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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1908)
8 TOE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MARCTI 10, 1903. Want - axis BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.! OFFERED FOR RENT PERSONAL (Continued.! F ;! i l vj Attrrtlirmnli for tna want nt rolamna will takes antll 13 Bt. for ths edition aa antll B p. m. for The naming Sanaa? editions. (uk accompany all ardera far ha arrested far leaa tfcaa 10 rents far flr laaertlaa. No utitrrllirmrit will ba rnnrged inonllni ta leaa than SO eeata. Rates apply ta cither Taa Dallr or Baa. Alwara rout als words to a llaa. Coaiblaatloaa of lalllala or aaasbers roant aa oae word. CASH RATR9 FOR WANT AM. RRGILAH CLASSIFICATION Ona Inaertlaa, per llae, 10 eeats. Twa ar more' consecutive Insertions, per llae, eeata. Eark Inaertlaa made el odd tiara, 10 eeata per line. Sl.BO per Una per months exception that FURNISHED KOOM AD", whea areannpaaled by emab, tho rata will be I Oae inaertlaa, 4 eeata per line) tbrea to alx eonaecatl-ee l aertloAa, S eeata per llaa earb laeer lion seven or more consecutive Inner tlona, S eeata per llae eaeb laaerUoaj 0O eeata per llae per atoatb. Wilt ada for Tbo Bee mar bo lelt at aar of tbe following eras stores one la "roar eoraer draga-let" tbar are all branch offleea for Tba Bee and roar ad will ba Inserted Jaai aa proaptlr aad oa the aame ratea aa at the mala office la The Bee Balldlaa, seventeenth aad Fa ream Street. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Boranek, B. A., 1402 8. 16th St. Hecht Pharmacy, 720 8. lfith Bt. Benson Pha; nitcy, Benson, Neb. Bcmlg Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. UlaWa Pharmrcy, a) Sliermab Ave. Caughlln, C. K.. 6th and Pierce eta. Clifton Hill Fharviacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. 81at Ave and Farnam. Crlaaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Sts. Cermak, Emll. 1204-8 S. 13th Bt. l.asinaa Pharmacy, 22 Leavenworth. Poster & Arnold, 213 N. 26th St. Kreytag, Jt hn J., 1914 N. 24th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta. Uroen'i l'hs-nacy. corner Park Ave. and Pacific Greenough. r A., 1026 8. 10th Bt Greenough, I A., W4 8. 10th Bt Hay den. Wn C, 29 Farnam. Hanscom Park , Pharmacy. 1601 S. 29th Hoist, John, 62-4 N. 16th St. Huff, A. Li., JSH24 Leavenworth St Kin-, H. 8., 238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 814 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th Bt Lathrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th St Peyton, L. 1, 24th and Leavenworth. SiraU ga Drug Co., 24th' and Amea Ave. Kuhaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., ltfth and Chicago 6ta. Hc.haefer, August, B1 N. 16th St. Schmidt, 3. II., 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha 8t. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 2oth and Grace. Worth, O. 40th an Hamilton Sta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES PALMER-George H., Monday evening, March 9, llfJN, at 6 o'clock, aged 38 year. Friends will kindly omit sending flowers. BTERRICKKR Mrs. Martha, aged 86 years. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p. m. front resi dence, 2 p. m. from Kountse Memorial church, Twenty-sixth and Farnam utreets. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lllrtlis Joseph Harper, 4712 North For. lleth street, girl; Edward H. Loncy, 813 Twenty-fourth street, girl; J. W. Swan, 2J1U PuuDleton avenue, girl: H. W. Winner, 218 Norm Eighteenth street, girl; WiUUm A. Ehlers, 7u2 Bancroft street, girl; TUlinor Rhea, ZjH Stunnun avenue, girl; P. Z. Walsh. 22211 Bouth Twelfth atreet. boy. Deaths Frank A. Butts, . 22.2 North Twenty-sixth avenue, 1 month; Iven Glenn Hick, 2007 Pierce street, 1 year; Rev. J. J. Curran, Bt. Joseph's hospital, 4n year.; Mrs. George Bornens. Tlilrty-fourtu ana Meredith streets. 42 years; Charles L. Bur geas, .024 KHrnam street, 77 years; Thcma U. Toll, 3619 Burt street. 6 years; Fred Adolp Kruute, 2209 Pierre street, 86 yearj; Dr. A. J. Cook, NCI North Twenly-lif ill street, lirt years: Minnie J.en, rortlem street and I'oppleton avenue, 61 years; James Bebron, 1407 South Fourth stieet, 37 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following mnrrluge licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age Albert U Bell, Dundee 2o Dorothy Kuhlman, Omaha 22 Delbert E. Newton, Omaha 22 Laura K. Bell, Dundee 20 John A. Johnson, Omaha 27 Olga P. Nollman, Omaha 27 James F. Harris, Aberdeen, 6. D 27 Bernlce Whlltinger, Aberdeen, 8. D 30 James Brown, Greenfield, Wis 22 Uluabuth Drown, Greenfield, Wis 21 Keddy J. Heater, Menlo, la 2S Lulu iUurpny, omana 21 Janiea M. Spence, Logan, la 37 Mildred ilnugon, South Omaha 22 Luther lludaon, Omaha 26 Mis. ida Musely, Atchison, Kan 26 Juiiies Petty, Omaha 1 39 Ida Murphy, Omaha 22 William F. Meyer, Keystone, la 23 Minnie K. Bchtldt, Klkhorn a ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAVELERS' goods of quality. Trunks and Suit Cases tepalred. FUELING & STEINLE. "Where trunks are made," - IMI Farnam BU Tel. Douglas tm. (1 121 Mchl7 THE CITT GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Lea ven worth Bis. lei. Douglas 1387. (D-6S SIGN PA1NT1NO-8. H. COLE. 1302 Doug las. U oo WANTED Estimates for grading. W. H, lUwcll, Rainge Bldg. tl) 227 9 AUTOMOBILES Sb'ND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DEiUGHl, ui armuu. w eo BARTER AND EXCHANGE AKKANBAS FARM It) improved, and otner pioprty lor sule or trade. Acuin bxcliaugu Co., v-iieioKee, la. U M710 MchlSx TRADES, TRADES If you have some thing tor or liauts write um; we u.aicn everyining. WAIT INVESTMENT lXJ 4ul Bee Bidg. " 13) M33 AS FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres In San born county. Would like an automobile. Lock box St. woouaockel. a. D. (3-M2Si 1U 'f HADES! TRADES'. Bend description of what you have, or what you we'll inaii'n ii. B1H1NGER INVESTMENT CO., ijA Lee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -M288 A4 . FOR BALE OH EXCHANGE. Improved no-acre fayn In Misaoun, near A-tHkauK, iu. win tur viiiuiia rop rly. What have you. G. T. March, At lantic, la. Mais 14x FOR BALE or exchange 1950 hearse, nearly as kimhi as new. ill escnanati for nui chandiae, cattle, horaea, automobile or western land. Harrington St Co.. Crab Orchard, Neb. (3) M&9 17 WILL trade 3D lots and three good houses cooling from II. to f3.oog for land. WILL trade land for city properly or what have you? ROBERT C. DRl'ESDOW. 1W-1U N. Y LIFE BLDG. OMAHA, NEB. (3) MK3 FOR EXCHANGE A IS.0U9 equity In well Improved 12u-acre Iowa farm lor ciea tract of cheap land In Nebraska or Kan Mu. U. b. TurriU, jel(rson, la. WILL trade Bhnnlnger Bymbella orpan fnr a horce; will pay dlrrerenre. a4 Hlomlo ft. (3 Mrr63 llx BUSINESS CHANCES AX OPPORTUNITY To Invest upward of (100 In a high- class banking Institution earning as high as 28 per cent per annum on Its capital. This Investment Is abso lutely guaranteed and has not the least possible risk of loss to either principal or Interest; the security al ways on hand backing this investment represents a standard negotiable value of 50 per cent above the amount In vested. Investigate this at once. Address N 116, care Bee. (4) M561 12.500 net profits made since Beptembor, 197, ly the manager of ovr ixiuisvuio Ky., office. We want a responsible rep resentative for Omaha and will give right party charge of branch office to be opened shortly. gentleman or woman. Must be capable of addressing the best class of people and have either a small amount of capital ($100 to 1500) or be able to give first class ref erence. Address Dept. 4, Standard Electrical Works, Racine, Wis. (4) M2S9 10X P.EAD the world in your pocket. Life's problems, the world a grandest scenery, 26c. Address Mrs. B. J. Hamilton, Wag ner, Neb. (A) M7B9 Mchl4x rOR SALE SALOON STOCK AND FIXTURES Address, K. L. SCHUMAN, BLUE HILL. NEB. (4) M268 Mch. 17x ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all sixes; fur nish part purchase money if wanted. GANG EST AD, Room 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-71 TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, room 403 Bee Bldg. (4)-336 IF TOU want a rellablo business; large In come, small investment, no competition; sea Hlldreth, 619 Bee Bldg. (4) 670 BRICK Btore building for rent; good opening; good town; good location. Aa dress, Union State Bank. Harvard, Neb. (4) MS14 22x INSURANCE men looking for large office, wttn good light and lire proof vault, will find a nice arrangement n one of several offices which we would be pleased to show. Apply R, W. Baker, Sunt., Room 106, Bee Bldg. (16 M6Stl DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V, Knlest, 707 N. X. Life. Omaha 4 6(B HOTEL BUSINESS County seat; best house; 12 rate. A very desirable j-ropoai-tlon. Box 463, Clay Center, Neb. (4) M506 lOx INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS. Tel Douglas 3T.65. 809-10 N. Y. Life Bldg. OMAHA, NEH. (4)-M253 A3 STEAM LAUNDRY, In county seat of 2,000 people; no competition: will sell rlKht for cash. Address Bryan & Brown, I'awne City, Neo. (4) M532 1UX HARDWARE and Implement stocks wantea ; nave owners or good clear lana mat want deals. Address Y 310, enre Boe, (4 M4S1 17 PARTNER wanted, suburb of Omaha milliner or dressmaker preferred. Have an established business. Mrs. Schmidt, Florence, Neb. Phone Florence . (4) M2 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arehlteeta. C. L. STAUB, 04V6 S. Wth. Tel. D. 4121. 15) M387 MCH31X WE CAN offer the best lighted office in the city for this line of work; room 622, having a north light, with all conveni ences of a well appointed office building. Bee R. W. Paker. Bupt., Room 106, Beo Bldg. (5) M01H Bataa. HAMMOND BATHS. 107 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas SDlo. Wednesdays, ladies day. (o) M573 Carpet Cleaning. A. K. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. D-4096 (5) MSoK MchlS Chattel Loaaa. Chas. D. Etanton Loan Co., 501 Bee Bldg, tsi oi4 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. 1606 Farnam Bt. Doug. 647. (i 675 Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company. (6) M576 Deatlata. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir., Paxton. T. 10S5. (S 677 WE WOULD like to have you look at the office room. No. 650, facing the south; thla room would be particularly well situ ated for one wishing a well appointed cenusi a omre. Appiy to Air. Baker, Bupt., Be Bldg., Room 106. (6) Meu3 Dreaamaklaa;. IN FAMiLIES-Mtss Sturdy. Tel. Harney laws. w vis M DOWELL Dressmaking School. 162 Far nam St. (5) 6, MME. WOODRUFF, robes and gowns, 306- 14 isevuie ik. Tel. ueu, Doug. 6170; Ind., A-JIUU. vo j iux April I Financial. Monev 1 TO LOAN LOW RATE In sums tc 310 Rm RM,r 'Phone Dtiuilu VKa UNION LOAN COMPANY. (5)-607 Plorlsta. HES & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. (6-Ca L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. j26X (&) 6&1 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. MTO, t6j-6b2 Jewelera aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, teweiry repairina - uiun iioca. Tel. Ull (& en4 Hotels. THE SCHUTZ, European, 16th and Harney (6)-i Lockamlthb. KEYS, etc., Heflln. 134 Farnam. Tel. D, 2974. (5 6S6 M mate aad Language. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. m. Mllllnerr. LADIES' hats made over, also new hats niade; experienced milliner; hats, feath ers and flowers cleaned or dyed; new ma terial at lowest prices. Miss E. Leola pepper, H4 d. alh Bt. Tel. Marney ss. t MJ.l SI13X M astral laatraaieata. TWO-THIRD good old violin. 1514 Georgia Ave. (16) Jit Offlea Sapllra. FILING cablneta. fllea and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup- liliea of all kinds. Anchor Publishing 1 o fc 8. Uth Bt. TeL Doug. 551. Ind A-152. (5) MM Mchl7 Oateopathr- Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Farnam. Tel. Doug.370 (6) i MCIUU JOHNSON INS., tie N. 7. L. Tel. D. 14 u Judicious uso a great tonic to staff of life for a BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Prlatkagr. EVER STOPTO THINK of ths time lost poking up the average printer when you want a Job In a hurry? Ejver try usr ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers. a 101 h st Telephones Bell. Douglas 662; Ind., A 1561. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don t fall to see our imponea une. ljiw stad Ac Jorve, printers, 16th & Capitol Ave. (6)-6u0 JOB PRINTING Call Beecroft. Doug. 4500. (b) JMI4 M.1B Safes, Shatters( Eta. OMAHA SAFE A ND IRON WORKS makes a specialty of lire escapes, snutters, aoori and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. KHh Bt. (6)-693 rhatogrraphy. C. B. TRUSS ELL, 116 8. Wth St. (5)-5R9 Morlnf aad Storln. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 N. . . . . . . . , . . nv. o tafi a (6)-687 Shoo Repalrlaa; RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First class work. 1618V4 Capitol Ave. -pnone jnea m. (6) 91 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free, standard anoe ricpair o., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 75CT. (oi 592 HELP WANTED FEMALE Asenta, Solicitors, Salesladies. WANTED Experienced saleswomen In laces, trlmmlnus anu giovea uHparuueiiis, good wages for first-class people. Apply superintendent, J. L. Brandets & Sons. (7) M667 12 Housekeepers aad Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 19u2 Farnam St. Cook for Wyoming. 130.00 and transporta tion. Child nurse, H. Cooks and girls for general housework, 15 to 17. (7-M68J U HELP furnished, male and female. Tel. D. 884. Canadian Office, l&tn ana uoase. (7) 694 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 4S1 Cass OU i-none Jinr ney 106L (7-233 WANTED Capable woman for general housework. 3224 Farnam bt. UJ WANTED Housekeeper by man with four children. E. V. Hatch, Elk Point. S. D. (7)-M2Sllx WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. 3521 Farnam. ( w n WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; no small children; good ' wages. 2603 Pierce St. (7)-S38 11 WANTED Good girl for general house- . ,.i 1 I OOIO . . . worn no cooKinti, kouu iiuiue. o.xo . win Ing St. (7)-379 SECOND maid, experienced; good refer ences required, inquire I3ia i-arx Ave. Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. (7)-372 GIRL foi general housework; no washing. 3315 Burt St. (7) M4.a jux Sflscellaneoas. WANTEID An exiVrlenced and capable aemonstrator in pyroRrapny. ii"jr nucr lntendent, J. L. Brandels & Sons. (7) M068 12 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but an extra siroae or two oi the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, Solicitors aad Salesmen. YOTJ can make 126 to 1106 week In mall order business; no canvassing. 1 mads $5,000 first year. Why work on small salary. Free booklet tells how to get started. Mgr. American Mail Order Bu reau, Detroit, Mich. (9) M933 M16x A COMMERCIAL college solicitor; good salary for the right man. Gaydou Col lege, Blair, Neb. ( M361 CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; 100 per month and expenses. Pesrless Cigar Co., Toledo, Ohio. (9-M474 lOx TINNER, capable and experienced In shop worn ana iuriiui;e iiiBittuttuvu, oicaujr Job; no boozer wanted; good pay. Hart man & Bullock, York. Neb. (9; M417 14 ENERGETIC, hustling salesmen to fill . o a n mi, at h. wlillriEr tt An tf-atalintr and furnish references. Address E-W, care 1J Q, QQ 11 mo, w WANTED Canvassers. Hustlers only, 617 Bee Bldg. (9) 640 11 AGENTS In every town; best selling house hold article; start at once; large demand for goods; 126 to 360 a week; success as sured; Investigate today. The Western Specialty Co., 426 North Waco. Wichita, Kan. (9 M654 lOx Clerical and Office. Stenographer and private secretary, 175 Shipping clerk, $76. Traveling salesman, $T5. Gent's furnishing goods clerk, $t!5. If In need of position see us at once or write for free particulars relative to our plan of operation. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N,, INC, 722-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) 637 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere, F, V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. ()-695 Factory aad Trades. MEN WANTED FOR RAILROAD TUN- 36 experienced drill runners, $175 per day, 26 exDerienced drill helpers, $2.75 per day. 76 muckers, $J pur day, and If they work thirty days, will get $2.25 per day. Dry tunnel, no water at all. Apply to C. M. Bolton St Co., Garrison, Mont. (9)-MtitU U WANTED Good all around blacksmith, steady work. N. P. Brown, Atlantic. Ia, (9) Ml 16 17 WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good Job and newspaper office In good town in Iowa, iik,luhln twn niDhrs. Wrlta for n&r. ticulurs. Address L 906, care Bee. I lQl!tt WANTED Men learn barber trade, few weeks completes, sixty chairs constantly busy, licensed Instructors, tools given, diplomas granted, wages Saturdays, posi tions walling, wonderful demand for graduates; write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. Oi M345 12x POSITIONS open to firemen and brake men; big pay and rapid promotion; ex perience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Rail way Trair lng Ass n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omiha, Neb. (9) 6S6 MchU WANTED First-class barber; $17 ier weak guaranteed. Address Geo. Emory. ChaU ron. Neb. 0 M557 12x WANTED a first-class barber; good posi tion; city of 25.UUO; fine climate. Addrtuts W. G. Schmelsel, Idanha Hotel Bar ber Shop. Boise, Idaho. (9 Mb&l 12x Mia FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Buslnesa Men'a association; helps work men find pool t Ions. LA H. Y. L. Bldg.' (s 6x7 of want ad space a run down business. It is tho healthy businossr HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaaeaoe C'oatlnaed. WE OUARANTK3 YOU A TELEGRAPH JOB on ths Union Pacific R. R. If you learn Telepraphy at our school, and also a place to work for your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks Installed In the school for practice purpose. Write tor full informa tion QUICK. Boylea Telegraphy College, lu3 Homey St., Omaha, Neb. Orfl.ial training school U. P. R. R. (9j 69S HELP WANTED MALES AXD FEMALE. WANTED Men and women to help tailor in pants work, ltis no. Z4in St. (10) -634 11 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. HAVING sold my Douglas St. stables I am now located at 24th and Clark Sts. Fred Myers. Tel. Webster 1608. (1D-S36 M31 FOUR-PASSENGER Rockaway; alBO run abouts; sacrifice sale. Pfelffer's, 2BJ0 Leavenworth St. (11) M264 M21 TWO rubber tired hacks; gbod condition; cheap. W. O. Forbes, 1126 P St.. Lincoln, Neb. (16 M177 WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horses. If you have any you Want to dispose of. We buy and sell on commission. Tho Harney Btreet Stables. (11) 600 HAY $fi.50 a ton. A. W. Wagner, 801 No. 16th Bt. (1D-377 Poultry, Kaars and Sqaabs. SCREENINGS $1.25 per cwt. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. OD tl Govt, book tree. Model Squab Pens, Omaha. (11) M208 A3 SQUABS Will contract with owners of un used sheds to raise them. Address, J 1, Bee. (11) M676 M26 BARRED Plymouth Rock cockerels; also eggs for hatching. A. Gillette, 816 N. 16th, Bo. Omaha. (ID M630 10 ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGOS for hatch ing. Pens headed by prize winning cockerels from North Star Poultry Sho'v. Minnesota; $1.60 to $2.00 per 16. Mrs. Jameg H. Halplne, 46C2 Center St., Omaha. Tel. Harney 3628. (11) M319-Ai2x LOST AND FOUND LOST Pooketbook, Sunday morning, con taining very Important keys and about $12 cash. Liberal reward on return to 636 Bee Bldg. (12) M 630 11 MEDICAL ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (13) M106 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night, (18) 129 BEST nerve bracer for men "Gray's Nerve Food Pills.'' $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 602 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS WE 'EE HERE TO MAKE GOOD. When your friends don't know you, and that's when you need a dollar. A SMALL LOAN On Your Furniture Is one of the quickest and easiest of ways to get just what you want, when you want It. N6 PUBLICITY attends your effort. The payments are made small and within your reach. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT Is allowed If you settle your account be fore agreement expires. A FRESH START Is what you want If a lot of little bills have accumulated and you cannot meet them nil. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade. 16th St. Entrance. (14) M166 '' OF COURSE YOU HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THE GIRL QUESTION. ' YOU HAVE? THANKS! QUITE PROPER, BUT HAVE YOU STUDIED THE) MONEY QUESTION T Wo have. Let us help you. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Sd Floor. R. 807-308 Paxton Block. 3d Floor. (14) M 114 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offtces in 63 principal cities. Tol nian, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-fl0 ' FURNITURE, live stock salary, loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. O4)-608 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St (14)-609 P. O. NIELSEN & CO., LOANS. 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2304. (14) u4 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 833 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (141-603 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE) Reliable, accom modating; all business cor"diMial 1301 Douglns '4 10 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15) 611 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Famam. (15) 012 ONE large, also one small room, both very comfortable, with excellent board. 2616 Farnam. U5 5o LARGE front room, and good tahle board, for two gentlemen; also single room; strictly modern. 412 N 22d. (16) M299 A4 MODERN rooms, home cooking, walking distance; price reasonable; gentleman. 2618 Bt. Mary s Ave, (16)-M307 Ux ROOM and board for two gentlemen. 1S12 Chicago Bt. (15) Mt&O 14 DESIRABLE modern room, for two gen'le men, or man and wife, with board; ili gant location. Address B 875. Bee. (15 M5S9 lOx SOUTHEAST room; board If desired; pri vate family; walking distance. Tel. Harney 2902. (15) M578 lOx Faralahed Rooms. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas ldZS. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1311 Farnam. (U 611 TWO furnished rooms, steam heat. 1506 Famam St., td floor. (16) 61S FRY desirable, references required. 640 S. 2-ti.h SU " Uej-M&i Mctiii in Tho BEE is OFFERED FOR RENT Paralahed ltoomaCoatlaaed. FINE steam heated, all modern rooms, 2473 Harney SU (16) MM9 MchlOx WE FIND you any kind of rooms. In any part of the city, FREE OF CHARGE. Rooming houses bought, sold and ex changed. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO., 'Phone Red &045. 541 Bee Bldg. (15)-6S2 M9 DESIRABLE rooms for young men or man and wife. 218 N. 19th. (15) M274 llx 8110 DOUGLAS 10-mlnute walk; modern. (16) 47 M21x NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. 214 No. 26th St. Tel. Douglas Sm. (15) 649 1 OR 8 furnished rooms; new and strictly modern; excellent meals; without lunch eon; In family of three adults. 609 S. 26th Ave. (15) M24S FINE furnished front room, new modern brick, strictly first class; electric light, 'phone, hot water heat $10 a month. 2W Dodge. (16)-M539 NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wattr, 'phone. Dundy home, 718 S. 2Dth St.; under new management. (16) M484 14x TO LET furnished rooms for light house keeping; also Bleeping rooms. 1919 Cnl cago St. (16) 218 9x NEWLY furnished rooms, 1617 DoBga St. (16) M232 April 8 FRONT room, strictly modern flat with every convenience. 24U Harney. (15)-MX8 10 PARLOR floor, modern; nicely fnrnlshed; housekeeping. 600 8. 28th St, (15) M275 11 ROOMS for rent, 2621 Harney St.; furnished or unfurnished. (16) M302 llx FIRST-CLASS modern room, two south windows; close In. 614 No. 23d. 'Phone Red 4854. (16)-33I 12x PLEASANT room and quiet home for young lady employed during day. Modern and reasonable. 611 N. 23d. (15) M591 14x NICELY furnished room, private family, modern. 633 South 22d St. (15) M566 lOx NEWLY furnished modern room; gentle man or man and wife. $2.50. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15)-M602 14x ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfurnished 2621 Harney St. (15) M660 16x Unfurnished Rooms. SIX rooms, 919 No. 27th St (16)-30 12x TWO strictly modern rooms, private family. A snap If taken at once. Also good barn for rent, 'Phone Doug. 4678. 614 North 22d St. (16) M56 lOx FOUR rooms, woll lighted, closets, modern except h,eat, in private family, light housekeeping permitted, for adults only. 2215 Burt. (15) M564 lOx 4 MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2213 Burt (16) M6914x Housekeeping; Rooms. NEATLY furnished rooms, all modem, steam heated, always warm. 218 N. 23d St. (15)-M347 18 FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping; everything furnished. Call at once 2670 Farnam St (15) 805 11 SEVERAL excellent unfurnished modren rooms for housekeeping. 2674 Harney St (15)-M6S3 Apartments and Flatea. FOR RENT 14-room flat, S9th Ave. and Douglas St. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. 'Phone Douglas 6562. (16) 617 IN 8CARGO apartments, South Omaha, J roora and 6-room apartments; all modern conveniences; steam heat Hall, 817 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. Red 7406. (1B)-M457 CENTRAL; all modern, steam heat; 4-room corner flat, with bath. 230 N. 23d. (16)-M623 Booses and Cottages. $25.00 -room modern bouse at 3931 N. 24th. St. $26.006 room cottage, blacksmith shop, with tools; privilege to buy. BEM1S, 306 PAXTON BLOCK. (15)-610 $36 TWO modern corner brick houses, 1301 and 1307 8. 28th St.; vacant March and April 1. 'Phone Harney 1767. (15)-M477 lOx OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1D0-24 N. 19th; ofico 1609 Famam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16)-626 2967 Pacific street. 9-rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. O. Ellick, b& Bee Building. (15) M5) 6 ROOMS, modern except heat, 4712 N. 29th $20. 6 rooms, modern except heat, 2818 Leaven worth $25. 8 rooms, all modern, new, 1721 S. 9th, one block east of end of Farnam car-427.50. 8 rooms, all modorn, 8 doors north of Dodge 132 N. 41st St. $40. East side of 19th, at Burdette, 8 rooms, all modern $30. 6-room cottage, city water. $15. nice yard. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001' N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 2152. (15) M548 10 FOR RENT. 6-room cottage, newly painted and papored. 2502 8. 20th Ave., $12. 8 rooms, city water, 130 N. 17th St., $10. C. M. BACH MAN, 43S Paxton Block. OS) M617 TWO rooms, furnished, light housekeep ing; D Jones. Ing; back parlor and front parlor. 1406 (14) 618 lOx Maggard Van & Storage Co. We guarantee moving pianos and household goo, Is. nil Webster. (15) 8 11 UUUOLO crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. (15)-24 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (D-tao LIST your rentals with us. Benjamin R. E. Co., $2 Neville Blk. Both 'phones. (16)-M256 A3 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Famam. (16 6i2 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwait, Barker Blk. (15) il 5-ROOM, modern except furnace, 4S 9 Beward Bt. $J0. Six rooms on second floor, 2Ath and Par ker Sis., $14. Chris Boyer, 2U1 and Cum ing. (15) 7J FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, barn, 2164 Bo. 84th. W. S. Btillman, 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. (16)-M4X3 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing;. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug, tvi (15i 6Ji A NEW 7-room house, all modern con veniences. 4&J6 Webster Bt. 'Ph"ne Har ney 25j8. C16 M514 lisx 01 PARK AVE., new modern brick house; 7 rooms and reception hall: hardwood finish. Tel. Harney 1510. (15) M670 14 UlCees. TWO fine large office suites In the Con tinental block: cnolca location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 309 First National Bank Bldg. (15)-t OFFICES FOR RENT in Conservative building; modern, oak finish, gas and electric light; heat and janitor servics furnished; $15 per office. HASTlNGsl , HEXDEN, 1704 Famam St 4U5H-Moo 10 Offleea Cent laaad. DESIRABLE OFFICES Wa bars two rooms on the third floor which can be rented single or In suite. These offices have an cast light and large vault for each room, and ths entrance faces on the beautiful court of The Bee Building which affords the best ventilation. To any one wishing large office space this would be an excellent opportunity to secure a horns for your business. We furnish light, heat, janitor and elevator service free. For further particulars see R. W. Baker. )0 Beo Bldg. (Is-t44 DESK room for rent; reasonable us of both 'phones. 623 Bee Bldg. (18) 60 Stares, 1-STORY and basement, 22x100. I'M Far nam. Apply 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (15)-31 4-STORY and basement building on Far nam St., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 9th and 10th Sts; equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead. 1H01 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1529. (15-M157 FOR RENT 8tore room, 2Bx0; suitable for groceries and meats, with Ice box; good location. No. 167 8. 24th St. Phone 1112. J. L. Duff, Agt., 2311 L St., South Omaha. (15) M698 10 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wlrs fencing 5c per foot. 206 N. 17th Bt. Tel. Red 14. (16) -634 Faraltore. FOR SALE Gas stove, dining table, china cabinet, rockers, "bed room suite, dresser, sanitary couch, etc Tel. (Red 44KS. 719 Ho. 25th Av. (18)-63S 10 FURNITURE and lease of cosy, new 6-room house; good location. Address D-141. Bee. (16) M666 lOx Planoa, Orgssi, Sins leal Instruments. FOR SALE Fins upright piano, cheap: 1721 Davenport St. (16)-M171 Typewriters and Sewing; Macblaea. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writers; good condition; a bargain at 130. Call room 603. Bee Bldg. GO 671 WHEELER A WILSON No. 8, sewing machine, $7.00. 416 No. 23d St. (l)-638 Ux M laeellaneoaa. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 0)-3 FOR SALE! New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St (16-635 COAL A'.l kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department, clean nut coal, S bushels for $1. (16)-M640 ZD-HAND overcoats and firearms. Slnsrer, 416 N. 16th. (IS) 642 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., 813 B. 16th Bt Tel. Doug. 681. (16)-3S TO MEET OBLIGATIONS Well sell fine white diamond ring; for $15, also stud same alse $L6. Each worth fully $25. Good Columbia Graphophone and fifty two $1 10-Inch records for $46. Better an swer quick. Address P 65, care Bee. (16)-M96 1(31 FOR SALE Several show cases, now pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two largs automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. U6)-674 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 637 SEND US your mail orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dllloo Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 639 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman St McConnell Drug Co., lfith and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. (18) 641 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (l()-648 HAVE A NOTE COMING DUE. -karat diamond ring, perfect cut, bril liant white stone, $tiE; small stud, $26; quick or not at all. Address O 64 cars Bee. (16) M266 Mar21 FOR BALE Electric motor, 2-horse power, direct current 3644 Vinton Bt. (16)-878 9x MERRY-GO-ROUND for sale, trade or rent. 2522 South 12th St. (16) M554 15x FOR SALE Hand elevator, complete with platform, guides, new ropes, etc. This elevator was made by one of the best elevator manufacturers in the country and is in first-class condition. May be seen in op eration for a few days. , W. H. Bridges, Engineer Bee Bldg. (16) 635-16 IF YOU have asthma let us tell you about the success of The Hayes Method free. Ask for book. A 815, P, Harold Hayes, Buffalo, N. Y. (16) M669 lOx PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT-S books for inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg.. Washington, D. C. Established 1S69. (17)-644 LARSON St CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. (17)-645 D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 (17) 646 H. A. Sturgls. 61 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. S49. (17) 76 M-hl4x PERSONAL r A flMTi,TTP8mltn' m N. 15th. fd floo.r JUa.UiiAXV treatment and bath. Mme. (lii)-627 LIEBEN, customer, 1410 Howard. Open eve. (1) 647 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phona Doug 4135 and wagon will call. (IS) 7k6 SATIN BKIN POWDER doesn't show, per fumes the skin. Flesh, white, pink, bru net (Uu SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers 'Ulon Drug Co.. Omaha. (lk)-68 f AQCJ nFi mna oKhs. Room 8. 1204 f arnam Bt., 2d floor. (18)-M327 A6 RELIABLE cistern cleaning. Tel Webster 8175. (18) Moot Mch 2) WE RENT, repair, sell needles tor old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. (18) 648 A. K. JETT, window cleaner. Tel. Douglas 40Ss. 1 Msub 15 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers ars Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1516 Farnam St., where they will ba directed to suitable boarding places or othermlsa assisted 18 15 OMAHA Btaromarer Institute, Ramgs Bid. a)-f PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMO Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 84th. TeL eh. . (IS) tt A'ILL gentleman who helped pick up lady at 18th and Imuglas Sts. Monday morn ing please leave name at A. Iji Olotta, L38 Chicago f t. 0l:-42 llx BEE Madame True about your face. Com plexion treatment 2007 St Mary's Ave. (181-M808 lox MME. ZERF.FA, Armenian massage. 620 a 16th, Flat a 'Phone Douglas ftMd. (18) M297 11 X WANTED By professional actress, lady partner for vaudeville act; experience not necessary; must have fair voice for sing ing. Address F-91, rare Bee. (18-M!1 Ux LESSONS given In bridge whist. Address H-146, cars life. (1S)-M644 llx REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE) DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO, 1st floor N. Y. IJfs. Douglas 1781. 09) 6S2 GEORGE ft CO.. , 18C4 Farnam. Tel. Douglas TM. (&) 068 BENJAMIN R. E. Co.. 828 Nevills Blk. (19) MM AJ C1TV PROPERTY ""OR SALE CHOICE WALNUT IIILL HOME 4155 CUMING STREET $3,flCA- rooms and reception hall, thor oughly modern front and beck parlors (mantles and grates In each); dining room snd kitchen below, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs; front and back stairs, new fur nace, best of plumbing, full lot, paved street, Us blocks from Walnut Hill and Farnam car. THE PRICK- IS RIGHT. In quire of owner, first house east or apply to GEORGE MARSHAL! 'Phone Doug. 147. 406 1st Nat. Rank. (l)-636 9x ONLY $350 CASH. $2,500. BRAND NEW Five rooms, all modem except heat, pol ished floors, nicely papered, elegant gas and electric fixtures, latest plumbing; nice lot east front; $2,609; $360 cash, bal ance $. per month; located at 666 8. 40th St. Call at office for key and Investigate. You ran never purchase a bettor house for the money. C. O. CARLBERO. 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. (1W-M2S8 . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 1714 FARNAM ST.. BED BUILDING. (19)-M 638 DEAL ESTATE TITLB TRUST pft tv CHAS & WILLIAMSON, Pres. (19)-636 LIST your property with Chris Boysr, l?d and Cuming Sta. (19) 618 GOOD INVESTMENT Building sits for 8 houses, 206x100; city Improvements paid; best location for rental rooms; will be sold at a reasonable price; Inquire 617 Psxton Blk. 'Phone Red 4327 or Douglas 2987. (19)-M665 llx STOP PAYING RENT -room cottage, almost new, modern plumbing In first class condition. Permanent walks, cemented cellar under entire house. Rents for 828 per month. No. 847 A, 7th Ave. Pries 82,260, $500 cash, balance monthly. 0. C. OLSEN, 101 South 16th St (19-M-55i 10 INVESTORS READ THIS! I own first mortgage on section good land, cloae to Denver. Amount $2,000 due In one, two, three years, at 7 per cent; land worth $8 per acre; must sell quick; will make liberal price. Address C 122, cars Bee. 09) M619 lOx IF some honest, frugal young man In OmUia, who can raise $200 caah, will renl my nice eight-room cottage' for eight years at $25 per month, I will give him the $200 back and a deed to the place. A good chance to make your rent recelpti earn something. No taxes. No lnterst Five minutes to best car line In tho city, No agents. C-88. cars Bee. (19) M606 lOx TKS FED ABSTRACT CO.. established iM.Sft Prnmnf a - Loss rial ... aiau jv .ruju. 118) -o3 7 GOOD INVESTMENT $10,000 Nos. 116 and 117 North 26th St This flni new, double brick flat of 8 rooms In each apartment; oak finish on the first floor! laundry sink In basement; good furnace modern open plumbing; street Is paved and the paving paid; In very good location, cloa In and close to car; Income $1,080 per yeari good tenants. This Is a good permansnl Investment. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St Bee Bldg. (19) M9i6 10 ARB YOU thinking of finding a mors suitable office for your real estate busi ness? Ths tendency Is for an Increase of traffic on Weat Farnam St.; why not look at apace ws are offering In the best appointed office building In this district? Mr. Baker will show you. Ask for hint at Room 105. Bes Bldg. (1 MOM I WANT sn offer on tho property, 1128 and 1180 8. 81st St.; two modern houses snd good barn; well rented. This property Is owued by aa eastern party who must THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L Now York Life Bldg. ' (19)-M65J FOR SALE 7-room house. In nice locality north aide; city water, sewer and gss. This house Is In good condition and worth a great deal more money 41,900. NEWELL REALTY CO., 1918 N. 24th St. . (19)-M649 10 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.NCli LAND FOR SALB Nebraska. 1G0 ACRES$1,000.00. Biggest snap ever offered in Nebraska. 160 acres of land, over loo acres of which la good plow land; no sand, no stone. In s good German settlement where the rural free delivery and telephone lines are going in rapidly. Thla land la a big bargain and will be offered for a few days only at tills remarkably low price. Write or call. Stringer Investment Company, H. R. STRINGER, Mgr. 438 Bee Bldg Omaha, Neb. i (30) Mtw4 12 A SNAP 80 acres of tho beat land la Brown county. Ntbrask for $6u0, $300 cash, balance one yesr. Apply M. Moresrly, owner. 4(7 Paxton block. Omaha, (80) Ms7 SOME snaps In western Nebraska; If taken soon; slso several choice ranches for sale. Blarer St Co.. 411 Bes Bldg. (JO)-M278 Ux Saatk Dakota. WHY pay rent when I can locate you on a good homestead or get you a good relinquishment or sell you a good deeded quarter of land for $l,6u0, where the land 1- . .. I,.-,. .... llllnnla h... wa grow 40 buahala of eorn to ths aora; klnda of vest-tables. For Information write Hudson Land Agaacy, Midland, a D. IfiJtMm lix I a