8 THE OMAHA DAILY BITE: MONDAY, MAROI 1R. 1908. f JBSSXMBTW . ir " - -..I . i m-"- .J -41 " TTTT7TT 77.- : " T tt- m w. ma s j r a. r ; a ii n . , LIFE AND ACCIDENT INStHANCB TOM S. KELLY Manager Life and Accident Pepart- msnti for Btate "f Nebraska. The Tnrtlm Insurance Ccmpiir t Hartfort, Conn. 120 Hoe rtl1 Omaha. Neb. HOME FCRNISHERS. Feather xotir nest FinJflTI'RK. If you desire goods of hlh foallty, low prices and eaay Urns, It be hooves you ' to trade at THE PEOPLES STORE 18th ami PIANOS. JIIO t CLASH 1X1109 Reasonable Terms I.arge selected stock of Weber. Mehlln, Henry and 8. & O. Llndeman, Fo.fer Co. Hcblller. HATTUTI PIAWO CO. Mffrs. and Dealers 1514-15 Harney. Omaha PIANOS. Ettryiiiiig in Art arid Basic A. HOGPE CO. 1513 Couq'as St.. Omaha pianos. J.S.CAMERON Manufacturer a State Ajsnt GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 106.S Flo. 15th St. Omaha, Hob. Tel. Re4 2 84t BUHMOLLEH a MUHLLM FIABO CO. FIABOB Manuf.ctur.nl and Coin la Hifrh Oracle Pianos Over s punas la sieca 1311-11 IS Farnam 6t- Omaha. Nh, MUSIC Y MAIL. Illustrated Wnslc School, 1611 Farnam Muslo by Mall than loo r.ifrni airiereni courses. Inveetl- srate them at the ator of thy rVrfl.Irt Piano Co., Omaha. phonographs and records. Columbia Phonograph Co. Gold Moulded toulded Bee- inP. fit any Cylin- f 'hp tng Machine f CiJJ rou throw I orda to fit tier Talk! , made You away money if you pay mora. 1631 rAUIajl BTBHT riGAiia, ni RHKR noon a drugs TTIacripUoa Aoovuacy Guaxaal edT Syringes, Rubber Oooda by Mall, out prices, bend for free catalogue. Bend usyour mall order for drugs. Freight paid on, 110 lots. Cigar at cut rn ices. lOo clgara, la Myers Dillon 13 ray Co. BIUS9I p. AIBTTt . 1 fh and ' a Ti n m . 1416 Hamey.1 CADY. Craft Guild smans Confections Bold by OEomau BOOSX8. Farnam BnEnF.nir.s. Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMQl'S KEG AB BOTTLE BEER -OMAHA- WATER PILTKHS. dbisi vanii, BPAjaxxnta WATII BT TJBXBTO VOM' 80TTBI WATIB rZZ.TZB8. C. II. HUBER, Mfgr. 1301 rarnam ut Omalia. TELErilONF.S. IN OMAHA 17555 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. niOTO SVPPLIE9. jobbcki aid yMirria ojt FII0T0 SUPPLIES X.ABOXST VOtJBB ur run wht. The Robert Dempster-Co., iwmiiu nr. Ottawa.. 6HOR BK.rtlRIVO. Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 rABIAH We do the work right, phone Doug. Tf7 and we will call tor your work. We sell polish, laces and shoe apecl! tlea. -tl.EAMNu AM) UYEI.G. e are hailtjUHrivra fur all cleaning, dyeing, vre.aiiig antt repairiag of U- liias' ar.il k rili.-mru'a rl.nhliiK ' YOUa I1AD1 tOUCITEO THE WARDROBE I0U Farnam Branch Office. Mil Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. lTi. LAI UHIE. -11LE 1W WAT" We don't Irun shirts at all. We press tnrm. This gives aa attractive, finish wllnuut wearing out the linen. STABS' tTlAM 1AUID1T tat. 1T4. Alias B. Kamlitoa, Kg. til B. llta BX. tL BousiM gba. TBt.VKS AND LEATHER GOODS. TR IINKV of V-l Quality aau 1 Bars, sags sag liac racket Sasks naxG . sTLrai Trh Ina. last rarwaai IS! QE9I ii.a Pl RIITi nE A!"I CARPETS. ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in U10 price and in tho quality. ItRETT BOTfDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Rome Company with Assets In Nebraska. 314-31S BEW TOBK 1.1TB BUIXCIBO. Telephone Douglas 552. MIJIRS AJfD MtJTlXO. Tor Information oonoernlng legiU roate mlnlns In Brltlan Colombia, addraaa F. H. KNIGHT Booms 410-20 Columbia Bldg. SPOKANE, WASHlHOTOIt. ' .MOXtTMEKTTS. MONUMENTS Largest Stock In the West J. F. BLOOM a CO. ISIS Femam-St. Omaha, RANKS. FIRST HATIQHAL BANK OMAHA Capital and Surplus, $1,100,000.09 RANKS. United Stales National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United Stales Depository lath and Farnam Sta. BANKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA Capital $1,000,000 BANKS. J. L BRAtlOEIS & SOUS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY.SAViiiGS BAIIK 1th and Dovtlss 8ts Oaiahs OFFICE . Fi nMTCIlE. Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th ana Farata Sis. INCORPOKATORS. LET EZFE1TI Incorporate Your Company. Monsy to Promote Good Propositions. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. SI 4-31 8 BZW TOBK X.X7E BUaXBIVa. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY IX TJL1M SAT OT SrClAI.I8TM you waste time and money selecting your help. WB ABB SPXCXAAXSTS The beat ability in ths cUy Is listed with us. Qlve us your needs let us aaslat you no charare to employers. WIKT. ir. ft BOBD ABSB. Unit 7aa W. Y. nt, Tel. Done:. 4883 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. B. B. CXiOTZBs Oem. Kjrz. Suit 404 Be. Building. HEFERENCB AGENTS. BOW WOULD YOU XUKS EZPEBTS to secure your help, saving you tlmt and. money. Competent Clerical. Sales snd Technical Help furnished em ployers, without charge. OCABAVTEI BET. A STXBBTT CO Phons Bed. S444. S3S-4 Brandels Bldf. OFFICE Sl'PPLIES. Office Supplies XTerytblns from Pis to a Tiling Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO., 10th and Pamam Sts OFFICE SVPPLIES. LOOSE LEAF DEVICES Tiling Cabinets, Piles and Ledgers, Office natures and gtuppllea of All Binds. Anchor Publishing Co. 308 B. 16th St. Tel. oug. B56B. TYPEWRITERS. We will rent you a Typewrit er as low a3 $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Exohsnfe laOT Parnaia Phoao Bong. 80S Al'TOMOBll.K.S AND SAFES. J. J. DERIGUT & CO. MTiolewaJo and Retail ' Safe and Aatotvobilcs 1814-1818 FARNAM 8TRKKT Order, Jewelry aa Prem. Uendt WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOIEBI AHB DXSTBIBUTOBS Wholraai. Lralrts in BOVBLTLE. PREMIUM GOODS BtaU Order Sappues of All BUuss First CUai As.nta Qtcd OMAHA, NKB. Center of The total annual wealth production of the coun try Omaha serves as the financial, commercial and Industrial center, is In excess of one billion dollars. The amount la beyond comprehension. It Is larger than the national debt of the United States. It IS greater than the sum appropriated by congress for . all the expensces of government for two years. It Is more than ten times as large as the rapitallZHtton of -the Standard Oil trust. Yet that value In farm pro ducts and live stock Is produced every year In the terTl-' tory that Is reached by Omaha manufacturers and Jobbers and Ftock and grain dealers every day In the year. In these columns last week, it was shown that the values of the wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, wild and tame hay and potatoes produced In this region amounted to $567,227,300 for the year 1907. Great as that showing Is, It Is, but a little more than half STATES Nebraska. .... Iowa South Dakota. Montana Wyoming Idaho Washington. . . Utah Colorado. Kansas. . Totals I I 1264,937,9001 $16,063,5001 Grand Total , Add Value of Ornin, Hay and Potatoes : Grand Total of Live Stock, Grain and Hay... JEWELERS AND 'WATCHMAKERS .III J. STILUS 6. Slsssead baert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Special attention to complicated and Intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. Boom t Paztoa Block. '"MM JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafson d'llenricksort Snoosssors to P. B. FXODVAST ft) OO." Jewelers CSL Watchmakers 1614 Cafitol Avemaa. PHOTOGR API1ERS. BBW LOCATIOB WBAB BLDO. 18th and Parnam PHOTOGRAPHERS. MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 517 SOUTH 16th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OBiaiBAL PAXBXBSS BBBTZST LArgest and Plnest Dental OTflM Wast of OhloasTO Salt 4. Bushman Blk., 14th and Dong. HAIR STORE. SEE MONHEITS EXOLUSITB XAZB STOBB Por BTerythlnr la Hair Goods, Stair Work, Mair Dressing, Switches, Wigs and Topees. 1411 P ABB AM ST., OMASA, BBS, Telephone Douglas UU. OPTICIANS. Ths H. J. Penfold Co. WB LEAD. ' OTXCBBS POLXOW SCXXBTXPXO OPTXOXABS Sea Ou Bew Torto Lenses 1401 Farnam St. Omaha. Nek. 1 Oily Oil, tnady, Mineral Waters. Imported OUre Oil Bireot Prom Italy U I6 per gallon. Special prices to dealers. Agenta for lluyler's fine candles. Fresh dally. Agents for WhlU Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myera-XiUloa Drug Oa. lath and Parnam. Engineer am Mfgr. Machinist. P. MELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS MABTrPACTTTBrsa ABB IX PAZBXBO OP ALL BXBBS 1 OP MACBXHBBT Ereetlng and Conaaltlng Bngtaeera N. E. Cor. ltth and Howard St.. Omaha. WAGON BCILDER9. UNDREW MURPHY & SON Wacom Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILEHS. WUittOI STEAM BOILE1A CO. Ign. el fssilar rtae aa rtrc Bex Brrf ll sad water Tasks. I Slack. amS berrfciu - Braalrlaf tad Baa4 bellrr Beagat Factory 19th and Pierce Jta., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH R. LEI1MER. eadqnarters for BTerythlng? Blectrioal JtaUway. Steam and still BnppUew , Prompt Shipment and Sattalsotloa Gnarsntss. 1213 TASRAM STREET ELEVATOHS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passeostr and rrtlobt Elevators IVPPUCS and BEFAIttlNO Phoas Baaglaa BT. 184 B. lirth St. 107 SOUTH 16th STREET a Billion Dollar Region the value of the live stock on the farms, ranches and ranges In the country that pay Omaha tribute. In the eleven Btates that are reached 'by Omaha dealers In different lines Is found the greatest live stock wealth In the nation. The people of these states are rich. Their farm products and live stock are available assets for which there Is always a ready and active market. With these resources, the people In Omaha's territory have no dread of ranlcs. 'The value of the live stock, Including horses, mules, cattle, sheep and swine, In the Otnaba country Is In excess of $800, 000,000. Tho figures herewith appended are for the close of the year ot 1906 and are taken from the official reports of the department of Agriculture They furnish additional reasons for emphasizing Omaha's importance In the development of the most prosperous section of the most prosperous' nation In the world. The figures:: Port Used AU Ax All All All H H All All Horses Mules ,362,900 fi3.HSl.000 SI, 750. 000 10.350,000 6.127.000 7.635.000 8.3SH.000 , 6,58.oon 8.310.000 17,216.000 32,282.000 V: 063,000 550.000 5.0il() 237.600 100,000 163.000 104.000 252.000 219,000 942,0110 ,822.000 PLVMBING. 8 ANJTARJY PLUMBINO. T. F. DALFE . nmornro, kot watts abb STBAM XBATXVa Oaa amd Bleotrlo Ptstorea sVspalr Work a Specialty Tea. JO. T4A - 1807 BToward St, CLEANING AND PLEATING. Pleating All Kinds' ....DYEING AND CLEANING.... RUCHINOS, BUTTONS, ETC Bend for price list and samples IDEAL PLEATING CO. 901 Bouglat Block. Omaha. Heb. CORNICE WORKS. Ooraloe Bm 188s. Steal OelUsgs OABTBB VWT.mi .BTBTAXi WOBXS PlnlaJa, Metal Beaflng', Taaka, Sky. llghta, Sheet MetaL Fire Proof Win dows. Large Stock of Matal OeUlng 1711-20-22-! ML Earys Avenue Tel. Doug. 491. Omaha. electric signs. saa us pob ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TBI DOTJOLAB 1089.. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS. Gas and Electric Fixtures BLRCESS-GRADEN CO. ' Tel. Seaf . CM US S. lKh St. GAS -WATER HEATERS. Why heat up your coal range Just to heat water when ai Gas Water Heater w'iI you anough hot water for a bath In a few minutes. We seU them. OMAHA GA8 CO. STEEL ENGRAVING. PRINTING, ETC. KOTERA (ZL COMPANY Steel snd Copper Plat En graving, Emboaalng and Printing 1111 Jackjaa SL, CmaAa. Nts. ENGRAVING. HALF-TONE tl ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING. ANIMAL FEED. A. W. WAGNER Wholesale sat Retail DesJer Is FEED FOR ANIMALS fat, Douglas 1149 -S-U N. loth Su. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS. M. ROSENBLATT Wholeeals XCay, Braa, Oata, Peed BiEHT OKADBa OP COAL Otfloa, Coal Tard and Otnla sosrato Tel. 1.1 L U2I Nicholas SL WHOLESALE SHOES. Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. 'a STANDARD FOOTWEAR BAB PBOTXB BXBT BT TSST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Move. Packs and Stores Household Goods. Poagla 1689 IsOT Parnam f I T n r- ILyncfi Pr oscar Sheep Swine 90,601.600 83.225.000 38.320.000 19,353,000 18. 155.00(1 7.267,000 6,310,000 $ 1 1, 20 19 U 1 8 11 6 873,000 6011,000 845,000 800,000 704.000 000,000 300,000 711.300 35. 46, 496.000 280.000 100,000 612.000 1 41.000 826,000 650,000 . 750,000 422.800 091.000 000,000 6.385,000 7,877,000 83.175,000 34,220.000 171,000 955.000 322.000 $323,888,6001 $98,181,3001 $tOO,248,80O $ 803.313.100 667,277.300 $1,370,690,4,00 RESTACR A,NTS. DESIGNERS. Lt us DRAW you. a DRAWING that Will DRAW you trade. B. O. BVBBBLX. A CO, Commercial Artists 82i N. Y. Life . Douglas 614 BCILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Build Ton Horns for Ton and Let Ton Pay for It Like Bent 91-38 V. S. BATIOBAX BABX BLDG. Phone. Dour. 4503 , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT Ws are sola areata for Lowe 'Bros. XClgu Standarl Paints mmyM-m-m MS a AWUrj TaUIl and 8. A Sf. Jap-A-Lao, P. A l Bnkote and a oompleta Una of Tarnish Call or write for color oard. Myers-Dillon Drug- Co. BBDOSl PAIHTTl 18tk and Parnam. 1418 Marn.y. SIGN PAINTING. S. D. COIE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Every Description ISOS Doaflaa St. Tel. sons. 9819 FIRNACES. AMERICAN FIRNACE BUILT Lim-B A BOTLEB CLEAB, DURABLE, ECOBOMXOAX, W. S. HEATON 1818 Bo. 84th St. 'Phons W.b. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No job too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam Bta, PRINTING. 1W PRINTING. "Have Root Print If . . 1210-191 S Howard St. Omaha. Nebraska, Tslstptton Doug! 1604 PRINTING. Geo, S. Basil Albert Slmma 6NKIX I'RIXTIXG CX), PABTICXTLAB PBXBTXBS S10 South 19th St., Omaha, Bah. Telephone Deoglas 8784 OOLOB WOBX . -1- XMBOBSZBO PRINTING Imitation Typcwritteu Lttr. Praetloal Printing, Bo Job Too Largs or loo Small. WOBX BUOBT PAICXS BIOBT AXCTIOB fUBUSHIXU OO. '306 fto. lath St. Tel. Doug. 3959 PRINTING. OOBTIBXBTAL PRIST BBOP ALL WORK AB ao ttLUj v w. cheaper than ths Best. Get our estimates and save monsy. Telephone Douglas 4503. Boom 81 U. S. Bat 1 Bank Building, OMABA, I I I BMBAIIA. PRINTING. Cattle J TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB THE BEST BOOSTERS JfOR "A1 IDalSXb WB MA SB TAB P1IAJ-KCT B2B9 MANGUM & CO. reUphoave 188 10 Be. 18th BH. REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. But and a.11 Collect Bants. Bant Property. BEAJU B STATS. Xo Money en Baal XI state. 1804 PABBABt ST. REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS SAL ESTATE. SPECIAL' ATTIW. TION TO CARE OT FBOFESTIIt. IW80BANCE. REST T ALB ABD INVESTMENTS 43 rice nidg. Thrine Doug. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. HEAL r.STATB and XBTESTatXBTS Farm and Bunch Land for Sale or Trade. 308 S. 18th St. ' Tel. Dong. 8B89 REAL ESTATE. A Fine 8-Room Modern House Bear 35th and Tarnam. CO "I A ft Will sell for plUtFU Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1693 PABBAK. TsL Dong. 419 REAL ESTATE. TJ YOU w'"h your property well rented and given proper attention. Rive us the agency. THE MCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1508 Bodga St. TsL Doug. 41S REAL ESTATE. 6709 B. 84th Bt Bew T-Boom Home, S. B. Pront, Corner Lot, 93,8001 600 Cask, $95 Per Month. J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 1863. REAL ESTATE. III I iro 4 Fasnam 4. 11 L REAL ESTATE. 1808 St. Tel. Doug. 8887 Shimer Q Chase Co. BAAL SSTATB, lBTBSTMBBTS, BIBTaU, XBSTBABOB TflXnBBS OP MODBBB BOVS3U ' Omaha, Bsbraaka REAL ESTATE. J. B. DTJMOKT. J. B. SUHOTt. J. H. DUMONT & SON BXAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BOKDS BEBTALS, LOABS, PXBB XBSUBABCB .60S PABBAK STREET, TsL Douglas 880. OMASA. REAL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. CTTT BZAX ESTATE, LOABS ABB aiiaTtil, LABDS ABB BABCBB8 "The "Alfalfa Land Mas" Main Flo. N. Y. L Bldg., Omaha, REAL ESTATE. ALFRED C. KENNEDY BAAL XBTATT, LOABS, XBSUBABCB, . BEBTALS 908 First Batlonal Bank 80110108-, Tel. Dong. T99. OXAXA, BBS. REAL ESTATE. Bew House 4115 Doors Street ' Mo.lern house of 7 rouins and re ception hall; finished irt oak down stairs, huld wood doors and finished floors throughout. Price, $4,750. Can make terms to rood party. JOHN W. ROBBINB 1809 r.rntm Tel. Doug. 828 HEAL ESTATE. D. V. SQ0LES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABS OP TBADB Tel. Douglas 48. HEAL ESTATE. iMuln Berka Chaa. 8t.lger DERKA a CO. BXAL SSTATB City Property, Parm Laads, Lonns, InT.rtm.nta snd Pire Xncaraaee Office: 988 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Dourlas 7497. REAL ESTATE. CALL POB OUB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS 81,000 to 91.600 Each Harrison & Morton 819 V. Y. Life Tel. Dong. 914 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $9,000,000 TO LOAB on Improved city property. If demred loana can be closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 503 TIRST BATXOBAL BABX BLDO. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 617 New York Life Euilding, ' Real Estate. Investments. REAL ESTATE. GEORGE CI CO. Real Eatata Abatraota ef Title lavaatmant Seouritles 1601 rrnam St OmcJia. Nab. HEAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Mala Ploor, H. T. Life Bldg, 1'ORTCACE 10WS. REAL 1 STATE. KLNTALS, LVSLBWCE REAL ESTATE. HOMK l.NVKST.MKNT lUIUi.MN Hnnscom I'urk illatrlit. M-room house: lot fronts on two paved streets. room to build another hotisn $33. XATlOXAIi INVKSTMKNT CO. rHI-.82 ItrniKtflN IUiIk. REAL ESTATE. HOME BUILDER All work first-clans, will draft your plans without extra expense, let us show you some of our buildings now under construction. 0 P TRAVER 'Phone red 4791. U. r. lfvJiVi.rS4JS-M B. T. Life. REAL ESTATE. CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have :5,000 ncrcs ef !rr!eatrd land in the Upper Knnke Kiver Valley. If interested call or write for terms. Excursions every lt A d TuesUaya W. S. PBABXC Phone Dong. 3goo sal rrvllle Blk. REAL ESTATE. WALK UT BILL Wine-Boom Rouse, south front, large lot, water, light, only half block to car. 98,850. Bes us for terms. O'Keefe Real Est&te Co. 1001 N. Y. Life Bids. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne. 8. P. Bostwick, E. M. Slater PAYNE, BOSTWICIC CX)MPAXY BEAT. ESTATE, BETVTALS GITT LOABS, IX BU RAW OS MaU Ploor B. T. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1014. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 439-33-84 Bamgs Bldg., 15th 8) Barney Choice building lot. $10 ca.h, per month. Good cottage homes 125 cash, $10 per month. Modern homes $100 cash, 120 per month. REAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1390 PABBAM ST. OMABA. REAL ESTATE. Investments, R.ca.1 EstsJe. Rentals, Mortage Loana INSURANCE M. J. KENNARD t& CO. S09-3I0 Brown Blook. REAL ESTATE. Beal Estate Insnranoa Abstract of Titles Loans Beatals The Byron Reed Company B19 South 14th Street Phoma 887 , t ' REAL ESTATE. BENSON MYERS 518 N. Y. Llf Bid , OMAH A Special attention given to prop rty for out-of-town client. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor Now York Life Bldg. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his books. Uaas Meaey atlac Lewes! Csrreat Bate ef taenrest REAL ESTATE. BENSON L CARMICUAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans 843 PAXTOB BLOCK. OMABA. REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. AUSTRACTORS. S. IUL SADLER & SON ! tractor and Titl EBaminr New Lwcs&ft 198 teeth HSU ft. ALSTRACTS OF TITLE. NEALE & NORTON ABS7BA0TS OP TITLX Twsaty Teirs Xzperieuoe In Omaha. 816 South Seventeenth K treat. Bee Boudlsg. AUSTRACTORS. FiildlsndGiiarzfltse&TrcstGo. Incorporated 1886 Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance 1714 Parnam St, Tel. Dong. 839 A RSTR ACTORS. EBEED ABSTRACT CO. X Oldeet Ahatraat Offie ta Nebraska. v 171$ rsTBAsi Street, OetU, Nta. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Get a gfgRF?jf Abstract 305 8. 17th StrL Pl'RLICITY DESIGNS. WHtATCH feV , VmELI BlDi