Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
Entered at Omaha Postofflc aa second
las mtiUr.'
Pally Dm (without Sunday), one aar..M W
Dallir ht and Sunday, ona year J
Sunday Bee, ona year J -J
Saturday bra. trno roar
Pa.Hr Dm (including Sunday), par week.tto
Dally baa (without Sunday), per waek.loe
Evening Dm (without Sunday), par wtfk to
advening lirm (with Bunday). par wwi.
AddrMa all complaints of irregularlUee
la dallvary to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Da Bulldlnj.
Soath Omaha City Hall Hulldlng.
Council Dluffa 15 Boott Street.
Chicago 16tt University Building.
New York ilJt Horn 14r a Insurance
Washington 72B Fotirtaanth Street N. W.
CommnnV-atlnne relating to newa and edi
torial matter ahould ba addreeaed. Omaha
Dee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
rayabla to Tha Dm Publishing company,
mly 1-cent stamps received In payment of
mall account a. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or caatern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraak. Douglaa Coutny, ss.t
George R. Tsachuck, treaaurer of Tha
Pee Publishing company, being duly sworu,
aya that tha actual number of full and
complete conies of Tha Dnily, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Daa printed daring
the month of February, ltf, waa aa fol-
1 870
1 88,100
, 18,70
SO 89.300
11 8,340
II., 80,630
II,,.,., 8 6 00
14........... BS.S0S
16..., 86,670
tt 88,490
IT tejao
IS 86.380
21... 3M50
S 89,300
............ 30,030
T 88.M0
I... 18,000
10...... S9.S00
II........... 00,100
U...... 89,800
it scaoo
14 84UOO
18. .......... M,1U . .
Totals , 1,048,980
Less unsold and returned cop lea. . . S,3T
Nat total 1,039,113
Pally average : 86,031
Subscribed In my preaenoe and sworn
to before ma this 2d day of March, 1904.
Notary Public
Sabserl a ra leavln; ta city teaa.
aarartly eaaala. aav- Tka Baa
aaallea t taesa. Addrea win ha
ekaaga4 aa ftea aa raqaeataa.
First robla tales are due.
All ready for St, Patrick's day In
the morning.
The price ot brown sugar has ad
vanced. The maple sugar season has
Japan may claim to be the politest
nation on earth, but In a recent meet
ing China apologized first
Speaker Cannon Is assured ot the
Domination at Chicago it he can secure
the Totes ot 411 delegates.
That new fire engine, James C.
Pahlman, will hare to go some to
pout as well as Its namesake.
The man In a hurry to get from
New York to Paris will take a steam
ship instead ot an automobile.
"Mr. Bryan has no business ability,"
says the Baltimore Bun. Mr. Bryan's
snug bank account is the best answer
to that charge.
Colonel Bryan is going to feast the
democratic, and populist editors ot Ne
braska. Nothing is too good tor these
editorsJust before election.
A lot of good people in South
Omaha now admit to themselves that
they made a mistake last fall In not
voting for consolidation with Omaha. 1
1 ' ' .
"It Is Bryan or Bust." says the
Charleston News and Courier. By
substituting "and" for "or" the Cour
ier's statement might be mbre accu
rate. Mr.-Carnegie ; urges that four addi
tional battleships are needed to pre
serve peace. Mr. Carnegie still draws
a healthy Income from the armor plate
There are now 3,141 islands in the
Philippines, although Spain sold this
country but 1,200. Just shows how
even, islands will multiply under re
fabllcaa rule.
Water always seeks Its level. The
disappointed candidate for the repub
lican nomination for sheriff last fall is
now printing communications In the
democratic World-Herald. .
Senator McLaurin ot Mississippi has
offered an amendment to the Aldrlch
currency bill providing for the issu
ance ot government currency on raw
cotton. Populism dies hard.
I -
Secretary Root's proposition to abol
ish a number ot useless American con
sulates is meeting with opposition by
both parties in congress. - The lure of
the pie counter is nonpartisan.
Secretary Metcalt says that every
foreign nation admits the superiority
Ot the American navy. Everybody
will be happy, then, as soon as Hobson
and the magazine writers are con
It those New York to Paris atttoists
do not all get here before the base
ball season opens they may find that
some of the enthusiasm bottled up
for their reception has been uncorked
lor the heroes ot the diamond.
we note with sorrow and regret
that. Edgar Howard lists the demo
cratic entries in the gubernatorial race
without giving cither number or color
to of own Mayor "Jim. What's the
nuttert Is te too heavy to weigh In?
The Crop Reporter, the official pub
lication of the Department of Agri
culture, shows thst despite the enof-
mous exports of 'cereals our farmers
still hold a reserve supply, represent
log many millions of dollars, available
for marketing between this and har
vest time. The report places the
supply of wheat fn the farmers' hands
on March 1, 1808 at 148.721,000
bushels, which added to the supply in
the warehouses at export points, gives
a total available supply of 181,617,000
bushels. This is about IS, 000, 000
bushels less than the reserve supply
for the same date In 1807, but is in
excess of the average for the ten-year
The corn reserve on March 1 was
862,438,000 bushels or 87 per cent
of the crop, as compared with 1,288,'
000.000 bushels held on March 1 of
last year. This reserve is about the
average for the ten-year period. The
poorest showing is made in oats,
where the farm and market stocks are
but 276,000,000, or about 26 per cent
below the average reserve. Nebraska
farmers are holding 60,872,000 bush
els of corn, compared with 118,886,
000 bushels in reserve last year; 11,
837,000 bushels of wheat, compared
with 16,732,000 bushels last year;
and 18,051,000 bushels of oats, as
compared with 32,600,000 bushels last
year. - . .
The net result ot the report is a
source of congratulation for the Amer
ican farmer. In spite of high prices
and short crops, he still holds about
the average reserve in grains for
which there Is an active market. It
means that he has about one-fifth of
his product still on hand as an avail
able asset readily convertible into
cash to meet any demands that may
arise before the new crop is ready tor
the market It is . another evidence
of the independent financial condition
of the American farmer, which is the
best ouaranty of prosperity for those
sections in which agriculture is- our
chlet industry.
Andrew Carnegie has taken action
which should serve to remind con
gress of Its shameful neglect in
recognizing the surviving veterans ot
the military telegraph corps which did
such honorable and trying service dur
ing the civil war. While congress has
persistently refused to place these
men on the roll of persons eligible to
pensions, homestead privileges and
other exemptions extended to every
other, arm ot the military service, Mr.
Carnegie, who was one ot the founders
ot the United States Military Tele
graph corps, has decided to place on
his private pension roll at $144 a year
all surviving members ot the corps
who are recommended to him by their
The financial aid extended, by Mr.
Carnegie will be profoundly appreci
ated by those ot the veteran tele
graphers, . who are dependent, but
it is nothing lees ot humiliating
that this recognition of their services
should come from a private citi
zen and not from the govern
ment for whom these men risked
dangers and perils in the field as great
as those faced by the average soldier.
The military telegraphers were not
ensconsed in safe places during the
war. They did' the servioe now per
formed by the signal corps, frequently
extending wires to tha very field ot
battle and rendering a patriotic and
self-sacrificing service 'unexcelled by
any other arm. They were entrusted
with the cipher codes ot the govern
ment and their positions were ot great
responsibility. x
There were some 1,200 of these in
telligent, daring and brave men in the
military telegraph service ot whom
less than 200 survive. For thirty
years they have sought - the same
recognition given to other veterans ot
the war. but congress has 'refused to
go further than to grant a certificate
of honorable discharge. The bill now
pending In congress to place these men
on a parity with private soldiers ot
the civil war, so far aa pensions and
homestead rights are concerned,
should be passed as a Just, if tardy,
acknowledgement. '.
court noaat bond proposition;
The county commissioners are to be
commended for taking , the necessary
steps to make sure that the, court
house bond proposition, which is to be
submitted to the voters of this county.
will be in precisely the proper form.
Douglas county is in better shape
financially today than it has ever been
before and its resources are growing
taster than the increase in the de
mands upon them. From the stand
point ot financial ability the county is
in position now for the first time to
swing the construction of a new court
house on an adequate and creditable
scale without unduly ' disturbing its
treasury operations and without ma
terially increasing the taxpayer's
The court house, when built, will
bring its benefits to the public tor
Tears to come and it is no more than
fair that the cost should be spread
over a succession of years by the issue
ot bonds payable at future dates. At
the same time these bonds should be
so issued that they may be taken up
in reasonable sums from time to time
as we go along so that, at least, halt
ot the debt may be extinguished, if
conditions prove favorable, by the time
a twenty-year period expires. With
the assurance in prospect that the
bonds will be bought as an Investment
for the state school fund, there should
be no difficulty la so conditioning the
terms upon which they are Issued as to
give ns these desired options of re
purchase at stipulated periods.
With the bond proposition carefully
drawn to provide for all these contin
gencies on the financial side, it may
confidently be submitted for ratifica
tion of the voters on the merits of the
need for new court house aeeommoda
The announcement that Mr. Brylan
is to entertain the democratic and pop
ulist editors of Nebraska at a dinner
at Lincoln on March 81 has only local
significance. "The newspapers are an
important part," says the local demo
cratic organ, "of the campaign ot or
ganisation Which Is being carried for
ward and there are several things
which will come up for discussion in
the conference to be held In the after
Mr. Bryan is too shrewd a politician
and too familiar with the sentiment
of democratic newspapers throughout
the nation to attempt to give a dinner
to "democratic and populist editors"
outside of Nebraska. It would be de
cidedly interesting to observe the re
sults of an effort on his part to enter
tain the democratic editors of the
country at a dinner. Admitting that
"the newspapers are an Important part
of the campaign ot organization," Mr.
Bryan would have great difficulty in
securing a list ot -democratic editors
as guests at a dinner of national scope.
In New York, tor Instance, he could
not well Invite Mr. Hearst, who has
heretofore been looked upon as a dem
ocratic editor, but is now out of the
fold. He could not invite the editor
of . the democratic New York World,
which is dally publishing the "map of
Bryanlsm" and offering statistical
arguments to show the utter hopeless
ness of a democratic campaign under
the Bryan leadership. He i could not
invite the able editor of the democratic
New York Times, who is bitterly op
posed to Bryan and Bryanlsm. He
could not invite the editor ot the dem
ocratic Brooklyn Eagle, which has
served tormal notice that it will not
support the ticket nominated at Den
ver if the platform contains anything
of Bryan or Bryanlsm. There would
be no guest representing the demo
cratic press of New York City.
The searcher for guests would not
find conditions much Improved after
leaving New York City. The demo
cratic Boston Herald and the demo
cratic Philadelphia Record are opposed
to Bryan. Chicago has no democratic
paper. Editor John R. McLean of the
Cincinnati Enquirer and the Washing
ton Post has not been attending demo
cratic banquets for many years. The
St Paul DUpatch1 is democratic but
Editor Thompson favors the nomi
nation of Governor Johnson, aa does
also the editor ot the Duluth Tribune.
That practically exhausts the list ot
democratic editors of prominent papers
in the north.
Ex-Senator Patterson of the Denver
News and Norman E. Mack , of the
Buffalo Times would doubtless accept
invitations to a dinner add conference
with Mr. Bryan,' but' the rest of the
guests would have to come from the
south and, even at that, some of them
would hardly be warmly welcomed.
Editor Watterson ot the Louisville
Courier-Journal, Editor Bryan of the
Richmond Times-Dispatch and Editor
Hemphill of the Charleston News and
Courier, three ot the leading papers
In the south, are either openly oppos
ing Bryan or hoping against hope that
some other candidate will be nomi
nated at Denver.
One active waiter would be able to
serve all the guests at a dinner to the
distinguished democratic editors of
the nation tt Mr. Bryan were the host.
In criticising President Roosevelt
the other day Senator Bailey broke
Into verse: I
Too bad for a blessing.
Too good for a curse.
I wish in my heart
He ware better or worse.
It waa a sort ot mixed compliment
to the president, very similar to some
doggerel circulated in Texas when the
fight was being made against Bailey
on account of his Standard Oil connec
tions. - The last two lines ran:
He's too big to throw away
And smells too bad to keep.
The democratic World-Herald
thinks that Governor Sheldon should
employ a censor for his speeches in
stead of a stenographer to avoid hav
ing later to explain them. Neither
would be necessary If the particularly
hostile papers did not purposely dis
tort and misquote what he says. The
governor, however, wants to realize
that the World-Herald is constantly
on the watch for a chance to trip him
up and to see to it that the chance is
not given.
It is refreshing to find Mr. Harrl
man and President Roosevelt agreeing
on something. "Mr. Harrlman spent
33,000,000 in putting the Colorado
liver back Into Its channel. He had
to do It, of course, to save his railroad,
but if he had not done it hundreds of
farms would have been devastated and
Mexico would have had a claim ot sev
eral millions against this country.
President Roosevelt wants congress to
pay the Harrlman claim.
It is really funny to' hear the local
democratic organ, which waa subsi
dized with great gobs of money put up
by Marcus Daly, W. A. Clark and
other silver bullionalres In 1836, talk
ing about a threatened repetition of
the methods of that campaign "to cor
rupt the press."
Archeologlcal diggers In lower
lEgypt have exhumed sheets of papy-
rus that reveal the existence of an oil
monopoly in that country more than
2,100 year ago. As yet nothing has
been discovered to show thst ancient
Egypt bad a Chancellor Day.
Colonel James M. Guffey of Penn
sylvanla denlea certain reports and
makes it plain that the Pennsylvania
delegates to the democratic conven
tlon will not be Instructed for Mr.
Bryan nor for any other candidate,
This will have to be accepted as final
and official, as Pennsylvania democrats
obey Colonel Guffey as implicitly as
Nebraska democrats obey Mr. Bryan.
A Kentucky murderer has been
granted a two weeks' respite from
hanging in order to enable him to
finish writing a book. The respite
should have been granted only on con
dition that the condemned man should
not finish his book.
The best Inspection of public school
buildings is the inspection by the
parents of the children who receive In
struction there. Let the parents visit
the schools frequently and complain
out loud about everything that does
not look right
"The Thaw case developments are
highly amusing," says the Pittsburg
Press. Perhaps, to those who can
find anything amusing in a case that is
so thoroughly disgusting. .
Pain from a Sore Spot.
Kansaa City Star.
Paul Morton has a plan to curb the rail
roads. Since the antl-paas law went into
effect a good many people think the rail
roads ought to ba not only curbed but
paved. '
Indianapolis News.
' A Remote Peril.
Dr. Wiley's suggestion that the mothers
of the country organize a union is worth
serious consideration. There is probably
nobody in tha country who works harder
of longer than they do for less pay.
PosatMe Ravagei of War,
Chicago Record-Herald.
Diamond dealera oredlct a drorj of So ner
cent In the price of arems unleaa tha South
African diamond war ceases at once. If
the prediction is fulfilled It may ba neoea
sary to have derricks for the nunnia of
unloading tha diamonds at the next In
ternational wedding.
Play In a; the Game of Politics.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
In short and in fine, the editor of tha
Courier-Journal knows but one iv tn
play the game of politics, and that Is
to place the cards flat upon the table,
face upward,, . and to say . to each and
every comer, "Beat that, you son-of-a-gun,
and you beat me!"
A Long; Reach Shackled.
Springfield Republican.
The Pennsylvania capltol grafters find
the Jong arm pf the law around their necks
In dead earnest. The verdict of guilty
against the ; bunch, of them seems too
soundly baaed to be nullified on technicali
ties by thf jblgher courts, as were the
verdicts against Schmlts and Ruef In San
rTanciscQ. .. j
Sosae Naeeaaarle Reachable Wtthoat
'a Stepladder.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The readjustment of prices and wages
inevitably Indicated by the recent disturb
ances in the economic world is going; for
ward quietly, but surely, in all parts of
the country. It Is not yet known how con
siderable the reductions will need to fc
before things are brought ! balance
again. These rhan, as a rule, are not
effected rapidly or easily. They are only
good, moreover, when they are accom
pllahed slowly and naturally. Nothing is
more foolish 4han the thought that these
are matters to be determined in an arbi
trary way. Intervention by powerful hands
may retard, . the regular operation of
economic laws, but demand and supply
will assert themselves In the end.
Indefinite numbers of people are without
work, or are only partially employed. In
all our large industrial communities at the
present time, and the fact is not to be
concealed that wages will be lower when
labor is abundant. It Is not an agreeable
prospect, but it Is only by paying each
worker leas that the employer can engage
In his Industry .at all. The limited demand
for his products requires that he should
furnish them at a lower price. If he pays
less for his material and less in wages,
and la satisfied with a smaller share for
himself, he can perhaps continue to operate
his plant nearly at its accustomed ca
pacity. With these less happy conditions for
working people It Is pleasing to note a
long-delayed decrease in the cost of living.
Bo trustworthy an authority as Brad
street's reports that we have now reached
the lowest level In nearly three years, al
though, aa Is obvious to all householders
Of any experience, prices are considerably
higher than during the low period In 1906,
Only tea. vinegar, potatoes, apples, grains
and a few other food articles seem to be
higher at this time last year. It is toler
ably certain that this altogether whole
some and gratifying, decline has not yet
proceeded as far as It will, and aa It should,
for the advantage of the people. When the
buying power In tha large Industrial centers
declines the farmers must be willing to
sell their products at lower' prices.
These are all self-evident rules In politi
cal economy, but they are commonly fop
gotten. They explain much which we see
going on around us day by d.ty. and the
and of it ail will be good.
White Indian
A white Indian b a kk (ft
dlan. When ths Indians
first saw a white man thty
were sure h was ilea.
Whits iUn kX man was
their arjucnent "Pale-race"
is the name they jave
Pale faces can be cured. '
When blood U properly (ed
the face flows with health,
Scott's Emulsion
is a rich blood food. K
Civts new power to the
bone marrow from which
the red blood springs. 111
AM Orassfetai SOa. aad ll.OO.
Matter of Preaeat latereat at the
Hatloaal Capital.
The senate committee on postofflcea and
post roads is rapidly whipping Into shape
a postal saving bank bill, combining the
beat features of the bills of Senators Knox,
Burkett and Carter, and the completed
measure Is likely to be reported to the
senate this week. The principal features of
the measure aa now outlined makes every
money order office of the presidential claas
a postal bank from the start and the post
master general la authorised to extend
the system to other money order offices
aa fast as practicable.
It Is provided that accounts may be
opened and depoelts mad by any person 10
years of aire or upward. No person may
have more than one account Corporations
are barred from opening accounts, the de
sign being to encourage Individual savings
and nothing more.
The initial deposit of an account must be
to the amount of fl, but additional de
posits of 10 cents or multiple thereof are
to be allowed.
An Interest rat of I per cent per annum
on deposits Is allowed. No interest Is to
be allowed on deposits In excess of $500
made In any One year, and at no time la
interest to be paid on a deposit of more
than $1,000. The depositor, after the first
year, may draw interest. In other words,
on a total of 0,000, but for no greater
amount of the time in which the deposits
Two hundred dollars is fixed as the maxi
mum amount of 'money a person may de
posit in any one month. It Is provided
that withdrawals shall ba made tn even
dollars, except In settling up accounts.
National banks are prohibited from col
lectlng exchange on any savings remit
tances. There Is a section also which pro
vides that all postal saving? are to bo re
garded as publlo moneys, subject to the
safeguards and preferences provided by
statute therefor. They are to be exempt
from setaure or attachment and from taxa
tion. ' The amount of a deposit cannot be
disclosed by any official except by order
of the postmaster general.
Of particular Interest are the provisions
with regArd to the deposit of postal savlrurs
funds In national banks. Funds may be
deposited In such banks with the approval
ot the secretary of the treasury. Interest
must be paid by the banks to the govern
ment at a rate of not less than SVs per cent
per annum.; Two per cent Interest Is to go
to pay tne saving depositors ana tne sur
plus Is to be turned Into the general postal
To meet one of the objections raised by
country banking interests to the establish
ment of the postal savings system it is
provided that deposits of funds must bo
made In the county or locality where the
savings are received. This Is the distinctive
fee' j re of the Kndx-Meyer bill, and is one
that has done much to remove a source
of strong opposition to the postal aavings
innovation. ' In cases where banking faclll-
ties are meager the funds may be depos
ited tn national banks In the next con
tiguous place.
"Postmaster General Myer Is receiving
great credit for the energy he has so suc
cessfully directed to getting the movement
started," says a Washington dispatch to
the Chicago Record-Herald. "For several
years the subject has' been agitated, but
antagonistic Interests have staved off ac
tion. BUI have been introduced and re
ferred to committees and then pigeon-holed
under the pretext that other postal reforms
pressed for more Immediate consideration.
"When Postmaster General Meyer began
his work the most of Ms well wishers had
little hope he would win even a preliminary
round In the near future. When congress
met this winter hardly anyone would have
predicted the passage of a poetal savlnga
bank bill through either house before ad
journment of the sesa'su. But here 1b a
bill framed by ti committee working in dead
earnest for practical results, and tho senate
le declared to be on the point of passing
It. With such unanticipated progress, it
will be strange if the establishment of tho
postal savings bank system be not an in
stitution of the government before the end
of the present administration."
Regarding the present status of the army
pay bills the Army ana Navy Register
Tha army pay Increase la still In the
senate military committee, which has before
it the army appropriation bill as it passed
the house with the clause providing for an
Increase Jn pay of the enlisted force. In
the same quarter is Senator Warren's bill
which alms to Increase the pay of the com
missioned officers, aa well as the enlisted
men, and authorises in the form in which
It passed the senate an increase of 40 per
cent in the pay of the soldier.
The present intention of Senator Warren
is to amend the house provision for In
crease of pay In the army appropriation
bill ' when it is reported from tha senate
military committee, and to that end he has
obtained some statistics on the subject.
The changes made in the clause as It
passed the house contemplate an Increase
In the pay of the ftrst-claas sergeants of
the hospital corps from MS to $60; first-class
privates of the same branch who are acting
as cooks will be designated as "acting
cooks" at $30, the pay received by other
cooks; the other changes relate to length
of service those men who are paid from
$16 to $21 will get an additional $t on the
second and third enlla'tment and $1 for each
succeeding enlistment up to and including
tha seventh; thoae receiving between 1
and $36 will get $3 additional for each en
listment, those receiving $36 and more will
get $4 for each enlistment up to and Includ
ing tha seventh.
The estimate of the cost of the incorpora
tion ot the provisions of the Warren pay
bill in the army appropriation act show
that the extra cost per annum In the pay
of the enlisted force, active Hat, will be
$6,251,009, and for tho retired enlisted force
$3C2,000, an Increase of 41.S per cant. The
increased cost In the pay of active officers
will b $3,a3,000 and of retired officers
$b!M,0O0. These figures are necessary In
orVter to Insert in the army bill the appro
priation for the item of pay for the army
providing for tha Increase which was not
taken care of in the house. The army bill
will not be reported from the senate mili
tary committee fer a wrek or possibly
longer, and In the meantime the senate
military committee will acquire further In
formation concerning tha Increase of pay,
together with other usual data concerning
the bill.
Prosperity la tfc Coaatry.
New York Tribune.
The farmers ot the country bav still
In reaerve from last year' wheat crop
118.721.000 bushels. Wheat is now quoted
at $1 a bushel for export. Thej two facts
help to explain the prosperity of the agri
cultural sections of tha country a pros
perity whkh has not been shaken by the
recent financial and industrial disturbance.
First Pae ar Nethtatf.
Minneapolis Journal.
If the Bryan men think they can "Roose
velt" Jehn A. Jchneon Into taking, tha
demooratle nomination for vice prealdent
thay will find him a bard eltlaen to rope
and tie for each a purpose. H has his
finger crossed.
n er - v
1 r'--- v"S?
day riizht
the createst
least tax upon the
Shredded Wheat Biscuits with a pintlM
of hot milk will supply all the eneriryP
-needed for a half dar woXM&f
and the cost, is arv,,f M?
wX five cents.
ifi Jr.TFn t.M.Vf..a I.
- .p - - -"
lunchaoai ar an nul itk
Valnabl Object Leaaon for North
tat Repnblleaa. 0
Minneapolis Journal.
The ..Nebraska republicans were not
mealy mouthed about indorsing Taft, They
Indorsed him thoroughly and elected dele
gate to the national convention who are
sincerely for him. They are for him, be
cause they believe in him as the right
leader for the republican party. They are
not for htm merely because President
Roosevelt Is for him, though that did not
hurj Taft with the republicans of Ne
braska. Ws cannot help thinking that the Ne
braska state convention waa a valuable ob
ject lesson to Minnesota. The conditions
In this stats are as plainly sympathetic
toward the Taft candidacy as they were
shown to be in Nebraska. The republicans
of this state want Taft to lead them.
Then why not say so as the republicans
of Nebraska have done? The argument
that Minnesota should not give itaelf un
reservedly to Taft because he may not be
nominated should have no weight. Even
political expediency, which is the only ar
gument that can be brought against In
structions, does not support the plea ot
the neutrals. The way for Minnesota to
have vetght In the national convention Is
to be there with a delegation which hon
estly and effectively represents the senti
ment of the slate for Taft. If Taft Is
nominated, even the political expediency
people will be able to see that a good job
has been done and that Minnesota was
at the front In bringing about the result.
Inasmuch as prestige and prominence are
what, they are always thinking about.
this ought to be exceedingly pleasing to
that sort of politicians. t
King Alfonso got away from Barcelona
with nothing more exciting than the burst
ing of a bomb in a water pipe. Probably a
demonstration against the plumbers.
A Rustolan restaurant In New York which
goes by the name of a "tea room," Is rap
Idly making a fortune for tt proprietor.
Its specialty is vodka and all New York
wants to taste It.
One of the president's guests at luncheon
recently waa William Sewcll, a former
guide in' the Maine woods, but now col
lector of customs for the Aroostook district
of Maine. Bewell was a guide for the presi
dent on several hunting trips.
As ' everybody knows. Hall Calne, the
novelist. Is a native of the Isle of Man,
and the most distinguished one. He has
been made a member of the governing
body of the Island, the house of keys, the
sessions ot which he. frequently attends,
faithfully doing his duty there.
Miss Helen E.' Haines of Brooklyn, who
Is at Saranao .lake, for her health, has
been notified that she has been awarded a
pension of $100 a month by Andrew Car
negie. Ths award was made without her
knowledge. For fifteen years Miss Haines
as been managing editor of the Library
Journal, but has bean forced to resign
the position because ot 111 health.
The finely manicured right hand of
Minister Wu is an Instrument of his suc
cess as a diplomat. When Wu scores a
point tn repartee the hand quickly covers
half his face. When Wu wishes to dodge
question the hand helps the artful lips.
With the slender fingers rubbing the flat
yellow nose ot the famous oriental statea-
rren It's a wise old owl that can read the
thoughts of China's minister to the court of
Unci Bam.
3 Sivcst
Van Gan't Boat
Love "snaps' and
i j Delightful on bread.
uung vnai s reiicr
In air-tight tin,
. i-.u-c-- j (.
.i a
bv Mtinwi
y; t--
that tvX
ammmf -U&y
men. vr :r
digestion. TwU'Ar.
.L. .
uws am siae a.s i a
u... . ; .,-1 , j
,r-i f flTi. .
PASSING 11 r" - '
"Tou have be-n s:.-' .
haven't you, John'. '
They say hla nc.
temper. How did ahe a..
"With anything that ca....
timore American.
r .
"How pale and careworn Mrs. bu.v
"Yes, ahe has on her Ienten complexion.'1
Cleveland Ha In Dealer.
"Ah, Gabriel's trump nt last." crd the
man, rising from the :ruve in the la. day.
"What la It?" limu nil his female
"I aay It's Gabriel's trump."
rresfcn0W' bUt What l,t 'rnlladelPnla
"All your speech needs," raid the admir
ing friend, "Is a few original Ideas."
"That shows your careU-aHtieas," an-swe-ed
Senator Sorghum. "There la never
any telling how the public will regard a
new Idea. Never adopt an Idea until It has
been thoroughly tried out by some one
else." Washington Star.
"I suppose your town Is' getting a bit
more fashionable now," said Cltlman.
"Tea" replied Subbubs. "we used to sum.
plain of our 'chills and fever,' but now we
call It 'malaria.' ''Catholic Standard and
"I didn't notice you at the mother's con
"No." replied the woman addressed. "I'm
not a theoretical mother, you knw. I
have six." Philadelphia Ledger.
They met at tho lunch counter.
The girl with fluffy hair had ordered Ire
cream, cake, chocolate pudding, and cream
"For the landa aake, Belle!" exclaimed the
girl with the picture hat. "How can you
get away with all that stuff?"
"I'm dieting," frceslngly answered the
girl with the fluffy hair. Chicago Tribune.
Thomas Moore.
Through Erin's lale,
To love awhile.
As I.ove and Valor wandcr'd.
With wit, the sprite,
Whose quiver bright
A thouaand arrows ao.uandered;
Where'er they pass,
A triple graaaa
Shoots up. with dew drops streaming,
As softly green
As emerald seen
Through purest crystal gleaming.
O! the Shamrock, the green, immortal
Chosen leaf ,
Of Baxd and Chief
Old Erin's nallvu Shamrock!
Say Valor," "See, 1
They spring for .:'f I
Those leafy gatna morning!"
Says Love, "No, no,.'.
For me they grow, ..
My fragrant path adorning."
But wit perceives
Ti e triple leaves, .
And crlea, Oh do not sever
A type that blends
Three gndllka friends,
Ixve, Valor, Wit, forever!"
O! the Shamrock, the green, Immortal
Chosen leaf
Of Bard and Chief -1
Old Erin's native Shamrock I :
Bo firmly fond
Mi last tne hotid '
They wo-t that mom toge.hor, ' '
An1 ne'er fall
One drrp of gall
On Wit's ?elesttat reitther!
May Vale? ne'er -
Hla flowara divine,
Of thorny f aim-hood weed 'cm!
May Valor never
Hla standard resr
Against the cause nf rrimlnml i
Ol the Shamrock, the gtcen, Immortal
Choaen leaf
Of Bard and Chief
Old Erin's native Shamrock!
ginger bread?
Best for evcry-
wtm a syrup on.
fOc, 25c, 50c