Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 4, Image 22

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Domestics, Sheetings, Linens
In Our Famous Domestic Room
No short lengths, no off brands, no goods tamped, with atoned
or roiihxr type, no fake of any kind the genuine brands "nothing
Jnrt as Rood or better than." Compare tlicee prk-es witf other hoasee.
IVIiwchfd Wide Sheetings.
Pepperell, 8-4 17c
Pepperell. 9-4 lg
Pepperell, 10-4
Lock wood a great deal 'better
than Pepperell-
8 . ...17HC
10 10 Ha?
IWdy-Made Sheets.
$1x90, 76c sheets 50
81x90, 85c sheets 65t
81x90. $1.00 sheets 73
81x90, 660 Bheets 44
81x90, 69c sheets ...,4g
81x90, 60c Bheets 37t
81x90, 40c sheets 2t
Hope, the genuine article. . .QW
Lonsdale, the genuine article. 7
Fruit of the Loom, the genuine
article St
Lonsdale Cambric, the genuine
article f)r)
Unbleached LL 4
Beaverdam . . f
Scotsdale Qt
Wide Sheetlnjr Cnblnached.
Pepperell, 8-4, unbleached. . Or)
Pepperell, 9-4 unbleached ... 17
Pepperell, 10-4, unbleached. . 1H
Lockwood, a great deal better--
8- 4, unbleached 164 4?
9- 4, unbleached ......... 17 H t
10- 4, unbleached ...18 Kg
5?, Unokums J
Two fall carloads of high grade Linoleums, over 18,000
square yards, secured for cash at a tremendous bargain.
Xaoug Remnants regular 66c and
76c square yard Quality, many
pieces to match; on sale at, per
square yard 24
Fall Bolts of regular 66c and 76c
quality linoleum, all kinds of
colors and patterns, per square
yard 37H
Four Special Monday Rug Bargains
910.00 Smyrna Rags, size 6x9, big
gest bargains ever, at. . . 33.25
$15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs,
size 9x12, big range of patterns;
choice $11.98
SO.OO Royal Wilton Rugs, Btze
9x12. great snap at 835.00
$30.00 Axmlnster Rugs, Sanford's
best, 9x12 size, floral or oriental
patterns, at $22.00
YoaWd Try HAY DEN'S First ft
High Grade White Goods Department
Here will be found the greatest line of high grade white
, goods, white novelties, white hand embroidered St. Gall
Swiss, lingerie stripes, lingerie plaids, etc., at the lowest
From 9 to 11 A. B4 We will sell one pattern of any Jauqnard, lln
. gerle stripes or plaids, French lawn, Persian lawn, mercerised ba
tiste, etc, at exactly HALF THE MARKED PRICK
From 3 to 4 P. M. We will sell one pattern of our St. Gall or Scotch
embroidered Swisses, ranging in price from 25c to $1.98 a yard (only
one pattern to a customer), at exactly. .HALF THE MARKED PRICK
Everything Exactly as Advertised.
g Griffon Brand Shirts at 59c
Again Monday We will
offer these well known high
grade Shirts, all styles, new
est spring patterns, at the
one price.
The Grandest Bargains
Ever Offered.
A Cash Purchase of Over 15,000 Dozen Secured at a great
bargain from the manufacturers, Wefl-Haskell & Co., N. Y.,
enables us to offer this celebrated brand of shirts in all
best fabrics, colors, styles and patterns for spring and sum
mer 1908 wear. Clean, perfect stock, regularly fZQf
sold at from $1.00 to $2.50, all sizes, at, choice .7C
Men's 25c to 50c Ties at 10c Our buyer secured for cash
from a manufacturer, nearly 1,000 dozen silk ties, lined or
reversible, in four-in-hands, 45 inches long. A big line of
club and midget bows will also be included all new colors,
most remarkable bargains ever, at 10c
Four-Ply Linen Collars at 5c A purchase of about 15,000
dozen collars, discontinued numbers, in such well known
brands as Barker, E. & "W., etc. All new, clean stock and
high grade goods regular prices up to 25c, will go at 5c
Wash Goods in Famous Domestic Room
80c Wash (iooda for lOop-Arnold's fine silk organdies, Arnold's voiles
Arnold's linens, Arnold's Peau de Sole. French ginghams, Scotch ging-'
ham, 32 inches wide and all goods that sell regularly up to 60c yard,
from 3'i to 10 yards In pieces, all at. a yard -...107
25c Goods for So A grand assort
ment of all of ' Arnold's wash
fabrics, Windsor fabrics, Pacific
fabrics, from 2 to 10 yards, will
go Monday at, yard JC
SUV, 10c and IB Goods at 7 Wc
86-inch French percales, 16c Red
Seals. 16c Toll du Nords and
other goods worth up to 2 Bo
at, yard 7Wf
A large line of mixed wash goods
at 3
Four lines of wash goods, worth
us to 60c yard, will be on sale
at lOc, 7Hc, 6c and 3s
Send Their
at Ohm.
1 1
Mail Orders
Embroideries I Embroideries 1 Embroideries I
From the Great New York Auction of ARNOLD B. HEINE & CO. This firm sold their surplus
stock of Embroideries, Insertings, Allovers, Flouncings, Corset Covers, etc., at public auction. Our
New York Buyer was one of the largest purchasers and the goods are rapidly coming in. A new
lot received Saturday, containing Corset Cover and Fine Allover Embroideries, as well as the big
line of Matched Sets received earlier, all secured AT LESS THAN 50c ON THE DOLLAR, will be
placed on sale Monday morning at HALF AND LESS REGULAR PRICES.
BOc Corset Cover Embroideries. .25
85c Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries,
yard 15
$1.00 Skirt Flouncing; on Kale at, a
yard - S9t
85c Finished Edge Bladings for Corset
Covers at 15c The finest of the lot
Is a great line of extra quality Ba
Mate and Irish Crochet combination
embroideries and fancy bandB
Matched Sets, in fine Swiss and Nain
sooks. 20c to 60c values; on vale
t 10 to 25
$1.00 AUover Embroideries, at. -3)
An Opportunity of a Lifetime.
Come Early Monday.
Unparalleled Value Giving in our High Grade Linen Dept. Monday
16 pieces high grade German Batln
damask, 2 yards wide, strictly pure
linen, 11.25 quality; Monday, per
yard Ji)C
26 pieces imported mercerised satin
damask, 'beautiful patterns, contain
ing our regular 76c grade; Monday,
per yard 49
60 hemstitched table cloths, size 8x10,
German silver bleached, warranted
pure linen, $2.00 values; Monday,
each $1.29
100 dozen pure linen napkins, size
20x20, fine half bleach, satin fin
ish and very durable, worth $2.25;
Monday, dozen $1.30
100 dozen high grade linen and ori
ental Turkish towels, very large,
heavy and absorbent, 25c and 2 9c
values; in one lot Monday, each 14r
45 bed spreads, a sample lot. high
grade, imported Marseilles patterns,
fringed with cut corners, worth from
$6.60 to $9.00; Monday each $3 50
An Unparalleled Display of Spring Garment Styles
At the recent Manufacturers' Garment Show in New York THE CROWN JEWEL SUITS received
three first prizes for merit, a distinction we consider very flattering as the shrewdest designers
of the world were represented by their most clever creations. Our great display of these beauti
ful suits in their exclusiveness of design, beauty of fabric and finish, are a delight to all custom
ers who are looking for high quality and artistic style at a moderate price. You'll pay $35.00 and
$40.00 many places for garments no better. Our price $25.00
Handsome Tailor Suits Shown in all
colors, materials and styles, weU
worth $25.00, Monday, choice
at $14.90
Hundreds of Other Suits In very
richest colorings and fabrics charm
ing new designs and exclusive with
Hayden Bros., $100, $76, $50. $40
and $35
Silk Shirt Waist Suit Worth $35.
made of Simond's best taffeta, in all
new shades of blue and brown,
resedaB, Copenhagen, etc. very lat
est designs, at, choice.... $19.90
$2JH Long Flannelette Kimonos 89
$1.50 Flannelette Dressing Saeques
at 49
$10 Chiffon Panama Dress Skirts
Full pleated with folds and bands of
taffeta, on sale Monday, at, $4.95
$10 Covert Coat Satin lined through
out, and with strap seams on sal
at $0.95
$8.00 Underskirts at $3.95
$1.50 Sateen Underskirts, choice 79
' Great Bargain Sale Monday
our Crockery Dept.
All odds and ends of Dinner
Sets that sold at $10.00 to $16.00
per set, will be sold in single
pieces at surprising bargain
iprices. Don't miss this oppor
tunity. Cup and Saucers, each 5c-7VaC
Dinner Plates, each 5c
Soup Plates, each 5c
Breakfast Plates, each 3VaC
Pie Plates, each 2VaC
Fruit Saucers, each 2Vc
Also Platters, Vegetable Dishes
and Sugar Bowls, each. . .10c
Another Flour and Grocery Sale Monday
Flour! Flourl Flourl'
On account of the bad weather last
Monday it was Impossible for every house
keeper to get down town. We are deter
mined to give every housekeeper in Omaha
a chance to buy a sack of this highest
patent flour made, so we have decided to
have, antoher sale tomorrow morning.
This flour Is made from the finest Red
Turkey Hard Winter Wheat, and make
the sweetest, whitest and most delicious
bread made. Tou may pay $1.60 to $1.76
a sack but you cannot get anything finer
than this flour, and to place It within the
reach of everybody we will again sell It
for this special sale, per 48-lk. sack. 91.85.
No merchants or dealers supplied at
this price.
a nw or rn xabtt otheu low
21 lbs. best pure can Granulated Sugar
for $100
10 bars Laundrv SoaD. any brand 25c
10-lb. sack best white or yellow Cornmeal
for i&o
I lbs. choice JaDan Rice ...25c
4 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca 26c
1-lb. Dkar. best DomenUo Macaroni. ... SVic
Horseradish, per bottle 5c
Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can 8 Ho
Fancv Alaska Red Salmon, per can.... 1 So
Kippered Herring or Soured Mackerel, per
can i(o
Freeh Herring, per can I0o
Egg-O-See, Corn Flakes or any other kind
par pkg ; 6c
Fancy sweet Cookies, regular 15c sellers.
per id mo
Fancv Dalrv Butter. Bar lb. a
Fancy Creamery Butter, per lb ..250
Fancy Full Cream White or Colored
Cheese, per lb 15a
Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb...lfio
2 lbs. Premium Butterlne . ..42o
2 lbs. Butteroup Butterlne S6o
Large Cauliflower, each lOo
Fresh Spinach, per peck 20o
rresn Beets, tjarrots or Turnips, tnree
Duncnes tor iuo
Fresh Green Beans, per lb 15o
Fresh Shallot Onions, 2 bunches for....6o
Fresh Parsley, two bunches for So
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 16c
Fresh Pie Plant, per bunch 7V4c
Two heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce. .. .60
Fancy Head Lettuce, per bead 5o
Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Rutabagas
Turnips or Red Onions, per lb Jo
Fresh Holland Seed Cabbage, per lb....lo
Bpeolal values for Monday at 710, 10c,
ISO, ISo. 17V&0 and 30o per doten.
Leading Dress Goods House of the West
Trtrtej' blarka, Lapta'a Mark, Sir Tttno gatt'a Mark, Court.
aldt'a blacks. Ivan Stmon'a bUrka, Frvd K. Arnold Mark N-kWos
all the leading spring ahadna from all th leading mUla of America
at far leoa price tfcan aay other boase la the' wwt.
B to 11 A. M.
AH our 11.00 blacks 07 W
All our 11.25 blacks 87 H
All our 11.60 blacks f2ttf
All our $2.0 blacks St. 10
All our $2.50 blacks 91.35
All our S and $4 blacks. .S1.05
All our $5.00 blacks $2.19
All our $1.00 colored dreas goods,
per yard 50gi
All our $1.50 colored dress good,
per yard 76g
AU our $2.00 colored dresa goods,
per yrd OSd
All our $2.25, $2.60 and $2.75 col.
ored dress good, per yd., $1.15
All our $3.00 aad $3.50 colored
drees goods, per yard. . - SI. OS
All our $4.00 and $5.00 colored
dress goods, per yard . . . $3.25
All evening shades at these price.
2nd Great Shipment gffif Silks
Goes on Sale Monday, M arch 9th.
Even greater assortment and better values th&n those
offered during last week's sale. The second shipment con
sists of the duplicates shiped direct from the mills of the
company at Paterson, N. J., Columbia, Marietta and Coates-
ville, Penn.
All the Choices Silks In Rajahs,
rough pongees, 27-lnch color taf
fetas, elegant novelties, includ
ing evening shades, Messaltne,
etc., values to $2.50 yd., at G7
Handsome Pongees, stripe and
plain color taffetas, beautiful
novelties, Messalines. Louslenea,
peau de sole and all the most
popular weaves and colorings.
values to $1.25, at 4o and S9t
Four Magnificenf Black Silk Bargains Included.
$1.75 Black Taffeta. 36 inches
wide at, yard 85
$1.25 Black Peau de Sole. 32
Inches wide at, yard 70
$1.00 Black Taffetas, 27 Inches
wide at, yard 67 1
80c Black Taffetas. 27 Inches
wide at, yard 58
High Grade Wash Goods Department
AH the new and ap-to-date voiles, poplins, silk warp organdies,
silk warp ginghams, Anderson's genuine Scotch ginghams, Red Seals,
Toil dn Nord, Utility ginghams and A. F. C. besides all the foreign
novelties, and prices are far less than sold anywhere else..
All the $1.98 novelties will
at 08
All the $1.50 novelties will go
t 74c4
All the $1.00 novelties - will go
All 60c organdies, 60c ginghams,
60c voiles, etc, will go at. -30t
All 89c wash goods will go at 2t
All 25c wash goeds. Including all
the new Scotch and French ging
hams 15t
AU our 19c wash goods. . .12Ht
All 16c ginghams and wash gooda
and aU oar 12 e new gingham
at 10
Everything exactly as adrertlsed.
No remnants, no old goods, bat aU
full pieceB and spring 19 OS.
You'll Find Your Ideal in the Magnificent Showing $!
W. B. Corset Models
They're scientifically built, hygienic be
cause they conform to nature's most perfect
lines, graceful because nothing in art can
surpass the exquisite lines of a beautiful
We carry complete lines of the new spring
models In W. B. Corsets for slender, med
ium or stoat figures. You're sure to find
a model Just to Bult you. at $2.00, $1.50
and $1.00
An expert fitter always in attendance.
Batiste Corsets, worth to $1.60, unbroken
lines of newest models, supporters side and
front, at 75
Corsets, in girdle top and long hip or high
bust and long hip models, for both slender
and stout figures, hose supporters attached
snap Monday at ......4Q
Great Book Sale
REMEMBER This is the only place in Omaha whre yon
can buy all the regular $1.50 Copyright Books at, choice,
Others ask $1.20 and even as low as $1.08, but Hardens
are always just a little lower than the lowest.
Re-print Copyrights at 43c
Just 6c lower than any other place.
Half a Rogue, Port") The Black Bag. The"!
of Missing Men, Haul m n Bram BowL Lady of
01 -rareus, rrecmei, mm m the West, Rosalinde
and several other ""IP Iff of Red Gate. The
1 Heart Line, Satan
$1.5.0 Books, in the
original edition . . ..
Carpenters and Mechanics, Attention!
Imperial blue steel K-tn. Saw, made
by Atkins, worth $1.(0, eaoh...69o
Stanley B-lnch hardwood Screw Driv
er, worth S&c each ISo
Genuine Swatty Razor 'Hone, 60e
Quality, at S9o
Carpenter's 24x30 Inch Steel Bars, 4 So
14 -Inch Dlsston Compass Saw, worth
46c, at tSo
Carpenter's 60o . Steel Hammers, all
sizes sSo
Nickel Plated Combination Pliers, S6o
Yankee Screw Driver, spiral rachet er
yanKee Automatic IM-llls. No. 1. 890
Rose's Brick Trowels, worth 11.60.
only 890
$1.00 Sfarshalltown Plasterer's Trowel
only $1.49
-foot Celling- Dusters, worth $00. ,lo
-foot Step Ladders, worth $L00..C9o
4-foot Step Ladders, worth T5o....Se
$1.60 House Scales, with sooop....76o
Large 60o Turkey Feather Duster SSo
Padded Sleeve Ironing Board, only 150
$1.26 large wooden Ironing Board,
with stand SSo
wasn-nro kacxutss
Western Washer, worth $4. OS. . . S2.S0
Imperial Hotary Washer, worth $7.00,
only (4.98
Universal Wringer, 3 year guarantee,
worth $1.60, on sale tomorrow, 83.49
In the Field of Electricity
and the article
Is well Illustrated with
HTEN ths first wireless message
1 1 rl was flushed across the Atlantic
fl I on October 17. 19U7, the tre-
I l . , - l .r. hl.. n. nt Ih.
Iliriiuuu. -
vent appealed to all the world.
Hera waa an Invention which
promised to put all the great cable cem
sanlea out of buglneas, and to turn their
HUuns of dollars' worth of elaborate ma
chinery in useless Junk. Several months
have elapsed, and the New Terk Times,
(BsUbMsbed 187a.)
Canm WUI0 Yam SI.-
Wheeplii8Ceugh( Craup,
Bronchitis, Caugha,
Dlphtharia, Catarrh.
Confidence can be placed in a rem
edy, which for a quarter of a century
nas earned onquaiiaea praise, cubuiu
nights are assured at once.
CrcsoJeoa ta m Boon to Asthmatics
All Druggists
W ioHal for d-
Oresolene Antiseptic
Throat Tablets fu iie
irritated Miroat. vl
your oron-iBl or rrota
as. 10s. In wamps.
Tin) -Crt3rko Co,
and the London Standard. Times, Tele
graph, and Chronicle; the Montreal Star
and the Toronto Globe all publish dally a
large number -of wireless messages. The
Sunday edition of the New York Times
comes out every week with a whole page
of European news, telegraphed to CI If den,
Ireland, and thence "wirelessed" te New
York by Marconi; So far, then, wireless
telegraphy U an accomplished scientific
fart. So writes P. Harvey Mlddletoo In the
Technical World magaclne for March.
But those persons who have been fondly
anticipating the sending of messages to
England by wireless at 10 cents a word
(the land charges make it 16 cents), against
the 2S cents of the cable companies, are
doomed to disappointment The ' various
Marcool concerra do not Intend, at any
rate for some considerable time, ta throw
their service open to the man of the street.
They are In no ay prepared for the deluge
of business that would follow such aa
action. If they do so, the cable companies
would not be slow to make use of them
for the transmission of a large proportion
of their messages. But while there will be
no public service yet the Karoo ni people are
quietly making arangementa with a large
number of commercial houses with foreign
connections for the transmission of mes
sages which are now sent by cable at the
close of business. On aooount of the dif
ference in time, none of these messages
can be delivered la London until t e clack
tM next morning, and they can derefare
easily be handled by the wireless system.
On account of the various things which
have been accomplished up to the present
lime ty Wireless follows this Introduction
Electricity aad I' redoes Stoa.
One of the interesting features of the
great Industry conducted by the General
Electrio company Is Its trade In precious
stones. In the course of a year the com
pany uses many thousands of dollars' worth
of diamonds and sapphires, which are be
ing constantly shipped in from Australia,
Holland, London, Paris, Braxll and New
Zealand. The stones are employed for bear
ings In electric meters such are are em
ployed to register the number of kilowatt
hours of energy used In the home. In order
that the meters shall be accurate there
must be practically no trlctlon In the bear
ings. The mechanism of a meter turns In
proportion to the amount eC light burned
or energy used. The wearing parts must
be aa bard as possible, that constant use
will not wear and areata additional friction,
consequently diamonds and sapphires have
to be used In the shaft bearings. The dia
mond la the hardest substance tn the
world, and the sapphire ranks a olose sec
ond. The bearings made of these precious
stones have a long life, and, though they
originally coat more, they are the cheapest
tn the long run.
-- d Oaadle Fewer.
Using an apparatus of his own which be
attached to aa electrio light fixture, J.
lien Heany, an expert metallurgist, pro
duced a light of seventy-five candle-powor
by the use of ferro tungsten, employing"
no more electric current, he said, than is
needed for an ordinary sixteen candle
power lamp. The experiment was con
ducted In the trial room where the United
States Board of General Appraisers in New
York were trying a ease against the Mid
vale Steel company. The trial was to de
termine the duties which, may be im
Boeed en certain metailferoua ores im
ported by steel manufacturers, among
which is ferro tnngsten. The metal is
valued at $1,000 a ton, and the Treasury
department has recently contended that
it should be clasHed as "metallic mineral
not specifically provided for in the tariff
law," and so dutiable at 20 per cent ad
valorem, or $200 Instead of $4 a ton, the
duty charged at present. Heany's experi
ment was used to confute the assertion of
lawyers for the defense that by itself
ferro tungsten is not capable of being
wrought Into commercial form.
New Inselatlas; Material.
Mr. Muller, a Bavarian Inventor, has
patented a new Insulating material which
has a high specific resistance, approaching
that of guttapercha atid porcelain and Is
almost Incombustible, as It will even stand
exposure for a short time to the electric
arc witheut burning. According to the
patent specifications, the composition of
the substance la as follows: ISO parts of
mineral pitch are dissolved In 26 parts of
a volatile solvent such, for example, as
benzine and from 26 te 76 parts of this so
lution are added to M0 parts of finely
ground as bet oa. The mixture Is then sub
mitted to a very great pressure, and Is
dried at a low temperature to expel the
whole of the solvent.
Elect rle Light and Eyesight.
As the result of simultaneous investiga
tion in Great Britain, America and Ger
many, Information on the subject of ar
tificial illumination in Its effects upon the
sight has been recently extended by several
valuable contributions. In Germany Messrs..
Bchans and Stockhausen have found that
the maximum brightness that the eye can
bear without injury la 0.76 hefner candles
per square centimeter, and that unshaded
carbon filament lamps have a brightness
100 times as great, metallic filaments 270.
Nerost lamps 60O and are lamps 4.0JO times.
The opinion has been expressed In these
notes that, assuming the object of artificial
illumination to be practically the reproduc
tion of daylight, finality Is more likely to
be approached by the use of tubes than
bulbs. For our optical comfort the exces
sive glare of powerful lamps calls fer the
me of obstructive globes which are exceed
ingly wasteful. But even tn the use of
sunlight architects and oculluta can still
confer with much advantage. At the same
time there is perhaps an unnecessarily
alarmist tone in some medical comments
on the lighting of schools and workshops.
Injury to the eyes of children Is almost
certainly tracceble to early application te
desk education rather than to Indifferent
lighting, and It Is significant that there
should be practically no data extant show
ing the Ul effects of artificial Illumination
after childhood.
Trlesraph Llae Across Sahara.
The scheme of a telegraph line across
the Sahara Is now complete. There is al
ready a tine between Algiers and Tlmml
monu, and this will be extendod to Bour
ran, a distance of 870 miles. The wires will
be at a height of fifteen feet, to allow
caravans to pass. One would suppose the
Sahara a first-rate field for the exploita
tion of the wireless. In the past the helio
graph has been much used, and under the
blinding and constant sun of Africa makes
a fairly effective telegraph for considerable
Cheat for the Moaey.
An enterprising engineer has figured out
the number of things which can be accom
plished with but 60 cents worth of electricity
at 10 cents a kilowatt hour. Here are some
of them:
Light an ordinary barn or stable with
three 1&-candle-power lamps one hour every
night for thirty nights.
With a small motor attached to the wash
ing machine and wringer 60 cents worth of
electricity will do eight washings.
It will also do six weeks' Ironing, awing
a six-pound Iron.
An eleotrlo fan can be operated three
and one-half hours a day for thirty days
for 60 cents.
Two weeks' sewing can be done on the
motor-driven sewing machine for the same
It will light the porch light for three
hours every night for two months.
Fifty cents will pay for the current con
sumed In usuing the electrio heating pad
three hours every night for thirty nights.
It will grind 1.126 pounds of coffee; broil
thirty steaks; cook twenty rarebits in the
electrio chafing dish; fry 400 eggs.
It will run the blacksmith's forge-blower
fer a week.
It will hoist 2.000.000 bricks two stories.
A one-horse pewer motor will run seven
hours at full load for 60 cents.
What Happened to Joaes.
One day a tall, gaunt woman, with rere
eolored hair and an expression of great
fierceness, strode Into the office of a
county clerk In West Virginia.
"You air the person that keeps the mar
riage books, ain't ye?" she demanded.
"What book do you wlnh to see, madam?"
asked the polite clerk.
"Kin you find out if Jim Jones was mar
ried?" Search of the record dlxcloiied the name
Of Jamcts Jones, for whose marrlave a li
cense had been lasued two years before.
"Married Kllxabuth Mott, didn't her
asked the woman.
"The lloenxe was lusued for a marriage
with Mine Elizabeth Molt."
"Well, young man, I'm Ellxalieth. I
thought I ouKliter come In an' tell ye that
Jim has escaped!" St. Louis Republic.
Used by people of refinement
Established in 1 666 by