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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1908)
TIIK OMAHA -SUNDAY DEE: MAIICH 1, 1908. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET BuIIi Have the B?ari on the Bun at the Week' End. WHEAT ON UPWARD TREND Korelan Cable Are Inorrd I'rlrrs fim tp In Spiff of the ' Advice HrcrUed from Abroad. OMAHA, Feb. 29, 191. Bulls have full awing on the week1 end market and p.le on wheat are uvan' B-veral rents. Cables Hern Ignored entirely and the advance was made at one spurt. Wheat opened nervous and hung un steady for some time after the opening. The bulls then tame to the front and took control In plte of lower cables and ran values up rabidly on the feature of tho high cash bids millers are making and the light storks held In reserve. May wheal opened at S4'c and closed at V- . . Corn opened very ulet. but fnined up a bit when wheat took Its jump. The mar ket did not nhuw the right lone, however, and any selling fiat it on the decline. May corn opened ti. ;o and rlosed at Oata were aHler with corn and did not make any advance, being almost stationary throughout the session. May oats opened at and closed at 41c. Primary wheat receipts were 3Z4.UW ou. and shipments were il.t bu., against re relpts him year of 417.UUU bu. and shipments of 1W.OIU bu. . 4 , Corn receipts were 44,ono bu. and ship ments were STl.iOO bu.. ngalnst receipts last year of 874,000 bu. and shipments of wu.- 0(10 bU. o nK Clearances were 278,371 bu. of corn, 2.2S6 of oats and wheat and flour equal 10 6?l',lven'oo1 closed lifcHd lower on wheat nd Vid lower on corn. Local rang" of options; I Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. I ClQ3e.Ye y. Wheat May... M 9Si Julv... Sept... W W4 Corn I May... t5 M July... MS M7 Bept... W. K Vuts May... 4 49 July... 4:tS 4:'A Sept... 34" 34Tn 04'i, MS i 4 hV fcV4 S-'i a BTir'i tTi M: VP L3 M- !3 HH 4S 49 4S- 4.1 434 434 3t' 241 M- Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard, !WVu.)8i'; No. 3 hard. :vi".k-; No. 4 hurd, IMu Itto : No. 3 spring, )7c'(!1.0. COHN-No. 3, 64c; No. 4. GSriiSiVfec; No. 3 yellow, 64V64ic; No. 3 while, 64c. (IAT8-N0. i yellow. 4c; No. 3 white, 4S fctsc; No. 4 white. 47i(fi4c. itYE No. 2, 7ti 77c ; No, 3, 74ftf'75c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago M lt r Minneapolis ltd Omaha 1 " Duluth 28 CHICAGO GRAIN ASD PROVI9ION1 Features of the Trading; and Cloaln Pi-Ires on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 9. Prices of wheat on the local exchange advanced more than Ic today on general demand bawed on mall primary receipts and a liberal de crease in slockH. At .the close the May delivery was up 1U M.4aC. Corn was down Sic Oat.t were a shuue hlghir. 1'rovlHtons were IOiUHHc higher. The wheut market was htrong all l:iy nnd sentiment at times was extremely luilllxh. There was a feeling of uncer tainty at tho start, owing to a decline nt Liverpool-, hut the market soon be came strong and continued decidedly firm the balance of the day. Demand was gen eral, with large commission houses lead ing the .buying. Foreign news was al most totally ignored and buyers found their inBDiration In the domestic aitua. tlon. Primary receipts were again vrry light and stocks of wheat in store at a number of grain centers were said to 4o greatly depleted. Helling throughout the day was chiefly by holjers. Frtcea reacted ronstderubly hle the Bession on realising, but the close was firm. May opened H&'ic lo.Wer to itlic higher, at li4 9Hc. advanced to 9fcc and rlosed at 98V4c. Clearances of wheut and flour were euual to 680.000 bushelx. Primary receipts were 321. 000 bushels, compared to 417,000 bushels for the cor responding day a yeTir ago. Minneapolis, Imluth and Chicago reported receipts of 297 cars, against a holiday last week and 254 cars a year ago Trade in corn waa very light and the market failed to respond to the Btrenxth of wheat, sentiment In the pit being bear ish all day. The rattler tone was due lo Increased offerings from the country and to a slack demand for cash corn by ship pers. The market closed easy. May opened unchanged to Hc higher, at 61 ') 4i61Vfec, Bold off to 60'461c and closed at 61Vfcc. Local receipts were 195 cars, none of contract giadu. . Oats were quiet and steady. - The strength of wheat was offset by tnsrea'sed offerings from the country, which caused somo selling of May by elevator inter ests. May opened unchanged to ttc lower, at 52 53c. Bold between E:tia!Hc and cloHed at 63 63 Sic. Local receipts were 227 cars. Provisions were active and strong. Much smaller receipts of live hogs than had been generally expected are chiefly re sponsible for the Improved tone. At the close May pork was up 17 Vic, at $11.76. Lard waa 10c higher, at 17.66. Hibs were 10U12Vic higher, at $ U 6.67 H. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 24 cars; cdrn, 200 cars; outa, 265 cars; hogs. 60,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.) Open.l High. Low. Close. Yes'y. r- Wheat May.. July.. Sept.. July. .. 159 Vd S 8cpt...6Mto Oats i 97VRH t7uw aMay.. bMay.. aJuly.. bJuly.. July... Lard- May... July... It I ha May..J July.. 61 44 7 11 70 12 06 T 80 7 82Vi 62HI 99?i SK.V, 9 7i 89-? 61ii60Titl HI 69' 994 97V8f'98 94'ij 6. R3Vf, 61 Hi 4h' 43 11 80 12 15 1 82Mr 7 H7W 67VJ :V 97V) 1W 61t 6!i59VfiH59V(iV, 62 63i, 6S 6lVil 61V4:5lVifiH 44m 447fi16; 44- 48.l 43V4! 43i 11 70 12 06 7 60 7 82V 11 75 13 15 765 7 874 I 7H 62Vij 96 11 67V, U 16 7 65X 7 75 6 55 6 Futures, steady: March, 7s 141; May, - i, i . . . i . , CORN Spot, steady; Amerlran mlxe.l, new, ts 2Ht. Futures, quiet; March, 6a VI. SBW lORK UKMKRAL MARKIIT ttaolallon of the ! on Marions Comsaoditles. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.-FLOt R-Here1)ts, 21. Hi bbls. ; exports. ).?00 bbls. Market Mi in snd partially higher; Minnesota pot ents, t,' 2"0 6"; winter straights, 14 2Mi4 f; Mlnm-sota bikers, 14.5'xrj j.0"; winter extras, H.6.U4 15; winter patents, f4.5ou4.90; winter low grades, H6.Vfi4.ix,. Kye flour, quiet; fair to good, S4.ttxb4.sio; rholi e to fancy, S6.0o 5. 2V Htirkwheat flour, dull, S.l.t. CORN. MEAL Firm; fine white and vel low, l.f.l.wi; coarse, Jl.liVy 1.40; kiln dried, S.12o. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 90c, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT-Rerelpts. 18.000 bu.; exports. 45, 646 bu. Spot market strong; No. 2 red, $10314, elevator, and Sl.trtVfc, f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern, liuhith. SI. 19V o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, Sl.l&V f. o. b. afloat. The price of wheat was advanced 2c today by a violent seare of shorts, pro moted by bullish rash renditions west and commission house buying. The market closed lS'Mlc net higher. May, Si. 047y& J.UrY closed at S1.00H; July, S1.01i4il.01', closed at ll.fl. CORN Receipts. 43.IXK) bu. ; exports, 77,246 bu. Bpnt market firm; No. 2, 70c, elevator, and 62tc, f. o. b. afloat; No. t white, Mc, and No. 2 yellow, 8e, f. o. b. afloat. The option market was steady, with wheat, but dull, closing 4e higher. Mav rlosed at 70Sc; July. ftftVuitvVfcr. closed at BSVic. OATS Receipts, 67,600 bu.; exports, 2.295 bu. Spot market steadv; mixed onts. 26 to 32 lbs., 6?Hri-; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., 6"(j61Vic; clipped white, 32 to 40 lbs., ftKjji 6fic. FEED Firm; spring bran, S27.00; mid dlings. S'.;6 75, city S27.00. v HAT Firm; good to choice. Sl.Of'fJil.oS. W)P-Dull; state, common to good, 1907 rrop, WiUp; 1P"6 rrop. 4flr; Pacific coast, 1 7 crop, 6rti-Sr; 1906 crop. 4(&6c, HIDKS-Wtilet; Bogota, 17V4c: Central American, 17Vfcc. PKOViaiONH Beef, firm; family. S14 50 13.00; messSH.OTWirll.riO; bef hams. S?4.50f 2.j); packet. $12.0f"ttlI.C0; city extra India mess. S-'l.Onrij 22.00. Cut meats, steadv; pick led bellies. R. 00; pickled hams, S8.00. Lard, firmer; western prime. $7.4017.50; re fined, firm: continent. S'iO; South America, SS.S0; compound. 6.871,.f7.12V4. Pork, firm; family. Sl5.on' short clears, S14.60 h. i!; mess, si.a" TALLOW Quiet; city, 5M,e. RICK Quiet; domestic f!',e. RITTTET? Firmer: held, common to ape rlnV 24f(31c; proress, Becond to special, 221 2T.V.C CHEESE Bteadv and unrhang'ed. EQGP F"1rm ; western firsts, 23c; sec onds. 2Ti.2"Uc. POCLTRY Alive, steady; chickens, 11y; fowls, l:!VcT" turkeys, 14c. Dressed, nomi nally unchanged. fc; country, 69 fair to extra, 3'4 were valued at Sl2.frT7.C9. Imports of specie at th prt of New York for the week end ing today were fx.W silver and S.WM9 gold. Exior1s of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were $I,023.5Ji silver and H2,1 gold. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Feb. 29. COTTON-Futures opened; Marrli, 10.3ir; April, VI five bid; May, 10. 48c; June. 10.41c; Ju'y, 10.39c; August, 1020c; October, .94c: DeceniUr, .9'V. Futures closet! steady; March, 10.4flfyj April, 10.63c; Mav, 1060c; June, 10.IA-; Jul., 10.46c; August, 10 29'; October, S96c; De cember, 9.96c. 8ptt, quiet, 10 points ad vance; middling uplands. 11.45c; middling gulf, ll.Toc. No sales. GALVESTON, Feb. 29. COTTON Steady at llc. L1VERPOOT Feb. 25.-COnVN-Spot. dull; prices easier; American middling fair, 6.61d; good middling, .26d; middling, 59d; low middling, . 6.t.d; good ordinary. 6.21.1; ordinary. 4.71d. The ssles of the day we.e 3.0H0 bales, of which were for spalla tion and export and included 1,900 American. Receipts were 12.HO0 bales, inrludlng 6.101 Amerlran. Futures opened steady and closed quiet. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 29. COTTON Siot market quiet and steady; low ordi nary, 7 5-lOc, nominal; ordinary, 8Vkc, nomi nal: good ordinary, 9 9-Kc: low middling, 10 9-IHe;- middling, lldc; good middling, 11 13-lhc; middling fair, 12 5-lHc; fair, 12 16-hic nominal; sales. 1,426 bales; receJpts, 6,611 bales; stock, 300,849 bales. ST. LOIUB, Feb. 29. COTTON Dull; mid dling, ll'Hic; no anles; receipts. 488 bales; shipments, 703 bah a; stock, 22.623 bales. na"ar and Molaasea. NEW YORK, Feb. 29.-SCOAR Raw, firm; fair refining, S.Stic; centrifugal, 96 test, 3. Mr; moluaFes sugar, ,2.11c; refined, steady; No. 6, 4.50c: No. 7, 4 46c; No. 8, 4 4iv ; No. 9, 4 3.V; No. 10. 4.3c; No. 11, 4.20c; No. 12, 4.16c: No. 13, 4.10c; No. 14, 4.05c; confectioners' A, 4.70c; mould A, 5.2.rc; cut loaf, 6.7o; crushed, 6.80c; powdered, 5c; granulated. 4.90c; cubes, 6.15c. ' MOl.A8SEi Quiet ; New Orleans open kettlo, good to choice, 2sii42c St. I.oula General Market. ST. I-OUIS. Feb. 29.-WHKAT-Lowar; track. No. 2 red cash, SI. 06; No. 2 hard. t.v.iry i.uo; May ai.ui; ruDruary, sivc. 1 CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 68Vkc; May, 1 57c; July, 68c. OATH lxwer; No. 2 cash, BOVfcc; No. 2 white, 62Vjc; May, 60V4C RYE WH"i82c. KI.OL'R Firm; red winter patents, $4.00 !&4.86; extra fancy and straight, S4.20ift4.70; clears, $3.fifi'u3.SS. SEED Timothy, steady; $3.751i4.25. CORNMKAI-8teady; S2.90. RRAN Strong; Backed, enst track, SI. 10. HAY Steady; timothy, SlO.uO4rl6.0U; prai rie, S9.W) 11.50. IRON COTTON TIES S1.10. HAGXIINU 10c. HEMP TWINE 11c. PRt)VIRIONB I'ork, strong; Jobbing, $12.00. Lard, strong; prime steam, $7.10. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $ti.S7V4", clear ribs, $0.76; short clears, S7.27V. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $7.62Vi; clear rilis. ?7.60; short clears, $8.12Vj. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs, 13r; turkeys, U'Vic; ducks, 11c; geese, 6V4c lU'TTER Steady; creamery, 2832c; dairy, 22c. EGGS 17V4; case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 7.000 Wheat, bu 32.0CO tV00 Corn, bu 47.0OO 34.0.10 Oats, bu J 67,0000 61,000 No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; spring patents. $5.0f,(35 jo Straights, S4.20a4.60; bakers. S3.7oti4 26- win ter patents. $4.3u4.46; straights, $4.14 45 WHEAT No. 2 spring, Sl.usijgl.U; N0 tKctiSl.10; No. I red. 9w4i997. ' C'OltN-No. i, 68i,4)69c; No. t yellow. S) OAT-No. 623C3c; No. I white. 61 d3Sc, RYE No. 8. 82c; fair to choice malting SEEDS Flax, No. 1 northwestern. $1.19. .ni. t,,?i, ri 1 If'Hoe, fl. VI. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 29. -WH EAT Un changed to Vic to lc higher; Mav. 98V,c; Julv. 8Xc. CaRh: No. 2 hard. 98crS1.03; No. 3, 97cr(CS1.00; No. 2 red, Sl.034jl.04; No. 3, 98c tl$l.04. CORN 4(&ic higher; May, 65c; July, 66c. Cash: No. 2 mix. d, 66c; No 3. &6Vyii Uc; No. 2 white, 66ft&tc; No.' 3, to'iV &5ic. OATS I'nchanged ; No. 2 white, 60QSlVic; No. 2 mixed, 48Vit)-l9Vic. RYI-78c. . HAY Choice timothy, steady at $11.W 12.00; choice prairie, S8.5txiiil.ou. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 82c; packing atock, lOVic. 1'XKJH Vic lower; fresh extras, lNVic; cur rent receipts, 17c. Receipts. Shipments. Wh-?at, bu 65,iiK) 6.000 Corn, 1 bu 17.0u0 36.001 Oats, bu. 14,000 6,00) Quotations at Kansas City as reported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, were: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. 84 65V4 9Vi 88 V 94 86' 9V4 87 65i 6BV4 56V4(n'k 54-4i56V44l")i.6444!Tfc 6174 Wheat May July Corn May July Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 29. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, SI.12W1.13; No. 2 northern. $1.0Mt1.10; May, KlViiuWsc bid. BARLEY Steadv: No. 2. .93c: saniole. 7041 9:'c. CORN Firm; No. 3, cash, 57(S9c; May, Gl'ic asked. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 29.-METAI-S The markets were quiet and more or less nomi nal In the absence of trading. Tin is quoted at $29,25130.00. Cooper is dull, with lake quoted at 12.62iV'"'12.87Vi. elect rolvtir at S12.5oiil2.75 and resting at Sl2.37Vt'12.iVi. lai is dull at S3.6i3.75. Spelter is quiet at S-4.7Q 4.75. Iron waa quiet and without further rliange. ST. UH'IS, Feb. 29. METAUS-Iad. steady, $3.6&fa3.70. Spelter, quiet, $4. 8041-4.86. Treasury statement. WASHINGTON, Feb. .-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, S27.769.3S: gold coin and bullion. $21,076,126; gold certificates, $38.576,6:'0. Movements of Specie. NT7W YORK. Feb. 29 Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending February 22 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Feb. 29. Money was In good demand and a fair supply on the market today. Discounts were easy on expectations that money will soon be more plentiful. BERLIN, Feb. 29. Prices on tho Bourse today opened rather firm, but later be came unsteady upon cable advices from London. PARIS. Feb. 29. Prices on the Bourse today were weak. When you have anything to sell adver tise It In The Bee Want Ad Columns. THERE IS NOT HURT IN THE DANAN SHOE gryiBsviii. J1 From the day you buy your first jnir until you buy your next pair you have foot comfort that goes with shoes as only llanan can make. We have them- in all styles, shapes and sizes. FOR MEN AND WOMEN If you are shoe wise or want to get shoe wise try a pair of Hanan's famous shoes many people will wear no others. Our advice to you is try a pair. . Prices Range: For Women $5.00-$5.50-$6.00 For Men. . . $5.50-$6.00-$7.00 Drfexcl Shoe Co. 1419 Faraain SL 1 4" Talk Prosperity It is Jiist aft rhenp to nay that biihlncHH In good mid it brings you more return!. Watch the man who always say Business is Great And you will htc the man who Is going aliciid. The "buhlncss knocker" lias no place on this arth if lie is a buNiiiess man. If you want to knock, get out of husiiietis and Join the (Jump and (irouch Club. We belong to the Push Club at the Model Laundry 1110-1112 DODGE ST. Telephone Douglas 528, or Au tomatic A 1528 for the best liMundry. Jan. Ainseow, 51. N Itobertson, lroirietors PROVISIONS-Short ribs, sides (loose tr.n7Vsh6.&0; mess pork, per hbl, 111 5.iU.ts' Lard, per Km lbs., $7.40. Short clear sides tboxed), $d37Vuti.t:,,. roiiuwtoK were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: . Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 14.600 si,!0 Wheat, bu mo iis'kk) forn, bu 2ll,o0'i Itia'lo tats, bu W.ttO a.l.o J:ye;-buw smu Lurley, bu 49,j'i0 62. 0) On the-Produce exchaiiKe tudnv the but ter market tat steady; creameries, 21'oTVi dairies, lific. Kwks steadv; t mark cases Included, lisniitv-c; firsts, 20c- prime firsts, 21c; extras, ;c. Cheese, firm, 12'3 ia. Ilsiepolla Grain Market. MIXNKA1DI.IS. Feb. 3.-VHHAT-My, l.iH; July. I1.07S; No. 1 hard. l.i;t.; lnorihern, l.l-; No. i, tl.O, No. BRAN 60c hisrher; in bulk, $:o.754j-.'l Oil KU)l'R- 10c l.iKher; flrnt patents, $5.4ij' 6tii; second clen i a. $..3&iK.,u: first clears Il.4im4.66; seccr.d clears, H.6'Xii3.tio. Feorla Market. PEORIA. Feb. a.-COR V-rnohanred No. S ellow. 67c; No. S, 57c; No. 4. u6c lu (Tade. &Jc. OATti-Steady; No. S white, 61V.iii "WHI3KY-tl.3S. v " J Dulsilht (iral nlarket. , rrH'Tll. FVb. ". W H KA T No. 1 north ern. Il.i.; No. 4 l.tli; kluy. Il.y7; July 11.07. , I.I rerpuul Crala Market, IJVERPtiU Feb. S.-WII EAT-po. dull; Kit. 2 rd wwUra wluur. Is 1V1. To Persons Driving Vehicles At thin seawon of the year street car tracks are apt to be very ullptery owinu; to almotyheric condiitons, and it is iiiipowille, tiierefore, to stop a car as promptly as ordinarily. UKMKMHKK Uiat a street car is confined to the track and that tlie Motortiian cannot turn out or slop bis car instantly when 'cut off" by a vehicle. Do not rely uwn the motor man to save you from the consequences of you own carelcsHnot-s he may not lx able to do so. Assist Us In Preventing Accidents Omaha and Council Bluff s Stroot Railway Company s if srurnra a iPlrooograpiti Dought lor one plays for all. Our Great Olfer-Nolhing Down Take a Victor or Edison Talking Machine home with you. Pay us nothing down on the machine. All we ask you to do is to pay for the records you get and begin to pay on the machine in thirty days. This Offer Is Made to Everybody. Edison and Victar Phonographs Prices ranging from $10.00 to $100.00 Victor Auxtophone $500.00. Victor Victrelee $200.00. 100,000 Records to Select From, Nebraska Cycle Company CEO. E. MICKEL, Manacar. 151b. and Harney Sis.. Omaha, Neb. 331 Broadway, Co. Bluffs, Ia. Two Extraordinary Sale Events SII.KS from Ihe ASHI.KY IIAH.KY Al'Cl'ION'.KALK ) MONDAY, j f MARCH 2D Kt CiS from the TANNKIXI WIlOLi: SALK STOCK. See Large -Ad on Lalst Page for Particulars. fin ill m mom THE RELIABLE TN8 Mail Orders on Silks Filled Until Wednesday. Noon. 1 To Mny Points In' " California, Oregon, Washington Tickets on Bale every day TO APRIL 30, 190S 'to Pendleton and Walla Walla. to Spokane and WeDatchee, Wash, i to SanFranclaco,Lo8 Angeles,San Diego I , and many otner. Ualliomla points. 'to Everett. Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van couver, viotoria ana Astoria. ' to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Albany and balem via fortiana. to Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle. via UNION PACIFIC Xnanira at PITY TIHKFT flFFIRF 1394 rillWIM ST. I-1 FKONB DOUQ. 1838 Gold. Silver (EL Nickel Plating ALSO BRASS AND BRONZE v The Electro Plating Process is the only one now In vogue that has stood tho test. It is used by all the successful plating plants in the country. It has a scientific significance which makes it the only prac tical method. We replate anything made of metal, from a chafing diati" to a brass bed. I x Ixtuis Slavin, the, proprietor, is an expert electro plater, and all work goes through his bands. OMAHA PLATING CO. Phones Doug. 2535; Ind. A-2o.'lft. 1220 Harney Kt. Kst. 1803. BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN with our Iron and Wlra fanoa. TrolUaaa and Arbors for lnaa, flower gnarda, chair, aettcea, vaaaa, traa g-aarda, bitching- poata, window g-oarda, barn fUtnras and cnlckan fanoe. CIIAYIFMON FENCE COMPANY 017-19 Bontb 16th Street. TeL Dongla 1S90. end for Catalogme. THE HOME OF BEST CLOTHES and the buying place of those most appreciative of goo,d clothes style and quality. Xot adverse to a cash saving. ; ; THE STYLES THIS SEA- SON aro exceptionally pleas ing, plenty of individuality, coupled with splendid tail oring and unusually great assortment of good patterns and colors. Let us show you the new spring and sum mer styles in the ever best HART SHAFFNEIi & MARX band tailored Clothes. SUITS $15.00 18.00 920.00 $22.50 925 up to 930 SPLENDID TOP COATS Values nt $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 CRAVENETTE RAIN COATS Complete line of colors and several stvles rain proof, stvlish, serviceable prices: $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 and up to $25.00 Lace Curtains and Draperies Housing llnrKaitis in Monday' Sale; Hih Clasx Cm talus at Hween- Iiir I'iKe IColuctions for TIUh One Ilisy's Hale. $.1.00 Xovelly Curtains, White or Keru $.".(() Cluny CurtuiiiH, lilnen Ijk-c , . . . . $."..00 Irish Point Ciiituins, Choice $fi"i() Dentelle Aruhinn Cnrtnliw, k W-M h lit. $2.98 on sale at $4. OS $7.60 Heavy Corded Arabian Cur- .Ia'n- at $5.98 J i.50 Ilrussels Net Curtains, at $3.50 $S.50 Twotone Duchess Point Cur tains, at $6.00 $1.50 Tapestry Couch Covers, UU inch wide, Persian and Oriental patterns, fringed, choice $2.?)8 Drapery .Minims -In all colors to value at prices per yard from. . . . $8.50 Cluny Curtains, linen, lnce and edge, at $0.50 $9.00 Kino Hand Made Arabian Curtains S7.50 $10.50 Novelty Lace Curtains. at $9.73 $12.00 Duchess Point Twotono CurtninB, at S10.00 Cheney llros. Drapery Silk, plain, figured or bordered, best line in Omaha, at, yd. .4) to 1.00 match your fr.rniiiliinjss, splendid -49 75 c S5C? u i to Sl.75 ENAMEL WARE SALE, 5c and 8c EACH 10c Pip Plates, Dippers, Cups, Soap Dishes, Spoons, Pudding Pans,. Preserving Kettles, Etc., Etc., each 5(? J"" lo 25c Pudding Pans, Wash Basins, Preserving Kettles, liauce Pans, U:' .. ':' Sc " WE BIG HARDWARE DEPARTMENT JTouday vo v.'il! sell yoa c. suar&ntccd 14-oz. &olld Copper Wash Holier, heavy riveted wood handles, worth $4.75, for $2.19 Heavy 14-oz. Copper Teakettle, nickel plated, worth $1.C5, for..yjj( Vvhen buying a kettle do not be deceived by buying a tin kettle, nickel plated for 98c, the usual price, insist on it being copper. The famous Wilson Bread Toaster, Bold usually for 25c by other deal ers toasts four slices at once, Hayden's price 12VaO The famous padded Sleeve Board, worth 19c to 25c all over Omaha, Hayden'e price 12 V3 p 7 large rolls of Toilet Paper for 25c Family House Scales, others ask $1.25, .each , 75f 5-tle Parlor Brooms, others ask 25c, each .' lliC Chair Seats, 12 to 18-inch, sold everywhere for 10c to 20c, cavb..j(. $1.50 STEEL ROLLER SKATES 89c Mop Haiullus, 15c qinlity for ,.7Ho 10. 12 uiul 14 iiu.irt Cxlvr.nlzcd IliuU et, at, uch 16o, 17o aud 190 Lursro, medium nnd wiriiill InlviinlziMl : for laVaO I Tutia, at each 49o, 69c and 69o lIoiisrclpariinK time will anon be hers, buy a Sti'pladder now 4 foot 39o, 6 foot 49o each. 6 foot, or the $1.00 aim Ladder. Monday for 69o Pover Kgtf HeattTH for So Kloor Mi8, 1 pound weight for 12Vo TKV IIAVDKNS for I'AIXTK, VAKMSII, UL.VSS and JAI'-A-LAC try HMDENS' ME ENAMEL FILLINGS Just Like the TOOTH jjllP WHKN VOU CALL MJ liW YV VOl lt BROCEK fcl W CALL X)It D Ei II II "Butternut Bread It Is the best to bo had. It is better than 'Mother used ot make." Baked under the most scientific process of flour made of the best hard wheat. EVERYTHING STRICTLY SANITARY. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. H. I. fUmaoclottL) susrin sun TTruDUinut Offloa ad XoapitaO. S810 Hun treat. Calls Promptly iiiimd at All Hours. The Fry Shoe for Woman $3.50 There is no other like It. no other shoe for women that is equal to it In it's perfect fitting quali ties, Its high toned style, Its high grade material and its economical price. It has no fanciful name, but bears our own name and guar anty and our reputation rests on the splendid value of this shoe. ALL STVLKS ALL LEATHERS $3.50 FRY SHOE CO. Txa BOSKS 16th and Douglas Streets DR. BRADBURY. Dentist, A durable aubatltute for fold or silver that dooa not ahow. If your teeth are tnlatilng wo can fill Ilia pare without platea or bridge-work by our Alveolur System of Dentlatry Lrfoae teeth made solid. FAUTXtSSS OPEBATXOKS. BXFEBT VOBC 150S Farnam. Phona Douf. 179S 1 Biggest Cut Glass Sale IN THE HISTORY OF OMAHA COMMENCES I Tuesday, IVIapclTL 3ici -AX- FRED BRODEGAARD & CO. Wholesale and Mall Order Jewelry Store 109 North 16th St. Opposite Post-Office Watch for A.d In Monday Evening Papers f--v BAILEY (SL MACH ; j DENTISTS TrIIKD VUOUtt fA.VlUS ULOCJl Corner 16tb and Farnam Streets. Best equipped Dental office in the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA ISVV irpifi frf 71