Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    OMAHA SUNDAY IT: MAHCTT 13. lfttf.
Kakfi a Showing of ZLeceSpta at
Various Stations in State.
All Bat Tots Wftki of Ilia Realdeaee
la Xehraska Speat la Prlava, aal
Sara II Will Behave It
(ilv.a "III Release.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 14. (Special.) The Mis
souri Pacific Railroad compary baa re
ported the value of Its real estate to the
Ptats Board of Awummt to be Assessed
under tha provision of the terminal tax
law srd it alo report that It la another
one of the road doing business In Nebraska
at a Inns. The earning Include tha Pacific
railroad In Nebrsskn. the Missouri Pacific
rot he In separated from the branch. Tha
fcr .in earning In Nebraska amounted to
drfl'lt In Nebraska. Including
the Pacific railway, tl51.tt9.S2. From tha
0leraMnp of the entire system for the
year the receipt amounted to $?3.11R.Ji.Ji;
Incime from rtlirr sources. $'.PTl,MS.(16;, In
come from operation, S.fi4i. re.M. ' The real
estate la described and valued according to
piece, lmt the total for each town la not
given. Tlie follow-in; show tha earning
of the two road by town:
Income on Income on
Citv. business In. business out.
F.HI City 1 4.4U.M
t H.1S 39
f'ansma l.ts .M
Hickman fV
I'.ethany Height .. " ?
.4 57
32.7JI 11
U. 14 74
7.313 42
M ! 9
.K4 19
t IMS. 2
2o4.5ro 9
Julian -.
Nebraska City .....
prlrgfleld .
W-t-r-lnK Water ,
V 1 it wood
fin. alia
Pun ij Ox-aha
rjt su-
Jft "Kft 5t
J 1S5- "3
1,21 !1
1 17.M
1.1s 40
.v. 4iv M
p.riy:c railway jn Nebraska
; Iuks .B1! ..SS
.T-!n;tii s:.i3 4.4:111
Suneri:r ".1 r3 K .'i3.39
I.nw rc-nce 1.3J7.12 2.974.15
Vnlue of renl estate owned by the Pacific
railway and suhjert to taxation under the
terminal tax law !s a follow: Hastings,
tl.KO; Juniata.; Lawrence. $500; Supe
rior, J3; Smith Superior, $950.
Kan ford M'aata a Parole.
Harry Sanforti. a resident of Nebraska
for two weeks and then aentenced to the
penitentiary for aeven yeara for robbery,
11 year old and a teamster by occupation,
wants to be paroled. He began hla sen In July, 1505, having been Bent up
from Cheyenne county, where he waa em
ployed with a railroad gang. He ha writ
ten a letter to .Oovertior Sheldon In which
re rays among other thing: "Some author
has sa'd (Spencer, I believe.) 'many men
endeavor In every conceivable way to do
wrong before they will do right". To that
class r belong." He aayB In hla letter that
he owe hi downfall to evil associate
and a belief that to do wrong was an In
dication of smartness, cloalng a follow:
"But If you will beatow upon me your ju
dicial prerogative by granting me a pa
role I w'l! hr.neatly and energetically strive
to. make 1 full and complete atonement
for t.e runt I will, while there la yet time,
assort the rwtt.T port o my manhood by
henceforth living a career which shall be
charactered by usefulness. Integrity and
sobriety, Always remembering that my
final hearing wll" oe held before Him In
whom true belief I ever elevating and
convincing." .
Kara Gradaate.
Graduating exercise of the claa of the
Nebraska Orthopedic Hospital Training
School for Nurses were held In the office
f'f I -a ml Commissioner Eaton at the state
house tonlg,t In the presence of a dis
tinguished company of visitors, Including
the state officers. The graduates are Mis
Edith Mullen, Miss Bessie Blxby, Mrs.
I.nella Ptaht. Mis Elisabeth Rogers, Miss
Mary Oapron. The graduates will lenve
In April for Bellevue hospital. New York,
where they will take a poet -graduate
course. Bellevue I the home of Ml Hard
wlok. the head nurs.i at the orthopedic
hospital, and Miss Hardwick mad arrange
ments for the' noat-pritd-jate eoursa when
In the east last The program to
night consisted of a prayiT ami addres
by Rev. William Dal. h of Trinity church.
Pr. Lord. surjerlJiVniVnt if the hospital;
farewell address by Mi ".a Ilardwlek; pre
sentation of diplomas by Ind Commis
sioner Eaton: violin solo by Ray Orr and
a piano solo by Miss Malone.
Dlaeaaaloa of I.laaor Qaestloau
Sunday evening the prohibition question
will be discussed at Trinity Methodist
church by State Superintendent McRrten;
W. D. Redmpnd. former member of the
legislature and clerk In the office of the
state superintendent, and Thomas H. Pratt,
city clerk and clerk of the exciae board.
T'.ie fljtit In Lincoln 1 warming up as
the days grow longer and meeting are
being held In practically all of the churches
very 8 inday for the discussion of the
Arcaaataat ataaaa Pat,
Some tima ago Btate Accountant Fair
field tiled a report of his Investigation of
the Institute for the Feeble Minded Youth
at ( Beatrice, In which he commented on
thq luck of en Invoice of the storeroom.
To this state officer took exception for
the reason that an Invoice of the tore
room waa taken last September when the
head of the Institution was changed. Mr.
Fairfield ha riled a second report. In
which he shows that there are two store
room at the Institution, on la which the
supplies bought by the state are kept and
one In which supplies for the sewing room
are kept. The goods In this storeroom are
bought by parents, guardlana or counties
front which inmate have been sent. No
Invoice of this storeroom la on file at th
state house, so the supplemental report
Beads far Sehaal PaasU
The Slat Board of Educational Lands
and Funds this afternoon invested $4t.0u0
trut fund (a bonds of other state. The
bond were bought through a Lincoln bond
broker. The bonds bought were as fol
low s v Two hundred and twenty-four thou
sand dollars of the suite of Teen bus. to
net the state 4 Ms per cent; $3JM0O certlfl
catea of indebtedness lsued by tha Uni
versity of Minnesota, to net the atate 4. S3
per cent.
Keya Paha fssstf Mast Raas AsraJast
Caaaa Law.
BAS8ETT. Neb.. March II (Special. In
a consignment of twelve tubs of allegod
butter shlpptd by Helnrtch Thomsea of
Burton. Keya Paha county, to a firm In
Chicago recently the station agunt bare
discovered that one of the tubs contained
prairie chickens. The agent Immediately
telegraphed Game Warden R- W. liyer at
Lincoln and he came and took charge of
the chicken and went Over to Burton.
where he found eleven sour chicken in the
possession of Mr. Ttiousen. whom he Im
mediately arrested. Thomson pleaded guilty
before Justice M. A. Klopton and paid a
fias of tUi.M and costs.
Thutnseo runs a creasaery at Burton and
Talks on Teeth
How frequently you hear such express-
Ions as "she never ought to laugh
"her teeth spoil her beauty" "What a
pity h hasn't good teeth." etc.. etc, etc
A we have often ald before In these
brief announcement, good teeth and good
look go hand In hand. Tber was an ex
cuse for poor teeth before the discovery
of in ALVEOLAR METHOD ef supply
lng missing teeth without the aid of par
tial plates or so-called bridge work. There
was nothing better offered when teeth
were loose, diseased, decayed or missing
but to fill 00 the hole with a row of, what
were rightfully termed, "false teeth.'
They deceived nobody they were as false
In looks as In name.
You can Imagine tha sensation that waa
created when the ALVEOLAR METHOD
waa first brought to the attention of the
American people. We promised that we
could duplicate natural teeth ao closely
that It would be impossible to oistlngmlsa.
tse artlflcai from the Baturai. People
were Incredulous we had a vast amount
of skepticism to overcome In the begin
ning, but now we can refer to so many
people who are wearing these beautiful
teeth and enjoying them for they ore
not alone good to look at but are good to
use that there la hardly a community In
this country but what we can refer to one
or more patients of ours who are wearing
those teeth. This method Is practically
painless. There Is no surgery, boring or
cutting t-?o the rums connected with It -therein
nothing about It In any way that
you need dread. If you have two or more
teeth left In either jaw and are wearing a
partial plate or a torturesome bridge, ws
want you to do one of two things either
come to our offices and have a free ex
amination made of your teeth, a service
which we perform absolutely free, and
without obligating you In any way, or If
you are not near enough to call In person
write tor our booklet entitled "ALVEO
LAR DENTISTRY" which we send free
upon request. If you wlllread this book
carefully we believe It will awaken a de
sire on your part to come to our offices
and have this work done, no matter how
great the sacrifice of time or money. The
work la not expensive, and doe not entail
much of a sacrifice of time to complete.
ALVEOLAR TEETH and good look go
hand In hand, and good health follow as
a matter of course.
We shall hope that this short talk will
be the mean of causing you to either call
or write today for further particular re
garding thia, the most remarkable achieve
ment of dental science of modern times.
CAUTION Look out for imitators and
impostors, a -the orlgnal Alveolar method
cannot be had outside of the office
given below. Chicago, New York, Boston,
and suits lid New York Life building.
umana, is a a.
it appear that he ha ahiDDed aevoral
Duncnea or chicken during the last winter
Loot Poaad la Hla Saoa sad He May
Expose Associates.
GERING, Neb.. March 14.-4lTneclal.i
The hardware atore of Fred D. Wolt was
entered by burglars last night and about
$300 Worth of knives, watches, jewelry,
gun and revolver atolen. Thl afternoon
Sheriff Westervelt found all the foot se
creted In the ahoe ahop operated by Paul
Dooley ot Scott's Bluff, three miles dls-
:snt. and the young man was placed under
arrest. It Is understood ha admits hla
guilt and that others are Implicated with
h'.m In this end other of a series of burg
ages along the North-Platte vallev. mnrt
that he may expose hla associates. Young
Dooley is a member of a highly reanected
family, but has attracted some suspicion
oy bis own conduct.
M oa lei pal Fight la Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 14. (Special. V-
Conslderable Interest Is bemg taken In the
spring municipal election with reference tj
the question of license or no license, and
there promises to be a lively fight at the
polls between the prohibitionists and high
license forces. The time limit allowed for
the filing of petition for names to appear
upon the primary ballot expired Friday
noon, and the following names will consti
tute the republican lineup on the ticket for
the primary election, to be held next Tues
day: Councllmen First ward. Theodore
Horn. J. L Schlek, A. P. Sage; Second
ward, C. F. Allen. H. H. Norcross; Third
ward. W. H. Davidson. C. J. McColl, Cha.
Sanders; Fourth ward. C. F. Gale; police
Judge. E. E. Ellis; Board of Education, B.
H. Begole, W. W. Duncan and M. L
This ticket comprise a number of pro
hibitionists, and the supporter of high li
cense will endeavor to elect their men on
the aldermanic board.
Aaalaaa'a First Brick Balldlag.
ASHLAND. Neb.. March 14 Sru-t.i .
The first brick building to be ereete.l In
Saunders county waa rased to tha ground
this week and the brick sold to a local
builder. The vid building. which was
erected In 187. stood on Main creek, close
to Bait creek, and not far from Saline
ford, or the old California trail from Ne
braska City. It was used in an riv h.
tor a general merchandise store and a
Its cure will depend upon the medicine
you take Thst Hoods BaraaparllU Is
the right remedy Is shown by Its thous
ands of cures of pimples, bolls, ecxema,
scrofula, psoriasis, and all other forms
and condltlona of blood disease. A medi
cine that has made such mighty cure
must be the medicine for you.
ataaea Vsak BtroagWl would give i
a bottle for Htod' Barsapaxllla if I could
not buy U for tea. It la the best blood
medicine. It makvs the weak atrong "
Albert A Jagnow, Douglaatown. N. Y.
Voam Oat "My son took Hood's Sar
sapartlla when be was troubled witn a
tlrvd. worn-out feeling, and It has cured
him. I believe Hood's has ao eiual as a
tonio and blood purifier." Mrs. John
Woolly. Sparta. Wla
Hood's Oarsaparill?
la asual liquid form or la chocolated
tablets called Kanunlaba. 100 do f l.
saloon. No public business ha occupied
It since 17$. It was Isat used for religion
services about fourteen year sto. It ha
been In an unsafe condition for several
years, the wall threatening to fall at any
Father Forced o nieaorao Mowey lie
Reeelved 01 Her Aerssst,
FREMONT. Neb.. Marrh 14-(Special.)
It took a Jury in the district court yester
day afternoon only a few minutes to de
cide thst John Helndrlckson owed . hi
daughter, Anna Helndrlckson. $400, money
which he had received from the man who
had ruined her.
The girl' mother died when she waa 7
year old and her father, a wealthy farmer,
sent her to live with relative In Iowa.
The cause ot her ruin, which occurred
when she waa only IS, was her own uncle.
The father made a settlement with Mm on
behalf of his daughter, received the money
and kept the $400. While tha father never
directly refused his daughter a home at hla
residence the conditions were such a to
make It almost Impoaathle for her to re
main there. Omaha friends Intereated
themselves In her behalf and the suit re
sulted. The case was hotly contested on
both sides.
Blagham Served Tern la Pea.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Marcn 14. (Spe
cial.) In looking over the record of the
court of thl county it has been found
that Bingham, the man recently convicted.
In company with hla wife, at Chicago, on
the charge of kidnaping a little girl and
making her beg for them on the streets
and sentenced to the penitentiary for
thirty yeara, was sent up from thl county
some twelve yqar ago for burglarising a
school house in the southern part of the
county and served the state for fifteen
Temperance Galas la Saaadera.
ASHLAND. Neb.. March 14. (Speclal.)
The temperance movement appear to be
spreading through Saunders county not
withstanding Its large population of foreign
birth or extratlon. A number of the smaller
towns. Including ' Malmo and" Weston, are
agitating the question. At a maas meeting
at Memphis this week the citlsen decided
to fight the saloons In that town. The tem
perance element will have a ticket In the
field at the spring election In Ashland
seeking election on the issue of no saloon
in this city.
Boy Killed at Treat oa. .
TRENTON, Neb., March 14. (Special.)
Walter Herts, son of J. W. Herts, was run
over by Burlington passenger No. 4 last
night and Instantly killed. It was not
known until about five minute after it
happened, but the general opinion is that
It was accidental, while playing with tome
other boy when the train was pulling out.
Nebraska Krs re Motes.
OERMANTOWN The Literary society
will give it final entertainment on April 3.
BEATRICE The worst dust storm In
years swept over this vicinity Saturday
PLATT8MOUTH B. E. SnodgTasa has
sold his Interest in the livery business In
this city to his partner, Charles Martin.
PLATTSMOUTH The recent rains and
warm weathe, has caused the grass to
grow and the lawns are beginning to look
TRENTON The First National bank Is
now In Its new building and Is one of the
best equipped banks In southwestern Ne
braska. BEATRICE The Beatrice High school
basket ball team defeated the Western
team at Western Friday night by a score
of 19 to IS.
TRENTON The spring election will be
Interesting. There, will be two tickets In
the field. The license question will be
voted upon.
GENEVA The body of the late Samuel F.
Fry. who shot himself, was taken to his
old home in Iowa for burial, the family
going with It.
GENEVA Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wood
worth are traveling In Mexico. Mr. Wood
worth until - recently, was a drug mer
chant of Geneva.
WEST POINT Nearly half the money
reeded for the erection of the proposed
new auditorium In West Point has been
subscribed by the cltiiens.
TRENTON Work on the new UT itand
nlrje Is Drogresslng very nicely. When
completed Trenton will have one of the
best water systems In the state.
SEWARD The petition for the submis
sion of the license or no license question
was filed with the city clerk. No call for
city caucuwes has yet been made.
SEWARD Six boys and nine glrla will
graduate from the high school this year.
The 1 class will give a play soon entitled
"The Merchant of Venice Lp-to-Date."
PAPILLION The county commissioners
settled with the treasurer at their last
meeting. There waa $B.(W0 in the treasury
and not a dollar of bonded Indebtedness.
SEWARD Joe Barnes of near Beaver
Crossing was badly burned by escaping
steam from a threshing machine en (one.
It waa feared at first that his eyesight
would be Impaired.
BEATRICE The "Dutch" ball team has
been organised for the seaaon by the elec
tion of Herman Wttkofskl a captain and
Joseph Lang manager. The nine Is ready
to meet all comers.
BEATRICE Mrs. Elisabeth Baker, a na
tive of Germany, died at her home arx
teen miles southwest of Beatrice. Thurs
day night. She wss U years of age and
leave four children. v
TRENTON James Keeney, one of the
prosperous farmers of Driftwood precinct
died of pneumonia and was burled this
week, leaving a wife and six children, the
oldest 15 years of age.
CAMBRIDGE! The marriage of Mlas
Grace Overbolser and Mr. Charles Shelly
of this city took place Thursday at Mo
Cook. The bride came here from Indiana.
The bridegroom was born and raised In
A INS WORTH Married, at the home of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mr. J. J.
Nlchol. Miss Laura Nichols to Frank
Lockman of Belivllle. Rev Mr. Vanvolk
enburg of the Congregational church per
formed the ceremony.
VA LLEY Valley haa two tickets nomi
nated for Its spring election, W. E. Weekly.
Miles Moon and John Fltxgerald for
trustees on one ticket, and L. P. Byara,
P. M. Butts and C. H. Coy on the Anti
Saloon league ticket,
BEATRICE A few farmers In this sec
tion have begun their spring plowing, and
the next week will see many of them at
work In the field, provided the weather
remain pleasant. The ground is in fine
condition for spring work.
NEBRASKA CITY Miller Payne of
Payne. Ia.. Is here trying to Interest the
citizens In the matter of puUng In an ic
making plant. He wanta to purchase the
old starch works plant and use it for a
cold storage plant as well.
BEATRICE "Billy" Wllllama, the end
man of the original Haverly minstrels, who
haa been appearing In Lincoln and Beatrice
as- an evangelist, will give a performance
at the Lyric theater here Tuesday night In
order to secure funds to carry on evange.
listlc work.
WEST POINT News haa been received
of the marriage In Chicago of Jamea John
son, a former business man of West Point,
to Mis Amelia Miller of thl city. The
newly married pair will make their home
at Ishpeming. Mich., where Mr. Johnson
la In business.
VA I. LEY The remodeling of the First
Swedish Baptist church of Byarsvllle ii
completed, and special three days' meet
Ings ars in aesslon. beginning March 13.
Rev. Arlander of Chicago, a former pastor,
and other ministers from abroad will as
sist In the services.
ASHLAND - The county attorney of
Saunders county haa Issued a statement
that the pure food law will be strictly en
forced. Dealers may yet comply with the
law by themselves properly braadlnc and
marking all packages coming within the
provisions or tne act.
PLATTSMOCTH The funeral services of
Mrs. r red Biadelman. 71 years of age. who
had resided in thl city with her husband
for forty-one year, were conducted by
I anon ti H. Burgess Saturday, and In.
torment was In Oak Htll cemetery. A hus
band and thrve children survive bar.
OERINO The county commissioners have
ordered aa election to be held April 71. to
vote on bonds for a :5 uoO bridge Dot ween
Oertng and bcoti a liiu't. across the North
Regular Price.
$ 2.25 One bale Anatolian Mats, each..,
10.50 One bale Hamadan Rugs, each.
15.00 One bale Karabagh Rugs, each. . . ,
24.00 One bale Belouchiaans, each ,
25.00 One bale Mosul Rugs, each ,
Now la the time to buy Lace Curtains. Our assortment waa never
more complete, more beautiful.
Clnnjr CnrtaJn Out are made by hand, with hand made lace,
pair $2.03, 93.73, $3.SO np to S37.BO.
Triiche. Ice Curtains In Ivory, the newest in Curtalndom, pair
91.93, 92.P3. 93.B0 tip to $27.50.
KrtiRsrlii The daintiest of all Curtains. Wear better than any
other equally fine. Pair 9.1.73. 93. OO, 0.73 np to 90.00.
Madras Curtains The best colored curtains made, will retain
their color longer than any others. Pair, 93.03, 94.73, 93.50 np to
We make our own and can guarantee them to be the best.
Prices moderate.
Built in the best possible manner of the very best material; rich weathered finish. This furniture ia constructed of
quartersawed white oak and will give the best possible comfort and service. By special arrangements with the factory we '
place on sale a new lot of this well known Arts and Crafts furniture at a considerable reduction.
Settee, Arm Chair and Rocker are made with loose Spanish leather cushions. See prices below: ;'
"V3T?e-T-w . oflE - 1
ROCKER Regular, value SETTEE Is 50 inches long. Regular
$13.50. Special. $9.00 Vlue $30.00; special $22.00
a Teddy Bear Free. Collapsible
Platte river. This is instead of an elec
tion which was called for Tuesday, but
which was called off by reason of a allglit
error In the call.
ASHLAND The city haa begun work
upon the streets of the city snd will place
Silver street and other main avenues In
excellent shape at once. Grading to the
new Silver street bridge will be started
at once. A number of farmera are using
the split-log drag, on the roads leading to
town with dritgs supplied by the Business
Men s association.
OHEELEY A Dublic meeting was held
at the court house Friday night for the
purpose of devising ways snd means of
improving the highways leading to Oree
ley Center from the east and west. Com
mittees were appointed to take charge of
the matter and some hard work will be
done at once to improve the highways trib
utary to this village.
OER1NG District court probably will
adjourn thia week until Arrll a. At that
Lime the case against K. S. Kenlson,
charged with the murder of Sam D. Cox.
will be heard, unless a cnange ot venue
Is granted. The defense secured about
thirty affidavits that a fair trial could not
be had in this county.
VALLEY Mrs. Mary Hopper, a national
Woman's Christian Temperance union
lecturer, gave two lecturee under the aus
pices of tha valley woman s ".iiruivma
Did You Ever
Stop Ts Think
Why You Feel Lazy, Moody and Tired?
We'll Tell Tott War sad Case the reeling.
The remedy is yours for the asking.
DvsDCDsIa bars the way to your attain
ing success, wealth and Influence by clog
ging the wheels of your health macnina.
Your work suffers, energy waiiea, perse
verance flaga.
In this age of hurry and bustle, where
concentrated energy Is essential to success.
where the strong man wins and the weak
est goes to the wall you owe it as a duty
to youi:lf, your family, your frtcnoi, to
keep that God-given health you were
blessed with at the start.
Why not make a fresh beginning, and at
the expenditure of only 10 cents In the
purchase of a box of Stuart' Dyspepsia
Tablets, find anew the loy of living." the
Joy of "working," the Joy of "strife."
Htuarfs Pyspepsta Tablets contain the
very elements which your stomuch pos
sessed when tt was healthy pepsin, dias
tase, golden-seal and others. Dy the ac
tion of these digestive ferments the dis
solved food substances pass into the blood
vessels and lymphatics, and so enter the
general circulation.
Deprive the stomach of their assistance
and your gaalrla Juice becomes weak, you
csnnot enjoy your food, you have trouble
in your stomach after eating, you become
moody. Indolent, dispirited.
Remedy these defects by using Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, which assist nature by
curing these Ills. You need them to re
store you to that active condition of body,
mind and spirit which is the key to sac
cess, ths road to wealth and the doorway
to fams.
Sold at every drug store; price, ti cents.
Ws are so convinced that once used you
will never be without them, that we will
s.nd you by mail, free, on receipt of your
name and addrr. a sample package. Ad
dress r. A. Ktuart Co.. 140 Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall. Mich.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at every drug
The Great Oriental Rug Sale
Begins Monday morning, March 16th. A sale that many have been looking for
ward to. A chance to obtain Oriental Rngs at the prices usually askefa for, do
mestic makes.
The choicest Rugs from A. & M. Earagheusian, 830 Broadway, New York,
the largest importers in America. Their building was recently destroyed by fire
and though only a few of the Rugs were damaged, the entire stock had to be
closed out at a great sacrifice.
We secured first choice of this superb stock at figures that enable us to
offer them at about
This will be
that you should
New spring line now on display all the
Go-Carts, strong and durable, spcelal
Temperance union recently. Twenty-five
new member were adited to the Valley
union, and a reception for these new mem
bers waa given Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Sullivan.
HUMBODT Mr. Arthur Cnland and Mis
Mabel Carne. two well known young peo
ple of thl section, were united in mar
riage, the ceremony taking place at the
home of the bride's aunt. Mrs. T. J. Hens
ley of Lincoln, to which place the pair
went quietly without informing their
friends of their intention.
SKWARD J. T. Anderson, who haa be-n
In the grocery and uueensware business In
Seward for the last quarter of a century,
has sold his stock to Mr. Patterson of
Pleasantdale, thi county, who will move
the grocery stock to his town and auction
the stock of queensware here. Mr. Ander
son retires from business on account of ill
HUMBOLDT The Humboldt members of
the Canada colony left yesterday for their
claims In the Saskatchewan and Asslnibula
province. The boys have been spending the
winter months with relatives here and now
go up to start the spring work. All who
have held onto the claims taken three
years ago have made good money and are
well pleased.
NEBRASKA CITY Grand Patron W. W.
Wright of the Order of Eastern Star was
entertained last evening by the members
of yueen Esther chspler, No. 1. The ban
quet was first served and this was followed
bv the exemplification of the work. At the
conclusion of the labors Mr. Wright was
presented with a handsomely engraved
spoon by the officers and members of the
chapter. -
BEATRICE The flying squadron of the
Travelera' Protective association, compris
ing three members ot the state board of
directors. J. B. Cun Ingham. F. B. Hoi- '
brook and J. M. Plnkeron of Omaha, with
M N. Barnes and Jerry Dukelslaw of Post
"H" of the local organisation, made a
systematic canvass of the town Saturday
for those eligible to membership In the
BEATRICE Mrs. O. H. Bwlngley. who
died suddenly in Omaha yesterday, resided
In Beatrice for many years before locat
ing in that city. 6he visited here Wednes
day snd Thursday with her brother, J. H. '
Alden. and seemed to be In the bust of
health when she returned home. Mr.
Swlngley is travekng auditor for the Union
Pacific, a position he has held for years.
WEST POINT The product of the Nel
hnrg Manufacturing company's plant st
V-st Point, the electro-chemical cane for
gasoline and kerosene. Is meeting with an
extensive sale In Iowa, Wisconsin. Michi
gan. Indiana and Ohio. President Netburg
left Friday on a Journey through theso
states to cement the connection already
formed and to arrange for the establish
ment of distributing points.
NEBRASKA CITY-The Board of Educa
tion has Inspected the school buildings and
ordered many changes made, snd all doors
have been hung to swing outward. Many
of the stairways lesding from the second
floor are to be reconstructed and all build
ings made so it will be easy for tha
scnolsrs to make their exit in a short time.
Tim Sixth street school building at a fire
drill yesterday was emptied in forty sec
onds. NEBRASKA CITT-Mayor John W.
Ftetiitmrl and City Clerk M. C. Perry have
withdrawn then- announcement they would
not issue a call for mayor, clerk and other
offices and have Issued a call for the elec
tion of all citv offices for one year and
councllmen and member of tne hoard of
education 'or their regular term. Thl will
strt'ghten out the legal tanele which the
officer have been In here for a number
of year.
TABLE ROCK The barn on a farm be.
longing to the State bank of Table Rock,
a couple of mllea north of town, waa
bur ne' l about I o'clock this morning. A
team, two cows, wagon and harness,
bushels of corn, a quantity of hay and
straw were burned also. This property be
longed to tha tenant. Arthur J. Barrett,
who had occupied tne premises only a few
days. The origin of the fire at that hour
la a great mystery.
HL'MBOLDT Rev. Mr. Bower of the
Evangelical church at Bern. Kaa., per
formed tha ceremony which unltad tu. Uvea
50c 0n the Dollar
the greatest Oriental Rug Sale ever attempted in the west one
be quick to take advantage of.
Some of
Regular Price.
$ 35.00 One bale Princess Bokharas, each S
One bale Kazack Ruga,
Kulah Rugs, each
Kulah Rugs, each
Khiva Rugs, each
Kermanshah Rug, for.
250.00 Serapi Rugs, for. .
550.00 Kermanshah Rug for
36-Inch printed Madras, per yard....
36-Inch Crepe Cloth Madras, yard 35
40-Inch cream and white Madras, yard. 42'
45-Inch colored Madras, sid9 borders, yard H3
60-Inch Madras, dark colors, yard.... 91. lO
36-lnch Curtain Swiss, dots, figures, etc., yard
French Muslin, pretty colorings; wide ralance. For full s!sa bed
including bolster cover,. per set...... 153.75
Taffetta Bed Covers, see our new Spring assortment. For set Includ.
lng bolster or sham covers $0.75
f 1 "t J
vaiue $13.50; special.
at $9.00
latest Improved Ideas. .With each and
of Miss Emma Stauffer and Mr. Elmer
Sheply, well known young people of
Speiser precinct. The event took place at
the home of the bride's father. John Stauf
fer, one of the wealthy and prominent
farmera and stockmen of southeastern Ne
braska, and waa witnessed by a few rela
tives and friends.
WEST POINT Farm work has com
menced In earnest throughout this section,
every farmer being busily engaged In pre
paring the ground for the spring sowing.
The soil Is In excellent condition and every
advantage is being taken of the favorable
condltlona for, germination to hasten the
work of sowing. Abundance of moisture
is Just below the surface, the conditions in
that respect being much better than In an
average year at thta time.
BTROMSBURG In the R. N. Youngquist
Duroc thoroughbred sow and (lit aale. held
yesterday five miles west of this city, in
which forty-four head were sold, the aver
age per head waa $38.40. There were three
top. leaders which were bought by promi
nent breeders, as follows: No. 1. by E.
J. Brown of Osceola, for C10; No. 3, by
O. G. Smith aV Son of Kearney and Ovorge
Brlggs aV Son of Clay Center, for IIS; No.
8, bv a syndicate composed of E. J. Brown,
E. P. Dnnielson snd O. E. Micky, all of
Osceola. Neb., for I27S. Colonels T. C. Cal
lahan and E. P. Pike were the auctioneer
and Nathan Wilson was clerk.
Skinned fraaa Head t Heel
was Ben Pool, Threw t, Ala., when dragged
over a gravel roadway; but Bucklnn's Ar
nica Salve cured him. Sc. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Atteraer Caassalta Salelde.
AKRON, O.. March 14. Attorney George
C. Kohler, son of former State Attorney
General J. A. Kohler, committed suicide
Take one Cascaret jusjfas
soon as you know that you need it
Then you won't need a purgative. It is an easy
and pleasant way to keep well
This is the day of the gentle in medicine.
The cathartic pill is old-fashioned. ' Salts and castor oil belong;
to grandmother's time.
The modern doctor deals mildly.
Cascarets are effective, yet gentle. They don't irritate or
gripe. They don't, like cathartics, waste the digestive fluids
Cascarets do only what soma foods will do, what soma fruits will do,
what exercisa does for tha bowels.
Their action la natural, not artificial.
If you liva out-doors, txcerciso a great deal, and avoid rich fools, yon
don't need then. ...
Otherwise you do.
The most helpful laxative ever devised ia Cascarets.
Then, they are candy tablets, pleasant t- take.
Then, they are convenient. Tha ten-cent bog fits tha vest pocket or tha
lady's purse.
That ia a vital point.
The time to take a laxative Is the minute you suspect that yo need it.
Don't wait till you get home; don't wait till night.
One Cascaret, taken promptly, wards off trouble.
Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all druggists, but never
ia bulk. Be sure to get the genuine, with C C C oa every tablet. The
price Is 50 cents, 25 ceara and
10 Cents per Box. i
the Rugs
Sale Price.
each 18.45
TABLE 26x40 Inches. Haa large drawer '
. with undcrshelf. Regular value $18.50;
pcii 814.00
every Go- Cart or Carriage we give
today by ahootina hlmelf. Kohler I said
to have been heavily Involved financially.
Waitress at laws Seldlere' Hoaae
Jeias Lot with Celered,
Own at Dairy.
MARSHALLTOWN. Is,, March 14.-8pe-clal.)
A wedding which has created a
shock In the Iowa Soldiers' home circles
was performed this morning, when Miss
Georgle Follmer, a pretty and popular
waitress, was married to Charles C. Lose,
a negro. Loss Is an octoroon and ha is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Loss, the
former of whom ia a quadroon and. the
latter a white woman.
The fact that the girl Intended marrying
Lo became noised about tha home and
every effort was made to dissuade the
young woman, who, however, refused
steadily to be Influenced Jn her determina
tion to marry Loss. The couple will Mve
near this city, where Loss is In tha dairy
ing business.
Tetal Kelt pea
of the functions of stomach, liver,- kidneys
and bowels, is quickly disposed of with.
Electric Blttnrs. fcic. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Vse Be Want Ada to boost yetir business,
lldlas; Persalta.
Mr. C. Barry. S408 South, Thirteenth
street, frame cottage, 11,000.