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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MARCH 17. IMS. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET larg World's Shipments and Heary Northwtit Receipt the Feature!.- TAXE THE 12X7; OFF THE MARKET Oa tke 6tke rtaad Cables (? Fairly Altkoaak tke WerleVs gklpsaeat if 1.1-a-ra$ Fca Ortri Bag. OMAHA. March I. Large world' shipments and heavy north treet receipt had tendency to take the Mlr ff the grain markets. On the other hand. cablea mm Tairty Prm. althoiiKh the srorH shipments were liberal. Tim green bug In the Kiuihirwit, wlill not fawnd in 4exgs numbers. lends uneaancse to trader. WhMt opened eteady, but tjnm ft and eased, off on selling reduced by the litverl world' shlpmenta On the dips, shorts and bull, bought and held value tedy. Trail" waa exceptionally active. May wheat opoTi4 at 9414. and closed at fclSe. Corn fell off with wheat and wi not aa actltt. Polling for profit ana on w bulgag, ; toot Uv erVra off and th close lacked th nap ihown last wwk. Oat stsrted strong, with a tendency toward higher. Uyt sympathised later with wheat and some good aolllng and closed with value lower. May oat opened at 60 f tad eloeed tt tOSo. . . . I'rlmery -wheat re4pia were M,0ori hush ela and shipments were 27.t-0 bushelB, against receipt last year of l,w7.000 busli I and shipments were 187.i"10 bushels. Corn, receipts were tVi7.C0 bushels end hlpn&nts were bushel, against re ceipts lsst' year of 9M.0J buhela and shlp ment of 442,0 bushel. Clearance were l.OnO bushel of corn, t.OuO bushel of oat and wheat and flour equal to 444, Ouo bushel. Liverpool closed Vfctl higher on wheat And 41 hiaiier cn corn. txwmh-rwnaw of prion t no. TP. fro hushetn. deer... IM bushels; MrW-v. $.?t..l bushels, decrease, 4).lt0 huahel. . . . Sf.W YORK UK', Fit A I. MARKRT Itaeiatlea 'arle NEW f 1mf ContsTaodltle. YORK. March . 16 Fl-O'Ib Ke- AfflrTea.rOtnm.l jHrb. V0r.' Close. I Saty. Wbeat-i I . . July-. .1 rVpt.. Corn .Jul. I. "Pept... Oafs , ,Mr:'. July.'.. Sept... KM v.w f 'eV! .'r6Wl 86-V e' 4 81 u . uv (TTH 7 S 34'4 T : ' Oath Cwi Prices. WKTtAT-Nor J hard, KHIjasHo; No. Varrt. WiMp: No. 4 hard. IMjJc; No. t ?N. 4. STV.ff.i:.e: No. I yelfcw. W.c: No. 3 j CtUN-No. i. 6OT4f No. , W4$ 'No. 4, 57V,f571te; No. I yellew. W.c; N . OATSNo. t mixed. 4Mi60c; No. ( white, '(XMicViUo; No. 4 white, 6c. IlYE-No. I, 77tf7ci K. t, 76377c. Carlot Receipts. . '"' Wheat. Corn. Oat Cliiosir M 173 274 Minneapolis' ............. .647 Omaha ...n..... .... 4S 1 ttuiuth .....4iw II, 11 1.14 blls. esport". 74.40D lihl.1i dull ami uns.ttleil; Mlnnesata pstenis, 4iS 75; winter trahts, 4 xii 4 rtO; Minne sota bakers. I4IAW4O0; winter evtrsa, WH; winter pstents. lltthiSOO; winter low arailra. p &,,4 is. Rv flour, slow; fair to rood, 4.tota4.IP; choice to fancy, ft'Mi 2T.. tX'ltNMFAle-rlrmi fine white and yel low, ll.46tfl.4u; coarse, M.4t4J1.4&; kiln dried, Ut. HY nru; No. t western. r7feC, f . O. b. Nsw York. WHK AT Receipts, 1J.O00 bit.; Spot market, bnrely sternly; No. 1 red. tl.01 sle vntor and II 01, f. o. b., aflont; No. 1 northern Duluth. IIJ4H. f. o. b, afloat; No. t hrd winter, 11.12 Mi, f . o. b , aflont. A break of about So per occurred In wheat I'Mlny front U effect of liqui dation Influenced by more favorsble outhwest crop new, heavier reeelot end easier cables, final price showing lHtf ?c Ins. Miiy. flOIU'lOt1, closed II OSS; July. T 9 r: closed 97HC. IVKN Ke,elpts, 6,4r.O bushels; ex Porte. l.SOO bu.; spot market, firm; No. I, 4Ur, vlrvatnr and (Hr, f. o. b., afloat; t.. 1. 1 . . i .... i - VT a 1 1 ...r. m WHUr. l lira l, KIIU u. rnui., nominal aflont. Option market opened steadier, but Inter reacted on estimate for lara-er receipts and closed kt net lower. May. T V f 14 lie, closed "4Tc; July, 72c closed 3C, OATH-Heceipts. mi.ono no.; exports, 3,700 bu.; spot market, quiet; mixed. M tn Si pound. &7c; hntural white. It to 83 pound. R7(40c; clipped white, ti to 40 pound. 60 4 650. ii a nieauy: good to cnoice, i.vtf I.07H. HOI'S Kasy; state common to choice, 1807 crop. ti.l4c: 1905 crop. 86c: Pa cific coaat, 1307 crop, 69lc; 106 crop. I y oc. H1PES Quiet: Borotas. 17Uc: central America, 17c l.rATIIFH-Qulet; acid, mine 1'KOVlHKJNa neef. steady: family. 114 SOW 1 R Oft- mMji 111 OOiti -11. JO: beef hams, 125.00 27.0(1. packet, i 1 f 00f II. SO; city, extra lndl mess. I21.00W 12 00. Cut meats, stendy; pickled bellies, 17.28 00; plikled hams S.OO. Ijftrd. firm) western prime 17.704; renned. easy; contin ent. l. 15: P.-uth Am.'il.'H. .v,K: com pound. THfr7.1?,4- Pork, flrmr fnm. IIT. 115 00(16 8: short clear, lit. 00 moo; mesa, ii i.nom 14. fi. TALIjOW Julet; city (12 per pkff.), SHC; country (nkss. free). MfftNc. - RH F uulet: domestlo. fair to extra. llUTTF.R Irres-ular: creamery . extras. 2Sc; third to first. :fT7;Hci: held third to special. ?3tj3o; western fMrtnry first, flc; tm1fnttn creamery ftrst, SDIfTlc. CHEKSK Firm: full cream, sneclals. lHc; state full cream, small, colored, fancy. l&Vc; white, fancy, lrtc; large colored and wnite. rancy, isc: irood; to prime, lHjii l.c; mte fctober and early November mailu, ISH'SKHc; winter made. 1.7a l ie; common xo inir, i""rnc. 1XK7B Weak: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 19c; good to choice. ii((7iN'v: brown and mixed extra. 17c; first. If.Sft 164o; western and southern first. 1.715: second. lVttlSV. I'Ori-.TKr Pressed weak; turkeys. 12 lie; iowis, iyi.tic. 107 l Uf Ll'l'M't WulielS, - VV .ju-'tij- ttr ymmima ' rpuTta. re prtncipajtiu CHICAGO GR.tlv AND PROVISIONS Featares pf the Tradlnar 4 Cloaloa; , Prto wat Baard-of Trade. - CHICAGO. March W. Th local wheat market waa weak today because of the favorable outlok for the crop In the outh west. At the clf,e the Way delivery waa le-' Corn.,.v dowa VVHC Oat were 4u and Sc lower. Provision weru 20 to c T.lsher. ".' ' Tlis wheat market opened weak and con tinued heavy the entire day. The feature iif the trading was heavy aelllng of July and. September by several of the leading " commission house which was Inspired flertfely by repcrta of the excellent pros pent .for large yield In Nebraska. Texas od Oklahoma... Th market was also boar IshJy . aCUCtsd by liberal receipts In the ni.rUmees, jMni liy heavy world shlrimenls, 1 the ephqn Vn pansarv showing an Increase titrylnn was -by sliorta. The market closed Veak and near tlte low . point of, M i, 'Way epened Vt?i4C lower at lavw. h SC "4 e. advanced to St'-Vc. and then deeltr.ed to Sfcic. .The cloae wa at StHi tst: Clearance pf Wheat and flour were equal to 44S.109 bushels. Primary receipt -were tsn.ono bushels, against 1,007.000 bu-h-cl. on the same day last yesr. Mlnne a polls, ixttnts t.and Chicago reported re ceipts of 703 car against 443 car last week and C74 car one rear sun. Thi 'Sluinp Id wheat depressed the com msrket somewhat, but active buying by short prevented any great decline. The talk of Increased offerings In Nebraska also caused soma weakness. The close was easy. Msv opened 40 lower to He higher gt 6 to M sold off to WlV and closed at fiscN'BWie. Local receipts were 173 car with six car on contract grade. -. Oat were weakened by the decline In wheat, "sentiment In -the pit betng bearish all dv. An estimate of M0 cars as the local receipt Tor tomorrow had a weslc- iMi'ns; effect. Way opened Hftc lower to Utt V higher at 4Hc to 64c. sold off to 54c and closed at Hc. Local receipt were 3.4 cars. i Liberal receipt of live hoa had a do- prrsslniC effect on provisions, but buying by commission houses and packers held the Market steady. Heavy export were also bullish- factor. At the close May pork wa off ic at 11177112.30. Lard waa up Be at 17. (ft. Rlba were unchanged at IvfiO. ' Estimated receipt for tomorrow are, wheat. 64 care; corn, 113 car; oat. 640 cars; boirs,. M.gc.head. -- Thy lg(Ung future ranged a follow: Article. Open.! Low. ) Close. Bafy. AVheat I , JMly lOf-VnMi Sept. Crtrn I Mar IM S July l?Vsm ept. !VMi! 4Vts I I Mar tr.4456l ;Hay (MSfim wJulv l4?VJi4S ...i 't ... I HI Prk Vlsy. July Lard- . May Julv . Fept. Bibs . Msy '. July Bill. 3 is 2V4 61S KiWTftTl Mr ktF)A7 I H 85r! 1?M U TO i . .7 7SI 7 US 7 4S 44 it r. IS 70 T (6 S HO t 40 70 7 10 7 X 47V 46 12 m t.? 47 45 SO 11 70 f 6 s im '4H CSV, 54H MS 47 13 I2H 70 77H 70S 7$.'H I t 10 7 15 7 tn t 12H S S -'1! M 7 W 7 as WEATHER IX TI1K GRAI!f BELT Fair and Probably Followed by Rala Taesday. OMAHA. March 1. 1908. Generally cloudy weather prevail In all sections except the southwest, whsra it Is clear. Light rain have fallen In the lower lake region and eastern states within the last twenty-four hours and light rains and snow are scattered .throughout the ex treme upper MlNSOjurl valley and northwest this morning. The weather is cooler In the central uid eastern portions, but 1 some what warmer In this vicinity tonight, with pro bub' y fair tonight, followed by rain Tuesdn y. Omalia record of temperature and precip itation compared with the corresponding uay oi me lasi wiree years: 1HU8. 1907. 1905. Minimum temperature.... S4 89 6 37 Precipitation 00 .00 J.OO .83 Normal temperature for today, 38 degrees. ieiiciency in precipitation aince Mexcn 1, Deficiency orrcpotidlpg period In 1907, : Fjtces ,ccneponfllnf WfTlod in TSOfl,- .36 ...Vll.i II. .T CLiC?i-l, " '.' '" ' Jxifal porecaater. ' " V1 -St. I.oals beneral Maj-kef. BT. LOOS, March !. WHEAT-Weak track, No. 1 red, 81.OCvtU.04; No. 2 hard. sciiti.t; may, .-c: juiy CORN Weak ; track. No. 3 cash, fflt 64c; No. t while, 44j44c; May,. 4a4TlSc; July. eo4c. OAT Steady; track. No. I cash, IX mc. xso. i wnite.i Ooof May, 5SHp; July, RYE Scarce at 84a. FLOCK Dull; red winter patents, 84 SKfJ 4.86; extra fancy and straight, . 84.2Gto4.5v; clears. 83.fi5ffil. ' - Ptw 1 imoiny. steanv; I3.7MT4.ZB. CORNMKAL Steady i 8S.0O. BRAN-Firm; sacked, east track. 81. JO. HAY Steady; timothy, $10.00a 16.50 prairie. 9 5of 12.00. IRON COTTON TIES 81.05. HA(lINfWi,f. HEMP TWINE 8c. v - PRO VISIONS-Pork, unchanged: JoliMng. ii3.. i.ara, nigner; prime steam, ttA'M 4i7.52H. Dry salt meat, steady; boxed extra shorts, 87.12H; clrar-tlbiin.or.; short clears. 87.75. Paeon, leady; boxed extra snorts, if. mi; clear rioa, 7.75; short clears POULTRY FlrmtTrifokens,' JOc: springs 14c: turkey. ISlJc' tlviKS .Itf: geese, tiic! ni i iciv-uin: creamery; zjfyasc COGS Lower t Sf case eennt Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbl. , 13.000 80 Wheat, be 74,0 Corn, bii ,.".lROOfi0 41,0C) Oat, ldl.OOO . 79,000 Kaasa City Grsla ad Prw-rlsloas. KANSAS CITY, March IS. WHE1AT V:c lower; May, 83V! Jutyi 8c. Cash: No. 1 hard. K'o'JUc; N. 8, 9Jij97c; No. 1 red. 99c I! i; No. , tc. COHN Unchanged to He lower; May 5lTc: July, 67'n.c. Cah: No. 2 mixed, No. 8 mixed, toe; No.-J white, 5;4o; No. I white. &9c. . i . . . OATS Unchanged; No. I white, SJffl&Sc: No. 2 mixed. 49Wr4fiJC. RYK T4ii7Sc. HAY Choice timothy, unchanged to 60c hijher at 111 5ufiili00; choice prairie. 2oc i'Ower t ta.U"s .50. 1 BUTTER Steady; creamery. Be; packing lock, He. Euas He lower; fresh extras, HHc; cur. rent receipt, lie. Receipts Shipment. Wheat, bu K7.0H) r0HO Corn, bu lS.ij S)i (ml Out, bu , 19.0U) U.OuO No. t a Old. b New. uh quotation were as follow: VLOI'ti Market . steady; winter pat ant.. 14 4TU 9v; winter straights. KS4 W; srtig petvat. liJO'dtV.oo; spring straight. IIKiIW; bakers 83.kj4.S5. VllKAT No. 1 spring ll.OSfilU; No. t seeing. fcil.CS; Noi. t red. isj'Hc. CVkS-Nn X ttitiwV; No. 3 yellow. .c. - . . KVTrWN0 f PWr; No. J white, MM-; Nn.l White, $lrU0. vHIE-Nii. t . H-4KLKY Fair t choice malting, TsfiRc. PKEliS-Flax. N.. I northweetern. II 30. Prime ttmoUo. 14.75. Clovtir, contract grade. PROVISIONS Short Tib, lilde lorise). WUSti.-1. Mesa pork, Jer.bM.. tiXOia 11 121,4. -Lar l. V'T ,n-. 87.S. Siiort cler idi (boxrl)f yViwJiATi. Folitiwloir wr the receipt and shlp mcms o- flour and grain: v Recelfrf. Shipments. Flour, bbl 15.1"0 Wbeat, bu r 4 0 Corn, bu..,, 1M" ISS.IUO Oale, bu. - " IM.P4 Rye. bu. l.w) 3.00 HarWy, sku. ,. tO,0 ls0 'Tin tht Produce exchange today the but. ter market was steady; creameries. TUt'Ste; dallies, ZifCu. Esgs, steady; at mark, cast lncdi.-d. HV: firsts, Hc; prime first. ft; extra,. Cbesse, ateady, 128 lie. J - - Liyvcvewl Urals Market. LTVmPOOL, Marcft H-WH EAT Spot, Steady;' Jo. t red, western winter, 7 SSd. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Maiket it Lower on Ag-grenlTe Sell ing by Betri. RATE DECISION ADDS TO REACTION Coanrmatlna of Right ta C-e trel Expart Rate gerleaaly Regarded by Railroads loe la Weak. NEW YORK. March la Th professional speculators In the tork market wer alert fur Indications of reactions In price today. They bssed their opinion of the matket on the extent to which the rise hsd already run. the Inducement to holdera on this ac count to sell and mails profit and the admitted narrow participation attracted Into the speculation from the outside public. 1 he con.iuot or tne speculation tor some time nast hss relied unun an ultima! awakening of widespread Interest In stocks to afford a medium fur taking ' the ac cumulation that has been going on off the handa of holders. The revelation or a verln of confidence on the part of th leaders of the advanclnc movement con firmed the confidence of th bear In work ing for reaction. They old with Increa Ing agresslvenes and offered prices down to take the market away from those at tempting to reams. New development had ltttl reflection In the market. Some confidence wa added to th side of the rem-tlon by the new of the United State supreme court do. rlslon In the Armour packing house cases. 1 ne conrirmation or tne powera tor control of railroad export rates srsnted by the Klklns law wss felt to be of serious import to railroad companies. The passing of- the dividends on crucible steel preferred was a minor Influence against the market. After having retained a dividend, although at a reduced rate, for the December quarter, the decision now to pass the dividend was not calculated to confirm the impreasion of effective revival of the teet trade, al though the Incident wa not accepted as decisive indication to the contrary. Rail road trafflo official did not expresa full concurrence In the riewa prevalent last week In the stock market of the Improve ment In business condition which has set in, although reporting eom a slight growth of traffic. A heavy movement of soft coal wa attributed! however, to prep aration for a possible strike In that Industry. Fornla-n markets were not disposed to fol low eagerly the lnltatlveset by Wall street last week. The Investment situation abroad, as well as here Is not yet satisfactory to those looking to enlist capital. The Lon don market reflects In spite of the grow ing accumulation of hanking reserves, dis couragement over the volume of new Is sues. The reserve accumulation there a well a here, I traceAble to decline In tradn activity and I an element In the abstention of foreign marketa from any recall of the enormoua sums shipped to thl country to tide us over our crisis last fall. The excess value of our February exports reached S8,743.361, compared with 81rt. 500.000 In the same month lust year, but the falling off of nearly 14.000.000 In value of our Import Is the vital factor In this showing nnd Is conclusive testimony to commercial' contraction. Speculative oontl mont was especially Impressed by the pressure to realise profits In amalgamated copper. In spite of another rise In the metal here and In London. This realisation In amalgamated copper waa a prime factor In the marked weakness of the late msrket, and which continued up to the closing. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value 82.4Vflrti. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of -a'es and quotation! on stocks wer as follow galea. Rita. Unr. Close. in 4614 Si) 17 U 10 1 1S H 17 lt X44 47 HMfc M 65 SI l 4JS 144 170 4V4 eral fund, exelmdve of ihm fttA'.' gold reserve, shows; Avsllsble cash balance, 4.(W.rxi: gold onln and bullion, .o,4,144; gold certificates, t-l7.xiii.2nn. -.It- 4w Ter It Moaey Market. NEW YORK, March M. MONEY On call, easy, per cent) ruling rate, per cent; cloaing bid. 1 per cent; offere.1 at 3 per rent; time loans, dull but strong; sixty days, H4u:- per cent: ninety days, V' Pr cent; six Hinm ns, per cent. I'RIm R MEKCANT1LK PA IT. Per cent. sriuRHNO BXCHANOB-Flrm. wKh actual business In banker' bills at 4 f. 4.M fof demand and at Kh.UKi-4.iB for sixty-day bills; commercial bills, 4. BILVtn-liar. tfV; Mexican dollar. Te. HONDfl Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotation on Nw York bond were a follow: C. a. ret. K r-....llU N. nl. 4s a Arm po, P44 Han. e. I 4s t4 0. . ta, rug '"1 Ms Cknieal 4s. It tn eoupes 11 ' n 1st Ins i... IS V. 8. b. 4. re 1Z4,Mlnn. A St. U 4s.. in eeiipna 1x114 M . K A T. ..-... M Am. Totaceo 4s...M. ? Me Is 71 tn U 1H4 N. g. It. of M. e. 4s T74 Ati-hltna sen. 4s...... M V. T. C. . 1e sdj. 4a 1 "4 H. J C f ta.......Ulv Atlaallc rt. L. 4 M No Paelfto 4s I Dal. Ohio 4a. to It 4 4s IHs -iv41. W. e. w. M Krk. R. T. . 4 H0. . U rtilx. 4 7 Central et Oa. t 101. "Pans. a. 4 do lat loo. k kaadlna aa. 4s....... ts . 14 Ina St. U I. M. . te.lM do 14 me " St. L, I. r. fg 4a rhn. A Ohio 4H ... M Ft. u . W, a. 4s... to Cblraao A A. Ia.... 41 Saahnar4 A. U 4S... 44 C, R. Tj. a. 4a.... 44 to. raalflo 4a s C , K, I. P. 4a.... ftH n lat 4a etra as in enl. Sa ,.. SUV Sn. kallwsr la....... U "nv. A St. L. f. 4a K-T-ia A P. la t Coin. Int. U, r. A. T. M. U A W. 4s.. X'oio. MI4. as M Utilos Paalflo 4s 1"4 Colo. A So. 4s MVi 4o ct. 4 , 'uba ta ..Mm T. 8. Steal M is i "II. ST H. u. as.' a'W SIMM IB Platlllera' Sea. la..,, .7tst do o.h. n 8lrta p. I. 4t la Waatern M. 4a.. do m. aa H W. L g. 4a. HooS. Vsl. 4Vi ( J-'H'!"' Oentrml 4a. Japan 4a TT4 Atrhlans sr. 4a... da 4 Ha rifa.. ....... at to fta do 14 aerie 44 lot. Mat. 4H...., Bit. Offar. . , .... 4M 3.W0 M 30 M0 4144 37V, ll lxn 910 too 3.400 17H 4Vk IS 4D.S00 100 mm 8. em 41 21 44"4 l.n 104 V ISO 134 100 (1x4 two liati n0 jno l.oe t a 41 ) 41 17 15- ink. T"0 123V Article. I Open, t Htgh. Low. Close. Wheat May July Corn May July 594 93 87H' w v t " 6t. 74 1 67fc; K B 6713 Futures, steady; 'March. it I1VI; July. 7 . C6l;N-Flrru; nr'jn ntw, J.$ rd; lrtin n.lxed Ainerk an, old. r. il. f uture, quiet; siarcii, M .u nominal; May, mixed American. old, May. s .-6-1. FLOUR Wurt4r patents, quiet. 3s d. TlelbleapIr at Grata.. . NKW YORK.' March J The yletble un ply-et grain eVatardar. March 14. as com piled by th New York Produce exchange wsa follo-i . -Wheat, 40.I49.iAO bushels, rUs-. ae, .T.HmA buel-els; com,' ftbJiwd bni-Vie . (V-i r eH. ' 1 .J bueh; oats, l.iX,-V bushvla, fticrvase, 41. e bushels; Philadelphia Prod see Market. - PHILADELPHIA. March !. HITTTKR Firm 1 fair demsaid: extra western cream ery. SOc; extra nearby prints, 31c. KOi;S Weak and lc lower; Pennsylvania and ether nearby firsts.-17c at mark; same, current receipts, returnable cases, ltic at nark; western firsts, 17c at mark; same, current receipts, loc at mark. CHMRSB Firm; good iV-mand: New York full cream, choice, liVtl-jo; fa'r to good. 1 iHlic. in a. Ilaaiaapoll Grata" Market. M1VNEAPOI.W. Mlnn.V Msrch 16 WHV:AT No. 1 hard. U.oVl I w'. ; No. 1 nnrllieKii, II otyftl.on': Ni, northern, fl.m No. .3 northern, tKrV-Cti.O:;, ly. H-i-; Jul, tl otv4). URAN-Steady at 821.Sti2T.7Si. FIOUK Flrat pat-nts, IS -.j 5": second patent. 88.2&'-)4.40; fltat, clar, 84'ii.Si; second clears, liVflaii). ' Mllwsske Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. WrV March H WHEAT Firm: No. 1 northern, II 10r No. 3 north ern, 1.f7veiTV; May, asked. f(AHLEV-Dull; Nj. 3. X; sample, (5 CORN Firm; No. t cash, eiijeVso; May. fco. bid. -. - Pearla ft rala Market; " I'EORIA. Ill . March H.-CORN Steady ; No, I yellow, CWtkHiu; No. 9. Co; Nc, 4, 8uc; no gra-Ve. 4-. OATH Firm; No. 3 white.' KHU-Vic; No. i While. 5Hl;j.c. . whisk V-ti-at. . . Taleda geed TOLFTO.-, March W -8FF-I8 Clover, cash. II-'. W; March, fltnu: (wtolier. I.-ek. Tunothy, prime. 2 25. Alfike. prune. 111 a , Ualatk Urala Msrkal. ' miilTH, Mlnnl r-fareh ll-WHJAT-No. t northern, VlVj 4-r. H-0S; Ji.!. IW'i. Adama Khcpraas Amalgmmaxed Copper am. c. a r Am. C. A T. pfd Am. Cotton Oil , Am. Cotton Oil pfd Americas Etpreaa Am. H. A L. pfd Araarlcan Ice Am. Llnaaed nil Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. ljoeomotlTS Ain. LooowoUT pfd Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. gussr Raflnlnf Am. Tot-aero pfd rtfa Anaconda Mlstng Oe An-Maon Atrhlaoa pfd -. Atlantic Coast Line Kalumore A Ohio. Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid TT Canadian Pactflo Central of New Jersey...,. t'tiPMpaaks A Ohio Chicago Ot. W ChlcMO A N. W C. kf. A 8t. P Chicago T. A T., ofTared.. Chlceco T. A T. pfd C, C. C. A St. L. Colorado T. A 1. ........... Colorado A So ... Colo. A So. 1 pfd.., Colo. 4 to. U ptd Conaoltdatad Uas lorn Producta Corn Producu pfd Dalawara A Hudson, Pel., L. A W Denrpr A R. O , D. A R. Q. pfd lMatlllara 'fWcolitlea Brie f'.rla lat pfd trta M pfd u,. ...... Ooaaral C loc trio Illln-da Csnu-al International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump lut. Pump pfd lows Central Iowa Cantral pfd Kansas City 80 K. C So. pfd Loalavllla A N Mralcon Central Minn. A V 1, M., St. P. A 8. 8. M at . Bt. P. A . g. M. pfd.. Mtaaonn Panne M., K. A T at., K. A T. p!4 National Lead N. R. R. of at. pfd Now York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A W M A W. pfd North Americas PaciBo Mall , PennaylTnnla Pauplo'a Gas p., c. c. m Bt 1, Puaaad Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Reading e Rdlo( lat pfd . Riauliag Ad pfd Republic Star! Republic Steal pfd Rock laland Co Rock Inland Co. pfd ... EC L A 8. r. id Pfd.. Hi. Loula 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd t iutharn Porlno 80. Pacific pfd 80. Railway So. Railway pfd Tcxaa A Pacific T . Bt. U A W T.. Bt. I A W. pfd.... Vnloa Pacific I nlon Pauine pld C. 8. Kxpreaa..... V. 8. Raally V. 8. Hubnar C. 8. Rut-ber pfd V. 8. Steel, ei-dly I'. 8. Steel pld Ya-'Cacoliaa Chamlil Va.-Coro. Cham. pfd.... V..h.k Wabaafc pfd V-alla-Fargo giprae .. Waatloahouaa ailectrlc Wgetem t'oios ahaelln A L- B Wlaconata Cntrai Wla. louleal pfd Northers Pacina Outral Leaihar Central Looiher pfd.... Slnaa-ShaSlald Steel .... Groat Northarn pfd iDtarhoroiiitk Mot. Int. Met. ofd Total salaa for the da, 791. WO abaraa Uli X"4 1414 1st II 17 47 JH HS4i 83 s " 1S 86 IS la , n 431 144 70, 84 lfl. an -rr u.nn 14H -0 8614, r.) 7 3.W0 83 n 8t IS. dm 4;4 l.V 14a4 no lmv 19 I.SiiO , 101 lS 4 4 -) 14TS 14f.H 14S 23,000 tu la'-m ntv. & ; to 414 44 19 14 H MS l: 44 S KCH 10214 tl il 134 1M 474 19"4 1 u w II sn4 14 14 1!2 111 14 12S 127 t P4 S iJ It T2 r4 11 a : r 2i m PR t4 i n 12 XI 113 W IK 11 m M u as . 41 4 W 12 W 3 ) 49 4 ' r litta Mto sa 70 224 ai lbU 101 Ins aa 80 14 17 7r TI IS 1 Si D4 lasa is 30 T3 73 "4lio 100 X) 38a) 11. HO no l,u 'i'io Lite 100 ""jijo 1.400 17 w 71 ' ' 31 "' 18 106 '40" XI hK 40 ioi 43 '4 .. lS.ino 1U- to IS " 'ii .'.'i3,'ioo i'' 4. oho l.w l. 10 iiiro iuO o lore 1.5UU 1 1.40 11 74 14 M U 11 11 31 U n 3D l'l 1 ..14, too 127 4'10 4-al 8J ! l' 2 am 600 . ... JO 23 w H aaH 17 1 II Vi 4 88 47.HI0 1 HI 1 l 81 l tl 8.IS 184 1 11 Se K l s 121 11 84 II 7 17 1 14 'io" ID L 1 82 ir.-s 1 1 it 14 17 12 ho 44 I 21 Rl XI w si t 40 4 B 1 U tr 1.. 81 . 4 12-: 1 - I.oadoa' stock Market. LONDON. March IS. American securities operad quiet and feavtureles today, iTtee changes ranged from S below to- S, abov Baturday' New York cloning. London closing stk quotations: Coaaola. aaooay Mo. Kas. A Tea do ocoouat aa New Vor Central Anaci-nda IS Nnrloilt A Atcklano ' 0 pfd ' do pfd .... as Out. A Waatara.... It. It I mora A Ohio.... ar- Pennaylvaula t'anadtas Parifia . . ,.lt Rood Mlaas ....... Ct-t-aapaaka A Ohio.. ! Haadlng .., t l.L llreat Woatora., I 8ootna-n kalloay . A BL P. in do pfd ..1 11 Southern P.-lfl . . I'm . PacUia .44 do pld . U railed t&taa IMl .as do old . II VkanajS . 10 do ofd !-.. .m Ipanlak 4a Rla O. Chi.. Mil. fla Baerc Uct.tiT A do pfd Erlo On lat pfd .... do Id pfd ... CjrasS Trunk . IlllsiSa tatrl J ..104 .. 84 . I4 . 4 .. 44 .. U .. 11 ,. 7&4 ..U .. S4 . M ..luu - 11 ....lit .... 40 .... 47 .... .... m .... M .... H .... 47 Reetoa 8ltoku asad Road. BOSTON. March 10Call loan, per cent; time loans. 5ft tier cent. Official rinsing on stock ana bono: yrJ44 AtcMaoa adj. an 4 Max. Central 4s..., Alrhlaon do pfd B-iat-m A Albany., Hnatoa A Main.., Boaloa El era led ., Fltchtsurg pfd M.iican central Atlantic ,. t IMngbsm , .. Cal A Hacla..., ... 71 Centennial .. 4N4Coppor Range . ..17 Daly Waat , ..138 Pranklls , Uranl-y ..Ill lain Royals .... ... 17 Mass. Mining .. N. T. N. H. A H..13I Michigan Vnlon Parlflc Am Arg. chem. "do pfd Am. Pneu Tube. Amer. Bngar .. do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Wooloa ..., do pfd Dominion I. A 8... P.dlann glee. Illu. Oonwsl Bloctrto Maaa. Elaclrio ... dir pfd Maaa Oe t'nlted Fruit Untied 8. 44 do pfd TT. 8. Steel do pfd .'. Adventure Allouca Amalgamated ,.U4 Mohavk ... 17 Mint. O. A C ... 10 Old Dominion ... 4Oacoola ...Ml Parrot ,...llit,,Culny , .....lie Shannon 17 Tarnaraok ... II Trinity , 14 t sited Copper ...mi V. 8. rffnlng ...1211!, 8. OIL... , ... I" Utah ... 41 Vtetorls ... K Wlaou ,..11h Wolrorino ... 4.1 North Butt ... 17 Butte Coalition ... ... U Nevada ... tt Cat. A Anions.... ... 1Arlaonsrom ... tT Greene Cananoa 6ft .. ia .. to ..414 .. U :: K .. 1 .. S3 .. 10 .. 3 I" .. 40 .. T .. 17 .. tfi .. 1 .. 44 .. 11 .. 40 .. 14 "ll .. 10 .. IH .. ; .. 1 ,.iai .. 43 .. 30 .. 11 ..JlH ..104 .. 4 Bid. Bx-dtr. eAskd . tfs.tlT. and aakad. .' t 7t ew York Mining dtoek. NEW YORK, Maroli 16. Closing quta tlon on mining stock were: 1 Adama Con i Little Chief I ....If Ontaal . 775 .... i Ophlr 1 .... I P'-toal T .... S3 Barage i .... 61 eiarrm Nevada Do .. 7 Small Hopes 14 ....III Standard 140 Alice Breece , Brunawlck Cos. . Comatnck Tunnol do. Cal. A Vs., Horn silver Iron Silver UrsAvuie Cos. . Forelga Ftaamrlal, LONDON. March 16.-i-MoneV wa In fair demand and supply out Uie market today and discount were weatk. The Bank of England secured the bulk of 000,000 gold available. Cheerfulness prevailed in the early hours on the stock' exchange, princi pally owing ter the 'risw in American se curities, but price sane Inter. Consols were afeoted by outtlu liquidation and home rail- by iacata-i ofe-wowport. Oopper share ruled-" strong ' taVircport of- large sale of the metal front New York, but Pari sold Rio Tknto and caused general recessions. American,-! ewcorltles opened higher, the sustained strength of Wall street Inducing further local speculation. But the best price were not maintained, and some Irregularity developed upon the receipt of the Now ToVk opening. On re newed support, however, the market closed firm at practically the best, PARIS, March 16. Prices on the Bourse today were firm,-but trading waa dull. BERLIN, March 1 Trading on " the Bourse today was Inactive and price weaker. Bask CleartBg. OMAHA. March 16. Bank clearings for today were 274.024.73 and for the corrs suondlng date last year 82,341,814.811. ' Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 6. METAL The London tin market had a sharp advance, with spot closing 138- 16s and future 137 5s. Locally the - market wss firm, with spot quoted ',1 f30.SOoO.87H. Copper advanced to 53- 6s for spot and oa 12 5d for futures -In the London market. Locally the market was firm and a little higher, with Uke quoted at lit 75 4? 13.00; electrolytic, , $12.83 7 4 12-t7 H, and casting, 812.60 12.75. Lead waa high er at 13 16a In London; the local mar ket being firm and higher at 3.s0g3.&0. Spelter advanced to 21 7a (d In London. Locally It waa firm at 14.65 4. iO. Iron waa unchanged at 3d higher, with stand ard foundry quoted at 60s and Cleveland warrants 61 3d In the English market. Iocally the market wi unchanged, with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at $18.25 fl75; No. I northern, 117.74018 24; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $17,756 18.50. 8T. LOUIS, March 1 METALS Ler firm at $3.70. B pel ter. firm, at $1.60. - Cot tea Market. NEW YORK. March 16. COTTON Fu tures opened teady;" March, lO.JDc; April, 10 Sic bid; May, 10.40c; July, lD.tSc; August, 10. fij-V.08c; October. 9.79c; December, M10 9 Klc. Spot cloaed quiet; middling uplands, 11. ae; niiddlwg gulf. 11.45c. Sales 2,400 bales. Future closed steady on May and easy on other months; March, 10.8ftc; April, lO.SSc; Msy, 10.40c; June, 10. flc; July, 10 17c; August, Mc; October, 8.73c; December, .77c. GALVESTON. Tex., March 16, COTTON Steady at 11 ll-lc. BT. LOUIS, March M.-COTTON-DulI; middling, HSc; no sales and shipments; receipts, 249 bales; stock. 24,oS7 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March In. COTTON Spot waa quiet, with prices lower on all grades; mlndllng, 10 lo-lilc: sales, 1,200 bales spot and 6u0 bale to arriv. ' OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kindt Fully Steady and Fairly Actire. H003 BELL AT SATURDAY'S PRICES keep aad Ldasabs Aetlra geller aad Price gkew Adraaeea mt Tea la Flfteea Ceala All Aloe tfca . l ine. . SOUTH OMAHA. March 11 180. ReoelptaV wri Cattle. Ho. 8hei toga 8h p 6..'1 . 1. 74 7-4X1 l.rtat 5.740 8.0U1 1.144 8.W7 K.7M Fatlmate Monday 4.49 Sama day last week 2.879 Heme day 3 weeks ago.. 1 114 l.l"4 Hnme day 8 weeka ago., 8.M 6.V44 Bsme day 4 weeks ago.. 4.2f7 A 4 J Ham day last year A US The following table shows th receipt at rattle, hog and sheep t South Omaha for the yar to dal. compared with last yean If a. llWi. Ino. Dee. Caltkl -2n4.4fJl JW.MO 84.8J Hogs r.IKl (:.S4 180,547 Bheep 375,774 378,047 103,178 Th following tsbl shows th average price of hog at South Omaha for th last several day, with comparison: Data. I 1808. 18f.190t.180.1904.!lM8.iyit. March t. March 8.. March f.. March 8.. March I.. March 10. March 11. March 18. March II. March 14 March 16. March It. 472n $077 11 8-W ) 74 III 4 8 T 04 t 84 4 4.1W t 74 $ 1 4 11 $ 1 -T IS e7810 4IW$o 0 4(8 (12 111 4b 111 ! Ill ( 8H I U, ( Kn S 11 7 S 8 It 4 JH ( 7S (6$11 7804 4 c4 t 6S t 00 $ 16 7 81 4 I7 t 63 t It 4 AO )734400 4 45 6 (A $ 11 4 81 B It) 7 38 I II 6 5 8 04 4 81 I 2fi 23 4 444. 41 4M 8 07 184 $ 16 7 W 8 li Sunday. The official number of car of gteck brought in today by each road was; Cattle. Hoa-s. Sheen. H'r'. C. M. Bt. ! 7 Wabeah f Mlsaourl Pacific 1 Union Taclflc 46 C. A N. W east.... 4 C. A N, W., west.... 22 C, St. P., M. ft 0...19 C, R. ft Q., esst 1 C, B. ft Q., west C6 C, R. I, ft p., esst.. ( C. R. I. ft p.. west.. .. Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western. I Total receipt 174 .... alii Liulavlllo A Naah..-1-V-o Amal. Copper fce blLVER liar, quk-t at 8 8-1-id per ounce. MoNtV iu Jw fr cent. The rate, of dimyunt lu the open market for short bills Is 3i pur t-ru; for three months' bills, Z per ceaL - Treaoary gtaleaneail, 't WAStUNOTON, March 14. Today sia'e. msul vf t.'ie treasury balance in the gea- Ewaporated Apple aad Dried Pratt. NEW YORK. March 16.-EVAIORATEO APPLES it 1 reported that one car of prime evaporated appte sold late last aeek at 6c, but, generally speaking, offer inns are at 7o or better. Fancy are Quoted at ltHyu'lle; choice, HVlHc; prime, 44, 'J 70, anil common 10 lair at svnrrvo. DRIED FRUIT-Prunc are said to be selling more freely on the eosst, but the spot market is quiet, with California fruit Quoted at 4W014C. ana uregons, manic. Ap ricots are iuiet; extra choice, t0ii"3c, and fancy. tiAc; cholcel ntilHc, Peaches un changed, with choice, lOalt-Vae; extra choice, ligilSc; fancy, imtyUc. and extra fancy at UcuHo. Raisins continue rather eay In tone, with loose muscatels quoted at bfQ c; seeded, Wkil'c, and London layers, ll.bVil.ii. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March M.-OOFFEE Mar ket for coffee futurea opened ateady at unchanged prices, which was about as due on the cable. Business wa quiet and the market eased off slightly under moder ate offerings with the close dull, net un changed to 6 points lower. Bales were re Dorted of 7.0110 baks. Including March at (boo; May at l.iuc; Jul at AOOe; Septem ber at AI60; and December at Aloe. Bpot coffee. auU't: No, I Kio. ,o: No. 4 Ramos Mild coffee, steady; Cordova, ltrtafj llc. Oils aad Reela. OIL CITY. Pa.. March lt.-OIL-redlt balances. 1 1.71: runs, .i7.M9 bbls. ; average. l.-S.W ; shlpmestts, o.le4 bbl.; aver sure. W7.713 bbl BAVANNAK, Oa., March It. OIle-8plr-tt of tun'ntlne, firm, -e. ROtslN-KIrm: A, II, C. $3 60; D. 8J.6V9 3 i: E. 83 56-in 80; F, $3 60. O, $3 65; if. (176; I. $3 ); K. $4 6; M. $3.26: N. I.; wu, .u; ww, .io. Elgla Hatler Market. F.I3IN. III., March rt.-mrTTERIsrket firm, at &; tale fur the wnek, 4e5,000 pounds. Us Bea Want Ada to boost your business I .. .. ) 23 23 !! t 1 41 8 4 j; so i V. "1 1 1 .. 1 85 ' receipt wa ber of head Indicated: Omaha Packing Co... nwut and company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour Co Vansant ft Co Carey ft Benton Inbman W. I. Stephen Hill ft Bon F. P. Lewi Huston ft Cn J. B. Root ft Co J. H. Bulla U F. Hubs L Wolf McCreary ft Carey.., H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty ft Co F. O. In shram Sullivan Hroa Lehmer Bros Other buyer St. Clair , Morrta ft Co Kingman Bt. Louis D. B. Co... Cattle. Hogs. Bhep. ... 407 1.079 1.748 ... 618 1.361 1.836 ... 440 1.010 l.Z" ... 409 0,304 1,612 ... 142 ... KM ... 190 ... 1"2 lsS . ... 67 fltr ... 878 , ... 81 i.. 18 8 ... lOS ... 116 ... 117 1 ... 31 ... 13 .... SfiS .... 110 ... 16 w.. twj ... ( 4 m. ri ... 1 4t U M I 4 4 41 47 4 4 4i M 14 ... 4 4 R M ... 4 48 II 148 ... 4 4 74 W1 40 4 44 71... IW -440 4 4 TT Ill ISO 4 4 44 -4 40 4 40 IT H It 4 44 TI r-4 tlw 4 40 m J11 ... 4 4 II Ill a I 41 . 4 ...J 10 4 41 78 131 '80 4 41 41 - ... 4 4 7 If ... 4 424 m IM 44 4 4t Tl ..S4 ... 4 43 SI 4 40 4 44 41 10 40 4 42 44 Iri (0 4 44 II Ill 40 4 42 Tl IM ... I 4(1 44 4V4 M 4 4T IV) ... 4 46 71 .IM 40 4 4J 41 TV 10 4 48 10 IIT 4 4 41 148 10 4 4 48 TT 82T 4 4 41 . 47 M IS IS T ltl 40 4 41 44 rt ... 4 tft TT Ill It 4 49 84 114 ... 4 47 fT 1BI ... 4 41 tT FM 4 4 47 74 KM 14 4 41-4 TT K4 ... 4 47 II til It 4 42-4 41 14 40 4 4- TO 171 ... 4 41 7 81 44 4 47 '-4 Tl 107 ... 4 444 71 .....fcl ... 4 47-4 m Jft 40 4 41 71 144 40 4 M W It 4 41 44 tan 4 an 41 rtt .. 4 41 41 23 M 4 14 77 r 110 I 41 41 tS4 I IM M to 4 4 41 Tl let ... 4 10) 71 HI ... 4 43 tl SM ... 4 44 44 Ill ... 4 41 81 lit M a) 4 74 ..117 ... 4 4k 87 rwl 100 4 40 K U 11 4 47 It D! 10 4 l Tl 114 ... 4 41 M tat ... 4I ta til ... I 44 44 r4 no 4 4 41 Ill ... 4 4 4 T 40 4 M .44 Mt W 4 44 41 tl 180 4 U L892 242 I Total 4,528 6.996 7.8S6 CATTLE Aa usual on Mondav recelnt of cattle were only moderate thl morni ing. ine market a a whole did net s.iow any very material change, there being very nine in to way 01 interesting or new fea ture, s . Buyer of beef steers evidently bad It In their mind to take off a little thl morn ing, aa their first bids were not very good. Hence the early giarket opened alow and dull, but aa It . became atinarent that the demand was really very good, the market became mere activa, so that tha offering niovea on quite .ireeiy at good, steady prices, to say , the least. Some salesmen even figured, that they secured strong price as compared with late last week. While there waa nothlnsr verr choice on al, there . were cattle good enough to uruioT cowi and heifer opened a little Iow, but when the trade wa once underway there wa a fair movement with price Jut about steady with last week's close. In tact the market waa without any noteworthy change. 1 he supply of stockers and feeders' waa very moderate, while tha demand was quite active. Evervthlns In slarht ptiinrml handa In good season In the morning at good firm prices. Soma right good feeder sold up to $4.90. Wuotatlon on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers. 16.366. 90: fair to -.ww1 corn-fed steers, $4.96jo.35; common to fair corn-iea steers. 4.tti4 .90; good to choice cow and heifer, $4 406. 10; fair to good cow and heifer. 33.7oiii4.40: common tn fair cw and heifers, t2.00tt3.76; gnod -to -. au iirurri, aa.; iair to good stockers and feeders. 83.75iS4.36: common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.00 uo-10. Representative sole: BEEF STEERS. Jfe. 40 it...:... u t It M II t t 11 11 II 94 31 S3 16 I 6 t t.. t I 4 T I I I 4 11 I t t t B I t 10 34 8 1 3 I I 1 I I.... 1.... i... 1.... t... 1... 1.... 1.... 8.... 1.... 4... 1.... I ... A. Pr. .... 7-6 4 K .... M It) ....106 4 10 ....UHS 4 44 ....lull 4 no .... ea 4 46 .... m K .... M 14m ....L'Tt 110 ....i-31 I 10 ....1071 4 IS ....1041 8 II ....1114 I 14 ....1041 I 14 ....1244 I 10 ....list I coti-a. ....1000 I 34 10. .... ro ix t. .... f z no .... 864 I TS .... 417 8 74 .... 744 I 10 ....1004 8 44 .... 1.14 4 14 .... 831 I II ....1WO t to .... N Ik .... Tit I 4 ....1014 I 40 .. .1-164 I SO ....1M4 I 40 .... 424 I 40 .... 141 I 84 Na. II.... II.... 47.... 14.... 14.... 23.... 41.... 4 ... 14.... II.... St.... u.... .... 80.... I... I... 6 ... W.., 14... 4. . I... 4... 4... 10... n. J:::::::: HEIFERS. . tat I SI I .410 I 00 14 . 7.4 I M 8 .717 I IS 4 , . Tfl 4 CO BULLS. a.'.'..'..'. 11 ! 1 At. Pr. 1111 I 10 ISM I 30 1104 6 ti 1167 I 84 1114 t 10 114 4 40 117 I 44 1114 4 44 ll I 40 1U3 I 6 1H 144 13K4 t U 14tS I 16 IM I 70 1M4 I it ...144 14 ...1064 I 84 ...1111 4 44 ... 171 4 40 ...1044 4 04 ... Ml 4 04 ...loaa 4 14 ...HIT I 34 ... t4 4 IS ...1364 4 14 ...!') 4 M ...ltt 4 4 ...1110 4 4 ...1O70 4 45 ...ltel 4 44 ...IK 4 40 ...114 4 44 .1114 ( at . 4KI 4 U .lltiO I 74 . atl 4 74 .......1014 I 36 lw I 10 U I 9 1144 I .14 11 4 14 440 I IS 1014 I 45 1IH I 40 H40 I M ....... 1460 I 44 T70. I 41 ....i .14) I M ...... .la-o I 50 ....... .IW0 I 40 .. 4i 1 on .. t t 1 to ., tot 4 k .. IM 4 00 .. 1st I ia) .. H 4 im 1 Tt t 1 CALVES. 1 . . ... 1. ... lffO I 40 .... m m ....1M0 I 46 ....ltvl) I 46 ....It I 40 ....1..10 44 ....H40 I to ....119 4 14 ....1624 4 M ....1441 4.7 .14.-0 4 .ISM 4 IS .166.) 4 Ut MM, 4 N . 1U I Tt . 16 t 4 . 3kO 4 00 . f 4 an . IM 4 w . t0 I 14-1 I 40 11... I. ... IT..., I..., I... I... 4... I... It... t. 16... II. .. II... tl... 11... 14 BLOCKERS AND FEEDF.RB, 47 I 4V 8 , TTt I M , TU IK W I M IM 41 1 CU 1 ni in 1 in t TO , 41 I TO , 430 I 14 , Til I , 421 4 IS . 460 4 0 .14 4 40 . Tut 4 0 n. 14 ... ::::::::: n ..... 47 4 47 II 11... 17 . ens 4 14 .Ul IM .HI 4 1 .Hi 4 14 . 11 I M ."14 1 . Ti 4 IS . 74 4 14 .1U4 4 44 . 744 4 I 4 40 . m 4 44 .nt 4 . 14 4 II . 471 4 44 A Guarantee of Security Tho financial tnnling and careful mnnaffomcnt of thio progrcflsivd lankinj? institution is a progrcfive Gunrantc of Security to its depositors. Lot us guard your funds. Open an account now FIRST NATIONAL DANK OF OMAHA THIRTEENTH AND FIP.NHM STREETS Incorporaltd 1863. SHEEP Th vr-.eep trade waa entirely to the liking of seller this mornina. While receipts wer fairly liberal compared Ith what tney hav been durlnc recent weeka, there wa klo a very good demand, o that th offering were picked tip very rapidly, the pens being cleared at an early hour. The trade could best be described a good, active market, wltn prices lost 16c hlghsr. Choice Mexican lambs auch as brought 87 36 cn Thursdsy of last week sold at $7 50 today, this being th highest price paid on this market for lambs since Auguu of last year. Choloe Mexican ewes sold as high a $6.30, the highest price paid sinoe June of last rear. There waa an active demand tor feeder lamb and several bunche sold for that purpose, moat of than going at $t.(0.76. uuotation on wooiea sneep ana isniDs: Oood to choice lambs, 3s.9irf7 50; fair to good lambs, $6.5i)V90: good yearling lamb, i.3fvn.76; good to choice light yearling, $6.2f60; fair to good yeer'.tngs; $&0ufe.2S; good to cnoice wet tiers. 1. unun. a; isir to rood wether. amod to choloe . . ait amMift no f,i. 1 a . ,ot ia orwni . " ' . ei.wa.cii . , . v. 0 v-vi v w .-, , m . -rvf (.90; cull and bucks, 3.ttW.IA. guotation on anorn sneep are aoout xs J4oc under wooled stock and short lamb 6otivX)o under wooled stock. Repreaentatlv (ale: , No. ' Ar. 811O western Iamb feeder..., 69 300 western lamb feeders 08 2s0 Western ewes and wether... 106 230 western lamb feeders ., 79 215 Colorado ewea 113 4f2 Mexican ewe 93 247 western lambs 78 4 western wethers and lamb... 83 No. 12. 4.25c J No. 13. 4.30c: N. 14, (.Uo; confectioner A, ASuc; mould A. Ilfic: out loaf, 6 nuc: cruahed, $.70c: powdered, 5.10c; granulated, 5c; Cubes, 6.3c. 13 western lamb. &-5 Colorado ' lamba . 263 western lamba ,v ct western lamba 92 western lamb SCO western lamba .,.:... 67 western lamba. feeder &04 Wyoming lamb, feeder.... 203 western lamb, f'd'r. cull. 113 Wyoming lambs, feeder.... 14 western lamba, f'd'r. .cull sal Wyomtnw ewe . 612 Wyoming ewe 53 Wyoming buck 68 .. 83 89 .. 83 83 66 60 . 67 35 67 85 .104 .104 .139 Pr. 80 $ 6) 5 ftO 76 15 80 7 10 8 60 700 7 16 85 85 85 90 6 5 ,870 60 70 I 50 8 16 15 ( 60 CniCAGO LIVE 8TOCK MARKET Cattle aad Bkeep Active to Higher Hoga Steady. CHICAGO. March II. CATTLE Re cent. 25.000 head; market, actlv and l"c higher: steers, $4.(006 80; cows, J.243 6 00; heifer, 83.006 60; bull. $3,404 4.60; calves, $5.76 7.25; atocker and feeders, Jl .6tT4 17U. HOGS Receipts.- 66,000 bead; market, s'e&dy; choice heavy shipping, $4.27 H 4.75: butchers, I4.704 75; light mixed. $4.664.40; choice light, $4.86 tj 4.72 Vfc ; packing, $4.00(94.66; pigs, (I.6044.45; bulk of als. $4.60 Q 4 70. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 15.000 head; market, active and 10c higher; aheep, (I SO'S 6 60; lamb. $4.25j 7.60; yearling. $(.26 (.86. HOOd Condition wor all favorable for a lower market thl morning and buyer started out bidding prices that war any where from wvak to to lower. The early trade was alow and seller, by hanging on, finally induced buyer to raise their bid until th market became very nearly toady with last week s close. On this baals the most of the hogs sold. The prices paid did not look very different from last hiiiurday's sales. Thus $4.46 wa a popular price, with most ot th hogs lima at and right around that ftgur. Everything wa cleaned up by 10 o'clock In th inorn-lo. Me. It. Is. IV vie. a Is, Pr. 1-4 IM 40 4 n II :h ... 4 4 4-- PI ... 4 40 II lit 4 a 81 -. 4 4 4 , , TV IM ... 4 6 04 HO 14 4 40 Tt lit ... 44 a 121 ... 4 14 raa ... 444 '4 ... 4 4 84 14 44 4 a lu 14 ... I 44 44 4-4 4 ( it Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March It CATTLE Re ceipts, 9.5UO head lnoludlng 8uu southerns; market steady to strong; stotker and feed er lOtfUo higher; top, $600; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.50rge.00; fair to good, 84.76VtiS.4S; western steers, $4.(uti&85; stockers and feeders, $3.7Vg4.26; soulheru steer. $4.75tjS.60; southern cows, $2.76j4.W; native ow. 3X004: 4. 65; natlv haiteru 44-00 t6 40; bulls, U-3fyU4 50: calves, $3.60tni.26. HOOS Receipts, 9.000 head; market opened 6c lower, cloeed strong; top, $4.70; bulk of aales. $;.". 40; butchers. $4.464.46; lighU. $4. 264? 4 42; Pig. 13 S'f4 25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. g head; market 10c and tor. higher; tcrv lamba, $7.45; lamb, $6.7037.44) ewe and yeaning, Rowtf6.a); weatem yearlings, $6.0(iy6.76; woatern cheep, 3i75i'4.W; sUivkers and (sed er, $3.5vu.75. 8)t. Utli Lr-e stack Xtrket, ST. LOUIS, March 16 CATTLE Re ceipt, l.t-al head, including 126 Texan; market strong; native shipping and ex port ateera, $s.oi-n25; dressed beef and butcher steers, ao.lu426.aa; steers under 1,'HiO pounds, $; stockers and feeders, 3.tAKu-4.66; cow and heifer. $3.S5i35; canner. $1 760-85; bulls, $2.5u4f4.60; calves, 13 Sc-Of US; Texas ar.d Indian stoors. $3.9itf 6.50; cows and heifers, $l,754.a0. . HOOS Receipts. 8.O1O head: msrket Tr lower; pigs and lights. $S.7ifj-t S6; pacV.-w, $4104.70; butcher and belt heavy, i.fVt 4.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, VWD head; market trnrg; native mutton. $3.5u4j6.0; lamba. KW7-00. t. Jaaepk live gteek Market. 8T. JOSEPH. March 16. CATTLB Re ceipt. 6.167 heAd: rr.arket strong ; oows and heifers, $2 iuu.ti; Blocker and feeders. $3.t)-4 63. KOOB Receipts, 4.10U head; tiiarkot So lower; top, $4.60; bulk. $1 timet. at eilKEl' AND 1-4MB8 Receipt. .Z head; . market strong; lamba, $6.4f1.30; yearlings. 86.766.5fl. fang City Me Block Market. SIOUX CITY, Match 16. (Special Tele gram ) CATrLk. Receipt, AOtt) head: market ateady; beeves. I4.26itie.7t; cows and heifers, $2.7Ui4.6t); atx-ker and feeder. $3.iMr4 60; calves and yearling. $2 Vtsjt 'XI. HO i9 Receipts, i.laji head, msrket about stesdy, selling at $4.1i3- fro; bulk of sale. $436414.45. lock la aigkk. Receipts of live clock at th lx principal western markets yester.lay: Cattle. Ho4T. Blieep, South Omaha Btoux City .... Kansaa City , St. Lout , St Joseph Chicago ...... Total M4 I ) I m I ') 4. no 7.7St ,4 2. mo 1.27 16.-IUI 86.440 36. C2 Waol Market. atT. LOUIS. March 1A-V, OOL-Bteady ; medium gradva, cumblng nl clothing, lo. ti-ci light tine, Wte-'tl'Sfa hevy fln. leuursc; tub-washed, 2msJi', Be ear aad Mali NEW YORK. March 16 BUOAR-Rw, firm; fair reflnfba. tine; cent r1Cjaf. M teat, tiw: molasoea augar. $110; r.fnl. ateady; No. A 4--c; Nu. 7. 4 56c; No. 8, 4.50c; No. I iloc; No. 10, Aitc; No. Ii, lluo. OMAHA WHOLEIALR MARKKT. Coadltloa of Trad aad 4aotatlaMi a Btaple aad Faaey Prad aoe, tOO Fresh selling eggs, candled. 20a. jill i'EH Common, 1 , fancy tub and rolls, rtiitfc; creamery. Aw. CHEEib-Nw full cream. Wisconsin twins, liHc, rew full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss, 10; new llmburgar, U-d 16c; young Americana, 17Mrt. Liva IOULTR It Springs, lc; hen, lc; roosters, !:; ducks. 9c; gwae, K; lurk?, U'ltc; pigeon, two P"t doa iTKErlriED POULTHY-Sprlng. fancy, 9o nana, 9c; roosters, c; ducks, lie; gees. 9Hc; turkey, 167il7o. HAY Choir No. 1 upland, $7-80: medium 14 4u; N'O- 1 bottom, 88. uu; off grade. 14 0oy 5.00. fly atraw. $7.00. No. 1 alfalfa. Ilia YEvJE T ABLEST. IOTATOE8 Pr bu., 8rt4. SWEET lUTATUi- Kansas, per bbl., ''lTTUCE Florid kaad, per hamper, $3.uii; per dos., too. CUCL'tlBEltS Hotnonae., 1 do., fancy, per box, (a.uu; $ dos., choloe, per bos. $1.50. PARhNlPS Old. per bbl.. US flower, all lte. per box, $$.00; California PARSLEY Per doa.. 400. PEPPERS FloTlds, per l-bakt erate, $4. (JO. CAULIFLOWER-Per t-dot. eft $!. CARROTS AND TURNIPS-Old. pr bbl, $3.oo; Canadian rutabaga, per lb., lc CABUAUiS Wisconsin Holland Med. pet lb., lo. TOMATOES Florida, extra fancy, per tV basket crate, $6.00; choice, per 6-baaket crate, $4 00; Cuben. tany, per e-baoket cra'e, $4 ONIONS Spanish, per erate, ftSO; Wis consin Red Globe, per lb.. IVcC BH ALIX3TM Per dos.. 90c. HORSERADISH Per do., $oa CELERY Michigan, per bunch, JSifTCc KUMWUATB Owing to quality, per qt, $fiv-40c. BRUPSETJI SPROTJTS-Per qt., rtlrj. STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality, $08 (Sc NAVT BEANBPar bn.. No. 1, $t3ft lima. 7oi per lb. r tropicai. FRurra . PEARS Extra Anty winter Ntllla, per box, $2.78. ORANGES Fancy Washington navels, sll sixes, tier box. 82.76: extra fancy Sun- Tangerinea, 300 Bis and smaller, par box. $2 2f. RADISHES Hothcmae, per dost, (OS. BANANAS Port LlntOH. owing to all, per bunch, $1.50 to $ LEMONS Extra fancy Southerland Beauty, M to 860 slxe, -per bo. $4 00; extrii choice Justrlte. SO to 360 slxe. per box. $3.75. FIGS AND DATEft Smyrna furs, 7 crown. per lb., ll?c; . Smyrna fig. $ crown, pet lillic; Smyrna tig. 4- erown, per lb., locgllc; California fl. boxes, 10 cartons, 85c; California figs, boa, 13 carton. 86c; California lias, bulk, per lb., . 5Ho; Hallowl data, per lb., Ic; Khadrawl dates, per lb., 6c: Salr dates, per lb., 5c; Fard dates, 13-lb. boxes, per lb., 3c. GRAPES Malaga, choice, per kag, $1.00; Malaga, extra fncy. $4.50; extra choice, per keg, $4.25; extra -fancy, extra heavy, $5 00. CRANBEPRIE9 Extra fancy Bell and Bugle, per bbl., S0.0u; extra fancy Jersey, per bbL, $S.oo. extra Santy Jersey, par bos, $3.00. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, I to 80 ', per box, $6.00. . FRUITS. APPLES Washington Snow, per box. $1.60; Washington Jonathans, par box, (1.76; Washington itomat-s Boautles, per box, 4L7E; WcishliiaTtoa Alexanders, per box, $1.75; Washington Blue Peatnalnu, per bent, $1.75; Wachlngtcn Kad Cn ,e. Pippins, jer box, $1.75; Waahingto, jClng. per dux. 11.75; Washington Bailey Sweet, per baa. $1.75; Washington Northern Spy, per box. $1.75; California Red Pearmalns, 4-tr, per box; $i.ij0; California Belief lowers. 4-lier. per box, $2.00; New York- BaldsIn, per bbl., $4.60; New York Nortbenr fcya,-per tbU. $4.6o; New York aaaorted varictiaa, per bbL. I4.5U. -BEEF CUTS. BEEF CUTS-RJba. No. x, Ve No. 1 11c; No. 3, IrVo. Loin. No. 1, 10 J No. , 14c; No. 3, I2u. Chuck, No. 1, 7c: No. 2, Ac; No. $, 6c Round. No. 1. so; No. 8. tc; No. 8. So. P.aU. No. L 6V No. 8. 41,c; ho. 8, 4He. J anSCELLANEOUk. C.INKED GOOiS Corn, atandard wcit. ern, 75c, Tomaloea, fancy, 3-pound can. $1.46; standard, 8-puund cane, 41. 2U. pine apple, gratett, J-pound, si.-M'S...- ltced. tl iSaoV Gallon appiea $4 50. - California nprtcola. $2.nfr4ii.80. Pears. $4.1j3.15. peach. $1 8oaa.l6. L. C. Pcaehee, $1104 115.- Alka salmon, refl, U.tC; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.15; fancy ce k or, fiat. $2.15. - Hard 1 ne a, quarter ('. f3 4; throe quarter mustard, SLM. ' ( . potatoes, $1 2h'jTl.J5. Sauerkraut. 8S0. Puniklns, ov CTl.vA Lima bee on, 3-pound, Ibc titl.iS. boaked beans, J-pound. (643; fancy, $1.uL44 CALiFORNLi lKlS.i FRUIT Frupe re somewhai unsettled by. freer offering! from aecoatt naada, who aeeia- deaarou of moving supplies of Immediate arajee IJao tsttoos range from to to fro fur Cuufi rnl f nut and from (Ho ta 80 for Oregon. Peaches are very firm, with fancy yelluwi quoted at 14c. NUTS-Callfornla No. 11 a walnuts, pet lb., 17c: Imported Tarragona almonds, per lb, lHo, filbert, braxll and Jumbo pecan lie; butternuts, per lb.. UVc; No. 1 H. p. peanut, roasted, 8c; raw, fie: ashed pea nuts, per box. 11.16; Italian chestnuts, per lb. loc . SUGAR- Granulated, ran, per sack. $S40; !j.i.':'., j.ti)-, cut loaf, o aubea, ; pow. er-eii, v. lOFFEE Roasted. No. 35, 11c; no. ). isei ro. ju, 14-ac. FIH-Hallbut. He; trout, lie! pickerel. 10c; pike, ec; ptk. fresh, froaen, JJc; whit fih, Uc; buffalo. 14c: btillaeade. sklnrej and dresjed. jje; cat (lab. dreassd. 14c, white sunflah, 4i;c, crsppleo, Uc; large crapploa, 16c; berrlng. rrerh. froaen. 4V; white flab, ? arch,. 7c; white bass. 14c; black baaa, t&c; rosen. U-t:U. Klckorol. freslt- iroson. 7c HIDES AND TAI.l4jf-Oreen sailed, Na. 1. 5c- No, .4c buil hltlco, T-tf. green un. ailed. No. 1, 4c: green una I tod. No. t lc; horse hU0; $L0u16t): aheep pails, atW&iLtUL Tallow, No. L 4Sc; No. 1 IVto. Prosslaeet rarsser Dlaappeevro. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D. March U-ifpe-cial.) A nenoatloa has beea reated la Boa Homme county by what erg-ears to bo tha voluntary disaopearanco) of Oliver N el con, for year on f th prominent fermer of that county. A ht family relation were cf th most pleasant character and ha waa a mgn who, did not drink or otherwise squander money, there 1 keen speculation as to "rhy he should have disappeared under suck - mysterious . ircurnatancea. After donning hla best ault of nothing and tilling his wife be wa going to haul a load of hay h madt hi way out of th roan, try. He wa ha'. se.- at Nhibrara. Neb., outhwest of Btn Homme coul.ty. lie had pat-tlally d'aguiaed hUueelf by cutting off hi mouatache, and when accosted by n kcquoUntancr, who t-aUlc.l hint by name, he denied hi identity, Mr. and Mrs. BulUa, resident of aturgl and parent of Mr. Nelson, hav provided her a home wllb them. When Nelaun disappeared It waa for a time feared he had been Ino vrcttm of cn accident and at arching pert! put la con. -sl.iersbl time searching tba oouatr-f fur mllea around. I c; No. 30,