Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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y : - (Contlnuad.
LIST your pmr-erty with ChrlJ Boyer. m
and Cuming ku. lt 6J
I want n otter im the property, tia and
11) 8 tint ft.; two mo-'-rn h-m and
good bar; well rented, Ttua property la
wnd Jy a eastern party wUo uumI
. Room 4. Jiw, York Ufa BIJg.
....... a-M5i
IF YOU are thinking of selling your eity
property, er-would exchange It for good
land.-4t would, pay you to ee ua. It
costs nothing to t-U ua about It.
Omaha, Nb.
(L-M7o6 IS
Arre et th heat land In Brown renaty.
Nebraska tor 6A tao.eash. balance on a
. year. Apply M. Moreerty, owmi, ul
Pax ton block. Otnaha. (Ju MuT
RANCH FOR BALE-2rt lorn of (rood
hay land, with good improvements, three
ml lea from E4oc. Holt county; ran glv
good terms.- R. tJ. Dlakinson, Olumbua,
fceb. . (30-M77 lht
Saw MaxlM.
II aa for l .0u0 aeraa of land that can
ba put under Irrigation at atnaU cost; 200 to
lOW tiead of -cattle;- several flna ranches;
1 rm of excellent cow horses Addreaa
Silver City Realty Ca.. P. O. Box 64, Silver
Beats. Dakota,
' ' ' M i '
WHT cay rent wben I can locate you
on a Rood homestead or get you a good
relinquishment or sell you a good deeded
quarter of land tor H.uo. whara the land
la aa good aa Iowa or II lino la, whara
we (row 40 buahela of corn to tha aero;
' alao big crop of small trains and all
kind of Vegetable. ' For Information
writ Hudson Land Agency, Midland, &
t. M6o lis
oi:t thet cio
which la attracting bomeseekers to an un
excelled farming country: fertile aoll,
sunshuie, frea fuel, pur Water, aura
crops, a home and profitable occupation
for you; land but Ii to ill an acre now;
easy terms: we hare homested relin
quishment for sale. Sea Wra. H. Brown
, Co., Haynaa or Mott. North Dakota, or
s. Ul lAalie hi.! ctucago, lib Maps ireo,
Mention this paper.. - ( MJK2
BI leeellaaeowa.
WESTERN LAND, Urge and small treat,
sale and exchange. National Invt. Co.,
ttf Brandele Bldg. - 20)-I7f
FOR BALK 20-.cre- farm, bouse of nine
rooms, barn 12x44, hog bouse lixU and one
6x14. hen. houas 6xi4, granary 24x24, 10
acTaa of ailaiXa. ii acres tame grasa
patiurn. w acrea wim Hay lur norsra
Kood grove, orchard, all f Kneed and crona
fenced. PA miles to aood rallroiid town.
miles west of Sioux CUy. Write lor
prices gnd terns.' J. Lnox Land
Anncy, auo, xeo. , .. . (aw Nistu
LOCA.T on. tha Lower Brule Reservation.
OcKxl claima yet to bad, open for
filltit;. Will locate you for a reaoonabls
amount. Addreaa O. . M. Uertleson,
1'icsho. S. U. fJO) UZ47 April I
JJARYIjAND. viroinia, farm bar-
uainh jgngnificent colonial romea.
Cata!oKVe..' Mouh). Washington. D. C.
(30 M91 lx
TEL. DOUOLAS f7. ' Ui N. Y LIF15,
' ' (21) MT71 IS
'real estAte loans
W, 1L Thomaa lends money.
(ZJJ-M742 A 11
WONKY TO IA3AN On Improved city
iirouerty. Rulldlng loans a specialty. No dc
Uy. W. 1L Thomas, 6c3 1st Nat 1 Bk Bklg.
I i . g-ii a
. (g)-s4l
LOANS on .Improved Omaha property.
O Keefa II. L Co.. IOTA N. Y. Life Bids.
' . . (P mi.i
' FRIYATS' wotuyf roaa; no delays, i.
H. Sherwood, kla-all Urandaisl Bidg.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
(ii Ml
WANTED City loans. - Fatars Trust Co.
' ... ' ' Oa-Ml-
HOO TO mad promptly. F. D. W ead,
M ead -4 lain sad Jrarnaox.
l-CWliST t-J.Ti; -im-'.t. 1 axloo Block.
WANTEIMr tons gad warranta W.
karaaut SuUtu at Co 123 Farnara At.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property.
Hastings & Heyden. l,tA Faruam St-
,- . - im Mi2
WANTED T buy eecond-band, furniture,
oook aad heat lug stoves, oafpeta. lino
leunia, office furniture, ulj clotuea, quilta
and all kinds of tools, r will buv tha
Lumkurs of your Iumiss cotnplete. The
ingueat price pa to. call ne right mao.
Tat. aouglaa i,l; Ind. A&71.
SECONDHAND (cad sacks. No amount to
tarae or loo nuaii. Waarncr. aul N. IfHa.
CASH raid for secondhand clothing, shoe,
ato. to K. 1Kb St. Tat, Ra4 UlL
BEST price paid for second-hand furniture.
carpeia, stoves, clothing, shoes, etc Rd
sau. ( MM
WANTED-Stock of general mdif, tXOuO to
15 uuO In town close to Omaha; will buy for
ci all at dlsjourt r trade land. Address
Byx 64. Spriiovr. Neb. (25 aiiul
WANTED Oood going hardwar ator hi
or near Omaha. Stat prloe and amount
" yeariy Business, nnreaa 11. A. s., a
viciis ai u v.iemaaa, aikco.
(3-M4H 14x
WHEN wrttlnaj to advertisers, remember
It takea but an extra atroke Or two of
tha pen to mention the fart that you
saw tc a ail lit i ne tee.
POSITION wanted by young maa as chauf
fur for atant ne .bulna . n lii m. , ii i .
baa bal axpertAica and can give gooi
raierencea. AQartsa x iff), rare ilea.
five year a experieiKe and can come well
recotunwaaed. fcd. J.. Peterson. Tmgley
la. . U-M73 14X
FIRKT-CLASa baker wants position In
email towni- can give first-t'laaa rfer-
aovea. Addreaa u tl, care He.
u'7 M7S1 Ux
BOOKKEEPER wants position; .good pan-
.aji. wrnvi siiurinanu; operate any ma
China. Several ytwra' exierlj:nce. Ad
drees J car iee. 27 M7a7 14a
TllOKOt'OH accountant and credit man;
experienced salesman: aatt AS m.rrui-
trferuoea guaranteed. Addrrea K M. ear
fro- (.1) MThJ lox
. WANTBIVA oe1ttr. bf htau'ef XT who
haa soid and dvalt hh bankers, mar.
Mutate mi basiawa iwa ta aK lutea- fwe
tits lee eight year; 1 am ala a niinpe
tent elTkw inan. ad writer ami hlgh-grad
rorrtjoindrnl. Answer If you pet-d a re-
iiaute, veraatua,e.
feiuloy-. Aditteaa N 1UL
. . - . (S. .() its.
WHf N Writing to-advert isera. aiaeia-e
It taasa but aa exura atroke vt two of
the pa to mention tha fact tiat you
" e ie r Atvw- . .
(MlAiKAbO. . . .
Sealed proposals for tha fumlli"ng of all
material. auDullaa. labor, etc- arid the aua
taiitlng of ail expenoe Incurred In construc
ting In place a public sanitary eerer. to
gather with all manhole, outlets and ap
purtenances, lor tha Town oi nternng in
actordance w'th the plans and specifica
tions on file In the office ef Ihe Town
Clerk of said Town of Sterling will be re
ceived by the Town Clerk and Recorder at
said Town until I o clock a. m. Thursday,
tha IWh day of March. at which hour
the bide will be publicly opened and read.
Tha Town Hoard will then proceed ta con
sider all bids and award the contract to tha
lowest and best responsible bidder, but tha
right Is hereby reserved to reject any and
all aide, v
Tha engineer's approximate estimate of
work to be done la aa follows:
ZsTS linear feet ft-Inch pP sewer.
11. JM linear feet 10-inch pipe aewer.
!,Su linear feet 12-Inch pipe aewer.
i.VS linear feet lS-lnch pipe aewer.
.V74 linear feet l-lnch pipe aewer.
U lamp lolea complete with, covers.
110 manholes complete.
Inspection holes complete.
1 portal or ejwer discharge.
U fluan taaka No. i. capacity 400 gallons
447 g-lnch "T"a ft-lnch pipe. .,.
. 109 6-Inch "7"i lo-lnch pipe. .
36 S-lnch "Y 's 11-inch p pa..
U -lnch "Ys 15-lnch pirxa. ....
a a-inch "Y"s l-loch pipe.
Dirt work on ft-tnen aewer.
Average cut 6.2 feet.
Linear feet of cut 2,JT3 feet.
Dirt work on 10-Inch aewer:
Average rut i f feet.
Linear feet of cut 11.299 feet.
Dirt work on 12-Inch sewer:
Average cut t U feet.
Linear feet of cut 1.W0 feet
Dirt work on li-lnch aewer:
Average cut 7.11 feet.
Linear feet of cut 6 Kt feat.
Dirt work on 18-Inch aewer: .
Average cut 6 66 feet.
Average fill i.Sl foet.
linear feet of cut 2,iL'4 feet.
Linear feet of fill 1150 feet.
It must be understood that while tha
above eatimatd glvea tha approximate
amount of work for completing tha entire
sewerage system for the town, the Board
of Trustees may only direct the construc
tion of approximately four mile of sewer
age ayatem In tha buslneea center of the
town, together with the trunk line to river:
Tbe balance of the town may ba taken aa
a aeparate matter at soma future date, or
tha town board may direct under thia bid
tha completion of the entire ayatem, but
It abuuld be understood that tha above en
gineer 8 estimate for the entire ayatem s
made for the purpose of enabling; tha Town
Board of Trustees to lay all present and
future blana. part which may only be exe
cuted at this t' and under thla notice.
Therefore, the successful bidder should re
ceive Instructions from said Board of
Truateea or the engineer, aa to the amount
of material required to execute such por
tion or portions of the sewerage ayatem
under thfe notice,
Kach proposal must be accompanied by
certified check upon soma reliable bank
In the aum of five thousand dollar (IS.Ouu)
Dayable to the town treasurer of tha Town
of Sterling, end guaranteeing that If the
f roposal Is accepted, the bidder will within
en lui days after being notified of auch
acceptance enter Into a contract and glv-
good sufficient bond, signed by such surety
or sureties) aa may be satisfactory to tha
Board of Trustees lnthe amount of fifteen
thousand dollars ifli.cro.) in case of failure
to so e-iter Into a contract and give auch
bond, aald check snail be forfeited to town
aa liquidated damages, otherwise to ba re
turned to bidder as collateral bond.
Dated this 2d day of March. at Bter
ting. Colo., by order of the Board of Trua
T. C. Smith. Mayor.
C. F. Silver, Town Clerk and Recorder.
Peresoy aV Moore to John O'Neill, lot
1 tTlock 10, Dwtght & Lyman a a4d..$ 500
,1-11':... . n V" . . 1 1 A t
11 iiniiin v.. r. uiiiiiaui wiu wnn iu
Kred Armhnint lot 1. block Z. -llnet-
Ings & Heyden's add :t...'l,l
Thomaa J. Gonirtn and wife to Axel
Meyer, part lot 4, block 1. Park Place
Barker company to Charles Hoirle.
lota 25 and 27, block 11. Orchard Hill 250
Charles M. Kal and wife to Michael
, Sobcsok and wife. aU lot 1 block 336,
Bouth Omaha , 000
Mile -J Pwell-ft sl -to- Ifelea
Clarke.' lot 17. block 1 Hillside add.
No. t.. 1.800
Hastings A Heyden to B. F. Church,
lot U. block 6, Collier Place 4J0
George F. Bancroft and wife to
Frank Yun and wife, m lot J oWock
8. Improvement Association add.'.'..,. J.1O0
Joseph H. Millard to F.rnest Sweet.'
lots 2. J and 4. Jefferson Place.,..,. 20,000
Molllo Zllg to cnarlcs v. UnrliirTillI.
H lota 6 and 7, Williams' subdlv.. (00
Anna B. Conroy to Mary E. Marshall,
mi i. mock 3a, First add. to Corrl-
gan Place ann
ame to B. F. Marshall, lot Z. block
85, same J00
O. K. et earns to Charles M. Clarke,
lots 4, 6 and 1 block , Baker Place
John Chapln and wife to Ellxabeth
t'napin, lot 4, block 240, South Omaha. 1,000
raxton Heal fjetats company to
nenry i-ame et ai, lot U. keystone
Park 500
Total amount of transfers.
FORT MEADE. 8. D., MARCH 4. 1308 -
Beaied propoeala in triplicate for construc
tion of drainage ditches, bridges, culverts.
etc., will be received here until 10 a. in.
April lu, 19(8. and then opened. Informa
tnon furnleahed upon application. Plana
ana spcnicationa may be seen at t nitad
mates quartermaster Offices. Omaha.
Denver. Chicago. St. Paul and this otfI
The United State reserve the right to
accept or reject any or all propoeala or
any part thereof. Envelope contain Off
propoeala ahould be endorsed "Propcils
Kir Drainage Ultchea, Bridges, Culverts,
Etc.." and addreased to L. C. Bchersr.
Captain Fourth Calvary, Constructing
quartermaster, iron Meade, B. L.
Isle PacIC.
Laava. Arrtva.
Tka Overland IJnlted..a . am a t 4 pa
iae LOloriuu mviwi..i s.iv piw a ;us pm
Atlantic Expreaa al:l an
The Oregon a.xprosa....a :i pra a s:o p
Tho Los Angaiaa uaau.u piu a :1A pra
Tb Fast Mall a t- aui a I is pot
Tha China at japaa
MaU t:w pro a i: pm
Nnnb latte Local.. ....a 7 ;41 ana a i nn
Colo.-Chteago Special.. 12:10 am 1.(6 am
Beatrice aV Stroma
burg Local hU:M pm k 1:40 org
Calcago Croat Weeterau
Kt. Paul-Minneapolis.... g:M Dm 7 am
St Paul-Mlnneapblu 7:10 am 11:36 pm
Chicago Limited trt pm 1:17 am
Chlcaao Lxpreaa 7 :st am 11 :B am
Chicago Express I.JO pm MM pn
IlllBota CeatraJ. N
Chicago Express ...
Chicago Limited ....
.a 7 16 am a I 43 pm
.a 6Xa) pm a 1:10 am
thteauga MUwaake a it- PaaL
Chla. Colo. Special.. .a 7S am all:50 pa
CaL Or. Expreaa.. ..a g.u pm a 1.16 pm
Overland Limited a pia a tM am
Perrr Local a i.U pm ail.u am
CfclMge) Kartkiweatvraw
Chicago Daylight a 7J& am all 4S pm
tu I'aul-Umn. lt-xp...,.a I:ti am aiu.n) pui
( hi,-.n LoL-al ..aU:Sv am a 1:2 dim
fcioux City l'ttger..a 7.u- m a 1 a pm
CnKgj Paswiifcr a 4: rm a i am
l iiii-i.j Euctal a w pm a 13 am
bt l aul-Miua. Llxn. i it pm a 1 uri am
Loa Aiifccic-a Llnitled...a pm axil. S pi
Overlaiu Limited .aiu.ut pm tn
Fast Mall a I ai pm
Sioux City Local ilMpm a 1.10 am
Twin City Limited a i.U pm a l.uO am
Norfolk-Boneaieel t 1(6 am a 6:40 pm
Lincoln-Long Flna a 7.46 am alt a am
Deadwood-LTncola ......a 1:0 pra a 6 40 pm
Casr-Landr vOpm a 6.40 pin
Hastlngs-feuperlor ...... b I W pra b 6:4 pm
Fresuuiil-Aluoa b 6 Jo pm b 1.1s pm
St. Louis Express....... 6:10 pm
bt. Louis Local (from
Co il Bluffs) a IJ0 am
Bias tert y Loval tfrom
Council Bluf fa) k 6:0 pa
Mlsaoart Fata.
a I JO am
aU:li pa
bua aa
K. C. 4s SI La Txp....,a o am
K C. 6 St. L, Exp ali:i6 pra
Lklraa. suscst "aa a rati
6 M pa
Chicago Limited M, a t oo a
Iowa Local a J ' a
n ail: 48 pm
m a . .
Da Motnce I'aaa.
Iowa Local
ClOcag t taatera
oger..a 4 u pra aliAi tn
t..bU:am k.6pa
Ex.. .a 4 1) pm a 1:1 pa
Chlcag ciycr
.......... e-u p a aja am
WUT. .
Rocky Mountain L t d. .all IV pm a t-4 am
C-io and CaL Eg 1:1 pm a 4: pa
OsX tu.d 1a Lx,... pta a pa
inner Kadi Tiller, trat Other Kin
Mor Compactly Built
Beell Haa Never Brest Tknwa El.
resit fcy Fraak Gatr-fc ' aaal
Never Maa Met raraaetr
When Farmer Rural meets Fred Beell at
the Auditorium Tuesday night ha will be
meeting a man who haa never been thrown
by another wrestler except Frank Ootch,
hamplon of America. Ootch beat htm
twice. Buraa ha never met htm.
Beell Is cna of the prodlgiea of wreetlrng
and Is another. Tha clash of two
prodigies la expected ta produce soma phe
nomenal work on the. mat. Here is a com
parison of tha two-men by figure:
Age 47.
Age IX
Weight 11
Height 6:04.
Cheat 44 Inches.
Waiat M.
Iflps 40.
Thigb 14.
weigh- IT.
Height 6:10.
Chest 40 Inches.
Waist 12.
Hip 40.
Thigh 12.
Calf IS.
Calf IS.
Ankle 11.
Ankle HH-
Wrist 8.
Neck 17.
Forearm 12V,,
wrist .
Neck 17H.
Forearm 11
Biceps 16
Bleeps id.
It will ba seen that Beell, though much
shorter, la larger In other ways and Ootch
say superior height la always a doubtful
advantage. Beell was brought out by
Evan (Strangler) Lewis, who. when ha
turned him upon tha mat, pronounced the
champion, better than Burn or McLeod.
Ootch was not then In hi heydey. Lewis,
who waa later thrown himself by Burn
after trying for three hour to atrangl
the Farmer, always believed Beell the com
ing champion. Beell la quiet and very pop
ular with all wrestler. On of hla greatest
achlevementa waa tha defeat of Tom Jeu
kins, former champion, who weighed 200
against Beell's 10 then.
Grow Oat of Jealoaay.
That waa a private match," aaid Burns,
"and one of tha beat I ever aaw. It waa
pulled off In New York by a crowd of
wrestlers and grew out of jealousy. Pol
lack backed Jenkins and Harvey Parker
Been, me purs waa xi.uw. tieeii won in
two hours and forty-two minute.
"He's aa awful nice tittle fellow and a
great wrestler. He may throw me, but I
hope to win; I am especially anxtoue to
win, hut if ha win I will not feel badly.
H I a clean and good man.
"I tell you the truth, I am beginning; to
feel my age. I am now past 47 and I lack
the ambition of my former years. It used
to be that when I entered the ring I said
to myself, 'My, here my chance for a
good tuasla; let me at htm.' Now when I
get on the mat I say to myself, "Oh, I have
an hour or two of hard work which I wish
was over.' I uaed to get out and run over
tha hill and like It. Now when I start up
a htll I look to the top and say, "There's
that big hill I've got to climb.' But I'm
not all In yet. Of course I have got to gwt
beat sooner or later, but 111 do my best
to the end. I have been wrestling for
thirty-nine years, ever alnce I was I years
old, and nave met 1,000 wrestlers."
The old man has gone to Belleville. Kan.,
to wrestle Oscar Wasem and will be back
In Omaha Saturday and remain until hi
meeting with Beell Tuesday night at tha
Auditorium. -
Beell fa Flaw Farm.
Freddie Beell grot m town Thursday
morning and Is In the pink of condition
for hi match Tuesday night. He meets
War Eagle at Council Bluff Saturday
night and Oscar Wasem at Lincoln Mon
day night. Oscar Wasem, with Burn st
him in Belleville, Kan., Friday night and
Beell Monday night, I between the upper
and nether grindstones for fair.
'I have never met Bum on the mat, but
I know what a wonderful wrestler he Is,
aid Beell, the silent. "He Is a thorough
gentleman, as well a a marvelous wrest
ler. I anticipate one of tha most difficult
task of my life. Hoping, of tonne, to
win. I am not overconfident, for there
never la any telling what Fanner Burns
1 liable to do."
Beell ha recently been doing a great
deal of shooting In hla home state of Wis
consin. He la a great hunter.
Emll Klank I doing the managerial part
of BeeU'a engagement In Omaha.
I surety think Ootch ha a fin chance
of throwing Hackenechmldt.' said Beell.
"All he haa to do I to get behind the Rus
sian and he'll get him. Hack 1 a great
man, but he knowa less of catch-ae-catch
can than he does of Grseoo-Roman.
"I have never thought so much of Hack
sine h refused to meet me the last time
he was over her. I offered to wrestle him
for a side bet and the receipt and he
balked. Of course, he may throw Ootch
but It will be a surprise to me If he does.
And I think moat Americans aa well as
foreigners, who bsve met or seen both men
wrestle, take the Ootch end of It,"
Bay Bllllardlat Take Lead aad Mala.
talaa It Vattl Sixteenth IaaUg.
CHICAGO, March 12 Jacob Bchaefer to
day successfully defended hla title of Cham
plon billiard player at the 18-Inch balk line,
-atk MASON.
..a 4:lo pm
...a 4:10 pm
..a 4:10 pm
...all Jai un
Denver California.
Northwest 6peclal ...
Black 11 Hla
Northwest Express ..
K.- - v. . . . rui i r, I .....
a pm
a s:4 pm
a 1.4 Dm
el:i6 pm
-a 6:46 am
! pm
a 10 pa
al2 ll p,a
Nebraska txpreea a I. IS
t aai juu x:s pta
Linaeln Local
t imuiln Loual
b i.ta
a I bu
a tJM
Lincoln Local
Bscuyler - Platiamoutn.D 6:10 pm
Jiallevu PUUemnuiB a 0 pm
plattaraouth - Iowa. ...a U am
Bellevue - Plattatoouia.
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Chlckg FpecuU a 7:40 am
Chicago Expreaa a 4 put
Chicago Flyer a 6 JO pm
Iowa Local a .U am
St. Loula Exprwaa. .... 4:4a pm
Kansas City At BU Joa..al0:6 pm
Kansas City St. Joe. .a am
Kansas City at tit. Joe. .a 4.46 pm
b 1:
: pa
a am
"Si nm
a 6:
su a am
. aa
a 6.1 pa
1STH a wCBITft
Calest FL MlaasapwIU a
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger. ...b .M aa b (:) pm
Sioux City passenger... I t pm am
Eraereoa i.ocai ,... am llapa
at is sown rscissi
Auburn Local ..B IJt pm bll:Z6 am
a Dally. t Dally except Sunday. Sua.
day only, d Dally gcapt Saturday. Dally
except aouaif.
Bxyrwas Una ef taa AtaasM.
rartag a saaasr eaasaa. ta giaf wain sail we
qsitu a IMiws: kva aa bam arts. Mtee aw
are alia ef aaHsm wataa th M. lai
k Ivor sad Oaa asset
asely a ear fctoka iin(. a
a B. BCBJAJsXsT, tfes. Agl.
6U Bsatk Clack trevt, tTaioag-a Ha
ma ana. na taa saaa
ssiSiSuss faiissn tataag Umm aa
on shot tn. by defeating Willi Hott". the
cor being M to 4.31 Highest average
14 lo-6. Horpe' average waa 1Z 16-.44.
Hoppe took the lead and maintained It
until the alxteenth. rlsylrg a steady, con
sistent game, with aa average rle to
seventeen. During the Trat nine Inning
Sehaefer was not able t average more
than three), snaking gto ega In the fifth,
atith and seventh trials. In Ms tenth In
ning the champion collected ninety-five and
in the tlftenth and sixteenth runs of thlrty-
lx and aixty-4ne. respectively, taking te
lead by a score of K4 to 261. Hoppe. how
over, went to the front In hi next Inning,
with thirty-two lo hla credit, and followed
it with a run of fifty-nine. By a run of
forty-eight In hi twenty-flret effort Sliaefer
took first place and neio it until ine ana.
ArteT Ul ssvemeemn inning nuppe p
Mwred ta loa bis atroke and most of the
run were In on figure. The score:
Bchaafer 1 6, 4. a. i, o, w, . a. n. . j, e.
t M. 41 x. 61. 0. Z. 4. . 11 0. 0. in. 1.
, 1 4, 7, 1. . 1 1- Total: 600. High
run: K. Average: 14 10H- ......
Hoppe 1 1ft. 24. 22. u. 4i. . li, i. J. a, iv,
4A. 1 XB. 6. LO.1L111O.1L0,
11 7. 20, li, 1 . total: CX. High run: 6.
Average: 13 16-M.
Flakola Wist Faarlsi Race at New
NEW ORLKANS. March 11 The features
of today' card at the Fair Grounds waa
th fourth race at one mile and seventy
yards, in which Plnkola. on of the derby
candidates, was entered. Plnko'a was
quoted at 18 to in me neiiini, aim won
with a length to spar from Pedro, who
finished a strong second. Plnkola In this
race lowered the track record by two-flftha
of a second, making It In 1:41 In the fast
est elx furlongs run here thla season.
King's Daughter, at to S, romped home an
eaay winner In the third race. Weather,
cloudy; track, faet. Summary:
Flrat race, four turiongs: Anne mitten
(li. C. Koerner, to 6, won; Arionette
108, Notter, 7 to lit. eecona; A 'ice tun,
iruseelL 100 to 1 third. Time: 0:4ii. Roee-
burg II., Tenorette. Concise. Iidy Eleanor
and Knight Deck ran.
Becond race, five one-halt furlongs, sell
Ing: Wsuaau (10H. Notter, 4 to II. won;
Prowler (111 Minder, to 1), second; Can
ada (108, C Koerner, 11 to 6), third. Time,
l.d Club Member. Melo, Royal Chance,
Ma lor MrCnmh. Amontillado. Red Mill.
Phil Chlnn, Raimondo, Billy Starr, Manu
script. Fryee Bush and My Jack ran. '
Third race, six rur Kings: rmg s L'sugn
ter (106. Notter. to 6i. won: Escutcheon
(KO. V. Powers, 4 to 6), second; Ben Strong
(K. L. Smith, to 6), third. Time, l:u.
r .... i . v.. ti ph.,i.. 1 1 n,i.
iteacllon. Meadow ureese ana in i iar
Fourth race, mile and seventy yards.
handicap: Plnkola (106. Minder 16 to 61,
won; Pedro (101 8. Flynn. 11 to 6), second:
First Premium (K. Powers, 11 to 61. third.
Time, 1:41 Cocksure. Woodlane and Yan
kee Ulrl ran.
Fifth race, seven furlongs, selling: Rex
ana ClOT. Sumter. 6 to ll. won: Teo Beach
(. J. Mccahey, II to 6). second; convoio
(li. v. powers, ij to 6. tnira. lime, i
talnty Belle, Hawkama and Misa Delaney
Sixth race, mile and one-sixteenth, sell
ing: Ed. Kane (ltrj, Minder, 7 to i, won
IX'. . 1 1 A ai...... 11 .A 1 .Yt mw.A
Albert Star (105, S. Flynn. 16 to i). third.'
Time. l". Our Boy, Bertie. Masson.
Pedigree. BldlL Ant. MoAtc. Tim Kelly
and Mannle May ran.
Seventh race, mile and one-sixteenth
eelllng: The Thorn (107, Notter. t to 1),
won; Mice Maxsonl (TO, b. Flynn, li to 6),
Becond : Salnesaw (104, (J. McCahey. to
6), third. Time, 1:41 Queen's Souvenir.
tteraud. jr.. Bucket Brigade, Whisk Broom
ana lAienn ran.
OAKLAND, Cat., March 11 Summary:
First rece, six furlongs: Balvage, U4,
Hayes. 1 to 1 won: Prestige. 115. Buxton.
7 to L second; Byron, 09, Gilbert, 23 to L
third. Time: 1:144. Triumphant, Cap
tain Burnett, fhlllgoe. OuKe of Orleans.
Noack Paine and Prawl finished as named.
Second race, three and a half furlonss
Seattle. 101 Hayes, to 1, won; Mosart.
107, Sandy, t to 1 second: Woodlander. K7.
Post. to 1 third. Time: 0:41W. Carrie
Thatcher, Orcutt. Valjean, the Drake and
Gretchen O. finished as named.
Third race, futurlry course. Ntlea handi
cap: The Mlet. , Butler, to 1, won; Fire
ball. 104. gcnvllle. to L second; Sugar-
maid, 111 Buxton. to 1 third. Time
1:10. Bucolic, Johnny Lyons, Walter Miller,
Burning bum, uquir jonn ana janeta fin
ished as named.
Fourth race, two miles. Monterey selling
stages: Big Bow, .111 Kirschbaum, 16 to 6,
won; miss Klllle, 1 Huliwail to 1. sec
ond: Red Leaf. Ill Soovllle.-6 Jo L third.
Time: 1:29. ByTOnerdale. jrulletta, Te- I
tanua. Royal Maxim and Treasure Soeker
finished aa named.
Fifth race. mile, selling: Taunt 107
(Bandy), to 1, won: Vinton, 10 (Pohanka),
S to L second; Carthagenlan. U0 (Mentry).
is to i, -tnira. Time: i:4i. fontontroc.
Sam McGibbon, Lone Wolf, ' the Captain
and John H. ran.
Sixth race, one mile: Marian Casey, 7
(Gilbert). 12 to 1. won: Roalta. Ill (Sandv).
11 to 10, second; San Alvlso, 122 (Davis),
to 1 third. Time: 1:41. Cloyne, Whlddun
and Irene Onttrlm finished as named.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., March 12. Sum
mary :
First race, five furlongs: rtanconrt. 110
(Schilling), Z to 1. won; Maciaa, lis (Bolard),
4 to 1. second: All Alone, 107 (Burns), 11 to
10, third. Time: l:(Xi. Kintuck, Lon
Mason. Swagerlater, Reclaimer, Brawney
Lad also ran.
Becond race, four furlongs: Live Oak, log
(Bhriner). i (o 1, won: Poppa, 108 (Schil
ling), Z to 1, second; Frlese, 105 (Harty),
12 to 1 third. Time: 0:4SV Harry Stan
hope, Demonstration, Senator Ben, Lucky
Male, Knight of East. GeCalong, O. W.
Morgan, Bell of Braaa, The I ma Thompson,
Fred Malr ran.
Third race, seven furlongs: Toller, 110
(Archibald), T to 1 won; Catallne, 10
(Schilling), S to 1, second: Tattenham, V)
Henneasy). 26 to 7. third. Time: 1:56V
Paul I- Quaint, Mounted Utile Minister,
Chief Bush, Burnolette, Matador, San
Nicholas, Search Me ran.
Fourth race, seven furlong; Sliver Skin.
107 (Shriner), to 1, won: Oossiper II, Ki2
(Archibald), S to 1, second; Stnney Lee, H4
(Schilling), 7 tc I. third. - Time: 1:2H.
Merrill, Prince Frederick, - Sink Spring,
Daxxle, Rustling Silk, Cataqlre ran.
Fifth race, seven furlongs: Perry Wlckea.
104 (Harty), 12 to 1. won; Grandita, W
(Burns), 4 to 1. second;. Benevolo, 107
(Muegrave). 12 to 1, third. Time: 1:Z7V
Jlmalong, Elflnklng, Leasn ran.
Sixth race, one mile: Daruma, 107 (Mue
grave), 11 to 5. won; Merlingo. 113 Schil
ling), 6 to 2. Becond; Gateway, 109 (Bhriner),
ft to L third. Tim: lu& Sam Bernard.
Killer ran.
Dwkwejse Prase. law Forfeited and
Three Cities Withdraw.
CHICAGO. March 11 E. U. Holland of
Bloomington waa tonight re-elected presi
dent of the Thre-I Baa Ball league for
laa, after a long contest that threatened
to dtrupt th organisation. The matter
of the Dubuque franchise, which was earlier
decided forfeited, then reinstated, and again
nullified, contributed to the misunderstand
ings among the club owner. At midnight
Clinton, Cedar Rapids and Rock Island
had been declared out of the league by
their representative, who left the meet
ing and for a long time refused to take
further part In the proceedlnga. Whether
th election of Mr. Holland or th status
of the Dubuque matter had caused this
split could not b learned, th disgruntled
club owner refusing to discuHs their
grievances, while no word came from the
room In which the other members of the
league were continuing their atormy ea
alon. Holland was chosen executive of the
league only after roor than a score of
ballots had been taken. After nineteen bal
lots Holland had three votea. Sexton of
Rock Island three and Fox of Peoria one.
When Holland waa finally declared elected
only four cluba were voting. No effort to
adopt a achedule had been made when
th meeting adjourned. One had been pie
pared, but the uncertainty of the Dubuque
franchise and th disaffection of the other
three club left It va'uelesa. Efforts to
prevent a permanent disruption will be
continued tomorrow.
Games In he two-men tournament at the
Association alleys last nlgbt. Scores:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Chandler lwl l; ?. ;:s
OJrd - 17w 11 171 U
Blakeney M
Huntington ,
Oterd ,,
.. K3
.. la
.. 160
.. S16
.. 177
. 17
174 l.lu3
Id. Total.
1 4K5
lt 477
2M 1
Id. Total.
iw in
m ta
.... Xi
146 ,
24 LOW
M. Total.
K-4 614
ltd 6vd
Reynold ,
Total C4 111 3M 1.07
Th Tigers took threw games from tha
CUieaa IJqUox House team last night ui
tbe tMuttetnaoi alleys. This tie the T acre
saaia WHS the Mixers, while- th TiHr
l.ave total pins. Uernandt Iwd high total
IU 4M for th Li'iuor and lax tun Ut
high single game, 2C7, and high total, 660.
1st. Td. II. Total
Borxhcff ls 1S7 1-.2 44
Adams 177 V.t 14 '
Oernandt lit l.V) 16 4-4
487 LM
M. Total
17 6w
1 4-
167 660
I'axton .
Total 611 490 617 1.64
There will he a meeting of officers and
captains next Saturday night at 6 o'clock
The Jetter Oold Tops Won a" three games
from the Brodegaard Crewns last night
on tha Metropolitan 'alleys. It la too bad
that tha Benson tn an short for the Gold
Top or they might have a chance . for
first place, as they are bowling a great
game, with Captain Mahoney getting all
honor on nigh single game with JM and
total of 4776. Tonight Ump'i Falstaffs
against Byrne-Hammer. Score:
' 1st. 2d. Jd. Total.
H. Prtmeeu Ill 15 1 6.B
C. Prlmeau 11 9 Sni 67S
Foley 14 211 lt 6iS
Orotte lfil )7 1S1 63
Manooey 201 17 :47 (7
Totala m 934 1.0O4 17
1st. 2d. Id. Total.
Fagerberg H 2:4 6 67
Voas 14) 146 164 4M
Vandenover 141 143 17 461
Tompkins 179 117 . 152 44s
Dlttman 1C2 IS l-O P
7K1 7 KS
Spends Night There aad gtart West
Early la Day.
BITTER CREEK, Wyo., March 12
(Speclal Telegram.) The American car
spat the night here last night and started
weat early thia morning. Bitter Creek haa
a population of 16 people and la 764 miles
from Omaha, with an elevation of 6 86 feet.
West from Bitter Creek some bad roads
will be encountered for they must descend
Into old Bitter Creek. The old stage line
follows this valley to Green River 6 miles
This section was alwsya a terror to
travelers, emigrants, and freighters for
nothing In the line of vegetation will gro
excepting greasewood and aagehruah. The
freighter or emlgiant who had safely passed
this section could always claim that he
was a 'tough man from Bitter Creek.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. March 12.-The
Italian car. after making repairs at Paxtun.
Neb., where It had been stalled twenty-four
hours, drove all night. It passed Sidney.
Neb., at 4 a. m. today and expected to be
In Cheyenne at non.
SIDNEY. Neb.. March 11 (Special Tele-
r-am.) The Italian car reached here at
2 o'clock thia morning and departed for
the weat at 4:26 a. m. The car has met
with a series of mishaps at nee reaching
western Nebraska and yet the men are
hopeful of overtaking the American car
within tiurty-six hours. The Italian Is do
termlned to travel dnv and nurht-
DBNISON. Ia.. March 11 The French
car No. 1 left Denlson at :60 a. m., after
an an night trip from Boone.
OOALALLA Neb.. March 11. (Kneclal
Telegram.) The Italian car arrived here at
7 p. m., getting supper and a supply of gas
oline and departing at 8.30 p. m. Jay Hol
llngsworth of thla place 1 piloting the car
to Cheyenne. The night la warm and pleas
ant, with a bright moon ahlnlng. They ex
pect to go to Cheyenne tonight, barring
BOONH. Ia. March 11. French car No. 1
in tha New York to Parle automobile race
arrived here at 8:48 and left at 10:16 o'clock
tonight for Jefferson.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia, March ll.-The
German car arrived here at U K p. m. to-
day and will remain here until tomorrow
Hawkeye-Chlcaaro Game.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. March 12. (Special. )
As th- sched'tlce of th other teams of the
BUt Eight are being completed, the Iowa
management I wondering Just where the
last games on the Haw keye Hat are coming
from. The games already scheduled r
Kansas, Missouri and Illinois, and prob
ably Drake. Orlnnell may be taken on also.
This leaves at least two places en tha list
unruled. iowa expects a favorable response
from Northwestern in regard to the propo
sition made them, but the failure of the
Methodists to respond to the Iowa communi
cation leave room for doubt. Th most
Important developments were given out to
day that Iowa had at last decided to make
a real effort for a game with Chicago.
Mnajrcr Catlln ha written Prof. Raycroft of
the Midway Institution in regard to th
matter, and a soon a Coach Slagg re
turns will make s trip to Chicago to see
him personally. The rooter' hopes got a
bump last night, when It was reported that
Nebraska was known to be In communica
tion with Michigan for a game to take the
place of the Iowa game, which had been
practically arranged. Iowa had hoped ta
resume relatione with the Cornhuskers thla
fall, especially on account of th formation
of th Valley conference. If thla report la
true. It 1 likely that there will be three
vacant place on th lint, untesa tb board
decide to give Grlnnell a place.
Baa Ball at Aaea.
AMES. Ia.. March 12. (Speclal.V-The baae
ball team 1 limbering up outdoors and pros
pects sre looking brighter every day.
Arnold, one of last year's pitchers, has re
ported for practice, and this gives th
Aggies the biggest list of experienced
pitchers of all colleges In the state. The
biggest bunch of men In the history of th
Institution are trying out, and there I every
prospect of a top berth at the end of th
season. The achedule la complete, with th
exception of a few minor arrangement
as to dates, and will Include the following
teams: Cedar Kapida Three-I league team,
Missouri, Drake, Nebraska. Kansas, Wash
ington of Bt. Louis, Coe, Cornell and Grln
nell. Missouri opens the regular season.
Drak to Praelle lets.
DES MOINE8. Ia. March 12 (Special.)
Th Drake base ball team will begin out
door practice in a week, if the present fine
weather continues. The management Is
arranging to build a new diamond for th
use of the tesm. Just west of the indoor
quarters. The stadium cannot be used, on
account of th fact tht it i being sodded
for the foot ball season. The entrance to
th stadium Is alao being repaired, aril
a large arch built. These repairs wtll give
Drake th finest stadium In th west.
Sportlagc Gossip.
Gotch Is two year younger than Hack,
the latter being L
Papa Bill says the beauty of that grass
I that every blade Is the same site.
They say Hackenschmldt can talk In five
different languages. What a wonder he'd
be if he wa a pugilist.
Jack Schaefer will have a difficult time
retiring from the billiard game. The old
wiuiru a irieuua bis iiiii to ivt uia tfuit.
Barney Joy, that huge Hawaiian who took
California by auch storms. Is sow offered
to any club that will lake him. Boalou
Nationals altio ovrn him.
It' about ttma for the boy to come
trudging in from th farm and line up
down in front of the smoke house for their
annual try-out. Zeke, Abe, Bill and Jack
will be there as usual this year. Pa says.
Perry Werden has concluded his nego
tiations with Indianapolis aa assistant
trainer for the Hooslers and will not. there
fore, umpire tots season in th western
Alias C. Ilaatry, Jr., sf Malvern
Make Highest Hreord at
Naval Academy,
ANNAPOLIS. Md., March 12,-The atand
Ing of the graduates of the Naval academy
of the year of 14 on final examination
prior to their being commissioned as ensigns
haa been approved and enounced by th
Naval department. Allan C. Hantry, Jr.,
of Malvern, la., a honor man, with a per
centage of U.71 out of a possible CM, will
enter the construction corp of the navy, as
will probably one or two others of high
standing In tb elaaa. The next four ta
the orier of their alamllu kre: Wliilrfred
Drake Of Wallham, Maaa . 636.13; John P.
Miller of Lancaster, Ky.. exist; Harry G.
Knox of Oreenvllla, O., !.. and George
B. Wright ef Fergu Falls, Mlno.. 6121
A viper la th lieaatk
Is dyariepela complicated with liver and
kidney troubles. Electric Hitlers help all
such case or no pay. tor. For sal by
ll.'toii Drujf C
XMegatet-at-lArgV from New SUta
Initiucted for the Sccrrtiry.
I.eglalatare la Aerate of Estrave
gaaee, aad Resalatlwa to Rent.
- alt Prohlkltloa Qaestlea
1 Defeated.
OKLAHOMA CITT, Okl., Mrch 11 -Instructing
them to vot for "sny propo
sition fvrbl to the randld-tcy of Wil
liam II. Taft for the presidency." the re
publican state convention yesterday elected
four delegates-at-large to th Chicago con
vention. They re: Congressman Bird S.
McGuIre, Pawnee; Dennla T. Flynn. Okla
homa City; Patrick Dore, Westvllla. and
J. A. Harii. Wagoner. William Busby
of McAleter and J. C. Robberts of Enid
were nominated electors-at-large. Cash
Cade of Shawnee was re-elected national
committeeman. ,
The resolutlorui endorsed President Roose
velt's administration, condemna the demo
cratic state administration, recommends re
duction of the representation in congress
and the electoral college of states which
disfranchise negroes, and condemns the
state legislature for It extravagance.
A resolution pledging the party to an
early .resubmission of the prohibition ques
tion waa overwhelmingly defeated. ,
Carl McGee of Tulsa waa permanent
chairman of the convention, which was
harmonious in every detail.
Keatacky District Divided.
PADUCAH. Ky., March 11 There was
no attempt at harmony in the Flrat district
republican convention today and the Fair
banks and Taft faction separated them
selves before the roll call on temporary
organisation had developed a quorum. Both
conventions were held In the same hall.
Contesting delegations will go to the na
tional convention. The Taft convention
which was presided over by Dr. Frank
Boyd of Paducah, mustered eighty-seven
delegates, with credential which they
claimed had been signed by the county
chnlrmsn, out of ft total of 140 provided
for in th district cU. The Taft men
nominated Dr. Frank Boyd, Taducah. and
Dr. C. K. Linn. Kuttawa, aa delegates to
tho national convention. J. M. Porter of
Clinton, was nominated for congress and
Frank V. Harris of Fulton for presiden
tial elector. The Falrhanka convention,
which was presided over by former United
State Senator J. W. Deboe, nominated W.
J. Deboe of Marion, and Adolph Well of
Paducah. aa national delegates. Judga
Walter Blackburn of Crittenden county,
waa nominated for congress, and Edward
Thomas of Fulton, for presidential elec
tor. Both conventions endorsed President
Roosevelt' policies and the administra
tion of Governor wnison.
Flrat Iowa District for Taft.
FAIRFIELD, Ia., March 12.-The First
district republican convention tonight o
lected as delegates to the national con
vention at Chicago H. B. Rand ef Burling
ton and Hasen I. Sawyer of Keokuk. The
alternates are J. M. Curran of Morning
Sun and 8. L. White of Washington.
Resolutions were adopted endorsing Allison
for senator and Instructing th delegate
for Taft.
President Roosevelt Orders Csaalt.
sioner Smith to Iwvestlgate Meth
ods Now la Us.
WASHINGTON. March 11 President
Roosevelt has directed Herbert Knox Smith
of th bureau of corporations to Investigate
the method of stock trading with a view
to furnishing the basis of poasibla future
leglalatlon regulating such practices. The
difficulty ia recognised of attempting fed
eral regulation of the transfer of stocks
which will operate to curtail purely gam
bling contracts and at the same time work
no hindrance to legitimate transfers, and
Is announced to be for the purpose of pro
ceeding on sound principles that the In
vestigation I being made. President Roose
velt haa declared himself to b decidedly
In favor o eliminating stock gambling.
For several months the president has
been In receipt from time to time of th
communications from various Interested
persons urging him to lend his Influence
to secure the enactment of national legis
lation prohibiting the use of telegraph or
telegraph wires and the United StaUs
maila for the ranemlaslon of quotatlona oa
stocks and food commodities for "bucket
One correspondent submitted to him a bill
drawn In tentative form to prevent "bucket
shop" transactions. The president In
formally dlacuaed with Mr. Smith, commis
sioner of corporation, the communica
tion and subsequently submitted some of
them to Secretary Btraua of the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor, with a re
quest that Commlsaiffner Smith make a
general Inquiry Into the practicability of
attempting to have such legislation enacted.
In a memorandum transmitting th matter
to Commissioner Smith, Secretary Straus
directed Mm to Investigate the subject with
special reference to the enactment of such
laws In other countries, particularly Ger
many, and to make a report which could
be submitted to the president for hi in
formation. It 1 not th purpose of Secre
tary Straus or Commissioner Smith to make
any general Investigation of stock transac
tion. Th Inquiry will be confined sub
stantially to the feasibility of enacting such
proposed law to control the operations of
"bucket shop."
Bellla-vreat Wsaca la Illiaola Caa
veatlea Art Separated by
. - -
PEORIA. 111., March Il.-The endorse
ment of Mrs. Winnie Fielder of Peoria, tor
the office of Supreme Recorder of the
Royal Neighbor of America wa the cause
of a fight On th floor of the state conven
tion In this city late this afternoon. Waists
were torn, eyeglasses broken and the police
were called upon to separate the belliger
ents. The trouble wa brought about by an at
tempt on the part of the constituents of
Mlxs Myrtle Da of Rock Island to circu
nortcd to be a review of th work of Mrs.
Fielder In the convention hall. This was
resisted by the friends of Mrs. Fielder
snd the fight resulted.
All past officers of this state were re
elected aad all supreme officers ware
Dominated for re-election.
Glvea r ta Die.
B. fptrgel. 1304 North Virginia street,
Evansvillc, Ind., writes: "For tKer fv
year I waa troubled with kidney and blad
der affections which caused me mti h lain
and worry. I lost flesh and wat all rjn
down, and a year ago tad to abinJoj
work entirely. I bad three of tke let
physician who did m no good and I ws
practkally given up t die. Foley' Kidnoy
Cur waa recommended and th first bottio
gave m great relief, and after taking tb
second bottle I was entirely cured." Why
net Ut It Lclp youT For sale by all dxug-g'sl
Each Leads
Its Class
-Standard of Hat VaU"
LtoJt th S3 Oat.
ni l Hat,---LtaJ
Athletio Boird Drcidfl to IU Lot
With ilisiouTi Valley.
Board of Regeata Expected ta Take-
Aetlaa at Ones oa New Athletic
Field, aad Indication Beard f
Will Help Oat. t
LINCOLN, March ll-(Speclal.) The ath
letlc board of the Unlveralty of Nebraska
at a special meeting today voted to Joli
th Missouri Valley conference end wCt
end a representative to the meeting Of
the new organization at Kansas City on
Saturday, March 21.
As foretold In The Sunday Bee March ,-
the board acted upon the recommendation
of the foot ball committee and unanimously
decided to enter Nebraska In tha confer
ence. The committee, which Is eomporsd
of Dr. Lee. Nebraska' member of tho
national foot ball rule committee; Captain
John O. Worklxer, president of th ath
letic board, and J. H. Murphy, student
member of the board, had Investigated tha
advisability of Nebraska joining an ath-
letio association and found th beat thing
to do would be for th Cornhuskers to cast
their lot with th Missouri Valley confer
ence. The action of the athletic board .to
day was the result of the committee's re
port. The Missouri Valley conference Is now
Composed of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansaa, Mis
souri. Ames, Washington. Drake and
Washburn. The association wa formed
ever a year ago to control th athletic of
the- valley and make them cleaner. Th
other members of th conference Joined
oon after It formation, but Nebraska held
aloof until today, preferring to be a free
lane whll waiting for the "Big Eight," or
old conference, to extend It an invitation
to Join tiielr organisation. But when It
seemed that the "Big Eight" would not ask
the Comhuakers to become a member of
the old body, the Nebraska Athletla board
decided that they did not want to, vn
If Invited.
Th noxt meeting of the Missouri Valley
conference will be held at Kansa City ea
Saturday, March 21. for a purpose of fix
ing a date for the first annual track meet.
Nebraska's representative will vot to hold
the meet m Kansas City on May 11 At tha
same time he will try to secure the con
sent of the other members to bold the next
meet a year from this spring In Lincoln.
The committee appointed by the Board of
Regents to look Into the matter of aecurtag
an athletic field for the university will re
port tomorrow afternoon. Upon Ua action
depends the getting of a new field to re
place Nebraska field, whtch ha been sa
lected as the site for an engineering build
ing. The Board of Regent ba been asked
to co-operate with th athletio authoritietl
In securing th new grounds. It is sx
pected that the committee from th regents
will recommend that aid b given th ath
letic board. 1 ;
tftaalat aad Csrlewe Featwres of Lllw
la a Rapidly Oawlsg
Busy Louis Thsyer gathered chip on
Good Streak Sunday.-Oood Streak Items,
Gerlng Courier.
Something Doing The men and boy
around town have been amusing taamselvsa
thls winter with checker. O. L. Andre
ba Just finished aa exceedingly nlc board
for W. A. Mansfield, which la fltud ta
the top of a center table and will he sev
ered with a glass. The dark square ar
walnut inlaid In hard pine and ao nicely,
fitted and polished that except for color
one can scarcely see where joined. It 1
very nice piece of work. Logan County;
Pioneer. ,
Laudable Spirit The meadow lark art)
with us and It will not be long, we hop,
unfit we hear that jayful sound ringing out
through the valley ot Verdlgre, play ball
We have the material this year for the
best team In the history of Verdlgre. and
they are all home men, too. There la
"Cannon Ball" O Keefe In the box, who
"Solid Muldoon" Hart a, the champion ball
catcher, behind the batj with aVuhmidal
first, Louie Barlak second. Lea third, Leon
Pavtlk shortstop, and Bandox, Randa an4
T. E. Tltalsky In tha field. Say, fellows,
thl aggregation can skin any team Is)
northeastern Nebraska, and w really be
lieve that they would make Pa Rourke'S
kids extend themselves. Play ball! Vardls
gre Cititen.
Man' Long Swim from FlattamouUM
Yesterday Charley Powell came to this city,
from Iowa In bis boat. Whll her h en
joyed himself and finally reached tha bards,
of the river and got Into hla boat and
started down the etruam. When ha passed
the Burlington bridge, drifting with tha
current, he wua lo all sppearancee "dead !
the world." The Misses Minnie and Enimsj
Autt were watching him through a field
glass for ome dlstar.c below the bridge,
and shortly before th boat rounded tnt)
curve It made a sudden lurch to one eld
and out went Powell in th Missouri river.
The cold water emed t revive him from
his lethargy and after coming up he grabbed
and caught hold of the boat and floatadl
down tbe stream. Shortly after two meet
started in a boat to rescue th unfortunate)
man. but did cot overtake him until he wad
about two miles south of the bridge., lis)
was taken into tbelr boat and taken to Ua
home ef Mr. Mary Ed x art on, near tha
island, aad thawed out. H baa a will audi
two cblldraa and h haa taken a aoleutt
oath I not dxUut another drop t aptrttueuf
liquor. . t
Us D want ads to boust yon s-wstaeg