Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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The weira, or overflows, between our settling basins cannot
. be used in winter because of the ice. .These weirs are responsible v
for the effective settling of the water and if, as is usually the.
case, they can La put into service before high water follows the
breaking up of the river in - the early spring, there "is little
trouble with sediment. This year,, however, the .break-up, was
v accompanied by a high river,-which, aggravated by the sudden
melting of the big February ' snow, produced badly discolored
water before the ice in the basins melted sufficiently to permit
: i, , , I i
the use of the weirs.
The situation is now fast improving and our consumers may
expect the restoration of normal conditions very shortly.
The Omaha Water
an hour, the same ray for carrying mall
as la now given first-class vessels, which
have a speed of eighteen Icnota an hour,
or double the regular postal rates. Thla
bill 1" before the committee on postofflcea
and jtost tosds.
rrnit BUI ruanes Senate,
Senator Burkett today secured the pas
sage through tho senate of his bill appro
priating $50,000 for the extension of the
postof f Ice at Fremont. , Neb.
Land Restored to Settlement.
Senator Burkett was today advised by
the' Interior department that the petition
of tha settlers In. Bcott's Uluff county to
have restored to entry and settlement a
certain atrip of land In that county had
boon granted. There were five sections of
land In the Irrigated region that had form
erly been reserved for certain government
purposes and hence could not be settled.
When settlera began to build a school
house they found that on account of thla
land being withdrawn they were prevented
from organising a achool district, and what
few aettlera there -wce In that locality
would be compelled to go several miles to
, Postal Matters.
sin iotrtpfiariee wlfll 'Senator Burkett'a re
quest, upoa.',tba Postof flee department for
Improved-.'minV aervlca for Lincoln and
other1 Nebraska points- to the east the de
partment has. ordered an Investigation,
with a view to expediting the service be
tween Nebraska and Chicago. '
. Postmasters appointed; Nebraska Ante
lope, Dawes county, Andrew C. Burton,
vice C. S. Hawk, resigned; Martel,
caster county, John H. Meyer, vice Q. W.
Gordon, resigned; Pleasanton, Buffalo
county, Jam.a H. Booher, vice Charles
Charlton, resigned. South Dakota, Frank
fort, Pplnk county, George A. Fehlman,
vice John A. Brousseau, resigned; Sam
pont. Butte county, George B. Starkey, vice
Mary Sampont, resigned.
Rural routes one and two have been
ordered established. May 1' at Cresbard,
Faulk count?, South Dakota, serving TOO
peope and 141 families. ,
Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes:
Aahton, route 1, John M. Sellen carrier,
Herman Hoffman subatltute; Centerville,
11 me
inc. ustginiog
ft mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and
fianger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother a Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity ; this hoar which is dreaded as woman
severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy ( nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions arc
overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and tks
serious accidents so common to the critical
uur are ooviatea oy me use ot
Friend. "It i. .nr.i, if.
siys many who have used it.
Dome at anig stores. Hook containing
valuable information of interest to all women, will
be sent to any address free upon application to
smmju0 . iiLUULA TOR CO.,
We Got Finclied!
About twelve years ago an ordinance was punned by our City Council,
making It a crime to sweep the sidewalks after eight o'clock In the morning;
this ninrning-l twelve years hence mind you) our porter at our 16th and Doug
las Store was sweeping the sidewalk as usual when a special officer takes him
In tow. While this officer was tellli g us why we were pinched, we could see
other norters, proprietors, etc., sweeping off their sidewalks, but then vou
know lath and Douglas In the center of thin beautiful city of oura aud that
Mart have been the reason the officer came after na f tret, I We took the
officer ami our porter down to the police station In our automobile the porter
likes to ride In an auto we can't vouah for the officer, and put up for his
appearance tomorrow! particulars later.
hark at 17e pound.
Cor, ISth sad Souglaa Its., Cor. '18th
and Mala St., Council Bluffs. Iowa.
xS.n i' urn, 11,1,1,1 aj4ffj.tniMLiiiimisi)vwiiWPji;iiti;! ...
Fending Investment of jour Idle funds, we call your attention to
Certificates of Deposit
Which are transferable under endorsement, are not subject to at
tachment, and which draw Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per
annum. Don't keep your money unproductive. It should be earning
Interest Our facilities are arranged for your convenience, and wo
respectfully solicit your business.
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank
in Nebraska.
16th and Douglas tits.
route 1, Charles W, Rhea carrier, no sub
stitute; Milo, route 2, James W. Estea car
rier, R. W. McNair aubatltute; Story City,
route 2, Sampson Wler carrier, Clarence A.
Wler aubatltute.
Servants of Celestial Empire Were
Wrong in Tat so Mara .
HONG KONG, March 18. The Japanese
steamer Tatsu Maru has been released by
the Chinese authorities.
PEKING, March 16. Tho full terms under
which tho rase of the Tatau Maru, the
Japanese steamer that was aetxed by China
In Feruai:' on the allegation that It was
conveying arms and ammunition to the
Chinese revolutionists, has been settled aa
First China agrees to. punish the officera
who lowered the Japanese flag on the
Tatsu Maru and to send a worship to the
place where the vessel was seised to fire
a salute as the Japanese Is rehotsted.
Second The Tatsu Maru Is to be released
at once.
Third C! na will purchase the arms and
ammunition seised.
Fourth It will punish the officers who
committed this breach against International
, Fifth The viceroy of Canton will set
tle the amount of demurrage for the re
tention of the steamer .after consultation
with the Japanese - consul, and, finally,
Japan agrees to exercise extra vigilance Its subjects In the matter of smug
gling arms Into China.
Governor Cannot Save I.lfe of Ches
ter Gillette, Convicted of,
M order.
ABLANT. N. T., March It-Governor
Hughes will not Interfere In any way with
the execution In the week beginning March
30 of the death sentence Upon Chester Gil
lette cf Cortland, Convicted of the murder
of Grace, or "BUly" Brown, of South
Otaellc, Chenango ' county, at Big Moose
lake In the Adlrondacks in July, 1906, and
now in tho death cell at Auburi prison.
It waa reported today that Gillette's mother
waa on her way here to appeal to Gov
ernor Hughea to save her eon's life.
Erery mother feel.
great dread of the pala
and danger attendant upon
the moat critical .period
k l.T- r :
mower's flf! jv6IU.a-..A
: tJ U'iSi 5rftl?!Td
$1.00 per IfaVl
m m bl sea w
Atlanta. Ot.
By the way, we sail clean aaasafraa
and, Chicago 8t., Omaha. Cor. 6th Ave.
Cor. 94th and M. ate., innth rm.h
Little Over Two Hundred Miles
Behind the American Bacer.
French Auto No. 2 and German Are
Still Slowly Plodding; Their
Weary War Through
News received by the Union Pacific from
the racing automobiles la to the effect that
the Italian car left Bitter Creek, Wyo.,
at t o'clock. The next place It could con
veniently stop la Rock Springs, forty-five
miles distant, or 812 miles from Omaha.
The American car left Corrlnne, Utah,
at 6:58. By the route taken' there la no re
porting placa. for 100 miles.
The. Italian car left Fremont' this evening
expecting to make Columbus tonight,
- The German and French car No. I left
Boone, la., shortly after 5 p. m.
.The American-car let t Coralnne, Monday-.-. y
The race continues to tighter! between
the American and Italian cars. The Amer
ican was delayed In- reaching Ogden and
has lain there longer than expected. After
It gets Into Nevada, though. It figures on
making the fastest time since leaving Ne
braska. The French car De Dion In the New
Tork-Paris race arrived in Omaha Monday
at 3 a. m. and started for the west at
4 p. m. From the time it arrived at the
Kimball garage until it left the three
Frenchmen who accompany the car,
assisted by four experts at the garage,
worked assiduously to put it in the best
condition possible to crobs the ?reat
For three days the car laid at Crescent,
la., aeven miles north of Council Bluffs,
with a broken gear in the transmission, so
complicated a break that It could not be
repaired and St Chaffrey and his com
paniona had to wait for the parta to come
from New York. The parta arrived Sunday
afternoon and were taken to Crescent In
an automobile and the car waa repaired
ao it could come on to Omaha.
Thoroughly Overhauled.
With the better facllltlea of the Kimball
garage the car waa given a thorough over
hauling and a new radiator put in to re
place one which waa leaking from over
heating while covered with Iowa mud.
The occupants of the car are St. Chaf
frey,-director general of the race; Autran,
an expert chauffeur, and Lascares, an ex
pert machinist from the factory. Leaving
Omaha, E. R. Cuddeback of Fremont acted
as pilot, having been pilot for the Italians
from Omaha to Orand Island and having
driven a machine from Fremont to Omaha
Sunday to become familiar with the roads.
The Kimball garage sent a pilot car
west, the occupants being Foreman Nest
man and Business Manager Sandham.
Frank Parmclee and others went west as
far as the roads were good.
French Pnssee Fremont.
FREMONT, Neb., March 16. (Special Tel
egra.m.) The first French car reached Fre
mont at 7:30. The party took supper here
and left at 8. It was met east of town by
the Fremont Automobile club and escorted
up town.
E. D. Cuddeback, who piloted - the car
from Omaha, will continue with it to Grand
Island. The roads In the vicinity of Elk
horn and Waterloo were heavy, but from
Valley they made good time. They hope to
reach Columbus tonight.
Italian Car Gain Ins;.
OGDEN, Utah, March 16.-The American
car reached Cornne, twenty-five miles west
of here, at 6:30 p. m., having made the
distance in one hour and thirty minutes.
It expects to reach Cobre, Nev.. 150 miles
west of here, by Tuesday evening.
The Italian car left Point of Rocks,
twenty-five miles east" of Rock Springs,
Wyo., at 7 p. m. Rock Springs is 160 miles
eaat of Ogden. ,
Tr Cars at Boone, In.
BOONE, la., March la. (Special Tele
gram.) The German car Protoa arrived at
1:16 for dinner and left at 1:15. It was
rtuck two hours on Ames college hill. The
French car, Moto Bloc, arrived at I o'clock,
and after repairs left at I o'clock for the
west. The mud Is horrible, causing great
trouble and inconvenience. Six horses were
necessary to pull the Protos up the hill.
Third French Car In Indiana.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. March 1.-The
third French car, which la running inde
pendently In the New York-to-Paris rate,
and which was expected In Indianapolis
Saturday afternoon, arrived todajt. The car
left Dayton. O., this morning.
injured la a Fire
or brulsod by a fall; apply Bucklen's Ar
nica Dalve. Cures burns, wounds, sores,
ecsema, pilea. . Guaranteed. 2Sc For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
South Carolina Senator Speaks on Ex
. isting Conditions.
Says Senate and Heaee Have Been
Absolutely Subservient te the
White House Deuhle
Dealing Alleged.
WASHINGTON, March 14. Citing what
lie claimed to be "cold blooded facts," to
show executive respoDalblllty for many of
the evila which exist. Senator Tillman In a
speech mado In the senate today said:
"In the same category of. 'keeping the
worK of commerce to. the ear and break
ing them to .the hope' if the newapapera
are to be believed, he te Wen now planning
a truce with these same ilch malefactora
and is ready to grant anneaty to all past
trust offenders. In tfr most pronounced
language he has denounced the combina
tion between labor organisations and the
boycott, but on the ve of an election
panders to this same, vote by demandlngy
changes in the lay aa - Interpreted by the
supreme ' court. Organised labor Is to be
relieved from the: prohibition of the su
preme ctourt'a decisions, but along with' tt
must go the relief of; capital. . Once re
lieved, 'the malefactors of great wealth
will smile" tn' triumph over their victory
while labor will find , Itself no freer than
before." . .
Mr. Tillman charged many of the evlla
In connection wKh the recent financial
flurry to the president and hla administra
tion, and Bald: , ,
"These are only a , few of the achieve
ments of thla 'uncrowned king.' With
othera of hla kind he lias created a Frank
enstein monster, wnioh unassisted by the
blood of suicide and feara of heart broken
women, threaten to devour and consume
hla creatora who are, able to quench hla
thirst by torrenta Of gold poured out by the
federal treaaury." '
He charged the aenate and house with
absolutely subservience to the wlshea of
the chief executive. "Servility and coward
Ice are the order of the day;" he declared.
Mr. Tillman also asserted that every
effort waa being made to control the negro
vote, and coming back td the charge of
favoritism on the part of the president
towards the wealthy, he said:
"The poor fools who were shouting hla
praises ' have so far failed to understand
that the bad government which tho re
publican party has given the country Is
due solely to the Ignorance and debauchery
of the people. Misled and deceived by the
newspapers which are owned by theae rich
rren, labor organised ' and disorganised
trails along behind the banner of republi
canism and shouts for RooBevelt and hla
policies. The millona who have been robbed
are' equally as enthusiastic, as the million
aires who have been benefited. The
capacity of the people to govern themselves
wisely and protect their Interests la seri
ously called into question by existing con
ditions. The money which came by dis
honest and unfair methods is used to con
trol the machinery ot nomination at Chi
cago." .'
Feara Methods Employed.
"The price of negro delegates in the
south rises day by day. The office holding
clique, manipulated and directed by a
high official ' of ' the government tinder
Roosevelt's sanction and orders, and rein
forced by niillloris' In the' bands of relatives
and friends tt - one of- the candidates, ' Is
opposed. In: tbs htruggle for the control of
theae southern delegatea by beneficiaries
of republican mlsbovernment who want to
be leftvaJtmtt" ilSej enjoyrtjent of -power.
ana me geneiKSv orv ineir private' fortunes
which the existing conditions afford, it
is a battle" "predatory wealth on
both sides.vwlth the Tprestlge of the presi
dent thrown In ,the balance in behalf of his
favorites. Civil service rules, pernicious
activity of government officials, bold and
unblushing efforts te dictate his successor
in the White House or compel his own
renomlnatlon for a third term, are con
spicuous factora ot the situation."
Number of Bills Passed Under Sus
pension of Rules.
WASHINGTON, March 16. The whole of
today's aeaslon of the house was devoted
to the consideration of bills under suspen
sion of the rulea.
A number were paaaed. Including one
providing for the restoration of the motto
"In God We Trust" on American coins
and another - increasing tho efficiency of
the medical department of the army.
Among other bills paaaed were the follow
ing: Granting to local steamboat Inspectors
authority to pass upon the fitness of offi
cers and crews of steam vessels; reorgan
isation of the consular aervlce.
At 1:35 p. m. the houae adjourned.
Business Men of City Combine to
Erect the Strnctare lor
STURGIS. S. D., March 18. (Special.) -Sturgla
is to have a wool warehouse for the
accommodation of the many sheepmen re
siding on the rangea north of thla rlace.
It was recently suggested by the sheepmen
that the business men of Sturgls provide
them with a building, stating that they
would sooner trade here than elsewhere.
At a meeting of th Commercial club held
here Friday night the matter was settled,
and the wool bouse will be a go. Commit
tees were appointed and a temporary
building has already been secured. If the
proposition proves satisfactory a new ware
house will be erected at a later time.
Gusher Spouts Fluid from Deep
Underground l.nhe . Cltlsene
Are Credited.
EDGEMONT, 8. D., March 1. (Special
Telegram.) The Burlington struck a
gusher here at the thousand-foot level, of
their deep well, which flows 400 gal
lons per minute, the water being 1S5 de
grees Farenhelt. The drill atruck an un
derground lake at S o'clock today and
the jar of the drill going to the bottom,
aoma thirty feet. Jarred machinery and
knocked off the boiler smokestack. The
water Is somewhat tainted with Iron, but
la fine for steam and domestic purposes.
Arrangements are on for a big plunge
bath and hotel. .Land and town property
ha advanced 100 per cent today. Cltiaens
and railroad officials feel gratified over
the hot water encountered.
South Dakota City F.leetloas.
SIOUX FALLU, a D.. March 16. (Spe
cial.) The annual municipal elections will
be held Tuesday In a large number of the
smaller towns of the atate. The officera
to be elected are trustees, town clerks,
Ccnmhjoar Jocior freely alxmt mtJl
tot maUmru fit 4eM. Trust him,
Dm u ks nays.' Fallot hit mJvtc:
treasurers, auseesnra. Justices of the peace,
town marshals and street commlsslonera.
The elections ta practically all of the towns
Will be decided upon purely local Issues,
party lines nc' being drawn. The license
question Is the most Important to be de
cided In the various tpT-ns which will hold
elections. Th temperance people are wag
ing an aggreHilve fight In a number of
towna where intlment la nearly equally
divided and hope to prevent the granting
of lioenses for saloons during the coming
year. The larger towna of tho atate. such
as Sioux Falls, Mitchell, LoAd, P?a.dwood
and towna of tlnit class, will not hold their
regular annua) municipal elections until
Tuesday, April 21.
All East of Missouri River to Be
Offered at Aaet'oa at State Depatiment.
PIERRE, S. V.. March 16. (Special. )-The
atate lands board has decided to offer all
unsold state capltol lands east of the Mis
souri for sale to the highest, bidder, either
for all or any portion of the 6,000 acres yet
unsold, on the east side of the atream. It
wilt not be offered at auction In the coun
ties In whL'h the land Is altuate, but will be
sold at til office of the atate land depart
ment. .
Raising Stage of Lake Andes.
1 'BroiTX FALLS, 8.' D., March W.-(8pe-clal.)
The second of the mammoth artesian
wells which the United States government
Is drilling on the ahorea of Lake Andes, In
Charlea Mix county, Is rapidly hearing
completion, and before the close of the
present week the final flow Is expected to
be struck. The first flow waa struck a
few days ago at a depth of 710 feet. The
contractor thought It best to drill the well
about fifty feet deeper Into the water bear
ing rock which forms the great artesian
basin underlying South Dakota, and thla
work now la in progress. The well Is situ
ated on the upper end of the lake. When
It Is drilled fifty feet deeper It Is believed
a flow much stronger than that in the
other well at the lower end of the lake will
be struck. The full flows from both wells
will run Into Lake Andes day and night
and make It one of the finest bodies of
w,ater In South Dakota. The two wells
were sunk by the government for the
express purpose of raising the stage of
water In the lake.
Catholics at Flandreaa.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., March 16. (Spe
cial.! J. J. Regan of St. Paul, Minn., na
tional vice president of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians of America, and D. J. Con
way, city attorney of Sioux Falls, will be
among the prominent speakers at a at.
Patrick's day celebration which wilt be held
tomorrow at Flandreau." Other speakers
will be Father Desmond of Huron, Father
Flynn of Madison, Fathtr Sheehan or Elk
ton and Father Mangln of Pipestone, Minn
It Is exoected that several thousand Catho
lics of eastern South Dakota will be present
and aid in making the celebration the
greatest affair of tls kind In the history of
eastern South Dakota. The day s testi
fies will conclude with a grand ball in the
Flandreau opera, house.
Flnlander Killed Near Lead.
LEAD, 8. D March 16. (Special Tele
gramsAbout 2 o'clock this morning the
dead body of Victor Lohnen, a Flnlander,
was found beneath tho ore train running
between Lead and Terravllle through the
Homestake tunnel. Lohnen evidently was
on his way from Lead to Terravllle and
had sat down upon the tracks to reBt and
the ore car's backing up had struck him,
breaking hla neck," .both of. W ,nd
otherwise mutilating hlpa He was 30 years
ot age and leaves a- wife In Finland.
. i Bank Deposits Increase.
PIERRE, S. D., March 16. (Speclal.J-Tho
national bar.ka of thla state show a sub
stantial Increase of over $2,000,000 deposits
In that claas of banks In the state for
last year, and of this about 1750,000 were
deposited in the last quarter of the 'year,
when the financial condltlona In tho coun
try generally were at' the worst condition
on account of the financial panic.
(Continued from First Fage.)
when the contract was made, Is read Into
the contract and becomes a part of It. If
the shipper sees fit to make a contract coh
ering a definite period for a rate In force
at the time ho must be taken to have done
ao subject to the possible chanKe of the
published rate in the manner fixed oy
statute, to which he must conform or suffer
the penalty fixed by law
In the courae of hla opinion Justice Day
gave the following general definition of the
Hi tent of the Elklna act:
"The Elkina act provided upon broad
lines and was evidently Intended to ef
fectuate the purpose of congresa to require
that all ahippera ahould be treated alike.
and that the only rate charged tj any ahlp-
per for the same aervlce undeif the same
conditions should be the one established
and posted aa required by lani It ts not
ao much the particular form bf which or
the motive for which this purpose was ac
complished, but the Intention Was to pro
hibit any 'and all means that might be re
sorted to to obtain and to receive conces
sions and rebates from the fixed ' rates
duly posted and published.
History of Prosecution.
KAN3A8 CITY, Mo., March JB.-The four
packing companies mentioned Ik the Wash
ington dispatch were convicted In the
United Statea district court hre of ac
cepting concessions on export shipments
of packing houae products and were fined
by Judge Smith McPherson en Juno ti,
IS". At the same time the Chicago, Burl
llngton & Quiney railroad was fined I1&.000
for granting concessions, and George I
Thomas of New York, a freight broker,
and L. B. Taggart, his clerk, were fined
and given Jail sentences for co.isplrlng to
secure concessions from railroads.
Recently Thomas and Tagnart threw
themselves upon the mercy
and Judge McPherson with
of the court
row the Jail
sentence, the defendants paytig their flnea
and being discharged. I
The flnea were assessed a lengthy
trial. In which many witness-
s testified to
cases of concussions granted
and received.
The packing companlea wei4
convicted of
receiving concrsalons In having Accepted
a rate of 25 cents a hundred pounds on
export shipments from Kansas City from
the Burlington road, together with con
necting llnea between the MUilsalppi river
and New York, when the published tariff
waa 3S cente, and the Burlington was con
victed of granting theae concessions.
In the case of Thomas nd Taggart It
waa ahown they aecured concessions from
numerous railroads for vaSoua wholesale
dry goods firms In the Mlajiaslppl valley.
Talk wuti your doctor about Ayer's non
alcoholic Ksraanarilla. Ask him if he nra-
TlOfC scribes It for pais, delicate children. Ask
is tbia snd Impure, snd when its nerves sre
wesk snd unsteady. Ask him If it aids nature
Situation There Most Serious i
Term of Years.
Washington and Idaho Cities A
re Af.
(eeted aad Great Injury
Be Done to Business
PORTLAND, Ore., . March 16.-Ttot in
many a year have oo many points in the
Pacific northwest all at tho aamS time
laced such serloQs damage from flood aa
they 'do today. Front last Fradayj until
now heavy rain a have fallen over the: whole
of the northwest and every rivulet la a
roaring torrent and every river is a lake.
Bridges Lave been washed out or dyna
mited, railroad tracks are under water and
when traffic I not delayed by these disas
ters huge landslides block the way.
The most s-'rlous reports come from
Walla Walla. Mill creek, which flows
through that city, nearly every winter goes
on a rampage, but at present it is out
doing previous records and has caused
wholeBale destruction of business In gen
eral and destroying several houses.
Next In point of seriousness Is the alt
uatlon at Pendleton. Although the leveea
built after last year'a floods are still hold
ing, there la fear that they are becoming
undermined. In ' this case the town will
suffer serious damage
In the Leadston, Idaho, country railroad
tracks are reported under water, bridges
washed out and fears are entertained that
the water works which supply that city
will be flooded and the supply of drinking
water shut or. Many families have been
driven from the lowlands.
Damage in Washington. N
The Touchet and Patlt rivers have washed
out the city dike at Dayton, Wash. In
western Washington the rivers around
Seattle and Tacoma are still rising, but
little damage has resulted so far.
The-Willamette river and Ita tributaries
are running like a mlllrace above Salem,
but no damage,- has resulted.
As Is usual during tho flood conditions
the railroads are" numbered among the
principal sufferers.-, The worst of these Is
the Oregon" Railway and . Navigation, the
Union Pacific system, which haa not been
able to send-a train through for the last
thirty-six hours. This road Is blocked prin
cipally by heavy landslides east and west
of Pendleton.
Train service in the neighborhood of
Walla Walla and from Lewlston north is
at a standstill. .- t
The prospects today are that conditions
throughout tho three states will be worso
Instead of bettor. According to the last
forecast a new storm, which made Ita ap
pearance off Vancouver island Sunday
morning, is now moving across the Pacific
northwest and will cause general rains
throughout the district.
PILES Ct'HEu n a to i days
PAZO Ointment ia guaranteed to cure any
caaeof Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng
Pllea In 8 to 14 days or money refunded. 60a
He Will Deliver St. Patrick's Day Ad
dress There Tuesday
' I3atern Dates.
LINCOLN. March 1.-William J. Bryan
left today for Chicago, where iie will deliver-
the St. Patrlck'a day address to
morrow. He will deliver an address In
Peoria March 18 and will return to Chicago
the follow Ing-day, .'.
He will be In Bloomlngton, Ind., March
JO; Covington. . Ky., v March 21, and will
then go to Richmond, making two stops
In Virginia on the way. He will be In
Washington March 26, and at Pittsburg
March 27. He will stop at Parkersburg,
W. Va., March 28, and will then go to
Kansas City, where he will speak March
30. Ha will return to Lincoln on the fol
lowing day and will entertain the demo
cratic and populist editors at a banquet at
the Lindell hotel. Early In April he will
take a trip through Iowa, Kansas, Colo.
rado and Nebraska. He will be in Kansas
City April 3 and will visit Denver April 6.
Laxative Dromo Quinine removes the
cause. There la only one "Bromo Quinine.
Look for signature of E. W drove. 25a
Woman lianas Herself.
FAIRBURY. Neb.. March 18.-A middle
aged woMan," giving the name of Elvira
Wells, Bupposed to be from either Con
cordia or Belleville, Kan., killed herself
today by hanging at the home of Harry
J. Evans, tq whom Bhe applied for a place
to stay Saturday night. Letters Indicate
she haa a brother, named Gelger, living at
Concordia and another relative at Belle
ville. Her actions while alive were peculiar,
Tooth Powder
Cleanses, preserves .and
beautifies the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
; Established in 1866 by
Always the
Baker Bros. Engravirg Co.
Barker Bleek. Omahii..
Mr. Duslness IVInn
Dr. Lv
Doillna Water'
Cool and Serve
Flavored nst tight
Sweetened taut right
Perl eel In every way
Deal sere pi sabstitstes
Or- oil grocwrt
Smart Fabrics
For Up-to-Dato Dressers
DAME FASHtON. has been most gener.
ous, In decreeing as to what's
proper" for thla season's wearing, and
haa set her seal of approval on an un
usually wide range of fabrics In color,
stylo and materials.
If brown don't suit your complexion
you ran wear blue. If blue Jars , your
taste what'a tho matter with tbe ever
popular grays?
A most generous variety of seasonable
fabrics make buying easy here.
Trousers $6 to $12 Suits $25 to $50
ET? ARB n5"
200-11 Sooth 15th St.
Leave Omaha Dally 0:30 P. M., Arrtvs
Ht. Louis 7:30 A. M.
Leave Ht. Louis Dally 0:01 F. M., Ar
rive Omaha 0:23 A. M.
Special rates dally to the south.
Homeseekers' Excursions first and
third Tuesday each month.
Tickets to or from all parts of the
world via all steamship lines.
For rates, berths, beautiful descrip
tive booklets and all Information, call
at Wabash City Ticket Office, 10th and
Farnam street, op. address, Harry U.
Moores, O, A. V. 1)., Omaha, Neb.
Years of-practice assures
us that people want our
grade of, wprk the best.
The comfort of our patients
receives our conetance
thought, which accounts for
our successful dentistry.
We speak German.
All work guaranteed. '
22K GOLD CROWXS ....$3.00
FILLINGS, up from ....... 75c '.
Taft's Dental Rooms
I 1817 Douglas St.
ISra. WmaowH Boctdlag Eynp
Fa been used t or em BITTT-FlfB TFAPJ tvf
VlI.LIONfl of MOTHERS Jfnr Itwlr CHIMiBltf
if PAIWi CVhl-H tflND CULIO.aiia Is thTTwii
remedy forPIAHKHCEA, 83M by pruii1ntilu.wry
ptrt of tho world. He nr snd Ml for "Mm Wio
Inw's BiKitliiuir Syrup." sad Ubt no oth.r klua
Twontr-flvK oiitt a bottle, duaruitoori uuilrr tbe
FimdaUd Ornim Act. Jfuna wnh.lMinl. HwUI Xiimlxr.
Greatest Wrestling Match of the
Farmer Burns
Fred Bool!
Two tliuusuiul koiiU arena flour scats at
)1 ruch, now n sals.
j'rices ouc, oc, si.uu anu fi.uu.
Thursday, rrlday and Saturday,
Kanry acinar presents Bleary Woodruff
ill hid ih'hi ox an cui:uk fiay.
at Snls To-Day.
Nxt Hun1y for three days
March 88, ST aad SS,
Matlnea Dally 8:1E Evry Mia; lit Sill
TMI8 WEBH-Aima Kv 'ays flrat x
httiiiiuu. "bituiiioleitoy." l'rtj;. EldrMg-.
Imnedlil 1'rouoit. Throe 1 Lwlghtt-lJi.
t'litou, l&t)tfr . 'frlti, anu tii4
Kinodriiint;. lu Anna Kvm. huv'm ,nH
exhibition, ask her anything you want to
know. JTioea loo. Sou ant fioa.
To-Mlght Matin Wednesday,
r bones i Dou. ISO. Ind. A16O0.
This Week Brt ' Bart's absorbing- play
i'omudv r'uttioa Sune?
Special Elks' Quartet of Council Bluff a
si mvery rHitrmaue
Mats: Tues , Thur., tint, and Sunday
s Wasa Q09 VAUIa