10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1908. Want - ads Advertisement for tb want d Milan will tie taken axil 12 a, for the ftnln rilldou nnil anlll l p. In. for th muralac; and KiailiT edition. Cash tat irromimn; all order for mil ada and mm advertisement trill aa accepted for Iraa Ihm IO rrnla for flrat Insertion. No advertisement vrlll ee charged amoantlnc leaa Itn 20 crate. Rate apply to cither The Dally or enday Be. Always eonot aim word a to a llae. Combinations of laitlala or aambera reaat aa one word. CASH RATES FOR WAWT AD". REfll'LAR CI.SIFICATIO. On Inaertion, per line. IO rrnla. Two or mora eoaaeeativo Inaertlona, per line, reata, Keen Inaertion made on odd dara, 10 eenta per line. ftl.SU per Una per month eae- p'laa; that Fl'HNHIIKII ROOM A US, whea fcoupnnlrd ly cash. th rata will bat tin Inaertion, 4 reata per llnej three to six coaaecatlre In aertluaa, 8 eenta per Una earh lner tloni aeea or more eonaeeatlve Inaer tlona, St eenta per line each Inaertion I 60 eenta per line per ncalh. Waal ada for Th ! mny ha 111 t aay of the MIomIbk drt atorea on I "yonr corner drUt" thef ar all branch omee for Th Be and year ad will b laaertad Jaat us promptly and oa the same ratea aa at lha mala office la Th Be Balldlaa, Seventeenth aad Farnana Street. Albach, W. C. toth and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A., IWi H. lflth Bt. Hecht Pharmacy, 7ii0 8. loth 8i. Benson Pha; itiuy, Beoaon, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, Wd and Cuming. Bla"o'a ptiarmrcy, a16 Sherman Are. CauBhlln. C. R.. th and Pierce 8t. Clifton ill P'.iaruiacy, 22)3 Military Ava Conte. J. It.. Ilat Av anil Farnam. Crlssvy Pharmacy, itth and Lake Eta., Cermak. Ernll. 1204-6 B. Uth St. Kaatuian Pharmacy. 2802 Leavonworth. Foster tc Arnold. 211 N. 26th St. Freytnu. Jr.hn J.. 1914 N. 24th Ht. Vlnriii-a Tirnir Cn.. Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lak Sta. and Oreen a rhk-n acy. corner rar aw Pacific Ureenoiigh. O. A., 102T. 8. lth Bt Greent.igh, G. A., 14 8. 10th Jit. Hayden, Wm. C, 20 rarnam, Hanscoin Park Pharmacy, UxU B. 29th Ave. rlolst. John. t?4 N. 10th 8t. luff. A. WH Leavenworth Bt. Kin. H. b.. iTXS Furnam St. Kountxe Place Phurmacy, N. 24th. Patrick Drug C.. N. 2itn St. Lathrop, Charles K, 13L!4 N. 24th St. Peyton. I.. K.. 24tii onJ Leavenworth. 6 irate ua Drujr Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Fchaeters Cut Price Drug Co., ltitli and Chicago Bin. 6rhafr, August. J031 N. 18th Bt. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 10th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, oth nnd Grace. Worth. O. H.. 40th onH Hamilton Sta. DEATHS AND FX'NEItAI. NOTICES GRIFFITH Morris J., aged 23 years, at ii hnme. "MA Franklin street. Funeral from residence at 2 Wednesday. Interment in Forest p. m. Lawn cemetery CARD OF THANKS. To our friends and neighbors, those whose thoughtfulness and kind offices during the dark hours of sickness and trouble have made bereavement easier to bear, we now take this means to express the thanks and appreciation which cannot well be put ,nt "MR.' AND MR8.J. H. PROCTOR. I desire to thank all friends heartily for the sympathy shown and the assistance rendered during the Illness and at the death of my dear wife, Gretchen Rohwer Blevers. CLAUB B1EVERS. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Blrtha Vojsech Vofel, 2237 South Four teenth street, boy and girl; Otto Ebert, 1720 South Eighth street, boy; Herman H. Bnyder, Fifty-eighth and Leavenworth atreeta, girl; William Moravec, 1413 Wil liam street, boy; C. Walter Bllxt, 40s North Twenty-sixth street, girl; Roy Edwards, 02 South Eighteenth street, boy; John Gosney, 013 North Twentieth street, girl; Patrick Carroll, 95 NortJ Twenty-elxth street, boy; Reigh Poole, SfiJrt Davenport atreot, girl; Herman Komrofsky, 2424 Oak street, boy; Guat Oatrom, Twelfth and Fowler strtete, irl. Deaths J. P. Murphy. 114 North Fif teenth street. 50; Harry W. Martin. 2420 Brown street, V: Junius Klnvolin, 4W Un r..ln avenue. 1: Patrick Hurke. 1321 Doug' 1ms street, 42: Kilty Peterson, Douglas County hospital, 30; Helen Bergquest, ViM North Twenty-fifth avenue, 42; Edward Barker, "Fortieth street and Poppleton ave nue, 22; Guy Kenneth IMtchard, 106 Miami lret, L MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following marriage licenses hav been (ranted: Name and Residence. Ag. Wllllttm H. Luppold, South Omaha M J ennl Howard. Omaha 21 William L. Patten 24 Georgia L. Crab tie ; 20 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIGN PAINTING B. H. COLE, 1302 Doug las. JUNEEDA Mltaourl water filter. 1301 Far- naiu el. w--fliwi a-.ia 9"HE CITY GARBAGE CO.. offlc 4th and LuaveuworUi bta. Douglaa Ui. l-66e tvRAVELliUS' goods of quality. Trunks and Suit Canes repaired. FUELING & STElNLEv "Where trunka ar made," ' 1803 Faniam St. Tel. lobglas 4966. 1 704 A-2J AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of tecond-hand automo bUa. DK1UUUT. l&ut r amain. uwi AHA auto top; best material; lowest urkws. PteUtor a. ' Red bi2. 2u6 Leav Bt. U) M500 A-23 BARTER AND EXCHANGE i'RADKd. TlLADKa II you hav sume tMna (or sai or trau writ us; wa luawh vryihtng. WAIf INVESTMENT CO.. ' mi lie ItfiUtf. - C3) MS6J At JRADliol TRADES ! bend description of wui jrou u, w jrvw w u biaU 11 u- BTRINGER INVESTMENT CO., 43o Bm Bldg., Omaha, NsU. U-M29t A4 i'lNB South Dakota land to exchange for Koud. uu-lo-date stock of Implements. r'uie cattle rauch for sale cheap. Cheap land to exchange for five-passenger second-hand auluiuobile. A. E. Kull, Bon- auat, S. D. tJ) M714 3ux TO EXCHANGE. M0 acres of a fin land aa there la any place, all level, good soil. miles from good town, located In Brewster county. Texas; on of the finest crop and fruit counties In th state, also th finest climate In the world; all clear of Incumbrance; price, (12 pr acre; will' trade for merchandise, llv Block, town or city property; thla must go, and the beat error will gel it; submit you oilers. WAIT INVESTMENT CO. 401 Be Bldg. . Omaha, Neb. (Si MTfl St BUSINESS'CHANCES YOU want a tellabl business; Urge In' conte. small lnvcs'ment. no competition ae HUdreth. Us IS Bid. 4J-ro iTOK BALE Pool hall and restaurant I - new town and fin location; will soil build Iiikw and lot or fixtures and reut build lax. Bailing- oa aooouat af sickness. Ad uiea Y mM, oai at ; iU AUU Kx BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) TO OFT In or n::t of jtielne rail ot GANGKSTAD. room 40J Be Bldg. t)-3S FOR SALE General merchandise business, well liicntnl, central Ncratk town, do ing; nice business. Would consider In ex change part land, balance rssh, or liberal discount all cash. Gooil reasons for fil ing. Address V 2R7, care Be". (41-MM7 23 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS r.OI'GHT AND SOLD. ROBT. C. DRUEPEDOW A CO., SIOCK BROKER?. Tel Douglas 3T.R5. S9-;0 N. Y. Llf Bldg. OMAHA, NKB. r4)-M2C3 A DRT'O STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. 1. Life. Omsha 669 ROOMING HOUSrH for fnle. all !rs; fur. rich part imrchoM n'onry If A'linteJ. CANGESTAD. Room 403 Be BMg. (4)-en N'SrHANTR men looking for larpe office. with xood Unlit and fire proot vault, will find a nice arrsr.ui ment in one of severnl offices which we would he pleased t'i show. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt.. Room 103. Bee El.lg. (15i-M(,l MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. est msrket In Genevs. Neb., for tale for thlrly days. New building, best location. Sales l"u pfr day. Only one other shnp In the city. Populstlon 2.4fO. Write Ather ton & Evans. Geneva. Neb. (4) M783 MINNKSOTA and Wlaconaln ice for sal in car lota. A O. Gilbert, Council Fluffs, Iowa. auto M looking- for location In country, with building activity; would like to hear of responsible parties: am practical and competent in all lines. Address M Sol, cor Bee. (4) M3S9 3x POOL HALL for sal- at Blair, Neb.; five tables and all fixtures complete; good business; license and rent paid to May 1. Will sell at bargain. Mrs. K. R. Little. (4) Mo73 a SALOON Transfer corner; well estab lished; good trade; owner leaving city. 2124 K. 18th, Kansaa City, Mo. - ( M713 SOX SNAP Canning factory and general mercantile store. Will sell or trade. Ixiss of arm and Jll health reason for fell ing. C. B. AHthony, Richland, Mo. (4) Mill X EXCELLENT I.OCATION for a dentist who desires to give his children free nor mal school education. Address Y 2f, care Bee. (4) M72-I SOx DINING room furniture and good business for sale at a bargain; good reanon lor selling. See Gangestadt, 403 Bee Blrig. (4 73D U WANTED Location for live cigar stand. H. A. Williams, Sibley, la. (4) M702 IX FOR SALE Five good paying elevators in Nebraska, on Burlington; going out ot grain business. Address or call room No. Tat Fraternity building, Lincoln, Nob. (4i M 745 FOR SALE Only hotel in town of 300. M. Fahcy, Waterbury, Neb. (4) Mss zsx BUSINESS DIRECTORY .Architects. V U STAUB. C04H 8. 18th. Tel. D. 4121. (6)-M987 Mch3lx Batha. HAMMOND BATHS. 107 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas Wll. weanesaays, laciies any. (5) M573 Bookbinding;. E. A. TRYON, Dookblnder, lios Douglas. Phona Douglas 210. lui me, 1 11 coma. (6) M714 AJO Carpentering. FINE hardwood floora and parquetry; low price, lotn at uvuu'uon bi. rTwin oevica. (6)-M30 Al Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. i. U06 Farnam St. Doti. 64S7. Creamerlea. David Col Creamery Company. (6 M57 DeatUta. BAILEY ft MACH, 3d fir., Pxxton. D. 10S5. to 07 DraauiaailB(. IN FAMILIES Mist Sturdy. Tat Harney IKS. uu i M'DOWELLDresamaklnS School, 16S3 Far nam St- W-w" MME. WOODRUFF, robe and gowns, 306- 14 Mevllle tux. iei. ueii, uu. ouv; ina., A-'. to M46s AprlU Florist. SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam BL (6-i8 HESS & L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. JO. J. H. BATH, 1623 Hnrney. Tat Doug. Jyo. i6-a Financial. Money TO LOAN LOW RATE in sums to jll. siu Be Bids. Phone Douglas 2JSM. UNION LuAN COMPANY. (E) t07 Jwler aad Watchmaker. t. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing. raxion uioca. xeu vu, (5-tS4 Hotel. THE SCHLITZ. European, Utb and Harney, t Locksmiths. KEYS, etc.. Heflln. UN Varnam. Tel. D. 74. IB OB Maala aad Lssruft, PIANO lessons. Mr a. Rltchl. Tet Web. 1291. l W ' at vlnaT aad tori a. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 314 N, 16th bt.; warehouse, zaii-u uara du 4b)-6s7 Oateoaathy. JOHNSON INS.. 411 N. T. L. Tet D. 1664. (6)-a Olne Sapallca. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loos leaf devlcea and offlc fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., sua S. 1M bU Tl. Joug. 6M2. ind. A-1M2. t)-MM All PrlnUac EVEK STOPTO THINK of th time lost poking u th average printer when you want a Job in a hurry t ever try ust ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers. tot-m & ith su Tslephone Bell. Douglas Vti; Ind., A ISO. W-Hi M am. Li BEFORE placing your 190 calendar order don't fall to see our imported line. Lyng siad A Jorve, printers. 11 h At Capitol Ave. 10) euu Pablle teaoarraphera. PUBLIC stenographer, 220 Board of Trad Biug. (6) Midi llx afea. Shot tar, Bt. , OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors sad safes. G. AuOma, Prujx. lut 8. loth fet. (5-K3 Iks Reaalrlaaj r RAPID IHOB REPAIR CO. -First class work, ltliis Capitol Av. 'Phone Red 4. ' i-Vl SHOES repaired right, called for and d llvervd tree. B'.aodard Ubo atpar Co Uut karuaa Bk XL D. iiM. U-ii To speak So many people you must have voice. Use "BEE BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Photography. C. B. TRUPFELL. HS S. mh Pt. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory ana Trades. WANTED Dressmaker a Charles St. helper. 262J (7)-207 , Iloasekcepcr aad Domestic. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD.. 1902 Farnam St. Housemaid, 16. Child s nurse, tu. Cook- 7- . . . Girls for general housework. IS to Id. (7 M5G4-25 GIRL wanted for general housework. 1S11 Capitol Ave. (7) M4b428 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, small family, email flat. Tele phone: Independent A132S; Rell, Harney 1892, or call at 3T"4 Harney St. mini Mlce WANTED Amateur actress fcr vaudeville sketch; one with a specialty prererrea. Address W -88. care Bee. (7) 735 24x HELP WANTED MALE Areata, Solicitor aad Saleanaem. AGENTS wanted in every city and town to sell the acme adJustlDie winaow snaae holder. Omaha Shade Holder Co., 214 Bo. 12th St., Omaha. ()-21 MEN to canvass country trade; good propo sition; salary or commission, eu nee Bldg. ()-M712 n . 325 PER WEEK and traveling expenses paid oy rename nouse 10 Baiemumi visit dealers: experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. (9) M743 25x WANTED Salesman to place locally our 60 cigars, with excellent premium neai. Address A 189. care Bee. (9) M7M 26x WANTED Salesmen to place our line of cigar and gum with excellent premium deals. Address, Crown Cigar Co., Mil waukee. Wis. () M769 26x Boy. BOT, 17 or 18 years old, to learn pressing clothes; bring references. 2W7 iaven worth St. (9I-M748 27 Clerical and Offlc. ' SALESMEN, lumber, $75. City salesman, real eeiaie, iuu or oexier. Bookkeeper, r'aahier and bookkeeper. 178. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N, INC., 722-21 N. I. Llf Bldg. t9) 737 24 POBITION8 for drug men everywhere. F, V. Knlest, 707 N. X. iiie, umana. () 6SJ BOOKKEEPERS WANTED This Is an ago of business, and mere is accoroingiy a great call for bookkeepers thoroughly trained In modern methods; w teach the most approved and up-to-date sya terns at a low cost, by mall. Writ to day for "Commercial Circular." I. C. 8., box 1A4&-B, Bcranton, Pa. 19) M746 25x WANTED A drug clerk, to be manager of a atore, about 30 yeara; no noose r neeo, apply. Good salary to the right man. .Ad dress Otto Pohl, Fremont, Neb. (9) M718 30 Factory aad Trade. WANTED Registered pharmacist; married man preferred, unquire at s n. mm u, South Omaha, Neb. (9) M681 WANTED A practical printer with amall cspltal to take car 01 'a gooa juu ana newspaper office in good town In Iowa, publishing two papers. Writ for par ticulars. Address L VOu, car Bee. () S3J WANTED Men to learn barber trade, will 0.ulp shop for you or furnish positions, few weeks completes, constant practice, careful instructions, tools given, Saturday wages, diplomas granted, catalogue free. Moler Barber college, 110 B. 14th Bt. (9) M4U8 26x WANTED First clasa tinner and plumber; good wagee; steady employment; boomers not acceptable. Ammon Hdw. Co., David City, Neb. (a) Mojo a PRESBER wanted for men' clothe; good waae. steady worm zsvi vtnworin Bt ( 700 25 WANTED Flrat class wagon wood worker; good wage. ANDREW MURPHY 4 SON, 1412 Jackson St (9 M719 2 atlacalluMaa. APRIL 6 SPRING TERM' BO YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT Bookkkeeping. ahorthand and typewrit ing, telegraphy, Anglian. Catalogue free. Address. H. B. Boyles Pres., Omaha, Neb. Official training school for Union Paclflo R. It. training department. (, M KU WANT Railway mall clerks; salary $800 to $1,400; examination soon; extensive education unnecessary; preparation free until appointed; write lor plan, f ranc., tin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. (9)-M744 2DX BECOME a fireman or brakeman; rapidly growing field, big wages, excellent chance for advancement, no experience neces sary. Write or call at one. National Railway Training Asa'n, & Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. l iou a.10 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Man s association; helps work men find positions, bOt n. X. 1 Jttiag. (9) on HELP WANTED HA LB AND f KM ALB. WANTED-Messenger, male or female, for tailor shop; good relerences reuuirea. . n. u. . 1 A 1 "1 w a. Apply uui B ftinaiu ov. w iv, WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent . Dodd. Mead t Co., to sell the new In ternational Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious xperlenc unnecessary. 71s N. Y L-, Om aha, Neb. (10) M4ig A30 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicle. HAY $G0 a ton. A. -W. Wagner, 801 No. 16th 8L WE HAVE BUYERS very day for horae. If you hav any you want to aupou or. W buy and sell oa commission. The Harney Street Utablea. (ID u0 TWO rubber tired hacks; good condition; cheap. W. O. Forbes, H2fi P St., Lincoln. mu. tis Ann HAVING sold my Douglas St. at able am now located at Mth and Clark Bta Fred Myers. TsL Wbstr lout. ai-t un FOR BALE horae and mar, suJtabi for farm, delivery and wagon work, from ioi to $i each. 144 Jak bu Tel. Webster U61. (U M647 26 DON'T forget tl W. Aiispach'a auction aal of over U head of native broke horse at th Union stock yards. South Omaha, Neb., Thursday. March M. I will hav the best lot of horses of th season for thla sale. (11 73U 26 Pealtry, Kaaa aad .. BCREKNINQB L per cwt. TiMr. (01 N. isih at, lUMw wan! ads" and LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Ponltry, Egc and BqnabsContln'd. BCJUAB8 Will contract with owners 11 on- used sheds to raise them. Adarees, f vi, (11 Mu,H r2 Be. ROSE COMB R. 1. RED EOOS for hatch- Ing. Pens headed by prlz wlnn ng cockerels from North Star Poultry Sho-v, Minnesota; $1.60 to $2.00 per 15. Mr. Jam'g II. Halplne, 4602 Center St.. Omaha, '.VL Harney S52S. UD-M319-A2IX Govt, book f re. Model Squab Pens, Omaha. ill AJ WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. LOST AND FOUND LOST Young coach dog; one white and one dark eye. Liberal reward for return to 2519 Jonea St. (12) M667 LOST Car record book, gray cover. Finder return to C. E. Fanning, 611 Bee Bldg., and receive suitable reward. (12) M74 26 FOUND Money; owner may have same by describing property and paying ror this ad. Apply 1814 Farnam. (12) M727 28x MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a Orlend call cr writ to th matron 01 in baivatiou Army Horn for Women at 8824 N. 24tb St., Omaha, Neb. (13) Mlot FREE medical and aurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical ilKe, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-12$ BEST nerv bracer for men, "Gray's Nerv Food Pills, $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. C13 ft2 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS WE'RE HERE TO MAKE GOOD. Wben your friends don't krvw you. and that's when you need a dollar. A bMALL IAJAM On Your Furniture la on of th quickest and easiest of ways to get Just what you want, wben you want it. NO PUBLICITY attends your effort. The payments ar mad smal', and within your reach. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ia allowed If you settle your account be fore agreement expires. A FKH.SH. START Is what you want if a lot of little bills have accumulated and you cannot meet them all. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, loth SU Entrance. (14) MIL THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d Floor 807-308 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor If YOU ar In need of a little ready cash for your Easter shopping, w will accom modate you. Our terms are the cheapest: our service the beat, and all business strictly confidential. 1 (H) MJ01 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. (33 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14) 603 P. O. NIELSEN CO., LOANS. TOt N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (14) 404 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business core.dittal 1301 Dougltia. J4 10 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam HL (14)-0 FURNITURE, live stock salary, loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room , Barker Blk. (14)-u8 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol nian, room 714, New York Llf Bldg. (14) 606 OFFERED FOR RENT Beardlag; aad Roosa. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. ONE large, also on small room, both very comforlaDia, , Willi excellent ooera. itus Farnam. U6-0 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas i&o. bcnmoner a Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (1S)-613 BOARD and room In finest down town location; large irom room wun aicove; sultabl for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. Reference re quired. 114 80. lth at. U6)M23i 3x LARGE front room, and good table board. for two genuamen; also aingia room; strictly modern. 4iJ N Kxa. (16) M2tt A4 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. ROOM and board for gentlemen or man and wire; aeugntrui room, racing street; everything new and strictly modern. In fashionable neighborhood, between two beet car Unas In city. 1&3 Wirt St. (16) &4fi 26 NEW and atrlctly modern room with fam llv of adulta; board witnoui luncn. ex Bo. ftith Ave. Pbn Red 34U0. (16) MS63 MODERN rooms, home cooking, home privileges; good summer location, zeis fet. Mary's Av. (16)-M406 38 STRICTLY modern furnished rooms; home cooking. Tel. uougias ztoa tu jntwe si NEWLY furnished rooms with board; girls preferred; references required. 3413 Cass du xei. jnaepenuem, (IS) 70S 29 NEWLY furnished front parlor, with or without board. The Highland, 1723 Dodge BC (16) M71B DESIRABLE furnished room, with board, for two persons; south side; references. Tet Doug. 27. (15) M764 Six Famished Waoaaa. FURNISHED rooms for rent, 633 So. 3d St., steam beat, hot and cold water, and Dam. it saixs aivx TWO furnished rooms. Farnam Bt, 3d floor. steam heat, 1W6 (16)-4U6 TWO nice rooms, with modern conven ience, suitable for three or four young men. or roan and wife; also other nice rooms. 716 N. Btb. (u mst kx NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. n no. xntn uu 11. uougiaa xmm. (U)-M9 NE VLY furnished rooms, KIT DoQg (16 M213 April s FURNISHED room, modem flat, central. aoutrtero exposure, electric Halt, privet family, loll Chicago. (16) M3 Si ROOMS, furnished Harney St. , or unfurnished. 1GZI (15) 447 26x FURNISHED doubl parlor, ka Harney BU first clasi (16-446 2&x WELL furnished southeast front room with alcove, modern; larg lawn; private fam ily. Tu3 B. anh Bt. (1&)-M22&x PLEASANT furnished rooms. $218 Dodga (!) M741 LajSgJaaa J2nannanmnaaa3532sa3hsnfc I a strong save your voice. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) TJnfnrnlahed Room. 8V.iT5 of.ou moden rooms: new house; ' (16) 701 26 Honeekeeplna; Room. IIOUSEKEEPINO-UIJ B. Uth, 3 rooms. (16) Ml 20 TWO or three clean rooms, sold Daven- P- (16) M694 26X 3 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep- .., .i.vuciii. ,1, i. 01. (16)-M459 25X FOR RENT-Modern furnished rooms for iie 11 Housekeeping; evorythlna; furnished. Call at one 2670 Farnam St. CI)-843 26 I"0,URD,nodern beated housekeeping room Di. (io) rex FOUR eleirant rooms. modern. Apply 2S17 (IS) M616 28x N. lUth St. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms (light uuuxrKeeping;; moaern house. Dav enport St. (15)-M753 81x Apartsaeats aad Flat. CENTRAL; all modern, steam heat; 4-room corner iiai, wun bath. 220 N. 23d. (16)-M2I APARTMENTS 7 rooms In QUIVET, 1811 c i narii gu ; eienm neat, not water and telephone. APARTMENTS 8 and 6 rooma In SCAROO, South Omaha; steam heat and hot ater. HALL, 817 First NatL Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A 4. U6)-3ti NEW 4-room brick flat, modern, 22d and 11" sji; reierences. Key at 1116 N 22d. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (15) 729 2204 N. 218T 8t., 7-room flat, modem, fur nace, gas, bath, hot and cold water; new decorations; $J5. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt. 15)-M7S5 25 Houses aad Cottages. SIX rooms on second floor, 28th and Par ser bis., tit. nris noyer, tua and Cum ing. (i)-na FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2164 So. mm. w. a. Diuiman, 119 iei jsat. Bk. Bid. U6)-M4S3 LIST your rental with ua Benjamin R. E CO., tit rsevine uix. uotn 'phones, (16)-M266 A8 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16) 622 street, (-rooms: thorough, modern, oak finish; $40. A. O. Elllck, 61 Be Building. (15) M) HOUSES J? .Llpart" 01 tne clt' vrvisn oona s Co., Be Bldg. (15J-624 (-ROOM cottage, rear of 1141 N. 17th. 5- room cottage, 27th and J, South Omaha. (16) M662 25 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cneap ireism rates; moving ana storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 4. (16) 627 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. ul tub OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. ior xi. ti. goons. Diorenouse X1JU-Z4 N. Uth; otic 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (16)-! HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15)-tilt Maggard Van A Storage Co. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. Goods. , (H-641 5 ROOM cottage. No. 1618 Pratt Bt.; mod ern except neat. lib) tun LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company, 914 N. Y. Life building. (16) M228 7-ROOM cottage, modem, 3031 Marcy St. $26. Chas. L. Thomas, room 412 Bee Bldg. (16) 664 T-ROOM modern cottage. 603 N. 32d Bt (16) 801 Telephone iougiaa Kli FOR RENT (-room flat, 16th and Vinton St.. $16. 6-rom flat, $12. 6-room house, newly painted and papered, 2602 Bo. 20th Ave., $12. C. M. BAC1IMANN. (15) 439 $40 8-room modem brick flat, 8003 Paclflo St.; key at 1 a. th Ave. 'i'bona Har ney 32IS3. M. Kellner. G5) 435 BIX-ROOM all modern steam heated flat. close In. $16 7-room house, with gas and city water. 8602 N. 2th AV. Bemls, $06 Paxton Block. 'Phoney Doug. 685. lib) tan FOR RENT April 1st., 8room; all modern bouse; fsi.oo. uis norm win. tin) Mruu NEARLY nev 6-room house, modern. Prion Harney 8689. 2830 Capitol Ave. (16) 6S7 29x FOR RENT Six-room cott&ge, modem ex cept furnace, m; vacant April . 1. in uulre at 3710 Decatur St, or 'phone Web ster 2711. (16) 703 5-R., mod., choice, 1603 Locust $21.00 10-r., mod., choice, 2416 Sherman Ave.. 80.00 8-r., mod., else bam, 603 8. 86th 23.60 9-t., also store ana osxn, ztm-u a. utn. 40.00 RUSSELL dc M KI TRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. (16) 138 -Jt THREE-ROOM cottage; addresa, 8-206, Be. (16) M768 Six 818 Leavenworth, 6-r mod. 70S No. 40th, 8-r mod. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug. 2162. (16 M761 87 oa TWO fin large office suites In the Con tinental block; choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 30 First National Bank Bldg. (16)-2 OFFICES OR PARLORS 6 and (-room In QUIVET. 1809-1811 Farnam St.; suitable for artists, physicians, dentists, dress makers, etc; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Also OFFICES or PARLORS, ( and ( rooms In BCARGO Bldg., South Omaha, suitable for lawyers, doctors, eta; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 817 Flrat NaU. Bank Bldg. Red 7406. A 4406. (16) 8tD tore, (-STORY and basement, CxlOO, 1008 Far Dam. Apply (14 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. (16) 431 OFFERED FOR SALE Pamelas, ANCHOR and Iron fsnctng; wlr fencing 60 per foot. C N. 17lh bU TeL Red 14. Parana), PARTIES leaving city will sell household goods cheap. Apply I0C3 Vinton Bt. Tel. Harney U3. (16) M717 36x FOR BALB One folding bed and one gas stove, both In first-class condition; a bargain. 'Phone Webster (64. 27a) Man derson Bt, (IS) M747 3ix Plaaea Orsaas at as leal lastrasaeata. FOR BALE Fin upright piano, cheap; ITU Davenport Bt. O) M171 Tyaewrlter aad Itwlif If aehlaee FOR BALE High (rrade second-hand type, writer; good condition; a bargain at iuu. Call room Cut. Be Bldg. (li 7l M iaeeUaaeaaa, DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $u) orders; catalosu free. Sherman A Mc CnnsU Drug Co., Omaha, Neb, (lflj J7 OFFERED FOR SALE Mlaeellaaeoaa Con tinned. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-dste stock at lowest prlcea In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., ua a uth eu TeL Doug. fL (16)-3S BHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman dt McConnell Drug Co. (16)-( COAI All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department, clean nut coal. 6 bushels for $L (16) M640 TO MEET OBLIGATIONS Well sell fine white diamond ring for $15, also stud same siso $15. Each worth fully $26. Good Columbia Granhophone and fifty two $1 10-Inch records for $46. Better an swer quick. Address P 66, Care Bee. 18)-M96$ M31 FOR BALK Several show caes, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two larg automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globo Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (161674 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead th world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balk-Collendar, 407 8. loth St. (161-635 ID-HAND overcoats and firearms. Plnrer, 41S N. lth. . ni)42 FOR BALE8ora fountain, show cas and other ator fixtures, aob w. Fierce St., Council Bluffs, Ia. (16) M6S3 29x ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICR In car lota A. Q. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Ia. (16)-MI74 BEND US your mail orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota Myer-lHllon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 639 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman St McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. (161641 FREE liberal sample Conkey laying tonic and valuable poultry book If you bring this ad to S. B. Stewart, Omaha. (16)-M323 A-8x HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-43 FOR SALE 1,500 bushels Whlppoorwill peas, 1.000 bushels clay peas. 1,600 bushels mixed peas, 600 bushels black peas. J. T. Walker, 407 Royal bldg., Memphis, Tenn. (16)-M710 26x PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT-S books for Inventors mailed on receipt of to poatage. R. S. St A. B. Lacey, rooma 29-89 Pacific Bldjf.. Washington, D. C. Established 186a (17)-644 LARSON & CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. U7)-646 D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 a7)-646 H. A. Sturgis. 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. S469. (17)-M166 A14X PERSONAL MAGNETIC Smltn' 118 N- isth. d fioo.i (18)-67 WE RENT, repair, aell needles for old ,iiir iiiwuiiiiie. jicu, .ycie to-. Lor. Uth and Harney. (18) 649 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft doming; in ract, anything you - do not reed. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., tor cost of collecting, to th worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 786 A HOME for women during confinement; we find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 403 Bancroft St. Phon Douglas 1921. (18) M365 SHINY, oily, muddy skin made fair by Satin skin cream and Satin akin powder. 260. (18) MASSAGE 1? t11"- Boom (18) M327 A( L1EBEN, customer, 1410 Howard. Open eva (18)-647 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (1& 648 RELIABLE cistern cleaning. Tel Webnten (175. (18) M808 Mch 28 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omnha as stranger are Invited to visit the - Young Women's Ohrlstlan association roema, 1CU Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 OMAHA Stammerer's Institute, Ramgn Bldg. (18) -661 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web 3S59. (lS)-60 MME. ZEREFA, Armenian: massage. 52$ 60. 18th, Flat 1 'Phone Douglas 6845. (IS) 344 A-18X ANYONE knowing whereabouts of Berthel Petersen, baker by trade, used to tend bar for John Gram, both Danish, please address hi wife, Mrs. B. Petersen, 201 Third St., Albany. N. Y. (18) M715 26x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. Ilf. Douglas 1781. (19) 6R2 GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam, Tel. Douglas 754, (l'J)-C63 BENJAMIN R. E. Co.. 326 Nevlll Blk. (19-M3s6 Al CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST.. BEE BUILDING. (19)-M 53$ SLX-ROOM MODERN HOME Two blocks from th Barnard apartment house; corner lot, on paved street; house built three years ago and kept in good con dition. Owners compelled to sell. Price. $3,860. This Is a good bom bargain, $1.3u0 cash, balance at ( per cent, Harrison & Morton 912-13 N. X Life. TeL D. 814. (19) 731 34 ONLY ONE LEFT Have one lot on Dewey avenue and Twenty-ninth street. Who wants HT Cheapest lot In town; $860. R II LANDERYOU, TeL Doiur. 2151. 44$ Board of Trad. (19) M756 26 FLAT LOCATION $3 feet, east front, near northwest comer 30th and Davenport, one of the finest locations In the city for flats; less than too feet from high school and fiv blocks from postofflce. WM. E, ROMANO. TeL Douglas 1319. Kt Board of Trade. U9) M423 28 $5,000 BUYS an expensive 10-r. house ( blocks west of high school, with rlass-llned bath room, and barn; very easy terms. It Is owned by an eastern mortgage. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam Bt. (19)-728 26 A NICE six-room, all modern home, one and a half blocks from car line, at 4,12 Lafayette Av., lot 6oxlM feet, for $2,6uu; part cash and balance like rent. W. J. DERMODV INVtifrMUNT CO.. 836 N. Y. Llf Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (19) 736 26 FOR BALE Pine residence lot 304 N. S2d Ave., 7VsXl36 feet, east front; price, $8.80u. CONRAD YOUNG. TeL Douglas 167L 1518 Dodg Bt. (19) M666 8 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Jessen A Mo DanleL Prompt and accurst service. 'Phon Doug. UO. lioard ef Trade. 0;-M 148 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR ALB (Continued.) BARGAINS IN 4, 5 AND 6 ROOM HOUSES 2718 RUOOLES ST., $1.J0. S rooms, modern, on one floor, full son Hi front lot. sewer, water, gas. electric light, modern plumbing, built two years, cheap, and good, easy trims. 123 NORTH 37TII BT., $1,800. (-roam house, new, modern plumbing, nicely painted And papered, east front lot, two blocks from Farnam car line; owner will sell this for $-'50 cash and the balance the same as rent; look at this today. 4011 NORTH SOTH ST.. $2,750. 6-room. strictly modern house. Just com pleted, on full lot, nickel-plated plumbing, all material the very best and house built by day labor; polished floors, 4 large rooms downstairs, 3 rooms and bath upstair, full foundation, cellar cemented, paved street, psving paid in full, one block from Dodge street car line. 3456 MEREDITH AVENUE, $1,550. 4-room cottage. Just completed, hss rltv water, on car line, close to school, full lot", terms, $.'50 cash; easy monthly payments. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (19 740 24 LARGE SUBURBAN LOTS East front, on Florence boulevard, better than paved street, with electric light, gas. city water and good walks, 8214, feet front by 816 feet deep (about the site of 4 loa. This is a district of modern suburban homes and good neighbors. Price, $l,jno. Three blocks to car at 24th and Fort Sis. Harrison & Morton 912-13 N. Y. Life. Tel. D. 314. (l)-ii2 2t CHOICE WEST FARNAM CORNER B. W. corner of 88th and Jackson Sts., 187x166 ft., or will divide Into three lots, all specials paid. This Is one of v the finest high-priced rest ' dence corners In Omaha, and WE WANT AN OFFER. Be us at once. GEORGE dt CO., 1601 Farnam St. (191-707 14 I WANT n offer cn the property. 1128 am! 1130 8. 81st St.; two modem bouses snd good barn; well rented. This property is owned by an eastern party who tnuw MIL THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, Nw York Llf Bldg. (19)-M65$ PEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST m " CHAS. F. WILLIAMSON. Pree ' VAJ. (19)-668 LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming Sts. (19) 654 ARE YOU thinking of finding a mar suitable office for your real estate busi ness? The tendency Is for an Increase of traffic on West Farnam St.; why not look at space w ar offering In the best appointed offlc building in thla district? Mr. Baker will show you. Ask for him at Room 105. Bee Bldg. (I9)-M6W A SNAP 8-R00M MODERN HOME Plastered Attic. Two blocks from 24th St. car. South front. Lot 60x168, paved street. 2670 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 2606 Poppleton Ave. (19)-M150 Best Lots North In Sulphur Bprlnps addition, Just east of Kountze Place; iHrire lots, level, shsdy, handy to street car. Prlcea $700 to $xoo; one-third cash. Good new houses all aroun 1 and sewer, city water and permanent walks in. Call for plat. Harrison & "Morton, 912-13 N. Y. Life. Tel. D. SU U9)-7S3 24 MAKE AN OFFER on the modern 9-roqm house and lot 60x156 east front, at 133 No. Sfcth Ave... between Dodge and Caplto! Ave.. Th ground is worth $60 or $70 a front-foot and the huuu would cost $4,000 to build. Can be bought for less than $5,500. . REED BROS., 1710 Farnam bU (1)-M774 THE HEED ABSTRACT CO., established 1866. Prompt service. Get our prtoes. 1710 Farnam. (19) 66; REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR BALB 160 . ACRES $1,200.00. No sand; no rock; every foot can be plowed. Three miles from railroad town; six miles from county seat. In Greeley county, Kansas, the land with the bright est future of any land In the west Worth Its weight In gold to buy and hold. This Is a forced sale and you have our word le the biggest land snap ever placed on th market. Us your judgment; look Into the" future; take our advice and buy It. BT RINGER INVESTMENT COMPANY. 438 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (30)-M761 27 FOR SALE Section of Improved wheat and alfalfa land, Ness Co., Kansaa, $36. E. E. Grush, Tarklo, Mo. (20) M742 37x Kaaraaka. 4,680-ACRE ranch In Nebraska; this Is th greatest bargain ever offered on th real vestat market; highly Improved; all fine xcorn and grass land; over $10,000 worth of Improvements; price only $16 per acre. J. J. Cain, Btanberry, Mo. (20) M571 2Sx Norta . Daketa. , . OUT THEY OO On th new C, M. A Bt. P. Coast Railway, through Adams county. North Dakota, Which Is attracting homeseekars to an unexcelled farming courtry. Sunahlna. free coal, pur water, sure crops, a horn and profitable occupation for you. Land but $10 to $20 an acre now. Eaav terma We hav homestead relinquishments for sale. Be Wm, H. Brown Co.. Haynea or Mott, North Dakota, or 131 LaSall St., Chicago, 111. Maps free. Mention this Kper. Or write our Mandan. North Da ta, offlc. (20) MM ta Daketa. CHOICE farm, 4 mllea from Kennebec, 8 !.. price $3.2u0. Writ Neary, the Home stead Locater, Sturgis, B. D. (30) M708 26x M IaeeUaaeaaa, WESTERN LAND, larg and small tracts sal and exchange. National Invt. ro, (A3 Brands! Bldg. ( 179 HERE IS A QUICK MONEY MAKER. LOCATE on th Lower Brul Reservation. Good claim yt to b had, open for filing. Will local you for a reasonable amount. Address O. M. Bertlesoo. Presho. B. D. OO) ,M14T April ( REAL ESTATE LOANS PRIVATE MCNEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 1 FARNAM. (22) toO LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Kef K. E. Co.. 1001 N Life Bldg. WANTED City loans and warraota. W. Farnau Smith A Co., 1320 Fajrnaia Bt. Ui-63 $100 TO $10,000 mad promptly. T. D. Weed, -Wad liUlg.. 1MU and Farnaai. C3-(M 6H PER CENT money to loan oa eastern Nebraska farm aud gwod buaiu prop, rty In Omaha. ALFHH.D C KENNEDY. Is) Flrat National Bonk BuiUilng. Tl pUwn Deualas tiX