Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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tirJVwEr? ? i to tie pnllic a a regular phanru
ticai product Iti. just m eUiical m any compound put up tor medioi
profession. Ko stTiaia; cf mioj stMcs eafind JT hltwiS if m
sell onr product TO THE PEOPLE. Terue a
th.iffc4,!? f0 "JwtiM far doctor, orJ7,
2Si frtrnity would U obliged to noogiiiM Peru, u beS
entirely within their approrej.
W. thai! eoatiaue to offer Peruna to the people. Wo shall contiane to
eoarey to the people ow claim, for Peron m a household remedy. We shall
continue to supply the people with free literature, teaehin them how to use,
ou -medicine, teaching them how to a?oid disease, teaching them many thinet
of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical
pro f essioa like it or not '
We are proposing from this time on to take the publie into our confidence,
notwithstanding that eome imitator and substitutors will be attempting to
put op something: which they oonaider jut u good u Peruna, we are roinr to
Tr . tt"11- f Mcr7 and allow any one who chooses to know exactly
This ought to disarm all honerf criticism, We expect, howeyer, that crit
iciam will continue. On some pretext or other thorn who are envious of the
suoeess or rerun will continue to find
fault But we are determined to giro
such people so just ' complaint
It has become a household word in
millions of homes. Our faith ia the
remedy is stronger than erer. Every
in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this ralu
able household remedy.
try it If it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you.
If you want us to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it
to ns. We will add no words, take away no words. If you wish us to we will
publish your portrait in connection with it We will not do this without your
written request, without your entire consent
Peruna has cured thousands of people of chronic catarrh, in many phases
and locations. At least, that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited
testimonial. Peruna will cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated
slanders to the contrary.
We guarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely true in the
exact language of the testifier.
We fuarantee that erery photograph published is the photograph of the
person whose name it b-irs, that erery word of every testimonial was author
izeJjhy the hand that signed it
We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are,
by dealing squarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet falsehood
with truth, d nplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity.
We know that t-be users of Peruna will appreciate our stand. We believe
that tte dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op
ponents will be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only an
bonett and useful remedy, but ona cf the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD HEDI.
People Who Object to
Liquid Medicines Can
- Now Secure Peruna
My Spring and Summer stock has ar
y rived and is now ready for inspection.
. This stock consists of the latest and
most popular fabrics, includinsr attrnc-
- v J
tivQ suitings in checks and stripes, plain and fancy patterns
in all shades and weights.
The Molony "roomy" suit gives a dis
tinction and individuality which the
ordinary tailor-made suit doesnot pos
sess. It is an evolution in clothes-mak
ing which, because sensible, has become popular. By
"roomy" we mean well-fitted but comfortable clothes.
Every measurement is taken with the utmost care; the
same careful attention is given to the cutting and fitting of
eacl individual piece of the garment, and the result is that
Molony suits look well, feel well and wear well
The patronage of Omaha mem who ap
preciate good clothes has enabled me
to more than treble my output within
the past three years. I appreciate this
patronage. The large number of inquiries received prior
to the arrival of this stock indicate that buying this Spring
will start earlier than usual. I would, therefore, urge you
to call as early as possible to make your selection while the
stock is ccjiplete. Kemember the location: 320 South 15th
Chas. E. Moloney
At Ho
me or
XowaJaJ peoiie
ar pretty particu
lar aa to the purity
of tha beer they
drink. Tbe brew
ers of Gold Top
have always been particular,
nave always taken every im
aginable precaution to luaura
to the drinker of Gold Tup a
beer that not only pos
se a delightful fla
vor, bat Is pure
nealthful as well.
Jitter's Gold Top is bottled ex
pretkly for select cafe and home
use. It Is ideal family beer.
Our wagons deliver to all parts of Omaha. South
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Phono us for a case.
Jctier Brewing Co.
Omaha headquarters; HUGO T. BILZ. 14th and
Douglas. Tel. Don. U42. Council Bluffs bead
Quarters: LEE MITCHELL. 1011 Mala St-. Tel.
and ; I I
Kr. MsnLsJl Field. Jr., Insists on
Teitin Milk.
lBer kr FMtau Cwaae Mr.
Cmw CrawlIU West t
Wear Qaeea'a Oaw
It Fill Bee.
LONDON. Feb. D 8ptil.) Society !
huat-ly enioylns a 1ory that Is being told
la tha drawln rooma of the elect of which
Mr. Marshall Field. Jr, ia the heroine. Xt
It waa told roe, tha rich Chlcao widow
waa recently Invited to a ducal aeat la
Scotland and aked to brlnf with her her
little girl, vboM health la In a very dell
cat state. It waa thoufht that the bracing
Scotch air would benefit the child and that
was on of tha reasons for including tha
little Invalid In the lntltaUon. Another was
that Mrs. Field, who la one of the most
devoted of mothers, would not come with
out her.
In due course they arrived. But Mrs.
Field had not been long In the bouse be
fore she announced that she would have to
go to the dairy and test tha milk with a
milk tester which she had brought with ber.
Bhe never allowed her dear little girl, ahe
said, to drink milk anywhere unlesa she
had assured herself that It waa absolutel
The hostess, a Scotchwoman of a rather
severe type, etked her gueat what In tha
world ahe meant by doubting tha respecta
bility of her milk milk upon which all her
brawny eons and decidedly brawny daught
ers, too, had been brought up. In fact, ahe
said, in a ladylike way, "How dare your
But Mrs. Field continued to dare. A great
specialist had told her that she could not
be too particular about the milk that bar
little girt drank. Tbe child's health was
Infinitely precious to her and sha could not
permit any of the convenUona of society to
stand In tbe way of taking every possible
precaution. What the servants call "worde
were exchanged, with the result that tha
milk remained untested and Mrs. Field and
her adored offspring left tha mansion that
same afternoon In the motor In which they
had arrived.
Kla Meae OS His Gaest.
This story. In soms form, may have
reached you before. Aa It ahows tha
smartness and tact of the American woman
It ia worth venturing a repetition. More
over, this Is the correct version. Some
little time ago the king and queea gave
a sucoession of small dinners at Bucking'
ham Palace br immediate frlenda, and one
night Mrs. George Comwallis West the
ex-Lady Randolph Churchill waa of the
favored sixteen, which waa tha limit In
number. Now, even royal servanta are
not Impeccable. During dinner a six-
footer" in the royal scarlet and gold liv
erlea of the royal footmen dropped the
best part of a tureen of fish sauce down
the back of the lady's bodice. The king.
on whose right Mrs. Went waa sitting, saw
tha Incident and Immediately attempted to
mop up the mesa with hia serviette; in fact.
the only person who waa calm at tha table
was Mrs. West herself. Turning to his
majesty, she exclaimed: "I like a hot bath
on a chilly night."
When tbe ladles retired to the drawing
room after dinner, her majesty came im
mediately to her guest and said: "Come
along with me and I ahall give you some
thing of mine to wear for the rest of ths
Various "waJsta." aa you Americana call
your bodices, were tried on; but Mr
West, being of far more generoua propor
tions than the queen, nothing could be
found to fit her. At last her majesty re
marked: -Why. a tea jacket will be the
very thing. You can surely get Into that."
Which Mrs. West did. It was a gorgeous
thing of mauve chiffon and Point de Venlse
lace, and the wearer set It off to infinite
advantage. I bear Mra. West made her
majesty promise before she left the palace
that nlrht that the footman who had com
mitted the iniquity should not be dismissed.
The fact waa, he waa a new sen-ant doing
footman's duty and he was ao appallingly
nervous that ha lost his bead.
I risk Srasaa Relegate.
It looks ss if the Irinh season in the
future will be "non eat." Thia year lord
and Lady Aberdeen can manage to apin
it out for only three wertta. Hitherto It
has gone fairly merrily for six weeks. The
truth is. things socially are going from
bad to worse in Ireland. The day Is not
fr distant when there will be ao use for a
Lord Lieutenant In the Bmerald Isle and
Dublin castle, after It has been overhauled
by the sanitary authorities and haa been
disinfected. Vill make a good hospital, or
some public Institution of whieh the people
miy approve.
Irish people may have their vices, but
ingratitude ia not one of them. They are
extraordinarily appreciative of kindness,
more so thsn any nation on the face of
the earth; indeed, ss a matter of fact they
can always be "got at" by kindness. Con
sequently they have the greatest possible
regard for Lady Aberdre-i, who undoubtedly
has- .done much for the working classes.
She is a big hearted, masterful, but very
ina woman.
I am told the first drawing room at the
castle was a killing spectacle, some of the
dresses being amaxing. Refers now Irish
women, who. aa you know, are nothing If
not daring, have requisitioned that dread
ful material tarlatan, a kinj of coarse
cotton net to "do up" their antique satin
and silk frocks. The court trains of It
at the last drawing room were a sight for
the gods.
nUplay af Sfcass Jewels.
The display of sham jewels waa pathetic.
The family heirlooms mere evidently either
at "uncle'a" or had own disposed of and
the owners were not in a position to buy
even good Imitations, which in these days
deceive evea experts. Those worn on the
great occasion In Dublin could not fail to
be detected by the merest tyro In the
knowl.dge cf stones
A stricter view of social etiquette is being
observed ia Berlin, at the personal instance
of the emperor. At gal performances at
the opera, at which the emperor and ira
preea and members of the court intend to
be present. It Is now Imperative that the
women must wear decollete evening dreas
and gentlemen evening clothes and whit
ti-a. Those who do not conform to thia
direction are refused admission. Hitherto
evening dress, as understood In London or
Paris, haa been the exception. Another
innovation on gala nignt is the closing
the refreshment deparUuDt at the
opera, where many of the audience have
been accustomed to consume lager beer
and sandwiches between the acta.
An these alterations are due to the regard
which Emja-ror William has for British
customs, and are points which he studied
during bis recent visit to this country. On
the whole. Germans are v.ot antagonistic
to the reform fact which is specially
pU-aslng te the emperor himself.
his operations against the Moroccan tribes
men. General D'Amada. commanding the
Frearh forces, haa assumed the offensive
sgalnst the natives In the Chaoula r1on
Several columns of French troops yesterday
marched against the Madagtira tribesmen
near Fldailah. who fought the French In
a aeries of eombata between February M and
IS wbea four French soldiers were killed
and twenty-seven wounded.
felsar af Skip ar Chlaa Taasa
Cassalleatlaa ' that May
taut Traakle.
TOKJO. Feb. S The Japanese govern
ment la maintaining a determined attitude
concerning the selsure of the Tatsu Msru
and demands both an apology and aa In
demnity from Chin.
Tbe Chinese Foreign of fioe wants to sub
mit the entire Question to a mixed court.
Thia Is refused by the Japanese govern
ment unless the vessel has first been re
leased and an apology made for an Insult
to the flag. It appears that the Tatsu
was regularly cleared from Kobe with a
consignment of arms and ammunition for
Macao. It Is believed here among officials
that the Chinese will finally yield to the
demand cf Japan. It is quite evident.
nowever. thst the Japanese will resort to
force unless their demands sre conceded
within a reasonable time.
Left ver Piano Bargai
Twa L.afcarers Killed kr Eiploilas
Deaatatlea roasrratalatea kak
aa His Eacaae.
TEHERAN, Feb. 28. A bomb exploded In
a side street of this city at an early hour
this morning and killed two laborers. The
occurrence created some local ercitement,
but there waa nothing to ahow any con
nection with tha- attempt made yesterday
afternoon on the life of the ahah. when
unknown persons hurled two bombs st the
automobile la which he was supposed to
be riding through the street
A deputation from Parliament proceeded
to the palace this morning and congratu
lated the shah upon his escape from death.
Tonight this city will be Illuminated aa a
sign of rejoicing.
Our February Alteration Kale, which dosed Sstarday night, reduced our stock of piano barpalrf.
leaving only a limited number which we have determined to closs out this week. We have made prlrei
, u .u.uuieins wia new ana uea pianos wrirh a in te the means of moving them quickly.
- - - lumiuniuir money oy taxing aavantagr or tnese speviai prices
a high grade Instrument of which you snd your family may well be proad.
-at the same time securing
$400 Upright
A tesntsrul Flen lsh oak.
an ornanvnt to any par
lor for tr? me
diate sale, at. . .
375 Cabinet Grand
Fininhed in San Domingo
mahogany, will suit the
most discriminating iruslc
lover fully
ranted price
week only
$350 Upright
A beautiful Instrument. In
French walnut finish,
will surely prove a bar
gain for some- f 7C
one, at 91 la)
Three Sample Piants
Beautifully flnlhej. fully
guaranteed snd warrant
ed reaular New fork el
lln prices, tlJS, Ji t,n4
ISTV each iur rrkes for
Immediate disposal -
I3, $141 and tISS eaeh
.t .. J f l i a lh,B1,reek "1 number of lard fprisht. received Jn exchange for new Stein-
?iSf , d 1IUlrdni Theee are In good condition, in exc-U.nt tune. nd ar" offered a7 orice.
K?mb.MU ruTr t0J thf IK' r,K,eB pf ,hwe instrument,. These fOf? ffr tAF
Kimball. FUchtr. Kranlch A Bach and Chlckerlng spetlal prices $"5. $105 1
.kI v-lr ""T ,?Jery K?d adlon. and just the th'xr for beginners. Including Stelnwsr-'
' bvvibi vinrr niaKce lerrus Z.tMI Caxli and
SOc a Wee at .
Ws tl IS Va SjAVciaa 1 Vnaa .1 n a . .
.7. . ' "uu lwa id excellent renair of such minnr.,)...
aa Kimhaii Uunn x. u,!.- i .., reiair. oi sucn manufacture
- . touii.u, uu ClUi j k v. ia IK
$25, $35, and $45 each
ich manufactnreiMA QP DOlrt
"'odaP ln.;;um;;ts"oVr".ny'd."y this' week 'convenient to.
ha and Tkinity. Concerts are free and are attracts the, attentfon of music-lovers ia
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
13U-1S13 T AMASS WT. OMAIi. litAltniMn ....
naAsfCKEB council, Bttrrrm, out oxaka. xovcour noxrx cttt7
Battleahlaa Reviewed bv President
Par4 as Taes Steasa Oat
af tha Harbor.
CALL AO, Feb. The fleet of American
battleahipa under Rear Admiral Evans
weighed anchor thia morning and at the
time of filing this dispatch the vessels are
steaming majestically out of the harbor in
column formation and heading to the north.
The departing visitors were given a rous
ing send-off by the people. Several large
steamers had been chartered to take out
spectators to witness the departure. The
fleet waa reviewed outside the hsrbor by
President Pardo.
Gerssaa Dlaeaaat Redaeed.
BERLIN, Ft. 28.-A reduction in the
rate of discount of the Imperial bank to
( per cent la regarded aa probable for next
Tuesday. This will depend however, upon
the final return of the month which Is
expected to be favorable. The general
feeling about the monetary situation ia one
of growing confidence.
When you have anything to sell, adver
tise it In The Bee Want Ad Column
CeaeraJ IVAaaaaa, Wltkaat Walttag
atelafaeveaaeata, Mavca Aajalaat
CASABLANCA. Morocco. Feb. 2.-Wna-ut
a waning the arrival of raaforceoMaU
hlchara a their way te assist him is
Maaatala Feeders- Perr bed mm a
Ledge af tha Tawrriig
High on ledge of the'Jungfrau moun
tain In Switserland, 10.009 feet above sea
level, is located one of the most novel res
taurants in the world. This mountain is
a favorite among tourists, and there is no
more welcome spot-along its rocky paths
than the depot at Ice-Ocean and the little
restaurant, wherein all the heating and
cooking la accomplished by electricity.
This dainty Alpine eating house will ac
comodate 130 guests, and the electrical
kitchen equipment consists of a score of
novel heating devices. The hot-water res
ervoir will hold fifty-two gallons of water.
The large electrio oven hoa Sour heaters,
Including necessary roasting and baking
ovena which can be regulated with several
degrees of heat. The main cover-plate of
the furnace Is provided with an Individual
heating element which produce sufficient
heat to keep completed dishes at the re
quired temperature.
A number of individual cooking utensils
are also provided. There is an electric
kettle, holding about sixteen gallons, for
meats and soups; there are smaller kettles,
from halt gallon up to aix gallons, for
cooking vegetables, etc. All of these cook
ing utensils can be connected by means of
plugs to the switchboard. which Is
equipped with indicating lamps and heat
regulator There are also a number of
special electric device for boiling potatoes,
making coffee, boiling milk, etc The plates
are warmed In an electric plate warmer.
The use of electricity in heating and
cooking at thia restaurant ia especially ad-
antageoua, owing to the difficulties In
transporting fuel up the mountain. Tbe
electric current 'is generated by water-power.
rowad Ooffee Caased Xsada to Trombla,
Arthur Henderson Keeps His Social
ism Well in Background.
Devates Atteatlea ta Reforms that
Staad Same thaara ef Betag
Adapted -Praellral la
safely perform
hands, uring
of precision ?
Tbe surgeon's duties require clear
judgment and steady hand. A clip
or an unnessary incision may do ir
reparable damage te the paliet.
When he found that coffee driitking
caused his hands to tremble, an Ills,
surgeon conscientiously gave it up and
this la bis story.
"For years J was a ooffee drlr.ktr
until my nervous system waa nearly
broken down, my handa trembled so I
could hardly ante, and insomnia tor
tured me at night.
"Beside how could I
operations with unsteady
knivea and , instruments
When I saw plainly the bad effect of
coKee, I decided to stop it, and three
years ago I prepared eome Postum. of
which I received a sample.
"The first cupful surprised me. It
was mild, soothing, delicious. At this
time I gave some postum to a friend
who was In slmiliar condition to mine,
freia the use of coffee.
"A few days ofter I met him and he
waa full of praise far Postum declaring
i.e would never return to coffee but
stick ta Postum. Ws thea ordered a
full aupply and within a short time my
nervousness and consequeat trembling
as well a insomnia disappeared, blood
circulation became normal, no douiness
nor heat flashe
"My friend became a Postum enthusi
ast, his whole family using t exclusively.
"It would be the fsult of she one who
brewed the Postum, if it did not taste
good when served.
The best food may be spoilxd if not
properly made. Postum should be
boiled according ta the direct tuna oa the
pkg. Thea It ia all right, anyone can
rely oa iC It ought to become tbe na
tional drink." There a Reason.- Name
givea by Postum Co, Battle Creek. Vua.
Read TU Kua4 ta WsUvllle." 1 ig
LONDON. Feb. 2. (Special f-Labor'g
strength in Parliament is largely due to
the practicality and sound commonsense.
combined with energy and enthusiasm, of
its representatives there. Of this striking
evidence has been afforded by the election
of Arthur Henderson as the chairman of
the party. In theory, at least, like most of
his colleague Mr. Henderson Is socialist,
but he docs rot make an effusive display of
hia label. He doee not even sport a red
neckttf. With him socialism stands for the
millennium something that can be realised
only In the more or lers dim and distant
future. He does not brieve in the. adage.
"Attempt impossibilities and you will ac
complish wonders." He Is for striving for
the things that are possible as opportunity
offers and using them when gained as step
ping stones to more sweeping measures of
social reform in the interests of the toller
ehoel af Einerlesee,
Like rrort of the labor members of Parlia
ment, be has been trained In the school of
practical experience. Born at Glasgow in
18(3, he was apprenticed as a mou!der to
the Newcastle firm of Robert Btephenson
aV Co., when 12 years old. With that firm
he remained for many years. Before he at
tained his 21st birthday he joined the
Friendly Society of Iron Founders and
speedily attained to official distinction in
that body. In 1S94 he was made secretary
to the Northeastern ConclKation board and
in that capacity rendered much valuable
service in settling labor disputes snd avert
ing strikes. He served his apprenticeship
In public affairs as a member of various
borough snd county councils. Including
those of Newcastle, Durham and Darling
ton. He haa also served on the magisterial
benches of two of these towns. In these
days when socialism is being sssailed as the
deadly foe of religion. It ia not without
significance that the new leader of labor
In Parliament is one of the shining lights
of the Wesleysn church, wlioee services ss
a lay preacher are eagerly sought.
vt las by Small Majority.
He was first returned to Parliament in the
interests of labor In IS when, at bye
electlon he captured tha Barnard castle
division of Durham In a three-cornered
fight by the narrow but still surprising ma
jority of forty-seven votes. But at the
general election in ISajS, when he had only
a Tory candidate against him, he led the
poll by 1,K! votes. He is a forceful speaker
and a hard hitter in debate. He possesses
in an abundant degree one of the most
desirable qualities for leadership tact. Per
sonally, he Is popular with men of various
shade of political opinion.
At present tremendous efforts are being
made for political purpose to get up a scare
about socialism ss something shich is
threatening England with red ruin and va
rious other catastrophes, but Henderson
does not lend himself well to the. popular
conception of a destructive monster. He is
a difficult man to make a bogey cf. It waa
much easier to treat his predecessor, J.
Kelr Hardie, in that fashion. Hardie was
much more of "whole hogger" socialist
and much addicted to the utterance of blaz
ing indiscretion All the same, he would
probably have been re-elected chairman of
the labor party had he oared to stand again.
But he had held the job two terms and
shares the American prejudice against third
papers and on them the flowers are laid.
They must not be crowded together, as In
thst way much of the effectiveness is lost.
They sre placed so as to barely touch.
They do not retain nearly so much of their
besuty when put Into a deep dish.
They Are Elaborate ! of Weight
Caaslateat with the Or
es. lea.
The very little girls are usually dressed
In wash stuffs a'inter and aummer, proper
out-of-door warmth being secured by vary
ing; weights In lofg coats, which cover the
entire drees snd which may be of cloth,
eerge, corduroy, velvet, allk, lingerie or
linen, as temperature, taste ar.d auitabillty
Indicate. A serge or Uirht weight cloth
coat Is a good choice for spring wear, and
there mill be many occasions for such a
garment all throughout the summer.
Wide silk braid and braid ornaments
ma.tching the material of the coat In color
trim most of these pretty serviceable little
coats, but stmt ache braid is used upon
some chic models, a wide, square sailor
collar embroidered in fine soutache being a
favored idea.
Cuffs and sometimes pockets are braided
to match the collar and the braid usuall'y
matches the coat material In color, though
another shade of the same color may be
used. A Jaunty coat in dark blue cloth
had a wide collar and cuff bands of old
blue cloth braided in dark blue and a
cosne rare. It thrives now only In poor,
sandy soil. People who cultivate are wort
to mix the nd In which It grows with -brick
dust. When the deserts of Arisen
and New Mexico are made to Mount likn
gardens there la danger that the cactus
will become nearly extinct In the deeert
and cultivated only by folks Wealthy
enough to own brickyards or quarrlea
Loa Angelea Times.
' Xew Galas; la far Vest,
meats. Altar Oraameata -wad
Other Thlagm.
To be quite In fashion one must not re
turn from Europe nowadays without some
antique in the way of ecclesiastical article .
Where formerly picture Jewelry and
gowns comprised the dutiable articles
brought over by returning tourists now
they Include brasses, alur ornaments,
priestly vestmenU, linens and laces ana
even marfrles which were portions of al- ,
medium blue between that of the coat and
that of the collar.
Priaeesa Maria Beaaaarte Started tha
Idea Are Worm aa tha
I'vaer Arm.
. The newest Parisian fad Is the betrothal
bracelet. It Is not worn on the wrist, but
on the -tipper arm, the left arm, as nearest
the heart.
The fashion is said to have been Intro
duced by Princess Maria Bonaparte, who
received from Prince George of Greece, in
stead of the traditional ring, double bsnd
of gold made to fit about her arm close
up to the shoulder.
The two broad rings of which the orna
ment consists were chased with an antique
design and studded with dismonds and
sapphires snd had a clasp of diamonds.
The engagement bracelet Is made In
many forms, however, sometimes with
bangles of gems snd sometimes with little
chsins of pearls looped from It. Often it
Is perfectly plssn save for a single fine
diamond or a small star of brilliants.
The bracelet must not take any fanciful
form, such ss serpentine, rope or openwork
Geatlewosnea as Domestics.
Gentlewomen m considerable numbers srs
leaving England and Scotland to take plac.-t
as domestic workers In Canada, The need
for them and the opportunities open are
fairly Illustrated by the following extract
from the letter of a Canadian lady:
"Mias B. arrived on the Sth, Bhe almost
didn't reach here, however, for she had.
three offers of situations on the way and
five offers of marriage. She Is now con- '
sldering two of the five offer Do please
watch out for another girl for me."
Spread Over a Uag Time.
Colgste Hoyt. the president of the Amer
icsn Automobile club, was arguing at the
end of recent club meeting about Uie in
iquitous sutomoblle lsw.
"Your suggestion." said Mr. Hovt to his
opponent, "offers very cold comfort. It ts
bachelor's comfort that is to say. no com
fort at all.
" 'What,' said a bachelor to a hendl(t
only married a year and alreadv an bluer
''Ah, but.' groaned the benedict. 'I
never Imagined that a wife would prove
so expensive."
"The bachelor patted the blue married
man on the back In consolatory way
article, that Is true; but thea oT mini'
remember that she last very . lone
time.' "
Hungry as a Bear
andCan't Eat
If. Whew .Mealtime Come. Von HufTet
From a i es-Not Kind of Hunger,
You're a DrsttentJc
Xow To Curs All Stomach Trouble.
Aauerlcaa Girl Has o Fear af
Hasten) la Far OST ikrs.
si a la.
Wanted Motners of families to write for
our new illustrated catalogue of wearing
annarel fof young people. Mention this
paper. Benson k. Thorne Co.. Lilliputian ) effect Its significance Is in the double
Baxaar. lfili Douglas St., Omaha. , band, which U supposed to typify the union
- ' of the couple.
Sam Navel lies af tha Saoa la the
Way af DeraratUas far
the Table.
There have never been more elaborate
decorations ' for the table than tbore are
thia winter and they are for the sake of
novelty, made cf canday. And they are
nearly as costly as the real flower
Rosebuds somewhat smaller than ths
original are made in pink and white and
glisten like their natural prototypes with
dew drops. They cost 15 cents each, while
violets as large aa the best of the natural
ones snd semingly lacking only the fra
grance of the real flowers cost I cents
more. Jonquils are made somewhat smaller
than tbe real size and so are the exquis
ite purple flags have the same vari
ety cf shades as the originals. The candies
are an expensive Item at the dinners when
the guests take it into their heads to eat
them. It rarely happens, however, that
more than one or two persons make this
unusual ute of them.
None of the table flowers Is so elaborate
as the large pansie They are also pre
served ia the natural color Over them Is
sifted tiny show er of sugar, which barely
eoaoeals the purple and yellow tint These
bloasoms cost as much S cent If
every guest should decide Xa eat one It
can be arert how much ef aa expense such
a dish would be.
Fortunate nowadays Is tbe hostess who
poesnaeea low. rist canny dianea The tops
sre covered with the fist a bite perforated
t ,
Sir John Harrington. British minister to
Abyssinia, has left Pane for his far-off
post, reluctantly taking with him his Ameri
can wife, who was Miss Amy McMillen,
daugter of the late Senator McMillan.
Sir John states thit the foreign qusrter
is practically undefended, and he believes
that aa soon a King Meneiik dies there
will be massacre. Only Meneiik hon
esty snd firmness, it is said, have pre
vented attacks by fanatics opposed to
Europe ana entering Abyssinia. In spile
of this danjer, lady Harrington insists
upon accompanying husband.
Odd Sort af S'aad.
Fcr Dr. Leon Elbert I -undone of Los
Angeles to take to a cactus diet ts strange
hut not important. But his attempt 1o
form a cult tf ractus eaters is more inter
esting. The apineles cactus of lower t'aJi
fomis Iras become Dr. Un1-a,t s favorite
food. Hitherto men have died. of hunger
and thirst In tte akail desert a airmri tee
cactus pianta. It has U-en known thst rat. I
tie in tne deert have eaten the brad of
cactus melncactus for the sake of its
jutoea. wiiirh ha aaved them from dying
Dt Landone eats his cactus and drinks
It. He takes It in soup and omelette and
saiad. lie ga'nea weisiit in the fortnight
he lined oa wiiu. 1W doubtless bas n,
ort of a cactus cure ia hut if be
iifeeiii in fouj.i n- l.u, cuit he will faatea
upon its Bien.twrs an . expensive habtt.
With u, lm(:is of the ana lands of
i souiLaesi u,e cactu will giadualy ba-
A good many people get mad wia you
tell them they've got dyspepsia, but way
cown deep In their stomachs they know
they've got it,
"I'd love to eat it. but I can t." la one
kind of dyspepsia.
"I hate to think of it." Is another kind.
There are thousands of people today who
hate their meals, and love them at the
same time. Tbey haven't that fine empty,
hongry eat-everythlng-in-sight kind oXJeei
Ing a hl h. goes with every good, strong,
healthy stomach. That's because they have,
dyspepsia. And thrtj were are others whoso
mouths don't wster at meal time or -at
any other time. They sit at the table and
go through the motions, only because It's
time to es. These people, too, are dys
peptic Every possible kind of stomach trouble
Can be cured by taking something which
will just take right hold of ail the food
in your stomach and digest It alone with
out the help of the stomach, and let tha
stomac h take a rest.
Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets do this very
thing. They are composed of the bast di
gestive known to science, and are absolutely
safe. One Ingredient alone of one af these
tablets will digest !. grains of food:
These tablets do exactly the work that a
good, strong, healthy stomach doe
Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets cure all rases
of dyspepsia. Indigestion, burning or Irrita
tion, loss of BfiHHJte, bloat, brash, belching,
aversloa to food, fermentation and gas on
the stomacb.
Stuarts DysM'pala Tablets will make
you feel "good" before and after eaxJi '
meal, and make your sumach strong and
healthy ajaln. They will make you happy.
Send ua your name and address today -and
we will at once send you by mail. a
sample package, free. Address F. A, Stuart
Co.. liM Stuart Bldg.. MarabaJI, Mic-h. '
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are aold t
every drug slurs for ds a baV