TTTR OMAnA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. MARCH 20, 1903. Want - aas Aavertleemrate fer the wast aa I"M will he take aatll II . fa e-veislae; ealtlea aaa aatll p. m. far the ssnralae; ul Inter editions. 4Haas at est eoeeataear all erdere far evsuet ads aad aa aa'vertleeaseat will he aae-eatea far leaa Iku lt eaata (a rat laaarllaa. ! a'eertleeaaeat will a ehargre4 aataaatlaa; ta leaa tkua SO eaata. Rate a pair ta either Ta Dally ar Inter Baa. Always eaaa els ntrli ta a llaa. Caaialaatloaa af faltials ar aaaeher roaat aa aaa war. CAill RATE! FOR WART ADS. REOCLAR CLAIIiriCATlOJf Oa lasertlea, aer llaa, lO ecats. Twa ar aiare enasecatlve Insert leas, her liar, a reals. Baca lasertlea asaae aa days, lO eeats per llaa. S1.50 pat tlaa arr aaeathf eaeeptlasj that riHlllSUED ROOM ADS, evaea aeeesspaaleel ay cask, taa rata Will mi Oaa laaarllaa, 4 eaata eertloae, B eaata per llaa each laaes tlaa aevea ar aiora eaaaeeatlra laser tlaaa, eaata e llaa tach taaertlaa 80 eeats per llaa par sooata. Waat a da far Taa Baa snay aa left at aay af taa fellewla are ateree aaa la "year eeraer ralat" taey are all Breach aaea far The Baa aaa year aa wlU a laeerte Jest aa preaiptly aaa aa tke aaaee ratea aa at taa atala afflea la Tke Bee Belial aa, tteveateeath aaa Faraaam Straeta. A I bach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th Bt. Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th Bt. Benson Phsj mtcy. Bennon, Nab. Bemls Park pharmacy, 23d and Cumins. Blao's pharmacy, S16 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. ft., th and Pierre Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Are. Conta. J. B., 81at Ave and Farnam. Crlasey Pharmacy, i4th and Lake Bta. Cerraek. Kmll. 1204-1 8. 13th Bt. F.aaluian Pharmacy. 2803 Leavenworth. Fouler ft Arnold, 211 N. 26th Bt. Freytag, J.. 1914 N. Mth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florenoe. Neb. Ooldmaa Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Bta. Oroens Phaiaacy. corner Park Ave. and Pacific A Ureenouirh. O. A., IMS B. 10th Bt Oreenough, G. A., 1624 8. 10th Bt. Hay den, Wm. C. 2Jr Farnam. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. U Ave. Hoist, John, 824 N. 16th St. Hurt. A. L., 2M Leavenworth St. King, H. 8., 2288 Farnam St. Kountaa Place Pharmacy, k N. Mth. Patrick Drue Co.. 1601 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Cher lea E., 1324 N. Mth Bt Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Hchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., Mth and Chicago Bta. Bchaefer. August, 2CS1 N. ldth St. Bchmldt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta. Storm Pharmacy, leth and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace. Worth. O. H, 40th ant Hamilton Sta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES PETERSON The funeral of William El Peterson will take place from the resi dence of his simer, Mrs. C. E. Palmer, 2M6 No. 26th 81., Friday, March 20, 2 p. m. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. SIEVER8 Mrs. Claus, died Thursday morning, 12:30. uged 60 years, at her lata residence, five miles west of Omaha, on Dodge street. Funeral Saturday at 1 p. m.. Interment Evergreen cemetery. Friends (nvlted. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births L. C. Sands, 2407 Grant street, hoy; Mathlas Bauer, 2117 South Eighteenth street, boy; Patrick Cullen, 3027 Emmet street, boy; John Deadrik, 2600 Bancroft afreet boy; Fred Dahlstrom, East Omaha, girl; Kake Given 471 North Thirty-seventh street, boy; William H. Mick, 211 South Twenty-filth avenue, girl; Jasper Saltta, 1111 South Twelfth street, boy; John D. Voeneter. 804 North Nineteenth street, boy. Deaths John Arnold, St. Joseph's hos pital. 26; Oliver Dale, Fortieth street and Poppleton avenue, 68; Minnie D. Pratt, 1918 Farnam atreet, 37. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued : Name and residence. Age. Charles J. Burroughs Lincoln, Neb 31 Florence Emerson, Omaha 27 Charles Flanegln, Omaha 28 Augusta B. Anderson, Omaha 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS fHB CITY Q AH BAG HI CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Bta, lei. Douglas 13S7. (D-oaS BIQN PAINTING 8. H. COLE. 1802 Doug lea. U)t AUTOMOBILES BUND (or our list of second-hand automo biles. DSR1GHT. 1818 Farnam. CU-etft WHITE steamer, 1808 model In extra good ' shape at great bargain. Address O IM, care Bee. (16) M277 24x HOLSMAN for sale; model 10; a bargain. 1 W. Moreman, 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. ) MifTO 11 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. We sold one. but we have another Wlnton touring car. In first class condition, that we will sell cheap, Advise quick if you want a bargain. KANE A VAN TUTU Both 'Phones 123. Rooms tX-l Merrlam Blk, Council Bluffs, Iowa. (2) MS7J Itx BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE. 4A0acre reilnquanunt, Banner Co., Neb., about 1U acres fine level farm land, toianee aood graaing land; I W0 worth im provements; owner sick In hospital and must sell or trade. What have you to offer I figure a casn valuation oi xi,uuu. Pwterson tiros., ranaeis nis. 160 acres, clear, about 6 miles N. W, of Atkinson. Neb. Good level land. 83.000: want city property. Peterson Bros., 476 Brandela Blk. Uu acres good Improved farm In Pierce Cn . Neb. Want Omaha residence or cltv property, about 86.0U0. Peterson Bros., 47s BrandeU Blk. Good V-roora residence In Omaha, clear, well located, ROuu, -Want hardware or Implements. Peterson Bros., tj Brandeis n'at, room, good condition, modern but heat, $S.tM, sub)eot to 8uu0 inc. Want good vacant lota for equity. Peterson Bros. 476 Brandeis Blk. Fine new mudorn house close In, 84.600 to trade for 3 or 8 good lots in Kountaa place, balance 6 per eenC Peterson, Bros., 476 ttrandeia Blk. 3 M2M 34 TRADES. TRADES If ou bay some thing for aale or trade write us; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 401 Boe Bid-. (3)-M36S A6 WANTED Everybody that has merchan dise slocks of aay kind, live stock or town property te exchange for good land, or anything else, to write us. We have some good, propositions. It costs nothing to tell ua what you have. Walt Invest ment Co.. 401 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (a-Mai 20 WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. TRADES! TRADES! Send description of what you have, or what you wer.t; we'll match lu STRINGER INVESTMENT CO.. 4 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (J M38 A4 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. To exchauge your vacant lot for 140 acres of land, all level, good soil, in good neigh borhood, close to town; price lu par acre. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 101 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. tS U2St 30 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but an extra stroke or twe of the pen to mention the fact tfcal you sear te ad la The Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES INBT'RANCE men looking for large office. with good light and fire prooi vault, win find a nice arrangement in one of several offices which we would be pleased to show. Apply R. W. Baker, Siipt.. Room 106. Bee Bldg. (1S-MSM UP! AT M1RVKT FOR SALE. Best market In Geneva, Neb., for sale for thirty dava. New building, best location. Bales !H per day. Only one other shop In the city. Population l,. Write Ather ton Evans, Geneva, Neb. t4 M78I BRICK store building for rent; good opening: good town; good location. An tral, Union State Bank. Harvard. Neb. (4) M414 22k FOR RENT Brick store building In Rork Port. Mo. Good business corner, in ma sonic block, suitable for any mercantile business. Address Sncretsry North Star Lodge. A. F. A. M., Rock Port. Mo. (l)-k)M PRPO BTORE8 for sale sverywhere, F. V. Knlest. 707 N. T. Ufa. Omaha i tx IF YOU want a reliable business; large In come, small Investment, no competition; sea Hlldreth. (19 Bee Bldg. "0 TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. room 403 Bee uiag. l4)-336 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AMU BULU. ROBT. C. DRUE8EDOW A CO.. STOrK RHOKEH9. Tel Douglas &'.. fTO-10 N. Y. Life Bldg. OMAHA, (4)-M25J Al STEAM LAUNDRY plant. In good condi tion, for sale cheap; must be soia oy April L Q. F. Llllle, Tekamah, Neb. (4)-M166 71 FOR SALE 130, 000 brick hotel In thriving county seat of Nebraska, to close an es tate at 1 12, Of); a quick sale is desired. Addrsas Y 311, care Omaha Bee. (4) M387 20s GROCERY AND NOTION business for sale at once; win invoice 11 .3X4; will take 11,000, or Invoice and give 20 per cent dis count on alL 2227 Broadway Co., Bluffs. (4) M367 22x FOR SALE Drug store, at a bargain; poor neaitn for s months; uname to iaae charge of business. Both business and location good. No land deal considered. P 401. E. 7th Bt., Atlantic, la. , (4)-M18S Z FOR SALE Billiard, pool hall and bowling alleys. Place clearing w to 2i per month. For particulars address E. G. Farnsworth, Dillon, Mont. (4) M231 m FOR SALE The best pool hall In the best town In Nebraska. Easy terms, win ao cept land In part payment.. Address Y 405, care Bee. (4) M226 0x Big Farnam Street House, Near Business Center, For Quick Sale Suitable for residence or will clear ISO per month above rent as rooming house; completely furnished. Owner wants 2600. Will take best offer before April L Shimer & Chase Co., 1609 Farnam. Douglas 3S67. (4)-309 20 POOL hall for sale In good town near Oman a; income o a month; price, ouu. See Gangestad, 403 Bee Bldg. (4) M320 19 FOR SALE Pool hall and restaurant In new town and fine location; will sell build ings and lot or fixtures and rent build ings. Belling on account of sickness. Ad dress Y 4U9, care Bee. (4) M316 25x FOR SALE Only hotel In town of 300. M. Fahey, Waterbury. Neb. i (4) M33S zx AM looking 'for location In country, with building activity; would like to hear of responsible partlea; am practical and competent In all lines. Address M 3U, ears Bee. (4) M359 26x ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all sixes; fur nish part purchss money if wanted. GANGESTAD, Room 408 Bee Bldg. (4)-671 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin Ice for sale in car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 14) M340 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arrklteeta. , ' a L. STAUB, W4Vi 8. 18th. Tel. D. 4121. WE CAN offer the best lighted office in the city for this line of work: room 6Z2, having a north light, with all conveni ences of a well appointed office building. See R, W. Bakur. Supt., Room 1U6, Ho Bidg. (U-M664 Bath. HAMMOND BATHS. 10T S. 14th. Tel. Douglas 3815. Wednesdays, ladles' day. " to) Ma78 E. A. TRYON, bookbinder, 1108 Douglas. Phone Douglas 2464. Call me, I'll coma (6) M714 A10 Carpeaterlagr. FINE hardwood floors and parquetry: low price. 10th and Dominion Sta., Frank Levlck. ' (S) M360A19 Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. Z, 1604 Farnam BL Doug. 6487. t 4,a Creaaaerlea. David Cole Creamery Company, (t) MB76 Deatlsts. BAILEY MACH. 3d fir., Paxton D. 1085. 6)-677 Oreaaaaaklas;. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. (6-e7S M'DOWELL DresamaklnS School, 1623 Far nam St. U) 4,8 MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowna, 306 14 Neville Blk. TeL Bell, Doug. 170; lnd., A-4.1XJ- (f M468 Aprli7 Flaaaclal. Money TO LOAN LOW KATE In sums tc uiu uv uee Bldg. rnn uougiaa HAH. I . A HI ...... . .... 5f-607 Flerlsta. HE8 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. (6-e U HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. J63. t6 Oil J. IL BATH, 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. Ouo. UV eal Jevrelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, jewelry 4.. Ua.An nrCl a arjjsa i xajxe., rw o Mvuu aJtWSW A. Vie Mi. I U-41 i Hotels. THE BCHLITZ, European. 16th and Harney. t eoJ laeluualtka. KEYS, etc., Heflln. ULA Farnam. TeL D. at i. (6 at Maale sal Lasgsacs, PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. TSt. Merta; sai Stertag. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 N. im.u at.; warcuouse, uui-t isara su (6l-6s7 Ofnce Snppllea, 1 FILING cablneta, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sun. plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing- we n. inn dl lei. iwuf. m. lad. A-iOi, to ALAS All ' Oeteepatky JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. T. L, TeL D. 164. ta-eo8 To speak (o many people you must have a strong voice. Use "BEE BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) P aatOff Vat Iff, C. B. T RUBS ELL, 116 8. lth St. (5)-6 Print tag. EVER STOPTO TIIINK ef the time lost poking up the average printer when you want a Job In a hurry J cjvnr it ubi ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers, s. ith St. Telephones Bell. Douglas 6662; lnd., A ISJ1 BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order oon l ail to see our imporiea mi". "la sted & Jorve, printers, 16 th & Capitol Ave. (6)-4ao 8afee Skatters, Ete. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON, WORKS makes a specialty ot lire escapes, snutiere, ooori and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth Bt. t5)-693 Shoe Itepatrtag RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First class work. lfiiSVs capuoi Ave. i-none tma . (6) 91 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard anoe opair 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7667.. jb)-i2 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades, WANTED Experienced alUratlon help to work on coats and BKina; nignesi sal aries. Orkin Bros. (7) M79 24 WANTED Dressmaker's helper. 2t22 (7) 207 Charles Bt. Haasekeepers and Dexaestlcs. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1902 Farnam Bt. Cook for Wyoming. 330 and transportation. Good housemaid, J6. Cooks and stria for general housework. 35 to 87. (7)-rMJ3s 21 SIX housekeepers, no objections to cb,l- aren; laixuiy cuuas. laubuiwi u.,. Dodge. (7 MJtiS 23X WANTED Girl for general housework) small family. 4010 itarney Bt. (7) M364 23 WANTED A cook. 3610 Farnam St. ti mi WANTED Girl for general housework. liXZ Park Ave. Tel. Harney ua tu w WANTED Girl for general housework. Family or two. Mrs. Harry io, t Farnam UL Phone Harney 75. t7) M126 WANTED First class cook; small family. Mrs. Euclid Martin, 36U8 Jackson eu Ap- Sly Mrs. Montgomery, 3707 Leavenworth t. (7)-M3I5 22 WANTED Good gtrl for general house work. Call 3350 Harney. (ly-ama a HELP. WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmea. AGENTS wanted in every city and town to sell the acme adjustime winaow snaae holder. Omaha Shade Holder Co., 114 Bo. 12th St., Omaha. (9)-821 WANTED Experienced clothing salesman. who can give nrst class reference, no others need apply; out of town applica tions considered. Guarantee Clothing Co., 1619-21 Douglas St. (9) M3til 21x WANTED Reliable man In each locality to advertise our goods on commission or salary; 1 a month and expenses, 83 per day; entirely tew. plan. Write Empire Medicine Co., London, OnU, Canada. (9) MJU2 22X WANTED Men of experience aa solicitors; tea and coffee men preferred; salary guaranteed. We also waut good live men to fill positions upon our wagons. Jewel Tea Co., 1911' Cuming Bt. (9)217 22x WANTED Experienced house-to-house canvassers to demonstrate and sell our newly patented "Ideal Waist and Skirt Holder; light outfit; exclusive territory. Call between 8 and 10 o'clock a. m. If you mean business. The American Supply Concern, 623 Bee Bldg. 19) 264 Ux WANTED Retail shoe salesman for retail bouse. Address W tfuti, care omana Hue. (9) M318 21 Bays. BRIGHT boy to set type nd run Job uross, pruning Cl UO, IV.( IVI LAV tory. Address K 849. Bee. (9) M327 21 Clerical aad Office. Chief clerk, freight office, must be a good, all-around man, 81U). Experienced cara writer, ew. Bookkeeper, 800. Extension clerk, $66. Office clerk, must be neat, wide awake. and come well recommended, 8oO. WESTERN REr . BOND ABS'N, INC., ra-a p i. iviie mag. (9)-848 19 POBITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. VJl ri. x. J-i le, Omaha. (9)-696 Factory aad Trades. WANTED A practical printer with smSU capital to take care or a good Job and newspaper office in good town In Iowa, publtshlug two papers. Write for par ticulars. Address L 9U6, care Bee. (9)31 WANTED At once, first-class coatmaker, nobody else neea appiy; pay nrst bill. Martin Peterson, 416 Broadway, Council Bluffs. ' Oy MH4H A GOOD coatmaker wanted at once; steady work for a good man; a married man preferred; also a tailor that will do re pairing; good wages. Herman Petersen, The Builder of Tidy Togs, Fremont, Neb. (9) UH40 COAT maker wanted. E. Burgner, Atlan tic, la. v) ti ux BUSHELMAN wanted for alterations; good wagea. 29u7 Leavenworth bt. (9)-M294 20 Jalseellaaeeaa. WE GUARANTEE YOU A TELEGRAPH JOB on the Union Pacific R. H. If you learn Telepraphy at our school, and also a place to work for your board while attending. Union Paclflo train dispatcher's wire and station blanks installed In the school for practice purpose. Write for full Informa tion QUICK. Uoyles Telegraphy College, Vi Harney St, Omaha. Neb. Official training achool U. P. R. R. (9-6iM WANTED Competent, reliable working foreman, and one good job printer; non union. Fred L Kimball Co., Waterloo, la. (9) UJbA tlx FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business , Men's association; helps work men find positions, U M. I, L, Bldg. (9)-&rt BECOME a fireman or brakeman; rapidly growing field, big wages, excellent chance fur advancement, no experience neces sary. Write or rail at once. National Railway Training Aas'n. J0 Psxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9) 2d0 A is LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hermes aad Vehicles. HAY 360 a ton. loth BU A, W. Wagner, 801 No. (1D-J77 FOUR-PASSENGER Rocks way: also run abouta; sacrifice sai. pflffr's. 3bJ0 Leavenworth BL (11) MJ64 TWO rubber tired hacks; good condition; rneep, v suruea. iuu r Bt . unooii wan! ads" and LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles Oearlasel. WE HAVE BUYERS every day fer horsea, If you have any you want to dispose of. W'e buy. and sell on commission. The Harney Street Stablea. U.D X HAVING sold my Douglas fit. stables I am now located at 24th and Clark Sta. Fred My era. Tel. Webster lt3. U1-83S M31 . - Poeltry, Eggs aad Saaehe. SCREENINGS $1.26 per owt. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. Ill) 01 Govt book free. Model Squab Pens. Omaha. (U) MJ A2 BQUAB8 Will contract with owners of un used sheds to raise them. Address, J Bee. (Il)-Md7 MA ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGOS for hatch ing. Pens heeded by prize cockerels from North Btar Poultry Sho-v, Minnesota!; $1.50 to $2.00 per 16. ."rs Janvm H. Halplno, 4601 Center St., Omaha )L Harney 8028. Ul)-M3!9-Aitx Co we. Birds, Dogs aad Cats. FINE lot of milch oows. 8ts. 43d and Center (11) 801 21 LOST AND FOUND LOST I-Arge red muler cow with hvitr. ,w a esrA evv- J-'OUKlOsl K. Vi-aU OUV sVA MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call cr write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th Bt.. Omaha, Neb. (13)-Ml08 FREE medical and surgical treatment st Crelghton Medical wilege, Mth and Dav enport Bta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-129 BEST nerve bracer for men "Gray's Nerve Food P'.lls." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman eV MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. U3 602 MONEY TOLOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS WE 'BE HERE TO MAKE GOOD. ,When your friends don't knrv you, and that's when you need a dollar. A SMALL LOAN On Your Furnitare is one of the quickest and easiest of ways to get just what you want, when you want it. NO PUBLICITY attends your effort. The payments are made small and within your reach. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT Is allowed If you settle your account be fore agreement expires. A FRESH START Is what you want If a lot of little bills have accumulated and you cannot meet them all. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade. 10th St. Entrance. (14) M156 THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY In WHERE? THE RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor 307-308 Paxton Blk. 3d Floor If YOU are In need ot a little ready cash for your Easter shopping, we will accom modate you. Our terms are the cheapest; our service the best, and all business strictly confidential. (14) M201 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, Nsw York Life Bldg. (14) M FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Balary Loans, (33 Paxton Block. 'phone Douglas 746. (14)-608 P. O. NIELSEN & CO.. LOANS. 703 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. (14)-)4 FURNITURE, live stock salary, loan a Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. U4)-608 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan. Co., lfiOt Farnam St. (14) 609 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business cordQtlal 1301 Douglas. .J) 10 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding, and Rooots VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16)-hU ONE large, also one small room, both very comfortable, Willi excellent board, iilt Farnam. U6)-6U9 MODERN rooms, borne cooking, home privileges; good summer location. UiiS St. Mary's Ave. (U) MSi lux WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1&!5. Bchmotler & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-13X8 Farnam. (15)-613 1812 CHICAGO ST. Rodra with good board; reasonable. (15 a67 20x BOARD and room In finest down town location; large front room with alcove; 1 1 , i ), 1. . . ,wa . . thru rnir.nn . ,, r. nished or u. furnished. References re quired. 114 So. 19th bt. 116)M23a 29x LARGE frreit room, and good table board, for two gentlemen; slao single room; strictly modern. 412 N 22d. (16) M2 A4 WANTED 8 young men to room and board at special low price; a lovely home; every thing strictly first-class; must be thor ough gentlemen. Address B L9. csre Dee. (16)-266 22x DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (16) 613 ROOM and board -for gentlemen or man and wife; delightful room, facing street; everything new and strictly modern. In fashionable neighborhood, between two beat car lines in city. 1823 Wirt St. (U) 345 26 ked Rooms. FURNISHED rooms for rent, 633 So. lid St., steam heal, hot and cold water, and bath. (15) M718 AiCx FRONT ROOM, . bed room adjoining, first floor, modern, very plessant; also two nice rooms upstairs. ZM N. 19th Ht. (15j MS37 Tlx FOR RENT medium slsed south room. In new flat, with all conveniences, hot water heat, electric light, telephone, etc, warm and sunshine. 24U Harney. (15) M304 tU FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, pri vate family; quiet street, 649 So. 2ilrt Av. Tel. Douglas 4861. (16 MJ56 22 TWO furnished rooms, steam beat, 15a Farnam 81, td floor. 061-414 2110 DOUGLAS 10-mlnute walk; modern. (16 279 Milx NICELY furnished rooms In new molera flat 214 No. 25lh Bt. TeL Douglas KoS 06) 49 NErVLt furnished rooms. 1417 Dodge SC (16) M232 April 3 NICELY furnished rooms, with private family: board If desired. 2611 Chlra Bt. 'Phone Douglas till. (16-M117 24 LARGE front and back parlors connected. . All modern. 107 8. 17th. Uw-M-U 23 save your voice, I OFFERED FOR RENT Fvralsked Hooras Contlnaed. LARGE furnished rooms, strictly modern; first -clasa board. If desired. 'Phone Har ney 439, or call at 718 8. 29th Bu tl6) M126 SIX- WELL furnished southeast-front room with 'corn, mooern; large iawn: private rara lly. 703 a 29th Bu (laVlLuO jiX LARGE dining room, kitchen with range, also one bedroom, modern, 107 S. 17th. (1)-M241 2Sx NICELY furnished front rooms, single or ensulte, modern, steam heat, bath and telephone. B17V a 13th 8t., 2d floor, flat 4. (15) -259 19 8218 Chicago, one modern, single, furnished south front room, S3 month. Red 6R78. 06) M290 Ux NICELY furnished room private family; a per mwui, sis jno. lea t. (16)-M289 20x MODERN Furnished rooms, board If desired, desirable location, large lawn and porches; an Ideal home. Address P100, care Bee. (15) M27S 14 x FRONT ROOM in modem flat, with every convenience. 2411 Harney. 06) M296 20 FTTRNTSHED roonv modern flat, central, southern exposure, electric light, private family. 1817 Chicago. OS) M33 2fx ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. K3 Harney BL 06)-J47 x Furnished double parlor, first class. ar.ii xiarney PL (lb) 34o an Untarnished Rooms. TWO separate unfurnished rooms; first floor. 1S21 Farnam St. References re quired. (16) M699 NEW and strictly modern room with fam ily of adults; board without lunch. 609 So. 2Gth Ave. Thone Red 8400. (16) M383 Hoaaekeeplngt Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING 1113 B. 11th, t rooms. li M120 TWO front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 2116 Chicago St (16) M234 28 TWO or three clean rooms. 2010 Davenport. (16) M371 22x DESIRABLE light housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; modern. Sue So. 19th St. (16) M233 23X FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. All modern, convenences. Apply 107 8. 17th. (15) M243 23 X FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms for 1 i V. . KM.iaalraar.lna-. a,. K I a. 1 - , Call at once Vti70 Farnam St. (15)-S43 25 TWO or three unfurnished rooms, first . floor, 1S21 Farnam St.; steam heat; ref erences required. (16) 306 Apartments aad Fls tes. CENTRAL; all modern, steam heat; 4-roora corner flat, with bath. 220 N. 23d. (15)-MS22 2304 N. 218T St. 7-room flat, modern, fur nace, gas, batn, not and cold water; new decorations; $25. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (16) M408 20 UNFUR. ROOM. 7 ROOMS In Curvet, 1811 Farnam St; steam heat and hot water. 8 and 6 rooms In Scargo, Soutrf Omaha; steam heat and hot water. - Hall, 317 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. 'Phones Red 7406 and A 4406. (15) 8U0 Hoaaea aad Cottacee. 615 S. 83d 4-room cottage $14. 8916 N. 28th Bt. 6 rooms, modern except heat $20. 8519 N. 2th St. 6 rooms, modern except heat $3). 12U6 S. 27th St. 6 rooms, modern except heat $18. 2715 Franklin St. 4-room modern cottage $27.60. 2709 Yates St. 8 rooms, modern except heat-815. I 2407 N. 22d St. 8 rooms, modern, hot water heat 3l"7.50. 1117 S. 30th Ave. 8 rooms, modern 840. 4233 Burdette St. 6 rooms and barn, mod ern except heat $25. 806 8. 3th St. 9 rooms, modern, oak fin ish $50. 2219 S. 29th St--room modern flat $77.50. 2510 Sherman Ave. 5-room modern flat, new 830. To see complete list, call at office. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Department. (151-354 19 TinTTSTF'iS ,n u Prt f the city. LLUUO-lia crelgh Sons & Co, Bee Bldg! (15)-6J4 . (-ROOM, modern except furnace, 4309 Seward St. 820. Six rooms on second floor, 26th and Par ker Bis., H. turn ttoyer, and Cum ing. (15) 790 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2154 8o. 34th. W. S. Stlllman, 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. U5)-M4o3 LIST your rentals with ua Benjamin R. E. Co., 826 Neville Blk. Both 'phones. (15) M266 AS FOR RENT. 6-room cottage, newly painted and papered, 2602 S. 20th Ave.. $12. $ rooms, city wster. 1M0 N. 17th St., tit. C. M. BACH MAN, 436 Paxton Block. U6-M517 Nsw modern housa built one year, 8 rooms. all modern, 3721 Bouth 9th. Take Farnam line to 10th and Bancroft, Then ono block east and half block south. 827.60. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 10U1 N. Y. Llfs Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 1161 (16) 707 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. U6) 2967 Paclflo street. 8-rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; 840. A. O. El lick, 64 Bee Building. Oi) ali 8 ROOMS, modern, barn, 603 a 88th $23 60. 6 rooms, modern, choice, 16U3 Louust $22. 9 rooms, also store room with brick bake oven, large bam. 24a-12 8. 13th 840. rooms, partly modern. 2407 Grant $14. 7 rooms, city water, 3416 Charles $3. 9 rooms, modern, choice, 2416 Sherman $30. 8 rooms, Id and Spring, Gibson rotation $5. RUBSELL & M KITRICK CO., 433 Ramge Bldg. 1TU and Harney. (10 860 19 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (U-4 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Doug. tA. , (1A)-JJ 120.00 6-room cottage. 3617 Seward Bt 6-room. steam healed, modern flats, close BE MIS, 808 PAXTON BLK. U5)477 OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H- goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th; ofloo ltM Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1568. (li -H FOR RENT April 1st.. 8 room; all modern house; $37.60. 1318 North 401 h. 15)-M7u) HOUSES. Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Blk. (15)-4,18 Maggard Van Storage Co, D. 1494. We guarantee moving pUnos. II. H. Gooda. (16)-41 4 rooms, modern, rj So. 81st St., tJt-H. T rooins, city wster, gas. electric light. 1018 So. 20th HI.; large lot; $tW. 6 rooms. 1VU Bo. 18th St., 110. I rooms, 14X7. Bo. 1Mb St., $10. 4 large rooms, city aster and gas, 1613 So. 6th St., $10. B1RKETT TEBBINB. Phones. Bell. Doug. 4764.; Ind. A-1754. (1)-861 20 4 ROOM cottage. No. 161 Pratt Bt ; mod ern except heat, $Ju U5)-4MI OFFERED FOR RENT H eases aad Cettagea Coattaaed. I-ROOM modern eettag-, 60S N. KM Ft. Telephone louglas 814. Ob) SOI LIT your vacant houses with Walter Breen Company. 114 N. Y. Life building. (14) M823 901 PARK Ave., new modern brick house, 7 rooms, reception hail, hardwood finish. Tel. Harney 1610. (16) 300 81 t-ROOM cottage, modern, 8081 Marcy Bt. $. Chas. L. Thomas, room 41$ Be Bl.lg. (15) 064 NEW modern T-room house to let, $0; will paper to suit tenant. Inquire at 1014 N. 4Plh St. TeL Harney 403L (15 806 l-ROOM modern house, except furnaos In first class repair and in good location. Inquire 210J Grant 8U Tel. Webster 4'.'60. OS) M CI ax $18.001711 Ontario Bt., S-room house, large yard, city water, gas. P, O. Nielsen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-MJ34 23 YOUR RENT will buy a home In Benson. F. 8. Trulllnger, 'phone Benson 2av, (16)-M337 21 Urnees. TWO fine large office suites In the Con tinents! block; choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDT. 809 First National Bank Bldg. (16)-2$ PARLORS and 6 rooms In Qulvet. 1S09 1811 Farnam St.; suitable for artiste, phy sicians, dentists, dressmakers, etc.; steam heat and hot wter. Also 8 and 6 rooms In Bcargo Bldg.. Bouth Omaha, suitabls for lawyera. doctors, etc.; steam heat and hot water. Hall. 317 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 'Phones Red 7406 and A4406. (15.) 86 VERY desirable suite, and one single of fice. In Brandeis Blag. Inquire room 819. (16)-M334 21x Stares. J-PTORY and basement. 221. inoi Far nam. Apply $14 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (if,) cn OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing to per foot. 806 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 14. (16)-34 Feraltare. FURNITURE, carpeta, good piano; must be sold within four days, for your own price. 2518 Cuming 8U (16) etd 19x $700 WORTH of beautiful furniture for $4a); will give terms. Address E 169, care Bee. ()-814 19 Plaaoa, Organs, MasleaJ lastrameata. FOR SALE Fine upright piano, cheap Davenport St. (16) i ; 1721 Typewriters aad Sewlagt Maehlaea, FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $50. Can room 603, Bee Bldg. (161 71 M LseelLaaeoas, SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman t McConnell Drug Co. (16)-8 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balka-Collendar. 407 8. 10th SU (161635 COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department, clean nut coal. 6 bushels for $L (16)-M640 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 637 2D-HAND overcoats and firearms. Binder, 416 N. 16th. (16) 642 ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. (16) M374 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., 813 8. 15th Bt. TeL Doug. 631. (16)-63S BEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myera-Dliloa Drug Co., Omaha. 06) 639 TO MEET OBLIGATIONS Well sell fine white diamond ring for $15, also stud same else $16. Each worth fully $25. Good Columbia Graphophone and fifty two $1 10-Inch records tot $45. Better an swer quick. Address P 65, care Bee. (16)-M96$ 1131 FOR SALE Several show cases, now pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two lare automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globs Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (W-674 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McCorinell Drug Co., lflth and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. (16) 41 FOR SALE 20 tons of light rails, 16 pounds to the yard; ten dump cam, 1 yards capacity. Address F 143, Bee. 06) M326 22x HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1878 Farnam. (16) 6i3 HAVE A NOTE COMING DUE. S-kftrut diamond ling, perfect cut, bril liant white stone, $66; smsll stud, $26; quick or not at alL Address O 64 care Bee. (16) M2&6 Mam FREE liberal sample Conkeys laying tonic and valuable poultry book If you bring this ad to S. B. Stewart, Omaha. 06)-MX3 A-8x PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT 8 books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6o postage, R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-89 Pacific Bldg., Washington. D. C Established lSUft. (17) 644 LARSON A CO. Book free. Neville Bldg (17)-46 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 (17) 646 H. A. Bturgla, El N. T. L. Tel. Doug. 8468. 07)-M156 A14X PERSONAL rvf AnrPTTr,8mlUl' 1U th. td fiooj lilAUiXLlH,re,m,lU and bath Mr, WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing mach .jes. Neb. Cycle Co.. Cor. 16th and Harney. (IK) 448 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th BC, tor cost of collecting, to ths worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug 41H6 and wagou will call. . ' (U) 7t6 A HOME for womtn during confinement; we find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. MoUisr Lee, 4ul Bancroft BU Prions Douglas ma. UsjMSi SEEING Is believing, watch Satin skis cream heal chaps, cuts, cracks or sores. 26a. (18) M Grc nd baths. Room 3. 1204 MAOWUL Farnam St.. 2d floor. 0)-MA7 A6 LIEBEN, customer. 1410 Howard. Open eve. X1S 6-47 RELIABLE cistern cleaning Tel Webte 8176. (LM-MmjI Mch U YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omnha as strangers are Invited to visit ths Young Women's Christian association rooms. If. I a Farnam St., where they will be directed to sultsble boarding places or otherwise assisted. tin, (its OMAHA Stammerer's Institute. Rsmga Bldg. (16) -661 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs Dr. King. 1324 N. iMth. TeL Web Zhi SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices, bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co OiusLa. (18648 PERSONAL (Continued.) WANTED Oentla herse for Its rare light cltv driving to phatnn, willing te pr reasonable rental; best oar. Ad dress 8 101 care M2S3 M MMR ZER7CFA, Armenian kissuuk. (H Bo- l(th. Flat 6. 'Phone Douglas 4fi. . tl 944 A-tf REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DKALKR8, PATNE IVV. CO.. 1st floor H. T. tJIra. Douglas 1781. (L) .2 GEORGE 4k CO., 1801 Farnam. let. Douglas TM, (A) M BENJAMIN R. E. Co.. tU KevUle Plk. HH-MU A3 ', CITY PROPERTY FOR SALMI New 8-Rooni House On Marcy St, near 80th. Hardwood floors) paved street; fine lot Price, 88,800. The Byron Reed Co., Phene Doug. 197. 211 8o. 14th St. 09) 341 See These Today Your last ehanor to get this fine, new, 7-room, all modern house and two lota at the reduced price, only $3,750. Choice loca tion, near 86th and Hamilton. Can sell house and one lot If you prefer. A rea sonable cash payment will handle It. This Is a big bargain Don't mtes It. RUSSELL & M 'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Blk. - 15th and Harney, (191-349 19 FOR BALE A mortgage on 6-room house and wsll located lot; 6 per cent; amount $1,4)0. Address "P. care Bee. (18) M4 22x VACANT LOTS Now Is the Time to Select Your Lot to Build On. BAKER PLACE 42d street, one block from end ef Ames avenue car II le, on grade, fine big lota, direct car service to business district to Omaha and South Omaha. Cheaper than any other lots In the vicinity, terms, $6 per month. FLORENCE, $250 TO $450 All large lots, one block west of street car tine. In good residence district, among fins houses. 21ST STREET. Between Laird and Sprague, full 60 foot lot, sewer tax paid, only $500. 22D STREET. Just north of Brown, we have two un usually large lots; one 62x138 feet for $000, east front, sewer tax paid, one 79x128 feet (8 lots) only, $700. Just south of Brown on Ed street, we have a 63 foot lot for $400. HASTINGS & 1IEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building. (19)-443 19 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING. . (13)M 638 OWNER LEAVING CITY Offers his mod ern 12-room residence for sale; can give Immediate, possession. Address L 350, care Omaha Bee, (19) 863 tlx ONLY $35Q CASH. $2,500..' BlUfttVNEW'' Five rooms, all modern except heat, pol ished floors, nicely papered, elegant gat and electrlo fixtures, latest plumbing; nice lot, east front; $1600; $350 cash, bal ance $35 per month; located at 666 8. 4otl Bt. Call at office for key and Investigate. You can never purchase a better housg for Lbs money. C. O. CARLBERO, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-M2S ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Jessen A Mc Dsnlel. Prompt and accurate service. 'Phone Doug. 2292. Board of Trade. (19) M 168 Special Bargain West Farnam Home $7,00 Located between 83d and 86th Bts. a choice south front lot with 10-room house, oak rinisn in nrst story, separate bath and. toilet for servanta, cistern, aute serene. permanent walks; part cash, balance easy, A well built, comfortable home In on of the best neighborhoods In the city. worm at least sauv more man tne price. J. H. Dumont & Son 'Phone Deuglaa 690, 1606 Farnam St. 19)-8U 30 West Farnam Home On the southwest corner of 85th and Harney Sts. we bsve a fine 9-room house just fin ished. Outside flnishsd In pressed brick and cement. First floor oak-stained mahog any, quarter-sawed oak floors and rooms are finely deco rated. Upstairs finished In white ensmel. Four good bed rooms; sleeping porch off of south bed room. Choice cor ner In a good location. Price. $11,600; one-third cash, balance In annual payments of $750 and Interest at 8 per cent. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 297. H3 B. 14th 8U (19)-M4 19 A SNAP $U00 Good 6-room cottage, one-half block f rora Ames Ave. car, east front, lot 46xLM feet. D. V. SHOLES CO Bole Agents, 110 Board of Trade Bldg. TELEPHONES Bell Douglas 49. Independent-AftXl Main Floor. (19) 864 19 A SNAP 8-R00M MODERN IIOME Plastered Aula Two blocks from Mth SL car. bouth front. j) Lot 60x163. paved street 8570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 26ue Poppleton Ave. U)-Mttf MUST SELL TODAY, or will rent tomorrow. Two big bargalna New. never been rented ajid are ready to move Into. Located at 84.W and MU lay. lor Ht. 4 rooms euch. with cellar, elo..t, . buttery, hall, front aud bauk poruhra Price reduced for today lo 81. o sauK Eacc lot U1.. Hoe or telephone us ul once. Ui-NJAMIN REAL LaTATE CO.. Hi Neville Blk. Both 'Phones (l MiJ hi DEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST Cf CHAS. F. WILLIAMSON, free. ' ' Ll-e . 1