Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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I !
' ' (Continued.) -
Tho following farms are taken
from a large list vre have on onr
books, where owners need money
and everyone of them are bar
gains: '.
10(MU-fteong firm. 111 acres,' near Edna,
I .a Rette county, Kan.. 159 an acre,
H.ftftO. Tfrmi can b arranged.
101 RuMttt, "II1) ictm, near Edna. I
llte countr. Kans, flnel lmprored.
ITIce fit an acre, M0.
101- "llrer, ICO acres, near Owego,
county ssat of I-a Bette cnanty. well
Improved. Price lal.eO per acre; 14.000
cash, balance I yea as, per cent.
1007 tvSngahnre. 10 acre, near wi,
La Bette county. Kanaaa. good house,
barn, etc v Price 50 an acre, 14.000.
10 S'teri. tl acres, near Oswego,
county- Mt t of La Btt connty. . iro-xl
houee. barn. etc. Price ii an acre,
1004 TAraecf it acres. IVi miles, from
Chetops, splendid town. In Ia Bette
county. Kansas, finely Improved, good
roads, natural gaa, etc. price St an
HIT (We-ens, 47$ acre, very fine, rich
Ian4. rood improvements. Only $44 an
acre, 111.175.
If you are Interested In any of these,
write o imd we will give you full par.
ticulars; or, what Is still better, come
and co with as next Tuesday.
General Land Merchants.
Omaha, Neb.
(10) U7 17
Narth Dakota.
which Is attracting homeaeeers to s 01
excelled farming country; fertile soil,
sunshine,' free fuel, pure water, sura
crops, a home and profitable occupation
for you; land but tlo to lis an acre now;
easy Unu; we hare homestead relin
quishments for sale. See Win. H. Brown
C'o.. Haynea or Mott, North Dakota, or
131 LaSalle St.. Chicago, III. Maps free.
Mention thla paper. U M3tt
14 ACRES of gnod Und at Bowman, N. D.,
at lis acre,' with homestead adjoining
free;- one-third' cash. Cardigan. East
Fifth HU Bt. Paul. Minn. ( MZ lx
Has for eala 4,0u0 acres of land that oaa
be put under Irrigation at small cost; 200 to
t.M head of cattle; several fin ranches;
t cars of excellent cow horses. Address
P'.lrs.- City Really Co., P. O. Box 64. Stiver
City. ,N. Mex. C M704 17
LOCATE ea the Lower Brule Peserrmtlon.
Oood claims yet te be had. open for
fllins. WUl locate you for a reasonable
amount. Address O. M. Bertleaon,
Preabo. 8. D. (10) MJ47 AprU S
GAINS iiairnlflcent . colonial homes.
1 1 Catalosue, Soula, Was bin ton. D. C
. . . . , CX MSS1 It
FOR 8ALE Mo-acre farm, bonae of nine
rooms, bam 12x44 boa; bouse 12x34 and one
tilt, hen house .XJ-V sTaaary 24x4. 10
, acres of alfalfa. ,11 acrna tauaa g-rasa
pasture, tt acrva wLd bay for homes,
?ood crove. orchard, all fenced and croea
eneed. Tit miles to food railroad town,
S ailles Ht of Hioux City. Write for
prices apd Uraa. .J. .ILaaox Land
Axency, Afien. Keb, , . (2if iI78 U
i WESTERN U.N3, large and small tract .
. sal aad. axrha-isa. National Iivt. Co..
If l&l Brandels Bldg. (J0)-l7
... ISJ
LOANS on Improved Omaha, property.
O Keefa R. E. Co.. 1(01 N. Y. Life Bldg.
WANTED City loan a and warrants, .w.
Fainam Smith & Co., 1X30 Farnam St.
, . - ( .
Il TO f. made promptly. F. D. Wead.
Wead Bldg.. lMh and Farnam.
1A1WEST RATES Bern la, Paxton Block.
l'i PEJt CENT money to loan on erstern
Ni!raka farms and good business prop
erty la Omaha.
i First .National Bank Building. Tele
phone Douglas 122.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Ca
(-!') 67
MONJtY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
Hastings A Heyden, 17v4 Farnara St.
PRIVATE moaey to loan: no detava. J.
H. tihrrwovd, 61417 Brandels HMg.
. ..... -. (.( TO
W, 1L Tkoaia lac da BKtney.
t-M7U A 11
MONEY TO LOAM On Improved city
property. Bulldiag loans a specialty. No de
lay. W. 11. Ttiomaa. suS Ul Nat 1 Bk Bids.
C2 M741AU
V.C to l"n. per eent, on good Omaaba
aacurlly. No dlay. Money oa band.
B. ARION LEWIS, Acre Specialist. ,
Wl N. Y. Life BiJg.
'- t2)-M!U 17
Have customer who wanta (W to 16U-acre
farms that are bargains, aith us what
yea have for aae.
General L&ad Merccanta, Untuhs. Neb
ti-M.T m
, WANTKrVrTo b'jy secondhand furniture
1 cook an fceatitg atovea. carpcta, linoi
lileumi ettica fiirnitar-. old dothea, quilts
1 and, all kuids ot tooia. or will bur th
furniture of your-hitus complete. Tiie
'''- i paiu. vaji me ngnt dim.
Tel. Douglaa ! M17 M4
BBCONDHAKD feed smcAs. Na amouut too
i 10 uiu, . agner, out is. ldth.
CASH paid for secondhand clothing, shoes,
tc. a N. lolh flu Tel. Red JES.
BiiiT prlco paid for secondhand fumitura.
carpets, atovea. clothing, ahoea. eu-. IteJ
'L - (J6-Mt4
v. . ov general sadse., H Quo te
a.a la toaa cloae t Omaha; ai buy tot
cash at diacoueit ft U4t Und. Address
to af, gpenoer. Jieo. (3b MJU
WANTED A quiet ream for cne msn. Ad
dress 11 12. cars bee. SSj u, ix
JIOQM wanted tor aiagle maa paat miJdle
K.. H-i 1 lorattua preferred; moderate
d-maaOa. .AdOnaa lt, c-vre Bee,
(n 4 !x
WANTED Ergraae- wcrk; good expr
ea k gtraiht valve engine oa Corliss
eta; en gtve good rcferen-ea A.l
Y 3U. c bv, tI7-M
eiTT'ATION wanted by Japan yorj general hojdework. Aidre Hui
UL, Council Bluffa 27Ml x
WANTET-Poe1t1on by a first clas woman
stenoarapner. Exr rfnced. rapid and se
rurate. Capable of heml m correpnTnl
ence without dlctatlim. Wish a poeltion
with heavy work and full responmhlllty.
Palary ITS per month. Add rem B-1TJ. care
Bee. U7V-M140 Zlx
WANTED Position as drug clerk. Am
pharmacy graduate and have drug (tore
experience. Address Y ). w Bee.
v (I7 MJ30 17
WA'N'TED Position as first claas traction
engineer; 15 year experience. AnMre M
r, Be. ttDMM Wx
Twfca aa Many "White"
Towta Can ta I'm Thaai Aaj
Other Hake
an la the) BajrxT BnalaeM.'
Omaha, Nebraoka. March 16, lka. Sealed
proposals, in triplicate, will be received here
and by the quartermaster at the poet
named herein, until 10 a. m. central stand
ard lime, April 15, 15ih, for furnishing min
eral oil during the fiscal year ending June
i, at Omaha Q. M. depot. Forts Omaha
and Robinson, Nebraska; Fort Dea Moines.
Iowa; Forts Riley and Leavenworth Kan
pas; Fort Waanakle, Wyoming, and Fort
Meade, South Dakotaa -Proposals for de
livery at other than the above named sta
tions will not be entertained. The United
Btatea reserves the right to reject or accept
any or all propoa!g or any part thereof.
Information furnished on application here,
or to quartermaster at the stations nsmed.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil." and
addressed to Major I). E. MCCARTHY. C.
Q. M. M1S-17-1S-1S Atf-14
Omaha, Neb.. March 111. 1908. Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, will be received
here and by quartermasters at the posts
named herein, until 1 a. m., central stan
dard time, April 13, 1S08, for furnishing
wood, coal and charcoal, during the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1J". at Omaha Q. M.
Depot, Forts Crook. Omaha and Robinson,
Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley.
Kansas; Forts D. A. . Runsell, Mackens.e
and Washakie, Wyoming; Fort Des Moines,
Iowa, and Fort Meade, South Dakota.
Proposals for delivery at other places will
not be entertained. United Btatea reserves
right to reject or accep4- any or all pro
posals er any part thereof. Information
furnlsl.ed on application hen?, or to quar
termasters at the stations named. En
velop. containing proposals should be
marked "Proposals for Fuel," and ad
dressed to Major D. E, MCCARTHY. C. Q.
M. M1-17-1S-1AI3-I4
fersonviile. Ind., February 19, 1.
Bealed proposals In triplicate, endorsed on
cover "Proposals for Q. M. Supplies,'' and
addressed to undersigned, will be received
here until 10 o clock a. tru. March 3i 1M,
for wagon parts, leather, hroti, tools and
n'lscelianeoua supplies, required for Manila,
P. I., aa per schedule, which will be fur
nished m application xo this depot and the
depots at New York and San Franc s o.
Preference given to articles of domestic
Rroductlon or manufacture. The ngi.t
i reserved to reject or acceit
any or all bids or any part thereof.
Further Information fnm'shed on appilra
tlon. R. M. SCHOFIEJ5, MaJr ana
Quartermaster, C. 8. A., jDenct Q. M.
Oscar Groshell and wife to J. B. Whi
taker. lots 70 and 71. block 2, Saun
ders A Htmebaugtt'a addition .... $200
Juary r. i atson and nusnand t 8. J.
Swanson. et al., lot 4, Epworth.... 63
Jacob Mares to John Maxes, let. IS,
block 2. Albright's annex 1
Lucy A. Staplt-a and husband to
Keurte t- Havel, lot a. Holmes
addition 1.100
Thomas Dooley and wife, to W. A-
Hlldreth. loU , 7, 8. ' block 1,
Brown Park 1
County treasurer to C. AT, Rich, lot
, block a. -Hitchcock a 1st add....
Roy H. Walker and wife to Fanny A.
walker. 114 lot la, block 2, Hor
bach's 2nd addition 1 "00
Fanny A. Walker to Roy 1L Walker,
same 2,200
County treasurer to Charles I
Thomas, lots 1. t, 10, block 4,
The Byron Reed company to Frank
t usia riy a. uemner. s lot 4 4
and nV4 lot 45. A. Kountze's add. . 1.4S0
Alice G. Millie, et al.. ta Cbarlns- M.
1 larae, lot 7, block 2. Hitchuck s
1st addition 1. 1,000
August Hadan and wife to Charles
Hadan. seV ntl 20-14-12 2.000
James W. Lee and wife tq Omaha
Mitten ana Aianuractunng company,
lot 7. block 23. Omaha . .. . S.Ittft
Kenwood Realty company to William
Nonrmer. lota 2i and 2S. Ken
wood 130
Charles Petersen and wife to Louise
IV Bernhard. wVi wH lot , Hawe'a
addition 1.700
Total ..
Caaa Defeat Tigers 13 ta 10 la Six.
Iaalaa Com feat.
"Play ball!" With theae words "Bud"
Rice inaugurated the 1 base hall season
In the Gate City, wbi.s Uie Cubs and Tigers
gave It two-thlrrls of a start by Jusgllng
ruin ba k and forth for six Innings, at
Twenty-eighth and Bmney streets Sunday
afternoon. The gm was called at the
end of the sixth by mutual consent. The
Cuhs won 12 to 10.
If both teams had had every man In their
I Int-ui laid out tne game could still have
continued, as there were enough ball plav
ers among the spectators to form an tight-club-
league. Brice made . the first run.
Quigley made the first hit. Gibson drove in
ttis first runs with the first two-bagger,
Pruggeman was the first to sttal a base.
Brice g:t the first walk, while Cross was
the first to get bit. Mullen bring the offend
ing pitcher in each ciu. H. MorSarrty made
tiie first error, while Ea-uutn nuiu the
first assist at d Dougherty the first put out
Lehr was the first to strike out and Mullen
emitted the fiist roar.
Ciair. Gibsun. Dougherty, Bovllman and
Eastman p-rfi rn u-d in miu-seso furm all
thruugh. The score:
etna. TIGER 3
aioir as h o a.k.
fpelliua. . I i I 1 BrW. e-wrf I 4
Mallm. -.. 114 U si r. p:-cf 4 i i
CUir. lb 4 I ;ifc. Ib-c .41411
kumun. - 14 eBr (''. - t 1 1
U-kr. II, I 1 1 1 tHIH. Jk. 4 f 1 1 4
tMuather-r. AMI) ... ik.... 4 11
O row. It . 1 f-rr. U i l t
Mo art, rt-s t 1 irmi el-9.... 1 I I 1
L Mu'ar't)'. rt I Ulil. rf-lb ... 1114
"ouli 2 -H I t Tol M 11 u i "i
E.aot out; bit by batked ball.
fubs 1 wilt 0-11
Tigt-rs 3 4 1 I10
Earned runs: Cubs. ; Tigers. C Two
base bus: Uitaon. Barr. Croes. Hill. Spell
man. Clair. H. Mortarity. Stolen bases:
tiruggem-n ft. Cross. Eastman (2. Lrhr
OC.'iiner. Sa-r!fice hit; Mullen. Inn:ngs
pitched: By Qulgiey. two and two-Uur.1;
by Cross, two and one-third; b Bruggeman
one; by Eastman. Ihrtw, bv Mullen, three"
Hits: Off Quigley, J, off Cross, 4; otf
kiulien. t; otf Easimaa. A Struxk
out. By Quigley. J, by Cro., 3; by
Bruggeman. 2, by Mullen 1; by Eastman. 3.
Bast-s on balls: Off wuigley. 4; off Croas, 1;
ft Bruggeman. 1, oft M'!n. L Hit by
pitcher: By Quigley, l; by Croaa. 2; by
Mullen. 1; by Eastman. 1. Wild pitchea:
Quigley. 1; Cross. 1. Psad balls: Brice,
1; Quigley, t Umpire: nice,
Drake Defeats At la a tie.
ATLANTIC, la.. March 14.-M3rwcial.V-The
Drake univi rrsity basket ball boys de
feated the Young Men's Christian associa
tion boys of thi pi.-e la a cloae and ex
citing game by tbe score of 14 to la. Th
gama a as fast and hard fright, but neither
team s-rmed to be In condition. Certain it
is the Atlantic boys did not play anything
liae their usual game, or the sroie wouid
hsvo been differeot. Tbey are anxious
fr a return gaiue. sillier t a or ui Dea
Barni and Beell Center of the Sin.
Jut Now.
Bis Swede Bellevee Cetck Will Get
the Raaslaa l.taa wltfc tsvat
Deadly Tea H14 la
Cassias; Matca.
The Bums-Beell wrestle at. the Auditorium
Tuesday night la drawing fans from all
Mea and several states. For several years
lovers of the wrestle have been anxious to
sea these two marvels of the mat coma
together, ard It Is fitting that they should
meet for the first time lb Omaha, the cen
ter of the game Just now.
Frank Gotch expressed the sentiment on
this match whea ha said in response to a
question as to who would win. "It's a toaa
of the coin. Burns Is the most finished
wrestler that eVer lived, but Beell Is
younger and I believe la abla to endure
more now. But either man Is likely to
Burns and Beell both have the highest
regard for each other and neither will go
Into the ring over-con fldent. It must be
said that Been, seems surer of victory than
the Farmer, though the old roan aays, "I
believe I csn down that little fellow."
In response to an urgent demand from
scores of Its readers The Bee herewith
reprints the relative measurements of
Burn and Beell:
Burns. Been.
Age (years) 47. Age (years) Ji
Weight (lbs.) 170. Weight (lba.) 1S.
Height i:10 Height 1:04.
Chest 40 Inches. Cheet 44 inches.
Waist 32. Waist M.
Hips 40. Hips 40.
Thigh 22. Thigh M.
Calf 15. Cslf 1.
Intrla 11 A-UU 11U
Wrist S.
Neck 17.
Forearm 114.
Blcepa 13.
Wrist t.
Neck 1714,
Forearm 13.
Biceps IsH-
Ed Morgan and Jack 'Kinney -hll be In
the preliminaries Tuesday night. Morgan
la the best lightweight wrestler in the mid
dle west and has thrown many heavy
weight men. Kinney Is heavier than Mor
gan and has proven a tough proposition for
the little policeman in former matches.
Both are Omaha men.
To aid in the handling of the big crowd
Manager Gillan has arranged for a large
number of extra seats for the arena floor.
At the west end he has built a high tier
of seals, a la bleachers, and In addition, has
put another tier on the stage. He has
also added a large number of chairs to the
arena floor until tho number reaches 2,075
besides those which are back of the boxes.
None of the seats on the lower floor are
reserved except those In the boxes, indi
cations now are that although the price
ta not aa large as for some events which
have been held at the Auditorium, all rec
ords for the house will be broken Tuesday
"I like to wrestle In Omaha; I'd rather
work here than any place In the country,"
said Bums the other day. "In the first
place, the Auditorium Is an Ideal place and
Mr. Gillan hag everything Just right now.
He handles the crowds In fine shape and
has suppressed smoking. But the main
thing la Omaha crowds are always thought
ful of both men, no matter who they may
be. My friends know that I ain't always
hollering for the long end of the cheero
and that I never fail to frown on hissing,
even though It be at the other fellow. I
know I have lots of friends In this old
town and I have always tried in the many,
many years I have wrestled here to give
them the best that war in me."
I thought I could beat Gotch at Greco
Roman," aald Lundin after th. match, "but
he was too much for me. I have seen
Hackenschmlilt wrestle a dosen times, but
he never worked like Gotch did tonighv
If 'Hack' runs Into that toe hold It will be
all off with htm. Gotch has this particular
hold down to a science and it Is Impossible
to break It unless you break your leg."
This la from the Kansas City Star and
refers to the match between Gotch and the
champion Swede wrestler in that city last
Thursday night It la of particular Inter
est In view of the coming battle for the
world's championship of the mat. '
Lundin is a powerfully built man, a great
wrestler and put up a terrific fight against
Gotch. The Star adds:
Even though Lundin did not last the
derby route he put up a great bout and
gave Gotch the hardest match he has had
in thia city. Lundin is a powerful built fel
low and he knows something about wrest
ling. He was the aggressor from the tap
of the bell until his shoulders were pinned
to the mat in both fails. In the catch-as-catch-can
tilt lie had the champion In a
bad way on two occasions, but be couldn't
make his holds stick and finally be slipped
Into the deadly toe hold and it was cur
tains. At Greco-Roman Lundin demonstrated
that he was really a great wrestler at that
style of the game, but they all look alike
to Gotch. He fought the Swede all over the
mat and time and time again they went
through the ropes. After nine minutes of
wrestling Lundin secured a full Nelson and
it looked like the champion was going to
lose a fall, but be managed to get out of
the tight place and then made things
mighty lively for the foreigner. For the
last six minutes of the bout the men were
on the mat, first one on top and then the
other. Finally Gotch secured a hammer
lock and after nearly dislocating Lundin's
right arm rolled him over into a full Nel
son and then It was "pay day."
Lundin takes precisely the same view of
that toe hold and Its relation to the inter
national battle that othe big wrestlers do.
Gotch himself, though a Modest man, aays
Hack's ot-ly salvation la to prevent him
from getting the toe hold, "for If that hold
la once put on a man properly he cannot
possibly resist it and I think I can put It on
Hackenschmidt." Lundin talks a good deal
as Bransfield did tfter Ills match with
Gotch. "I have seen' what purported to be
toe holds, but never did I know what the
toe hold was until I felt that agony going
up my column when Gotch clamped
his deadly grip upon my own foot," said
tbe big Australian, who wrestled Hacken
schmidt once to a standstill.
One of the best wrestlers in the country
Is Olson of Illinois, the so-called "cowboy."
Hla recent victory over Leo Pardello in
Chicago was a surprise to many wrestlers
as well aa fans, and he la looked to aa a
comer for greater distinction.
There Is still some sentiment for a match
between Gotch and Dr. Roller of Seattle,
but It will be easier to decide that ques
tion after Gotch'a match with Hacken
schmidt. Maybe the Roller folks won't
care for the match then. The fact that
Dr. Roller once held Gotch for an hour
without a fall Is belnr touted aa an Indica
tion that Roller la as good a maa as Gotch.
Thst wrvstls was a handicap, though, and
that settles all controversy so far aa that
la concerned. Roller Is a good man, but
there Isn't any considerable number of In
foimed people that want to aay he la equal
to Gotch. Of RoUer, a.itch himself said the
other day: "He must be a good one. j
was surprised that he threw Burns.''
Wrretlrre af High aad Law Btaadlajg
Waat la aa Fr-ltaelaas-lee. '
Mint iter Gillan has rtreived aa endless
cumber 0 ravuesla from wrestlers lu all
parts of NebraaKa and west era Iowa to
be put aa for tbe prellininarles at some
of tne a resiling matches which are be
ing pullad off at the Auiiitertuio. lie has
nt been ahle to gratify any of thea
auhta to data aa be desired to put on
some better knuaa arceticra. A c-rkme
good preliminary has been am anrd for
Tuday night, but In addition Manager
Clllan has srrsna-d for another match
during th Intermieiov 1 between the fails
of the big mat' h. Steve Hswkins of
f'spllllon will wrestle Frank Olson of
Weii 00.
G. O. t rax I a 1 III rrekaaly Head
Middle West Bawlera.
BT. JOSEPH. Ha, March 1. (Special
Telegram, r From all Indications, u. .
Francisco of Oitiilm will be named as
president of the Middle West Bowline s
eoclntton at a meeting to. be held tomorrow.
F. Webber of the same city is slsted for
the third vice preei.lenry, while W. K.
Albert son of Des Moines Is to be mad
secretsrr. St. Joseph will. It Is understood,
be chosen aa the place for hoiding the
tourney next y-ar.
In the five-men event today the Desotoa
of St. Ixiuls bowled high secre with t.T.1
pins. The Horkins team of Dee Moines
was a close second with I 1 pins, while
the On I mod tsm of Omaha took third
place with a roll of tr pins.
Dornvan and Wilson of Excelsior Springs.
Mo., bowled 1.171 In the two-men roll to
day, taking the lead" in this event.
Kern of St. Louis, at a late hour tonleht,
took the teal In the individual event with
a score of ?9.
Score of the Onlmods- '
Johnson 177 14 17h
Trace y TTO 17t 19 M7
Ooff J -TO l!? JM 41
GJerde 1 IT..' S 5Ti
Zimmerman .145 19S ll &.I4
&26 SM HO 2,T9
'Frleca Clab Oetvlayw Cbleasre Asaer
leaas at Every PofaC
SAN FRANCISCO. March ll.-The local
base ball team defeated the Chicago Arm r
icana this afternoon, outplaying the visitors
In every department of the game. The
game was cailed at the end of the eighth
Inning to enable the Chicago club to catch
the New Orleans train. Score: R.H.F..
Chicsa-o ...'. , 0 9 3
San Francisco 1. 3 9 1
Batteries: Chicago, Altrock. Smith and
Sullivan: San Francisco. O. Jones, Sutor,
Henly and Berry.
Praetlee aa Track Regies.
IOWA CITY, la. March l.( Special.)
The first call for the track men ot the uni
versity was issued today for the" i3d of the
month. On that date the Old Gold squad
will get outdoors for the first time. Coach
Catlin expects to have a bunch of men In
fine condition for the first real work of
the year. Thanks to Tommy O Brien, who
hss been rubbing out the lame spots for a
mcntli In the Indoor work, the men are free
from strains, bruises and chsrley-horses.
and at least two weeks ahead of the sea
son. Catlin la not making any predictions
as to the team, but says that the team
that wins the state meet will have to beat
Iowa to do tt. "Miller. RenBhaw, Hanlon,
Hammer and a score of new men will take
care of the relays and dashes, and Burk
heimer, Renshaw and Unger will be a hard
trto to beat in the broad Jump. Renshaw
won the event at the last -state meet. Jn
the hurdles. Brown and Simonrls are a fast
pair with lots of experience behind them.
Slmnnds was the winner at the state high
school meet two years ago. Stutsman looka
like a new star In the discus event. Mayer
has a mark of 132 feet In practice with the
hammer, and Haxard and Hots are ex
pected to take points in the shot-put. The
great rroblem of the day at Iowa is the de
velopment of distance men to take the place
of Riley, who la out of school.
Track Candidate Oat.
MOUNT VERNON, la.. March l.-(Spe.
clal.) The first call for track candidates
was well responded to today, a big bunch
of new and old men turning out at the call
of Coach Finger. The men have been
working nut in the gymnasium all winter
and are In first-class shape. There are
some likely men In tlte sqiwd, chief among
these being French in the broad Jump,
Neidig and Cram in the weights. Merwln
in the high Jump an4) Jones in the hurdles.
Hammond and Smith old timers in the
ltin-yard dash, as is Gibbs in the 440. Kipp
will run "the mile for Cornell another sea
son also. The list of events for the team
is as follows: Home meet In the last week
in April: May 9, dual with Normal at Cor
nell; May 15. invlratlon" nifrt at Cedar
Falls; May 29, atate meff1 at'Des Moines;
June A dual meet with ''Coe at Cornell.
The freshmen will meet the Iowa freshmen
on May 1
The base ball team, Ca Jeen, outsidj) for
the last week-end fg coming? along well
under the direction of Coach Dennis, for
merly of Iowa. Tbe schedule la not yet
complete, but will be opened with a num
ber of practice games with Oia iCedar Rap
Ids Three-I team. ' '
Plaas for American Henley.
NEW TORK. March 1. The American
Rowing association bag issued Its formal
announcement of the plans for the Ameri
can Henley on March 23. ' There will be
twelve races, all aa usual, at one mile, 53d
yards, straightway. The definition of the
"second'" races Is made particularly clear,
is being explained that rating in other or
ganizations doea not affect that right of
Note is made of the continued barring of
the Vesper Boat club on account of the
trouble over Abella membership In the
Octople race laat year. The club can enter
no more races until it disavows the action
of Its racing committee in this matter.
Gaad Recards at Drake.
DES MOINES, March 16. (Special.)
At the first meet of the season at Drake
some good records were, made, and the
hearts of the fans are light accordingly.
The meet was Indoors and the apeed In
the dashes was correspondingly reduced.
Snyder wis the individual star of the meet,
winning first in both Jumps and In the
short dash. He also placed In a number
of other eventa. McCord was second, with
both hurdles to his credit. Haggard set a
good mark In the pole vault fur the time
of year, going In 11:04. He la expected by
Coach Pell to do wonders this year.
Mitchell ran the half on an eight-lap track
In 2:13.
Slanpaaa aad Grtaaell.
GRIVNELL. Ia., March 16. (Special. )
The Simpson team of Indianola, la., will
be taken on for a pair of games, beginning
Monday night. Simpson claima tbe stale
title in basket ball, and Grlnnell alto makes
out a claim to the honors. The first game
will be on the Grlnnell floor, and if Grln
nell wins, the third will be on the Des
Moines Young Men's Christlsn association
floor. Simpson has already won from Grln
nell. and if they are able to take either of
these games will have a clear title, and a
high ranking In the west, as Gr-nnell has
defeated Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota,
and Is not conceding anything to Chicago
and Wisconsin.
Beell Takes Wasesa aa Handicap.
There is some quesilo- in the minds of
wrestling fans as to Fred Beell winning
his match with Oscar W.?sem at Lincoln
tonight. It Is to U a handicap. Beell
agreeing to throw Wa-sem three times In
an hour. "I think tiie little fellow will do
it, for he's awful fast." said Farmer Burns,
"but some don't believe he can, Wasem
is a good wrestler, of course." .
Frlaktfal Spaa ess
of the stomach, liver torpor, lame back
arid weak kidneys are overco;a iiy Elec
tric Bitters. Guaranteed. a" Fir sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
eaalar ' Utile la 111.
BALTIMORE. Ml. March It. Senator
William Plnkney Whyte, who ia ill of
eraip.'las, was reported as hvlng passe)
a -restful night and to be feeling "qjlte
comfortable'' this morning. The senator's
illness, while not regarded as rritcal. la
someahal alarming, because of the sena
tors advanced age. He is S2 .years old.
In no other tJisea. is a thorough cleansing of the blood msn necessary
thaa in Contagious Blood Poisoa. The least particle of this Insidious virus '
-rill multiply ia the circulation and so thoroughly contaminate the blood
that no part of the bodysrillbe exempt from the ravages of this powerful
disease. Usually the first symptom is a little sore or nicer. Insignificant in
itself, but soon the blood becomes so contaminated that the mouth and throat
nlcerate, glands in the groin swell, hair and eye-brows come out, copper
colored spots appear oa the body, and frequently sores and ulcers break out
on the flesh to humiliate the sufferer. S. S. S. cures Contagious Blood Poison '
by purifying the circulatioa. It attacks the disease ia the right way by sroing
dowa into the circulation, netttralizin; and forcing" out every particle of the
poison, and making this fluid pure, fresh and health-sustai ning. The im
provement commences as socn as the patient gets under the iffflnence of
S. S. S., and continues until every trace of the disease is removed from the
bkwd. and tho sufferer completely restored to health. Not one particle of
the poison is left for future out-breaks after S. S. S. has purged and purified
the Llood. Book oa the home treatment of this disease and an V medical advice
Fremont Editor Succeeds Stephenton
at Eevenoe Collector.
Calleets early Seventeen Mll'lom
Dollars Darla Hie Ttra,
Dollar at W blrfc Is rreiaptty
e Aceeaated For.
Ross, L. Hammond of Fremont, entered
upon his duties at collector of Interval
revenue for the Nebraska district Monday
morning, relieving Elmer B. Stephenson of
Lincoln who had held the position since
July 1. lVrt. The oath of office ass admin
istered by Judge W. H. Munger of the
United States tourts. who Is a fellow towns
man and an old friend of Mr. Hammond.
A bouquet of handsome American beauty
rones adorned Collector Hammond's deak
when he put In hla appearance, the donors
being the employes of the revenue office.
According to the usual custom a represen
tative of the commissioner of Internal reve
nue was present? to superintend the formal
transfer cf the office. This duty was per
formed by Revenue Agent Charles H. Duty
of Washington. D. C. No formalities of
any special character were observed in the
transfer of thta important office. Collector
Hammond received and assumed responsi
bility from his predecessor revenue stamps
and lists to the amount of S1.44S.6&S.-1.
Record at te nkestea.
During the six years, eight and a half
months of Mr. Stephenron's Incumbency of
the office of collector for the Nebraska
district he has collected $l.S11.9t57.16. ,Every
penny of this vast amount of money has
been accounted for. and, to Mr. Stephen
son's credit, it may be said that the govern
ment has not lost a dollar during the period
that he has held the office. While the busi
ness of the office has materially increased
during the past seven years, the force re
mains praclicaliy the same that tt was In
1901. with a few changes In the personnel
of the official force.
The force at present consists of Ed L--North,
chief deputy: H. A. Dowd. cashier;
K't J. Carson, 8. W. Conley. Leo Brown,
Miss H. M. Baton. Miss E. M. Quick, assist
ant deputies; Mrs. 8. E. Hill. Mrs. Joy M.
Higglns and IL Langsdorf. clerks. As all
of these hold over under the civil service
rules there will be no changff in the official
personnel of the office,
Elmer B. Stephenson will return at once
to Lincoln where he will assume the posi
tion as loan representative of the North
western Mutual Life Insurance company for
the state of Nebraska, a business In which
he was engaged before becoming collector.
n. W. Breckearldae Writes an Coa
stitutloa. as Adapted a Pree
eat Necessities.
The March number of the Tale Law
Journal publishes an article from the pen
of Ralph W. Breckenridgaof Omaha on
the subject of "Ia the Federal Constitu
tion Adapted to Present Necessities, or
Must the American People Have a New
One?" Mr. Breckenridge takes the posi
tion that "there have always been two
rival and divergent views of the powers
of the government under the constitution:
The first, that as to those subjects upon
which congress may legislate; the second,
that certain of its powers may be exer
cised concurrently with, the several states.
To these may now be added a third, that
the states may pre-empt the subjects over
which their control shall be exclusive.".
Mr. Breckenridge quotes from a number
of eminent authorities In support of these
propositions and goes Into the income tax
cases to considerable extent, as well as the
recent Insurance cases. In conclusion. In
quoting from James Bradley Thayer, he
says: "We must disentangle views of po
litical theory, pollticul morals, constitu
tional policy and doctrines as to that con
venient refuge for loose thinking which is
vaguely called the 'spirit' of the constitu
tion from doctrines of constitutional law.
What generally happens on these occasions
is that the littleness and looseness of men's
Interpretation of the constitution are re
vealed and that this great instrument
shows Itself wiser and more far-looking
than men had thought."
Day Will Be Coaaaaemora ted by Irish
el la tke T"-
St. Patrick's day will be fittingly cele
brated Tuesday by loyal Irishmen and
women In Omaha and vicinity. There will
be parades through the streets of Irish
lodges, high masses said at some of the
Catholic churches and entertainments In
memory of the birth of the popular saint.
In St. Patrick's church. Fourteenth and
Castellar at re- w high mass will be said
at 10:30 a. m. . ' r. -tilth Omaha the Aacieat
Order of Hibei ..ana will meet at their hall
and march to the church-T An appropriate
entertainment will be given In the evening
in Creighton Institute, 210 South Eighteenth
Ceat 3e Per U011 Yaa Save ft. 03 la
Doctor bills. Red Cross ' Coi:gh Drops,
Makes Ne. S a Tkroagk Trala on
Dayllgkt Raa front Omaha
to St. I.oala.
Several changes In passenrer train time
went into effect on the. Wabash Sunday.
No. 6, formerly a local out of Council
Bluffs, now goes out as No. 12, a through
train, at I a. m., arriving at St. Louis at
10) p. m. This will be the first passenger
train to make the trip from this city to
St. Louis In daylight.
No. 1, formerly reaching Omaha at S. ) a.
m.. now leaves fct. Louis an hour later and
reaches Omaha at 9:25 a. m.
The fact train No. 3, leaving Kansas City
at I p. m. for Buffalo and New York, la
withdrawn, and In its place No. 23 la put
on, leaving Kansas City at 7 p. m.
o BLOOD poison
McKibbin Hats
A !
1 i 1
B f---
Say "HcKIBBl.N
Taxpayer! Lose Honey Because Mayor
; and' Council Disagree.
Oaaaka Pay Foar Per Ceat aa Haa
dred Tkeeaaad Dollars Idle aad
(ie( Only Two Dab leas a
- Tries to Help It. '
Ore hundred thousand dollars of sewer
bond money Is lying Idle In the banks cf
the city of Omaha. The people of Omaha
are paying I per cent Interest for the ne
of this Idle money. The banks are paying
the city of Omaha 1 per cent Interest on It.
A net loss to the c'.ty of 2 per cent, or
SiOCW yearly, accrues. This Is the result
of the city council refusing to act upon
the mayor's recommendation to bullj the
Iiard street sewer, for which the money
a as voted.
Two small sewers in the Izard street dis
trict empty into open ditches. To relieve
the congested: condition two sets of sewer
bonds, each In t!?e sum of f&V'iTO, were
voterl to build a main sewer on that street,
tho rower to pass through the grounds of
the Union Taclflc. where the shops are
located. The Union Pacific would build
the sower rasslns through its property.
Lexpending between f"0 snd 73.t. The
city would expend abo-jt fl,'j as its por
tion of Uie work.
Hon It Waa Tied Up.
The understanding was that when the
bonds were voted the money was to be
used In constructing this sewer. Plans and
specif icatiens were drawn and in the fall
the council entered into a ontract for the
construction of it On account of the con
tract price -cing too high the. mayor vetoed
It. Two weeks ago. however, he sent a
communication to tho council asking that
the matter be again taken up on the
grounds that material could now be se
cured more coesply and employment b
given to- ataay men out of work. Since
then the matter has been at a standstill.
"I fail to see what further I can ill In
the matter." says Mayor-Dahlman, "since
the council has seen fit to ignore my rec
ommendation. "This money, or most of It.
Is lying Idle. We are paying twice as much
for It at. we are getting out of It. The
sewer, it seems to me, ought to built, and
no better time could be selxed upon than
this, but my hands are tied."
In the engineering department it ta found
that two main, sewers to be built this year
will use up about ISPinO of the 3W.0O Issue,
the eounsil taking the ground that bonds
voted for the eonsti uction of main sewers
can be. used anywhere in the city. thougliJ
the understanding when the bonds were
lememiier the k
Always Backed
t !
fihoulJ obviously
'f- I 1 1
unuornuy oac-Tci oy uie ragnesi graac mgic
rjieats that have a place in honest brewing
s aV
But Quality talk Purity talk is not tiie whole story.
There's that Blatz infJividual merit that is developec! by
the Blatz process alone, and which is, after' all, the real
reason why Blatz Beer is so peculiarly satisfying and
gratifying. Try any of the Blatz brands, whether on
draught or in bottles, and you w be suic of a beer of i
character and quality beyond
X2-10 Douglas St- Csr.
I ...
This Institution has long been established
In Omaha for tne benefit of suffering
Do not be satisfied until you have been
examined by the fcpeclalinta of the Ktate
Medical Institute, the best in the country.
Consult us and be examined free. Yea
may be sent away hapry. without treat
ment, but with ad!ce that will save you
"lime and mui.fy. if you require treat
ment you will be treated honestly and
skillfully and reatored to health within
the shortest time possible and at 'he low.
est expense.
We do not Quote misleading prices la
oar advertlaexcaius. Ws make ao mislead
ing state sate or decectlrs, enbnelxess
liks propositions. We cue mil at the
lowest cost for L-iUful and socccssfoj
errUMs. We believe la fair dealing aad
honsat saethoda.
We treat men enly, and core promptly, safely and thor
oughly and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH,
SPECIAL diseases and their complicatiorj.
Free Cossi!tit:d) lad Exj-iaitl.a-,' VlUi:
'.1303 Farnam Et- Eetween 13th and 14th Sts., Onuiha, XTeb.
voted was the money sbouWI be Used
for laard street. By the expenditure of
thia 33V n Vfl"0 Is still left Intact In the
hands of Omaha on which 1 per rent Inter
est is lost annually.
I.lttle Boy Wba Steals Himself and
Meacy for Haaeaaa la tadse
trial acbeel. '
Charles Williams, ll-year-old colored boy
who kidnaped himself and then tooH 3x30
of his mother's money as a ransom for his
own return, was s.nt to the Industrial
school for bv.ys at Kearney by Judge
Estrlle of the Juvenile court Monda.
Charley lives with his mother, who earns
her dajly bread at the tub at Military vw
nue and Charles street. Several days ago
he disappeared and tao diys later, aiien
Probation Officer Carver found, him, he
declared he had been kidnr.ped by two men
and held In sn old house. He Mid he
escaped while the men were asleep. He ad
mitted to the J'idge Monday that this story
wes made up In Ms Imagination and tiiat
lie had run away. On liis own accord, tak
ing his mother's money to have a good
time on. '
In a friendly little battle with brickbats
Carl Harms struck Anthony Kavnlie In the
eye and Anthony told Mogy. Carl waa In
Juvenile court Monday, and after lecturing
him. Judge Estelle let him go. as It ap
peared there were a nutsbsr of boys throw
ing at each other end the fact that
Anthony was struck was merely an acci
dent. Clyde and Ben King. chrg?d with steal
ing whrat from the Undlka mill and selling
it to a feed Hare man, -ere paroled to
Rev. Janus Wlsn.
Desperate shooting;
pains, in the chest require iuiik trentment
Willi Dr. King's New Discovery. Prevents
pneumonia. Mr' and 31.0P. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Taberealnala Coaveatloa Will Be At
teadrd br "Me of Fart y
lx attana.
Representatives of forty-six natlrms are
expected to be present at the meeting of
Section S of the International Congress of
Tuberculosis in Washington. D. C, Sep-ttn-.ber
21 to October 12. The advance
schedule contain the names of a large
number of scientists of world-wide reputa
tion expected to b, present. Omaha men
have Just received a copy of the session
topics. They are as follows:" I. Burden
entailed by tubercumsls. t. Adverse Indus
trial conditions. 3. Social control of tuber
culosis. 4. Eiirly recognition and preven
tion. 5. After care of arrested cses. .
Educational methods and agencies. 7.
Promotion of Immunity. 3. Responsibility
of society.
5- T .N:
1 - - - - -
mean, when it's beer talk, I
1 .1 l t m. J- ;
ft a. If-iione t. 6662, Omaha
8 for fiU-SW
We will make a 'horouifh. searching and scientific
examination of your aliments fret of iiiarte, an exami
nation Unit will diaoLiw r-'V. r true physical condition,
aithout a know leu go of whl.ll you ate groptiig in the
dark, and aithout thoroiJis'h jii-i.rlniliiig of which
no physidj-n or specialist snould trat you. We want
1I nier tofeel that they cin roaw to thia Institution
freely for an examination er.d expe.7,iion of lu ir
nd:tiiii. without t.eing bound by any oi-ilxation what
ever to take treatment utiles Uu-y 40 dctire.
k ... -t 1 . - .
1 I
. - aa . - .