Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 11

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Sunifls Hut Satisfy
No n omn tvitli honest detdre neel pa out of our aperiaJty ahop
wltlxmt a solt in color, weave, rtr-sitrn and fit exceeding her fondest
dream. Suit superior In point of style, aunerlor In point of ma
trrlals, mperlor In point of tailoring. Tailored Kulta any woman
ran wear with credit to her pood taMe a a smart dresher.
Suits at $25
The Smartest Tailored Sulfa Possible
to Produce for the Price
They're the outcome of careful plan
ins in which a great purchase of ma
terials and close figuring with the
maker enable you to buy a $35,00 suit
for $25.00. We've a right to say $35.00
suits for we have accurately repro
duced regular $35.00 models, neither
utinting the material nor slighting the
workmanship. The styles embrace the
new Iiutterfly Suit with its long grace
ful tapering lines. The modified Prince
Chap and the new snug j
fitting model effects.
Superbly tailored suits. . .
wimi ''''V,fflJfli
easaaeaaeae ass
Come in and hear Caruso, Melba, or some of the great bands.
Every home in Omaha must have a Phonograph, and It Is Just the
time to buy yours now.
If It Is not convenient to pay
all cash, we will accomodate
you by accepting part cash, and
give you time on the balance,
and at the. same price.
Regular Machine costs
Victor Vlctrola
Victor Aiixtcophone
We have 100,000 Records to select from.
331 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
I If
Your Glasses Annoy
you will find a difference in your eyes which
should be corrected by the use of proper
H. J. Penfold & Co.
Leading Opticians. 1408 Farnam St.
ome Dairy Restaurant
Where You Get Good Ttilnas to Eat
The most etrictly up-to-date Ladles' and Gentlemen's Itestaurant in the city
We kindly Invite the public to visit us whether they dine or nut.
a. a.
We make
Cheaper Uuus Wood.
rfcoa. &04 Bit. . . 807 ITo. lTta Bk.
A Parisian
Novelty, 545
To the left we exactly portray a
Parisian novelty in the new weave
of London serge, which is very
dressy and preferred by many to
broadcloth, because it wrinkles less
and does not soil so quickly. The
jacket is trimmed with braid and
taffeta and has stylish pointed dip
front effect. The skirt is extra wide,
full pleated with two folds. This is
only one of our many
pretty novelty styles,
moderately priced at. . .
We all love music, and a Phono
graph will furnish just the music your
mood demands. It is a continual
Botirye of entertainment and education.
.$10 to $100
Cycle Co.
Cor. lSlh & Harney. Omaba
You or Your Eyes
Bother You ....
Consult Us.
Our aim is to please our customers by giv
ing the correct lens and the proper frame so
you can see well and read comfortably. Close
one eye and read with the other and no doubt
Barrlc. tbe Baal Popular Prices O. W. QALPIaT.
a specialty of Sunday dinner and noon-day lunchea.
Comparatively Little Except Club
meetings Scheduled for Week.
Omaha Fashionable Take Globe
Trottlaar and Are Well Scat
tered Over Pace ef the
It'a nice to be It Willi a capital I,
And Smart with a capital 8.
And oh, to be Loved with a capital L
I nicer than both. I should auess
But It, Smart and Lioved I could easily be,
My ambition would ramble afar.
If only my father wa lurky enough
To be Rich with a capital K.
The Malcontent
The 9 or 11 Calendar.
MONDAY Ml Jensen. Treble Clef club;
Mrs. John Battln. luncheon at the
Omaha club.
Tl'ESDAY Ml Weaver. Orpheum party
for Mtaa Hradbury; iWatoga club
dancing party; Mrs. Kd Bruenlng,
bridge luncheon; Mr. Demaln Litdwlch
luncheon; Miss Meyers, card party
Temple Israel Sisterhood, availing eu-
WKDNESDAT Slater-Palne wedding
Mis barber. Classmates' club; Miss
Hannah Calder. Silver Spoon club; Mr.
William Schneckenburger, Rose Social
THfRSPAT Orchard III1I club, Mr. and
Mrs. Byron lnglehart; Co mis club, Mre.
I). K. Lovejoy; Original Owl club, Mrs.
P. Anderson; Swastika Card club, Mrs.
Henry Wlndhelm.
FRIDAY Mrs. Albert Kdholm. West
Karnara Luncheon club; T. B. club, Mrs.
J. F. Qulnby; Mr. and Mrs. Kd P.
Smith, card party.
SATURDAY Mr. and Mr. E. D. Van
Court, Harmony club; Mr. and Mrs.
Maxfteld, M. M. C. club; Mrs. Sol Dog-en,
afternoon bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dooley, Orchard Hill Whist club.
The Lenten calm seems to have settled
upon society In earnest, and, aalde from the
club meetings and a few Informal affairs,
this week's chief promise is for quiet.
But while the stay-at-homes ara "observ
ing". Lent, the more fortunate, or, perhaps,
the more thoughtful ones hava turned globe
trotters, and Just now Omaha's fashionables
are scattered pretty well over the face of
the earth. An unusually large number Is
traveling abroad this season, but by far
the greater number of travelers are enjoy
ing the attractions of tha resorts along
the gulf and California coasts. Mexloo
has attracted many also, while still others,
according to letters, are finding ample di
version In New York and the east. Mr.
and Mrs. Wattles sail this week for a trip
around the world. Two women belonging
to two of the prominent families are plan
ning on accompanying the Atlantic fleet,
which starts from the Pactflo coaat for a
trip around the world. A special stramnr
la to be chartered for the wives and fami
lies and a few friends of the officers. This
steamer will follow tha fleet and make the
same ports.
A number of Omaha people have re
cently taken the Mediterranean trip and are
now enjoying the sunny climes of Ha'y and
Sicily, while a score or more of the Omaha
travelers are scattered through the south
ern states and Mexico. Mr. O. C. Redlck
and Mr. Kd George are expected Monday
from Mexico. Others who were In the City
of Mexico last week were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dempster and Miss Elizabeth Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. Scannell, Mrs. Gallagher and Mr.
Ben Gallagher, Mr. W. O. Webster, Mrs.
A. G. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guiou
and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Cady have been for
several days at San Antonla, Tex., and
expect to leave soon for Pass Christian.
Hollywood, the beautiful suburb of Los
Angeles, la gaining favor with Omahans.
It la there that Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wat-
fvtles are building one of tha most beautiful
country places on the coast. Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Gibson, formerly of Omaha, have
located there, and Mr. Gibson haa recently
been elected president of the Hollywood
club. Mr. George Bidwell Is at present In
Holly-wood, looking at property near tha
Wattles home, with the object of building,
and Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Martin, who went
there recently, have announced that they
may make that their home.
A new way of discarding In bridge was
recently discovered by a new player. When
asked If she discarded from strength or
weakness, she replied, "Why, I don't know.
I guess I discard from fright.''
Come and Go Gossip,
Mr. Will Yetter has returned from
trip to Cincinnati.
Miss Brenner of Minneapolis Is the guest
of Mrs. E. P. Ellis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meyer have re
turned from California,
Mr. Elmer Redlck and Mr. Doug'aa
Bowie are In Albuquerque, N. M.
Mrs. W. B. Palmatler la visiting friends
and relntlvea In Providence, R. I.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Elgutter are at
home to their frienda at the Merrlam.
Miss Stella Gregory of St. Paul will be
the guest of Miss Helen Rahm for a few
Mr. and Mrs. s. a, Richmond have gone
to El Paso, Tex., for a stay of seveial
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Scott of Lincoln are
spending the week's end with Mrs. Thomas
A. McShane.
Mr. "Will McPherson left Wednefday for
Arizona, where he expects to go on
ranch near Douglas.
Mr. Frederick Jung of Milwaukee spent
the first part of the week aa the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grotte.
Mrs. Vance Lane and family expect to
move about the first of April to 8 lit Lake
City, where Mr. Lane Is now located.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strasburger of
Washington, D. C, have been the gues a
this week of Mr. and Mra. Leo Grotte.
Miss Paxson is the guest of her sister.
Mrs. C. W. Hayes. Miss Paxson is en
route to the Paeiflo coast from the eaat.
Mrs. George B. Tisihuck, who recently
had an operation performed at the Wiso
Memorial hospital, la convalescing and
8600 10c and 15c Cigars on
sale this week as long as
they last at 5c straight
1,800 La Vanda Londrea, regular price
10c, aale price 5c, $2.50 box of 50.
1,550 La Vanda Perfecto, regular price,
15c, sale price 5c, $2.50 box of 50.
La Vanda Perfecto, $1.25 box of 25.
650 La Vanda Elegantes, regular price,
10c, aale price 5c, $2.50 box of 60.
2,200 La Vanda Regalia Flno. regular
.price 10c, aale price 5c, $2.50 box of
1,500 Vlctorldad Puritano, regular
price 10c, aale price 5c, $2.50 box of
1,800 Vlctorldad Conchas, regular
price 10c, sale price 5c, $2.50 box of
1,000 Vlctorldad General Jackson, reg
ular price 15c, aale price 5c, $2.50
box ot 50.
Cut Rate Druggist.
lOUi Bud Faxiuuu BtrectB
hopes to be able to return to bar home In
a few days.
Miss Berth Bradbury, who la the guest
of Dr. and Mre. Bradbury, oxpects to
leave thla week for her home In Chicago.
Mtsa Delphine Silverman of St. Joseph
is the guoet of Miss Alma Brandela. Mrs.
Silverman will also visit Mre. Carl
Mr. Nell Vollmer, who baa recently re
turned from Mexloo, la the guest of Mr. W.
O. Colling for a few days an route to his
home in Denver.
Mrs. Samuel E. Wherrltt of Chicago ar
rived Sunday morning to be the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Standlah,
for a few weeks.
Mr. Harry Weller left Saturday for tha
west. Later he will go to Los Angel -a,
where Mrs Weller will Join him, snd they
will' remain until the arrival of the At
lantic fleet.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Scannell returned
home Friday from a trip to San Ante n a.
Tex., and the City of Mexloo. Mrs. Gal
lagher and Mr. Ben Gallagher, who left
with them, will not return until the latter
part of this week.
Mrs. Morltt Meyer snd children, who re
turned recently from New York City, where
they spent the winter, are with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Rehfeld, B:6 South Twenty-fourth
street, until their new home Is ready for
them. Miss Minna Meyer la In New York
for an Indefinite stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles, who
have been spending a few weeks In Holly
wood. Cel., will sail Tuesday on the Siberia
for China and Japan. Later they will tike
the Transslberlan tour and from th re
they expect to go to Berlin, Germany anl
take an automobile trip before returning
home late in the summer. They will be ac
companied by their niece, M as Carolina
Leete, of Berkeley, Cal.
rieaeerea Past.
The San Souct club was entertained
Friday evening by Miss Jessie Roblneon
at her home. The next meeting will be
Friday evening, March 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grotte entertained
three tables of bridge Thursday evening for
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stras
burger. The game of cards was followed
by a supper.
Miss Ingrld Pedersen gave a box party
to hear Madame Butterfly Wednesday after
noon. Those In the party were Miss Mar
garet McMenemy, Miss Kmlly Cleve, Mrs.
Konlgsbrugge, Mr. Arthur S. Phinney and
Mr. O. E. Pedersen.
The Nezad club was entertained at tho
home of Miss Jennie Nelson last Tuesday
evening. Cards were played and the
prlae was won by Miss Ebba Gustaveson.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Miss Freda Gibson.
Mrs. Ralph Hayward entertained a thea
ter party Saturday afternoon at the Boyd
for Miss Bertha Bradbury. Her gueets
were: Mrs. W. J. Bradbury, Mrs. J. D.
Weaver and Miss Mae Weaver. Af'er the
matinee they had luncheon at the Rome.
For Mrs. Harry Wolf, who leaves the
latter part of the month for a visit In
Philadelphia, Mrs. J. H. Harris, Mrs. O.
Rubensteln, Mrs. M. Ryplns and Mrs. S.
Sugarman entertained Friday at the home
of Mrs. Harris, 26(18 Patrick avenue. At
the game of cards the prises were won by
Mrs. 8. Sunshine, Mrs. M. Surman of Bir
mingham, Ala., and Mrs. F. N. Chernlsa.
Captain and Mrs. Nesmlth of Fort
Omaha entertained at dinner Tuesday
evening for Colonel and Mrs. Gardener
of Fort Crook and Colonel and . Mrs.
Evans of department headquarters,
Omaha. Carnations and ferns formed an
attractive centerpiece for the table. In
the evening an informal reception was
given to the officers and their families
at the poet to meet the dinner guests.
Mrs. G. Store celebrated her birthday
Thursday afternoon by entertaining in
formally at her home. The guests pivs-
ent were: Mrs. C B. Liver, Mra. John
Turtle, Mrs. William Stoecker, Mrs.
Charles Eggers, Mrs. Edgar Hlraina.
Mra. Ritter, Mra. Blhler, Mrs. Shiprlght,
Mrs. Flothow, Mrs. Glest. Mra. Tebblns,
Mra. Charles Stors and Mrs. Rice and
Mlssee Louise Shlprlght and"Emma
Mrs. R. E. O'Brien entertained the mem
bers of the G. N. club at high five Tuesday
afternoon, Mrs. A. L. Veil being the guest
of honor. Those present were Mrs. J. C.
Reader, Mrs. B. F. Miller, Mrs. E. J. Grif
fin, Mrs. Charles Rosenbery, Mrs. C. Peter
son, Mrs. Ira Dawson, Mrs. I. Foley and
Mrs. D'Arsy. The prlx-js of the afternoon
were won by Mrs. Rosenbery and Mrs,
Reeder. Mrs. Dawson will entertain the
next meeting of the club In two weeks.
Friday evening about sixty frienda
gathered at the home of Mra. Florence
I. Crane, 2129 Wirt street, while she was
temporarily absent and gave her a gen
ulne surprise when she returned about
a o clock. It was In celebration of her
birthday anniversary. A poem com
memoratlve of the membership of the
local Spanish War Veterans was read
by Mr. Crane and a response, also In
verse, was read by David Barnell
("Trilby"). Card games were a feature
of the evening and were followed by
Mrs. iranK oarnty entertained at a B
o'clock tea Monday afternoon for the chll
nren or me neignoornooa. The young
guests presented their hostess with a bou
quet of flowera, little Miss Marguerite
Walker making the presentation speech.
Those present were Miss Margarita
Walker, Mildred Walker, Gladys Walker,
Florence Walker, Alllce Chandler, Gladys
Chandler, Ruth Boyles. Ethel Cullen, Ada
Wilson, May Clark, Helen Belnul, Helen
Kerns, Clay Beisel, Glen Clark and Hayden
Mrs. J. B. Rahm entertained at an Or
pheum party Saturday afternoon to cele
brate the 13th birthday of her daurht-r,
Misa Florence Rahm. The guests Included
Miss Ruth Fitzgerald. Miss Mary Haller,
Miss Katherine Sanders, Miss Georgia
Carey, Miss Ruth Henry, Miss Dorothy
Morton, Miss Grace Rlchter, Miss Alice
Duval, Miss Florence Liver, Miss Claire
Murphy. Miss Margaret Reckord, Ml
Marlon Pearsall. Mrs. Rahm was assisted
by Mrs. Charles Haller. After the matinee
the party had luncheon at Balduffs. A
pretty centerpiece of pink carnations
lighted with pink candles, added to the
attractiveness of the table.
The 'Jnemhera of the Sacajawea club
and their husbands were guest of Mr.
and Mrs. John Bishop Friday evening
at their new home, 4240 Grant street
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Wurn, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Smith, Dr.
and Mra. J. C. Bishop, Mr. and Mra. W.
O. Terry, Mr. and Mrs. John Miles, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Hoffert, Mrs. J. G. Baker,
Miss Clara Yoder. Miss Bromrr, Mlxa
Besale Bishop and Francis lavldge. The
rooms were effectively trimmed with cu
flowers and the prizes of the cvnlng
were awarded to Mrs. W. O. Terry, Mr
Baker and Mr. Bishop. The aext meeting
will be held In two weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hoffert.
In crlebratlon of the birthday of her
daughter. Miss Kxhel Btatrlce is tl Mrs,
Thomas Isitt entertained an informal
musleale Saturday evening, followed 1 y
games and supper. Violets were used in
decoration of the table and the piite anl
score cards were designed with the a mi
flower. The young people present included
Miss Aliens Gertsch, Mi us Isabel McKelvy.
Miss Russell McKelvy. Misa Lou.lla Keirell,
Misa Mary Hansen, Misa Margaret Lind
qulst. Miss Roae Ormsby, Miss Nellie Mo
Dermott, Mr. Forest Smith, Mr. Bart Lynn,
Mr. Ralph Carlson. Mr. Carl Malm, Mr.
Richard Donnelly, Mr. George. Schrot-der,
Mr. Jmm) BUuoviler aud Hi. 1'aal fc.tcueia.Jajmounctui!nt t,f opening nudo later.
f 1,1m.. I. . m.h m .r 1 1 ii inn- li Mlirlmril ill )m , J J
nf- vmvm i . . .....ii m.yyij rmYrnrr. T
I -- - ;f - ...... .t.-. jSl I
OurWomm't dtpartment is beginning to take on the ap'
pe arance ef sirring-
The nexo suits art arriving daily already we have a veri'
table collection of "Spring Beauties"'' every day brings us more
of them.
Hie new inmles are mere beautiful than for many seasons.
Our buyer assures us that the suits arriving and to eome are the
pick of hundreds of choice models that were offered him by
leading makers.
' Ihe garments now in our store are worthy of your careful
considtration. You'll find mmong them many "catchy" new
styles, some are elegantly and elaborately designed, while
others are modest and quiet enough to please women of oonser
valive taste.
You'll be interested in these new spring suits. We will be
pleased to show tJiem to you this week.
Mrs. Isltt-waa assisted by her sister, Mie.
H. B. Peters.
Prospective Pleasure.
Miss Grace Meyers will entertain
cards Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Edna Jensen will be hostess of Mon
day's meeting of the Treble Clef club.
Mts. D. E. Lovejoy will entertain Thurs
day afternoon's meeting of the Comls club.
Mrs. P. Anderson will be hostess of tho
meeting of the Original Owl club Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Smith have lstmed
Invitations for a card party Friday even
ing. The T. B. club will hold Its meeting at
the home of Mrs. J. F. Qulnby Frlda
Miss Hannah Caldcn will be hostess of
Wednoaday afternoon's meeting of the
Silver Spoon club.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Maxfii Id will enter
tain the members of the M. M. C. club
Saturday evening.
The Orchard Hill Whist club will meet
Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and
Mra. Charles Dooley.
The members of the Swastika club will
be entertained Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Herman Wlldman.
Members of the Rose Social club will be
guests of Mrs. William Schneckenburger
Wednesday afternoon.
Mra. Ed Bruening has Issued Invitations
for a luncheon to be gtven at her home
Tuesday, followed by bridge.
The play that waa to have been given by
the officers and ladles at Fort Crook
Wednesday has been postponed.
Mrs. Albert Edholm will entertain the
members of the West Farnam Luncheon
club at her home Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Inglehart will enter
tain the members of the Orchard Hill Card
club Thursday evening at their home.
Mrs. Domain Ledwlch will entertain at
luncheon, followed by cards, Tuesday. Five
hundred Is to be the game of the afternoon.
The Temple Israel alsterhood will give
Its monthly entertainment Tuesday even
ing In the vestry rooms of the new tempi -.
Mrs. Warren Blarkwell has gone to C! 1
cago, where she will spend the month of
March the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wlut
coml). The Misses Barber will be hostesses of
Wednesday afternoon's meeting of the
Classmates' club at their home, 2117 Fowler
Mrs. Sol Degen baa Invitations out for
an informal bridge party, Saturday a'ter
noon, to be given In honor of several 01' the
visiting women.
In honor of Miss Bertha Bradbury, who
Is the guest of Dr. and Mra Bradbury,
M'ss Mae Weaver will entertain at a, box
party at the Orpheum Tuesday afternoon.
The Y. Y. club gave an enjoyable danc'ng
party Monday evening at Chambers' ar:id
rmy. They will discontinue their pa-tles
until after Lent, their next to be held
Monday, April 20.
Monday Mrs. John W. Battln will enter
tain at luncheon at the Omaha club for
Mips Hertha Bradbury of Chicago. The
guests will Include Miss Bradbury, Dr. and
Mrs. Bradbury and Mr. Audenreld Whltte
more of St. Ixnils.
Wedding; and Engagements.
The wedding of Miss Florence Paine,
daughter ot Mrs. John J. Boucher, to Mr.
Edward Slater will take place Wednesday,
March 11, at the home' of the bride's
Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhlman of 117 Park ave
nue has announced the engagement of her
daughter, Miss lorot!iy Kuhlman, to Mr.
Albert Lee Bell of Dundee. The wedding
will take place the latter part of March.
The wedding of Miss Viola Belle Praisher.
daughter of Mrs. Cliuiloltu Temple Frui
sher, to Mr. James Rentley of Hamburg,
la.. Will take place Monday. March hi, at
1 o'clock, at the bride's home, 43) South
Twenty-fifth avenue.
The marriage of Mr. Hiram H. Smith of
Omaha and Miss Ann E. Davles ot Des
Moines was solemnized Thursday In the
ftudy of the Congregational church of Des
Molnea, Rev. F. W. IavlU off Idatlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside at Z12 Bris
tol street. Omaha. '
An interesting announcement of the week
was that of the date of the wedding of
Miss Florence Iwls to Mr. Snerman Can
field, which has been sei for the MonJay
following Easter Sunday. April 20. The
ceremony will be at V o'clock at All Saints'
church and will be followed by a large re
ception at the beautiful home of the bride's
parents at Fortieth and Harney streets.
Mr. and Mrs. Myles M. Standlsh have
issued Invitations for the wedding of their
daughter, Miis Frances Ksther Elandlsh. t.)
Mr. Sterling Hjgh McCaw, which will take
place Tuesday evening, March "Jl, at 8
o.'c-look. at Hanvcum Park Methodist
church. There will be no reception, but a
supper for the immediate families and
members of the bridal party will follow
the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Standlah, Slit Pacific street.
Misa F. M. Schadell returns Tuesday
from the east, where she has been pur
chasing their line of spring millinery. The
Spring Suits
.'-V- I'l . .11! SSBHU 'WUP i ii.
Western Railroads Order Cars and
Home Stations Want Empties
for Shippers.
The tide has turniMl for many of the
wextcrn railroads.
After fear and trenhllng because of the
stnudv di-creaxe In business the railroad
managers now have a smile, for the steady
Increase of the last week Is looked upon
as an Indication that the tide has turned,
and that business Is gradually working
back to the activity which win shown
prior to the panic.
Reports from the Denver Rio Grande
show that road Is making figures in the
Increase column Instead of having to re
port decreases. The Burlington lines west
of the river have been on the increase
for some time, the orders for cars are
Increasing, the number of men needed at
the local freight olfice Is Increased and
the clerks In the headquarters are all
buifkr than they have been for some
But a short time ago the railroads had
a large number of Idle cars and engines,
and these are gradually being pressed
into service. The wonder of the day
Saturday was a complaint which came
Into one of the general offices from a
station in Nebraska that the shipper was
unable to get cars to ship his goods. This
seemed strange in face of the fact that
reports have been circulated that Idle cars
were blocking every sidetrack in the
The west has had more business than
the east during the slack times, and when
the reports were made from time to time
to the managers' association, they showed
that the west was In much better shnpe
at all times than the eaRt. The west
had grain to move Hnd there was a de
mand for it. The west had live stork to
sell and it could be sold unci was sold.
Kahl A .Johnston
Are showing new spring millinery at
their new quarters, 34 South Eighteenth
Pointed Paragraphs.
The average woman is vain enough to
believe that she isn't.
Multiplying her words seldom adds to a
woman's popularity.
Actors who are egrl off the si ago ought
to make a fresh start.
If some people were to speak their minds
It wouldn't take them long.
Many a man who claims to be looking for
work looks the other way.
Men who speak before they think have
occasion to offer many apologies.
A man's headache seems a lot worse
when he didn't have any fun acquiring It.
It's a whole lot easier to break the will
of a dead man than It Is to break the will
of a live woman.
"The poor you have always with you,"
snld a woman to her husband, who had a
mania for offering excuses.
Leap year girls would rather marry In
haste ard repent at leisure than never
have a chance to repent at all. Chicago
FlrRt showing of Spring millinery, Tues
day, March 10, room. 6, second floor Conti
nental block. Douglas street entrance.
O'Connor & Co.
Host In Merlons Pllllht.
CHICA'!''. M.i:'C,i ".-While i-elehrating
his blrthdiiv ann'versary In West 1'iilltnmi
last nijrht, Edward C. Davidson, a ttaveling
mileHin tn. was arrested "y '.' rnnient
officials for allegeri t i lli-ity in fraudu- I
lent use of Me mulls at I'rovl' It. 1.
The officials making arrest acted so
nuletlv that none of the -jtiesls at !a'd- ,
son s home were mane Hwure m me mins
plight, iind the birthday festivities pro
ceeded uninterrupted.
Kahl A Johnston
Are showliiK rev filing millinery at
th-lr new quarters, 4 South eighteenth
Miss F. M. Scliaiiell returns Tuesday
from the east, where she has been pur
chasing their line of spring n-llllnery. The
announcement of opening made later.
DrBenj FBailxt
This institution Is I lie only one
ft in the central west witli wiiaiaU; ,
r, lu:idii:'.:x situated in tlieir ov.ll
ai:.;jle trou"" ' 1 'i.l:ei)
tiuit aud rendering it po.illc to
riansify caul-. Tiie cue huildinu
i-:t.-.i u.-.' ,tu.-, t.-j-. ti
treatment of iioii-toul-ioui und jg
uoii-ineiitai uiKca- , uu ouicrs ie- ja
ing admitted. The other, Ilcst H
Cottage, Ix-lng designed for and P
devoted to the exclusive Ireatmeul 3
or M-ieri menial cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
is -
M w.OitMUMii"i
El Perfecto Veda
Rouge s
The El Perfecto Rouge, In powdof
form, gives to the cheeks, lips and
finger nails a color true to nature and
defies detection.
Should be In every woman's bou
doir. Put up In 50c boxes only.
Beaton Drug Go.
intiT and Farnam
The rp-to-lhe-Mlnute DruRRlKts.
Get a Barrel ol
Ice Cream Today
A little barrel of Balduffs Ice
Cream Is the very thing you will
enjoy today. Have ua send you
one out to your house.
In each barrel there are threo
flavors of the very choicest Ice
cream It is possible to produce.
Made from pure, rich croam and
flavored with pure fruit flavors.
Two sizes:
V Quart size, sufficient for six or
eight persons -40
Pint size, sufficient for three or
four persons 20c
For 10c or 15c extra wo will
deliver a barrel to your house by
1018-90 TABMAM ST.
Table d'Hote Dinner Today.
Price. BOc.
A Distinctiveness
from other styles la char
acteriatic of our
Shirt Waist Rings
The most popular of
which Is the coral, with
its beautiful soft shades
of pink. Unique and odd
cuttings are shown In
otlir stones, mounted In
rich gold effects.
Birth Stons Rings
for March In the attrac
tive Kloodstotie of a f".ee,
green color, interspersed
with red spots which re-s.-::iUle
kinall drops of
blood frou 12.00 up.
Albert Edholm
16h and IlavrneySt
W,r7N2-oiRnal'V!r-3n,s rce Keek
&M 3 il i Anas 0 ' Waller , m
AflUl'u CosH.eicd Attractive...
will remove hall' from uny part of the body
in i to 10 minutes leaving skin sort and
white no smarting or burning; 7ic per
bottle. My mail, nettled. $1. Circulars free.
Cor. 16th and Iodge, OmUia
owl mvo CO.
Cur Itih ut lUiuf.