Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Chicago Chitf of Police Killi Man
Who Attacked Him.
Savei Father ' Life, bat Get Two Bui
lata in Chest.1
yczmn IS ALSO
Escape i With Slight Stab in
1 Rich
WEE" Bra Attending Amnklil
ftlng and I Apparently an
ladle Italian or Slav Many
jj, Arreata Made.
CAOO. March t. Chief of Police
i XI. fihinnv. hla son Harrv and his
r., James Folry. were wounded by an
Mrhlst who attempted to assassinate
Oa poll. official In the hall of the latter
.rsldVare, SI Lincoln Court, ahortly after
t o'clock thla morning. The desperate
struggle. In whlrh Mra. Bhlppy and her
daughter Georgletta joined, was termi
nated when the chief drew hla own re
volver and hilled hla assailant. Attempts
to Identify the dead man have thus far
reaulted in fallur.
The attack l believed to have been the
reault of a widespread conspiracy to harm
officials who have been active In sup-
preening manifestations of ' anarchists In
this community. Other city officials are
said to havs been threatened, and a police
spy. who recognised the corpse of the man
Vho Invaded Bhlppy1! home as that of a
person who regularly attended anarchists'
meetings, asserted that the man was
chosen by lot to do away with not only the
chief of police, but Mayor Busse as well.
The ramifications of the plot are said to
extend to other cities and. to be closely
connected with the killing of Rev. Leo
Helnrtchs, a Roman Catholic priest who
was sho tdown at the altar of his church
loan- Snippy May Die.
Harry Chippy is I he most severely hurt
of thoae Injured in today's affray. He was
shot through the breast twice and was
probably fatally wounded. His father was
stabbed In the arm, while Foley received
a bullet In the wrist. Mrs. Bhlppy was
kicked by the desperado, but her hurts are
slight. .
Following the attack squads of police
were sent Into the Italian and Ghetto dis
tricts of the city. Places known aa head
quarter of secret societies suopectod of
anarchistic tendencies were raided and be
'fore midnight a score or more of arrests
had been made. A coroner's Inquest ever
the body of the anarchist was al started
and State' Attorney Hcaly announced that
the March grand Jury of Cook county,
which 'we a convened today, will be given
an opportunity to tnvvstlgale anarchistic
organisations in an attempt lo fasten responsibility-
-for- tbaj.-aMonk upon Its In
stigators. It We.' tfcd reported that Mayor
Buss Intends to Issue an order forbidding
all street meetings, the allegation being
made that such Catherine, whether of a
political or religious nature, are often made
the occasion for vicious attacks upon the
social order.
Chief Describes Attack.
That the attempt to kill Chief Snippy re
suited lit failure was due largely to the po
lleeman'a quickness la anticipating the pur
pose of his visitor's presence. The man hud
twice called at the house and askei for the
chief first, yesterday when he wai told
that Mr. Bhlppy was at work and, agilrt
early this morning, when a servant In
formed lilm that the chief could not be se-n
before f o'clock. When he rang the door
bell at the latter hour, the, chief hlms?lf
answered the call.
"A I opened the door." said Mr. Fhlppy
later, describing the attack, "the man
raised hie hat and I allowed him to step
Into the hallway. He handed ma an enve
lope. I glanced i t It and then the
atruok me that the man was up to son a
wrong. He looked like an anarchist. I
grabbed his arms ar,d called to my wife,
who waa In another room. Wheu ahe ran
Into the hallway, I aald: 'Mother, see If
this man has a revolver.'
"She felt one of his back pockets snd
said that he had.
"I tried to hold him with one hand and
draw my revolver with the other, but he
Jerked away and fell against the door. I
caught htm again, and while we were strug
gling, my eon. who waa upstairs, started
to my aid. He waa only a few stepa from
the bottom ot the etalrs when the man
freed one hand, drew Ms -revolver and fired
two shots at Harry. Then Foley, who had
t ken summoned by my daughter, stepp d
Into the ha' I way and the man ahot Mm. The
anarchist kicked my wife to one aide snd
by this time 1 had secured my own revolv
er, and both Foley and I opened fire.' At
my first shot, which struck him In the
head he fell. But I fired three more, one
In his head and two In his body. Two of
Foley' shots also struck the aesasstn."
Pollcerasn from all sections of the city
were at once put to work on the case. Am
bulances ana physicians were summoned,
and Foley and Harry Bhlppy were taken to
a hospital.
Body Not Ideattfled.
The body of the anarchist was removed
to a morgue. A search of the corpse failed
to reveal any marks by which It might be
Identified. 'la a pocket of the man's coat,
however, the polic edtscovered a small box
of losenges, the package bearing a label
Inscribed "Trowbridge Confectionery oom-
pany. Meadvllle, Pa." The losenges wire
sent to a chemist for analysts, the police
being of the opinion that they might con
tain poison. It la thought that It waa the
Intention of the ana renin to commit suicide
had be been arrested.
The police are firm In. the belief that the
attack on the chief was due to an anarch
Istlo plot. Theories that ths man may have
had a personal grievance against the offi
cial because of an arreet or some similar
matter were given up when detectives of
the department failed to recognise the
cor pas as that of a known criminal. Two
member of the force asserted that they
had seen the man at a meeting of anarch
lets in hall on the north side of the city
about Un day ago. The testimony of the
pollfe spy confirmed this view of the ease.
Bar levee rather Life.
' Both the chief and Mra Bhlppy mart
thai the former life waa eaved by the
bravery of her bob. Hha young man. who
Is M year old, la a student at Culver
Military academy, driver, lad. He waa at
none Because or liinee ana Hastened to.
v. t , .. . u ' -1 a . i. -m . v e
IMV wuvw W U.KIli IIW VCrUg-
gkj la the hail.
"The stiao had drawn a great knife aod
(CfctaUnued en oecond rage.)
Taetdart Marrh S, 1909.
'90S LiRcn-
6 Z
13 U
20 21
2Z 28
7IZ. Htn TFlf
2 3 4 5
4 9 W 1 12
. JZG 1Z 18 19
24 25 26
2i 31 -
and Wednesday fair.
rain Tuesday night or Wednesday.
Temperatures st Omaha yesterday
6 a. m .
a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m ,
t a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 in
1 p. m
2 p. m
I p. m
A n. m i
. 25
. 24
. 21
. 24
. il
. m
. u
. tt
. u
. s?
5 o. m 42
p. m 41
7 p. m
p. m
t p. m ' id
Chief of Police Bhlppy shoots and kills
an anarchist who invaded his home Mon
day morning, shooting his son and coach
man and wounding the chief In an effort
at assassination, 'age 1
Illinois Central stockholders' meeting
delayed a day because of Inability of
proxies committee to prepare same.
rage a
Delegutes gather for Ohio atate conven
tion, the platform having been eubmltted
to Secretary Taft and approved by him.
rag-e 1
President Roosevelt finds that Judge
L. Wllfley of the United States court at
Shanghai Is entitled to credit Instead of
censure for his acts. rage a
Thomas B. Wanamaker dies at Liver
pool, i rag-e 1
King Rex of the Mardl Or as carnival
at New Orleans opens the carnival.
rage 1
Trial of Beach Hargls begins at Jack
son, rage 1
Prize offered for the auggestion of a
more humane way to slaughter animals.
rage 1
Railroads terminating In St. Louts have
placed In effect regulations that will re
duce expenses fl, 600,000 a month.
rage a
Many granite men In Vermont are out
of work aa a result of a suspension from
wage trouble. rage 1
Interstate Commerce commission de-
cldea the nine-hour law must stand with
out favor to any of the roads. rage 1
Pope Plua gives absolution In funeral
ceremonies held at Rome for the late
king of Portugal and the crowu prince,
who .were assassinated, rage 1
State accountant ' flies report on
finance of Mil ford Soldiers' home and
Lincoln Insane .asylum. Commandant at
Grand Island home says there will be no
shortage there. - ragv 9
Attorneys for James H. Edmisten, who
was indicted for land frauds, now say
that their client Is seriously 111 In Florida,
which explains failure of the ex-reformer
to appear In federal court In Omaha.
rag- 1
Scoring the proscribed district In
Omaha, the Douglas county grand Jury
has gone over a long list of wrongs and
made sweeping recommendations for the
prevention and cure of vice. rage 10
Mayor James Charles Dahlman of
On.aha says that If he goea after the
nomination for governor on the demo
cratic ticket and then keepa up the ef
fort for the election there la little doubt
of his success. rag 6
The Missouri Pacific Railroad company
haa ordered the cloelng of local offices
In a number of cities aa a retrenchment
measure, but President George Gould do
nles that the road Is apt to go into the
hands of a receiver. rag s
Chick Autrey has been secured by Pa
Rourke and will hold down first base for
Omaha this season, the Chicken having
made a big hit In winter base ball with
San Diego during the winter. " rage
coiurocxAA airs nroTTSTBXAXh
Live stock znarketa. rage
Grain markets. ragef
Stocks and bonds. rageT
PnrC- Anivee. gall4.
NEW TORH CMUrfoaia -e-
LIVERPOOL, ....Rnfeemtu
UVF.HPOOL ....Btnirla
aol'THAHPTON.Nvw York 1
BOSTON Caaaataa '
Fmaeral Ceremony Held at Rom for
Repeee of Seals of King
and Bon.
ROME, March t-In the hall of the beat
ifications a great funeral ceremony was
held for the repose of the souls of the late
King Carlos of Portugal and Crown Prlnoe
Luis Philippe, who were assassinated on
the streets of Lisbon February last.
Cardinal Vlnrenao Vannuttel'.l, arch priest
of the Liberia n basilica, who also holds
among his other title that of Protector of
Portugal, celebrated masa. The pope him
self gave absolution. The whole of the
sacred college, the papal court, member of
tbe aristocracy of Rome and several thou
sand others. Including many Americana,
were present at the function.
Itaatlon la Hajrtl Hot Looked lea
as Sertoas hy the Foreign
BERLIN. March 2. The Foreign office
doe iot believe that the differences of
opinion between General Nord Alexia, the
president of ths republic of Haytl, and
Oermany' diplomatic and consular repre
sentative there are likely to grow more
serious. Oermany haa full confidence In
the ability of the United State to bring
about a settlement of the difficulties that
shall be equable and aatiefactory to all
Jasama'a Utarlaf Tnoeday.
MARS11AJLLTO W N. Ia.. March 2. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Tie preliminary examina
tion of Donald B. Johnaoo, caahler of the
Green Mountain Saving bank, who I un
der arrest on a charge of receiving da pos
its when he knew the bank to bo Insolvent,
will have hi preliminary xamlnatkjn
Tuesday morning- HU bond ha been
fixed at 9U.BA Stuart B. MacDtarmld
hearing will XoUow. aocordUg to present
Republican State Convention Will
Meet Thin Afternoon.
It Will Favor, Immediate Revision of
Tariff A Ion a Tarty Lines Gar
grid to Be Temporary
COLl-MBrS, O.. March 2.-The republi
can state convention will be called to order
tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, although
It ta not expected that any Important ac
tion will be taken before Viednesday. The
first session, which will be brief, will ho
devoted to the work of orcanixation and
the chief Interest centers about the speech
of James R. Garfinld, who will be the
temporary chairman. An adjournment
will be taken aa aoon as he haa completed
his address.
The platform has already been prepared
and no contest worth mentioning Is ex
pected over any of Its rlanks. So far
there has appeared no algn of a disagree
ment upon any subject of national Im
portance. The platform will. In effect,
declare for the Immediate revision of tie
tariff along party lines, the work to ho
done at a special session of the next con
gress. The policies of President Roose
velt will be endorsed and the demand will
be made that there be no reaction In tkem
and no decrease In the vigor In which
they are to be carried through.
rlanks of Platform.
The Ohio "representatives In congress,,
are recognised "for their standing and
ability." No names will be mentioned.
The construction of the Panama, canal
will be approved and Its spedy comple
tion urged.
The services . of Secretary William H.
Taft will be eulogized and approved.
The establishment of a merchant marine,
and the creation of a strong navy will be
The enactment of a currency bill In
tended to meet the preaent needs of the
country will be demanded.
The Initiative and referendum will be
favored in cases where the rights of the
people and public property sre Involved.
local option In the liquor trade will be
Rehabilitation of the canals of the state
will be urged.
The amendment of the state constitution
permitting the classification of property
for taxation will be endorsed.
The enactment of a compulsory primary
election law will be asked, and the ad
ministration of Governor Harris will be
It is expected also that the platform
will include a plank relating to the colored
people, but Its exact nature has not yet
been determined.
No Slate on State Offices.
The announcement that there will be no
"slate." no prearrangement of any kind,
and the nomtnatlona for the various offices
are to be the result of a free-for-all fight
and the prise of anybody who can' get
them, haa greatly stimulated the Interest
In the convention.
The only ornce tor which there will not
be a strWg!e are governor. wheretSovernor
Harris has no opposition; secretary of
state, where tbe present Incumbent, C. M.
Thompson, will be nominated by acclama
tion, and dairy and food commissioner, for
which office Rennlck W. Dunlap will have
a walkaway. It is also highly probahle
that Judges John A. Bchauck and James
L. Price, present members of the supreme
court, will be nominated, although Judge
Woldman of Norwalk Is also a candidate.
The four delegates at large to the repub
lican national convention have been se
lected and there will be no opposition to
any of them. They will be Governor Har
ris, Myron T. Herrick of Cleveland, Arthur
I. Vorye of Lancaster, the political man
ager of the Toft campaign, and Charles P.
Taft of Cincinnati, the brother of the sec
retary of war.
Governor Harris today gave out the fol
lowing signed statement:
I am not a candidate for United States
senator and have no expectations shout It,
I hope to be nominated and elected gov
ernor and serve out r.y full term to tbe
best of my ability. I have no ambition
beyond that.
Kansas Rrpabllravas Declare for Him
at Wellngton.
WELLINGTON, Kan., March 1 Republi
cans of the Eighth congressional district
met here today and selected B. F. Mo
Lean of Wichita and George Hunter of
Wellington aa delegates to the national
convention at Chicago, with Instruction
for Taft.
Deereaee of Ono Per Cent In Fronts
of Company, According; to
NEW TORK, March I. Directors of the
American Smelting and Refining company
today declared a quarterly dividend of X
per cent on the company's oommon stock.
This compares with a quartrly dividend of
I per cent on the common stock for the
last previous quarter. The directors today
also declared a quarterly dividend of 1
per cent on the preferred slock, which Is
unchanged from the last previous quarter.
4aeob Roaat' Realdeaco.
Rr.r OAK. Ia.. March 1. (Special.)
The home of Jacob Roast, southwest of
town, waa completely destroyed laat night
by fl. Mr. Roast and family wer at
tending a s-lal about a mile and a half
from their home. A neighbor saw the fire,
but the roof fell in Just aa ha got there.
Insurance $300, which doesn't near cover
the loea.
Fir Loos of g 00,000.
ALBERT LEA. Minn., March 1 Fir
which started In Lembke'a dry goods store
today destroyed one of the largest busi
ness buildings In the city, entailing a loss
on the building, four mercantile firms, the
Northwestern Telephone Exchange com
pany and six other tenants of S90,0u0.
Ten Horeeo Bnrned.
VERMILION, 8. D., March l (Special
Telegram.) Ten horeea. several hundred
bushels of grain, a quantity of names and
machinery wore consumed In a fire which
destroyed a large barn on the John Gun
dereon farm today. Total loas, 64,000.
Farm Loo at MarshaUtowa.
MAltSHA.LL.TOWN. Ia.. March 1 (Spe
cial Telegram.)-Fifteen cattle, eight horse,
forty ton ot hay In two barn on the J.
F. Yetley farm at the edge of Marshall
town burned early thla morning. Loas,
H000, partly Insured.
roeJkeartdc Hall.
DANVILLE. Ky.. March 1-Brecken-ridge
ball, on of the largest dormltle of
Central university, wae destroyed ty lire
Arrival of the Klr of Mardl Ores
le the dismal for Carnival
NEW ORLEANS, March 1 Today marks
the arrival of Rex In the festivities attend
ant upon Mardl Oras and the formal open
ing of the New Orleans carnival. The king
of the carnival is received with elaborate
ceremonies by the mayor and other offi
cials thla afternoon and taking the keys
to the city rules supreme until midnight
Tueeday. The jewels which will be worn
during the carnival by Rex and his queen'
have been on exhibition In their capital
city. New Orleans, for severs! days. The
king' crown Is of gold, set with diamonds
and emeralds and lined with red velvet.
The scepter Is of gold and Ivory and
studded with handsome gems of many va
rnetlea. A heavy rope of pearls and dia
monds set with amethysts will be worn
serosa the monarch's breast.
The queen's Jewels are of diamonds and
emeralds and consist of girdle, necklace,
bracelets and brooches. There Is a tiara
of unusual beauty, which Is set with these
gems. The scepter Is of gold and pearl,
studded with many handsome stone.
The Identity of those who play the ptrrts
of the merry monarcha In the carnival Is
supposed to be kept secret until the day
following the ball of R-x tonight, when all
local newspapers publish pictures of the
king and hla queen. While Rex Is always
some prominent truslness man. the queen
la usually the daughter of some repre
sentative cltlxen. . To be chosen as either
king or queen Is considered a great honor,
and many thousands ot dollars are spent
upon the robes and the gowns of the mon
archs whose reign lasts less than thirty
six hours.
During these ' thirty-six hours the merry
subjects of Rex and his queen give them
selves over to. mirthful celebrations. Fol
lowing the naval pageant and parade at
tendant upon the reception of Rex the
parade and ball of Proteua are held to
night. Tomorrow morning there Is the pa
rade of Rex and tomorrow evening .the
parade and the ball of the Mystic Krewe
of Comus and the ball of Rex, which bring
the carnival to a close.
Son of John Wanamaker and Owner
of Philadelphia North Ameri
can Passe Array.
LIVERPOOL. March 2. Thomas B. Wan
amaker of Philadelphia, son of former
Postmaster General John Wanam-'er, d:ed
suddenly at the Hotel Liverpool here today.
Mr. Wanamaker arrived here on Thurs
day, from Egypt, where he had been
traveling with his mother In search of
PHILADELPHIA, March 1 Mr. Wana
maker had long been a sufferer from rheu
matic gout, complicated with other ail
ments. Mr. Wanamaker for a long tlmu
had not been fenllng well and about the
first of the year sailed for Egypt In search
of health. On February I public announce
ment was made that Mr. Wanamaker had
retired from the firm of John Wanamaker.
The reason for hi retirement was not
grren and his father declined to make any
statement. It waa generally believed, how
ever, that the son' retirement was due
to hla 111 health. -? ...
While It waa known that Mr. Wanamaker
waa quite ill. It waa not believed that h a
condition was dangerous until yesterday,
when the family received a cablegram
stating that he was dying. His. mother,
his sister, Mrs. Barclay H. Warburton and
his niece, Miss Fernanda Wanamaker, the
daughter of hla brother, Rodman Wana
maker, were with him when he died.
Thomas B. Wanamaker was born In this
city and was In his iXth year. He gradu
ated from Princeton and soon afterward
became a member of the firm of John
Wanamaker and was the executive head In
the absence of his father. He waa Inter
ested In many enterprises and was the
proprietor of the Philadelphia North Ameri
can, having purchased the newspaper from
Clayton McMlchael In 1899.
Mr. Wanamaker leaves a widow and two
young sons. Mrs. Wanamaker did not go
abroad with her husband because one of the
children has been operated npon for ap
pendicitis and It waa deemed Inadvisable to
take the boy acroas the ocean at that time.
Prise Offered for Saggestlon of Bet
ter Method Thsus That, Uaed
at Preeent.
NEW TORK. March t Henry Bergh,
nephew of the founder of the American
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of
Antmals, In a letter In connection with the
offer of a prlae of 65O0 by the society for an
invention for the humane slaughter of
animals for food, objects to present slaugh
ter methods aa cruelty. "In all the relations
of man to the lower animals there 1 noth
ing," says the letter, "Involving so much
suffering as the raising and killing of
thoae used for market purposes."
To mitigate as far as possible the suffer
ings Inflicted on them committees have
been appointed by the American humane
aasoclation and the American Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to
investigate the various method of slaugh
tering throughout this country and Europe.
Electricity for the purpose ha boen con
sidered objectionable because of the dan
ger to human life, it questionable human
ity especially In unskilled hands, and It
possible Injurious effect on the fresh of
the animal.",
Concluding the letter says that In the
competition for the prise drawings and
models, either or both, accompanied by a
typewritten description, must be delivered
at tbe office of the American Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
60 Madlaon avenue, before meeting on
Monday, June L 1908.
CltlaesLS of Jackson Retain Lawyer
to Assist in Proeeentloa of
Yeaag Haa,
JACKSON, Ky.. March 1 The caao of
Beech Hargls. charged with the murd.-r of
hia father, former Judge James F. Hargls,
one of the principals In the Breathitt county
feuds, waa called today before Judge
Adams. Attorney A. Floyd Byrd was a
gaged by tbe cltlxens of Jackson to prose
cut Hargls and will assist the state.
Dakota Debater Selected.
VERMILLION, B. D.. March Z. (Special.)
It haa finally been decided who shall
represent the University of South Dakota
in the two debate to be held thla month.
Mesar F. P. Den holm, B. F. Mlntner and
Harry P. Haley will go against North
Dakota, and R. 1L Drlesbach. A. L.
Bherln and M. W. Murphy will look after
the university' Interests In the contest
with Crelghlon' university. Th North
Dakota debate will occur at Or and Fork.
March ft, while the on with Crelghlon will
be held la thl city on March IA
Iowa Man Introduce! Measure Tax
ing Salei of Stocks.
Mr. Clark of Florida Makes Sens,
tloaal Attark on Proaerntlons for
Peenaae by Attorney
WASHINGTON, March t-Mr. Hepburn
of Iowa, Introduced a bill In the house to
day Intended to discourage margin trading
In securities. It Imposes a tax of So cents
per 1X) share on all sales of stocks and
agreements to sell.
A variety of subjects waa considered by
the house today. A resolution waa passed
authorising the Immigration committee to
Investigate charges of peonage In certain
states. . In the debate on that subject Mr.
Clark of Florida, denounced Assistant At
torney General Russell, In connection with
certain prosecutions In lorlda and refer
red sarcastically to Attorney General Bona
parte. There followed a lively discussion
over a bill to deport, after serving their
sentences, of all aliens convicted f felony.
The measure was defested.
Four hundred pension bills and a few
other private bills were passed, and tlte
balance of the time was consumed In con
sidering the postofflce appropriation bill,
which will he discussed for several days.
Conalioratlon of the postofflce appropria
tion bill was begun In the house of repre
sentatives today. As presented, tho bill
carries a total appropriation of J20.766.S92,
which Is $,75.S:4 less than the estimates.
Mr. Overstreet of Indiana, explained the
provisions of the measure, the main fea
ture of which already has been published.
An understanding waa reached whereby
general debate la to continue Indefinitely.
The bill had only been briefly discussed
when It was laid aside and the house at
6M p. m. adjourned.
. f
William Alden Smith Speaks Against
Aldrlrh Currency BUI,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.-8onator William
Aldon Smith of Michigan, today spoke
against the railroad bond feature of the
Aldrich currency bill pending before the
senate. Most of the day waa devoted to
the passage of bills on the calendar which
are not of general Importance.
A bill to recognize the consular service
of the United States waa passed. Mr.
Lodge stated that the net result of the
measure Is to save about 11,000 to close
twenty-eight consulal and to create
seventy new ones. No consul wilt h
dropped as a reault of this legislation,
wnicn win take errect July 1, 1908.
The senate today passed a bill authorising
the entry under the homestead law of 839
acres of land Instead og ISO, as at preaent,
when the land Is arid and Incapable of Ir
rigation. '
Kansaa Man to Guatemala.
WASHINGTON, March J.-The president
sent to the senate today the nomination of
William Helmek of Kansas to be minister
to Guatemala.
loan Woman's Eye T'ncovered to
Scene that Sends Her Into
Sertoas Condition.
CHICAGO, March I The Record-Herald
today says that Miss Frances Klngsnorth,
an artists' model, was led blindfolded Into
a room filled with cadavers yeeterday and
was photographed for a picture to be en
titled "Asleep with the Dead." She fainted
when the bandage was removed and her
eyes opened on the grinning hulks of hu
man forms that surrounded her. Her col
lapse was followed by hysterics. In which
she screamed and struggled to free herself
from what seemed to her a living tomb
until she fell In an unconscious heap on
the floor of the anatomical laboratory.
For hours after her experience ahe waa
In a precarious condition at the home of a
physician, whHher she was removed fol
lowing the scene cretted as the result of
an effort to obtain a photograph that would
eclipse all the Imaginative horror con
ceived" by art. Mlaa Klngsnorth previously
had nerved herself to walti with an artic
ulated skeleton and to pose with the same
bony remnant of a departed personality
upon her lap and several pictures were
German Singing Society le Assisted
Martha Sch warts. Soprano, and
Marl Meek, Pianist.
At the concert and ball g-vein Sunday
night In Metropolitan hall by the Omaha
Maennerchor, assisted by Marr! ifc-hwartx,
soprano, und Marie Meek, pianlat,, ssveral
hundred friends of this popular German
singing society attested their appreciation
by repeated encoring. Prior to the ball a
program of twelve number waa given,
which Included soprano and btuts solo,
election of Btelnhauser's oiori'jtru and
numerous song by tho Maennerchor, under
the able direction of Hnry Haurwrta. Ow
ing to the absence of F. Lehrnann, w:o waa
to stng a tenor solo, his plan was ffn.iti
by Peter Laux. who accommodated with a
baa solo.
Mrs. C. E. Robinson Drink Carbollo
Acid While Alone In Dangh.
tor's Home.
BANCROFT. Neb., March S f Special.)
Mr. C. E. Robinson, an old resident of this
place, committed suicide today, taking car
bolic add. Bh had been living with her
daughter, Mrs. W. F. Presser, and while
the latter waa down town shopping, she
drank the acid. Mra. Robinson leave two
daughter and one eon, Mrs. W. F. Presser
of Bancroft. Mrs. J. E. Blenklson of Sioux
City and Frank Robinson of Ponca.
Interstate Commerce Commission R.
naes All Reg rata of Railroads
for Exteaelon.
WASHING rON, March t The Interstate
Commerce commission today decided by a
unanimous vote to deny all petition for
th extension of time within which to com
ply with the so-called hours of service
law the nine-hour vw. The reason will
be stated In a report which 1 now In
course of preparation and will be announce.
In a few day.
f all to Toledo Caa Accepted.
LA PORTE, Ind. Mirth I sjivlal Tel.
egram.) Hev. W. W. UuufMin ot (Hnaiia,
who was ordained to tuo tpiif.Tl priest
hood Friday by Rlyht liev. Bishop W !.!.
of tnls aiooae, lo.iy ac.eptl aa uni,l
n.ou ceil vol.! Hin by be, John's l'
fl church cf TuicUj, O. lie U Us;a
hi ut OUl.
Already Has Overw helmlnac Majority
In the State Con
Total delegate la state con vsatloa . . . . MS
Total delegate already chotsa TOt
rom Tim
Ailnma li
' Antelope 12
Hooi.e ; 12
Butler 11
Cans II
Cedar 12
Chase 2
Clay ,.; 14
Cusier II
liaknt 6
iKi-e 1
iMutrlas 102
Dundy I
Fillmore 12
Franklin I
Furnas 10
Onge 2
Hxmilton li
Hayes , 2
Hitchcock 4
Holt 12
Howard I
Johnson 11
Kearney I
Klmhall 1
Madison H
Nemaha 12
Otoe 17
Pawnee II
Phelps 10
Platte 13
Richardson 17
Saline II
Parpy T
fcowHrd , ' 15
Thayer 13
Washington 12
York 17
Instructed for Taft B74
Vn nrtructed for Taft 38
Total for Taft 01S
rom ROOBrvzr,Ti
Lancaster H
Polk 8
Scott's Bluff 4
Total for Roosevelt 66
Cheyenne I
Ihtwes b
Dawson 1 11
Jefferson 14
, Pierce 7
Sheridan 4
Wayne 10
Total nn instructed 66
TJ als struct ad for Taft SS
TJnlnstruoted scattering 31
SCHl'TLER, Neb. March 2.-(Bpeclal Tel
egramsAt the republican county conven
tion In Colfax county, the administration
of President Roosevelt and Taft's candi
dacy were Indorsed and the following dele
gates to the state convention were In in
structed for Rosewater and Sheldon for
delegates at large: Otto Zuelow. W. I.
Walling, William Glhson, George Wert.
Levi Adams. Jamea Pallk, George Spence
and J. E. Arnold. The delegates to the
congressional convention are: O. Van
housen, D. McLeod, J. H. Polper, F. J.
Hrubesky, J. D. Wolfe. H. P. Peterson,
J. D. Woods and John Hansen.
Thonaanda Gather at Paterson Daring-
(Vremony for
Father Leo.
PATEJRSON, N. J.. March 2.-An Im
mense throng of people attendrd the fu
neral services" today at Bt. Bona venture'
church, xhla city, of It former pastor.
Father Leo Helnrtchs, who waa assassi
nated In Denver.
Thousand of men and women who were
unable to enter the church stood for two
hour In the rain until they saw the cajiket
containing the body of the dead priest car
ried from the church to be taken to the
Maa vn celebrated by Rev. Father Ed
ward Blecke, provincial of the Franciscan
brder, assisted by priests who were former
classmates of Father Hetnrlch. The eulogy
was delivered by Dean McNulty, pastor of
St. John' church, who waa a warm per
sonal friend of tho dead man. He said
that the lesson to be learned from the
murder I "that our socletioa ought to
labor to counteract the evil lesson taught
by the anarchist and socialists. Instead
of dinner and euchres and game let us
have lecture on moral and social topic.
Let us be able to answer and to convert
the wild agitator."
Jadge Bethea Urges Federal Official
to Harry Rebate Prose
rations. CHICAGO. March 2. Judge 8. P. Bethea
of the United States district court today
took action which may reault In the dis
missal of several criminal prosecutions on
which Diatrlct Attorney E. W. Sims ha
been engaged. Tr. court told Mr. 81ms
that only a week more of time would be
given him In which to arrange for the trial
of a hundred or more . cases. Many of
these have been daUycl so long that de
fendants are compls-inSr .
In the list are thra case against the
Standard Oil company of Indiana, rebate
oase against the Itanta Fe Railway com
pany and tho New Tforit, Chicago A St.
Ixul Railway curnuny. and one case In
which the E. It. tttaf.'ord Manufacturing
company and several other concerns are
accused of having' formed a combination
to restrict competUlon in the furniture
"We are about a year behind In the work
of osjr tvCt'leV' said Mr. Biros. "It is im
ply a case of having too small a staff."
Yonnar Lawyer Disregards Hi Attor
neys and File New Motion
Disregarding the advloe of hi attorney
William H. Holme, th young attorney
convicted of embesxlement last week, haa
taken charge of his own case and Monday
afternoon he filed an Independent motion
for a new trial. His attorneys, A. 8. Rit
chie and Charles 6. Bmoyer, filed the same
motion Saturday, but Holme waa not sat
isfied and he declare he will act for him
self. Monday afternoon he appeared in the
district clerk's office and signed a long
affidavit In which he declares County At
torney English with saying things in his
argument not based on the evidence.
Mr. Ritchie said he waa not out of the
case, aa he still believe Holme I Insane
and not responsible for what he Is doing.
"Under ordinary circumstance," he said,
"I would withdraw from the case, but be
having Holmes Is Insane I feel It my duty
to remain In the rase. Thla laat action
Is a strong Indication that he I Insane.
Wife Think Hnsbaad Innocent.
CHICAOO, March t -On the eve of ih
trial of Bt-aton W. mtngater, a oomnierical
traveler, charged with -.paving attempted
to kill hia wif snd hla yuurt dauaht.r. by
andiiig them poiwrned candy, TH acon.lrg
wttc. I. iim E. anter. on whiwr testimony
hjnmrr aa Indicted, declared thathe
tx-Ut-vea it waa a "i:ini hand that (UloH
ti.e cantly wiiti a iv-w. jr 1 ...n aiemil
ar.d a. J t ut J i e. a f mothvr and
Mind. Bum n.i J r to be la-
1.11. SCt,
Eaili to Appear in Federal Court at
Promiied by Hii Attorney.
Statei He ii Confined to Hit Bed and
Cannot Come to Xcbraika Now,
No Caiei Bein? Ready for Trial, the
Term of Court ii Adjourned.
So Intimation Whether or Not F.dmls
ten p Will Re Ready for Trial oa
Land Frnnd harges at That
Time Ral Iron da First.
The promises of his attorney, E. C. Strode
of Lincoln, that he would certainly show
up to the contrary notwithstanding. James
H. Kdmisteii, former chairman of the Ma
populist committee and former deputy state
oil inspector, failed to put In an appear
ance In tho United States district court
Monday morning. He was represented by
his other attorney, W. S. Summers, mho
produced a telegram from Dr. J. M. Jonci
at Jnterlschen, Fla.. stating that Mr. Ed
mlsten was confined to his bed there and
that to have him come to Nebraska at th'i
time would endanger hla life. A slmilai
statement was produced from Dr. Frei
Elche of Lincoln, the family physician ol
Mr. Edmisten.
Edmlsten's case, fraud In land deals, wai
called for trial last Monday and when
he and his attorneys failed to appear In
court Judge W. H. Munger declared tin
bond forfeited. Diligent effort was mde to
locato Edmisten. His attorneys refused to
tell where he was and the court was given
to understand he waa between Lincoln and
North Platte, while a rumor said he was
in Mexico. It la believed those looking out
for his Interests have known all along Just
where he was and that other matters are
also thoroughly understood. His brother
of Lincoln is on his bond for 110,000.
The result waa that, no cases being
ready for trial, there was nothing for the
court to do but to adjourn for th term.
The Jury was discharged.
The next term of court will begin April
In Omaha. The first of the cases to be
called up at this term will be the twenty-eight-hour
case against the several rail
roads. Following the disposal of these
the Babcock and Agnew case will be
called and on April 20 th Chicago ranch
case will be called. It Is not known at
thi time Just when the Edmisten case
will be called again, owing to th condi
tion of Mr. Edmlsten's health.
Dire Threat Ara Made A aw laat Mea
Who Plant Crop Thla
LEXINGTON, Ky.,' March J.-W. B.
Hawkins, the man who originated the to- '
bacco growers' movement five year ago
and whs the first president of the Burley
Tobacco association, tomorrow will publish
In a card a warning to .grower of their
probable fate if they disobey the ultimatum,
of the Equity society on the crop of 19US.
The substance of the warning In part, fol
lowa: When your plant bed Is scraped or your
barn burned, send to Governor Wlflson
and he will let you have a battalion of
soldiers and their gatling gun to protect
your property, and maybe save you from
a whipping. There la an old saying: "I
do not care to buy a lawsuit." Do you
care to buy trouble in this way In flying
in the face of public opinion and In the
face of determined men, who believe you
their worst enemy snd who will stop at
nothing to right their supposed wrongs?
The majority has said, "No crop in 1."
What will you doT Bow your seeds and
begin a year of torment, for it will be 9o6
daya of h for you, sleepless nights.
alum mt irAv nil-. M ' v. . . - . '
- ...ura. . 1 1 orv Mum ao
Ing nowT Are they only scraping plant beds.
i nn-j niLisi Darn, or, m, norrors:
are they after my back with their damn
able switches?
TV, Tint Hit., tn l ii ,,, 1 1 1 iUm.Im .
r - " . . uuiumuu U1U K y ,
It won t coma to me; hasn't It oom to the
Flee from the wrath to come, for If you
plant tobaoco, you are sowing a whirlwind.
Mutterings and mumblings are heard on
allaides and the outraged farmers will not
stand persecution always, and I say to you.
In my opinion, trouble will come to you If
you plant a crop in 190.
sensation was caused here today when It
became known that many member of
the Society of Equity In this, Montgomery
county, had received threatening letter
through tbe mall regarding tobaoco rais
ing. The letter bear th postmark of
the local office. A oopy of on of th
letter waa secured today by th Asso
ciated press correspondent, which had
been sent to J. M. Blgataff, president or
the Traders' bank, th wealthiest man In
the county and a large land owner. Hs
waa formerly on th Equity board of thla
county. The letter wa wrltton on a
typewriter and mailed In a white en
velope and In the envelope with the let
ter waa a brown envelope of smaller sit
which contained powder and matches,
Th notice read aa follow:
Dear Sir: This Is to notify you If there
is sny beds or any tobacco destroyed In
Montgomery or Bath counties this yesr.
you hsd better look out for your owu
property. (Signed) TENANTS.
Similar letter were received by other
member of th society, and Harv
Prewltt, Luclen Brldgeworth and other
tobaoco and cattle raiser received let
ter signed In the same way and written
on th same kind of papers, saying:
"If w cannot raise tobacco, you can't
raise any cattle." Some of thee letter
wer turned over to the postal authori
ties. This Is the first Instance Of mem
bers of the Society of Equity being
threatened. There ha never been any
trouble in this county, and It Is reported
tonight that the members of th Equity
oclety will offer a large reward for the
arrest and conviction of the luihn, r
author of the threatening letter. Lead
ing Independent grower denounce th
letter writer In bitter terms.
Differences with Employer Over
Wages Rr-enlt la Suspension
t In Vermont.
BOSTON, March t. - More than X)0
granite cutters, qusrrymen and other em
ployed In the granite Industry and in sur
rounding centers of Harre. Vt , MnnLpl1,r.
Vt., snd Westerly, R. J., tort affected by
a suspension of Wirk today, due 10 a fail
ure by the unions and manufacturers
agree to the provisions of a new Wag
scale and working agreement to replace
that. which tovfutJ tie tuitiff aa to
eturcwy. .