Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    TALKS OH TEETH Mtcn CA$H IS ,N treasury
Failure of Seller to Deliver Bond3
Cauiei it to Pile Up.
lOlraKn. M. Paal, M In nr anvils aY
Omaha, Ra4 Flies Srheilale af ta
rropertr la Titles and
Your'teth ought to t a matt!" of
treat concrrn to you and particularly no
If any of them are mlnstna; or If those
that are left are loose or dlataaod. They
play such an Important part In kerplna;
the body healthy that they deserve to
come first and should have attention fce-
rore anything; lese.
Before the dtaroverv nf nrn atRTiirm
k , . .
himi im nn in 10 naiore miasma; i ,
teeth wiihn,,. ,... . ... ., . (from a Btaff Correspondent.)
partial plat, or r-.ort to ordinary bridge LL,NC01 . Feb' -clal.)-Staf0
work, there was no other Man or tor- IT"0" BrUn" rpPort for ,h mon,h f
In Missing; teeth but by these two make- f , ''y, "h"W,, '""l T hnrt l'"-n "
shifts. The partial plat. ha. never been "l1!?bru'r,r 1 of ' '--'P
a success. It can never be made so that f'KlMi Paymenls. HM.M4.eo; balances
It fit. flrmlv between th. teeth that ar. eruarjr . Chock., cash and
left, and a great many people who were rTJsTx, ,1731 W c"h " " 'P-'t.
cursed with them wore them In their fi7D-Mil-M-T cash on deposit is unusually
M 2 1
M.97S.77 (;
. l.Kn.2W.f7
15.131 S5
, Y2.nfin.e4
pocket, about a. much of the time a. lL "p,lned hJ the '"ct that
they did In their mouth.. The natural ,-2000f' f bonds bouht wr not
uenvered and consequently the ensh
they did In their mouths. The natu.-at
shrinkage of the gums would cause them
to wabble around In the mouth In short.
the partial plate a. a mean, of restoring
missing teeth la a failure. The other
, method, known a. bridge work. Is more
or less of a failure, aa there 1. a Con
stant .train on the teeth It is fastened
to. which .train lonanna th nlor tih
causing the gums to become Irritated and
uiaeaaea, ana in me course of time the
still on hand. The bidder was not com
pelled to deDOBlt a hnnd t
chase, therefore the state can enforce no
penalty ror the failure to deliver. The trens
urer is preparing to make a bla- purchase
Of bonds soon. The Item of 1173.21 in
checks, cash and cash Items Is an unusual
one. Mr. Brian Is holding the checks be
cause the limit of state funds In deposit
ories, governed by the amount of bonds.
whole structure ha. to come out. teeth "f"' ov by the amount of bonds.
and -li given oy depositories has been reached.
You would naturallv think th.t "ny ""n" hve PP"el to be made de
ft monopoly of so valuable a method a. P,,orie- but have been refused because
.li. I vnese onecks and cash Items nmhahiv win
una, uur cnarges would D Wgn. AS v. .... , . . , ,
matter Of fact W charts no more for T. """"a uni ya snori
this work than the averaae first etna. " .? and no more deP"torles are needed.
dentist would charge for ordinary brtdw i5,i .'port detall!
. 1 """" TRtlflT FtTNna IWPOTrn
worn, it Its therefore, not expensive nor Permanent school ... $7 lo" i.Woo
beyond reach of anv man or woman h'Iia I Permanent nnlvpraltv vis, int it
places health before all other earthly po- r- c.l- ""lowment ioiyi
-es.lons. It is not . painful process W. NrmaJ '""wment "
perform no surgery do not extract teeth Warrants of all klnds.l.nno,416.J2 '
to make room for this work so there is BondB of tt" kinds.. ,a.S8,187.M
nothing about it to be dreaded. The av. . V.trls.m.Tl
erage o... take, from two to four days rSR?EI,T8 FR
io complete, but what Is two or four rtav .,.,...
or one week out of your life when you n , b. 1.
.tnn w.. . . ,. General t 9.515. B3
stop to consider the blesiln of hin. I S-J:,. V"."
perfect and complete set of teeth In your Temporary school
mouth that you can chew with exactly ?ermnn'Ilt university.
?1.hU Uld lf.5r.had nVer l0Bt a Tr-ry-university:
toothT Our method 1. oracllced eielu. Penltentlarv
' .. n.A. .i..r hu , I Rednnnitlon
"J .1
If you need our aervlr.a .n m ..i, J"? .r- '"rary.
iwiinopefjia nospiiai...
at our office we will be pleased to make Forest Reserve
a thorough examination of vour month Institution cssh
free of anv char or hii, r. """P""1 for Insane..
sre not near enough to call you should
sena at once ror our free book .
Dr. E. R. L. Murphy
buixs oio iraw xor Life Bldg, Omaha.
Formarly with O. Oordaa Martia, Xao.
Feb. 29.
234.1:11. as
S3. 52
11,4X9. !9
1. 1X1. 43
4. 133. 64
W. 817. 30.
2.731. 35
oow the largest aentlat ooaoern In the
world, has oaoaad a large crop of Imita
tors to spring np oa every side soma
oopy our word "Alvaolar" othrs oar style
of advsrtislng soma, indeed, oopy oar ad
vertisement, word for word.
Zook out for these lm posters thay are
ho rej
The original Alveolar Method la not to
" -. U Ul UHI OHIO.
Citizens State, Alnsworth.
PltlKPn' Rtillo Afnnuhnn
national Hank of Ashland.
rirsi iNaiional, Albion..
rtnttta I'rwli Vsllnv
First National, BnEiie Millsi
. p .
Ho reputable dentist would adant .nrh "lonmington mate
lethoda. " t.nister
a ia it
Stale library 1.2iit.23
l.Tnlverslty cash 36,749.16
Peru Nor. lthrarv a Ttt ki
Normal endowment,.... 724. m
Normal Interest 2.34.9M
A. and M. arts
U. H. Exn. station 61K3.7o
Total t-.CC 1. a' oft tin r
Checks, cash and cash
uems Insl.M
Cash on deposit 670,161.64
, , I74u.443.S8
Bank balances ending February 29, 1908:
.$ no
, S.noo.nn
, 6.l0.00
6.000. 00
Fort Calhoun
New Cn.tle
Wakefield ....
Hartlngton ...
Rando ih
Bloonifleld ....
Total I2.9S4.334.9S
T-xcept land outside of right of wnv.
Total value of All t.ri.i.rt.. VAnt n Kn
sonal, exrept roiling stock, outside of the
city and villages. .916,415.16.
Total vain- of all the company's physical
property, both real and personal, except
rolling stock. In the entire slate of Ne
braska, oh the basis of the rnst of repro
ducing the same new. HS.S70.7SO.H.
Totnl value of all rolling stock of the
company apportioned to the state of Ne
hraska. said value being estimated on the
basis of the cost of r-irodiic-tng such roll
ing stock new. $1,4T2,60?.40.
Total vnlue of nil the physical property
of the Chicago, St. Paid. STnneapolls A
Omaha Railroad company in the entire
' "' nrnn. nil IHU'IIH I1MI1!IT PHH K,
on the basis of the cost of reproducing1 the
von- lit-, nr,jJO. Jv.'.Ol.
The following table shows the gross earn
ings In Nebraska for the year ended De
cember SI, 1907:
January Jim iefi
February 147.SK1 61
March 1S7.17'' 72
APr,l 150.4i7 31
May 135.0v9.76
,iunn 1,11 eji ri
July !!!"'!!!! y:''ii
Al'KltL i:)7.743:56
rv'i t'intiP.r l tr. svo j
- - ITiLfl-.f!
CV tolrOr ri fi aa
ueceniDer 111.527.70
.1 . at . !
W i
' W I T ca
v r k
OjRtlnnnl llrntnn TJ , . ...
Si-curlty State, Broken Bow..
rim iinuonai, mo Hill
fentral Citv K'atlnni
Slate bank, Cornlea 5 000 00
ei'aln U , , ' . '
' ninm ...........,.,.,,,.
btate bank, Curtis
H. 8. Iladley Co., Cedar Replds...
First National, Cedar Rapids
Farmers' State, Craig
Commercial 8tato, Clay Center....
rinnnehrov fit a la
First National, Dodge"!!!"!!!""
nri rv at ion a I, Fremont
linnlc of Glenville.
6. COO. do
2.0i 10.00
Mrst National, oQrdon 10 000 00
nrnalav Dtnt. ... .
81 LK AD ''"'on State, liarvard... .'!!.".'!!!!!!!! 4'
Y r-m.- .o,-.- "'""l SJiaiH 2.500.00 i.iv.iBinj warmers' and Mechanics, Havelock 4.50O.O0
i-imi i- minimi, i-icnnerson..
First National. IloldreKe. . . .
Hank of Cnmmern. 1 1 . -1 1 ....
oiaie DdtiK, Janscn
Central National, Kearney..
Iexington bank
. . t'lty National, Lincoln
jArS, Farmers' and Merchants. Lincoln.
1 Central National, Lincoln
uaiiK or commerce, Lincoln.
r irsr rnttrwini I
T.oiln fitv Hluta
Security State, Meadow Grove
.-"limn rvaiionai
Nebraska National, Norfolk..
I 't Tst N' u f ! 1 1 n u 1 sxviU 1 J .1
7 . . ..".i.l AJT-II.I . . . , , .
r irst National Vi.niman , . .
Miwiope l ouiuy, oaKilale
PitlKena' RlnlA rk.vol.,11..
J. L. llrandels' A Sons, 6'mahak!!
ment of llmb(HHnk of Petersburg
points Indl- ninina- fitv .t.'.'nb
ted by cut ?'",,h Omaha National V',3w!4
To extend
from amkle
to Just beiow
or above knee.
Make measure-
6, 4" 10.00
4 000.00
i.431. W
price list
Corner 16th and Dodge
Corner 10th and Haraey.
Kuiidcrs & Maggard, of Popu
lar riutiiN, Kentucky, have
shipped to Grand Islands for
private sale, 18 Jacks, to be
sold at the Br&dstreeta A Clem
en's stables. They are now at
toe barns, and anyone wanting
a kooJ Jack, should not miss
mis opportunity, write for cat
alogue or tor lurtner informa
tion to
8. ".
2, COO.
Live Stock National, South' Omaha 2)!oft7 35
2 500.00
4. (00.00
S. 500. 00
5, no ul
5 noo an
TT. 500.(0
- l-'ve oim'K xvational, S
nd write ft First State. St. Paul..
nuver freeK State
Kirt '
Spalding City
first National, Scott's Bluff
First N'Hrlnnul RurAfl
Sutton National
Hank of Syracuse "
Flrnt National, Sargent
FiiHt National, Valentine
afi-ntino Rtata
Saundere County 'Natio'nai.''vah'o'o
rarmcrs- and Traders , Wakefield
First National, Wavne
West Totnl Vntlnnal
First National. Wlsner"'. '."'!''
Fli'Bt National. Wolbach
rirsi iNHiional. Weeping Water.
Wlsner Slate
Cily National. York. ...."'!!!!!'!""
Urst National. Vorlr
riigin state
Tttt. J1.713.150.83
Donn Endorsed In Lancaster.
Lancaster . democrats In convention this
afternoon scattered endorsements around
by the Wholesale, but refused to endorse
W. II. Thompson for dolca-nte-nt-lanm
They endorsed W. J. Bryan for president,
ueorga w. Rente for governor. Mayor
Brown and I. J. Dunn for del efirntes-nt-
largo to the national convention and Dr.
t: jj. moii ror national committeeman.
Then they selocte'd delegates to the state
The populists selected del eirntea to th
state convention and then met with the
democrats. In tho resolutions adopted they
enaorsed the enactment of a guaranty de
posit law. The mcetlna- was harmonlon.
from start to finish, each man wanting
anyining getting It. R. L. Metenlf nrn.
posed tho endorsem ent of T. .T ililnn of
Omaha, who, he said, had been a follower
oi ryan for many years and had never
been honored by the nartv at Inrirn Whn
the Dunn resolution was Introduced some
ono moved to amend by Including W. H.
Thompson. Instantly some one else yelled.
'Table It," and tho motion was withdrawn.
Arguments In Fisher r.u.
Arguments were heard today In tho dis
barment case against Captain Allen O.
Fisher of Chadron. Deputy Attorney Gen
eral W. B. Roso spolje before the special
commission and he was followed by Attor
ney H. F. Rose, who spoke for Captain
Fisher. The state held that the accused,
when he sought to collect a $11,000 claim
against the estate on an appraisement that
was plainly wrong, no matter how It was
made so, was in efftct uttering a forgery.
During the afternoon Hallack Rose, in his
aiiaress to me commission, argued that the
complaint against Captain Flshor was not
sufficient and not specific; that before the
last legislature Captain Fisher filed no
claim for this land, but Instead lie came tc
Lincoln as an agent of the state and tesii
fled to keep Herman Kaup from getting an
appropriation ror this land for the heirs,
the land In tho meantime having been pur
chased by Fiaher. He suid the commission
could not -presume Fisher's motives, but It
was the duty of the state to prove him
guilty of misconduct. Captain Fisher Was
not present at tho session until late, having
icicgrapned Irom Lexington that he wa
detained there owing to a late train.
will nmnufirtiir tfci. . - i .
Seward. " "l
REWARb-Tl,. ji.,.,.. ,
r 'he Inlted Evangelical denomination
will lie held at Braver Crossing on Maroh 9.
SEWARD The Fnlon Pacific survevors
s- a little northwest of Pleasant Dale, "and
there seems to be a good chance for the
people of that village to get the road.
NEBRASKA CITY-Among the passen
gers who arrived In the cltv last evening
was E. F. Ooodman of Colevllle, Wash,
and he came for the purpose of visiting his
sister, Mrs. Kale Wogan, who resides on
Second corso, whom lie has not seen for
forty yesrs.
SEWA RI Mrs. Catherine Ftelilik. wlf,?
or John Stehllk, died at her home, south
west of Pleasant Dale, Mondav and was
burled on Wednesday at 1 o'clock She
came to America from Bohemia in 17.
She was aged 74 years.
tiP.ATt.'ii-irc,,..-,.! i .1.-
' uu-ini rri ,i,-,. i. r fur mf
John I-ango, who wus found rtad reveril
...... K m ins nome. nesr I ortland, were
h"j Friday afternoon from B-ott's under
taklnr rslahllKhmi nt 1nt,.rtnn n .
Evergreen Home cemetery. The coroner
was unable to hear from any of the dead
man s relatives.
u i.' rri 1 1 ii i i . ,
' - uni rereiven nere yes
terday from Denver announcing the d 'ath
i,nt-a viuin jiniirani. a former resident
Of this Cltv. whlfh nrrurp in - v.,..nlt.l
there of typhoid fever. She was 19 y-ars
i'i i ne nony win te Drought here Sun
day for Interment.
HEWtlltl An nnl.nn,n n. .
- .......... .... ...m..n n(l nn. II Trt I "
ni ...... .1 .1 . , . ..
i . ""! ii'-ni im alarm arounu me cjun
try near Milford rm-lv In iim &-ppit urt
would call at a farm house and ask for
fOOd and if tlOt nilitml n. . I . . 1,. m
tirade of curses. He was finally cantured
i.y biiitik tanners ana neia until Sheriff
uiimn arresiea nim.
. . . . i . , . . ."v j. a. miues, iana
lord of the National hotel, died yesterday
mi-, in ii umess ana was lnierren to
day. He was 63 years of age and leaves
a widow. He came here about a year ago
from Auburn, where he bad made his home
for m anv a r m It i I. . . . . l. . .
Sterling for Interment.
BEATRICE The U'vmnm -nmmn'.l
clul) held a meeting Friday night and
elected Jesse Newton president and James
....vui,- di , nn, -i f-tinui l"I . rfUIIUH ltPU-
mann is the retiring president and he ad
dressed the meeting at length, b.-InT fol-
""vhi ny mr. rxewion. l ne clUD nas a
membership of thirty members.
NEBRASKA CITY The home of John
Pfnnn was destroyed by fire yesterday.
It was a two-story frame building and
the fire originated in a defective flu?
and was burned to the ground before the
fire team reached It because of the muddy
condition of the streets, the house being
situated In the northern part of the city.
'BEATRICE The Formers' Institute at
t'nion hall. Island Orove township, close '.
Friday night after a successful two da- s"
session. The principal speakers were Dr.
Klzer, Mr. Marshall and Mr. and M's.
Ashburn. These officers were elected: 13.
Vasey, president; 8. A. Klnnev, vice presi
dent; F. N. Crangle, secretary; H. H. Dar
ner, treasurer.
NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. Walter Shel
don died at her home near Percival, In.,
yesterday, aged 88 years. She Is well
known over western Iowa and had resided
im inn mi iu m nere sne men lor rorfv
most sneeariil - X-t 11 . w
club women had a part In the selling of
""""i sesson tlcketa To Mrs. Hllma
Curtis belongs the honor of having sold
the greatest number; about fortr. The pro.
ceeds, If any, will be used for the support
of a village library, which Is also under
the management of the Woman's club.
nHamlnoaa Mlnea tn Ohio, Indians,
and Itllnoia Will Be Closed
March 31.
5.f""rf).OoJ-Alplr 8rTlnir Time mm Result of
K AMI fail 1 n . - .
- - i,
Pioneer bank, Euatin 2.U0O.O0
Grand Island, N...
W., 9
Clean Towels
Clean People
Sanitary Cabiueta with ' full
Mul)iiint. Let us eiplaiii
cur iropoaiUon.
New System Towel Supply Co.
-ment An Oin.h.
institution run by J. W. Hatelton, li
Arlington Block, phone Douglas 1S1J.
and other drag habit era pitlrlT corrd It
MAWIT1NA. rr ariHularmli.' or Intarnal H
I Kamiiat rest to any drag aahltue tt 1,1
aiail. Hrn la r priue to u per hotel it I aCG
your drusrut or by aiail ta Mala wrapper,
palta Chemical Ca.. M, Louis, Mo.
For ba.l bv
Total isn.Aut
Omaha Road File Statement
1 ne Chicago, St. Paul. Mlnnem.ii. a.
Omaha Railroad company filed Its report
today with the State Board of Assessment
as required by the terminal tax law enacted
oy tne recent legislature. In addition to
the statistics of its Nebraska
filings Included reports made to the vari
ous state boards and commissions In the
states through which the rnnd nm.
report heretofore has been filed by this
roan or tne value of Its right of way
property. The following shows tho
through which the road runs In Nebraska
ana tne value of the property located on
the right of way. real and personal:
Town. Vol.,- t
?ou,h sionx cy ..'..!.".V
Dakota City ?1
Miinnara IB Xl Rs
Kmerson (Thurston) Vlwa
Kmerson (Dixont ' o."'
Thurston '"" oi",. c7
Pender "ti tn ioj
The Causo ond Cure.
Uric acid Is introduced Into the sys
tem by food and drink. Normally, iho
excessive amount of the arid snould
be excreted through the regular chan
nels, but the amount that Is retrained
and absorbed In the tissues Is the cause
of Kncumatic troubles.
The Hholotds treatment possesses that
peculiar quality to furin a soluble com
pound with the Uric Acid and In this
form It Is carried from the system. Rho
lolds is easy and pleasant ta4ak nH i.
highly successful infill forms of Rheu.
niatiam. Gout. Lumbago, Lame
Back. Kidney, liladder and surlt
arialng frt.m excessive Urlo Acid. The
.u,o, sue in-Binieni ll.oi.'. Is sold by
Sherman A M.-Connell Dru Po c. i.i.
and lKdg Bts.. and Owl Drug Ci Cor
lilt) and Harney fcitr
Previoaa Attemut
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 29. (Soeeial Tele
gram.) Charles Ford and John Kuhl. serv
Ing ninety days each in the county Jail for
resisting an officer, escaped this evening
from Deputy Sheriff Burke while they were
at work In tho yard. The officers fired
three shots at the fleeing prisoners, but
iney aid not take effect. Kuhl wna
tured about three blocks from tho Jail and
Kord was rounded up by the officers In
Ulenover soon after his escane
Lant fall Ford was sentneed by Judge
Kuingar to sixty days in lall for assault
Ing a young man with a revolver, and Kuhl
was later sent un for thlrtv dv tm,
sistlng tn the theft of laprobes and whips
irom several rarmers In Sicily township.
Shortly before their terms had exnlred hnih
men escaped from Jail and were captured
Dy urncer spahan after a brutal fight
They were given ninety dava each fnt
sistlng an officer and have thirty days yet
to serve
Telle of Violence Practiced on Illm
ana Twice Aria Oat Death Struggle.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Feb. 29. Snw.i,.i ti
gram.) Herman Uoche testified In his nn
behalf in bis murder trial at Madison bJ-
uay mm during ins testimony three times
dramatically acted out the death struggle
in wnicli he said he was engaged Just be-
lore he shot and killed Jarmer. He said
he took IS40 to the Jarmer saloon tn I,,-..
it to Jarmer for license money, needed the
next aay. He remembers being thrown
into a nat-K by Jarmer and recalls whMi.i
up next morning with two men on top of
mm, aigging tiielr hands into his pockets.
He fought them off. They came back and
ne snot, lie woke up that night in a hog
pen, he says, and hla monev wna
Once before that, he sava. Jarmpr t,
him In the saloon all night and nearly all
me next aay. When he woke up on that
occasion his money was gone. The defense
rested Its case.
Nrhinka Qnarrlea at H'.k
NEHAWKA, Neb., Feb. .-(Speclal.).-
ine crusner at me Nehawka nu.rrv
commenced operations after six weeks of
Idleness. By Monday all the crushers will
at work, aa there are plenty of orders
ahead. The open winter baa been ,.a r...
the quarry Interests, and they have utilised
It by stripping enough stone for the coming
season. K. D. Van Court haa instaiiort
and more powerful machinery, and built
ampping oins to noia a trainload of crushed
rock. The output of rock fmm ih.
hawka quurrles the last year has been
Buuui s,iw cars.
.Nebraska Vena Xolea.
ranging to Issue a new' city directory
SKWARD-Tbe East elevator was sold
this wek to Fred H. Reckford for M.oK
TtX r?,:;,?"?. ". Carl niMn. left
Kan. " " '""-.
,Vr,.;LK.VrMl" MaK'e Smith ef Vall.-y
and l laud Ksg. rs of launder county wn'
ti.arrlcd In Fremont. v "
SEWARD-Tht NoxaH Shredder company
ha Urwu incorporated for u0,iw. A lailory
t..... iusui " nnir nuv i trM ltrr inn V
fc.iir yearn, coming here with her huMbfind
from New York that many yearn hro. is he
loavos a huflhnnti nnr) nvpml
drcn. Her husband, who survives her. is
89 years of age.
VAI.LKY At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Wicklund. in Ryarsvllle, the marnafe
of their daughter, Amanda, and John V.
Petert,on was solemnized at 8 o'clock on
Wednesday evening. Rev. Mr. Carlson of
Minnesota, hrother-ln-law of the hr f.
ficlated. About l.0 Clients wltmsel tho
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson will re
side on the Hasseblad farm, abaut one
mile west of Valley.
BFATRICEr The Beatrice Gas and Pow-r
company, which recently began business In
this city, has practically closed a deal for
the purchase of the old gas company's
plant, which has been In charge of H. V.
Rlesen as receiver .for the last few yeais.
Tho transfer will be made the coming week
I-Y B I'lll.lll l ,1 1 . 15 llldHl
some great Improvements in the prjrerty
tiiiiiiii viiv- urAL lew IHOI1I.IIB.
NKRRASKA CITY The reniibllemi. unit
dumii.Tula ) i n i . I, hnth 1 ......... I 1 ..... 1
calls and will place a full ticket In tiie
I . . 1 .1 .. . , i . . , r. . , . . ,
ii-m n.L mo eiiiioK eieciiun. - 10 au llllH
they will have to ask the court to have
the names placed unon the ballot, as the
mayor and clerk tiavo announced they
will only place the names of counellmen
on the ballots this spring, there being no
other vacancies on the ticket.
and Miss Kllcn Walsh were united In
marriage this morning in the lalholii.
church at Douglas. Both are well-to-do
and popular young people. John Haus
chald and MIhs Annie Bartels were unlCT'd
in marriage nt the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. und Mrs. Henry Bartels, In
North Branch precinct, thin afternoon In
the presence of a large number of friends
and relatives.
NEBRASKA CITT There has been a
contest In the county court between the
relatives regarding tho adoption of a
son of John P. Bridges, who wui recently
sent to the penitentiary for a period of
ten years for being Intimate with Mis
daughter. The grandfather wanted tne
child, as did an uncle. The court, after
having the rase under advisement for
some time, gave the child to the uncle,
Ellsworth Rlevins of Wyhiore.
PKATRICB The Board of Sup rvls-rs
yesterday adopted tho report of the finance
committee, fixing the annual exprn-e bill
at tsti.stW. Bridge claims amounting to
15,500 and general fimd claims aggregating
tl.SW were allowed. Messrs. Reynolds and
AlcCleery were appointed a commltt-o lo
find the lost piledrlver over will- h thrr
has been so much controversy. The bond
of the State Hank of Adams at a county
depository was approved, after which the
Vlrmi-,l dintll-nnil In tn..K 14
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 20 The Joint com
mittee of the coal operators and miners of
Illinois. Indiana, Ohio and Western Penn
sylvania, now comprising the central com
petitive field, adjourned this evening sine
die, without reaching an agreement upon
the proposition to call a Joint convention to
re-establish the Interstate agreement and
fix a wage scaio to go Into effect April 1,
when the present scale rxnlrea. Th final
disagreement Is the ell max to month r.r
argument, which characterized Joint meet
ings neia in October. December and Janu
ary, Unless concessions ara mmA iv,
union bituminous coal miners of the coun
try will cease work March SI.
There were four Important motions today
before the disagreement. President Chap
man of the 'Ohio operators moved that the
present scale be continued during April,
that more time be given to reach an agree
ment, secretary llson of the minors' or
ganization opposed the motion, and It was
defeated. He warned the operators that
there would be no continuance of mining
after March SI unless a wage agreement
was In process of being considered.
President Trser of the Illinois operators
moved that the loint committor .ji,,..
until March 10. This was defeated by the
Ohio snd western Pennsylvania nn,in..
Vice President James Clsrk nf the rn
Pennsylvania miners moved to adjourn sine
uie, ana this was defeated by the Ohio and
Illinois miners. A motion to adlnnm unin
March 16 also met with defeat. i
The last motion, made at ft n. m h a
M. Ogle of the Indiana operators, to ,i-
Journ sine die. was carried after every ef-
iori to reacn an agreement had fnlled.
At the request of President Mltehell f
tho miners organization, both operators
and miners Indorsed the bill now before
congress to appropriate $200,000 to Investi
gate recent mine disasters and safety ex
plosives and to make recommendations.
uotn operators and miners wei-a
today by opposing Influences. Illinois
operators, who are now In Joint conven
lion with the miners of that ii ,
not reached ah agreement, and M .
moie time Defore going Into a Joint conven
r-reeidcnt Mitchell ret res from m..
April 1. and will be succeeded by Vice
i-resiuent Lewis.
Tho national convention of the United
Mine Workers of America will be recon
vened In Indianapolis March 12. This was
announred by President Mitchell this even
ing at io o'clock.
ORCHARD & WILHELM South Ifcth Street
n Sale Monday i
One lot Arts nml Crafts wonthcred oak Hookers, Chairs
and Settees nt nbout i-, less tlmn regular jnnrcs. We haye
nl)out 35 pieces that we desire to close out, and to do it quick
we have made the prices so low that they will not last lorjg.
Some with Spanish leather seats and hacks, others with leather
seats. Here are a few of the reductions.
. t
Come Monday
$18.00 Arm Chair, leather Boat, rpeclnl... '1512.75
$ 8.75 Arm Chair, leather scat, fepeclal '. . g!00
$22.00 Arm Chair, leather seat and back, special $ 1450
$24.00 Arm Chair, leather geat and back, special 'S1G.T5
$13. CO Arm Chair, leather neat, special ; ft, f)!00
$ 9.00 Chair, leather seat, special ... 575
$20.00 Settee, leather Beat, special .........$
Rope Curtain Sale-
(i ej
180 Rone Curtains for sinirle or douUle.
doors, colorings to' match any roojn.
These must be closed out Monday and
we have made unprecedented reduc
tions. Just glance at these prices:
$3.50 Hope Curtains for single. or double
doors, each . .' 95c
$5.00 and $0.00 Hopo Curtains, while
they last, each S2.35
HI r? lit arTfe trm. M4
They are un-
NKBRASKA CITY The Board of Kdu-
catlon hud formed all of their plans Tt'd
secured a design for a new hiKh school
building; and were Koinr to ask the voter
to Rive them the legul riBht to issue
IHO.UdO In bonds with which to purchase
the property und erect the building-. They
follllil HO tnlieh nnnrtul i ,.n n KA -......i
...... .. .... , i j .Hr; ,iiv'piJRi-
tlon at this time, beeause of the strin-
Kenev Cit the mnnov ,i u . L .. . I. . k
i i i - ...... n, , uir.i lira v t- iiir-
clded to forego the pleasure of lsauinir
mo can ami wait for another year.
HEAT RICK A petition has b-ea fled In
the county court bv County Attorney Tt-rrv
usklna; that the five children of Mrs. CUi.i
Herbert of West Heat rice be taken from
her custody and placed in the sta'e inwtl-
flltlun ulium Hicr .,,., .
..-.w .... j imvii .r ip-- cure
n n H m.. I ... . 1 1. ...I . , .1 . . . ,
...... ruuLnuuii tii-y Hre juuy
entitled to because the mother Is unable
iu ar ior mem. Mr. nernert dbd some
months aft-o, leaving the family pennll 83
Since his death tlie cltlr.ens of Beatrice
have contributed largely to the support ot
the unfortunate family.
V A T.T .P.V Tlio p1.,.i., i . .,
. . . " ' rs nuiiiuriM in ne
lecture course for 1907 and li was (riven
In the Valley opera house. This ia th- third
year that the Valley Woman's club has
managed a lecture course and this Is its
State Ilepnbllran Committee En
dorses Ills Candldary by Vota
of Thirty to One.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 29. Frank II
Hitchcock, manager of the nnlitleni nm.
paign of Secretary Taft, received a tele
grnm from David Mulvane, national com
mitteeman of Kansus, Informing him that
at a convention of tho republicans of the
inua district of Kansas today, W. S
Fltzpatrlck of Sedam and E. R. Stevens
of Tarsons were elected delegates to the
Chicago convention. They were Instructed
to voto tor Tart.
Mr. Hitchcock also received a telegram
announcing that at a meeting of the state
committee of Minnesota, a resolution en
dorsing Secretary Taft was adopted by a
vote of 30 to 1. Jhe committee called a
state convention of the republicans of Min
nesota at Minneapolis on April 16. The
telegram also Informed Mr. Hitchcock that
a Minnesota Taft leaguo had been or
ganized, with Tarns Blxby president, and
Hans Grundell secretary.
A dispatch was also received from T. HL
Wallace, chairman of the republican com
mittee of ISew Hanover county, North
Carolina, stating that at a meeting of tho
committee at Wilmington today, Mr. Taft
was unanimously endorsed for the presidency.
Xebrasknn Says Democratic Prospects
Are Growing- Brighter.
MEMFH1S. Tenn., Feb. iD.-Flve liunlred
banqueters ,heard William J. Bryan spiak
nt a local hotel Friday. Mr. B rvfln
early In the day and was bctihged by friends
ana visitors. lie delivered a lecture In tho
afternoon and at C o'clock held a public
reception, which was attended by many
At the banquet Mr. Brvan was wnrmU.
received and ills speech was given marked
The speaker said prospects for the coming
congressional year are very bright from a
democratic standpoint and are growing
brighter every day. The Issues. In a sense,
he said, are moral ones, since all economic
questions aro In the last analysis moral
problems. The most important step to be
taken for the restoration of better business
and Industrial conditions, he said. Is the
building up again of confidence in the banks
of the country.
Mr. Bryan continued:
"I think the most Important step to be
taken Is to reassure the depositors in the
banks, for until confidence la restored In
there banks, more or less money will be
kept in biding and this money ought to be
kept In circulation."
And Curtain Material? are attracting universal attention.
Usually henntlfnl uni .iqM ui, .
. -. - nrvc juu iu m-w infill. :
We're showing some stunning new patterns in Duchesa.Curtalns,
per pair
15 new styles of Ivory colored Duchess Curtains.' per 'pair.' '. '. '. '. r
Portieres, pretty btrlped patterns, per pair o
Pretty new spring patterns for over-curtains and box covers. !
3 C-Inch Taffeta Cretonne, yard oo .
- v iiioi., jura : ,
36-Inch French Cretonne, yard.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'
32-inch Burlap covered Box. $3.25
34-inch Burlap covered Box $3.95
34-inch Matting covered Box $5.35
3G-inch Matting covered Box $G.75
The best workmanship and materials. Our best Shades. OxC-ft. eacb
Others at Mi and AK ' OC
Solo Omaha Agents for Bissell'a Gold Medal
Carpet Sweepers. Price .$3.60
J' I.. - I. I I
Groceries, Wines d Liquors
Everything Must Be Sold!
Goods unpacked that were not dam-.
uycu nuw on sale i
At 1-4, 1-2 and 3-4 Less Than Regular
Most extraordinary sale ever held
in-Omaha. Those who could not get
waited on Saturday come Monday. Sale
continues ail this week until every ar
ticle is sold.
The Hughes Grocery
1403 Douglas St.
HH M P IM JF '14
Keep Cascarets in your pocket.
Take one as soon as you need it.
It is old fashioned and wronr
to take harsh doses of physic.
We all live unnaturally.
Our food Is too fine, too rich and too plentiful. We eat
too little fruit, too few green vegetables. We don't
exercise enough.
The result is, our bowels get dogged; for Nature in
tended us to live in a different way.
What shall we do?,
Shall we walk ten miles a day ? Shall we diet our.
8 lfs? -Sha,U we seck for more, laxative, and lfcss
costive effect in our food ?
Or shall we take Cascarets ?
One way will serve just as well as the other.
Cascarets ara vegetable laxatives. Their action as natural .a tbs
action of fruit, of coarse food or of exercise.
They are fenUe. They persuade the bowele-never drive them or
Irritate tnem
They are candy tablets, and the dose is one at a time-Just as soon
as you know that you need it. TOOB
It is wrona; to take harsh phytic and to wait till you need a blr dose
It it better to keep at your beet, every hour of every day. And one
Cascaret at a time it sufficient. '
That means to keep dean inside.
Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all drurrlats.
but never in bulk. Be sure you fet the cenuine, with" C C
a every tablet. The pries ,1s 30 cents, 23 cents sod
Ta CenU per Dor- m
Your employees can earn
more money for you
if they have up-to-date tools. How much work can each
man on the payroll do? This is the question you must
The workman gets the same pay, whether he can do much or
little work. With electrically driven tools you ran add 1 fifTy onl
hundred or posaibly two hundred per cent to the work each man
does. Your cost of the tools is nothing compared To your ,avTnR .
Besides, If you are to produce
work as cheaply as your competi
tor, you must be up-to-date.
Let us tell you about the new
tools and devices in your own line.
Omaha Electric
Light & Power Co.
Phone Doug. 1 082
Y. M. C. A. Buildino.
i imiai
City ttai
$2) NEED ANY?-
ltlt Xowara M. - M a aTZT
4 WaA,rma laOS-lS-li ItMt Bi. OMAHA, NEQ,