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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1908)
TTmOMATTA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 1. 1003. REAL ESTATE CITY PROIT.RTT roil 9 A LB (Contriiui d.) REAL ESTATE riTV phoi'khtv rnii sale. ' (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITr mOPRRTT TOR S4I.H (Continued.) 1 REAL ESTATE CITT TROPFBTV KOIt 8AI.B (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPK.RTV FOR I4LR (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT FROPKRTT FOR KAtn, (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTr FOR 9AI.B (Continued.) , HOME BUYERS Don't Buy Without Looking at These $4,000 fU SOUTH 2m AYENt'E A 7-room. entirely mmlrrn ho-isc, In fine locality, easy w.-lklrr; il!t mm, paved Street, permanent wull.s. nice v. ml nnd nil modern con-enl. nee. 'This place has been built about five year's nrnl Ik In good shop-. Must )o B. .1.1 ,y Mare). 5. Owner will no. "ept U.jco In rash and tho balance nt $i:o very nix months, with Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually. $2,400 3G07 NORTH U4TII street Just north nf Kmintur Place, mom, 4 Tooms and reception 1n 11 in first floor. 3 bedrooms and hath or wmtid floor, modern excrpt furnace, beautiful shade tnf. piivi J street, close to Lothrop school, 15 minutes' Mile rtown town. Not n new Ik. .Me, bit a splendid burenln. Owner n non-:'r:i1dor.t, but has Just cut the price from WM1 $2,730 4011 NORTH .10TH STREET A brand new house, just completed, hav ing H nlro rooms, 4 on the first floor, 2 : ledronms ami bath on the second floor, j full fomented basement, Rood fTirnnee, , electric lights and pas, combination fix tures, finely finished floors, pit yd street, , raving paid ,fi:ll lot, permanent walks. This Is an attractive looking house and is i built right rrom lop to bottom. If you sen this you will buy It. The price Is very low at $2,750. I Office open Monday HASTINGS 1704 Farnam street. d. V. Sholes Co. 110 Board of Trade Tl'dg.. Main Floor. Telephones: Bell Douglas 4:i. I ml. A 2o9. 11,600 5-room cottage, near 2Mb and Ohio; sewer, water and gas. Terms rea sonable. $1, BOO 2715 1catur, Rood 4-room cottage . and large lot, &IX127 feet: cieai. $2,260 4Hi2 N. ."ith. new 5-room cottaire, modem except furnace; easy terms, 2,700 IH'slrnble 6-room rott:iKe, modern ex rept furnace, near tli and Charles, lot !V'xl3o feet; small barn. $2,850 ai79 Mandernnn, neat ti-room fjott.'isre, mwlern except furnace; lot -VxliH ft. $3,6001515 B. 2Mb, rearly new 7-room house, entirely modern, natural wood fin ish, permanent walks, tip-top place and cheap. $1,2508 rooms, all modern, In TVmls Park, nearly new and very attractive place, large lot anil bain. $6,0008 room hot water heated house, with oak floors and finish, east front on 2Mh, between Vnppletnn and Pueific; full lot. beautiful shade trees This la a tip-top bargain for any one wanting a homo. Investment $.00O New brick bnlldlnr. with two R-rooni flats, renting for J.'W p,.r year; rlbt on the IllKii School hill; hot water beat, oak and beech finish, the very fanciest thlnsT In town. Where can you beat this as an Investment? Vacant $ 200 South front on Kisklne St., between 43d and 44th, below frrade, but a bargain; make us an offr. $ 250 60x130 feet, north front on Seward, lf0 feet east of 47th fjt down and 10 per month. $1,350 tbolee lot on 35th Ave., between Woolworth and Poppleton; street paved and all Improvements In. $2,250 ft ix 140 feet, - east front on ZMth, Just south of Jackson; paving- paid; fine ' location for a flat. flD)- $1,800 Five rooms, partly modern, large lot, south front, permanent walks, cltv water and cistern. Ono block from 27th and Spaulding 8ts. C. G. CARI.BERO. U New York Life. Building. C19)- $1,100 HOME M-foot east front lot, on grade, with old house, 2TJ6 8. loth Bt. ACRE HOME, $2,000. Southeast corner SNth old hoiiNe; lot 13 by neighborhood. Ave. and Mason, 105 feet; growing 2Va-ACIlE TRACT, $1,000 On Grand Ave., near 42d. 30 ACRES 46th and Hickory; sightly; $400 per acre. !J0 ACRES Further out. at S16S per acre Two acres at 43d and Marlha $1,n"n. vacant lots in all parts of city S73 up. Paved street lots $350 and up. and PATTERSON, 1G23 Farnam. (isl 7 Lots Close In We have T lots on Iodne, Capitol Ave. Davenport, between 27th and aoth, and lor $X6W. Look these up. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 137. 21:1 Bomb litli. ll)- THB OLD REMABLK. W1IKN Y H IH'V U HA U KSTATF.. UK fANI A "M IIH..VM) C17UASTKK AM TKI'tJT t'OAI PA NY" AUSTItACT OK Tl ThK. nru PKK'Kfl AUK UKASUNAHI.E AN1 Ol'U VOBK Ql lCK AND ACCL ATE. MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY. 1714 Kurtimn Ft. pee Blilg. (19)- DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS Prom present Indii allons those beautiful lots on the smith snli of Harncv Ht., east of 31st St., will 1 -nt !o on the in irkol lonn These lots are tl.N'K ItUX'K FliOM I'Alt KAM ("AH l.I.VH hiuI within asv mhIkiiiii distance of the business putt of the city. They are hound t. increase In value ami Iho man whi buys now ut first hand will make the ir.onev. M-KOOT U) l;S In the Moclt--$l.' 3 TO $1,750. If you want a. OOOO 8ITK fur a HOMK Comtj In and aucuie your lot. L. I). SPAULDINT,, Thone Dvuglas ij. mo ti. 1: th St. tli SXAP $!." will buy Hixl;--i, with 7-room house In f irst-i'Uss rt'puir, lot is fineed, 1 Uy water, stable for, horse and humry, chicken noue. nwe i run irca. ."noil tiH stlon, t 11 r iiik'ks 10 ciiv. ii. r luff nr'H 'Phon lluriuy llj, ht any a.! (ir-0,s9 1 ARE YOU thinking of f.ndlng a mors . suitable offie for your rsl estate busi ness! The tendency is for an Increase of traffic on W est Farnam St. ; w hy tun look at pa.- w are offering in tha best appointed office bulldlnar In this ilUtrlct? Mr. Htr will show ywti. Ask fur hlin ai Ruum hJi. bee BiUs. UJMtinti 2414 FRANKLIN STREET WANT OFFER The owner of this II-room modern house wants offer; U block from 24th street car line, waiklng distance, south front, on pavd street, 3 rooms and retcptlon hall on first floor. 3 rnnti'd and bath on second floor, rrrei'iia and storm windows, co mooted cellar. lok at this today and make offer. $n,7fo 170S LAKE STREET We offer tills handsome 7-room, entirely mmlrrn house, on good ,,t t a price that will seil it i his week. This Is a hi, square house and has the very best of everything", Rooms ni-f. pam-red. floors are finished columns hctwe, n n e ptlon hn 1 1 and parlor, tfnod pantry and rear vestibule. Look at tuts tid:iy. About $7S0 cash will handle thie. . . $5,500. VY22 PARK AVENUE In the Hansrotn park district, cast frpnt on car line, cn pnvcil street, with paving nil ltild .full lot. We offer this beautiful house, villi tile flneFt of iiuartcr-sa ed oak finish and ft splendid riio-ns, new and in fit -t-elnss condition, with full basement laundry and s IcmlM hot water heating Plant. You could not begin to buy the ground anil build the house for the money You could not Improve on the plan and by buying this you v.lll avoid all the trouble of building. Owner will make terms on tills. evenings until 8:30. & HEYDEN Hee Building. 19)- ON HIGH SCHOOL HILL 09 feet tuar northwest corner Twentieth and Davenport .nothing: better for flats, $.-1,250. 38TH AVENUE Klegant 10-room modern house. Ideal lo cation. I-et us show you this liiitn-class house, $0,760. CI1ICAP LOT Near Forty-second and Harney, only $77.0. TRACKAGE Corner trict, $1.7 lot 'i0. duXt'S, close to wholesale dls- R. BEECHER HOWELL & CO., on VM. E. ROMANO, 329 Doard of Trade. " Douglas U13. (13)- Special Bargains FOR QUICK POSSESSION M0 Franklin St.. and fino 6-room modern cuttnue, with open plumbing. In first-, lass condition, puved street, fine shade trees, two blocks from car. Only $2,i00. HI S. riolh Ave., 8 ro ms, modern except bent. pica Hbade, one-half block Ir.nii car. Wo can sell this house for Vi.tfeO, with jnO) or $il o d iwn and balame nlonthly same us rent. Jtm't fall to let us ahow you this house. , 4Jlfi Lafayette Ave.. (1 rooms, city water, gas, fruit, n ar Only $1.rjo. Kasy tern's, varum, ready to innvj riglit Into. Thirty-second and Cass Sis., nearly new, 7 rooms, bu'lt by owner for a home, strictly modern, gas and electric lfR .t, fine cellar and splendid In inn In a good neighborhood. $I,UjO. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., . Main Floor, New York Life. (1:0- Some Cheap Lots Your choice of 3 west-front lots on ,"4'h St. boulevard, Just south of Leavenworth $7W) each. DOxlaO, south front, on Cass St. and 35th Ave. Owner has been asking H,, but wants an offer. Igok this up and let us know If you can use It. Your terms. t The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 237. 212 South 14th. (13)- THE OLD RELIABLE. ..VJ'.Er;' v'"' m"Y ki:-L KdTATK, I)H M AM) A "AllIU. AND tJl'AKANTKK AND TKl'ST COMl'A.Ny AHSTKACT OK TI li.K. Ol U l'lllCKS A1IK ltKAS()K,WII,K HATK01 WOKK yl 1CK ANU Al-'CU MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY, 17H Faniani St. Deo Hldg. (13)- RUANI) NEW 5 room cottage at 1014 S. liMh Ave., modern except heat, will be completed fLr o; -ciipiiiu v in about two we, Ks. I'rice, i 'iji lion cash and t.M p. r month. C. O. CAHI.HKItO. 311 New York Life DullJIrg-. l:i- MODHRX HOUSES W. have Ruld nun b r of the ti'is ye: The following ure all mod rn and nearly new. Kievcn rooms full lot. West Farnam, ...:d and l),di:e Sib. Finn . ,ii . -1.11 in 1,1.11 t imriiK iM.., S ro.ims. just t:nishi d. lot iki-foot fn nt 'I'we.ity.fiuiith and locust St 7 nrnn. 101 imi evi u gra whole bouse. r meiil.d ellnr u: d r Ninth and Biuct-oft Sts.. 8 ro 'ms t r fchoo. ami F.ii !ii.m t ar, t !,,,. to ., llk a,ui b iulevaid drive. Twenty-ninth St. and Amei A. 5-:oom f r "o" one or 1 wo lots, as you fit- O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Phono Douglas !.'. ni y jJfo O;)- ' MOIJK IIIIMK RARtlAINS Ji-'V' H:l (i'", e Sts . 5-r. mou.rn. 1, IMj- Mi h an l S.iylor, 4-r., new. city water fl:" cu.ih payment. 1-1. nioaern; brand m w; 1 i.irner lit; easy pay. near ;,th and paulduig; nients. f 1 .. 1 r. modern cottage near 24th: a buruiiin. Ifmmct St., $2, MX) ti-r. mi.dirn ex. heal; 2tth and Laird R:. ; east front. $l.J-6-r., gas and water; full lot; new rasy payments; ;iut and Emmet, t .iOWHrand new 7-r. boice ut :i;ti, aml tiieiicc ; corner Mid fine house l.i.KoOr;well i-T. cottage on Manderaon: ii fut,u -4,h ''ar: full lot; ldil hum. I3.0U0 fc-r. home on Spalding; mod. ex. )uaf maple floors; paving paid; wortli .1.50. $2.2o9--r. mod. cottage on 23d near Pratt 'i'hono Web. br!. , ' O. M. I'NDEltHIU, & CO., t)ffit Si)- North 24th St. 0 10$ I FINANCIAL BULLETIN FOR MARCH "Munsoy's Magazine" for tliis montli, writtcu hy Frank Mun . 1 1 T in mv, .says: "i, nivwii, am so thoroughly optimistic that if were u manufticturor of .staiilcs I should run my factory to the limit. I believe the men who do this will find this year 1D08 one of the successful years in their history." This lias the rlRht rlna; to It, and Is very applicable to general business In Nebrask 1 and especially to real estate. With Rood crops in this state, we will he doing- bust ness at tho old stand," no matter wnether Billy 13. or Teddy R. lands the plum. .- Why drift a whole year? Remember wnat "HOSHY IHtANPKH said In ih "TIvXAS BTEKR" when she kissed and made up with her lover, "Just think of tiio litre we nave wasted. ' DKDOW FIA'D BOM 13 ARCH BAR- OA INS. 160-acre Improved farm, miles west from P. O., only $12) tier acre; v cash, bal ance easy. ThlnK of It, no excuse for not owning a rami. 7Mi n res jitnt Vt mile south of Dundee, all platted Into lots ready to sell and build upon. I'rice low, terms easy. 2i acres and 7-room new house, milu nortli of Florence, $2.fi00. liO acres, blKbly Improved, near Pttmle and Klmwood park. Tills is a splendid In vestment. Investigate. 6 acres, only Vj mile south of Dundt school, H.fXM. acres near Iravne's on West Dodire. $:',imo. New 7-room house and 1 acre faring Leav enworth, east of i;imwood puk, 13, 2 acres adjoining the "ReeJ tract," at 4Sth and Dodije, $:,co0. 9-rooiu house In best town In Djuk as county to trade for Omaha acreage. hplendld lots In Ileuson, 2 blocks to car. Low jirice, easy terms. 30 acres, frontliur F.lmwood park. Fine proposition. Invi HtiuHtc. Ixt 4.'xMi. this Is a fine corner near tho Winona, onlv t'VW. 5 acres near 42d and Grand, all hlsrh. onlv $1.MXI. pi ncres near Jotter s brewery. So. Omaha, .SOI). la acres near Florence lake, must be sold want an offer. Acre tracts and lots In every dlnctlon Acre tracts for rent for garden purposes. S. AR10N LEWIS, Acre Specialist. 9S4 New York Life. (19) AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION CC3 HRANDKIS HUILDINO. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS ,'ah 1 tie only inrge lot unoccupied on 3-'d Ave., north of Farnam. tW-ft. on 3.'d Ave., X l:i deep, lias beautiful shade trees In front, usphalt pave ment; permanent walk, and Is ab solutely kurrounded by beautiful re sidences. Hear in mind tho unusual sizo of this lot, M ft. In the midst of such surroundings. One look nt It will satisfy you tiiat you cannot dup licate It. $3,055-Lot 2. block 20. Highland Place, on jyuh St., a stone's throw Bouth of Farnam. 47xlni feet, at only pa per front foot. Other property In this vicinity bus recently sold at $90 per foot, and there Is nothing more choice than this whioli wo are offer ing at (ti 200 We st H7 feet of lot 2, block 11, Smlth'b Add., 8. K. for. 08th St. and Farnam. 87 feet on Farnam. 87 feet on Harney, and I81I4 feet on 3Mh St. Huj'er couid build on ull or either of the three frontages, u8 Harney street is (ft feet wido ut this point. ,500-99 feet on north side of Cuming St., between liiih and ahth, east ol fine residcm.i; Just completed. Owner will ti ll i itlier half of tills piece for $l,7li0. Mouth Hunt, JU feet deep. Paving taxes paid In full, and pormaneiu walk, liberal turinu. AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION 6t!3 Drandeis Duilding, 'I'hone Douglas 2J94. UP)- J- W. Robbins BARGAINS IN HOUSES $12,500 Fine modern home In best part of West Farnam dl.nrlct. Special rea sons for solllrur. $ 4,7oO Brand new, modern house of 7 rooms and reception hall, finished in oak and especially well built, 4115 Dodge St. Easy terms to good party. 4,0(10 i-rooin, modern house near All SaiiUs church only l,tni cash; bal ance monthly. Someone will surely buy this very soon. INVESTMENTS 6,7iiO Corner 2'Jth Ave. and Muson; has street frontage of 3(9 ft., with g'iod 6-room cottage, llest corner to Im prove in Hanhcom park district. KNAP. COCO 3 stores and 4 cottages near 13th and William. Annual rental N76. BUY YOUR LOT NOW l ave b.irnalns In vacant lots in all parts of the city from SiMI unwind. LIST YOL'U BAKO-UNd WITH ME FOR 8 ALU. JOHN W. ROBHINS. 1M2 FARNAM ST. (l'.i)-.5 1 TilE OLD RELIAHLE. WHEN YOC HI'Y 41KAI. KSTATF 1P. MAN!) A "MIDLAND (il'AHANTKK AND IIirST COMPANY" AHSTKACT OF TI LL!. 01 I; PHiriJS aki: kkaoxahi.w AND (-I U WORK. Ol lCK AND At RAT V.. MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRl'ST COM FAN V, 1714 Farnam St. Hoe Did;;. (19)- N. E. Cor. 20th and Charles room, 2-story house. New open plumb leg. On car line. Corner lot. Price, $2,2i0; $"00 cash, balance $2 pr montli. The Byron Reed Co. I'hono Douif. :97. South 14lh. (19)- o-KOOM Biaciv 5-rooms. all modern . -xcepi heat; polished fhirs: nicely up, -red, el gant gas ami electric light fixt n 1 .-.; latest plumbing; nice l't. eum front .:.; $4i cash; balance, ;.:5 fH-r morth. t an utiange fur two rooms itpatairs and put in miiiuio at Blight ad ditional cost, (me I. calod Bt I'fui South 4ntb and tlie other at Ii.ik :outli ;fN Ave. (Can be seen between 2 and 4 o'clock, Sunday uturnoe u C. O. CARI.RKRG. til N. Y. Due Khlg. (19) INVl-ST.MKNTS. 2 detached flame. !? nntal, $:",C'H. " 2 ti-room irame, ivulul. J-'.Sj . Near 4tigh school. )mo rental. $7.5o0. t it-room brick, f'.iO rental. tS .Sio. 3 8-rooin frame, II. tO rental, Jll.ii"). 2 S-room brick. $l.-uu rental, tll.iKW. 3 new brick, fl.nj) rental, 1 10,00. I brick houses, ll.tiuo rental. flti.11.1O. S brick stores, tl.&o rental, II J mo. Frame stoles $.' ,7' rental. Jn,u.. JOHN M. FlUiNZKR, OPP. ODD P. O. (lii)-l0 I F. D. Wead $ 3SO Cash, balance, $,J.M) nor month, will buy nice 8-room cnttnue on Kmm ft., west of h. south front, full lot. fiOxtli; splendid place to raise cb Ickens $1,100. I Z.0OO Can arrange loan on part, will buv new 5-room cottage, modern, with nickel plated plumbing, stone foun elation, golden oak finish, south front, lot on 27th, near Spauldlng, 1 uia is a snap. 2,400 Will buy 7-rnnm bouse on N. 21th rt., near Km met. has barn, lot fit: "0 cash, balance can lx ar ranged. $ 2,000 Will purchase R-room cnttice, nth and Orant 61s., corner of nl'ey. fae mg east; room to erect rtore. owtic needs money, says Sell at once. r or K-room house, corner lot, room for two more houses, paved street and brick sidewalk on both sides southeast coiner 27th and Franklin $ 2,500 New cottago on Wirt, near 24th: ha 6 large rooms, with porcelain bath marble wash howl, hot and cold water.- gas and electric fixture narrow flooring. Minuter siwi floors, highly polished, fine cement casement. 1 l.iOO 7-room house and lot in Florence, with full lot. 2 blocks to car, oast ?ith tt ; reason for selling bouse too large for present owners; nihrbl trade for small bouse In Omaha Willi difference. $4,500 7-room modern of P O., baa nients. house, fi blocks wes all modern improve $ 3,500 0-room house, partly modern, tw mocks west of P. O., lot 33x60. This is a snap. $ 6,000 7-room modern barn, on West house nnd 2-strrv Farnam ridge, the nest res deneo nnrt of lt osl finish first floor: reason for s property too large for present trs; want to move on acreage: terms. 'lllng. own easy o,'i KVir 12-room house, roth and Tlnrnev mm 11 ni, with hot water heuiln Plant. a.&m ijnitiup press brick flnt. In com 1 ai K, or :i rooms each, all mod ern. urst rioor hard wood rental M0. annua o,j e.nsy terms to rhrht nnrtv . Owno ".is oner my nome of 7 rooms, with i.o. waier nenttng plant nnd lnrg oaiii. on s. s;,!. near Jlanon. oak iiutii-B, east iront. ' 1 o r.-w a i o.,jiv-.-Kinry nrick. on Farnam. nenr 1"lb "" ""'; annual rental 11,440; one '"ii vasn. $'5.000 S-story brick, corner on n,i. 01.. annual rental $3,0tj; one-half 1T r. ,. . . , . c.wrea inn ll.lts, on inth St.. east f""" ortctt nutlrt'ng; annual .-..."1 ti.wp; one-natr cash, balanc o per cent .i-,i-riir no reet. east front on inti, a. ' . "vo 'U. .,1 ei (MlSlOIlICe 4,O.0 For 6 feet on Cuming, near l?th easy terms. $ 3,500 FVir 44 feet on Davenport, near nth St.; suae. $ 3,000 For 44 feet, on 24th St., near iiion, with two store at $35 per month. rooms renting F. 1). WEAD, 1VTH AND FARNAM. mo- New Houses We have two new 7-room houses In north part of cltv Just completed, with reception ball parlor, dining room, den, kitchen, pantrv and refriger ator room on first floor. 3 large bedrooms im bath on second; first floor la oak finish, pol lahed floors. These are on south front lots, permanent walks, elegant location. Can not bo duplicated for price asked, $3,700; easy terms. S-room house In south pert of cty on lot 50x145, paved St block and one-half from car has oak finish, thoroughly modern in every respect, full basement, best of furnace and plumbing. Price, $4,2iio. Want offer. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tela.; Bell. Dong. Wfij. 130 Farnam Ind., A 10(11. St. (!i) DUNDEE BARGAINS $2,50d.00 Modern 7-room bouse 2 1 ii. wen located. Terms. . casli: iepm ,, $3,200.D0 New all modern l-rnnm u.n..n,.. 1 at .., 1 -'-' --...., ii.juntr. ""oca irom car; n verv destrstdo rtr,-n,t . l , . ; "I'i.j, ia new, ru an, nas never Will JveTrmV maK6 " ",Ce hmP $4,500.00 New all modern -7-room house, finely lo- . in rtesirttiie part of Dundee, block Hn exceptionally nice house cirsi sinrv iinistied In birch with oak nonrs. ine rioor In vestibule; large living wiio itiok nuintie; ine floor and walls In bathroom. Second story oak floor; ........ o ...u,.-, luiunny ln oasemeut. Kinely decorated throughout. $0,500.00 l ine 8-room all modern house, oak finish first floor; second floor white enume! and yellow nine finish, finely plastered anil cemented cellar with laundrv: shite roof liirgo barn also with sluie roof; fruit trees' large shade trees, location the very hem 1 ion-,, ill cur. 1 wo lots t imixli. T 1 1 ! ms. K,000.00 Finn 9-room all modern house, slale tnnf fine barn, also slate roof, located on one of the best corners In Dundee. Iimh :t lots tlSxlSSt, lots of fruit nnd shade trees bouse Is In finest kind of repair, has oak on first floor; yellow pine on t-eeoml-fine bath room: heated by hot air and hot water: good cistern: everything considered one of the best properties In Dundee. BENSON & CARMKTIAEL, 61-2 raxjon Block. (!l WALNUT HILL LOTS South front lots on Lafayette Ave., lfo ft east of St., sightly location, good Imallty. Improvements In street, lots are 5nxlf each, price, only tli-i each: i-asv terms, Willi low rale of Interest. C. O. CAIU.HKIta. BU N. Y. Life Hl.lg. (18) 1920 S. 34th St. 8-room, 2-story house. Open nickel plumb ing. Full cellar. Paved street. Only 2 blocks west of Hunscom Park and car. The Byron Keed Co. 'Phone Doug. 297. 212 Bouth 14th. (19)- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BARGAINS I have more than M0 houses of all sixes ln all part Jf Omaha and South Omaha, for aula or exchange. Many of tunse prop erties can be sold on a small cusu payment and easy monthly payments. Silas Robbina, Freuzer Block (.19)-Kil. IX DUNDEE Flfly-ft. lots put to grade, ready to build best of neighborhood, close on, fine view. to car line, only I75 to $'.75. ti down an I $10 ier month, with 6 per cent discount for cash. West Farnam District $21.00oFor fi.12 8. 3Mh St., 10-room a'1 uioocrn orica nou, punt tor a home, is- peitally select oak finish, mantels and grates In five rooms, large cemente 1 base ment, hot water heat, corner lot 13. xl ft., with enst and south exposure. In omana Dest residence district. l,,onnFor 07 S. 31st St., an 11-room all mouern iwo-story stpiare house, hot waie' heat, fronting on lloulevnrd and Turner 1 i-ark. room to build another house In rear. lacing rfiitn Bt. Hanscom Park District 12,Ono For ono of the best new. all mod ern houses, finest oak finish, hot water heat, corner lot OoxHl ft., located close tj f letd club. I4.S00 For new 7-room and reception ball, an modern trame nonce, la.-lng cast, on paved street, clos- to Field club. Reduced pricj lor iU ck sale. (I..W1-1' nr almost new frame hous -, ! rooms, with reception ball, hot water brat, facing on Park Ave., directly opposite Hanscom Park. Possession March 1. Make us an otter. North Side Homes Jl.loo For the southeast corner of In diana and 2Sth Ave., two 5-room cottages, all modern except beat, new plumb'ng. In first class condition, now renting for Over il per month. Do not tftiuble tenants, but Bee us. 2,fi0 For 312.1 Franklin St.. new 7-room frame house, modern except heat, fine corner lot, room to build another house in r. ar of lot. Close to school. f- r I bate business Invest- ments $135.000 For good business corner in retail district, 3-story substantial brli k bul'd ng nut ed for aiout Ho,'') per year. a. e ua for further particulars. $2f.0i.O For corner fifixfiti ft., wl'li 3-story brick building, rented for 14 per cent pross; one-third ca.h, I. alamo five to ten years. interest at 0 per cent. Acres $11,200 For 2A acres In Florenre on naved road, with good H-room house, almost new. small barn, chicken bouse, younkj fruit of all kinds, must be sold soon. Reasonable terms. Acre tracts about V miles south of Q St on ztth i-t.. tanging in price lrom $2w) to I'HJO. very easy terina, QEORGE & CO.. lij'H FARNAM ST (19- HOMES R-rooms besides hall and bnth, strictly modern home with steam heat. Iarge cor ner lot 80x132; paved streets; permanent walks; southeast frontage. This Is a well built house of first-class material; beauti ful lawn and shade trees. An Ideal location for a nice home or an unusually choice lot for an apartment house tloBe to Crelghton college. Price. $9,000. &-room, strictly modern home. Lot 57x125. Everything in first-class condition, located near 3Tth and Howard St. Price, $7,000. 5-room cottagu on 19th St. Boulevarde. $2,500. 6-room, thoroughly modern cottage ln flrst-cluss condlfton. Paved st.eet; fine neighborhood. 2fith near Woolworth, Price, $3,500, or will trade for larger house in Hanscom Park district. 6-room cottage, Clth St., near Martha. !.04). 9-rooni, strictly modern houBe In first-class condition, near With and Howard St. $4,500. 8-room cottngo near 2blh and Boyd. $1,900 on easy terms. New 7-room, strictly modern, up-to-date homo near .iOtli and Dewey Ave. $1,500. 5-room cjttayc near 21st and Maple. $l,6oO. LOTS 17th St., near Manderson. $500. Iike, near 27th, south front, $VK. .ith and Urcgij ts., corner, $500. Douglas, near 45;;h want offer. Sth, near Harney, $2,i'). Cd St., near Manila, J2,(.o0. 4lh St., near Martha, $l,uo0. riaratoga, near 25th, $2f,u. D1XDEE LOTS lots btautilully located in a body bear Deaf and Dumb institute, $l,t00. WALTER L. SEI.IiY, Phono ooug. 1510. 411, llourd of Trade. (19)- CII01CE CORNER Xl.ti at i.lli Ave. and Gust. Si;,i). S.V1 can unu oaiance tn per montli. Its dundy. C. O. CARLRERG, 911 N. Y. Life iildtf. (IB)- West Farnam Home Two choice south front lots.- with 10 -room modern house: oak finish In first storv separate bath and toilet for servants cis- ern. auto guraue, pernuinent wallcs ,.in House and gifa-p. with one lot. 17.500: part cash, balance easv A well built. coiiir..rtable home in one of ne oei neif'i.ii. 11 ooria m the city, und verv i. t.t I 1... - - - - j th. .L H. Duinojit & Son, Phone Douglas KM. W05 Farnam St. (110- $00 Cash $".'.260, buys R-room cot taw- sl,,,t oiouciii rAcepi iiirniee in tnst-chiss condi tion, c 'merited lm.seineiit under entire house. ..nmiiiK jiimiiii'i'. .leriiH ror in. ,r,,...,L. ...oii, ii.uiee, llioilllliy. Hull ll. lescrlp- lion ut oil ice. $600 Cash $2,210, buys 7-room. modern except furnace lain, corner 101 at inui and uni..ti. u.. St.; i ioin nv vaiueu ai j. m. uii'H Hn and Hurdi tit- St. $70 buys a good building lot. 25th Ave and pur- M -i ison St. Will build cottuua to mill chaser. $600 buys another lot In same neighborhood. On grade and ready fur building. 1 liave only time of them. Call Monday fore they are sold. O. C. OLSEN, 101 S. lflth Street. (19) M930 3 $4,000 SNAP CLOSE IN Six rooms, fully moderr., 5u foot frontage l,,t L. ...... . d;. ll. u r.uiru.a ........ . T I locauiy wnere values increase by Jumps Consult me about this.- Locutud at 6,3 9 lifth. F. C. BEST, 107-8 N Y. I (19) 693 1 MY NEW 7-room. strlctlv modem i,,,,,. 44th and Douglas His., at a sacraflce, if' "iu soou. wunu jr. Peterson, isi fi 37th tl) SiLil 2X N. 1 DODGE & CO. THREE fJOOn HOME. We are offering for the first time th's week three good homes all within walking distance, and If you will buy at the price uuoted you cannot possibly lose In case you ever wish to sell again. It Is very tarely we have houses that have all the aunlltt. s that these have as regards location and other desirable qualities. 11. ,i0 Seven-room all modern bouse, near Central Itotilevard. between Farnam and Davenport Sts.: good lot and laree bain and very neat home and tho price Is right. $2.7V Reven-room house, east front, on paved street, within walking distance; modern except furnace; floors of quart r sawed oak and maple; burlap paper. You cannot see these houses without being pleased with them. f2.2"iO Six-room honst-, east front, on paved street, within walking distance; new plumbing; good neighborhood. ACRES NEAR OMAHA. It IS a IirettV hji.l uainn In ahnw n but notwithstanding the weather we sold three of our five-acre tracts near Henson last week, and we now ha.e only five l -ft. or twenty-live acres In all. We still have Several l.artles wh'l nr.. fiiriii-lnir ,1 .1.1.. of these acres, and If you want your clii cj of the five remaining tracts vou must call us up this week. Remember that our land Is high and sightly, overlooking IVenson, Krug Park nnd the Country Club; It s rich garden land, with the natural Bed on some of It that has never had a plow upn It. Wo will be re-selling this land l:i ninety days at $:ii'ti per acre. You can buv three of these tracts now at $2"0 an acre. We repeat our offer to buv anv acreige closer lo the Omaha postofflco than this at the price we are willing to sell ours at. What more can we do to prove our statement that our acreage Is the cheapest and best, on the market. I SOUTH OMAHA ACRES. $.150 Acre lots In the cltv of South Omaha at 4oth and Jackson Sts. Onlv : down nd $1 a montli. This land Is lust west of Good Duck, whrre lots are selling for 100 each. We sell an acre lot. eoua! to seven ordi nary city lots, for $i!fi0 on easy terms. JIRoo Five acres In the eltv nf Rmth Omaha, at 41st and Monroe Sis'. $l,ono Five acres Just south of the rounty n,lr. nenr .-Mil Ht. fcst slope, w'th run- nlng wa,rr on tho vmx lln'- $1.r,00 Eight acres In Sarpv omui'v. Jus! south of the county line, near 48th St. $l,R0O Nino and one-half seres In Sarnv county, Just south of the county line. $t..r00 Twenty acres In Sarnv rnimfv. fortv rods from the South Omaha city limits, at 42d and the county line. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 Farnam St. (1)- NEAR HANSCOM PARK East front lot ROx133 on St.. between Francis and Martha. $;CH; easy payments. C. (i. CARDI1ERO, 911 N." Y. Life Hldg. (10)- Secure a Lot Nowl If you are gblng to build tbia snrlnir or In the early summer, it Is time to secure a lot. Let us show you lots in Doulevurtl park, with sewer, gas, water, cement walks; only two blocks from car; sur rounded by nothing but new, modern houses; for $675. More for your money than you cun get in any other section o'f the city. NEW MODERN HOUSE Six rmm and reception hall, modern In every particular, with cement walks and every convenience; two blocks from Sher man Ave. car; ready to move into; $3,300. .'59TII AND DAVENPORT Seven-room, new. modern: near Joslvn's residence; one block from car; built by day labor; $5,800. HANSCOM . PAR K Dl STR ICT Six-room modern, built three years, never been rented; occupied by owner. Price for quick sale, $3,0G0. ORCHARD HILL CORNER Five-room modern' cottiiice. everv con venience; occupied by owner since It was completed: pavement both sides and per manent walks. A bargain for J2.900. NORTII 17TH COTTAGE tsrann new 6-room. entirely modem cot tage; Just the thing for a home for a nel son of moderate means. This Is east front ana only a mock rrom car; ready to mov Into tomorrow; $2,750. oee us uuoui unyining in realty any w lie 1 1 . Shimer & Chase Co. lt!09 Farnam. Douglas :tsti7. (19)- Kountze Place Snap 1S32 Rlnncy St., large 8 room. two-story house, thor oughly modern In every re aped; newly papered, painted, new sidewalks und In' first class repair throughout; lot 60x 124 ft. This Is south front, on paved street and in beBt loca tion In Kountze Place. East ern owner very, anxious to sell at ome and wants offers. Our lowest price Is $4,000, but thing this could be shaded consider ably. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tels.: Bell, Doug loft. Ind., 1320 Farnam St. A10C4. -(19) CHEAP LOT isortn front lot on Plnknev St.. 192 ft west of 31sl Ave., price, on v faun- 1 n,.h nnu u ici iiiiiuiii. i,oi is duxijn, lays very .... vij mm iffi iiittiieiu BluewaiKS Up tO east line, uiuy a iuock ana nan rrom car line, man on paying ror a nome now and sa rent ln tho future. C. O. CARLRERG. ttll N. Y. Life Bldg. !!!- THE OLD RELIABLE. WHEN YOC nc'Y RKAL KHTATK nit MAM A "Mini.AND (II'AIIANTKK AND lilt Ol llUirA. A HHT At ' llC TI. I l.r.. in it t-uii r.B AKK REAHt NAHI.K AND OCR WORK QUICK AND ACCU- A i y.. MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY, 1714 Farnam St. Bee lildg. (19)- TWO WELL LOCATED LOTS CHEAP Ixiok at the second and third lots west of 32d St., on Charles St., south fronts; f0xlS5 each; close to Harney car; a snap at $400 each. Pt. H. LANDERYOU, Tel. Douglas 2151. 442 Hoard of Trade (19)- $3,600 For your choice of three sIH. ttv m..n 8-r. houses, with large attic, full cemented cellur. stone foundation, part oak finish first floor. 36th and Hamilton Sts. Look at these before you buy. G. W. GARLOOII, 3U0 Hamilton St. (19)-490 U FOR 8A LB 7-room house and one acre of Eruuiiu. an in iruu. nearing. one block from Florenre ear lino. u i Stephens, 3ou Curtis Ave., Omaha. (19) ' 12 PER CENT BRICK IN VBSTM l-'.NT New block, rer.tal H.iu, being 12 is-r -nt on the $j6,) required to purchase It. Addrt-SH F ifefe, care lice. (U M9U1 3 Vacant 1 South front on Fowler Av., f'xl.12, nice terrnce, permanent walks, $,"M0; easy terms. South front on Spencer St., 4i ft. fronts r- near 2Hi St.. permanent walks, nicely ter raced, aflO. R0X122. cast near P.lnney, front $.175. cm 80th St W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Tela.: Hell, !oug Iom. Ind., lalo Farnam Pt. A I'M. -(19) $2,6?0 Huys 3.1.. Parker 8t 8 rooms, modern except hiat, good barn, fruit. well bull:, shade and $3,000 Huys 41 8. rvth St., rooms, paving paid. Save car fare. all molern, $3,000 3d St., strlcl pptlon hall, I 1 Park. Huys SIS N. .TSd St. rooms and reception handy to Uemis Park. strictly modern, 6 hall, two car line. $3,200 Ituys 24.S Etnmct St., a well story square house, l rooms tlon hall; hot water beating. built, t w ! and roc p- $5,000 iiuys a strictly modern home, ft ronmi, close walking distance, on Dodge St., paved street. C. R. Glover & Son 'I'hone Douglas 3:01 601-2-3 N. Y. L,lfi. (19)- and 7r i Morlnos Have following gilt-edged first mortgages to dispose of at face vulue and accrued Interest: One of VO. at 7 per cent. One of JTI1), ut It per cent, tino of $-rii. at 6 per cent. Ono or il.tco, at 0 per cent. One of Sl.iiuo, at (J per cent. liEMiS, Puxlon Diock. U9)-151 1 THE OLD RELIAHLE. WHEN VOT Uiy HE A I. i;3 TATE, DE MAND a -midland ocaiian lkl am Tltl ST COMPANY" AHSTKACT UF Tl i'LE. Ol It PH11 ES Allii UEArtuNADuE AND om WOltK VlutCK AND ACCU RATE. AUDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRL'ST COMPANY,' 1714 Furnain St. bee Uldg. (19)- BR1CK COTTAGES. S rooms each; brand new, nleelv polish I floors, whll paiieieil, gas und cleclr.u light lixtures, 11 Icily lying east fio-.t lots; cement cellars, elegant Woo Iwoi a excellent plumbing; ijilii S. 4'itli, S.0O1; 30.4 ti. 8KU1 Ave., $2,uA. Tcttiis to tuil pui ehuaei'. c. o. carldeik;. fill N. Y. Life Hldg. U9)-M731 29 I WANT en offer on the property. 1UH and 1330 8. 31st St.; two mudern houses anil good burn; Well rented, 'flits ptopeity in owned bj an eutslein party who mu..t til. THOMAS HRENNAN, Room 1. New York Luc- Lids- (ll'l MtlCj FOR SALE - An Investment of four eight, room houses, modern improve-menls, good barn, cisterns, peiiuanciit sidewalks, cen trally located, within walking lilbLanco to business portion of tho eltv; win rent lot $1,800 per annum. Address N 29. cuie Hee. (19;-MN2 PICK ME UP A nice, nearly new. modern S-rootn house, oak finish, only $4.S'i0. Wo ulno Helen more from to 10 room houses all well loculed. We ure gums to sell. Como early und make : our t uieo- lion. HAMILTON, Deo liUildlng. (1-M934 7 REAL ESTATE. Young man wunts puuition with responsl sl- ..,. i'ik reai esiaie iirm as collector, coUil or accountant, with prospect of mi nig into sales work. Address; E 72, lie (19) ikllSb lx HEY FROM OWNER. 5-room cotluge near l.sth and draco; neu'-l modern; u nice home, In t'Ji ehiss coii dftloii; must be sold at mice; u great bar gain. Address B ia, care Uec. (19) 121 lx $2,000 Bt'YS 6-room bouse unj ful' lot eust on 24th FI.. near llurdclte' non-resident owner 's tuixloes F. D. WEAD, 1SU1 Farr.uin fronting b'.'cuiifre tt sell. Ft tl9j-M77; 1 Ml ST sell at once, lot 7, block 4, Instl tuto Place, Omaha, Neb Make cash r er to Commonweulth Trust Co., st Louis, Mo. (19)-M7'.12 M5x FOR BALK S-room modern house, with large bam, 19 Plnknev St. Inoulre E. H Woodland, 010 Drandeia lildg.- Tel. Douglas 3456. (19) M65S FOR QLMCK results ln selling or renting your property see Uenjainln Real Esta o Co., 3:tJ Neville Ulk. Both 'phones ' (19)-M7.1 Miii ABSTRACTS OF TITLE - MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRl'ST CO. 1714 FARNAM ST.. REE BCILDINQ. (191-M 638 DEAL E8TATE TITI.K o cilia i. Aim i A...- TRUST CHAS i. WILLIAMSON. Pics. V- 'res. (19)-53i) 'ClTi RVh'-L' ATtfJTRACT CO.. established lSf.8. Prompt service. Get our prices DIB Farnam. f 19) 537 LOTS fur sale.; $40 each. Address L 61 Ree. (19)-M8.2 LIST your proprty with Chris Bover. 2"d and Cuming S's. ,191 fan REAL ESTATE KAKH A1VU HAM II l.AXO POn IAI.B ArLiuiui, , FOR SALE OR TRADE Ijands ln North inu iruu land world. If Interested write u. V. of tht Bodwlck lo., rayette, Aik. (20)-56 lx Calllorula. CAJIFi0NIA "land SEEKERS. bend for Hoim-seckcrs' dulde SHEPHERD-TEAUl'E I'll., Fresno, t.'al. ()) I3 lx EXCELLENT Investment: will i,i profits; quarter section nf rich Cnaii wlieut land four inlles from Whltewooi for $2,4io; fu cash, balance five yeirlv payments at 6 per cent. Write ut on. e Address Y 277, care He. (HO) &hl lx A Cl IDE TO THE LAST WEST The b Illustrated edition is now ready unt free to those who ure int.r-i enough to send for It. It gives an hont dearriptiou of the resources unri a.iu-.... ag offered in WESTERN CANADA tho last good productive west. It tells why the homt seeker or Investor !.... .1.1 '. , quickly. It tells about the choice liio 101 acre tract we have just eiir,i 1., Trampii.g I-aKe Distric t, and vkv ... . ,. .. and do make such low urtcea an.i ........ erma. It tells about our 110 a dav huh.-. antee. It tells about Canada's laws, crops, markets, health, schools, climate and Ue velopinonf. There will be a big runli for good Und in Canada this year. Write for copy of this hook now today. Ll'SE LAND COMPANY t.TD 535 Insurance Duilding. St. Paul. Minn. WHEN you write to advertlsera kindly mention The live. Colorado. FOR BALES Two properties, 14 acres or chard, to 20 years old, AI water right, city schools. One acre young fru.t. mod ern stone house, everything first class Cieoige W. Jackson, Cuuun I'lty. Colo. I2u;-M4uw ifi 1