THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, FEBRFARY 15, 190S. 10 JUIU 'OH I (I 11 II V I C2 I 4 Watcl 4 Windows 4 SPECIAL PRICES ON SPRING ARRIVALS Liirferie Waists every day wear, home wear, office wear, street wear and every occa sion where you want a neat, pretty new - waist. r Many of these new waists are quite elaborate -all sizes are includ ed ehort and long sleeves fine and sheer wash materials in three groups, at 50c-98c-m 4 5 b t patterns as well 3 special lota at Witch thl Windows LLOVER LACES at 19c YARD ..v new oriental designs, also fancy nets reat assortment on bargain square for Tuesday at, a yard VAL. AND TORCHON LACES 19c 4-4- 4- Women's Fast Black Hos iery, white feet good qual ity, worth 10c a f pair, at. . . . , OC Odd lots on bargain square. Many very desirable widths of X edgings and insertions and many new f I 'Zl C Ji Women's Fine Embroidered 4 Turn Over Collars, a Tues- 4 day special, f 4" at......... IC u Advance Announcement Big Silk Sale p )r ' Our New York buyer has secured an unheard of bargain. A 5,000 piece of black and colored Bilks, made In the mills the famous ASHLEY AMD BAILEY and sold at auction in New York. Plain and glace Taffetas, Shantungs, Loulslenee, inch Meteor Crepe de Chines, also 27 and 36 Inch black Taf fetas a splendid assortment. AT POSITIVELY LESS THAN ONE-HALF PRICE 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BRANDEIS 24 to 45 y r 4- L FIVE DOLLARS Buys a good weight Solid Gold pair of Cuff Buttons, with Monogram Engraved on them. We' have other lighter weight 11.50 to f 4.00 others Extra Weight ft. 00, 7.00 to I10.-00. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1510 Douglas Street. St JUDGE OBJECTS TO DELAY . i W. H. Mang-er Shows Tardy Lawyers . Technicality Won't Go. MUST HAVE SOME REAL SEASON Former Senator Mason of Illinois, A t torner in Poller Kina Case, Asks for More Time to r re pa re. J uils a W. It. Mungoc seemed" In fairly good health Monday" morning and was not disposed to encourage delays for technical reasons In sevnal u' the land cases set for trjal at the let: of tlie United States district court. . . Jolt No. 1 came when the bonds of James H. Edmlsten tor $5,000 each were declared forfeited because; of Mr. Edmlsten's failure to appear for trial. A second Jolt was dealt when he announced that the bond of R. W, Allen would be forfeited unless Mr. Allen put In an appearance for trial by Thursday morning. This Is also a land fraud case. Jolt No: 8 was given in the famous Chicago ranch case, wherein Law rence E. King, Patrick J. "Policy" King and F. 8. Palrd were called upon to an swer the summons of the court to appear for trial for trying to beat the government out of Urge tracts of land in 8herldan county. Harry C. Iirome, . attorney for Balrd, asked for a continuance of the case until April, as he was merely associate counsel !n the case. He stated that he had been given to understand by the district attorney that the case would not be pressed before the April term. District Attorney Oon de nied that he had so. intimated, but that the govarnmen was ready now to go on with the cases.; ' Billy Mason Delays tfco Oasse. J. W. Woodrough, associate counsel for Patrick J. 'King, asked for a continuance in the case of his client for the reason that Senator "Billy" Mason of Illinois, who is the chief counsel In the cases, could not ba hers for the April term, because of the primary elections in Illinois at that time and that he might not be able to com be fore August. Judgs Munger was of the opinion that the attorneys bad teen given ample notice. "The court wants mora substantial rea sons and not technical ones before any delay car be granted." said Judge Munger. You should be ready. Why are you not readyT Tha court will give you until next Monday. By that time Senator Mason can have arranged all the necessary prelimi naries for his primaries." The Babcock and Agnew land trials will go over until the April terms, the attorneys for the defense furnishing "substantial" reasons for the delay. It was decided to let the twenty-eight-hour cases go over until the April term,. There being nothing, for the Jury to do it was excused until 0:30 Tuesday morning, CAPTAIN J. S. GARWOOD DEAD Yoana Vetereva of S pan lak-American War Dies After Operation for Appendicitis. ' Captain Jesse 8. Garwood of the United States secret service department died In Wise Memorial hospital at 8:30 Monday morning from appendicitis. He suffered a severe cold a few weeks ago while work ing on seme land cases up In the vicinity of Alliance. The sickness later merged Into lagrlppe. Appendicitis developed last Thursday and he was taken to the Wise Memorial hospital to be operated upon. The disease had gained too strong a hold upon hlra for permanent relief by the operation and death ensued Monday morning. Captain Garwood was a veteran of the Spanish-American war, having been com' missioned as a captain in the Forty-seventh United States volunteers. Upon the dis banding of the volunteer army. Captain Garwood was appointed to a similar post tlon in the Philippine Constabulary and served there with , Captain Wallace Taylor of Omaha, with- whom he was closely in timate, but subsequently serving in another department of the Islands.. His health failed him through constant exposure there and he returned to the United States and after recuperating his health somewhat he was appointed to a responsible position In the secret service department of the govern ment. He was engaged la the investlga tions of the Colorada land and timber frauds, and was working with Captain Joseph Walker at the time of his assassina tion near Durango, last fall. He was then called to Nebraska and has been working In this state since. He has been in Omaha about two months, and was regarded as one of the most efficient men In the ser Ice. Captain Garwood was an Iowan, and Is survived by his wife, who was at his bed side at the time of his death. vHta age was 84 years. (Bstabttsbed 1679.) Cares WbJU roo Sleep." WhooplngCough, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Dlphtharia, Catarrh. CoatliUsocm can be placed In a rem edy, which for a quarter of a century naa earned nnquaunea praise, jteauui nights are assured at once. CraUa h a Dooa to Atthmttka W tttl fa atv Oresolea Antherttlc Throat Tablets tot ibe Irritated. trut, of four 1 ruitKfet or from us ianauipa. lbs Vtpo-Crorfcat Co, ISONdMSt.K.. FIGHT ON PRINTING BILL L. J. Qnlnkr Questions Aetlon of Board and Seeks to Enjoin Payment. Payments of warrants amounting to al most tl.OOO to Klopp It Bartlett company for work done tha county probably will be enjoined by an opposing printer, who as serts the Job was wrongfully let by the county commissioners. L. J. Qulnby, a printer, and his attorney spent the forenoon in the county clerk's office Monday looking up the records In the case with the intention of starting suit to enjeln the payment of the money. The warrants cover supplies for the county comptroller. th county assessor and the district clerk, and they were ordered last month outside the regular contract and without advertising for new contracts. The matter came up during the factional fight In tha county board, Brunlng and Tralnor asserting the supplies were ordered with out authority by the three majority mem bers of the board. Tha other members of the board excused their action by aaytng all the supplies were in the nature of emergency supplies which were not covered by the regular contract. They claimed to havs secured a low figure for the work. The basis of tha proposed injunction will bo that tha commissioners have no right to buy mora than M worth of supplies without advertising for bids. n Shoe Sale Extraordinary llanan's Ladies' Shoes at 25 Per Discount From eight o'clock Monday morning our staff of salesmen bad dlfflcuty In waiting on the crowd that this sale has drawn to our store. The people of Omaha know that when we advertise goods we have Just what we advertise. For Tuesday we will continue this sale and we would urge you to take advantage of this reduction. These shoes are all fresh hew stock, made in patent kid lace, gun metal blucher and button, double sole kid lace, and are worth $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00. Complete line of sizes and widths while they last, at 25 Per Cent Off 300 pairs of Armstrong's Ladies' Oun Metal Calf, button and lace, Shoes, that sold up too 1 AA $4.00 per pair, now UU 100 pairs of Oun Metal Calf Shoes, in button and lace, all sizes and widths, formerly sold at f C $3.00 a pair, now tSmD Drexel Shoe Co. 1(11 Firun SI SPRING QUARTERLY iSf&oTBiEr"".. TrmTTXTTrasTpffW TO) A 7. 1 bU7kJaJ laA- 1UZJ&Ai CONTINUATION OF THE ASHLEY BAILEY COS AUCTION SALE OF FINE SPRING SILKS FREE n V rKTTIOOATS MADE FREE TO YOUR MEASURE, PER FECT FIT GUARANTEEDFROM THE ASHLEY & BAILEY STOCKS OF BLACK OR COLORED SILKS. - a nrt tiati mtTUtiri A T CTT TTQ 27 inch Black Guaranteed Taffeta Silk worth $1.00 jf J) l uuw s yci JIIU - SOME SNAPS FOR TUESDAY DRESS GOODS. Moreen Skirtings, all shades, Blacks, Browns, Pinks, Light Blues, Greens, Navy sT f sSfw 60o all wool Dress Goods, all col ors, AlbatroBS, all shades Serges, Henriettas, etc. per yard 19c Blues, special yard, NATURE'S INTENTION is for all her creatures to have good teeth and to have them looked after. If your teeth have been neglected see how nearly we can imitate Nature as to looks, how nearly replace her supply when it comes to eating and other tooth uses. SET $5.00 UP CROWNS 22K $5.00 BRIDGE WORK $5.00 Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas Street HAND SAPOLIO It ensures an enjoyable. Invigor ating bath ; makes every pois respond, removes dead skin. ENERGIZES THE WHOLE BODY starts the circulation, and leaves a glow equal to a Turkish bath. Vll grocers and druggist moderate Price CaluinoS C Hading Powder f SW 11.000 00 will be Sims tot aasaA ssssssjanr aubtno inJurioiute h 1th lunndlm CjlurnM. tiZ V Urs, Wlnfilown Soct'alnff Syrup' Ps Yrnx nsrd for otw STTTT-FIS TFAR8 ffl JilILUONS of VOTHKKS fT.r thir CHIIJi&i.'S WUII. B TF.ETHINO, with FKRFEOT STICOKSs. ft BOOTHEStho CHILI). HOFTJ NStheOCM8JllJLiT8 til PAINj -L'RE WIND COLIC.sdo 1. tL7Xt reiuenv lor uk Aiutmji. a. sum uy ifrtiiffnti.ia ftitiry pwt of the world. H sure and Hk for "Mn. Wins bar 1CJ Hoothlnir Syrup." and Uks no other kliii tea vmttn aoi, 4Qua RnD. ixitj. AM OLD AND WEIi. turan FLORIDA nElORTI. HOTELS CONCS Of LION , . ,St.Aarstfaa ALCAZAR, ..... , Bt. ORMONP . . Orment.-M-the-Bsliiac THCBRCAKCns . . . .Film Ba4 ROYAL POINSIANA . . . Falsi Bmosj PJOVAL fALM fc3 i na wekONiAL Maasau ISakaaia lilaau MOW OPEN. Its MILES NEARER CUBA. Tks saw nil sua aloas Flarioa Kara, ril t ail kna aloas rlar la KaisawKar. caaaaclias wilk rmhipa lar rlaaaa ass hjtj Waal, ahaf Jaaaarr 1 lh. tm lafaraaaaoa Mase wsc boa. apaea la Maapias aad parlac can. -i Wrua ar apolf M FLORIDA EAST COAST ISO Asaas ST. 843 Fitm A vs. CHicaew ni Veaa ea T. Aueoanat. rta SOME SNAPS FOR TUESDAY WASH -GOODS. 32 inch Fancy Check or Plain Ginghams. These will make elegant petticoats, fabrics are made up of the latest spring styles s2f fast colors per yard SOME SNAPS FOR TUEDAY DOMETIO. 18c and 16c Fancy Cretonnes, and 12 He and 15c Shirtings, blue and Denims, all styles, fine qual- black Twills, with fine stripes ltles, Tuesday St aT or dot ttt per sJi-Br per yard OV yard 2- LADIES' SUITS SPRING'S BEST ONE-HALF THE NUMBER ADVER TISED SUNDAY ON SALE FOR TUES DAY. ASSORTMENTS AND STYLES ARE SPRING'S BEST. SELECTION, IS IN EVERY SENSE, AS GOOD, BE CAUSE THE ENTIRE PURCHASE IS MADE UP OF SUITS THAT ARE ONE OF A KIND: HQM 1Q.50 LaXj and lQ Shoes , and Slippers Still too many winter and early spring shoes here and they've got to go. -' v " )5.00 Auto Boots, patent colt and gun metal 'calf ' $4.00 Oun Metal and Colt, Patent Kid button and lace shoes. .'. . Jvl BAXBTTXZST UTENTSK SX,XFFEW.3. All our $3.10 and $4.00 beautiful Evening- Slippers, Pumps and Ties, patent leather and Dink, fx rm blue and white Gibson ties Mmtmf f 2.69 Men's Stiff Hals Values up to $2.50, .1.98 Values up to $-4.00, at , Bennett's Big Grscery Headquarters for the Bait Tai nts In Trash moaated Coffees. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb. pkjr. at S8o And 80 Green Trading- Stamps Tea Slftings. lb. nktf 16o And 10 Green Trading- Stamps Teas, B. F., Japan, Oolonir, Gunpowder, English Break fast, pound 48o 40 Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb. can 34o And 20 Green Trading Stamps Diamond S Chill Sauoe, bottle SSo And 30 Green Trading v Stamps Armour's Chip Beef, Jar 14o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pecan Nuts, lb 80o And 20 Green Trading Stamps Pineapple Cubes, can luo Shrimps, can lOo Safety Matches, doz. boxes.... 8c Bennett's Capitol Maple Syrup, quart can : . . . 48o And 20 Green Trading Stamps Batavla Corn, very fancy, worth 17Hc, to close out ...... laVio Doxen cans : S1.35 .fa 1 " 11 liSar 1 ii i Phone Douglas 1T73 DIPPY! DIPPY! DIPPY! Have Yours Silverware, Chafing Dishes, Candle Sticks, Heirlooms, Tableware, Old Clocks, Brass Beds, Chandeliers and Fixtures of all kinds, Jardinieres, Etc. In fact we make Everything in metal "Good as New." Omaha Silver Co. Kemper, Hemphill & Buckingham Silversmiths All Kinds V Between Far nam and Harney IPIlsitlfiinigj 314 s. ism Li a teat THAT GROW s NEED ANY? SEE THAT THEY COME FROM THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. City Salesroom 1613 Howard It. OMAHA NRQ Oeaeral Office and Warehouse iaoa-10-19 Jones WX. vyl Irtllrti n a as FLORIDA! From C. ft E. I.. LaSalle St. Sta.. Chlcao. to latktontilla sod tit. Augustina. carrying Big gage Car, Coaches, Sleepers aad IHuiug Car. Dixn Fuvtu. All year. Lssves io.o p.m., arrive Jacksonville J.So second morntng. Liaylight rule through famous baUle-nslUa. FVORIDA LlMlTtO. Winter trala. Lss-. U.4S p. ni.( arrives Jackaonville US, St. Ag aiioea.yait evcDiug. Only eu nigbl out. HiT0RIC AH0 SCENIC R0UTI svertaa Nashville, Chattanooga acd $t Louis Railway Far ilaavins car resarvmuoaa, adaraaa r. C SWEAT, W. r. A., Itauk el Coauaaiii ttitty, St. UxUa, ate. ENAMEL FILLINGS Just Like the TOOTH A durable substitute for fold or allver that does not show If yeur teeta are missing we can im wi space without plates or brtdge-wora by our AlTSOia ayswaaa of DeotlsUy. Loose teeth made solid. VAUrUSS OVXBATIOBB. BZVUT WOt IstaMkkcs rn nnnnmiDV nontitf ISBBFarnam. Lafla UIi-f.fc-"i-Wa f tbt.wt -h.M Daai. I7i( No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads .Will Get It Don't Wss Tuesday's Bargains Something ex tra specUl every day this week v 111 mm THK RELIABLE ttTRI Watch Our Sixteenth St. Windows White Goods and Linen Sale In Our Famous Domestic Room 2 rases of white dotted swlss, regular 25c grade 10 2 cases of white mercerized poplin, regular 25c grade . . . .10t 3 cases of fancy white goods, regu lar price 19c, 25c and 39c, at.lOct 1 case of 12 Vic English long cloth, at 7W 1 case of 25c Persian lawns. . .Ma 1 case of 12V.C India Hnon..,7Hg 1 case of 19c 40-ln. lawns ....7 Ha 1 case of Shrunk Muslin. Irish linen finish, l2Vc grade 7Wg 5 cases of long lengths of dotted Swisses, India llnons, fancies and worth 15c, 19c and 26c yard, will go on sale at. a yard 5r High Grade Linen Department CO pieces 75c all linen table damask, per yard 48c 50 pieces bleached table damask, 2 yards wide, all linen, $1.25 value, per yard C9 100 dozen dinner napkins, all pure linen, Belfast manufacture, $2.76 qpality, dozen 81.50 60 dozen good size silver bleached napkins, all linen, hemmed, $1.00 grade, per dozen $1.19 Grand assortment fringed and hemmed huck and damask towels, 15c Qual ity, each Ot Special full size fringed bed spreads, heavy pronounced pattern, $1.75 quality, each ........ It . ...08 High Grade White Goods Sale $1.00 genuine hand embroidered, Im ported Swisses 65? 85c St. Qaul Swisses 50C 75c St. Gaul Swisses 45c C9c St. Gaul Swisses 30C 69c St. Gaul Swisses . , . . .V. . . .35 All 39c fancies , ....'.25 All 50c fancies 35 C All 60c fancies ..48c .WEDNESDAY. Laces and Embroideries. See Sixteenth Street Win dows. Watch Tuesday Even ing Papirs. THURSDAY Muslin Underwear Grancest bargains ever offer ed. Don't miss this sale Men's, Ladies', Children's Hose On Sale at Half and Less Real Values. A solid car load of Hosiery, secured from ""nS;. importers and manulacturers at a tremen- JT ai dous bargain. Ladies' 50c Imported Hose in allover lace or fancy embroidered, on sale at 2fta Ladies' 39o Hose 19c JyJ? iaoies' Z3c Hose 10c Men's 25c half hose. In blacks, tans and fancies, on sale Tuesday pr.lOc Boys' 19c hose, extra heavy ribbed, on sale at, pair IOC Misses 26c hose, fine ribbed, snap, at, per pair 10 Men's heavy Rockford hose, on sale at, per pair 3C 3tf From O Till 10 A. M. Children's heavy hose, in all sizes with double knee, heel and toe, regular 154 qual ity, at, per pair OC From 10 Till 11 A. M. Ladles fast black hoBo, regular 16c values, with either ribbed or hemmed top, on sale at, per pair .5 Specials Tuesday in Our Mammolh Grocery 21 pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for . 31.00 10 bars best brands laundry soap 25C Fancy assorted cookies, 25 varieties to select from, for this sale, pound. 10c 2- lb. can fancy sweet sugar corn. 5 3- lb. cans solid packed tomatoes.gc 10-lb sacks best granulated white or yellow cornmeal 15c Fancy full cream cheese, pound. 15 All fresh vegetables and, fruits at Sunday's advertised prices. 1 OIIAXGE9 ORANGES ORANGES Closing out the balance of our 7th car Tuesday. These are extra ancy large, sweet and Juicy. There are none as rich flavored as the Highland navels. Tuesday per dozen 7 Ms, lOc. 12. 15S 17 M an 20 The last week of the big Harness Sale M HAYDENS' -Sm Money Back-Cut Prices MI)..lWMlJltLiaar-"-'---lllls-WSjQjS Here's the difference between our price cutting and others. We cut prices on high quality goods, to the end that you may become better ac quainted with us with our new store and with our complete stock. We will refund every cent paid on any article purchased at our store, if not found entirely satisfactory. Mirrors French bevel plate, 76o else, at 89o Mirrors French bevel plate, BOo else, Bobber Olovss 'Regrular 7oo and $1.00, at 39o fountain Byrlng-es Regular 76c, at 49o Hot Water Bottles Regular f0, 49o Bath Spray Regular $126 C6o Mirrors French bevel plate, $1.00 sis, at , 890 at 89o Wnlsk Brooms Very best quality, to to , , S3o HOWELL DRUG CO. 207-9 N. 16th St. Phone Douglas 247 Hotel Lcjil Bldg. - - SSajajBJBJBJSJSatBS'SJWssSsWs Now that the time for coasting and other Winter Sports is at hand, we want to speak a word of "WARNING with particular reference to COASTINO. 1. . On all streets on which there are street car traoks and on all hills which cross or terminate on streetehaving street car tracks there is CONSTANT DANGER to those indulg ing in the exhilarating sport of coasting. Men and Women, as well as boys and girls, have lost their lives or have been seriously injured by dashing into moving or standing cars on their sleds or travelers. PARENTS: Why jeopardze the lives of your children by allowing them to coaat where the hazard is so great, when there are so many places in this city of hills where this sport may be indulged in with perfect safety? ASSIST US IN PREVENTING ACCIDENTS. OMAIIA & COUNCIL BLUFF STREET RAILWAY COMPANY 4