Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1908, Page 10, Image 10
10 TITB OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4. .1903. 35c Embroideries, per Yd., 15c LADIES' IIOME JOURNAL PATTEHNS rz V I Dncdcls Is (he First to Show the Correct asd Fdcfclug New SPUING SUITS FOR WOMEN AT MODERATE PRICES The Butterfly Bleeves are the new est feature in this lot we show the prettiest suits in plain col- ors as well as the new plaids and p cnecKS 6Kirxs pre in me snon walking length now so popular spec ially priced at Smart Dlack Voile Skirts These skirts lead in favor this spring. They are suitable for all occasions. Made of a splendid grade of voile and very prettily made, t very special at ml 622 New Arrivals-LACES a! 3e 5c Pretty new lots of fine wash laces are now being dis- played in our windows comprise fine French and German Vals., also fine torchons, fT fj worth up to 10c and 15c a yard, j) vC C at, yard 55 $ New Assortments on Counters and Squares . Frm the Great Ashley-Bailey Stock .Tuesday was another tremendous day in silk selling from $ p the, Ashley-Lwliiey siock. xne blocks uro euurmuus auu uiw f bargains just as rpmarkable as ever. V.! . - 1 Ail 1 i Tliousands of yards of the highest quality silks from the y Ashley-Bailey stock, including those new rough silks that m are so popular widths up to 36 and 45 inches all new U . ppring patterns worth up to $2.00 a yard, JJJq . 6 p tl Plain tinrl Taffeta. Tn rnsp. hrn-wn. crpam. naw. old $5 a Plain And Glace Taffetas in rose, brown, cream, naw. old rose, etc. also soft pastel shades of striped and J checked Habutai silk, at, yard. GINGHAMS BASEMENT NEW STORE. Scotch and domestic ginghams all the charming new styles as well as staple colors new arrivals in block checks, also blue, brown and tari . . . 10c-12c-15c-25c Mi!! Remnants of 25c White GooJs at 7ic Yard Lace lawns, fancy cable cords, dim ities, pretty white plaids, etc. a.grand new lot at ., i 2C AVe Announce for This Entire "Week a . . FREE DEMONSTRATION of ARMOUR S EXTRACT OF BEEF The Lady in Charge will Teach You How to Make Dainty and Appropriate Dishes. East Arcade. ' ' Wednesday Mm a I Creamed Chicken and Yeg-etaMe Soap. OMAHA Omaha's Fur Food Center. Restaurant on Second Floor. FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY SPECIALS ! . . $,t tA uuves are cnoayer. um fact of large purchases at roc Kg bottom prices, we axe enabled top m oner our pairuus mo luuuniuBj,' -j . h 25c bottles, each loct; 35c bottles, each 252 p 40c bottles, at 30ejjf QOc bottles, each 40tj 65c bottles, each ........ 45& 7 5c bottles, each... E0j ,90c bottles, each. 65$ 11.00 bottles, each 75$ 11.50 bottles, each 81.00 i& y $2.00 bottles, each $1.35 3 fi 12- i G 25 Jugs, each. 31.50 Gulf Coast Skinless Figs, the fin- y . nabAi1 I n A 1 v A n n t crloaa 1ar Lv each 1 lh riini pnrh . OJk V j 2 lb. cans, each 40 1 lb. glass Jars, each. . . . . lu 1 H Pt. glass jars, each . . . . liuyui Dn.iuitmi utuata uihijcb, BOMETHING NEW rapes, i in cans, per can U5W the best 8 lbs. for tl.00 coffees MI1U 1U IU WUI IU. a au aaua iaaA.uuuii p, The Lenten season has com , menced. In our fish department 9 we hare a lance variety of fresh, i salted and smoked fish. pi I Onnrtnev Ct eo. 1 m IM M iM liji ii v u j JJJ The Ashley & Bailey Co.'s AUCTION SILKS The biggest Bilk sales ever known in our history. Fresh lots thrown on the silk counters and as quickly bought up. BARGAIN TABLES GROANING WITH FINE NEW SPRING GOODS FROM THE ASHLEY & BAILEY AUCTION STOCKS Prices One-Half, One-Third, and One-Fourth actual cost to manufacture. The most gigantic silk sale Omaha ever knew. , Fancy stripe and check silks, 24-Inch Foulards. LoulBlnoa, Pun Jabs. Taffetas, MeswHllneg, exquisite new spring silk suitings with pretty stripes, small checks, magnificent black silks, rich taffetas. 27 and 36 Inch widths; black Peau de Solo, fancy silk Crepe de Chlnew, Aeollnea, etc., etc. OXK-THIKI) OOMT TO MAM KACTI KK In ohter words up from, yard. 3)y . March Muslin Underwear Sale--TD CMC SPRING SUITS Xozw than O&a XnaOrai Models l Tb JTW rrlco Ohp, Tb MtyUah Battmrfly. Cloth arc shadow strip and check Pana mas and Serjfee, colors are black. Copenhagen blue, blondine, brown and navy, Wednesday 36o Drawers and Corset Covers, ror ..; ?. 14c 33c flounce, for. 3. B0 Pettlooa and eight rows of vol. laue and tucks. ' $3.60 Pettlooats, with flounce of six QC ' 17th ft IKraclaa 8 to. rhon IKra. M7 t' jfe Private exchanre eonnaots all Xepts. 1 III JUIlWIIIUJIHWBIWIWMBHWg. . y iyj unj HAVE YOU BEEN? ; Not by OMAHA BEE, but by sending EAST articles of metal to be repaired and replated on which you are paying express and freight charges. IT CAH BE DONE AT HOWE AHA SILVER CO. : KEf "PER, HEMPHILL & BUCKINGHAM 'FK8XE DOUG. 1773. SILVERSMITHS, ALL KINDS PLATIXQ Between Famam and Harney. . 314 So. 13th St. V - . V i BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOC Comer Ifltb and Farnani Btrta. Best equipped Dental offtc la the mlddl west. Highest grado Dentistry at Keasonable Price. Porcelain UlUnga. lust like tae toota. n a Woman's Face, Neck, lBU Arms cr Should trsli Not Considered Anractlve. LA JEIWE DEPILATORY (Uqold) will remove hair from any part of th body to I to 10 minute leaving akin soft and wnlte no martins' or burning-; Tic par fcotUe. By mall, scaled. II. Circulars trtxt. fmiui k iboomu bbvo co. Cor, llth and Podg. Omaba. I , OWl 9SUO CO Cor lilh nd llruy. NOTICE! The party la known who took the valuables from Room m. Midland Hotel, January 18th, and if returned, no question will be akod, othervun they will be proaecuted. LMfZ HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA The Fry Shoe for Women $5.50 There Is no other like It. no other shoe for women that Is equal to It In H's perfect fitting quali ties. Its high toned style, Its high grade material and its economical price. It has no fanciful name, but bears our own name and guar anty and our reputation rests on the splendid value of this shoe. ALL STYLES ALL LEATHERS $3.50 FRY SHOE CO. Ill IHOllI 16th and Douglas Streets Special Corset Sales Silk brocade batiste Corsets in white, pink and .blue, long hip, high bust, daintily, trimmed in val. lace, 6hort hip 'high bnst, daintily trimmed, regular $5.00 models, at $2, $1.69 m. 89c Three China Bargains Large Holland blue decorated CupB and Saucers, six pairs for 600 English Earthen Tea Pots, 60c and 60o values, at. .' Large Decorated China Bowls, good 15o values, at. 25c 25c 10c Bennett's Big Grocery Headquarters for the Three thousand poundB of fresh roajuted, delicious drinking Uc-nnett'a Capitol Coffee, per pound pkg. ( B8o And 30 Oreeni Trading gtampe. Tea Sifting, special, one thous and pounds, pound pkg 16o And 20 Ureen Trading Stamp. Oenessee Succotash, t cans. . 85o And 10 Green Trading Stamps Meniere' Chocolate fowder, per can oo And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Best We Have Tomatoes, large can, whole tomatoes, can, ISo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Twenty-five doien cane Three Star, flat.' Salmon, can 80o And 10 Or eon Trading Stamps. Best Values In Table Products. J. M. Early June Peas, can l&Ho And 10 Ureen Trading Stamps. Snlder's Baked Beans, can, ISO And 10 Green Trading Stamps. PSOANB, PEOAMS, PSOAHS Pecans, per pound ISo r, Baldwin APPIes. peck 36o Pride of Bennett's Flour, per sack ti.eo And SO Green Trading Stamps. twiAtwisV AXIWO DXMOKSTBATXOV Mrs. Margaret Moore will -make and bake some fine pastry. ' t THE BALDUFF 40c Layer Cakes Wednesday Cn!y 2i5 Cents These eakes are nine inches In diameter. Two layers and of the same high quality as our three layer cakes which sell for fifty cents. You can have your choice of seven flavors. Cliocolate tlaple Cocoanut Mocha Raspberry Vanilla Nut Marshinalow They are attractively decorated and a delicious cake for any body. f FOB WEDNESDAY ONLY 25 Cents Tnt Store ros priiMc i rr lSlB-SO PAJIHAM ST. on o. Til B?0 FIRE FIRE FIRE Drugsby Motor Cycle We have recently strengthened our delivery system by the addition of an expert motor cyclist who will deliver goods to your door Boon euough to satisfy any reasonable demand. TEST T8! Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cone lata aad Dodge, Owl Drug Co. Cormec lata a&4 Saner. iale Oontiiiuei GROCERIES Alio LIQUORS PRICES CUT AGAIN! Goods being brought forward that were practically unharmed by the fire. Thousands of dollars worth of goods remain to be sold. This is your Golden Opportunity to lay in a supply. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: GROCERY DEPT. The immense amount of goods old last Saturday and Monday. how that th "wise ones" know a good thlnx when they see It. 1 here ' till remains thousands of dollars of the i-Bt part of thin stock to be sold. If we have a repltUlon of Saturday's business we will be compelled to lock the doors eery half hour to allow those Inside to made their selections. 3 bo Curtis Bros. Soups lie 50c Keller's Calves' Keet Jelly, 80 SOa Curtis Bros. Jams lHo 3SC Klpe Olives 180 450 Pin Money Pickles 81o 2Hc Tomatoes Bo 12So can Corn Be 12 He can Beans Be 7uc to 10c Curtis Bros. Potted Meats, all kinds, now..Slo to fto out Ii; LIQUOR DEPT. 75o Blackberry Cordial 38o $1 25 Cohassat Punch 67e 65o Cal. Port Wine 33o 60c Port and Bherry Wine 8o ib Apricot Hrandy 68o 00 ApHcot Brandy 69e 25 Orange. Cherry. Peach. Ban- anna and Annie Brandv 78a 75c Am. Champagne, pt. 38o II 60 Cognac Brandy To roc Maraschino Cherries 3 80 1 160 Imported Port (Spanish) T9o 75c Pure Food Port 43o SI. 00 full quart standard brands of Whiskey , 680 fl.25 fell quart standard brands of Whiskey 8O0 11.60 Cellar Brook Whiskey.. 8S0 f 1 60 McHrayer Whiskey 8tH Standard "Bottled in Bond" Whis key, $1.26 to 1.76 value S9e FORMERLY The Hughes Grocery 1403 Douglas Street Open Until 8 P. M. Three Doors Ilelow the Calumet Restaurant. 76c Oowna, Corset Covers, Ekirts and Drawers, for t8o Oowns, Corset Covers, Drawers and A.X ft bklrts. for j.. 3C V 1. 60 Petticoat with deep flounce of C Q loee, embroidery and tucks, for -' 11.00 Petticoats, with deep embroidery f Q flminnA. far PICTURES Carbon Plcturea, beau tifully framed la oak. very best subjec t b; these pictures sold up to $2.00 and 2.60 on sale Wednesday 89c 0H SALE WEDNESDAY ULY TMB RSLIABLK 8T9RK OS SALE WEDNESDAY Wg secured for cash from the largest embroidery importers in New York City, ' T: : Arnold B. Heine & Co. 5,000 yards of their famous Special Corset Cover Embroideries at Less Than Half Price and "Wednesday we will place this lot of full width corset cover embroideries, all new pat- S3 W terns, worth regularly 33c a yard, on sale at our a J price, per yard. ..." Grand 2VjC Embroidery SaleAll odd pieces, remnants and slight ly soiled embroideries and insertings left from several 1 big sales since Jan. 1st, worth regularly 5c, 10c, 15c, Jr "gT ' up to 20c a yard, will bo closed Wednesday in ono lot . . . r' Special Sale Ladies9 Suits A Bargain Opportunity seldom if ever equaled in the history of Omaha merchandising. $35.00 Spring Suits, on sale "Wednesday at $25.00 $25.00 Spring Suits, on sale Wednesday at. , . . $19.90 All Newest Styles. $20.00 Spring Suits, on sale Wednesday at. . . . $14.90 $15.00 Spring Suits, on sale, Wednesday at. ... . $9.90 Come Early Wednesday. Extra Specials Wednesday In Our Famous Domestic Room From 9 to 10 A. M -One case of Ed ward's, that well know 80 brand, of fine bleached Muslin, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5c Red Seal Ginghams, long lengths, yard 7W A. F. C. Ginghams, long lengths 7H Toll du Nord Ginghams, long lengths, at 7H Afternoon Only, 2 to 3 P. M. One case of genuine Atnoskeag black Gingham, only 10 yards to. a custo mer, at, yard 5e From 2: SO to 8: SO M. -On - caso of Turkish Bath Towels, 7ftc grade, 4 towels to a customer, each 2H From 8 to 4 P. M. One case of Amoa keag Outing Flannel. 12C grade, 10 yards limit, at, yard 4Ts Fifteen other specials for Wednesday. Extra Specials ill Grade Wool Dress Goods From 9 to 11 A. M. One case of ail wool Batiste, as fine as silk, 38 Ins. wide regular price 65c yard, all colors one pattern to a customer, at, yard 32Vi From 2 to 4 P. M. Half wool cbal lies, regular 39c goods, 10 to 12 yards to a customer, at . yard Extra Specials in our "A Wash Goods Dept. From 8 to 11 A. M. iAII $1.50 Imported French Novelties, All 25c Wash Goods 15 All 35c Wash Goods lf) All 50c Wash Goods 29? From 2 to 4 P. M. All (1.98 Imported French Novelties, at 05 liaydcn's, Greatest Providers of Pure Food Products la the World at All SI. 25 imported French Novelties, at 04 All $1.00 Imported French Novelties, at 50d Everything . exactly as represented. 21 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar for ti.vv 10 bars best brands Laundry eioap 26c 10 lb. sacks pure Oraham or Buckwheat Flour i- 36c 10 lb. sacks best white or yellow Corn meal l&o lbs. choice Japan Klce 25c 4 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca 25c 1 lb. pkg. best Macaroni 8Vfcc 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can.. 3 toe Choice California Prunes lb 4ViiC Fancy Santa IClara Prunes per lb. 7V4C Fancy Cleaned Currants per lb...., 8 Vie Fancy Muscatel itaisins 10 , ..o-ac Fancy Mulr Peaches lb. 12 Vac Fancy Evap. Apples lb 10c 1 ID. can rtoyai or ur. r rice 1 Gold.. Silver Nickel Plating ALSO BRASS AND BRONZE The Electro Plating Process is the only one now In vogue that has stood the testi It Is used by all the successful plating plants In the -country. It has a scientific significance which makes It the only prac tical methods We replate anything made of metal, from a chafing dish to a brass bed. Louis Slavln, the proprietor, Is an expert electro plater, and all work goeB through his hands. ' OMAHA PLATING CO. rhonce loug. 2533; Iud, A-25S5. 1220 lUrney St. Est. 1808. Baking Powder . 40a lb. Seeded Raisins per pkg 7 Vic Malta Vita Kgg-O-See Corn Flakes or Dr. Price's Breakfast Food per pkg. 7 He The best crisp Ginger Bnaps per lb. 6e The best Soda or Oyster Crackers per lb no Fancy Sweet Cookies, regular 15c cook lea, for this sale, per lb 10c Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 15o The best Tea Sittings, lb l&c ORAJfQESt OBAvezai omAjrossi Another car of Highlands in. This is our eight car in six weeks. This car Is very fancy, extra large slsee, thin skinned, sweet, lulcy and very rich flavored. Wednesday morning we will place the car on sale, at, per diren 7Ho, loo, ISo, 16, IT lie and SOe VBEBK VHaETABLIR TOM WEXKSP SAT Fresh Spinach, per peck 30o Fresh Beets, Turnips, Shallot Onions or Carrots, per bunch 00 Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lb 16o 2 heads Hothouse Lettuce or Radishes at la Fancy large head Lettuce, per head 60 2 bunches fresh Parsley So Fancy Ureen Peppers, I for Bo Large Cauliflower, per head lOo Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Ruta bagas or Red Onions, per lb...;..,, to Fancy Holland Seal Cabbage, lb. . . ... la Fancy Colorado Comb Honey, per rack, at l(o Fancy Care Cod Cranberries, per quart o SOOII XCrOBt EOOSI Strictly No. 1 new laid Eggs, per dnxen, at ITHo Ladies, Boys and Girls, Attention nig Sale on Marbles Hardware Dept. Real Agates all colors and shades, 3 for 10 Large size genuine Agates, 2 for 15 Imitation Agates, real nice looking, 10 for lOt Other Marbles. 300 for 5 MVNUftl Two Car Loads of High Grade LINOLEUMS on Sale at Half Price. $1.60 Steel Roller Skates, only. .80 25c Sleeve Board, padded, ea. 12 25c famous .Nelson Bread Toaster, at I5fc See Hayden's for Tops, Base Balls, Masks, Gloves, Fishing Tackle, Etc., now coming In. THURSDAY-r The Great Sale of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Bigger Assortment and Bet ter Bargains Than Ever. , M HMDENS' sm g -" To Persons Driving Vehicles At this season of the year street car tracks are apt to be very slippery owing to atmospheric conditions, and it is impossible, therefore, to stop a car as promptly as ordinarily. REMEMBER that a street car is confined to the track and that the Motorman cannot torn out or stop bis car instantly when "cut off by a vehicle. Do not rely upon the motorman to save yon from the consequences of your own carelessness he may not be able to do so. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents OMAHA AUD COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN witb our Xroa and Wire fence. Trellises ant Arbers foi Tints, flowsr guards, ekairs, sett. as, eases, tree guards, bltuUlng posts, window guards, bars fixtures aad cklcasa t enoe. champion fence: company 1T-1S Iratii ISta Street. TeL SoogUkS 1AM. Send for Cetalof-ae. 1 cPflSl B imrimn! 1 nw f s , ! Tfee Bee te Tea Prleaaa.