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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1908)
10 .TTIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARCH 26, .1908. Want - ads Advertisements "far ta want a rolamns will t Itkr III II n, fr tk mlt rlitteBnd antll U a. m. fer the mdmIx m Bandar edition.. t:jfc asust wampiir all order for ( ad and as advertisement arlll accepted for leas than 10 ! far rat laarrtloa. FT a advertisement will b tkar4 moantln; tm less lata SO resit. Rate apply ta either Th Dally or adar Baa. Alwaya roanl sis word a a llaa. Combinations of laltlala ar naktn raaat aa e word. CASH RATES ITOR WANT AM. RE(i(UR CLASSIFICATION 0a laarrtloa, ar llaa, lO rents. Twa ar Mora eonserwtW laaertlone, per liar, eeata. Each Inarrtloa aaado oa odd days, lO -eeata Uae. I S1.BO per llaa per month eseeptlac tkat riRKtSHEU RUH ADS, wkea aceompMnleeT kr eaah, the rat will bot .' Oao Insertion, 4 ceat per llaei three to six coasecatlv la. aertloaa, 8 eaata; por llao rack Inaer tloa wt or aaoro eanaecatlre Inser tions, g eeata per llao each insertion BO eeata per llao per month. Want ad for Tko Dae mar be left ' at aar ef tka fellow lac drac etoreo -oae la "rear career dralat" ther are all breach effleea for The Bee Md year ad will be ' laaerted Jut u promptly Bad oa tko aaaia rate ae at tbe aaela olBce la Tko Bee Bnlldlns, eereateeatk Md Paraaaa ttreeta. Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Berauek, 8. A-, 1403 S. 16tn St. Becht pharmacy, 720 & 16th St. Benson Fha;n;wy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmat y, 83d and Cumins. Bla'io's Pharmrcy, LMH Sherman Av. Caughlln. C. K-, 61 h and Fierce Bta. Clifton Mill Pliarmacy. 2213 Military At. Conte, J. B.. 81st Ave and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, Mth and Lake Bta. Cermak. Em 11. 12U4-6 S. 13th Bt " Eastman Pharmacy, 2802 Lcavonworth, Foster Arnold, 213 N. 26th Bt Freytag. Jrhn J..-1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug- Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lak Bta. Green s Phs.'uacy, corner Park Ave. and Faclflc Oreenough, O. A., 1028 8. 10th St. Greeni-ugh, O. A.. Wli 8. 10th Bt Hayden, Wm. 34 Farnam. liiuiscom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. Ztb Ave. Hoist, John, 674 N. 16th St. Muff, A. L., 2H24 Leavenworth Bt. King, M. JC38 Farnam Bt. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 8604 N. 24th. Patriok Drug Co., 1602 N. 24m Bt. l.athrop. Cnarle E.. 1X24 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. K., 24th end Leavenworth. Biratcga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer Cut Price Drug Co., loth and Chicago Bta. Schaefer. August, 2031 N. 16th Bt. Bchmfdt, J. H., 24th and Cuming St. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL, NOTICES SCHELLRERQ Florence L., March 24, lto, aged 26 years 3 months and 28 days. Beloved wife of William H. Schellberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David McAslan. Funeral services will be held from resi dence, - 2219 Burdette street, to Kountse Memorial church. Twenty-sixth and Far nam streets, Thursday, March 36, at 2 p. in. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends invited. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following marriage licenses have been granted: Name. and Residence. Age. Dedrlck Grimm. MUlard 27 Laura Tlnnear, Gretna 22 Christian A. Rota. Elkhorn 21 Helena Utte, Blkhorn 21 John W. McCulley 23 Josephine K, Rogers 'H John B. Haaklna, South Omaha 24 Carrie Jaedun, Bouth Omaha 27 Jack LeRoy Munon, Des Motne 29 Nellie Ingham, Bloux City 23 James Sweet, Fremont , 27 Laura LUndlngur, Bradshaw 21 John Bchell 26 Carrie M. Jensen 20 BIRTHS AND DEATHS BirthsWallace McCreary, 4220 Farnam, girl; Hugh, .McDonnell, lMe Miami, boy; Dr. A. S. Pinto, 2610 Charles, boy; K. J. Tur ner, 2512 Kovb, girl; William Gladden, 210 Bouth Twenty-fourth, girl. Deaths Anton Papus, Sixteenth and How ard; Balvatore Salerno, 723 Pierce, 9 months; Florence Bchellberg, 2219 Burdette, 25; Morris J. Griffith, iUa Franklin, 2V; Thomas Burk, Fortieth and Poppleton, 67; George McBreen, 1712 Chicago, 10 months; Peter Anderson Banberg, 311 Bouth Twelfth, 62; George R. .Spencer, 213 North Thir teenth, 2. . ANNOUNCEMENTS SIGN PAINTING B. H. COLE, 1302 Doug las. . tl)-6 UNEEDA Mlfsourt water filter. 1301 Far nam el. U M601 A-21x J11B CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth 61s. laL Douglas 137. U 664 il'HAVELERB' goods ot quality. Trunks and Bult Cases repaired. - FREL1NG & BTKINLKv "Where trunks are made," - 1803 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 4906. i tl 7t4 A-22 AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand automo bile. DEHIOHT. Uls Farnam. AHA auto tops; best material; lowest pile. . pleif fur a. Red 6122. X3 Leav Bl. t2) Mioo A -23 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES, TRADE8 t you Save sotne mlug lor saie or iraue wru us; we luauh every ihlng. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., , 4ul Be toiug. (3 M363 A TRAD1SI TRADES 1 Bend description of what you have, or what you wa ll fua.lcu it. a i'KlNGER INVESTMENT CO., 43a Be Bldg., Oman, Neb. , W tf 293 At JUNE South Dakota land to exchange for good, uP'to-Uate stock of Implement. Fine caul ranch for aale cheap. Cheap land to exchange fur f ive-paaaenger sec-vnd-hartd automobile. A. E. Kull, Bone uel. 14, D. (3-M71l svx . TP EXCHANGE. 640 acres of as line luud as thera Is any lac, all leva), good null, 6 miles from good --town, located lu Brewster county, Texas; one of tlie.jmext iiup and fruit countiea In the atale, also the flneat . climate in the world; all clear of Incumbrance; price, 312 per acre; will trade fur merchandise, live tuck, town or vlty property; thla must go, and the best offer will get It; submit your often. 1 WAIT INVESTMENT CO. 101 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. 3-M721 2 Jk. GOOD, clean atock of hardware; Invoice bout 14, OKI , Want clear Income property. OOOD hotel. Couacll Bluffs, la. Prke SJ0.OU0; encumbrance M.ttO. Vanl land. J) ACREd, CalaWay county, Mlsaourl; K.Cou Make iwfor. -J. R. .ADKINS. ' Council Bluffs, la. Room 4 r'im Nat I Bank. IS)-M9 ?7x IF YOU want a reliable business; large In come, smell Invtsimvnt. no competition; See Hlldreth, 1 Bee Bldg (4- 0 JiXCEIJJONT I-OCATION fcr a dentist who desire to give his children free nor mal school aducaUoa, AdJrc" T . er fee. V jlV-Mt X1 BUSINESS CHANCES j BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) INDUSTRIAL AND MININQ STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBT. C. IiRUKKEDOW At CO, STOCK BROKERS. Tal Douglas 6. ftUMO N. T. Llf BIdg. OMAHA. NEB. 4 M253 Al TO GET In or out of "justness call on GANUKSTAD. room 408 Be Bidg. t4)-33t DRUG STORES "for sale everywhere F. V. Knlest, 707 N. T. IJfe. Omaha 4) 669 ROOMING HOUFKH for sale, all slies; fur nlsh pert purctia money If wanted. GANGESTAD, Room 401 Be Bldg. (4)-671 INSURANCE men looking for large office, with good llpht and fire proof vault, will find a nice arrangement in one of several offices which we would be pleased to show. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt.. Room 106, Bee Bldg. 15l M6l MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. Best market in Oeneva. Neb., for le for thirty days. New building, beat location. Sales Ifii) per day. Only one other shop In the city. Population 2,4iO. Write Atfier ton Evans, Geneva, Neb. t4) M78S SAIOON Transfer comer; well estab lished; good trade; owner leaving: city. 2124 E. 18th, Kansas City, Mo. (4) M718 30x A SNAP Canning factory and general mercantile store. Will sell or trade. Loss of arm and 111 health reason . for sell ing. C. B. Anthony, Richland. Mo. (4)-M7U 20x MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for si-e In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa. (4) M340 WANTED location for live cigar stand. H. A. Williams, Sibley, la. 4t M762 lx FOR SALE Five good paying elevators In Nebraska, on Burlington; going out of grain business. Addreas or call room No. 856 Fraternity building, Lincoln, Neb. 4)-MI46 FOR BALK Only hotel in town of 300. M. Fahey, Waterbury, Neb. (4)-M338 2K WANTED General sales manager for Ne braska by old established house, manu facturing Auto Runabouts and Buggies. Position pays 14.000 per annum. Refer ences and 35,000 cash required Address. President, 2731 Spring Grove Ave., Clncln natl, O. (4) MSS3 26x BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' Architect C U STAUB, 004H 3. Wth. Tel. D. 4121. W-M987 Mch31 Batka ' HAMMOND BATHS. 10? 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 8916. Wednesdays, ladles' day. to) M573 Bookbinding;. E. A. TfRTON, bookbinder, 1106 Douglas. Fhona uougias can me, i ll come. (S)-M714 A10 Carpeaterlnc FINE hardwood floors and parquetry; low price, loth & .Dominion bis. Frank Sevlck. 6) M360 A19 Chiropodist. DR. ROT. R. 2, 1606 Farnam St Doug. 64S7. W) bio Creameries. David Col Creamery Company. (B M578 Deatlsts. BAILEY As MACH. 3d fir.. Paxton. D. JOsSH (5-6n Dreaesuakla;. IN FAMILIKS-Mis Sturdy. Tl. Harney 1368. (6 oil M'DO WELL Dressmaking School, 16a Far nam bC ta,g MME. WOODRUFr, robe and gowns, 306- 14 Neville Bin. xeu rteu, i'ouK. mm; ind., A-37W. (6) M4ti AprilT Flerlata. HESS & BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HEN0ERSON, 119 Farnam. Tel. D. Jt3. t6)-6al J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tl. Dou. 000. (6j-6o3 Flnaaelal. Money I TO LOAN LOW RATE In sums to suit, uu aeo Bldg. 'Phone T )fi 1 1 u I u vua O&lO.S lAN COMPANY. (6) 607 Jeweler aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jeweiry repairing. 2-1 Paxton Block. Tel. 4317. (6-&S4 Hotel. THE BCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney. v t e&i Lockamltha. KET3, etc.. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. (6)-6at Alsuile aad Laagraas; PIANO lesson. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2292. (6j- - MoTlag aad tor la. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 N. 16th bt; warehouse. 2207-9 Ixard St. , (6 687 Oateopatky, JOHNSON INS.. 4U N. T. L. TeL D. 1&S4. t5j fo Oflle Sapplle. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers. loose leaf aevices ana oriic fixtures and sup piles of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 306 S. 18th St. Tel. Doug. &ot2. Ind. A-1662. (6-M309 All Prlattac EVER STOPTO THINK of th time lost poking up th average printer when you want a Job In a hurry r,ver irjr usr ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnisher. 106-313 & 19th Bt. Telephones Bell. Douglas 6662; Ind., A 1561. W Mi04 M-l BEFORE placing your 19U9 calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng sutd II Jorve, printers, loth U Capitol Ave. o) &W Publle Steaogrrapkera. PUBLIC stenographer, 220 Board of Trade Safes, Shatter, Etc. OMAHA SAFE ND IRON WORKS makes a specialty or rlre earn pea. shutter, doors and aafes. G. Audreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. 6M Skee Repalrlagr RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst class work. 10I8H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red m. (6-6l SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., llM Farnam St. Tel. D. 7M7. to-6i)l Pketogrrapkr. C. B. TRU9SELL. U5 fl. lWh St. (5)-689 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Of flee. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. 340. Stenographer, Oliver operator, ITS. If you are In need of a position see us at once we can place you. WESTERN BBK. ac BOND A88 N, 1NC-722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7-774 25 Factory aad Trade. WANTED Dreaaiuaker'a Cuarle SU belper. 23 tx-aw More people BEE than in HELP WANTED FEMALE- (Continued.! A seats, Solicitor, Salesladies. WANTED Experienced candy saleswoman. Apply Candy Dept., J. L. Branrtels & Bons. (7 MSM 28 Heesekeepers aad Deaseetlea, WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD., 1902 Farnam St. Housemaid. 35. Child's nurse, $5. Cook, 37. Girls for general housework, $5 to Ifi. (7) MR97 28 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small family, small flat. Tele phone: Independent. A1323; Bell, Harney 1892, or call at 3324 Harney Bt. CD-M790 WANTEID Oirl for general housework; good wagee; references required. 3H02 Lin coln Boulevard. (7) 767 26 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three In family; small house. Mrs. James Richardson, 3064 Howard St., Telephone Harney 13S0. (7) 766 27 W ANTED Good girl for general house work family ot three. 1306 Park Ave. ; (7)-M893 27 Miscellaneous. LADIES, pleasant home work; 11.50 dally; send stamp. Mrs. B. Mnnnier, G 336 East 63d St.. Chicago. (7) M892 A6x HELP WANTED MALE Asteats, Solicitor aad Salesmen. AGENTS wanted in every city and town to ell th acme adjustlble window shads holder. Omaha Shade Holder Co., 214 Bo. 12th St., Omaha. (9) -821 MEN to canvass country trade; good propo sition; salary or commission. 617 Bee Bldg. (9) M712 26 WANTED Salesman to place locally our 6c cigars, with excellent premium deal. Address A 189, care Bee. (9) M750 26x WANTED Salesmen to place our line of cigars and gum with excellent premium deals. Address, Crown Cigar Co., Mil waukee, Wis. (9) M759 28X SALESMAN wanted to sell a high-class, guaranteed seourlty; must be of good uddress and have a considerable ac quaintance. Apply, 480 Brandels Bldg. (9) M889 26 Boy. BOT, 17 or 18 year old, to learn pressing clot ties; bring references. 2H07 Leaven worth Bt. (9) M748 27 Clerical aad Offlee. REAL estate salesman, must ' be familiar with city property, 1100 and commission. First-class ledger clerk, wholesale house, 313.60 per week to start; good chanc for advancement to right man. Traveling salesman, lumber, must be ex perienced, 175 and expenses. Out facilities for placing capable men In good position at a good salary are the best. If you are lb need of a position see us at onco or write for free particu lars relative to our plan of operation. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASB'N, INC., 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-773 26 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 13)-69S WANTED A drug clerk, te be manager of a store, about 30 years; jioNbooxer need apply. Good salary to the rtghrsnan. Ad dress Otto Pohl, Fremont, Neb. - (9 M718 30 WE WANT Immedlatey: Insurance solicitor, salary and com. Shoe salesman, $19.00 per week. Two Implement salesmen, 38S.O0-I100.00. Paper salesman, 180.00. THE CANO AGENCY, 620 Bee Bldg. (9) M890 26 Faetorjr aad Trade. WANTED Registered pharmacist; married man preferred. Enquire at 3U8 N. 24th St., Bouth Omaha, Neb. (9) M691 WANTED A practical printer with amall capital to take care of a good Job and newspaper office In good town In Iowa, publishing two papers. Writ for par ticulars. Afdreas L 906, car Bee. (9)-633 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, will equip shop for you or furnish positions, few weeks completes, constant practice, careful instructions, tools given, Saturday wages, diplomas granted, catalogue free. Moler Barber college, 110 S. 14th Bt. (9J-M408 26x PRE88EK wanted for men's cloth; good wage, steady work. 2907 Leavenworth St. t9) 700 25 WANTED First clas wagon wood worker; good wages. ANDREW MURPHY 4 SON, 1412 Jackson Bt. (9) M719 28 WANTED Men tailors to work in our alteration dept. Apply at once. Orkln Bros., 1610 Douglas St. (9) M891 1 M laeellaaeeaa. APRIL frSPRIN0 TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT- Bookkkeeplng, shorthand and typewrit ing, telegraphy. English. Catalogue free. Address, H. B. Boyles. Pres., Omaha, Neb. Official training school for Union Pacific R. R. training department. (.9) M 631 BECObJe a fireman or brakeman; rapidly growing field, big wages, excellent chanc for advancement, no experience neces sary. Write or call at once. National Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha. Neb. (9 260 A16 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions, 626 N. Y. L. Bldg. f 597 HELP WANTED MALE AMD FEMALE. WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent l)odd. Mead at Co., to sell the new In ternational Encyclopedia in Nebraska, South Dakote and western Iowa. Pre vious experience unnecessary. 718 N. Y. L., Omaha. Neb. . 110 M468 A30 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse aad Vehicle. HAY SfiSO a ton. A. V. Wagner, 801 No. 16th St. (U 377 WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horsea, If you have any you want to dlapot of. W buy and sell on commission. Th Harney Street Stable. ill) u TWO rubber tired hacks; good condition; cheap. W. O. Forbes. 1126 P St.. Llncola. Neb. ! M177 HAVING sold my Douglas St (tables I ; am now located at 4U and Clark Sts. ' Fred Myers. Tel. Webster loot. O0-S3o M31 DON'T forget B. W. Anspech' auction sale of over 40 head of native broke horses at the I'nlon stock yards, Bouth . Omaha, Neb., Thursday. March 4. I will have the brat lot of horses of the season for this sale. (11 730 26 FOR SALE One standard bred black mare, years old. 16 hands high, weight i 1,300 pounds, broken to drive single or double. W. E. Parsons, Carrol,, Ton ill) M882 Pealtry, Eca aad Saabe, SCREENINGS IL26 par cwU Wagner. SOI N. 16th Bt, UD-etA a a. a. ae a r a. a A A a. J a aa.a.f 'aaaaaa e ' .es-ww-'a iv7 see your "ad" in The nmi f-9 wi AF any uijici lucAi adna yayvr i vSaVapaBawaaSaawaBBBaH BasBBBlSBBflflBBBBaflBQ awPBaGaBwaQBsBaaBsfflapV LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Poaltry, KT aad Sqaabs Coatta'd. ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGOS for hatch Ing. Pens headed by prla winning cockerels frdirl North Btar Poultry Sho', Minnesota; fl.6A to 12.00 per 16. Mr Jam.- H. Halplrx 4001 Center St., Omaha. TeL Harney 3628. Ul M31-A2x Govt, book free. Modal Squab Pens, Omaha.'. til) Me a j LOST AND FOUND LOST Young coach dog; on white and one dark eye. Liberal reward for return to 2619 Jones St. (12) M667 FOUND Money; owner may hav same by describing property and paying for this ad. Apply 1914 Farnam. (12) M727 28x MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or writ to lh matron of the Salvation Army Horn for Women at 2824 N. 24th HL, Omaha, Neb. (13) Mlu6 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical Allege, 14th and Dav enport Bta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 BEST nerve bracer for men "Gray's Nerv Food PUls," l a box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 13 6U1 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS WE'RE HERE TO MAKE GOOD. When your friends don't knew you, and that's when you need a dollar. A EMALL LOAN ' On Your Furniture I one of the quickest and easiest of ways to get Just what you want, when you want it, NO PUBLICITY attends your effort. The payment ar mads small and within your reach. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT la allowed if you settle your account be fore agreement expires. A FRESH START is what you want if a lot of little bills have accumulated and you cannot meet them all. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade. 16th St. Entrance. (14) MISS THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONET WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor 807-3O8 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor If YOU are In need of a little ready cash for your Easter shopping', w will accom modate you. Our terms are the cheapest; our service th best, and all business strictly confidential (14) M201 FOR A SQUAREDEAL GO TO THE PHOENIXX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans, 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14)-603 P. O. NIELSEN & COV LOANS. 701 N. T. Llf Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2304. ' (14)-4 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business cor".dutial 1301 Douglas. 14) CO CHATTEL, salary and sta.'ag receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (14)-09 FURNITURE, live stock salary, loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14) w MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ment. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, .New York Life Bldg. (14) 604 OFFERED FOR RENT BoardlaaT aad Htonii, VIENNA hotel; private timing room; cat. (16)-ill ONE large, also on small room, both very comfortable, with excellent board. 2616 Farnam. U6) 609 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Dougta 1625. Bchmoller 4 lueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. (1)-13 BOARD and room In finest down town location; large front room with alcove; suitable for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. References re quired. 114 So. 19th St. (16)M286 29x LARGE frcait room, and good table board, for two gentlemen; also single room; Strictly modern. 413 N 22d. (16) M299 A4 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (U)-613 ROOM and board for gentlemen or man and wife; delightful room, facing street; everything new and strictly modern, In fashionable neighborhood, between two best car linen In city. 1S23 Wirt Bt. (IS) 345 25 NEW and strictly modern room with fam ily of adults; board without lunch. 609 Bo. 26th Ave. Phone Red 3400. (16) M362 MODERN room, horn cooking, home privilege; good summer location. 2618 St. Mary's Ave. (15) M465 28 STRICTLY modern furnished rooms; home cooking. Tel. Douglas M36. (16)-M606 28 NEWLY furnished rooms with board; girl preferred; reference required. 2412 Cass Bt. Tel. Independent, B-2309. (16) 708 29 NEWLY furnished front parlor, with or without board. Th Highland. 1723 Dodge St. (16) M716 30 DESIRABLE furnished room, with board, for two persons; south side; references. Tel. Doug. HSl. (IS) M764 Six Farm lab ed Roox FURNISHED room for rent, 633 Bo. 22d St., steam heat, hot and cold water, and bath. (15) M711 AlOx TWO furnished rooma, steam beat, 1606 Farnam St., 3d floor. (16) (15 TWO nice rooms, with modern conven iences, suitable for three or four young men. or man and wife; also other nice room. 218 N. lVth. (16) M675 &X NICELY furnished room In new modern flat. 214 No. 26th SU TeL Douglas 3W8. (U) 649 NEiVLY furnished rooma. 161T DoOg BL (16) M223 April 3 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 1621 Harney St. (lfi)-147 25x FURNISHED doubl parlor, flrt claaa 2C21 Harney Bt. (16) 346 26x WELL furnished southeast front room with alcove, modern; large lawn; private fam ily. 7(4 B. 2Vth BU (15) M629 &x PLEASANT furnished rooms, 2218 Iodge. 116) M741 2x FINE furnished front room, new, modern, brick; absolutely first-class; electric light, etc; walking distance; 110 a month. No. 2606 Dodge. 'Phone D17S0. tl5) M885 HeaoekeeplBg Boobs. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms (light housekeeping); modern house. 2 1 ly enport Bt. , (15) MTbl 31x FOI.'K elegant rooms, modern. Apply KIT N. Uth SU (16) Max 26 f mfs-e -e tr m p P OFFERED FOR RENT lloasekeeplns; Room Coatlaaed. FOR RENT-Modern furnished room for iie-ii uuueKeeping; everything furnished. Call at one 2670 Farnam Su (lS)-343 3 r9,UR-niodern heated housekeeping rooma. 2223 Burt Bt. (ld)S79 26x Vafaralshed Room. 8r!ATh '1M'y,ur molcrn roams; new house; Apartnaeat aad Flate. CENTRAL; all modern, steam heat; 4-roora turner Jiai, wun Daln. 22U N. 23d. (16)-M621 A PA RTM R'Tt 7 rnnm. I OTTTtriTT ,fM1 - ......... , i. W , C A , farnam SU; steam heat, hot water and icirpiione. ArAKTMKNTS 3 and 6 rooms In SCAROO. South Omaha; steam heat nu imji waier. HALL, 817 First NalL Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A 4406. (15)-3S6 NEW 4-room brick flat, modern, 22d and Nicholas. (21; references. Key at 1116 N. 22d. Patterson. 1623 Farnam. (16) 728 FOUR-ROOM new brick flat. 22d and Nlrh olas, modern, (21; references. Key at 1116 i aiieraon, io Farnam. U5)-778 d-koom flat, all modern except furnace; stationary coal range with hot water In kitchen. Telenhone. Dnuir. fidtW (16)-M80R 29 Heaaee aad Cottare. 615 S. S3d St., 4-R. cottage, (14. 3916. 28th St., 5-R., modern except heat, 331 N. 41st St.. 6-R.. new. modern, (30. 9iJ) So. 31st St.. 6-R., modern, (27.50. Z70S Yate at e u - . i . , r Owner of fine 7-room modern house on 33d oueei, near Lincoln Boulevard, good local ity, will rent to desirable people for (.15 Ter month nr. nna.vAnv 1 - 1 new, has nice rooms, paperei,' hit water ...-..., Uii unni-inriu, nce 101, on car line, date rent, April 1. 1117 So. 80th Ave., S R.. modern, (40. !9plBkney 8t - "d barn, modem, (20. 806 So. 3Sth St.. 9-R., modern. (50 958 N. 27th Ave., 14-room, modern, (60. FLATS. 2219 So. 29th St.. 6-R., modern, (27.60. 2610 Sherman Ave., 6-R., modern. (30. 1818H Mania St.. 7-P entirely n... fjlnatlon gas and steel range, window shades, curtain rods, hot water heat, owner pays water, furnishes heat, hot ... " ",,u J"inr service entire year, (35. 114 So 24th St.. 6-R., oak finish, gas range, combination llRhts, hot water heat. Jani tor service and heat furnished. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Department. U5)-779 25 SIX rooms on second floor, 26th and Par- wuns coyer, aa and Cum ,n'- 15)-6S6 SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace. Red 1909. (15)-M886 29x NRW WTT.QT TP A u XT A M unttat - ' n.tunHi ilVUOE. Will lease for a term of 3 years at (40 per (wiiiii mo v. arm new moaern nouse or 7 rooms and reception hall at 4116 Dodge street; oak finish and first-class plumbing and lighting fixtures. SEE IT. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1802 FARNAM ST. (15) MS96 30 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn. 2164 So. 84th. W. S. StUlman. 419 1st Nat Bk. Bid. s (15)-M483 LIST your rentals with us. Benjamin R. K. Co., 324 Neville Blk. Both 'phones. (15) M266 AS HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16) 623 2967 Paclfio treet, . (-rooms; thoroughly modern) oak finish; (40. A. Q. Elllck. 54 Bee Building. (15) M&t) HOUSES J" Prt of th city. uuuoiJO Crigh Son A Co., Be Bldg. (la)-624 HOUSEHOLD good packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co, Tel. Doug. Shi. (ISt U7 HOUSES-Peter Trut Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (lb)-62b OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store n. ri. goous. oiorenouse llju-4 N. 19th; ofico 1G09 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156. 15) 6.6 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. (15)-tl Maggard Van & Storage Co. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. Good a (ll)-41 6 ROOM cottage. No. 1618 Pratt Bt.; mod ern except heat, (20. (15) 602 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life building. (16) M233 7-ROOM cottage, modern, 3031 Marcy St. (25. Chas. L. Thomas, room 413 Bee Bldg. (16)-64 7-ROOM modern cottage, 602 N. 32d St xeiepnone uougias i (16) 801 FOR RENT 6-room flat, 16th and Vinton T St. (15. 5-room flat. (12. 6-room house, newly painted and papered. 2&UZ do, 20th Ave., (12. C. M. BACHMANN. (15) 439 (40 8-room modern brick flat, 3003 Paclfio St.; key at 13o6 8. 86th Av. 'Phone Har ney S2t3. M. Kellner. (16) 435 SIX-ROOM all modern steam heated flat, close in. (16 7-room house, with gaa and city water. 3502 N. 2Sth Ave. Bemls, 306 Paxton Block. 'Phone. Doug. 585. (15 tan FOR RENT April 1st., ( room; all modem house; (37.50. 1318 North 4oth. (15) M 700 NEARLY new 6-room house, modern. 'Phone Harney 3689. 2830 Capitol Ave. (16)-47 29x FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, (18; vacant April 1. In quire at 2710 Decatur BU or 'phone Web ster 27U. (16) 708 6-R., mod., choice, 1603 Locust 121.00 10-r., mod., choice, 2416 Sherman Ave., 30.00 8- r., mod., also barn, 6U2 B. 36th 23. it 9- r., also store and barn, 2208-12 8. 13th. 40.00 RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 422 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. (15) 738 26 THREE-ROOM cottage; address, B-206, Bee, (15) M758 (lx 818 Leavenworth, 5-r mod. 7u3 No. 40th, 9-r mod. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., luOl N. Y. Life. Doug. 2162. (16)-M761 37 TWO fin large office suite In th Con tinental block; cholc location for physi cian or dentist ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 109 First National Bank Bldg. (15 J t OFFICES On large and on small office for rent en suite or single. These rooms are on the third floor of Th Bee Bldg., and the larger one ha a north light and vault. For further particulars ae It. W. Baker, Supt, 106 Be Building. (16) AI888 OFFICES OR PARLORS 6 and (-room In QUI VET, lau-1811 Farnam St.; auitabl for artists, physicians, dtnllata, dreaa makers, etc.; steam heat hot water and telephone. Also OFFICES or PARLORS, 3 and 6 rooma In BCAKGO Bldg., Bouth Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc.; steam-heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A 4406. (la) sag WE hav for rent a very desirable office on the Farnam street side of The He building, close to elevator, at (J7S0. Water, light Janitor service, are included. R. W. Baker, Supt, lot Be Bldg. (15) M8S7 OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) J Store. I-STORT arid basement, HtIOo. IW Far nam. Apply 114 First Nat l Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Feaelaa;. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wlr fencing 6o per foot. M N. 17th SL TeL Red 414. (14) -404 Faraltare. PARTIES leaving city will sell household goods cheap. Apply (023 Vinton St. TeL Harney 3221 (! M717 x FOR SALE One folding bed and one gas stove, both In first-class condition; a bargain. 'Phone Webster 604. 273 Man derson St. (16)- M747 27x FURNITURE and lease of new, modem six-room house. Address, w 207, Bee. (16)-763 Plaaoe, Organs, Maslcal InstraaseatB. FOR SALE Fin upright piano, cheap; 1721 Davenport Bt. (16)-M171 Typewriter aad Bowles Marble. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writers; good condition; a bargain at fcO. CaJI room 603, Bee Bldg. (161-471 M lacellaaeoae. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) 637 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., Hi a 15th St TeL Doug. 6JTL (16j 63H SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. (16) 636 COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order, Rosenblatt' coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department, clean nut coal, 5 bushel for (L (16) M640 TO MEET OBLIGATIONS " Well sell fine whit diamond rlnp; for (15, also stud same sis da. Each worth fully (26. Good Columbia Graphophone and fifty two (1 10-Inch record for (45. Better an swer quick. Address P 66, car Bee. (16)-M96t 1(31 FOR SALE Several ahow caes, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Laud and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-674 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. W lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy paymets. Brunawick-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. 10th Bt (16) 635 2D-HAND overcoat and firearms. Singer. 416 N. 19th. (16) 642 FOR SALE Soda fountain, show case and other store fixtures. 306 W. Pierce St., .Council Bluffs, la. (16) M693 29x ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car lots A. G. Gilbert, CouncH Bluffs, la. s (16)-M374 SEND U8 your mall order for drugs; frelBht paid on (10 lots. Myers-Dliloo Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 639 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Bt., Omaha, Neb. (16) 641 FREE liberal sample Conkey'a laying tonlo and valuable poultry book If you bring this ad to S. B. Stewart Omaha. (16)-M322 A-8x HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hanL 1818 Farnam. (16)-13 FOR SALE 1,600 bushels Whlppoorwlll peas, 1,000 bushels claj peas, 1,600 bushels mixed peas, 600 bushels black peas. J. T. Walker, 407 Royal bldg., Memphis. Tenn. - (16)-M710 26x PATENTS PATENT8 THAT PROTECT 3 book for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Paclfio ' Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1869. (17)-644 LARSON A CO.-Book free. Neville Bldg. (17)-45 D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. TeL Red 711J (17)-64 H. A. Sturgls, 619 N. Y. L. TeL Doug. 8469. (17) M155 A14x PERSONAL MAONETTC8mlth- 118 N- isth, d fioo.i (18)-627 WE RENT, repair, sewing machines. 15th and Harney. sell needles for old Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. (18)-649 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft clothing; in fact, anything- you do not . need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th Bt, tor cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug 4136 and wagon lll call. (18) 7b6 A HOME for women during confinement; we una nomes ior oaoies wp.ere mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 403 Bancroft Bt Phone Douglas 1921. (18J M365 V bt ir 4 TO TONE down, refln beautify the face. use Satin akin powde tints. Only 26o. US) Farnam Bt. 2d floor. (181-M327 A LIEBEN, customer, 1410 Howard. Open eve. (l)-47 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Semt or free catalogue. Myer. Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (liy 648 RELIABLE clatern cleaning. Tel Webstel 1175. (18) Ms03 Men 31 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa stranger are Invited to vlalt the Young Women' Christian association rooms, IS It Farnam St., where they will be directed to auitabl boarding place or otherwise assisted. . (IS) 815 OMAHA Stammerer's . Institute, Ramgn Bldg. (1-U PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mr. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. TeL Web 3669. in)'oi MME. ZEREFA. Armenian massage. i2 do. lot Ii. f lat . 'Phon Douglas 6845. (18) 344 A-18X ANYONE knowing whereabout of Berthel reiersen, Daaer ty trade, used to tend bar for John Gram, both Danish, please address his wife, Mrs. B. Petersen, 201 Third St., Albany, N. Y. 08) M716 26x REAL ESTATE REAL, ESTATES DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. Y. IJf. Douglaa 178L (19) 652 GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam. TeL Douglas 754, UW G61 BENJAMIN R. E. Co.. S26 Nevlll Blk. U9)-M&6 A3 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRU8T CO.. 1711 FARNAM BT.. BEE BUILDING. (19)-M 638 FOR BALE Lot 17. block 32. Albrights addition to eoutn umana; (126. J. I. Case T. M. Co.. Racine, Wl. (19) M884 1 BARGAIN Sickness compels owner to sell two houses and lot, 62xlX, city water, paved street, within walking distance from post oftlce. Annual rental. (48. Will take, this week, (3,tM; U cash, balance monthly. O. C. OL8EN, 101 e. Uth Bt. 19-M881 27 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Jessen A Mo- DanleL Prompt and accurate servlca, 'Phone Doug. ZM. Board of Trade. (li-M It REAL ESTATE citt rnorRRTr for sale (Continued.) LOTS NEAR 421) AND GRANDE $100 TO $250 EACH $10 CASH, $5 A MONTH Why not make the start lo get a home of your own? All lota close to new car line now extended to 42d and Grande ave nun. In the following additions: Baker. Hastings A Hoyden s sun.. Lake View Monmouth Park, Central I'ark and Wav erly. We will show these lots any day. These are absolutely the best lota offered In Omaha for th money. Hastings & Hoyden, 1704 Farnam St (19)-T70 27 A NICE six-room, all modern home, one nn m nan oiocsa imm car line, at 4''12 lLfayette Ave., lot SOxlW) feet, for (2,600; part cash and balance Ilk rent. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO. 836 N. Y. IJfe Bldg., Omaha. Neh. 09)-73tf 26 A. P. Tukey & Son, A PAYING INVESTMENT W ffer four house on the outheast cornr of 26th and Burdette St, for (5,500. The house are rented at a total , rental of (55 per month and are never vacant. It requires about (3,000 cash, balance monthly, to handle thla prop erty. v Rents will pay the deferred payment. Th houses ar all partly modern and in fair con dition. A. P. TUKEY A SON, 445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 218L (19)-775 25 "BEST EVER" Choice, new. 7-room. alt Vmndern house full lot, very desirable location, convenient to car line and 11 minutes from post off ice; biggest bargain to be found for (3,250. Con arrange reasonable terms. Fine 6-room modern cottage, good as new, lot 60x120, well situated; an excellent value at (2,5U0; easy term. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO.,, ii itamge tiiag. itm ana narney nts. (19)-772 25 7-ROOM, NEARLY NEW MAPLE ST. HOME Owner Is anxious to sell house No. &ts Maple street this week and has cut the price to make a quick sale. House has re ception hall, parlor, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor and 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor, stairs to attic, ail nicely papered, ready to move Into: nicely sodded lot cement walk, paved street, close to Florence boulevard. House Is strictly modern in every way. Hastings & Heyden. Farnam . St. (19) 771 27 Near Creighton University 8 rooms, story and half, modern exeepi furnace, new double hardwood floors, If sold by April 1. C. R. GLOVER A SON, 601-2-8 N. Y. Life. (19) 769 26 TWO BARGAINS (2,200 Store bldg., 5 living ronrris. new, al modern, paving paid; Al location. (2,650 New cottage, 6 rooms, on beautifu Bpauldlng St., paving paid, lf 50x13 house modern the swellest heme li north part. 0. M. UNDERHILL & CO. Phone, Web. 1069. Web. , 3709. Office 3321 North 24th St. (19)-768 25 SPECIAL SALE OF Choice Lots In tho West Farnam District. These lots are all at grade. ABphalt paved street, lined with hand some shade trees, opposite side of street entirely built up with elegant homes.' Houses sell better and rent for more money in this neighborhood than In any other part of city. We offer these choice lots at prices that make them the biggest bargains In the upper Farnam district. If you want to secure one of the most desirable locations In th'.s city it will psy you to Investigate- these lots at once. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Board of Trade. ' (19) 762 25x I WANT n offer on th property, 1128 and 1130 S. 31st St; two modern houses and good barn; well ranted. Thla property la owned by an eastern party who inutf THOMA8 BRENNAN. Room L New York Llf Bldg. ' UW-MSil ONLY ONE LEFT Have one lot on Dewey avenue and Twenty-ninth atreet. Who wants Hi Cheapest lot in town; (S60. R II LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 2151. 442 Board of Trade. I19)-M7ft6 26 FLAT LOCATION (3 feet, east front, near northwest .earner 20th and Davenport one of the finest locations in the city for flats; less than 200 feet from high school and five blocks from postoffice. WM. E. ROMANO. TeL Douglas 1319. 229 Board of Trade. U9)-M423 2 1EAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST (t CHAii. F. WILLIAMSON. Pre. (19)-658 LIST your property with Chria Boyer, 22d and Cuming Bta. (19) 664 ARE YOU thinking of finding a mors suitable office for your real estat busi ness? Th tendency la for an Increaas of trafflo on West Farnam Bt. ; why not look at space we ar offering In th beat appointed office building In. thla district? Mr. Baker will ahow you. ' Aak for hint at Room 106. Be Bldg. (19) Mow FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Two cottage, 6 and 8 rooma, separato fenced lots on grade; gas, water, sewer, barns; Immediate possession; cash or pay- " t ments. i iArv OWNER, 8630 BURDETTE 8T. Tiw (19)-M27x A SNAP .,. 8-ROOM MODERN HOME Plastered Attic Two blocks from 24th St.; car, rtouin rront Lot 60x168. paved str. S670 Populeton Ave. Inquire at 2ou6 Poppleton Ave. U9)-M150 MAKE AN OFFER on th modern 9-room houa and lot 50x155, aat front, at 133 No. IHlh Aa. between Dodg and Caplto! Av.. Tea ground H worth loo or (70 a front-foot aud th houa wouia cost h,iw to iuua. cn b bougm ior less iua ad.ouu. REED BROS.J 1710 Farnam BL, Cl-M77l $5,000 j islva 10-r. hbu BUYS an expensive 10-r. hhus b)nks west or high school, with glass-lined bath room, and barn; very ay term. It I owned by an eaiMn) a mortgagee. F. D. WEAD, Uul Famatn Bt. ,i (19) 721 26 THE REED ABSTRACT GO., established 14, Prompt svk. Get our price. 1(10 Farnam. - . (IKj-viy I: ) if V 1' : 5 1