9 BPA1 FITnTC CITT J-HOrEKTY FUH SAtB (Continued-) A. P. Tukey & Son. A Bunch of Cheap Lots We have just bought, from the National Bank of Commerce, twenty-five lots on Hamilton, Charles and Seward, between 31st and 33d. Sewer and water in front of each lot. Terms easy. All .taxes paid.-. Do not wait for better weather. Start in at once to look them up.' They are the following lots in Prospect Place: . - r Block A. Lot 8, $300.00 '.Block A. A. Lot Ixt Lot Lot Lot Lot Block Block Rlock Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block C, C. C. C. D, D. D. n. D, D. D. B. O. G, G. O. O. O, O, O. O. O, Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Ixt Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Ix)t Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot A. P. TUKEY & SON 445 Board of Trade Building. $2,000 Private Money to Loan ' . fSpeclkl, Be Feb. 27, '. will roan on city real estate; per cent and at small brokerage. Apply at once. Harrison, & Morton 912. 913 K. T. Life. Tel. Dour. 314. , . U9J-748 27 Money Maker $10.-e4SII, $5 PEIt MONTH ,It la not large outlay, but It gives you psseswlon- and ownership of an Investment of iM to 1660 which can't be beaten any where for price, terms and merit. A fine residence - lot, high - and Bightly, beautiful view In-"every direction, not on a lull, but a level ridge,- Lynn Ave., two blocks art,k rf Mlllta A trm ..h .tin. l' arrange to bnlld for you If you wish. Call or 'phono' and we'll snow you these lots at tiny tlrmr. Russell & IcKi trick Co., 432 IUmge Bldg. " 15th and Hnrnoy St. (lit) 742 28 ARB YQU Thinking of finding a mora suitable office for your real estate busi ness? The tendency Is for an Increase of traffic on West Farnam Ht. ; why not look at pare wo are offering In the best appointed office building In this district T Mr. Bsker will show you. Ask for him at Room 106, Hue B'dg. UB MGK0 MUBT sell at onco, lot 7, block 4, Insti tute Plan, Omaha, Neb. Make cub of fer 10 Common wealth Trust Co.. SU Louis, Mo. (ltU-AHta M5x 95x67-oot lot,-Twehty-ninth and Dewey Ave., S. "VV. corner. "Want an offer. ' . . Your opportunity. n.1 Landeryou, Board or. Trade Bldg. (19)-M71 28 I WANT i offer on tha property, 1128 and UN B. net St.; two modern houses and good barn; well rented. This property t owned by am eastern party who must IL TrfOMAH TtRENNAM ftooVn 1. Mew York Life Bldg. rk LK (U--M403 FOR BABE An Investm. Vof four ale-nt. - room houses, modern Improvements, good barn, cisterns, permanent sidewalks, cen trally located, within walking distance to business portion of the city; rUl rent for $1,800 per annum. Address N 29. care Bee. ' (19)-M44 LIST your property with ChrU Boyer. 22d and Cuming Bra. 19) 639 $3,000 will buy a flno eouth front lot, 66xlS2 ft., f laved struct, .one hlock from three car Ines, In walking distance; lust the pluce to build three brick flats. M'CAOIIE INVESTMENT CO., 1M6 Podge St., . (19)-663 27 THK REKD ABSTRACT CO., established 1K64 Prompt service. Got our prices. iai fc'aroaui. i9 437 FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your property see Henjamln Real Esta e Co., SJS Neville Blk. Both 'phones. (19J-M7J M34 PKAL ESTATE TIT1.B TRDST'Pfl CIIAfl a WILLXAJJSON? Pre. U. ' ' OU)-536 ARSTRACT8 OF TITLE MIDLAND OL'ARANTKB AND TKl'ST CO.. 1714 FARNAM, BT., B&E BUILDINO 19)-M 638 V HEN wn.lng to advertisers, remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad la The Ilea. REAL ESTATE LOANS PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAT. aAKVINBKOS.. 1 FARNAM. . - i2i)Ho LOANS on Improved Omaha pronertv O Keefe It. li Co.. 1001 N. X. Life lllg ',,. ' 3)-66l WANTED City loans and warrants, w Faruani Smith Co., l&X) Farnam St! PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real estate. N. P. Dodge i Co.. lfu I'.rnaiu Bt- (i)-64 $l(A TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weai Uead Bldg., Uth and Farnam. ANTKD-Uini on Improved Omaha xA iouth Omaha city property. U. S. Mo,t tfSKe and Trut Co., W, H- Thnmee e.-nf I.J First National Bank Bldg ' (i!)-lS6 Mchlx L0WE3T RA.TE8-Bomls. Paton Block. . ' ' (!)-olS ritlVATB MONEY-CASH ON HAND NO JUKUAV. J. H. M1THEN. :o. J 1ST 4AT. BANK BLDU. TkU DOUG. 137$. ' , ' l:j-.M4.i WANTED City loans. Peter Trust Co ; ' . t)-:u MONET. TO LOAJM-Payne Investment Co. - . , " MONEY to loan on Improved city property iiealiuga si Mj deB. 104 Faruain St. ' ' ; (22)-Mj. PRIVATE money to loan; no delays J 11 Sherwood. 61-17 Biandeis Biug. ' ' . 4-!)-iJ ' REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAMHl $.AND FOR S.tLB Culovaala. FOR 8AI.E-TWO properties. 14 acres or J. 1 lo yro old. Al wat-r right, cny schools. One aero oung truit. mod ern stone house, everything first class George . Jackson. Canon City. Colo. (3UJ Uiy 2ax Mleeeltaaeoae. WtSTKRN FARM IANDS. ATlONA!j INVEST KtiT CO., k-ftaS Biandela Bldg. CS0)-Mii0 REAL ESTATE CITT t'HOPKRTT ri)R 8 ALB (Continued.) 9. 10. 12. 14. 1250. 00 $250.00 $400.00 $375.00 $375.00 15, 16. ,$425.00 6. IZUD.UU 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12. 6. 1. 4. 6. 6, 7, 10. 11. $250.00 $250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $,-00.00 $250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $250.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $376.00 $450.00 12, 13. 14, Phone Douglas 2181 . (19) 741 it RFfll FCTATC FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALK (Continued.) Nebraska. 149. ACRES NEAR SOUTH OMAHA nlaLV.t"1 I ?n,.y ?lns m,,eB rrom South , i. , ". "i.ti in me wen; about 90 acres level, rich bottom land, bal- 7"v - uui doi rougn; ail can be farmed. Crop last year consisted of about la irrpi rvata mnA lc . - - - " " o uu Hvira corn. Id crei hay land, from which two crops were -- (..in, jx creeK runs mrougn . i. "urnngion ana Mis souri Pacific rallrnnria il rwwxm There is a good 7-room house, brick ,,,on "nd ce""Il that cost "bout t,.v mi. j.,-!ir. i wo-etory good barn, 32x40 feet, on stone foundation; granary. ,..a niirua, miiiv hiiu ice nouse, good orchard and grove; land Is fenced u"u piwfj lor dairy or stork feeding purpouei. price only $75 time possession can b riven. 31 ACRES AVELL IMPROVED, iu MlLJUS SOUTH OF SOUTH OMAHA Thlrtv-nriA Blr,l ttlAll Imn.. I A .. - - fiuTDu, iv miles South of South Omana. Land all good- bdoui i acres in coin. 10 acres alfalfa, 4 acres blue-grass pasture and 1 acres In orcnarri almna. , i ... good cellar, good well and spring water. .vuu iwi. ana oiner ouuaings; hog tight fence around part of land; one mile from railroad station; a good small farm at vapv Inn. .ln .i ...i.. -n 11.240 cash, balance S equal annual pay- """" v roseeesion, juarcu 1, 190a. f)6 arres. about S miles southwest of South Omaha and 1H mllea east of Papllllon. 'Thin fa bn.H TI n . ..... . " naimmii iarm, ana one of the best farms In Sarpy county. w ijujiiuTciiieniB, vaiuea at itf.uuo Prloo, 1110 per acre, only $11,660 cash, bal- H n 122 AOft. ft v.tri at R not , . i for cash this year. - For further Information, call on or ad dress. QEORQE ft CO.. 1601 Farnam Street, Omaha. (20 M130 29 A SNTAP 10 acres of the best lane In Brown county, Nrbrask for $600. $i0vrash, balance one veer. Innlv M vlnrAnriu - . f . J, UlfllCI, I Paxton block, Omaha. (20) M67I REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy for cash, equity In two or three cottages; no agent. Address H STS, c.ro Bee. . (23) fll I HAVE aome first mortgage 6 per cent twenty-year gold bonds which I will trade, for real estate. Address E 38, care B-se. ' (23) M44J WANTED TO BUY SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount too M"e- os ux small. Wagner, JI ff. wtn. ' (&-g CASH paid for secondhand clothing, shoes, oic iutt N. 16th fit Tet Rod UL 125)-651 WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furnltute, old clothes, quilta and all kinds of tools, or well buy the furniture of your house complete. The blgheHt price paid. Call the right man. lei. Douglas 3971. ') M17 ,M4 WANTED Second-hand trip hammer In good condition. Address - The Democrat. ayne. Neb. (25) M249 28 BEST price paid for second-hand furniture. I'M rnt' r r n !.. uihin - v. . . bm- (26)-M4M WANTED-Drlvlng horse. A. R. Alpim. $01 Farnam St. C3E)-Mo!i2 28 WANTED TO RENT WANTED First class furnished room, and board, hy young married couple. Hana com .Park district prefrred. 'Phone Harney 0)2. (26)-M75 2x TOUNQ man wantSsslngle room with break fast, in private family. State terms. Q 4. care Bee. (35) M707 29x WANTED SITUATIONS YOL'NO ma.i dtiaires place to work for board while going to school. Boyles col lege. . Telephone Douglas 19K4. (27193$ S E W 1NO WANTED Neat work; prices rcasoiiiAila. Mrs. Clarence Smith, ijS Lkg St. (27) M9 Mix WAXTtI)-by Jaiunese genlleniea, posi tion In private family, general housework or laundry work. Address Box $, Coun cil Bluffs, la. t27)621 lx W ANTED By young man. plare to work for bourd Harry Doner. 2ui California St.. Omaha. Neb. ' ; (17) M7H1 ix WANTED Situation by widow 46 years old with boy V years old as housekeeper for wiilower; splendid housekeeper and best reference. Addrraa Mrs. A. H. Me Kinny. 21J0 So. l,jth St., St. Joseph, Mo (-7) MTtjS MUx LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET lng. Noiloe i hereby given that the ru'r ""I ,mel'n of the stockholder held t the offk-e of said company at Lin coln. Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m.. on the fourth day of March. A. D. 18U8. By ordor of the Board of fXreotors. c H. Morrill president A. B. Minor. ecretary. Lincoln. Neb.. bruar 1. i. . f-ad-jor- i. iY iT t-na company will b OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC Sx pre Line of the Atlantic. I.ZSB TKAJf rOVB DATS AT 8IA. Purine Ue wmntr huu, the gmsraaa., H trim Qutwc ta LiariKul: l. aos lumrlirt. Nlue hua. 4rr4 miles or sbaliaraa watara al ta Ht. Lawraaea Rtaar ase Gall, aaart rtu trm. tm Uui nwte -" - - murmm .,amw Haiiiag llata all raiaa bow raaar. Applr lo an Ucaat aiaai, a fT VI V V W . A UTM n . isa Sonta Clark kixtet,' Ciucsgo. ju. THE OMAHA COTCII AND LION'S TRAINER Champion of America Wretlei Cham pion of Australia at Auditorium. LATTEB TRAINS HACKEN SCHMIDT Maaaaer Glllaa Kow Peril t'ertala at ;elag Ike Rra-neetl Ma tea for MKBtWMKfct f haatpfaa. ala af ta World. Frank Qotch, champion of America, will wrestle Harry Branfleld, champion of Australia, at the Auditorium the night of March 10. This match has just been closed by Manager Glllari of the big building. Bransfield comes lo this country to train George Haokenechmldt of Rusnfa for hi wrestle with Gotch for the championship of the world. His meeting with Gotch will, therefore, be a matter of the utmost sig nificance not only to the wrestling world, but to himself and the Russian Lion. Meet lng Ootch and studying hi methods will enable the Australian the better to direct the tactics of Hackenschmldt. Surprise ha been expressed that Gotch would agree to wrestle the man who waa to train the man with whom he I so soon to try honor for the world. Bransfield Is a young, active man, who ha achieved an unparalelled reputation In hi native country; he has met and bested all comers there and In the three or four time he ha wrestled In America he has never lost a fall. He weigh over 205 pound and is capable, therefore, of hand lng Mr. Qotch a real contest. The match, It Is believed, will be on of the great one. The Australian I now In San Francisco having recently landed here, and will come east via Denver, arriving In Omaha March C. Manager Glllan hasn't a doubt now about Closing the terms for the Bccll-Burn match at the Auditorium for an early date. He Is In communication with both men. This Is looked forward o a the greatest match the Auditorium has ever sheltered, es It will bring together the two best men of the class for their first meeting and determine the light heavyweight championship of the world. EVENT OS TJIB RUN Jf I7f O TRACKS Blagg, a to J, Wins New Orleaao HaadlcsD at City Park. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 27.-Blagg, at 6 to i, won the Orleans handicap today at City" park. The race was worth about $1,700 tv ihe winner. Jack Atkin, who was expected to start, did not go to the barrier on account of the ho&vy weight Imposed on him 150 pounds. Oraculum. at 16 to $, won the fifth race by two lengths' from Royal Onyx. In the stretch Oraculum bore over In front of Royal Onyx, possibly ln- terrering siigntiy with the eastern horse. Weather clsar and traok good. Results: First race, three fu.-loners: Serenade (112. 8. Flynn, 8 to 8) won, Mister Ollie (107, W. Wftlker, 16 to 1) second, Alamla (109, Gauget. 12 trxl third. Time: 0:37M.. Yoseka. Miss ImngeneJ. Ma.y Lee, Grace Gum. Sain- warn, Mies Hapsburg, Manora, Inweave, Swiftly, Eesle and Nancy Klues also ran. Second race, steeplechase, short course. handicap: Dr. Logan (148, Swell, 8 to 1) won. Gold Circle (liio. T. Rae. 4U to n second. Bank Holiday (130 F. Pierce, 20 to i) inira. rime: B:fe. bam Hoffhcimer, Llndale, Pete Vinegar. Captain Jarrel Daw son, Woodside, Galllthea and Onyx II also ran. Third race, seven ' furlones: Harlur (107 Lee. 7 to I) won, Suffice (96, S. Flynn, 10 io i) eecona, unppie woia (iw, rl. - Fisher, 20 to 1) third. Time: Runnnhannnnk Bam Rice. Lord Dixon, LaCache,. Terns noa,- uraflcn. Charley Ward, Etrena and Fox Mead also ran. Fourth race, six furlongs, the Orleans nanaicap: Biagg (inz. Huestta, 6 to 1) won. rfunn i-arroii no, j. iee, to lj second, Cooney K. (103. J. W. Murphy, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:15. Ans-elus. J C Core. The Bear. Green Seal, King's Daughter and uoon t-rooi aiso ran. Fifth race. even furlnns-s. selllne". fire. culum (109, A. Minder, 16 to 6) won, Royal Onyx (W. W. Walsh, 18 to 6) seoond, Haw kama (102. Bklrvln 8 tn 1 third. Tlma,- 1:29. Posing. Bertha E. Conville, Lillfe xurnir and Mlnot also ran. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell- ing: Alma UHHour (KM, J. Lee, 13 to 20) won. Donna (KB. L. Smith. 4 in U sornn Ace High (105H, A. Minder, 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:50. Dr. McCleur and Katie Powers also ran. Beventh race, one mile and a sixteenth, soiling: Mis Maizonl (, 8 F1ynn, 17 to 10) won, Banrlda (101, J. McCahey, 16 to 1) second. Apt (96. C. Henry, 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:62. Ed Kann. AlraM. Thnm.. Calhoun, Gouldqueat, George H. White, Sir yru, monemason and Florida Glen also ran. LOS ANGELES, Cay., Feb. 27.-Reult at Santa Anita park: First race, six furlongs, selling: Dr. 81m- rali 93 V:lor'. 8 ,t0 won- Incashlr Lad (KB, Goldstein, 50 to 1) second. Maxnal (lu2. Van Dusen, 8 to 1) third. Time: 1:13 Sombrero. Waldord. H enrv nf Ulu'i,na.l,..a' Artie Rlpey. Franciscan, Annette, Saint Agne. S. A. Carlisle and The Hammer also ran. Second race, three and n Imif r,inn.. purse; Lee Rose (107. Hayes. 1 to 2) won! J. H. Reed (110, Hunneesy, 8 to 1) second ValJean (110. Dusan. 4 to 11 thi 0:41. Get Along, William F. Herron. Jolter! i.ive wr Aivescot, Thunder Hill and Furance also ran. Third race, six furlonss. aelllna-! Tair.nj (101v Goldstein. 2 to 1) won, Esther B. (96, Vandusen, 100 to 1) second, Sunmark (69. Ross. 6 to 1) third. Time: 1-ist rlr,i Jewel, Rey del Mundo, Nettle Hioks, Golden Wave, Taos, Koenigln Lulse, Everan, Ruda bek. Antara and J. J. McC also ran. Fourth race, one mile, the San Francisco handicap: Wexford (101, Preston, 8 to 2) won, Mary Antony II (109, Burns, 4 to B second; Tony Faust (108, Dugun, 11 to 6) third. Time: l:iH. Ampedo also ran. Fifth rare, one mile and a quarter, spil ing: Brsgg (104. Ryan. 8 to 1) won. Moil- ongo (108, Dugen, 7 to 6) second, Avontelltia (los, Bi.rns, s to 1) third. Time: 2:0t,H. Pirry Wickes, Crepp, Beckham and Kubi non also ran. Sixth race, one mile, selling: Alma Ror (104, Mai tin. 4 to 1) won, Quardl (101. Harty, 10 to 1) second, Giovanni Balelro (104, Ryan, $ to 1) third. Time: l:Sa. Georgalette, lAdy Chlswelr, Sink Spring, Cataline, Charles Payne, Our Sallle and Red Reynard i" ran. IMKLAND, Cal., Feb. 27. Result: First rare, futurity course: Ray Bennett (103, W. Miller, to 2) won. Titu II (102, Mentry, 8 to 2) spcond. Frolic (110. Keoeh. 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:09V Bannatyne, Cascade of Diamond. Deneen. Governor Orman, Ixird of the Heath, Byron, Banlada, l)fi (irammrr t ana Jos Uoss also ran. Second rnce, futurity course: Salvage (110, W. Miller, 6 to 1) won. Triumphant (112, Gilbert. 10 to 1) second, Wap (96, Buxton, 4 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Frank E. Laitner and wife to Charlies and Anna Smlsek. lot 10, block 7. Potter & Cobb's 2d add $ James J. Sullivan and wife to Maria A, Dart, lo 16, block 1. Missouri Avenue pai k Lars P. l.araen and wife to Hans Nielsen, lots 23, 24, 25 and 26, block 1. B. E. Wilcox add Marin R. Johnson and husband to the Byron Reed Co., lots 18 and 18, block 3, and other lots, Drake's add. Mary M. Reed to same, lot 2. block 1, and other lot. Drake' add Maria R. Johnson et al., to Thed B. Reed, lot 4, block 1, and other lots, Drake's add George A. Blakely and wife to James W'.. Davis, It t 2. block 12, Ambler Place i County treasurer to Peter Jensen, lot , block 15, Ambler Place Gus Anderson and wife tofarah Mels ter. part lot 2. block 6, park Place. William J. Phelan to Thomas Goggin and wife, part lot 6, block 2, Park Place E- W. Dixon to Marlon C. Cue, lot 1 and 3, block 116. Florence Michael W. Flanagan and wife to Henry M. Dabinnua. part lots 8 and . block 3. E. V. Smith s add Flora M. Chace and hunband to Frank L. Williams and wife, lota 1 and 2, block 137, South Omaha F. 1 Goodrich and wife to Conti nental Trust company, lot 3 and 4. block 11. Calkin subdlv N. P. Dodge, jr., and wife to B. J. Benson and wife lot It. 20. 24. 25. 1.C50 1.000 131 2 2 a 1,150 1,260 6C0 1 t 50 1,250 i.J; and 2. Benson Height E. F. Brailey, sheriff, to James W. Dvorak y, lot 1 to 10 Inc., block 8. Boyd add Total .110,648 DAILY REE: Kill DAY. FEBRUAHY 28. 1008. AT BOSTON BOSTON... WATCH May 1, 2. 4, $ July 2, 3, 4,4 Sept. 28, -U, 30 BROOKLYN. Apr. 27, 2, 29, June 1, 2, 3 Sept. 1, 1, 3, 3 NET YORK. PHILADELPHIA. A lie 9 9 91 l Juno 27, ?', $0 " Juiy i Sept. 8, 9, 10 PITTSBURG. June 13. 16, 1$, Aug. 3, 4, 5, 6 Sept 8fi. 24 CINCINNATI. June 9. 10. 11. 12 July 24, 25. 87, 2S Sept 18, 13, 21 CHICAGO. June 4, 5. 6, 8 July 29, 30, 31 Aug. 1 Sept. 15. 1$. 17 ST. LOUIS. June 1$. 19, 20, Aug. 7, 8, 10, 11 Sept. 22, 23. 24 SATURDAYS At Homo. Abroad . . . 12 13 SUNDAYS At Home. Abroad . . , HOLIDAYS At Home. Abroad.. June 17, July May 30, Labor Day CONFICTB At Home. 'Abroad. . , (None) (None) to 1) third. Time: 1:10. J A Mnrrnv T W. O'Neill. Dick Wilson. V mTLJ' if. 8tore- Elmdale and Senator Warner Gilbert, 6 to 1) won, Kogo (107, Klrschbaum, iV.hiH 8.0nd' B,'nvH" OH. Knapp, w to It. VJ! T'm: 8 FalrJr Street. Graph. Ho and Ramus aso ran. vAlTt.h ,imc ore "nd furlong. nnS , liar dlcap: Light Wool (108. Schll ling 18 to 6 won, Tantaatlc (103. Kelly. 11 thi5 8ei:ond l Cloyne (94, Walsh. 13 to 1) Id...iillmeI J Kruka. Red Leaf Loglstllla and Gargartua also ran. nii i.- r,6ceLor' rnlle, selling: Bye Bye II Sriii.r ,-iy; d 6) won- tndover (106, W. .I 1iut.0J5) sRConJ. Arcourt (109. Keogh, MaS.i m",?1' Tlm 1:40- Fnay Side Mabel Hallnrder. Taunt, Tonlx,- Meala Anona and Captain Hale aleo ran. T)li!Lr".;e' fix, Jurlongs, Alma handicap: Burning Bush (05. Gilbert, 11 to 2) won S?:mmi 'l24' Knapp, 8 to B) second. The a',W- hKel,yWP to 2 third. Time" lajft. Burleigh and Heotor also ran, KENT TO COACH BASK BALL TEAM low Captain of Last Year Will Have Charge Tkls Year. IOWA CITY, la., Feb. 27.-(Speclal.)-Maunce Kent, the iowa base ball captain of last year, will coacl, tl.o Hawkeye teSm this ; spring. Kent played with the Mur 1 alltown Iowa leaguu team last year and will play with the Gkalooaa team this season after the close of the college year His selection a coach of the local varsltv l".Vnt'!Xi,rtljL Popular' among the men, most of whom have Dlayed with him In past season. He wn( ,oneeded to be the greateet college twiner 1n the state In I.I, time and one of tbe.iwo or three beat In with Marhalltown, beffig kept In the came r,ev"yth'",Hthe XT 'Mit of h'sbT lty with the stick u ihn,isk t 1 of the pitching staff. Kent expect? t tuVn out a first-class team at Iowa City. He has five seasoned men on the pitoiilng stsff rnffal? r,-nl? thB.?.qVlld rylngP oTt "ov the l?r Hd.uand ouftell positions. "Chick rk, the Iowa representative on the - be used. All the Infield nosltlona .r r;r.',S' thlrd.-, wh; be held down hy W Ison, another old-timer. In the outfield, Jphannsen In center ls;the onlv man eligi ble, St. Clair, Seldelrr-Oross and Carberrv ?feth,h ,97 foot ba". ,ea" worklnpout for the two remaining posTTtorrr If he report from Grlnnell are true, the onlv team to dispute state honors with the Hawkeyes this year will be Ame. with whom relations have been levered. FRANK AtVOHD KILLS H19 WOLF Tell Story of Shootlm Jteventeen On ' at Arapahoe. Frank Alvord tell. Hum f li 41 1 In w perlences he had recently In a wolf hunt at "Pf. 8 when h wa the guest of Mr. and Mrs J. H. Mooney, the former being editor of the Weekly Pioneer. Mr. Alvord WR8 the onlv Omaha, man In f fp or 800 men and boys who lined up around - nine,, square. A pole bcarlnc a white flag was placed In the center of the circle and all marched toward the pole. The excitement was thrilling as the wolves had little chance to escape and all made a run and fight,.. Seventeen wolves were shot of which Alvord killed one besides three Jnck rabbits and a cottontail. Complaint was made to the game warden because a large number of prairie chickens were killed, although It was out of the season. Alvord walked three mllrs over a rough and hilly -country and .tavi Hie sport was most exhileratlng besides having a considerable element of danger because of me promiscuous nandllng of the guns. Alvord Is having hi trophy of the chase made Into a rug by the Western Knr com pany on Sixteenth street. The wolf weighed Hity-seven pounds when killed. Omaha wolf hunter wer- not as success ful on the wolf hunts which wero held a year ago In East Omaha. WITH TUB BOWI.EnS. The LemD's Falstaffa won two nut nf three games from the Brodegsard Crowns laat nik-ht on the Metronoiltan alleys. Can. tain Jay for the first time this season took all honors, with a high alnle game, cf ;37 and a total of 503, Just nosing Renter hd Fagerberg out by one pin. Tonight the tiyrne-Hammers plav the Oold Tops. Soore: LEMP'S FAL6TAFF8. 1st. :.. 2"3 10 Ia5 )t4 lti!) 851 CROWNS. 1st. 2J0 12 m 178 2d. 190 fco3 urn w 187 3 1. Total. Klauck .... 1711 I 9 116 1x3 2J7 Berger t'hmelaln . Beselin .... Jay RV? 627 m Totals.. fc7 920 2.668 It 174 23 17 13S 121 Sd. Total. Fagerberg m 150 m Sort 468 Voss Vandenover J. Nellson Rush 2oo 118 Total 845 8'A' 5 2.681 The Tiger bad some fun laat nleht. when they took three game from the Cubs. Both teams did some good work, but King Solo mon's men werp right and the Cuu had to drop three. Solomon was high with a total of K7 and 1K7 for sitiKla Kame. To night the Eclipse and Bungalow team will play. Score; TIGERS. 1st. 2d 8d TotaL Pax ton 175 mi his mi Stafford - 1A4 ti8 V'j 41 Solomon 1S7 14 1M 667 Total. &M CU'BS. 1st. ..... l'ji 114 148 474 S3 4'JO 1,5)9 24. 143 171 8d. Total. Oustafion 141 12 167 4M Loff 471 476 1,408 Jprpe Total. Statamaa ta Star I hoot. IOWA CITT. la.. FVh. 7 iii.,..Ll ' The hearts of the track enthusiasts were gladdened by the announcement thut Stuts man, the 'varsity foot ball player s,nd weight man on the track a.maA win leave school, according to hi first decision. but will be here for the rest of the year with the Intent loa of returning for the foot bail -season. Stulsnaan 1 showing great class in the discus and shot events and may upset th dop at tU slat tneet next V""- un i im, win no hen nd the o?1!.8.".'?' Wlt DeT, Poyneer and Cobl, u.iS i A?n. ""rekatlon on the slab. Hanlon. Sutherland anH nut 7 Official National League Schedule, AT AT BROOKLYN. NEW YORK Apr. 14. 1$, 14, 17 May 4. 7. S. Sept. 4,5, 7, T June 28. 24, 85, 2$ Oct. 1, 2. 3 Oct. 5. 6, I Apr. 23. 28, 24, 25 THE Au 12 11 Sept. 8, . 11, 12, 14 Apr. 18. 20. 21 Mav 29, SO. 30 PVP June 27. 29, 3 Uiiil July 1, Sept.10 Apr. 27. it, 2. 30 May 1, 2. 4. 8 June 1,2.3 tnlv !. 3. 4, 4 June 22, 23. 24. 23 Sept 28, 2 !. 30 .Tune 18, 19. 20, 20 June 9, 10. 1 1 , 1 3 July 29, 30, 31 July 24. 25. 27, 2S Aug. 1 Sept. 18, 19. 21 Sept. 22, 23. 24 June 4. 5, 6. 8 June IS, 15, 16. 17 Aug. 7. 8, 10. 11 Aug. 8.4, t. 6 Sept. 15,1$, 17 Sept, 25, 2, 26 June 9, 10, 11, 12 June 1 8. 1 9. 20, 2! July 24, 25, 27, 2S Aug. 7, 8, 10, 11 Sept. 25, 16, 26 Sept 22, 23, 24 1 , June 13. 15, 16, 17 June 4, 5, C. 8 Aur. 3. 4, 5. 6 July 29, 30, 31 Sept. 18, 19. 21 Aug. 1 j Sept. 15. 16, IT 13 18 12 12 ".' 'j v:v;:v Mav 30. July 4, Labor Day, May 30, July 4 Labor Day. (None) (None) .. . (None) ... 3 at Phl! - May Aug. May 30 t: Aug. Aug. Sept. 28 4 Black figure denote Sunday and May. He Is almost certain to play one of the tackles on next year's foot ball squad. JOHNSON WILL FIGHT BL'RNS Colored Heavyweight Willing to Stake All on Mill. NEW YORK. Feb. 27.-R Is the Intention of "Jack" Johnson, the colored heavyelnt pugilist, to arcept the offer of a syndicate of British sportsmen for a mutch wUh "Tommy" Burns in England, according to an Interview with Johnson published herj today. Johnson is quoted as saying thut, while he at first regarded the terms of the proposed match as unfair, he has now made tip his mind to accept the offer. Ilis main objection ho said, was to the small ness of the purse, but he hopes L'urns will arrree to a bet of $5,000 on the elde. "If Burns can beat me I am willing to quit ill) game," Johnson Is quoted as saying. "Any number of rounds will suit me, from one to a thousand. In fact, now that I have made up my mind to accept. Burns may nam the terms." Death la Prise Fight Claimed. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.-Emmet Brown, a negro, died at the Presbyterian hospital early today from Injuries alleied to have been received In a prizo fight last night. The base of his skull was fractured and he died without regaining consciousness. A policeman found Brown lying unconscious on the sidewalk at Seventy-second street and First avenue, Frank Holmes, colored, who was standing over Brown, Is being held. He refuses to give out any informa tion about the case. porting Gossip. Nick Altrnck bus cinched Ills retirement from the gay life by getting married. It will soon be time for Pa' colts to he floating In to prepare for the coming of the White Sox. The Omaha High school basket .hall team goes to West Point for a game with that tenm Friday evening. The racers will be In soon and then all Omaha will turn out to see the Hoosler mud clinging to the wheels. Base ball player are all wrltlna- thev will be In shape on reporting day, but what kfnd of shape they do not state. Comlckey has no further worries for the present. Ill entire team has now signed up. Altrjick has signed the pledge and taken a wife to see that he .keerjs the pledge. rs'orrls o Nell ha promised to have the Western league schedule out In a few days and then we will be able to sie where the big games are to be Played this summer. Tommy Burn Is an Ironical cuss. U offers to take on Bosther Bill and one Tiger Smith the same evening for ten rounds each, with an intermission of fif teen minute. That' getting 'em fast. Mandow Merte write from the Pacific t that he Is afraid of malaria if he I'ny In Louisville. AVhcn In Omaha last fill he did not look as though he would 1 ' afraid of anything. The Biiromob'llstH will bave to . make T--Hce with the weather man of Alaska If t'ley ever expect to get through. They x ,-re evidently at the out with the handlor ' the weather through the mkldle states. Ruhe Waddell Is the first of the T'rowns li go Into training. He has gone to French 1 U to tieeln his preliminary work to be ) !ned Inter by some of the other members c' the team. Rubo start out w!th good lilentlons at least. Perry Werden may be one of the West f n league umpires for the romlng rensm. I Hny 'ans around the American ussoe'a t 'm circuit ere lett'n'j out yeln hc:iuaa 1 -.-sMent O'Brien fill not retain him In fat league for thi summer. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY 4na!nt and Cartons Featejree of Life ta a Rayldlr Growing Stole. Smooth At a recent "leap year" dance given by the society girls of Norfolk, one clever young woman made, her escort pay for the ticket. This should ba a subject fir congress to look Into. Nebraska City Trer. Town' Booming Owing to the crowded contritions of our columns Friday, w were unable to mention the fact that Will Taber ha made arrangements to put In an electric theater in hi big billiard rjom. This will be a flnu enterprise' fjr Red Cloud. Red Clouil Commercial Advertiser. Trouble The cook stave ha smoke! i0 badly at our house lately that we found It necessary to omit family worship. A smoky stove has caused more than one woman to los her religion. However Mr. Pool gav the concern a few allopathic doses of cleaning out, and the family has resumed It regular routine. Auburn Oranger. On th Watch In fildney Last Friday morning Mr. Corbet t had occasion to leave th rectory for n hour, leaving th aide door unlocked, he sometime did. When (h returned sli glanced up at th mantle where a watch should hang. It was gone, but h supposed she had mislaid It and went about her duties. However, Iru the evening orr. money and trinkets were dis covered miming by Mr. Bildwln, wro room there, and U wti easy to see where the watch want, Th thief had such a start that It was Impossible to locate him then. He may appear again sooner than he schedule. In the meanwhile th good ladle are not "just running over" without turning th key In th door. Sidney Telegraph. Tht May laiereai Toa. No on I lmmun from' kidney trouble, so just remain be r that Foley Kidney Cur will stop th Irregularities and cur any can uf kldnsy and bladder trouble that i not beyond th reach of msdluln. For sal ty all dru.tti I AT PHILADPHIA AT riTTSHURO AT CINCINNATI Apr. 15, 20, It Mav 25. 2", 27. 2 July 15, 14. 17. 18 Aug. 14, 15, 17 May 11. 12. 29, 0, to 12, 13 July 10 11. Aug. 27, 2!, 11. 12. 14 6, 7, 8. May 10. !1. 22. 23 July 20, 21. 22. 23 Aug. 19, 20, 22 Mny 34, 25. July IJ, i. Aug. 15, 10, i. i, z, 5, 6. 7 May 11, 12, 13. 14 July 10. 11, 13. 14 Aug. 24, 25, 26 May 15. 16, Julv 0, 7, S. 9 Aug. 19,20.22 Msy-15. 1. 18, 19 July 6. 7. 8, 9 Aug. 27, 2S, 29 May 2". 21. FOR . July 19, 2, Aug. 83, 24, I, . 8 I, 10. 11 16. 17 Apr. H, 19, May 3, 4 SCORES June 81. Sent. 1, 2. Apr. 30 May 1. 2, 29.30,30 June 2 2. 23 Sfcpt. 9. 10, J2 OF 1 Apr-14. 15, June 29. 30 Mav 5. . 7. 8, 9 July 2,3,4,4 Sept. 4, & 3. 4. ft. 18, 19, II July 1 Sept. 29, SO, 1, 3 June 9. 10. 11. 12 July 24. 25, 27, 28 Apr. 22. P3, 24, 25 June 8 Sept. 7, 7, 8 Sept. 28, 29, 30 Apr. 86, May 31, Sept. u, iepu 25, 20, 26 14 Al ' 10 10 it is is ;1- 'I ' 15 11 8 ....i j May 30, July 4. Labor Day Labor Dh May 30. July 4 May 30, June 17 Labor Day. July 4, (None) I None) . .. Mav 3 10. 31, June . . . 2S, July 5, Sept. 5 at Chicago, 1 nt Chicago, 6. Oct. 4 1 at St. Loui9 2 at St. Louis 1 at St. Louis May 30, Labor Day. July 4, Oct. 1, 2, I . (None) . Holiday. FOREIGN CARS IN CHICAGO Italian and Frenchman Beach Windy City Wednesday Evening. WILL STABT WEST FRIDAY German Car and French Car No. Are Near Sooth Bend, Inl., and Are Expected .to Arrive Today. 'CHICAGO, Feb. 27.-The Italian ear and the French car No. 1, the first of the foreign entries In th New York-Paris automobile" run to reach Chicago, arrived at 8:30 last night. The American car, which came In Tuesday evening Is still here. De parture for the west, according to present plan, will be deferred until Friday, when It Is ecpectta that all the racers will have arrived. The French car No. 2, and the German ear. were reported in the vicinity of South Bend, Ind. The star' on the second stage of the long Journey was delayed to permit of repairs to the automobiles after their ex perience with the almost Impassable roads over which they have come. The, con testant wera ecorfed from 'Hammond, Ind., by an Imposing file of cars of all description, which had gone out early In the afternoon. The number of itirs com- jtiedlatlon board and the Southorn Railway posing the escort grew a the city wan j fflclals and employes, who havd been un approached until, when the foreign cars cUlo to agree on the proposed wage reduc wept down Michigan avenue and Into! ton scale, will be' heard fiosslbly by Sat Jackson boulevard, they headed a proces- lirday. Ill v Just a grand old Beverage for peope-who appreciate a MILWAUKEE suiti aatawaa oa. aa.uniji Always the Same Blatz Beer may be on sale from the keg, or botded or both. You may be tir e of the very cream of quality if you insist on BLATZ. In many places where Blatz signs are not displayed, their bottled brands are on sale. Whether in Club, Cafe or Dining Car, ask for "Blatz." Blata Com puny, Wholesale Di alers, 802 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb., Ttione Dought 00fl2. If you are menaced with disease and have not consulted us or secured proper medk-a! treatment, dont think you are not paying for It. If you procrastinate and postpone treatment from day to day. week to week end month to month, or experiment with uncertain, dangerous or unreliable, treatment, sooner or later you must pay tile penalty. If you do not heed our ad monition you will then more forcibly appreciate our advice that the h-aat ex pense would be incurred through the early employment of genuine professional skill. Coiinnenca aa ai tive and euergellc course of treatment now. , ' only nd enr proptly, safely and thoroughly, and at the POIBOT UII DI1S41, stIEV and BLADOEg B18BA and ail peolal Disease aud their complication.. " ao Consult Free &Eflfc STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE Call and be Examined Free or Write Offic Hour 8 A. M. to 8 1'. M. 8uudy 10 to I Onlj. 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Nfeb. PerruaaainOy IUblUhed In Omaha, Kebraalut. ; 9 1908. AT CHICAGO AT ST. 1.0UI3. 13. 14 May 20. 21. 22. 23 Mav I... 14. 17, It li, 13 nly 19, 20. 21. fi- July a. i, a. , Aug. 83. 24.2$ 30 Aug. 19, 20. 22 2H. 27 IV, IS 17 May 15. 14. II. 18 M.y 11. 12. IS. 14 July 10, 1 1.13, 1$ Aug. 27, 29, 30 illllV H. 7, !, 9 Aug. 83, 24, 25 17, 13 May S4, 25, 26, 27 Mny 20, 21, 22. 2.1 lulv 19, 2. 21 it Aug. JJ. 16, 17 niiy jD, i. 17, is Aug. 27, 29, 30 22. 23 Mav 11. II, IS n J"ly 10. 1 1, is, 1J Aug. li, IH, i j Mav 84, 15, 28, 27 July 18. 16. 17, 18 Aug. 19. 20, 22 21, 23 25 20 Apr. 86, 2 7 M'l.v 10, 31 June 1. 2, J 28, 29 Apr. June 88, Oct. 14. IS. 14.U ,25.2.6. 27. 2. 3 " Aug 81 illy B 5, 13 fepi.sj, o, t 4 Apr. 22, 23, 2 :V. 88 Afnv July Aug, . 7, , 9. 10 2. 4.4, S 13,14 June 25. 2S s"Pt 7, 7, ' 16, IT Apr. 18, 19, 10 Mav JS, 2!, 30, SO lt. 10, 11, 12, 13 THESE Oct 27. 2R. 29 June I. 2 6, 87, Oct. Apr. .10 May I, 2. 3, 4 June 24. Aug. 81 Sfpt. 1. 2, i, 9 GAMES 14 11 May 30. ' uiy 4, " Labor Day. May 10. June 28 July S. Sept. 13 .1 kt Chicago lonof gaily decorated cars that extended long the avcmio for neurly a mile. From Jlobart, Ind., which . was passed at J:30 this afternoon, the contestant fought for lie lead with varying ' Buocess. When they rullcd up In front -of the club house of lie Chicago Athletic club, honor were even. The occupants of the cars will be guests t a banquet tomorrow night, to be given ly tho Chicago Automobllo club. It Is expected that the French, Italian and (jerman consuls In Chicago will also at tend. STEALING 111., Feb. 27.-Th car bearing a messnge from General Grant at New York City to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., passed through Sterling at 3:15 a. m. A punctured tire cauced delay of en hour SOI TH BEND. Ind., Feb. 27.-Th French car left Elkhart, Ind., at 7:56 a. m. today for South Bend. CLINTON, la., Feh. 27.-The army car crossed the Mississippi Into Iowa af 12:50 p. m. today and left for the west early this afternoon. An Auto Colllaloa -means many bad bruises, which Bucklen' Arnica Salve heals quickly, a It does. acres and burns. 25c. For salo by Beaton Drug Co. Mediation Conference Saturday. WASHINGTON. Feb. .-Commissioner cf Labor Neill suld loday that the first cf the mediation conferences between ti.a miia sumuiant mat is at the same time nutri tious and headthful. Good Old BlaU i .. . -. .'V- . f . Mix ; 1' J": 4 7k X