THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 190S. LirB AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOM 5. KELLY Manager Life and Accident Icut- nients for State of Nebraska, Tha . Trailers tmraranoa Oompu; Hart fort. Conn. tlO Ree Bid. Omaha. Neh. HOMO KtHMSIltHS Feat her ytar nest Mt-yviA rwnr.LA.s a fcrnitirh If rott desire food of Ugh quality, lw -prloM aaA . uj terma, It be-fcoo-rea ym to trad ai THE PEOPLES STORE lSta Ul P ABB AM m, PIANOS HIQK CLASS PIANOB Beaeonable Tumi Large selected stock Of Weber, Mahlln. Henry and H. 'A O. Llndeman, Foster A Co. rVhlller. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. MfgTS. and Dealera 1513-18 Hnr. Omaha FIASCOS Everything In Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 DcuqlasSt., Omaha PI A If OS J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers' Cut Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 10t-S He. 19th St. Omaha. Nab. - Tat Rad 2841. PIANOS ICKMOI,LIl kvelmb riAiro oo. PIANOS Muututurwi aaa Dnlm la ' Klrh ' Oxada Piano her N PlanM ta Slack 1I11-111S Farnam St. Omaha, Nh, MIT9IO DY MAIL Illustrated Music School, 1611 Farnam Mualo by Mall j- i,ss man iua Eight different courses. Investl- vat thfn ih. store of the Pei-fleld Piano Co.. Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Columbia Phonograph Co. Nia Moulded 25c orda te fit an) der Talking mivae i ou away money If yom pay itior. ion ruwu ITBSIT G I vara. Robber Gooda and Drnii,' PteaoripUoa Aocureoy Guaranteed. Pyrin gee. Rubber Goods by Mall, cut prioea. Sand tor free catalogue. Bend ua yout rr.ib uayour mau order for drug. tot cam oil lis iota. Ufw at cut piTcee, re at nit nrVee, lOo drira. la. Bsyava uiuoa sx Srojr Oo. Banati P. AIBTl lj1iendPai,nam. 141 Harney. CANDY Craftsman s , Guild Confections old by obobqb booxbb, BREWERIES Always Aak for IMz Bros. Brewing Co. F AMOCS KEG AN& BOTTLE BEER -OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. dribx puma, btahkxxho watxb - it usnro Mia. ovmx watsb FiLTZBa. . C. II. OUBER, Mfar. U01 7 an am St, Omaha, TELEPHONES lf OMAHA 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES. aoBiBBS and smippbbb or PHOTO SUPPLIES LABBBT BOUSB ' IN TUB " wiai. The Robert Dempster Co., Illl P A TWAM ST. OMAHA. SHOE RF.PAIRINO Stamford Shos Repair Co. 1S04 F ABB AM We do the work right, phone Doug. TUT and wa will call for your work. W, anil polish, lacea and shoe special ties. CLEANING AND DYEING. We are head I'jnrtere fur ail cleaning-, dyeing-, pressing- and ro(airlca' u( la diea' una tnl.i'rrn'l cioihlnv. TODS TBAOIl BOLICITKD THE WARDROBE Il Pamam Branch Office. 1TII Iaaveawortn. Telrphone Dous. LAVNDRIES C1W WAT" We don't Iron ahlrts at all. Wa preea thsm. Thla slvea au attracttv flulab without wearing out the llnrn. ajTAJIS . STXAJC fcATirSBT Kt. 1ST. AUaa B. Hamilton, Mgr. til B. lim St. TaL Dooalaa SM. THUNKS'AND LKAT1IEK GOODS JPV. TRUNKS S'M.lltv Soli Cvs, lags and list Packet Boaki TtUCiQ t STtXUl MJ See. tMC. km raraaa rtRNITLRE AND CARPETS. ORCHARD ,& WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the prico and in the quality. SURETY . BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Mom Company with Aeeeta In Wrbraaka. 314-318 BBW YOBK XOTB BTILDIWCf. Telephone Douglas 552. MINES aIT) MININO For Information, oonoernlim lasiU mata mlnlns In Brttlah Colombia, addieaw F. II. KNIGHT' 3POKAHE, WASHIVOTOH. ' MONCMFNTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock In the West J. F. BLOOM ra CO. 1815 Farnam St. Omaha BANKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA Capital and Surplus, 11,100,000.00 BANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United States Depository Ifrth and Farnam Ste. RANKS .OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAKA. Capital $1,000,000 DANKS J. L BRANDEIS & SONS e ANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAViGT BANK ISth and Deuglae Ste Omaha OFFICE FURNITURE Dest Selection DESKS OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Farnam Sts. 1 INCORPORATORS LET BXFSBTS Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Good Fropoaltlona. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. SI 4-31 8 WW YOBK LITE BUILD IJTQ. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY LU ajSIS DAY OP SPKCIALISTB you rtAMim time and money aelectlns your help. Wl ABB SPBCIAXISTB The bea ability In the city la Hated with ua. Qlve ua your needa let ua aaalst you no charge to emoinvera. WIST, KIT, k BOWD ABS1T. Bntt 73a H. T. Life. Tel. Dong-. 4383 REFERENCE AGENTS HIGH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. ' Inc. B. U. CLOytb, Gen. Mgr. Suit 404 Bee Building-. I5KFKKEXCE AGENTS. SCOW WOULD YOU LIKE ZXPXBTB to secure your help, aavlng you t!m and money. Competent Clerical. Sale and Technical Help furnished em ployer, without charge. GUABABTEB BZP. A BUB STY CO, 'Phone Bed. 6444. 633-4 Brandela Bids'. OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies ZrerytMnA- from a pin to a Films Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and yjitaa Eta OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES PiUnr Cablneta, Tllea and Led fere, Office Plxtarea and Supplies of All Xlnda. Anchor Publishing Co. 308 B. 19th St. TeL Dour. SSea. TYPEWRITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Eaohanle 1SOT Farnam Phono Dona. COS AUTOMOblLKe AND SAFES J. J. DERIGUT & CO. Wholreale And RetU Baifa and Automobiles 1014-1818 FARNAM STREET Mail Order. Ndeelty and Prem. Gaads. WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOKEBS ABD DISTBD3UTOBB Wholreale Dealers In BOTBLTISa, PBBAUUM OOODS Mall Order Baptulaa ef All BimAa tret Claaa Aaaote Wanted OMAHA, KJCB. Making Omaha Known la such campaigns aa that now being conducted by the Real Estate Exchange, the Commercial club, and other business organizations for the purpose of making Omaha, Its advantages, resources and oppor tunltlea for Investors better known In the east, the value of Individual effort, along well-defined lines, Is ' too often underestimated. The merchants of Omahtf, S) for Instance, have It In their power to secure, without the expenditure of any considerable aiSount of money, the bent .kind of advertisement of Omaha In the east that it is possible to obtain. It can be accomplished by a combination of business and hospitality. Proprietors, managers and buyers of the bl busi ness houses, both wholesale and retail, are already in the east purchasing their stocks for the summer and fall trade. The total of these purchases runs' into millions and eastern Jobbers and manufacturers are ready to bid liberally for this trade. Let the Omaha merchants make it a condition precedent, it necessary, to placing their orders that the eastern man, become the guests of the Omaha business men , during Ak-Sar-Dcn week next fall. Firms like M. K. Smith &Co the Byrne-Hammer Co., Paxton ft Gal JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS H J .STILLING. DlasMad Kxaert Watch. Clock and Jewelry RepeJrlna:. Bpeclal attention to complicated and Intri cate repairing. A I 1 work iruaranteed. Boom S Paxton Block, JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafson H Ilenricksort nooessors to P. B. PXOSKABT ft CO. Jewelers (SL Watchmakers 1814 Capitol Arcane. PHOTOGRAPHERS FEW ZaOCATIOV WBAD BLDO. 18th and Farnam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOVTH loth STREET MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive Millinery 517 SOUTH :6th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY MATTHEWS OBIQIBA& PATBLBBB DBBTTTST Laxf eet and Fin est Dental Offloe Wast of Ohloa-o Bult 4. Buahman Blk.. 14th and Dons. 1IA1H Sl'OIlK SEE MONHEIT'S BZCLUSIYB XAXB BTOBB For Bverythlna La Hair Oooda, Hair Work, Hair D reeling-, Switches, Wlgl and Topees. 1411 TABNAM BT., OMAHA, BIB. Telephone Donarlaa 8333. OPTICIANS Tha H. 1 Penfold Co. WB LEAD. OTKXBS FOLLOW BCZZBTLTIO OPTICIANS Bee Our Hew Torlo Lemaea 1401 Far nam Bt. Onmha. Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Watera. Imported Olive OU Direct Prom Italy IS. 25 per gallon. Special prices to dealers. Agents 'for Huyler's fine candles. Fresh dally. Agenta for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Kyera-Dllloa Srof Co. 16th and Parnam. Eaglaeer and Mfar. Machlalat. P. MELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS MAHUPAOTUBIHO AJTD BB PATBIJrO OP ALL XTVDS) OP MACBTKXBT Breoting ead Consulting BnglneeM N. E. Cor ISth and Howard St., Omaha WAGON BI II.DERS ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WILKOsi STLAM BOLLB CO. Higra. el Tab Ur rise ! Mrc Bellrrt Vll ane w.irr laaaa, blacks aa4 Brrrtaiaf Factory 19th and Pierre Sts., Omaha HI A t'HINER Y SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEHMER. Headquarters for Brery-thing Bleotrloal Ballway, Steam and MLU BuppU.e , prompt Shipment and BaUalactlon Onaraateed. 1218 PARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY rasseuger and Freigbt Elevstors aCPPLlCS and REPAIRING jgj Deaglaa SSST. 1S4 BT. 1MB Bt. lagher, Klrkendall ft Co.. Brandels ft Sons, Kllpatrlck ft Co., The Bennett company, and the other big whole sale and retail firms of the city have a seductive argu ment to present to their eastern business friends, If they will but make it. The men at the head of the great manufacturing and Jobbing houses of the east are the busiest and shrewdest men in the nation. They know, most of them, that they send an immense quantity of goods to the west every year and that collections are usually exceptionally good. They do not know, except pos sibly by hearsay, of the sources of Omaha's com mercial, financial and industrial prosperity . and stability. It would be a good thing for those men and a good thing for Omaha It they could be Induced to visit Omaha when the fall festivities are in pro gress here. It would be an eye-opener to the eastern men and result in giving the city a publicity boost more valuable than could be secured by the mere In vestment of money. Every retail and wholesale mer chant in Omaha can aid in this campaign. Omaha must be known either as a large town or a large city. To be a large city it will be necessary to have the east know us better. Invite your eastern business friends come out and watch Omaha grow. PLUMBING SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. BALFE FLTTHBri-rO, HOT WATBB AJT9 BTBASC HBATINO Gaa and Bleotrto Plstnras Bepalr Work a Bpeolalty Tat. -Dons;. 74B. 1807 Howard Bt. CLEANING AND PLEATING Pleating All Kinds ....DYEING AND CLEANING.. RUCHINQS. 3UTTON9, ETC. en1 for price Hit and ewnplee IDEAL PLSAT1NO CO. 801 Doug-las Block, Omaha, Nab. CORNICE WORKS Cornice a. J,e8. Steel CeUlnra B. L OABTBB HHIT MKT AX, WOBXS Flnlala, Metal Booflnr, Tanks, ky. liffhta. Sheet Metal, Fire Proof Win dowa. Xrfurg-4 Stock oi Metal CaLUas' 171S-20-22-24 8L Karya Avenue Tel. Doug. UH. ! Omaha. ELECTRIC RJGN a BB US FOB ' ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TXL. DOUGLAS 1068. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND OAS Gas and Electric Fixtures Wholesale and Retail BtRCESS-GRAXDEN CO. Tri.Desa.ttl " 1118. ISth St. GAS WATER IfEATERS Why heat tip your coal range last to heat water when a Gas Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few minutes. We sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STRKI, Kill 4.VING, PRINTING. ETC KOTERA (St COMPANY Steel and Copper Plat En graving. Embossing' and Printing ISOt Jacksoa SL, Osuka. Nek ENGRAVING eSCJEnrnsirs HALF-TONE & ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING : . I t)K1 (tjarpw ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER W holesale a4 lei til Dealer la PEED FOR ANIMALS TeL Doug-lea 1143 S0U3-S-7-B-11 N.loth SL, Omaha KKKD FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Waolaaale Kay, Bras, Oats, Peed BEST OKADISS OP COAL. Office, ceal Yard and Oraia XUratos TeL 1411. ntl Nteholas Bt, WHOLESALE SHOES Hayward Bros. Shoe Oo.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR HAS PBOTBB BBBT BY TBBT. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Mores. Pack and Stores Household Oooda. in the East RESTAURANTS. DESIGNERS. Lei us DRAW you a DRAWING that Will DliAW you trade. H. O. BUNNELL Aj CO, Commercial Artists 82k N. Y. Life Douglas B141 BUILDERS. The Western Heme Builders Will Build Tour Koine for You and , le Ton Pay for 1 Like Bent 81-39 V. . KATIONAL BAH K BLOCK Phoae; Don. 4803 WHOLESALB AND RETAIL PAINT. Wa are sola areata for Lowe Broet KLrh Standard Palata aad 8. fe K. Jao-A-Lao, P. ft a. Wukote and complete Una of Tarnish Call or write for oolor oard. Myers-Dillon Bitf Oo. DBUOBt - PAINT I 18th and Farnam. I4ie Barney. SIGN PAINTINO. S. D. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of BTery Description 1303 Donflaa Bt, TaL Door. 891S FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BUILT LISTS A BOTLBB CLEAN, DUBABLB, XOOBOMIOAX, W. S. HEATON 1318 BTo. S4th St. 'Phone Web. 80S. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. ' OF OMAHA 15th and Harnoy PRINTING. Good Printing No Job too small. No job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam Sta. PRINTlNp. PRINTING. -II av Root Print ItM 1210-iaia Howard 04. Omaha. Nebraska. Telephone Douglas 1604 PRINTING. Oeo. B. BneU Albert 8NELL PRINTING CO. PABTICULAB PBXBTBBS 10 South 18th Bt Omaha, Hah. Telephone Donarlaa 6744 OOBOB WOAI -I- -- BMBOBSZBTCr PRINTING. Imitation Typewritten Letters. Piaealual PdAtlng, Wo fob Too Lasge s Too ImalL pbjeobs uan ICftOR PtTBLlJaHINO CO. 304 aVo. lbta Bt. TeL Dong. 395S i PRINTING. OO B TIB B J TAL PBIHT SHOP ALL, WORK Aa 0o iUa Vim- Cn.apar than tha Beat. Get our estimates and save money. Telephone Douglas 4S03. Boom 81 U. 8. Ball Bank Building, OMAHA, I I I Baaa ASK A. PRINTINO. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB mH BOOBTBBS OB yUM PVSivaaa WT8 MAU TBB BBBl-BOT HXBH manoum ca CO. REAL ESTATE. GEORGE l CO. RealEetate Abatreota af Tula Investment SeourUlea 1601 rarnam St, OmaJta. Neb. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Mala Ploor, BT. T. Llfs Bid MORTGAGE LO US, REAL ESTATE. RENTALS, IXSLRAXCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. 9H, ana Mil Collect Beat. Bent nanait. BVBAX. BBTATB. Loaa Money en Baal BstaAa, Lt04 P ABB AM BT. REAL KSTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS BEAT. ESTATE. SPECIAL ATTEN TION TO CARD OP PROPERTIES. INSUBAMCE, RENTALS AND INVESTMENTS 2S Dee Bldg. 'Phone Douk. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. DEAL ESTATB and INVESTMENTS Parm and Banch Land for Bala or Trade. 304 B. 18th St. TeL Done. 8563 . REAL ESTATB. G-Room House Bath, Gas Grate and a Corner, 11,800 Hutchinson-BolLard Co. 1683 FAB NAM. TeL Dong-. 419 REAL ESTATB. IF Y0U'wl8h y',ur property well rented and given proper attention, ptve uh the aprnpv. THE MCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1606 Dodge Bt. . TeL Dong-. 41S REAL ESTATB. 0708 H. 84th 8L, Haw 7-Boom House, 8. E. Pront, Corner Lot, $8,6501 5O0 Cash, (35 Par Month. J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandela Bids. Douglaa 1653. REAL ESTATB. J IJlTO- Faiwnam St. Li L REAL ESTATE. 10 Pamam Bt. TaL Dona. BS47 SKimer H Chfxsc Co. BBAX BSTATE, IB tBBTatLBBTB, BBHTAXB, XB8VBABOB BUTLDBBB OP MODBBB KOVBBB Omaha, Habraaka. REAL ESTATE. J. X. DUMONT. 3. B. DUMOBT. J. H. DUMONT & SON BBAL ESTATB, STOCKS, BONDS BBBTAL8, LOAB8, PIBB IBBUBABCE aSOS Tiimu iTmiiT xai. uongiaa bo. REAL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. OTTY BBAL ESTATB. LOAHB ABB BBNTAXB, LANDS ABD BABCBBB "The "Alfalfa Land Men" Main 'lor. N. Y. L. Bldg, Omaha HEAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBAX. BBTATB, LOANS, IN SUB AN CB, BENTAL8 800 Plrrt VaUonal Bank Boll ding-, TaL Sonar. 788. OMAHA, HXB. REAL ESTATE. Mew House 4-116 Dodge Street Modern house of 7 rooms and re ception hall; finished In oak down stairs, hardwood doors and finished floors throughout, Price. 4,7i0. Can make terms to good party. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1S0S Farnam Tel. Doug. S2S REAL ESTATE. D. V. SilOLES CO. Real Estate. Insurance 110 BO ABD OP TBADH TaL Douglas 49. Ol REAL ESTATE. Louis Berka Ohaa. Steig.t DERKA CO. BBAX, BBTATB City Property, Parm Xtads, Loans, Xavsstiueats and Tire Xnavranoe Office: 8SS N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 747. REAL ESTATB. CALL POB) OUB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS SLluO to 91,500 Baoa Harrison 6i Morton MB ar. T. Life TeL Doags 814 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS 8,0MLM0 TO lOil en Improvad airy trtthou?d0fiyd-1,1,,ri0n" c, Cl"-3 W. XI. THOMAS, 508 rraST BATtOBAL llri BLD. REAL F.ST ATE. ERNEOT OWEHT 919 Rw Terk Ufa BaQalaf Builder ef High Class Rosldeaeea Beiarai Brow Beady at sard ead Barney (lTarnam Hill Di.tricl) REAL ESTATE. BENSON a CARMICHAEL Rel EstAte, Cre of Properties, Insurance, Loans 48 PAXTOH BLOCBT, OMAHA. REAL ESTATB. WRIGHT & LASBURY,. Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL tCSTATB. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on rar line, rente at $35.00 - OTSCiV per month, for tfr4iiJ National Investment Co. Phone Douglas 6691. Douglas Block. REAL ESTATE. HOME BUILDER All work first-class, will draft your plans without extra expenso, let us show you some of our buildings now undor construction. .. C. P. TRAVER. Pn 4791, 435-36 B. Y. Life. REAL EST ATM. CHEAP IDAHO LAND - I have :s,C90 acres cf '- ,., n the Unper Hnako KlveralS.;"? interested call or wrte for terma Excursions every let 3d Tuesday t W. B. PBA1TX . Phone Dong, aaoo aai Nviiie Blk, REAL ESTATE. WALNUT HILL Wine-Boom Rouse, sonth front, large lot, water, light, only half bloek to oar. 93,850. Bee us for terma. O'Keefe Heal Esa e Co. 1001 N. Y. Mfe BldB. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payna 8. P. Bostwlck. E. M. Blator PAVNE, BOSTWICK & COMPANY city loans, insurance Mala Floor B. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1014. REAL ESTATB. Russel & McKitrick Co. 438-33-34 Bamge BldgM 15th k Harney Choice building lot, 110 cash. 5 per month. Good cottage homes 926 cash, 10 per month. Modern homes 1100 cash. $20 per month. REAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans. Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1980 PABBAM ST. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. infestmenli, K.ea.1 Estate,, Mortage Loans INSURANCE ' M. j. kennaro a co. 309-510 Brown Blook. REAL ESTATE. Baal Estate Xaanxanoa Abstract of Titles Loans mentals The Byron Reed Company SIS South 14th Street REAL ESTATE. BENSON (SL MYERS 3I N. Y. Life Bldg.. OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town clients. HEAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor New York Life Bldg. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has em clualva agency of every piece of prop erty on his booka. toaae Beaey el Uit tewesl Careeal Sale el Intsrtsl AHSTR ACTOns. S. M SADLER & SON Abstractors and Title Examiners '. New LeeatloB SM Seats ISlk ft, ABSTRACT OF TITLES. NEALE & NORTON AB8TBA0T8 OP TITLB . Twenty Years Experience In Omahl 816 Bouth Beyenteenth Btreet. Bee Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1885 Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance 1714 Vara am at. Tel. Dona'- 699 ABSTRACTORS. IS EED ABSTRACT CO. Oldeet Abstract Office la Nabra.ka, 1719 lanasi Stracl, 9aaha, Kaa. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Gets "trgRR111 Abstract 80S 8. 17th Btreet PUBLICITY DESIGNS F-f ri a-" wit itom i " i CaZDIDI ISOT 10S Be. ma at.