3 ' TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; MARCH 15. 1908. - ' 'i r7t.mrmmmm,n fi ' "tT" - ! . a ZZZTZZ .Tf. f Coffee j ;M 'jl p,- 1 1 J UmUllr-V--.. - ,.,.'" V - V ' . .. Th.f. th. only Imd i ft WHISKEY ' ... . Hw . . ; gliWWlii J, 1 4 vmmww am wm st ww a mm m mm. mm. ml mm mmt m m mm mm mm. mm mm m a "mamm - v . . a mmmw 11 1 u"aiMBi M Li 4.J l ZalllVHV hiiii II r ? ' - - - - - - ,irr u Wolfe Electrical Co. FARNAM See Our Combat Igniter Battery. I Most Durable Storage Battery Made. : Columbia Red Top Dry Batteries. "Matchless" Cigar Lighters and Automobile Lamps. Douglas 1414 Ind. A 1414 Of First CUtsWork. Thftt'a the only kind .you "auto" have. ThaJ' the kind you gel from lynflstad & Jarve -, PRINTERS 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A2620 )ij)STANy iWHISKEirj Bottled in Bond. Guaran teed by the U.S. Government to be pure full proof and aged. THE BEST TOR HOME AND . MEDICAL USE FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY AT HILLER. LIQUOR CO. 1309 Farnam St We Deliver B We Ship Prepaid 4 Full Quarts for $M0 Ranges CONNECTED HUGHES STOVE REPAIR WORKS 2217 Cuming St, Telephone Douglas 7155 Automobile Clocks Repaired We make a specialty of repairing and regulat ing Clocks and Watches of all kinds. Phone us and we will call and set Tour work and re turn It to you promptly. . Jcwclcry :: Manufacturer We manufacture and duplicate any piece of Jewelry that you may want. Repair all kind of Jewelry. Prices reasonable. N. F. STILLING Paxton Block - On "The Landing." SO Auto top and bodiaa mad In Omaha. Wo can mak the tops bstttr and savo you money. e Ask tho man who makas thorn. Cot our price and particulars. First class " trimming, painting -or re pairing on automobiles or carriages. fHowe n , ' Wm. Pfeifffer Carriage Works Leavenworth 8t, Cor. 25th Ave. Aleo 27th Street Expressmen's Delivery Co. .... Moving .Vans, Storage 214 North 16th St. fZf' YOU "t-' i f "AUTO l -..;rK-.-0,, J I Have Your Yard U " " 1 A I Fenced With Our 1 1 I j IJA iron and wire fence ft 'h I chaitmow rsirca co., ! 1 ! llW -- jn l l f1 J. v .l.-"i m n y 1 1 24th StreetBetw. Farnam an! ' Harney TEL. RED 3039 .. wrlM mMmi Automobile Repairing at Reasonable Prices Automobiles Overhauled and Sold on Commission Second-Hand Machines for Sale. Send for List. $300 up. You "Auto" Have You Clothes Made -DY- 1IW SEES The Tailor to $SO 1515 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 143 South 12th St., Lincoln, Neb A. K. JETT Carpet Cleaner and Layer CARPETS REMODELED The Jelt Window Washing Co. Tho Jett Wall Paper Cleaning Co, Information OItmi en all Kinds of Work. rmzz. ' 8017 CUMOrO STKEZT, Phon S. 4006. PUR.0X D1S1NFECT0R. What you are looking for will kill all all odors and prevent spreading of any disease and leaves no odor itself. Can Je placed In bathroom, living or sleep- f Ing rooms. Call and see It. Bold and t guaranteed by the S&nit&Lry Plumbing Co. 615 South 16th Street Phone Doug. 3497 OMAHA, NEB. You AUTO know that our headquart ers are at 1609 Farnam St. OmaJktx Van and Storage Co. j',vVa W111 Never fe fi' .11 of .Your Hal 11. 'I I . .1 I M You Welt For I Is '', J K A Riley Sisters ?J fiV vV Spring Opening Jp 'h WINTER IN THE LIGHTHOUSES Eard. Season for the Keepers and Their Familiei.' LONELIEST STATIONS IN ALASKA Oaaeeroaa Iots om Ike Great Lake. Jattportaare of Sllrkiav to tho Job Monotony ok Llskttalpa. - ' Tiii im lima vi year wiirn iiia in a tlKtithouaa la no joke. Kvrn when the houne la on Ilia mainland, whero the keeper and hi family ran net around acme what as rJinary folka do, the winter la a, lonf, hard pull. In tho United Statea there ara about 1.700 IlKhlhouaea, built in a large variety of altuatlona, not oae xt which waa choarn with a view to th comfort and social ad vantage 0f th oceupanta. for tnatance, ahen it comaa to linked lonellnesa lonrf Irawn out tba eight famlllea who keep the Scotch cap and tha Sarlehtf lllila, o(f tha oast of Alaaka, ar candldntea for ftrat prime. There ara four of thejq at aarh light but they do not sea each other for month at a time. ' Aa for eeetpf . anybody eiie, .a. Rawing steamer occaalonally. lower a: boat and semis them mall. Out as th steamer com pany charge I'ncle gam M every time it doe this, .tha llg htboiiiMi folk hv to put up with rare vlalta. , , Ufa on a lightship is oven worsa.thaa it 1 In a light hou. The house, at any rata, keep fairly steady, whireaa a .llghUlilp U never abaolutely atlll, and in S'ormy realher roll and wrenches, douaa and srencnes us crew until they almost so ;raxy undr th strain. Th beat of tham rant elans too long a spell of that sort f thing. CSToct ( Flvo Moalha Servle. Th Diamond shoals lightship, thirteen out in Ilia ocean off Cap ilattora, of evil memory to mariners, was kept there once for five months, Instead of the three prescribed by the regulations. It waa No. 71, and was waiting for No. 72 to b completed and to come out and relieve Th five months wound up In a mutiny. It Btarted by the captain taking the mate to task because the latter had beguiled the weary hours by playing cards with the sailors. Tho mate's feelings were sensi tized by his months on the lightship and he brooded over the affair. He told the engineer and the latter sympathized. The two finally wrought thenmflves to the point of calling upon the captain "and informing him that he was getting stuck up and that tt mnrl them tired The etip taln promptly pulled a revolver and an nounced his willingness to put Wm out of their misery, but they got his revolver away from him and practically kept him a prisoner, the sailors taking th;lr side, until the ship was relieved. When they got back to port every mother's son of them except the mate deserted the ship which had got so on their nerves. They went on glorious drunk, captain and all. and were arrested and tried. The captain's offenae evidently appealed to the department as Ui9 mora heinous, for he was discharged and the mate was not only forgiven for his little mutiny, but was put In command of the ship. He had shown one trait which is almost the most important in the makaup of a llshtkerpvr. lie had stuck to his .tub. Even when the crew were half distracted from the strain of their long duty It did not occur to them to abandon their post. Aa a matter of fact, only three or four instances hav been recorded of American keeper abandoning a-light which was In their charge,, TlmU m (he Great Lakes. Probably when It come to oat and out wlntrx rigor some of th lighthouses on" tli Ureat Lake suffer more even than those on th seacoawt. They become coated with, thick Ice and have also to Stand vp against .onslaughts of cake Ice forced up out of the water 'and driven' , against them with terrific force. One lighthouse, in Lake Erie bad to stand on one occasion against Ice which plied up against it to a height of forty feet. But tt is no summer resnrt In the tower of any lighthouse this weather.- No heat Is allowed, a that would cauao n dim ming of the plate glass windows or the lenses. The heat from tha great lamp is carried off by a ventilator overhead and the turret i so cold that on the New England coast keepers say that a glass of watvr will quickly freeze solid If set on th window sill. The big lamps, by the way, are allowed to burn only four hours at a time. If they burn longer thera la apt to be vaporisa tion of the gases In the oil, diminishing the brilliancy" of the light. 8a the lamps are changed twice every night. When there I fog or storm a flrut class lighthouse will keep three men busy all night tending the lights and the engine which keeps the siren whistfe going. Clasaee of Whistle Bad Lights. These whistles differ from one another, Just as the light do, so that even if a ves sel cannot distinguish a light It can deter mine Its position by the whistle. For In stance, If one whistle has a note eight sec. onds in length, coming eery half minute, another whistle may have a note five sec onds In length, coming every quarter min ute. No two whistle within a aectftn where there would b the alighteat chance of confuting them ar alike. ' - Neither are any two lights alike wher they might be mistaken one for the other. There are' nowaday flv different class of lights; fixed, revolving, flashing, colored and Intermittent. There ar aom oombl na tions of these also which provid still other variation, such a Intermittent flashing light and group flashing light. Oil I still th fuel used. Wherever el It mil b a back number it keeps its lead over ail other light for steadiness and re liability In signal work. Thers ar om buoy wntch are. elec trically lighted and aorn which hav IHntsch light. Ther ar 'some lightship which are electrically lighted. But th Instability of buoys and ships are" the explanation. Lighthouse stick to coal oil. The cornfield Point ligniahlp, which wa the first one to cai)ry an electrio light, coat 110,000 a year to maintain. The Bandy Hook lightship was the first to Show a revolving light. An oil burning lightship will consume 1.000 gallons of oil a year. In 1902 there were only fifty-four of these lightships. ' Last year there were ninety three first clas one alone, averaging 850 ton each. There were lil vessels In the lighthouse navy. You have very little idea of the steady, hard work done by the Lighthouse board until you count up the items of what they have accomplished. Thers ar th 1.700 lighthouses and beacons, th L2 ships, about 2,000 post light on river, about IM elnoino and ga buoy, about auu fog sig nals, 100 whistling buoys, 300 bell buoy and a thousand day or unllghted beacons. The oldest lighthouse the United States can show la, Boston light, on Brewster' Island. Boston light, aa It la alwaya called In spite of the fact that there are a good many other light In Boston harbor, date from 1716. The Massachusetts coast was th first to hav a lighthouse, and it still lead In th number It can ahow. There are several time as many on and off the Massachusetts shore a there ar on the whole Pacific coast.. This is not a case of partiality: The New England shore I the most dangerous, and, owing to th amount of whipping involved, the r'.'k ar doubly great. This i not laying that more protection on tha Pacific coast i not needed. On the Inland route to Alaska there ar only thtrty-flv light protecting th entire 1.0O0 mile. Nineteen of these are along ta Canadian coast. This doe not compare very well with Japanese inland ca, wher there are forty light covering a distance of ZSo mile. The Pacific twii, however, anjo the Uislluu tlon of having soma of th roost famous American lighthouse. Th Tlllmanook light was one of the most difficult prob lem American engineer ever tackled. It cost tia.000 to build sod Is on of th fa mous achievement In It line. Th pay of lighthouse" keeper average from Slut to (1,000 s year. Th Isolated one are supplied with food and fuel, too. A a matter of fact, It often coBt more to get these supplies to the lighthouse than the supplies themsejves cost. Men who recolvj, $100 a year or other mall salaries do not have charge of first clas lighthouses. They are the men who attend to lighting ope of the small beacons, but even In that case they earn . their money. Lighthouse keepers are not allowed to take up any occupation that would inter fere with their duties, but some of them manage to turn an honest penny occaslog- ally by making shoes or doing tailoring or other Intermittent work. One I reported who preached every Sun day ai a hum churcn near the light. An other was a justice of the peace. Another taught school. Several more or less famous men and women have spent a part of their lives at a lighthouse. Cells Thaxter, the poet, was born and brought up in the lighthouse at the Isle of Shoals. Perhaps people who have read her well known account of "My Island Garden" do not know that tho gov ernment suppllc lighthouse keeper with all the seed they want. In the nature of things some of them want mighty few, but the government encourage all th beauti fying possible. On of the most alleviating features o( modern lighthouse existence is th travel ing libraries. These collection, number ing about forty 'volumes each, ar pro vides by s philanthropic organization of women. They ar carried ta the lighthouses by th tender which change the book St any on light about twice a. year. At Isolated station these libraries ar worth almost their wolght In gold during tha long winter months. Tha summer Un't so bad auyaheie. On the northern Atlantic coast things go to th other extreme. Summer folk becom a veritable peat at many of the lights. Thoa which r ner th iarg resort ar made the objectlvo point of hundred of yachting parties, of launches, of idlers In any kind of s tiling that will float. When these visitors com by scores every day and must all be taken up to see the light a very respectable little climb if the tower happen to be a hundred or more feet high and must all bs fed with the same facta all of them Indigestible to the average mind on a summer vacation and must all peek and peer Into the private quarters of the family then the Isolation of January doesn't seem to be without Its redeeming features. The wife of lighthouse keeper hs no sinecure. On wonder what happen It a man In that position marries an untidy wife. According to th testimony of on woman who live In a lighthou th In spector would make short work of s do mesne slattern. "He examines every corner of the hcuie every time he comes," said this woman. "Looks at th window to eo If they have s spot on them, lift the kitchen drain to e If there' any grease, draw his fingers across the parlor taWe to find out If there's dust, looks over the traveling- library to see If w wash our hands before we touch th books, and as for anything that's made of brass and you've no idea how many things in s lighthouse are mad of brass if it doesn't ahin o that It make him squint well, be aqulnta anyhow, but It's out of hie other eye, so to speak." In plt of th loneliness of th life many women aeem to ilk It. Homo of them hav even stuck to tha placa after th death of their husbands. Mr. Vaker, who ws th keeper of th house at Kobbln Reef, off Tompklnsvtlle, In New Turk harbor, succeeded her hus band ther wbn h died. Mrs. Baker, by the way, had some brav rescue to her credit. Another woman lighthouse keeper wss Ida Lewi, who kept th Lim Rock light St Newport, and who rsscued eleven fitv suns from drowning. ' la on Instance s mother and daughter had chatrg of th aui light for over fifty years. Ther 1 no ag limit In tha lighthouse service. A man I not retired o long as he 1 able to discharge his duties. If h is forced to resign ther Is no provision for pensioning him. Tba appointments ar mad under ths he mush. The wife ol , In' point used to pu'ie her children when tl4 l- hv fall thrni.Jvt civil service rules, men being promoted from grado to grade in accordance with tha reguUtlons. Most of the men who go into Jhe service along th coast hsv been st tea. On of the least Inviting lighthouses as s ploc of residence is in a Louisiana swamp. The locality I described by th fflcials a too soft to be land and too thick to be water. The lighthouse Is needed for the guidance of vessels in th open water beyond, but it own immediate sur rounding ar so much Ilk mush that when the keepeer want to gat away he ha to push his boat through by mats fore. It there ar any children living at thli swamp light, it is a problem just what pre cautions their mother could take against their falling into the mush. The wife ol. th keeper at Babln life preserver on he were playing outside, lest they fall througV me railing, out mere was real waier ai Sabln'a point. One of the most dlsatrou storms In It Consequences to lighthouses ,was In'Bepi tember, 1S08, when fprty-f our wer elthei swept Into the sea and lost or-wer sa badly damaged that no light could tx shown. Four of thi keeper wer drowned The Importance of sticking to the b U shown by the experience of two seta ol keeper of small light In a certain bay. The bay, though it wa more a river ttias s bay, wa full of Ice. which threatened to carry the Ughtbeus away. Th twi men st the light, nevertheless, stuck to their post, Th ctruotur wa carried off, wss swept down s considerable distance, but finally lodged so that the men could escape. They made things as fast as they could and re ported the damage. Th other two men, meanwhile, had fig ured that no vessel could possibly t out In that particular Ice gorge and that th lighthouse Itself wa In a preoarioua posi tion. They got out while they could and mad their way to safety. They were severely reprimanded for doing so, while the first two named were warmly praised. Us 1H Want Ads to boost our business.