Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1908, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha . Daily
Lord Eoiebcry'i Characterization of
Row Over Kaiser's Letter.
Country ii Accused of Making: Itself
Ridiculous Over Affair.
Cabinet Announce! that the Incident
is Closed.
Lord Tweedmonth Coosolted Sir
Edward Grey Before Replying;
o Mw( from the
.-. Vv
LONDON, March k$1 Tovernment has
decided to keep priv. '-; Personal letter
written hy Emperor "a. to Lord
Tweedmouth, first lord V admiralty,
In which It wit charged. London
Tlmei that hla majesty v to
fluwiee legislation In the mi ' navaI
estimates of Great Britain. . de
clslon, which waa announced In ies
of Parliament thla evening, will aaw-ihe
country remalna to be acen. As Bal'our,
speaking for the oppoaltlon, endoracd the
policy of the cabinet. It may he predicted
that tha public may consider the Incident
Tha remark made by Lord Roaeberry
that the nation waa making Itself rldlcu
loue over thla affair flnda much auppoft.
The discussion today waa brief and dry.
AU the participant proceeded aa If they
wera walking on eggs, for criticism of the
ruler of another nation' 1 a delicate busl
neaa. The fact that Lord Tweedmouth
consulted Blr Edward Grey, the foreign
secretary, before replying to Emperor Wll
llam'a letter, was the only new fact brought
out, and It goes far to dlmlnlah the criti
cism of Lord Tweedmouth becauae It re
lieves him of all suspicion of anything re
sembling disloyalty to the Interests of the
The character of Emperor Wllllam'a let
ter Is now generally understood. Tha
spec lest passage is believed to be the refer
ence to Lord Esher that he had better
occupy himself with drainpipes and keep
his handa off the navy. Lord Eeher waa
engaged In Improving tha drainage' system
of Windsor castle when Emperor William
was there recently.
An amusing featura of tha affair la that
all tha sensational newspapers of London
aro lecturing tha Tlmea for Its sensation
alism in exploiting tha story.
Letters Will Not Be Giro Out.
The hope that tha letter sent last month
by Emperor Wllllaro of Germany to Lord
Tweedmouth, f Irat Jord of the admiralty,
In which It has been charged his majesty
attempted to Influence Great Britain's
avl estimate, and. tha British. mtulster'
reply thereto, would bo made public for tha
edification of the people, waa quickly dis
pelled, by Mr. Asqullh, chancellor ot the
exchequer.. In the House of Commons this
In a couple of curt sentences Mr. Asqulth.
who was acting al premier, told A. J. Bal
four and hie other questioners that ha had
nothing to add to his statement of Friday,
and that so far aa he knew Tweedmouth
had nothing, to add to his declaration be
yond tha fact that Immediately upon tha
receipt of Emperor William's letter the
flrat lord of tha admiralty showed It to
Sir Edward Orey, the foreign secretary,
who agreed with the recipient that the let
ter had no official character and ahould
be treated as a private communication.
' Later, In tha House of Lords, the first
lord of the admiralty was somewhat mora
communicative, but he threw no light on
the real contents of the correspondence,
Ha did, however, deacrtbe the letter from
Kmperor William aa quite Informal and
very friendly.
Lord Tweedmouth expressed surprise at
What he called the "extraordinary ouu
buret of tha press" during the laat few
days In connection with thla matter. Con
tlnutng, be vouchsafed tha ' information
that he had oa several occasions received
letter from the German emperor which
had come in tha ordinary way through
the postoffloe. Tha particular letter now
under discussion waa private and per
sonal one. Lord Tweedmouth declared,
very friendly in tone and qulta informal.
The feature of the aesalon in the House
of Lords waa a apeech by Lord Rosebery
who had tha prince of Walea In a seat be
, aide him. ' Tha former premier made an
attack upon the "yellow" journalism of
England, with special reference to the In
ference drawn by the London Times from
the letters. "We have witnessed." Lord
itosebery said, "the whole world drawing
the absolutely Insane inference that the
German emperor waa attempting to influx
ence Lord Tweedmouth, with the view of
cutting down the naval estimates and check
lng the Increase of British armaments. The
. country haa been placed In an unseemly
and ridiculous position, and I am quite sure
the idea mentioned never entered Emperor
William a head or tha head of any educated
person entitled to remain outside of a luna
tic asylum.
"There la a , section of the press which
seems anxious to create bad feeling between
these two countries, and there la aa Im
pression abroad that because Great Britain
haa arrived at a friendly feeling with
France, It ahould be hostile to Germany
Thla traction of the prtss took up this trivial
" incident to excite morbid suspicions between
ryne two countries, suspicions which. In my
opinion, gradually are developing
danger for the peace of Europe."
Thoughtful observers," said Lord Rose
bery, "ahould not 'overlook the fact that
the German army of 4,000,000 men repre
sent practically the German nation. le
fore any German government, bowsver
powerful, would be able to declare war on
any country. It must have the support of
thia nation behind It, and It could only
have the support of tha German nation in
a war against Great Britain when tha feel
ing of Uie nation had been ao exasperated
aa to render a continuance of peaceful con
ditions Impracticable."
Incident Is Closed.
So far aa the British government is con
eernnd, the statements made thla afternoon
lu tha House of Commons and the House
of Lords la regarded aa closing the incident
of Bmperor William's letter to Lord Tweed
mouth. There la no truth in the report that
an caching of viewa Is going on between
the two governments concerning thia corre
spondence or desling with a possible reduc
tion la naval armaments. The suggestion
Which baa been advanced In several quar-
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Taesday, March 10, 10.
tSOS -JLtecn- f90S
StX m Ufa 1FLT f$J. 2T .
1 2 3 4 5 6 Z
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 1Z 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 2Z 28
29 30 31 "" "'
VICINITY Fair Tuesday, rising tempera
Tuesday, rising temperature.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday
.... 21
.... 22
.... 23
.... 28
.... ao
.... 84
.... 17
.... 41
.... 44
.... 46
.... 49
.... 51
.... 53
.... tl
.... 49
.... 411
.... 44
6 a, m....
6 a. m.
T a. m....
S a. m....
t a. m...w
10 a. ra....
11 a. m....
13 m
1 p. m....
S p. m....
S p. m....
4 p. m....
5 p. m....
6 p. m..
7 p. m....
8 p. m....
' 9 p. m....
United Statea Marshal Warner visits
capital. Finds financial conditions in
west better than In the east. Big im
provements contemplated at Fort Meade.
Nebraska farmers and printing trade
workera petition for revision of tariff.
Fags l
Murderer of Father Leo ia placed on
trial for his life at Denver. Pag a
More cars are being placed in use con
tinually, according to reporta of the
railroads. Page 1
A new order of the War department "ln-
creaaea the equipment of enlisted men.
Pare I
Minority members of the house commit
tee on banking and currency decide to
support the Williams currency bill.
' Page a
Mayor Becker orders the third floors
of sixteen schools closed until properly
equipped with fire escapee. Page 1
Eden valley Irrigated tract will aoon be
open for entry. . Page 1
The coroner's Jury at Collinwood listens
to the evidence in regard to the echool
fire. Page 1
Secretary Metcalf defends the present
type of vessels of the navy. Page 1
Fifth district of Oklahoma declares for
Taft. Page 1
District Attorney Jerome answers
chargea against him In detail. Page 1
King Alfonso Insists on making trip
to Barcelona In splta of many protests.
American fleet is two days ahead of its
schedule and will arrive at Magdalene
bay Thursday. Pag a
No more information will be granted the
public In relation to the Kaiser Wllhelm
letter, to Lord Tweedmouth. Page 1
sunnop of Lcnddn. makew an appeal ta
ttle business men for the regeneration of
the metropolis. Page a
Railroad commission being called upon.
the station at Buda has been reopened by
the Union Pacific read. Page S
Minimum weight is being raised on In
terstate shipment by Nebraska railroads.
Page 3
Fifth Nebraska district selects dele
gates to republican national convention
and instructs for Taft Page a
Ministerial association of Omaha sends
a communication to Mayor Dahlman de
manding that everything be closed Sun
day in accordance with the law, and the
mayor say he will comply and enforce
the law to the letter. Page 1
Superintendent W. M. Davidson of the
Omaha publlo schools returns from tha
meeting or the National Educational u
soclatlon much impressed with the em
phasis placed on manual and physical
nsming. Page 10
Petitions are being circulated to oust
m present Board of Park Commissioner.
appointed by Mayor Dahlman. when the
timrxer proviaea that the commissioners
ro io oe appointed by the district Judges.
nre 10
wunwiu AltD uDVSTaiaL,
biuck marxeis. Page
Grain markets. PagT
Stocks and bonds. Page 7
fort. ArriTad.
NEW YORK MlniMapolla.
MALINHKAD.... California...
LIVKRPOOL, Campania...,
NAPLES Canopta
HOV1U.B rurnaaala...
fable Island. N. S.-Kron Princesatn Ce
cllle, from Bremen, Southampton and Clier-
"r w ior, was miles south'
east of Sable Island at 11:14 p. m.
rower iaie Oses Tkss mt Last Collee.
tloB of Statistic sr
NEW YORK, March t-That the decline
In railroad traffic, which reached such
heavy proportions In January, waa checked
early in February. Is Indicated by the most
recent reports of the committee on car
efficiency of the American Rallwav is
olation, which shows that the number of
Idle cars in the United States and Canada
waa smaller by over 20,000 cars on Feb
ruary IS than it had been two weeks ear
lier. That the number of Idle cars Is still
ao large aa to give much concern to rail
road managers cannot be gainsaid, but
some encouragement, at least. Is found by
railroad men In the. fact that there are
fewer Idle cars now, or were on February
18 than on February S. or at any date. In
fact, since the beginning of the year. J The
net surplus of cars on February It la
given as S19.X4.
New Order of War Department Adds
to Eoalpmeat of Enlisted
Mea of Army.
WASHINGTON. ' March S.-The recent
order which supplies to an army recruit
upon bla enlistment a full kit of toilet
articles, haa run the gauntlet of Judicial
construction and has been sustained. As a
result thla Is what the enlisted man gets In
addition to his regular outfit: Rasor,
brushes fot hair, teeth, shaving and shoes,
comb, polish for black and tan shoos, two
towels, toilet soap, whiskbroom and last,
but not least, "one housewife." The house
wife Is explained to be a neat little ease
containing thread, needle, button and
Marshal Warner Finds Timet Better
at Home Than in East
Nebraska Formers Rend Petitions to
Senators Asking; for a Commis
sion to Revise the
Tariff Rates.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March . (Special Tele
gram. ) United Statea Marshal W. P.
Warner of Nebraska arrived in the city
today from Scranton, Pa. This is Mr,
Warner's first visit to Washington since
his appointment as successor to T. L.
Mathews and having business in Pennsyl
vania planned his trip east to include the
national capital. Mr. Warner will be pre
sented to President Roosevelt and Attor
ney General Bonaparte tomorrow and will
also meet representatives of the Departmnt
of Justice with whom he comes in contact
by reason of his office. Mr. Warner stated
there waa more complaint of money strin
gency in the east than In Nebraska and
It waa his opinion the east had been harder
hit in money matters than the west. Po
litically, Marshal Warner stated Nebraska
waa for Taft and the deleg-ates would be
instructed that way. "If there Is any antl-
Taft sentiment in the stats," he said, "It
haa wholly disappeared."
Improvements at Fort Meade. '
Senator Gambia this morning called upon
Quartermaster General Alcshlre relative
to Improvements looking to the enlarge
ment of Fort Meade, 8. D. The senator
was Informed that plans and specifications
are nearly completed for a band barracks
to cost 122,160, cavalry drill hall to. cost
$56,000 and an administrative building upon
which will be expended 121,750. Appropria
tions to cover these expenditures are In
hand and within a few weeks the War de
partment will advertise for proposals.
Further improvements are under contem
plation for Fort Meade and will be In
cluded In the next annual estimate. The
most Important of these la an entire new
sewerage system estimated to cost $15,000
and the erection of additional stables and
a quartermaster's storehouse to cost
Move . for Tariff Revision.
A movement haa started among the
farmers of Nebraska toward tariff re
vision. Petitions are reaching members of
the Nebraska delegation asking that some
action be taken that will make a start to
ward revision. The members of the DUler
Farmers' institute recently passed resolu
tions favoring the appointment of a "tariff
revision commission to the end that the
tariff may be taken out of politics and re
vised on a Just, economic, . equitable and
commercial basis so that the foreign trade
In farm and live stock products may be In
creased." Sriator Brown presented this resolution
In the senate today.
Aaralnst Tariff oa. Paper.
Resolutions of the stereotypers and elec
trotypers local union No. M of Omaha fa
voring the abolition of the duty on- white
paper, wood pulp and materials used in the
manufacture of paper were also presented
by Senator Brown today. . In speaking of
these resolutions Senator Brown stated to
day that the duty ahould be removed from
these materials and he would push such re
moval whenever he had an opportunity.
Valentine Has a Show.
In a letter to -Senator Brown today. Sec
retary Garfield stated that the place for
registration and lot drawing for the open
ing of the reservation in southern Soutn
Dakota and northern Nebraska will not be
made until next summer. Secretary Gar
field promised Senator Brown to gtve the
clalma of Valentine careful consideration.
Move for Better Mall Service.
Senator Burkett says the eastern mall
service out of Lincoln Is abominable and
that there la no excuse for It. He has taken
up the matter with the railway mall
officials and Insists that by a little In
genuity on the part of the department the
afternoon Nebraska mall could be gotten
on to the fast mall train at Council Bluffs
leaving at 6:30 p. m. and arriving at Chi
cago at T o'clock next morning.
Senator Burkett today conferred wtth
the postmaster general relative to the es
tablishing of a station of the Peru post
office at the State Normal school. The sen
ator said he did this at the request of the
school authorities there, and knowing aa he
did the considerable distance the school Is
located from the postoffloe, and also the
great number of students, he thought It
would be a material benefit to the school
if such a station were established.
Minor Matters at Capital.
Senator Overman from the committee on
military affairs today made a favorable re
port on Senator Gamble's bill authorising
the secretary of war to furnish a con
demned cannon to the board of regents of
the university of South Dakota at Ver
million to be placed on the campus of that
Congressman Hlnabaw, upon receipt of
full reports of the conventions, stated to
day that he waa much pleased with the
actions of the various county conventions
and especially the action of the congres
sional convention, held at 'Wllber, In their
endorsement of Secretary Taft for presi
dent and reaolutiona of approval of his
own course' In congress and hla adherence
to the policies and progressive legislation
advocated by the president.
The Misses Haisiead of Ponca are visiting
frlenda In this city.
David Reese, wife and daughters of Nor
folk, a ho have Just returned from an ex
tended visit to England and Walea, are In
Washington enroute to their home. Judge
Boyd will present Mr. Reese and bis fam
ily to the president tomorrow.
Heavy Rainfall Censes Rivers to Over
flow, Dolas; Mnea Damage
to Property.
GALLIPOLIS. O., March S. Heavy rain
fall has again started all the rivers In this
section to rise and the Indications today
are for a disastrous flood. The great
Kanawha and Poca rivers are booming,
and thousands of dollars' worth of jjmber
baa been lost near Spencer, W. Va. The
flour mill situated on Mllliere waa washed
away. Many houses are flooded and many
people have had narrow escapes. The Ohio
river la forty-six feet here and rising over
one lnche an hour. Heavy rain and sleet
has fallen for tha past twenty-four hours.
Italian Dies la Chair.
OS8INING. N. Y.. March S. Antonio
Btroilo. an Italian, who killed Antonio
Torsellla in Van Cortlan.1t park. New York,
last Augunt, for the purpose of robbery,
want to death In the electric chair at
Sing Blng prison today wtth a smile after
a cheery good-bye to those who had been
summoned to witness the execution.
Wyesilac Irrigated District Will Bo
Bebjrct to Settlement First
of Jane,
CHEYENNE, Wyo., March a Robert 8.
Lemon has been appointed commissioner of
deeds for Wyoming by Governor Brooks to
accept filings for entry under the Carey act
of congress on the great tract of lrflgable
lands In Eden Valley, Sweetwater county,
Wyoming, about to be opened for settlement.
Mr. Lemon will open a filing office at
Kansas City, Mo., and will have charge f
what will be kuown aa the middle west dis
In Eden valley a large portion of an ex
tensive Irrigation system has recently been
about completed and will furnish water
for the crop season of 1908 for about 25,000
seres of the tract already opened, practi
cally all of which haa been entered by peo
ple from many parts ot the country. The
remainder of the tract, over 100.000 acres,
will be ready for water during the reason
of 1900 and . It is this large body of land
which it is announced to be opened to pub
lic entry June 1 next. The entire cost of
the entrymen la $30.50 an acre, including per
petual water right. The flrat payment re
quired is $3.26 an acre and the balance Is to
be made In ten annual Installments, so that
the settlers may pay for .the land from the
This Is public land Irrigated from the pub
lic domain under the Carey act upon appli
cation of the state. Any person 21 years
old or over Is entitled to 1G0 acres or less
If he or she has never made use of the
Carey act, right.
A person -having exercised his homestead
right Is still entitled to 160 acres under the
Carey act, under which, unlike the general
homestead law, a person can make entry
for land without leaving home and without
having to go upon the land until after
water is turned on. Thirty days' residence
upon the land is required in order to obtain
title. The money for perpetual water rights
goes to pay tor the construction of the
Irrigation works, which are built under the
supervision of the state and turned over
to the settlers upon completion and settle
ment of the lands. '
Fnneral of Children Who Lost Their
Lives In Destruction of Lake
view Sehool.
CLEVELAND, O.. March 9. Twenty-one
little white caskets were placed beneath
the ground In the cemetery In Collinwood
today. Of these seventeen contained bod
ies of the unidentified children who lost
their lives in the burning of the Lakevlew
school last Wednesday. The other four
caskets contained the bodies of identified
children, but were included In the public
funeral as the expense will be borne by the
In connection with tha publlo funeral
services will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow
In eight churches of various denominations
In memory of the missing ones., . .
Following this a public memorial service
was held at the temporary morgue where
the twenty-one caskets lay In a .long row.
For this service a large number of per
sons bad eolleoted. onj was with great
difficulty that the crowd was handled by
the large cordon of police from Cleveland
that had been loaned to Collinwood far the
When Coronor Burke resumed his inquest
today, for the purpose of attempting to fix
the responsibility for the great loss of life
in the Collinwood school fire, Mrs. Julius
Deitrech. testified that Frits Herter, a few
minutes before smoke began issuing from
the Lakevlew school building, was on the
back porch of his home. A few minutes
later she said Herter came from the rear of
tha school building, and, with a poker, broke
the glass In the front doors.
City Fire Chief Wallace stated that the
Janitor had told him that he was In the
school building at the time the fire was
discovered. '
Mrs. Deltrech's daughter, who waa saved,
testified' she first attempted to escape
through the front door but found it locked.
Connecticut Representative. Aa-
menaces Names of Witnesses la
Boat Bribery Heating,
WASHINGTON, March a The special
committee of the house appointed by
Speaker Cannon, at the request of Repre
sentative Lilley of Connecticut, "to In
vestigate the conduct of the Electric Boat
company of New Jersey and Its predeces
sor, the Holland Boat company, respecting
the methods employed by said companies
in connection with past or proposed legisla
tion before congress," began its investiga
tion today.
Representative Lilley submitted a list of
witnesses ho desired and taid he would
like to name the order in which they aro
called. He also desired an attorney. Mr.
Lilley said he was being shadowed by de
tectives constantly. An adjournment umll
Thursday morning was taken.
At the executive session of the committee
It was decided that Mr. Lilley ahould be
the first witness called Thursday and ac
tion on hla request that other witnesses bs
called was deferred until an Investigation
discloses, the persons named are connected
in some way within the scope of the in
quiry. His request that his attorney be
allowed to examine and cross-examine wit
nesses was denied. The committee decide!
that the examination should be condu.-ted
by a member of the committee and tKt all
questions to be asked the witness should
be submitted in writing to this member.
Republicans In Oklahoma Declare la
Favor of His Nomination
Rnmp Convention.
SHAWNEE, Okl., March 9.-The repub
licans of the Fifth congressional district
here today selected James Klrkwood of
Kiowa county and Frank V. Wright of
Com mane he ounty delegates to the na
tional convention and Instructed them to
vote for the nomination of TafL
ALEXANDRIA, Va., March S.-The
Eighth congressional district republicans
in convention here today adopted resolu
tions Instructing the delegates to vote for
any candidate for p.esldent whoj will carry
out President Roosevelt's policies.
Passage Between Port lead and San
Frnnclsco Rednced and Wnr
Is On.
PORTLAND. Ore., March 9. The heavi
est eut in steamship rates on this coast In
years wss made today when the Harrlman
people announced a first-class rate between
Portland and San Francisco of $1A and a
second-class rate of $S. Ths North Pacific
Steamship company, Harrlman'a principal
competitor, will doubtless meet the cut.
Ministerial Association Demands
Everything1 Closed on Sunday.
Petition Mayor Dahlman to Enforce
the Law aa He Will Do So, He
Says, to tho TJtmost
"Ton earn soots me as saying that while
X consider ths law a Joks and a bad law,
X will notify the chief of police to enforce
the law to the letter. STobody la going to
throw m out of offioe for not complying
with this demand, as radical and sense
less as It Is. X am la offioe to enforce the
law and X will do It, good, had or Indif
ferent" Mayor Dahlman whss ths peti
tion reached him.
Blue Sundays are demanded by a com
mittee of the Omaha Ministerial association.
The ministers demand that the theatera be
closed. Mayor Dahlman has received this
communication from the ministers:
To His Honor, Mayor James C. Dahlman,
Omaha, Nebraska: Dear Blr There Is on
the statute books of the state of Nebraska,
a law prohibiting unnecessary labor on the
firbt day of the week commonly oalled Sun
day. Thla law haa bten and Is violated by some
of the cltlxena of Omaha, which fact has
been cal'ed to your attention and you have
Instructed your police officers fo make ar
rents and enforce this law.
There Is at thla time a case In the supreme
court of the state, appealed from Douglas
county where a complaint waa made against
a violator of the statute and he waa lound
Pending the decision of the court In this
case your police officers have relaxed their
efforts to enforce the law, which, In our
opinion, is a procedure unwarranted.
We, therefore, demand that you exercise
your authority as mayor ot the city and
use the power of your office to close such
places of business and pleasures aa grocery
stores," barber shops, theaters, etc., and all
places where unnecessary labor Is employed
to this end we pledge our hearty support.
Committee on social service, Omaha Minis
terial union, Omaha, March 7.
Make No Exceptions.
Bpeaking of the demand. Rev. David R.
Turnbull, a member of the committee, said:
"The position taken by the ministers Is,
that the law should be enforced, without
exception, until the supreme court decides
whother It Is good law or not. There ia a
crying need f or " the enforcement of this
law In Omaha, where people are compelled
to work on Sunday. I believe the sentiment-In
Nebraska would favor the closing
of business on Sunday now Just as it did
when . the law wss enacted forty years
Rev. Mr. Turnbull said the demand for
law enforcement would be followed by an
appeal to the Sackett law to put Mayor
Dahlman out of office If he failed to com
ply wtth the request of the committee. The
minister said he believed the law, would
stop the street cars on Sunday the same
as the barber shops, but would leave that
to the judgment of the attorney. '
The attorneys sometime ago said that it
was their Judgment that no more arrests
should be made under tha Sunday closing
law until ths supreme court ruled on ths
law. i There are at present some 600 or 600
cases against Omahans, whose names wera
taken several weeks ago when an attempt
was made to enforce the Sunday law.
Rev. Mr. Turnbull did not care to apeak
for the association as to whether the 600 or
$00 would be prosecuted before other ar
rests are made.
District Attorney of New York Gives
His Reasons for - Not
ALBANY, N. T., March 9. District At
torney Jerome filed today with Governor
Hughes his answer to the charges pre
ferred against him by William F. King,
former president of the New York Mer
chants' association, and a committee of
minority stockholders) of the Metropolitan
Street Railway company, in which the
governor la asked to remove Mr. Jerome
from office. The answer la a general
denial of the chargea. The governor said
he would announce the procedure to be
followed after he had examined the docu
ment. The district attorney's answer declares
that the charges against him were based
on assumptions which are purely
gratultlous; that In each instance of al
leged failure to prosecute, the matter did
not, as a matter of law, constitute a
crime, or, if crime had been committed,
It was by reason of some defect of evi
dence, such as the lack of corroboration
where the law forbade a prosecution un
less there was ' corroboration; Impossi
bility to sustain a prosecution, and that
the law and the obligations of his oath
of office alike forbade him to institute
proceedings in the absence of evidence to
Justify them.
Each of ths twenty-three charges
against him was taken up by Mr. Jerome
and answered In detail.
Famous Confessor Will Bo Tnkea to
Caldwell Tuesday for
BOISE, Idaho, March . Harry Orchard,
charged with the murder of ex-Governor
Frank Steunenberg, will be taken from the
state penitentiary at Caldwell tomorrow
and his case will be called. It Is probable
thai a definite date for his trial will' be
BlaT Hampns Over Llbrnrlnn.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., March S.-tSpedal.)
The Federated Women's clubs Meld a
meeting this afternoon with the trustees
of the Carnegie public library and pre
sented a petition, signed by over 130 club
women of the city, requesting the reinstate
ment of Miss Rose Martin, librarian of the
Institution, who was removed recently.
The only reason that has been assigned for
Miss Martin's removal Is that she is a
democrat and a Catholic Other petitions,
containing hundreds of signatures, will be
presented In a few days. Miss Martin is
one of the handsomest and moat popular
young women in the city.
Haines Plends Onllty.
LANDER, Wyo., March S. (Special.)
Albert Haines, the young horsothlef who
gave tha officials of this county a chase
lasting for six months and extending ecrjts
half a dosen statea, yesterday agree 1 to
plead guilty In order to escape lying In
Jail until ths June term of court. Judge
Carpenter gave him a sentence of eighteen
months in the penitentiary and he will be
taken to Rawlins at once to begin serving
his time. Haines comes of a very respecta
ble family residing at Vinton, Ia.
Former Engineer ef Cndertaklns; De
clares Its Completion Will
Be Ho Beneflt.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., March 9. John F.
Stevens, a vice president cf the New York,
New Haven and Hartford railroad and a
former chief engineer of the Panama canal,
has Issued a statement regarding the lat
ter enterprise in which he prophesies a
failure ot the undertaking. Mr. Stevens
says that the canal will not help the
United States in Its trade with South
America, aa practically all of the Inhabi
tants ef the southern continent are on the
east of the Andes. Mr. Stevens also says
that our commercial relations with the
Islands of the Pacific and the far east will
be little benefited. Our coal and wheat
centers are Inland. Their products have
to be started on their way by rail. When
once loaded on cars It would not be cheaper
to ship to the Atlantic and then ship to
the eant by the way of the canal than It
would be to send directly to the ports on
our Pacific coast and then get on board
ship. Furthermore, Mr. Stevens 'believes
that our coal supply Is fast diminishing
and that China will be the source of future
coal supply. Slberla,he says, will be the
wheat country of the future, with India
as a close second,
Mr. Stevens maintains that the Panama
canal will not meet expenses and will cost
more than Is expected. The date ot the
finishing of the canal he fixes as Jan
uary, 1915.
The Idea of tho canal being of great
value to us In times of warfare since our
naval forces can be quickly sent from one
roast to the other, he says, is absurd. It
would take days for the ships to get around
and during that time hostile shells could
have done their work. Mr. Stevens be
lieves that It would be a far wiser plan of
defense to put the money that the canal
will cost Into a great navy.
Host of Yonnsj People MectlnsT nt
Pittsburg; to Consider Spread of
Religions Work.
PITTSBURG, Pa., March 9 Five special
trains bringing delegates from Canada and
the north, east, south and west of this
country, arrived here today for the first
international convention of the Young Peo
ples' missionary movement, which convenes
here tomorrow morning for a three days'
session. The delegates now In the city
number over 2,000 and at least 600 additional
representatives of missionary societies will
arrive before night.
Some of the ablest speakers ot missionary
and educational themes In Great Britain,
Canada and the United States, Japan,
China and India will present the progress
and problems In the home and foreign mis
sion fields.
The purpose Is to consider an Immediate
advance movement In the mlslson fields at
home and broad; to realise the success of
the present campaign of missionary educa
tion and the necessity of a more thorough
and far-reaching educational movement by
mission boards, societies and churches
composed of 14,000,000 young people and
Sunday school members of the ' United
States and Canada, and perhaps half that
number additional in Great Britain.
Ths immensity ef the preparations tor
the convention makes it Impossible to Issue
a program. Dally bulletins printed
and distributed in the convention hall.
Story with Alleged Official Backing
as to Secretary's Policy Is
WASHINGTON, March 9. Secretary
Taft today repudiated on behalf of his
political manager, Arthur I. Vorys, the
story appearing In certain morning papers
today, credited to the Toft news bureau In
Ohio, which seems to be an effort to show
that should the secretary be elected presi
dent, he would be entirely independent of
the Roosevelt policies and Influence. The
secretary, In commenting on the story,
said he had a talk with Vorys over the
telephone, but that Vorys had repudiated
the whole thing and said he knew nothing
of its source.
After repudiating the authority of the
story. Secretary Taft waa called on the
long distance telephone by Mr. Vorys, who
said he had found that a subordinate In
his office had taken aome excerpts from a
Columbus newspaper and had aent them
out In the envelopes ot the bureau.
"It was done wholly without authority,"
added Secretary Taft, "and Is repudiated
by Mr. Very s aa atrongly as by myself."
Mayor Orders Third Floors of Sixteen
Buildings Shot for Lack of
Fire Escapes.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., iiaroh . The third
floors of alxteen of Milwaukee's public
schools were ordered vacated today by
Building Inspector Edward V. Koch, be
cause of the absence of fire escapes. The
order Sf, as served on President A. 8. IJnde
mann of the school board and was Issued
by direction of Mayor BecKor. Inspector
Koch ' today investigated the condition of
private and parochial schools, and If any
are found wanting In fire escape equipment
they will be required to close until they
conform to the law. . s
WELLBVILLE, O., March 9. The large
public school at Empire, eight miles from
here has been closed by direction of Mayor
Griffith until the Board of Education haa
made alterations necessary for the safety
of the achool children.
English Divine Beqeests Money nnd
Is flue are la Regeneration of
LONDON, March 9. Inspired by the suc
cess of his experience in Wall rtreet last
October, ths Right Rev. Arthur F. W.
Ingram, bishop of London, made an appeal
In the city this afternoon which he hopes
will largely augment hia fund for the
spiritual regeneration of the metropolis.
The meeting, which wss very well at
tended, was held In St. Michael's church,
CornhllL Among thoso present were the
lord mayor of London, the sheriff and tho
most prominent bankers and business men
of the city in large numbers, and the edi
fice was so crowded that not even standing
room could be had.
Minority Members of Honae Commit
tee Will Vote for This
WASHINGTON, March 9. Ths demo
cratic members of the house committee on
banking and currency today agreed to re
port to the house the minority ourreney
bill. Introduced by John Sharp Williams,
as a substitute for tho Fowler bill.
Eeport of Board of Agricnlture ot
Movements of Crops.
Farmers Hold Fifty-Six Million
Bushels More Than Last Year.
Quantity on Hand About Seven Mil
lion Bushels Figures for Decade. '
Farmers Hold ftT.l Fer Cent of Last
Year's Crop, Compared vrlth 44.3
Per Cent Held by Them
Year Ago.
WASHINGTON. March 9.-The crop re
porting board of the Department of Agit
culturo In a bulletin Issued today placet
the quantity of wheat In farmers' hands ot
March 1, 1908, at about 3.6 per cent, equiv
alent to 148,721,000 bushels of last year !
crop, as compared with 2S.1 per cent of 20,.
644,01)0 bushels of the 1!6 crop on hand
March 1, 1WT. and 24 8 per oent or l.2fiS,.
000 bushels - the averago for the last ten
years of the quantity of tho crop on hand
on March 1. It is estimated that about
6K.0 per cent of the crop will be shipped
out of the county where grown, compared
with 68.1 per cent of the 1908 crop.
The average for the quantity of corn In
farmers' hands, on March 1, 1908, Is es
timated as S7.1 per cent, equivalent to 90S,
429,000 bushels of last year's crop, ss com
pared with 44.S per cent or 1,298,000,000 bush
els of the 1906 crop on hand March 1. 1907,
and 39.4 per cent or 882,707,000 bushels, the
average for the last ten years of the
quantity of the crop on hand March 1. It
Is estimated that about 18.0 per cent of tho
crop will be shipped out of counties where
grown, as compared with 23.2 per cent of
the 1906 crop and 19.7 per cent, the aver
age for the last ten years, so shipped out.
The proportion of the total crop which la
merchantable Is estimated at 77.7 per cent
of the 1907 crop, 89.1 per cent of the 19n6
crop, and 84.2 as the average ot tho last
ten years.
The quantity of oats In farmers' hands cn
March 1, 1908, is estimated as S5.S per cent,
equivalent to 267,476,000 bushels, of last
year's crop, as compared with 39.8 per cent
(384,461,000 bushels), of the 1906 crop cn
hand March 1, 1907, and 87.S per cent (311,.
625,000 bushels), the average of the last ten
years of the, quantity of the crop on hand
March 1. It is estimated that about 28.0
per cent of the crop will be shipped out t f
the counties whores grown, aa compared
with 27.S per cent ot the 1906 crop, and 27.4
per cent, the average tor the laat ten years
so shtpped out.
Senntor Bnlley Makes an F.tended
Address s Cnrrency Bill.
WASHINGTON, March 9. Senator Jo
seph M. Bulley of Texas, a member of tho
finance committee which reported the Al
drlch currency bill, today held the atten
tion of his colleagues and visitors who
crowded the galleries of the senate for
over two hours with a speech in opposi
tion to that measure. When he concluded
his address he waa greeted by a storm of
applause and senators from both sides of
the chamber as well as many members
of the house crowded around him to ex
tend their congratulations. Ths senate
spent over an hour In debating ths Fry
bill providing that supplies and material
shipped from the United Statea for the
Panama canal shall only be transported
In American vessels.
Resolutions of sorrow upon the announce.
ment of the death of Representative AdolpV
Meyer of Louisiana were adopted and al
4:30 o'clock the senate adjourned as a fur.
ther mark of respect to his memory.
The house was In session but a few mils,
utes, adjourning at 12:12 upon announce
ment of Mr. Meyer's death.
Senator Aldrlch will endeavor to get C,
vote on his currency bill on Friday or Sat
urday. The last speech to be made In thi
senate In oppoaltlon to the bill, acoordlnf
to the present understanding, will be oi
Thursday, when Senator I .a Follette la U
speak. There are so many amendment!
pending that It is likely two days will bf
requlred to reach the final vote after de
bute has ceased. Senator Aldrlch wilt
speak briefly before the debate Is closed. '
Secretary of Navy Declares Types af
Vessels Compare Well.
WASHINGTON, March 9. Before tha
senate committee on naval affairs In con
nectlon with the investigation now In
progress, a letter was read today from
Secretary Metcalf, In which he said:
"Our ships are not inferior, type for typo
in tholr own period of construction, to ves
sels of other navies. On the contrary, I
concur In opinions expressed abroad that
our ships are superior."
The secretary stated In the letter that
the Delaware and North Dakota are to
be equipped with the two stage hoists and.
said that there was no longer ground for
contentln as to the location of ths armor
Rear Admiral Remey said In gtvlng testi
mony before the committee that he would
locate the armor belt wtth reference to
the proper load water line when the ship
Is equipped to go Into battle. He also said
that he had never believed In the open
Lieutenant Richard Dwlght expressed the
opinion that the armor belt would be about
rlk'ht if it were posHlble for ships to get
Into action at the designed cool draft, but
It was difficult for them to do so.
Rear Admiral Goodrich testified that
years ago he had called the attention of
the department to the defects now com
plained of by Mr. Reuterduhl. lie believed
American Aattleshlps to be good, but said
they could be made better.
More of Last Year's Crop on Ilsnd
Than Was Held Over
Year Aao.
WASHINGTON, March t.-The quantity
of wheat in farmers' banc's on March 1
was 23.6 per rent, equlva'ent to 1 I.T-",00
bushels of last year's crop as co-nparej
with HI per cent, ir :0,f4'.0 0 lu hell ot
the 1906 crop on land, March 1, 1H07.
Ths quan.Ki s of corn and oats l.i fat in
tra' hands on the same date follow:
Corn estimated at 17.1 per cent, equivalent
to 90,43,000 bushels ot last year's growth. .
Oata estimated at Hi per cent, equivaloaU
to 367.476,000 bushels ot last ysar's growth.