Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Goodyear Rnincools "Rcltjn Supreme
Goodyear Raincoat Go's.
For Men, Women and Children
$20,000 Stock to-be Sold at 50c on the Dollar
Of Oinh
Today we open for the first time in Omalia at S. E. corner 16th and Davenport streets,
the greatest cravenette salo ever held in this grand town. Because our factories aro over
stocked and desiring to convert our surplus Btock into cash, we offer in this opening sale
these high grade water-proof garments at half their regular value. Our stock represents
'all that is new in 6tylo and fabric in water-proof garments. To buy a raincoat hero means
a saving of 50c on the dollar. As we are manufacturers selling our own make direct to
you we eliminate the retailer's profit.
We guarantee every purchase to be satisfactory or refund your money. Read the prices,
then come and examine the garments and you will agree with us that ours are the biggest
raincoat bargains in the city. n
Men's Raincoats
Men's $10.00 Raincoats Serviceable,
water-proof, well made, n
nicely trimmed Opening
Sale price Vf-r
Men's 915 Ituineoat Of good, domes
tic water-proof material good selec
tion of shades, cut full, 51
j -
as nice In clear weather,
Opening Sale price
Men's f 17JVO riaJncoats A selection of
water-proof garments that cannot bo
excelled your choice of a
big stock of various shades
and patterns, at
Men's 920.00 Raincoats Thoroughly
tailor made garments, of the newest
patterns and weaves. ThlB range is
made water-proof by the
famous "Cravenette" pro
cess Opening Sale price. .
920.OO Cravenettes A group of gar
ments that sell elsewhere at $25.00
are here for your selection
in an unlimited variety of
patterns and shades, at.
Women's Raincoats
f 10.00 Women's HaincontK Of domes
tic water-proof material serviceable
as they are stylish big
selection Opening Sale
Women's 915 Raincoats New models,
in all the popular shades and patterns,
considered good values at sTSO
$16.00 Opening Sale
Women's $17.50 Raincoats This lot
represents a splendid variety of new
styles and fabrics, etricti.v
hand tailored garments,
rare bargain-opening price
Women's 920 Cravcnettes Of imported
cravenette materials, copies of import
ed moaeis, a selection un
equalled by any other store
in town Opening Sale price
Women's 925 Cravenettes A group of
high grade garments of imported crave-
nette material, band tailored,
ami In thn .inn.... .4.tA 7V
tlons Opening Sale Price..
ed era
Women's' Silk
Coats $14.50
Our stock of silk rubberized Coats
for women, that, for beauty,
style and low prices, surpasses
any that have ever been shown
before. They represent the very
newest styles in loose-fitting
models, and suitable for automo
bile, opera or street wear. We
invite you to call and to examine
our offerings. You will be under
no obligations to buy in doing so.
Our range of prices for silk coata
represent half of their
actual value, and we
are selling them at. . . .
Raincoats lor
Little Folks
The very best values and biggest
stock of raincoats for boys and
misses aro offered In this sale.
Every garment is reliable and
perfect in every detail prices
are half the regular
figure we are sell
ing them as low as. .
fvlatl Orders Promptly Attended to When Accompanied by Check or Money Order
(Goodiosiip Msitmcoaitf Co
S. E. Corner loth and Davenport Streets.
New Loyal Hotel Building
of Mens
Cut-PfiGes On Typewriters
Never before was it possible to buy
ri- s typewriters at tne price we are onering
Do you want a typewriter lor your
office T
' Do you want one for your son or daughter?
Do you want one at home, to use evenings?
Don't allow anyone to work you into paying $100.00 for
a typewriter when you have the opportunity of selecting
from our 6tock.
Remington No. 2 $25.00
Remington No. 6 $35.00
Remington No. 6 $55.00
Remington No. 7 S45.00
Oliver No. 2 ) $25.00
Oliver No. 3 $32.50
Oliver No. 3 $50.00
Smith Premier No. 1 $25.00
Smith Premier No. 2 $40.00
Smith Premier No. 2 $50.00 -
Densmore No. 4 '.$22.50
Blickendorfer No. 5 $15.00
Blickendorfer No. 7 $25.00
Chicago $15.00
These machines are second hand but have been put in
condition to give satisfactory service.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Corner 15th and Harney
11 '
Have KAot Print It.
Quality Diamond, Albert Ed holm.
Coal $5 Coutant & Squires. Tel. D930.
aUnehart, photographer, 18th & Farnam.
Bowman, 117 N. 1G. Douglas shoes, 13.00.
Public aooountant-auditor, R. f. Swoboda,
Thorn W. Blackburn for congress Adv
Vole Culture If Interested, seeDtlmore
Spring Suit (35 to 50 Perfect fit.
MacCar thy-Wilson Tailoring Co., 304 8. 16th.
W always hare Rock Springs coal. Cen
tral Coal and Coka company of Omaha,
15th and Harney streets.
' Bspuclicaa Headquarters at the Bom
The republican state committee has en
gaged headquarters at the Rome hotel for
the convention next week. Over fifty
rooms already have been engaged at this
hostelry for the convention.
Bard Say for Vagrants Friday was a
hard day for vagrants In police court.
Judge Crawford distributed fifteen thirty
day sentences and four of ten days each.
The total sentences to the c-uunty jiil
amounted to a year and four months.
Qasolin Store Qt in its Work A
gasoline stove used for cooking In the frame
cottage, 622 North Fifteenth streot, set fire
to the will paper Friday morning anT did
damage amounting to 12 before it was ex
tinguished. The house Is occupied by
Charles W. Rogers.
Children Properly Cared for Officer
Carver of the probation office reports that
the two children of Mrs. George Carl In
the emergency hospital are not destitute
and without care, but are being properly
and safely cared for by Mrs. George Cleve
land, Sixth and Davenport streets.
New Collector About March 15 Ross V.
Hammond, new collector of Internal rev
enue for the Nebraska district, will enter
upon hi duties about March 15. Some
formalities relative to his bond have yet to
be completed, and It will take to that time
at least to conclude the formalities for tho
transfer of the office.
James Allan Still Improve a James
Allen la still making good progress toward
WE cordially invito
you to attend our
opening display
of Men's Spring Suits
We assure you that you will feel amply
repaid for the time it will take.
No doubt you would like to know what
the new spring styles are like, and to form
an opinion as to what you would like for
We invite you to satisfy your curiosity
in every particular. We want you to take
time enough to look through our immense
stock, to ask as many questions as you wish
and to try on as many garments as you
When you have seen our splendid dis
play of this spring's fashions, when you
have seen the new fabrics and have observ
ed the quality, when you have noted the
workmanship, neat patterns and handsome
colorings, you'll say you have never seen a
larger, better or more attractive display of
men's spring clothes.
Whether you wish to buy now, later on
or merely wish to see the goods WE WILL
r ii
t ' )'
I f .'r t i
I i . i - f j I
tfC I t
1 i
irsjai smiim sp w ;
Not by OMAHA BEE, but by sending EAST articles of
metal to be repaired and replated on which you are paying
express and freight charges. . - -
Betwetn Famam nd Ilarney. 314 So. 13th St.
Ilee Wan! Ads Produce Results
Take the
wheat bran.
Toughen it so it can be
entirely separated from the
wheat berry.
That's the Washburn-Crosby
special milling: process.
n That process frees
Gold Medal Flour
of every particle of indigestible
Made by
Crosby Co.
Sold by
scioiirt 1
.vrl, oi, josepns lioBpltal. Another
operation will be necessary, however, before
no is aoio to lrave the hospital. Tills op
eration. Dr. Schleler raysv frill be performed
in a week or ten days.-- "
Michaelson to Ta! at T. M. c. A.
City Electrician Mlchae'snn . will a
talk at the Young Men's Christian asswii
tlon Tuesday night on "What it Means to
no An I.lectrlcal Engineer." This is tlio
second of A series of life work talks glvon
under the direction of the educational de
partment. Patent Infringement Salt Arguments
on the motion for a decree In the infringe
ment of patent suit of the Aljop Process
company against Naylor & Gerrard. mill
ers, of Columbus, were made. In the United
States circuit court Friday morning before
Judge W. H. Munger. and the court took
the matter under advisement.
Promotion of Missions The annual
1 praise service of the Women's Missionary
society was neia In the First Presbyterian
church Friday afternoon. Rev. R. N.
Adams, D. D., field secretary of the Home
Mission Board, and P.ev. William H.
Kearns. D. D., Nebraska superintendent
of missions, spoke. Dr. E. II. Jenks had
charge of the devotional hour.
Ksw Pepnty United States Marshal
Arthur M. Bartlett of Cliadron has been
appointed and qualified as deputy United
States marshal for the Cliadron district to
succeed Earl Maihews. Mr. Bartlett s ter
ritory will compulse all of the northwestern
counties of the state, with headquarters
at Cliadron. The new deputy marshal Is
a ranchman living near Cliadron.
Delegate Homeward Bound There was
a noticeable hegira of the democratic faith
ful from the hotels Friday morning. Among
the first to leave was Colonel W. J. Bryan.
He was accompanied homeward to Lin
coln by R. II. Ingersoll of New York, the
watch man, who was the guest of Mr.
Bryan at the Paxton during the convention.
Meadow Grove
Holland, who
evening on the deserted fifth floor of the
United States National Bank bulldlns,
Twelfth and Farnam streets, where he
was knocking vigorously on all the doors
and calling his wife, whom he believed to
be hiding there, was discharged In police
court Friday. He live in Meadow Grove.
J. 4. Msrshon Bays Vsw S1U J. J. Mer
shon. pioprietor of the Boston Lunch coun
ter on Farnam street, has closed a deal for
the building at 1406 Douglas street and will
open a new restaurant to be conducted on
the same plan as the Farnam street coun
ter. The building belonged to Margaret
B. Burgess and has been occupied by a !
trunk factory for years. Mr. . Mershon
paid 118,000 for the property.
Twenty Dollars rino tot O. H. Bowman
C. H. Bowman of Ptrry, la., a conductor,
was fined S30 and costs In police roui t Fri
day. He was arrested by Emergency Offi
cer Morgan Thursday at OS South Seven
teenth strvet on complaint of a woman
with whom he had formerly lived. She
alleged in court that he had burst into
the room, flourished a revolver, and had
seised a shirt waist she was making and
put It into the store.'
Znanlrlsa on Cleaning BtrMta The mu
nicipal affair committee of the Commer
cial club 1 afcndlng out a large number of
letters to other cities to Inquire into the
cireet cleaning methods, wage paid sweep
ers, machine used and the results ob
tained. Wllh a special committee from
the Real Estate exchange the committee
will push an active campaign for reform
and Improvement In the strtC cleaning of
Omaha Xlks ts TUlt X. a trfdg Set
era! members of lbs Omaha lodge of El i
Including tba officers, propose attending
the meetuig of th Kansas City lodge Sat
urday evening. It being their Intention to
go to Kansas City Saturday morning. Nine
members of Omaha lodge are now living In
Kansas City, and they, together with T. F.
Baif and other member of tho lodge now
sojourning at Exeelsiur Spring, will meet
Citlasn Is Pro Robert
was arrested Wednesday
Missouri city. Just twenty years ago, j
Omaha lodge presenter to me
EJk a gold emblem valued at over 11,000,
and It hn since been one of their most
cherished possessions. A welcome, there
fore, rwaita tho Omaha Elks on their ar
rival In Kansas City.
Bestanrant Sues for 910,000 Dams
Charging the Joseph Schllta Brewing com
pany and Fred Vogle, Jr., through their
agent, with having ruined his restaurant
business by putting a skating rink In the
rooms above it. George W. Carman hat
begun suit In district court for $10,000 dam
ages. Carman rents a room at 617 North
Sixteenth street from the defendants. A
short time ago he says one) of the base
ment rooms was occupied for Immoral
purposes and he complained to the police.
The latter raided the place and ho asserts
tho owners of the building are now try
ing to force him out of the building. To
do this he says they put the skating rink
for colored people In Osthoff's hall above
his restaurant. Tho noise and confusion
resulting from It he says have driven all
his customer away.
To Die on the Scaffold
la painless, compared with the weak, lame
back kidney trouble causes. Electric Bit
ters Is tho remedy. 60c For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Sa so.
ras the Red br a Keck at the
Half Mile Tarn In the
The Young Woman's Christian associa
tion membership contest, "War of tha
Roses," at 6 p. m. Thursday, stood:
White Roecs, Dr. Nellie Watson, general,
114 points.
Red Roses, Ora Johnson, general, 107
The Red Roses managed the keep ahead
until noon, when one of the captains of the
White Rose side brought In a life member,
which brought them ahead. This seemel
to be the turning point, as the "Whites"
were In evidence the balance of the day.
Wlthnell Serves Wotlee for Fnblle
Balldlns; and Will Enforce
It br Law.
Serving tho last notice upon tha owners
of all buildings of a public character that
the outside ctaors must open outward. City
Building Inspector Wlthnell says that If
after a week the owners of these buildings
have not complied with the notice they
will be haled in police court and subjected
to fine for violation of the city ordinance.
Publto buildings are not the only ones
where the outside doors must open out
ward, but all stores, hotels, restaurants,
office buildings and business colleges come
under the provisions of the ordinance,
- i was passed some four or fiv years
go. f-' t-Pi- !
J. Ryder, deputy stat labor comml-
319 South 16th St.
Young Men's Clothes and Tic Shop
spring and
Summer Patterns
Now Ready
For Inspection
When you
the styles,
$18 $40
see the very
difference In
the absolute
good taste, the perfect fit.
to the form, the beauty of
the fabrics, all will Bhow
you why this store takes
the lead, and holds it, for
young men's clothes.
sloner, and Mr. Wlthnell are also after the
Good Shepherd's home. This Is a four
story building and there Is not a fire es
cape anywhere. Every window Is covered
with a strong wire screen and the doors
are not only locked, but padlocked as well.
Should a fire break out the loss of life, the
officials assert, would doubtless be great.
Tha nurses carry the keys to the padlocked
doors, but should one of them be lost the
door could not be opened, no matter what the
urgency. These officials will see to It that
fire escapes are placed at the windows of
the Good Shepherd home and that tho
wire bars at the windows are either re
moved or fastened with hinges S3 that a
person can escape from the windows If
necessary. The padlocked doors will also
be censured.
Bed Cross -I- Conga Drops.
keep the lungs clear, t cents per box.
Judge Estelle has returned from Papllllaii.
where he has been holding court. He will
hold court here until March 24, when ho
will return to Barpy county.
George A. Joslyn, who has been 111 at Ml
home with an attack of Indigestion since
last Saturday, Is improving slowly, but
surely. He Is aMe to take nourishment,
thougn still confined to his bed.
J. C Fentland. physical director tf the
Young' Men's Christian association. ha
returned from a ten days' trip to the Oa t
coast. While In the south Mr. Pentlund
visited the Young Men's Christian aasoc a
tlon at Fort Worth.
Shirts Ironed by
With tha ever-preaent wish to make The
Model Laundry all that the name Implies,
we have added a Hand Shirt Ironing Do
part ment.
While the Ironing process Is but on of
many through which a shirt must paa
In the course of laundering, It I by far tha
most Important, in the ordinary process of
ironing or pressing by machine, time IS an
important factor. In the hand process each
InuUloual article receives ths undivided
attention of the operator. The bosom must
have special and careful attention: the
neckband and the wristband or cuffs, if
there be cuffs attached, each In turn re
quire extra care. The hand process Is
tedious and requires much mors time, but
the hand-Ironed shirt will fit better, will
feel mure comfortable and will wear longer.
We intend to make this department a suc
cess by turning out only the h Urn est quality
or work. The kevnote of the department
will be not quantity, but quality of work
manshlp. It will be under the direct super
vision of an exptrt hand troner who has
made this part of the work a special study.
nd us a trial order; you will be pleased
with the result. The very small additional
cost of having your shirt Ironed by hand
will be more than balanced by the neat ap
pearance and Increased life of the shirt.
You can reach us by telephone, Douglas
or Independent A152K. E sure to notify
the driver, nr the offlc tht you wllh
your shirt ironed by band. Your truly,
Jos. Atnsoow K, M. aYobsrtsoa
Tel. Douglss 12S. 1U0 Dodge St. Ind.. A1S28.
What You Secure With Your Piano
In addition to furnishing pianos of the highest quality and at prices scarce
keening of such quality each piano sale carries with It the following:
,A Free Stool. ,
A Free St art.
One Year's Free Tuning.
One Year's Frve I'olishlng.
Three Month's Course of Music Lessons.
A Guarantee for Twenty Years.
$375 Cabinet Grand
In noting the following bargains (samples of ui any to be seen at our salesrooms) kindly remember
that all of the 'extras' enumerated above go with each and every Instrument Bold.
$350 Upright
Finished in French walnut, one of
the best raluos we hare to offer
at this tlrue in new pianos
special price for . C 17C
$400 Upright
A handsome Instrument, finished
in Flemish oak, never been used
and of beautiful tone, fully guar
anteed. sale price
for Saturday
By our liberal terms of tl.00 week you may have beautiful piano in your home at an expend!
ture of only 14 cents day. We InTlte you to call a t our salesrooms tomorrow.
A new instrument, finished la San
Domingo mahogany an unusual
bargain at the special 51 Q0
price for Saturday slU.
Schmoller & LluelSer Piano Co.
1311-1513 FARNAM ST.
itraxicbee Council
Bluffs, South Omaha,
Sioux City