Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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. Office 15 Scott Street.
Commercial Club Committee
Meet Township Trusteei.
IMana far Cifi4lif "2,000 Reullsed
frent Last Carnival to B Dis
carded Church to Re
r .
A Important meeting looking toward the
permanent Improvement of the p;ibllo
thoroughfares leading Into the city was hetd
yesterday In tha room of the Commercial
club. The meeting will be In the nature
of a conference between the good roads
committee of the Commercial club and the
trustee of tha townships adjoining Council
flans wilt be- discussed and outlined to
secure tha best results from the disburse
ment of road funds In the townships Inter
ested. Tha committee has at Its disposal
$2,000 realised from the street fair and
carnival of last fall which It Is proposed
to use-for the betterment of the highways
leading Into the city. The best way to use
this fund In the manner for which It Is in
tended will be discussed and probably de
cided upon at this meeting.
The Commercial club committee has ar
ranged to entertain the visiting township
trustees at dinner In the middle of the day
at Iho Neumayer hotel. Tha goods foad
committee of the Commercial club Is com
posed of Colonel W. F. Baker, chairman:
H. W. Binder. H. H. Van Brunt. C. W.
McDonald, C. A. Beno, T. N. Petersen,
Victor E. Bonder, P. R, Davis and Bpenoer
Smith. The township trustees who have
been Invited to attend the conference are
J. R. Lackwotth. Fred Miller and P. J.
Moran, Crescent; F. S. Childs, Fred Jensen
and O. W. Shipley, Garner; J. E. Butler,
John Halle and H. J. Smith, Kane; F. O.
Knowles. F. W. Beck and H. C. Jenkins,
Lewis; Ed Wilson, J. A. Curry and W. I.
Meyer, Rockford.
New English Lutheran Church to Be
Opened April S.
Sunday, April 6, la the date set for the
dedication of St. John's English Lutheran
church. Next Sunday the congregation will
hold regular services for jie last time In
the basement of the edifice, and beginning
on Sunday, April 6, the regular .services
will henceforth be held In the auditorium
'on the main floor.
Since May 16, 1897, or for nearly eleven
years, the services of the church have been
held in the basement awaiting the comple
tion of the main auditorium.
Elaborate services for the day of dedica
tion, April 5, and for the three aucceedlng
days, have been arranged. E. D. Bellls,
organist of Orace Lutheran church and
of the Masonla temple In Omaha, Will be
In charge of the music, presiding at the
new pipe organ.
The program for the dedicatory aervlces
and those of the three following days
Sunday. 10:30 a. m. Dedicatory sermon
0y Rev. J. A. Wirt, D. D., of Dea Moines.
Sunday. 3 p. m. Platform" services by
citizen of Council Bluffs. Speakers to be
announced In dally papers.
Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Post-dedicatory sermon
by Rev. A. B. Learner of Iowa City, presi
3ent of the Lutheran synod of Iowa.
Monilav, 7:80 p. m. Address on "Lutheran
Isni. VVImt U Is, What Are Its Works and
its Practical Problems to Solve," by Rev.
H. L. Yarger, D. D., of Atchison, Kan.,
field secretary of the Board of Church jx
;onlon. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Sermon on "Religious
Enthusiasm," by Rev. J. B. Hummon,
pastor of Kountse Memorial Lutheran
:hurch, Omaha.
Wednesday, 7:80 p. m. General reception
nd congratulatory addresses by Rev.
Luther M. Kuhrs, Rev. L. Groh, D. D.,
ind Rev. M. L. Mellck of Omaha.
Vehicles to Be Required to Keep on
Right Hand aide of Broadway.
City Solicitor Kimball has drafted an or
Slnance regulating travel on Broadway
from Thirteenth street west to the river,
nd expects to Introduce it at tha meeting
f tha city council next Thursday. The
ordinance, aa drawn by Mr. Kimball, ap
plies to all vehlclea, especially including
tutomoblles, motorcycles and bicycles.
Vehicles are required to keep as far as
possible on the right hand side of the road
and close to the curb, except when pass
ing another vehicle going In tha same di
rection. In which case the vehicle paaslng
must pass on the left hand side.
.When turning from Broadway to the left
Into any crossstreet, the vehicle must cross
lha middle of the cross-street before turn
ing, while when a turn la made to the
right Into a cross-street the turn Is to be
made before the middle of the cross-street
'V reached.
The proposed ordinance alao provides
hat any horse must be hitched facing the
llrectlon of travel along the side of the
itreet where the horse Is stationed.
A maximum penalty of IKK) fine or thirty
days' Imprisonment Is provided for viola
tion of the rules laid down In the measure.
Mm, Christina Whltmora Head.
Mrs. Christina Whltmore, a pioneer resl
'lent of Council Bluffs, died yesterday even
ing at the home of her dai-ghter, Mrs.
Harry Shaw, 606 East Pierce Ft root, aged
80 years. Deceased, who o4 v ttlve of
England, came to Council Hhi.'ls In 1S62.
and had made her home here ever since.
Best for cakes
of all makes
An everyday sweet for all people.
In air-tighrtins, 10c, 25c, 50c
Both 'Phones 43.
Besides her daughter, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs.
Whltmora Is survived by a son, 8. J. Whlt
more of Boomer township. The funeral will
be held Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock from
the Latter Day Saints' church, and Inter
ment will be n Walnut Hill cemetery.
Thief Goes Thrones. Hon of Father
Hermann While Ha la at Charch.
While Father Hermann was celebrating
mass at St. Peter's church yesterday a
thief broke Into the parsonage adjoining
the church on the west and thoroughly ran
sacked every room In the house. As far as
Is known the thief secured nothing of value.
It Is believed that he secured entrance by
unlocking the back door with a skeleton
While services were In progress In the
church a man called at the house adjoining
on the past, which la occupied by the sisters
In charge of St. Peter's parochial school.
The sisters were at church, but It hap
pened that the housekeeper was at home.
When informed that the sisters were at
church the stranger asked the housekeeper
if she was not going to tha services also.
The housekeeper, not liking the looks of
the stranger, shut the door, and tha fellow
left. The police suspect that the man who
called at tha house occupied by tha sisters
entered and ransacked the parsonage in an
evident search for money.
Taft Tickets IV early All Gone.
Less than forty tickets for the annual
banquet of the Commercial club, to be held
April 7, at which Secretary of War Taft
will be the guest of honor, remain In the
hands of Secretary Reed. The executive
committee and the committee on speakers
and arrangements for the banquet will meet
this morning, at which time allotment of
the remaining tickets will be made. So far
each member was limited to one ticket,
and those remaining over will be allotted
among the members desiring extra tickets.
Btockert sells carpets.
Ed Rogers, Tony Faust beer.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 97.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
For rent, unfurnished rooms, 231 Main St.
Picture framing. Alexander's, 833 B'way.
For rent, four-room flat; bath. Rent,
118.00. 300 Worth street. Enquire O. to.
Kimball. Ogden hotel.
The South First street chapter of the
Woman's guild of St. Paul s Episcopal
church will meet this afternoon with Mrs.
I. Muccl, 191 Graham avenue.
Harry Sanders, the 4-year-old, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Sanders of Arapahoe,
Okl., died Saturday at Mercy hospital,
Mrs. Sanders waa here with her son.
While It Is wet and muddy In your back
yard send your family washing to us. Wa
will do It right. Bluff City Laundry- Phone
lit. .
You can aet better coal for less money
from William Welch. 16 North Main. Tha
reason why Is because he sells for cash.
Both 'phones 128. Yard 'phone, Bell 877.
The funeral of Fern, the 8-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Marcoe,
Twenty-fourth street and Avenue C. who
died Saturday, was held yesterday, burial
being In Bellevue, Neb.
Harry Holsey Is behind the bars at the
city jail with a charge of larceny against
him. He was arrested by Special Offioer
J. C. . Vlxxard of. the Union Pacific and
Detectives Weir and Callaghan. He la
charged with stripping the brasswork from
a passenger car in the transfer yards.
Why figure and worry about that room
you are going to paper? Let us do the
worrying. We will figure it out to suit
you. come to us. the largest ana Deal
wall paper house In southwestern Iowa.
H. Borwlck. 211 South Main street. 'Phones
683. .
There will be a congregational meeting
of St. John's English Lutheran church
Wednesday evening. There will be choir
rehearsal Wednesday and Thursday even
ings. The Ladles' Aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon at the residence of
Mrs. H. Hornberger, 801 south felgntn
Mrs.. Kate H. Mossier, widow of tha late
L. H. Mossier, died Saturday evening at
her home, 617 South Main street, from
peritonitis, aged 69 years. Two sons, S. L.
Mossier of New York City and T. I- Moss
ier of this city, survive her. The body will
be taken today to Indianapolis, Ind., where
tha funeral will be held Wedneaday.
A general church social will be held Fri
day evening In the parlors of the First
Congregational church. The midweek serv
ice will be held Wednesday evening at 7:45
o'clock. The Christian Culture class will
meet Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The choir will meet for rehearsal Friday
evening at 7:30 o'clock In the audience
room of the church. The meeting of the
Young Men's Fortnightly club has again
been postponed for one week.
g pell lag Match at Denlaon.
DENISON, la., March 22. (Special.) Th'g
county has been stirred up from end to
end over a series of spelling and writing
contests. These began In each school
house, where the best three spellers were
found. These took part In a township con
test, when the best two of tha townahlD
came to Denlson Friday night to decide
on the three best spellers of the county.
Likewise the best In penmanship and those
showing the most Improvement were chosen
and finally a decision of championship for
the entire county made. The spelling con
test on Friday evening brought pupils,
teachers and parents from all parts of the
county to Denlson. There were sixty con
testants In spelling. These were first di
vided In three divisions and words given
until the best three In each dlvialon was
found. The nine best then were tested
for the first and second. The best speller,
was Mora Flnlgan of Buck Grove, and
second, Paul Hannah of near Wall Lake.
These received gold and silver watches.
The following day there waa a great county
meeting of teachers. Among those from
abroad aa speakers were Prof. A. V. 8'orms
of Ames .and Superintendent Clifford of
Council Bluffa.
Night Entertainment to Take Form
of Hone Show.
State Food and Dairy Commission Hs
Trouble Forcing Mannfactarcra
to Obey the Pare Food
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DBS MOINES, March 23. (Special.)
If the plans under way by the State
Board of Agriculture are perfected the
1908 state fair will be the best the de
partment has ever given. For some
years the department has had In mind
putting on an additional night attraction,
and the most attractive feature of the
character that ha appealed to the board
has been a horse show. The matter has
been considered before, but In the past
the board haa been unable to get the
electricity necessary for the grounds
and buildings at rtlaht and the horse show
haa had to wait.
This year it is possible that this show
will be put on. If It la It will be a
complete horse show and one of tha
finest In the country. Tha very best
horses In tha country are available at
the time of the 1908 Iowa State fair, for
tha Iowa fair la ona of the first held
and there are no big horse shows
scheduled for that time. It is possible
this year to have all the electric lights
necessary and the big stock pavilion at
the fair grounds furnishes ample and very
well-adapted space for the attraction.
Clrcna Features to Be Added. ,
It la proposed In addition to showing
the finest carriage and saddle and "high
school" horses to add some attractive
vaudeville and circus features, such as
bareback riding and the like. It Is be
lleved that an attractive horse show can
be put on that will rival the fireworks
attraction that Is given before the amphi
theater. The amphitheater has never
been able to accommodate the crowds
that have sought admission to the night
attraction and It is expected that the
horse show will attract aome of the
crowd. It Is believed that It will cer
tainly be a money maker and that many
will go to the grounds two nlghte and
see both.
Whether the horse show Is finally de
elded upon or not. It Is assured that the
horse exhibit this year will be one of
the finest that the fair haa ever had.
Prof. Curtlss of the State Agricultural
college at Ames, who Is superintendent
of this department. Is already In touch
with some of, the greatest horse breeders
of the country and the Inquiries that
reach him and the contracts for space
already made give assurance that the ex
hlblt will be especially fine.
This year the fair will open on Batur
day Instead of Monday and will be two
days longer than formerly.
One of the
plans is to make Saturday Union Labor
day and have Gompers and Mitchell ad
dress the union men during the day.
Enforcing- Part Food Law.
The state food and dairy commission of
fice Is having troubles all Its own in en
deavoring to convince some of the food
manufacturers that they must obey the
law. The department is dally In receipt of
letters from some manufacturers who are
continually endeavoring to enter Into nego
tiations with the department as to how the
pure food law should be Interpreted. Two
of these obstreperous and voluminous let
ter writers have been arrested for violating
the pure food law, but this does not deter
them from writing more letters.
One manufacturer makes aome pancake
flour which he Is determined to call buck
wheat flour In spite of the fact that part
of It is wheat flour. The new law pro
vides that the percentage of the Ingredi
ents must be placed on the outside of the
can cr package, and provides further that
the can or package must not be mislabeled.
In other words It must not say "Buckwheat
Flour" when It is half wheat flour. Not
but that It may be better for pancakes
with some wheat In It, but that the people
have" a light to know what they are buy
ing. All but a very small per cent of the food
manufacturers of Iowa are now studiously
obeying the state pure food law. There Is
but a small per cent that Is not, and this
small per cent lis rapidly coming into line
because of the imposition of fines by Justice
courts. One manufacturer of a pancake
flour who formerly labeled it "Pure Buck
wheat Pancake Flour," has, since the pure
food law went Into effect, changed the
label to some fancy name, but still calls It
"buckwheat." Commissioner Wright holds
that the packages are mlsbranded, for they
still hold out the Idea that tha stuff is
pure buckwheat. In order to Induce the
manufacturer to take the same view of
the matter, however, he was forced to file
a complaint and have the man arrested.
Thrift la Recovering.
Adjutant General W. H. Thrift, who
three weeks ago fell and broke three ribs,
was at his office today. He remained but
a short time. He expects, however, to be
able to take up his work regularly again
In a few days.
Senator Lewie Daughter Dead.
Miss Evanelle Lewis, daughter of Senator
and Mrs. I W. Lewis, died at the home of
her psrenta In Seattle, Wash., March 8. In
formation of her death reached Iowa today
In a letter from Senator Lewis. Senator
Lewis served In the Thirty-first general
assembly In 1906, and Miss Lewis remained
In Dcs Moines during that session. She was
very prominent In the social afulrs of
that session and made many friends. She
was a talented young woman. Information
is that she died after but one week's Ill
ness, i
Rhluehart Will Speak.
George F. Rhlnehart, editor of the Democrat-Chronicle
of this city and prominently
mentioned for delegate-at-large to the
democratic national convention at Denver,
has been invited to address the? democratic
editors of Nebraska at their meeting at
Lincoln, Neb., on March SI. He has ac
cepted the Invitation. The editors will be
entertained by W. J. Bryan at dinner that
Hambleton a Candidate.
A. F. N. Hambleton will be a candidate
for the senate from Mahaska county. He
served several sessions In the house and
during the last session was speaker pro
tern. He haa filed his nomination papers
to have his name placed on the republican
One Month Remaining.
There la Just one' month remaining for
candidates for state offices to get their
nomination papers on file with the secre
tary of state. The primary law requires
that they be filed at least forty days be
fore the primary. The last day for filing
will therefore be April 22.
To Eradicate Tnhorealoala.
Some Investigation Is being made of the
"Bang method" of eradicating tuberculosis
among cattle and hogs in this state. The
method is being used in Denmark with
some success. There are but two methods.
Ouo la to kUl tli animal The other Is the
g method," and this on first sugges
tion seems the more popular wtlh the farm
ers. It has been discovered by tests that
cattle and hogs afflicted wtlh tuberculosis
do not Inherit the disease nor Impart It to
their young, except after birth. They are
found to be aa good for breeding purposes
though not affected for some time. The
method consists In making frequent tests
and keeping the affected animals separate
from the others. As soon as the calf Is
dropped It Is separated from the cow and
fed on other milk or else on the mother's
milk only after it Is sterilised. If success
ful this will save the farmers and the state
much money.
Iowa News Notes.
GLENWOOD The Mills county demo
cratic convention met at Malvern on Sat
urday and elected ten delegates to the State
convention, instructed for Bryan.
MARSH ALLTOWN Mrs. Susie Hall of
this city Saturday secured a divorce from
Alhert V. Hall, a well-Known reiirea
farmer living near here, for the alleged
reasons that Hall threatened to kill her
and forced her to leave home with her
two small children. She secured alimony
of Z,i00. Hall Is reputed to be wortn
CRK8TON The candidacy of Dr. John
W. Reynolds of Creston for member of
the state central committee from the
Eighth congressional district was endorsed
by the democrats of Adams county. In ses
sion Saturday at Coming. The candidacy
of W. J. Bryan was strongly endorsed, as
was that of Hon. George C. Calkin for the
state legislature.
BOONE Tha mother of Oscar Martin
la still In this vicinity looking for her
lost son. He, It will be remembered, left
home twenty-eight years ago and so far
has eluded all of his relatives. The
mother Is with her other son In this
county and Is anxious to hear from her
boy. Mr. Harrison of Jefferson was
here yesterday and said he had positive
Information that Martin was working on
a farm near Woodward. He enlisted In
an Ohio regiment In the civil war and Is
now on the pension rolls. A good-sized
sum of money awaits him from the gov
ernment and also a portion or his Tamer s
estate. He refuses to show up and con
Unuoualy ahuns his relatives. The mys
terlousness of the case Is attracting much
attention and all sympathise with the
aged mother, who Is now nearly 90.
Ambassador to Berlin Talks of Con
structing; Homes for Dip
loraats Abroad.
BERLIN, March 23. The correspondent
of the Associated Press inquired recently
of Charlemagne Tower, American ambas
sador in Berlin, whether it is true that
the government Intends to buy buildings
for Its embassies in the capitals of Eu
rope. Mr. Tower replied that he knew
nothing officially as yet, although he un
derstands that congress Is now consider
ing the expediency of buying such houses,
at least in London, Paris and Berlin.
In answer to a question as to the Im
portance of such a step, Mr. Tower said:
"Yes, we need such buildings for our
diplomatic missions in Europe, and the
fact that we need them very badly is
precisely the reason why we should not
be hasty in our decision, but should se
lect with care. An embassy building
that might have seemed suitable and
fully sufficient twenty years ago would
be absolutely incommensurate today, be
cause the United States plays a very dif
ferent part in the world from what it
did twenty years ago, and It Is bound
to Increase In importance and power in
twenty years to oome.
"The question of expense is, of course,
a very serious one; for, after you have
got your house you have not finished;
you have. In fact. Just begun. There it
still remains to be the whole subject of
the keeping and ' repairs to your prop
erty, the lighting- and heating, the en
tertaining and the expense of living of
your ambasaador and his family. This
touches the question of the salary, which,
as things go, is today totally inadeauate
in the United States service.
' 4T a m . .
inueea, ir is not generally known, but
it Is a fact, that with tha salary of the
present time the United States govern
ment Is the most difficult government
In the world for an ambassador to serve
properly, because with 117,000 a year he
is obliged to rent a house, meet his per
sonal and domestic expenses and enter
tain according to bis official position In
the country to which he Is accredited.
This Is Impossible and it has led to the
belief In America that no one but a rich
man can accept the appointment to an
embassy. The Idea Is a bad one for the
country; it la totally un-American and
entirely wrong in principle.
"It Is a fact that many of the ablest
and most suitable men that we have In
America are not rich men. From this
point of view the question ought to be
considered seriously at home."
Three Baadlta Take 947,000 Con.
signed to Mining; Company
at Bawhlde.
RENO, Nev., March 23. Three bandits,
heavily armed, overcame Edward Hoffman
and companion' on a road two miles from
Rawhide late this afternoon, threw them
to the ground and made off in their vic
tim's two-horse rig. talcing gold and bank
notes amounting to about M7.000 with them.
The money was consigned to the Coalition
Mining company ' at Rawhide. W. A.
Miller, one of the owners of the Coalition
property, resides In Reno, and stated to
night that he had received only meager
details of the alleged crime. Posses from
Churchill and Esmeralda counties are in
pursuit of the bandits, who are headed for
Bchurs. It is believed they will be over.
taken before morning. The sheriff's office
here has also been notified.
Run Down
If your doctor says take Aytr'sSar
saparilla, then tae it If he has
anything better, then tae that.
If you arc all run down, easily tr ed, thin, pale,
nervous, go to your doctor. Stop guessing, stop
experimenting, go direct to your doctor. Ask his
opinion of Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. No
alcohol, no stimulation. A blood purifier, a nerve
tonic, a strong alterative, an aid to digestion.
Free from Alcohol
). C. AYER CO.. Minufccturing Chemiits. Lowell. Mast.
Report for Tear Compiled and Sent to
Total Ontpnt of One Honored and
Slaty Factories la Nehraaku,
but Not Total Nnmber
The collector of Internal revenue for Ne
braska will today forward to Washington
Ms annual report, showing the business of
all the cigar factories of the state for
tha calendar year, 1907.
While In many of the older states fac
tories are found where not only cigars but
also cheroots, stogies and cigarettes are
manufactured, the business In Nebraska
has thus far been confined to the making
of the regulation cigar, taxable by the
government at the rate of $3 per thousand,
the law forbidding cigarette making. These
ordinarily weigh from ten to fifteen pounds
to the thousand. Small cigars weighing
less than three pounds to the thousand
are taxable at $1.08 per thousand, while
cigarettes of the common type are taxable
at only M cents per thousand. However,
goods of the latter classes are not made in
Nnmber of Factorlca In State.
There are at present in this state 160 cigar
factories, and their combined output in
1907 waa 28.031.7S9 cigars. While these were
all consumed at home, the number does
not represent the entire consumption by
During the year 1907 the accounts of 219
cigar factories were handled, thirty-eight
factories were opened and fifty-nine were
closed. This Indicates a decrease of twenty-one
since 1906. This falling off In the
number doing business does not Indicate a
heavy reduction of output, for while the
203 factories In 1906 made 2S.292.826 cigars,
the 1907 report shows the 219 factories open
for all or a part of the year put out a
total product that numbered only about
260,000 less, 28.031,789.
The majority of factories In this stato
are small and a dozen leading ones produce
over half of the entire Nebraska product
In 1907 there were six factories in the state
producing over 1,000,000 cigars each, . seven
more producing from 600,000 to 1,000,000
each, and twelve more producing from 200,
000 to 500.000 each. The cities where these
larger factories tire located are: Omaha,
Hastings, Fremont, Grand Island, Superior,
Lincoln, Plattsmouth, Falls City, Kearney,
Hebron and Wllber. Many other towns In
the state have factories supplying the local
demand, these larger ones doing something
of a Jobbing trade also.
Close Tab on Business.
Close tab Is kept on the business of all
the factories, their premises being bonded
and the operations subject to severe scru
tiny by revenue deputies. Every pound of
leaf tobacco, the raw material, that Is
received In the factories. Is known to the
revenue office, and manufacturers are ex
pected to turn out 1,000 cigars from every
twenty-five pounds of "leaf.". If their re
ported output Is. not up to this standard
they are assessed the tax on the deficiency.
Little evasion of the government regula
tions in this matter is reported and no
serious delinquencies are reported.
Nebraska manufacturers used 650,000
pounds of leaf tobacco last year In making
their 28,000,000 cigars. This was an average
of nineteen and a half pounds for each
thousand cigars produced. As the finished
product weighs from ten to fifteen pounds
net, according to size, the difference rep
resents the coarse stems of the weed dis
carded by the manufacturer before rolling
tha cigar.
A Berlona Breakdown
results from chronic constipation. Dr.
King's New Life Pills cure headache,
stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 2Cc. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co. 1
Alleged Insane Man with Threo Wives
Suddenly Disappears from
Dakota Town.
ABERDEEN, S. D.. March 23. Where Is
A. C. High, barber, who developed a sud
den case of Insanity a few days agoT
According to a Jotter received by the
chief of police today from Thomas Jones
of Collins, N. D., the man la wanted In
Montana on a charge of bigamy.
High startled the early morning habitues
of a restaurant a few days ago by mail
ing Into the place, flourishing a razor and
declaring that he was being pursued by a
negro who had threatened to kill him. The
man wss disarmed and taken to the county
Jail. Since then he was discharged and he
left for Fargo, N. D.
The letter reoeived here today states that
High haa three wives and has a -.hlld by
each wife. With three affinities to his
credit the police have no doubt he Is crazy
but they cannot throw any light on his
present whereabouts.
Three Distinct Shocks Felt Sunday
Morning In the Imperial
IMPERIAL, Cal.. March 23. Three dla
tlnct earthquakes were felt throughout Im
perial valley this morning. No damage la
reported from the various towns other than
the breaking of a few dishes a Brawley
and El Centro. The first shock occurred
three minutes before 6 o'clock and was
the most severe of the three. The second
followed in five minutes and the third In
fifteen minutes, each quake lessening In
severity. At Brawley tha people rushed
out of their homes.