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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1908)
TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRITAKY Z. 1!K)8. 7 Ki&tHZ:(' v 77 7 P 1 o D o a o a o D o a 1 IS I I y rssmj I. TiiT KiMmi Hi m .ini.r mum ni ' 1 niT m Tim gHiinf aiaiTriii i On W "MM Xv I THE POWER OP hi r?--v-v V T? WW TrSiiTiRT 11 m. i a ,. u vte-uA m i lb i r n ikjti "vm m Ti ii w ! g m i i fi . n SEISES!? BlnaAms 291 tfftfMf OMAHA it 11 OS ml &1 ?Ji3!n)daif is TGuati Unlliraopdiiniairy n r r JUJ- o J Every Woman Who Attends This Sale Tomorrow is Bound to Save Money. This Sale is Full of Positively the Greatest Curtain and Couch Cover Bargains Ever Offered by a Store in the West. Such Bargains Could Never Be Found Anywhere Else but Brandeis . ' ig pot ash Purchase From an Eastern CUHiEI Brandeis is known from coast to coast as the great cash purchaser The biggest bargains. are offered first to us, because we pay spot cash, no matter how large or how fine the stock. This manufacturer accepted our offer which was much less than it actually cost him to make the goods. It has always been our policy when we secure a big bargain to give our customers the benefit of it. Plenty of Room. We Devote Practically Our Entire Basement to This Sale No crowding no inconvenience plenty of capable clerks plenty of wide light aisles. We can assure you' of comfort in making your selection. mm. mm I" - 1 V. i .. :v,.v. WW r aA if c $25.00 PORTIERES at $2.50 Each All the very fin est tapestry curtains from the big purchase, such as silk brocades, silk and linen, damask, French tapes try, fine mercerized, extra heavy tapestry, with borders, etc. positively worth up to $25.00 a pair, at, each . . . . TAPESTRY TAPESTRY, worth up to $1.50, will . go in two lots ORp.Qr at, yard faUU'UWli All the Silk and Plush Vel.ur That are worth up to $1.50 a OQa yard, will go at, yard UUU COUCH COVERS These are the coxich covers that regularly sell at fc4.50 very special. Portieres and Couch Cavers The Portieres are single and in pairs, all very desirable and new effects. The couch covers are high quality, fine Ori ental effects they are actually worth from $5.00 up gQC . flCQ to $7.50 ft j mmmmc, Greatest Bargains I 1 1 in Portieres, Couch I j Covers and Tapes- ii tnes Ever uttered I l ( 1 raifefei v , "MM I. . ... I m w m . " u. i - $10.00 PORTIERES at. $1.98 Each All the new est styles in fine mercerized portieres, tapestry borders, duplex and oriental patterns, the richest and most effective cominations worth up to $10.00, at, each m COUCH COVERS All the finest, large size, extra heavy Ori ental and Turkish Couch Covers the de signs are rich and elegant. They are just such splendid couch covers as you would expect to buy for fi"ftQ& a IQQ $7.50 to $12.50 VfUO j uO in two lots at La , w PORTIERES At 98C Pr. $2.00 quality, full size portieres, in one big lot spec ially priced. COUCH COVERS These are $1.00 quality but we OCj will sell them at, each tJ TABLE COVERS 1 yard square, extra special, this sale -each I5c SILK TAPESTRY", . WORTH UP TO $7.50 AT 98c In this assemblage is all the richest and most elegant silk tap estry and Brogatellos that actually sell every day as high as $7.50 a yard. These are in full bolts and go as long as they last at, yard ' If YARD Snow Flake Curtains "Worth up to $3 a pair a big bargain from the YJ Qffe great purchase, ea.. "Ou PORTIERES These are in pairs and come in all colors regularly worth as CQ high as $3.00, at, each DOC Drummer's Samples of Portieres Drummer's' Samples of Portieres These are V2 curtains I Da worth to $6.00 pair, each. . .'wUu IIS .11X1 nonoaonononoaononononono Brandeis is the first t shw the ultra fashionable new models in Women's Spring Suils The Smart Spring Skirts Dressy New 1908 Waists Correct Spring Coats "We are enabled to present in advance of the regular season a fine assemblage of spring sam- .ple suits, sent us by our New York buyer. Hie newest style features for 1908 are re vealed, including the smart, new Prince Chaps, the butterfly or kimono sleeve coat styles, the flared gore skirts in the short lengths, fl Z H etc. plain or small pattern cloths atVpJ J The new arrivals In man-tailored Suits show novelties that will appeal to women of refined taste In dress $25 to $75 Fetching Novels in Walking Skirts The circular and plaited models predominate there are new touches among the style features that are ex- An r tremely fetching Dj5 10 QUO Everycme Admires the Chic 1903 Waists The butterfly sleeves, the extended shoulder and the dozen other innova PAuptfir tlons In waists for 1908 are gaining high favor we mention prices ..Is'tfV toJlJ Brandeis has for years been recognized as the style center in women's ready to wear apparel. This season will surely be the most attractive in our history. The suits themselves are so stunning and our variety so im mense that every one will be able to find apparel exactly to her liking. we mention a range of prices, from D o D o D o D o D o D o D o D o n o D o a o D o a o D o D o D o a b D o D o a o a o D o D In Our Great Basement Salesroom Muslins and Sheetings All the well known and desirable brands yard wide bleached muslin, including the genuine Ilope, Fruit of the Loom, Lons dale sold from the bolt, etc., also genuine Lonsdale cambric in perfect mill lengths, each piece stamped Lonsdale at regular Muslin dept., Monday, yd. . StieetinQS 7c 9-4 bleached sheeting, better than Pepperell, off the bolt at, yard 22V4c 9-4 unbleached sheeting, better than Pepperell will go at, yard 20c Sheets and Pillow Cases at Less Than Mfgrs. Cost 81x90 seamless heavy bleached, nicely hemmed sheets regular ninety five cent value, at, each 65 72x90 seamless, heavy, bleached, nicely hemmed sheets regular eighty five cent value, at, each .' J 51) ' 81x90 seamed bleached sheets, worth regularly.' sixty-five cents will go at, each , 49 ' 72x90 seamed bleached sheets, worth 69c regularly, will' go at, each. 45c 8-4 and 9-4 seamed unbleached sheets that are worth 60c, at, each. -30C - A limit of six pairs to each customer on all the above special items. Pillow Cases Plain and hemstitched pillow cases medium, regular and large, sizes, ectra well made from casing that Is worth 17c yard; special Monday bargain, each 14o Well made regular size bleached pillow cases will be sold at, each tc These axe merely Indications of the kind of bargains you may expect to find every day at Brandeis. We make a specialty of dependcble goods In this depart-, nient and offer special bargains dally. noaonononononoi lononoaoononoaoDoaononoQononoag o D o a Sale of Em broideries !5c-25c-39c Npw. risn lnts trn nn barirain smiare Mnnrlav. nnrl tbpv nre inst tViA dnint.- P i' O" O 1 j 7 j p iest and most attractive patterns of the season elegant embroidered skirt- o flouncings and corset cover embroideries, also wide bands and gal- u mr n o D o D o D o a o D o a ings, loons in the finest of Swiss, Nainsook, Batiste and Cambric, 17 to 24' inches wide and worth up to 75c yard, at . . . Embroideries, Galloons and Insertions These are hand loom embroideries, fine edgings, galloons, insertings, in med ium widths many to match also ribbon headings and C anj ljp galloons worth up to 20c yard, at. . A vl Extra Special Sale of Laces at 34c and 5c New arrivals of these high grade French and German Vals., Toint de Paris o and Torchon laces and insertions many to match the patterns are pret tier than ever and the values are up to 15c a yard in two Zi C lots at, yard , J2 All Over Laces 19c, 49c, 98c Allover Venice, crochet, filet, oriental and combination effects also g fancy nets in white, cream and ecru, as well as an assortment of black silk nets. ononononononononoaoaoaoononoaoooaononononoaono onononononononononononoononononononononononono Our New English Wilton Hugs at $39 Everyone who has seen these new room size rugs speaks in the highest terms of praise about them. .iney are an one piece seamless rugs in those soft. rich oriental styles that are s much in psrr demand. These ara actually the sort wj J of rugs that you see priced in big easteri cities at 30O our price is ?39 BE2AI?1B)II 4BssBsssMsssssasasasHBissBssBssassBjssvBsasjsssMssssassaaj Specials in Kid Gloves n 111 . 12-button length real kid in black, brown and tan also 16-button French lamb skin gloves, in black and tan every pair fitted price. SHOUT KID GLOVES Worth 11.00 a pair, black and colora at LOXG SILK GLOVK8 12 and 16 button length, 12.00 values at , GAUNTLETS Our spring shipment la here Northrup make 2.50 69c $1 149-198.250 Stop at the Electrical Lighted Soda Fountain in Sweetland for a Hot Drink Have you heard of the range of delicious Hot Drinks we are serving at 5c T Try one. Spring 1908 Novelties JEWELRY Imported Hat Pins, orien tal and large Jet qrM Imported Jet Veil Pins, In dull and bright orn ball hat pins LOj Jet, special, at. Ladles' fine ribbed Silk Elastic Belts with cut steel buckles, oxidized and gold plate 50C"75C Imported Belts, Japanese, RuBslan and French orien tal embossed and embroidered belts with French and enameled buckles to match correct styles for spring. . . . 250-$3-350-$4 New Arrivals Leather Bags Fine real seal leather lined bags, spe- (l clal, at ? Ladles' soft leather bacs, fine qual ity goat skin with In- rjm side purse J) Ladles' fins lea ther purst-s. In black, brown, tan, green and blue, worth up Dr. Linen Bargains For Monday 72-Inch all llneji bleached tabls damask, made by the Green mount Spinning Co., Belfast, and actually worth 85c yard; Mon day, yard AOo Odd lots of all linen pattern table cloths, worth up to 5.0o some are slightly mussed, but other wise perfect; Monday, each 93.60 200 large size Marseilles pattern hemmed crochet bed spreads, made to sell for $125; Monday, each ys Large slse hemmed bleached Turk lull towels, regular 15o quality ach THo Bleached fringed cotton huek towel, the kind that sells at ic dozen, ech IHe So quality bleached cotton towel ing, yard