Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1908, Image 1

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    Omaha ' Daily . Bee
1 HE
T-.-. t i , . ...
fOKttAbl tOll WEEK
Six Stata ConTentioni Will Be Held,
, Three of Each Tarty.
Illinois and Rhode Island Republicans
Gather Same Day.
3enate Expected to Vo Measure
and Sand it i
' S i
K-rrotary of War a.
Ambassador Will AddrA
at TrtitoiH Mr. Br,
Also Invited.
WASHINGTON. March 21. Six state con
mention, thre republican and three dem
ocratic, will be Important factor In thl
-oek' new events, as In each Instance
lelegate to the national conventions of
:he parties will be named. On Wednesday
Indiana democrats will meet In state con
tention at Indianapolis; North Dakota dem
ocrat will meet at Grand Forks, and Ten
nessee republicans will gather at Nash
rtlle. On Thursday Illinois republicans will
meet In Springfield; Rhode Island repub
licans will meet at Providence and Iowa
democrats will hold a state convention at
Ccdaf naplda.
The. death of Senator Bryan of Florida
wll cause an Interruption of the proceed
' Inns In the Uilted States senate on Mon
day, which will serve to further delay a
vote on the Aldrich emergency currency
Tha senate will Immediately adjourn after
convening on Monday, as Is customary on
the announcement of the decease of a mem
ber, and the house of representatives will
probably adjourn at a somewhat earlier
time than usual.
Vote on Aldrich RJU.
The scante ha no program for the week
beyond getting through the Aldrich bill,
and Senator Aldrich announce his confi
dence In obtaining a vote very soon after
the conclusion of Senator La Follette's
speech. Mr. Aldrich Is very hopeful of get
ting an agreement to begin voting very
soon after Mr. La Follette concludes, pos
sibly on Wednesday. If he does not suc
ceed, Mr. Aldrich will ask the senate to
keep the bill before It continually until the
measure is disposed of. The bill will' be
sent to the house of representatives aa soon
a it Is passed. When It reaches that body
there will be an effort to have It cabeU
tuted for the Fowler bill, and there will
- probably ensue the most notable parlia
mentary struggle of the session.
After giving Monday to business pertain
ing to the District of Columbia, the house
will take up the agricultural appropriation
bill, which will be followed by the bill mak
ing, appropriation for the District of Co
lumbia. 'There are several features of the
agricultural bill that are calculated to
arouse dabate and It probably will be be
fore the house the greater part of the
week. '
The house submarine Inquiry commit
tee will resume It work on Thursday
and the senate committee on naval af
fairs will give Mr. Reuterdahl a hearing
during the week If he appears.
Taft Speaks in New Jersey.
Secretary WHllam II. Taft and Huron
Takahlra, the Japanese ambassador,, . Ill
address the New Jersey legislature at
Trenton Wednesday evening and later
will speak before the Trenton Chamber
of Commerce. William J. Bryan ha been
invited, to attend the Chamber of Com
merce dinner, but hi presence is not as
sured. Mr. Bryan expects- to deliver ad
dresses In Washington Thursday; Pitts
burg, Friday, and Parkersburg, W. Vs.,
on Saturday.
The scale committee of the United Mine
Worker of America ha Issued an In
vitation to the operator of Illinois, In
rifun nn .nA . . t. . I
,ne.ruh .: .:: ;
petitiv field, consisting of those dis
trict, at Indianapolis Tuesday to consider
a Wage seals.
The American torpedo boat flotilla will
alt from Panama this week on its Jour
ney northward to Join the battleship
fleet at Magdalena bay. It first port
f call will be at Acapulco, Mexico.
The Intercollegiate base ball season
opens during this -week with games at
I'rlnoeton and New Haven. Thu Tigers
all play the New York university and
Yale will cross bats with Manhattan col
lege. Cornell will play Aunapoi at
Annapolis on Saturday.
" Democrat for Bryan.'
DE3 MOINKS, la., March 22.-8upporter
of W. J. Bryan today expressed confidence
in their ability to control the democrats
lata convention, which will meet next
Thursday at Cedar Rapid for the purpose
of selecting four delegates-at-large to the
democratic national convention. They say
that the delegates-at-large will be In
structed to vote for Mr. Bryan, and that
in all probability the Nebraska democratic
platform, in substance,, win be adopted.
The friends of Mr. Bryan said tonight
tLat they expect a contest lor delegates In
iome of the congressional district.
Among the names most prominently men
tioned for delegates-at-large are:
Jerry B. Sullivan, Claude R. Porter. Mar
tin J. Wade. James B. Weaver and Daniel
Hamilton. Claude R. Porter will be tern-
prry chairman and John Denlson perma
iit chairman.
CHICAGO. March Th. un..i. ..
-in state convention will ml in 8prtng
. field on ThQisday to select four delegates-at-large
to the national convention. No
other business Is slated to be transacted.
Vailed States Marshal Charles P. Hitch
f Jrls. Ill . and Frank C. Kckhart of
ITUKola are being considered for the office
Of chairman of the convention. Friends
of Speaker Joseph U. Cunnon, following the
endorsement yesterday of Cannon for the
presidency by his home district, the Eigh
teenth, at Danville, were confident tonight
of his ability to coutrol the organiiatloo,
Captain Ceors S. Vaare.
FAIRBl'RY, Neb., March H. --'-iHpcclal.)-Captain
George B. Vance died Saturday,
aged KJ years 11 months. Captain Vance
wa a veteran of the civil war, previous to
which be had ben in command of mer
chant sailing vessels, in which capacity ho
hd visited the principal ports of the world.
During (he war he aa brigade quarter
master In the Army of the Potomac. After
tho war he came west, sealing her about
thlrty-fifo year ago. '
Interstate Commerce rommUaloi
Itales that It Mas No Authority
la Mntter.
WASHINGTON. March 22.-A decision
was promulgated today by "the Interstate
Commerce commission In what probably Is
the most Important case which the com
mission for a long time has been called
upon to determine. It Is that of the Cosmo
politan Shipping company, a Philadelphia
organisation chartered under the laws of
New Jersey, against the Hamburg-American
Packet company, the North German
Lloyd , Steamship company, the Wilson
(Hull) line and the Scandinavian-American
The. complainant's petition was filed with
the commission nearly a year ago. Some
time subsequently the defendants filed a
demurrer, attacking the Jurisdiction of the
Interstate Commerce commission. Oral
arguments on the demurrer were heard hy
the commission. Ward W. Plerson appear
ing for the Cosmopolitan company and
former Senator John C. Spooner, Judge
William O. Choato and Harrington Putnam
ffor the defendants. The oral arguments
were followed by extensive briefs, which
the commission has had under considera
tion for several weeks.
The opinion In the case, which Is volumin
ous, was prepared by Commissioner Frank
lin K. Lane. It Is an exhaustive discussion
of the law bearing upon the case and a
lucid statement of the conclusions of the
The decision Is peculiarly Important, not
only because It affects large Interests
which- hitherto have not been brought be
fore a Judicial tribunal of this country, but
because It affects materially the powers
of the Interstate Commerce commission.
In brief and in effect, the commlselon de
cides against Itself. It holds that It has
no authority over oceanic transportation
and thus determines the case adversely to
the contention of the complainant.
Mans Meeting; nt Canton Protest
Against Abject Surrender
to Jnpan.
CANTON, March 22. The greatest Indig
nation prevails here against the government
for yielding to tha Japanese demands In
the Tatsu Mam case. It being considered
that The government's action In this matter
has brought disgrace upon this province.
The self-government society of Canton has
organized several monster Indignation
meetings, at which' resolution were
adopted that the addlver anniversary of
the release of the Tatsu Maru may be ob
served a a day of puhllo mourlng. The
resolution also declared a boycott against
Japanese goods.
More than 60,000 persons attended the
mass meetings held yesterday, buildings
were draped In mourning and twenty or
more orators delivered denuncuatory
speeches. Among the speaker was a 12-year-old
boy, whose declamation against
the Japanese caused the greatest enthusi
asm. A great number among those who
had assembled thereupon divested them
selves of Japanese made garment, Includ
ing cap and handkerchiefs, and made a
huge bonfire Of them.- One Healer In Japa
nese .good offered to- sacrifice hi entire
stock. .
The meeting recommended the impeach
ment of Tuan Shi Kal of the Board of
Foreign Affairs for weakness In yielding
to the Japanese.
lletarn to Omnha Two Month from
Data of Their Depart a re to
' W. W. TJmsted, manager of the Western
Union Telegraph company In Omaha, and
Mrs. Umsted, reached Omaha yesterday on
their return from Europe. They arrived
home two month to the day from the
time they left.
"W spent our time chiefly in Italy,
Sicily and southern France," aald Mr, Um
sted, "and certainly had an enjoyable visit.
Our return waa pleasant, tho weather on
the water being ideal for the voyage. ,
"We saw no Omaha people in Europe.
American travel la much smaller because
money .nd tn.- Euro.
peans are much concerned over it, too.
They make eager Inquiries about the time
and condition in this country and when,
thing will be normal. Many of these in
quiries coma from Americana, who compose
about 2$ per cent of the population In some
European countries, and. of course, they
get anxious to see folk from home.
"I found business condition in the east
very quiet and wa afraid they were the
same out here, but I Im told they are not
and of course this make me happy."
Delegate from Territory Instructed
to Snpport Secretary First, Last
and All tho Time.
SILVER CITY, N. M., March 22,-The
republican territorial convention Saturday
adopted resolutions endorsing Taft for
president and instructing the New Mexico
delegates to Chicago to vote for him first,
last and all the time. Resolutions were
also adopted endorsing the Rooaevett ad
ministration and Urging statehood, further
reclamation of arid land and forest pro
tection. Governor Currle in addressing the con
vention appealed to the delegate to en
dorse Taft and declared that he had enough
votes to elect and If he was elected he
would work for New Mexico's good. He
also said New Mexico should return Dele
gate W. H. Andrews to congress.
A. B. Fall, W. H. H. Lewellyn. II. O.
Bursum, M. A. Otero, T. B. Catron and
Chailes H. Spetas Were elected delegates
to the national convention.
Rosa Seward, Wanted In Dea Moines,
Located In Military Prison at
Vullrjo, Cnl.
VALLEJO, Cal. March 22. Ross Betvard,
wanted at Des Moines, la., on th charge
of (Missing worthless ' checks fourteen
months , ago, was located tonight at the
military prison. Seward, It is said, Jjmped
his ball and enlisted in the marine corps.
He was sent to Mar iklapd, where he
deserted later. He went to Kansas City
and there again enlisted In th marine
corps, under the name of Sterling, and
wa again sent to Mare island. After being
at Mnre island for some time he waa recog
nized and -sent to the military prison,
awaiting the action uf the Navy depart
ment. MOTIHTS Of OCJJAJT lTtlnrf
rort. Arriv4l. Sailed
MW YORK bl Loult
LIVKKltHlL. Uicula
MoVlU-fc Caltioala,
Omaha F.oad Increased Net Earnings,
with Lost in Gross by Economy.
General Manager A. W. Trenholm
Addressed Meeting; of Employe
In Lyric Theater Yesterday
Which Lasted Five Honrs.
By soliciting and securing the closer
co-operation of the employes in nil de
partments of the Omaha road, tliat rial
road company ha turned an actual de
crease In gro earnings during the last
five months Into an increase in the net
earnings, according to General Manager
A. W. Trenholm, who addressed a meet
ing of 400 conductors, engineers, firemen,
brakemen, agents, yardmen, machinists
and dispatcher held at the Lyric theater
Sunday afternoon from 1 to S o'clock.
The meeting of the employe of tho
Omaha road waa the first of Its kind
ever held In Omaha and one of a series
which have been held at various points
on the system during the last four months
and in which the railroad employes und
officials have met on common ground.
It wa called, by the officers of the con
ductors' and engineers' brotherhoods and
all other organisations of railroad men
were Invited In and was attended by both
officers and men of the Nebraska
division, together with employes from
other divisions who could reach Omaha
Mr. Trenholm was among the first to
address the meeting, which was called to
order by J. D. Condit, a conductor of the
Wisconsin division.
Bays No Politic.
"Thia is not a political meeting in any
sense ".said Mr. Trenholm. "It la to
carry out the plan of co-operation which
we outlined four months ago, to put our
heads together and eee if we cannot run
a railroad better than anyone else.
"To go back a little Into the history
of the meetings, I would say that four
months ago I called the committees of
the varlou brotherhoods together and
showed them that our earnings for the
month of October had fallen ,sff ma
terially. I knew that if this continued
we might be confronted by the .lecesslty
of a reduction In wages. I knew you men
did not want such a reduction ami T hi,
not want to see it made. I felt that if
we got together and handled this Omaha
property right we could economize In
such a way that we would never be com
pelled to pay anything but the best sal
aries. "The result of our getting together has
been that we have economised and real
ised what we started out to do.
"In the month of January our gross
earnings showed a larger loss than in
October, but our economy amounted to
S160.000. which left a smut! ln. n
looking over the figures I discovered that
js,uuv oi our economy waa in fnoi n.
saved that much on coal.
"The report for- February I not com
plete. I believe it will show a loss In
gross earnlDa-s about Bt 111 rLTCt na Tnnu
ary. But owlnr to the economy which
we - ..ave been able to prar-tico we ar
going to show an increase in net earn
ings, and it Is entirely due to the close
Biienuon to business and the co-operation
of our employes."
Omaha Pays Ilia for Coal.
Mr. Trenholm said coal cost the Omaha
road 11 more per ton than It cost any
other road In the west, and as the com
pany uses over 700.000 ton annually the
extra cost alone makes an Item of expense
which must be reckoned with.
Joseph Hall, an engineer of the Wisconsin
division, told the employes the object of
the meetings ss he understood thera. He
said they started Innocently and accident
ally, aathe engineers used to visit the
officers and kick on schedules or attempt
to fix them up, then the conductors were
caned in.'and finally all the employes.
"Loyalty to this railroad consists in doing
your full duty," he said. "I have been run
ning an engine on it for twenty year, and
o far as tha officer of the company aro
oonverned they have never asked me to do
more. We are hare to better the condition
of the employe and better the condition
of the company. Most of you have never
earned a dollar in your lives except from a
railroad corporation, and why should you
not be loyal to it. I see no use in commit
tee going to th official with complaint.
We are all a committee, and if we have
trouble tha officer are here to listen to
With the invitation before them, the
railroad men etarted in wtih tholr "kicks"
and among the hardest which were handed
to the railroad officials was that of Fire.
manJ Charles Bowerman of the Nebraska
division. Mr. Bowerman told of the coal
being dumped to the engines In lumps which
when broken up would make four and five
shovel full. The fireman said that there
wa not even a place on an engine for the
stick of grease and lanterns. The lantern
are placed on the floor and the stick of
greaae put on top of the clothing In the
fireman' seal box.
Engineer E. D. Smith, who added testi
mony to that given by the fireman about
the lump of coal, also gave a technical
talk on the small amount of steam per
mitted on the engine running over the
hill of the Nebraska division and the
waste in filling the fireboxes so full of
coal that the gaa ha no possibility of
Traveling Engineer William DonahuA riia.
agreed about the lump of coal, but said
he had caught the coal chute men dumping
the screens and allowing any size coal to
go to the engine. .
Want Definite Heports.
When Assistant Superintendent of Motive
Power Moore got In hi complaint it wa
that engineer did not make definite re
port when engine were out of order and
frequently the roundhouse force was com
pelled to tear an engine half to pieces
before a "pound" could be located or Ui
It up and ruu it around the yards for a
time in order to locate the trouble when
the engineer could have located It and re
ported where the trouble was.
When the station agents were alven n.-,.
Inning. Oliver Scott, local freight agent at
Sioux City; E. F. Glennlng, local freight
agent at Minneapolis, and W. J. Hmtih
local freight agent for the Omaha & North
western railroad In Omaha, made addresses.
Yardmaater L. E. Scott of Omaha spoke
for the yardmen and told ut tha lixornv..
ment of conditions in the yards since the
employes of the Omaha road 1iad resolved
to "get together" and work for their own
and t.u- company's interests.
8. G. Strickland, general superintendent
of th company,, spoke on several different
subjects aa they arose, and made notes of
the sugget-tiona made by the employe.
When U last employe had told the
Continued on 6ecoad ' Page.)
He la Keventh Member of I'nlted
Mate Hrnate to Die Plnce
Last March.
.WASHINGTON, Marh 22.-L'nited States
Senator William Jsdios Bryan of Florid
died at the Providence hospital at S:30
o'clock this morning of typhoid fever. It
was only seventy-three days since he took
his seBt as the successor of the late Sen
ator Stephen R. Mallory, who died Decem
ber 23, and thirty-three days of that time
was spent In his fight Against disease Sev
eral times during Mr. Bryan's illness his
friends despaired of his recovery, but as
late as last night the report was given out
that his condition had taken a turn for
the better. HJs death today, therefore, came
as a surprise and a jtlnct shock.
In physique Mr. Bryan was unfitted to
withstand a protracted fever. He. was
slight of build and of nervous temperament.
He cams to Washington early In January
from the warm cllinnte of Florida, and
from the day of his arrival wa far from
well. Finally he was compelled to give up,
and was taken to Providence hospital. Dur
ing the last few days" of his Illness he was
attended by speclallsta from John Hop
king University hospital, Baltimore.
In Mr. Bryan the senate loses the sev
enth member by deaili since the adjourn
ment of the Fifty-ninth congress on March
4, a year ago. They were the two late sen
ators from Alabama, Mr. Morg-an and Mr.
Pettus; Mr. Mallory bf Florida, Mr. Lati
mer of South Carolina, Mr. Proctor of Ver
mont, Mr. Whyte of Maryland, and Mr.
Bryan. Curiously, the last two were the
oldest and the youngest member of the
body. Mr. Whyte .wns 84 year old and
Mr. Bryan less than fi.
Although Mr. Bryan wa in the senate
too short a time to Impress his individual
ity on legislation or to take a prominent
part In tho consideration of matters In com
mittee, it la conceded that had he lived he
would have become a forceful part of the
Mr. Bryah was born In Orange county,
Florida, October 10, 1S7U. He attsnded the
public schools of his state and Emory col
lege, Georgia, graduating from .the latter
Institution In IS! Three year later he
was graduated from Washington and Lee
university, and In 1RW began the practice
of law in Jacksonville, Flo. Until a short
time before his appointment to succeed Mr.
Mallory In tho senate he had served as
solicitor of the Duval founty criminal court.
He was married to IMls Janet Allen of
Lexington, Va.
Maine Congmums Tender HI Ilea
tarnation to Governor Cobb
Will Practice Law.
ROCKLAND, Me., March 22. -A sensa
tion was caused in political circles here
today by the receipt by Governor William
T. Cobb of a letter from Congressman
Charles F. Littlefield, tendering his reslg
nation as a member of congress, to take
effect on September SO, next.
In the same mall was a Communication
to the chairman of the Second district re
publican congressional committee from Mr.
Llttlerield, In which the latter -gave as the
reason for his resignMnn his desire to re
umo law practice, which, in a large de
gree, he haa been compelled to abandon
because of his congressional nunes.
The letters were as follows:
WASHINGTON, March 20, 1!08. Hon
William T. Cobb, Governor of tho State
of Maine: Dear Sir 1 hereby tender my
resignation as a member of the S xtleth
congress from the Second district of Maine
to take effect on and after the 30th of
September. 1D08. ,.
1 am, sir, with the highest regard, your
Obedient servant.
WASHINGTON, March 20, lirfR-Fred W
Wight. Chairman Second District Republ
llcan Congressional Committee: Dear Sir
I have been a member of the house of rep
resentatives for nearly nine years. In or
der to properly discharge my congress onal
duties I huve been obliged to practically
abandon my law. practice. The result has
been what Is to me a large financial loss.
I now feel constrained, from a sense of mv
duty to my family, to resume the general
practice of the profession.
In withdrawing from congress I wish to
express my most profound thanks to my
many friends, both In and nut of the dis
trict who have bo cheerfully, generously
loyally and effectively supported me In the
past, through good report and through evil.
iimi i ougiit 10 make my
resignation at this time in order to make it
unnecessary for the district to be subjected
to the expense and trouble of a special
convention and election for the election of
my successor , for the unexpired term
A meeting had already been called for
next Tuesday by the district committee
to fix the date for holding the district
convention. '
Nebraska and Idaho Senator Address
Dinner of Bctn Theta PI at
Mew York.
NEW YORK. March 22.-Tw T
State senator W. E. Borah of Idaho and.
coma isi own or jMeDrasKa and one mem
ber of the national house of renraaenr.ti.,..
Henry Sherman Boutell of Illinois, were
tne guests or honor and chief speaker
at the dinner of the Beta Theta Pi clnh
the Hotel Astor last night. Optimistic senti
ments as to the early return of prosperity
to the country and exnreaslom of n
dence that legislation of recent year would
nave a rar-reactilng and lasting effect for
the good of the nation was tha snlrit t
the speeches.
"Equality Before the Law," was Senator
Brown' subject, and he declaroH
revision of the tariff, urrin th form.n
of a tariff commission, which should bring
Its report before congreua for intelligent
action by that body.
Senator Borah talked on the recent panic
and it lessons, while Mr. Boutell took
recent legislation and it effects as hi
Afternoon Bulletin Report Condition
of Massachusetts Eaecatlve
Not So Favorable.
BOSTON. March 22.-The bulletins Issued
from the slek room today by Dr. Winslow
showed no marked change in Governor
Guild's condition during the day. The first
one, which was given out at It o. m.. stated
that the governor passed a favorable night:
that he took his liquid' nourishment well
and that his condition remained unchanged.
Thl wa followed at 1:46 p. m. by a second
bulletin, reading:
"The governor's condition on th whole
is not quite so favorable, but there is no
marked change."
Loeoiaitttvo Holler Ksplodea.
B1NOHAMTON. N. Y, March 25-The
boiler of a Delaware & Hudson freight
locomotive was blown out while the engine
was taking water at Schenevus. about mid
night ivst night. Instantly killing Knglneer
A. liendrlfksun and Brakeman A. Korfage
both of Oneonta. Fireman B. O. Smith'
alM of Oneonta, was so badly injured that
bo died at noun today.
Will Be Heard in Both Republican
' and Democratic Conventions.
Tventr-lx Delegates from Iowa,
with the Sixteen from Nebraska
for War Becretary, Ha
Helped Some.
Nebraska' sixteen delegate and Iowa'
twenty-elx delegates to Chicago have
been posted up for Taft on all the politi
cal forecasters' boards and have done
more than anything else that ha hap
pened during the last month to atrengthen
the confidence that the big war secre
tary will . surely be nominated to suc
ceed President Roosevelt. The prospect
are that the Nebraska delegation at Chi
cago will at least cut as much figure
In the game. If not more, than any dele
gation sent to any . previous republican
national convention. The arrangement
for 'headquarter were left to National
Committeeman Morrill, who ha .made
tentative reservation In- the Auditorium
Annex, which will be the location of all
the candidate' headquarter and the
chief center of convention activity.
The fact that the two United State
senators are kept close at Washington
will probably prevent a full meeting of
the delegation until the time of the con
vention," but the chances are that most
of the other delegate will be brought
together at Omaha on the occasion of the
coming visit of Secretary Taft for the
McKlnley club banquet.
Secretary Coirtck of the republican
state committee ha taken upon himself
the work of seeing that the credentials
for all the district conventions as
well as for the state convention are
properly ' framed t and certified and sent
to the secretary Of the national commit
tee for filing. While there is no possi
bility of contest in Nebraska, the Im
portance of the proper execution of the
credential for a big convention of thl
kind Is not to be overlooked. '
' The members of Nebraska' delegation
to tho democratic national convention at
Denver expect to attract attention as the
personal representatives of Mr. Bryan,
It In understood that the Nebraska head
quarters and the Bryan headquarters will
be one and the same and that arrange
ment for these accommodations have al
ready been made, although the detail
are not public, It 1 possible the demo
cr;it will get their delegate together
for a preliminary meeting before July if
it should be thought necessary to effect
an organization and a plan of operation,
but if everything continue to come
Bryan' way- ther will be no need of
such a meeting in advance of a rival at
Nebraska officialdom haa fared better
than the correspondina official in Iowa
so far a convention honor go. Ne
braska ha commissioned it governor
and both it senators a representative
at Chicago, while the Iowa deleiratlon
contains neither governor nor senator.
Iowa republicans gave place toAhe edi
tor of two of the leading republican pa
per anions: the blr four. while K.
braska'a delegates-at-large include the
editor of one party organ.
The republican newsnanera thrnmriinin
Nebraska all comment on the state con
vention a evidencing an unprecedented
state of harmony amorur all the elemnt
of the party. They likewise take this
as an omen promising . thorough co
operation all along the line for a rousing
republican victory at the polls next No-
vemoer wnicn will establish Nhra.v.
more firmly than ever in the republican
American Liner St. Lonl Realm
French Ship La Tooralne In
Exciting; Contest.
NEW YORK. March 22.-SwingIng by
Bandy Hook Saturday, with it propeller
churning a foamy wake that laid the fol
lowing course for It beaten rival, the
steamship St. Louis of the American line
defeated the French liner La Touralne In
one of the exciting ocean race in trans
atlantic steamship travel.
La Touralne left Havre, France, about 8
o'clock last Saturday morning, and the 6t.
Loul departed from Cherbourg eight hour
later on Its voyage acros the Atlantic. Tho
American slowly crept up on La Touralne,
and on Thursday afternoon the two team
ships raced along prow and prow. For six
hour the steamships hung together, the
cutwater of one and then the other forging
out ahead. Greetings were exchanged by
wireless between the passengers of the
liner and several wager were laid a to
which vesel would make port firt Toward
nightfall the St. Loul edged it way to
the front and began slowly to draw away
from La Touralne, but it waa not until
nearly 10 o'clock that night that the for
ward watch on the Frenchman saw the
light of the St Loul disappear behind
the rim of the western horizon.
La Touralne hung tenaciously to th
American' trail, and though the smoke of
the St. Loul wa generally visible, th pa,
enger on the Frenchman did not again
catch a glimpse of the 8t. Louis until La
Touralne passed Sandy Hook this after
noon. Just one hour and thirty-six minute
behind the American steamer.
President of Haytl Anainnce Ills
Ability to Preserve
PORT AU PRINCE. March f2.-Presldent
Nord Alexis in an Interview at the palace
today, declared that conditions In the re
public were absolutely tranquil. He said
that he did not question his ability to pre
serve order and protect foreign interest
here. Should the powers, however, decide
to keep the warships In this harbor, he
would not object, but he added that there
wa no neceasity for such a thing; there
was no possibility of a popular outbreak
against tha foreign resident.
The government, continued the president,
did not Intend to take further action look
ing to the prosecution of the participants
In the recent revolution, except In the case
of the disloyal soldiers, who are subjeot
to military punishment.
The government, he said, gave proof of
it good faith in permitting th embarkation
at Gonalve of General Flrmin and his
fellow conspirators without exacting any
pledges from them. Ho thought the refu
gee In th legation here should welcome
a return to their home to resume their
Fan era I of Mrs. Marie Hashes
Attended by Elaht .Children and
Seventeen Grandchildren.
Her eight children nd seventeen grand
children were present at the funeral of
Mr. Marie Hughes, held yesterday after
noon from tie home of her son-in-law, Will
lam W. Green, 4UC4 Lafayette avenue. The
pallbearers were six of her grandsons. Sev
eral hymn were sung at the service by Mr.
and Mr. J. K. Fleming, 4123 Lafayette
avenue, each of whom I over "0 year of
Mrs. Hughe waa the widow of J.iphet
Hughes, who died two years ago. She was
80 year old, having been born In July,
1828. Her birthplace wa Denvighshlre,
Wales. She emigrated to the United States
with her husband and they settled In Lin
coln county, Ohio. They moved to Red Oak,
la., In 1881 and came to Omaha In 190.1.
They celebrated their golden wedding anni
versary a few year go.
The funeral was largely attended. Mrs.
Hughe, wa a member of the Lowe Avenuo
Presbyterian church and Rev. Dr. Nathaniel
McGlffln, the new pastor of that church,
officiated. Interment was In Forest Lawn
The name of the eight children who
were present at the funeral are as follows:
Mrs. E. D. Evans, Omaha; Mrs. W. W.
Green, Omaha; Mrs. A. S. Wldenor, Omaha;
Mrs. J. D. McDougall, Omaha; Mrs. Martin,
wife of Dr. J. A. J. Martin, Red Oak, la.;
Mrs. C. B. Gurney, Lincoln; Mis Jennie P.
Hughe, Omaha, and Henry J. Hughes,
president of the Sloan Grocery company,
Her aix grandson who acted as her pall
bearer were a follow: Frank J. Hughes,
Walter J. Hughes, Arthur Hughes, Clar
ence B. Hughes, Russell B. Evans and Earl
McDougall. The same six, with the excep
tion of one, acted as pallbearers for Mrs.
Hughes' husband two years ago.
Dr. A. C. Stoke Tell Philosophical
Society of Essential Qnali
ficatluas. Before the Omaha Philosophical society
yesterday afternoon, in an address on the
"Essential Qualification of a Modern
Physician," Dr. A. C. Stokes declared that
outside of electricity no other science has
made so much progress as has medicine,
and that medicine I now as near an ap
plied science as any.
"Of course theoretical science is abso
lute, but no applied science ever Is abso
lute," said Dr. Stokes. "No man ever
made a perfect sphere, and it takes at least
the most delicate instruments possible 'to
make anything near a perfect square,
though while theoretically perfect it Is
never absolutely perfect. Applied science
I far more difficult than theoretical cl
ence, so with medicine It Is very difficult.
"In detail I will ay. first of all. that the
physician-should be educated in every sense
or the word, and, further, that he ahould
be a tudcnt. and keep himself always up
to th time by constant study. The physi
cian of the present time mut be honest;
the day of tha bluffer In medicine is fast
paaglng away, and Uie physician must bo
Interested in his work aside from a pecuni
ary motive. He must also be a moral man."
Governor , Will Ask Secretary
An-rlcaltare to Lend Fed.
oral Aid.
Governor George L. Sheldon will a!k
Secretary of Agriculture Wllron to urge
the federal government to participate In the
National Corn exposition to be held In
O mail a next December.
Governor Sheldon passed through Omaha
last evening on the Burlington enroute to
Washington, where he will assist in taking
the live stock quarantine matter before the
Department of Agriculture. He was joined
In Omaha by representatives of the South
Omnha Live Stock exchange, which in
cluded Secretary A. F. Stryker and Jay
Laverty. The governor has met a number
of times with the commission and represent
ative of the United State bureau of animal
Industry, seeking to bring about satisfac
tory relations of the federal and state gov
ernment in the matter of quarantine regu
lation, and the matter la now up with
One of the promise made. Omahans when
the governor left for tha national capital
last evening was that he would urge
Secretary Wilson to , take a part in th
corn show. ,
(hernials to Look for Poison Snppoaed
to Have Been la Candy Eaten
. br Carl Pearson.
A post mortem examination waa made
yesterday morning on the body of Carl A.
Pearson, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Pearson. 816 South Twenty
fifth treet. Who died Saturday afternoon
after eating soma cheap candy, known as
"nigger bable." Dr. W. R. Lavnw
coroner' phjMclan, made the examination.
assisted by Dr. Charles Rosewater and Dr.
F. J. Bchleler.
The analysis of the stomach will be made
today and until then it will not be known
positively whether the candv waa the nnn
of death. The opinion of both physicians
and coroner, however, from superficial
examination, wa that death wa from
natural cause. Unless tracea of poison are
found Coroner Davis will not hold an in
The funeral will 'be held from the resi
dence today at 2 p. m. Interment will be
In Laurel Hill cemetery.
Thirty-Two Local Organisations Plan
Bin- Meetlngr to Lnat a
Week. .
Plan were' made yesterdsy afternoon by
representatives of thlrly-fwo Jabor organisa
tion of Omaha for a labor revival to be
held here April 8 to It.
A Rv. George L. McNutt wa in the
city, he met, the labor representatives at
the conference of the revival committee and
will be one of the speakers at the meetings
In April. The committee, which Is headed
by Robert McKenna, plans to secure at
least one officer from each national or
ganization to visit Omaha during the week
and address the labor meetings.
Tentative plans were made for securing the
Auditorium for at leart two meetings.
Alaska Miners to Htrlhe.
J! NKAU. Alflsku, March IT At a special
meeting of lHula Island local No. hi
Western Federation of Miners, yesterday
a gtiueral strike was railed and notUea
were sent out ordering union men and
uulon sympathiser to stay away,
Reign of Terror . Exists in Whita
Burley Tobacco District.
Fear to Attempt to Raise Crop
Because of Threats.
Tenants Say They Cannot Maka
Living- on Other Crops.
Many Farmer la Vicinity of Monnt
Sterling Receive Letter Con
tnlnlna; Powder, Matches
and Poison.
LEXINGTON. Ky Xiarch 22.-Becaus of
warning letter and visit from night rider,
many farmer in nearly all of the forty
two countle in the whiU burley tobacco
district are busily destroyraavthojr tobacco
beds and at the present time less tibia one
third of the number usually Planted hava
been started. In many counties huae slcns
have been erected on buildings and in high
places nearby declaring the Intention of
tho farmer not to raise a crop thl aeaaon.
Realising the difficulty of making a living
for their families in case the decision to
raise no tobacco is adhered to, many tenant
farmers are preparing to movt to other
states, while many farm owner have placed
their property on the market, with th
avowed purpose of leaving Kentucky.
The murder of Farmer Hedge in Nicholas
county yesterday and the raid In Woodford
and other countle last week have Increased
the alarm. In announcing their determina
tion to go elsewhere, the tenant declare
that It will be Impossible to subsist from
tho proceed of crops of hemp, wheat and
In the neighborhood of Mount Sterling
many farmer have received threatening
letter, with which wero matuhe. powder
and poison, and in both farm district and
tobacco towns armed guard hav been
placed at threatened point. Condition
throughout the state are declared to be
worse than at any time since the tobacco
war began.
Also Goes on Record la Opposition
to a Parcels Post
Post A of Omaha of the Traveler' Pro
tective Association of America held its
annual banquet and meeting at the Paxton
hotel Saturday evening, with about seventy
five present. President Arthur C Chase
acted as toastmaster.
Following the banquet, the association at
once went into business session. The re
ports of the several officer were submitted
and approved, as were the report nf the
standing committees.
The post went on record as vigorously
opposed to the proposed parcels post law
and each member signed a printed circular
addressed to Congressman G. M. Hitch
cock, which Is worded ns follows:
As a constituent of yours and as a travel
salesman or employer of the same. I earn
estly tequest you to uie a 1 honorable meaai
In your power to defeat the proposed par
cels post bill. I believe that such Ii'KlrKtion
will be detrimental to the future commer
cial interests of the oountry.
President R. F. Bacon of the state asso
ciation was present at the banquet and
urged that these circulars be forwarded to
Mr. Hitchcock as soon as possible.
A motion prevailed directing the secre
tary of the association to addross a letter to
Senator Boise Penrose, head of the post
office and post roads committee nt the
senate, stating the position of the associa
tion on this proposed measure.
The election of officers for th ensuing
year resulted as follows:
President, Robert F. Trimble; vice presi
dent. W. D. Eck; secretary and treasurer,
Charles L. Hopper; board of directors, G.
M. Worthlngton, James T. Hogan. E. O.
Eldrldge, E. H.. Button, A. D. Hoag and
H. G. Hoel. - Committee chairmen; Rail
ways, F. E. Coastworth; legislative, E. B.
Branch; press, J. M. Plnkertnn; hotels, J.
W. Moon-- employment, H. H. Hoffman;
sick and relief, George Lavtge.
The Omaha post has now 618 member,
which will entitle It to sixty-two delegate
in the state convention, which meet in
Hastings, April 24 and 23.
It was shown by the report of the offi
cers that $1,744.78 had been expended for
relief by the Omaha post olnce May 1. 1307.
Sonth Carolina Senntor Safferlas;
front Nervosa Attnck Da to
- Overwork.
COLUMBIA, 8. C. March it United
State Senator Benjamin R. Tillman I
seriously 111 at his home at Trenton, this
state, suffering from a nervous attack,
due, it is believed by his physician, front
hard work.
Draft for S23.00O la Sent th
Democratic Nntloonl Corn
nalttoo. DENVER, Colo., March 22.-A draft for
S2f,noo was mailed Saturday by th Denvnr
Cbnvention league to the democratic na
tional committee, completing th $100,000
fund subscribed to bring the national con
vention to Denver.
, Hardin Demuvrata nt War.
IOWA FALLS. Ia., March ti-(9peclal)
The second gun In the battle of democracy
In Hardin county will be fired Monday,
when a regular convention will be held t
select delegate to the Cedar Rapid and
Sioux City conventions. Thl convention
will be beld at Ackley and haa been called
by the officer of, the democrat le county
central committee who are recognised a
the regular officers of the party In trda
county. The faction that will meet Monday
Is said to represent the Bryan wing of th
party and poses as the exponent of true
democracy. It Is claimed that th conven
tion held st Fldora several weeks ago wit
Instigated and held In the Interests of the
Hesrst Independence league. It Is claimed
by the Bryan democrats tha,t the Eldora
meeting waa calld by the leader of the
Hearst force in th county and by a man
who openly bolted Parker in 1904. Th
democrat that meet Monday claim that th
il. -legates then selected Will be th only
one recognlced at the slate convention
and that the Eldora convention delegate
will b left out In th cold hy th nam
nut tea on creden tial,
- - - - 4