Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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rtlttt S.SD R4CH LD FOR Stl.E
TOl" want to eecaj tbe Tfr winter
Then aeltJ la I l.e Fan Lui valley, Colo
rado, where the weather Is uniform and
w!r wril Ko k railing end
lermlrg xey 2S to Ir wl in Uu vj.
r r- v in for full particulars to
a W. MONGER, Mgr.,
, , " Ellhart, Ind.
. , Xebrae ha.
ID -ra cf tfca tet l-4 ra Brown eown ty,
)Jmt for le. fK bslsnc ee
Tr. ri"F . - Moreerty, rn. 4X1
faxtoa lcaCuaha. : MCI
'.VHEN you writ to advertisers kindly
nest . 7 i Bea
...... MltrrllMNU.
WFJSTERX LAND.-ltff snd small tracts,
sol efwt nrhiiiM. National Invt. o.,
f Brand stidg.. - , '!?
irri rtrh lsni I mile from Hertley,
Ill per acre: I7&I raen. balance 1 yr
at yer fWt iBUWil If yon want to
tav cheap home writ to the -tr,
box 1. Hastier. TX- XnkC2s
LOCATE -on ta Lew ex Brule Reaervation
Vol cJatrrm yet to be had. open f'-r
fllfrt. Will 1a-at you for a reasonable
evnw-rat Addm ". M Rertleson.
Pree-lwa, g I'. : M47 April I
W. H. THOMAS loans money
(r-M3 ix
. OARVlfi EKUi, 14 FARN'AM.
: - cs,
LOANS on Improved Omaha property
O Kttil . L Ca. MO. N. T. Life Elcg
BCILDINO loans. W. H. Tbmnn.
(S'rlEa gx
WAITED City lea aad warrant. W.
Faroem SaMlA Co, 1S Farnam St.
PRIVATE tnoarr ts saaa an Improved reel
esiat. X. . Dodge at Cu, lh4 Faroare
St. ' -J tiir-e
as Unproved city property; Building
loan a spcialtf..
Kg Flrat Nat 1 Bank Bl. C-M
100 TO made pronptlr.
F. IX Weaa.
Wead idv, lata aad Faraaaa,
VA?rtEI Loafia oa tmprored Omaha r
Peiflh Oman my property. U. & V ort
cta arid Truat Ca., W. H- Thotnaa, aceat,
i.Ji Flrat National Bank Bids.
iltZH-UC Mchlx
LOWEST BATEW-Eaola. Pax ton Block.
- - - - . tf2-t
FFJVATK noaey to loaa; do delaya. J.
li- Sbarwood, .-Ci7 Biandata Bid.
CASli on Jtand. W. H. Tkomaa
' ' c)-M3c ex.
NATT-BANK-fcUAl. TtU IX5U3. irrt,
, ' - r oa
WTANT1LD Qty Joaaa, Fwtara Trust Co.
MONET TO LOAN Pays larastmeat Ca
RAX aat.aU loaaa. W. li. Thomaa.
MO Nil T la loaa oa bcprorad city property.
Uaauoca UeydA, l.tH Far&am c
qz Mta
WISH to itorchaaa for invaatjivenl Iw irk
flat. tiXOW to tii.OUL M . ba
- , . . , ()-Mia tx
SECONPUAND feed aacka. No amonat to
lar ui um awaii. Masacr. tea N. icul
CAEH paid for aeooadharsd clotjilrc.
WANTED To bay aaoandband faroltnra.
rook aad kratina alove. rarpaia. lino
Irutii cfflc tumltura. old clotbe. oailta
aad "all klnda of tool a. or wil buy th
fumliur of your bous complete. Tb
hlcheet prkw paj. Call the rtebt anas.
Tel. Douxlaa tSTL. tS Ml bit
BEST prlo paid for second-hand furniture.
rirpMrla. aUn. flat h la, ahoaa. etc. Red
4 tut ... ta
WANTED Stack of reneraJ mdae.. n.0W to
Ik0(u In tiwn rkiae ta Omaha; will bay for
cvif; at dlaro'Jt or trad land. Adds
ifcftf u(. tracer. Neb. (2 MJUS
)rci."N(3 awaxrea plac to work for
board wr.n cwof to acbool. Beyle rot.
Mlta. ,. Tl:jboa poucla UM. (Z S
WA;'7U Staady job for eocnln- tumarr;
tav bad arn years' expeneuoa aa roa
rret aad cement worker. Addreaa Box
fel SctaarWr. Neb. - .7 latKB te
WASTED By yoanx maa. ptaoe t work
for. boKXd., flurry iooer. California
6-Ointa,..&t. M7hl ax
WANTED SltualiM by widow a years
old w iilx J 4) yaar old aa housekeeper
for , aldaaer; aplendid housekeeper and
tft reference. Address lira. A. H. M
Kiacy. li So. loLb M Pt. Joseph. Ma.
t27-ar.w kUx
LJf XTrMer ' watrreaa wast poaltloa
Ho work" nsta, TeL lotirla MTV
--- - r -e cx
STENOGRAPHKft Good refree; Boylea
oiea aioacau. Barry Ijoncr, J3 "a
fortU'Rt. - r-Ki
PtSIT30J WANTED Retail dotkmc
sairarnan. tea years' exaencsoa ta rlo b
ln. Iurnihiiiaa and laia; capable of
i-uylng. Kt:!rixa. Addrea V S4. car
iT-kl.X Ix
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wouM lke
i-oenlon in wen Jern Nebraaka or Wyon.
. " Addrea V care Me
- tiT m;6I (x
WANTED Posdtloo by young- nan. work
a. y a'nd. can glt-e good rricrencta.
Addrras M 111. care Be.
IT) M:il (x
WANT fcT o by anlddleaired womaa
a -ew a private taaniiy: no iaondry
work; waea I; good reference Ad
dress P i car Jic, T.y-rz. tx
leraoonite. lnd . February . la.
sVald I rnjna n la trtpiirair. andoreed oa
cover "ProAai for i. urp.M-. aad
addressed o Widvrslned. will be rroe vel
here hMl l a'cioca a. m., kiarcb M,
for wagoa part a. leather, fron, Ulm and
rnlscjna auplk-a. required for Maa4a.
P. 1, aa pr sLdule. Ucb alii ta fur
sMahed on ;s l;ci.w to de..t aau Uie
ta at New Trk aad San
pr-teren- gi wft ta anirle t.f duiii-ur
prodiKUa ir masufarturc. Ttie ngi t
la ravj-4 to reject or apl
any or ail r4da any tart ttxreo.
FMrtber jaloraM'a fumishad oa atto
tk. R- M t -HOFIELJj. MJ r a-4
Quart armaatar. L". S. A-. lrrot Q at
...'- - i'Mi - 17-11
Cknna. Neb.. Murk k 3. 8V-alrd .r
pvMMiia in tni-lrf-ate. subject to u.e uual
ootMLuona. waU be received ber watii 1 a
m, central ataaaard uaae. April X. 1, aad
tljea oiwned la iu pma-aoa . ativadiag
bidder, for pratinT reouJrwd at Headauar
lers Tivfiartsaeat of th Miutiii. dunag tne
fal year. rwnniNiiai July 1. la. aad
ending Jiji K lia I- . rvaervea the rbt
t re.Wct or aoorpt any or all prwptia
or ax Jat Uirreof. b ank forms Ur I.. J.
o ng an J cirmlar givii fuj infrmauja
na rejulrmveoia wul be furniabed oa ap-llaa'.K-n.
1 owl.. pea taiiilrig -p(.t
1 irirk.-t ' t Prmiiaa -fnJ
tu VSijor U t,, c.
M Ml i-t-i-Si-A-
notht; to cr'NTR-("ri.Ri rn
will b neved unt't 4 o'rlwk p. rv on
WedoesrtaT. At-J 1. at tb effne of
the un( g-red. room of ISe A'lTi'n
t' ration tniiidina- on the arcand of th
iMveTs'ty of Nehraia at I-tncoln. Ne
hrka. t t the ctii ru"-t ln of a Wwfcan
loaj ErRineenna- LalKiratory. accortflnf to
ana and spetj !5ra tlona tm fit the of
oe of the ijprlrrt-TrTit of ooTtrurWm.
mom F of said Adm ntctratlon building:.
Kiddera rnurt contcult the ejperlnterdrnt of
oooetrortion before preparing and filing
bMa. upon all matter which may erper
te them uncertain In either plana or soed
firsttr.. and mutt alM e amine care
fully tMa notlc and the forma of con
tract and bond on f'le with the superin
tendent: they rnuet aleo pcreorially imrpet-t
the building s;i ewir tl. Bids most con
form strktly to th pla-i and specifica
tion and to the requirement of tht ro
lioe. ladder muet le prepared to f'jrnih
cotrmerclal ratinr or satiata'-lory refer
eetoea upon their ftnanrlal tntm. If th
same be reqjlred tiT the imlveraitT au
thoritle. Bid for the htilldlng rj.oet be
aocorntwjtlod by a certified rneck on a
Lincoln Neb hank, parshle, urcondl
Uonaliy. to the Iniveralty of Nebrarka.
for the sum of fifteen hundred dollar
r.Mm. The ehwk of tle ruccessful
bidder. In caae of an award, will be hld
aa a gTiaraety for fiirniahing I the super
intendent of construction a achedule of
quartltie of materials reoitired and price
therefor, signing the building contract la
form aa propoaod. and furnishing a se
rum t cotnpejiy s bond In a sum eoual to
one-third of th contract price for th
t'Ufldlng. poth the security corrrpany of
fered and the form of the' bond must be
satlrfatory to the Board of Rernts or
Us building committee. In case the suc
cessful bidder lal'a. within two weeks
from the 1at of award, to f ' said
srhedulea. fall to furnish and f!le the
required bond or to enter Into contract at
the amount of th bid. the check depos
ited by him will be forfeited to the unt
veraity as liquidated damage without fur
ther proceeding or notice. Th check of
the ladder whoae bid 1 second best. In
th .tudrment of the B -rd of Remits or
its building committee, will -also b held,
fending th negotiation for the closing of
a contract with the first best bidder, or
until It is determined whether the second
best bid will be taken up. or r bidding
called for. All bid trust hear the resi
dence or buineas addrea of tba bidder:
they mut be signed, sealed up. addressed
to the undersigned, and be plainly marked
on tr-e outsioe wtih the bidder's came
and the word "Bid for Mechanical En
gineering Laboratory." The bids win be
operie-d and inspected a soo after the
cat above set for filing the same aa the
Board of Regent or it building committee
can be conveniently assembled. Any can
tractor during tb nee of a set of plans
and specification to be taken away from
the office of the superintendent of con
siruction will be required to deposit with
the undr;rrved the sum of twenty-five
dollars itiwi aa a guaranty for the re
turn. In good condition, cf the plana and
specifications so loaned. The rlgtit Is re
served to re)rt any or aJI bids. Address
bid to the underslrned at room VI. Ad
ministration building, the University of
Nebraska. Station A. IJneoln. Nebraska.
J. S. DALES. Secretary.
Byron R Hasting, trustee, to Thor
yald Christian sen, lot 17, block J.
Military addition f I50
Gerard Brandrn burg to Bernard
Cross, lot C. block 7. asd lot L
block 71. South OmaLa H.BW
William A. Saunders and wife to
Char lea i. Roberta, lota 1 and U,
lilock 4. Eckerman Place JO
Louisa B. Ambit-r. executrix, at al. to
aarne. lot 7. I and 1. block 4, Eck
erman Place . ao
Rosooe Homan to A. J. Blotcky.
west 42 feet lot 14, Reod g subdivi
xw S.BOI
Eva Haroling and trcaband to R. H.
Landeryou, part lot X, blo.k .
ubdivlBlon cf J. 1. Redtek 'a addi
U 1.000
Baattng A Heydea to & L Taylor,
lot . block L Hasting A Hey don a
addition (SI
William E. Schwarta4 and wife to
Edward Sokouski. lot i. block U.
Wilcox addition o
Elisabeth kl. Shahaa to J. F. Pren
derraat. tract near tot 7. Isaac 4t
Oriffen'a addition J
Same to same, lot 7. aaaac 4c Grtf
feo's addition 1,001
County treasurer ts Continental Truat
Co- lot 1, block L Jaoater a addi
tion -..... . .
Bame to fiecurity InTwstment Co J
kit t. block fc. Eckennaa Place
Same to Annie Karel. lot 1. t, X, 4,
k. block a. Boyd addition
Sam to aatne. kola .!.&. block B.
Lou la Pinkovita and wife to Harry
lngv-r, lot . block SSL original
city of Omaha j
Dora Singr to Louis Puikovlta,
aam v. l
P. U Oonklia and wife to Katberfn
L. Severanoa. lot 14, replat of
block . Betnia park 1,55a
C. A. Peach and wif to Grace S.
Montarirnery. lot It, block "H".
Saunder Ac Hfrnebaugh a addition. Z,0tK
John Stehno aad wif to F. Prtbyl
and wif. lot C "block la. Brown
.Park. r
3. H. McShane and wif to Henry
Neuhaua, aw V nw and wH awV
e-15-12 1 I" 00
W. H. Gatea and wif (o Caleb
Winter. nS lot It, block U. E. V.
Smith addition grj
County treaaurer to Mag-Tie Heater,
lot 4. block M. Credit Foacter
Catherine Kennedy to James Whelan.
sublet C Gorernment lot L section
14-1&-1X J3
Same to same, part sublot a. Govern
ment lot 1. 14-1&-U iflt
Minnie M. Miller aad husband to
Carey W. Limbeck, lot 1. block
k Rulphur prlaga addition .- 1.0TO
Henry H. Tavjor aad 1fe to.Oiga
Mohr. lot I and t, block "I,-
Lowe's addition 1051
Nellie M Garland aad bueband" to
Oscar Manver, lot 1, block a. Pop
pletoa park s 1
William E. Weekly and wife to John
Domina. lot 1. block t. Harrier
First addition t (4
H-riry Heratk and wife to Henry
K abler. a atlt. 114-11 C.K4
S. S. Lutton and wife o TT.omaa
Laraon. aeA aea and aoutk tea acre -of
nei aeV. t-14-le ,m
Soren P. Jensea and wife (1 a t
Lutton, ni nw,. -U-10 7331
Robert C. Walker and wife to
George T. J one, lot 4. Park View. I. (inn
Bxpre IAmm f tka AUaaal,
tferisg tba rniail wna. tk Kniirm 1 ma traj
as Uwrtnl; UM aad tauaneea Klaa aaa
are auif ef stiihi watrra a( tka ax. 1 eiaaia
klw sat alt tasit mi tit, ra tale rasa
a4 avi4 snasifaeaa gawsMr "'rg list aag
raMa sow rae4r. Aaaty a aag Ctokat aaaaa, m
C M. BKwjAXXJf. Oea, A-t,
K3t Soatk Clark Vtreet. Ckloara, QL
I represent all reliable aoaaa tinea.
Can give you ratea, aaa ling li.ta. dia
grama of su-aniera. la fact, ail infermatloa.
II goa oonteiaplate a trip Jo not delay
securing accomraodationa before cholc
I nation ar aeaigaed. Tlitia OltS
Ticket Offloa. ltk aad ranua.
or addreaa Harry E. Hoorea, a A. P. D.
Wabaak By, Omaha. Neb.
Afl Sa-peataaa. aVsad (a Bewkkst
Ml itOlnWiT, nv TOU
Cook's xraelar- Cbacaa Vayaala
Call Us
by 'Phono
Wbeaeear yoa want eoene
tklng. can Pbon Douglaa
SI and rak Jt kaowa
i.rouxh a Be Wast 14
Jnigt Thro? the Arm Around a
DiicoBtoIate Wayfarer.
fa Ceart that He Is Hard
laar Deeplte tb t aargea
. A ga I a at Hlaa aad! beta
Hla Dlarkarge.
'Ones Tm all alone In this worH"
John Faaney exclaimed, wtlb d ran- atVc
pat boa in police court Tuday after tb
detect tre had testified that be waa a
loafer, that be bad destroyed snalidowsly
a number of dreasvs valued at USD and
that -b bad don other an admirable thbiga
too rumerona to mentloa and bad con f eased
to doing them.
There waa a moment of ailenc after
John' remark.
1 trueaa yea ar alone all rigM." re
marked tb eoart. aa b rewlstered a bhi-
tenc of sixty daya. -Brace up and be al
maa and yoa wont be alone In thla worW.
Ed Blaa (who ts really very black) en
tered the court room when hla name waa
called carrTlng In one dirty band a muck
soiled -cot book. Ha 00 id scarcely coo
tain himself while th officers gar tb
mdeaea against him. But when hi turn
came be made a rood talk.
"Jedre. I'm a bard workln" man." he
declaimed. "'I haven't got no steady ob
aow. but Ah work down ber at Howard
street cleaning out and I get It ccnU a day.
I bad ta send maa wtfe and little ehfldrea
off to Dubuque to keep them from starr-
ta-. That a what I bad to do. And Tm
sending then what few pennVre I can rave.
The ta bard time. Judge, and a man
can't get no steady Job."
Colonel Blaa wound op with a strong
peroration ra which he referred touchlngly
to hla "poor Itttl children." "poor. Inno
cent BtU children," "Innocent Hula babea."
In such a telling manner that the judg
rnterruptad hla Jeremiad with the aimple
but effective word, "Diacharg-ed."
Jo Janoakey and Tooey Kxukole. prom
inent cltiaen aad clubmen of the river bot
toms to th southeastern portion of tb
city, became Involved in aa altercation
Monday rjlg-ht and proceeded to aetUe their
mrferwncea by beailng each other Into Ja
aenalbility. Tueaday Toney swore out a
complaint against Joe.
Kela Land, 037 South Twenty-fourth
street, will have to answer in police court
for tb temperament of hi pet dog. Tig-e.
which neighbors silage in a complaint
sworn out Tuesday la so Irritable that the
dog la a misanthrope and seeks so far aa
ta hie power Ilea to maim or exterminate
that part of the human population which
resides close to his master.
TheReed Brother won two game from
the Omaha at the Association alley last
nla-ht. Green leaf had the high rime and
total, with M aad i t Tonight, th Stars
Blue and Indiana Boore:
A. C. Reed juts
Oreen leaf .jrW
Stone 15
H. D. Reed -..ilea
ad. Id. Tot.
14 .14
let 1 4H7
r 141 74
n us 7
17il 174 a32
rn TH 14
M. Id. . Tot.
1M E 4fJ
1 4
1)1 - 171 -' 471
ll 10 !
ZM 1S1 617
W 771
Maurar .......
Rea ....
Ohnesora ....
.r. . " "- naa a murhty hard
( , ' . . v r i vp 14UM tne
iu- -rUl 0lnt on ft Metropolitan
' " mmuww was a waiaaway,
but the second gam th Bluffs' boy Just
scratched out h i... v.. ' . .
. . ' -. .mj uit loaf.
pendente won the iaet gam tn a walkaway.
Carman went after all alley record and
?iT 'VT4 by few pma Tonttffit. tn.
Omaha Bicycles against th Ijatly Naa.
4t. ad. M, f Tot.
-.i rt i4 s
OmM ,n . ...
............ .jii j no 4
"oug1 -........lis 11 14
' 0 ITT jjij
8eJAa jst ait jyg
.7. Mi S27 1 fKt
r,w 1ft. Sd. Id. Tot.
west ..... 2ig 17J g
BOOtt 1U 1-1 ru.
Ooff ...! in i TZ
Renpaa - ts im but
T -..- m m Tat
IrmisaulrWW.M. ....
ih irV "J":."?. H real
r, - im rosioirio oa
l ttTI aUer"JMl starting
owt with do te a Leas game, and K al-
ZZT Hi. ,Y Dream am-ay from
hmvln the second ram be mad hi
beavywetg-bu ret .down to business and
it waa clear aaliins. but tb last ram waa
a doe one. when lb Falataff Just aosed
out by twebr. plna Tonight. thOnaah.
!21!,.C?mlnJ t" ewa, and
11 vui d on of the
warmeat raate of the aeaaoa. Score-LEatr-o-FALBTAFFS.
M. Tot.
y tao
3 17
li 457
im em
11a ta
Hi Isi
M. Tot.
171 111
ll .
W kM
174 H
23 a
Klauck im e-M
Chatelain q
Beselia m El
i-T Sut lts
Totals K rs"
Iehmann ..
Ha vena
.. aa tot
Maa. Mailer. Cwrrort Trralen.
Th correct reraioa of Maud MuUar haa
been a long time coming, but by tr-e grace
of C. p. McDonald la Chicago Tribune It
haa come:
MaudvMuUer, on a eummer'a day.
said. Jy. 1 m feeling far from gay!
Tn read the lateat ncvela throurh, 4
And all th daily papcra. too.
"Tm lonely and I'm rather blue.
I truly doa't knew what to oof'
Just then the same eld Judge rod by
And Mas Maud Muber chancel ta spy.
A double header's on oiay;
Pray, gtt your Ud and let a away!"
But Maudle aat there mystified.
And to hi honor softly sigied .
"Inform ra. era from ber I budge.
What la a doabt header. Juoxa,"
A look of aoora lit up hia eye,
Aa te th dame he mad reply:
"Mia Muller, you will pardon me, ' "
1 ra disappointed mujrbti'.
"I marvel yoa caa aa' dispena
Contribalory Bcgugeccc.
"Henceforth our ways most sever .u
a dense a girl I'D ne er catl ande '.
"Vpoa my llttl praacinr roaa '
I'U bie me to lb gaaa aloe:''
Tbua apeaklng. k? b doffed hia hat.
And k-fi tb inatdea wbrr wk rat.
Lewi Defeats aim Bsraty.
Lea 1. of Nt-w Turk, defeated Bill Huriry
t'f New Jersey, ta a six round b: ui bef jre
l Cieareat Albletlc club bvre but airnt
Lewi a a Hurley luaster al ail ataaea
at lb figtu cs
"Hack" ataat far Aaaswlaau
NEW YORK". March I A tai.lram
retted yMirrday aanouaae that Oeorae
Hackenscrin.iat, tb Ruaatoei loa. w 11 mZu
frMa Ljverpwl by th Luauaei aa a.m--day
neat fr New Tork to T -ia 1 rt-iara-'
saauji u a ti,Acu.
TfekensrVrMt . tit.t V. 1. 1- ....
lent conditir-a and fully epeea to wla :h
rramponMp contee. wllch Is t
iao ia ttxago on April t, tn two atraisbt
a ajai aaa.
.ieXally, T ta 1. W laa Flrat Race
at 7 ew Or lea a a.
NEW OKLKANR. March k-The dy
leetiag of the Crearent City Jockey club
w iMoriiratM today t th fair grmiiKl
nisi the eaoa uiired m thia a(ternixn
will prov the beet fortnight cf rscing of
th season so far as toe far grounda
dme ia con mei. goe wit ho ot saying.
McNally. at 7i to 1. won the first race,
Tom Holland at ( to 1 rt the place bv a
aoorx neaa rrom All Red. veather Clear
track fast, timtnarr :
Ort race, three furlong: McNaKr OH,
Fkirrin. 7 to ll. won: Tom Holland Cil
Powers, t to 11. second; All Red tlli J. Lea.
s tn third. Time- .-V Grotto. Mar
'.ira. Edam L Sjlrerfon. Little Mose, Guy
r ipner ana tolumou aia-- ran.
Second race, ftvs and one-half furlonra
W. H. Lo" t Notter to li. won;
niu Ijee ail. BrueneU 7 to I. second;
Truro 0i I'owera, ! to 11. third. Time.
!-. Canada. Aral Toddy. McGrearor.
Our Boy, Mystiflea, Ccmtanna and Tackle
aiso ran.
Tr.trd race, five end one-half furlrmm:
The Pear a. McTaniel. to Si. won;
Toy Boy (K Notter U to It. second:
Avaunteer tluUfc. Koerner. 60 to 11. third.
Tim. l-flp4 Hmx gftrong, Felix Moeea,
and Harty AgTies leo ran.
Fourth race, sia furkinga. handicap,
Prlnca Ahmed. C'ia. Koerner. 11 to li.
woni Cocksure . J. W. Murphy, to
1). second: Platoon (. Flvnn, )1 to 31.
third. Time. 11.' V Lena aad Al Mulor
ala- ran.
Fifth race, mil and seventy Tarda, sell
ing. Ffn Peummel lrH: J- Lee. I to 41.
won; Poeang (I'U, Natter. 4 to 1). second:
Mr. Peabody Cta. J. annter. S to 11. third.
Tim. l-4v Halbard, Tlvolinl and Gre
nade also ran.
Birth race, mtle and a sixteenth: Laly
Souffle HOT. Notter. 11 to Si, won; Cxr
Oil. Pt)Wr. S to li. second; Pedigree 0'7.
J. W. Murphy. 11 to li. third. Time.
1 4IB.. Wster Cooler. Flora x Mr. Riley'
HtlUw BH1. Head TaJk. Banridre,
Gwrye H. White, Uitrtll and Dardling
Dan also ran.
Peventh race, mil and three aJxteentha.
selling: Bt Bellan COR. Power IH to V.
won; Creel tils, Koerner, I to IV second;
Flaxraan Oil. Brussel. l to SI. third.
Time. J-mv. Cull. Plntlcker and John
McEride also ran.
OAKLAND. Cal.. March t Results:
Firrt race, eeven and hslf furlong,
selling: Hand Maiden till. Klrechbaum,
2ti to 1), won: Maicnan (125, Heathenton,
7 to 1), econd; Plnaud, 1S, But well. 2i to
1), third. Time, l.lvS Shady Lad, To pan.
Elba. Titu II and Em also ran.
r-econd race- three f uilonga, purse: Alice
Collins Oi4. Gilbert to 1. -on: Oceaa
Wueen Glfl, Klrechbaum, M to S. second:
Birth. Ott. Walsh. I t II, third. Tltua: e.t7.
Adiiaca Leoouvneur, Edrona Tola Ena
moure, Flo Kismet, Mia Worxh, Paila
and Achlla also ran.
Third race, one mile and a sixteenth,
selling: Bill Curtis 0I. Stuart, S to 1), won;
Metlakatla Ot7, Klrechbaum. 4 to 1), sec
ond; Invader O0, RoreL to 1). third.
Time. 1:SX. Jackfuil. Mary Candlemaa.
Wclfvflle and Emily M . aiso ran
Fourth race, seven furlongs, puree: Bur
leigh Ot. W. Miller. 7 to 6t. won; Cigar
lighter 0"S. W. Kelly. 40 to 11, second;
Bucolic tl'. Kirschhaum. 8 to 11. third.
Time, 1:H Sewell. Carthaginian and
Hwtor also ran.
Fifth race, one mil and three-aixteentha.
selling: Bell men ce O06. Buxton, eveni
won; Prince of Oranae fl'6. Davis, I to
U second; Lampedrome (VB. Hayes. I to
1) third. Time. 1H- Freesias, Rotrou,
Jack Adams, Hooligan and George ' Kil
born also ran.
Sixth race, one mile and three siTleciitha
selling: Tancred (MS. Gilbert. 11 to 1)
won: Henry O- (TTS. Kelly, t to 1) second'
Markla Mayer (16. Heathertcn. 7 to 1)
third. Time. Z:(wVi. : Alaric, Talamund.
lkala V Hill.. Oatlaa, " Swagger aftd Neva
Welch also ran.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., March . -Results:
First race, alx furlong, selling: Prince
Frederick US. Dugan, i to 11 won; Ruda
bek lft. Goldatein, tit to 1) aecond: Bauble
.(. Harty. 11 to 1) third, Tirae. 1;13V
Bonnie Prince Charley, Dr. Crook, Court
Martial, Airs, Haaal Thorpe, Perry
Wlckea, Antaria. Autigo and Jlmalor.g also
Seoond race, three and a half furlongs,
selling: AnUoch K& Jer.swi, X to li won;
High Ormonde OW. Burna 7 to 11 second ;
Madelina Musgrav t3C7, Hennessey, i to
li third. Time, :4it. Force. Chinquapin,
Bold, Pop. Frank Clancy. Marion te
lorma, Acua Wtiia, ad , Mia Polly also
Third race, flva and a half furlong,
purae; C. W. Burt 112, Schlllinr, t to J)
won; Ben Stone OCft. Predion. 11 to 1)
second: E. M. Fry 11X Harty. 4 to 11
third. Time. 1X6V Chief Deamond. Bon
nie Bairn. John C. Bic and Lon Mason
also ran.
Fourth race, six furlong, selling: Royal
Borue OW. Schilling, t to Zi won; Vir-,
rinia Lorraine ilia. Preston. S to 11 sac
aad; Beautiful and Best ail MrBride, 40
to 1J third. Time, 1:14V Worglebug.
' exit as Vtncit. Gonxalea. Norwood fihm
Chart Green. Red Thistle, Audubon,
Plarllt. Willi Greg; and Kuropatkla
also ran.
Fifth race, one mile, puree: An tie Ripey
OV7. Preeton. k to 11 and Belle of Ma v.
fair 07. Hennessey, 7 to ll ran a dead
heat; Saint Arm- 0C7. Harty, 10 to 1)
third. Time. 1.4Z. Mis Clood, Annette
and Waldorf Belle also ran.
Sixth race, seven furlong, selling: Da
ruraa aiu, Ross. I to 1) won; Gateway.
Oor. Shnner. 11 to 1) aeoond; Surveillance
(1C7. Henneaaey. IS to 11 third. Time,
1 :- Master Lester. Black Mate, Har
vel. Black Dree. Billy Bowie-. Red Rey
nard. Friar of Elgin, Lee Harriaoa II and
Alma Boy aiso ran,
L" waa a Rebe-rtaaa Wlaa.
NEW TORK. March . Lawscn Robert
soa of the Irian-Atoerlcam AtLletie club
won the sixty-yard invitation race at th
Si tt -ninth regiment I'smn ia Madisoa
Egnare garden last nlrt t. defeating Daa
Kelly, the vf'.mi spnrrt-r and bolder of
ih world !-yard record.
aawrtlas tSwauslp.
Joe Bills baa slrned hia contract with
the Athletics.
Doa't keow yet who ia ta be field man
ager for Ltsnver. M tat difference doea It
Farmer Bum and Beell had better
hurry. The groundhog Laa only a little
while longer.
Ty Cobb will com across, saya Jen
ninga Sure, do yoa expect a man to
grand-stand all summer aa well as winter?
Jennings says the Tigers will win the
Aorf-rican Uiac-oe rfrmant in rM. Hew caa
they when th While Sox hare already
won it?
BUI Donovan think Ty Cobb is the star
of ball players. Thty aay Ty and riill
ac-re on must other live Questions cf tb
day. too.
"I am not making any clalraa. but I think
Chicago haa a go.l chance and I hoj it
will win." aa Preaunl Murphy of the
Cuba. Oh. f udge.
' Cleveland, too. ia haling its trouble with
the hold-outa. There are Nig Clarke, Joeli
Clarke and Lammore (bottrht from To.
ledoi. Flick. Bay and StovaX The rest
of the boy are satiefi&d.
Terry Muatain well known hfarywe ght
boxer of Omaha, who ia now In Lo An
geles, will be in BaiUinr Nelson's corner
tonight ahen th Dan meets Jimmy Bntt
in a ten-round go at Lo Angeles.
Th warm weather of winter has canaej
several heavy tt.awa. with the result atrv
erai bad boles have been washed out at
th park, but pa intend to make th
needed repair aa soon as poaa ble and
tbea sow otd more graa.
D. G. Alderman, formerly night police
reiiorter of The Bee. waa in Omaha Tun.
day en rout to Ptttaburg. where he is to
be given a Irvout this pniig. Alderman
wa tar pitcher wlta the Spnngfitid team
In the Central league last year and waa
drafted by Pittsburg last fall.
It almost looks like a aha me for Pa ts
take in money, but he a got lo fio It.
Lid yoa ever s- sucn a lineup in the his
tory of the Western l-ag-u aa Aut rev
Graham, Austin, Frank. infieid: King'
Welch and Brio en ta tbe outfield: Oonamg
ana Le brand U-hind the bat. and ttiat
array of tattlers?
Sportamen returned from along th Piatt
report good early shooting and brought
h.Miie fair baga of d jcka to support ttit-ir
Claima puiiaila have bera ibe moat
abundant and tne open water of the titer
is furniahing good sport at all parte of
the gtai t those a fco believe In spiing
huoting. Many Omit portarnen wiu tM
snoot dark In the aj.nug.
Pa Rourk haa received word from Pre
Idem O'Ne.l of tb Western league no'i
fyitr him tht tl propc.tton to postpone
th Ofw-mrig of tn Western bgu from
April la to April VI had Iwri dr.' rated, a
mail rote waa taam on the cjuveiiua aai
tne schedule which a a adopted at lue
annual mevting bld in Omar a a cupi
of aetka ago will b announced ahorily.
TV Wartk. Keaaa-saberlaa;.
Whenever you have a cough or cold. Just
remesbber UJlt Foley Honey aad Tar will
cur It. Do But nek your health by taking
asy but th rename. It ta tn a yellow
package. Ft sale by all druggists.
PirfBti ef EaafsTky Eoy and Oirl
Sctk to DiiwlTe Karriapt.
Edward P. rtaaa aad Mabel Fay
! Urn tm toaaell Blaas
aad Becaaa Maa aad
Slipping away from their frienda and
relative Edward P. Finan. manager of
the Earn am street office for the Omaha
Meeaenrer and Express company, and Miss
Mabel Fay Lampman, daughter of J. W.
Lampman of the Moeer-Lampman busi
ness college, went to Council Bluff otrd
were married. The marriage took place
February 10. and It was the Intention of
the young couple to keep It a secret, but
H became known to ther parent a few
days later and they confessed. Flnan waa
only 11 year old and Miss Lampman 17.
and on account of their youth th parents
of both opposed the match.
Whr.e they were much grieved over th
action cf their daughter. Mr. and Mrs.
Lampman decided to make the best cf it
and bad offered to forgive them, when
tbe youthful groom suddenly left Omaha
and hia friends are not sure' where he ia
When be left he told hla employer. C H.
Arundel oflhe Ornahe Messenger snd Ex
prosf be ws going to Laramie, Wyo.. to
go to sthool. but later reports say h is
In Chicago. Just why he f!cd 1 an enigma !
to hie friend, but Jt 1 supposed he shied
at the responsibility of uj porting a wife.
His mother ia a Cathoiir and she siren- .
uoualy objects to the match with a Protest- '
ant This. It Is believed, also influenced j
him to leave. :
Take Meps ta Aaaal It.
The parents cf Mis Lampman hsve al
ready taken steps to have the marriage
annulled and suit will be filed In dlstilct
court wipiln a few days on the ground
both' were under age and incompetent ta
merry without their parents' consent. Miss
Lampman haa become reconciled to the !
separation and la said to be w illing that !
th suit for snnulment be filed.
The license was secured In Council Bluff j
on the affidavit of U. fi. Buckle, who
swore rinan was a and Mia Lampman !
IA Before thla they had both told friend
they were g-oln: to get married, but the
announcement, was not taken seriously. It
was their intention to return to their
homes snd make no announcement cf the
sredding for some time. It leaked oot,
however, and sfter consultation Mr. Lamp
man telephoned Flnan that they could
com to hla house to live, but Flnan
did not accept the invitation. Instead be
announced to his employer he was going
to leave, and quit his Job abruptly.
Miss Lampman ia very popular inonr
ir.e young people living in the neighbor
hood of 04 South Thirty-sixth street,
where the family reside. She ha a good
vcloe and a talent for music which her
parents hoped to develop. Thi wa on
reason they opposed the early marriage.
Llfelaaa: Baadaare
to dyspepsia, liver complaint and kidney
trouble ts needlesa. Electric Bitters Is
the guaranteed remedy. SOc For sal by
Beaton Drug Co.
Doable Test f Rale Rewalrlaar
Llreae Will Be Made la
District Canrt.
A double test of the recent rule of ths
fire and police board requiring social clubs
dispensing liquors to take out a license
win be made In district court In rases
now pending before it. Judge Eatelle an
nounced Tuesday he would decide the In
junction suit brought by the Omaha Field
club next Saturday morning. The club
asked th police and law authorities of
the county snd city be en.1rtned from in
terfering with th sale of liquor to mem-
1 ' I IIMI
' &
I'i:;; ' till
if . V'
la the Dakotaa. and in MonUna, along the new line, the soil U a
dark loam with a elay acbaoii; good water la plentlfnl; raUfall la smpla
to raise the cropi; the climate ia healttfal; the air ia dry and invigorating; wlattTa are ml'd
growing scssoti are locr. The deeded landa tell at $10 00 per acre, and upwards. Laat eaao
many farmers made enough money from their first years rro;-s to rJ for their land.
The Judith Baaln, in Central Montana, offers eeertlonal orportunitiea 1n farming, rartl"uUrly
ia wheat and alfalfa railing., aa does also the country along; the new Une In Washington.
The frnlt rrowera will find a particularly good field along th new line In Washington.
Apple, pears, plums, cherriea. apricots and amaJl fruit growg well there. LaM fcAr hundrda of
acre of bearicg orchard produced crop which brought from f 500 to C00 per acre,
ramphlet describing these iwslari are free for the aaXtag.
F. A. Miller,
General Passenger Agent,
bers at the club he ew tn rrunds tb
rule of th fir snd polios board Is rieraL
A second test will be sasd a th result
cf an Indictment ret umed by th grarid
Jury arstnst th officera ef th Tel Jed
Sokol club, which baa headquarter to
the Turner hall at Thirteenth and Dorca
streeta Rudolph Fubtrger. Vclav
Schneider and three ether wer named
In the bin for alleged violation cf the
law. They are charged with ' selling
liquor at a club entertainment wlthont first
securing a city license.
Batldlaai Permit.
Mr. Anton Remant. Twelfth and Hick
ory streets, fram dwrllin. rLTiV; Anton
Vitabsk. Twelfth and Hickory streeta
""'"""ilJ"" , s ; . '..
' ' . 1
Q . . . - - - . . ... - jto . - . T-e wmr
- , "law-W'ei, ' '" " "
m,., 1. ,1.1 n m 1 biSIMI iiMUMaJjiniTTiiMiaSili in m, t la ll 111 1 .1 im i
3303 North Eighteenth Street $3,300.00.
This hrand new residence, oireetlv opposite a new t,0t0.i property.
In a neighbor) .nod of new modern houses occupied bv centra, with a rood
desirsble sired let only tao blocks from the Miermin Ave. car snd lilng
all public improtrmente paid for s-wer. eater, ca. walka, tele
phone and electric light privileges Splendid arrar rrrrent ef room, roomy
reception hall with coat room, parlor, dining room, pantry and kitchen
open stsirwsy. three bed room tath with port lain tub, luvatorv and
closet, five linen clothes closets fine cemented cellar with hot and cold
wster st sink snd sn At furnace. -foot porch. In fact, everything you
would put in a house yourself if you were building rvadr to moe irto
i wm-c. inner new rouses sola it
This is the Jat on we hare on hand
l 160 raraani
t-1 ii i-ii-m - - i inlr.iiini ir in. .1-. an
n n r3 r n
To restore s man to health and give
htm hia rightful place amorvg his felluw
men i worthy of the noblest effort of a
physician's life, and e work earnest' v
eoneciertloTiaiy nj scientifically to this
end. We offer you our services, this sid
this help, this assurance of restoration if
yes sre suffering from any of the dis
ease that conet!tute cor aperialt v and a HI
consult us in time. Delays are dangeroua
Ws tsaat saaa only aad car promptly,
safely and thoroughly aad at th lowest
ora SEBarrr, Bbooo yoieow. ekibt
BASKS and all Special Ptaeaaea aad taalr
Pnnl Trrifi Tfff KtUABLE
' Call and be Examined Free or Write
Office Hoars - S A. M. to is P. M. - Sosxlaya 10 to 1 Only.
1308 Farnam St, Between 13th and 14th Sis, Omaha, Neb.
Permanently Established to Omaha, Neaw-aaka.
A little over three montha ago the si tea
of these towns were opes prairie lands.
Today at each place a well built town, with a popu
lation cf close to 800. Ia estahlUhed; many trade
and profession! are represented. But Ucre Is plenty
of room for more along- the Pacific Coast eiteaajoa
of the
hicago, .
fair dwenies. .7a: Mrs. Je McAedt.
yt .- Fortieth rreK. repair to dwell
ing. II : M Ledserwwcd. . Pmuth For-ty-eigrth
street, repairs ta dwelling, 13a
tardy Cwlfer Rid Fair t Wla l
HI Ftsbt fee U f at
"Just fine." wss tbe tr.rwer th bra J
nurse at St. Joseph's hospital gav to sa
Inquiry Tieeday snomtng as ts the condi
tion of James Allen, who has mad suck
a gallant fight for bis life after th phy.
k-Un had said ther waa bo hops for hla
recovery. j
" 1 ' 1
this location in tfte past len Ua a.
now. Look this v st once if you
' M "A l." --. -
i-: '5
. . . r- - l . :
J ; -a . '
... . , . ; ,
I ' " ..- " - '
r .... : ' - -
' .' i' " ' '
i a- "-'
ICS 5 pec
SpccitlisH of fac
m Pacific Coast
Through the Dakota. Montana. I4abo
and Waablnarton. th bulldise of - ths
Pacific Coast extension of thla railway
opens up a country full of money-mak-lcg
possibilities for the work legman,
the Investor, the merchant, ths profes
sional maa, the farmer, the fruit grower
and the stockman.. Th Investor will
find excellent opportanitiea to cecnrs
rich farm lands now sell
ing at 110.04 per acre,
and upwards, which are
bound to Increase in Tain
within the next few rears.
In the Dalootaa three
new towns L e ra m a n.
Butt County, South Da
kota; Hettinger, Adama
County. North Dakota;
and Bowman. Bowman Count, North Dakota,
have recently been eatablished.
& St. Paul
F. A. Nash,
General Western Agent,
1524 Farnam fit, Omaha.