Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1908, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY IlKE: THUirsiAY. FKBRUARY 7 CRAB AND PRODUCE MARKET Maikft Valuf Here Tp Becatie cf Airier i troia lirerpooL TLLniSS HULVT OS EXCHANGE WVke-at wYaa Wtrwas was Hlikn aaa' MeTed 1 brad vail? ft-eaa lk 4 pee. As at ef tbe OMAHA, Feb drain valve swlvanoea at the K. 3.. o;-n:" on iiTit trrerirgu. end guvd support Isrompied by the firm Liverpool cable rii! lb buii.ak Bradstreeta report on H-irt rwn a Y4 hat was atrorg aid higher and showed & material dv- Iron) trie or"ntr.g Trad- waa ki7. but cm heavy selling by rcaianiasicia tint: sad proper taking by Pnge values drwji'4-d off toward tne 4 lose Hay wheal optima at Kc and closed at com opened firm o good boytr.g by e.m mlnmoTi wjjm, and the rw In wtil val uee A mi fB-.preied oaah oemand u a atrong feature. The aiming off u the doee. was eu to proper taking May corn opened at Me acd nosed at ai-4c- Oats started f irm with wheal and corn and there ass s goo' demand rn eviiience. (.'fertrgs were light, and not moth trad ing s.i done. May oats opened at Sc aid cv.e-d ai 4'V". ,.. Primary u -?eip t ' SStCow bush els and shtprrerrts were tr,.o bumcli, against rece.;.ia last year of sWu buarje.e and shlpmerHi of Ski bushe.a. Cora mt.i.i were sflKsst bushels and shipments were 2.' bushels, against re ceipts last year of tr7li( bushels and ah:p-xna-nis of CI. bumels Clearances were 4 bushels of com. iiona of oats and wheat and fieur -j'aaJ to L4vrrpool cind 1 to lVd h!-bT o 'TuiaJ and tu(t!iT on corn tia.tK.ard rjned buahe.a of whta: and buaM-'ia jf corn taJten tXfwTi- Lxx-ai rai-t- of option: Art idea. I On.j Kl..i Low. C)ue.iTMr. May.. Juiy.. e 't. . O rr. 14-4 ti n j s US 6" U j i El U Ei Bt- Mty...; f'';t... Oi't- I AJar...; Julv. ,. K-J't...t 4- WHEAT-No. I hard. fCV : N-. t l.ard. Vic, No. 4 tard. Mv:c, .No. I tlrnt. COKX-No. t PV; Xo. 4. ftffic; Xo. I ynlow. Mr; Xo. 2 rb,iu- MVn;'- tiATS Na. 1 miiod. 4T54)4'.v; hit. 47c; No. 4 hitc 4T-"i i atand ard. 4TVy4"c. i:II-No. i. T3fc7-c; Xo. S, 103: Carlot Rrrljta. Wt t-aL C-m. Oat Chlrajro - 2 544 J'l :nnapoJia 4C (m.ihi Lalu;h 1 lb It CHICtGO CRI15 AD PHOVlION rntirra at tke Trmilna aad C'ImIb Prlrea (a Bar of Tra4tv. CJl!AOi. Teb IS The !'.! wt eil mar ket cioatd auk today. Ik-a use of reaJia i.;r aMlL. Y.v M-av cSlirtn- beiliK off c. Com aa 'Uc li:t; ublr Were up V: itiid t provikiona were fri.m uc to lac K'er. The wheat market aaa strong nearly ail day on acllve fiieraJ deroajirt, but eak etird later in I;. a suasion aDd closed near tl. lpel point of the day. &aiea of about l.'HiM" bu. by a ieaitif elevator concern, Mith heavy reallrmc aa-ie. caused the slump rear Ue close. The fctruisui .durli.f: ue iater pan of the ason aa "rue to firm oabir-s, sniail primary rwcelpu and a continued- lively demand fr caaa teat here and aX Minneapolis. Trie close th aary. May r,ir-m-i a at.ade lower to Sfc'kC blcher at 6rtc. advanoed to HPS.C ai.d tlten riechned to Me- Tli close was at Sf-HSj SC'Sc Clearance of a beat and flour ere equal to Jfc.anO bu. Primary . IoalEl .ncr tailJ b'i. aa jinainst C4u.M(i on tl.e aan.e day last tear, klinneapol.a. l'ulutn and Oixauco reported reeipta of 1st ara. aa acaitiat 1M last, week aiid 42 cne year aga. C'in was strorifr all day, but sentiment was less bullish near th close, bex-ause of the weekaess of wheat. The chief stretiftlieciriji Influence iti an etimie of the farm reaen-ea In IlUnola. Indiiillv-i a mut or uU reduction from tne fipurea f r the correspondm- time last year. AJ1 ad vance of lc it tb prioe of caati oorn u another bullish factor. Thie market closed firm. May orx nea 'fyc hlsher at fii'vc to i.i.SrJC sold off to (c and ad vanced to aHjC The close a aa at 61c. Locul rece1:ita were 144 cars, with two of contract grade. Tradint m oats was more active than fir some time past and the market was strong. Tie bullish features were heavy .buying- by b.Ua akd an estimate showing a radical decrease in lha amount of farm reserves as con. J red to last year. May opened l.pc hinrher at &i'frtCic, ad vanced If bus and closed at i3c. Lcal re uaa wera If cara. Provunr.a were weak all day on selling by -nil ) ulirri. which was based on a fcc 4M'.i)f in live bosi At the close May pork was eff lac a 11140. lard waa be loaer at 7 4& and ribs were 1' lower at K.ii 47V Ealimated receipt a for tomorrow- Wheat, cara: corn. liS cars, oata, 241 cax; bogs, . head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: AVrrtrles.l Open. I Hirh. lxw. Close ' Ten y. Wheat Mav Ju.v SepL. POTO May J ulv eVpU Oaia aMay bMay aju'y bJuly Pork May July Lard May Ju.y . Kit May Juiy Ha! s Sv s"-, A I ffl i" se- '! I 1 fc'Vi M i IT ! I :. tirV la7V .L.r.t,-A TV 6i 4JS r-i 44i, 44w CVi 1 a 1 ii rv n i ii br U TTi, 11 77H U U aTT!'U tv 7 a 7 t T4? 7 Sft 7 73 if-S 7 71 ! l 7 rrsl No. r a Old. a Xsw. Cash d'uotauor.a were aa follows: rLOl'R feleedy; wtatee patenta. It 3; a-ater 'ra,t).t. Itwa'aitf.; spring pm esia. tt V: spring straights, Miij4 bkers. IS i:e4 JO WHEAT Xo. t spring. tlWilW; Xo. I aprtiif. itciaK..; Xo. X red. xv, incise. CoKN N. X. &7Vfc; Xo. I ffciuir, li 4Vc. OATB-Xa J. Tf5,c; X. I wh:te. RTB No. I, Cc HARLRr fVur ta choir malting. g.fic, KK1& l-aa. Nu. i north west am, lla Clever, contract grade, CHitj. rROTiON-t.tiMl ribs, aidea Hoos-1 K- Meas prw jrr br! . tU.U'Hi? U K. Lard, are JK. lbs , fehort dear aides boxedv, tfJx,it lA. Follownnc wars the receipts and ahip SBents f flour and grain : Receipts. Ehljanents Flour, bbla n. Vl'beat. bu.....M..-. !iit lite UK' Com, bu J.e' h64i sta, bu. . Ul.o' K'i. Kyw. t . Sja.,, Barley, ba La. 4.1.61' Oa lha Pteodooe excrange todav the byt ter market was steady-. reamer ics. intake, dslrvra. ana-e. L-ga f'rm: at mark, casea eiK-Juded. Hc UAc . firsts. 9r. prin f.rata He; ratraa. bc. Ctw-,, irn.4c M laaragealla Orala Market. MIXXEAPOL1S. Feb. Jk WH EAT Ma v fctHSi-w: July, titii. No. l nri i: wlli-a. No. 1 northern. 11 bval i'7V. No. 1 '"ntiern. Al.trSjil.i':w. Nu. t iiurthern, i Uu AJiU'V BXA.N-4St-onrer". in bulk. fc . ;. . 1 t-'i M Fli m ai,4 wnthAEgoo; t ri pat enta, H. Seo 4C swoond patents k. if -,i s. .. tirat clears. t.3Q &; Ueara, kl j J llsaakee Craia Market. MlLWAl KFR Fet H-sHE.T-Xj. ! eorui-m, l:isiillp, Ncv t northern. ri"( la. May. kiiaeVc t id- fcAl.LEV-iiiArhr , No. i Stic; sample. 7v rc V V. R H 4a 1 cash. IT iiTir VI 4 v l-l rrrsaol Crals Market. LIVirRJ-ta-U Feb IX WHEAT 6p 't. (Siiii; No. i tea Kteterti wl; trr. la li f' iur-4i s.-sdy: March, as iia, Ms. 1 rd: .'u'y. Is 3Sd CXJLN-Spi't. iii.t B4i.ed Aneilia-i. .ea. ne-Van. e 4. Vsh. an 1-,;. i s-sd. PEAS C anadiar.. rt3t. tjeetattewe f f fcf Dar T artM ( 1 1 Ira. NEW T 'RK. F'-h JR FI'l'R Wt P-t. E 4-t. bt.i : nurta. s.7 t.i . (lit, rrifCt lnqairy: Mmw-K'H tt-fT-.n. (.-. ;i-rf. . miller --. 4-J4 4n: M twr:i tra. H r'ji w-'ni-r ntraa. an fc.4 1; . iriir rutuw. 4 "'." '"rir'T j' w (r4M. K . I'.j-f t'K-ur. atradr; fn1r if f'xkJ M f: ttrrr to fancy, t. (.. S. I-uckbeat r.o-ur. dull. COM Jr J It l.K.V'VrAL-r.rm; Tr wtiite and T S...4.:4t.; Otiarae. yi.Z.W-'. kiin drlfl. -S KTE lull: Xo. I 4refrra, . f. o. b. XW TfTK.. WHnAT-TUIlH. K bu ; T'rta. tu. t?T-l. rj-: No I rd. le va! r-r. ted .i", f o b anMU; Xa. 1 n. rt'.'m. Lu''jih. C :s. f. . b.. af"t; X'i. l.&s-i "tT.tfr. f. o. b. aflfat. TS f:urc in tf4T H atie aU.n)t of May and buylnc .f July. riVra; Ftrrr.s-fa n U la.ttr d :.vry r'Dii i( (hih r-j-nii ir-r aain bullish and -nn M'.t t-fflrt all" rraii-l th" nir kt. but r&Uir.x cuS final rend l"ni erid la't pru-- are Vr li. w-T to S.c Mptifr Vr. t.M. Ut-iI.' IS-IS. ( i.Wfd at fc P; Jub. rS!'V. rio-3 ft PT-. Vi.'HN iif-iit, . ,u. : porta. 17i .( bo. f-jK.i, irTi. No I. fi-c. 'irvatir. aria flc . f. o. b. afloat; Xo. I --.'.. Z'- ; No 2 ff'ln, .V. f o. b.. aflrit. Th (f.ii ,.n rr:arkt Kmj'iT ti bad att.T an lisy.t rwt ir" clrtfine vr tir' -r. May. &r!irwi . cltd at 7;k , J.!y ewtr, lotf-d at Vc- i 'ATS Ht ,pt. I12n(Ki bn. Fpot, att-ady : rr.!d oata, to JC . TV: naiurij wr.ite. X to lt.-. 5Tiy&5: ijc ; c.lTod wlut. i: to r.. ?AY rot.d trad ; rrod to choice. Kx . H'.TS Quft ; rta ron-imon to cbo)n. l.T crt'f. HV;14c: !! rroj.. 4Ar; I'actfic ci-hjn. 1WC crf.p. ?r; 2 croT. 4'&tic. HIIiiS Brsj ; Bopota, lTc; Cwitral ATrrv an. ;T" I'i 'VLSlyXS Pf f. rtrady; family R4 loir..: Rta. tllWjL.ji'; bff haina. tK-t. r.2,7U.i": city tra lnia m-t. in iri.iri Out metta. quift; T'lrkld t Ui'-a. rT.r.(&M': p.i klM Hfn. 1 "J- Lrd rt-aay; tprn jinmo. fT.Sna T.'; rifm-d guirt; continfut, IT; Sout'b Anrrita. ISX'; compound, tfi r? 9T.irs Pork. Ft.dv: familv. S flf-i . ahcrt clfai-a. r.4 5(r:5.Tl; rr.-fi. IIS srl4 TALIjuW jul.t ; city. liKL Quiet, domestic, Itir to eitra. &i PCl"LTRT Altve rteady. western c-hick-et.a. 11V: forl. i:r-r; turkya. 34c: dr rawed, dull; awlem ehickena. I(v17c; turVea.iaJ kc. fwln. I?n4c. M'TTER-ttnk: CTeamery ertraa. third to firm. S'i:u2x-: beli common to spe cial. 2.Vg;.v-; weetern factory, first. 3x; --etern factor?, held. 2:- -astern Imita tion rfT'r, rirstn. 24'a'2Rc CHKlSE-nrm and unchanged. IXKiS Market steady; cutb flrsta, a"tc: socoiid. He. WEATHER IX THE CR1I BELT Fate Taalarat aad Tkaraaay, with Rlstaa; Tenaerattre. C'MAJIA. Feh. 2R. 19TS. Tlie area t.f k'W pressure overlj-ing the central vaile a Tuesaay rnoruing haa movnd eastward and la now cer.lraj cner toe lower iaaea and St. Lawrence valley. de pression waa followed list niaht by h.rh w inda in trie ujir Mis;isi.;.pi atid Mis souri valieya. and is causini; l.ght but gen eral rrntwi' in the uj.per idissiasippi, i..nio Afciteys ar.d lake re-...n. and rams and snows in the eastern states 0riera-l!y cl-'udy w-ather prevails in the Missouri aliey and l.i.t snows are seatterod throughout the west and nontiwest. 1'em jraturea are lower throughout the cen tral portion itiornitig, arid the weather will be slightly r m this vicir.ity to r'ght. fuiii'Wed by rising temperature Thursday, with probably lair and Thursday. Gsaha recorfl ot temjerature and pre cipitation compared w-jth the corresponding day of Uie last three years: 1WV. IX. IMf.. aJlrimum trr.irature.... IK 5 2 Z2 J--recifitatJoii nt" .0 .16 T temiKrrature for today If? degrea I'trfK'iency la precipitation eince March L C Ho inches. Ltficemy eorreepondiiig period la 1W7, t in inchus. Ieficiericy corresponding period In ISt. 1.0k Inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. t. La a is Geaeral Market. FT. LfiflS. Feb. i6 WHFAT-Btronrer; track, Xo. 1 red. cash. C.WVal .Ot; No. 2 hard. Scpi ..; May, WTac; July, STc, Ct 'KN Higbf r; .No. 2 cash, i7iv7Vc; May, f"VuvTSc; July, 7:i,ir67c- OATS e:eady ; No. 2 aa. 4S':rWic; Xo. I w hite, yvyfg&rc: May, Wc HTK nominal. FLOl'R, S'.roiiger; red winter patenta. i.5'g47o; txira fancy and straight. liluS 4: clears. U..V1C1S.M.. l?EI-a Timothy, firm at UTieHJi. Ci 'KNMEAL Steady. i Mi. BRA" Higher; Backed, east track, XI; ill 4)7. HA T PieaiHy ; timothy, CCifg,lt.; ne. Ih.tHll b(i. lP.i 'N Ct.TT"'X TTE8 ILIA, K.(i3tXG ICSc HUM? TWINt-13c. I'R'jVlSlC'XS Pork, lfwer; Jbblnr, Lard, low er; prime steam. It, 7a.?7 r.i w. J'y salt meats, lower: boxed extra sh-rta. f' t'i. clear rioa. t ,t; anort ciears, it.ivj. Lacon, lower; boxed extra B'.orta, J7.SJa; clear ribs. T.". abort clears, ta-la. IXl"LTKY fcieady; ct.11 ketia. 10V. Bpnriga. 1; turkeys, Uwiic; ducka, 11c; gfese. Vtfi7c. B I'TTi-K. Cnchar ged; creamery. Z:gXle; dairy. I'ic. L JS JC"SC- P-ece'pta. Shipments. Flour, bbla, ' otft IX Wheat, bu. 5. (M 4v.W) Com, bu Zl.i data, bu. ,UW . i!7,'J0 Kaaaaa City Crrala aad Pravtalaaa. KANSAS C1TT. Feb. SI WHEAT M sv. Kl'V. Juj. Csh: Xo. 2 hard. iir Xf'T-o. o, s, ); iv o. z red, a. I'.l.u., Nu. jX. I CuKN May. 5iV: July. fc4ac. Cash: Xo. I 2 mixed. Use; Xo. mixed, tV-; Xo. 2 white. i4 Vu i-isc ; Xo. I wiute. eLiic. I OATS No. i wl.ilt, tic, No- S mixed. ,4Xy45.V j iU'iTER Creamery, steady, I; jiackiiig sto k, rc low er, lic. ii j'& f :eady ; litali curaa, lie; current re.e.pls. lsc. P.ecepts. Ehlpmenta. Wheat, bu, . viz l.(Ki Com, bu..... k.i in, 0 t'ata, bu. i.lHk' LVtM) Quotationa at Kansas City aa reported by Logan t Bryan, ii; Board at Trade 1-uiid.t.g. were: Art it lea Open- H:gh. Low. Close. Wheat May... July... Con May... J-ly.... ...!sSS'Mi,SS. K'S! Pearla Market. IT'FJA. Feb. Sfc. CC'RN Higher: I eiiow . ; Xo. 8. auc; No. 4. iS3: Xo. Dl grane .' ti.c. C'ATs. Xo. I white. ISTlc; Xt' 4 41 It. i'iyv. WH:fKY-j..ii. Dalatk I'l-LI-TH. F Orals Market. b. WUEAT-Xo 1 northem. !:.; Xo. 2 nortbem May. tlf-a: Ju.y. ll.Wk leleda hei-4 Market. TC'LET.. O.. Feb. SK-SEEI'S Clover, caan ai d Ft t ruary. ".l ii;' ; kiarc n. Ill 4f.: I Apr.l. 1.1.x;.; iKiulx-r, 17 ift prime tim othy. Jr. Si. Prime alsike. tl.lit. S M al Market. I BOSTC'N. Feb. ..-WOOL-Tt,t local .wool market sr.. ws s.rni of a revival after many weeks of stagnation and declining J prioes. 1-u.vera l.i.utirr. coniinue cau Itioua. Tr.e following western quo tat cms large as fohowa: Indiana and M ifcsourl. ..hrt-t e:g "I ! b'cKl. tviir; one-quarter l'I pckI. r. ii -i' e-ooured basis: Txas ir Br.otiths m'iffiic: ritir. ( to I months. b'(.t; ,f.r.. tall 4.s.5wc Cai.f orr.ia. northern. !V:or; moldie Coim'.y t."'".ii'',c ; southeix.'r: fail fre. 44o4m cregon, eastrm No 1 atapie. N.r7'i east ere No. 1 1 .V eaatem average. ;tvau. 4ailt). No. ii j.- T.rr-.t'.rv. scoured baia fine sta;ie. t37 . i Be medutr aiaaTc: f ne n-ed rn rl. ' t eg ai..7c . f tie c ii.. ii. half - tt.-ood o'liivs ; three- egnrhs hi iv.,f,7c. quarter bi .od. irttf is. - e.r.e p.i ted 0ti( . A sopera. 4jhk- ST. l"'l IS. Feb Ja Viii.e.;4a.ty . me d'tirn yadea citih t.g atad ci.u. ir.. TiiTr . igrt J Jc. I.iry fife. l4:c w af i ed. : Si,-. t lib 4a4Te Market. NEW TfliK FeY Oi"'FT FE Market for fjtur.a i loved c -lev net i:e i:n'.i ri.g ' t fie li uls lower. tSalea were re ,..i-ted of :1 7ju baas. ,t'1uc.:r.g March at I !'.. V... 4. oa'. nl'3 ln-I, g lie; Iie 4 2c ?; ot. cu.- Nu. 7 R.,. U-c. Nu 4 .-r a , aijv il. a Coffee. Oeiet; Coi J. . a. 1 , . ,4 , c lriT rr: T'-d NETi YORRSTOCRS 1SD EO.NDS oci Extirt SeiEion. KESSAGE IS WITHOUT EFFECT Its PaVlleatlisa Falls fa Keller Pallweas 4lteaaaaee aa Wall Hreel Cxrhaare Is Llaat. NEW TORK, Feb. . -The stsrrBM diuon Into t'e rt'k mart fell f--cay baies it a r.fnn r.eld from whirh to draw any l-s"ion bearing on gner I af fairs except as lr.freno-s mr tr 6v!u el nega-ively. The inference is fully Jurti . 3, fur instance, that spru ative lnjiia lie iii drci.;ed on; f tb r.irktt. Xo orie is w, ;. lrg to txtress faith in future events throur'n 11 med I'm of 00 irn'ii ts in lha r.arket. lrreso:utton and apprbensl -n are irrpned by th s abstention. The scar, v at the tock exrharte fvt n" time to the d.stussii.n cf the To: this attitude. The conwnta of the rep' rt of Presil-rt Truesdaje 10 the stockholders of t '.e 11 ware. Lee kaw anna Wetrn. to which rr.uch siece waa g-ivtn in th cay s news, gave direction to this dis.'-uasion. -Yr. Trues daie's gloomy picture of the ojtlffk f r railroads on account f the i.ol:ticai proi. 1 given to tie (jj.-s.ion of Wire r- ducuon did not lail to mak an impres sion amor.g the financial T e Impression of pre-dM TYtiesdule's Jlai'.t was sensibly mcwa.lied. however, by c.n aiuerBtion of the t xt rarra.r.tiry fxancal showing which accorrr'an.ed f-e txt of ihe retort. th lilK-ral sum stifled out of C.s company's earnine :c r the y ar m ai al ready plechionc surrlus, and th as-u:arte of safely conveyed to i;i the "sound and conrmclr.e reasons." t: ou:-t from the presioert. "wry t:.i jrime neces sity of life, namely, anthracite, shot, d re main in co;nparatii ly ftw I nrid w her- 1'. now ia." It was kmrri eirly rn -ne d.y Uiat a message to congress irort th t resi dent was to I sen ,s curirg the dty soriie rejressive lr.fljen"e wis ass.gnid t. this. The negW-'ed endiirn o: 1 k el was unrelieved eft r the aisirnct or the message was printed Tie a. tlve first hour of Uie markft fum.etiec! les than l'.K-(. shares for transfer, tt.e second hour's business dwindled to 5 . o and the boon hcur to half of that. Proicsl nal room traders themselves gave up m dis rust their efforts to scalp a ST-Ui Irac tion cf prcfit out cf the sltirgsti p-ioe movemerit. Bome sf-es was laid also up n the departure for Europe during the day of 1. V. Morgan for h.s annual s;rtnr tour as an lndicauon that no nr.p-rtart de. eoo ments in the financial wir.d were ,n ti pectation. Professional ojra.ora at " a 1 times drew freely on suppositions r g"k'd lng Mr. Morgan s activities as a m. uve force for market movements and his sb sence from communication with Well ttiee; cuts otf a lertlle sourc-e of material I r professional operations The meeting and adjournment of the E.rte directors without taking action on the two preferred ctass-s cf Hocks was not a surprise in vie of the heavy declines In earnings of the com pany, the preliminary step taken la the oeciarstion of the last dividends in sci;. and the failure rf authorisation of that ac tion up to this time by the New ork public service The Erie rto.k" hardened slightly after the nr.-act on of the directors liecan.e know n. Tt.e s uggish movement of prices showed the fame ien dency as for several cays to retrace .ti early course during the Inter portion of the day lionfls were heavy. Total sales, par value, fc.Hl.iuii. I"ni'e4 States bones were un char.ated on call. Xo. of sales and cuotaticir.s on stacks were as fellows: Sain. Rick l'w C A A mi Expr. Amal. Cn'i Ih.SW if I-V Am. C. a F 11 am. tar. ptd m ; Am. Coiion o.l ..... rt Am. Ctrtlot. Oil fitd... IF. Amerl'ws Exiirsi.4 Ika Am H a L J.14 3'i0 3 s Jot !"' l: l: o' la LinseeA Oil 30!) t 4 Am. LiaaseA CM1 ptS .... 37 Am Uoini:ilH 1 4no XI IL r. Am L K-omiUte aid Am. s. a r n ( res ' Am. a r. im . Am. Bugsr Rrfnitif turn n: Am. T(. bares Td clt. ho AnanonAa milling Oa 41 M V. 'a Auhlsfio 7" 4M4 Tl 7' Atnaisaa i?a S.'w AllsBix OosiO LltM 4"0 C.H t Itsltunore a Ohis mu 7f 77 7m, bal. a Ohis ate - B b-oetira Rapid Tr ID 4" n K' naaadlaa lsclAc lw 14 342 :.: dsauaJ of si. J ITIi rhtamseaks a Okie H CMnass &t W 4W V SS CbKSsa A K. W 341 c. at a Bt. r 4.atit MfV lirs is:., Cttiraso T a T I Ttlloaga T a a- pf 35 C. C. C. St L J" 41 4e 4 Cc.lfiraas r. a 1 ! i 1W CeraraAo a l-o ... V-m C-- f. 2; Cuis a So. ta rf A w ii !i c-oio a so ad ptd 4t OonsondAieA Gas 4'w 3'" -. 3M' 3'' Cora Pruourts 14 l:- l:1 tt Oocii Prodixna ptd . ... in Iwiawar a Huaioa 6 K :. 341. 341 rei.. u. a w . IuT a Rio Grande l.l 3fw 151 in n a r o ptd . 4t j Piotlllerr Rec-urltiei 7r IHa Jw " Erie in II ' Erie 1st ptd f' j Kino U ptd IV j boner-al Kectric .. .. lilioini Central lniemuoiiai Paper iir.i, lot I'sper ptd t. lot. Pump 3 a Int. Pump ptfl 4S lews C'autrsi 1 111 1 1 leaa Cetiowl ptfl W Kuiai Cit gx J' 34 14 14 K C Sn ptd W Lou ! n ne a sr. s i4-i, M exilian Otitral ;f :7 3W ktiaa a at. b i w r. M . St T a B. t. M I' K K k , St. P a 4. E. M ptd law issourt Pa"iac 4 " w w 3"4 St.. k. a T II. 3-14 3 w M . a. a T pf4 47 44 - 4to, Nstiooil bxa II t: ' 4! N R R uf St ptd 4'w New To-k Central - I W St lv tM , K T.. o a W it. a W IK) t lt W Norm Ame-ioaa -t weisc Mill X peuoprlraiita Psoj-. 4' P . C. C . C. 10.300 lLT'k 173 w 3-2 ' if. 7S A 6t. L Prstiaed gleel ar. s c ptd i ruiimac rwiare Car. . . l.oaC:tg Rei: l.g 1st plo ! Rnadllif Id ptd i kepuli.'.c stts-i j Rsput'llc Steel pld JUr lMACd Co Rock liiatid re. pta 1 ft l a s y n pte .... I St. 1po.4 S W I St L. 6 W" I 'd I gout aero rArlfic i go. Fatitlc p'd t tH. Kansk ' gc. ka. war r'd ! Teaaa a pas:' , T . at. L f T.M. L ' pfd i 1'uuui Par or rut ' I uiufc Paritii pta. e-A:T . r g Liv4 i r. g k-aii4 . i e kttr V. g kullr ptd ' r. t ateei j I". 1 H'.aal ptd j Va -Cwroili.4 "ietr.l'Wl ; Va -i aro. ('tea. p'd ! W 4Uaab H'W 77 3i c : w r.4, T J'-'w 2-W f l'"l "V SW l- 3 l.i. -a I"t4 7tw 3i , J"' 7 II HI W abaeh p'd Welt4-Para Fsprsai w etritif.tiaaa kieccrir Wtora l omib Woealltig al.C W tsntttia.n CeutraJ Wia Ceut-al p'd aorthera Parlftr Clitrai bealh"T Cantral 1: tier pfg f una, gorgiaif gleil Craat Niir-.bara aid liiliuj:rj aVet lot Mat Jifd oetd. T-tai sales loe tSa A4t if, r is. ti aiiarea. -wear Yark Mlataa Itaeka NEW TuRK. Fb X Cioaing quotations Irttl f. W 'tr :- It. i;-, VKi 3 3 " a If Ilia riw J 31 44 CTa h 'ia iw ;..l. U, 14 V sr. 4. 3i4.j i:r 4t II, 17, 37 st r law I i, k-w "" ' g, "'' i' ka-, 41 at .' 3S'' lik, 14V 7, 7H, " Tna j:, ili" 1 4 7 l :ji is tr. mining atKcks wire Adams Coa 4 Utile Curf . c-tario 21 r-waK-4 i4 (f,a ... a. it-uors-Kk Ca. 14 Kami ij I oDialo- a Ttiotiai 9 Btsf Coa Cat a Va 42 giertw le-aAa ... ev huaw guver at Soii... lUiptA . 3a 1-on 4ilv4r ia ClanoarA ii. learvilk Cn 4, veeaa laleraal Meveaae Callavtlaaa. WASHIXQTOX. Ftb Sa The monthly ata.temeiit of tt.e c.t...fClior. t,f tutema revenue ahows thai for motitn cf Jaraarv. t: e total rece4 la were It'i: v.4. w i-ic h ia a o- mm- aa otimpartid aft Jar.ary. lir:. of t:.... OMAHA. Feb 3t-Iaar.k clearlng-s for ta c.a irtt tl.wa-..4l ana !.r tue curwiieiJ. ing .as-, year 1. 7i4.4M.Si. I Tresaary Itatraieat. t WASHING X. Feb a. -Toiars (ti g ! if tn f t:. t-raatr)- l"S.rjoe in tr.e geat I .' lute of lue jiv m.2 Atat:ab' cash I'la-e-. 1 1-?. ir.k--. fi t- 1 bjl.ion. tll) k! lk. . l d ce rt:f .rates. e'.ZA,Stl ew leek Mawry Market. NEW Tf'eiK. Feb 5-MoET-(n can. easy at 3w. per mt, rui.rar; ra-e. 1 tr cet.l. cl..- bid. 1 per ceer ; c-:frd at f per cer.t. lime ka-.s. rtartr; s.x'y days. Irf'N per cent. r. ,ntr' dava. I'Vut ir ler t s tc mo.' u." per c-ent. IKlMi: MLKOAMILE lAFER 11 pr oft PTrRU'N'l FTXr-H Xc;E Weak. w-'th r' jal tusites tn t-arkers biils at 14 tii-fg ( f..T rt-T-iand aid at 4 v-i -a for Sixty dry b:..s. cotimeTt ia! bios. 14 Kx PILVL31 our. oi-S . Mexican collara 1 cVIS Ocvemment. stead; railroad, l.eavj-. Ci s.rc c,:irtari"n on New Tork bonis w-e-e a To.iews: r i. set S. reg. 4o c sri.nT. ...... r R K. rf Ac fxuf"is t" g n 4 res A .. ruiliflS . ... Am Tcbsups 4... t i"5 T,i 4a . '" 1- S tl . l"i n r. a . . HI Y'X Oti'-l 41 11" -r ti 11.1- .-M. vmn t ft L a -i . K T. 4a... .! T4 1 A'l h'fCTT; g 44 - ... Alist.1 C L. 4f i "l.m 44 Me v r- R 7. t 4a ... . ' er.:-ii at Os. b .. i'i. isl itir . . '. 0 Inc. do Hi trr Oe '..h.4 4 cm rag.- a a sn. . r.. B a w a. 4a .. r . r. i a r. 4s. . . do ml 1 occ a St. 1. a 4s.. C'.if. jT.ft fcf. ser. a. e.o .- 4- Cio. a ts. 4a . s: v R r. nf h e. i k: M K T C. ( rs S i C ( m 1: "" : r r- -tic 4i ; . "Om ir f N. W ( Si . ' g. U r- t 4a .. . S7 . 4f rLn rr. 1 y - . e"i:nt g- 4 . . M "S - U 1 at r l vw-, P- L. a s. r. fg 4s n-, U S ". b. R. W t 4s.. ti Seilrt A L- 4s .. ti I r. '.St 41 . St Co 1st 44 CTff. RH .' khl ; Mt - -a a r 2 ;.v T. 1, 4 w. i, . :,. 1' I'ri.os Pir .Sc 4S . . 1 hll. C UM b I' R 0 4 .. .. S: flnrt 4s 1-ip.n.- rw. as.. 1 r ereei zi hr . . Er.t j. 1 41 M wi, v c gB 4s FT deb B l.l 4f " Wta-.wx Hf .5". oo S r;' kr. W L E. 4 Tt e arre Crauwl 4 TV ..frret. s-:ia. Until t aeka Bead BOSTON. Feb. cert: titr.e loans. r!'F:rg on stocks adj. 4s (10 44 wti. Cetjtrsi 4s Alt Likril Off. JV.C b non a A.usDy... bcs'tiD a ki.M bi'-plj L.e4aie4 .... "f :u tburg Sid ....... Mexican Central .. N. 1'.. K K. a K . t'rltin y'snhc Am- ASfra. C'beia OS ! Am. Pdpu. 7ube Anier. Rugar 6o r?a Am T a T A rtier W' noiea or pre r.tublt.irli 1. a I Edihot. E'r l:la Ciierai F. ieel-ic .. .. ItMB. Kisou-lc Co gtfl MkMS C44 I IilleA FTTllt l li u.0 g M Ao iIA T t istsei Ac ird , Acveoiure Ai.nusi bio- AikeA. i. Call loans. Z MV4 per cent, and lunj: si atiil tgumatsd . Hi AlllDLir a 1' .Eiiiife.ixi . . s, a Hei .4 iJl (it.;r KsLge . l: IilT Weat .... 127 ira.L4.iii. iil OriLl'T l'- Uif Rr.41 . . . , IT.' MaK Mltutig . H'l t -rsB it W 4i4k S" l '.A XKiDiinioti .. Cffioial 4I 1. fll JJ 4 Hi. - i t ler-eul4 4PM Vu:li'-T Fliliil.ora 7i ttiarac-k 74 if'1 SI" a Jw i s: i-w Ik 4 ISl 4 w w kt w ill i. 3f 71. TrmiiT li-w 1 aned C'nj'per , ' I. k M.lii.(... 4t S tiU Ii Itah 4i Victoria . fH Wiiioua Ii.'. sw MVrrlM . . , 4 Nurtlt Umi .. iiu'.re c tialRioli Nevidl i.. a Anions 3-A-iona .mru. . I' i umiie Cauuisa HAHA WHpLESAte MARKET. F53?-Fr-esh seair s erga. rir,d ed. Ific. BUTTER Com-rc.n. i4t : fancy luo ant rclis. -ipiic: creaixery. iloc. CHEEFS Xew tuil cream. Wlscons! twins, 17c; new fill cream brick, lie; do mestic new cam. lor; new bmbuiger, 1. lac; jourg Annricau, ITijc LIVE POL'LTl.y e-f tc; hens. 8c; rooTtera. c: ducks. !.; geese, he; turkeys, i.-,. . ;,.it:.ti. ft.c per dot LKLiitLD POlTLTJiT auringa. fancy. c; beua K ; roueiers. 4c; a jcaa. lie: geeae, kic; turkeja. itiylte. HAT Choice Na. 1 upland. I7jC; medium. tC.ii , No. 1 bottom, XT uv; cif cradta from 14 00 to Xi bu, l.j t straw. 1A; No. 1 al fails, Jll-iiO. VE3ETAJBLES. POTATOES-Per tu. K4T75C fWLilT per tbU IT To. LSTTTCE Florida Lead, pa- hamkar. Ii ((. per dox . 40c. Cl'ClU fcLRS-Hct house. X don, tanew per bcx. r !; I dj choice, per box. ti.aa, IrAXileHES Koi bouae, pet dcien, euc. lAhfLKY-Per dot., ;. FErFEI-rS-Fi&rida, -baaket cratea per ct ate. 4 Hi. PAKf NIPS Old, jaer lib'... 4C.36. CABRCX& A.VLi 1 L RNiPS-' iid, jier bbl. ST. (..; Canaoa Rutabagea. per lb., 3-,c- CAEBAGii Vi iioiiaiid Seed, per lb.. l-c. ONIONS Spanitt, per crate, fc.-at'; Wia cotisin Red Giaoe, r lh., lc. frH ALLOTS-Per dog.. Wic TOMATOES Florid., extra fancy, per 4. basket crate, tt ou; choice, per basket crate. 4; Cuban, fas-i-y. per 4-baakel crate. g4.De. CAVL1FLOU ER i er I-doa crate, lit. HORltERADLifcH Per oui Sue. CELERY Michigan, per buncrt. SffXia. XI MVL'ATS Ovrttig tu ouautv. pe.- ui idc to 4: BRVbSEL SPROUTS, per Qt. 26c. to Kc. STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality. 5fte NAVr BLAJkB Per bu., Xa. 1. Cak, Lima 7c per ib. rKUTTS APPLES Washingxoa Snow, per box. tl iie; Washington Junattians. per box. Ii 75; Waslungton Ron an Beauties, per box. fl 7o; Wasi.irgion Alexanoera, per box. ll.Ti; Washington Blue BearrraiTia per box, II 7; Washiiigton p.ed Cheek Pippins, per box. II 7f; Washington Klnga. wr box. tl.Ts; Washtnrtcin Ba.ley Etitt, ;ier box. 76; Washington Xu. Spya. per box. ll.Ti; Cali fornia R'-d Pearn.ems. 4-Uer. per Kix. 1 av C aliforn.a Be.ief ic werg. 4-ttea. per box. In is. : New y oik Eaiowtns. bbl.. It.iiU; New Tork Northern tpies. per tbi.. 4 .; New Yolk assorted urn-.'n. rer bbk Mas. TROPICAL FKV1TS. iauc y amur TSeliia per bfl T7 ORANGES Fancv T asTiirfrton nsre'a U airea lrr box, BTi. txtra tancy Sun- f. ower, ail s.let. per tr,x. liar; California Tatigeriiica Xua sixe and siuaiier, per bcx, gzn BANANAS Pert 1.1 men. owing to alsa, per ourich, li.uO to 1-1 lag GRAPE F REIT-Florida. 44 and K s'.sa per b x. ICie FIGS AND rATES Smyrna rgs. J. crown, per in.. 14ig"Jc: SrsTTT figa t crown, per !b.. L.lic: sm- rut 3"ss. 4. ricwn. per lb. lorit; Catlfci-ria igs. poxes II. tartona hie; Caiifwiiis riga twiut. 11 car.vns, sue; Caiifoima r'ulk per ib, I'WC; Hahowi dates, pel ii... ar: ACbaaraai Catea 1 " lh.. ac; Sair oate.. i,ci 11 ,.:; 1 .ia dates. 13-10. boxes, er ib. sc. UP.A1ES-Maiaga. vione. j--r keg. 14 00; Malaga, extra, ICaii; extra chclca. ttr keg. rt.St; extra raaiy. extra iitavy. CRAICBERRIES-Ertra lance Eel; and t'ugie. per bbl.. tiu.fv; xlta rancy Jersey, per bbl I.j; extra lamy Jeraty, per oua, I.: i LEMOX& Extra fancy boutnerlanfl Eeauty. Xuv and ink. r re. r box. it.Uv. ex tra ct.oice J ustrite. iJ and run ej., p-r box, li 7ie BEEF CT-TS. Xo. 1. i.TC; Nu. i! lie; No. X. c. L in : No. 3, lot, No. r. liit: Nj. X lie. Cl.uek: No. 1. (Vi No. 1. fct ; 2 0ic P."uxd: No. 3, K, No. 2. kv..c: Xo. I fcc Plate. No. 1 f.c: No ; 4i,c , Na. 2, 4m.c. MISCELLANEOl a CANXEP CiuuJt Co: a. ataadara west em, 7iic. Toniatoea, iaiit. t-pound csna I-vi . standaia. a-pouiid ikiu. y. 1'ice Spfies. vrated, i-pouiiU. feVi'V-.isl; B.iced, riTimi-Xi. tia..on appata 4.&a. ;aiilomi apr-K-ola, ii.i1i.410 ia Peaia. a-iiaaaii. l eactit a. IMriciii L. C putthea. J I ia. Aoaaka aaunoii. red. ... lan.y C la.udok. f at. a ii-, fancy Botktye. Car, t-ii. bardiiK. Quarter cii. . a. three duarlera ii.uiard. a.. Si feaeet potaioea I. a...ri. caueraiaur, kic Pumj.i..r.a uf 4eL.lsi Li 11. a Pcat. i-poutitt. Iik .i.-O. kaaod ttaua a. uac, tauci. XeJkai 4k c aUiVuvn' lA LK1 Eli FB L 1 Tr Pi uiin are wxtiui unaettied b treer oBerirs Iruizi eecoxici laiica w u aetra tiea-i wus uf Hii.4il.g suplit it uaujiiaiabUs graoea S4 -ile-tariona raoe iroxn eo vt at .wr i.a.if ui t.a trull aiad Irom tV- ' st lor Orevxs, peaclitsa art try uiux. w .u. Laiicy i aw aa tjuotea al Xitsc aLijA-R ciaxuietea. caxs. per aack, tiao inaet, ge uv ui loaf, !. . t-lea s:a poa an ea. a-iac itn ai-aiPti. ic. flounuera.. mackerel, lj aii. ptr kali. coobAb. tieau troaa. L j Oota. fi eaii troatu.. u. , aior . ia, 1m. , eiaj gua, 4ic per in., lrjg leg 4. kvc gci ova, g. et. ara . .1 ..t meaw iM. per .k fa.L.LS AM) lALUiw-uiaaii aalled. Ka i, at; No. 1 a. bud kiuea, ac; si oca tiiUilao. Nu. 1. 4c; green ui.aailaq. .r. Jk sc. Aioraa 11 oea. l-.a-ae, a-iee. p.ia taa wg. ati laiar Nu IV: - X wn. NETS -auforaia Na. 1 a. a. wemute. per lb, lTec; iiaportea Tarrajor.a aimc naa per In, lac:, f l.toarta. Braaiis at-d Juu.Uu pecata Uc; burtemuia. p 1 is-. aateCi No. 1 ii. P. oaanula. roaaLea. ac. raw. ac , sailed Luta 11 txix, tu-li, 3 : - ' - f i cLaaUiaiLa la.. li per CCJr FEB-P. oast ed. Xo. Sk 2fcc; Ka Xx a.' , .-to. a. isc. au. ietac F1H lia-lo-c I t, Uc-t. lie; pickerel, lie. 1st, 1 .at, 1. 1.0. froten, lit, wnre Cab, i4lk'; buCa-s. la, buhisaca. aa noe aad dreaaed. i.K . cat Can ci-eea!. j:c. amie ptrcb. 7c, white baa a iH , bca Paaa. -ac, SiJXah. titic. trar-iiiea '; aaige cr a i g ,a lat. bernr.g. f-eaii froaeix ac, a n. trviteu. gaael. I real, froa. iac. By uatxg tbe waraoua Oepart meals af TLs Baa Want Ad Pages you g-et f, rrturns ' at a ati.a-1 tiiK uaa j OMAHA LiVE STOCK iliRIEI Little ClungT iB Pricei Fid for Df iirsble Cattle. EOGS SHADE FIE.XXS FOB BEST Ta Brla Trifle Ma-a Tkaa mm Taea- slay lral laqalry Take tke Available iplr at ke, StTH OMAHA. Xb. Feb. . la. F.eceipts were. Cattle.. Hogs. Sheep. Olt.c.a. Monday A a a. .44 a.i44 v tfioia 'Jiday t.i.. Laun.aia Wednesday ... 4.1ju Three days this week.. ii.;71 aays iaat week .. )i w-4 eame ds t week ago. i.i4 e.ut.e ua a I we ki agj.. iXili fane aays 4 weeks ao. . 34.,k tr'axue Ui. s iaat ytar ... 14.4ii Tl.e fcJciwur.g table shows cet.t. tiogs aoU eIkj. at Soutti umai.a lor tie ear la date con. pared with last year: lis. li'7. loc. Iet Cattle lei .bna 1K4.S.S IklM H.itl fc,i it .(. lA"..iO :.eep rj)j.(i.:7 i.s.!w U..IZ The folivwing table si4ts the average price of ti gi at e-outh .mar.a tur toe iai several aaa. with comparisons: Iaie. i lA .,3j07.;i ;:.. :m ,VK2 Feb. 1 eb. Keb. J- eh. Feu. Fah. 1 eh. Feb. F. b. ft I: lit, Feb. j 4 ox .; 4 AS 4 11' 1 4 ei .. 4 l', ., 4 I'i :i'f t S4 4 hi 4 V r is? , sit i 14 4 Me i it if , 4 . b 4 L 111 t til 11 41. . Is. . :.. .. a. i n, ! 7i C kt 4 k- j 4 til U: 6 r7J 7 i s, i Li y. i n t is-; 4 M Jb, t I M i S 4 . 4 tS, 4 74 I ! 4 I S 4 w.i i .( K4 t K. a. i. ( Ob, 14. . rt. . I 4 cr-H, 4 T' c no, ., 4 11 .. 4 11 4 74 i C ki., a as, I i 40 iM Ik Indicstes Sunday. The official rumb-r ! cars cf stock brought in lodsy by each road was: Cailie. llcs Sheep. Hri. C. M. A Watt. St- P.. . X . I . I . 2 . 4 . .. Missouri Pacific... I'mon Pacilic C. A N. W.. east... 1 Sf 1 to i a 4 X 24 C. N. W . west.... C. Pt P.. M. u C B. A Q , east C, B. a (..., west C. K. 1. ft P S. east. C. R. 1. a P.. west. Illinois Central Chicago GU Western 41 ; 40 I 1 C 2 ! Total receipts 3HT7 IX t The d ISO-tCTtiltn nf ti a r 1, e a m.,m. was utn- eep , as f.liows. e4aoti buyer Uie n l-i ci iitMia muicatea. Cattle. Hogs. Sh j Omaha Packing Co t& 77 Swift at t.c.najcy 02 ;.fig ItTw t. uuar.y yai king Co 7mi t.iij , Armour A- Co i.g (1 t-cw nx( hild at iulso g'r il iX ; Var.sant a Co l l.W lx-Miian a- K.:iti child W. 1. Step:. en 1 H.11 ton ias . P. Lewis Ki Hustrn At Co 4ii J. B. P.oot at Co 1 L. F Hurt 1'3 McCreary a Carey r triam Veri;, 4i H. F. Hamilton ai ..... M. Haarerty a Co k. F. C. ltigtirarn 4 Sullivan i.roe Lenmer Bros ' Shaft r 344 frt. Louis Packing Co 16 Ml inLtrr buyers 3i E71 X.1E Totals .4.0u l(i,f, CATTLE There was another liberal run of calue today. Hit tuj.piy being aorne Lew beau heavier a week ago. xi. poixil 01 u.e utieritigs were auLStanuauy me aaine aa 011 yesitiuay. ilieit waa very iitiit ctatge in toe u.ajaei in any fiuot lioii. la.cai oiabard oeJ men were ail tiler u. deaiiatue liaiiay We.ghl ateera auiu Uicia v cuiiSiuerabie c.ou.petiuon lruiu ainipiug ax.a expori puyera lor Uie cattie iutu Liie ait.ouiii 01 liniaui. prices ruieo. Iu.,y sieady on anything ui t;. a.rao aim 111 auiue (aaa puaaihiy a ai.aue auoi-ger. aa neii 11 caiue to die waiiiieu-up and aiiori-ied grauea liie ruar kel waa aiuw l.-oui atari to liniaii araa mere t HiSLaJii-ei wiiere prices iouaed a littie lower iiiii yeaiaay. on cue wiiuie, lioweier, loe movenititil Waa tta soiiauiy aiive ti.r-ougi.uul anu jruet taiui) tjuoauly duterent from esteraay. 1 he iiLrael fc.1 Cowa atid beuere was geticjaj... tieaiii, cjnuxl to tliunt graces at acarce anil in good enuugn aeu.ana Ui C4iun.aiiu attiauy to SLionai i.iurta, Wime aa uauau ixe lestriclea oeu.anu lur the iiiou-uiii ilIiu Coiiiuioa gi auea eiiacbied buy ers w ai.aue pucca Hi soiiie iiiacaiiues uu toe a ot tieia kitia. Olier.iitia. buwever. were Hot iti large ana tejy.U!ug was oiipciaeu ol in very good acaaon. Yual uuiu Wtie ui l.ux.Leu Swppiy and 00 ra n.aiiucci lu.iy aiuau i.ricea. wi.nt a Vig orous cieii.aaia lor tu.ia, aiaaa. etc., euabied aaicaioeii lu leaiike a Jung pricca lor Uiis tiaaa OI Slulf. mere waa not a great deal doing ia slovacis anu ioeucta. aa ai'.u vtit .iglit ana ue oouiiixy ueii.i.a i.oi at all urgent. 1 1 nea, i.uweve.-, weie i.aul Hiiii on aui ue t cei.1 ctiieriia ak.n3 toe iiiu.c a..iuiia are ;a t try ja.r uta. a-nce am i.e n.aae for tne jwee. Willi lai wrea s all ot-g au vance In ji.lo.u4 Wtiii fcut.lail.ea- I wjoiaiioiit uii ca.iie: Oood to choice coiu-itu a.eeia, U', lair to good Icuiii-lea a i ee : pi iiu,, . ul , connion to la.r I torii-ii fc.ecia. gcioci 10 choice cow a ai.u i.t.itra, M.iMut.iw. lair to good c.'ws arid i.e.lcja ki.eew-is.'; common to lair tc va atiu ne.ieia. a- iei good Ui ti-u.c stotkei-a anu lteoera aa im)4 no fair to gooa siocaera and ltKsie.ia, aA.iW.ai4 iw, coa..iioi. to lair Blockers ana leeuers, lu uv 14. 4. isi. i.t preacxtative sales: BLLF bTEEP.S. li.wa .W4 y) E..4IS. . ik.SU Hf 1 t'Jl . .il li.W. I !; Mi U.sfl i t;, .. ri.wi ; . i So.k-l. : I , A the sveragt 1 t?l Ka At. Pr. Ka At. Pi. ia 34a 4 ia 34.... liv? 4 til la sua 4 ia 3c ita t an 1 4 br ii ia 4 au I tut 4 40 It 4 as k k". i 4 14 ilnil 4 a. A4i 4 41 Ai 4 Sv .1 lie, 4 4a it 14 4 a; U li. 4 tc. Lt iuoj. 4 ti ,a ii ia u g ta rt loan 4 ai. u iia4 g a 7 in. 41 a 13 lav it ii- 4 "a 4 iMV i 11. la k'-k 4 te .i. .4,i t Sv It Ik 4 Ik ill iaat A x 4. 1-eJl 4 7i it ia,. as i- aS 4 1 7! .44 A ay COW 4. 4 171 .a tag 4 sf. 4 !' ku J x.a 4 ifc 37 kai. i t ii 4 aa sa 4 I XJal 4 Ml t imv la u Lie 4 i. 34 SSI I 4i. in K,t 4 lg 4 I ; 4 a. 7 I Jg, M Sal I ai I .1..4I l a, I I"- i 1-li I Sa 2t .wl I 4v A iiij 4 jg 4 i-i H I 4V If Ii4i 4 U, 1 ill ' I :.ut 4 8a it it'll I B 4 nag 4 40 I Sk4 4 S id 11L4 4 4 I A 1UU 4 I HEIFEF.B. It 44 I sv I l-4 4 It 4 4-t Sv ' til 4 J, j t 4.4 A ia. 4 paj, 4 si, j I 3 4414- A 7 a-4 r, j X 7'! A la IV 141 4 u I 4 727 i au A ....1.A7 g ! is 44 I a- 1 tat 4 4t XA i 4 SV 14 a. i 4j. I 7ti 4 a lost 4 fc, 4 tw 4 0 4 .4 4 at XI 47. 4 XV I ac! 4 a Bl-LLe l 3.414 t a i is 1 I 1 l..r. I a. 1 ik' la 1 .i4 4 lar. 1 14J1. 3 1.UV 4 Ml 1 I- I 4T i -iv4i 4 aa 1 iaa.4 I fce 1 17,,, 4 t ITlt I SB i 14 I 4 la 1 ... ik.k t a 1 1471, 4 lt 1 !: 1 x xsa 4 xa 1 iia 2 sv CALY'ES. 4 ir. 1 1 t is; 1 jr 4;C 4 A 1 it.. ( go J Its I Xt 1 JB I aw STOCKERS AN 1 1 FEELERS. I . A of 4 :tl 1 M i 7:it I sf t I it- 4 a i ii a. 3 mi 4 an li ' 31' 1" t4e I as 1 3k 4i I 7L t: 3i 4 ui, i 44 17: t aj 4 it 4 i" 4 IT 4 ' . lu l. 14 -l I ki. I tsi 4 g; se A i4Mv 4 at 4. k Ik i tti, 4 at xt tit sr ' YLTL HNS WYOMING. 7! feuders.. giv 4 rf. leeaers.. tetfi 11 feeder.. "JI 4 .41 iM'itl g. IT ii sts. X li a cows Vitci - r.eiier... ajr 4 u, j, foeders. sjU L. feeners . it. I 7i 4 K I at I ui, 4 il JiisS'pia wre fully up to the re cent lair sieiage ioaty ana the tnree dais i-l'.'!"t-i w.ek its i.e,n t,,triy le.ojn beau heavier than f ,r toe f:rt l.a.f of iaal wetk cur. iia; tie atortn Tiwe has been lit tie charge in t:. quality of tli logs so laT ti.ia Wtek. iti proportion .f gjj I'U'ii:. r ar.d nea .-is being f ui y up to tr.e recent average revcra: e le-J-virta iii'iii aastt'ti n.aiteia at! a l eant y Urti.and Irom i.Hal la.kera were la-aii-a.t..a xr a e.r.ix.4, a- . a au x itj"- rri The Safest Place for Valuables Do cot asMime the .crcat rik of itoriiic your vnluablo? at borue, wLere tliey may W coneninrtl ly firo or carried away by burplars. The place that affords the Strongest Irttx-tion i in the Safety Deposit Vaults of the Kirt National Dank cf Omaha. Safety Deposit Boxe? to rent to ?15.W per year. Vaults open from 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock. Saturdays from 9 o'clock to 1 o'clock. The First national Bank of Omaha Thirteenth and Faniaxa Sis. Depository of the United States, County of Douplas and City of Omaha. Founded 1857 !0 ;8 m 1 sble bogs cf ail weights sld at rather f.rrricr i.gures. The movement was rea son Wj earij. but nong trwaid the riose after the urgetii erotie had ten f:;led tie tendency was toward a lower basis The gtnerai market, however, waa not far from s'.eacy, i.,bly a sl.aae firmer. ' today brought U.K. as against 4. yeateruay. ana the bulk of ti e offerings sold at M liHet i. as against 4 .U4 ia j ester day. Bej rtacntauve sales: Ka A k. P Ka 4. gk yv. 77 ISt k IK 74. 444 ... t ir, r: it a 4 e 4 4-4 ttb 411, a ! ... 4 . 77 t.j .. ma 4f !" SH 4 sv ?ti gS xa. 4 at, Si DM . . 4 7f ..m; ... 4 in- K in is it s ... a n ... 4 as i a.4 . . 4 k. k: : ... 4 a- 7 . . 4 i-H S4 it ... IS 1 Kit BP 4 .It, 74 4 ... 4 1 l . . IJ, S4 Iti 4 4 fCt, -I 44 4 U, It 1J . . 4 4 tss ... 4 14 K INS ltd 14 - gt a". 4 1 4- 14 ... 4 7 tbi IB) il 74 ... 4 44 F)4 ... 4 3A ....... 4S 4 Of SO LI ... 4 jj 7k 110 ... 4 B at Big ... g Jg K' SL4 ... 4 04 44 ... , a H Zi! ... 4 t law ... 4 jg 7t X. ... 4 47 gftl ... 4 It 44 1st ... 4W I" i4 . . t 14 M 1S7 ... 4 St M Li r i ... 4 s?, 7i ft i, t u rr in ... ir tv aa . 4 it :s ... 4 s'a, r: git jav tli 7( tfb ... 4 STie rt Mt . . 4 1 m ie ... 4 sr rt sa 4 it. ia ... 40-, t ... 437, 4; lit ... 4 fi 74 tat ... 4 17, Ji. 14 ... 4 S7, 44 iai an 43744 7H 12" 3 40 4 1 tlk . . 4 1-, 71 r'l 4 If 7S 2T.7 4t 4 17, 7;. r . . 4 3 rr tm ... 4 . n e lw 4 ... 4 a 7V 17 : 4 10 I xa. ... 4 i to rn h 111 r.t ti ... 4 (. 7s rt ... 1 go 44 m ... ia. r IM ... 4 it 44 XI ... 4 jf 7 -!1 . . 4 a 1D AS 4 a- 43 HO 4 Mi 7t JM ... lb Bt ST. Ui 4 IS 44 '.'Tf. 41. 4 m H tit. ... 4 1" 44 gb ' 4 ' M r.i ... 4 10 sr. s ;yi 4 ro It !rj ... 4 t 4 ... . 3111. ja 4 . 4 14 ... 4 it 7; as go 4 il UI ... 4 1 4. H3 St 4 XX, p. if ... 411. Sf :i ... 1 a Fl . . 4 II' 44 gas ... 42 44 1.1 40 4 31. SX : ... ( 4k 3 ... 4 10 lag ... 4 M 3M 4C 4 If (1 rj ... 4 ti. HI' 31.4 41' 4 if 47 M ia 4 a, 14 sat 4 4 is 4S arc ... 4 at, 71 IS' . .. 4 1 It r-7 ... 4 jTVa u ra . . 4 11. tt ij ... 4 a, SHEEP Out of the thirty-five cars of sheep reported here today e ghteen double decks ol iambs were billed ir.roi.gri to eastern 1 ceding points and were not of.ered for aaie on Uiis market. Toe inquiry frm local bouses was just about suifjcient to take care of the moderste supply at prao ticaily unchanged prices and while inert was AKiaaiLiy s little weaicnesa shown in the case of iambs carrying much a e.g h t, Uie general trade beid about sieady at cur rent Quotations. The aupply of mutton ewes, yearlings and wet ners was limilea and no iiJotaine change was noted in any direction. The mcQerale number received sold in fair sea son al generally steady prices, so that tnere has been no change lo speak of so far this week. There was little doing In the feeder divi sion, both the supply and demand being rather light. Recent sales of feeding sn. ei and lam hi show very iliue change in pr Ccs than mat of the east several days and anv thtng In the way of feeding a.otk ar lit log couid be safely Quoted sieady at present Quotations. vuoia lions on good to choice fed sheep and lambs Lambs. K 4.ij' 7t; light year ling earners. Is i04 Mi. heavy year .lug wethera fc. !.(.. it, wetiiers, Xi.uW4ja.ik. ewes, 44 orti Mi RenreeeniaUvea sales r Xo. At. . n . m . K . ui . 42 .. II . M . li-l . 71 . 74 . Pr 4 Mu 4 W 4 kX I (10 4 rt I At I 00 I XO 4 Ml C li I bu t (a 40 4i 7 weal era 11 we tern U western 10 weaiern a western 1 western 1T4 western k4 western 14 western tiki w esiern IT western U w estern all western ewes ewes ewes cull lambs lambs wethers ewes lam ba lambs lambs cull lambs wet he re lambs M CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET (attic fteaay Haga Tea Ceata Uwrr tfceeg Straus. CHICAGO, Ftb. K CA TTL& Receipts, COju head; market steady: steers. 1-. Ij 4 1i, cow a. liU(i(r7l: lieifers. tr&''4i4 w, buils, ti i&gl.Sci; calvea Ii-7ia7.(i0, Blockers and feeOers. r 7iHb 4 IS'. HCGS rutceipts. IMKiti head: tnsrket lttc lower; choice hesv) shipping. A444j44j. butchers. 14 4.V&4 ti : light m xed, l4Ei4i.g'1 choice light. H4'V4i.. lacking. I 'iugi4 o; pigs X'i inifcl.V . buca of sales, 14 SHELP AND LAMBS-Receipts, lka head; market for sheep strong, lambs, weak; sheep, 4.2a , lambg, 16 0 44i yearlings, ti.T&iAi.. Kaaaaa City. Lite klark Market. KANSAS CITY'. Mo.. Feb. XV CATTLE F.eceipts, u.Sdt' head. Uicludirig inn ai'ulhems Market strong to Idc tigher; choice exjio.-l snd dressea beef steers, li l.ri.7i.; fa'r to good. H A'siiii; WtSiern ste rs. 14 i 47C . Blockers and feeders. II icy 4. k,, stetra. 14 Iti.; southern cows II tVo4 1U: native c .ws I. 7i'V4.Ai. native b' iferi. ti.aT art: bulls. tr.ri-a4.A1. calves. ti.iVgfi ju. Htios-R.ect ipts. 14 head. M,.rket c lower; top. 14', bulk cf ssie. I .io(i4.Xi. heavy, la. j B' kers. 4 .l'a4 ; and lights. ti7Vp4.2.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. MK) head. Market steady, lambs. Ititl... ewes and yearling. A4 western year li rig a. li 4c4o 4.K., western sheep, g4.rii a; stockers and feeders. IX kmr;4.o. I. Laals Lisa flark Market. ST LOC1S. Mo.. Feb. St. -CATTLE Re ceipts, head. Inducting bin Ttxans Msraet sieady; native ai-lpping and titmrt ateers, li acrt,10. creased teef ana butcher steer li.iiigiS": slrs under 1 ati ltta., tirulai'. stockers and fetdcra. g-ltrj .4 ; cows and heifera. triS'o-ii-i. earners, Il 1a(I Xux. built, l..,(4uc. ca et te iu '. 'lexat ana Inaian stera. ti utr'rja.ia. cow a and beJ ers. li.'.hjr.('0. HijS Rwe'pts. X,t head. M-ke. rteat'y: pigs and iighta. IT. 7Vh4; pai sera. I4iai4 o0, butchers and beat h ai). A4 i 3 4 ii SHEEP AXD LAMBS-Rece pta l.ittfi head Market steady; native muLona. ..iv (ui. a. iambs. V lnti 1 .r. . m il and pje ks, ti utsgiX all. klark la lgkt. P.eceipts of live ttock a. tt.e t'.x principal Wtstsi-u u.arkt is jeatcrday: tallie. Hogk Eheep South Omaha 4 If li.i"o kw. bioux Cily 3 aiu l-.b'Ai Kansas City i..i ' I4O44 11 uuo St. Louis t.iwo I fca. J o,.. St Joept 343 7.04U '.., Chlcagro Xr.lkj ts.ii a 14. 'ts- Totals 741 si . St. 4 ftt. Jaaeph Lite Slack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb It CATTLE -H - e p a 1141 it no. rj4ikl stesoy Natitea. M ikfl 1 1.7. . ar.u 1.. if-ri. tr TO'- 'Ai, atjc aera j at d feroerfc. Ai.l"Cjl4 tH . ho'tra iieteipta '... h a ti : :i.' f.'l:. Top. 4 ( . t'o.S Of la.e. ..... i J. j SHEEP AND LAMBS I., it ., ts latihtad I market steacrt . Lamoa. I,.i a;...a;. yeari.ngA. i ke-Jciit ia.. i aiaaa Clly A-lt e gle-k Market. j FlO-rX CITT. Ia.. Feb 3k if per va! Tele, gran, t CAT! LL l:ec ,pt. lt head. xuaraet eteaay, boevta. lalafba 4a, cas aiid II II o ii n i 1 heifers, TfcittH-iWi; stockers and feeders. IX no 4': calves at.d yearhrre. Ii (kdi.ti. I HtK:9-Rec'epts. t.esd; mt'i'l etesSr to strong, selling st 13 Kln4 .; buik. H iwj 4. I oalai riaalag Slarka. liOXItON. Feb Jfi Ameeiran stcuritlea opened cuiei und etesdy today, wttrt pricea w and H ot er jesteroay s New York clos ing. L-st-i. lit ir,ikei iiikiM heavy and part cf tie advance was liondon closinr st k Quotstlons London ckuiiig ti. k u.tthtinris: Crneuik ainoey g' Mo . Kan. A Taaaa. As S'ount rt-'l.-4 1 nrl C-rtt-al.. . - US ?"S . f:, I 4sa . 3f til e-V l. AttacntiAa Ai biat.n Ar pid I'.ili.ninre a Clio Caii4d.4a Pa-'.tlr Cl."Satiaskl a I'll 1 lrl li-aat W.rari (in Hii a ax r Lsr i-r-4 iNiover a Rio 0... Aa pld Btrie Ao 1st ptd As aa pia Cieaad Trunk rhoii.a Cei.iral Xisairrlll a Kssh .. ttKono'k A Slaaiers. .. ass o ptd . t , ct i a W ee-.e-a a1'. Nrat. li-stila ........ .34 s r.inC Wioaa . " a g taOitif . . a geathem Rallwag .. .11: e . ilta koutbi-a Tarirlr ... .. I t'tilofi Parmr . 44 Ao IA II Tnited glatss Bleat- V ,. rt flr prd S4 . AW Wahask 4, . 14 As Pf4 31 . in goMUsti a s-44 . St Amal. CeiKl An, FTLVFR Bar. dull at its U-ltd per ounce, AluMil--4 per cent. The rate of ciiscount in the open market for short hlli is IS'bi'V per cent; fnr three months' hilia. lie gr o-L Metal Market. XEW TOR.K. Feb. iS. M ET AL-Thera was quite a sharp break In the London tin market, with spot at 4.1 I14S snd futures st gl aa. Ltf-al.y the market was easy arid lower, in symjietry, quotations ranging from l-tt Ci- lo trk ru. Coper de clined ao7 Ijs 4d for spot and to tUnr. for fu tures in the London market. Locally no change was reported, with lke Quoted at F.iii''rH'L.iVV. Electrolytic at j.sJili.7B snd Catir.g at A .illi-ia IK cr- Lead w as un ot anfed. at all 17s t.d in the London mar ket, axd st tT. 7iyti 71. locally. S;rlier waa also uncharged in both markets, being quoted at an 7s d in tr.e London market and at l4.7iao-i.7o lot ally. Iron was un changed to slightly lower in the Lr.giiHi market, with standard foundry quoted at 4He and Cleveland warranta ai i id The local market was nominally unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northem, Hfc.jruyilV'.i'.; No. foundry, notthtm. No. 1 lour.cry. aout hern, and No. 1 foundry, southern oft, tl7.7hj liVlS. 4rT. LOOS. Feb. X. MTTALB Lead, la, speller, M .hi. Cat toa Market. 4 I.IY'ERPOC'L. Feb. at COTTON Bpot la fair demand, prices I points lower; Amer ican middling fair. AYid; good middling, lid; middling. I Had; low middling, 4 6T3: good ordinary , tlM; ordinary. 4 (ird. Sales cf the dsy were ti.WO bales, of which i-W were for speculation and export and in cluded ".Km bales of American; reoelpta, Z7.1 bale, including Iijck4 baies of Amer ican. Futures opened easy and cio-ed sieady; American middling. G. o. C. Feb ruary. 4 i7-d: Febi uary-March. fc.o4S.d M arch-April. 6.6Sd. April-May, ti'S; Msy June. 4.t7id: June-July, lald; Jjly-Au-gusl. t SiV: August-Seplemtr. a 41; Se-lember-Ocix.lier. fctid: Camolter-Xovembtra i lid ; November-Deoemtier, LITHd NEW ORLEANS. Feb. iu tXlTTOX fpot ppried easy and cJoeed firm, with Lnoes unchariged. Middilrg. Uc. Sales. Mi bales on spot, and l.tsii bales to arrive. ST. Lol 18. Feb. Da COTTON Quiet ; middling, llSc Salea. none; receipts. 4il baies; at ipmenta. none: nock, ZTtTTl bales ETaawsratea Apples aad Drie4 rralta. XEW TORK. Feb. it EY'APO RATED APPLES The market is easier and some holders appear willing to grant concessions In order to stimulate business. Fancy are quoted at llViiilc; choice al f7c; prime at 7 iiiac; Canadian at TV:; and com mon to fair at "liTTc. iTunes remain easy oa the SK.t, but it is said thai recent sal- at concessions on the coast have improve 1 the situation at primary po.nts. Looa. y quotations range from v to lie for Cali fornia and from 6c 10 lor for Oregon fruic Apnoots are unchanged., with quoted at Zlnlr; extra choice riiaT-io; fancy. Peaches sre unse tied, wm choice quoled at 3(ivll1c: extra choice. USiiVllc; fancy Hijiiic; and exxra fancy. HriUiAc. Rait.ns aie firmer lu tone owing to smaller stocks. Ixior-e Mus catels are quoled at So7c; seeded raiaina, i4V: Bnd Lonaon layers. II Fare-lga rtsssrlsL PARIS, Feb. 2u. Prica-s aiiowed an Im provement at the otiemi.g of the Bourse today, but trading was irregular. The mar ket closed firm. BERLIN. Feh. K prices on the Bourse today were rather firm upon the favor able bank heranccs and the re 1 ion 4 of buauiesa transacted during Iaat year. Esitnearsl (ar CrawlareL SlOfX FALLS. B I.. Feb. at (Spe cial.) At a meeting held in this city by I the executive committee, of the Scandi navian Pu publican league of South Dakota It was decided to call a genera meeting of the slats league, ta be held at Huron on April I During the meeting of the .executive comrrlitee a reaoluUca was i sd'vpted Vndorrlng Ocifrnpr Crawford, State Superintendent of Public Instruction H A. Vatrud. and State Com misti oner of Schools and Public Lands Dokken The resolutions further recited the action taken by the league in past campaigns and re iterated the pnncrplcg adopted when the league was organ. red Tlie reaolutiotis 'railed attention to the success of these 'principles se far as the arljan of the , last legislature and the state officials are 'concerned. Tlie executixe committee res'-rv. d sction on other rani dalee for con-'rrt-asional and state offices until future meetings. I 3ew Barrarki Ttratl Over. j CHETEXNE. Wo.. Feb. X ( Ejaocial V C. E. McOaney. contrtutc.r, today turned tver to C plain V. K. Hart, contracting quartermaster I". S A., the new imeplial ccs liarracks a4d Instruction hall at Fort j Russell This building cost the gcvern ' ment V ''. snd is one .f ir.e finest at 'the fort Captain Hart is prej.aring ad j vert s ment for bids for an additlanal Il.t. I'.Jto wrb gf cit.ri ruction wirk st Fort P.usst 11. j Atketist la Ntlrtti (stilt'. CHETEXNE, tijo. ftb .-. 'Special k The North Atarri'tu As'e-ftcs company, isjl-al t ock K'v hit been orgamaed in Lanfca C"y, to devtooj. gabestos de pos -s In Xkt.'oia county, Wyoming. Mr-t. Bergeat Ckaeapioa. I XEW T.!'.jv. Feb U.-1-ra S R Bur-'-' retain t i.e i:ti- .t acnian ct-ss 1 ran In 11 cf ineric.a l it'x w. ti the f it n ganie in t ;t aenes erg Mrs. C. h. X x lloiff tf fti: lii ,jrr ?'ea. 1'e Sit'-e I "r.g iu rstrt. '.l j, . ,'.:;. 1 1 ... .., jr A r :-":" 4f-ny l"t . tr Phil.ri Ires , FAN KKt.NTjfeo r.h .r-Vie r nf s 1, m' I. . of pt act f .r 1 ti t'.i te a tr.e 4 r t Pi:, 1 ; ...i scat be on lie 'rti.a. '1. rt Ti.'Trn f I '73 . 1' rrh wfl ts ' on Ki'A L ei ji.t t. nrariv ttofj. '. a iid 4guri Ii to-xec a eriix4 auxu-ry