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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1908)
TIIE OMAnA SUNDAY IiEE: MARCH 1. 1908. Monday March 2 Kshky & Bailey Co Monday March 2 A cash purchase of over 40000 yards of elegant spring silks made by our silk buyer, Mr. I. W. Mickle, the only Omaha buyer in attendance at the great auction sale in New York February 20. This is without doubt the greatest showing of high grade silks at a price ever brought to Omaha, embracing in its scope all the newest weaves and colorings for spring and summer wear. So tremendous is the assortment that every one is certain of finding something just to suit. IVe secured these silks at a price far below actual cost to manufacture and will sell them at correspondingly low prices. The handsome and popular Rough Silks in both plains and novelties,vPon gees, Rajahs, Rubaiyats, Auto Silks, Shantungs, etc. An elegant line of Black Silks, Taffetas, Peau de Soies, Crepe de Chines etc., etc., in 27, 30 and 36 inch widths. Actual retail values up to $2.50 per yard. Handsome Foulards, Plain Messalines, Color Taffetas and Crepe de Chines, Louisienes, Fancy Chiffons, Color Satins, Kai Kai Wash Silks, Novelties in checks, stripes, polka dots, etc., Spiral Cords, Habutais, Elegant Evening Novelties, in Brocaded and Print Warp effects, actual retail values up to $2.50 per yard. Silks .lnlfillliy)llils X THE RELIABLE STORE 7 V , , i , i.tvjj.4jja.!yiiiijAriiWTnr-i 35c"4:c"(ii!fe 1 NEVER BEFORE WAS THE EQUAL OF THIS SILK BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY KNOWN IN OMAHA. NEVER BEFORE WAS THE SUPEHIUti BARGAIN-GIVING POWER OF OUR GREAT BUYING ORGANIZATION MORE CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED. Choicest lots will Go first. Come early. the Leading Dress Goods Mouse of the West, h Dress Goods We Have No Competition. rl.67 Black Wool Dress Goods All 11.60 Brack Dress 77. Goods one pattern only. . I C All $2.00 Black Dress QT. Goods one pattern only. . 70C All $2.60 Black Dress f Goods one pattern only. J J All $3.00 Black Dresa -f AC Goods one pattern only. J ,fj All $3.60 Black Dress Goods one pattern on All 84.00 Black Dress A An Goods one pattern only. k O All $6.00 Black Dress TP Goods one pattern only OD Colored Urg Ooods, Including livening Shades. All $1.25 Colored Dress Goods All $1.60 Colored Dress, Goods ' All $2.00 Colored Dress Goods All $2.50 Colored Drees Goods All $3.00 Colored Dress Goods All $4.00 Colored DresB Goods All $5.00 Colored Dress Or Goods Everything actually as repre sented. No part pay or goods de livered on this Bale, and only one pattern to a customer. $20,000 Stock of Room-Sized and Small Rugs on Sale Monday 67c 73c 96c 1.19 1.39 .1.95 AT LESS THAN HALF ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE - F. B. and L. W. Tenelli, well known wholesalers and jobbers of high grade Rugs and Carpets, at 34 E. 21st., N. Y., knowing our ability to handle cash pur chases of merchandise in large quantities, wired us of their intention to retire from business and desire to dispose of their entire stock quickly if necessary at a sacrifice. Our buyer, Mr. Moore, immediately responded and on looking over the stock made them a very low cash offer on' $20,000 worth of the best of that stock. His offer was accepted and Monday We Offer Our Customers the Grandest Rug Bargains Ever Seen in Omaha High Class Merchandise at HALF AND LESS Actual Retail Value 9x12 Axminster Rugs, $30.00 quality, floral and oriental de signers, great assortment for selection at, choice . 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, regular $18.00 values, great variety at, choice 11.98 10.50 $12.50 Room Size Smyrna Rugs, reversible, beautiful pat terns and matchless bargains at sale price, h fg Q only ...H.HO , Room Size Wilton Velvet Rugs, $28.00 quality, on sale Monday at i $1.75 Dexter Velvet Rugs, big range of patterns, size 27x54-in., on sale Monday, choice. . m.98 69c Out-of-Town Customers Should Prepare to Attend this Sale Monday $15.00 Moquette Hall Runners, 10 ft., 6 in. and 12 ft r y C long, sale price, Monday J $1.50 Smyrna Rugs, size 30x63-in., great variety, on sale at, choice $5.00 Axminster Rugs, handsome new patterns and f QQ colorings, sale price J Sample Velvet and Axminster Rugs, worth regu larly up to $3.00; choice Axminster Door Mats, regular $1.25 quality, in Monday's sale at $1.50 Granite Rugs, extra heavy fringed, 36 ins. wide, 72 ins. long; sale price, Monday i 75c 98c 65c 65c Extra Specials in the High Grade Linens for Monday ..$1.98 A Saving Opportunity Never Equalled It Will Be Impossible for Us to Fill Mail Orders for These Goods 36 Pattern Table Cloths, some two, some two and one-half yards long full blenched and strictly pure linen, $4.00 values; Monday, each. . . 35 Hemstitched Pattern Table Cloths, full 2V4 yards long, grass bleached, worth $2.50; 4 -flQ Monday, each JfE? 25 dozen high grade Ldnen Towels, a mixed lot containing some H. S. hucks and satin damask, worth 4 5c; Monday, 01 f each 5 I C A grand assortment of German bird's-eye huck Towels, large size and good for wear, worm irom 15c to 18c; Monday, each 100 Center Pieces, Dresser Scarfs, Tray Cloths and Throws, worth at least 76c each; In one ZQ lot Monday, each 25 pieces Barnsley Toweling, war ranted pure linen, suitable for rollers and general kitchen use, 15c values; Monday, Q yard 75 Bedspreads, heavy crochet de signs, fringed, cut corners and plain hem, some slightly mussed, $2.25 values; Monday, dj-f Of each iP2fc 9c High Grade Wash Goods Dept. The Finest Lines Ever Seen in Omaha Arnold's Scotch Cloth, Arnold's Drap de Undo, Arnold's Swiss Appli que, Arnold's Toulon Silk, Arnold's fine Organdies, English Silk Wurp Ginghams, Scotch Ginghams, English Zephyrs, French Zephyrs and all grades of Voiles, etc.; besides all variety of new French Novelties all will go at 1.0rt, 75c, 80c, 30c, 25c, 10c, 15c, 12Mc and ..10J EXTRA SPECIALS FOR, MONDAY. 25 pieces of Wm. Anderson's 32 lncn Scotch GinghaniB, regular 26c grade 12 W 25 pieces of genuine French Silk Warp Ginghams, regular 39c and 50c. grades 12'C 25 pieces of Arnold's 39c SOk Warp Printed Organdies 12 HA Monday Only Amoskcag Check Ginghams, all colors 5$ 25c Sateens, black only 10 C 12 other specials for all day. Muslins, Sheetings and &cs Wo positively state that we handle no off brands, as there Is nothing like the genuine article. Other houses advertise as good or better, which is absolutely faLse. Head the following list and compare priors and goods: 10-4 Pepperell, bleached, yard. . ,U24o 8-4 Pepperell. bleached, yard 18o 8-4 Pepperell, bleached, yard 16o 7- 4 Pepperell, bleached, yard xo 10-4 Pepperell, unbleached, yard.. 19o 8- 4 Pepperell, unbleached, yard...lbo 8-4 Pepperell, unbleached, yard.l4Ho Vara wiae uuumloDM Hum Grand ul MillH, yard. Heaver Dam, yard ... Household, yard . . . , l.awraiicu L. I yard 8able K, yard Prairie Kihk yard . . . Plltror Mills, yard ... Ballenvale. yard Pepperell K, yard.... .4TiO 6o ::6o . .7V4.0 BO . .8Ho -8T.0 Bleaoaed Tart Wide Muslim Security, yard BrioA-Urao, yard Thistledown, yard Best of All, yard.......... Hope yard Ixmadaie, yard Hills, yard Androscoggin, verfl tiAsraoa 42-lnch, at , 45- inch, at , 46- inch, at TUBIVO 42-lnch, at 45-lnch, at 60-lnch, at ..SO . .SO euo . .7o 7o . .lflo .13o .ISO .16o ,.17o .190 Wc Laces -Per Yard 2jc A splendid line of Vals., Cotton Torchons, Linen Torchons, Normandy Vals., Plat ValB and Zion City Wash Laces all at, yard. 2ic Authoritative Garment Styles for Spring Wear A display of new fashion ideas second to none in Omaha or the west. Exceptionally attractive in style, individuality, the graceful outline and superb tailoring, rich fabrics and colorings and low prices are a delight to all visitors to the department. THREE VERY SPECIAL SUIT BARGAINS MONDAY At $25.00 Elegant Tailor Suits, direct copies of the latest Parisian Models in splendid assortment of fab rics, in all the newest shades, a world beater at the price. At $19.90 High Class Tailored Suits, in Prince Chap and other popular styles, including in their col orings Copenhagen, Alice Blues, richest shades of Brown, Resedas, Tiger Stripes, etc, sold elsewhere up to $30.00. At 814.90 Ax splendid line of Tailor Suits in chiffon panamas, serges and other popular materials, artistic ally tailored in all newest styles, the best values shown in Omaha, at $14.90 New Spring Coats A complete showing of the nobbiest styles, in all wanted colors' and materials, at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 up to $25.00 Dresses at , $1.98 to $5.00 Jackets at $2.98 to $12.50 $1.50 Sateen Underskirts 69c $2.50 Long Kimonos 98c $1.50 Flannelette Dressing Sacques 59c Handsome New Waists Linens in the chick and very popular tailored effects, lawns, lingeries, silks, nets, etc., in every imaginable new style, greatest assortment, most attractive values, at from .$2.98 to $30.00 ' t L. .I, ' ' miLz ' I Children's New Spring Jackets and Dresses shown in almost bewildering assortment. $2.00 Mlover Embroideries Wc 100 pieces of very fine Al Lover Embroideries in Swiss, Nainsook, Cambric and Batiste, in the most popular new patterns for ladies' waists. All styles from the dainty baby patterns to the large floral and fancy open work designs actual values to $'J.OO a yard, on sale in ftQ one great lot Monday, yard , $1.00 Skirt Flounchgs, at 7ard39c The snap of the season, ele gant new designes, very fine sheer cloth and a complete line of patterns, full 18 and 27-in. in width, all on sale Monday at, per yard, 39c Big Sale of Bankrupt Shoes From the J. Richardson stock at Elmyria, Nevr York. Women's, Misses' and Child" Shoes. Women's patent colt bluchers, women's run metal bluchers, women's vici kid bluchers, women's tan calf bluchers or button. Not a pair worth less than $3.00 the best ones being worth 4.00. Sale price Monday and Tuesday i $2.45 In this lot are 700 pairs of Zelgler Bros., Philadelphia, Pa., patent kid and colt shoes, worth us to $5.00, will be sold at same price. Extra Specials in Our Famous Domestic Room 10c White Goods, long lengths, at 3W 12 c Batiste, fast colors, fine pat terns 7ttc Garnet Prints 3tt 6ttc Union Toweling, ble. 3tt 12 c Shirting Cheviots, long lengths 5 10c Chambray Ginghams 5 Toll du Nord and Red Seal Ginghams 36-in. PeTcales, lZttc grade 12 &c Toweling J 12 Vic Bath Towels 74 15c and 19c Swisses 10 1 39c Silk Warp GlnghamV. . . - IOC 26c Scotch Ginghams 10 $1.00 pure linen Damask. . . .59 1 9c Cream Damask 25 15 India Llnon 10 15c Long Cloths 10 25c English Nainsooks 10? 39c Persian Lawns Twenty-five other specials in this room Monday. High Grade White Goods Dept. No other department In this ns on high grade White Goods. carry more White Goods In stork together. IMPORTED WHITE GOODS. St. Gaul Swisses, St. Gaul fancies, Scotch fancies, English fancies, French fancies, German fancies, etc, yard, $2.50, 1,98, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 50c 39 DOMESTIC WHITE GOODS. Persian Lawns, yard, $1.00 down to 25o, 19c, 15c and 10 India Linons, yard, 75c down to 25c, 19c, 15c, 12 He. 10c, 8c, 7Jic and 5 western country can compete with It Is an nndlsputable fact that we all the Omalia retail houses put Swisses, lingerie cloth, checks, stripes, Jacquarda, dimities, or gandies, etc, yard, 25c, 19c, 15c, 12Hc, 10c, 7Hc, and 5 French Lawns, yard $3.00 down to 25c, 19', 15c and K English Nainsooks, yard, 25c, 19c and 15o English Long Cloth, yard, 25c, 19c, 15c, 12 He, and OC 40-inch Lawns, yard, 85c, 25c, 19c, 15c and 10 Irish Dimities, 15c, 10c and 25 REMEMBER No other concern In Omaha has the selling of the Zlon City Laces, and any other house offering them for sale must buy them from Hayden Bros. SEE OIR NEW LINES. New Laces We have lust received an import line of the new Fillet Laces and Bands, with allovers to match the only line of the kind in Omaha; prices are up from 35 Our new line of Val. Laces is ex ceptionally attractive, both in quality, variety and beauty of design; prices up from...24 Afevv Dress Trimmings You must see them to appreciate their beauty. So prolific is the assortment that it's impossible to describe them. Six Special llargalni. Momltiy. 5c Dress Trimmings, yard 3 10c Dress Trimmings, yard 5 15c Dietss Trimmings, yard 7 30c Dress Trimmings, yard ' lf 60c Dre63 Trimmings, yard : . . . .25 $1.00 Dress Trimmings, yard ZtOC The Big Special as Advertised for Mon day in Grocery Department FLOUR. FLOVR. FLOl'll. FLOUR. We advertised la the dully pujM-rs all week lig Special for Monday. We are going to give it Moiuluy in Flour. Tills Hour is wade by one of t'e largest mills hi (lio country. It is made from the finest Red Turkish Hard Winter Wheat, which makes the finest, whitest, sweetest and mot palatable bread made, and will muke more loaves and take more water than auy other flour ou the market. We simply do this to get every housewife In Omaha to try one sack. There is no finer nour mak ami to put it vriuiln trie reach of everybody to buy, wo are going to sell it, for this special sale only, per 4 f-pound saca 21 lbs. best pure Cane Granulated Sugar 551.00 10 bars Laundry Soap, any brand, for 230 Our regular low prices ou all Canned Goods, Farinaceous Goods, Crackers, Cheese, Butter. Meats, etc., etc. Fresh Vegetable Prices for Monday Fresh Spinach, per peck....20 Large Cauliflowers, each. . . . 10P Large Egg Plants, each. . . .7f Fresh Hothouse Leaf Lettuce, two for Large Head Lettuce, each f Fresh Shalot Onions, bunch. . .f3 51.25 Fresh Beuts, Carrots or Parsnips, bunch jjk Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, lb.... Freh Parsley, 2 bunches for. New Honey, per rack 15 Carrots, Beets, Parsnips, Rutaba gas, Turnips or Red Onions, per pound o Fresh Cabbage, per lb Rig Highland Navel Orange Sale Monday. Closing out our eighth car Mou day. These are extra larte, fancy and sweet. Monday, per dozen, iiOc, 17Hc, 15c, 12c, 10c, Time to Think of Mew Furniture That the place to buy Is here you will agree when you look over our new complete spring lines. AU the sea son's novelties are represented, many of them excluHive with Hayden Rros. The Ntyles are exceptionally attractive and our bisr quantity buying enables us to offer you dependable furniture at U'hh than you'd pay elsewhere. A THOROUGHLY COMPLETE STOCK. LOWEST TRICES AND THE PRIVILEGE OF PAYMENT TO SUIT YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE ARE THE MAGNETS FOR HISINESS AT HAVDENS. Dining Table, like cut. solid quartered ouk top 45-ln. In diameter, dividing base with patent lock, 6-ft. exten sion; special bargain Monday 917-98 60 Other Styles Siiowa, rannlim In price from $4.60 up to 950.00 Bluing Coalr, like out, a stronKly made, solid hardwood chair, well braced, fine eulden flnUli, kpeclal bargain Monday at, xach K6C Baby's Outing- Time Is Almost Here. We have prepared for it wltn two solid carloads of Oo-Carts and Carriage. Sample of which are now iii)laypd in this department; a more complete or plrasln assortment of KtyleM or hutter valuis were nevr Kwn In Omaha. Ifoa'll certainly make a neat cash saving If you visit ttua department first. 0 Try Buying by th Mail Order Rout Remarkable Muslin UnderwearBargains A Big Sample Line of Ladies' Muslin Skirts and Gowns will be closed out Monday AT JUST COST PRICES. Ladles' Skirt, worth to $3.50,' elegantly trimmed, cut full and well made, choice in Mondays tale 31.98 choice M ii- i)Hc Indies' Skirts, ebhonttel trimmed and worth tin to $3.50; day ' Ludies' Skirts, worth $2.00; choice LiM lies' Gowtiw. worth to $2.00; choice MANY OTHER 81'ECIAL HARCiAlXS SHOWN. Quilt Sale our Famous Domestic Room 50c Quilts at 39c (55c Quilts at I8v 75c Quilts at 50c 85c Quilts at 59 $1.00 Quilta at 04c $1.25 Quilts at 7GC $1.50 Quilts at 83c $1.75 Quilts at 89c $1.08 Quilts at 90c $2.L5 Quilta at. SI. 19 $2.50 Quilts at $1.35 $3.00 Quilts at .Sl.48 $3.50 Quilts at .$1.75 $4.00 Quilts at ,jj1.95 For Imported Quilts see White Goods Department. J.