Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Ttir, Omaha Daily Urn
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Qeoro-e B. Tzschuck. treasurer of The
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aaya that the actual number of full and
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Evening and Sunday Bee printed- during
the rnontk of February, 1903, was aa fol
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1.... 36,700 IS... 86,100
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Modlll McCormick declares that yel
low Journalism la on tho wane. No
It should be easier to keep anarch
ists out of the country than to put
them out.
China has apologized to Japan, but
Japan Insists that It does not under
stand Chinese.
Tho Kentucky night riders have a
bad way of doing their smoking In the
tobacco barna. ' :" : -.
J Mr. Clark Howell says tho south is
; wild for' "Bryan. f Tho south 1s tho
' victim of habit. , f
Th6 noiseless campaign gun has not
been Invented, but' LesllesM. Shaw' is
getting mighty close to it. -
; "Uncle" -Dan Nettletron may npt
prldo himself on being good to look
t, but he is good to listen to.
Douglaa county taxpayers are ready
for a new court house, but they are
not ready for a real estate job.
Colonel Watterson la making it
plain that Vlth the old line democrata
; enthusiasm for Bryan la an acquired
Evelyn Nesbit Thaw might get her
divorce more quickly by pleading that
she was insane whan she married
A hodcarrler at Boston has had a
title conferred upon him by the king
ot Italy. A titled hodcarrler is still
below the masons.
Texas reports a mountain of petri
fied fish nearly 6.000 feet above sea
lavel. Fish stories are always fash
ionable during Lent.
' . r
The teacher or Janitor, who locks a
Bchoolhouse door while children are
oa the insidfl should be bebjnd another
kind of locked door.. '
Chicago delegates to the Denver
' convention, will carry' - a J vaudeville
team with them. Seems like 'carry
lpg coals' to Newcastle.
? "An orderly lynching" is reported
j", from Texas. We take it for granted
that the victim appreciated the polite;
Bess of his executioners.
"Our political Ufa all is discord,"
says Chancellor Day. The chancellor
ehould'read the report' of the Ne
braska republican convention.
It turns out that the Lancaster
county delegation fared better in the
convention held at Om&ha than it did
In the convention held at Lincoln.
A Boston report says that Tom
La'wson has become an Inveterate
chewer of gum. Glad ho hrs found
something to hew besides the rag.
Ban Francisco has raised nearly
$100,000 by popular subscription for
the extermination of rata. The prin
ters, naturally, contributed liberally
Mexico Is going to spend $8,000,000
In improving that harbor at Topolo-
banipo. A few dollcrs of tho amoun
should be spent for a simplified name.
"The United States should shut the
door on anarchists" says' Secretary
Straus. Yes, and the door should be
the improved kind, with chilled steel
r and burglar proof locks.
Nebraska republicans are now on
record not only through their stats
convention, but also through conven
tions speaking for each of the other
six congressional districts in favor of
William If. Taft as successor to Pre!
dent Roosevelt.
At no time since the candidacy of
Taft was announced and the statement
made positive by Mr. Roosevelt that
he would not accept another nomina
tion has there been any serious ques
tion as to where Nebraska would stand
at Chicago.
Nebraska has been and Is a thor
oughly Roosevelt state. It was al
ways to be counted on to uphold the
distinctive policies of the present ad
ministration and to insist upon a
candidate pledged to their continu
ance.' So unanimous and outspoken
has this sentiment been that it was
only to be expected that the state con
vention would, before commissioning
Kb delegates, call upon them individ
ually to announce whom they favored
so that, there might be no doubt that
the delegation would be for Taft at
heart as well as on tbe surface.
The resolutions adbpted by the state
convention properly stand upon the
record of achievement of the repub
lican party In state as well as in na
tion. It was not for the republicans
of , Nebraska, aa The Bee has already
said, to write in advance a platform
to guide the platform-makers at Chi
cago. It was sufficient to say In plain
words that Nebraska republicans stand
for the Roosevelt i'leps in legislation
and administration, that they stand
for tho reform doctrines on which
Governor Sheldon and his associates
were elected two years ago and which
the last legislature Incorporated into
the statute books. The resolutions
adopted say this in unmistakable
language and promise that there shall
be no backward step. Nebraska re
publicans point to deeds accomplished
as contrasted with Nebraska demo
crats, who merely find fault and re
new oft-broken pledges.
The young king, of Spain is proving
that he is made of sterner stuff than
some of his ancestors and predecessors
on the throne and that he apparently
Is determined to study conditions in
his kingdom at first hand. Since his
coronation he has shown a disposition
to break away from the counsels of
the court clique and to do everything
in his power to get into closer touch
with his people. Little affairs like the
attempt to assassinate him on his wed
ding day and the frequent discovery
of anarchistic plots against the throne
have, not been sufficient to check his
determination or to cause him to aban
don any of his plane. : '
. Jtv roQUlred ' real courage for King
Alfonso to spend a weak at Bar.ce
lpna, the chief commercial and in
duy trial 'city, ot his empires Barcelona
is the storm, center of the Spanish rev
olutionists, the .breeding place' ot ' ah
archistlo plots. The king's decision to
visit the port, to welcome the fleet sent
there by the Austrta-Hungary govern
ment and to Inaugurate a system of
general public improvements, was dis
couraged, it Is understood, by King
Edward of England, by the German
emperor and by other royal relatives
of the Spanish ruler. They urged the
(lunger that would attend the visit, but
Alfonso declared that he could not be
exiled ty anarchists from any part of
his own country. He contended that
bin failure to visit Barcelona would be
construed cis a recognition of the
power of the anarchists and revolu
tionaries and that he could not shirk
his plain duty, as he saw It, on account
of any personal danger. Spanish peo
ple, including the anarchists, should
rejoice that they have a sovereign who
is not content to be a mere figurehead.
The United States Is not the only
nation becoming keenly alive to the
improvement and betterment ot agri
cultural conditions, although we have
clearly taken the lead in this work.
Itectnt consular reports show that
pearly every country, in Europe Is ex
periencing a reaction from the tide ot
migration toward the cities, promising
a noted change in every branch of the
farming industry. This has been
forced, particularly in Europe, by the
high prices of farm products, particu
larly in fruits and vegetables, making
the work ot the small farmer more
pro!it:i!ilo than it has ever been. So
strong - has been the demand for a
change in agricultural conditions that
the British Parliament has passed
what is known as the small holdings
act, which contemplates the introduc
tion of Intensified farming.
Under the English law provision is
made for cutting up some of the large
estate into small farms. Provision
is made tor the settlement of differ
trees between landlords and tenants
by a board of arbitration, for the pay
ment of damages for destruction of
crrps by game or animals, and for co
operative buying and Helling. The new
law yi'.l tiko effect. January 1. 1909,
and tilretidy thousands of families that
reve been living In cities and villages,
finding employment in the factories,
are moving back to the farms. It is
estimated that 12,000,000 acres of
EngVsh lands now devoted to pasture,
hunting preserves or lying fallow, wtll
be tukn uii by small farmers within
tha next two oar. The surprising
stutrimrt is male in a consular report
that but II per cent of the English
population in rural. whereas in 1801
the rural population of the country
was II per cent.
Ei gland has great incentive for
the encouragement ot the small farmer
and ,tgetsble grower. ; It imports an
nually' atfnt $0, 000,000 worth of
ggs, $116,000,000 worth of butter
and poultry; bacon and cheese to the
rsluo ot $140,000,000. It is estimated
thut the total imports of food products
from the garden, poultry yard and
dairy amount to about $400,000,000
ui.r.tslly The praiseworthy ambition
has now been developed to have moet
of this produce raised on English
Nothing that England or other
Kurt pean countries may do in the dl
rectlon of bettering agricultural con
dltlons can have any injurious effect
upon tha market for the products of
th-4 Ameilcan farms. The annual in-
cr ree in the population of the world
assures a constant and widening mar
ket and creates a necessity for further
attention to intensified farming in this
Witnesses are apparently vying
with each other in offering the most
conflicting testimony before a congres
sional committee as to the real facts
about the condition of the American
navy. Mr, Reuterdahl, who started
the trouble by a magazine article. In
which ho declared the navy weak and
inefficient and most of the battleships
unfit for active Bervice, is having some
support from officers who do not agree
with the methods of construction em
ployer! in building American battle
ships. ' Equally emphatic testimony is
offered by other officials to the effect
that the completed American battle
ship represent the present day 'per
fection of the shipbuilder's art.
So far as the plain citizen, particu
larly the landsman, is concerned, the
testimony of Rear Admiral Robley D.
Evans will "carry more weight than
any that has been or will be offered by
navy experts of either the professional
or magazine type. "Fighting Bob" has
Bent a telegram from Magdalena Bay
announcing that his fleet of sixteen
battleships has arrived at that' port,
after a history-making cruise of 13,-
000 miles, with every vessel i ship
shape order end ready to go into ac
tion at a moment's notice.
No better evidence of the character
and condition of the battleships could
be offered. They have been in almost
constant motion since December 16,
moving for the moat of the time in
battle formation on one of the most
hazardous voyages ever undertaken by
a fleet of fighting ships. The admiral
reports that the entire fleet ia in even
better condition than when it started
on its long cruise, thus, crowning with
signal success the greatest naval un
dertaking in history. In the face of
such proof charges of inefficiency in,
.either the vessels or their officers and
men will fall on dull ears.
In ' his remark- before the repub
lican state convention the editor ofl
The Bee is said to have omitted from
the Jlst of state chairmen who, .in the
seven.j'ears of his service on the state
committee, had contributed to the up
building of the party organization and
the strengthening ot. a republican ma
jority in Nebraska the name of W. B
Rose, who served immediately preced
ing the present chairman. If bo, the
omission was entirely unintentional
and The Bee is glad to testify to the
painstaking and effective work done
by Mr. Rose as head ot the state or
ganization. Results tell and the suc
cessful outcome of the campaign which
he managed is the best evidence of his
foresight and industry.
Instead ot .making the test on the
appointment of park commissioners
tor Omaha by the judges of the dis
trict court, the test should be made
on the appointment of park commis
sioners of South Omaha by these
judges. It such appointment is an
illegal invasion of the constitutional
guaranty of local self-government and
the division of governmental powers
between the executive and the Judi
ciary, it is the South Omaha park com
missioners who are holding office by
The Good Government league ot
South Omaha went on record before
the primary in opposition to the
candidate tor mayor who was nomi
nated by the democrats. To be con
sistent la this professed desire to get
a change for the better in the city
government it should now be vigor
ously supporting the republican
Omaha has not lost anything by
having the state conventions of all the
political parties held here this year.
They have enabled Omaha to Invite
the personal observation of delegatea
from all parta of the state and Omaha
never suffers by such scrutiny.
The absence ot the names ot mem
bers of the Nebraska delegation at
Washington from the list of million
aires in the senate and house is strik
ingly noticeable. Nebraska, fortu
nately or unfortunately, does not yet
rest under that cloud.
"What better are we than Russia?"
asks Chancellor Day. Well, we Just
laugh at radical rantlngs like those
offered by the chancellor, . while in
Europe he would likely be sent to
The republican state convention
signally haudisappoluted the domo
cratl World-Herald by falling to de
velop any bitter contention which the
democrats lulsht Laip ou to futueut
republican dissension.
Emperor William Insists that there
was nothing private in that letter -he
wrote to tha head of tha British Ad
miralty. Of course1, if there was noth
ing "prlvste In the letter no one will
care to know anything more about it
When framing a law against carry
ing concealed weapons the law-makers
should be careful to make it broad
enough to include the deadly water-
t.ettlnar Others Do That.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The farmers are not worrying; much
about politics. They heve 150.000,000 buah
els of old wheat on hand, with fine pros
pects- for a new crop.
The Ceaatry Is Safe.
Boston Transcript.
The country will breathe easier since the
Nebraska democrats have pronounced In
fsvor of completing; the Panama canal. It
would be too bad to quit now.
The Editorial Peril.
Baltimore American.
Those good democrat lo papers which are
busy showing; that Bryan should not be
nominated because he cannot win will not
want to consult their back files a few
months hence.
In n Natahell.
Kansas City Times.
In Nebraska, where the republicans are
keenly Interested In the nomination of a
man who can win, the news dispatches tell
a significant story. Here la the story;
It's U Taft In Nebraska."
A Dana-erstaa Kaaerlmeat.
Baltimore American.
It Is reported from Paris that soma
scientists there succeeded In literally rais
ing people from the dead. They ought to
be stopped Instantcr as establishing a
highly dangerous precedent. There Is too
much trouble as It Is In getting some peo
ple to stay dead. -
Civil ScttIcc Law Stiffened.
Philadelphia Record.
The United States supreme court has
mightily stiffened the spine of civil
service reform by Its decision that no
llcltatlon by letter of campaign contribu
tions from federal officeholders Is a vio
lation of the law, This will serve to em
phasize and make certain the protection
of government employes against the raids
of political bosses, When solicitation is
declared unlawful and dangerous compli
ance Is, of course, unnecessary, and non
compliance safe. '
A Panama. Calamity Howl.
Washington Post. 1
The ex-chlef engineer of the Panama
canal has ranged hinrself with those
calamity howlers and pessimistic croak
ers who, aforetime, laughed to scorn the
building of the Sues canal. They said
It would never pay, too; It waa always
to be a burden and a money waster. But
for years and years It has to reduce its
tolls In order to earn more money than
Its charter allowed. Beyond thus ranking
himself with thta early brigade of doubt
ing Thomases It Is difficult to see what
Mr. Stevens has achieved by his blue
prophecies. Ho has not destroyed the
country's confidence In the ultimate suc
cess of the canal project; he has not be
littled the excellent work Colonel Ooeth&le
Is doing. Neither has he added anything
to his own reputation as a distinguished
Harrlnaa Links His Maes from
-' Ocean to Ocean. .
Philadelphia Record.
We have becotno accustomed to speak of
the great railway syatema running east
and weat as transcontinental, though hith
erto there has been no trunk line operated
under a single management that extended
from ocean to ocean. The Canadian Pa
cific camo nearest to being transcontinental.
though Its eastern terminus Is hundreds of
miles from the Allantlcr Indeed, the South
ern Pacific, with Its terminals on the gulf,
would have been called transcontinental
with almost equal propriety, though It Is
for Its entire length west of the Missis
sippi. With the acquisition of the Georgia
Central by Harrtman the word "transconti
nental" applied to a railroad system for
the first time becomes accurately descrip
tive. The Harrlman system now extends
from ocean to ocean from Seattle, San
Francisco and Ban Diego to Savannah.
Roosevelt Administration Exception
ally Cloaa and Efllrlent.
New York Times.
The movement In the house of represen
tatives to "galvanize" the numerous com
mittees supposed to be charged with watch
ing tha expenditures of the several depart
ments is naturally attributed to Ppeaker
Cannon's growing coolness toward the ad
ministration. There Is no doubt that the
president has fallen into the habit of using
the departments and their various bureffus
pretty freely without always troubling him
self to get full congressional authority for
action or for expenditure. Tha correction
of any abuses that may have grown up in
this way Is a perfectly legitimate function
for tha committees of the house, whtcft In
theory Is supposed to hold tha purse
It may be said that the congress Is It
self fur from cautious In Its use of money
or of patronage that coats money, but it
is on of the rules of the political game
that one set of officials shall be put to
watch another, depending for results more
on a certain Jealousy than on pure seal for
tha 'public welfare. But ws venture to
think that It will be found, on the whole,
that the weakness of this administration
does not lie In the direction of extravagant
or heedlesa work in the department. On
the contrary, Mr. Roosevelt has, wa think,
shown more than ths ordinary vigilance
and practical sagacity In h efforts to
make the departments efficient and clean.
Wa should hardly expect tha committees
Of the house to do much better on these
Hue. Bui thera Is uu pouiuis uujveuon
to turning on the light.
Baby Laugh
It belongs to health for
. baby to eat and sleep,
to laugh and grow fat.
But fat comes firsts
don't ask a scrawny
baby to laugh; .why.
eren his stnile if pitiful I
Fat comes first.
The way to be fat is the
way to be healthy.
Scott's Emulsion
is the proper food,
but only a little at first.
AH DrsbH SO, ami 1 JOO.
What commotion a trifling spark can
produca where overloaded powder mnga
sl'tes abound Is evidenced by the fTuropean
bother over Kaiser AVIlllam's private letter
to Lord Tweedmouth of the Brltleb admir
alty. The British lord, flattered by the
attention of the German kaiser, could rot
restrain his mouth and permitted the fact
of tha receipt of the letter to become
public. This was seised by newspapera
which thunder In the index as proof of
German 'Interference In British naval af
fairs and th latent flrea of German-
ophobia In th British metropolis were In
stantly stirred Into a blase. Demand
was mad for th publication of th letter.
Parliament was appealed to. Tory patriots
fumed and assailed th ministry. All In
vain. Tweedmouth' declined to open his
mouth. Parliament refused to b stam
peded. Th ministry stood pat. Bo th less
than nlno days' sensation over an Imperial
note concededly of no political Importance
vanished without a clash In Europe'e armed
camps. The Incident, trifling as It was
clearly Indicated that th profession of
universal peace made at The Hague confer
ence are not filtering Into th systems of
th populace. Thera Is no sign of the red
corpuscle yielding to tha mollycoddle germ.
On the contrary, nations are vying with
each other In extending and perfecting
military and naval armaments on a seal
hitherto unknown. 6om optimists regard
these preparations for war an assurance
of peace. But there Is the ever present
danger when playing with guns that an
"unloaded" on will go off.
Activity In navy building among maritime
nations surpasses all former records. Great
Britain publicly affirms Its policy of put
ting on the sea as many fighting ship as
tho two next ranking nations, or "four
Drcadnaughts a year." Tills policy has
been conalstenlty maintained up to the pres
ent time, and the celerity of its shipyards In
producing floating forts of the Dread-
naught typ leaves no doubt of Its abllty li
maintain Its naval supremacy. Germany has
launched the first of Its class of huge
fighting ships, and the United States and
France are following the example. Russia
is putting the finishing touches on two
large battleships of 17,000 tons each, and
two of 19,900 tons are projected. Since the
close of the war with Russia, Japan has
built four battleships averaging 18,000 tona,
four armored cruisers, four other cruisers
and thirty-seven torpedo boats and de
stroyers, a total of fifty-one ships. Increas
ing by one-half th empire's naval tonnage
before the war. Two monster ships of
21,000 tons each, ar projected and three
Mghclass cruisers are on the way. Rivalry
throughout the world is Intense and fever
ish. Every year or two brings out a new
type- ot warship, larger and mora expen
sive than its predecessor, at the same time
relegating to the Junk pile an equal num
ber of former monarchs of tho sea. When
tho rivalry will end Is beyond the rang of
mortal vision. Cost has jumped from
$1,000,000 and $2,000,000 per ship to tha stun
ning sums of 19,000,000 apd $10,000,000 each,
and the cost of maintenance is relatively
high. Only nations with limitless sources
of taxation can hold a place on the naval
race in th near future.
A writer In the current Atlantic, dis
cussing the growth of German cities, says
that since 1870 Berlin has grown relatively
and absolutely faster than Chicago, the
Greater Berlin having today a population
of over 8,000,000. Thirty years ago Leipzig
was less than 150,000; today It Is more than
600,000. Hamburg then had almost pre
cisely the same population as Boston;
today, although Boston's growth has been
so great, Hamburg, with more than 800, Ono
people. Is larger than Boston; the growth
of tta commerce has been vastly greater,
and its docks and port facilities are In
comparably finer, models commended to
Boston for Imitation at this very moment
by an expert commission. The Hamburg
American line and the North German
Lloyd are the largest steamship companies
in the world, larger than any English com
panies, the former having more than 150
ocean steamers in Its service. The great
railway stations are the finest In Europe,
Incomparably superior to those In the great
English cities; the finest of them all as
yet, tha Union station, now building at
Leipzig, will cost $2,000,00a The Univer
sity of Bellng Is planning a special de
partment deVoted to the wise and beauti
ful laying out of cities, with provision for
making the lectures available to th direct
ing municipal officials of Germany. In in
dustrial and technical education, from top
to bottom, Germany's achievements are far
ahead of England, as It Is in so much
ahead of us. It Is by science that It has
pushed its way to Industrial supremacy In
so many fields, that It has captured the
chemical Industries of Europe and in so
large degree the electrical Industries, and
that It is distancing or crowding England
and ourselves in the markets of the world.
A recent report from the United States
consul general at Antwerp shows that
nearly one-half of the 4,500 to 5,000 diamond
cutters of Antwerp were thrown out of
work through the failure of orders from
the United States on account of tha finan
cial crisis. The consul general gives some
Interesting facts about the diamond cutting
industry. He says: "The Antwerp dia
mond Industry comprises about forty fac
tories and employs 4.SO0 to 6,000 men. Dia
mond cutters ara paid a wage of $12 to $18
a week, cleavers $20 a week upward, whila
the sorters receive $6 to $10 a week; thus
the average wages amount to $13 to $14 a
week. Thirty-five years ago th diamond
trad was In such flourishing condition
that a good cutter earned as much as
from $230 to $3S0 a week. This remark
able state of things, however, attracted the
attention' of workers from all over the
country; keen competition ensued, with the
consequent diminishing of wages. The
famous Culllnan diamond, given to King
Edward VII by the Transvaal colonial gov
ernment as a birthday present, cannot be
cut In England, and will be sent to cither
Amsterdam or Antwerp, where it will take
ai tha very least six months to perform the
The Oesterrelchlache Wochenschrift,
under the headline "Heroism Rewarded"
tells about a soldier In the Russian army
by the name of Samuel Glans who served
In the war with Japan. He was at Port
Arthur from first to last and was severely
wounded at tha battle of Mount Dagushan.
For "distlngulahed bravery" ho was decor
ated with the St. George medal and was
promoted to the noncommissioned staff.
After the war, when his term of service
was over, Glans obtained a position at
Moacow. Then he received notice t,at,
being a Jew, he coulJ not remain in the
city. By a ukase all Jews who distin
guished themselves In the Russo-Japanese
war were allowed the same rights as had
been given to the Nikolujewer soldiers,
and as these could not acqulr citizenship
In Moscow Olans had to go, bravery decor
ation and all. The cas was brought to
the notice of the csar, and through a per
sonal order from blm the soldier decorated
for bravery received the exalted privilege
uf eafiiliis hla llvius In llio clly of Mos
cow. "
Admiration JHIaas Eavy.
Pittsburg Dlapatch.
While on muit admlr th cool re
sourcefulness of Banker Drak of Omaha
he need not nvy blm his post
a, m i n i, ma iianj t , , iiasasss ; m
II ammaaamaaW MammmmfJsmmsaaaa nmOmmwmmmmrvmammmm I
Where the finefl biscuit,
cake, hot-breads, emits
or puddings are required
Ifyyal is indispensable.
Balding Powder
Absolutely Pun?
Not' only for rich or fine food
or for special times or service.
Royal is equally valuable in the
preparation of plain, substantial,
every-day foods, for all occa
sions. It makes the food more
tasly, nutritious and wholesome.
Political headquarters ar opening up and
preparing for summer and fall trade.
John Johnson of Minnesota carried his
own state twice. Bryan carried his state
The justly celebrated "Sob Squad" of
New York, having worked Itself out ot a
job, seeks an assignment on Senator For-
akor's political staff.
Coincident with the discovery of the al
leged life restoring qualities of magnesium,
Adlal Stevenson shows signs of vitality and
tha vice presidential fever.
Th recent state convention of republicans
In Kansas marked the passing ot the old
order In that state. State-wide primaries
supercedes state conventions.
Edward N. Dlngley, a son of the author
of the present tariff bill, has announced
his candidacy for the congressional nomina
tion of his party In tho third Michigan dis
If it is true as reported that tha Denver
convention hall Is one mile from the near
est irrigation joint, a motion to adjourn
will take unquestioned precedence In the
hot July convention.
W. Qy Conrad, the Montana millionaire,
who has been mentioned among democratic
candidates for the nomination of vice pres
ident, came within two votes of beating
William Kt Clark for a seat In the United
States senate.
Richard Franklin Pettlgrew of Sioux
Falls, S. D., who has been mentioned aa
the successor of Thomas Taggart aa chair
man of the democratic national committee.
Is a Vermont boy, born In Ludlow fifty
years ago. When he was a senator In
Washington he was known as "th pick
erel" because ot his contentious spirit and
stinging comments.
Thomas J. Aklns, republican national
committeeman for Missouri and assistant
United States treasurer at St. Louis, will
enter the race for the United States senate
at the coming election. Ha Is very close
to Secretary Taft and was largely Instru
mental' in carrying thoae dlstrlcta in Mis
souri which have already Instructed for
the secretary of war.
"There is one paradoxical quality which
a vine possesses. '
"What Is that?"
"It can keep on running while It Is still
rooted to th spot." Baltimore American.
"Why doesn't that man get on in poli
tics? He aeems capable and Industrious."
"Yes." answered Senator Sorghum, "he la
all that. But he showed bad judgment In i
selecting hla opinions." Washington Mta:
"What are you going to do with your
second boy?"
"JlmmleT Well, we've com to the con
clusion that Jlmmle has no last for busi
ness and can't make money and ao we are
going to get him into West Point." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
"What are the most powerful explosives
known?" queried th young man.
"Two prima donnas In one opera com
pany," replied the ex-theatrlcal manager.
Chicago News.
"Whom do you hold responsible for the
embarrassments that the public suffers?"
"Well," answered Farmer Corntosael, "It
depends on circumstances. I own a few
shares of bank -stuck and I've been runnln'
The New
T IS not too early
Browning,' Ming & Co
'1 M
Suits and Top Coats.
They ar here now, direct from our own
New York work shops, showing la advance the
latest metropolitan fashions.
The name of IIROWMNG, KING & CO. on
a suit or coat Is like the sterling mark on
silver. Too will find the same name and style
In our Boys' and Children's Suits, of which we
have a splendid assortment to show you now.
Spring Hats are here In all the new shapes and shades,
tor both men and boys.'
In our Furnishings department you will find the latest
Shirts. Ties, etc.
15th and Douglas RTfft 15th and Duglas
t x R.S.WlLCOX,Mor. t t
V 1
fur road supervisor. Pponkln' as a flnan
cier, I blame the politicians, an' epeakm
as a politician, I blame the flnHnelira."
Waahlngton Star.
He I bope, now that the dog quest'.oi
has come up, I can get rid of that cron:
little cur of yoirrs.
She It ia a good thing Hint all kinds o:
Ill-tempered brutes are not included In tht
crusade, for something might happen It t'n
men who are growling all the time. Haiti
more American.
New York Sun.
Tha birds will please sing in the trees
Ho, brother, shut your eyes and sneexo
Th flowers will now begin to bud,
The lovers chant a roundeluy.
The hurdy-gurdies come and play.
And everything is sluali and mud
Spring. One day the southern sephyrs blow.
The next It's ten degrees below,
Today the children skip tho rope,
Tomorrow morning it will snow,
The tailors' windows make a ahow-
The oldest maid begins to hope
Spring. Remember that the year is leap
Spring. Beware or you'll be let In deeji
In vain your wit and specious art,
If someone sets you with her eyes.
And looks and sighs he wise, bo wire
Secure a swift and running start
Spring. Uncle Sam
is a particular
Before he buys he uses his
microscope the Department
of Agriculture.
Gold Medal Flour
is richest in protein (energy).
That's why it's used for the
army rations. '
Made by
tVstfu 1
For Sale
by Grocers
to consider the new Hiring