TITE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: MATCOIT 15, im 'A1 toiids IdDiiit lie Mire SttocEi I Lawrcicc HcM & Cffiiapaiy Outfitters to Women 458 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. THIS SPECIALTY STORE. CARRYING ONLY A HIGH CLASS' OF GOODS. DISCONTINUED THE RETAILING OF WOMEN'S TAILORED i-ri-T" rr i t r-x r i - r- i t t i -r r r- i- uti r- r r t-v 1 r f a 1 y t t r-v a. t r t r r- i- t a 1 t lump t a t i il i mKt " t f. t T T" T" ? f 1"? ArrAKcL. DKAlNUDlo DUUUHI 1 ilfclK ClN 1 1KC blUOf UNLUUliNU INfcW SrKUNU LllNLb Al A IN AIYIAUNU LUVV rilLDr All Hlbe Womees Skirts From this Big Stock Will Go on Sale EMPHATICALLY THE FINEST LOT OF BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED WALKING SKIRTS EVER BROUGHT, TO OMAHA FOR SPECIAL SALE. THOUSANDS HAVE ADMIRED THEM IN THE WINDOW. IT WILL BE A SKIRT SALE SUCH AS THE WEST HAS NEVER KNOWN 8 Mooday This stock was too great to bo shown all in one day. Each day this week we hold special sales from this stock. Watch our show winnows every day. 1 'rrTT ' V-e iw? r3. XjliJ -the PtjA Favorite j New ; . tf.. Models ' ' ii ilBWfiiiiiiieiriTridiMitr'ni i-inistinsMi iiMtMiiiiiiimMiHfc-WMiiitiiwi -n r-Tr iim jneiiiimiiiiwi.il unuim 1 1 1 miner i r i inn w hmhm en-Mi ! iiaiMen ilfti-' - r TMiaTii'irwVi'w' ' f js J N. rT T"rT 1 - I - - i T rSi Y V ' ' - p, On Tuesday we will sell all tha waists and petticoats from this stock Wednesday the gowns and dresses Thursday the cloaks Friday, furs Saturday, muslin underwear. urnnaets Millinery Always Fashionably Correot Exquisite Spring Hats ' The trend of Spring Fashion is clearly outlined in Brandeis' Stunning Millinery this season. The most elegant conceptions of French and American designers find repre sentation in this matchless assemblage. We mention a number of charming Hats show ing the newest style featuresgraceful shapes and artistic trimmings in those de signs that are absolutely JJ-fl TK correct, at A Very Moderately Priced Hat Include new Spanish Turban, the large Gains borough, the Merry Widow Sailor, in every new and correct 1908 shade a spe- J5 cial Brandeis' price '. 'V, Hats of Quality Rich Patterns from abroad, stunning Hats , Trom 5th Avenue's master milliners and cartful Brandeis' designs, combine to make our assemblage of hats a congress $ C of matchless millinery style, at. Special Spring Flowers Thousands of sprays of Flowers sprays with foilage American Beauty Roses, Violets, ' Daisies, June Roses, Lilacs, Sweet Peas Hyacinths, and every flower JC imaginable, at 5w Larjrencc Field & Co. Skirts Worth $5 to $121 at $2 m i'V'wrf J r v . .... - j! .... ri r Si I i f f wTOm. 1 i1 i 1 '. K O n The smartest and most elegantly made Walking Skirts in the new short length for 1908. Highest quality of man-tailoring.- Gored flares, gore pleated, plain flares and pleats, taffeta or self folds and all the newest fashion features. Voiles,- Chiffon Panamas, Panaj'a Cloths, Worsteds, Sirges, All the newest colors, browns, Copenhagen blue, navys, blacks, checks and plaids. The newest, swellest things from the Lawrence Field stock, worth as high as $12.50 each. The Lawrence Field Co. Priced These Fine Skirts $5 Up to $12.50 Each Every Skirt in This Immense Stock Is Made From the Highest Quality Materials. The Workmanship Is Perfect. Our Great otionoaononoQonoi a o a o o a o D o lonoc Sale lonoaoi of Women's Soils From the L&.wreivc Field Stock These are the stunning Tailor Suits from D the great Brooklyn Specialty house. Every p style is new and every suit is splendidly tail- crvcijr lie vy Dljrio ICUIUIU III lUHUrtJU Q ; o sits is here. Splendid special bargains for D IOC3 o D o D o D o D o a o a o n D lifonday at o .... V- O D o D o D o Q tonononoaononono OE30aOZ30E30aOI30Z30aOE30I30aOE30C30E3 M B Eionoaononoaoi o D o D o D o u o New Spring Arrivals in Drapery Dept. Lece largest and most complete assortment all' D Q kinds of Curtains and Portieres. One of the 2 most up-to-date departments in the western o 6tafes! n o D o D o D o D o n o D o D - o n o a , o a o D Npw epring patterns hlh grade Duchess, Irish Foint, and handmade Arabian Curtains, many worth up to 117.50. pair 810.00 Real hand made Arabian Curtains, our own Importa tion for spring, worth as high as $12.50 a pair, at, P,r 87.50 Tine Imported Nottingham. Irish Tolnt, Cluny and Mission Curtaius, all new goods, worth np to $7.50, P" ..$3.t)8 New spring two-tone. Colonial and mission Curtains, t- Plr $2.98 Rope Portieres, new tap eetry band and velour portieres, at 81.25 P to ; 85.08 $1.00 Furniture Fringe 5 to 8 inches deep, worth as - Vigh as $1.00 yard, at, yard We ar showing a complete assortment of Drapery EUk, Cretonne, Burlap, Madras, Snow Flake Scrim. Couch Cover Special All our regular couch covers, worth as high as $6.00. each. .2.nS 1 sonoDoaononoi o D o D o U o D u a o D o n o D o n o D o a o a o a o a Dpes&' ftois Eweil The smart French, Austrian and English newest spring t Suitings are now here. We have ' selected just the fashion's dictates. 'Grisp shadow stripe and check French Voiles with satin bars and Pekin stripes, soft clinging Drap de Panama, Lu-, pin's celebrated light weight Dress Goods, known the world over for their beautiful finish and fine, colorins, English Tailor. Suitings,, the popular chiffon Austrian Broadcloth, sponged and shrunk, ' $ i SO the newest colorings, at yard. ; lO Da dutiful New Dress Goods Georges, Meesm & Co., Roubalx, France. Voiles (well known to the finest trade) all the newest blue, maroon and pastel shades, including cream and navy, regular price $2.00 txq at, yard I CO-lnch medium weight costume Berge, all colors, worth ' QQ worth $1.25, at, yard ZJQC 64-Inch fancy tailor suitings, some mixed weaves and fancy stripes, worth $1.25 yard, at, yard O J'C Dress . Goods on Bargain Squares 44-inch Drap Batiste Chiffon Panamas, very sheer, come in broken checks and shadow stripes, 54-lnch crisp ma nr nt Voiles. 42 and 44-inch Engllah Mohairs. IlriP-h'li- HP J xs s m v values up to $1.50, on bargain siuare, yard. - Special in Black Dress Goods D 0-inch black Chiffon Panamas, deep black, always retailed at $1.00, at, yard 69c In Our New Wash Goods Dept. Main Floor Dress Goods Aisle Everything that is the newest, pretty Chiffon Lisse Voiles and satin stripe French and EngliBh Novelties, 27-inch rough linen effects and 44-inch plain Linen in all shades, beautiful embroidered French Linen Suitings, .-wrk White Goods fabrics from iJC Up Dress Goods in Basement Suitings Stripes, checks, Melanges, cream, black and all LQm colors in Mohairs, worth 65c, at, yard sIJC Sale of Elacli TagSeta From the Great Ashley-Bailey Auction Sale 125 pieces just received. These have been somewhat delayed in transit and the prices we offer on these fine black Dress Taffetas for Monday are simply astonishing. DIVIDED INTO THREE GREAT LOTS All. the 20-lnch black Taffetas, very lustrous, Ashley ft Bailey wholesale price 55c. go at, yard 42ic All the 36-lnch and 32-inch oil boiled dress makers Taffeta, Ashley-Bailey whole sale price $1.10. as long as they last, yd. 87ie All the SO-lnch and . 27-Inch spfK'lal gTvn and rtd edges, wear Koaranteed. woven In th elvage. No finer black taffeta made rettilla at 1 1.25 and tl.39. at yd 69c Ashley CO. Bailey's Dlack Crepe de Chine Satin Meteor Crepe de Auteil, Crepe Hengnline, 2-1 inches wide, fine deep black, Ashley & llailey whole- Q sale price 92M:c, very special Monday, yard UrC Ashley & Bailey' Colored Silks Grestly Reduced Changeable Taffetas 20 inches wide, in dark and med ium combinations and cream nnd Mack, Ashley & Bailey wholesale price 421ic -limit of 20 yards to a SC customer, at yard '. dZtZJC Glace Louisine, check and stripe Habutai washable nothing more serviceable fora cool summer and outing gown or children's dresses, Ashley & llniloy C wholesale price 40c, nt yard m3C FANCY SILK SUITINGS Fancy Novelty Hough lV.ngce, Tusrau Dvt Kilks, Iuntiali Silks, Pekin Stripe and Cheek Shantungs.Shndow Clieck and Stripe Taffetas, ltoman Stripe, finest grade of Plain Dress and Lining Taffetas nnd Pretty Foulards, worth from $1.00 to $1.50, on bargain fn f Q scjuare, at yard C" 0 J C Smart Rough Silk Suitings in silk department Monday, extreme creations, the new blues Ofl e i and browns galore, at yard Oi J lODononononoD? Wgabll!llE.II Linen Bargains Monday (00 Drummtri' Sample Table Clot ha, 8-10 alsa and all pure ltnen. values up to 1.75. Monday, each 8e. Blr lot of fine Sample Table Cloths, mostly 8-10 slxe bsmstltnhed and selvage, all linen, worth up to 1 5, Monday each 91M anA a.60. , Fins quality Table Pamask, t yards widrt, all linen, full bleached Helfaat goods, worth un to $1.25, Monday yard fSo. 11 Inch mercerlxed Dinner Napkins, 11.60 value, Mon day, dosen SSo. to quality bleached cotton twilled Tom-din, yard SVie. rlemmed and fringed Huck Towts, the kind that Hells St a 6a dosen. at each SVic larga sice neinmed crochet Bed Spreads, worth up to 11.15. each 75a. Henalsaancs Lac Scarfs and Center Pieces, worth tl 00. each . ti Inch Hemstitched Squares with openwork, worth lid, each XSe. Hair Goods Second FUor, New SUre Halrdresslns;. shampooing, mani curing, facial tna.snage, siitlp treatment, etc. Wavy or stralKht hair. Extra quality ft. 00 swltrhea. at J-8 Pompadours, at 13.60 Purrs. (-Inch row for Sl.88 tine quality puffs, i-lnth row S3.00 IS-lnch awltch. at MM Two nets for Monday, only..85o HrandHs llountit ' Uio Kritlrc HUMk of Men's and Women's SHES from Drs Molnrs . partmcnt Htftrr, Kale lU-gins Next THt'KSDAY. ARTICLES for LENTON DEVOTION IUwarlrn, (Vtu'ifUes, KU), In Oar IkNilt iiart irwnU Main i1ixr, Special Sale of Very Fine Embroideries Allovers, Wais tings. Skirtings 18 and 27-inch fine embroid eries, novelty walstings and wide panel effects many novel and unusal designs kjt jrs, values up to $1.00 a ) yard, at yard Nw Lots Embroideries. 19c-29c Skirtings, Flouncings and CJortset Cover Em broideries, wide Insortingg and Galloons; very fine fabric, thou- 10 iQn 6ands of yards, at yard lyC&wrC Embroideries in Medium Widths Insertions, Galloons and Edges up to 10 inches wide, fine - Cambric, Swiss, Nainsook in three lots, at yard........ VaC-Sc-lOc Fancy Trimming Laces Bands, Galloons, Insertions, Net Tops and Irish Crochet effects, worth f C llQ to 50c yard, at yard lJCsJ'C New Lots of Laces Great bargain tables filled with these splen did bargains in French and German Vals. and Torchons, 2 lots, Zl at yard........ J 2C-DC onononononononononononononon Just Received Another D o Q Shipment of the Celebrated p 8 Per rin s Gloves p o D o a o n o a We are sole agents in Omaha. , These gloves are made of finest selected Grenoble kid with three clasp fasteners or fancy pearl buttons, in all . the newest Bpring shades Including tan, brown, russet, mode, 2 pongee, red, green, navy, black, white and all even- U lng shades, 12 and 16-button r CA CM S lengths. Prices .JU-Pl, o Also a complete line of shades and sizes in g u o D o n o D o n o a o D one, two and three clasp, at, pair , Two Clasp Glove French Lambskin, black and colors, all sizes, every pair fitted, f (f Monday 1.50-$2 lions' Olovss, 12 and 16 button lengths, real kid and French lambskin black, brown and tan. gv3:.?: 2.50-2.98 Long Gloves Milanese Lisle, 16-button length, black, white and tan, all Sizes. worth $1.26, at, pair JC lonononononononononoao nonoaononononononoao 8 Monday Specials in u o D o a o a o a o a o a o a New Spring Rugs are here. Select now and have it sent out later if you like. ononoao D o 0 o a o a o a u Special Showing of Sanford's Celebrated D Axminster Rugs Those rich Oriental pat terns so much sought after. The spring lino is complete, 9x12 size, at $25.00. 8-3x10-6 size, at $22.50. rf 0-12 Beumlrss Brussels Rags Best quality large selection of pat terns a rug well worth $25.00 Monday special 2 Brussels Rugs All new paiierns, iiorai and Oriental, 0-12 size, at ...$16.50 p We are (Jmaha agents ror the ueiebrated Eng- p o glish Wilton Rugs, seamless and of the high- jj est quality. Light or dark Persian patterns. P A rug sold everywhere for $60, 550 D 2 our price is. , JZJ g 0 Q onoooaononociononondnoaoDoaoa !r.d.Y...18 g 31 '. L J i ;