Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1908, Image 7

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Value. Open Euy, vith Selling Gen
. eral from Lower Cable,.
VUill pir Contra as urnrlae and
Value Ara Kat Back to
1 -. . Adrnnee) and close)
S 1 OMAHA. March 23, 1808.
Grain Value opened easy, with selling
general,' caused bjr lower cables and re
porta of rainfall In the southwest.
The world visible supply came aa a
iirprlae, and the larg-o decrease rare the
bull leaders the start, and values Were
sent back for an advanca and closed on the
hlsh point ..
Wheat was unateady at the atart and
value wera lower on low Liverpool cable
and better .crop report a from the aouth.
Short eovered on the decline and buy
Inn was general after the heavy decrease
In the world vlalble waa reported.
May wheat opened at tla and closed at
Corn J ateady to strong, with little
corn offered. The market ruled dull and
trading; waa tilghey and value narrow.
May corn opened at 6HHc and cloaed at
b'jo. ... .
Oata ware unaffected by any change and
stayed firm on an even demand and good
cash market. May eat opened at 60o
and closed at 90a. ,
Primary wheat recelpta were 863,009 bu.,
and ahlpmenta were 2ln,000 bu.,' against re
celpta laat year of 804.0UO bu. and ahlpmenta
of 209.000 bu.
, Corn recelpta-were .101.000 bu., and ahlp
menta were 235.COO bu., against recelpta laat
year of sta.OOO bu., and shipment of 6S5,
000 bu.
Clearances were 48.000 bu. of corn; none
of oats and wheat and flour equal to 157,
000 bu.
I Jverpool closed 14d lower on - wheat
and d lower on corn.
Local ran ie of optional
Artlclea. Open. Hlgh Low. Close. Yea y.
Wheat .
, May... , 91 . fi2i t K K
July... ' 4 M MV 844
Bept... i ,80H. y . V4 80H Wi
Corn i r
May... 69V4 60S 69 6!i 69
July.,. ,' B.S' , .ti M 68 6SH
Sepl... fc;v 67 67 67 V
May... 604 50 50 80 504
July., 44
Bept , M
Omaha Cash, Prtoea.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 94rfl97c; No. 2 hard,
296c; No.. 4 hard, 90i392c; No. spring,
9,4j 9c.
CoHN-No. 1, 59r; No. , 68V4B68qc; No. 4.
67Va&Hc;. No. I yellow, 69e; No. i yellow,
MWftHHc ; No. 2 white, to Vtlto.
OATS-No. 2 mixed, 6oic; No. t white,
SOH'Oci No. 4 white. otfcWHc
UfB-rNo. 2, 77&78c; No. 2. 75376V4c.
Cn rial Heoeipta.
Wheat. Corn. Oat
Ciiloago 6 238 302
Minneapolis Af. 444
Omaha ;. 88 Z 179
Duluui .. M
KcHturva of the Trading- and Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. March 23. Uncertanity re
laiuiiig iiiv tan tun crop In iho norlh
l caused rum nervousness today In
...o l.mal wheal market, but a firm tone
it vetoed nuar the cloae on buying by
.noi - Final quotations on the market
trt up. Corn waa SUHe higher. Data
iiithaiiaed. 1 rovlslona were HMUiuo
. i'he wheat market opened weak btcauae
of In marly all of the leading
rain niarKeta of Europe, but prices noon
advanced un covering by ehorta to a pul-jt
aurtiewnat above the close of Saturday.
Keailclng aalea then brought about another
deulinn, Durina; the remainder of the dtty
the market waa tiervoua berauae of con
flicting l tyuits concerning the condition
of tliti new mop In the aouth west. De
mand from iiurta became moderately
active in me,jin hel hour and reauited
in c etfeugth. The cloae at
the h i of the day. May opened Vt V
c li;,.., at and advanced to
t4').)i.,' i.ii(.;e It cloned. Clearances of
Wi.LU. .i. u flour were equal to 164,600
lu. . amount on punaage Increaaed
itb,-i , . .i.. The vlfrtble aupply detreaaed
iU. primary receipts, 838,000
l,i. .:i,ired with H04.0OO on the earns
tiuy v . y.:ur. Mlnneapoila, Duluth and
t.;,.v....u .'i ported receipts of 511 cara,
ub 'i v .J.' card last week, and 641 cara a
ih .jrn market opened weak along
vvli.i, but quickly recovered on r
Voi.a t.uik country acceptances were much
Miuuiiei. The clone was strong vlth
i . uliuoot at the top. May opened a
l,.o to SiHc lower, st 6&66ftc, ad
UirtQ to U6VkC and closed at 6Gu. Local
leHi , earn, with nine contract.
'i luOsi In outs was small and prices were
bteau nit day. Tli runge. waa very nar
Iok. iay oi ened Wtje lower at 62 &
54c, aavuiiced to 64Wc, and closed at 64Vc.
Lota, receipts, (02 ca.-a.
i i .ivl. ion were weak because of sell
ing ly local packers. At the clone. May
oik wai off 20e at 212.25 to $12 27H.
.aid .vi down HMo at I7.82H. Ktbs 26c
ower ut JA.70,
Ktl mated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat,
42 cars; corn, 274 car; oats, 312 carg
hog, 18.000 head.
' Hi leading futures ranged aa follows;
Articles. Open. IIIgh. Low. I Close Bat'y.
Wheat j
May MSSV4 94 MHI M
' July SH (!', 8A 88 88 ffi"9i9SWVs
Bept. K54& 86H 84 8o hi
C'orn- . .
May S 6 (6 66
-July W:-4J; 6:i tt; AilV 63
B.-pt. a-2 6s; saw w
May &r5tfi'.-4 to B374 644 64'
. bMay kA, mi 6iH, h: 6.'
aJuly 47 4XSi 47 4S. 47r
bJuly iHx 46W 46 4iV 46
Pork ,
12 2S&
?lay 12 45 1 2 4712.20 12 7V 12 45
uly US7W 13 87 12 6J' 12 65 12 83
HtMt 192 7 80 T 82V4 T 95
July' I IS t 16 0ei 1 06 8 17
Rpt. 1 IS I 8 40
8 SO 8'iH 9T 70 Ki
July 7 10 7 21V 97 7 W 7 15
tWpt, 7 S7HI 7 Si 7 2:l 7 25 7 40
No. 2. sOld. bNeW.
Canh quotations were aa follow:
VIAJVH Maraet eaay: winter nat
nta. f?i-4 : straights, 24 .0iku4.: spring
pmien.B, siraisnis, .'v.yj: osk
era, .VHi4.0i. .
WH EAT No. 2 spring. 21.071.08: No. 8,
8-Vl.t7; N. 2 red, Jtttw4c.
CORN No. 2, tihVSltic; No. yellow, &4
OATS-No. , ejtsrJHo; No. I white, 64V4
CJi7c: No. 2 white, 61(bWc.
RTE-No. 2, 78c.
14 A ft LEY Fair to choioe malting, li'aif.
SKKPS Flit, No. t northwestern, liilu.
Prime timothy, ' 24-76. . Clover, contract
grade, tri 00.
PKOV IstONS hort rlba.' sides (tnosev
W i:j.6SV4. ' Me pvirk. pur bill..
u.ii laiu, ir iua.. ( u-r. onorc
ciear des (boxad), l.62ii.im4
itecelpt. Ehlpmenta.
Flour, bbls to.tmo 16 w
Wheat, bu,. ,..,, 21,6"0 87.K
Corn, bu 24.7t 1SJ.4 M
Oats, bu 2M. SU3.4U0
-. bu. lOnO 4. 0U0
t-arlpjt, 01. , fc,4u0 20.I0J
Ob the produce exchange today tlte but
ter market waa eteady. Creamerlea, 2nji
&Hc; dairies. -nfCAo. Eg, easy: at mark,
ea Included. 14Ve; flrta, Ifio; prime
firta, 16c; extraa, 17c, Cheese, steady; 12
it, Lee la Geaeral Market.'
6T. IjOITIS, March 23.-WHEAT-F1rm:
track. No. 2 red. cash, SMjOHHo: No. 2 hard,
6ct$l.aS; May, 9&vo; July, tt-VaHc,
tXHN ira: traek, No. 8 eaah, 634)
63c; No. white, ttSdjie; May, yc;
July, 61Ve- . . '
OATS-Weak; track. No. 3 caah, 6J3
I2c; No. 2 white, 64c; May, 62c.
FLOlirl Dull; red wlnu-r pateots, 24.609
t ro; exira rancy ana . BUallit, 4.ao4.iW;
clrar. 23 86.
6Ki:i-TwnoUiy, quiet at 22.415. .
I'OKNWiCaL cUeady; 13.00.
HHAN Unllj ackd. Mtat track. 81.1.
11 A Quint; timothy, 6J.00tf .W.(ju: prairie,
38 cuv ii.oiv. ' .
PHOVlriVONS Pork. lower: Mln
312.60. l-i lower; prime steam,
40. Dry salt meat, steady; bo.d, extra
!i.n. ..o, timr rna, i l; sliort cltwrs,
17 5t bm'oo, y eady; bor.inl, extra alirt,
teni; clear rll.4 ?.7: short cl-a r,
PUl'LTltY LViihangadi ihlcaena, ltfc;
aprlnt, 14c; turkeys, liaiJc; ducks, 11c;
gen, nv. .
nt'TTI R-Mjulet; creamery. 221.
WKJS-Unchanged at 13c, rase count.
' ' RocMpta. Shipment.
Fioiw. nblfl . i j n it .
Wheat, bu , ".'."" M.ft M.miO
t-irn, Mt 4,mio Ro.O"
Oata, bu 2S4.0U) 86,W0
Qaotatloaa of the Day Various
NRW YOTtK. March HI. lTTftir-T?.
ceipls, 2I.C00 bbls.; exports, 14,6"0 bbls.; mar
kot, dull and eeny; Minnesota patents,
IS.nCga.SO; winter stralhla, H.Xti.M; Min
nesota bakers, 34. 404.90; winter extras,
33.S04il.15; winter patents. 34.W4.ilO; winter
iow graara, IWiftUi Kye flour, dull; fair
to Rood, 4.6i4.!lO. ,
. CORNMEAL Steady ; coarse, 31.4tHTl.45;
kiln dried.' 13.65.
RYE-Dull; No. 1 western. 8Sc f. o. b.,
New York.
Wtlk'.AT1 Vnalnl. M ftOA K..
70,300 bu. Spot market, steady; Sfo. t red,
l7-o elevator; $1.00 f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern Puluth. 3113H f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 hard winter, H.llH f. o. b. afloat.
Without being active wheat wns quite
steady all day, affected by drouth news
from Kansas, a large visible aupply de
crease and the strength of corn. Final
Tires snowed i.!rc net advance. May,
1.011.01: closed. 11.01 . ; .In). HfiTtf.
r; closed, 9ic. '
tOKN-Kecelpta, 1.0TO bu.; spot market,
firm; No. 2, 74Vc elevator, and irc f. o.
b. afloat; No. 2 white, nominal; No. 2 yel
low, nominal f. o. b. afloat. The nntlon mar
ket waa without transactions, closing net
unchanged. May closed, 74r)c; July closed,
OATS Recelnts. l.Vi fmO bu snot market.
dull; mixed oats. 20 to 82 lbs.. 57c; natural
white. 2 to 83 lbs., 67(JjfiOc; clipped white,
22 to 40 lbs., 008S6c. '
HAY Dull; good lo choice, $1.00471.07.
HOPS Quiet : nlnro common to cholca.
1907 crop, 90140; 1906 crop, 69Cc; Pa-
citio coast, i07 crop, 6S9c; loo crop,
HIDES Quiet: Ros-nta. 17ci Central
America, 17c.
LEATHER Quiet; acid, 20?7c.
PROVI810NS-Ueef, ftrm; family. 314.60
fi'15.00; mesa, '$11.MV011.RA; heef hams,
$i.'fl.(Ktf38.00; packet, 312.OW12.50; city
extra India mens, 321.0(iu22.00. Cut
meats, steady ; pickled bellies. 27.25AS.0O;
pickled hams. $8.00. Ijard, steady; western
prime, 37.98.0o; refined steady; continent
18.35: South America. 18.90: comDound. $6,871
7.12. Pork, ateady; family, $15.0iW16.0o;
snort clears, l5.ayu;.26; mess, X14.a'u'l 1.75.
TALLOW Dull; city HI per plig.), 6Vc;
country (pkga. free), BSti:KiC.
BUTTER Firmer; creamery extras, 2So;
thirds to firsts, 23f7'.7c; held seconds to
specials, 22w2t4c; western factory firats, 21o;
Imitation creamery flrals, 2-JCa'23c.
CHEESE Firm; state full cream, small
colored, fancy, 15,c; white fancy, 16c; large.
Colored and whlto fancy, 15o; gotxl to
prime, 14al5o; later October and early
November made, 13cn4c; winter made,
U'rfri.V: common tc fair, 10Tllo.
EOUSFIrm; state, Pennnylvanla and
nearby fancy selected white, lHjWe; good to
choice, 1718c crown anil mixed extra,
17c; firsts, l(i'16c; western and aouthern
flrntn, IS'Vcftfldc; seconds, I4i1cl6a.
POULTRY Dressed: Steady; turkeys, 12
Fair Tuesday, with No Important
Change la Trnpfratare,
OMAHA, March 23, 1908.
Rains are general In the lower lake re
gion, Ohio valley, the eaatern and aouthern
atatea, and ralna and snowa are falling In
Montana and Yellowstone park. It la gen
erally clear In the upper Mississippi and
Missouri valley and tnroughout. the aouth
west. Temperatures have rlaen in the
eastern and southern portions. No Impor
tant change has occurred In the central
valleys since the laat report, and moderate
temperature with fair weatlier will prob
ably continue in this vicinity- tonight and
Omaha record of temperature and precipi
tation compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
1 1908. la07. 190B. 1905.
Minimum temperature.... 38 43 18 42
Precipitation 00 ,0i T .00
Normal temperature for today, 39 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1,
.56 of an Inch.
Df iclency corresponding . period In 1907,
.69 of an inch.
Excess corresponding- period in 1906, .34 of
an inch.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
'.V t '
K&asaa City Grata and ProTlslona.
changed; May, 9c; July, 82c. Cash: No.
2 hard, 95(sc; No. 3, 934j7c; No. 2 red,
31.01 ; No. 3, 974j9c.
CORN Unchanged to Ve lower; May,
BSNc; July, 6ic. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 69
tftTi'c; No. 2 mixed, 69c; No. 2 white,
OATS Unchanged; No. 9 white, 52c; No. 2
mixed, 61c.
RYE 74478C.
HAY Choice timothy, steady, 211.60
12.00; cholcu prairie, 20o lower, 8.75(in.2u.
MUTTER Firm: extra creamery, c;
parking stock, lc
i.JO.S Firm; extra fresh, 15V4c; current
receipts, jj'xo.
Receipt. Shipments.
Wheat, bu Km.ouO 41,000
Corn, bu.... 21.000 X2,uoo
Oats, bu v 16,0u0 6,000
Options at Kansas City:
Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close.
May ...
July ...
May ..
July ..
91Vi 92 91'9192B
62S2f8, . SIT 8i
69 58H 59ViHB
67H 68 67S Ok'KiA
Philadelphia Prodaoa Market. '
Steady, fair demand; extras, western cream
ery, ijc; extraa, nearby prints, 31c.
EUGS Steady, fair demand. Pennsyl
vania and other nearby firsts, free cases,
17o at mark; Pennsylvania and other nearby
flrata, current recelpta In returnable cases,
lixj at mark; western flrata, free caaes, 17c;
weatern firats, current receipts, free cases,
10o at mark.
CHEESE Firm, good demand. New York
full creams, choice, lttj'lBc; fair to good,
Liverpool Urmia Market.
steady; No. 2 red western winter, 7a 2d;
futures quiet) March, nominal; May, 6a
lld; July, 7s, VI.
CORN Spot firm; prime mixed American,
new, 6a 4d; prime mixed American, old,
6a 6d; futurea quiet; March, nominal; May.
6a 6VI. i
FLOUR Winter patent quiet at 29a d.
HOPS In London, Paaiflo coaat dull at
1 10sta3 10s.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March 23.
WHEAT May, B.04''e; July, $L0Jffll.02(4 ;
No. 1 hard, 31.0b; No. 1 northern, $1.08;
No. 2 northern, 3l'.044; No. 3 northern,
Sctj 21.01.
URAN-Steady; 321.6OiiC3.00 In bulk.
FLOUR Unchanged; first patents, $5.35f
6.60; second patents, $5.2bci6.40: first clears,
$4.i4iH.; second clear. Ui8.40.
Mllwaakeo Grata Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern. 3J0tti1.1O; No. 3
northern. $l.0tiTl 07; May, 94c, asked.
BARLEY Dull; -No. 2, 92c; sample, tfc
CORN Firm; No. 8 cash, 81Vi3c; May,
96c, bid. .
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. March 28. CORN Baay; Np. 8
yellow, 62"iic; No. 8, tBc; No. 4, 61c;
no grade, 6&9o.
OATS Ixiwer; No. 3 whjte, 62S6i0; No.
4 white. 51'i)&!o.
Dalath Grata Market.
PULUTH. Minn., March 23. WH EAT
No. 1 northern, tlh; May, 81.0t!; July,
OATS 60c."
Wool Market.
8T. LOUIS, March 23. WOOL Stead v;
medium grades, combing and olothlng, 30
ii'Zi:; light fine, 16v lltc; heavy flue, 14yi
16o; tub washed, nm2c. ' "
LONIK1N, March 23.-WOOL A. miscel
laneous selection of 11. On) )ales was offered
at the wool auction sales today. Competi
tion waa occaalonally quiet and offering
were frejuently wluidrawn. A large aupply
of medium greasy sold fairly well, but low
grades were weak. Fine merinos ruled about
a good as last wek.. Croas-breda were
rather easier.
Oil aad Hosla,
O'L CITY. Pa.. March 23.-OIL-Credlt
balancea, $1.78. Runs, 137,913 bbl. ; ver
ae. '141.322 bbls.' Shipment. XA.M bbla
average, 173.4W bbl.
SAVANNAH. Ut., March 22.-OIL
Sliiriia of turpentine firm. 604
R WIN Firm. A. B. t $Xti; D, $3.70; E.
$3 7i; K, Jlii; . $i; 11, $vao: 1, $4 00; K
51 . ---. N. V. U., f.tJ; w. w.
ilifJ UMAUA JJAIL.1 liW: TUKtSlJAY, MAKCII 24, 1P03.
IrregTilarity Kaxki the Moyement of
Prices of Securities.
Close la Utrons;, With Valaes at ae
Highest Level of the Day-'
Railroad Bonds Ir
regalar. NEW YORK, March 23. Irregularity
marked the movement of price In the
stock market today. Business was n mod
erate volume and haa been the case for
some time past, almost wholly professional.
There la still a dearth of public Interest,
not only in stocks, but In bonds as welt
Sentiment was bullish In the main, though
developments were not all of the sort to
make for increaaed confidence.
The day's budget of news included fore
casts of President Roosevelt's forthcoming
special message to congreas, concerning
which there was much diversity of opinion;
the first publlo report of the American
Sugar Refining company, showing unex
pectedly large caah assets and rash sur
plus; advices from the leading railway cen
ters, which bespoke a more cheerful view
of general conditions despite fears of a
coal strike; a reported decrease In the num
ber of idle freight cars, and a good crop
outlook. Dlnpatchea from New England
mill towns telling of further wage reduc
tion served to call renewed attention to
the labor situation. Rumors of a strike
on the Reading system depressed the coal
ers during the early session, the rest of
the railway list falling In sympathy, but
general recoveries were later registered.
Locally the day was devoid of Important
Incidents, apart from the definite an
nouncement that two erstwhile financial
Institutions the Oriental bank and the
Knickerbocker Trust company were about
to emerge from their difficulties. The
early movement of prices was more favor
able to the Industrial group than to the
rallera. Excepting the excellent statement
of the sugar company, which advanced
that stock smartly, there waa little to ac
count for the strength of Industrial sharea,
though the belief la gaining ground that
conditions In steel and iron and the metal
trade generally are beginning to take on
a more hopeful aspect. In the final hour
the market developed increased activity
and atrength under the lead of the Harrl
man and Hill Issues and the steel and
copper sharea, the movementa embracing
the . entire active list and aome of the
specialties. Among the Impelling causes
were the decision of the United Slates su
preme court, which overturn the Minne
sota freight and passenger law, declaring
the penalties Imposed excessive, and the
introduction of amendments to the Sher
man antl-tmat law. The closing was
strong, at about the high level of the day.
Foreign markets exercised little or no ln7
fluence here, though Americans rallied In
London, where business was restricted by
reason of the approaching settlement. No
Important railway earnings were reported
today, but those of some minor roads were
In line with recent returns, virtually all
showing a marked falling off In gross.
The money market waa without note
worthy Incidents, the rates for call and
time loans being practically unchanged,
with little demand. The payment to Wash
ington of a final Instalment of about $14,
000,000 of government moneys was accom
plished without disturbance. The greater
part of this sum waa disbursed by local
banks for their Interior correspondents.
Money Is accumulating here In unwonted
volume and the secretary of the treasury,
according to trustworthy reports, is likely
to make further withdrawals on or before
April 1.
In the bond market, United State regis
tered fours declined U per cent on call.
Railroads were irregular. Total sales, par
value, $2,400,000.
Number of sales and quotation on stock
were a follow:
tales. Hujh. Low. CIom.
Adam Kxpre , 177
Anuliamated Copper ...... S,M SB1 hH &X
Am. c. F i.oni) S14 rn liu
Am. C. r. pli soo Sll W Ilk
Am. C. A r. pld ia 8t &
Am. Cot tun oil $, t 2714 M
Am. Cotton Oil pfd ,. ..... hi
American Express loo 180 j))' no
Ana. H. L. pfd M
Americas lc Securities.... 1,800 31 2D sou
Am. Une4 Oil
Am. Lliuwd Oil pfd'. 174
Am. Locomotive 9, 600 41 414
Am. Looomotlv pfd 1.300 Vi M
Am. 8. R t0,K 714 71
Am. g. A R. pfd 100 M M U
Am. Surar Rt-nning U,8U 128 M7t 1-1
Am. Tobacco pfd ctfs.v .' ...
Anaconda Mining go 8.900 5714 57 J7v
Atchison j.joo 7J1, 1! 7s
Atchison pfd ) j;, f,,
Atlantic Coast Lin OiO 8714 87V Wft
Baltitnor A Ohio 100 8214 81 82
Bal. A Ohio pfd S2
Brooklyn Hapld Tr 8,9n 47 i 4CU
Canadian Paolflo 11,60 H!t 14iUi ur
Central of New Jeraey 100 17214 17214 17'
Chesapeake A Ohio l,8tio 81 8014 t4
Chloato Ot. W , 414
Chicago A N. W 1414 14i4 Ml
C, M. A St. P Ii,3u0 117 U6H ini
Chloo T. A T., offered ..... I
Chicago A, A T. pfd 20
C. C. C. A St. L. 48
Colorado T. A 1 7,100 2314 214, X
Colorado A 80 1.H00 2i 14 2U
Colo. A 80. 1st pfd 1200 u 844 64
Colo. A So. td pfd 700 44 4i,u 4614
Conaolldated Gaa 8.40. , 14 1(0 105
Corn Products, rfg goo 1214 n jj
Com Products ptd luo tl-4 8114 62
Delaware A Hudaon Too lo8 168 VA
Del., Ij. A W 4k&
Denver A Rio Grand. , .., ju
D. A R. O. ptd 1,10 60 M 4S11
Distiller' Securities 4 !UI 19 83 SS'J
Krl 1,800 J0'4 1A14 16
Krle 1st pfd M0 81 1 8044 S014
Krle td pfd , 20O t II 14
Ueneral Electrie 80O 1231 122'4 128
llllnola Central uj 1344 114t
International Papfr aoo i )u 9u
Inu Paper ptd 110 8T 67 6
Int. Pum I.dio 26 8414 :t
Int. Pump pfd i) 7iaj 7
low Central 70s 1114 11 ui4
Iowa Central pfd , ' so 11 so 8014
Kanaa Cltjr 80 800 ' 2214 2214 trik
K. C. So. pfd ..... hi?
LoulBVlll A N 1,400 8814. MV4 8
Mexican Central 2)) 18 jj 1714
Minn. A St. Louis 0 2214 t?.i 2?14
M., Pi, P. A S. S. If 800 10414 mi 104)4
M . Bt. V. A 8. 8. 14. pfd .7 .. is,
Mlasourt PaolDo 2.800 8 W 814
M. K. A T 8,800 XI14 2 nT
U.. K. A T. pfd . 68 63 6)li
National Lead 8. too uu M14 68
N. K. R. of M. pfd 4v
New York Central 7,300 iu HU hv.
N. T.. O. A W 4.H) ii 821, iU
Norfolk A W 2,601 6214 81 82
N. A W. pfd
hnnt American soo 4t4 4s KV
HanIRe Mall 4.1m Jj t14 S!U
Pennarlvaula 7 11714 111H4 jmj
People's Uas 4.WO l44 WI14 8914
P.. C. C. A Bt. L, 8S14 87 68
Pressed Steel tsr ,., $,) 8114 2814 23 U
Preutsd 8. C. pfd . ... 79?
Pullman Pal so Car 300 lr,l l.v: if,)
Rsaom ..iS1.4o0 1!4 103 u loi
Reading 1st pfd ,3
Reading 2d pfd , sou.
Republlo SUel two IS14 1
Republic Steel pfd l.TiO TJ Tl 724
Rwk Ulasd Co l " 14 It 14
Rock Inland Co. pt, 2,00 t'4 2f. ID 14
Bt. U B. K. td ptd l'0 : tty H
BU Loul 8. W ' 7o0 U14 l;;, ' 13U
St. U 8. W. pfd (ill 80S 2H 80
Boathera Pad so 1T,8 T644 n 7S 14
Bo. Paclfla ptd 8u0 Ho'4 I1W4
So. Railwar v... 4.K U 1114 las
80. hallwar pfd.... loo i 84 80
Texas A Paclflc 6i0 114 16'4 nu
T . 8U U A W ,. t 16'4 I614 16 12
T , a U t W. pfd 8u US MV4 xi
t'nion Paclno ..112,M0 126I4 12414
t'alos Paclflo pfd T8
V. 8. Expraea , so
V. 8. Realty 8-K) 40 40 88
V. 8. Rubber u0 14 21S 2144
II. 8. Rubber pfd Ill II 84 83
V. ,8. Meat 87.700 3514 874 8414
U. 8. Steel pfd 7,0 v 8714 88S
Va.-f'aroUna Chemical . 10). 1814 18'A lkli
Va.-Caru. Cheat, pfd 81S
Wabaah I'O 84 814' S
Wahaa pfd 200 17 1414 144
Welle-errgo Eipraes , 800
WestUighoua aUsctfl too 4014 40 4J14
Western t'nlo 8- 60 48 48
Wheeling A U K 1M0 ' 614 .' 614
Wlacouaia Cnlrai ..... ..... 14
Wla. Central pfd 40
Nurthara PaclBo 18 8U0 l?kS 1T414 1
Central Leather 2'JO 1814 , 17 111(
tVntral Leather pfd ' 8214
Sluss-Hhefneld Bleat u 4"0 8S 60s 6nS
ui. Nonnera pfd...L f.a ltj'i yn us
labsrborousH Met. .( bl TU TS 7U
lot. Mel. pfd 60O lnS 1614 US
Total sales for the day, T14.s) share.
Forelga Klaaarlal.
1NTX)N, March 22. Money wss In good
demand today, various calls absorbing the
moderats aupply. Dtacounta were steady.
On the Stock exchange gilt-edged stock
met with little support and ruled eaav on
Paris securing the bulk of the hAi,000 In
gold available on the epen market. Con
sols, however, Improved slightly near the
cloee. Forelgnera were the brightest aec
tlon, and Japaneae nd Russian securities
were supported locally as well as for Paris
sccount. American securities started stead
ily on the good New York bank statement,
but beyond professional support of Bteel
on good business reports the trading was
Insignificant, prices dropped In the fore
aoon. Tle receipt of the New York open
ing caused a slight Improvement, but the
buying subsided and the market closed
RtCKLJN. March 22 Tradlna on the
I llvuiae today was firm. Ti statement
that there was to be a revision of the
American tariff by a special session of
congreea after March 4. l.. Is cited by the
official news agency aa having created a
favorable Impression on the market.
TARIS, March 2,-Irlcea on the Bourse
todoy were firm. The private rate of dis
count was 2 13-K per cent, an Increase of
H per cent. 4
Ifew Vorlf Moaer Market.
CANTILE PAPFH-rytf6 per cent.
8TKRL.INU xUXCHANWB)-8teady, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.xft8
4.HMI6 for demand and at $4.M4t34.R350 for
sixty-day bills; commercial bills, $4.83sW
MONET-On call, eaay, imi per cent;
ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 1 per
cent ; offered at S per cent.
TIMB LOANS quiet; sixty days, 20314
per cent; ninety days, 24 per cent; six
months, fltS per cent.
BIL.VFR Har, 5f.c; Mexican dollar. 47o.
Bi.iNDS Government, easy; railroad. Ir
regular. Closing quotations on New York bond
(losing on tock and bondu
V. 8. ref. , re(....lMSMan. e. . 4s 4
do coupon lots Me. Centra! 4s R2S
XI. 8. 3s, reg ml do 1st ino 1
4 coupon 101 Mlnn. A Bt. L. 4.. 80
V. 8. aew 4a, rg....liSM., K. A T. 4a ."S
do emipan U'.'s do 2s 77S
Am. Tobacco 4a 7 N. R. R. of M. e. 4s 77 s
io 8s .. U K. T. C. g. S S
Atchison gen. 4s...;.. 48 N. J. C. g. 5s. ..: 12s
' do sd). 4s 9SNo. PaclBo 4a PS
Atlantic C. L. 4s.... no do Ss F'S
Bal. A Ohio 4a rt N. A W. e. 4s 84S
do 8Ss oso. . R. rfdg. 4s
Brk. R. T. e. 4s 7e Penn. cv. 8Ss 4
Central ot Oa. 6....lois Readln gen. 4 IMS
do let ins US St. L. A I. M. 0. 6a.. 104
do 84 In 84 Ht. L. A S. . fg. 4s. 88S
Cnes. A Ohio 4Sa... 88 St. L. R. W. e. 4s.... to
Chicago A A. 3S-. 2 Seaboard A. L. 4s.. 48
C, B. A Q. n. 4s.... SI'iSo. Paclflc 4a It.'.
C. R. I. A P. 4s 6S do 1st 4s ctfi 8 14
do col. 6s 86 go. Railway 6a Ms
OCO. A St. L. g. 4s KISTnas A P. Is 104S
Colo. Isd. 6s. sr. A. 60ST., 8t. L. A W. 4s. 8
Colo. Mid. 4s 6fs Union Paclflo 4 loo
Colo. A So. 4s. MS do cv. 4a W14
Cub 6s 101 r. 8. Steel d 6s MS
P. A R. O. 4s 61 Wabash Is lies
rHMIHe' Sso. 6s.... 73 H do deb. B s
Krle p. I. 4s 8 SWeetem Md. 4s MS
do gen. 4a.......... 63s W. AUK. 4s J
HtxJtlng Vsl. Central 4s KS
Japan 4s 77S Atchison cv. 4s 87
do 4Ss rtfs BUS do 6s MS
do Id series 8M41nt. Met. 4S H
LAN. unl. 4s t
Hid. Offered.
Boston Stock Unotatloas.
BOSTON, March 2S.-Call loans, 2H1M per
cent; time loans, 6tr6 per cent. Official
were as follows:
Atrhlsoe dj. 4s 85 Adventure IS
ds 4s SAltoues 86
Met. Central 4s...... 81 S Amalgamated 6S
Atchison i... VS Atlantic 10
do pfd tlli Hlngbam 87
Bnsto A Albany 186 Tel. A Heel 6TI6
Boston A Maine J10S Centennial i2
Iloston Klevated d28 Copper Hang 64S
FlUhburg pfd m Hair West 8
Mexican Central 17S Franklin 7S
N. Y., N. H. A H...1.U llraubr 81
Vnton Pacific ,...USMass. Mining 2S
Am. Arga. Chem 17SMirhlsn 10 s
do pld h 78 Mohswk 48
Am. Fneu. Tub 4SOId Dominion 28
Amer. Sugar ....t....2K Oareola 80
do pfd ...122 Parrot 1814
Am. T. A T WtSllulnce kh
Am. Woolen 17 Shannon lis
do pfd 81SU. 8. Mining 33
Dominion I. A 8 lfiSU. 8. Oil . jo
Edlaon Klectrlo Illu. S Utah 40S
General Electric 128 Victoria 3
Mas. Electric ....... tSWInona 6S
do pfd 46. Wolverine 121
Mass. Uas 48 North Butts 64
United Prult 12SS Butte Coalition 22S
United 8. M 44 S Nevada us
do pfd 27 Cal. A Arlsnna ins
V. 8. Steel itSArlion Com 19
do pfd 8SOreeoe Canansa IS
Loads Brook aotatlon.
LONDON, March 23. American Securities
opened dull and lower today. Southern
Paclflo advanced H, but the rest of the
list showed declines ranging from H to H
below Saturday's New York closing.
London closing stock quotations: .
Consols, money 87 Mo., Kan. A Tex..,. KM
do account 87 6-14 New York Central. ...101 14
Anaconda T Norfolk A Western.. 86
Atchison , ?6S ' do pfd 82
do pfd 88 Out. A Western 83
Baltimore A Ohio.... 84 Pennsylvania 68s
Csnadlan Pacific ....161 Rand Mine 4i4
Cheaapeak A Ohio.. 11 Reading 68 s
Chi. Great Western.. 6 southern Ratlwsy .. 12T4
Chi., Mil. A Bt. P.. 128 do pfd 86
De Beer 11 Southern Paclflo .... 74
Denver A Rio 0 20 Unloa Pacific 127
do pfd 61 do pfd 84
Erie M United State Btwl.. 84V
do 1st pfd 81 flo pfd 3004
do td pfd 23SWabh .
Oraad Trunk 16 do pfd 17
llllnola Central 12i Bpantah 4a 84
Louisville A Nash. ..100 Awal. Coppar 6
SILVER Bar, quiet at 25 ' B-16d per
GOLD Bar, 77s. , 2V4J1 "American eagles,
76s., 6t ..';
MONET-ZQ1 per cent
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills Is 14? per cent; for three
months' bill, 2 per. cent.
Treaisrr Statement.
WASHINGTON. March 22. Today1
statement of the treasury balance In the
general fund exclusive or the $160,000,000
gold reserve shows: Available cash
balance, $222,589,060; gold coin and bullion,
122,299,666; gold certificates, 129,820,890.
Bank Cleariagrs.
OMAHA, March 22 Bank clearings for
today were 2,364,8R8.07, and for the Cor
responding date last year, 21,936,418.41.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, March 23. METAIJ8 The
London tin market was higher, with spot
quoted at 140 lbs and futures at 129 2
6d. Locally the market was firm, with
quotation ranging from 2no.7txgoi.25, Cop
per was higher In the London market,
with spot quoted at 69 10s and futures at
69 ITs 6d. Locally tba market waa firm
and higher on the average, with Lake
quoted at 212 87H12.12'; electrolytic, 212.76W
12.00, and caatlng, 2i?.62Vju2.87tt. Lead waa
higher at 14 10s 2d In London. Locally
the market waa steady, but unchanged at
$3.90g4.00. Upelter was unchanged at 21
2s 6d In London. The local market was dull
and a shade easier, at quotations ranging
from $4.60 to 24.70. Iron was higher In the
English market, with . Standard foundry
quoted at 6)s 9d and Cleveland warrants at
62s. The local market was unchanged,
with No. 1 foundry, northern, closing at
2lS.26tfil2.76; No. 2 at U7.7W18.26; No, I
and No. 1 southern, soft, 217.75(5)18.60.
ST. LOUIS, March 23. METALS Lead,
higher at 23.80. Spelter, firm at 14.46.
Cotton Market.
ture opened steady; April, 9.65o, bid; May.
.9.7Bc; July, 9 TOc; August, 9.61fc9.3c; October,
9.56c; December, 9.68c; January, 9.68c, bid.
COTTON futures - closed very steady;
April, 9.62c; March, 1.60c; .May. 9.65c; June,
98o; July, 9 66o; August, 9.63c; October,
9.63c; December, 9.66c. Spot cotton cloaed
quiet, 10 points tower) middling upland.
10.45c; middling gulf,. 10.TOc; sales, 6,000
GALVESTON, ' March 2S.-4?OTTON-Hirher
at nc.
Spot quiet, Ho down on all grades. Mid
dling, 10,c. Sales, l,0t bale spot and 700
bales to arrive.
ST. LOUIS, Maroh 22.-COTTON Dull;
middling, Use. galea, none; receipts, 2a)
balea; shipments, 240 bale; stock, 24 269
Costs Market.
NEW YORK, March 22. COFFKBJ-Mar-kt
closed steady at a- net decline of 5315
points. Hales were reported of 46,000 bags,
Including March, l.tR)if)7oc; April. .70o;
May, 6y(io.?6c; June, 5.70c; July, 5.7&&6.80c;
September, 6 eOrfio-Soc ; October, 5.90c; De
cember, 6.86.0uc. Spot coffee, dulul; No.
7 Rio. sc; No. 4 Kantoa, 8i&c; mild,
quiet; Cordova, 10ais'c.
St.- Josenti Live Stork Market.
6T. JOSEPH. March 23. CATTLE Re
ceipt. 2,1'8 head; market steady to eaay.
NatlveSL i5erniV76f enva anA ... t i,
6.H); stockers and feeders, $2.7&&6.0O.
iniua-nwtnpn, ,oa neaa; market steady
to 6c hla-her. Ton . ta 02U.- ki,iir ..1...
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, none.
Lamb, 6.76i'7.60; yerling. 6.sti7.00; ewe,
ev.1u4fo.ov, vteiiivra, so.ccKrje. fa.
Bloaa City Live gtoeU Market.
SIOITC CITY, la., March 23. -(Special
Telegram.) CATTI.E-Recelpts 2,8"0 head;
market at Wo higher; beevea. 24.50ij oti'
cows and heifers, t3.00tg4.86; stockers and
feeders, 3.0Uiu4.oU; calve and yearling.
ll'&iM .00.
HOGS Receipts 2.100 head; market 10c
higher at 24.6uit4.0; bulk, 24.76S'4.86.
Stoek la Bight.
Receipt of live stock at the six prin
cipal western markets yesterday :
t Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 2,7 4,4x2 13,Ho4
Bloux City Jk) 2.1U0
Kansas City If wo g.m,) 1,0,4
Bt. 1au1s 2.5"0 ,(io :,0u0
ft. Joseph t 8.179 4.6H2
Chicago 26.0UO 46.0U0 17,000
69.708 70,176 40,984
nookefrller l.ravea for H Irk no ad.
ArOCSTA. Ga.. March 22. John D.
RfK-kefeller, accompanied by his family,
leit Augustta today lor Richmond, Va.
No Great Change in Cattle Valuci in
Any Direction.
Large Ha of Shee aad I.aaabs,
Mostly Throagh Staff, Not Of
fered for Sale rrlces
Steady to Stroager.
BOUTH OMAHA, Neb., March 23, 1S09.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Estimate Monday 2.6J7 4.43 13.8M
Same day laat week...., 4,612 7,tW0 7.K11
Same day 2 week ago.. 2.979 7.4.(1 6.7
Same day 8 weeks ago.. 2.614 8.604 6,0ol
Ssme day 4 weeks ago.. 2.W6 6.744 8,144
bame day last year.... 4,245 4.6MI 11,210
The following table show the receipt ot
cattle, hog and sheep at Bouth Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year:
19ti. 1807. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 221.141 aa.wa 42.W2
Hogs 770,0,4 6X7.949 182.126
Seep 819.801 431,926 112,124
The following table shows the average
price ot hog at South Omaha fur the last
several day, with comparisons:
Date. I 19U8. 1907.1US.106.1)4.1W2.1902.
4 3414 8 6 09
6 161 1 21
4 87,
6 (U 121
4 80
4 81
4 91
6 94
i 44
7 28
f 00
I 12
t 15
6 27
6 02
6 03
0 t 11
I 16
6 &
6 04
5 2
4 44.
4 64
6 07
6 15!
7 20
4 98
6 04j 7 KM
4 64
4 62V
6 01
6 OS
6 13
6 W
6 01
6 04
4 98,
4 92
4 .
4 97
I vo
7 19
6 48
6 40
6 101
4 B&V
7 21
7 361
4 73V,
6 161 6 18
6 16 6 26
7 4(1
23.4 78
The official number of car of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M 4 St. P..... 8 2 ,. 1
Mo. Rac 1 ,, .. ,,
t'nion Pacific go 10 63
C. ft N. V ent ... 6 . . . . 1
C. & N. W., west.. 49 23 2
C. St. P. M. & O.. 15 2
C. B. & Q , east 1 .. .. 1
C. B. A g., west.. 28 19 2 2
C. R. I. & P east 7 ..1 1
Illinois Central.... 6 1 .. ,.
C. U. W.. 4 4
Total receipts. .148 69 58 6
The disposition of the day' receipts waa
aa foilowa, each buyer purchasing the num
ber ot head indicated:
. , . Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.. 315 682
Swift & Co 900 1,219 1,264
Cudahy Packing Co.. 272 892 667
Armour & Co 611 420 1,420
Armour & Co., Denver 83
Vfl.nsstit Ar I yn tu
Carey & Benton '. . 7S 111 11.
wumiin a notncniid. 168 ... ...
W. I. Stephen 42 ... ...
Hill & Son 158
F. P. Lewis 1J ... ...
J. B. Root & Co.... 162 .... ...
J. H. Bulla 7 ...
L. F. Huza 27 ... ...
McCreary & Carey..,. 86 ... ...
H. F. Hamilton 72
M. Hagerty & Co.... 120
Sullivan HrOM iR
Lehmer Bros 11
Other Buyers 408 ... 236
01. Vla'r "- CO 42
Blockshlre t;i3
Bt. Louis Pkg. Co 228
T. Klngan Pkg. Co 390
Total 2,711 4,244 8,487
CATTLE Receipts of cattle continue
moderate at this point, with runs elsewhere
by no means excessive. No great change
was noted In today's cattle trade, but' the
market aa whole, wa In very satisfactory
The market cn beef steers opened In good
season In the morning and buyers started
out bidding in some caaes, at least, higher
prices for such stuff that just happened
to cult their needs. It looked at first as If
a good advance would be made, but buyers'
enthusiasm did not last very long and the
trade settled down to about a steady mar
ket a compared with last week. Some
ale weie poeslblr better than Friday'
lowest point, but nie market was certainly
no higher than Thursday. - The demand
was sufficiently active to effect a clearance
of everything in sight by 10 o'clock in Uie
morning. .
Good cow sold freely at last week's dol
ing prices, but there waa more or less com
plaint about, the medium to Inferior grades,
which were pretty generally a little lower
than last week or at least no better than
Friday's low point. Cows did not move off
quite so freely aa did steers and it was a
little later before a clearance waa effected,
but still the most of them sold la very good
season In the forenoon.
There waa considerable inquiry for stock
era and feeders and they sold fully steady
and in some cases higher than laat week,
everything desirable changing hand at an
early hour.
quotation on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed iteera, 25.906.40; fair to good
corn-fed steers, 25.606.90; common to fair
corn-fed steers, l4.6iKy6.5o; good to choice
cows and heifers, 4.7&ft6.40: fair to good
cows and heifers, 23.9ua4.76; common to
fair cowa and heifers, 22.262.90; good to
choice atockera and feedera, 4.6om5.(jO, fair
to good stockers and feeders, 3.85ig4.60;
common to fair Btocker and feeders, 23.00
Representative sales:
Ma At.' Pr. No. At. Pr.
9 Ul I 00 8 187 6 76
Jvu6 f Ot 88 126 6 16
14 H4 IU 16 1U88 80
U87 16 11 1168 6 u
10 ,..1U34 6 86 17 ill 6 SU
88 1U8 6 k ta ..1148 6 85
16 1886 6 80 , lil 6 0
U 1186 5 80 10 1078 E 80
6 1U04 I 80 CO 1HU ( 86
61 sol ( 84 18 Uii i 00
46 1101 I 40 11 la 00
88 h& 6 40 20 U10 t 60
M 878 i 60 41 1878 t 06
94 8t I 60 18...., 1K1 16
16 718 I 60 16 1216 16
17.... 811 6 66 f 10 6 90
8 10b4 I 66 18 ,..,.1438 6 86
10 1184 I 60 86 16.S4 4 86
17 108 6 66 86 1620 8 16
16 6 66 1 1178 6 16
18 866 6 76
1 0 2 80 1OT0 4 16
2 80 2 60 4 kJ47 4 86
14 8t)t 2 76 T lint 4 tf
10 858 2 80 17 611 4 80
10 M 101 6 1016 4 86
6 934 8 80 8 KM 4 86
t But 8 IS 8 luM 4 40
li 1U4 I 26 4 m 110
8 M0 8 96 8 1178 4 60
4 8iT 8 60 18 ,. 880 4 60
1 844 8 60 11 H40 4 60
1 1040 8 86 8 8M 4 46
10 4H I 76 1 UI77 4 66
H"l i 86 I 1114 4 70
9 IM IN 4 lit! 4 76
1 9-0 4 00 1 10W) 4 80
11 W 4 06 1378 4 II
4 1018 4 06 10 llftd 00
16 886 4 10 11 Il74 I 00
II ill 4 16 18 Iu7 I 06
11 841 4 16
4 4. I 86 Ui T80 I 66
9 718 8 10 17 6i4 I 86
6 840 8 8 14 4 00
I I 80 II 867 4 00
4 710 0 1 770 4 80
4 W IB 1 64 4 16
1 6(4 I 86 1044 4 76
1 641 8 4o 1 luo I 6V
I toO I 66 1 714 5 2
t 86 I 06 1 1IM 80
1 760 8 00 1 17J0 4 08
1 1070 I 86 1 14J0 4 60
1 800 8 86 1 Uuo 4 00
1 10 40 1 11,40 4 l0
1 810 I 60 1 1H6 4 16
1 ..! I 60 1 18W 4 t6
2 1111 I ' I lkM 4 40
1 IM I 60 1M0 4 46
1 1060 60 1 1420 4 64
2 786 I 66 1 1U6 4 60
1 10 8 60 1 IfrW 4 a,
2 1U0 8 60 I u0 4 46
4 Itfl 4 10 1 IU1 4 76
1 640 I 76 1 140 4 8
1 1180 I 76
2 278 I 76 1 r0 K
1 K 1 146 6 76
1 16 4 60 1 140 I 76
t 86 I 00 let 4 UO
2 94 6 00 2 126 4 00
1 160 I 86 I -i 4 80
1 63 8 00 84 683 4 80
8 616 8 86 11 1IS 4 80
98 680 8 70 T 7M 4
1 418 2 76 98 670 4 80
2 78 I 16 11 4-6 4 86
1 Hi lit 6 6.4 4 86
44 6 I 86 86 61 4 40
4 60 4 0 88 618 4 40
4 626 4 00 9 888 4 40
M 4M 4 00 90 87 4 40
8 6 a) 4 00 4 64 4 6)
646 4 10 It 748 4 66
" 4 l 1 6.4 4 66
10 4J 4 SO 1 64 4 40
t 441 4 86 10 8) 4 66
l 70 4 14 41 4 7,
10 4)7 4 86 6 8tW 4 T6
HOGS Hogs sold generally 6c hiirher than
last week's el'ise. Some few sales of stuff
that shippers juat hapned to tske a fancy
to may possibly I'ave shown even more
advance than tliat. but the general market
could not be quoted better than in higher.
With receipts light as uaual on Monday
and with a good shipping demand In addi
tion to a moticrate packing dvnand the of
femiga were all takeu in good Season.
A Convenient Form of Investment
Persons who desire their funds to yield maximum
returns, consistent with safety, will find our Certifi
cates of Deposit, which bear 3ro interest, an ideal
form of investment. '
Money invested in these Certificates of Deposit
is absolutely secure and makes a very satisfactory
and convenient form of investment. - '
3 Interest Paid on Certificates of Deposits
13th and Farnam Sts.
Fortunately everything waa sold before re-
fiorts began coming from Chicago Indlcat
ng a lower cloae at that point, or the mar
ket here might have eased off. The hogs
old largely at l4.7Mi4.8u, whereas on Sat
urday the bulk went at 14.70-4.75.
Representative sales:
No At. 81). Pr.
66 19 ... 4 66
68 187 200 4 70
41 811 IrtO 4 70
86 177 80 4 TO
86 184 ... 4 70
Ko. At. Bh. Pr.
46 SU ... Ik
71 814 160 4 80
11 128 90 4 80
76 t!4 ... 4 80
lei 10 4 ao
74 12 so 4 80
' 110 90 4 70
111 1H0 ... 4 7m 48 M 180 4 80
81 167 ... 4 18S4 47 6(17 ... 4 80
86 1K7 40 4 76 64 W 80 4 80
47 H5 40 4 76 66 814 ... 4 80 '
76 184 ... 4 76 66 til ... 4 80
84 216 ... 4 76 74 8)0 40 4 80
44 176 ... 4 76 61 181 ... 4 80
83 2IU ... 4 71 67 m ... 4 80
77 207 130 4 V 76 846 ... 4 80
Ml 2ft) 160 4 77 4 64 ?U ... 4 80
6H 8.18 20 4 T74 82 Ml ... 4 80
79 188 120 4 774 60 Vi 140 4 80
7 Br7 80 4 7716 86 SOO 60 4 82V4
81 131 ... 4 80 10 870 ... 4 8216
62 274 160 4 80 78 S ... 4
62 2"! ... 4 80 N ... 44
21 822 80 4 C8 31 ... 4 K 4
8.1 ) ... 4 l 2 ... 4 824
84 2C4 ... 4 80 70 2M 120 4 624
68 176 80 4 80 68 8H8 ... 4 824
61 166 ... 4 80 ta ti'4 80 4 86
63 2H0 ... 4 80 64 876 ... 4 66
76 X! lis) 4 80 86 tit 180 4 86
67 187 160 4 80 81 28 ... 4 85
m 228 40 4 60 64 826 180 4 86
86 171 ... 4 80 70 ! 80 4 86
SHERR Receipts cn paper this morning
were very large, close to sixty cars being
reported. As a matter of fact, however,
only seventeen or eighteen cars were on
ale, the remainder being Celoradoa on
their way to eastern feed lots to be shorn
and finished for the market. Of the few
cara on sale the quality on an average
was not especially attractive, that Is, there
Were comparatively few real good killers.
The market, aa usual when the quality la
not overly attractive, waa a little alow, but
firlces were anywhere from steady to a
title stronger. Most everything changed
hands In very fuir season In the morning.
Quotations on wooled sheep and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, 27.154r7.tS6; lambs,
fair to good,; good shearing lambs.
lo.60rir7.U0; yenrllngs, good to choice light,
l6.6Wj4i.90; yearlinga, good to choice heavy,
to.26jit.6&; yearlings, fair to good, ta.CKXj6.60;
wethers, good to choice, f (3.1i4i6.W; wethers,
fair to good, 86.76ftr1.16; ewes, good to choice,
A00r(!j.36: ewes, fair to good, 26.6OJi4i.00;
culls and bucks, $3.60tJ4.60.
Quotations on shorn sheep are EOo under
wooled stock and shorn lamb 7&o under
wooled stock.
Representative sales:
No. Ar. Pr.
201 Mexican ewe L.. 73 8.00
236 western lambs, feeder 72 6.00
3 western lamba 65 6.90
81 weatern lambs 78 7.25
SI weatern ewe 100 6.00
204 western wethers and yetrltngs. 85 6.60
125 western lamb and yearlings.. 90 7.10
81 western lambs and bucks, culls. 78 6.00
410 western ewes .'106 6.00
427 western Wether and yearling,
horn 104 6.16
403 western lambs, shorn 80 6.90
99 western lambs, shorn 94 O.JO
Cattle and Sheep Ten to Fifteen Cents
Higher Hogs five Cents Higher.
celpta, about 26,000 head. Market 10Hrl5c
higher; steers, 2G.O0tfj7.0O; cowa, $3.&0fi6.26;
heifers, 3.40tji6.76; bulla, 23.&O&6.0O; calves,
f6.6K(i6.76; stockers and feeders, $3.257j5.10.
HOO&-Receipts, about 46,000 head. Mar
ket 6c higher; choice heavy shipping, $5.1'Ms
6.16; butchers, JfU("(i6.15; light mixed, $495
6.05; choice light, 2b.Outjj6.10; packing, 8-1. M
6.06; piga, 23. 764. 80; bulk of sales, 26.00
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, about
17,0141 head. Market HXiplbc higher; sheep,
I4.50i&6.i; lambs, 2o.0tty7.S6; yearlings, 26.5oi
Kansas City Llva gtoclc Market.
ceipts, 12,600 head. Including 900 head of
southerns; market steady to 10c higher;
top, $6.76; choice export and dressed beef
leers, 26.2C&6.7&; fair to good, o.atXt0.8):
western steers, 25.0txfri6.90; stockers and
feedera, 24.106j6.90; southern steers, Uiojj)
6.10; southern cow. H.i5a4.b6; native cows,
2:t.l"fr6.00; native heifers. 24.26&6.10; bulls,
3.256 00; calves, 23.7tat5.00.
HOGS Receipts, 6,u0u head; market
steady to 6o higher; cloaed weak;, top, 25.06;
bulk of sales, 84.tfii6.ou; heavy, 4 tliGo.OB ;
packers and bulchets. 4.806.00; lights, 24.70
t(4.95; pigs, MSml.W.
BHEEi' AND LAMRSRecclpts, 8 000
head; market 10o higher; top lamba, 27.80;
lamba, 27.lura7.80; ewea and yearlings, 25 75
giD.60; weatern yearlings, 26.6iXa7.10; western
sheep, 8,5.&uyt.&0; Blocker and feeders. 21.00
St. I.oals Live Stock Market.
ST. LOtTI8. March 22. CATTLE Re
ceipts 2.&00 head, including 176 head of
Texana; market for nativea, strong; Tex
an, steady; native shipping and export
steers, 20 O06.4o; dressed beef snd butcher
steers, to.2Vu6.8S; steers under 1,000 pounds,
24. 20,4.85; stockers and feeders, 23.0ut4.li6;
cows and heifers, 23.3MiC.86; ca liners, 2-'0m(
2.(10; bulla, 23.00414.76; calves, 23.507.60;
Texas and Indian steers,; cow
and heifers, ll.7i.4j-4. 10.
HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market
steady to strong; pigs and light, 3.7(ofi.0O;
packers, f4.25ritr).10; butcher and beat
heavy, 25.004(6.15.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000
head; market strong; native muttons, 21.25
62r; lambs, 4.00iiji.60; culls and buck,
Condition of Trade and Qaotatlon on
Staple and Fancy Prodaee.
EGOS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 14c.
UL'TTKR Common, lSo; fancy tub and
rolls, 18 tt -lc; creamery, oc.
CHEKSOKew full cream, Wisconsin
twins, 17 Vie; new full cream brick, 17c; do
mestic! new Bwias, ISo; new lim burger. Mi
16c; young Americans, 17V4C.
UVK POULTRY (Springs. 8Hcj hens. 10c;
roosters, 4c; ducks,' 9c; geese, 74c; turkeys,
H AY Choirs No. 1 upland. 7.&o: medium
$6 50; No. 1 bottom, 25.00: oft grades, $4 OU0
(.CO. Rye straw. 27.00. No. 1 alfalfa. 21160.
BANANAS Port Llmou, owing to Sise.
per bunch. 21. 50 to 12.00.
ORAPES Malaga, choice, per keg, 2100;
Malaga, extra fancy, 14.50: extra choioe,
per keg, 24.22; extra fancy, extra heavy,
5.00. '
CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell and
Rugle. per bbl., flO.00; extra fancy Jersey,
per bbl., 22.00 extra fancy Jersey, per box,
ORANflES Extra fancy, 94 to 260, per
box, 22.85; extra fancy, 96 to 250 else,
per box, 22 75; strictly fancy, 96 to 200 site,
per ho. 22.65.
GRAPE FRUIT Florida, 26 to 100 sixe,
per box. 25.50.
LEMONS Kxtra fancy. 200 to 200 slse,
23 50; extra cholc, 3u0 to 360 slse, per box,
23 25. r
PEARS Extra fancy winter Nellls, per
box. 2U.7S. I
DATES Sugar walnut, per box, 11.00.
APP14C8 Washington, Rome Beauties,
Red Check Pippins, Kings, tfpys. assorted,
per box. 21.60; California Red Winter Pear
main, per hm, II bu. .
TOMATOES Florida (ti-bosket crates),
per crate. 8A0O; t' tomatoes, owing to
guallty, 1151 to 23 0.. , . , .
CAULIFLOWER Per 2-dosen rrato, JIM
to 88 50.
PEPPERS Florida, (B-baaket cratea). per
crate. 24 uo.
ONIONS Kxtra fancy Ohio Red Globe,
per lb., 2Hc; Wisconsin yellow, 2c; Valencia,
Spanish, per crate, 21.60) Valencia Spanish.
160-lb. crates, 24 .IB.
ONION SETR-Yellow. bottom, 22 lbs. In,
bu.. per bu., 2176; red, 23.00; while, 23.26.
LETTUCE Florida, head, por hamper,
23.00; per dos., 21.00 to 2150.
CUCUMBERS Extra fancy hot houssj
Illinois, (2 dot.), per box, 2100; choice hot
house Illinois (3 tins.), per box. 2-00.
STRAWBERRIES per qt, 60c to 66c.
Hothouse radishes, head lettuce, onion,
parsley, per dos., 40c; southern radishes,
parsley, new beets, new carrots, new shal
lots, owing to aire, per dos., 40c to 9tc
old carrots, parsnips, turnips, beets, per
bbl., 22.25; Canadian rutabagas, per lb..
CABBAGE Extra Holland seed, per lb.,
SWEET POTATOES Kansas seed, duo
April i, per bbl., 21 85; 5-barrcl lots, 21.73.
Cocoanuta, each 6c, per sack, 24.00. Cali
fornia, No. 1 selected English walnuts, per
lb., 17V4jC Filberts, Brazils, Jumbo pooans,
butternuts, per sack, mc. No. 1 IL P. .
peanuts, roasted, 8c; raw, 6c; salted, per
box, 2100.
CIDER Mott'g, per bbl., 26.00.
HONEY California, strictly fancy, 24
frames, per case, 23.76,
CELERY Per crate, 22.75.
BEEF CUTS Rlba, No. L llUC. No. 2.
11c; No. 3. 9c. Loin, No, 1, 18o: No. X 14c;
No. 3, 12c. Chuck, No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 64jo;
No. 8. 6c. Round, No. 1. 9c; No. 2, 8Hc;
No. 3, 8c. Plate, No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 4o;
No. 3, 4V4C.
CANNED QOODS-Corn. standard west
ern, 75c. Tomatoes, fancy, 2-pound cans.
21.4b; standard, 2-pound cans, 21.31. l ine
apples, grated, 2-pound, lZ.WU2.du; sliced,
21.76ru2.36. Gallon apples, 24.50. California
aprlcota, 2.503.30. . Peara. t-!.lutj3.1&.
Peaches, 219uu3.16. L. C. Peaches, liUOif
2.15. Alaska salmon, red, 21.40; Xancy
Chinook, flat, 22.16; fancy sockeya, fiat,
$2.15. Sardine, quarter oil, 23.60; three
quarter mustard, 22.26. Sweet potatoes,
21.251.6. Sauerkraut, 96o. Pumpkins, Ouo
ti 21.00. Lima beans, 2-pound, 6uu f 1.26.
Soaked beans, 2-pound, 65c; fancy, 21.241.46.
are somewhat unsettled by freer offerlug
from second hands, who seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades: Quo
tations range from 6o to 9c for California
fruit and from 6o to 8a for Oregon.
Peaches are very dim, with fancy yellow
quoted at 12c.
NUTS California No. 1 S. 8. walnuts, per
lb., 17 Vic; Imported Tarragona almonds, per
lb., 18c; filberts, Bratslls and Jumbo pecans,
13c; butternuts, per lb., Uc; iw. I H. P.
peanuts, roasted, 8c; raw, 6c: salted pea
nuts, per box, 1.16; Italian chestnuts, per
lb., luc.
SUGAR- Granulated, cane, per sack, 25.40;
beet, 25.00; cut loaf, c; cubes, 6c; pow
dered, 6.L'c. ,
COFFEE Roasted, No. 25, 26c; No. 20.
Jlc; No. , lc; No. 20, 14V4c
FISH Halibut. He; trout. He; pickerel,
10c; pike, 9c; pike, fresh, frosen, 12c; while
fish, 13c; buffalo, 14c; bullheads, skinned
and dressed, 13c; catfish, Greased, 16c; whit
sunflsh, 641 9o; crapplea, 16c; large crapples,
15c; herring, fitrli, frozen, 4Vc; while fish,
perch, 7c; white bass, 14c; black bass. Hoc;
frozen. 13gi&"; pickerel, fresh, frosen, 7c,
HIDES AND TALLOW-klreen salted. No.
L 6c; No. 2, 4c; bull hides, 2c; green un
salted. No. 1, 4c; green unsalted, No. 2, 8c;
horse hides, (1.002.50; sheep pelt, 2uc&1.00.
Tallow, No. 1. 4Hc; No. 2. 3Vjc.
Authorities Will Take This Step to
Rid Country of An
archists. PITTSBURG, Pa-, March 23. Art Investi
gation I In progress here which, It It (aid,
will result In the deportation of thousands
of undesirable foreigner from th Pitts
burg district within the next few month.
John T, Harper, agent-at-large. for the
Immigration bureau of the Department of
Commerce and Labor, is In Pittsburg now,
gathering statistics incident to commencing
deportation. While he could not give an
estimate as to the number of - foreigner
who will be taken out of the Pittsburg
district, he aald it "would run Into thou
sands." The crusade I the carrying out of the
recent order of federal authorities to, use
deportation a a means of checking the
growth of anarchistic sentiment and the
ridding the country at the burden of tak
ing care of Indigent foreigner.
New Patriarch Militant Canton.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., March 23.-r(8pe-clal.)
The Odd Follow of Sioux Falla, a
the result of several recent meetings, have
concluded arrangement for th organisa
tion of a Patriarch Militant canton, which
corresponds to the uniform rank of other
orders. Sufficient member have signed
the application for the orgahlaatlon ot
the canton to authorise and warrant tha
granting of a charter, which will be se
cured at the earliest possible date. This
will make the fourth canton oftb order
In South Dakota. Years ago SIous Falls
had a canton of the order, but It went out
of existence about fifteen year ago. Tha
member of the new canton and those' ot
the other three cantons which already ar
In existence In the state will be a featura
of the parade of Odd Fellow of South
Dakota, which will take place during the;
annual meeting of tha PM Fellow, Juris
diction of South Dakota, nd auxiliary or
ganizations, which will be held In Sioux
Falls in May. The local Odd Fellows ara
taking great Interest In the nw cantoi,
and will make a good showing o the oc
casion ot the parade In May.
Criminal tosrl at (Hoax Valla.
SIOUX F ALLS, g. D., March 23.-(Spe-clal.)
Preparations are rapidly being com
pleted for the regular April term of United
States court, which will convene In-Slous;
Falla on Tuesday, April 7, with Judge John
E. Carland of this city presiding.
The grand Jury has been summoned to
report on that day, while the petit Jury
will not bo' required to aprrt-ar until a
week later, or on April 14.' There ar
numerous cases to be disposed of by tha
grand Jury, among them being a' number
of caaes of importance. .
The term wil be one of (lie most Im
portant held In South Dakota for several
years. There are a ISrga number of crim
inal caaes snd several weeks dvubtlee will
be required to dispose of them.
Defaulter Will Take Punishment.
MOBILE. Ala., Msrrh 23 -Captain Alams.
chief rf detectivs, anl Dcl.c ive Jo:insr!
of New York, fnrmfr'y usi'-ta'it superin
tendent of the Pru-im'iM Lta Insurance
company st thfir branch sm-ncy, t'ohnes
N. Y-. who I alleged o have left Uie coun
try one year snrl a half ago..' taking with
him tlrttf) ttl die company's funds. Hay
less was arrested In l'anter, Cal . near Sail
Prenolaco, three weeks ami. Bayl, ac
cording to the statement of Detective Joltu.
son, has confessed and u ill go hack to Near
York and "lake his uWiclue.''