Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Says if All Brighton is a Wild as
Sheriff He'i a Goner.
Chief Donahne Answers Colorado
Sheriff hy Sarin If Ha "WaaU
Ilia Man Bring; Tteqalsl
Hon reners.
Another telegram cam to Chief of Tollc.
Donahue Wednesday from Sheriff C L.
Hncklry of Hrlghton, Colo. This time the
officer Inquires Whether J. D. Preston,
lying at Bt. Joseph's hospital. Is willing- to
come to Colorado to he "Identified" as one
of the robbers who tried to rob the Brigh
ton postofflco the night of March 7, or
whether he will require requisition papers.
Chief Donahue wired Hackley to cotne
with the papers If li wants Preston.
Preston has maintained his silence regarding-
the mystterlons way In which he re
ceived his three bullet wounds. But he
balks at going to Colorado without requisi
tion papers., , .
"I am innocent tfthat crime," he told
Chief Donahue, "but if the rest of the cltl
sens are as wild as that sheriff they would
hang me anyway. 'Besides there Is a re
ward of $1,604 for the capture of the robber
who shot Night Marshal Ellis In Brighton,
and it they clnchod me for that crime. In
nocent or guilty, they would pull down the
Chief Donahue believes If the time comes
when Preston finds he has to go to Colo
rado bo will confess the truth about the
adventures through which be came by his
"The alleged Interview printed by an
evening paper was a fake, made out of
wholo cloth." said Chief Donahue.
Mother Snperlor of Convent of Good
Shepherd Dies After Long;
. Illness.
Mother Mary of Mount Carmel, mother
superior of the Good Shepherd convent.
Fortieth and Jones streets, died yesterday
afternoon at 1:39 o'clock. She had been
In 111 health for fire years, but death was
due directly to consumption.
Her name before she entered the Order
of the Good Shepherd was Mary Luclle
Powers. She was born In Memphis, Tenn.,
August 19, 1806. She entered the Order of
the Good SheptK-rd 'In 18M, spending her
novitiate In St. Louis. Following this she
went to Montreal, where she taught. In
the academy for three years. She then re
turned to St. Louis for a few years.
She came , to Omaha in ISM when the
convent of the Ooodt Shepherd was first
established" here in an 'old dilapidated build
ing in South Omaha. She was the first
assistant mother superior and served in
that capacity tmtll last July, when she was
mado mother superior. . .'
The-funeral' will be held, Saturday morn
ing from, the convent. Interment will be
In Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Omah Woman ; Will Be One of
Speakers at the Waldorf-
v ; :" Astoria. .
Mrs. Draper Smith, prominently Identi
fied with Juvenile court Work in Omaha.
left Wednesday evening for New York to
attend the meeting ,of the International
Playground association to be held Tuesday
evening, March 31. A banquet win be given
at he WsldiirfjVstdila that evening In
honor of Mrs. Humphrey Ward, which
airs. Draper Smith will attend. Richard
Watson Glider wU be toastmaster. The
speakers at the .banquet will be Mrs,- Hum
phrey Ward. Luther H. Gullck. Miss Jane
Addams. Jacob Rlls, Will H. Maxwell and
the duchess of Marlborough.
Fred H. Whitfield of Portland is at the
iiensnaw. t .
A. E. Hall of Denver Is a guest at the
riensnaw. .
Zeno Mackey of Denver Is stopping at
ma ovum.
Melvln E. Johnston of Alliance Is at
me c'ni:iz.
Nels t'pdlke and Joha Kuhn left Wnlnu.
day evening for Cody, Neb., where they
will join Charles Mets for a hunt on his
Ttionias Brennan left Wednesday for
Texan, to be gone several days on business
connected with a large tract of land which
ie noma mere. . .
8. J. Gibbon of Fairfax. B. D.: J. H
Chrlstensen of Herman, R. A. Axelton of
Lincoln, H. P. Stevens of Maxwell and
Joe 8. Cook, of Blair are Nebraska ar
rivals .at the Merchants.
3. A. Bushfleld, postmaster at Miller, S. !.,
ind editor of the Pioneer Press at that place,
ind Mrs. Bushfleld spent Wednesday In
Omaha, enroute home from a winter's so-
. lourn In the south and in California. Mr.
bushfleld Is a prominent politician In his
part ex uie state.
This woman says Lydia K.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound
saved ber life. Head Iter letter.
- Mrs. T. C Willadsen, of Manning,'
Iowa, wTites tq Mrs. llnkham:
" t can truly say that Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound sared my
Ufa, and I cannot express my
to you. in words. For year f suffered
with the worst forms of female com
plaints, continually doctoring" and
pending; lots) of money for uedlolna
without help. I wrote yon for advioa,
followed it as directed, and took Lydia
E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and
it has restored me to .perfect health.
Had it sot been for you 1 should have
been 1b my ffrave to-day. I wish every
suffering' woman would try it."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's. Vegetable Compound, mado
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy-for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who haTe been troubled with
displacement, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, imgularities,
periodic Jmris, backache, that bear,
trig-down feeling, flatulency, indices
tion,diznne8s,or nervoua prostration.
Vhy dont you try it f
Mrs. Plnkbam luvites all bi
women to write her for advice,
(She lias trulrted thousands to
UealtU. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Our Letter Box
Contributions on timely topics Invited,
Write legibly on one utile of the paper
only, with name and address appended.
Unused contributions will not be re
turned. Letters exceeding WO words will
be subject to being cut down at the
discretion of the editor. Publication of
' views of correspondents does not com
mit The Bee to their endorsement.
Still Another Power Canal.
OMAHA. March 2.-To the Editor of The
Bee: 1 1 see that the cltlsens of Omaha are
again discussing the Columbus-Loup river
water power scheme. About fourteen years
go, while working at Columbus to protect
the ounty Iron bridge at that point, the
main Platte river was dry and there was
not enough water In the Loup river to cut
much figure In supplying a power plant for
Omaha, after being sifted thrown the sands
of the Platte river to this. Then again, a
few years ago there waa great excitement
got up about establishing a wonderful power
plant at Kearney, Neb. The town was
boosted up very rapidly, but went down a
good deal more rapidly when It was found
that there waa not sufficient water to run
the plant.
A year' or two ago X tailed attention.
through the Omaha papers, to the fact that
one of the best water powers of the coun
try could be established at Florence, Neb.,
virtually Omaha Itself, at a very reasonable
cost, where, I think, about forts? or fifty
fall could be obtained by running a race
from Decatur, Neb., to Florence. "This race
could be started at about the same depth
as the main river and run at A bearing
to a point of fall at Florence. Of course.
this race would come out onto the surface
of the ground, at about the center between
the two points, and would have to be. levied
up on each side some distance above that
point, and also below to Florence. It could
be run along the edge of,, the bluff or
benohes, so as to get the proper fall at
Florence. Tills Is a matter for engineers
to determine, on the best plati of doing this
work, but It Is entirely feasible and prac
The two great drawbacks In the minds of
engineers Is the damming of the'Mlssourl
river' at the starting point and also holding
the banks as well as the bed 'of the canal
In order to give Jt a good, safe starting.
This can all be done with my new Im
proved system, with but very few rocks,
and also a few sheet piling. Captain
Schults Is now, on the part of the govern
ment, examining Into this new theory of
mine and it is tnort likely that there will
be a certain portion of the present river
appropriation applied to a thorough test of
this new system for managing rivers, and
there Is no doubt In my mind thet this new
system will make It possible for Uie farm
ers to protect their farms, drain the river
bottoms and deepen all rivers suitable for
navigation, putting deep, navigable waters
to the sea and establishing power plants on
all the rivers of the country to supply the
country with power, heat and light.
I want to say one thins concerning the
advantage such a water power would bo to
Omaha. A large pipe or water main could
be run from this race to any point In
Omaha, where a large body of water could
be retained A standplpe with one pump
to keep it full from this reservoir would
give perfect safety for the highest building
ana on the highest grounds In Omaha.
Why Diamond Prices Do Not Fall.
OMAHA, March 21. To the Editor of
The Bee: During the last few weeks many
malicious reports have been olrculated
about "cheaper diamonds." I desire to
state that these reports have absolutely
no foundation and have been a most.un
Just attack against the Jewelry trade every
where. The De Beers and Premier Mining
companies are not alone maintaining prices,
but they are also limiting the output.
Prices cannot fall, for the De Beers Mining
company has now reached a level of 4,000
feet below the surface, and as the laborers
can only remain a few hours at a time
In these hot mines, this means that mining
is more difficult and expensive. The fur
ther down the mine the poorer material
found and the decrease of high-grado ma.
terlal tends to raise the price.
As to the Mecca of Art.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., March M.-To
the Editor of The Bee: If there Is in your
editorial of Monday an Implication .that no
one Is able to answer the question, will
you permit one subscriber to say that. In
his opinion, this money should be sent
across the ocean to buy the proposed
statue, because It ought to be truly a work
of art, and among those . competent to
Judge It Is severely questioned whether we
have In this country, since the death of
Mr. St. Gaudens, a sculptor competent to
do the work. Art knows no political lines
and should know none. Why should It bt)
thought any more reprehensible to send
abroad for a worthy statue for the high
school grounds In Omaha or the capltol
grounds In Lincoln than to send abroad
for the many beautiful statues that not
only adorn, but glorify the congressional
library at Washington? Of course. If our
people prefer American art they can be
easily accommodated right In Statuary hall
of the national capltol, otherwise, known
as the "Chamber of Horrors." The meoca
of all would-be musicians today Is Berlin
or Vienna, of painters Parts or Rome. Are
these artists all mistaken? Lot us be a
little modest. Let us Americans not yet
claim art as ours. One day perhaps, but
not now. Our fathers made life In this
continent possible. We have made It. com
fortable. Perhaps our children may make
It beautiful. , L. A. A
Flames Started by Boys Reach
Benadary of Sooth Side
Fire, started by small boys in the brush
south of RJvervtew park, burned to the
street which marks the south and western
boundary of ' the park, destroyed three
stacks of bay , and a, pile of cordwood,
burned over four acres of lnd and aroused
the animals In the cages In the park to
i frrnxy. The alarm was turned In about
o'clock Wednesday afternoon and four
companies were called out before the
flames could be subdued.
All the wild animals of Omaha's soo are
kept In Rlverview park, the cages In which
the bears, wolves, coyotes nd foxes are
kept being iiullt Into the bank at the west
ern edge of the park under the street. The
fire burned to this street and the dense
smoke, swooping and settling; down in the
ravine, set the animals crasy, and t times
the growls of the bears and the sharp
yelps of the coyot could be heard above
the crackling of the flames. The buffalo
were farther over In the park and did not
seem to mind the smoke of the fire.
The fire started on .Tenth street near
Canton street and, carried by the atrong
wind, soon threatened the park. The fire
men did good and quirk work, i.OU) feet of
hose being necessary to reach the nearest
Tho land which waa burned over belongs
to W. Famam Smith. N. P. Anderson Is
me Keeper si me pain and bis house came
near being Bet on fire but wag eavedrby
the prompt work, of the firemen.
Death from Hlood I'ulaoa
waa prevented by O. W. Cloyd, 1'lunk, Mo.,
who healed his danservua - w.njud with
Ducklen's Arnica fcktlve. Sue- Jfer sain by
Ucaton Drug Co,
Long-Distance Telephone Lines Com
plete the Circuit.
KoW In Immediate Toneh with Two
n and res ssl Ela-hty.SIs Kx
chances on the Ifew
Mayor Sears of Sioux City, prominent
citizens of La Mars, Des Moines, Atlantic
and several otber western Iowa cities called
up Omaha Wednesday afternoon to try the
newly connected Long; Distance Telephone
company's wires, and they found perfect
metallic connections. Wednesday the con
nections were completed by which the Inde
pendent Telephone company of Omaha may
now connect with all of western Iowa and
the service was given a severe test and
found most satisfactory.
Charles O. Cocfcertll, president of the
Long Distance Independent Telephone com
pany; C. H. Smith, secretary; M. M. Head,
treasurer, and C. C. Deerlng, general man
ager, were In Omaha to be present at the
opening of the new connection, which put
Omaha In immediate touch with 286,000 In
dependent telephones. The company has
connections with the Nebraska Independent
lines, but Is not advertising the fact until
additional lines are installed, that all the
business may be cared for. It Is thought
this will be done about June L
The home of the long distance company
Is the second story of the branch house of
the Independent Telephone company. Twen
ty-fourth and Cuming streets, and here
long distance girls will ,be added as fast
as necessary to handle fJie business. The
local company has 900 'phones working
through that substation and 2,200 through
the main office, making 8,100 in all, and
although 8,000 Is the number set by the com
pany to have Installed before a chnrgn Is
made, the company does not propose to
charge for local service until May 1. A
Charge Is made for long distance service.
The local company Is connected with Iowa
through the Council Bluffs office and a
cable carrying fifty pairs of wires Is carried
across the Douglas street bridge, as well
as twenty-five pairs of overhead wires,
giving a double service to provide against
Distinct from Local Company.
The long distance company is a separate
corporation - from the local company and
deals In nothing but long distance service
and the same offioers handle the business
at Omaha as are In charge at Sioux City.
Mr. Dcerlng has arrived from 81oux City
to become general manager of the new com
pany and will reside In Omaha,
"We are better acquainted In Iowa than
In Nebraska, but hope to become acquainted
In this state," said President Cockerlll.
"Iowa has long been clamoring for this
connection with Omaha and everywhere I
went In Iowa the people wanted to know
when we would have our Omaha connec
tion completed. It will mean a great thing
for Omaha merchants from a business
standpoint, for Omaha is now connected
with all the small towns of western Iowa,
as well as the larger cities of the state.
I think it will be but a short time until
Omaha merchants will be getting long dis
tance calls from these towns for all kinds
of goods. The advantages of being con
nected with the large Independent telephone
systems of Iowa, which waa formerly held
by Dos Moines, .Council Slulfs, Sioux City
and St. Joseph, will now be Omaha's, as
well. The company has spared no expense
to make the service as perfect as modern
sclonce can make . It, and many wilt be
surprised when they try to talk over the
new copper wires."
Manager Mathews of the local Independ
ent Telephone company was enthusiastic
over the " connection between the Omaha
company and the Iowa lines. Long distance
service Is secret, the same as In the olty,
and the operators are only to assist In
making the connections.
Bee Wont Ads-They bring results.
President Wadsworth of Bellevae Col
lege Speaks Seniors Will
Have an Annaal.
The senior class of the high school was
addressed by President Ouy L. Wadsworth
of Bellevue college Wednesday forenoon.
The theme of the talk was "Ideal Leader
ship," and President Wadsworth urged the
Importance of a college education to all
who would make the most of their lives,
both for their own and for the world's
good. He said that 4.810 out of the 7,000
prominent men of America mentioned In
"Who's Who" are college graduates and
that a higher education, with honesty.
courage and kindness, Is the basis of Ideal
The Dullevue college quartet was preserlt
and sang a number of songs that were
exceptionally well received by the stu
After school on Wednesday a senior class
meeting waa held. Principal Waterhouse
announced that, beginning with this year,
candidates for graduation In any year will
be excused from taking the final exam
inations in that year if their mid-term
averages are SO per cent or above, and if
they maintain such a mark from that time
until commencement. He also stated that
hereafter graduates of the Omaha High
school will not be recommended to col
leges as having done satisfactory work
In a subject unless they have received a
grade of 85 per cent in that subject, These
rules, which were recently made by. the
faculty, rals the standard of "satisfactory"
work considerably.
The seniors definitely decided to have
year book, which will constitute . one
of the Issues of the Register, the school
publication, and will contain pictures and
"wiiteups" of the graduates. The ex
pense of issuing the book is to be partly
paid out of a fund to be raised for the
purpose by th6 class, the Register stand
ing the rest of the cost This plan of pay
ing for the annual publication has been
adopted on account of strong faculty oppo
sition to the former method, which was
believed to overtax the pocket book of the
students and their parents.
The German society held Its regular bi
monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon and
had a creditable program, in charge of Miss
Boven, whose pupils participated.
Association Will Be Laanrhed at Mass
MertlDST In First Congrega
tional Chnrvh.
Miss Dunlap of the Roadside Settlement
of Des Moines will speak at the public
library this evening, beginning at t o'clock,
on the settlement question, being agitated
by the Association of CoVeglate Alumnae
In Omahs. She will answer any questions
on the general subject of settlements for
all interested In the movement.
A mass sneetlng will be held at the First
Congregational church Friday evening for
the purpose of organising a social settle
ment assocla'.lon In Omaha. Oeorge L.
McNutt will be the speaker on that occa
Men, Women aat j Children Attend
Bla; Millinery Opening of
" Poanlas Street Store.
Despite the exceedingly high wind and
the dust of Tuesday, nearly 4.000 persons,
men, women and children, attended the mil
linery opening at Kern's, 1S08 Douglas
street, yesterday. Mr. Kern provided t.OPO
souvenirs for callers on opening day and
practically all were glvan away, one to a
person. The souvenirs consisted of small
American flags for the women and chil
dren, and American nags tied In bow for
the men. One thousand of the latter were
given away, Mr. Kem always entertaining
a number of men visitors on his opening
days, the sterner; sex seemingly delighting
In looking over the works of art designed
for feminine wear.
Aside from the pretty hats, which In
themselves are beautiful decorations, the
millinery store was enlivened with palms,
potted and cut flowers and vines, and pre
sented a pleasing appearance to the eye.
The windows were especially attractive,
roofed with Vines and roses, the "creations"
for the season being displayed beneath.
This was the tenth annual opening at the
Kern store, and surpassed all previous
openings both In point of attendance and
In decorations and in hats shown. Many
customers from . western nearby states,
where the store enjoys a large trade, were
Naturally, the season's popular hat, the
"Merry Widow Sailor," was very much In
evidence, the wide brims taking the
women's eye, the women folk seemingly
forgetting that a wind like that of Tues
day would soon plsy havoc wtth the kite
shaped affairs. The "Merry Widows" were
shown In all shades and mode of decora
tion,' but all In the same rlto huge hats
with brims nearly a foot wide.
"Visit an Omaha millinery store, If you
want to se all that Is beautiful," says
Mr. Kern, "not only In pretty hats, but In
prety women, I mean. I have but recently
returned from a visit to New York, Boston,
Washington and other eastern cities, but I
want to say that Omaha has the prettiest
women, and more prettily gowned and
hatted women than the society centers of
the effete east." '
Mr. Kern says that they always try to
fit their hats to the face and personality,
not the gowns. In this agreeing with the de
cree of the millinery convention In Chicago
of a couple of weeks ago.
Music was furnished at the opening by
the Legrotta harp orchestra, and the thirty
five employes of the store were kept more
than busy waiting on the customers.
American Fakirs Several League Be
hind the Masters of tho
Tho American fakir Is probably unaware
that he can trace his ancestry to a more
ancient source than any royal family of
Europe or the Orient. Though the diction
aries derive our word "fakir" from the
Anglo-Saxon, and regard our faklrdom as
entirely Independent ( of the ancient Asian
Institution, Dr. Richard Schmidt considers
the European and American fakir as
merely a degenerate product of the Indian
In a volume entitled "Fakirs and Faklr
dom In Ancient and Modern India," Dr.
Schmidt, an eminent Oerman authority on
East Indian subjects, makes an exhaustive
sclentlflo study of the marvelous feats of
the various religious orders and ascetics
and mendicants In that country. For the
fakir has Tor 'many centuries played a
prominent role"tn the Indian religion. Dr.
Schmidt has'- earefully' collected his data
from the most Tellable native and Euro
pean sources. ''His book Is based chiefly
upon the- researches of Prof. Ernst Kuhn
of Munich and Prof. Richard Oarbe of
Tubingen. By adding to these his own
Investigations, he has succeeded in giving
a trustworthy 'account of the wonderful
practices of these "holy men" of the In
dian religion, or "yogis," as they are called.
A former French chief Justice In Chan
dernagore, Jacolllot, gives an account of
several curious performances that were
displayed for his benefit by a yogi named
Oovinda-Swaml on the terrace of his own
house. Being by no means credulous, Ja
colllot took every precaution to prevent de
ception. Fine sand was strewn on the
ground in order to make as even a sur
face as possible. Jacolllot waa asked to
seat himself at a table upon which were
a pencil and paper. The fakir carefully
laid a piece of wood upon the sand and
announced that whatever figures Jacolllot
might draw on the paper the piece of wood
would transcribe precisely upon the sand.
The yogi stretched out his hand and the
wooden piece Immediately copied upon the
sand the most ' complicated and twisted
figures that Jacolllot drew. When the
Frenchman stopped writing the piece of
wood also came to a standstill. The fakir
stood at a distance, against a wall, while
Jacolllot held the paper and pencil in such
a way that the Indian could not possibly
see wnat ne waa inscriDing. Harper's
A Miser's Hoard.
Annie Martin, an aged woman, was ad
mitted to the city almshouse in Newark,
N. J., with the. jiroper certificates as to
her destitution. The first act on the pro
gram of her being Installed as an Inmate
was a bath to which she objected strenu
ously. At last she consented ana as tne at
tendants began to prepare her for her tub
dollar bills began to fall from the folds
nf her rlothlnv. The deeper they got the
bigger the denominations of the bills. When
the woman was disrobed and her clothing
searched there waa found Jl.iuw in nsr pos
session. The result Is that the supposed pauper
will have to pay 12.60 a week for her board
and keep, and will be allowed only a stated
amount of her own cash, for spending
Apparently, With Advancing Ago.
"In 1896 at the age of 60 years, I collapsed
from excessive coffee drinking," whites a
man In Missouri. "For four years I
shambled about with the aid of crutches or
cane, most of the time unable to dress my-
If without help.
"My feet were greatly swollen, my right
arm was shrunken and twisted Inward, the
fingers of my right hand were clenched
and could not be extended except with
great effort and pain. Nothing seemed to
give me more than temporary relief.
"Now, during all this time and for about
thirty years previously, I drank daily an
avsraga of six cups of strong coffee rarely
missing a meal.
"My wife at last took my case Into her
own hands and bought some Poetum. She
made It according to directions and I liked
It fully as well as the best high-grade cof
fee. "Improvement set In at once. In about
six months I began to work a little, and In
less than a year I was very much better,
Improving rapidly from day to day. I am
now In far better health than moat men of
my years and apparently growing stronger
with advanced age.
'"'I am busy every day at some kind of
work and am able to keep up with the pro
cession without a cane. The arm and hand
that were once almost useless, now keep
far ahead In rapidity of movement and
beauty of penmanship."
"There's a Reason." Name given By
Postuni Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read
"The Road to Wellvllle," In packages.
l i n " i -- - in mm -i -..-.,-! Hf hit n.lirT r- n--- j
OW many living men can squarely stand up and honestly compare themselves at
the equal or superior (in any way whatsoever) to the great Iron Chancellor who
made Goethe's dream of Germanic unity a realistic drama of "iron and of blood ?"
How many dare declare "I have greater brain power than he" "I have a stronger
body" "I am healthier" "I have a saner knowledge" "I am more successful" or "I
have more force of character?"
Bismarck, during his marvelous career, outwitted the most celebrated statesmen of
his time ; overthrew and conquered three armed nations, and ruled over the empire he
created with enlightened and practical wisdom for nearly half a century, dying at the
ripe old age of 89, famous throughout the world as the "Greatest of the Germans."
Now, upon what nutriment was this colossus fed that he grew so mighty; what put
the iron into his blood? This we know that like all Germans he believed in good eat
ing and drinking, hence the juices of the malt and hops were never absent from his table
Authority any biography of Bismarck.
Bmidlwcflscif -
Is a beer ol redoubtable name and fame
Health, strength and vigor glows and sparkles in every
glass. Fifty years ago we began to brew it. For fifty years
the most fastidious have pronounced it without an equal in any
land. It is known from ocean to ocean, from the gulf to the
lakes, and wherever Americans go for business or health or
pleasure Hudvoeiser is there.
Bottled Only at the -
St. Louis. Mo.
Geo. Krug. Mgr. Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn.,
Omaha. Neb.
Hole in the Ground Located by Fro-
bation Officer.
Official Certain They De Not Study
Sabbath School Lessons There
and Will Try to Catch
ls Them.
Possessed of the Huckleberry Finn and
Tom Sawyer spirit of adventure, youths on
West Maple street hsve dug- a large cave
on a vacant lot and are there holding
nightly meetings, but in associations which
the probation officers believe not the best.
Officer Carver discovered the cave Tues
day and will make a more thorough ex
ploration and If possible capture the youth
ful denlsens of the hole.
The cave is at Thirty-third and West
Maple streets and is dug straight down
Into the ground, a ladder being the means
of access. The hole is covered over com
pletely, the roof being sodded down. The
plank trap door waa covered with earth
and It was with difficulty that the officer
found the entrance. In the cave he found
table., couple of chairs, couch and a
stove The stove pipe protruding from tho
earth In the center of the vacant lot gave
the officer the cue that there might be a
cave there.
On the table Officer Carver found a
couple of packs of plsylng cards and some
dice cubes, and on this he bases his belief
that the boys do not meet there to study
their Sabbath school lessons. Parents In
the neighborhood report their boys soma
nights do not get home until 12 or 1 o'clock,
and on account of this staying out late
the attention of the probation office was
called to the fact that there was some
undue attraction on West Munle street.
Officer Carver expects to pay a clan
destine visit to the cave some night and
find out just what goes on there. He
says that possibly the boys may meet to
study their Sunday school lessons, but he
wants to know what the playing cards
are for.
The Hochaeltbttter."
In northern Germany a familiar figure of
the rural districts Is a quaint old gentle
man, whose hat is verv much dxcorated
with flowers and parti-colored ribbons, and
who carries a staff, to the top of which Is
tied a htiK bunch of real or artificial flow
ers knotted to It by long streamers of simi
lar ribbons. According to the dlatrlrt. his
costume also Is old-f uamone d and unusual
In other ways. He Is lbs 'Uouhseltbllisr,"
ZHtfrnarcb at OertfaiUesf
k . . ,';w7""o.
rf Si Wiim wife
or person employed among the country folk
to go from house to house and Invite guests
to attend a wedding. He delivers himself
of a sot speech In an old "Platt-deutsch"
rhyme when he arrives at each place, ac
companying it with wagging of the head
and stamping of the staff, and is generally
in rather a Jovial condition by the time his
day's labors are ended. Chicago News.
An Girhssge of Coarte.les In Which
the Deadly Hip Pocket
Hip pockets must go. The habit of carry
ing concealed and deadly weapons has been
often, and Justly, condemned. But when a
gentleman in a weapon-bearing community
goes about with empty pockets concealed
under his coattalls and In other suspicious
places he dallies with death by giving
provocation without being able to defend
himself. The gestures of the man with
pockets in his clothes are too often mis
taken and quits frequently he runs up an
embalmer's bill for the family before liis
armed vls-s-vls finds out that he has erred
in interpreting a movement of the pistol
In a mountain town In Kentuc ky the cth-r
day a peace officer, who, according to the
correspondent, "had borne sn excellent rep
utation as an efficient officer and a quiet
and peaceable man," fell a-gosslping with a
merchant with whom he had had the mis
fortune to offend in some minor matter a
long time ago, but with whom he had sus
tained diplomatic relations for the lant half
doten years. It chanced that the convera-
tri)o fcy0 fcy0
Even in its early stages Catarrh Is a most distressing a-ilme.nt, caused by
the stuffy feeling in the head, ringing noises in the ears, watery eyes, difficult
breathing, continual "hawking and spitting' etc., but when the ilood becomes
thoroughly saturated with the impurities which produce tha disease it became
a serious and often dangerous disorder. Then the bronchial tub? are attacked,
the bladder and kidneys diseased, and often the lungs become l.ifiected by tha
constant passage of impure blood through them and Catarrh! terminates ltt
Consumption. The impurities and poisons in the blood which oroduce Catarrh
can never be removed through the use of sprays, inhalatiot u, washes, etc.
Such treatment cannot reach the real cause, and their ue alo ie ehould never
be depended on to cure the disease. S. S. S. cures Catarrh 1 y cleansing the
blood of all impure catarrhal matter. It goes down and attach s the disease at
its head, in the circulation, and removes every trace of the i upurity that is
causing the trouble. Then as rich, purified blood is carried to all parts of the
system the symptoms gradually leave, the health is improvt 1. and 8. S. 8.
makes a permanent cure of the trouble. Special book oa Cutarrh and say
medical s4vice desired sent free to all who write. 1
tlon took place about the hour at which
the merchant was accustomed to shut u(
his place of business. Absent-mindedly, Mid
without explaining to the peace officer thai
he was reaching for his store key, the mer
chant moved his right hand In the direction
of his hip pocket. The quiet and peaceable,
but efficient, officer shot th. merchsnt
before the fingers of the latter had corns
Into contact with the store key, and, see
ing how matters stood, the merohant aban- .
doned the quest of the store key, snd,
drawing from his pocket a trustworthy re
volver, made the retort courteous which th.
occasion seemed to warrant. Each man
proved the quality of his courage and h's ' ,
marksmanship at the sacrifice of th. life
of the other. There was no criminal in
tention upon the part of the efficient of
fleer, nor did the merchant dream of strife
when he reached for the storo key.
No one who believes that there exists a
glorious hereafter for warriors whoss souls
escape through the wounds in their breasts
ran question th. prophecy that these two
fearless and blameless gentlemen hsve era
now met In Valhalla, exchanged congratu
lations and become united as brothers, or
thst through aeons and aeons their mutual
regard will make them as Damon and
Pythias, David and Jonathan or Alphonse
and Gaston In their unselfish mutual love.
But If the peace officer had worn his artil
lery at his belt and the merchant had not
worn the store key upon his hip the; .
lamentable misunderstanding and the rWJfHV
sultant spilling of blood pt two lnocT
men would never have occurred. Loalsvlll.
.. J