Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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FOR PAt.W Twn properties. M urn r
chsrd. I to 20 yearn old. At water right,
city schools. fn sere young fruit, mod
ern ritore. house., everything first Plans.
George W. Jack arm. Canon City, Coin.
TK (arm ls flnhjr nine mllla from "oith
Omaha, the bet stock market in Hip Went;
Ixi i it SO acres level, rich bottom land.-sal-nnco
rolling but not rough; all can be
J!. Crop last year constated of about
2 fterea mti snd wheat. 65 seres corn, IS
seres hay land, from which two crops were
cnti 67 acrca psstnrw. A creek runs through
th farm. Also the lurllnpton and Mis
souri Pacific railroads cut corner of It.
Ther b a good 7-room house, brkk
TVmndMlon and cellar, that cost about
'fM 4 years ego. Two-rtnry gcxxl barn,
32x40 feet, on atone foundation; granary,
cattle and hog eheVls, milk and Ire riouse,
good orchard and grove: land la fenced
and cfoes-fenred. A good plsce for dairy
or stock feeding purposes. Prlco only $75
per acre If Sold before March 1. at which
time possemnon earl be given.
Thirty-one acres weir Improved, 10 miles
Smith of South Omenta. Land all good;
about' 1 acree In renn. 10 acres alfalfa, 4
acres brae-grass paatur and S acres In
orchard; almost hew1 4-ronm bouse, with
good seller, good well and spring water,
barn about 2rx feet and other buildings;
, nog tight fence around part of land; one
mile frcrm rs I Iron a station; a good small
farm at (Very low price, only 3,i0. Terms:
II. Jo rush, balance 3 equal annual pay
ment at 8 pe- cent. .Possession, March 1.
I. '
F seres, shout mile southwest of South
Omaha and 1 miles east of Paplllion.
This Is known as the Harmsen farm, arid
one of the- best farma in Sarpy county.
Twosets of Improvement valued at I9,Oiio.
Prloe, 1)10 per acre, only tll.tifio cash, bal
ance J22.0IO, i year at 6 per cent. Rented
for .rash thla year.
for further Information, call n or ad
dress. ,, . , ,
oeorgb a co..
1601 Farnam Street, Omaha.
' . . . . (30) M130 I9
TWO snaps In western Nebraska If taken
, before March 1. Close to town; good soil;
level. 411 lie Bldg. (4) M175 26x
K) acres of the best . land In Brown county,
Nebraska ' for ffHM), 8300 cash, balance one
year. Apply, M. Morearty, owner. 437
. Faxton block. Omaha, v (20) M67
TWO snaps- In western Nebraska If taken
before March 1. Close to town;-good soil;
level. 411 Bee Bid. (20) M174 26x
Can You Use This?
' A customer of. our has section good,
unimproved farming land, well located;
should be broken and cropped this season,
that he wants to exchange ftir slock of
Buo(!a, rlly property, or might consider
jniH'.l farm. This land will bear closest In
vestigation. ; '-vTldNAL INVESTMENT
'.' .Mt-BW Brandcls Bid.
() M438 24
sell on premises, at public auction, on
Thursday. February 27, at 1 o'clock p. m
the north half of section 25. township lit,
f .. range JO, Sarpy county, Nebraska, Will
, rsell in 80-ac,f tfacta, on reasonable terms,
, Located 6 miles west of Springfield, i
-miles south of Gretna, Neb. For full par
, titulars and terms call on or address
lec!t ti Calhoun, Springfield. Neh.
. . 20J-M48 25
, Mlseellaneoas.
', - ,
r- Crop payment plan: two crops pays for
land, white the land 1s doubling In value,
S81-W2 Brandais Bidg.
' ' . . - raroM4
ACRES One mile west of Fort Omaha,
balf . mile from car Una. Henry F.
Wyman, 1003 N. T. Ufa Bid.
LOANS Imprrrrad Omaha property
OKeefa H..E. Co.. 1001 N. V. Life Bldg
WANTED City loana and warrants. W
Farnam SrtilLb. Co., U20 Farnam Sl
PRIVATE money to loon on Improved real
esUte. N. V. Dodjf 4k Co.1714 Farnam
: - ca-i4
K TO tM.ew msde promptly, r. D. Wcad.
Wtad Bid.,. UUt aud Farnam.
.... CS)-iU
WANTED-Loans on Improved Omaha or
South Omaha city property. U. a Mort
gage and Trust Co., W. H. Thomas, agent
601 First National Bank Bl.lg a-ent,
mist Mchin
tXWEfl-p RATES Bamla, Paxton Block"
NO DELAY j. n. MiTHEN. 2U3 St
WANTSDOtx loans. Patera Trust Co.
'"' , IU)-CU
UQSSX TO 1OAN Pyn Inyeatment Co.
' " 1 :'- ta-6u
MONEY to loan on Improved city property.
' U2-Mia
'RIVATB mT t loan; no delays. J
U. Bbervood, U-tl7 Btandaia Bid
VVANTED To buy for caan. aqulty in two
oc three eottagwa; no agent. Address H
t'.a. cra Lea. my-4U
I MAVK some Hrst inortage pr cent
twenty-yaa, goW bet.eU wniTh I will trade
..(or real estate. Address E as. can,
' ' ' (88) M4U
VVH have four customers for double brkk
ilth "1?" ln-i.or ,n ood residence dis
trict, also good cottago hou.r.. Must be
cheap. N. J. Dod,,. i;u k.J
r-P-'- " ta)-M477 3
ti.OW TO Ofilarg., eatabliahed legitimate
bualneaa. Audreaa W SS, care Be.
BKCONDHAND feed sacka No amount too
lar or too autail. Wagner, aw N. lbiu.
i - i2biaiai
BECXJND HAND gaa flat, must be la A 1
condition, Addieee O . Bee. '
CASH paid for n a nd clothlnr
sio. ua N. i l tL Bad m a'
WAHTKD-Te brr ' secondhand furniture
i V heating; stoves, carpets, llno-
and'.u0 'ur;,U.ur7i o!d "'W quilts
' l ,ool " tt buy the
ill. Uouslas tt'L 2b M179 M4
. JZ? J, JU cnni m'!t hammer In
tC??'l Address the Dem.rat.
WiftL.frtr fma tor nd-hand furniture!
Hi' . clothuig. shows. etc Red
j a-M4fc4
dresa U 40, Bea. (lsMlMllx
.nM dimirea pic to work for
posra wmie going 10 nrhool. Boyles col
Telephone Douglas 14. (37 til
SBVV'INd WANTED Nfat work; prr
rensunhble. Mrs. Clarence Smith, V-H
iaKe f t (J7 M' M1
lrg. Notlcj Is hereby given llat the
regular anr.uai meeting of the stockholders
of the South Platte Land company will be
held at the office of said company at Lin
eoln. Nei., at n o'clock a. m., on the
fourth dsy of March, A. D. 19o. By order
or inn ora oi lurectcrs. c. H. Morrill,
president, A. B. Minor, secretary. Llnootn,
pivb.. reirunr , IJFX. , r -3O-J0 r
log. Tl-ie regular annual meeting of
pi ock rrMaers in in- Bee pjbi s, Ing comi an
will he held In the office of the company
hi urn jt'u uiiuuiiig. corner iLU and ear
flam streets, Omaha, Nehiaska, on" Mn
day. March a, isos. al 4 oVIock p. m. By
order of the- president. HENRY A HA8-
eecreinry. Fledlut
tialaa PaelsVaw. .: - .,. ....
.... ' ' Ieave, Arrive.
The Overland Limited, .a i:W am a 1'40 nm
The Colorado Express.. a S:60 utn a 8:U0 tm
Atlantio Kpress .... .. aJ0:!5 am
The Uregun Kxuross a 4:111 nm & l ui nn
The Los Angoles Lim..al2:a6 pi a a 111 tmi
me x-p.m. am s;u pin
The China Japan - -
Mati ,'.n,,.,ii,m,ni,riapn f :W nm
Nonh Plstte Local a 7:42 am a 4:45 pm
Colo.-Chieago Special. .a 15:10 am a 7:05 am
utirwe at acroiits- ' - --
burg Local b:30 pm b 1:40 pro
Calcatte Northwesters.
Chicago Daylight.
St. jaul-Uinn. En
a7:2fism ati-jsm
St. jHnul-Alinn. Exp 4 7:10 am alt:J0 pm
Chicago Local.... aU:30 am a :28 nm
Sioux City Psssctiger.. T .'fl am a b:28 ptn
Chicago Paaeia;cr.......a 4 pm a t:45 am
CWcago Special, ....,... t un pitt. a :U am
St. Paul-Minn. Llm. ...a 8:28 pni a 8:00 am
iais Angciea uniuu... pni al2:3S pm
Overland Limited
aw:uu piu a iM am
Fast Mail
Sioux City Local
Twin City Limited...
Norfolk-BnneSteel ...
Lincoln-Long Plna ..
Dendwood-Llncoln ...
Hastlngs-fmperlor ...
Frcniont-Alblon .....
aa:3o pm
..a 3o pm
a :zo am
a 8:00 am
b zx pm
.ft '-45 am a 8:40 pm
. J4fi am al0:H8 am
a g:i in pm a 6:40 pm
a S uO pm a 6:40 pm
b S:0f pm b 1:40 pm
d 6.35 pai b 1M pm
Chlragro Great Western
St. Paul-Minneapolis..., 8:30 pm
St. Taul-Mlnneapolls..... 7:30 am
Chicago Limited :0i pm
Chicago Express 7:30 am
Chicago Express 3:30 pm
Mlsaonrt Paelne.
7:30 am
11:36 pm
8:17 am
11:38 pm
1:30 pm
K. C. & St. L. Txp..
a 9:00 am -a
K. C, & St. L. Exp..... all :1a pin a (:ud pan
Chicag-O, Rock Island A Paclao.
Chicago Limited ........a 3:00 am
Iowa local a 7:0 am
la Moinc Passenger. .a 4:ut pm
Iowa Ijocai . ... i ..bll:Knm
au:o pm
a 4:30 pm
12;8J pm
o : pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex... a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:10 pm a 8:36 am
Rocky Mountain L't'd,.all:15 pm a 1:50 am
Colo and Cal. Ex a 1:10 pm a 4:3o pm
Okl. and Texas Ex a4:40fm a 1:16 pm
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express ...a 7:15 am a 3:43 pm
Minn, ft Ht. Paul Ex. .b 7:15 am a 8:65 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pni a 8:30 am
Minn. St. Paul L't d..a 8:30 pm a 8:20 am
Chicago, MUwaaftoa St. Paul,
ehlc. & Colo, Special. .:a 7:25 am all:00 pm
al. & Ore.' Express,.. .a S.'OO pm a 3:26 pm
Overland' Limited ......a 1:68 nm a H:2i .r
perry Local . a pni aal:u am
6L Louis Express'. a 8:30 pm a 8:30 am
bt. Louis Locak- tlram
Couasil Bluffs) a 8:30 am aU:lS pm
Stanuerry Local. Uiom,
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 gm bl0:15 am
4:10 pm
a 3:46 pm
a 8:45 pm
a 3:45 pm
al0:l& pm
n 4:10 pm
6:10 pm
ali:ll pm
b m am
J0:15 pm
a I to pm
bl0:2u am
a 8:60 am
b l:3b"pm
?:36 am
all:46 pra
a S .ftu pm
8:80 am
11:30 am
ftU:30 am
ft 6:30 am
A 8:10 pm
Denver. & California
Northwest, hpeclal. ..
Black Mills
i a 4:10 pm
....a 4:10 pm
all: 60 pm
a 8:46 am
Northwest Express
Nebraska points ..
NubraKka Express
...a 8:16 am
Lincoln Fast Mail 0 1:46 pm
looom ux
Lincoln Local ..,
Lincoln Local
Sscuyler - Plattsmouth.b 8:10 pin
UhUuvus Plattsinouth.a 8:u0 pm
. 'lattsmouth - Iowa. ...b 8:18 am
.ellevue PlattamouUj.
Dauvar Limited a 4:10 pm
Chicago 8psc4al .'. a 7:40 am
Chicago Express a 4:30 pm
Chicago Flyar ,.a 8:30 pm
Iowa Local .'. ,...a :lo am
Bt. Louis Express a 4:46 pra
Kansas City 4k HL Joa..al0:4i pm
Kansas City Bt. Joe. .a :li am
Kansas City 4s bt. Jos.. a 4:46 pm
Fanl, MlaneapolU
: Leara. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger.... b 6:30 gm b 6:10 pm
Sioux City Passenger. ..a 8:06 pm alO W am
Emerson Local .1.-0 8:46 am c 6:56 pm
MUaoarl Paelflo.
Auburn Ixtcal
...b tM pm. bll: am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun
oay only, a Dally sxcept Saturday. Daily
excepfc Monday,'
Express 1.1ns of ths Atlantic
IMfTtnc tfce meRDar usees, the gmprmn salt frors
Qtwbee ta liTiuvaal; u( sna iuiurlaiu. Mis ban
4 red mlls ef slwlwrea waters ot tbs 8t Lewresoe
klrar au4 Gall. Short ocean trip. Cm this route
snS svat4 sessKasees. Ssmnwr salting iims ao
sstes bow roadr. Aph ta aar ticket scant, or
O. aXsT JAM2M. - Ban. Aart-
133 Soatla (nark. Street, Cluoago, ZU.
Cattle ana sheep Steady Hosts Ten
to Fifteen, Cents Uwrr,
CHICAOO. Feb. 10. CATTLE-RecelDls
0 bead; market steady; beeves, 34.00b.10.'
cows and helfera, xi.7&iu4.80; Texana, XH.711
4.76; calves, 86-2&4(7.O0; weHterns. 400iy4.7i;
stockers and feedt-rs, $2.75i4..
HOO-Iteceipts, 42.0TV head; market 10c
to lac lower; light; 4.o5g4.2S; mixed, 14. Kn
4.30; heavy, 84.Kdif4.30; rough, 4 10i4.3O'
pigs. 83 50jt.l; bulk of sales. I4.15tj1.25.
SHEEP A(D " tAMBB-tleoelpts,- 3,00)
head; market steady; nativee, $3 i'.WC HO;
western, ' 3 4iU6.60; yearlings, o.6uyi.3u;
lambs, ftOjii.Mi .wealarn, 8o,uuu4 SO-.
. Kansas City Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. "Feb. 22.-CATTLE-n-petpts.
Cm) head; market unchanged; choice
extxjrts and dresocd beet steers, JS.10iU6.66;
fair to good. 4JitvOO; Western stwri,
S4.0l)6.35; stoikers and feeders, 8S.25u-4.8o;
southern steers, $3.nni6.10; southern cows.
82.4oi4.00; native cows. 82.fi4i4.7ri; nutlve
heifers. S.8fa3.10; liulle. H.a-tai; calves.
33.76(!.50. Receipts for the week, 44.100.
' I fOOt Recelota. sum h
lower; top, H; bulk of s.les. 84.uuu4.8o;
heavy. 84.154i4 26; paiksra. 34.00fS4.IO; pigs
and light. 13.&&4.10. Keceints for the iwb
.4.0. '
BUEEP AND I-AMB3 -No receipts; mar
ket nominally steady; lambs, $6 SShii sO;
w and yearlings. K7il6.40; - weetern
yearMnga, western sheep, 4.2.iW
6.2b; stockersuid Iwdm, a.5i.6.(iO.
St. I.oala Live Stock Market.
BT LOUIS. Feb. 22 CA TT LE Hecelpta
600 head, li;ludlng 15tt Texana: ' market
slea1v; native shipping and exiiort steers,
a;u.u; dressed btet and butcher steera.
S.lAxu6.6&; steers under l'.un) lbs., $3 75'q4k)'
stuckers and feedera, J3.0USJ4.S5: cows and
imiioia. 83.3606.; raasvrn. l 3..'ul,. bulla,
S3 ik.iu4.tai; calves.; Texas and In
dian men, 63.Mij6.K; rows and heifers.
HLKJnV-Bceipts, Si head: market loa
15c lower: pigs and lights, 117IWi4.&; pack,
eis. 83!j4.; butchers and best heavy
84. V5 4 30. ,
KHEEP AND LAMB-Rcelpts, 600 head:
market aleady; native muttons. It 6drt !
lambs, J4g 7.J8; culla and bucks, Uiivi0.
. St. Jaawsdt Stoekt Market.
BT. JOSEPH. Feb. B.-C ATTI J5-Re-Sfr'TiA'?54
ha,1: nir steady; natives.
8ia'tiAO0i rows and heifers, 83.Sb'a6.0ti:
Blockers and feeders, 33 Kit. 40.
llOiiH-Hecelpia, head; market V
riHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, U bead
market nominal; laruba. Jumiii.tio; year-
Few Poor Cattls Eeceivtd Daring
Lust Week..
ftaas Draa Tew Cents Pari a Week,
Heavy Aalwials Still fanamand
isj Good rrr-mlnm heep
Well Cleaned Out.
SOUTH OMAHA.. Neb.. Feb. 33, lhTiS.
' PeCelDts Were
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Mon.lav ....
OfTlclal TueMny ....
Official 'Wedn.nday
fflclal Thursday ..
Official Friday
Estimate Saturday ..
4.2f;7 3.43
... 3.W4
.... s.orj
.... s.m
.... S.4tT7
4 4
Six days this Week 18,2ifl 49.0O3 2i.4c9
Same days last week.... 18.41 63.JW
Same days 1 weeks. ago.. 17.844 87,4'.!0 33.0M
6ume days 3 weeks ai;o.. 19.748 W1.S20 2.4I1
Same days 4 Weeks ai:.19H4 71,711 19.619
Same days last year 23.743 69,3S:i 41,7.18
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
11 10 r 10 oat compared Wltn laai year.
itaii 1QIV7 Tnr 13ec.
Cattle I4,:t0 173,112 , 24,762
Hogs fiiW .lu S7H 4.17 1X2.302
h'-pp 1M.1B2 247.2W 49.0
The following table, sneers the average
price or hogs at South Omaha for ins lasi
several days, with comparisons:
Data, j 1808 . 1807.,
Feb. 10..
Feb. 11..
Feb. 12..
Feb. 13..
Feb. 14..
Ffb. IS..
Feb. IT..
4 09V,
4 12V
4 lv.
S 7J1 4 TT!
0!j 6 TS)
6 02
6 02
6 n
i 93
I 80
6 o
4 77
a 8i
6 86
6 91
6 bH
6 00
4 81
4 86
4 02H,
4 03
4 10
6 H
4 84
4 85
6 92
6 "4
6 rai
4 m
4 KT.
6 04J 8 93)
6 n
6 81
4 7:t
5 03!
7 nil R 79
Feb. 18w.
4 M
4 8
6 06 7 6 79
rcD, i...
Feb. )...
Feb. Jl..
Feb. 22...
4 W
6 7
6 R2
8 98
6 W!
6 1
e .1 hi
6 981 R M
6 9U 6 8S
6 96
6 2tr
6 trt
I 7
6 821
6 93
4 74!
Indicates Sunday.
Th official number of cars of stock,
brought in today by each road waa:
cattle. Hogs. H'r's.
C, M. & ft. P
w abash
Missouri Pacific
Union Faclfle
C. & N. V., east
r. A N. W., west
C, St. P., M. &. O
C. B. ft Q., east
C, B. A Q weal
C, Tl. I. & p., east....
C, R. I. & P., west....
Illinois Central
Chicago Great Western.
Total receipts
Thfe disposition of the day's receipts wks
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha Packing Co
owitt and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour St Co
Krey Packing Co1
Hill Son
J. H. Bulla
Cudahy Bros. Co
Independent Packing Co....
Klngan Packing Co
.VA-. 18
Other buyers.... ,.
.... 11
Totals ,....158 16,439
CATTLE The Week closes with fho mui
small run and there waa very little stock
ii me yarus neia over rrom rriaay so that
there was nothing doing In the cattla mar
ket. ReCelDta for the waalr font- nn IN Jilft
head or substantially the same as last week
and some 5,500 head less than for the third
week of February a year ago. The gen
eral quality of the cfferlnga has continued
very fair with a liberal percentage of
rather desirable beeves and comparatively
fsw strictly poor cattle. . . .
During the first half of the week the
trend of values waa higher owing to the
moderate offerings and the rough weather.
Local dressed beef men were all good
buyers and prices advanced fullv KVnifce
tha first three davs of the week. During
the latter half of the week with unex
pectedly heavy supplies and blockaded
roads east, ths market weakened off again
and practically all of tha advance of the
fora part of the week waa fcst. Prices bo
Ing substantially tha same as ft week ago.
A feature of ths trade during the week
was the well sustained demand for the fair
to pretty good, handy weight beeves, the
strictly choioa kinds being rather slow sale
at times and a good share of the warmed
up and short-fed cattle going to the feeder
buyers at better prices than the killers were
wiuing to pay. frospeots are fur a rather
liberal run next week and unless there Is a
vary material improvement In the shtnDlna-
and export demand there Is little likelihood
ot any further advance In prices.
The market for cows and helfors ad
vanced during ths first half of the week
and by Wednesday waa fullv 2ta hlirkmr
and about the best of the season to date.
During ths latter , half of tha week
there was some decline but on both
butchers and beef , stock closing
figures rt In the neighborhood of lOUflSa
better than a week ago. Medium and com
mon cows for veal calves has shown littls
change all week but bull, stags, etc., are.
If anything a shade stronger than a week
Only a moderate business has been
In stockers and feeders during the week,
but as a rule ths demand has exceeded the
supply and values have advanced about 2To,
especially on the desirable light weight
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn
fed steers, 8S.0n&t.M: fair to good corn fed
steers, J4.6osi6.00; common to fair cornfed
steers, J3.76i4.00; good to choice cows and
neirers, jastxcu.tio; fair to good cows and
kttlfAM tl .. 9 7K. AAM AH 1
... . . . . ... u . . willllKtll iw iir cuws
and heifers, 32.iftf3.00; good to cholcs stock
ers and feeders, 84.204.76; ' fair to good
siocaera ana ieeaers, sj.outtfa.iu; common to
fair stockers and feeders, J3.3u3.60.
Kepresentatlva sales:
At. Pr. Ho. At, Pr.
. 4M 4 1 . 14... 1111 4 45
.1123 4 46 41 .'. liJ3 4 75
.104S 4 65
W t 00 5.., ling 4 i
mo t la i v loso 4 10
1064 3 40 14., 1310 4 H
Wit 4 40 ,
3 K 1 mi 4 u
76 4 0
1 ...1460 3 4 1 110 J Tl
...' 103 4 IS ISA I OS
8 US 4 IS 3 1M I 00
1 170 I 00
440 7 1 Ml iu
.. 814 4 10 .... HQS 4 M
tl 111 4 It
HOGS Receipts of hogs wera unummllv
liberal for the last 0f the week -anr! this
fact was largely responsible tor a drop ot
about 10c In prices. Eastern markets were
beavtly supplied and reports from there
were decidedly bearish, while the weakness
in provisions and ths prospects of liberal
supplies next week had a very depressing
iiiwuriii-tt uu me craae. jieoeipTg ror the
week, &,800 head, average up very pearly
as large as a week ago and several thou
sand head heavier than for tha correspond
ing wera 01 taai year. have
nuciuaiea roni aeraD v durlnz lh m.i .1
days, but the fluctatlons hava been within
a comparatively narrow range and at the
elose of the week the market is generally
Mcioc lower than at ths does of last week
Heavy hogs still command a good premium
whii wie interior, ngnt and underweight
loads selling at a disoount of Sor-KTwr vnr
good hogs of all weights, however, the
range Is not vary wide. Tops sold up to
84.16 today, as against 64.26 yesterday, and
the bulk of the trading was at J3.9iKg4.00,
bojiibi a, un rriaay,
42. ..
. At. 8a. Pr.
Ke. At. Ik. r-r.
..U4 ldO 1 It
3 17
3 tivt
I T4
i trn
I t7V
I tt
I tTVa
8 rTH
4 00
4 00
4 ta
4 0
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 OS
4 04
4 00
4 OS
4 OS
4 00
4 00
... 1 45
... I Hi
40 3 H
... t M
st 3 t
... I K
... t 10
... 1 to
IS ...
.S 140 3 W
...186 ...IK
,...Wl .'H '
...t"t 1 1 M
...iw ... tto
...lit st 3
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SHEEl The week-closes with nolhns
on sale in the sheep division. Receipts for
the week number 2S.4H7 head, ss against
2.67 heed for .last week, awl 41,73 head
for a yesr agV The market, although
fluctuating considerably, continued In very
fair shape throughout the week. Early
m the wek prices declined moderately, but
later with a decrease In receipts ft father
strong bulge appeared on certain grades
only to again be lost toward the close of
the week.
Well rtnTuhPd western lnmbt tsld up to
?6.S5 early In the week, a somewhat huhpr
I price than was paid a week ago, but tlnce
rthat time values on lambs have declined
about 10c, thus leaving the market In about
the same condition as It was last week.
Fed ewes sold cnmcarsttvelv steadv from
day to day with r-ono the outside limit of
price and with the demand ust about aqua
to the moderate sutmlv of the week.
For yearlings ami wethers practically the
same might be said as has been mentioned
about the lamb market. Trices have varied
considerably during the week, but at the
Close there Is no material change in prices
as eomrtared with the week tirevlmia
Choice yearlings Sold up to 86.16 esrly in the
week, but later prices dropped back
There waa not much In the feeder H!vUI,in
to attract any great amount of attention
throughout the week. The weather condi
tions were decidedly unfavorable for the
shipment or sheep and especially of the
feeding kind so that the country demand
was limited. Howevr, the few offered
found comparatively ready sale at current
quotations, while the volume of business
was light. -
(Quotations on good lo choice fed imeep
ena 1 am mi: i,amns, sii.iii'; light year
ling wethers, $5. 506(0; heavy yearling
weiners. .zir(b.iia; wethers, J&.OU'Oj.BU
, 4.ut(0.UU.
Stow City Live Stock Market.
inc riTv 1TK On . a ... .
gram.) CATTLE Kecelpts 200 hesd; market
wean; neeves, w. lanio.&m; cows and heifers,
i&0Hj4.; Blockers and Teeders, J3.0(Kg4.60
calves and yenrllngs, $2.504i3.60.
H009 Receipts 7.500 hend- market ISc
lower, selling at; bulk, J3.9o4.00.
Stwek la Slaht.
Receipts of live stock nt the six principal
wesxern maraeis yesieraay:
Cattle, Hops. Sheep.
South Omaha
. . Ill lt.l(t
Bioux City., 2.i
Kansas City 6oo
St. Ixiuls 600
St. Joseph...... "...1,154
Chicago Hon
. Total receipts 3,276
94,826 3,742
EGGS Fresh selling cans, candled. S0:
BUTTER Common, lc: tancy tub and
rolls, lTillic; creamery, 30c.
CHEE8E New full cream, Wisconsin
twins. 17fec: new full cream brick. I7e:
mrstlo new Swiss. 13c; new llmburger, loijj
IK JUUUH Alliei IVflH,
LIVE FOULTRY-flprings. 8c: bens. Set
roorters, 3c; ducka 8c; geesa, 8c; turkeys,
12Ms; pigeons, 60c per doa
DRESriiiD POULTRY Drlngs. fancy,. 80;
hens. 9c; roosters. 4c: ducks. 11c: ueeao.
sc; luraeya, juuim.
MAY Cholcs No. 3 Upland. 67.60: medium.
86.50; No. 1 bottom, Ji.u); off grades, from
et.uu to to.uu. i-.js straw, ii.uv; 10. 1 at-
falta, jii.tis. ,
POTATOK-Pr tu., tcI73c.
SWEET POT ATCK Kansas. ter bhl.
ucriutie-rionat bead, o- htmmr. utjr uua., a .
CUCUMttttto not house. 3 doz., fancy
pet box. 83. ou; I doa. cholcs, per bog, 31.50.
RADI8HK8 lot toousa. per stolen, 40c.
PAR8L.K Y Per doa.. 4ou.
PEFPEKSFlorlds, 6-baaket crates.
crate, v yy.
parsnips-Old. rer bhl.. ss.s.
32,00; Canada Ruiabages, per lb., l4c.
CABBAUU vtaviiua ilolland Seed, pst
u. I'Miw,
ONIONS Spanish. -per crate. 11.80: Wis.
consin Red Globe per' lb., lMc.
BHALLUTB-ler oop, toy. -
CAULIFLOWER fet tdoa crate. 83.0&
HORSKRADD1SU Per doa.. Jue.
CELERY-Michigan, per bunch. 3MJ360.
KUMQUATB Ctng to OUSlltv. ner ai.
JOo to too.
BHUKSliLi efKOUTB, per at.. 20c.
to tec.
STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality, 80s
TOMATOES Florida, extra fancv. tier a.
basket crate, J6.00; choice, per basket erate,
84.00; Cuban, fancy. Per 6-baskel crate. 34.00.
jiav a onfln-tn uu., eg, 4,
Lima 7u Dar lb.
APPLES Wsshlngton Snow, per box,
11.50; Washington Jonathans, per boa, J1.73;
Washington Roman Beauties, per box, 31.75;
Washington Alexander, per box, 11.751
Washington Blue Pearmama nr box. 31.76!
Washington Hed Cheek Pippins, per box,
8176; Washington Kings, per box. 31.75;
Washington Bailey Sweat, per box. 31 75;
Washington No. Spys, per box. J1.75; Call
fornla Red Pearmalns, 4-tler. per box, 82.00;
California Belleflowsrs. 4-tlew per box,
12.00; New York Baldwins, per bbl.. J4.50;
New York Northern Spies, per bbl., J4.W;
New York assorted varieties, per bbC 64.50.
PEARS Extra fancy winter Ne'.lla per
box, J3.7i
ORANGES Fancy' Washington nsvels.
11 aisas, per box, (178: extra fancy Sun
flower, all slses, per box. 83.00; California
Tangerines, 2uO size ftudVsinftller, per box,
BANANAS Port Llmon, owing to slsa.
per ounch, 31.60 to 33 Oa
GRAPE FRUIT-Florldft.' 04 and sUe,
per box, 86.00.
FIGS AND DATES Smyrna f'ga. 7.
crown, per lb., H'yiao; Srnvrna figs, S
crown, per lb.. 12vl3ci bmrrna tigs, 4.
ctown, per lb, lotjllc Callfcmlft Ogs, boxes.
10 cartons. 8601 California ga boxes li
csr(ons, 85c; California ligs. bulk, per lb.
He; Hallow! dates, per lt.. Vc; Kbadrawl
dates, prr lb., tc; Salr datei.. pet IU. ioi
Fard dales. 13-lb. boxes, par lb. so.
GRAPES Malaga, choke, per keg, 34 Ml
Malaga, extra fancy, 84.60: sxtra cboloa,
i.; extrn fancy, extra heavy,
CRANBERRIES Extra fancv Bell and
Bugle, per bbl., 310.00; sxtra tanoy Jersey,
nerbbl., J8.00; extra tanoy Jersey, per box,
LEMONb Extra fancy iJoutherland
Beautv. 300 and 380 sic. ne kn, uiu.
htra choice Justnts, Juo and 3bV size,' per
UUA, av. It,
Ribs: No. L lihie; Na. 2, He: No. 3, 9e.
Loin: No. 1. 18c: No. 2, 13Vc; No. 3, lOc
No. 1 chuck, 6ic; No. I, 6iic; No. 3, 6ko.
No. 1 round, ko; No. X 8c; No. S. 7ao.
Plate; No. 1, cj No. t, 4U0; No. IT la
CANNED liOODb Com. standard west.
Srn, 76c. Tomatoes, fancy, 1-pound csna
$1.46; standard. 8-pound can. 31.20. pine
apples, trated, 8-pouiiO. J2.3u2.3o; sliced.
fl.i64j2.86. Gallon apples, 84.60. Calltornla
apricots. Ji.Mnj3.3u. Pears. 42.lwul.15.
Peaches.. I1.J6. U C peaches J1WJ
1.16. Alaska "Almon, red. 11.40; fsncy
Clanook. flat. ti.U; fancy sockeyo. Oat.
$2.16. Sardines, qsrter oil, jj.iu; tbrse
quarters mustard, Ja.36. weet potatoes.
11 2(1.36.- Sauerkraut. 860. Pumpkins. Ss)
fctl.OO. Lima beans, 3-pound. 7cutl.36.
skiakcd beans. 1-pound. 60c; fancy, tl adi 4a.
. 1 A I 1 M'J . .J '.' T . Till, . " W
are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings
from second hands, whu seem desirous of
oioviag suppUsa of inmiedlala graiaa. Out.
tatlona range from tad is 3c .or California
fruit and from (fto to st for Oregon.
Peaches are very luin, with fancy yellows
quoied at 13V4c
UUUAHUianulatau. cans. per sack.
$6.40; beet, 66.UO. cut loot, tc; oubes, sw;:
powdered, t-lio. '
red auafpsr, ; flounders,, mackerel, lda
86c per ash; codtlsh, frcsn froseu, lie; had
dock, fresh frosen. 12c; smells, 13c; shad
toe, 46c per lb. ; frog legs, so per dos.;
giocii va turtle meal, 26c per lb.
HIDES AflD TALLOW -Green saltad,
ho. 1, so; tin. t, to; bull hides, Jc; grsea
uusalted. No. L 4c; green unsausd, ".o. A
tc; horse hides, ll.oujl.w; sueeu iM.ta. 160
O31.00. 'iaiiow No. 3. 4e; h
NUTS California No. IB. 0. walnuts, per
lb., 17c: Uiipurled Tarysxona aliuouda, per
lb., 18c; filberts. Brash and Jumbo pacaua
Uc; butternuts, per lb.. l2Vc; No. I kL e.
oeanuts. roasted, sc; raw, tc; saltad pea
nuts, per box, JXU; Italian chsauiuls. b
lb., lOo.
COFFEE Roasted, No. SS, 26c; No. 30.
He; No. 26. 19c; No. 10, lHo.
FlSlI-llallbut, tic; troul, 13c: pteksroL
10c; pike, 14c: pike, toash, frosen, 12o; whits
tlah, 14wlc: buOae, 14c; bullheads, skinned
and dieaaea, lJc, catfish, cUeaaed, 17o; wblis
perch, 7c; whits baas. 16c; black bass, 36c:
suudah, crapplss, sate; ktrg orapplea!
16c; herring, fresh frosen, sc, wnitsdsiT
froaan, Uwlso; pwhsrel, fresh frosen. 13c;
Liverpool Grata And Provisions.
Market weak; No. 3 red western wlntsr 7s'
Futures: Market quiet; March, 6s li4d:
May, es llSd; July, 7s Id. . '
CORN Spot: Msrket dull; prime mixed
American, new, 6s ld; old, 6s 4d. y.
lures: Market quiet; March. 6s Zd.
Cottaa Market. I
Market quiet; prices 1 point higher; Ameri
24, 190S.
can mhldtlng. fslr, i.T7d; good middling.
t.41d; snldilllng. 6 Iftd; low m ddllng ma,
good ordinary. 6.3d; nrdinary, gbd. The
sales day were I. 00 bales, of which
SO were for speculation and 'export, and
Included t0 Amertcstt. Futures opened
siieaoy ana cioef'O quiet.
London Stork QeealTw.
LONIXIN. Feb. 22-Amerlcan seeurillea
Maintained a generally steady ton, frao-
iionany aoove parity, on the stock ex
Changs here Irwlay. The New York bank
siaiemem creaien a favorable impression
nuemeee, However, waa light and the
movements 01 prices narrow. The msrket
closed quiet, a siisds below ths best
prices 01 me aay.
Ixindnn closing stock quotations:
Conaota sionry ... n 4-14 M., K. A T
In irfonl ....Villi lis y. rentral,...
Anti-nnilk Nortnlt a W
Atrhlaes t do oti ...
do phi Mvtnutarle at W
tlaltinvtr A OMO ! PrnnylTnl
laaadtan ParlAc W" Rana Mlaea
Chfaaraka Ohio... t.a Read Ins
Chl.'Ho OI. V l4South.rn Railway
C , M. A Bt. P. Ill do fd
. 1st
. 11
. tM,
. 10
. St
. lt -ittien PiriBe .
. 17 t'nlos Pacific
. 44t do prd
. 14C. 8. Steal
. r o pfd
. r4Wahaak
. 14 o pft
.13 Spanlah 4a
. 2V4 Amal. (Vmnar
D. A R. O
do pfd
o lit pfd....
On 2d Pfd
Orand Trans
1 1 lino La Central
. w
. to
. It
Loulivllle A N.
KILV KH-Har, quiet at ir.iad per ounce.
..I'i-, r. o-v iter rem.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3ii;!4 per cent; for three
mounts nuis, per cent.
'resident t Pets Ratertalao Ike
Commnndrrs of American
nnttleahlp Fleet.
1-1.MA, Pt-ru. Feb. 23. -A magnificent
banquet Was given Inst v?nlng by Preil
dent Pardo In honor of Washington's birth
aay to the officers of the fleet. Some 1M
of those were present.
The reposition hall, where the banquet
was lwld, was beautifully decorated and
the Stars anl Stripes was much In evldenea,
The president ot Peru made an eloquent
speeoh. in which he highly eulogised the
white fleet of warships and the ability of
Its navigating officers. He said:
The arrival to our shores of the American
warships was always looked forward to
wun me greatest pleasure bv the govern
ment and citliens of Peru, as It elves an
opportunity of showing the tone of the
friendship which exists between this coun
try and the fhlted States. Peruvians unite
In extending a cordial welcome to the Amer
ican navy.
With sincere Welcome of the government
and the people of Peru, I wish to express
their admiration for the justice Inspired
by President Roosevelt's action in regard to
the relations of the Cnited States with the
Latin-American countries and the relations
between themselves. This policy met with
the utmost success st the recent. Conference
at Washington, aeeuring permanent peace
in Central America.
Welcome to you. admirals and officers of
tne Air.erlcan fleet, Peru receives ynu with
hearty friendship and reminds you that you
tread friendly strands this day when vbur
country honors the memory of tleorge
BBiungiun. lounaer 01 a glorious mnepena
ence and an admirable form of government.
1 ask you to Jotn ma in these toasts:
To the prosperity of the United States:
to the healtlY of that eminent president,
Theodore Roosevelt; that good luck may
ever accompany the fleet under your com
mand. Rear Admlnl Charles M. Thotfia.4. .who
represented Rear Admiral Evans, said In
In behalf of the commander-ln-ehlef. who
is detained through Illness from beina ores-
ent, snd In behalf of my brother officers, I
return sincere tnanks and gratitude. Rest
assured that the courtesy and the warmth
of the welcome we have received in Peru
vian waters Is appreciated tin the extreme
and the cordiality of the Peruvian govern
ment and people will be reported to the gov
ernment which I have the honor to repre
sent. .
The American fleet lylnf In th hosoltable
waters of a country splendid In traditions
will be a material aid In effecting the happy
results outlined. This powerful fleet for
our country's defense Is ready at all times
for Instant action, but today and la the
future let us hope the Indefinite future
It Is a messenger of the most desirable
human objects, peace on earth and good
will to men.
8 Imp la Hemeer tier l.aGrlppe.
La grippe coughs are dangerous, as they
frequently develop Into pneumonia. Foley's
Honey and Tar not only stops the cough,
but heals and strengthens the lungs so
that no serious results need be feared.
The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no harmful drags snA Is In a yellow
package. Refuse substitutes. For sals by
all druggists.
Ta Die ss the Scaffold
is painless compared with the weak, lam
back kidney trouble causes. Electrlo Bit
ters is the remedy. 60e. For sale by Bea
ton Drug Co.
Boo Want Ads They bring results.
Bt. Joseph aad Kansas City Men Fall
to Stake Good.
CHICAGO. Feb. S3. Kansas Citv. Kan..
and Ht. Joseph, Mo., are still without
representation In the Western .Bane Ball
league through tha failure trulav at 1 n
Connor and T. T. (Ted) Sullivan to ac
cept today the franchises for those cities
framea provisionally at the meeting of
he league officials in Omaha on Feb
ruary 18. At that meetlna authority waa
given for the laeuanoe of a franchise to
Connor for the Kansas City, Kan., club
and to Sullivan for the St. Joseph Mo.,
club on condition that they should each
appear In Chicago today and deposit
2,tuu as a guarantee that they would
flay out the Weatern league schedule in
heir territory. SuUlvan met tha eairt-
mlttee, composed of Joseph CantlUon,
George Tebeau and N. L. O'Neill, and an
nounced that he did not care to qualify,
Connor failed to put in an appearance.
inree Teaais Necessary to Haal One
Car Thronra Drifts.
LA PORTE. Ind.. Feb. VS. The American
oar In the New Tork to Paris contest left
Rollhig Prairie. Ind.. at 8:46 n. m. tnHav.
drawn by three teams of horses, with shov
elers ahead.
On account of the snow drifts the ear,
yhlch left New Carlisle. Ind.. at if, a. m .
had to be towed by horses Dracticallv the
entire distance. The party hoped to spend
the night either In La port e or Michigan
City. Laporto Is fifty-nine miles from Chi
cago, with Parts about 20,000 miles away to
t!lu west.
lloldreae Defeats Acadeaay.
HOLLHREOE. Neb.. Feb. t3.-(Soecian
Holdrege High school defeated Franklin
academy at basket ball here this evening by
a score of 43 to 18. The play was fast snd
clean. Both teams showed up well, but
Holdrege had tha best end of It all the wsy
through. This is the fifth successive vic
tory for the home team.
Sporting; (.seals.
Pop Bhrlver has signed to play with
Burns has another prospect of collecting
off the Ounner. My word, but 'e's a lucky
man, that.
WUlla Brltt la the latest fire In Los
Angeles, lie has the excursion city simply
burning up with seal.
Pa did not go to Chicago to attend that
circuit committee meeting and has not
neara anything about it.
Burks Is following Pa's examnle and
making his Broadway perk In Denver all
turf. Tha grass diamond Is the thing.
Burke returned to Denver, savins- ha and
he other marnatea nulled fnr Trnwlr, mr,A
A. I 1 , . V. I . ft'KT.a mail I . . 1 r .
City and Bt. -Joseph, as the other two towns
were not gettable. Pity, too.
They aay since the report not out thai
Molr is really coming to America, his man
agera are simply swamped with applica
tions from American puga Well, Burns
shouldn't be allowed to pick It nil.
The belief Is gaining ground that hv
104 ths American association will bare to
te reorganiaea ana lake in Omaha leaving
the Western league to be composed of the
smaller cities. At that the Western would
be a good lesgue.
Denver fans are getting extremelv Im
patient and Justly so, because Whits Wings
refuses to let them know who Is going to
manage the Denver team this year on tha
field. Burke and Tabeau both decline in
say when In Omaha last week. Talk of
Sundew Mertes wss dropped when White
Wings learned the old-timer wanted a real
salary. Now Harry White and Lave Croae
are talked of. It ts extremely dovbtfnl
if Lavo Cross c.. be pulled away from
New Orleans.
Badger Foot B?ll M?n Hoppy Over
Selection ot Ilact.
Qo ph era on Kraedale ' Short Tlsae
Before Maroons -Pras perts far
Base Ball Team Are
Fairly fined.
MADISON. Wis.. Fee. 21-(Speclal.)-Athletlcs
at Wisconsin have again come
Into their own after the two weeks' rest
during examination week. Ths men who
will represent the Badgers have fared
pretty well, there being fewer conditions
than Ver and the outlook Is now bright for
ft prosperous yesr.
The bringing of the Chicago game to Wis
consin Is the one topic rt conversation
among the students, there Is grent rejoicing
as a result. Last year, when the posslbliu
ties of the Chicago game were discussed, IC
Wis jrenrraliy believed that this plum"
would be plucked cn Marshall field, so that
the announcement came as quite a surprise.
Wisconsin will meet Minnesota at Minne
apolis on November 1, the Chicago gs.trir
following week later. Some criticism was
hekrd In regard to the arrsnglng of two
gsmes within eight days, but It was the
only thing that could be done under the
clfcUmatknces, and wflt hit arollhd edUnllr
hard, as the other two teams meet within
the same period. 1
It Is not likely that more than one other
conference College gamr- will be scheduled
the other two games will be with state
colleges. Negotiations are how under way
for a gsme with Coach Catlln's eleven at
Iowa, but nothing has been definitely set
tled. Marquette college at Milwaukee nifty
be given a whack nt the Badgers, although
the thing Is still hanging In the air. The
students here are hoping that ft game ran
be arranged with the Catholic Institution
for they are tired of the taunts of equality
that emanate from Milwaukee. Wisconsin
could not hope to gain any prestige from
the game, for It Is commonly accepted that
Marquette does not make any pretense of
adhering to the eligibility rule,
Seven-Game Schedule.
It Is hoped here that the seven-game
schedule goes through, although the mem
bers of the faculty of the Badger Institu
tion are reticent about the matter1. The
possible switching of Chicago may decide
the balance In favor of the adoption ot
the seven gsmet. It Is not likely that ths
faculty here will change' their vote, how
The base ball men have beert hard at
work In the cage during the test week, un
der the direction of Coach Barry. There
18 an abundance of material out, most of
them trying for pitcher or catcher. Coach
Barry has hot been able to get a line on
the men as yet, but says that he thinks
the prospects for strong team are good
"Pinky" Walser, who was expected to do
the catching this year. Is out with con
dition, as la Jimmy Whlttler, ths 'varsity
third baseman. The latter may be able to
remove his by May 15.
Coach Ten Eyck Is now putting the crew
candidates through their paces and the ma
terial looks good. The men trying for ths
freshman crew are all husky fellows, who
appear to have considerable stamina. They
wlll'-be kept at work on the machines until
the Ice In Lake Mendota breaks tip, when
they .will be sent out in ths pair-oared
lgs. Gene Dlnnt, the 'varsity stroke, re
ceived a condition, but he succeeded In
having It changed Into an incomplete, so
that he wilt be eligible By the time hard
work comes on.
Relay Meet Entries.
Coach Mutchins has not received any
further entries for the relay meet which
will be held her March 14, but he says
that while the formal' entry blanks have
not been sent In, he has had many re
sponses from other schools and colleges
announcing their Intention of entering
teams. The track candidates are practic
ing dally. A welcome addition to the squad
came at the beginning of the aemester In
Paul Morris, the sophomore sprinter, who
s been out-of school for a semester. Mor
ris repeatedly tore off the dash In even time
last spring, and he will be the first cen
tury ten-second man since Charley Par
sons was here a few years ago.
The basket ball men are practicing each
night, setting ready for their games with
Chicago and Mlnnesqta, which will corns
within the next two weeks. Duffy Harper,
right guard, will be out of the game on
account of an attack of the mumps, and
his loss may mean the loss of the cham
pionship to the Badgers, although thers
are four other men out for the team who
can be counted upon for a good game. '
"Keckle Moll, the star freshman quar
terback, whose school work has been a
source of worry both to the rooters and
the coaches, succeeded In passing all his
examinations and wilt, In all probability,
be eligible for foot ball next fall. James
H. Robertson of Spring Green, Wis., was
appointed track manager at th meeting
of the athletic board. A. T. Holmes of La
Crosse, Wis., wss elected vice commodore
of the crew, and Charles F. Puis of Mil
waukee, assistant manager of the foot ball
vAthletlo Diapate Threatened.
DKfl MOTNICS. la., Feb. . (Special.)
It Is believed here that the Iowa High
School Afliletlo association Is In Imminent
danger of dlsrputlon unions a local Bis
marck shall arise to control the situation.
Ida Grove. Bloux City and LeMars are In
volved In a dispute which has already re
sulted In the withdrawal of LeMars from
the state association, and which Involves
serious charges of breaches of the eligi
bility roles by the Bloux City authorities.
Last fall "Pat" Coffey left LeMars col
lege to attend the filoux City High school,
and, entering In the middle of the sem
ester, Immediately began playing on the
foot ball team. Ida Grove, winners of
most of th stats championships on the
gridiron and track for the last three years,
preferred charges of professionalism
against Coffey and charged the 81oux City
authorities with sanctioning the matter.
This was taken up at the meeting .of th
hoard of control of the association and
wa denied by Principal Whitley of Sioux
City, who said that Coffey wss a regularly
enrolled student snd was still In attend
ance on tho high schol.
The matter was whitewashed by the
members of the high school board, so I
Mars alleges, snd no action taken. The
Incident attracted state-wide Interest, snd
ths members of the association aligned
themselves on, different sides of the con
troversy, a general fight ensuing. It now
sppesrs that CoffeJ left school Immedi
ately after the close of the foot ball sea
son, snd was not In attendance at the time
of Mr. Whitley's alleged statements as to
Sioux City's good faith In the metier. As
a result, the LeMars school has severed
all relations with the sssorlatlon, and Ida
Grove Is said to be contemplating the same
move. Coming on the heels of the contro
versy over the location of the stste tragk
meet. It Is feared that ft general disrup
tion may ensue.
Hasan City Defeated.
MAR SMALLTOWN. Is.. F.'b. 23,-(Spe-flat.)
The b"ys" banket bell team of the
high school overwhelmed the Meson City
Hltrh schol team bv the, snare of 4 to 17
todav. The loot! high school girls- tesm
wa detested bv ths Masnn City girls by
the score of 1 to 8.
Gaardamea Badly Bvatea.
ATLANTIC, la., Feb. 38. Special.) The
Dodge Light Ouard basket ball team from
Council Bluffs waa defeated br tho Atlantic
Young Mea'a Christian association team
here ha a very one-sided game by the score
of hi to 13. The visitors were weak in every
department of the game. Porter for At
lantio made font-teen basket front the
field, and two of the points for the visitors
wre mad by an Atlanta a nlavex. In a pre-
llmlnary game, tha high school here de
feated ft team of business men bv a score
of CT to 1. The gsmes were both fast snd
nearly all the scores Wvrs made from field
"nrldea indorsed for nelrrat-at
l.arse ta Chlraita.
PAWNEE CITT. Feb. 13.-t8peclal Tele
gram.) The Pswnee county republican con
vention met yesterday In the renrthottse,
after being called to order by D. W. Nelll,
chairman of the county rentral commit
tee. The convention wan, organise'! by
electing Hon. William Sutton of Tftbl
Rock chairman and C. A. Schapfet of
I'awnc City secretary. The following,
resoluthms wereadnpfed: ' '
Resolved, That the republicans of rwna
county Nebraska. In convention assembled
this 12,1 day of February. I, thai we are
proud of and heartily endorse the firm and
patriotic policy of President Roosevelt in
the prosecution of unlawful combinations
of capital for unjust dlscrlmlnstton n
fsvor of the strong against the week; lhat
we regret his unprecedented determination
not to be candidate a second time for
the hlRli office which he has filled with
so much credit to himself and honor to th
country, and be It
Resolved. That while we regret the loss
of the services of our distinguished leader
for a second campaign snd term et four
years, to which by all precedent we r
entitled, we hereby pledge our unqualified
support to his able adviser, the d stlu
rutshed statesman and diplomat, William
It. Tsft. who In all his long and varied
public service has never failed to do honor
to himself and his country, and be it
Resolved, That w hereby Instruct our
representatives In the state and district
conventions to use all honorable means to
secure delegates to the national conven
tion who will nutke tvery possible effort to
secure the nomination of William H. Talt,
our first choice for president of the CnUed
States and the selection of Governor Georg
I.. Sheldon as one of the delegntes-at-lare
from Nebraska to the national republican
convention at Chicago.
A resolution endorsing Hon, E. M. Pol
lard was adopted as follows:
This being sn agricultural district, be It
Resolved, That we endorse the work of
our representative In congress, Hon. K. M.
Pollard, as being to the best Interests of ills
Delegates to the conventions were select'd
s follows:
Stste at Omaha F. 1. Fentlmnn, Liberty;
J. M. Leach, Lewleton-L. P. Wensl, Btetfl
auer; J. F. Vrtlska, Pawnee City; J. T.
Smith, Pawnee City; J. T. Brown, Pawnee
City; A. B. AhdeXion, IHwnee Cltyi W. F.
Huff, Steinauer; C. 1. Norrls, Tabls Rock;
A. J. Rsy. Pawnee City; J. F. Haldermah,
Burchard; Perry Frarier, Dubois.
District at Lincoln A. D. Barclay, Book
waiter; Chester Miller, Burchard; C. 8.
Goodale, Lewlaton; J. C. McClung. Bleln
aaer; A. L Stake, Burchard; D. B. Drake,
Burchard; George Potter, Pawnee City; W.
B. Rnper, Pawnee City; N. A. Steinauer,
Steinauer; O. W. Griffin, Table Rock: A.
J. Ray, Pawnee City; M. A. llolden, Lin-
The vote In tho primaries for rrtfsrence
for president gave Taft, 180; Roosevelt, U;
Hughes, 6; La Folletts, I; Foraker, 2; Cad-
non, 4,
NORFOLk, Neb., Feb. .-(Special Tele
gram.) Only . the second ward republicans
In Norfolk availed themselves of the presi
dential preferential ballot. This resulted,
16 for Taft, 1 for Fairbanks. A solid Tart
delegation goes to the county convention.
BATTLE CREEK, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special
Telegram.) At the republican caucu hcM
In Battle Creek precinct today the follow
ing delegates were chosen to attend the
Madison county convention and Instructed .
for Taft: F. H. L. WUlla, H. Hogrelf.
James Clark, Fred VolkV W. B. Fuerst, J.
W. Risk and D. L. Best. Highland pre- '
clnct chose five delegates also Instructed
foT Taft.
The primary vote of eleven precincts,
In which a poll wa taken, give for
presidential preference:' Taft, 68; Roose
velt. 84t Hughes, 21; La Follette, II, ftnd .
ft few scattering vote for Foraker and
Fairbanks. '' j
Post offlre Team Takes Gasaea from
Gold Tars In Pen nam t Rare.
Little change occurred In the standing of
the. teams of the Commercial league last
wAAc. The Postoffioe bowlers took three
straight games from the Gold Tops and
passed them in ths racs for th pennant.
The Byrne-Hammer team. In spite of the
absence of their captain ana ancnor man.,
keen right on winning and are now only
one game behind the Clarks for second
place, and rrom mere to Iirsi. piece is oniy
a stcn if thev can overcome tho Bicycle
squad, which has held the lead all season.
A close finish Is looked for between the
three leading teams, with Just a little ad
vantage In lavor of the present possessors.
Nothing of especial interest nappenea on
the Metropolitan alleys last week, the
cracks being at Cincinnati. A team Was
sent to the association alleys, winning two
games. Kalnes bowled over 5W breaking
the record tor the aeries.
The bank boys are steadily Improving
their scores, both team rolling above 2,400
at the association alleys Saturday morning.
The Omahss look three games, but were
flven a hsrd fight in the .last two rounas.
ohn Changstrom led on high game and
total with 223 and B8S. with both Hughes
and Norene showing nice games.
1. E.
1 Tot.
190 87
ito 438
in 400
188 US
Hughes 187 198
ward , ;w iv
Campbell ll lot
Kldson Hi loo 1
Changstrom 223 175
Totals 7B5 lot 8743,473
Mlele ....
Norene .
... 11
... ltf
... 170
... 108
m 4tt
ia 410
107 4K3
178 M
137- M
Totals .....741 799' 172-1,414
Team and Individual averaaea of tha
Commercial league bowlers for Week end
ing February ;
. P. W. L. Pins, P.C.
Omaha Bicycles ...
06 63 14 68.716
W. O. Clarks
Byrne-Hammers ..
. 63 48 18
. 63 44
. 63 38
13 K.2M) .001
Postufflcs ,
13 66.203 '
. W 84 81 66.843
Gold Tops
69 33 34 68.878
Brodegaard crowns
Daily News
... 63 28 88 63,(rr
...60 21 30 48,601
...60 21 48 66,618
... 66 11 63 63,448
Cole-McKeuna's ...
Individual standings:
.. nj
.. 17i
.. I74
.. 11
.. ia
,. in
.. it
.. lei
.. 141
.. 14
.. m
.. 14
.. 144
.. !
.. 143
.. 1M
.. 13
.. Hi
.. 1M
.. 14t
.. lf.t
.. lit
.. 144
.. 114
.. 1H
.. 143
.. 1&
Rempke ....
GtlttreatB ...
Seaman ....
K lauck
Hluricks ...
Lalimaon ...
Cogae-ell ....
Llndrootk - .
B rd
f'rtnkwater .
H. Prunaau
D. Ruab ....
r. rnmeas .
Grothaar .. ..
so Haaana ....
!M Konrtb ..
If 1 rasarber .
11 B. Smith ..
117! kUKalvj ..
11 Oordf ,....
lhS Qrulla
lull Slaesos ...
1 llLaarn
Fetaraoa ...
Iw) Jar
1W( P. Klelaon
17 Norana ....
1711 ghulta
171 Hlae
1T7I lixiaaa ,.
1? H.bonay ..
17tColllna ....
174! Huslora ....
74i Cauglillo ..
nil Kuati
l7Ji Patterson ..
itij Trarnor ...
171 Wllar
174 Griffith .'...
174 ( hat. lata ..
171 Hough
llt t'larke
171 Matlbes ..
I'll Vaniton-rer
Standing for the week ending February
P. W. L. Pin. P.C.
Beselln Mixers
, 61 T 17 23.444
Tigers ,
81 Xt- 1 2S,rl
64 a Sfi i4.1
unman Stars ,
Chicago L. H
M ZT Zl lM,7tr
M' 36 38 24.K8 .441
61 34 30 iS.Ml .444
II ,20 11 fclMl
HUM 2M0 .Hi
Green Rivers
Individual standing:
Burfhoff , 147
koeecraa ............ 14
t" 144
" 144
rJialiop 14
Kdmuaas li
oi M j,
Onraaa , In
Hwlar Wt
AdhlnS ,.. . MT
6a ,., Gr
3 TP 14
U4J awn 1 aia aa.a l
Lot - lt
Snlomos lw
Malnas 1M
F. W. Schneider 146
Woran ID1
a. A. SchnalSsr luH
taor4 167
Onmth 147
Wllsua 17
fala 114
Umao4t u6
Weyamllar IM
Laird Ul
tfitf M
Remlafto .......... larj
Qualatsua ,rauwlW