THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATTRPAT. MAKHl U. V TV' .WE AKL BUST JUST 0W ENCOURAGING THAT WELL DZL55ED FEELING. FORMERLY W-SCOFIELD LljlCLDJ(&53TCq Formerly ! Vv XL TffT LffiCOnOD n t 1.11 r r 15 Hubstein u " Ann hp mapii? Suits That Were Mais ta S;II at S25.03. S27.53, S31G3, $32.53 2nd S35LC0 Rubstcin & Goodman, one of New York's foremost Cloak and Suit manufacturers, who were very anxious to turn their stock of tailored suit into cash came to our Mr. J. B. Orkin, our resident New York buyer, with a proposition, and for a spot cash offer he purchased their entire stock at less than half price- That is why we can hold this extraordinary sale of new spring suits this early in the season. All are beautiful new styles and perfectly tailored of finest mateiv ials, in plain or striped panamas, plain or striped serges, fine n worsteds, imported fancy maters ials, etc, etc All colors and sizes to choose from- There are 350 Tailored suits in this sale. They were made to sell at $25, $27.50, $30, $32.50 and $35, on sale SATURDAY AT........ Beginning Promptly at 8:00 Sk. LWIR1ES AEOUT EEAiBG La.dici.tio us ILury Will Detirs ta Be Heard cm Freig-h.t Satei. EISC2ZP1TCT II TITS HZP02TS W. JL Bryaai Tskkst a Band tm Xwa-t las DsassiaMi Edltara - Njfallwek P- Jssaa taw Bartlaartwa tavC (From a Staff Correspondent.) UNCOLJf. March a 'Special.) The Stata Railway commission la receiving numerous letters regarding the bearing to be- started MarcU 2 hi the matter of the promulgation of a ncheiiuia of rates to apply to ail classes of shipments in the tara. In answer to the notices to the railroads the railroads hav said present rates are so low new that they are not compensatory and. that any further reduc tion would be a conT.scAiltat of property and unjust. Ia th matter of figures, how ever, on.y tile Missouri Paciflo baa dealt, and tjie earnings It reported do not agree with the figures of the Railway commis sioa compiled from the various Missouri Pacific report. The commercial clubs of XurfoJk. Fremont. Beatrice and Superior have already written, that each expects Ui A DREAM Taa Awakening meality "Far back In my childhood I hold icasaat memories of the coffee berry ia its natural state, and Its grateful aroma when roasting aver the kitchen fire." writes a vuneraole X. H. lady. -.Vithougn the eld house la gone and a new one f tan da ia Its place. I often see la my dreams, the fettle coffee gnnder by tne window, aad grind again the coffee j f ir breakfast. j "But time passed on and the pleasure of indulgence in- coffee waa wholly lost j In the 111 effecw of my nervous system. ; I was troubled with frequent and severe spells of headache winch sadly Interfered with my worn. -My sleep was less sound than formerly and nightmare often diiC.irhed my fitful lumbers until at last insomnia held me nana m meeting or in Lraocnuc - ""w in Ks relentiess grasp. I wuud Ue avake E.litorui! ass.M-'a:;on. and has suggested , u penit.-nt.ary for or.e and one-ha.f nearly a.I n-gut. j "hst the editors get here in time to attend ; yrs from Buffalo county for stealing a -Other truuoies set In until I waa pro- ! a business session March H. At this meet- , watch, wants to be p.-o.ed and has miuie nounced incurable by several of our beet j ing a representative of the Bry-in Voiun- j Application to the governor. WTien Hewitt They all prohdmed the use of I leers will be on band to make suggestions 'a convictl h tad been in Nefcraaka BKffee. I m-uj md-ed like one under the i which w II be of advantage ti d-mocm.u: i ;"r an'Y on month. He wrote Uie gov speU of tiie dnnk hafcit. but I obeyed j and populist edit irswhethr Tnanriaiiy 1 ernor that he was a Journalist and left ln-.piicitiT mv me,liva. aovisers. f ir I ha.t I cannot be learned yet. Tins inf.irmat.n j home ut Euliid lo uiaka his mark in become a great su.'f-rer. . was secur--d fr-ira the following letter, sent America. He landed in New Tjrk with a -i. friend who had been greatly bene-j out by J. B. Donovan, president of tile j ;in:" money and went broke looking fjr fitted by chanaing from coffee to Poetum. ! wx-iit:un: ! warlt "i'-ich he could not get. Then he be- cm of tins health beverage to i M rKSV. N.-b.. March . IVi- eir- I aa 13 dr:nk. he said, and as hia Cunscience try. I found its flavour pieaeant. Willi at tae mum t me It agreed with me -r- rtiy; in fact seemed just what I needed tj build me up. "I ordered eome at once. ' but was 41s- appointea to nna m.iie am - my friend' I had sot boiled It long stioMgii. After I had learned this fact ait aarvirt my Postura ai-eoruing Ut directions I had uaifonn. sexiafactory results. "Well, to make a long suiry short. I , - hin f mn.l Pr.a. e de Leon's roantaln of Touth. for my friends re- marten that, I was growing young. My mlad became clearer aaU more vigorous. and I took up the worn wnHin I h re- luctaatly laid aside, and much more wltn a.tantiy oe, "I: my case waa Incurable, as the good iocturs baa aa-d. I had at Ivwt f Mind something to a.. ay my Insomnia suffer- 1 gs aa.1 eerv for real aouneoment when appeuia f iri Nearly five yea.-, hava r drana mv cut) of i i riMtim. ana " " " " - It t-xlay a ever. meres naueun. Kame ra T r.a vo. il.i B Relwrf rua tt id Ut Wiivu.e.- in ST.L iO DOUGIAS Goodman's, (lew York City Entire Stock of fUESDAY AT 15 have a representative at the bearing. I Superior will auk. that it be given a Jobhuig j rata. It la expected that the Commercial I club of Lincoln will be on band, as well as the Commercial club of Omaha. Some will come advocating the promulgation of a distance tariff rata, while others wlil contend that the present system of rates should not be disturbed, ttunign. rates should be reduced. Some an ago P. A. Caldwell filed a petition with the commission asking that a hearing be granted on the proposition to promulgate a distance tariff rate. When the petition waa filed the commission had under consideration the question of order ing a bearing ta fix rates, and at this hearing set for the 2th Mr. Caldwell will be given an opportunity ts be heard on his proposition. Svery railroad doing busi ness In Nebraska will have representatives present to protest against a reduction lln Eeaai ts mm et emaJ reele. The State Board of EMucaciun met In regular session In the office of Superintend ent McBrien this afternoon and transacted routine business and heard the report of Principal Thomas of the Kutarney normal school and Principal Craotrea of the Pern normal. In his report Principal Thomas said he wanted piana for laying out the grounds and planting trees and locating future buildings. J. H. Badklnson of Omaha, be reported, would do the work for WA. The wtnd. be said, had Mown some of the state roof away and about fifteen squares, had to be repaired. The coat would be about SB. There will be no deficiency at the close of the blennium. In his report on the funds of bis school Principal Crabtvee of the Peru Normal, said there was enough money in the fuel and Ught fund to last throughout the blennium: the laboratory fund was Inadequate, but there would be no deficiency there; the k Kevealfe Talks te Staelewta. fund for printing and office supplies Is j Richard L M-tcaife will speak ar con more than half used up. but there are j vocation at tr.e State university on the plenty of supplies on hand; the freight and 1 morning of March 1" H:s subject will be ,,9, fund is not sufficient to last through the blennium. The school needs CM worth of seats and blackboards ! .j other fumature. but these cannot be ; jjogt wnijout a deficiency. Mr. Crajtree j bla teachers had been instructed to ! aiJt tor nothing not aasalut.'ly necessary. 1 Bryan ta Meet with E alters. William J. Bryan is going to take It-sire to er'end to yon. on hena.f N'-oraka Democratic Et!:tnal "f the varii)n, ! sn earnest and nv enrdial itr' t-i tw at a busmess wung of the associHticn. to he hei.1 m Lancnia on T'les- Mi-vh ii. at Z . m.. !u-aJ.r.uri"i at tie Ljntlell nolet. I .11 meeting . e;.:iI t xh sveir-et.nn of the H.m. i.iam 'he pitniiee f ' n a cerf-ij A reores" nfa- Enin. and is for nert rani of carrv:n and y't-tr'M' rtmpa.n. t t the meKing and sutmiit a pr"o a.'tin wilcn wil no duo tit prove of much im- I P"f anes in the rsmnaign and be of mutaal i j "Z1 to J t-ocrauc and p-punst I J 'Z "V-L, Z ' . , ..... . hi, guests ata dinner at which a prog-am - sss Car, tm awarltagtwau ( Haiieck F. R.iae of L-ncila ha been tendered and has accepted --- position of " r"-"M olicitor tir the B-trilng- ! ton raUroad west ef th Missouri river. Ia ; h.r . !i . . i t v v.ii.. i - .-j. j -.r m u ixmuin - s-- - - ' ' " r Mandersnn. The SDDointneflt wi 1 sreee- I aiiatd ilr. Aow a ruauvai td Oca-ia 4wt ' I vU O'clock A. E7L IJ April L Tta salary atached to the placa la in the neighborhood of CM a year, When he goes to Omaha Mr. Rosa will give up his active conectioa with the Lin- 1 coin Gas and 3ectzic Light company, the I Farmers and Merchants bank, the Farmers j and Merchants Insurance compiay. tne .oumDia r :re insurance company, me Thompson hotel company and other enter prises of D. EL Thompson. His law partner. W. B. Comstock. will succeed to the local practice. Mr. Roee will arrange to carry on the SI gas litigation and other important cases for bis present clients who may wish him to continue in charge, but will not be permanently retained by any Lincoln cor poration affer he leaves the city. Mr. Rose is a brother of Deputy Attorney Oene.ral W. B. Rose, and as attorney for the Burlington, it la quite possible that in marten of litigation between the atase and the railroad company the two men will ap pear on oppomte aid-a. Be 7 Aeseelte Hie Setae. diaries Barrett, aged 13. today drove a poker througn the arm of his aged mother. He became angry at a parental reprimand. He waa arrested. Xe. He rt ea Fisher Yet. The com mission appointed by the su preme court to take testimony in the dis barmenc proceedings against Captam !!ji G. Fisher will not be ready to report for a coupe of weeks or mure, according to Charles Sloan, one of the commissioners. Commissioner Leavttt of Omaha now baa the transcript of the testimony taken by the legislative investigating committee and he will turn it over to one of the other commissioners when be bas concluded reading it. When ail have read the testi mony another meeting will be bel dat which the concluauMia of the commission will be written out and reported Co the supreme court. -Buncombe." Brewlag Cessamay visits. The Val Blata Brewing company has notified u; secretary cf Mate tnat it has withdrawn from Neoraaka and is not now doing business in the state. It requests therefore that tha authority granted to T. i J Foley to be its agent be rescinded. Hsltm Wants Pareie. I awakem-d he drank more to drown hia 'ir!:iiauun. F'na.iy he landed, in Ne- 1 Bra- rI''r hB ad was ' -i ' '.' u. ne wants a Joo on a newsiiaper. Librae ailaiaa; O TECUiLSEUl. Neh.. Marco IX .Srvecial e Terumseii's new Caratr.e Horary building I ' dav. A puMic reception was held from a clock in the afternoon and from W in the evening. La the evening a : to , S to , program of muc was given and addnes ! art ?L. " " r t . Z??Z I LaMater. The new buUding cost about j r uf Mr Carneg,. 4ou(M IK. m ' 'he other tLH being provided by popular j substr-ptiun and going to pay for the lot. , wa ka. etc It is a handsome bulldins. j Palttas Brta lissa rtereee. i T 'RJC. Mar h 14. Comant Tmy- -Beta of u Flo. EviJ 00 pa-nting. i o:ng. was .id lajt evening at ta bum, of . niiM ami E.j.rW'0 cuilm-tiona to A.exao.ier ' - . " . ."'Jl iiar e. . i 1. . . i ::w wraiui anat e ." by t .ji geiat uf Puis. auia .a: AoD WHEN WE SAY THAT OUR CLOTHING IS AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS we are saying what tlie srarment.? themselves prove to the men who wear them. If voTi've ever worn them yon know it if yoa haven't we refer you to anyone of our thousand. of satu-fieii patron?. THE NEW SPRING SUITS FOR MEN are rrodet of Never before ii-l Dame Fashion play so many pranks with men". styles and never before did every "whim" call for such skillful tailoring little weeder the makers of commocplav-e clothes don't attempt their execution or the seller of oornrnoEpJac'1 clothes attempt their di-'piay. Our Ponz'.'' street windows contain many from anion? the thous ands of fine examples of worth while suits that await your inspection. OUR MODERATE PRICES STILL PREVAIL SIO up to $35 SPRING OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS that contain many style-points not embodied in the a vera 2? run of these use ful garments, yet the prices are no more than for the Of A C Zfl ordinary kinds CplU UP to Cp JU OUR SPRING SUITS FOR LITTLE MEN are about the snappiest creations you'll see this season. They are about the snappiest creations you A see this season. They riety of colorings and fabrics made for service, yet not 2 ST1TE LOSES 11 S PISS CASE Jud Tiamaa of Cohmbas Directs ; Verdict for Union. Paciio. ! ! S2. 3LLETIT3 CASE EJ PCOT i j Cmmrt BI4a tfcat Ctrwt Paws Gk-mwm Phyateiam la at Frr Trmi I COVXTSCBV3. March 13. (Special Wfjnm.) Judge TTiomaa directad a ver dict against the atate of Nebraska. Thurs day in tiie phyiiciana' paaa caae, m which the stats was proeecntlri : Er. Martin far ac-eptma- a paas from Uie Cnioa Pacir.c. The case was prosecuted by County At torney Hensley. assisted by J-idjrs J. J. Sullivan, special counsel employed by the I tat orsanisatuina. opened its homes and stata. Dr. has been a physician welcomed the deleaves, niey were met Tor the Union Favif.c for thirty years and f : the depots by carriages and reception he has an indetermir.ata contract to do the lommitrees who escorted them to c-mven-work at Columbus for the Union PaciTc j tion haHa. hotels and homes, and every M ji conslderaUcn of CS a month, and an an- tent'.on was Jiven to enmf art and enter- nuai pass over the road. His present con- trace was dated January 1. i!. De'ore tn ' i present law went into effect. The court 1 j held ths pasa to the physician on'a con- tract waa not a tre pass and directed th i jury to return a verdict of not guilty SISTERS OP CHARITY IY tlST j j f essssleslesi Ail lees Caleia PeclAe Tkey Xaw Be Pneiiali e- From a Staff Corr!iponJenO LINCOLN. March 11 Special.) Two Sisters of Charity are included n the list j of passhoiders of the Union Pacific, which ! dted by Miss Shidner of Stromnburg. en have been certified by the Stale Railroad 1 titled. 'The Jiners." After appointment of commission to the attorney general for I officers to f.11 a few vai-ant chairs and aa- I prosecution. They reside at Grand Liiand j pointment of various committees, adjuum j and the commission did not give out their ment waa taken until 1:39 p. m.. at which j namea J time the regular sta:e camp wnrk was The commission has advised General Man- commenced, taking up a greater part of the I ager Mohler of the Union Pacific that It 1 nas no uesire 10 pnjMiun aiiiiri. uui , j that it can End nothing in the law ex- j j cepting them, and that he must see that they are givtn no more passes, as the ; statutes do not provide for such procedure. The names of the sisters ar included in the list for February, which the Union Pacific has just filed. In the list also are tha names of a dozen more newspspers with which the riad has made contracts. rominenl Prohibition Lawyer Praises the Hixir " - -i'e",-v - J MR. CHAP.LE3 la an abaolTelr p'ire distillation of destroying the ftnr-3 and prod'!"i33 , Ue tonic ;:mu aat aad Inviuritor Iiloi t s-ien i; softened by warmth, and motatnre lta aULaaiilty and free j dom from ia.'innua suhstaacea render it so that it can be reta.ned by the most senaartve stomach, j If you T'afl Ui keej yoonj, strong and v.injrtias and have ua your cheeks the flow of perfect health, take Duffy's i Pure Mail WU-oir?y regular!, accoriias ta directions. U unen and strengthens the heart action and purifies tne entire sysrem. It is rrofnijtd as a CAITIOV Wbem jwt aek. yiur di geaarae. Its Uw only aheototrly pare i Look for th trwle-mark th- -IMd I VmM" o. tiu. lahe-l. e.k. rtve t - , nw lr. R. ( arraa. ( uawuita. Pjauut, fr a rea lilatraU-d Jlait W Hi.-key t Bmlmtrr. i Y. Dr and J. F. Davin. tne company sir- pon at CaJaway: Clarence Yarietx. son of a surgeon at Lodge Pole. All these names are in the list sent to tha attorney general ;or action. Cmon Pacific officials the sisters nf charity referred to are sisters in the SL Fraucia houpKil ax Grimi Inland, wiitch hoaplii; doa t.ii work f ir te Union Pa- STATS! C.HtP OP IOIAL 1E1AHBOR1 Larawly Atteaaeil Mevtlas; HM at Trk. t TCRK, Neb.. iMrrri li (Special.) comma- trains from ail directions brought deleaates from every ocunty and many towns in the state of Nebraska to the Pujval NV.ahbors' state camp, which met at York yrster4ay and adjourned t diy. Aithough hundreds came. Tirk. note-l for ils hospitality and enterta.nment. furnished tainment or every deleata. inn nam mev.n was cai.en m onirr i. Fraternity hail by State Oracle Knapp at lO M a. m. On behalf of tne c:ty. Dr. Memlith. councilman from the Fourth ! ward, addreesed the camp, and Hon. e3orge M. Spuriock. on behalf of the- York Com- merclal club, bid them weienme ta the city and offered them the free use of tha la-ee. rommoiiioos Commercial club nonu in which a number of meetings were held. I The eesponee ti addresses of welcome waa made by Mrs. J. Johnson of Aurora, which wa9 flowed bv a humorous selection re- afternoon, adjourning to the York Opera nouee. where thirteen candidates wef waiting to be Initiated into tile mysteries 0f xhe order. The Initiation work was DUt on bv the Tsmora camp, which waa congratulated on I the nice work done by their team. Miss Martha Dayton. oYrk's wd known violin ist, played a solo, and Mrs. Jane Morrow France rendered a vocal solo, after which a fancy drill, in which most difficult v D ArNGSR malted frain: great care being used to hav a predicated hq iiii d la the form of a faaii.y uierlu-ine everywhere. - uirymr. irraM-vw or dealer for Duffy's lueiia laai wialt w tiir-key aa is sokl U T7 J come in a va- come in a va- e"-w to 10' " j !ut:nna wr pri"nted. aa n'.-rrn by Tjra ! i.iu tea rixna. ; Th womi-n ileieatea apprf".a;d en rainaient fumisned and thn ryil wl- , coma i f.h women of Tnri and Uiu T r ; Commercial c!ub. and unammciuyly pa M l ' a resolution of thanks. P. J. Taaaraa Has Twa Wive. FAIRBTH Y, N'-h.. March r- iSrrvvai. Sheriff Chamside returned thi afternoon 1 from OHiahoma. harms; m cistady Freil- ! erirk Jack Vaughn, wno was married a; th a piara January tj Gnidle t'pnleman. The i couple had eioped. but retum.M and won- ' 1 married at the home of the bnde'i parents. j .ww ii aevei.ipn mat in rrrt'ary. ; Va.ishn was married to JTw Haxel M. i Ra.I in South Dakota. Vauhn was ar- ! rested on complaint of the father of h.s j I :"L 't-m. anu ia eaam.nauon w-u o- ! !he!d oon 8,,ut!' Dakota wife j here, which probably will be to morrow. Vaughn is a brlckiayer and worked at his trade here last season. Wares at est far Clwwerw. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Manh IX Spe cial.) W. O. Baylor, owner of the busnry taken by the young men of the elopement party from the vicinity of Ada. has sworn out a complaint against the young man Oirry. charging him with the larceny f the vehicle, and Hall county has offered a reward of SV for the arrest and conviction of Curry. The four young people who left their homes, as previously reported, bavs since been traced to this city on the night of their disappearance from Aldn and snrm to have departed In the vehicle about 1 I o'clock Monday morning, but no firther trace of the young men and women ia available. CaMeatlslea Xaa KlUea. j CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. March 11 3pe- j. clal.) Fearfully mantled and literally cut ; to pieces the body of an unidentified man i i waa picked up on the Union Pacific tracks by the section hands as they were going ! ; to work this morning abuut eight miles j 1 VMt nf rhte n4tT Tr w . annuMMtr that ' man naU nd a tIlR tnuB i but whether he was stealing a ride and fell off, or whether he was walking on the track when tile tra.n ran him down will ! probably never be known. Conner Too ley ! was at once notified and in company with I Frank Korabrink went out and gathered j up the remains and brought them to town. No inquest was deemed necessary. Ail ef- t (Continued on Fourth Page.) I of Life Mr. Charles D. Aiagcr, a wdl known iawcr of Aniover, Ohio, who ha; i just celebratzi hi. 8 hi j birthday and manages an j extensive business, has j been completely cared of i acute dyjprpua and init' j gestin by Duffy's Pure j Malt Whiskey. j Mi. Aingr la a Prohibitionist and is I opposed to the sale and use of intoxi- 1 cants, but savs he can couacie-ntiously I rerommenJ Duffy's Pure Milt 'Saisky J A3 A rreat mediciae. i Mr. Ainger wrltt,: I am SI years! old And Am n'.l anending to ti exwn- J give buBincsa without aav as stance : what ever I have been all mv Ufa opposed to th aale and use of intot!- . canrs. I have be-n a sufferer froix. acute dyspeinia and ladlsestiun. I have , recently commenced th ae ot Duffy's Malt Whiskey aa a medicine. I know that tt hag beea very beneficial to my hea:Ji and flrrry bllev that It ha prolonged my ex-stance. I caa con scientiously rerummeDd Its use as a : medicine. rjhiskey every kernel th -rou.-hly Salted, thus malt eseenca. hith Is the most efTec- Pare Halt A hie key b sore yn get the fas seabed bottle tly jae-ver la balk. aeal .eew the .rk ia .Lnntkem P.-e - - sarUiial boualet asul trea aJvkL-e. UuXij OUR. SPRING BATS are town-talk. Men who like to try on new things should come in and see what's what ill,,u 3 ua-L vl 50 The Art ci Dressing rIS REALLY an easy matter to be weil dressed, if yu care to be. Opiniana may diffsr as ta what "well ilreseed" reaily is hut the mam require ment 1 are in every ca-e about the aamei Correct style, perfect fit, good tailoring, honest quality. They all count, and yuu want them all. We are style creators. We know wtiafa correct, and we demonstrate it In our gar ment! You don't bave to order at Nicall's if you don't wane to: but you bave to follow NlcolTs styles If you want to be correct. Ir Spring Sty Lea tm Abuaoaaoe. Eetter drop in at Nlcoll's today and hare a chat with one of our salesmen. Trousers $3 to Z2 - Salts $23 ta $23 WIIXIAM JTlRRJEMS SOYS SOtVH RonLh 13th SC Call fur the best. It will eost you no mort and yuu will find it eMnnm u-ai. ask jonr grocer far BUTTER NUT The beet brad made. It Is eeieritifii-aily baked. of the beat hard wheat flour, under tile miMt anitarv nonditlons. Better tnan mutner'" used to Oaae. Try it The label ts an the loaf. 5 Cents k .v. a . m-u .....j.k.-.. . Lfc,, ST. m- SOMMER BROS. SATURDAY SPECIALS Creamery Butter, (all brands) per pound --32 Strictly Fresh E23. per dozen 1T? Quaker Corn f.aaes (the best maJe 3 tackagaa 23c Dates. 3 pounds White Clover Honey. per comb XSC Cauliflower, per head. 13c and 20c Spinach, per peck 2Sg? SOMMER BROS. XX we save a rpecialty tt is CHICKEN We dre them nirnelves and we d it m a way i:iat leaves tile chmkea flavor in mem. li'i. us y-jiir ur'l.-r tolay. Tau will fin '''em Toxmo. TXarstrs ajts csoxcx e tarry ei' in Lie aiat line, and we keep tne p.'a. n iir-oug.-.iy t'...i. It .vuii you no more to deal vita us Liu eiaewhere. JOS. BATH 1M1 Talaoboa P1AIMDO . .1 k.jrfreM ml m X mm Im mmm nluM. e rxataew aeewa. Un. kwlK ! Madame se Lc Terrs, f When Onlerlna V REREAD C 5 ; - t F5 laid 07 Btliie Sure uras dll, nw lira '-a. iMM mm. Vuea, TW lei.i r eiinj. iaa sua mnes. Tie Ml Ores -.. A fna. ajrOTS-l.lua Jms Ca . IMS SH4 VSOaSI 4 SL ei. Mia m4 ih W A. Letaiss. a mm im.