Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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    TnE 0MA11A DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1008.
;;. craix, and produce market
I : Valuci Cradnaliy Work Lower, but
- ' , Ball. Hold Control
Whewt Orednallr Weaken After th
OwlI ( IlMTr Sell
ing; for Pre St on High
OMAHA. March 6, IV.
Grain valuta gradually worked lower, but
the situation Tlll remain bullish. Cable
were strong and showed good ton despite
the (lomnalli! setback.
WWt . gradually weakened after the
evening owing to the heavy selling for
profits en the high point. Receipt are
rapidly Increasing and thla ha Induced
some of the largest holder to put some of
their lines out. The situation remains bull
ish, however, and -values are expected to
liso. Mar nheat opened at Ko and cloned
st P4c
Corn started firm and advanced quickly
on heavy buying and strong cash market.
Demand la excellent and trading wa very
active. - May corn opened at 67c and closed
at a:v.
Oat were firm ajid steady, but dull,
showing" no action. Trading was at ,a
standstill and tbe cash market at a stand
still. May oat spaaed st 9o and closed
at .H".
Primary wheat receipts were 837,000 bu.
and shipments were 8i,0u0 bu., against re
ceipt last rear of Ml.OuO bu. and shipments
of V,(ajO bu.
Corn receipts were 825,000 bu. and ship
ments were Ml.ono bu., against receipts last
year, of 64,000 bu. and shipments of 623.0UO
bu. i .
.Clearances were U7,fl00 bu. of corn none
of oata and wheat and flour equal to 175,000
Liverpool closed Vd higher on wheat and
'.,d higher on. corn.
I-ooal range of prices:
. rtloles.l Open. High.) Low. Close. Yes y.
May.,. W
July.,. - 89 BP K) 89 89
rpt... S6H - SiH S&tt S64 86.
May... OT g7H ' 67 67H 67
July... (AS, . KH 66 6SH
. Sept.., tH 66Vi tb 66
May... ' 40, 4PH 41H 49, 4!S
Julv... 441 44 44 4 44V,
''Sept... 41 J4? M . Ufa
Oaanh Cask Prices.
'HEAT-No, hard, SfcSWHe: No. 8
Hard, WftrWrn: No. 4 hard, VXuKSc; No,
spring, 97cij4l'OL
CORN-No. t, 64SC5c; No. 4. MS4He;
No. t yellow, 6flo; No. 3 yellow, f6U(Ac;
No, 4 yellow, 66c; No. 8 white, MVtjo6c.
OATB-rNo. S mixed, 47H6'4Hc; No. 3 white,
4S1i1!4MK':-No. 4 white, 47flfl4e.
RYE No. B, t6HW7Hc: No. 8, 76ff78c.
Cat-let Reoetpts,
' Wheat. Corn. Oat.
Chicago i.. 88 416 216
Minneapolis 146
Omaha 19 23 S7
s luluth ' ............ 13
Feat area of the Trading; and Closing:
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, March . Wheat prices on the
local exchange declined more than 1 cent
today owing to renewed profit taking, but
nearly, all the loss was regained on covering
by short. At the close the May delivery
waa VtiO below yesterday's final quotation.
Corn Was Up c. Oats were 0 higher.
Provisions were 5tfil0c higher.
The wheat market . wa nervous the
greater part of the day and the volume of
trade was large. During the first half of
the hour the market ' wa Inclined
to be firm owing to liberal pur
chase by commission house. Pit
traders In general, however, were dls-
Joed to favor the Belling side of the mar
Let on the theory that a further decline waa
due In view of a probable increase In
primary receipt In the near future. A
1 forecast of continued liberal shipments
from Argentina also tended to weaken the
market. For the greater part of the last
half sentiment waa decidedly bearish and
prices, were forced down about lVfec from
. the high point. A sharp rally occurred Just
befre"the"losn" active covering, by
shorts and nearly all the loss was regained.
The close was firm. May opened VuHc to
HflVi. higher at Mtfc to 9So, advanced to
tt(99c and then declined to ObWUWVio.
The close-waa at WS'llc. "
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to 175,0(10 bushel. Primary receipts were
337.000 bushels, compared with 641.0)0 bushels
th corresponding day a year ago. Minne
apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of 194 cars, against 199 cars last
week and 429 ears a year ago.
Tl e corn market was strong all day, being
Influenced chiefly by unsettled weather in
' the corn belt, which will probably Interfere
with the movement of the crop. Commis
sion houses and bull leaders were active
bidders all day and although at times there
was considerable profit taking, sdequate
offerings were hard to find. The close was
firm. May opened 14,60 to H44s higher
at 63o to 63o, sold at 62c and then ad
vanced to (UVo. The close was at 63v
Mc. Local receipts were 41S cars, with
one of contract grade.
There was only a small trade In oat and
the market In general' a trifle easier. Con
tinued liberal receipts had a depressing ef
fect. May opened So higher at U4o, sold
between 63c and 6.l,iSfiilo and closed at
L3o. Local receipts were 218 cars.
Provisions were firm on buying by shorts.
Th principal feature was buying by some
of the larger packers. At the cluso May
pork wss up 10c at $11.924 Lard waa up
la at t7.7S, ribs were 7 Wo higher at tti.70.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
24 cars; corn, 7 cars; oats, 242 cars; hogs,
HS'M head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open.j Hlgh.j Low. Close. Ye y.
May July
May 95 :93fr H WtyfjWI Mi,
' S3t
93 901 91 VI H
. 2 3Mi?!g241Si
JH! " 60S
U (T!H
12 174
7 70
7 9?H
6 fi?U.
6 924
SI SI !"'' 61S1 61
fH,;45Hf4 4P" 4S',
43l 43 43 . 43
11 PR
ir 88
13 17H
11 S2J
12 17H!
1Z H
12 80
T 7S
T 70
7 90
7 83Hl
T 87
5 o -j
tn l
7 05 I
6 90
7 97H
6 70
7 00
V ,
No. A. aOJd. bNew.
Cash quotations were as follows:
riOl'H Steady: spring patent, JSO.'W
90; spring straights. H.20S4 bakers. t3 70
4.26; winter patents, ft.SUcj-l; winter
straights. 14 KH84.46.
WHEAT No. t spring, 11.10471. 14 : No. 3
spring, ll.0Otff.18; No. 3 red. 97VrSc,
tMHN No. a, 61f61,c: No. 3 yellow. 2H
OAT9 No. 3, 6JM&3V:; No. 3 white, SWTf
hve-no. a, rj.
HARIJ!Y Kalr to choice malting, KSSc.
BlitUi Flgx, No. 1 northwestern, $1.14.
Prime tlnu.thy, 34.75. Clover, contract
grails. 196ii.
PHOVISIONS- Short ribs, tides (loose).
$S 1(.W. Mee pork, per bbl.. Ill Il.TtV
, I4irv, 1,1., hs., Qiiurt nmr siae
(b91?.. 8 6u(iia.T&, 1 ' i
Following were th receipt and ship
munts of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls. 47.0X) 31.000
Wheat, bu 18.200 119 7H0
Cora, bu , SM.'t') Mini
Oats, bu 47l.oiin 2.UM0
Rye bu lrt.Oiio
Rsrley, bu 4OJ0 4x100
On the Produce exchange today th but
ter market was Weak; creameries, ZKftoSx;
. dairies, sirfiOV;. Rtrga, firm; at mark, cajses
Included, Is4ii19c; firsts. U4c; prime first
it 4c; extras, c. Cheese, steudy, 124t14o.
Mlasieapolta Grata Market.
No. 1 hard. ll.UVi; No. 1 northern, fl.liS;
No. 3 northern, 81.uS; No. 3 northern,
, U.lBOa; May. $!.(! 1.0CS; July. 31.06'i.
PICAN Mnn; In bulk. U0.76il 00.
f'Lol'R Cnchanged; flrt patents, 35.464?
lm; second patents. IS. ii.. 16 So, first clears,
Hiw4 66. second dears. t3.6O14j3.tkX
Jtfllwaakee Urmia Market.
No. 1 northern. Illv() 14; No. I
Vrtl,em, n.111.12: May. c. bid.
UAKLEt-ioJy; No. 3, l&c; sample,
ccjKN rirm; No. 3 cash, 6Jff)c; May,
(3c. bid,
Llverol Grala s4 PrvlalAaa.
LlVtlMPOOL. March . WHE.IT-pot.
' firm; No. 3 lod Weern winter, 7s VJ,
futures, steady; March. 7s 5Sd; May, 7s 4d;
July. 7s 6Sd.
0)RN bot, quiet; prime mixed Amer
ican, new, 6e lVu. prime mixed American,
old, (s 41; futures, quiet; Msruli. ss Id,
May. 6
Qao4atloas sf the Dsr oai Tarlows
ceipts, 43,4 bbls. ; exports. 6,X Mar
ket quiet and steely; Minnesota pat
ents. l6 2.ViiC.75; winter straights, M.4M1H.70;
winter extras, Et.KVtj4.26; winter low rradoa,
33 rv,M.lS; Minnesota bakers, I4.& i 1;
winter patents, 34 "'y.00;. Rye flour steady;
fnlr to good, t4.sVii4 ; choice to fancy. 15.00
iio.X. lluckwheat flour steady. 13.00.
CottNMIiAL Steady : fine white and yel
low. I1.4f.ul.&0; coarse, ll.O'tfl M; kiln dried.
33 ZV53.36.
R YK Dull; No. 1 western, 90o, f. o. b.
New York.
WHEAT Receipt, IM.Ono bu.; export,
bti.! spot market steady; No. 3 red,
$1 o, elevator; No. 3 red, 11.04V f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 11.191. f. o.
b., afloat; No. 3 hard winter, l.lrtV4v. t. o.
b , afloat. Unsettled condition prevailed In
wheat all day and after mldrtny prloes
weakened sharply under a bear raid. A fair
export and mllllrig trade was reported at
the west and finally the local market ral
lied and on covering closed He net lower.
May, 3i.fl6Tt,igil.07, closed at 31.06 7-16; July,
1.01(&l or4. closed, 31.014,
CORN Receipts, 7.625 bu.: exports, 17.446
bu.; spot market steady; No. 3, 71C, ele
vator, and 644c, f. o. h., afloat;
No. 3 white and No. 3 yellow.
65o, f. o. b., afloat. Option market waa
without transactions, closing partly So
higher, as follows: May, 724c; July, 704c,
OATS Receipts, 103,600 bu.; spot market
steady; mixed, 26 to 32 pounds, 67c; natural
white, 26 to 32 pounds, 640; clipped
white, 82 to 40 pounds, 80&ro.
HAT Active and firm; good to cliolos,
FliED Firm; spring bran, $27.00; mid
dlings. 326 76, city 127.00.
HOPS- Dull: state, common to good,
1907 crop, 14o; 1906 crop, 4e; Pa
cific coast, 107 crop, 6 8c; 1996 crop,
4 & Be.
HIDES Easy ; Bogotta, 174o ; Central
American, 17c. -
PROVISIONS-Reef, steady; family, 314.60
616.00; mess, 1 11.00 11.60; oeef hams,
126 004 27.00; packet, H 00012.60; city
extra India mess. $21.00022.00. Cut
meats, steady: pickled bellies 17 26
$4.00; plckU-d hams, tsOO. Lard, steady;
western prime, 17.00; refined, qulot;
continent, Is. 15- South America, 38.76: com
pound, 36.8"4i.124. Pork, steady: family,
$16G16 0f; short clears, $14.75(15. 75 mess,
$14 OOiij 14.60.
TALLOW Weak; city, 640; country. &3
EOOS Firm; state Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white, 2X&'c; good
to choice, XitpZic; brown and mixed fancy,
24fS26c; firsts, 2?24e; western and south
ern firsts. 234c; seconds, 224CK3c.
POULTRY Alive steady; fowls, 14c;
turkeys, 14c; dressed steady; turkeys, 1&
13c; western fowls, 103134c.
Rain or Know Friday and Temper
tore A boot the Same,
OMAHA, March B, 1908.
The area of low pressure over the south
west has deepened during the lost twenty
four hours, and Is slowly extending east
ward over th central valleys. Oenerally
unsettled weather prevails throughout the
country, Pnow are falling In the extreme
upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and
northwest, nd rains are general from the
middle Rocky mountain slope east across
the country to the Ohio valley. Tempera
tures are higher In the lake region, Ohio
and Mississippi valleys, and lower through
out the upper Missouri valley and In the
mountains and southwest. The weather
will continue unsettled, with rain or snow,
In this vicinity tonight and Friday, with
not much change in temperature.
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
19)8. 1907. 1906. 1905.
Minimum temperature.... S3 80 22 84
Precipitation 01 .00 .08 .00
Normal temperature for today, 80 degress.
Deficiency In precipitation since March
L .06 of an inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1907,
.13 of an Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1906,
.11 of an Inch.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
St. I-onls General Market.
ST. LOUI8, March 6. WHEAT Lower;
No. I red. cash, $1.0&S1.06; No. 3 hard, $1.02
i-l.06; My, $t.U; July, SOfcsOSc
CORN Higher; track, No. $ cash, 624c;
No. 3 white, 624c; May, 604c; July, 6k.Vo
694c. , ,
OATS Higher ; track. No. I cagh, 614c;
No. 2 white, 634c; May, 614c '
RYE Scarce, 84c
FLOUR Quiet; red Winter patents,
I4.65'U4.!5; extra fancy and straight,
14.204.60: clears, $3.663.86.
SEKD Timothy; steady; 33.7R5H.85.
CORNMEAL Steady; $2.90.
KHAN Higher; sacked, east track, $1.17
HAY Firm; timothy, $10.0015.Sf;
prairie, $10. 00 w 13.00.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing,
$12.00. Lard, higher; prima steam, $7. 114
47.27 4. Dry salt meats, steady; boxeu,
extra shorts. $7.00; clear ribs $6,87 4;
short clears, $7.25. Racon, steady; boxed,
extra snorts, $7 76; clear rlba, $7,82 4;
short clears. $8.26.
POULTRY Firm: chickens, 104c; springs,
14o; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 11c; geese, 64&'i0.
HUTTER Weak; creamery, 244j01c.
EOOft Weak, 17c, case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 7,000 8,000
Wheat, bu 64,004 74.000
Corn, bu 23 000 47,000
Oata, bu 66.00 64,000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, Mar. 6.-WHEAT-Un-changed;
May, iHo; July. B7V; No. 2 cash,
hard, 9toii1.01; No. 8. 7fe494c; No. 2 red,
$1.02; No. 8. 31.00iBl.O14
CORN 4Blo higher; May, 674c; July.
6Sc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 6"4c; No. 3 mixed,
674c: No. 2 white, 674tf674ic; No. 8, 674c.
OATS Higher; No. 2 white, 604Q3c; No.
2 mixed. 4K.i60c.
HAY Stead; choice timothy, $11.00012.00;
cholcepralrle, 38.750b9.6O.
UUTTER Eusy ; creamery, 80c; packing
stock. 18c.
EiOS Steady ; fresh extras, 18c; current
receipts, 164c.
Receipts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu 47,000 88.000
Corn, bu ;..106.000 15, 000
Oats, bu 7,000 3,000
Options at Kansas City:
Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.
May 96 W4 8 95H
July 87 14 7 87S
May Bff 6T4 6V 67
July 60S 67 6t 66
Philadelphia Prod ace Market.
Quiet, but steady; extra western creamery,
82c: extra nearby prints, 34c.
EOOS Firm: good demand: Pennsylvania
and other nearby firsts. 22c. at mark; firsts,
current receipts, returnable cases, Jlo, st
mark; firsts, western, choice, 22c, at mark;
western, fair to good, lH-rfile, at mark.
CHEESE Firm ; good demand; New York
full creams, choice, 15x5r1(lc; New fork
full creams, fair to good, 16SI64c.
Peoria Grata Market.
PEORIA. 111.. March 6. CORN Higher;
No. 8. yellow, 61&C2c; No. 3. 6a 4c; No. 4,
OATS Higher: No. $ white, M-f?fl44c; No.
3 white. SiuClV; No. 4 white, 60&14c
Toledo Heed Market.
TOLETX1, March 6. -SEEDS Clover, cash,
$1170; Marc-h. 111.60; April. $1140; October.
o Timothy, prime, f-'.SS. Alslke, prime,
Duluth Grain Market.
DULUTH. March 5-WHEAT-No. 1
northern. $1.0('; No. 2 northern, $1.06S:
May. $107; July, $1.08.
Coffee Market.
ket for futures opened steady today. Fu
tures closed unchanged to a decline of 6
points, which was about In line wtth cables.
Trading was little more active thsn re
cently and there waa some selling owing t
a smaller deorttase In the world's vis ble
supply for the month than expected, and
closed inactive at a decline of 6 poiits.
Bales were reported of ls,i'0 bags. Includ
ing March at 6. a&jft 90c ; May, 6 '.j6 &6e;
July, 8 00c; September, 6 0'U'l.lO; Decem
ber, 6Soc. Spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio,
6 J-loo: No. 4 Santos. So. Mild coffee,
dull; Cordova, 10VJli.c.
agar ana Molasses.
NEW YORK. March 4.-BUQA R-Raw.
firm; fair refining. 3 89c; centrifugal, 06
test. l.6o; molasitea sugar, 3 lie; refined,
steady; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 6.c
granulated, 4.9uu
Professional Operation in Market
Are on Larger Scale.
Plactnallono Are Jl arrow and After
Midday Trading; la Light
Final VsJaea llrair Little
Change. .
NEW YORK. March a. Trnfesslonsl oner
atlons In the market were on a larger
scale than recently during th early hours
of the day's session at the Mock exchangn.
Discouragement then overcame the trader
again st the small response attracted by
their efforts, and shortly after midday the
Mm,. unit ipwunp; nibCK into us leinargy.
The price fluctuations were narrow and the
hull, i,f th. .4 ' m 1 . . n -
transacted at prices higher than the closing
last night.
Traders were Inclined to operate on the
long side of the market, because of the
scanty supply of floating stock In the
market available for overcoming short con
tracts. Added to this negative attraction
of the long side were several developments
In the news which was Interpreted as
hopeful of Improvement In business condi
tions. The two leading organs of the Iron
- 1 " uicmi 111 1110 opinion inai a
slight and slow Improvement Is occurring
In tVlOt Inn.l n. .1 I . -111., w .
.,,,,ui.,jr nnn 113 ninei lrnncnea.
The maintenance of the dividend on Amcr- P.. . . 1 1 1 .
...... . noil ine snowing OI n sur
plus over the dividend requirement In spite
Of lha fn 111ns n. 1 ... i
,.a ,,,, ,,, mrninKfl wns a
contributory Influence In the feeling of
confidence regarding the Iron outlook. A
modifying Influence was the report of some
shading of the prices of Iron In different
markets and uncertainty over future prices.
The stock market element had thrown off,
to some extent, the fright of yesterday over
the Hepburn bill to tax stock transfers.
Assertions that this plan was to have
administration support brought out a cita
tion from President Roosevelt's last mes
sage to congTHH. which was given general
circulation about the stock exchange, in
which he said:
'lTh great bulk of the business trans
acted on the exchange Is not only logltl
rn ate, but necessary, and extreme care will
have to be taken not to Interfere with this
business In doing away with the bucket
shop type of operation"
This qnotatlon afforded some comfort to
the disturbed minds of the brokers. Tha
reduction In the Bank of England offi
cial discount rate had sll8ht effoct Rtoroad
or here. The accumulation of banking re
serves in foreign centers and In this coun-
SJJ? V',T,.,f"1 " nvlnff the common
cause of declining trade sctlvlty, and evi
dence of Increasing money supplies, for
this reason, Is accepted with mixed sentl
the " wy the collateral
fA CI !L ?t th,e fnomlos by the railroads
i ,.th" decJ,n ln earnings come In for
fTi,UlaTlon' in the "TKirt of a 'reduction
rallrodffcK?11 of the P'nnrlvanl
JanlSii "iK2'1'.0"?. compared with last
ll J5.' Tne curt-llment of buying power
consumers of commodities from
,rat retrenchment Is obvious. An
tai.. .8' new8 thHt vft gratifica
tion was tha decrease In surplus of freight
tSZciZtTH bV AmeHc4,n Railway
assation the nutnr reported on Febru
WW o. r ," fo 'T'""' compared with
ifei ? "eemed to show the Improvement
h7iJ,pclBll,fd ,n POa' traffic and In
reduo7hfe,Tn '."v," ml?m tate"' Another
Wal mete ".VhK- PrlC8 f fOI,P"r at n
lnfh "change proved a depressing
inrnience on the coppers. News of an i
Portent bank failure In Rio Janeiro had
a dampening effoct on such life as the
memetenSHWw3-.. Jh,? uncertain move-
nniht,'.PnprTce,.W,th "tUe ChanS0 ,rom la8t
vaVraT'.'.1 0Ttal salos, par
H per eenf-oTcan"' 8tateS 88 dec,1"ed
wNremab.erfoilow.T" an1 uotatln "
A4ma Exprsai
Amalgamated Cooper .!!!!
Am. o. P.....
Am. C. P. pfd....
Am. Cotton Oil
Ajb. Cotton Oil pfd
Amarlcan Eiprew
Am. H AL. pfd .
Am. Us Bxcurltlet
Am. Llnaeed Oil
Am. Llnaeed oil jtd....
Am. Locomotive
Am. LocomottTs pfd.....'
Am. . H...
Am. S. 4k K. pfd
Am. Buitar Refining
Am. Tobaoeo pid ctfs
Anaconda Mining Co.
Atchiaon pfd
Atlantlo Ooaat Lln,..'.."i
Baltlmor A Ohio
Bal. ft Ohio pfd '.
Brooklyn Kaptd Tr
Canadian Pacific '
Central of Now Jerae,....
Cbeaapeali ft Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
Chicago ft N. w. !
C. M. ft St. P
Chicago T. ft T
Chicago T. ft T. pfil
C C, C. ft St. U..7.
Colorado P. ft I
Colorado ft 80
Colo, ft Bo. pfd '
Colo, ft So. H pfd
Conaolldated Uaa
Corn Product!
Corn Producta pfd
Daktwara ft Hudson
Del., U ft W .
tenTer ft Rio Grand
D. ft R. 0. pfd
Dlatlllera' Securities
Brie .
Krle Irt pfd I"".
fcrle Id pfd
General Electrto
llllnola Contra!
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd ..
Iowa Central
Iowa Central pfd ,..
Kanaaa City 80
K. c. 80. pfd
Loul.Tllie ft n
Mexican Central
Minn, ft St. L
M., 8L P. ft S. S. H.
M., St. P. ft n. a. M. pfg
Mlarmrl PaclBo
M., K. ft T
M.. K. ft T. pfd
National Lead
N. R. R, ot M. pfd
New York Central
N. Y O. ft W
Norfolk ft W
N. ft W. pfd
North American ,
Paclfli. w.ti
Sslea. Illtb. low. Clo.
.... 177
4S 0Vi
tS W
ns i
26S 2
14Vi 16 S
17 H
US -l
1S 1S
115 . 115
7H 71
s s
7 7S
4S 40S
143S 143S
15 , IN)
17 ii
4 4
143 143
UoS li"S
..... 14
..... s
1S 1HS
13 U1S
M l4
4U 41
. 17S
lrrs 148
40S 40
us :6
1S 17
lift lit
67 67 s
S 21S
ws es
US lis
is u
f9 K"
174 17V,
2"S 23
n va
US s
18 It
48 48
47i 47
5 In
S f
fS 6S
?S 42S
:s is
113 HIS
74 76S
l&S 1S
( 44S
S s
It lUvv
KS t
u us
112S 112
..... n
IS 18
t H-s
2 KiS
..... iss
40 41
4S eO
in it2
17 1M
42S 42
11S 11S
11 US
is In fair
87 v.
,. . ..
6UU Tli
HO 10S
mo n
4 414
l.)0 144
People Uaa
C, C. ft St. L....
Preaeed Stoel Car
Prnaaed 8. C. pid
Pullman Palace Car....
Roadlng let pfd
Reading 24 pfd
kepubllo Steel
Republlo Steel pfd
Hock I land Co
hockjeland Co. pfd ...
Bt. U ft 8. P. id pid..
St. Loula . W
St. L. 8. W. pfd
Southern Paclflo
So. Paclflo ptd
80. Railway
So. Rallwar pfd
Texaa ft PaolOo
T.. St. L. ft W
T , St. L. ft W. pfd...
I'ntoo Pacific
I'olm Pacific pfd
V. 8. Kapreae
V. 8. Realtr. offered....
IT. g. Huhher ,
V. 8. Rubber pfd.....
V. 8. Bteel
t'. 8. Steel ptd .
Va. -Carolina Cnernlcal .
Va. -Carolina Cbem. pfd
Wahamh nfa
. . 114
T4.1U0 17
' H0 ajt.
100 IS
Wella-Pargo Bipraee ...
vt iiDgaoue gteulrlc
Weatwrn t'ntoa
W heelltil ft Im. E
41 S
Wlacoosla Central
Wla. Central pfd
Northm Pacific
Centn.1 Lath
10. 100 ii ja
Central Lrtrver pfd
Bloaa-Sheffield Steel ...
Great Northern pfd
Interborougb Met.
lut. Mel. pfd...
Toul aalra for the dari' Wouo ibarea.
Porelga Flnaaelal. ,
today. Discount were easy. On the Stock
exchange the reduction In the Hank of
England rate of discount created cheer
ful nee, but It did not hring Increased
business. Consols improved ,, hut later
dropped from lark of support. Home rails
arpear to have derived the moet benefit
of tne Investment orders on a market bare
of stock, causing good advancements In
these securities. Foreigners scarcely moved
but diamond shares and copper shares were
iueTn:e,n securities aerivcfi no en
couragement from Wall Mreet and In th
forenoon they moved lugglshly around
parity. United States Bte and th Hani
man stocks were the only Issues that re
ceived attention. Later th New Tork
opening strengthened th whole list. Iul
neas, however, was not brisk and tha final
tone waa quietly firm.
PARIS March ..-There was an Im
prove.! tendency on th Hours today.
liEHUN, MarcU .-Tradlna: 00 th
IVmrsa today waa Quiet and price were
firm. American securities rose on advice
irom new 1 org.
New Terk inemey Market.
u-antil: PAl'FK-M--1 per cent.
HTKHUMI ICVIIl A V11 IT Tl.avv wllh
actual business In hankers' bills at U lcVv,Ji
4.m&i for demand and at $4.a(;4.MHft for
sixty-oay 0111s; commercial bills, 4M.
SILVtiV-Bar, 6ic; Mexican dollars.
HONTS3 Oovetn merit, easy; railroad, Ir-
MONFTT On call, easy at lf per cent:
ruling rate, I per cent; eloeing bid, l"i
per cent: offered at t per cent. Time loan
steady- sixty days, v.CT per rent; ninety
days, 6t per cent; six months. tSW'i
per cent.
rioting quotations on New Tork bonds
were as inuows:
V. 8. rf. la, reg... 104 Hork. Val. 4H....lot
o eoopon .1'4HL. N. unl. 4 S
C. B. In, rg im anian. e. s. 4 H
do coupon 101 Mcx. Central 4a. 1
v. o. uww ib, r....iu eo in inc in
do coupon ..IMS ""Minn. A St. t 4s.. 81
Am. T-bacoo 4 41 M . K. ft T. 4s M
o ...101s do tt T7S
Atchlaon gen. 4 SMt N. R. R. of M. c. 4s 77s
"do adj. 4a M N. Y. C. g. IS IS
Atlantic C. U 4e SO eN. j c, g s, njK
Bal. ft Ohio 4 HXK'o, Pacific 4 loo
4" IS M do 7"S
oniiiri n. 1. c. vw iv -i w. c. 4e Ft
Central of Oa. (.... O. g. L. rtde. 4a...
do let Inc to Pima. cr. Is .1S
do Id InC 44 Readlne en 4a . M
do Id inc 16 at. L. ft I. M. c ta..l4S
vo. tc iisu e-a.... l -Wl. u a. r. tg. 4 st
"Chicago ft A. IS.. i "St. L. 8. W. e. 4a.. tO
C, B. A a B. 4.... t3S Roaboerd A. L. 4.. 144
C, R. L ft P. 4..... MSi. Pacific 4a....' 14
do col. 6a. ? do lrt 4a ctfa nu
vxv. oi. u. a- " -r-i rtaiiway ea 3
Vlo. Ind. 6a, aer. A. 41 Texat ft P. la 1n4
Cole. Mid. 4a 60 T. Bt. L. ft W. 4.. S
win oc oft ae...... iw, vnion racmc 4t
Cuba 6a 100T, do t. 4s tas
I), ft R. O. 4a 1 r. 8. Bteel Id la U.S
Dlntlllera' Sec 6a... rT Wabaah la injii
Erie p. I. 4a 62S do db. B 17
do gen. 4s MS Wentnrn Md. 4a M
Japan 4 TTS W ft u R. 4a is
-" '"in n nu. central 4a S)
do Id aerie 85
Bid. Oflere.
Baatoa Stocks and Dob
ROSTON. March B. Call loans,
cent; time loans, t'n pep cent,
closing on stocks and bonds:
trtH per
Atchlaoa adj. A.
. 84 V. 8. Steel....
.. M do pfd
i. H Alloliei
. 48 Amalgamated ,
. H3S Atlantlo
.108 Bingham
.131 CSI. ft Heel.,
.lit Centennial
,lJil CVipper Rang
. 17S ISIr Weet ...
do 4s ,
Mex. Central 4a...
do pfd
Boaton ft Albany.
Boat on ft Maine..
Borton BleTated .
Pltcbbnrs pfd ....
, 60
Mexican Central
N. Y., N. H.
Union Pacific
ft H...UJ Franklin
172 Oranbr
Amer. Arge. Chem.
1 Isle Rnrale ...
i 1S
do pfd
Am. Pneu. Tub.
Amer. Sugar .....
do pfd
Am. T. T....
Am. Woolen
do pfd
Dominion I. ft 8.
Bdlson Klee. Ilia.
Oeneral electric
Maaa. Electrto ...
do pfd
Maaa. Oas
I'nlted rult
United 8. M....
do pfd
. to Mass. Mining .
. 4SMIchlran
.I16S Mohawk
IMS Old Dominion
.KWS Osceola
. IS Parrot
. 7P-S Qulncy
. 15 t Shannon
. Tamarack
IS t'nlted Copper .
. 4JSU. 8. Mining..
. 61S U. 8. Oil
.116S t'uh
. 42 Victoria
. Winona
. lsWolrcrine
i 2
..... 17 S
London Stock Qaotatlon.
IiDKDOK Mawh , r-laln. ...n,i
... .. . - u i 1 1 n I1UUIUUUIIB
on stocks were as follows:
oroeols. money . . . . . 87 M., K. ft T ... 1S
do account I7S N. Y. Central 7s
Anaconda Norfolk ft W (S1J,
nicnison i"S ao pfd S3
do pfd SOntarl ft W at
Baltimore A Ohio.... 82 Pennsylvania MS
Canadian Pacific H7S Rand Mine 6
Cheeapeaka ft Ohio... 27 Reading 4M4
Chicago Ot. W 4 Sonthern Railway ... V
C. M. ft St. P 11JS do pfd 2!S
DePe-rs 11 Southern Paclflo TP,
Denver A R. 0 16 Union Pacific lls
do pfd - 4 do pfd 8.1
E'l 1?U. 8. Bteel 30
do 1st pfd J do pfd B64.
do Id pfd. 10 Wabash j
Orand Tmnk 14 do pfd 14
llllnola Central 121S Spanish 4a M
Louisville A N A met. Copper 62S
SILVKR-ftar. quiet at 26 7-lGd per ounce.
' MONEY 8H Pr cent.
The mla nf rtlecnnnt M ks
for short bills Is , 3VW('3 J-18 per cent; for
iiiree muntna Dins, syii1 per cent.
Bfevr York Mining Stocks.
NEW TORK, March Closing quota
tions on mining stock were:
Adams Coa t Little Chief
Alice 17 Otiiarlo 270
Brunswick Coo. lAOpeir. , mo
Breeze It Pi-toel , (
Comstock Ttinnel .... M Batrage 44
Con. . Cel. ft v.'j... 6 Sierra Nevada. .1 ..
Hor Silver 90 inaJI Hope g
Iron 8llvr 180 Standard 14a
Leadvllle Con 1
Kngllsh Dlseoant Itednced.
IjONDON, March 5. Owing to the Im
provement. In monetary conditions, the di
rectors of the Rank of Rngland today re
duced the discount rate from 4 to 3Hi per
The announcement hkd' little effect on
the market, where buying still is most
meager. Consuls hardened H. but In othor
directions became firmer, with barely a
perceptible change In prices.
Treary Statement.
WASHINGTON, March i. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $130,000,000 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
tw7.2a.ftOO; gold coin and bullion, S22.&X,3t4:
gold certificates, .Tr,SlK,3S0.
Hsnk Clearings.
OMAHA. Mnrch 6. Bank clearings for
today were $2,583,742.91 and for the corre
sponding date last year $2,396,110.06.
Metal Market.
Th.r. Wl, a . , n , ..,... i n .1 ,
. .......v . . ,.mi.,uii in uih nun
don tin market today, with apot closing
i aido on anu luiurot ai ioi lba. L,o
cally the market was lower in conse
quence, with quotations ranging from
$2!.60iS 30.GO. Copper was higher In Lon
don, with spot quoted at 67 6s 2d and
futures at 37 12s 6d. Locally the mar
ket was weak snd prices were a little
Inwpr in .nit. nf V, ,n.
' -.. -k. fc., iri,rni Itlin Ul a
steadier situation. Lake was quoted at
1 7x m i..DUi electrolytic, 112. b(a
12.37H; casting. $12.12 H e 12.25. Lead
was 2h 6d higher, at 13 IBs in London.
Locally the market was dull and un
changed, at $3. 663. 76. Spelter vivi
lower, 20 17s 81 In the London market,
but remained dull and unchanged at $4. 65
4..S In the locai market. Iron was
lower in the British market, with stnud
ard foundry quoted at 4'Ja 3d and Cleve
land warrants at &0 7H;d. Locally no
change was reported: No. 1 foundry
northern. $1S.26i&'18.75; No. t foundry'
northern, 17.754j 18.25; No. 1 southern
:?Vie,an'J No' 1 uthcrn foundry soft.
. - - ' . . . nil. t r I .O LlDHU
weak. $3,60. Fpirfter. weak. $5.60.
Cotton Market.
NEW TORK. March o.-COTTON-Pu-tures
opened steadv; March, lOinO 70c
May. 10.e; July. 10.66c; October, 10c- De
cemlier, 10c.
Futures closed steadv. Oostng bids
March, 106Jc; April, l0g?C; May 1074c
June. 10.6K-; July. 10.4!k-; Auguat. lo!31c:
October, 9H0c; Lecember, 9.Hc.
Hpot closed quiet at 10 points' lowr; mid
dling ui!ands. U.d&c; middling gulf 11 Snc
Sales. 26 bales. ' li"K-
f,1!",' tedf t,i-1. ,ow- Middling
11 6-lftO. aSH lta 1 ftVt Ikfl1aal j -71
bales to arrive.
baits; shipments. S bales; stock, 23,130 bales.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
VWW VnUW Mnmh S cir..n.
API'LES-Market Is practically nominal In
th absence of business. Fancy are quoted
at lOVic; choice. M,'uV: prime. 7c; Can a.
dian prime, 7,ij;,o; common to fair, tiTTc
with quotatlrns ranging frtHn 4Vc to ISo
for California fruit and from fiVjc to 10c for
Oregon. Apricot are l'ilblng Cemand. whh
choice quoted at lSVuSc; extra choice 22
iftfart- rani.. 1 1.,, l, .1 . . . '. -
7.L.' . -njiietj are aun, Dut
with weak tock pretty well cleaned uo
lUliTo; extra choice, lltcllc; fancy KL
'; extra fancy 13m14c. Halslne are eauy
with loose muscatel quoted at tVVuc- sei-dml
raiiilus, 6l&oHc; London layers, ll.U64i4.75.
Wool Market.
TJnfirrvnc u.mi, k . , t . ...
- . -. . . . . . . ... . . i. w. , , , n r u Detter
VAMllnB- Tirul'Q I u ln .V,. I 1 I
V.i. ... ... iuiW wuui rnargel,
although prices In all lines are still weak.
.... ...,....... ... winji mnis nas nai
uh,iicuuii i ioii upon ciotning wools
but the closing out of tha clothing etucks
Is nearly finished and an Improvement Is
ST. I)LI8. March i.-WOOL-Dull; me
dium grade, combing and clothing, SOW
Zi'V; light fine. ltf-jlc; heavy fine. 15
Uc; tub-wahed, 26(33c.
leas City Lira Stoek Market.
SlOirX C1TT. March S. (Special Tele
gram.) HOUS Receipts, l.flno head; mar
ket steady, selling at H.Ojhj-4.35; bulk, $415
J4 80.
CATTLE Receipts. tt) head; market
steady; slockers slow; beevi,s, $4-diS 60
cows and heifers. $2.75f'14.i); stocker nd
feewter. $i lj-t. ifc, calva and yswrllng
Light Receipt of Cattle, with Price.
Steady to Ten Higher.
Desirable Hoars Almost Bring WeJaese
day's Figures, bat Market
Waa Shaded Skeep
Move Well.
SOUTH OMAHA. March 8. V.
ncrefpts were: Cattle. Hogs. 8hop.
Offlclar Monday 3.IP.4 8.5o4 6.0"!
Official Tuesday o.y:i 2.127 1.437
Official Wednesday S.K2 14.4M
Kstlmate Thursday 2,900 ,5tO 40
Kour rlavs this wtek.14 310 62.5M 17.69
Same days last wrek...,17.1M 42.P44
Sme days 2 weeks ago.. 14.743 31. 27 18.3HO
Same days 3 weeks 46. m 17.04H
fiame days 4 weeks ag..lS.S!7 So. 214 2.13
Sam days last year 1H.S19 26.5U9 81.2.7
The following tnble show the recelrt
of cattle, hog and heep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared wUh last
19S. 197. Inc. Pec.
Cattla lKL2i,l 201.121 19.9
Hog 61S.8!i& t-'M'iSU 171.187
Sheep 243,561 31e,270 69,709
The following table shows the aterage
price of hog t South Omaha for th last
several days, with comparisons:
Pate. 'I 108. 1WT.190.!19'.1!04.1.19uS.
4 66 I "W Ml 6
4 74; B 33j -l
6 4 8 to 0 M
4 77l
5 17, I
$13 I
6 09 68
6 121 7
6 04 7 02
5 07 7 11
March l. .
4 KOj
6 23
March 2..
March 8..
March ..
March 6..
4 721
4 76,
4 61
( 29
'Indicates Sunday.
Tha official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r t
C, M. A St. P 4 4
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacific 1 . i
Vnion Pacific 29 45 6 1
C. & N. W.. east 8 2
C. & N. W., west.... 31 49 3 1
C. St. P.. M. & O.... 13 8 1
C. B. O.. cat 3 3 S 1
C. B. A. Q.. weet... 23 24 8 1
C, R. I. & P., cast... 6 5
C, R. I. & P.. west 1
Illinois Central 4 '
Chicago Ot. Western. 5 3
Total receipts 122
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tha num.
bar of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
4 0?H I 06
4 11 6 79
4 11 6 9) i 9S
4 1 76 04
4 227 6 79 U
4 2H
0 85 6 05
4 2S 6 76 6 89
4 20 6 U
4 24V, 6 73
4 34 6 72 6 22
313 1.0i9
41 2.736 1.529
628 2.717 1.3S3
513 3.680 678
339 110
,803 10,788 4.160
Sohwartichlld Bulsb'g'r
lobman t Kothclnld
W. I. Stephen
Hill & Son
F. P. Lewis
J. B. Root & Co ,
J. H. Bulla
McCreary Carey
Sam Werthlmcr
H. F. Hamilton
M. Hagerty & Co
F. O. Inghram
Sullivan Bros
I'nlon Dress Beef Co....
Other buyers
Totals 2
CATTLE Soft weather throughout the
west was largely responsible for the com
paratively small run of cattle today, tha
supply being a few thousand short of a
week ago and the four-day supply nearly
2.&UI smaller than for the same four days
last week. The sharp falling off ln re
ceipts also has been responsible for a con
siderable Improvement In prices all along
the line. Beef steers today ranged from
fully steady on the heavy and rough cattle
to 10c higher on the handy fat, light and
medium weight grades. The trade was ac
tive from the start, . and although part of
the arrivals were late a clearance was
made eurly In the' forenoon. Beef cattle
values are all ot 152uc higher than a
week ago and the undertone tu the trad is
Offerings or cows and hclters were com
paratively light and the qtiullty nothing
extra. Wtth a good demand from both
local packers and outside buyers th mar
ket was lively right from the start, with
prices generally luc hlsher than yesterday
all around. The advance this week amounts
to lbtufcuc. larirelv on the niedluiik to good
stock. Common canning grades have not
been much sought after ana there has not
been so much advance on the toppy cows
on account of the competition on low
grade steers. Veal calves, bulls, stags,
etc., are selling freely at strong prices.
There was not much activity In the
stocker and feeder line, largely for the
reason that there was comparatively little
desirable stork, either freh or stale, on
hand. Country buyers were somewhat ln
evidence and their inquiry was largely for
steers of good quality, with the desirable
lighter grades preferred. The volume of
business was small, however, and price
steady to easier.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed steers. $5.15410.75: fair to good
corn-fed steers, $4 . 70u . 16 ; common to fair
corn-fed steers. $4.0iii'4.66; good to choice
cows and heifers, $4.l0'n6.00; fair to good
cows and lieirers, voffl.uo; common to
fair cows and heifers, $2.26Cfj8.26; good to
choice stockers and feeders, e4.aKfo4.70;
fair to good stockers and feeders, $3.602l
4 10; common to fair stockers and feeders,
$3. UXtiH. W.
Kepresuntative sates: ,
No. Av. Vt. No. Av. Pr.
n ta 4 is to wio $ oo
i B.ii 4 t; il im $ w
t Mt 4 S T VA I 10
; tit 4 4U 14 ....ll&u I 10
4 11U7 4 45 21) 1171 t 10
t U 4 60 1! 108T $ li)
IS 12) 4 M 14 llftt I 10
16 1144 4 75 til tfHi t t0
HI 9V 4 l 8 18&4 t K
4 1075 4 to IS 1318 I 30
UO 4 tO M 1337 B 80
1J 1123 4 5 14 14M i 40
C HN57 4 M 40 1274 I W
7 1340 tOO 4 "M 6 65
I Mol I 00
I RTO I SS 1 1MJ to
Ui I 6 18 1077 I tO
4 70 I 76 6 1163 4 00
I ut s 15 l irto 4 ou
4 SM I 76 24 ta 4 00
1 72 1 70 t 1(M7 4 10
I li-5 I t 7 Ii8l 4 16
4 M7 t I i2t 4 IS
l .; tw 1 is s I'.u 4 as
I ! I U 6 lo4 4 at
17 H I 16 I v....l)Ht 4 16
I NKM I 66 6 1174 4 10
I 133 S 60 4 12.4 4 15
J lilW I 67) 4 1111 4 36
t U1U 1 0 1... 12) 4 60
I vt 3 76 i 1Z.6 4 60
( 1018 75 I H 4 60
1 Wl I to t 1370 4 0
10 1141 I W I I ait 4 70
15 104 I 0 1 1310 4 7
1 645 I 60 14 4(6 4 00
7 441 I 40 16 (40 4 06
1 3I-.5 I 70 I V'H 4 16
(4 I 75 4 417 4 IS
1 681 I 10 4 ta 4 16
1" 710 I 66 t M 4 6
J . . r.45 I to 1 1046 4 76
U 717 to I
1 1M I 10 1 15J0 I tq
I I") I ) t I7tv 4 i
1 1360 I 40 1 1750 4 10
1 l'KW t 40 1 If nO 4 10
lift) I 45 1 10 4 fl
I li I 65 1 1470 4 14
1 1410 I 0 I
1 140 4 6) I It it
I 60 4 186 I to
80 J3 14") t 741 I tO
4 40 I 66 ! 72.) 4 1
9 UO IH 13 tU M
It tl4 I t II 4 4 60
1 610 I 76 U'S 4 46
HOOrl There was a good libernl run of
hogs today, considering ths state of the
westher and ths conilltlon of country
roads, and price eased off a little on
nearly all grades. The demand was largely
confined to local packer and, a they
have been free buyer sll wi-ek. thev did
not appear to be particularly anttejus fur
the stuff today, and while they did pick
ottt tne aeeiraoie neavy anu puicnwr weight
Mad at not rar rrom yestemay s rlgures,
It generally took shaded price to move
the ordinary light and mixed load. Th
close was rather easier than the owning,
but a good clearance whs made before
noon. The ton today was 14.35. as ajainat
$4.40 yesterday, and th bulk of the offer-
Ink went at s4.jx4j4.eV, or not fur from
yesterday's figure:
Kepreienistive sales:
No. A. 8k. Pr. he. A. 8h- r.
II til ... 4 IS to IM to 4 si
V) 16 ... 4 10 64 Zt4 ... 4 at
4t 1U ... 4 10 I! Iju ... 4 -34
176 ... 4 10 d Ut ... 4
to 16 40 4 10 hi n g) 4 86
N 1KI ... 4 14 tt Jul 40 4 S5
IS IM) 16 4 16 77 Hi K
44 1I m. U M 240 ... 4 M
The Updike Grain Co.
700 to 714 Drandois Dldg.
T.l.phon... IZ&r a4Ta
7 1M ... 4 IS tt tit ... 4IS
Ut ... 4 16 7 K ... 4 16
7 IM ... I 16 74 iH ... 4 31
l 110 ... 4 11 64 17 0 4 76
67 It ... 4 ITt, 44 W7 SO 4 S3
t 1W ... 4 17V4, 77 J ... 4
7 1!) m 4 17H 84 lit ... 4 16
M 1N6 ) 4 17H 74 X1 ... 4 IS
7 Il ... 4 17 44 M ... 4 V
76 Ill ... 4 to 64 810 40 4 17
64 .is ... 4 10 t .1 ... 4 IT
M IM ... 4 10 84 37 ... 4 ST
1.......tn0 ... 4 10 71 .174 IS) 4 10
7R. .140 M 4 10 47 -5 4 SO
It ... 4 . fin 1-4 M 4 M
tt 1S1 ... 4 17 li ... 4 to
tl lot . . I tO 7 410 ... 4 10
77 8)6 IK) 4 I1H 60 H7 ... 4 0
41 M ... 4 ri4j 10 Ill ... 4 10
H 2"4 ... 4 S24 II 146 ... 4 11
4 SOI ... 4 Vk t 174 ... 4 10
Tl IS 10 4 J2 HI IKl ... 4 10
to t'4 10 4 !2H 17 144 170 4 16
7 16 ... 4 W4
SIIEKP- The delay In the arrival of
trains this morning hampered the move
ment of the sheep division, otherwise the
trade was very satisfactory to sellers. The
market continues to Improve to rtrong
demand from packers for mutton grrwlc ot
sheep, and the strength In this direction
also has been moderately reflected In the
market for lambs, and while there Is not
much 'depth to the trade for lambs, price
for the last few day show a trifle stronger
than earlier in the week.
Several loads of ewes sold today st ffi 2Wjl
5.36. shorn wethers up to $S,50, and shorn
yearlings also at $S.r. - Rtghty-pound
wooled lambs brought $fl and seventy,
seven-pound wooled lambs brought $5.40.
There was nothing In sight In the feeder
division, and the demand was slso lim
ited. Nominally there Is no. particular
change In prices from recent njnntatlnna,
the few coming from time to time selling
In about last week's notches.
Quotations on good to choice fed sheep1
and lambs: Mexican lambs. $6.908.75;
western lamhs, $6.$64ffi.50; light yearling
wethers. $5.60(86.10; heavy yearling wethers,
$Ssry6.75; wethers, V&.OO05.S'); owes, $4.&fKjf
Quotations on shorn about SOo under
wooled stock.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Tr.
230 western ewes 9 $28
27 western lambs ftl J &o
1 western ewe lot) 6 25
309 western lambs , 67 6 40
206 western ewes 97 6 35
12 western ewes, culls 101 4 00
225 western ewes 9U 6 36
15 western ewe, culls M 4 OA
KB western yearling 10d $ 65
418 western yearling lot) 6 5
141 western lambs..... 80 $ M
806 western lambs 74 8 80
$4 western yearlings 8S fi 25
4 western wethers $7 6 70
Cattle, Sheen and Lambs strong
Koara Weak.
CHICAGO, March 5. CATTI.J0 Receipts,
estimated about 6,500 head; market strong.
Steers. $4.XtrS.15; cows, l3.2Mit.0O; heifers,
fi.Wu6.3b; bulls, $3.40.60: calves, $5.76($
7.25; stockers rnd feeders, $2.75Hf4.90.
HOGS iRcelpts. estimated about 36.000
bead; market weak. Choice heavv sli lo
ping. $4.40ffl.47H: butchers. l4.40fM.4r.; pack
Ing, $4.0OH.4O; light mlxid. $4.30(M.36; cholcs
light. $4.V(i'4.40; pigs, $3.60f(4.36. Bulk of
snU-s. $4.35i4.40.
SHKEP AND IA M BS Reoel pts, estimated
about 12.C0O head; market strong. Bheep,
$4.26ti.0O; lambs, $0."i7.00; yearlings, $6.75
Kansaa City l.lve Stoclc Market.
Receipts,' 1,400 head, Including 800
southerns; market steady to strong;
choice export and dressed beof steers,
5.265.80; fair to good, $4.60(5.20; west
ern steers, 14.404 5.50; stockers and feed
ers, $3.404.80; southern steers, 14.236'
5.26; southrn cows. $2.7504.00; native
cows. $2.40(t))4.75; native heifers. $S.60j
6 20; bulls, $3.264.86; calves, $4.00
HOOS Receipts, 12,000 head; market
steady to 6c higher; closed weak; top,
$4.60; bulk of sales, $4.26j4.40: Heavy.
$4.404.60; packers, $4.30&4-4$tt; pig
and lights, $1$0&4.S5.
8HELP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,400
head; market strong to 10c higher; lambs,
o.oo ewes ana yearlings, $4.7&iu; wei
em shee
6.76; western yearlings, $6. BOG 8.10; west-
ee-evve.ev; wee'
16 6.60; stocker and feed-
1 sneep, t4.uu
, $3. 60 a 5.00.
St. I.o n Is Mve Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. March 6. CATTLE
Receipts. 1,500 head, including 25 Tex
ans; market for natives steady; Texans
trong; native shipping and export steers,
$6.60y6.00; dressed beef and butcher
eteers, 5.1 0 Si 5.76 ; steers under 1.000
pounds. $3.754.60; stockers and feeders,
12.754.60: cows and heifers, $3.86 $ 5.85 ;
panners, II 76j( J.35; bulls, $2.604.60;
calves, f3.604'7.00. Texas and Indian
steers, $3. 00 US 6.00; cow and heifers, $1.75
a 4.00.
HOOS Receipts. 8,500 head; market
steady to 6c lower; pig and lights, $3. 1$
4.45; packers, $4.00 .4a ; butchers and
best heavy, $4.404.60.
No sheep on sale.
St. Joseph Lira Stock Market.
8T. JOSEPH. March 6-CATTLEV-Ro-eel
pts. 1,6 hesd. Market steady to strong;
natives, $4.40?i.S5; stockers and feeders,
$3.6O4i4.60; cows and heifers, $2.2!Va5 00.
HOU8 Receipts. 9,778 head. Market was
strong to 5c higher; top, $4.60; bulk ot
sales $4 25)4 40
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.498
head. Market for lambs steady, sheen
higher; lainbs, $fi 25ffl 75 ; yearllnxs. $i.7i3)
6.35; wethers, $5.2.V06.75; ewes. $4.05(57.50.
Block In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday were as follows:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
South Omaha 2,!"0 9&I0 4.000
Bloux Cltv 600 6,000
Kudhhs City I.4n0 12.00 4.400
St. Ixiuls , l.fKV) fi 51V) .. ,
pt. Joseph 1 fo8 ,778 4 4M
Chicago 6,51.0 86.000 12.000
16.45s 81,778 24,V9j
Condition of Trade anal Qnotatlon on
H tapis and Fancy Produce,
FOOB-Ptesh selling eggs, candled, 20c.
BUTTER Common, Ilk-; fancy tun at4
roll, 17&19c; creamery, 30c,
CHEEhE iNew full cream, Wisconsin
twin, 17e; new full cream brick, 17c; do
metlo new Swiss, lc; new llmburger, 15
16-; young Americans, 17Wc.
LIVE POULTRY Springs. 8c; hens. Sc;
roostors, Sc; ducks, fic; geese, tc; turkeys,
12tc; p!getn. 60c per do.
DKEStJEU POULTRY Spring, fancy. 8c;
hen. 6-: roosters, 4c; ducks, 11c; geese,
SrVc; turkeys, l4jl7c.
HAY Choice No. 1 upland, $7 50: medium.
I860; No. 1 bottom, $5.00: off grades, $4.($
6.C0. Rye straw, $7.00. No. 1 alfalfa, $11.50.
APPLESWaefiliigton Snow, per box,
$1.60; Washington Jonathans, per box, fl 76;
Washington Roman Beauties, per box, 11 7.1;
Wajtlilngton A la-xamlers, xr Ikix. 1 Tf ;
V.'aslilngton Blue I'esrmalns, per box, $1.75;
Washington Red Cheek ilpplns, per box,
J1.74; Washington Kings, pi-f box, $175;
Washington Bailey Sweet, per box. $1.76;
Washington Northern Spys, per box. $1.75;
California Red Pennnaln. 4-tler, per box,
$i.uw; CaJifornla Belleflower. 4-tler, per
box, $2.00; New York Baldwin, p.-r bbl.,
$4.6u; New York Northern Hdv. Der bhl .
M 60; New York assorted varieties, per bbl.
$4 60.
POTATOES-Per bu., &HJfI!.
BWfcET ll'i'Al'Uw-...i1u, per bbl..
'LETTUCE Florida, head, per hamper,
$3 to; per dot , 4oc.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse., t dog, fancy,
per box, H 0u; 3 do., choice, per box. $1.50.
PAKHNlpS Old. psr bbl., ti o.
RAOISHKJ Hothouse, per doa.. 40c.
PARSI-EY-per do., 40c.
PEPPERa-Fnorlda, per 4-basket crat.
CAULTFIyOWER-Per 1-dom. erate, $3.00.
TOMATOES Florida, extra fancy, per -basket
crate, tduvi cboio. ir t-btwakM
crate. $4 00; Cuban, fancy, per tVbaskel
crate, $4.10.
$J 00; Csns'llan rutsbsges, rr lb., Wo.
CAHBAOE Wisconsin Holland seod, pel
lb., lV,c. -
ONItNS Srsnlsh, per crate, $1.60; Wll
Coniln lied Olohe, per lb., lSe. -
FH ALLOTS Per ds.. ic
CELKRY Michigan, per bunch, ZS-ffSSc.
KUMQUATS Owing to quality, per qt.t
STRAW BERRIES Ow Ing to Quality, 603
NAVY PEAKS-Frr . bu.. No. t, 2.0:
lima, 7c per lh.
PEARS Extra fancy winter Ncllls, pet
box, $2.75.
ORA NOES Fancy Washington navels,
sll sixes, per box, $2.75; extra fancy Son
flower, all sires, per box. $3,10; California
Tsngerlnes, 3tO site and smaller, per box,
2 13. ,
BANANAS Port Llmon, owing to slxe,
per bunch. Jl.Bo tn $1.00.
LEMON'S Extra fancy Southerlsnd
Beauty. Sort to Jt'rt site, per box, $4m; extrn
choice Justrltn, 80 to S ) site, per tmx, $3.75.
FIGS AND PATFW-Bmyrna flps, 7
crown, per lb., iVilrW"; Smyrna figs,
crown, per lb., l'.vl(iSc; Smyrna figs. 4
crown, per lb., 1iw?i!lo; California figs,
boxes. 10 cartons, $c; California figs, boxes,
12 cartons, Rfte: California flits, bulk, per
lb., 6: Hsllowl dates, per lh i,icj
Khadrow! dates, per lb., So; Balr datn,
per lb., 6ic; Furd dat,i 13-lb. boxes, per
lb.. Sc.
GRAPE3 Mala us. choice, .per keg, 11.01;
Malaga, etra fancy, $4.50; extra choice,
rvr keg, $4.25; extra fancy, extra heavy,
CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Roll and
Bugle, per bbl.. $10.00; extra fancy Jersey,
per bbl., $8.00; extra fancy Jersey, per box,
GRAPE FRUIT Florida, 64 to 80 site,
per box, $6.00.
Ribs: No. V, lmfei No. 11c: No. 8, Do.
Loin: No. 1, ISc; No. 2, 134e; No. 8, 11c.
Chuck: No. 1. 64,0; No. S, c; No. I, 6 He.
Round: No. 1 c; No. 2, fHc; No. 8, He.
Plate: No. L fUe; No. t, 4c; No. J, 4Hc,
CANNED OOOIS-Corn, standard west
em, 75c. Tomatoes, fancy, 8-pound cans,
$1.46; standard, 3-pound cans, $1.30. pine
apples, grated, 1-pound, $2.20.80; sliced,
$1.i5i2.3G. Gallon apples, $4.50. California
apricots. r-'.5ftt. Peer. $2.1lir3.15.
Peaches, . ll.WAoO.lfi. L. C. PeacKes, U.lOdp
8.15. Alueka salmon, red, $1.40; fancy
Chinook, flat, 12.16; fancy sxx-keyes flat,
$2.15. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.60; three
quarters mustard, $3.35. Sweet potatoes,
f 1.2641-1.36. Snuerkraut. 96c Pumpkins, 80c
iitM0. Lima beans, 8-pound, 75cft$1.2&.
Soaked beans, 2-pound, 65c; fancy, $1.25-51.45.
are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings
from second hands, who seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo
tation range from o to 8c for California
fruit and from 6Vo to 8c for Oregon.
Peache are very firm, wfth fancy yellows
quoted at 13Ho.
8UUAR Uranulated, cane, per sack, $8.40;
beet, $5.00; cut loaf, 6cJ cubes, 614c; pow
dered, 6.16c.
NUT8-Cal1fom1a No. 1 6. a walndts, per
lb., 17Hc; Imported Tarragoqa ajmpnd. p-r
lb., ISo; filberts, Braslls tuid Jumbo pecans,
13c; butternuts, per lb., Uc; No. 1 H. P.
peanuts, roasted, 8c; raw, c: salted pea
nuts, per box, $1.15; ItaJian vliesUiuts, per
lb.. 10c.
HIDES AND TAU-OW-Green sailed. No.
1. 5c; No. 3, 4c; bull hides, 8c: green un
salted, No. 1, 4c; green unsalted, No, i 8c;
horse hides, $l.UVai.S0; sheen pelts, 26c II. 00.
Tallow, No. 4Hc; No. 2. JH4c, ,
COFFEE Roasted, No. 36, J6c; No. 80,
21c; No. 25, lc; No. 20, 4a.
FISH Halibut, 11c; trout, Ucj pickerel.
10c; pike, 8c; pike, fresh, frosen, 12c; white
fish, 13c; buffalo, 14c: bullheads, skinned
and dressed, 13o; catfish, dressed, 15c; wiilt
perch, 7c; white bass. 14c; black bass, 26c;
sunflsh, miQc; orappies, 16c; large erapptes,
15c; herring, frtrh. froxen. 4c; whits fish,
froaten, 13(&16o; pickerel,, fresh, froxen, 7c.
Neither Sent to Jail Nor Fined
When fate Is Explained
to Conrt.
Joe Carroll, manager of tha street gale
of The Bee, pleaded with Police Judge
Bryce Crawford Thursday morning for a
jail sentence or a fin aa punishment for
pushing Samuel Juster. father of a news
boy, Into the mud Wednesday evening.
But the judge refused to punlsb the ntws
boy, leading him a lecture and telling him
to keep his hands off the newsboy who
are working under him whether they are
flipping car or not.
To keep small boyg from Jumping street
cars to sell papers the street railway com
pany has given a boy on each paper a
badge which entitles him . to sell on the
car, and the little fellows are supposed
to stay off and keep their legs on their
bodies. Joe Carroll has badge and
throw off all others. ''" '
Probation Officer Mogy Bemgteln took
Frank Juster's paper from him Tuesday
evening because the boy wa flipping ctrs.
The boy' father went to Carroll about It
and Carroll told him he would take tha
boy's paper hlmcelf If he ever caught the
boy jumping on afreet car. The evidence
In police court showed that the elder Jus
ter took a "poke" at Carroll and then he
took a wallowing In the mud by Carroll
and his forces. Juster had Carroll arrested
and the judge discharged the newsboy,
though ho begged for a sentence after he
received the judge's lecture that ho might
appeal the case and determine for all time
whether he ha a right to take a boy's
paper or pull him off the afreet care when
the little fellow get "funny."
Sernrea Victory In Salt Between
Lanrle J. Qnlnbr and Klopp at
Bartlett, Printer.
. The county cornmlatlonor won the flrt
round In the suit In which Laurlo J.
Qulnby, a printer, gought to enjoin the
payment of bill to the amount of $1,000
to Klopp Sl Bartlett Company, a rival.
Judge Redlck Thursday xtornlng refused
to grant the temporary injunction asked
for by Qulnby.
Quinby based his suit 00 the grounda
the work should have been let after com.
petltlve bids had buen called for, and as
no bids were auked for, he contended the
contract was Illegal and the bill should
not le paid. Judge Redlck held the only
question Involved In the suit wa whether
or not Klopp & Bartlett company should
be paid for supplies they had furnished.
He held an injunction wa not tho proper
method of procedure, but an appeal from
the action of th county commlloner In
allowing the bill should be taken If the
plaintiff wanted to test the legality of the
acts of the commissioner.
Orlno laxative Fruit yrup la a new
!y. sn Improvement on the laxative of
former year, a it dm- not grip on
nauseate and Is pleasunl to take. It lg
guaranteed. For sale by sll druggist.
By using the various departments of Ui
Bee Want Ad Pages you get uuiUt return
tvt t small enpensee