Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1908, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee
jnws m ilU i f r illi A mUmJ
Xaiser Intimates that American Dip
lomat is Persona Non Grata.
Rumor that it is Due to Supposed
Slight to Prince Henry.
Dr. Hill is Considered an Able and
Efficient Officer.
Last Fall When It Wn IH
Bead lltm to Ilerlla Kk
. Was Willing to Receive
WA8HINQTON, March 25.-The Germai
rovernment ha declined to receive Dr. Da
rid Jayne Hill In the capacity of American
smbasssdor to succeed Charlemagne Tower,
whoa resignation has been accepted to
take effect upon the qualification of hia
(uccersor. Dr. Hill ia at present American
mlnlatar to The Hague and waa formerly
first assistant secretary of atate under the
tdmlnlstratlon of Secretary Hay.
The objection to Dr. Hill ia one purely
tteraona) to Emperor William, who has
limply caused It to be made known that
Ihe American diplomatist Is persona non
grata to him. The reason for the emperor's
objection is connected with the visit to
America several years ago of his brother,
Prince Henry, the ranking admiral of the
German navy. Dr. Hill at that time was
first assistant secretary of state and nec
essarily was brought Into official contact
with the distinguished foreign visitor. , Just
what ha did or did not do to give offense
is not known here.
A perplexing feature of the case Is pre
sented by the fact that last November the
German government lot It He known that
Dr. Hill would ,be cordially received as
American 'ambassador to Berlin. At that
time Ambassador Tower, after the presi
dent had sought in vain to dissuade him
from such a course, reached the decision
that proper consideration for hia own pri
vate business Interests and the welfare of
his children, whose education he deemed
It necessary to perfect In America, obliged
him to insist upon the acceptance of his
As having possible bearing on today's
developments, the fact is recalled that Dr.
Hill, as a part of his literary output, was
a political author of great fo$ce. During
the MaKlnley. campaign ha wrote and spoke
frequently, and his brochures figured ex
tensively in the Roosevelt csmpalgn. He
was regarded as an expert on economic
subjects and wrote with particular vigor
and strength upon matters relating to the
protective tariff, which suggests that pos
sibly therein might be found the germ of
the objection now lodged against him.
Notice Comes Unofficially.
Notice pf the action of the German gov
ernment In Dr," Hill s case came to the
Btato department quite unofficially first
today and simply as an Intimation of what
was to follow, secretary Root was amazed
because his own Information was that not
only the German office, but Emperor Wil
liam himself had formally signified a will
ingness to receive Dr. Hill when his name
was suggested last fall. Secretary Root
Immediately communicated by telephone
With Baron Speck von Sternberg, the Ger
man ambassador, and upon the secretary's
Invitation the diplomat called at once at
the State department to confer with the
secretary. But It was said at the German
embassy that no knowledge of Dr. Hill's
rejection had reached, the emba&ay offi
cially. David Jayne Hill for many years has
been regarded as an authority on Inter
national law. As president of Rochester
university he made that subject a spe
cialty and he was the author of several
works thereon. He entered the service of
the State department October 26, 1836, as
y assistant secretary of state. His record In
the State department was that of an ex
tremely efficient officer and during the
frequent Illnesses and absence of Secretary
Hay he discharged the duties of the head
of the department In a manner that elicited
the warm admiration of the late President
McKlnley. President Roosevelt also con'
celved a high admiration for Dr. Hill's
ability, and It waa with some reluctance
that he yielded to the doctor's desire to go
abroad. While In Washington Dr. Hill and
his wife filled the' mast Important place in
the social life of the capital.
' Views la Berlla.
BKRLJN. March 26. The German govern
ment has Informed President Roosevelt
that pr. Psvld Jayne Hill, at present
American minister at The Hague, ia not
acveptuble to It as ambassador at Berlin.
Charlemugne Tower, the present ambassa
dor, declined today to either confirm or
deny this statement; he confined himself
to saying that question aa to the action of
the German government must be directed
to the State department at Washington.
From other sources K was learned that
the grounds upon which the government
declines to receive Dr. Hill are In general
that he is not representative enough for
the l.'nited States to send to Germany. The
German Foreign office made Inquiries at
The Hague and these brought the report
thut Dr. Hill has not created much of a
position fur himself at the Netherlands
ecu it It appears also that some German
offkiyis who have met Dr. Hill have made
representations at the court here adverse
to him. It does not appear that any of Dr,
plfiJI's opinions or writings are objectionable
r German feelings, but it would seem that
lia was considered as not suited for this
lt. )
Flltr-Klve . More Added to List
Already I adrr Operatloa la
I"OTTo,VII.l.J5. Pa.. March -Orders
were today Issued by the Philadelphia &
Reading Coal end Iron company for the
resumption of the fifty-five collieries and
washeries of tile company on April I, after
having been oh, half-time for the last two
months. This jvlll affect about ts.ou) men
ana do vs.
WALTHAM. Mass.. March S.-Notlces an
nounclng a wag) reduction of 10 per cent
to take effect onTAprll . were posted today
at the cotton mil s of the Boston Manufac
turing company, The company employs
1,800 hands.
8T. LoClS, M. -ch S.-It was announced
here today that the Commonwealth 8teel
cum;ny will reoyen its big plant at Granite
City. 111., nest Monday, after a month of
ldlnM. One tmmsauj men are affected.
Th a radar. March 26, 1008.
sex- mv.
8 9
15 16
22 23
29 SO
TlZ. tea IWlf
3 4 5
10 11 12
1Z 18 19
24 25 20
6 Z
13 14
20 21
2Z 28
VK'HTITY Fair and decidedly colder
Tlmr' ay.
FOrt. NEBRASKA Partly cloudy and
r ,)Iit Thursday.
FOR low A Increasing cloudiness and
warmer Thjrsday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
I Hour.
I It. m
... 35
... 36
.... 8
... 3S
.... !
.... 60
q a. m
.. 7 a. m
8 a. m
t a. in
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m W
1 r. m 75
3 p. m 71
a p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
p. m
T p. m
8 p. m
9 p. m
. 83
. 82
, 81
, 80
, 7
. 72
President Roosevelt sends a second spe
lal message to congress to emphaslie the
necessity of legislation amending me
a 1 1 an .IfllllnV.
anti-trust law ana encuu(
Page I
eis' liability law.
Congressman Pollard. In a speech on the
agricultural appropriation bill in me
house, praised the work or me
ment of Agriculture and of Secretary
Wilson. Page 1
F.ffort made to blow up new pennsj l-
vanla railroad bridge across the Rarltan
river with dynamite at Perth Amboy.
rare -
fnlted States Judge at Shanghai will
not be Impeached, according to report of
special committee. rf 1
Prince He:le de Saga has been aiscovereu
In New York by reporters. Page 1
A. B. Smith, former Omahan, has oeen
appointed general pansenge ragent of the
New York, New Haven & Hartford road.
Page 1
Knickerbocker Trust company will re-
oDen today, fees of 175,000 each being
given three receivers.
rage 1
opened In
. Pse X
New collerles have been
Stearnes Salt company of
Mich., pleads guilty to accepting rebates.
rage .
Independent tobacco growers bid defi
ance to night riaers in two Leniuey
Senators are planning to wind up dis
cussion of the Aldrlcli bill at an early
Democrats of Indiana hold first session
of the state convention, with a large
field of candidates fpr office. Page 1
Delegates gathering at Sprlngneia lor
the stat convention of republicans.- Can
non Is to receive the Indorsement. Page 1
Republicans of Tennessee engage in fist
fight at the slate cpnventlon. Pag I
North Dakota democrats hold stormy
session at Grand Forks. Page a
Republicans of the house are nrged by
the leaders to be in their seats as much
as possible to prevent filibustering tactics.
raffs a
Emperor Wllhelm reaches Venice In his
Journey to Corfu. Page X
Emperor William sends notice to the
State, department of Washington that
David Jayne Hill will be persona non
grata at Berlin. Page X
Business representatives of Omaha and
Fremont address the Railroad commis
sion In opposition to any radical change
In freight rates. Page 9
County commissioners will swing round
the circle of St. Joseph, Kansas City and
Chicago to learn new things about paving
materials. Page T
J. B. Preston, now able to leave the
hospital, says the Colorado authorities
will have to get requisition papers to
take him back. He says ha Is Innocent of
the robbery In glrBhton, but fears they
might hang him and try him afterwards.
Page 4
National Corn exposition, which Is to
be held next December In Omaha, la al
ready booming. Kansas state and city of
Minneapolis have already decided to have
big exhibits. Page
Manager Glllan of the Auditorium ad
dresses Real Estate exchange In defense
of the big building. Says It falls to pay
because of incomplete condition. Page S
Live stock markets. Page
Oraln markets. Page
Stocks and bonds. rage
Port. ArrlT! .lies.
NBV YORK Hun burg
New York Carmanla 700 miles east
of Sandy Hook at 4 p. m.; will dock at
10;S0 a. m. Thursday.
Reporters Sneered la Loeatlas;
Preat-aaiaa, bat Get Bcaat
Sallafactloa Afterwards.
NEW YORK, March 25. Prince Helie
de ting an. who has been stopping t a
I'hlladelphla hotel, where he registered aa
liertrand Dufrene In this city today, and,
when questioned, declared that he was
the prime. He was met at the railroad
station In Jersey City by several report
ers and asked whether or not he were
the prince.
"I am the Prince De Sagan," he said.
"Ia it true that you are married to
Mme. Gould?" aked one of the reporters.
"Have you asked. her?" he retorted.
When unked w hy 'he came to New York
so soon after the arrival of Mme. Gould
he made no reply. He said thst lie as
sumed the name of Dufrene to escape
public attention.
RevrBt-Five Thoaaaad Dollars Each
to Three Ilea la Charge of
NEW YORK. March 2S.-Justlce Clark,
in the supreme court in Brooklyn, today
allowed the three receivers for the Knicker
bocker Trust company rrt.Oiiu each for their
services. An allowance of I76.0u0 for the
attorneys employed by the rit-elvera, col
lectively, for l heir services, was also made.
The Knickerbocker Trust company Is to
reopeu tomorrow.
Indiana Democrats Lining Up for
Former Leaders.
fhalrmaa Loses Control of Homo
District Curia aad His Sapporters
Withdraw aad Name Coatest
lasr Delea-atloa.
INDIANAPOLIS. March 28. The delc
gatea to the state democratic convention
this afternoon selected by districts twenty
six delegates to the national convention at
Denver, and the committee on i rules se
lected four delegates at large. All of the
thirty national delegates wIlK vote for Wil
liam J. Bryan for president and a ma
jority of them will vote for the re-election
of National Chairman Thomas Taggart as
the Indiana .member of the national com
mittee. This will be done at Denver.
The state convention held a brief session
at noon and adjourned until tonight to al
low the delegates to meet this afternoon
by districts and select members of the
commltees which reported tonight, with
the exception of the resolutions committee,
which went Into session to draft a platform
to be reported tomorrow morning. After
the adoption of the platform tomorrow a
state ticket will be nominated:
Tassrart la Control.
A majority of the district meetings were
controlled by National Chairman Taggart.
He secured not only a majority of the
national dolegates, but also a majority of
the committee on rules, which selected the
dclegates-at-large, and the credentials com
mittee, which decided the contest over del
egates In Indianapolis and Marlon county.
The Seventh (Indianapolis) district meeting
this afternoon was warmly contested, and
the Taggart opposition withdrew and held a
"rump" convention, which selected two
national delegates. County Chairman Fo
garty, who led the opposition, stated that
he would carry the contest to the national
convention, probably.
At the primaries In this district last
night, Mr. Taggart won a decisive victory.
Credentials were today given by County
Chairman Fogarty to delegates represent
ing 64,i votes for the Taggart faction and
60H votes for the opposition delegates. The
meetings this afternoon Indicated that Mr.
Taggart will control the convention. It
is generally believed that his choice for the
gubernatorial nomination Is Samuel L.
Rajston of Lebanon.
Plans for Today's Work.
The session tomorrow will adopt a plat
form, name four delegates-at-large to the
national convention and nominate a state
ticket from the twenty-seven candidates,
of whom seven are aspirants for the gu
bernatorial nomination.' It Is expected Mr.
Bryan will be endorsed and the delegates
Instructed to vote for him. The candidates
for governor are Samuel M. Ralston of
Lebanon, Carroll K. McCullough of An
derson, Thomas R. Marshall of Columbia
City, L. Ert Slack of Franklin. Thomas M.
Kuhn of Richmond, C. Q. Conn of Elkhart
and William O'Keefe of Plymouth. For
lieutenant governor the candidates are
Frank E. Hertng of South Bend, William
P. O'Neill of Mlshawaka and Frank 3. Hall
of Rushvllle. James F. Cox of Columbus
la the only candidate for secretary of state.
Marion Bailey of Liiton has no opposition
for auditor of state as yet, and John Isen
barger of North Mancheater has no one In
the field against him for state treasurer.
The three candidates for attorney general
are Walter L. Lots of Muncie, Milton B.
Hettel of Salem and Richard M. Mllburn of
Jasper. Other offices to nominate are re
porter of the supreme court. Judges of the
supreme and appellate courts, state statis
tician and superintendent of publlo Instruc
tion. The convention haa brought to the city
the largest crowd of democrats that has
gathered here since 1893. The hotels are
filled. Leaders of the party express more
confidence of success than has been heard
from them In recent years.
Republican Convention Today Will
Declare for Adjustment of Tariff.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., March 25.-Tomor-
row noon the republicans of this state will
be called to order for what, from present
appearances, wll be one of the shortest
conventions ever held In the state. It Is
planned to begin the proceedings at noon
and adjourn two hours at the outside.
The entire work of the delegates will con
sist of the selection of four delegates snd
four alternates-at-large and the adoption
of a platform.
The delegates-at-large will be Senators
Shelby M. Cullom, Albert J. Hopkins, Gov
ernor Charles S. Deneen and Mayor A.
Fred Buase of Chicago.
The platform will endorse Speaker Can
non for the presidency, favor an "adjust
ment" of the tariff, endorse the adminis
tration of Governor Deneen, civil service
and primary election law and may pos
sibly contain an endorsement of the acts
of the last legislature, which would mean
approval of the S-cent-a-mlle railroad rate.
The word "adjustment" Is to be used In
place of "revision" In the tariff plank, for
the reason that Its advocates believe It
better expresses the actual desire of the
party at large. It la claimed that when the
word "revision" Is used people generally
understand It to mean a reduction from
the present schedules. The believers In
"adjustment" declare that there are some
tariff schedules which are too low and
might be raised to the pecuniary advantage
of the country without entailing hardship
In any direction. The other rates which
are too high might be lowered and the
balance of rates so arranged as to cause
no reduction of receipts and at the same
time do away with all objectionable fea
tures In the present tariff schedules. The
recommendation will be made that the
Treasury department Immediately prepare
a list or changes to be submitted to con
Harmoaloas Meetln Held, at Which
Democrats So Declare.
CHICAGO, March . In a harmonious
meeting of the, democratic atate central
committee held here today William J,
Bryan was endorsed for the presidency in
emphatic language. It was decided that
th state convention should be held la
Springfield April 21.
The friends bt Roger Sullivan, Illinois
member of the democratic national com
mittee, were In complete control of the
meeting. The only point on which there
appeared to be a division of hentiment was
over the manner of selecting delegates to
the state convention. In this, the Sullivan
men won their point.
The resolution endorsing Bryan was
lCnUnud on Second Page.)
Mrs. Alfred (1. Paris 1 and Leaves
Her lfosbandss Roof at
NEW YORK. March 26. It became known
here today thst Mrs. Alfred O. Vanderbllt
has removed her personal effects from
Oakland farm, Newport, her husband's
country home. Her home during the sum
mer. It Is understood, will be at the resi
dence of her brother, Amos Tuck French,
at Tuxedo. Mr. VBnderbllt, who recently
came to New York from London, la now
at the Hotel Plaxa. It Is said he will re
turn to London soon and occupy a house
he has rented for the season.
The announcement that Mr. and Mrs.
Vanderbllt will not make Newport their
home this summer has occasioned much
surprise in society circles.
Mrs. Vanderbllt was Miss Elsie French,
daughter of the late Francis Ormond
French, president of the Manhattan Trust
company and director In many railroads.
She married Mr. Vanderbllt in January,
19no. William, their only child, was born In
Alfred Vanderbllt Inherited upwards of
S0,C00,(iOl) from his father, the late Cornelius
Vanderbllt. Much of his time has been
spent abroad during the last year.
Railroad President (to Meet la Chi
cago to Pla - Geaeral
CHICAGO. March 2S.-rhe Record-Herald
says this morning thai a conference of
presidents of railroads centering In Chi
cago Is to bo held soon to consider plans
for attacking a number of state rate laws
which present faults similar to which
caused the supreme court of the United
States to declare the Minnesota state rate
The error which attached to the Minne
sota and North Carolina laws, als? is found
In a majority of the statutes passed by
various legislatures during the past two
years, it Is said.. It is claimed by the rail
road Interests that excessive penalties
within the meaning of the supreme court
derision are provided for in most of the
new acts, and that others fall because of
lndeflnlteness or other faults.
The statutes which will be attacked, ac
cording to the report. Include those of
Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Colorado, Kansas,
Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, South
Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Indiana. It
Is said to be the plan of the railroad pres
idents to make up test cases on these laws
and rush them to the court of last resort.
Historic Playhonae Not So Rerloasly
Damaged by Fire aa at First
S apposed.
LONDON. March 26. The fire -which early
this morning was reported to have prac
tically destroyed Drury Lane theater, one
of the most famous play
did not do so much damage aa was at first
supposed. The flames ere first dlsoov'
ered about 4 o'clock In t
lng from the windows
e morning burst
of the building.
For a time the theater wd
s threatened with
total destruction, but the firemen man
aged to get the flames ""er control and
the caretakers succeedeuju lowering the
fireproof curtain. In this way the audi
torlum was saved from being completely
gutted, but as it Is the stage scenery and
other properties are a mass of ruins, the
great glass dome having fallen In. The
auditorium is somewhat damaged by
There was no loss of life. The theater
had been closed since the pantomime sea
son ended. It would have been opened
April 18. The origin of the fire Is not
Government Imposes Penalty Worse
Than Death I'pon Prominent
Men Implicated.
PEKING, March 25. Seven men arrested
recently, charged with trafficking In gov
ernmental secrets, have been found guilty
and sentenced to long terms of Imprison
ment. This punishment is generally con
sldered to be worse than death. Na Tung
and Liang Tun Yen, members of the For
elgn board, were on the court that handed
down the sentences.
It would appear that the conspiracy
against the government Is fairly wide
spread and the revelations within the last
few days have considerably alarmed the
court and the administration. No less than
thirty Important prisoners are now bing
held tn custody, and it Is reported that the
chief of police of the Forbidden City Is
among this number. The Department of
the Interior and the secret' service pollcj
are co-operating to run down the plotters.
Certain men at present In the government
service are thought to be acting as spies
against the dynasty, as well as trafficking
In atate secrets, and other arrests are ex
German Raler and Party Given Wtl
' com by Klasr Victor
VENICE, March 26. Emperor William of
Germany, accompanied by the empress,
Prince August, one of his sons; Princess
Victoria, his daughter, and a numerous
suite, arrived here today from Berlin. The
Imperial party was given a very warm wel
come by King Victor Emmanuel, Foreign
Minister Tlttonl, the authorities of Venice
and Venetian people. Queen Helena was
not present, having been detained In Rome
by a slight indisposition of the young crown
prince. The weather was rainy.
Sir Henry Campbell Baanerman's
Coadltloa Gives Caaso for
Aaalety In England.
" l
LONDON. March 26. Premier Sir Henry
Campbell-Bannerman Is steadily growing
worse. The bulletin Issued this morning
The prime minister had a good night and
a good sleep, but he Is weak and his condi
tion gives cause for considerable anxiety.
Stearns Salt aad Limber Company of
Lvdlagtoa, Mlrh., Admits
tho Thame.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., March . The
Stearns Salt and Lumber fbmpany of Lud
Ington, Mich., Indicted last January on a
charge of violating the Interstate commerce
law by accepting rebates on lumber ship
ments, today entered a plea uf guilty on
twenty counts. Bentenre was deferred.
Justus B. Stearns, former republican sec
retary of state for Michigan, is president
of the cumpaoy.
Nebraska Congressman Tells Story of
Agricultural Department.
Field One of Largest Government
Has In Charge Good Accom
plished of Importance
to Vast N amber.
a snaaaaa
WASHINGTON, March 24--In a speech
of more than an hour during the
consideration of the agricultural appro
priation bill today. Congressman Pollard
gave a graphic picture of the development
of the activities of the Department of
Agriculture. These, he said, have brought
It into intimate touch, not only with agri
cultural activities In the United States, but
with the corresponding agricultural activi
ties of almost every country In the world.
Mr. Pollard paid a high tribute to the
work of Secretary Wilson, who Incidentally
has been-a cabinet officer longer than any
other man except two In the history of the
country. When he became secretary
eleven years ago, there were 2,043 employes
In the department; there are nearly five
times that number now; In the first year
of his administration the appropriation
was $2,600,000; the pending bill carries $11,
500,000, In addition to the permanent appro
priation of $3,000,000 for the enforcement
of the meat inspection act. The depart
ment Is toduy the model on which half the
agricultural nations of the world are en
deavoring to organize corresponding activi
ties. Live Stock ladastry.
Through the Bureau of Animal Industry
the department has established quarantine
boundaries to prevent the spread of animal
diseases, and to prevent the Importation of
diseased animals from abroad; It has corn
batted and prevented the spread of Texas
fever; has almost totally eradicated black
leg; It has stamped out the foot and mouth
disease In New England, and pleuro-pneu-monia
has also been eradicated; scabies tn
cattle and sheep, it Is promised will be ex
terminated in two years more; the scien
tists are sure to triumph over hog cholera
which some years causes a loss to the
American swine raiser of enough to sup
port the entire department three or four
times over.
The department supervises the methods
of marketing live stock, and Inspection at
the marketing points, and has complete
control of the great scheme of meat In
spection which serves to protect the con
sumer and the producer and the great
foreign trade.
New varieties of wheat adapted to va
rious soils and climatic conditions have
been produced. The Durum wheat from
the semi-arid regions of northern Africa
was given to the farmers of the trans-Missouri
plains, and has added to the wheat
area a vast region of semi-arid country,
and an annual production already of 46,
000,000 bushels. Since Its Introduction In
1901 the value of the Durum wheat produced
has exceeded the total cost of the Depart
ment of Agriculture since Its establishment,
tee of Alfalfa.
Alfalfa, which has made millions of acres
of the desert blossom was brought first
from? Russia, and more recently a strain of
a more hardy variety adapted to the
plains of the northwest has been brought
from Siberia, and Is working wonders.
Mr. Pollard summarised the activities by
which the department has scoured the
world for plants adapted to American soils,
has microscopically Inspected every section
of this country, seeking soils adapted to all
kinds of strange plants which might add to
agricultural possibilities. He predicted for
the department a career of great useful
ness and widened activities in the future
which will bring It still closer to the people
and make It yet more helpful as an agent
In augmenting the nation's wealth.
Further commehdation of the work of the
Agricultural department came from Mr.
Smith (Mo.), who strongly, advocated the
encouragement of agricultural education
through experiment stations.
Humphreys Criticises Bill.
Mr. Humphreys (Miss.) criticised the bill
for Its failure to make proper provision for
the bureau of soils. There were only three
sources, he said, from which the national
wealth waa drawn. Those were the soli.
forest and the mines. It was a shame, he
charged, "and a sin against our children to
hear men In this new world talk of worn
out soil." The country was burning the
candle at both ends, and he said that con
gress should legislate to better the condi
tion of those who dig the nation's great
ness from the soil.
A plea for homesteads for farmers of
$20 acres. Instead of 1U0 acres, was made
by Mr. French (Ida).
The remainder of the session was devoted
to brief speeches by Messrs. Griggs (Ga.)
who gave notice of an amendment increas
ing by $100,000 the appropriation for the
investigation of soils; by Mr. Bell (Ga.),
who favored governmental aid to public
roads; by Mr. Ellerbe (S. C), who also
favored Increased appropratlons for soil In
vestigation. '
General deba'e having become exhausted,
the bill was laid aside until tomorrow,
when it will be read for amendment, and
at 6:15 p. m. the house adjourned.
I.ara-e Independent Growers la Jeaa
mine aad Madison Coaatles Will
Grow the Leaf.
LEXINGTON, Ky.. March 26. Reports
from Jessamine and Madlaon counties, two
of the biggest tobacco producing counties
In the white burley belt, are to the effect
that the independent farmers are defying
the night riders and will raise a larger
crop than ever this year.
HOPK1NSVILLE, Ky.. March 25. Dr.
Wallls W. Durham, a physician of Chris
tian, charged with being a night rider, sur
rendered today and was released on bonds.
Rob Wood, a planter, charged with sending
night rider letters, was found guilty today
and sentenced to three months In prison
and to pay a fine of $100.
OWENTON. Ky.. March 85. Night riders
here early today set ftre to three large to
bacco warehouses, causing a lois of $0,0n0.
Caatoau Officers Make Raid I'ses
Dressmakers' Shops la New
York City.
NEW YORK. March 26.-Imported cos
tumes valued at between $1'),0U0 and $12,i0
were seised by customs Inspectors today
In the establishment of ten fashionable
dressmakers snd costumers. The action fal
lowed a decision of the United States gen
eral appraisers yesterday, advancing the
rates on the costumes In question. Com
plications were, added to the case when It
was found that one of the garments had
been sold to the wife of a well-known New
York lawyer. The purchaser was forced to
give up the garments.
N ember of Boltdlnsrs Destroyed aad
Aid Ashed of Snrroaad
l Towa.
AVOCA, la., March 26. (Special Tele
gram.) A disastrous fire Is In progress
here. There Is a high wind blowing and the
entire business section of the town Is
threatened. Aid has been asked of the tire
departments of surrounding towns.
Inlted States Jndge at Shaaahal Will
Not Be Impeached Conduct
WASHINGTON, March 2S.-Impeachment
proceedings will not be Instituted In the
United States senate against Lebbeus R.
Wilfley, Judge of the United States court
for China, as a result of tho charges of
misbehavior tn office brought against htm
by Lorln Andrews and other American
lawyers resident in Shanghai. The report
of the special committee, consisting of
Representatives Moon of Pennsylvania,
Weil of North Carolina and Diekema of
Michigan, appointed by Speaker, Car! non to
determine whether the charges were based
upon facta sufficient to warrant Impeach
ment of Judgo Wilfley, waa today sub
mitted to the house committee on the Judi
This report is In the nature of a verdlot.
holding Judge Wilfley guiltless of the bad
motives necessary to a legal cause for Im
peachment, but finding him guilty though
more by forceful Inference than by direct
accusation of high-handedness and harsh
ness and some serious mistakes In the
conduct of his court.
Tho Investigation by the special commit
tee followed the Introduction in the house
by Mr. Waldo of New York of a memorial
comprising twenty-nine distinct oharges
made by Mr. Andrews and his colleagues.
Governor Sheldon Proves Saccesafal
In Ills Mission to Wash.
WASHINGTON. March 26. Because of the
practical disappearance of scab disease
among cattle In the eastern portion of Ne
braska, the federal government's quarantine
against cattle Infected with the disease In
that part of the state will be modified.
This decision was reached at a conference
here today between Governor George L.
Sheldon of Nebraska and Secretary Wilson
and Dr. Alonzo D. Melvln, chief of the
bureau of animal Industry of the Depart
ment of Agriculture. The government has
for several years, owing to the prevalence
of scab among the cattle of Nebraska, main
tained a strict quarantine over the state.
Oovernor Sheldon urged the withdrawal of
federal quarantine owing, he said, to th
fact that there are only a few Isolated cases
of the disease In the eastern part of the
state. The atate, however, will continue
as heretofore its Inspection of cattlo In thst
part of the state.
Senator . llnrkett Iatrodnccs Delegta
.' tlon W'fco Are Pashlasr Pablle
Land Project.
WASHINGTON. March 25. A delegation
of cattlemen. Introduced to President Roose
velt by Senator Burkett of Nebraska, left
the White House saying that they had ob
tained the president's endorsement whereby
the government, should irglslatlon be en
acted authorizing the proposition, will au
thorize for draining purposes large tracts
of the government domain and allow the
same to be fenced. Senator Burkett has
prepared the bill embodying this plan and
has hopes of securing favorable action on
it. The leases are to be granted by tho
secretary of the Interior and are to be so
drawn that bona fide settlers may take up
the leased lands at any time, the same as
any other portion of the public domain.
Pennsylvania Structure Across Ilarl
tan River Suffers from
Dynamite Shock.
PERTH AMBOY, N. J.. March 26.-An
attempt to wreck the new Pennsylvania
railroad bridge over the Rarltan river be
tween this city and South Amboy was made
early today, when a charge of dynamite
was exploded at the base of one of the
bridge abuttments. . The structure was
damaged to the extent of about $2,000, but
the bridge did not fall, although It was
left In a condition regarded as unsafe' for
the passage of trains. The bridge w
only recently completed and trains were
run across it yesterday for the first time.
The force of the explosion was sufficient
to awaken the residents several miles dis
tant. The police suspect that the attempt
at destruction Is the outcome of some 111
feeling over the employment of men to
build the bridge.
Coal Men Declare Mines Mast Shot
Down Darin v Period of
DES MOINES. Ia., March IS. Efforts of
the miners to prevent a suspension of work
at the coal mines of Iowa April 1 were pre
sented yesterdsy in the form of a resolu
tion to the joint conference of miners and
operatora and were turned down point
blank by the operators.
Tho miners, in their resolution, signified
their willingness to continue work at the
mines after April 1, pending negotiations of
a wage scale, on condition that the scale
and terms finally agreed upon by both
parties apply from April 1. The operators
emphatically declined the reaolution. Insist
lng that a complete shutdown of the mines
Is necessary during the period of negotia
tions. .
Former Omaha Man Geaeral I'as-
acBger Asrat Sew York, New
Haven Jt Hartford.
BOSTON, Mass., March S.A. B. Smit
wss today mode general passenger agent
of the New York, New Haven & Hartford
railroad. He formerly served on the Bui
ling-ton and the Northern Pacific railroad
Actors ob Show Boat Escape.
PARKKRSRI.'RG. W. Vs.. March 25-
The steamer Columbia, towing a Marietta
(U ) snow boat, aas sunk at luck 1 in th-
Ohio river, above this city, today. The
boat ran Into th" lock wall and sunk in
two minutes. The crew was save I, a
were also ine actors on ins snow bout. A
misunderstanding uf tlgnaU Is suld tu lave
caused tne ucilUtni.
Sir. Bryan Meachea lllt-hmoad.
RICHMOND. Va.. March '-5. William J
Bryan arrived here today and Is the guest
of Governor Swsnsnn. He will address a
mass meeting tonight.
President Roosevelt Sends Another
Special Message to Congress.
Injunctions Ag-ainst Unions Without
Notice Should Be Prohibited.
Railroads Should Be Permitted to
Make Them Under Regulations.
la Its Present Shape It Permits
Deatroctloa of Organisations
Necessary to Traasactloa
of Baalacss.
WASHINGTON. March 3. - A special
message from the president was resd In
both houses of congress soon after con
vening today and in both It was closely
followed. In the house the declaration
that the time had come for a revision of
the tariff elicited handclapplng on the
part of the democratic members. Demo
cratic approval also was given by wsy of
pounding desks to the suggestion that
congress could with advantage forthwith
remove the tariff on wood pulp, with a
corresponding reduction on paper made
from wood pulp.
The republicans waited and confined
the applause to the message as a whole.
In the senate the message was received
without comment uf any kind.
Still Time to Act.
The president said:
"I call your attention to certain measures
as to which I think there should be action
by the congress before the close of the
present season. There Is smple time for
their consideration. As regards most If
not all the matters, bills have been Intro
duced Into one or the other of the two
houses, and Is it not too much to hope that
action will be taken one way or the other
on these bills at the present session. In
my message at the opening oftth present
session, and, indeed, in various' .t usages to
previous congresses. I hava reportedly
suggested action on most of these measure..
'Child labor should be prohibited through
out the nation. At least a model child
labor bill should be passed for the District
of Columbia. It Is unfortunate thut In
the one place solely dependent upon con
gress for Its legislation there should be nj
law whatever to protect children by for
bidding or regulating their labor.
"I renew my recommendation for the Im
mediate reenactment of an employers' lia
bility law, drawn to conform to the recent
decision of the supreme court. Within ill
limits Indicated by the oourt, the law should
be made thorough and comprehensive, and
the protection It affords should- embracs
every class of employee to which tae power
of the congress can extend.
"In addition to a liability law protecting
the employes of common carriers, the
government should show Its good faith by
enacting a further law giving compensa
tion to Its own employes for Injury or
death Incurred In Its service. It Is a re
proach to us as a nation that In both
federal, and state legislation we havt af
forded less protection to public and private
employes thnn any Industrial coun
try of the world.
Labor Injunctions.
"I also urge that action be taken along
the line of the recommendations I have
already made concerning Injunctions lit
labor disputes. No temporary restraining
order should be issued by any court without
notice; and the petition for a permanent
injunction upon which such temporary res
training order has been issued should be
heard by the court' Issuing the same within
a reasonable time say, not to exceed a
week or thereabouts from the date when tho
order was Issued. It Is worth considering
whether It would not give greater popular
confidence In the Impartiality of sentences
for contempt If It was required that the
Issue should be decided by another judge
than the one Issuing the Injunction, except
where the contempt is committed In tho
presence of the court, or in other case of
"I again call attention to the urgent need
of amending the Interstate commerce law,
and especially the anti-trust law along the
lines indicated in my last message. The
interstate commerce law should be amended
so as, to give railroads the right to make
traffic agreements, subjects to these agree
ments being approved by the Interstate
Commerce commission and published in all
of their details. The commission should also
be given the power to make public and to
pass upon the itsuance of all securities Here
after Issued by railroads doing an inter
state commerce business.
"A law should be passed providing In
effect that when a federal court determines
to place a common carrier or other publ.c
utility concern under the control of a re
ceivership the attorney general should
have the right to nominate at leeat one of
the receivers, or else In some other way
the Interests of the stockholders should be
consulted, so that the management may
not be wholly redelivered to the man or
men the failure of whose policy may have
necessitated the creation of the receiver
ship. Receiverships should be used, not to
operate roads, but as speedily as pjssibli
to pay their debts and return them 0 the
proper owners.
Anti-Trust Amendment.
"In addition to the reasons I have al
ready urged on your attention It has now
become Important that there should be an
amendment of the anti-trust law, because
of the uncertainty as to how tills law sf- .
fects combinations among labor men and
farmers. If the combination has any ten
dency to restrict Interstate commerce. A'l
of these combinations, if snd while existing
for and engaged Ir. the promotion uf Inn?-
cent and proper purposes, should bs recog
nised as legal. As 1 have repeatedly
poh.ted out. this antl-trjst law was a nvist
unwlse'y drawn statute. It was perhaps
inevitable that In feeling after the r g it
remedy tho first attempts to provido sue!
should be f-rude. ai.d it was absolutely Im
perative that some legislation should bt
paS"d to control, in the Interest of the
public, thu business ue of tho enorm-ui
iggregatlons of corporate wealth that ur
so marked a feature .if the modern Indus
trial worlJ. Hut the present n:-trust law,
in Its coiit.iructl.JU ami Wuiking, has ex
emplified oii'y too well the kln-1 of legis a
tlon which, under the ni i of be nj thor
oughgoing, is drawn up In such sws-plu
form as to become either Ineffective oi
else Mischievous.
I "In the modern Industrial world comblni
ttons are absolutely ncsarjr; t-Uey are