finan
cial shel t game. .
The power canal project has again
been referred to a committee. - We are
eorrjr for the committee.
The fity council is again threaten
ing to throw the city engineer out of
office. Two can play at that game.
Farmers are already placing calls
for labor. ' The unemployed, who are
not idle from choice, will be good
Why guarantee bank deposits? Tom
Lawson Is willing to take the savings
of every one who has any doubts about
the banks.
"It is easy to be cheerful at all
times," says the Richmond Dispatch.
Does the home team never lose at
"Will we have a new deal from the
White House next year?" asks the Bos
ton Globe. Perhaps not a new deal,
but surely a new dealer.
That Inartistic statue of Lincoln Is
said to improve on closer acquaint
ance. The same thing used to be said
about old Abe, himself.
A. Berlin banker has Just failed with
liabilities of $2,000,000 and assets
valued at 1275. He must have been
studying Wall street methods.
After the American battleships have
visited all the other nations they
should bo paraded for the special view
of the New York Sun, which is still
The Department of Agriculture re
ports that there were 56,000,000 hogs
In the country on January 1. There
will be more than that when the open
car season arrives.
As the last formal proof thai the
campaign la on in earnest the demo
crats' lu congress have servej notice
of their intention to filibuster for the
rest of the session.
The supreme court of the United
States has given assurance to the rail
road lawyers of the country that tbero
will be plenty of work for them at the
legislative sessions next winter.
A rich New York widow about to
marry a man she supposed was a count
discovered him to be only a cook and
Jilted him. It is a little difficult to
understand why she did not take ad
vantage of the chance to get a cook
who would stsy.
An Idaho mau found some wild
wheat growing in Alaska and brought
It home for seed. Last year he raised
100 bushels to the acre, which is sell
ing at IS a pound. We have always
contended that farming paid better
than gold mining.
Mr. Carnegie's name was omitted
from the list of 100 men whom Sena
tor La Follette declared controlled all
the Industries of the country. That
U probably due to the fact that Mr.
Carnegie Is not In bus fc,T!,y
til a uuidiCa? .11
The newly promulgated decisions of
the United States supreme court In the
Minnesota and North Carolina rate
cases clearly uphold the contentions
of the railroads and practically nullify
the state laws whose enforcement they
were combatting. While caution Is
necessary in discussing these decisions
on the basis of the fragmentary parts
conveyed in the press reports, It seems
plain that they turn upon two proposi
tions. In the first place, the court holds
that these cases are not suits against
a state such as contemplated In the
eleventh amendment exempting states
fiom being sued without their consent,
and that the officers charged with the
enforcement of these laws are subject
to federal court processes Individually
and officially, notwithstanding their
plea that tha state is the real party
Involved. On this question everyone
knows that the supreme court reports
are full of numerous and varied prece
dents, to escape which the attorneys
who argued these cases-bent much of
their energy. They attempted to
classify these decisions and to distin
guish their application as between
prosecuting officers and administrative
officers. The defense of freedom from
suability is, however, really a technical
defense based on the long ago dis
carded theory that a state possesses
complete sovereignty. As a matter of
fact there is no more reason why a
state should not be suable in the
courts than that a county, a school dis
trict, a city or other governmental
subdivision vested with corporate
rights should be exempt from suit It
should bo the equities of the case
rather than the technicalities that
should govern.
The second question decided by the
court is that the federal jurisdiction
will be maintained to protect property
rights under the Fourteenth amend
ment, irrespective of the method
adopted by any state to prevent resort
to the federal courts. The court
holds the North Carolina rate law to
be unconstitutional because the cxcvis-
Eive penalties imposed for its violation
would ordinarily prevent a railroad ag
grieved by it from enforcing Us rights
under the Fourteenth amendment. The
supreme court has heretofore defended
its authority to decide whether schedi
ules of maximum rates prescribed by
the states are reasonable or unreason
able. That was settled in our own
Nebraska maximum freight rate cases.
The court now proceeds another step
along the same line by assuming to de
cide whether the penalties imposed
for violating such laws are, or are not,
so excessive as to amount to a denial
of. constitutionally guaranteed rights.
It is naturally to be expected that
certain newspapers will Immediately
seise upon these cases for the purpose
of making political capital out of
them. We do not understand that
these decisions deny the right of the
states to regulate commerce within
their borders or to fix railroad rates
on Intrastate traffic, but they assert
that the states may use their power
only subject to Judicial I review and
final appeal to the highest federal
Perhaps no right-thinking Amer
ican will protest asalnst the actionof
Postmaster General Meyer in barring
from the United 8tates malls an Ital
ian weekly, Le Questions Soclale, pub
lished at Paterson, N. J., on account
of its open advocacy of anarchy, assas
sination of police officers and general
denunciation of law and order, but. at
the same time, It Is a dangerous prece
dent to establish in a country where
the freedom of the press is' one of our
constitutional guaranties.
Under the existing laws the post
master general has authority to bar
from the mails any publication or any
article "Intended or adapted for any
Indecent or any immoral use." The
postmaster general doubtless strained
a point to make that provision apply
to the transmission through the malls
ct a newspaper published and domi
nated by anarchists. His course
places a rather broad definition on the
woids "indecent" and "immoral,", bat
this publication's abuse of the privilege
of liberty of the press has been so fla
giant that the public will be slow to
find fault with the decision of the
postmaster general.
Le Questione Soclale has been the
recognized organ of the Paterson col
ony of anarchists. It has bitterly and
venomously advocated resort to vio
lence In the solution of social prob
lems, has urged the use of dynamite
as an argument in quarrels with cap
ital and has advised the open murder
of officers and men of the army and
the police forces of the country. That
the paper Is a menace to law, order and
good government will go without ques
tion but the fact remains that the
suppression of dangerous publications
should be provided for by law and not
left, to the discretion of any one offi
cial. If the postmaBier general cau
bar a paper from the mails for advo
cating anarchy he can use the same
power to deny the privileges of the
mails to papers that preach populism,
Christian science, osteopathy or any
other Ideas not generally recognized
as orthodox.
It must be remembered that the
freedom of the press and the right to
use of the mails are two separate and
distinct propositions. The freedom of
the' press Is a constitutional right. The
use of the malls is partially controlled
by law, but largely left to the discre
tion of the postmaster general. The
Paterson case emphasises the necessity
of a law clearly deeming the character
I ot publications barred from the malls.
This could be set down plainly In the
statute books and thus forestall abuse
Of such a. wide discretionary power In
one man's bands.
By expressing his belief that con
gress will provide for a commission to
make a thorough study of the financial
system of the country and report
recommendations trthe next congress,
Senator Aldrlch practically admits the
hopelessness of securing any compre
hensive legislation on currency ques
tions at the present session.
The Aldrlch bill has been con
demned very generally ' by business
men and bankers throughout the coun
try. Many of the ablest members ot
the senate are opposed to It and yet
there is every assurance that It will
pass the senate In an amended form,
but that the house will unconditionally
refuse to give it favorable considera
tion. On the other hand, the house
may pass the Fowler bill, which as it
stands could not be driven through the
senate with a piledriver. Most com
petent observers agree that neither
measure can pass both houses and they
are so radically different that there is
little, if any, prospect that a confer
ence committee could patch up an ac
ceptable compromise measure that
could be enacted into law.
,Whatever may be the need of cur
rency reform legislation, the existence
Of this uncompromising conflict of
position between the house and the
senate is probably sufficient proof that
neither the Fowler bill nor the Aldrlch
bill fully meets the demands of the
country, although they have supplied j
the basis for a campaign of education
on currency and have apparently
paved the way for the commission plan
now proposed.
In view of the fight that Is being
mado to eliminate from" the Fowler
currency bill the provision for the
guaranty of deposits in national
banks'the report of results of one
month's operations of the deposit
guaranty law In Oklahoma Is particu
larly interesting. Bankers through
out thev country have been watching
the Oklahoma experiment and the Ini
tial effects are taken to confirm the
general opinion among bankers that
no marked improvement in the opera
tion of banks under that law Is to be
looked for.
To the extent of allaying uneasiness,
the law has unquestionably succeeded.
At least Oklahoma banks have had the
confidence of their patrons to a degree
not known during the few weeks prior
to the time the law took effect on
February IB. Part of this confidence
may be due to the restoration of nor
mal financial conditions throughout
the country1, but It is safe to Bay that
some of it 'Is to be credited to this
enactment. With that, however, the
fulfilment of the loudly-heralded pre
dictions of benefits to accrue endB.
No rush of hoarded money from the
surrounding states to the banks of
Oklahoma has taken place. Although
the national banks have declined to
enter Into the guaranty plan, reports
fall to show that any one of them has
lost in deposits or other business to
the guaranteed banks. It was pre
dicted that the people of Kansas, along
the Oklahoma border, would patronize
the Oklahoma banks to the Incalcu
lable loss of the Kansas banks. The
president of the Kansas Bankers' as
sociation, after Investigation, reports
that no Kansas deposits have gone to
Oklahoma except where geographically
nearer or easier of access.
The Oklahoma experience will
doubtless prove something of a
damper on those who have been urg
ing extension of the deposit guaranty
system to the national banks of the
country. Opposition to the nationali
zation of the plan has been strength
ened by an able argument from Con
gressman Burton of Ohio, a member
of the house committee on banking
and currency, a a minority report
against the deposit guaranty clause of
the Fowler bill. Mr. Burton says:
Such a provision places upon the same
level the banker of prudence and honesty
and the one who is careless and ready to
resort to questionable methods. If there
is any line of business in which care and
conservatism Is essential it la banking.
This proposed regulation places those very
qualities at a disadvantage and gives a
premium to those who are guilty of reck
less and dishonest management.
Under a guaranty of deposits the money
of depositors would inevitably gravitate to
hanks or financial Institutions in specula
tive centers because higher rates of In
terest could be obtained though th reault
would be that capital would be inveated In
a manner which would be aure to lead to
speculation and to unsuccessful undertak
ings. In the long run the public, as In
the case of all oppressive or unnatural
legislation, would be compelled to bear the
loxs either In the form of higher rates of
interest or of a lower return upon deposits.
The banker, convinced that his de
positors were properly safeguarded,
would be faced with the temptation to
send his money wherever speculative
demand forces call loan rates up to
dangerous proportions. Instead of
being content with the normal Interest
on commercial paper. Under such
conditions, the business man in need
of funds would have to compete for It
against the Wall street speculators.
If deposit guaranty ever comes, It will
have to be accompanied by other pre
cautionary measures to make sure
that it does not produce greater evils
than it cures.
It is to be noted that the resigna
tion of Congressman Littlefleld be
cause his service In congress inter
feres with the practice of his chosen
legal profession has not been followed
by any stampede among the other
lawyers ot the house. Neither has It
had any apparent effect here In
Omaha where several lawyers are still
offering to take chances with their la
cratlve practices as against a connec
lion with the congressional pay roll at
$7,600 a year and perquisites.
. South Omaha'a police board has un
dertaken to stop the practice of sup
plying free beer to attendants at po
litical meetings. We fail to see how
such an order can be made effective
except by enforcement of the no-treat
law, and If the rule against treating
goes up at political meetings It would
have to go up at any and every con
vivial occasion. Things must be com
ing to a pretty pass in South Omaha
If a rounder can't get next to free beer
on the strength of his political pull.
There are no country editors anywhors
abler and better equipped to conduct an
efficient campaign than are those at the
head of the democratlo papers in this
state. World-Herald.
Granted, with one qualification. If
results count, the country editors at
the head of the republican papers In
this republican state must be 'abler
and better equipped to conduct an ef
ficient campaign In this state.
Deposits in Nebraska state banks
have decreased only a little over
$300,000 since last November, not
withstanding the business depression.
It is a safe assertion that no state in
the union has suffered less from the
recent panic than Nebraska.
Three years from now, according to
the English admiralty, the British
navy will be able to whip the combined
nations of the world. That Is non:
Bnse. The British navy could not
whip even the navy of Switzerland.
An Omaha clergyman wants a cre
matory built here on the "co-operative"
pfan. Presumably everyone
who takes stock will, when his time
comes, be entitled to a preferred place
at the furnace door.
Richard, Croker says President
Roosevelt is "doing God's work in
cleaning out the rascals." The presi
dent is undoing some things Croker
and his clique did when they con
trolled New York.
Mr. Littlefleld of Maine has re
signed from congress in order to de
vote bis time to the practice of the
law. The report that Samuel Gom
pers will be one of his clients Is prob
ably not true.
German newspapers are boycotting
the Reichstag and refusing to print a
lino about it. Readers of the Amer
ican newspapers are less fortunate con
cerning affairs of the American reich
stag. Congressman De Armond says this
nation should raise its own noblemen.
It does, as the congressman may learn
by dropping around to any school
house about noon of a week day.
It is staged that the conventfon hall
at Denver la one mile from a public
bar, but that will notjnatter much.
The thirsty delegate is always ready
to go a mile for a drink. '
Every Month at Lucky One.
Washington Post.
March1 is said to bo Mr. Taft's lucky
month, but this year It looks as If his luck
Is going to slop over Into April, May and
June at least.
Nerv of "Predatory Wealth."
Minneapolis Journal.
Andrew Carnegie Js matched for a gams
of golf with John D. Rockefeller. Otlr
malefactors of great wealth appear to be
oblivious of the whltherness ot the coun
try's drift.
Joka for Trained Accountants.
Springfield Republican.
According to the Interstate Commerce
commission It is going to cost 1750,000 a
year to supervise railroad accounting under
the uniform system in course of adoption.
Bo'ne 286 men, especially trained in the
tr tthods of railroad accounting, will be
n ded. This Is certainly promising for
thb market for professional accountants.
A J'vniacant Difference.
St. Louis Republic.
The pr'iiclpal difference between Taft
and ant. -Taft boomers theae days Is that
the fc.ner persist in counting a good mar
gin 4bove the 4D1 votes necessary to nom
inate at Chicago, while the latter exert
their activities mainly In whooping for one
favorite son or another and In casting
aspersions upon members of their party
who have been favored with civil offices
of trust In the service ot their country.
Democratlo Hop Looms I'n.
Philadelphia Record (dem.).
The Rhode Island delegation to the Den
ver convention will go uninatructed. There
is a movement In Virginia to send a Daniel
delegation. Tha Alabama delegation may
possibly be for Gray. New York will cer
tainly refuae to Instruct it delegates.
With Pennsylvania following In th lead
of conservative democratic sentiment, as
Indicated in th east by Delaware and in
the west by Minnesota. 'It may happen,
after all, that something may be don at
Denver to restore to th country a great
opposition party guided by fixed principles,
Instead of a mere rabbi following a cru
sader and hobby-rider, girted with a melli
fluous voio eand fine command of language.
Deatk's Impartial Stroke.
Washington Post.
What a commentary upon th uncertainty
of life when, with impartial hand, death
strikes down together th oldest and young
est men In the senate! . The path before
Benator Bryan seemed to run smoothly
into a brilliant future, and there was rea
son to expect that, with th advantages
of youth, health and admirable qualities,
he would accomplish great things for his
stat and country. II might hav run
such a career 'as that of his colleague, who
went to hi grave th best-loved man In
Maryland. It la difficult to reconcile th
death of -such a young man with th Idea
that all things are ordered ' for the best.
Or, If faith la capable of such a feat, ther
remain a rooted sorrow for those against
whom th remorseless sisters bring tha un
timely shears. The intrusion of death In
youth Is one of th saddest things that
men may contemplate, and when youth Is
In high place, glowing with promise, th
mystery .nd pathos of Its taking off ar
I deep Indeed.
Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched
on tk pot.
Th mll'.s of both houses of the Six
tleth congress hav a greater supply of
grist In sight than aver before. Meas
ured by the stock of official papers put
Into the legislative hopper, the members
are striving nobly to earn their salaries,
Since the beginning of the session up to
March 18 no less than 1 9.624 bills save
been Introduced In the house, and enough
resolutions, reports, etc., to bring th
total of house documents up to 2,138
Senators wer eequally active, scoring
total of 7,2 IS papers, making the total
of both houses 29,35! bills, resolutions
and reports. What this means. In a com
paratlva way as to the growth of th
business of Introducing bills. Is shown
by comparison with the noted . "billion
dollar congress," tha Fifty-first. In th
"billion-dollar congress," In both ses
sions, ther were Introduced In the hous
19.624 bills, documents, reports and reso
lutions, and In the senate a total of 8.591,
giving a grand total In both house and
senate of 28,115.
Frequenters of the senate galleries, says
the Washington Herald, are wondering
Just why new rules were promulgated for
the day of Senator La Follette's speech,
On the preceding day, when Benator Till
man and Senator Bevcrldge had a little
preconventlon debate in the senate, and
on the day upon which Senator Bailey
discussed the currency bill, the galleries
were crowded to the utmost capacity, and
people were allowed to sit In the aisles
and on the steps of the galleries, so that
every Inch of space was utilised. On
Tuesday, however, when Mr. La Follette
spoke, the seats alone wer occupied, al
though long lines of people stood out
side the gallery doors waiting for admls
Everybody knows that Mr. La Follette's
habit ot speaking plainly anything that
Is on his mind, whether or not It shocks
the supersensltlveness of the senate lead
ers to criticism, has not endeared the
Wisconsin reformer to those leaders, but
it was not supposed that "they, would go
so far as to endeavor to make it appear
that he was not popular with the people
of Washington.
Wonder if tha doorkeepers were re
sponsible, after all?
One Of the finest lnntjinnaa nt rAnant
railway progress in the appreciation of
me iramq promoting value or beauty
is furnished bv the history nf the mnva.
ment for the embellishment of the na
tional capital, says a writer In the Cen
tury. The chlpf feature nf h nlon.
the magnificent mall, would have been
Impossible had the railway line which
until lately has had its station on Penn
sylvania avenue continued to occupy that
location. The enlightened and public
spirited president of the company, how
ever, the late A. J. Casaatt.
himself heartily in agreement with the
project. He looked at the question from
the Point of View nf an Am.plnin f.ltl.nn
appreciating that if congress Intended to
mane or tne mall what the founders of
Washington Intended it to be. nn rnllwav
should be allowed to cross it. His con
sent to a new location was also Justified
from a strictly railway point of view.
With the carrying out of these plans,
wasnington made the most beau
tiful capital city in the world, and win
correspondingly attract. Increased travel
winner, greatly to th profit of the rail
ways. In architecture and In site the
new station is one ' of the fin ..
erected, even surpassing th splendid ter
minals mat characterise the large cities
In Germany. It stands nn Mnaah
avenue, facing the capltol, and yet not
too near it. Fronting upon a semi-clr-cular
plaia. 800 feet wl, the building
is nearly fifty feet wider than the cap,
ltol. It Is constructed of white marble,
with a facade of classical atvia Th.
plaza before it is a fine feature In itself,
ana provides a place where bodies of
iroops or large organisations can be
formed for inauguration ceremonies or on
other occasions. The railway atatlon thus
forms the great vestibule of Whiminn
a fitting introduction to Its attractions.
ine monumental treatment of railway
terminals to express their functions as
the modern gateways of a great city has
received a remarkable Impetus from the
example set at Wuhlnrtnn niunt nn-
sequences Are the two magnificent sta
tions now under construction in New
York, the Union station In Cleveland and
the beautiful Atlanta terminal hull in
the style of the Spanish renaissance.
The postal authorities of the United
States, aa well as those of Great Britain,
for a great many years experienced great
difficulty with the word "only" on postal
cards. The efforts to avoid clumsiness and
ambiguity taxed the Ingenuity of the post
office people to the utmost, relates Har
per's Weekly.
The Poatofflca department mad six at
tempts to find a brief, elegant and unam
biguous legend for the card.
An early postal card was Inscribed:
"Nothing but the address can be placed
on this side," which waa neither true nor
"Nothing but the address to be on this
aide" was more to th point. But as It
looked bad to the authorities thev
evolved this legend: "Write only th ad
dress on this side." This was objected to
on the ground that It barred th us of a
typewriting machine. "Write tha addreaa
only on this side, the message on the other,"
came next, and was promptly criticised as
being both clumsy and ambiguous. Then
th word "only" was dropped, but without
much Improvement.
Finally . Uncle Sam's officials gave up
the struggle to be original. Tha card then
adopted and now in use bears this Inscrip
tion: "The space below Is for th address
Congressman Bennett of New York called
at the White House lasj Saturday and
presented to President Roosevelt Mayor
Streveiey of London, Ontario.
"I never can tell an American from a
Canadian," said th president, as ha shook
hands. '
"Nor can anybody else," replied th
mayor. "Why, Mr. President, I am a
Canadian, but both my brothers married
American girls, and my three sisters all
married Americans."
'When I was ranching In Dakota," said
tha president, "I never could tell th Cana
dians from th Americans who worked for
me. I can't yet because all the Canadians
ar now holding federal Jobs in th United
A project to erect a memorial to Secre
tary of Btate Root has been taken up by
the governing board of tha bureau of
American republics, and a commute has
been appointed to carry It out. Th me
morial, which will probably be a bust, will
ba erected in the new building of th bu-
r u 11 Tli memorial la In innrMt,tlAn ..f
the secretary's efforts In the cultivation !
of closer relations between the American
Bankers' Hens na Assets,
New York Times.
The Chinese system of guaranteeing bank
deposits Is, In case of bank failures, to
Include th bank officers' heads with tha
assets. Thus th depositors ar paid In
satisfaction If not in cash, with th result,
they do say mors or less authentically,
that no bank has failed to repay deposi
tors In a thousand year
tion of our daily food must
be free from noxious Ingredients
Complete purity and whalc
someness are the unques
tioned characteristics of
Its active principle cream of tar
tar a pure health-giving fruit
acid, is derived solely from grapes
Potoonona Ingredients are found In tbe
low-priced baking powders. Their
active principle Is m mineral acid de
rived Irvna snlpburlc acid, oil ol vitriol
1 Staia tas label aa' buy
arty baking powder sand
rasa tartar
Eastern People t'ra-ed to Wake Up
and Look Up.
Lewis Howland In Scrlbncr's.
It Is time for the west to realize that it
is grown up, and to submit Its work to
the Judgment of mankind on Its merits.
Yet there Is another side even to this ques
tion. The east, too, must understand that
the west has attained Its majority, and
recognize It even over Its own protest If
need be as an equal partner In the great
commonwealth of American states. West
ern literature. If It Is good at all, must
be good as literature, and not as western
literature. No concessions on the score of
our supposed youthfulness ought to be
asked or granted. For the west is old, and
not at all a child. The spirit which too
often prevails in both sections is very like
that so often manifested by the women
who talk of "woman's work," and insist
that it . be appraised, not as work, but as
woman's work. I am persuaded that we
have here a very fruitful cause of misun
derstanding. The west poses as a "smart"
young man or woman and the east ap
plauds border dramas or "Wolfvtlle"
stories, not simply because they are or may
be good, but chiefly because It is believed
that they accurately reflect western life.
I have rather assumed the existence in
the east of an ignorance of the west, but
as that is practically my theme I could
hardly do anything else. This Ignorance
will become more formidable and danger
ous every year, because the subject In re
gard to which it manifests Itself Is every
day growing larger and more important
Fifty, years ago one could have afforded
to know little or nothing of the west.
But to know nothing of It now is to know
nothing of tho controlling Influence in our
national -life. What we have to consider
Is no mere petty question of the misun
derstanding of one section of the country
by another section. That Is a subject which
has not the remotest Interest for the people
of the west. They have lost whatever
sensitiveness they ever had in this regard,
precisely as the American people as a
whole ar no longer stung by foreign criti
Senator Jeff Davis of Arkansas, when
governor, is said to have one released a
negro from the Arkansas penitentiary and
sentenced him to Boston for life.
Captain Ervln L. Phillips, Thirteenth cav
alry, has been detailed as professor of
military science and tactics at Cornell uni
versity, Ithaca,. N. Y., to take effect Oc
tober 14, 1908.
Christian P. Smith, a millionaire farmer
and banker, died at Edwardsvlile, 111., Sat
urday, aged TS years. Mr. Smith was a
native of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and
came to America when a young man.
Starting without a penny and handicapped
at 21 because he could not speak English,
Smith became owner of more than 6,000
acres of farming lands, valued at more than
1500,000. and controller of four banks and
other Interests.
The celebration of his one hundredth
birthday anniversary recently by Dr. Eu
gene Ney of Saltlllo, Ind., who claims to be
a son of Napoleon's famous marshal, re
vives, In spite of the lack of satisfactory
evidence, the story that Marshal Ney was
not actually shot, but escaped through a
mock execution and cam to this country.
wher he taught school In South Carolina
for many years. Dr. Ney asserts that he
was sent over to this country by his mother
to Join his father In 1821, when he was a
lad of 13.
Tired Women
Women's delicate nerve organ
ism suffers much from worry, ex
citement, pver-work. Headache,
nervousness, backache, stomach
trouble, and general debility are
the natural result. For all such
Dr. Miles' Nervine will be found
to be a splendid nerve tonic. It
soothes the nerves, and brings re
freshing body-building sleep and
"I hav been extremely nervous for
noma years Dr. Miles' Nrvln has don
me more good than any medicine I hav '
ever taken. I have used It whenever I
need I It and it always quletrd my
nerves, and strengthened me so that I
feel nrt rate."
MHB. W. H. POZARTH. Hamilton, Mo.
If llrst bottle falls to benefit, money back.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, I -.J.
Note Our Address
New York Life Bldg.
We Have 4 Yards.
Dak Inn
beinrf in-
In the prepara
SMS SI I .. Ji. l.,JMBnsnsBB
"Did you see that they had produced an
odorless onion?"
"Yes. but what Is really needed Is a
smell-less between-the-acts drink." Phila
delphia Press.
"I suppose Shakespeare Is your favorito
"Yes," answered Mr. Btormlnglon Raines,
"next to my press agent." Washington
And so you think there really Is occa
sion for a new party?"
"Occasion?" responded the promoter, "I
should say so. Not on of the old parlies
has offered me a Job. Philadelphia Ledger.
"You can't tell," said uncle to us. ''you
can't tell. Feller, I know that's a esthetic
artist know what he does? Ho smokes
chewln' terbaccer in a pipe that's made o'
rubber. Honest, he does. An' he claims
his health Is dellcut!" -Cleveland Leader.
"Are you ever going to pay fack that
The man addressed looked pained.
"It would be a plvnsurc to do so," lie re
plied, "but I cannot Indulge, In pleasure
during the Lenten season." Philadelphia
"Have you succeeded In convincing your
constituents that you are the greatest ora
tor of the age?" .
"No," answered Senator Sorghum. "Jlv
constituents don't take much Interest In
my speeches. But I go on making them
because it helps to convey tho Impression
that I don't like to be Idle." Washington
J. J. Montague In New York American.
When Casey disputed a statement of
Clancy, 1
And Clancy replied, to dispel any doubt.
With a seven-pound fist, it pleased Casey
to fancy, - .
When he woke up again, that his teeth
were knocked out.
But a doctor who practiced hypnotic sug
gestion Gave Casey a long ahd a lingering stare.
And said, "My dear fellow, it's out of tho
For you to imagine your teeth are not
Strange treatment, but faithfully Casey
pursued It ;
He swallowed food whole and imagined he
chewed it.
When Casey was quietly smoking one
As he placidly sat on a dynamite keg,
The contents exploded without any warn
ing, And Casey descended without his left leu.
The hypnotic doctor Intently surveyed him
With a strenuous eye and with patient
And managed with Tnany long words to
persuade him
That his leg was still on and as lively as
So Casey hopped painfully hither and yon.
Quite firm in his faith that the leg wasn't
gone. '
Little and Go6d
Th atatnadlaa feature of
LHBIG Company'
is its high conden
sation, such a lot
can be done 'with
a small two-ounce
jar. .It's pure beef
nothing more
nor less.
Watch this space for a series of
talks to investors. Talk No'. &.
It also makes the greatest profits on
the smallest Investment.
It Is difficult to become a monopo
list. If you do, your profits are quick
and sure. The man who can Join such
a business has the opportunity ot a
Since we commenced to make these
talks, several men have become mo
nopolists. They have become interested
in this company. . - .
When they investigated, they found
a strong company, already achieving
big success. They learned they could
invest their money safely and surely,
and could make grttat profit. -'Why ?
Because they found a corporation,
controllng a monopoly, und the di
rection of competent dlrectoil,. Their
money was protected by law it was
handled by several men, lJitead of
one man, who might turn dishonest.
If you think you would UMe to join
mese monopolists, mere 1 still a
Address W-259, BeeV '
1610 Farnam Gt
No One Can Serve Tiu So (Quickly,
mmmu3! Maaawtt
0b ywcjJkbu
4 I