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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MARCH 10. 1908. r- a' J ttHS LND FRODUCE MARKET Toreigu Grain Cablet Cause Lower . Iote it Openiitj. t CCE3 KAXL3 AS Wkeat Brows Several Sttrkn km 4 U1b to General, tav Market . "tall via r TwvrarA Clasa t n trr IaSaasMta at Cwrn, Omaha, vuch a, 1- Grain rlus naned wr u some tower on demoralised foreign cable. Cora re tow4 quickly and nade a rod advance rid aa aa infl jenc to wheat- Buyirg waa potnl towards tha do and vaie toed up surprisingly. Wheat opened lower and dropped vrl rotcbe on th weakness of tha eariy cabiea. Selling wa general from the start and little sjpptrt wa offered urtn near the cios. when th fcig-her corn market was of some Influence. May wheat opened a-t He aai cloaca1 at tV4aa- Corn opened soft, but recovered jujo.kly snd advanced on heavy buying and iliht fferlr.g. Tha dmasd baa increased steaiilr for the last k and arriva. are unusually light. May ccni. petted at tTe ai4 clonal at Oata w frra in sympathy with the rlN In and corn. Trailr. was sght and tha market neglected. May oa-a oj-n-d at and closed at 4? V- ITI-rary wheat receipt t" Tiift) bush la and ahipmenl wr busis. against receipts last year of Lu. tau tit and etip-rienU ut lit WO bushela Com receipts were 7;l"v bushe3 and shipments were 4 bushels, mum f ce:;.ts last year of 7.fle4 boabels and ship ments of tii,Kiv btishel. Clearance were ZA.uO bushel of corn, row of ata and wheat and Hour A.aal to 177. bushels. . . . Liverpool clos-d IHd lower tn wheat and ur.eianged to VI higher on oora. Local taag ui ot.tkn: - ArUclM.j Opaa. J HIx-J Lew. 1 Close I Tea y. WhaatH May... M - July... i pt. a2 U C5H July... SWti I Spl afcV . bVi Jdajr...' H H July..-! aJ M I rvl 4i THEAT-Xo. W. rsc: No. t hard. W&y: No. 4 fcard. n&ttc; No. ( Bprliif. CuRN No. t .Mffe color, S7e; No. S. STditary. ba&V3:; No. 4. U'5'?' i N l-il(iw, rc; N. yXo. I,a- a-t vwc I cntiad. a.-VSc; No- whlta. K TE No, S. ft.wTTe: No. . WeTSs. Carta itta. Wtaat. Crni. OatP. ricirj i 864 MuiBcapoUa .......3W ljuiuttt .j...... TRICACO'GRAIS AX 13 PHOT18IOX9 rcatra at taa Tradlaa; Bad Claatas Prim aa Board at Trad. CHICAGO. March Tbe local wpal tr.trkot cloaed wrak today bocauw of Ui aovarcmeat crop report on farm roaerr. Mch aioa-d that l4.ra.te buabeia of a heat ara attll In fnr h.anda FlJal auoaticm n May dwirary re down SrC tara aaa ap lc Oau unchanrwl. Fro-vivh-na t r: to 71bc lilb-r. Tha wheat market waa nrrroua and trtcea lutnl ntarly I cent. A aharp trea. at Ua opainr. eaoed by extrenae areakneaa In . European mark el a. waa fol ic d la tbe flrat fcnif hour by a radigjJ adTmaca. eaal by rchaaea by aoor. SeMtnient comJiuad. buJHah until t!w em merit figure -on farm reaerva wera announced, when trioea declined i to a new low merk or tha day. The market cked wk. May opened Wa lower . rur.r-1 m rT c ifJ lV declined to 'aata- aoaara Clearnc-a of woeat and wera equal to 1 . .- H bu. 1 i amount . on iaM i.hW ku. and the rtsi'e uvir Tr,' lMut bu. Fnmaty iwipta were bu.. aren't I'U- on ,tb ni if ,T laat year. Minneapr-ha, Uuluth and Cni-r-r reported receiiAa f 43 cars, aaiiat laat week and 7i cara one year an. TTr market wa. .tron .11 day on llal.t otferirra and active t"iiS by n and i-etrmitaann ("iuii. The so erpmert crop report, a hit h waa corn in jioweeseirm vi nnn" - f- I bo.. X.2ft.j;.w0 bu. on t.e f.m dy laat rr Tl cloaed atror s- My opene.1 a J V aaow tat iv - - f vi T . HUVUntW"! v-j-- " ara rltun at Msd'n-- - v rc a eara. tlh four of contract pra. x. . The Jtrtant deliver of oala w firnv ' t,,Jt May wa weak lcauw of a-Hnt by Htvator fntereata. Tha chief r- fierce waa the rcrremmenl report, which wd T." bu. tn tha hands of farm- Tn March 1. May (TMWlwi at tV. a-M between t'';6rc and Uc JnJ cld at HV. 11 recetpta wera ' TFiw were atron, aH ribatannal lhcreaae tn tA,- , etoar May pork waa up J? ' J-"itpl JU. Lei! wa V h.-rHer at CK. Riba " aere IHric h.frVer at Si- F.mated reeetpta for tomorrow XT,eat . rtnn com. ist cara; aata. 441 cara. boga. " Tt baling futnrea rand aa follow.: Opea.1 High.l Low. lCloae.; Bat y. Articlea Wet ' 1 4-V !8V 1 jev IWi.s rv" Ki 7H 4 a i I May Julv "&! f-rpt. NaTa-r-ai H'.iai I Mv 5 Julr 'SX 4'1 43 61 til 1 it J eept. I Outs J May 1 pert O" VMiv S1H ililf-V 441, fi ftTi. 4". 45 4i( i'.H 1 V-S 44., 44 a aJj:v 1 bJuly j Ptk- M ) Lard- 1 t 1 ljw ) W i 11 au IU4- ! a 1 ' I 7 4S ( 7 rV T V H 15 31 ti U i'y 2 4t T :Pi 4 1. I ITH f3S t rrJi aTTH 7 LSI 1 7 J ;v 6V pt. BliIj My July ! 4 JTW t i i a a I ts I S7H tli I IS I Ka A aOd- b ICaajt. Ca1 ij-jonatioaa were aa tonowa: FIA'-TK Steadr: wiLter pa tact a. 14 4W airier stra ahta. M-X"?i4.ia; eprlrg pt-e-,ti. Hi'v: spring etnufht. ttaai: WHEAT N a X arng. H Jf1 l?: No. I gn-tr ! JIT No. red. SHV-e. rai rf.RSA t. ftr03c; yUow, H CftATS-N X ttfic: No. t art lie. E7H fc It- ., . RYE-r.'a t Tte. lKI.ET-Kair to okoice maltlnj. Kf VTc iRVT ,;riax. No- 1 at.TTh western, tl lv pyifi,' tirmSy. eATi Clover, contract ST' t-M. A - ' . PROVlSl'lNS Short rlka. Ve flooeei, Jg(n7Si. Mrs pork. Per bed.. $U.S7ViU'a Lard, per I1. 7a khwrt clear aide li.xedj t S-'iaTi. F.v.lwwtbg r the receljta and ahlp tiicMi vf fww aad graln- Baoelpra Shlptaeet Fltvur. Vbkt 1 1A2 Hattt, lU Xvaw 1-rV Ccn, ba . -5-d Cta, bl- ...AUJ - Ky. W 1M trtvy. aa....... iat U. Oa the Produce eacsa&g today tha but tr market wa f.rro. crwaa!"H?a tt'I'c; aah-tes, irJ-. Eama easy; ax mark, case included. U- -e : firala. ic: prune fVat, c, tiuaa, JU.. Chc-ais. sttady, li!4C It, Utli teeaaaaat Maaket. ' ST. LOCI. Marth 1 WHEAT Lower; rB. No. a caa. U aT-w. Nu. a hard, lle.itct; May, c. Juy. tiVi O ti.-Firm, track. Nti. S cul, Or No. J !.. 43vasc: May, tic; Juiy. a-Xa OlTo ee,iy . tr , No. I cash, kc, No. J ahv. SJwi--wc; May. aic RT. NaniM4 at see. . . f LolTt Luil. red winter patrata. SAft tTN; eatra fancy aad tratTui. 4-A-i..'. ie-. 4ivAA. f K M TV-Tjs.11 y j- aa dy. 44.H4A, " .rNMEAly-oXsad. fa-OU. t'RANeroB4T. a kad, aaat track, tl M. , UaI-mJ)1 txxhMar, a-UtkAlaav; prune.. t - -5rL-l J i Iru1! tN T7i 'M TTXS aa-fla. ' 14 .xTTN'e Vc: .... prvBTW!S-te. " PKj TISlO-" Pork. k!jrhwt : JWxiA." rirva Lard. fcA" Frxi . stsaai, 17 A.-1 r-ry salt meat, atfcJy7 bcaed ea ia ra. fli or rt4, r 1 iurt r.-ara, I" l"V fo. 'oa.Ty; extra a.Tt, t rW-ar r"a 7-75: aifrt clears. -Ma. Pvtl-TiiT girmj chk 4er.. Lx, aiifca. lr turkeys. ims; dacks. lie; i I'TTKR-Qnii; crarrry. J4fj-l-. i-OS I. at J. coant. f Vii U.! V m ht, ba.... t 4r, Crn, bu .......... ".( i cai. zu,f) .a JIEW TOBR OPEML MARKET Qaatatiaaa af tka Day Tarim CaaaaaadlUaa. NFTW TORK. Mai-rh PTjOTTI Re. ctiple. U..'i4 bb ; eapona. IK" tola; mar ket uncharred artd quiet; M'r.Dxmtt pat enta K-.Z-v T5: winter rtra'jhta 14 4i.34 7t'; M rneaoia bajiera. 4.5'5 lv, winter ex t rat, .fV4 inrr r'enta, 4 ai..; winter low fT-adea. Kf.i4 1i Rye fkmr. duil; fair ta pood, t w'4 v: choice to fancy. Buckwhtt flour, cominal, U pr l.v Iba. CORXMEAle-Pteady; flw white and yel low, n f.-al.6C; carr. Oaal-ft; kiln dried. 13. OS 35. RTE-Iun; No. X weatera, R?c t o. b. New York. 'HEUT-Receipt a. r.CW bn X exporta. t-u.; nt eary; ;ot No. t red. ll.ftV eievattr. and IXalV f. a b. afloat ; No. 1 northern. tuluth. 11:5. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard winter. H.1TV f. a. .b aflnat. In aj-mpathy with c&la wheat opened weak, but prorrptiT raL.ed and moat of the aea aion waa firm on co-renn of ahorta, out aide buyira and the Jump In corn. It finally hrrke on t V eron inmi anil HNc bet low-r. May. H.0S-iilH cioaed ta: July. yV9e. cloaed rT-c CORN-Receipta U3 Ui.; et.rta. a.ZS bu. ; apot market firm; No. X. 7Jc, elarutor, and Sic. t. a. b. afioat; No. I whlta. flbSc; No. 1 yailow. SAc, f, o. b. afloat. CpUon tnarket wet tneraiiy firra aJl dy on pr-m-peca foe higher reoeipta and bull tnipport, cloalng Ve to a,c net hiatier. May, 7Sr4 73.c: Juiv. dfrTlc: cioa-d, 71C ttATS Receipt a. l.(f bu.: ap market ateatjy rriLied, X to 2 potinda. iTc; natural white. 34 to Kt pound. 47b"c; clipped white, ti to 40 pourida. HAT Steady; food to choice, tLOl 10. Hui"S Djil: muxi. common to choice, lr. crr.p. Syl4c; 1S crp. c: Pacific coart, 1T crop, fraiv; lim crop. JigSc HlI'Eii ny; liogota. lTc; Central America, lTc LEATHER Quiet: add. 3C-I7c. PROVISIONS IVef. atealj ; iamllT. t"4 -5 : mesa. fU.-g:l SC. twf fcama. t5.' fcT.Ow; packet, Ili.Oi'mli.W; city, eatra India ma. ti(t;iii. Cut meata quiet: plcKll beliiea. T'ox". pickled hair-a fc. Lard. steady; weatecn prime. FT 7"7.: refined, hareiy rtady: continent F.S.r South Amer- k-a, P 75; compound. fi .12. Pork, rteedy; family. C5.'niW; abort cleara. enis ts: mnaa, 444Ajl4.7i TAIJjOW Pteadi ; city. 2 per pkg. ; COunTr?-. 4V&SC RICE Quiet; dumeatio, fair to extra, r4 BL'TTER Steadr: crearaerr. extraa 2-: firata 44i2rvc; held creamery, spectai. i3& 3c: w eat em factory, firata Or; weatern factory, held. Zx; Imitation creamery. rirrra nj.'4c. CHEESE Firm; fun cream, apedals. EjKJ9 Steady; weatern f!rt, ESc; aec- POi'LTRT nreaaed. ateady; turkey a, V9 ifcc; fowia. l'luic. WEATHER IX THE GRAF BELT Fair Taeaday, with Tnieratirt a taa Rlaa. OMAHA. March . IX. An area of unacaaonaoiy hih preaaure or er Ilea the country, with lta crest oer Kanaaa A rery decided drop In tetcpera tura accompank-d the rise In preaaure orer the central valley a durtna; Sunday and the colder weather ia extendic eaat and acuta thia mornlr.e. Rarna and inet are fen eral In the eaatern at area aad renersily cloudy weather prevaila east or tha Mia- tippl river. The weather la clear every where weat of the river, with warmer in tlie upper valleya and northweet, ar-d It will be fair In this vicinity toaicht acid Tuea- day. with rialriic temperature. Omaha record of temperature and preclp- italioa compared with the correuyftBdirig day of ua laat three jeara: IS. VHV. IX. I! 4i Minimum temperature.... 21 - S n IS Precipitatioa - .0 T T -0 Normal temperature for today, 2! deareea Lefk-ienr? is preclpitaUoa alsca March 1. .0 inchea Cefciency correspomlins period In I JSC, . tnch. Deficiency correapoDdlnc perVd In 190. .11 inch. l. A. klh. ,'. Local Foraar. Kaaaaa City Grata aat Prerialauaa. KAN?. 4. CITT. March WH E A T Un changed : May. 92c'. Juiy. W-mC Caah: No X bard, XaVTtc; N. A &4eVc; No. 2 red. sj ; No. s. CORN V'JlrC higher: May. SKic: July. STSc. Caah: No. 2 mixd, &ei8ec; No. i, u,c; No. i white, Swsuiic; No. A 6lsJe. OATS 1'nchanged; No. I white, mflc; No. X m1t-d. tmatsc RYE T4go HAT ertady: choice timothy. tl.TOSll.90; choice prain. XS (J'.3ft. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 3&c; pack in. JTU,c. EGO 1c lowr: freah extras, 17c; cur rent receipt. lSc RceJpta. Shrpotents Wheat, bu ML it f 1 Corn, bu Ik iiim Oats, bu 14,0.0 AQOO Option at Kanaa City: Ankle. I Open. High-I Low. Oosa. Wieat My July Corn May July. I'll I h i &?vr V43 .....i ae4a 67H SCHvS I.t in aieul Grata Market. LIATRPOOU March A WHEAT ;, firm; No. I red weatera wmttr. 741; Futurea ateady; March 7a d. May, 7a id; July. 7artd. C'uRX .spot steady; prime mixel Amri ran. Seli ; prime mixed Amarici.a. 4 !. Ii ltd Future. Quiet; March, taiad. May. is Xd. FLOUR Winter patcnta dull; X ii. H"PS In London. Pacific coaat, dull; 1 V.mQ 1 ym. PkllaAelakta Prod are Market. PHILADELPHIA. March -BUTTER Bleary; western creamery, ; nearby prints. 3Vc- E"jS Lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts zze at mark: Pennsylvania current receipt In returnable cases. He at mark: weeiem chmoe 3c at mark; west ern fair ti rod. liOIlc at mart CH Lljfi rirffl. good oemana; ew Tcrk. full creama cl.oice. l16c; fair to good. L' yUVc MlBsesaslls Gimla Market. MrvVE4PrlJS. March S.-WHEAT-Mav fi.eTfcn-trs: July. t7tS; No 1 hard. fl.:T4l.i:S: No. 1 northeen. n.oGH'JVit'S; No. I unthera, rL'.egnH: No. X Borth ern. r 'CMl.flo P.4N-In bult. flrra, CMWglJo. FLOUR Unchanged : first r-axerta, tC & ttP: second jatenta. IE 3.r6.5f.; first clears, H 4Tt.; aot-ond cleara tibevil.Btt Mtlwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKSE. March .-WlfEAT Lower; N x 1 northern, gl l'VirLlX. No. J txihern. ti-t4rtiu. May. UfVigMic. bid. HAJii-tTT-Uiwer; No. 1 SU. aample. 4T Mr cxRN Firai; Na. a c-h. tsga"c: lizr, 4,C. btd. rwaeda Grata Market. PEIORIA, March k CTtRN Jllgnar; No. I ytllow. !iir N X. Ac; No. 4. fcc: no grade, liitlac. OATS Firm; No. I white. Mr; Xa. I write, eiviilc; No. 1 white,. 5PiiV. WHiKY tiXS. Dalatk Grata Market. PTLITH. March WHEAT No, J northern. n; May. L4; July. p96i, OATS-ouc Metal Market. NFW TORK. Marxrh A METALfi Ta Loaatoa tin aaarkx waa hiir today, with t-4 cloeir.g at 14 las ac A futjrva at tin 11a Lucahg tha market waa d-i'i. but Limt. tn aj a.itt wun .-abiea wuota. I. ca rargsd from t3 to Ajaai. Ctwer wa big!er in tie Krhah anarket, aisl put rktaing at A7 U and futarea af aa. Locally tne market waa du.1 aad no chars waa reported Lake waa quoted at aa.X7V-4. rolras; at tlS.i,Ai JTv, and casting at l.i.'- ,12 Si. Lead a a kit her at all ITa ad la Lotwtaa. b'Jt torany it aa dull and a atttad wr at taiA7u. Sf-f, er waa va. aaamd at - A l?a ad in lotidoa. anile ire Wal markrt waa dull aad lower at fadMoa Tk Ttia Eng.ifca lra araark4 waa tut'", with ataadard foundry qia-ted at ata ad sad tWaaa warranta at a V-d. Locally tn tmei anarket wa umt.angad. an'.tt No 1 r..rxhara foundry a uot-d at r.JfejaTB. N' - k sortira founcry at l-t ?x, J4 and Na. 1 aad No. t aiun ft at (.1 X n m. XHTiJ. M.rca A AIETAIS Lead. aua4y, xau. .'tr, rireart, ftaa. T. LOC1A Mr n A - tJtL aad taW.uffl graJ-a c-n.:..r. ai-J ttir.g, t;.c; 1 nt fina la' -:. heaty fuie. la. i-t., tuk waxa4. -ac MtfTORKSTOCiS AND BODS Etarp Alrascc of Saturday Follo-wrd by Eeary SeUintj. 5003 SATlSi'LLD rrittm avaarta la Draty Wkeai O tlaaa fa aa litaaet Art R ae wed a ad CaaawrelieiBBfvw Rle Pallawa. NEW TORK. March I Tba comaervativt views held ty prof eaaional cperatora la etockt over the Improvernent In ccmdltiona undrlyln values of aeourltlee waa Indi cated by their action today following tha aharp advanoe wtJch oocurred in pnoea on Saturday. There waa evident haste to rean auch profile aa were a'forded by the over-Bun i'v domand for stock attracted by PaturOay'a advance and the trading started off at a fast pace, transact kt i during the flrat hour looting up The eecond hour a buaineaa no w- eir, dropped to below axi.flr aharea and midday found prlcea dragr'ng aa-ain about baturcaya cloeina; Jevea. with the outride demand thua fed and professional holdlr ea oorresrotna r.a' y liah4eed there wa .me resumption afterward of operation for the advanoa TY.e demand waa not bvraa but the f.oatlr.g rupply of atocAa waa found vo re lurnt ajraln and pooe were put up without encounterlr.g formidable obstaclea The renewal of tbeae operation on the long aide after the testing and d'geetive pnee of the first hour waa held to Indi cate satisfaction with the ahworptiv power of the market on tbe part of the specula tive party which ha operated for a nee. There waa do etnaing new d"veloriroerit In the Dewa. Sight improvement reported by railway traffic official were men tioned; without enthusiasm. Advtoea from the Iron and rteel Industry were encouraging and further resumption among miua In that txaoe were reportei. Copper enjoyed a wide rebound In London, and tbe price of trat metal here waa more firmly held. The more cheerful feeling over me steel trade waa helped by the un precedented export of that product for February, when flB ton of finished forms wera aent out from New T?rk and other eastern seaboard points. Thia. com. pared wi, now tona In January. Is rsiil to be p-r cent above the average monthly oonsicnments for nearly a year past. InteroaiUonal banker report that the eaalng of the foreign money market la tn rosing some tnouirlea for Investment Into thi market. This 1 confined a yet to high grade mortgare securities and to oroe extent to purchase of mercantile paper for account of foreign banks, the ratee prevailing here maJting an attrac tion compared wtlh declining money rates at home. Thia development la considered of importance, considering the large new irroee by corpora I'm which are known to confront the New Tork monev market. The foreign exchanre market today waa sug gwtivety wealt in spite of the leas-ned ship ment of grain to outward port which waa a feature of the last week. Tbe low reaervea of grain reported m farmers" hand by the government expert, whose figurea were made public during todav. howa to how large an extent th expert of tnr urplu suppli ha lrea'lv been made in the rash to dietjnle our financial necessities following the panic. The rise In prtow were firmly held to the end. B"nd were firm. Total sale, par value, K.jHlw. Inited State bond were un charged on call. Number of aalea and quotatione on stock i were aa follow: talsa Elca. Icw. Oaa. AteaM Kr i las in Aamca.mt4 Concr ...... b.ane : i: alt. a r .iiw ii am. car ata ki, t.. la Caen Oil... a 1. tt C Aat Csuoa OH fit is. Awwoaa Bipmn ana ltd 11V im An. H. A U pt 1 Ammai Ire aeearlues. . .. Ma 17 1 If "4 Am. Lineet 041 la oil Aa Locoemttve n i 444. n 4TS Aa Lsroiaotiva ptt la B. ft R la A ft A pti la acar Rrflala la Toaaors at nfia. ... laanonila MlalLg Ca...... Atcaisoa Atrtusna t4 , ars U r" ! 4 litu i . v i 7a 1 1 sri, sf v ! 7t T-S !.( at cr. 441 luuw Oast Use...... H-mujr ft oiiu .(p ti m ara Pal. ft Oils tf ... .' 44 Braoklra Rar Tr .. kL.tW 4" 4 u Cianatina Pr:fte tjjm )4V 1 Omtrmi of Hew J-rarr , e fia 1st 14 tapake A Ofelo 1. S Bi Cluimso &t W .... 70S 4i 4 4 rhtoscs A . W J l-W lii ;4i c. a A St. p t.fa ii4k U4k iia Cbirasv T A T 4 t tioi.r T- A T Dfd 11 C . C. C ft St. L 4" 4.1 4.i4 Coleraie P ft I..... tum yrv, lr c.tnrado ft tn . ; r' Cola. A Ij. la pit e- t,t Si. (lo. A Bs M pti 1.4U 42 41 : ConiKli dated m Cora Proiacu. rfg.... ?i lis It US' Cars Ptociku aid ttla & o a tUru A Huoaaa. X 4u 11 la'. 141 tl., L A W nt Iw A R. O IV ; i- i(4 D AR C. pf4 i 44 4 r1Kllien' ftsrurtttea a 1 . Ena 1M la U-v li. tn. 1st pft Tim r"s T in. ii p:i . l.t.4. U IT Osaeral Eisotnc ..... ..... lja I.'ilBWa Omtra ..... 13 laiersxttoaal Paper 1 I I t lav Pspsr st 1 44 I 44 lat. Puna 4.7 - 1 u 1st. Ptma pft 1W Tl 44 T' Iowa Central 44 11 11 1144 !ova Central pft B kanae Car aa - Tta if it it k. c. ta. prt 41. 4a a Uwuvuie A K .- : at M IK14 M-xloaa Ottrvl . . kt It 1T JT M'.aa. ft PL U "S t: M . t. P. ft A A M 4 yj wx ya M ax. P. ft t A M. pfd . ) 1M H 134 Klaarwi Pariac 1.1.4 !T I M , A,, ft T 4 40 J.. - li a . k. ft t. pit ti Xaiioaai Ln4 ... 4 MS kSa 44a N. A A of M prt 4" Nee Tork Casual 7 tr ssk. s T , a. w i.sw xra "a ynrfn ft W ! 4. 4. m K ft W. P--4-... I Nnrta laaricaa 4m. 4TV. ssi, Padec Mall 1 t rT f PeanarlvaiUa 14 S r.Tta l Ilc, Peocis's Oa L 44 4T r, P , C . C. ft t- L. 4E.i Pr.aant Ikesl car E r K a rinaMit A C Pt4 a 75 TTH Ti JJL i:J xi Puiunaa Paoa Car Raaatx (A 144 I5J la.r lus l'A 1"T Kaad'.iig 1st yea kaa4it M pit- Eepouil Steel . 1 l"a !,al"tr Steel pft 1 4-a T 4-- 17 a Rock lalut ca Vam u it 1 Eons Ud4 Co- pft l aa ti 44- L. A A P M pft 4 Z &4 et. Loaia W a n v-a, if at. L. a w. aft... -. ft a r Soauiera Paeac 4a. Ta TJi Ti, Tr a. Pacrnr si 4 aa 90 Ka so. Aa.way 1 4 4 4o. kulwar prt 44 V 24 Asa, a Panne. .......... 7 ll- 1M. 1 T. it. U ft w l. T.kL AW. Bit........ "0 M4 X? Si tale Partat llt.W 1S4 11T 1 1 tuoa Partflr pfA Tl. V. 1 Easeasa. a r. a Ksaitr - xa , at r. A RaMasr 44 ir t. A trt) aft ! T C. A aisel ttsa t7S r. r t iwi prt ir" n Taarouna Cbosuial ta 14H 14 Va-Cuw. Caaa t4 W.baa T t UU pt - I 11 14 Wella-Pars EUlir.M "a t uaauwoae iLiStu-w ..... e1- lun tiM o 4-a 4 4 4 1A 17 absviit A L k .... ..... Wiacoeeia Cefitral .......... ..... ..... Wa Osatral rt.. Xonhsra Pariac IXa U44. CastraJ Lsaiuv 1" l'w Cacxal LaaUur pit .. .. 44 41 41 .um-iuta, atwi bus at at a Gnt asruiara pft ... 4 a tl u 1TI4 lauatHwoaaa Mau ........ . . . ..... 1 1st. M. 14 X0 U 1 1 TsLal aafca Kr ta ear. 4SS.BA akaaa laadaa Btark jAaattet. LONTaTN. March t Americaa aecurltlea rptned firm today. First I rsma were H to "a per bent 4M-4 Saturday a New Tork closir.g. Londoa cloair.g tuci qaotauon: Oaewtat. awaay . 47 1 11 a (a ft ton - . .. . a Ysrx t eert ri . . 1 aKornia A. Waaera.. 43 - 75a a pt at p4 T Oat. a Wsaaara I paitimea ft Oaia 4. Pcanarvaaia ...... Caaadiaa Pactnc lie fca4 Miaaa 4 (VawU A CM . 4e Badu i: (11. Otm Wau.. - MtMrt Ralraag ... 4 Ctu. Mil. A x- P..-L4 aa p'.t 14 lm am 1 gnain.i a Pcfis Tl 1m A la O 1" I DMm Ppcxi a, pia 4 aepti at En. .. irraae ataua ka. tl 4s la pf4 sT t pti s7j a 14 pM - II ".- . T O-aat TmJ U a pft 14 ! Csairal lit Pjtul-a a Laoisrtits A kiaak-, kl laa Ossasr at SILVER Bar, steady at 3t A14d prr V'.iNET rtH per cant. The rale 4f dtsoount la tha open market V abort bt.ia ta -rt U-M ewe cent ; for thraa mont m' be-ia, kjlli'w par cast. Titaaary ItatatMat. WAaTHlNVJTON, March A Tad ay a atata awnt ut tbe tr-a.ry taiaacea fa tSe gea. era! fund eaclusMV of trie aC wa g. ,d laarvt. aUjsa: i f3 1 IT: gold co n iJ bullion. C5.C4.0; gold ceruficaiea. Min.XL Rra Trk Mawey Market. NETtr TORK. March -PRIME MER CANTILE FArm vV Per ce-it LXiHAXuE-WMk. ClcwlTig firm, wl'h actual busireea ta barkers bl at M Kl4 A for demand, and at K KJv-tj 4.SSV1 for amy-day b.lla Commercial bu a Ho,. 61LVFR Par. SeVc: Mexlcaa dollar. HONt8 Oovernment, taady; ra-.roal. firm. MONET On can. easy, per cent; ruling rate, I per cwt; ciosmg bid. ; offered at I per Cent. Tims loan: quiet and firm: ity dya H per cent; ninety uava Si per cent; lx moo tha tiiWH per cent. Closing quotatloTit oa Nw Tork bond were as follow: r I rr. aa, raj....J U ft X. aaL 4s m as ii m l- a e g 4 H r t. is. r-a "4 rM-a. Cwatra) a r( as enssoa VI 4s la tnr tt V. A tn 4a rs... lil oaiaa. ft at. L 4a. M eratna l-4 at K. ft T. K la Tsbaers 4a. S a .....lean. I. i. ( t t a a Atrkisra sa 4a T. C. 1-. 4w a4i. s M Ji J. C a 1 r 1 .... . Ks. r.-llk 4a 1- Bal. Obi 4s 4W W a ls 'H K W. . Sfa . R. T a 4.... a A L ra. 4s ... at Central at Oa. la Peaa ev. M 4i lat tne. 4 nes4ia r- 4 M a M tae. 9t L 4 I k t k S M Ise ex. u ft P. ta aa Tiiea. ft .i a.. t' t L. k W t. sa ... W diesa-s a a is a s'-4 a L. .. 4 C B. ft 0- a 4s ... KHk. FaciAe 4s M C . ft. L ft P. 4a...H m 4. erfs . rsi. 4a. bunt a. MH w;CC. ft L ( 4. V Ta ft P. 1 W rtsla In4 a sr. ASitn a U t T. a. S4 Coia. H 4s. talna Pseiat 4s a Cow ft So. a M Us r 4. Csfa ia la r. i. Bteei M Bs PARC 4a 1 Wstmati 1 " rnetlllefW est. as ... 4 4ea t- p. I. 4s l7a.Wera Ml 4s ST lo r. w ft u k 4s a Bora V.L 4s. 1"( Cwtral 4s. "4 Jspsa 4s TT At-fclsaa rt. t f as 4VM rtlm. K- as f o M srui Int. M. 4Sa 4a El A lferea. Bawtaw Itsrkl aaft Baa da. BOSTON. March Call loana 4Q'H per cent: time loana. per cent. Official closing on stock and bonds: Atcklsaa may Atlaartr .... .... V Co 4s s4 Riacusai Tl Me. Oalnl 4s... cai. a Heola. 4M Altaisesi I'sstea&isl Zl 6v p'i Gtrtr Raags .... ia Boalaa ft AlbmT IsJr W est a Bcmoa A Mjud. 14 rrsatlia rVwum Eevste4 .....124 Cmab. 4 rnitbMrg t4 .....U1 ! fc.rr.le 't n u Oesiral ITS Vut Mialsg 7a If. T.. K. H. ft H...1M MliU T til s Prir rj aghast 4"- la Arse. Cham 14 Most. C. ft C T to ria .. a1 Domiaiaa & la Poea. labs 4H Ovenia an Anne. iigmr l'-s Parra t o pt .........UTa vaiaey la T ft T. ........ .lav Shsasoa 1st. Wtolsa .. ........ IT Tsaiarsfik ..... 4o pit It Tmnj rSBitakia t. ft ti tuaet Cat aw Kc.m r'ec Ilia.- r. . Hiaiog.. Gsneral EMttrls . 111 t. k. Oil mHass Elemrta . 1 I t. .. 4 pte anavirtsna Mm. Oss .. U Wianna totted Froft 13' Woivenae t'tjltefl A M 4 fiortb Butts ... pf4 Pt Coalltlna T. A lassL K4 Ses4a .. .. 44 .. m .. i .. .. i t .. r .. I, .. 4 ..IE, .. M .. to pit IVVCal. A IImu. a 4aiare :msso Csa 14 AiluM 3sOrasD Csaaaea 14 Ansisamsteil Askeo. B1A JTew Tark M ta ta g Itsrka NEW TORK. March Closing quata tlona on mining atocka were: Alaaa Cosl I Uttka Chief I Alio 11 (starts ka Prusswlck Osa. ... 1 Cfkir i ... 14 Pets Coiastock Tanasl Oa Cal. ft V... Rera ellTer lraa H'tw LeaTtUa Coa ... ... 14 tatiK ... 41 fcerra Kerala ... email Hup .. r-.lK Staaoar ... 94 ... :t ...iy Faredga Ffkaarlal. LONDON, March I The money market waa ateady today and in gnod demand for the eetUement- LHaootint were flrsa. Tha Bank of England aharea in half of the 11.000.01) gold availaMaoa the cnarket with i r ...... BEXJN. March I. Prwes on the Bouraa today were firm, oa aatorday'a New Tork advancea Some Ameracaa aharea rose fia Lpouita. -1, PARIS. March A Prtoea oa the Bouraa today wera aarargen Bask Cleat-tatta. OMAHA. March 1 Sank elearlngi for today were C.&4.04AS. and for tha cor respondlrg dale last yair S2.GEL575.2&. Cattaa Jatarket. NEW TORK, March COTTON Fu ture opened firm; March. l66r; May, W.73c; July, lutic; Aug-uat, H11V-, bid; October. A60c; Lecemr. lO.Clc. bid. Ppot cioaed quiet. IT.t points hl-her; middhrk ut landa IXaoc; mlddiing ruif, 11.4c balja, l.t.M baies. . COTTON Futures closed steady a fol lows: March, 10Jc; April. li.7c; May. l.7bc; June, lOGc; July, K.51c: Aug-uat, lA.XSc; Octolr. r; Doember, taSc NEW ORLEANS, March . COTTON Ppot. steady, with price unchar-god. Middling! lr-sc Eaiea I.M bales spot and 6 to arnva ST. LOUIS. Mtrch . -COTTON DuM : middling. USrC Bales none; receipt. Xi7 ItkJta; ahipinentA, 12 bale; stock, 2.4U balea EvaBKH-aieA Apadea atad Drtedl Frwlta. NEW TORK. Marc?! A EVAPORATED APPLES Market continued quiet, with the I tone unsettled. Fancy are quoted at lOc; ! choice, Wac; prime. 7ttTc; Canadian ! prime. 7&7Vc: common to fair, iff7c. I J.R1E3J Fit cits prunta are aaid to be I steadier la tooe, with a moderate demand. ! California fruit range from 4jl4c. and I Oregon from ifcl'ir. Apooots are un changed, with choice juoted at lV?Ilc; extra choice. 1Sr23c: fancy. tS5c Peaches life 11 He: fancy. llaUc, extra fancy. lSr 14c. Raiclns are caay, with loose muscatel quoted at abSc; seeded, e$lfcc; London layer. aXtTLTa. CaaTe Market. NEW TORK. March COFFEE Market for coffee future cked unchanged to a point lower. Ealea. 15.. a baga. lncludtr.g March, i ; May. lc; July. Aflic; Septem lr. AltijA15c: December. 4 Ptx.t eof- ' f. tady; No. T Rio, X-l.3c. No. t ' RiEtoe. eS; mild ceffee. duil; Cordara, ElaTta Barter Market. ELGIN. Ill, March 9. BUTTER Firm at Xbc. Ac leas than last sree. Output of da tnct for week, sfA, iba. Kaaaaa City Live stark Market, KANSAS CITT. March 4 CATTLE Re ceipta 4 head. Includ'ng S eouicema; market olc higher. Top. Ii": choice top and dressed beef ateera, tn 41jia.' fair iitE: stockera and feedera, t3.Sogi4.HE; aouth 7,' I ens atra 4,Sa.5Ci. ao-jthern cowa 15 f 1 47": native cowa, C"i4 5('; native be-f-p Z i era t3.Ax&a.4; bulla 4154 , calvea, C 75 4? I HOGSReced-"-. 7 56 head Market 7 1 opened higher, closed weak. T"p. hi; bulk of aa.-a. w : neavy. 4.'j-4; packers. rlkiit C; ptg and light. tS &8 A n 6HTXP AND LAMES Receipt . ' 7.' head: market fc higher. Top lamia, Plf.: larrtii K. f7.W; ewea and vearhnga, as ti73; wa7era ta Ttg X&: western sheep. $4 CC. stocker and feeder, tiki feaiS. r St. Laa la Live attack Market. ST. LOUI8. March I CATTLE Reeirt IM head, laclud'ca; Texan. Market strong to a lugrher. Native ahtp pir.g ami export ateeea. (5 lf: dreaad bef and butcher steera af, 4-aj. f: atoera undar LW pcuna, tl TH &; stockera ard feeder. tt2n&.H.; cowa and heifera. KITS &Rb; can rera. C TietttS; bulla XI "."4 calvea. C-5i ; Texas and Ii'aa steera. cowa and beifera. XL7ia4. H' Reoetpta, 4 Si a) Kead : market tc higheei piga and lights. M4 75.: packers 44 t4 75 ; butcher and beat heavy, 44 tun. FKTTP- AND LAMRS Reeelt,ta I head: market steaflv. Natrve mutt -in (3a e!5: lamba 4 5i7J'.; cull and bocka, U-S-tSde. at. Jwk Ltw Itark Market, ST. J-aTEPH. March CATTLE P. e eeint. ITa bead: market fc gier Native, UUliu: row and fce-fera, (5; stock ara ant feedare. Xiff4 kl H'1 Raocpta lta bead: market ie hiirhev. Top. rtl. nc!k cf aaa. Xt-loteL bHEEP AKTJ LAMRBJ Receipt. 4 4 bead: anirket Kc higner. Lamba. K 5T.7A : year.icga. t& "M; H. Uaai tTtry Ltw Itaek Market. tnom City la. Marrk a Ppec1il Tela gram. CATTLE Rcelpia 1 7 head: mar ket 4e hurher: tixttrt. Xamie hlaner: beevwa. 14 V;t.-i: cows and rx-.f era. tl wJ 4.4T; ac oca ara ard feeoera calvea and yeart'nga. 44 '3t ta HOOo Keoeipts 4 bead: market tc r Ahr. ari.T.g. ta XMaaaS; tvJt. K4jtCi OMAHA LiVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Xiada Actira aai Tea Cesta Eights. HOGS SLOW, FUT ITvX EIGHXS Very learte aa reellag tltsai P keep Active- Bellera at rileea Itrsag ta Tea ar Flf teea Ceata Htcker. SOtTH OMAHA. March I. W. Receipt were- Cattle. Hoga fleep Eatimate Mondav . Same day last week Kit t 4 Fame day 1 weeks aga... LK" --44 Same day I we. ka ago... ATT I Same day 4 weeaa ago... 44i 7 r Same day last year lag e.J8 i4 km 4 144 K7 f, If 4 The following table ahowa the receipt of cattle, boo and abeep at South Omaha tor the year to data, compared with laat year: lang. tjn-. Ic tec Cattle l,.ow TitJn I. Hoga m; 1 4-.41 lt.4 Sheep 2&0.8 Zki.2 7Ja Tha following tahe bow the avtraga prVre of hgt at South Omaha tor tha laat several daya. with comparison: ra:a j im. :aff.,io.i.i3Jt.;in.'ije. Feb. ... Peb tt... March L. March I.. March A. March A March I. March .. Marth 7. March g . March .. 4 SV f7jUlti 4 V, ! ! IT, "" ; Heiiij: laa rt ! 4 7i i 4 75! , , 4 30 11, t 7 I 12 7 1 4 i4! Tl' I 4 i t 4. 7 021 3 4 Il'V t 71' i Si I 7, T II 4 t-i 7f t I 4 I T 04, I 14 4 4S t 7 It 4 w i U 7 li w j 7 ! 4 t K lit 4 i l 7 IS) 1 Indicates tunday. The official number of car bTought ia today by each road waa: CarUe. Hcga Eh'p. Br l C. M. A Ft. p . i Wabash R. R. 1 Mo. V. Ky 1 C. P. R. K. 24 SJ T C. A N. W. east.. 7 .. 1 C A N. W. (weat.. Z 1 1 C, St. P., M. A O . 7 I 1 C, U. A q. tea:.... 1 1 C, R. A Q. (west)... 40 SI IS 1 C. R. L A P. (east!.. 1 C R. L A P. (west) ' 1 Illinois Central Ry I 1 CLRago Gt. Western 1 Total receipt lit Ku SS The disposition of the day a receipt waa aa follows, each buyer purckaa.&g lb number of bead Indicated. Cattle. Hoga gherp Omaha Packing Co. 4.1 baift and Company .... Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co. Cudahy Pkg. Co., Lenrer VanMJit A Co Caty A Benton l.iM 1.216 Lka Lobman A Rothschild.. W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewi J. B. Root A Co F. Hint McCreary A Carey .. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Lehmer Broa tthtir buyer I r. graham lnd. Pkg. Co. Pt. Clair Kingaa Pkg. Co Tot Ala CATTLE Recetpta of cattle thia rooming wera not very large aa oempared with pre vious weeka At tne same time there wa a good buying demand on tha part ot pack era. so that the market aa a whole wa ta very satisfactory condition aa viewed trdcu a seller standpoint. Beef steers vert active at an advance of 10c over last week s close. The bulk cf tha offerings changed hands ia rery good season in the morning. While titers wera no right prime cattle her to make a ebowy top to tha market there were cattle good enough to bring 16. 56. Cow and heirer were also In active de tand aad they participated in the general advance m pnoea, tt market being aafely l'JC higher than last week. Tbe offering for the most part changed hands in very good season at the advance aoted. While there was ao great number of stockera or feeder in Bight thera were a few acattertng loada including a train of Wyoming rangera The buying demand waa reasonably active and the market oa the desirable kinds in a good healthy eon dition, with price ctrong at least. Cuotatiotis on cattie: Good to choice corn-fed steera t& 2fe 76; fair to good corn-fed steera. ft 7..15: common to fair corn-fed steers. 14 i4 -3; good ta choice cows ax,d heifera, M luiiS.fl fair to good cowa and heifera, IS common to fair cowa and beifera, tt. .S'aJ 5t, g'xl to choice stocker and feeders. M.i4 fair to good stocker and feeder. Ij.sOgt 4 li: common to fair stocker and feeder. 45 Mei au. Representative aalet- BEEF 6TEER3. Ka A. Pt. Si A. Pr. H 754 4 16 14 1004 I 01 X Ii. u X-I"I I 4 U 14...." 14 Ii 48 14 n A t t 4 4 4 11 1 t T X 4 U I 10 'A.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 4 I .. til 4 .. 4CS 4 44 .. R l 4 44 .. f4 4 44 .. tea 4 J . K4 TS 4 TS . .I C3 4 Ti . X 4 B ..111 44 ..lii 4 a ..HM 4 14 ..i'l 4 14 lot ..U41 4 at Xi ion I 11 ituo I a E 1M I kt 1 117 t 14 14 1114 f 1 4 1M 4 44 II 1141 t 4 XT l at it iMt 4 a 4 law l at I. 1J 4 44 14 ....11 4 44 If 1M4 4 40 IX. 13W 4 44 u im t . COWS .. Bt 11 .. Ta l .. lot I Tl .. 4:4 I 74 .. rt X 44 . . 4 X Ml .. 7W W . 147 it . Ke4 I fc .. aaa I 44 . low I ..4.4 I at 4 r kt at 4i at .... vm 4 X Ik 4 14 4N4 4 IS xr.l 4 1(41 4 Pi i"i m ltw at in t 4 144 4 It -...lab 4 B U44 4 44 m 4 B ..... B14 4 31 1UDT 4 4A 44 4 44 117 4 44 414 4 74 S3 14 14 14 i ts 14 HEIFER6. CM X TO 41i I TS 4 IN Til I UP 4.4 I 1 I II 4 ... I ... 4... 1... III IK BULLS. l 1J10 1 ... ..lTno I 14 . i 4 :i ..145 4 St ..143 4 4 . 1 4 X. . 144 4 a 4 l . 1K 4 at I 11.4 I 1 1 Mk I 44 1 I ir. lii i 1 : I 74 l .... :. i 4. I t lit t 1 1 i?.a 4 t l 44 14.1 4 CALVES. 74 4 44 J 44 4 44 1 Vt IS X U I at 1 ... ..lie l 44 .. IK) 4 Tt ..140 4 7 t It STOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 44 I . 444 I Id i Ik tl 14. 4i4i i a . 54 t 44 . 447 I V a in xi. . 41 I 4 rt is 44 4 15 44T 14 M II . TS XS M IS I t 4 40 i... 37... 17... 44 .. XX... 14 .. 14 .. 41 " "J 14 . I it i i 4 4 I HOGS Tartar s hog marke. waa generally lc higctar last week a close, tn hoga aeliir.g very largely at X4 4i9t.4u. aa againat 44ev4 4 on Saturday. The market, how ever, waa v-ry unenen. there betng a tend ency to bunch the aalra at and rignt around StSa. Thua unit hoga at that price slowed more tl an Sc adavnee and other iesa. Tha trade wa very slow at tha advance, buyer apparently being vnwilllng to see price go very much higher. Then, too, the fact that the government report la expected to be rather Baanari had It effect, also tne expeetatioo of large re ceipt f"r Tuesday. Tr market cioaed both Blow and w-ak. Representative aalea: K. At. (a Pr X. It Ek. Pt r. 14 ... 1 a U t ... 4 4 It. U4 .41 1 M ... 4 4 .144 m 4 r 22 ia 4 r i7 k la at tM l-i r4 ... 4 4 ..44 44 4 4 44 4 ad '.. . .14 W 4 W 174 Ms S.A l.K.i x es 47 5S-'4 ""Tv 116 6!4S 7J 14 ... . 41 24 7 '.7.'.'. 15 C 4 IS B ... . as urn M 1 134 4 ta 44 4 In I 44 T4 11 ... 4 n . ta at 4 44 TS lt ,.4 44 440 4444 14 11 4 4 44 ... 4 4 M Mt . . I 4 U 4 4 44 Tt 11 t 4 4T 41 S4 i u H a ... 4 "t XT. ... 4 4 T JB 1 4 41 TT 1.4 4 4 t 44 .174 ... 4 4" .fc ... 4 44 B It . - I a U . J.J ... 4 1 aa ia 4 4 44 4 r- . ih ...... -1 . 4 4S 41 Pt LI lit TT Jl t 4S U .H4 4 4 m 14 41 4 44 4 4 4o St Ot ... 4 44 T. l ' B 444 Tl 4 . . 444 44 w X 44a U 14 14 4 41 kl A IB Tl 14 1 4 44 4 1M la 4 4 Tl ... 4 4i 44 m 4 'J m .144 ... 4 a n . iti, 1. .a ... 4 41 ti 4 4 at at . . 4 a 7. .i ... 4 u a i4 ... H't at Mi ... 4 U M 144 4 4" 71 -141 ... 4 ta at r . . 44' 4i 4.1 . 4 a K. at it 4 r (4 ai ... t lt 71 AA ... 4 47 la. ..4.t ... lil The Value of a A Check Account with The First National Bank of Omaha -will be of value to you in many ways. It will not only help you to deposit more money to your account, but will be your best safeguard in the pay ment of bills. We would like to tell you the other advantages of hav ing this account with us. The First National Bank OF OMAHA Thirteenth and Farnam Sire, Omaha. Net. Capital tJ00.0O0.00. Surrlna and t'adl. Profit orrr -VU.0O0 f0 Drpoattotr of the Valtod Sfatea, Cotuit ol Doa;laa And City , of Omaha 8 IaU-rcat Paid oa Ce-rUncatca of Depoaha. SOT fH 4 r 4 4- 4 4-w n.. a.. 41.. T ... ri ...r ... T4 ... J5 ... S4 ... at ... k'T ... 4 in, ... 4 U . . 4 44 aa 4 B ... 4 44 ... 4 & ... 4 r K . rt.. Tt.. 44 . K . at . 441 14 4 4 ... 4 4 r: . . 4 47 1 ... 4 40 1T ... 4 as 14. 4 n 4 44 4 44 IT U4 .. 4 4 BHE.EP There were no lamb cf any consequence here this morning, and noth ing to really make test of the market. The feeling, to aay the least, waa steady, and. possibly, a dsirabl bunch of kiliera migit have acid higher. Sf.eep were in g.-od demand and aalea were axvwr.ere from etror.g to KXalie higher than last week s close. In fsct, good clipped yearling actually sold i Mgher than on Thursday of last week. The early receipte changed hand very readily at the "advance noted. Good Colo rado wtmled yearling told up to Kla, with ears out of the same lot at li 4a Good clipped yeaiitira sold up to IS Ti. The mar ket a a a whole wa in very satisfactory condition Quotations on ahcra about S9e tmder wooied stock Quotations on good to choice fed ee and lambs: Mexican lamb. 5CHij: western lamba. fi 5iut 70: light yearling wether. ttaaU; heavy yearling wethera. tfeiSSgS Ti. wethera M.6.75; ewes, iiiu-3 4. Sit. Three or four car that cam In Ut sold to rery good advantage, choice Colo rado ewea go'r.g a high aa to hi, with western lamb at KB. No. Ar. i weatern mixed llH FIX Colorado yearling kt Pr. 4 00 t IS a 40 t 7 I It X 0 t So 4 W t 4 I 4 ( 0 t i 70 5 00 i 5S I . sit Colorado ewea 41 . 44ft Colorado yearling, shorn r . 4 Colorado ewea . i Colorado ewea. culia . 1 7 aeatern lambs .,117 weatern ewes - i 134 western lamta I 1 115 w-etem lamb ...1 ... W .. 74 .. as .. ., 7 .. ) .. W .. s .. kX .. K) .. 13 . t olorado ewe X?i2 Colorado eae ff"i Colorado ewea 71 wetrtern shorn ewea 1.tE western yearling ttil Mexican lam be 1 CHICAGO LIVE TOCK MABKET Cattle fteady ta trr Hara Piva ta Tea Ceata Hlgker. CHICAGO, March CATTLE Receipt about 2. head; market steady to strong. Pteer. tASittdl: stockera and feedeta. 5 7i4i4C; cows. SI -Sty 00; beifera. tl 'rjQ tX!; bulla U4eS.5rO; calves. (aTfTSS. HOOrt Receipt about 41 it, bead: mar ket MirMe higher. Choice heavy ahlpping. X4anaf4 sa; botchers. 4 7r4: light mixed. tt-JOt-Ti; choke light. M.7E4 ; parking. 44 otat fV; p'r- and Lght. tS.V'Ct-a', bulk of -alea. at.7'f4.A SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt about Sua bead: market steady to lc higher. Sheep, MK64; lamb, t.0:"51$; year hnga, Pl.laaaAS. Itark ta fight. western market j-eaterday: Cattle. Horn, gheen pouih Omaha .- :. 7j 4,7110 F1nux Citv 1 7 t'" Kansas City t.& 7.S"0 4 I'm gi Louis S.fT0 4..V 1 t.. Joseph 1 .r I Ch.lrago K.000 45.t0 B.0W1 Total 15. 0T1 7i tH Sa OMAH k WHOLESALE MABKET. Caadlttaa af Vrmde aad Qaetatlaaa aa Btapla aad Faacy Prodac. EOG3 Freh Belling egga. candd, 20c . BUTTER Common. 16c; fancy tub and roll. 17tjic; creamery, sue CHEESE- New full cream. Wisconsin twin. 174c; new full cream brick. 17e; do mestic aew Bwisa, lec; nw llmburgar, HQ lc; young Americana 17tc. LIVE POULTRT-fprtnga e: hena c; rooatera Xc; ducka c; gtiaa. c; turkey. lci pigeor.a. ftic per dox. DREfetsED POULTRT Sprtrg. fancy. c; hen, c; rooatera. tc; duck, lie; geeea. V", turkeya lT7c HAT Choic Na 1 uplanil, f - medium. MSb; No. 1 bottom. S4.8C: off grade. M 3 SOB. Rye straw, r J No. I alfalfa, SU.SA 1-RLITS APPLES Waahington Snow, per bow, tl kt: Waahington jonathana per box, II Tt; Washington Roman Beautiea. per box. tl 76, Washington Alexanders, per bag. Sl.Ti: Waahington Blua Pearmaina, par boa, SI. 71: Waahington Red Cheek Pippina jr box. Si Ti; waaninglon Kinga per tx..x, S17I; Washington Bailey Kweet. per box. 4L .5, Washingtt Northern fpr, per box. Sl-TS; California Red Pearmair.a. 4-tier. per boa Si., California heliefiowers. 4-tier, per box, S5.(). New Tork Baldwina. per bbL, St."; New Tork Northern Spva. per bbl. Km; New Tork assort bd varietna. per bbL, X4.U ' VEGETABLE. POTATOES Per bu.. tkTtw. 6WEET JTATOEtt 4vnaaa, per bbL. SI 7k LETTUCE Fiorlfia bald, per hamper, SI ; ir dox.. K. CUCfCMliERS Hotbcuae.. I dot. fancy, per box, S3 I dua. per box, faO- PAKsNiPS C-ld, pr ool.. t35. RAL16HES HiXhuutt, per do., PAK5LEY Per dot, tdc PEPPERnFloTiua. tier A basket erata. 44 'DO CAT-TJFLOWER Per 1-dot crate. SX-W. Tt'MA TOES Florida, extra fancy, per -basket crate. Mur.; choice, per Abasktt crate. 44 ; Cuban, tancy, per Abaiaat crate. 44 CARROTS AND TURNIFS-Oll, par bbl. S5v.-: Canadiaa rutabttge. per lb., lc CABBAGE Wiaconain Holland aeod. per lb.. lc ONIONS patlh. per crate. tLU; Wk- eor.sin Red mote, par ib-. i"4c. F-HAI-IXiTS Wt do., kc H' 'RERAT'InH r"er dre.. w. CELEP.T Michigan, per bunch. JX&e. KT'MQUATa Owut to quality, per Qt. ai4 PP.USEIJ! FPROUTS Per qt., fir.. 8TRAWBEERIES Owii4 to quality. UQ 6c NAVT EE ANS Per bu , N. 1. B-arJ lima. 7e per lb. FEEF CTTf. Ribs: No. t U,c; No. 5, 11c; No. S. c Lom: No. L 1; No X. lTc. No. I, I.e. Chuk: No. L "V: No. S, tc: No A fyC Round: No. L kc; No. t (V: No X, Ic. Tiaia: No. 1 5-vc; No. i 4-- No. J. TRTPICAL. FRUITS PEARS katra fa&cy alnier NelU. per box SIT ORANGES Fancy Waainr-on navela all Blata. per boa. SITi: extra frtcv un ficwer. all Hea. per box. S3 Kl; California Tangerine, kw size and maller. per box. S2 a. P.AN.NA8 Port liraon. oartnaT ta MA, per tuinrh. Il.Sf' to XAjb. LEMONS Extra fancy tViuthertand Beauty. a to alae, per bog. 44 . em'a tiiotoe Justrtta. to X s:e. fr U.x. U Ti FIGS ASK DATEt4 tmyma fir 7 crowa. per lb.. l4iiic; Brtrrr.a f ga. t rraaa. tr 1"-. ls7Av; 6 "r.y ma f ga. 4 rrcaa. per IV. Cahfomia T.aa bcxea 19 cart cm, N4: Ca if oml fig, bomea. II canon. 46c. California fisw. bull, per lb. 44c: Ha-loai datta. ovr la, V; khadrawl dates, per lb., tc: 6alr datra. per It... c, Fard dataa, lj-lh. boxes, pa. lb-, tc GRAPES Malaga, choina per kag, tt 00 iluti extra lancy, 44. extra thuKi. ter at-at. tXr, txtra fancy, extra heavy, CRANBERRIES Extra faary Bell aad per bbL. At t . extra fncy Jeraey. per bcA, Sa-Ai; extra faacy Jersey, Day boa, GRAPE FTiUIT-Floridl, M U Si gta. per Ua. SAaa Check Account Books and Magazines In an interesting article la tb March number of Tha North A men nan Review. George V. L. Mtyer, tha Poatroaater-Oen-eral. advocate tha eatablLahmeat of a par cel post. H sela forth the oonditlona un der which rack a post 1 carried on In Great Britain, Germany. France, Italy, Austria and gome outher court rlta. and offer figurea to show that financially tha Institution of a parcel post in tha United State would rest upon a enfe past. The advantage to the resident of rural dis tricts of such a method of traasportlng parcel are dwelt upon. And certain ob jection to the props d addition to the poctal aerv Ice mailorder bouse at th expense af local dealer ara examined and antwered. "Letitia: Nuraery Corp, t. S. A," Maa George Madden Martin's latest charming study of th oh lid 111 a seems ta be vying In popularity with "Emmy Lou," It ia not, however, merely aa a study et child life that Letitia baa become ao deservedly popular; tha book akto deal tn k subtle and novel way with the mocb-diacuaaed canteen question, aad many letters hav been received by Mrs. Martin from the maa In ranks" tha genuine Corp. Lea-are. ot whom, la this book, ah give such a characteristic picture. Published by the McClure company. "Tha Fly Ins Death." by Samuel Hopktn Adams, is another mystery -ad venture story. Tba Flytng; Death." aa It name Implies, Is aa agent of deaLrucUoc whlca made it appearance through tha air tn a little sea port town oa Loc bland, striking terror Into the Inhabitants whom, tn A moat start ting fashion, tt carried off on by one. Even eminent scientists wera baffled by the strange phenomenon whoae ravages be came dally more frequent and daring, but who never allowed Itself to ka seen. Iti p rear nee remains unexplained UU th last page, when tha reader s cariosity has been aroused to a high pitch- Tb AtoOurs company is th publisher. Th Magistrate s Own Case," by Baron Pale von Roaeakrana, ta a Irg-eJ mystery story. Th scene of thia story Is laid tn Hotubarg and It deals with tha onaoooant able death of an English aaMetnan ta that city and It conaeq jenoea A prosperous German merchant is arrested on siarptctoa. but as tbe trial takes its course tba at torney for the defendant aecuses tka mag istrate himself of the crime, pointing out bow there Is as much evtdaac again! him a againat tb prtaooer. At a critical mo ment in tb trial, the magistrate abruptly send in his resignation. It afterward transpired that be had long been tn Jove with the prisoner's wtfa In his trwa de fense h Is forced, to reveal secret I sagea In his own Ufa and that of th woman be lovea Tb book at a deeply In teresting study both on Its legal aide for the emphasis tt lays on th deceptions of clirumstantiaJ evidence, and also as show Ire how Is possible under certain cir cumstances for A tender paaidoa to wi tha calculation of Juwica-Published fey Ut MoClurs company. Th best tUustrated lasue Tbe Red Book tnigaalne has ever put forth Is th March number, just at hand. And the illustration. It is well to not, are no leas Interesting than th atortea. . A better Pe of short fiction than The Land of Her rathers," by Wimua BL MacUarg. has not apraarad tn any American ni4ilM tor a ton tlm. An ech from the days of little boynoot Is "Dare, Dart Double-Dare." by Geargt Allan England, aad ia startling oORtraj-1 ia Mr. Hepburn rtkrwitng story. Th Meddlesome Old Gestleaaan.' A aew an4 Intensely human Bote ts at rack by Porter Emerson Brown! In his story. "The Kid raping of Rudolph Nothing." ta bappy con trast to which, in point of locale, t Guy Norse Artrmeong's taie of sn old book seller oa one cf the quays that border tba left bank of the Seine. A circus atory of a aew sort 4 Wallace Rices Tot Involun tary Fatter-m-Law," and a diverting; sport ing story la Th Ringers." by Edward Boltwood- William Hamilton Osborne's The Finish of Mis Forteatjue' offers an amusing picture of oa sort of American girt. Further stories in the tnagi1na ar Oa the Middendorf Giacier." by Albert Dorrington; "A Lon Hand ta Camp tn spair." by WJtr Archer Frost; "In tha Light of Understanding." by John S. Lopel. and "A Broken Engagement," by Rwrt O. Belian. When tha Standard OH men figured up actual and poaaiU loaaea last January tbey found that ia the calamitous year of 17 they Lad dropped about a mnilon dollars a day. writes H, N. Caaaoe ta tha . March Broadway. Hare w hare, in a cats hell, th reason why th oil trust is working; tta legal department p to the limit of aorr oas proa rat tun. and why tt Is pouring; out a flood of it oil-Baade gold In A TltaxUa effort of salt deftnaa Tha legal tactics of tb standard OH trust wer shown most clearly, la bath their naked strength and their aaked weak ness, in th recent trial before Judga K. M. Laadia ia Chicago. In thia lawsuit, which climaxed in th big tin, th aUaadard'M thirty-year-old policy ot secrecy and eva sion was jut to th test. It waa fully aad fairly tried, and it failed. It wag torn into hreds and tatters ty the force af pabaie opinion. And bow thi happened 1 on af th most dtaa.atic eLlr la tha history of Americaa lawsuits. Tha third art It 1 la U. a-rV entitled "CobfeMioiia of a Railroad - a gnalman" will appear ia th April Issue of tha At lantic Instead cf in March. Thi paper will be a "Inyalty." Above book at lowest retail prioa Mate thaws. 125 Butti riftaaclk stract, A3 af tba fcook rrrlewad bert ara i ta Braadcls' book dp.u-taa4.