Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Want - ads
Advertisements tar the wmnt ad
olatnne will be lakes 111 IS m. for
tka evening edition sad antll a. a.
, for the aoraluc Haadar editions.
Cash saast Mtoaiiir all order for
raat a da tal advertisement will
V accented for leaa than. 10 eenta for
rat Insertion.
Rates a pair to either The Daily
a a day Bn,
Alwir rol elx words to line.
Combinations of lalttaU or nnmbers
eeaat hi word.
Insertion, pee line, 10 cent. Two or
i Hart eeneeentlre Ineertlona, nee lla,
i e ecata. Each Insertion made oa add
I aan, 10 eeata er llaa. fl.SO prw
llaa par month.
9 yoar advertisement la Inserted aader
any oaa of tka elasalncatlona given
i below. It will ko charged at tka fol-
l lowing rataai Oaa Insertion, 4 eenta
per llaa tkraa to alz eonseentlve la-
eertleas, S cente per llaa rack Inser-
s float eeven or anore conseeotlve Inaer
A tloaa a ecata per llaa each laaertloa
j BO reata per llaa par month.
Except Agents, Sollcltara and Salea.
Com, Birds, Dose ail Pete.
Horaee aad Veklelea.
Penltrv and Ksca.
Typewriter aad Sewing Machines
P la a oa, Orgaaa aad Maalcal lastro
men ta.
Faralaked Roonta.
Untarnished Iloome.
Housekeeping Ilooma.
Boarding" aad Ilooma,
Waat ada for Tka Bee may be left
at any of tka following Irog stores
oaa la "year coraer dragglst" -they
ara all braaek offlcea of Tka Bee aad
yoar ad will ba laeerted Jaat aa
promptly aad oa tka name ratea aa at
tka main office la Tka Bee Building-,
Seventeenth, and Faraam Streets.
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranek, B. A., 1403 H. 16th at.
Beeht Pharmacy, iJ0 B. 16lh St.
Benson pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Ketnla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, iM8 Sherman Ave,
Csughlin, C. K., 6th and Pierce Bis.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 1213 Military Ave.
Conte, J. 11., Slat Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 21th and Lake Hts.
Cermak, Emll. 12o4- B. 13th Bt.
Eastman Pharmacy. 2X02 Leavenworth.
Poster & Armildl, 213 N. 20th St.
Frevtag, John J., 1914 N. 24lh Bt.
Florence Drug- Co., Florence, Neb.
Uoldmun Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sts.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Urecnouffh, Q. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt.
Ureenough, O. A., 101:4 S. loth Bt.
Hayden, Wm. C., 2920 Farnam.
Han scorn Park Pharmacy, 1501 S. 19th
Hoist, John, !4 N. lth St. x.
Huff, A. L., 2924H.eavenworth Bt.
King. H. 8., 2238 Farnam Bt.
Kountse Place Pharmacy, 8604 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1002 N. 24th Bt.
Lathrop, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and Ames Ave.
Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and
Chicago Sta.
Schaefer. August, 2031 N. Mth. Bt
Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts.
Htorm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace.
Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton fits.
MANN Mrs. Newton. February 21, 1908.
Funeral Sunday at 3 p. m.. Unity church.
Friends are requested not to send flowers.
Interment Forest Lawn.
RICHELIEU Edward, aged 7 years 6
months, father of Charlotte, Mrs. O. N.
Lamb, Robert, Harry and Willie.
Funeral Sunday, February 23. lttS, at 3
&m. from 1751 South Ninth street to 8U
atthlas church.
To the many friends and neighbors and
to the members of tho Masonic fraternity
we desire to express our heartfelt thanks
for their many ai ts of kindness and assist
ance In our bereavement. Mrs. Lewis Iteed,
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson and daughter,
Mrs. Ripley Rued and daughter.
We wish to thank our many friends and
neighbors for their klndneHs and sympathy
ahown us during the sickness and death of
our beloved father and brother. Mra. Nick
Hoofer and family, Mr. Fred Hoefcr.
Mecca Coart No. 13, Tribe of Ben II ar.
The funeral of our late brother, Edward
Richelieu, will be held from the residence,
1761 South Ninth street, at 8 p. m., Sunday,
February 23. R. N. Burgess, Chief; L. 1.
Schaub. Scribe.
Atteatloa, Odd Fellowal
You aro requested to attend the funeral
of Brother Kdward Richelieu on Sunday,
. February 23, at S o'clock, at the residence,
1751 South Ninth street. C. M. Coffin,
Secretary State Lodge No. 10.
Blrtha Charles Alexander, 4129 Grant
boy; Angeler Rossllto, 812 South Klght. boy'
Tony Minard, 2271 Pacific, boy.
Deaths Kllsa Jane Munn, Wise Memorial
7; Nilae Ol-nder, 10 Bouth Twenty-fifth
avenue, SO; EdwardRlchelleu, 1751 South
Ninth, 67; Hamilton eUnvel, 3112 Mason 38
Daniel Bturr, Twenty-fifth and Harney, u'
John Btelndl. 1(A6 Dominion, 10 montha'
John C. Wilson. Bt Joseph'a, 69.
The following marriage licensee have
ueen wauea:
Name andJlealdence. Age.
rtenry Ju. lnarotn. (mi aha vr.
Minnie ledger, Omaha 25
David C. Wlnenger, Omaha m
Joale Duke, Omaha..... 31
Loula P. Freeman, Farley, la 24
lienna Orr, Waterloo. Ia iO
FOR SALE Auto., Cadillac, single cylin
der. Al running order. VtuO F. u. B. V
J. Bartholomew, Gothenburg, Neb.
2 M243 28
SEND for our list of second-hand aulomo
pilea. PER1QHT. 18U Farnam. U)Li
FIRS 8TONH Auto tlrea at Karbach'sT
r (y-MSll March 1
When writing to advertlaera, remember It
only takea a atroke or two of the pen
to mention the fact that you aaw the ad
in 1 ne d.
rillfi CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworia chb. ici. vougi&s las..
H; 151
61CJN PAJNTINO 8. H. COLE, lioi Doug.
lu. ti laj
TRAVELERS' goods of quality.
Trunks and Suit Cases repaired.
"Where trunks are made."
1801 Farnam du Tel. Doug. 4995.
a m MchiT
TJ Tn Prlng term at Morand'a
-xii yj (opposite Burwood theater)
beaina Tuesday. March 3, at I p. ru. Special
reduced piicea for thla term and last chance
Uils season. Telopnoue lxiuglaa lt41.
U-M370 2x
n'HEN you write to advertisers kindly
mention ina nee.
You've (rot ti keep hustllna; while you are
waiting. You'ye fit to take advantage of
every moment. To throw away an hour
a day a wek a month is to throw nv
on opportunity, and opportunities do not
come to knock In vain at the same door
very often.
The man or woman who strives la the
man or woman who achieves. He or
she whiles away his or her time In Idle
ness must look forward to an old age of
penury and want.
is holding out an opportunity for you to
acquire a thorough, sound knowledge - of
Btenography, Bookkeeping or Telenrophy
right now, and then next fall Just when
business men of all kinds In nil lines will
be lonkintr for more Rienoprnplieia. more
Bookkeepers, more Telegraphers to aid
them In earning along their business, von
will he able to tnke r'Kht hold and per
form the duties of a Stenographer. Book
keeper or Telegrapher In a thoroughly ac
ceptable manner.
We'd like to havo vou come In and talk
this matter over wtlh us some day soon.
Or, If you ennnot do that, at least send
for our catalogue stating tho course In
which you are interested. You will find It
full of success pointers.
Official Training School of Union Pacific
R. R. Telegraph Department.
19th and Farnam Sts.
if'fco. e have the most thorough and
practical telegraph school In the coun
try. Every convenience for students'
benefit, including motors, dvnamos,
switchboards, railroad blanks nhd boo
nnd all kinds of telegraph insturmenis.
Wo can make an operator out of you if
you want to be one. Write at once for
full particulars, FREE. i ,
Omaha, Neb.
. 0)-
ARKANSAS FARM lt Improved, and
otner property lor sale or trade. Acme
Exchange Co., Cherokee, la.
(3) M710 Mch. 13x
WANTED 125. 0"0 worth of merchandise for
a new brKk department store, ooxsu; the
fines', opening In the state. P. C. Schroe
der. Bertrand, Neb. (3 Mllu 24x
TRADES, TRADES If you have some
thing or sale nr trade write us; we
match everything.
401 Bee Bids.
Have a good mining stock to trade. What
have you 7 L W4. cars Bee. (3) 6
Strictly up-to-date stock of men's clothing,
in umana, must ue moved rrom present
location; owner wishes to exchange for
clear farm land; this stock must be dis
posed of Immediately.
821 Neville Block. . Tel. Douglas 3000.
(3)-M212 23
S. E. Ml Seo. 35-27-10. Holt countv. Ne.h..
160 acres In the Elkhorn valley close to
food town. Mortgage U'JQ, three years at
per cent. Good title. This is well worth
(15.00 per acre. Make us an offer, cash or
trade. Tho best offer gets It.
Wait Investment Company,
401 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb.
(8) M100 Zl
SEVERAL good Improved farms In eastern
iNcbrauka Tor city property or Iowa farm
land. McMenenvy & Rlker, 406 Bee Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 612. (3 3M 23
145,000 JERSEY CITY factory and business
proposition. i,ouu Maryland larm, 33
acres, Brooklyn, L. I., 2iu scattering lots,
want M cash, balance western property,
describe. L. Franklin, General delivery,
New York. . (3) 384 23x
I HAVE some first mortgage 6 per cent
iweiny.year gold ooncia which I will trade
for real estate. Address K 38, rare Bee.
(3) M444
H. R. V. See. tK-'7-in lltt7n,inti, V..K
lt0 acres In the Elkhorn valley, close to
good town. Mortgage $!!, three years at 6
per cent. Good title. This Is well worth
oiu.w per acre, ubha us an oiler, casn or
trade. The beBt utter gets It.
Wait Investment Company.
401 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
(.3J 1446 25
WANTED To exchange, good Nebraska,
ciear quarter, ror sneep, cattle or horses.
1,. E. Johnson, Madrid, la. (3) M42ti 26 x
TO EXCHANGE for gen'l mdse. or hard
ware, a ten-room, modern residence Ice
cated In Pipestone, Minn. Will add some
cash if necessary. lrice, 3,5oO. Addiieas
Duffus Land Co., Pipestone, Minn. '
' (3)-3u5 23i
To exchange your block of four or five
nice cottages ror one or the best 320
acre farms In Pierce county, Nebraska.
This party Is retiring from the farm
and wanta Income property. GET BUSY
and see us quick.
1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.
Tel. Doug. 1781; "A" 1108.
3) M483 28
A FINK FARM of 600 acres, S miles of
food It. 11. town, In Harrison county,
uwa; about 400 acres in cultivation, bal
ance pasture; 4 small sets Improvements;
fenced and cross-fenced. We are offering
tills farm fur a short time only at ln per
acre. J. IL Adklns, Council Bluffs Iowa,
Room 4 First National Bank Bids;.
, . (3 oil 23x
FOR SALE 1750 buys first-class bakery
and confectionery ; serves noon lunch;
greatest burgain ever offered. Apply
Adam Wilson, 112 Farnam Bt.
(4 M517 Xx
PATENTS procured or fee returned. Send
Invention to Everett Dufour & Co., (mem
bers of the supreme court of the U. 8. bar
and expert mechanical engineers.) Op
posite U. S. Patent office, Washington,
D. C (4) -344 23x
A SOUND business proposition. Wanted
partner wlUi M.ouo to engage In the man
ufaetuiing of a new patent, one of the
best ever invented. I Invite investiga
tion. Address M 2. care Bee.
(41-358 23x
FOR SALE Iaw library. 270 volumea
Good will office furniture and building
if wanted. Good opening. Reasons for
Helling. Terms. Inquire, Box 418 Cam
bridge, Neb. (4 MJ11 H
OROCERY and notion business for sale
Bales are as much as stock each month
will sell at Invoice and throw In the flx
turea. 2227 Broadway. Council Bluffe
I- (4 M2W UX '
1350 RinfS business that clears 130 weekly
airft anyone, as experience la not neces
,h rv mill at A 1 1 H lnv..ili,ii,i..n. -
selling, another larger busineaa requires
(4 M27J Sz
We deal In listed and unlisted high-class stocks find honds,
only those that are bankable) considered. Wg have snmo
such now that we can tradu for desirable rial esiata.
We deal In city real estate, farm and ranch lands of all
kinds, special attention given to renting, collectlns' of
rents, and the management of estates.
We noeolate loans on real estate, stocks, bonds, Insur
ance policies, and such other security that will warrant
our consideration.
We examine mining properties, and report upon mines
, In all parts of the world. This department is under the
personal direction of Mr. Norwa.ll, whose twenty-five
years' experience as a mining engineer and expert ren
ders tills department beyond criticism.
STOP and consider that It is the raw
material resources a section possesses
that principally influence the location of
your industry; are you one of the many
manufacturers that Is located remote
from your raw material? If so, write
ua. mentioning tho kind of raw material
you use, markets, etc., and we un
doubtedly can refer you to good manu
facturing; points in the west and south
west along- our lines, adjacent to your
raw matrrlnl. Most rides give induce
ments. Book "Opportunities" sent free.
M. Schiiiter, Industrial Commissioner,
Itock Island-Frisco Lines, St. Louis. Mo.
(4) 28 23
MONEY, do you need It? We are In a
poKiiinn to nirnisii capital lor any meri
torious enterprises. We can sell your
stocks, nnd bonds quickly on commission
basis. Money advanced on (tood securi:l s.
Charters procured in any state. Lo not
fall to confer with us; it will be to yiur
interest. R. Kaats & Co., Bankers,
Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. (4) 345 23x
STORKS and business houses of all kinds
can he located to the very best advan
tage In the many new communities of
the west nnd southwest alone; the
numerous lines of the Rock Island
Frisco. In many cases there are not
enough general stores to properly take
care of the 1oc9t trade. We have new
lists of best openings. When writing
specify the kind of business preferred.
Descriptive literature sent free. M.
Schtilter, Industrial commissioner, Rock
iBland-Frlsco Lines, St. Louis.
(0-297 23
Apply for prico and particulars.
Fulace Itcstaurant, Lexington, Neb,
(D-M727 March lx
Do You Wish to MaKe a Change
IF TOU have a farm, heme, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
ihange, write us.
t4)-M17 Feb23
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing Household necessity,
desires Nebraska manager; demonstra
tion In leading department stores; office
furnished; three years' contract; salary
12.100 and commission; good opening for
man of character and nbllty. Address
Manager, 701 Snowfluke Bldg., Toledo, O.
(4) -
SALARY and commission to person quali-
iieo represent iurgo maniiincturing con
cern nearly city; worth tft.OOO yearly to
right man. Must furnish some capital as
guarantee. Address Drawer 143. Danlcl
Bon, Conn. (41354 23x
ONE of the best grain elevators and
rwlall coal business in eastern Nebraska,
for sale. Reasonable terms. Deal di
rect with owners. Address Y 36. rare of
Bee. (4) 822 23
SHREWD man can make fortune, coming
year, buying up bad (leuts. Method for
squeezing money from cleverest dead
beats; $1. Attorney, 321 Law Building,
Indianapolis. (4) 21)3 Zix
TEN SHARKS preferred stock, par valuo,
$1,), of old established Omaha industry,
7 per cent annual dividends guaranteed.
1 need cash and will sell this stock tor
7jo. Address K 2ti, care Bee.
(4)-603 23x
$250 WILL buy nice millinery store, doing
big business, expenses small, only mllll
rmry In town. Address II 41, cure Bee.-
4 M5U5 25
FOR SALE) Rooming house In the heart of
town, furnished as good as new; roomers
all Kood pay; beautiful surroundings;
good Income t owner hHS accumulated a
fortune and wishes to retire. Adam Wil
son. 1212 Farnam St. (4) M510 25x
DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. TOT N: V 1 If,, flrnnha U l.'.l
FOR SALE Furnished rooming house;,
good Income; price reasonable. Telephone
Douglas 0J7S. 4)-M0 27x
$3fl0,ono corporation owning the finest mica
quartz and feldspar veins in America of
fers for the purpose of full equipment a
number of Its shares at ! cents, p.-tr
value fl. Property free and clem'. No
agents, brokers or commissions. Ground
floor opportunity in a handsome paying
proposition. Prospectus on application
ony. Maine Mica Co., 150 Nassau Ht.,
New York. 4)
50 NEW Improved Ullo penny rcanut vend
ing machines will earn $15 weekly for you
unii not Interfere with your other wink;
$2,340 yearly profit on $fj0 Investment,
llilo Gum Co., 127 Market 8t., Chicago.
(4) M:si :Jx
JIT8T patented, an article of household ne
cessity. Some additional capitul required
to manufacture . special oner ror party
who will act quickly. Address A-84. cure
Bee. ) i 2
GREAT OPPORTUNITY Selling goods by
mail; Improved plan, new cuiaiogue list
ing high-class merchandise; if you can
invest yjb to $1(0, wrlle us. we will show
you an easy way. MUburn-Hliks. Chi
cago. MJ a&l 23x
MH MERCHANT do you wish to realize
1) cents on the dollar for your merchan
dise. Address Omaha Salvage Co., 1111
Farnam St. (4) 359 2)
WB pav $) a month salary and furnish
rig and all expenses to introduce poultry
and stock powders; new plan, steady
work. Bigler Co., X 901, Springfield. 111.
(9)-0 23x
MAKE MONEY IN Wl I EAT Large profits
trading in wheat if you know how; I
tench vnu how: 1 pay every loss made If
traded as taujrht by me. Trade where,
when and as large aa you please. Pay
no money until you are satisfied. Write
Uck Box U. (4) 379 23x
FOR SALE Improved farms and land also
business property. Restaurant, confec
tionery, flour and feed and sale staole
In connection. Price $4.0U0. Charles Sil
burek, Bpooner, Wis. (4) M24i 2sx
FOR SALE Walt her's harness shop at
Lincoln. Neb. Excellent opportunlly to
secure a fine established business. Sales
last year, !1.7ni. Immediate possession
given so purchaser can have benefit of
spring trade. U. A- Walther, Adminis
trator. (4) M2JS
FOR BALE Meat market, finest In Fre
mont. Neb., elegantly equipped wlth up-to-date
fixtures. National Cash register,
computing scales, horses and delivery
wagons, slaughter house and sausage
factory. Apply Adam Wilson. 1212 Far
Bam St, ' t-li"70 2x
Ttl. Douglas 35iia. W9 N. Y. Life Bldg.
4-M1U Mch3
CANDY MAKER-$1.700 buys half Interest
In Ice cream and candy business netting
$3,000 a year. Bonn, Sheldon, la.
(4 952 22x
WANTED To find a live Nebraska town
in need of a Jewelry store. Will pay $5
for your trouble if I locate In town you
indicate., Address Y-303, care Bee.
(4) M13S 22x
OUR CITIZENS who purchased stock
when the Omaha smelter started became
very wealthy. You may do likewise by
purchasing stock in our big ore reduction
plant now being constructed ih Colorado.
Our business is buying and treating ores,
and Will pay from 50 to 300 per cent on
investment; no risk; no competition;
water power, railroad, abundance of ore.
L. J. Ross, president, 6S3 Brandels Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 3750.
(4J M!)24 23x
$10,000 shares at par In growing lumber
manufacturing company of $25,U'jO capital.
Should pay 5o per cent profit this year.
Money used for benefit of rompuny. Ad
dress Box USH, Spokane, Wash.
(4J M142 23x
(4 M25S Mch.lTx
FOR SALE Tho best money making drug
store in Omaha. Can be bought in the
next thirty days fur $13,600 ciibii. Address
S 32, Bee. (4) M3SM 24
WANTED Names, of those who have lost
money or made unsatisfactory Invest
ments in mining stock. We can help you
recover your loss. R. D. Robinson Co.,
Los Angeles, Cal. (4) 40 23x
WITH $3,000 capital you can secure interest
In exceptinoal business proposition which
will make you good Income for life. For
' persoanl interview, address L-9!I3. care
Bee. (4) 420 23x
I HAVE some desirable real estate "which
I will trade for guaranteed stock or
bonds. Address F 39, care Bee.
t (4) M4I5
FARMERS and business men, there Is big
money In rice lands; buy while rheup;
send for free pamphlet. A. BoT.en &.
Sons, Brinkley, Ark. (4) 3X2 ?3x
PHYSICIAN'S practice for sale; an unop
posed territory In eastern Neb.; excellent
field r averages nearly $4.0mi a year; col
lections good. Address Y 234, care Bee.
(4) M374 26
FRAUD exposed. New York Exchange ref
erences, complete detailed Information
concerning ull Investments. No securities
for sale, personal interviews, or by mall
$5, John A. Van Rensselaer, 43 Exchange
Place, New York. (4) 343 2!ix
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, In
dustrial or railway company wanted for
sale; commission basis. Address full par
ticulars. Clientele, P. O. Box COS. New
York. (4) 353 23x
LARGE PROFITS made In buying Puts
and Calls In wheat; pamphlet fully ex
plaining method of dealing in these "In
demnities" mailed Free; also tellB how an
Investment of $20 in Calls alone made over
$700 In one day. The Mutual Grain Co.,
78 Wall St., New York. (41-352 23x
FOR SALE Established hotel business In
a town cf 4.0 0 opulatlon In southeastern
Oklahoma; building and furnishing In
first class condition; averase daily re
ceiptsj $-7); full Information upon request.
A. S. Farnham, Hugo. Okl. (4) S02 23x
There is every possibility that $5 or $10 In
vested In stock of the Montello Salt Co.
of Montello, Nevada, will he worth 100
times that in less than one year. Send
for circular or call on W. D. Clark, 225
Mtrriuni Blk., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
(4) 511 24x
FOR SALE Restaurant; first-class, up-to-date,
good business; price, $4IU; $;50 cash,
easy paynu ills. K, Omaha Hce, Council
Bluffs, la. (4)-M2,'4 23x
EXCE1TIONAL offer for party with
$.",(!() to Invest in new manufacturing con
cern. Great seller, no competition. Ad
dress D-37, care Bee. (4j (19 2x
READ the world In your pocket. Llfa's
problems, the world's grandest scenery
25c. Address Mrs.. B. J. Hamilton, Wag
ner. JN L'D, (4)
-31I.J3 .Mcni4x
GREAT OPPORTCNITY-Selling goods by
mail; unproved plan, new catalogue list
ing high-class merchandise. If you ran
Invest $25 to $100 write us; we will show
you an easy way. Milburn-Hicks, Chi
ca. (4) Mjs7 rx
news and job office in eustern South Da
kola. Part cash, balance easy terms
Address Y 29S, ure Bee. (41 M19ii 22
FOR SALE 9-room rooming house, full of
roomers. Call up Independent Tel. u
(4)-Ml!iS 23x
FOR SALE A saloon in good live town In
southwestern Minnesota; a snap for a
German Catholic family; reason for sell
ing. Address Wllmont, Minn.. Box 23
(4) 170 Mch 4x
FOR SALE Cheap and on easy terms
meat market In town of l.oo), doing g )od
usiness. Residence for sale or rent also
Caii or address M. J. Cunningham. Wood
River. Neb. (4 M245 24x
WE will estalbish ladles and gentlemen In
a profitable business. Capital and expnr
lence not required . Good also as a side
line for employed persons. A rare oppor
tunity equally good in cHies and small
towns. Send for particulars. Crytoleurn
Art Co., Rector Bldg., Clilcsgo.
(4) 423 23x
DO YOU want a New York representative?
I have a fine office, business and shopping
center. Can devote all or part of my tlmu
and am willing to be of service to vou
in any capacity. S. 11. Ornsteln. 10 Union
kt..New York. (4) 3a 23x
T CRN ED Illustrated guide book and list
of inventions wanted, free to any address
Patents secured by us advertised free ill
World's Progress; sample copy free
Evans, Wilki-ns & Co.. CS F 81,., Wash
ington, D. C. 4)
IMPORTANT Information of gieat value
on movements In tok; mailed free on
request. W. A. Street, W Liberty Ku.
New York. ( i55 Six
with good light and fire proof vault, will
find a nice arrangement In one of several
offices which we would be pleased to
show. Ai ply R. W. Bauer, riiipt , Kooin
lib. Be Kid (lol MHwl
STORE BUILDING for rent. Good opening,
ivood town. Oo4Ml location. Address
Union State Bank, Harvard. Neb.
(4 M:U 23
IF YOU want a reliable business; Imrgr In
come, small Investment, no competition;
see Hildreth, 439, Brandels Bldg.
ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all slses; fur
nish part purchase money If wanted.
Oangestad, Room 403 Bee Bldg. (4) Ml'O
FOR 8ALE Tailor shop In Wakefield.
Neb., fixtures and tools; good opening
for married man; cheap rent and plenty
of work. Address Box 17, Tekamsh, Neb.
(4 Mti73 Xx
PARTY with $4,000 or $5,000 con make 20
per cent on his money, no time required,
no risk. Address O 805, care of Bee.
FOR SALE Harness business, established
21 years. In excellent town of 1.5U0; splen
did chance; one other shop the only
competition; nearest town 20 miles. Ad
dress Theo. Figgs, Cliadron, Neb.
E. Q. GANSF.STAD can help you get In or
out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha, (4) 4di
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and tools, all
up-to-date and new. for sale cheap. Josef
Droblrny, Lynch, Neb. (4k-
ATTENTION, merchants.. Here la your
opportunity to open large dry poods or
general store at Fairfield, Neb.; good
town, with no competition; two-story,
60-foot front building tor rent, all one
room. Paul Selffert, 1906 Euclid Ave.,
Lincoln, Neb. (4)
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money ; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sons, Bankers, luth and Douglas
Sts, Assets over $lo0.000. t4
WANTED A partner with $1,000 to go Into
medicine , nianuftcturing business. Ad
dress Y 230, care Bee. (4) 394 23x
Drcxel hotrl; Po-room hotel. For par
ticulars inquire of
'Phone Douglas 297. 212 So. 14lh 8t.
U) 230
WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men
tion The Bee.
WE CAN offer the best lighted office In
the city for this line of work; room ti22,
having a north light, witli all conveni
ences of a well appointed office building.
See R. W. Buker, bupt.. Room 105, Bee
Bldg. (5 M094
HAMMOND BATHS, 107 So. 14th. Tel.
Douglas 3915. Wednesdays ladles' day.
(6; M 174
Cnrpet Clennlnc
A. J. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. D4004.
(5) A1S08 Mch 15
Chattel Loans.
Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg.
DR. ROY, R. 2. 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6197.
(( 463
David Cole Creamery Company. (&) M175
BAILEY & MACII, 3d fir.. Paxton. D.' 1085.
(6) 4i4
WE WOULD like to have you look at the
office room No. 560, facing the south;
this room Would be particularly well
situated for one wishing a well appointed
dentist's office. Apply to Mr. Baker,
bupt.. Bee Bldg, Room 105. (5) M002
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1358. (&) 465
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1G23 Far
nam St. (6j 406
HESg . SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5)-467
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1251
(5) kit
J. IL BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000.
(5 469
THE SCHUTZ. European, 16th and Harnex
(5 171
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clofck. jewelry
repairing. 3-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4317.
KEYS, etc., Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. J.
2874. (W til
LADIES' hats made over, also new hat
made. Experienced milliner. Hals, fea
thers and flowers cleaned or dyed. N'-w
material at pluwest prices. Miss E. l,e da
Pepper, 614 S. -28th St. Tel. Harney 3:i8.
(5) M9:l M15x
Mualo nnd language.
PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2291
Moving- and Storing.
Expressmen's Delivery Co.. office. 214 N.
luth St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Izard St.
Office Supplies.
FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and ofllce fixtures and sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.,
3 J. ISth St. Tel. Doug. 5562. ind. A-15U2.
(5) Ml'lu Mchl7
Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Farnum. Tel. Doug.C370
t (5 619 MchlO
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 10-it
(5) 460
C. E-. TRUSSELL. 115 8. 16th St. (5)-475
BEFORE placing your !909 calendar order
don't fall to see our elegant Imported
line. Lyngstnd & Jorve, printers, Win
and Capitol Ave. (51478
of the time lost poking p the average
printer when "'i want a lob iu a liuriyf
Ever try sjs?
Printers and office Furnishers,
306-312 S. 19th St.
'Phones: Bell, Douglas 6562; Ind., Al'iR.
5-M592 F27
JOB PRINTING Call Beecroft. Doug. 45"3.
(5 M9;2 MU
' Poblio Stenographer.
Miss Spehard. 804 N.Y.L. pub. stenographer.
(6) M213 Mch5
Shoe Repairing.
work. 1618V Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 4.
SHOES repaired right, railed for and de
livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.,
1HU4 Farnum St. Tel. D. 7567. 5-477
Safes, Shutsertv Kto,
a specially of fire escap'S, shutters, doors
and safes. G. Andaeen. Prop., 102 S. rdlh St.
WHEN wrt.lng to adverUrs. remember
It takes but an extra stroke or two of
the peu to mention the fact that yuu saw
Uie ad In The Lee - -
Agents and Salealadlea.
WANTED A bright woman to represent
house as saleslady. Excellent oppin'ouv,
for rlRhl party. Address B 1 care B e.
ti;.M2. 2U
LADIES make money selling guaranteed
silks dlreci from looms. Cut any h'";'1-One-third
saved. Express prepaid, )v',,,
for Informs! Ion Ix-nox Silk Works,
Brunswick Offices, New York. Ur-
LAIY MANAGERS and represent at lyes.
Plnesant work. Salary or commission.
Mine. Clare Co., Des Moines. Is.
I7)-3J7 23x
n'tVTTti-UHv nsnnts to sell articles to
lu.lL.a nnlv- ITu.l aeller larlre orofltS.
For particulars address Madison Supply
CO., IxkK uox lis, -eona. in.
(7-304 23 X
Clerical aad Office.
AN experienced stenographer, high hool
graduate preferred, state age, experience,
salary wanted and machine operated.
Address O 13, care Bee. (T M215 23
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare
time; good pay; rash weekly; reliaDie;
aend stair p. c Co., Alornstown, n. i
17) 316 23x
WANTED A stenographer who haa had
experience In the Insurance business;
Bldg. (7) 498 Si
Factory and Trades.
LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at
home materials furnished $15 per hund-
rea. particulars, stamped envelope. lepi.
30S, Dearborn Specially Co., Chicago.
(7 837 23x
WANTED Girls to do hair work. Apply
Hair Dressing Dept., Brandels. (7) 220 23
Housekeepers and Densest las.
MILLINERY and dressmaking, hats
trimmed. Mrs. Delmar, Room i4, Wead
Block, Northeast Corner 2o and Earns ni.
(7) M9T0 2i
19i2 Farnam St.
Cook, small family, $6.
Cook for small boarding house, $7.
Girls for general housework, $5 to $7.
(7) M474 26
HELP furnished; male and female. Tel D.
tM. Canadian Office, lath and Dodge.
17) 4 SO
GOOD first-class woman to do cooking
and laundry work, $7 a week, at 143 N,
31st Ave. Tel. Harney 1103.
(7)-MS27 22
COMPETENT girl for treneral housework.
1315 Burt St. (7) M100 34X
WANTED Two girls for general house
work, good wages. Apply 2287 Seward.
'Phone Webster 522. (7) M1S1 22
GIRL for general house work. Four in
family. Good wages. Tel Red 6100.
(7)-l21 27
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good wages. 4S19 Cass St. "Phone Harney
lttl. (7)-2S3
WANTED A girl for general housework,
1914 Farnam. (7) M263 L9
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Mrs. Anglin, 101 S. 39th Si.
(7)-M3i3 25x
WANTED An experienced girl for rreneral
housework; good wages. 2206 F St., So.
Omaha. , (7) 378 23
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Mrs. F. A. Brogan, near Countrv club.
. Tel. Benson 127. (7) 375 23x
GIRL for general housework, good waaos,
small family. 3012 Mason St.
(7)-M504 29
M Iscella neons.
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecessary; no canvassing-.
Send for particulars. Press Syndicate,
Lockport, K. Y. (7)
WANTED Bright young- woman or practi
cal nurse to train, 6 months, earn $12
week while training; $20 to $30 when
graduated; home utudy course. Hospital
practice Free book. American Training
School Nurses, 169 CrIMy Bldg., Chicago.
(7) 406-23X
WANTED Ladles, $1 a day In spare time
at home. You have no canvassing, ped
dling or publicity. Strictly honest. No
deposit on goods. Send stamped .en-
Ior Pnr,,culars. Ladles' Aid. 46
main bi uurnam, conn. (7)
1902 Farnam St.
Child's nurse, $6.
Cook, $6.
Girls for general housework, $5 to $1
(7 M163 22
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
WANTED Reliable man In each locality
to advertise our goods on commission or
salary; $90 a month and expenses, $3 per
day. Entirely new plan. Write Empire
Medicine Co., London, Ontario, Canada.
(9J M9S9 23x
SALESMAN wanted to handle souvenir
post cards as a side line. One who travels
in two or three wstern stales continually
preferred. An easy and exceptionally com
plete line. Liberal commissions. Address,
giving references, territory, line vou are
now handling, etc. A. C. Dletsche, 74-83
IIUUUHttlu itvc, J-ruuoil, A11CI1.
(9) M247 23X
YOU can make $25 to $100 week In mall
order business; no canvassing. 1 made
$5,000 first year. Why work on small
salary? Free booklet tells how to get
started. Mgr. American Mall Order Bu
reau, Detroit, Mich. (9l M933 Mlux
GOOD proposition for Vive canvassers. 1212
Harney. (?)-M588 Feb27
want good satisfaction and prompt ship
ments, let the Inman Portrait Co. do
your work. 416 New Era Bidg., Chicago.
(8j M12S Feb22x
WANTED A few salesmen to carry a side
line; bit; commission and a seller in every
town. None but producers need apply,
P. O. Box. 594. (9-Ml-3 23
CIGAR salesman wanted. Experience un
necessary. $lnu per month and expenses.
Peerless Cigar Co., Toledo, O.
(9) M244 24 X
A LIVE, energetlo salesman to represent
an old, established concern. Must be
wide awake and a producer. Good pros
pect for right man. Address A 17. care
Bee. (9)-M25o 24x
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere; $25 to $30
mude weekly distributing circulars, over
seeing out-door advertising; new plan; no
canvassing. Merchants' Out-Door Ad
vertising Co.. Clilcugo. III.
(9)-M261 23x
CUSHION TOPS We make them from anv
photo, on any color, iillk faced satin: anv
man or woman can sell ours and make
$5 to $10 a dav. Write today for free
booklet and samples. Jap Photo Cushion
Co.. 218 St. ClaJr Ave., Cleveland, O
AOENTS 1150.00 per month easily
lundu selling my new patent floor
ltop; sells like wildfire. If you wan.
a trackerjack article, write to ks
llllker, 379 Grand Ave., Chicago.
' (9)
W 1.FA7 - 8 WM'k and "Penses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year s contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept
64, Parsons. Kan. (9
AGENTS want.-d for sTTlKh cl.-i"ss"Teautl-,
fully prlnttd and illustrated dollar-u-vear
woman s magazine: commission 50 cents
on each dollar subscription. Write for
gents free outfit. American Home
Monthly. 6 Barclay St.. New York
WAN rhD Aeents. men and women- per
manent employment to reliable p.-, tt.
Liberal cash commission paid for sollniii
our goods to the family trade. In com
munities of l.oo to lO.OuO population
Lod.nheimcr Coffee & Tea Co., St Louis'
i ()- '
AGENTS Introduce "Picturesque America
Series" postals. Send )tc for ai beautiful
views, all different International Trad
ing" Co.. 33 Park Place, New York.
AOLN I 8 $310 every month sure selling ur
wonderful seven-piece kitchen set- send
for sworn statement of $12 daily prif.t
Outfit free. Thomas Mf Co.. 621 Jef
ferson St., Dayton. O. 9)
RELTARLU. firm wnnts correspond with
honest, uptight p-is-ui to (u-t as rep
resentative lor sale ot s new Invention.
New plan. No lm; liherM r.--numerstlon.
Sample im.i terms be
F. Cortes Mfg. Co., Katonah, . Y.
li -:M 2."x
W ANTEIV-Fidrsmnn for Nebraska sn.l
Kansas. Prefer on acquainted with hard
ware specialities. The Ward Safety
Raxor Co., 356 Dearborn tt., chliwso
i i 34 1 2::x
AGENTS To sell bill registers, account
files and many other specialties to mer
chants. Pershing; Aifg. Co., South l:. n,i
Ind. (9J-. x
AGENTS Portraits, t rents; In fram. s
complete 4i rents; finest new niem t-im1
plrture out; ask for free sample. Fnihu
Portrait Co., 120 So. Paulina t.. ('lo.,,
PICTURE! airents everywhere, write for
catalngiie and price list on picture frames;
It will pay you well. D. Sideman, M;i s.j.
llalsted St., Chicago. 0) 31'.' 2,tx
WANTED Salesmen to Introduce out pw
commercial survey of Nebraska; these
survey are a splendid compilation of
fact, fig-urea and drawings and of won
derful value; railroads and lnterurban
lines are shown up to date, siiecial at
tention being given to them; all counties,
towns and jBtoffices fully Indexed and
populations given; many other features
too numerous to mention; a special op
portunity for energetic nsr-n. Rand. Mc
Nally & Co., Chicago, IU. () M393 24
BTO MONEY here for aerents; Milwaukee
dustless floor and carpet brushes (with
reservoir); sell easily to stores, schools,
residences, hotels and halls; field un
limited; won gold medal at St. lonis
World's fair; are strictly guaranteed and
wtihout competition; exclusive territory
granted, giving an opportunity to build
up trade. The margin of profit will In
terest you. . Ask about this. Milwaukee
Dustless Brush Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
(9) 409 2SX
SALESMAN $250 per month nnd expenses
to rlKht kind of energetic man: old es
tablished, reputable concern; some K""d
territory still umisslgned for 19oH. Sales
Manager, 66 Fifth Ave., Chlcaoro.
A (9) 405 23x
AGENTS Newost. best paying, clean, hon
est proposition ; Invention stores tip heat
for months. Storehcat Mfg. Co., Los An
geles, Cal. (9) 404 23x
WE have a patented article and offer ex
clusive territory. Agents can easily make
Make $10 dally. Address, Buckeye Com
mercial Co., 7o4 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O.
(9-425 23x
SALESMEN For old reliable wholesale
house; staple line; sells to all classes of
merchants; good hustler for Nebraska
territory, $250 a month and expenses. Ad
dress, American Jobbing Assn., Chicago,
111- (9)-422 23x
MANAGER wanted In every city and
county to handle best paying business
known, legitimate, new, exclusive control;
no Insurance or book canvassing. Ad
dreRs, Chas. Halstead, 34 West 261 h St.,
New York. (9) 361 23x
WANTED Salesmen to hnndle, as a side
line, the best Postal Card line In the
country, at a good commission, from a
reliable firm. Wchb-Fteyschlag Merc.
Co., Kansas City, Mo. (9) 335 23x
SALESMEN Ten to twenty dollars a dny
to good, reliable, specialty salesmen. Give
good references nnd slate territory. Ber
ner, 5(i!-40, Iiearhorn St., Chicago.
() 3S6 22x
TRAVELING SALES. MEN make $2,400 to
3.6() commissions per year selling white
lend. Why not you? My lead is guaran
tned to dealer and User. Pocket sample.
E. L. Brown, 3517 Lucas Aves&t. Louis.
(9) 333 23x
W A Jv T ED A high class specialty sales
man one with medicine experience, sell
ing to the drug and general store trade
preferred. For sm-h a man we have a
fine opportunity. Liberal salaries we are
paying our salesmen will Increase yours
from $10 to $50 per month on the same
amount of sales you now ore securing
for the older house. Give age, experience
and lines handled In first letter. Corres
pondence confidential. Box 655. Chicago.
(9) 334 23x
AGENTS $30 per week handling non mag
netic wntches. Our Installment plan en
ables you to make easy sales. Big money.
Union Watch Co., Maiden Lane. New
York. ' (9) 331 23x
AGENTS nnd mail order men. We manu
facture the fastest selling 25 cent article
on the market; 150 per cent profit; par
ticulars free. New Century Specialty Co.,
1 Fulton St., Now York. (9) 333 23x
- 1
ROMAN CATHOLIC representative wantel
in every parish to Introduce high grade
financial proposition having support of
clergy. Light i;nd remunerative work.
Part or whole time. References required.
Wills, Lockwood & Co., f.O Congress St.,
Boston, Mass. (9) 330 23x
A FEW first class solicitors, to bepln work
at once. Mfg's Agent, 523 Bee PM.
(9) Mi93 24x
WANTED A townslte salesman, one whn
Is capable ol earning from $250.00 to
J300.00 per month. If you have the
rlsht stuff In you, call nnd nee mo.
Room 235, Millard Hotel, 10 to 12,
2 to 4. H. W. Ballard. (9) M4S5 23
WANTED Five men of good appearance
and ability to represent us in the
vicinity of Omaha; permanent if ymi
an make good. 10 to 12, 2 to 4. II. W.
r.allnrd. Room 235, Millard.
(9) M480 S3
AGENTS and housekeepers save your b'lls
beautiful light. Sample 25 cents. Urban
Specialty Co., 948 E. 17!)th St., New York
City. N. Y. (9) 5e2 23x
PICTURE AGENTS Crew managers. $
per week; guaranteed portraits; bromides,
pillow tops. 30c. 400 per cent profit easv.
Frames 15c, catalogue free. Rilter Art
Studio, 819 W. ,Van Buren St., Chicago.
(9) 3-J6 23x
FRAUD exposed. New York Stock ex
change references, complete dptalh-d In
formation roncernlng all Investments. No
securlth a for sale. Personal Interviews,
or bv mall, $5. John A. Van Rensselaer,
43 Exchange Place, New York.
(91-328 23x
Auto Tire Repair Kits; easily carried In
pocket. A time saver f ir automohillsts;
a bljr seller and monev maker for vou.
Send for circular: terms. Htrout Mfg.
Co., 66 Beaver St., New York.
(9)-329 83x
WANTED To employ a Catholic gentle
man as local representative; we require
a person of eneriry and ability for the
position. Salary SIS jver week; write at
once for particulars. TIip lloev Publish
ing Co., 823 Dearborn St., Chtcairo, III.
(9-434 23x
PERMANENT Excluslvo Agency; big pay.
Steam plp.nts without change rendered
smokeless. 3 rent water gas made In
any coal fire. savln half. Ko'-Snvcr. 12s
Clark St.. Chicago. (91-431 3x
SALESMEN If you are calling on haj.1-
ware. drug stores, wagon makers, paint
ers, builders or wood-working factories
write to me and I will make you an
interesting proposition on a commission
basis. Only men with a clean, good
record ned nnplv. Address Michael Hi
Namara. Detroit, Mich. (9) 43) 21.x
CURIOS for sale: roUeet'on of Afrlcsn
horns. Io pi'rs, 0 varieties: onlv one of
Its kind In the United States. V,r full
reirticulars. ad tress G. Berker. Hockley,
Tex. (9) 4V8 23x
HALUOMHV-Oiir side lino Is a winner;
samples 1'ght: lare-e field; essv s-lh-r:
biir con-mission. P. O. Box 115. 'v.lar
R-i'ilds. Is. (91 4'7 3x
WANTED Salesmen acua'nted with he
hsrnwsro trade In bundle fast nelong line
of ladders snd lawn goods as a "lie line:
sold by photos; liberal rnmrnls'-lo' ; send
references with application. E;-l fg.
Co., Piano. III. (91-247 23x
WANTED Experienced salesmen; giods
snM on lonp lime; proposition esoeclaMv
ltrutlitn nma, , ,1,.,, n ,.ni , n , i. - , .
f"' "art'eola'-s M Wstrr-Comfin r.,
3fW Dearborn f t., CHo.iipi. (9: 3 23 x
An FNT.1- fio'l fisniinrv pipes o smokers.
Every smoke- wp.m' one: lu) per cent
commission. Fend dollar for samnle and
name territory wntid. Dollar returned
with first order. HuiiHarv Pipe Co Cut
ler Bldg.. Rochester. N. Y. (91-351 Six
AGENT" Five vsrs' expensive sales of
our sef-generllnsr gas burner for kero
sene la'iins tells, lis merits, brilliant ras
llght; liberal Inducements; Information
f re. Eastern Gaslight Co., 28S Rrnalway,
New York. 0-W S3x