R o( TTTE OM ATTA DAILY BEE, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 18, IDOfl. Want - ads A4rrrttifniti -fer the want relnmaa will he tikri oatll It aa. for the rrrnlK edition and antll 0 p. m. Cash mailt rromptif all ordfH for want ada aad irrllwmt will le accepted for leee than lO rente for fleet Insertion. nalM apply to either Tka Dally or Sunday Br. Alway conal els nnli to a liar. r'omolnntloaa of laltTala or a am here ronnt aa oaa word. t; ASH R4TRI roR WAUT ADS. PF.GI I.AH CLASSIFICATION Oa Insertion, per line, 10 renta. Two or ir.re rnnarrnlUf insertion, pe llae, (I imti. Each Insertion made aa odd lay. IO rcata prr liar. $l.BO per line per month. SPECIAL, CLASSIFICATION 9 If oor advertisement la Inaerted aader any oaa of the claaalflcatloao gl Wlow, It will be charged at the fol lowln( rateai One Inaertioa, 4 eeaU per llaei three to alx eoneecatlv In sertion, .1 rent a per lino each laaer . ttnaf aeven or more conaecntlve narr Hone, 3 reata per llae each Insertion SO renta per llae per month. BARTER AND KXtllANGE. DIMMERS CHANCES. HK1-P WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. crpt A sent a, Bolleltora and Snlee turn. OFFERED FOR SALE, loni, Ulrda, Dogs aad Pete. Iloraea and Vehlclea. Poultry and Baca. Kornlturt, Typewriter aad Sewing Hachlaea. I'imios, Orsana aad Maalcal Inatra uienta. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnished Rooma. I n furnished Rooau. llouaekeeplag Rooma. Boarding and Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. Want ada for Tae Beo may bo left at aujr of tae following drag atoree . one la "iiiar corner dragg-let" they are all branch offlcea of The Bee aad lntr ad will be luaerted Jaat aa promptly aad oa the aarae ratea aa at the mala office In The Ilea Building, Seventeenth, aud Far a am Streete. Albv'n.'W. C. tOUt and Farnam. ueraneK, a. A , j2 b. lttli bl. l.eciit tliariuacy, ?,0 8. lttLti bt. itetisoh Pnarmaoy, Benson, Neb. t.emla i'uik I'liarnuu y , au and Cuming. tiiaKu a 1'i.ai aiui , ontrman av. cauglaln, C. It., tith ana fierce bt. clillon Hill Pnarniacy, 2214 Military Ave. '.yule, J. ti., Hal AVti. u:il i-rna,n. v.iimo) 1'i.armacy. Mtu and ium Ota. y t.eiu.aK, Kmii, U'j-li b. lata bt. Ka.luiuu t'liaiinacy, tuviM)Wortli. 1' d kinoiUl. IIS Cl. 25m bi. ' iijytaa, Oolin J., Ii4 t. 4iu. i' lueiue uiun Co., t lorvnce, Neb. ooiuyiun ruarinac, Juln ana Lake. L,n cu a 1 iiarmaty, corner iraiK Art. and I'.IClllC. . Greenoush. U. A., 1025 b. 101 h St. ureeuautn, O. A.. )o44 b. loin bU uuutu, m. Zhju r amain bt. ituji:u.n ram Pnarmacy, ijui d. 29th A u. v tiolai, John, 624 N. lOtli St. I , li.nf, A. tt4 i-eavcn worth EL a. It. b.. Mb aaxiiam bl. Kuunlse l luctt t'tiarn.ay, lmjK N. 2ttli. i a i.lk lyU l.o., itii't A. iUH Si. L.ui.uiup, tuarlea h.., uk,jN. St. I'Vloil. 11,., .ilU MUU Im)U VUMTOI'lh. u.MLuau JJiu- Co., iiin ana Ainca Ave. iii,auiv4' a Cui c'lico uru Cw, .ukii and 0uiiaetc-r, Ausual, XXI N. 16th St ti iiiuiai. j. J., iu und Cumlna Bta. toii.i iiiai'inacy, ititu anu Marciia Hta. w auitiL iii.l fnurnmue', Kli ami v-uining. aivu,i 1-imrniacy, ioin and Uiuca. ktui'n., O. it., vui una iiauiiiiou St. UttATUS AND FUNERAL NOTICES t IJHUMMY bumuel S., aged 61 ' year. I minima anu 'Lit day. f uneral 'iimeaaay morning. February 18, at 6.) a. in., iioin tamiiy reaidence, 4&ftj i.ain.y atretit, to the Bt. Oeolilaa church, imerinenl Jioly bvpulchre cemetery. WAISENBACHER-Mathlan, age El years tjied MunUHjf at 1:10 a. m. r uneral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock "from tne family reaidi-nce, LM lilnney mreet. Interment Forest Lawn ccmeiery. friends Invited. SriALttERQ Andrew P., February 15, 1908 age 4 years, tf monlha and 2l days. uneral aervlce Tuesday, February 18 1! at a o'clock from the tamlly residence! SjW Howard street. Interment Prospect iilll cemetery. Friends Invited. LODGE NOTICES. ' Atteatloa, Eaclea. Members of Omaha Aerie, No. 38. Frater. f"1!. vt -' meet at Eagle hail, 107 South Fourteenth street, Tuesday l'ebruark IS, at 7:80 a. m., to attend the funera! of our late brother. S. VDrSmmy from his late reaidence. 423U Harney atreet' f uneral aervlces at St. Cecelia's church Fortieth and Burt. Hurtal at Holy Bull t lira cemetery. By order of the president. t) W. CANON. Secretary. Atteatloa, Moetra , Woodmen of America. The memlxiri of Omaha camp, No. I'M Modern Woodmen of America, are re quested to attend the funeral of" Neighbor """enbaoher Tuesday, February is, at H o clock p. m., at mi Ulnney street In orsYn'"61 C. H. T&KICl2rBEIN- CncU,; BIRTHS) AND DEATHS. x Births Charles Begley, 1502 North Fi enlh. boy; Stephen f. arke?, ?8 Seward girl; T. ililton Fonde. 668 iiuth Thirty! uth. boy ; Robert Wlnkelman, 111V South Twenty-second, girl; Martin ilelhua 3ol2 Brown, boy; Hans P. bkow. 24o Sniiih Uwentieth. girl; Utlo Purdy, uig Lake 7." . . oaepn s Hospital 2' Pear Coffin. 61?H North SUtaenth. . tharlos talsel. 171 LHJdge. 74; Andrew V.' Shulberg? Woti Howard. 4. ' Urew y- tic MARRIAGE ENSES. The following rnarrlage licenses have Issued: Name and Reaidence. Cuai'lee Ellasson, Uloomfield. Neb Kdith id. Jolwaun, illoorufield. Me'b"!! Eugene F. Gunahl, Loa Angeles. Cal Helen C. 4Vlr, Los Angeles, Cal " Nathaniel P; Herdllnger, Omaha Itura M. Dtbbern. Marshltown," la.!!! l'eter Kruatek, Omaha Rose Jahoda, Omaha !!!!.'!"" Merle II. Walling, Baylls, III..!!"" Ethel F. French, Aurora, Neb !!!!!! been Age. ...32 ... 21 ... 30 ... m ... 30 ... 27 ... 27 ... 21 ... 24 ... 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS TELEGRAPHY The telegraph department of tbesOmaha Commercial college, ita and Farnara bta. baa Ixen made an official school of til graphy of the U. P. K R. Co. Btudenu guaraotood poalUona M U. P. H. R, Wrtta ua at once. Address Rohrbough Bros. Omaha. feb. . tl Mo Febl ' THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavanworlh bis. Tel Doug la 1K7 0 461 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. COLE. 13u! Doug, las. l-43 WHEN writing to advertisers, remember it takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand tutonio. biles. DKHIQHT. lalg Far nam. U)-x FIRE 8 TON El Auto tires at Karbach'a. tiJ Mlt March 1 TAKEN ON FOREOLOSI'RB-Jackson 46 liorae power and Kmnbler ls-horae power touring cars. I'rrctlcally new cars. Posi tively cheap for rash, t'onie or wire. R, Butler, Noithwood. l. . ! Mill 18a BARTER AND EXCHANGE ARKANSAS FARM 13 Improved, and othrr property for sale or trade. Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la. CD-M71 Mch. 13x TKLL tia what you have to sell or wish to buy or exchange. Bj E. Blerer Co.. 4U Bee lildg. (D-618 17x WANTF.D r.ono worth of merchandise for a npw brick department store, 6iai; tho i ni opening In the state. P. C. Schroe- der. Bertrnnd, Nrb. (3) MHO 24x FOR SALE or trade, one-half Interest In well established real estate business In Omaha, paying large monthly returns ground floor office, extra well located cheap rent: will trade for land or town property. If you want a monay maker investigate. Address S 49 cure H,-o. , (3) M,94 2(x WANT a flrst-clnss lunch counter or rooming house. Have North or Hoiith L'akota land. Land Well locntod. Prloo right. Wiir consider nothing but a live proposition. Other good properly. Art- oresa v. u. Clark. Murray Hotel. Omaha Neb. ' (3 MH3S lSx. TRADES, TRADES If you have some thing for sale or trade write us; we niatcn everything. W AIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee Bldg. (3J M2?5 FJ4 A LIVE ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. What nave your L, 634. care Bee. (3) K BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V, Knrest. 707 N. Y. Lite. Urnaha. (4-4c9 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBT. C. DRUE8EDOW & CO STOCK LOOKERS. Ttl. Douglas 36tio. Vii N. Y. Life Bldg. OMAHA. WEB. 4 Mill Mch3 INVEST small money now In high-class In dustrial enterprise. Will yield 1(10 per cent In a year, bib Beo Bldg. (4) M912 22 CANDY MAKER-11.700 buys half Interest in Ire cream and candy business netting Ul.OB a year. Bonn, fchcldon, la. 14) ibl z.'x DRUGGISTS Take Notice We have Just come Into possession of one of tno finest drug stores - In the state, located In a good county seat of 2,000 Innabltniils In eastern Nebraska. Corner brick store, best location In town, rent reasonable, all modern conveniences. Stock, tountain and fixtures ( new and up-to-date In every ,. respect. Doing good business. We are not nruggists and , are going to sell, n you are even thinking of buying Ic will ray you to- Investigate this at once, as it is on the bargain ' counter and must be sold. WAIT INVESTMMENT CO. 4H Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Bell 'phone Doug. 4o!U. lnd. AliM. UJ lw8 20 FAMILY HOTEL FOR SALE. Owner leaving Oinahu. Tne lease and fur niture of the best and most conveniently located family hotel of 36 rooms In uijiuha. always full of high-class board ers; muHt be sui4 at once. Ji n h money maker. Just lue plate for family who warns to send their children to tne fa mous schools of Omaha, t all on or ad dress owner. W. W. D., Ha N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Nob. 14) M2J DO YOU WISH TO MAKE A CHANGE? THE LEAlMOTUN STEAM LAUNDBY ' NEW EQUIPMENT. NO COMPETITION. MONTiiL. 1 LH vuuiu $500.00 Apply for prlco and particulars.' Palace Restaurant, Lexington, Neb. (itKi m March Ix Do You Wish to Maise a Change IF YOU have a farm, heme, business or property that you wlsn to selt-or ex .tiuiige, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO OMAHA, NEB. 14)-M17 Feb23 FOR SALE Harness business, established A years, in excellent town of 2,uUU; splen did chance; one other shop Hie. only competition; nearest town M mlleai Ad dress Theo. Figgs. Cha lron, Neb. V4J-M731 FOR SALE Millinery store In small town; no competition; doing fine Lui- tiess; must sell at once. Address VV 9, Bee. (4) A18U7 18 OITR CITIZENS who purchased stock when the Omaha smelter started became very wealthy. Y'ou may do likewise by purchasing stock In our big ore reduction plant now being constructed in. Colorado. Our business Is buying and treating ores, and will pay from 6v to 3U0 per cent on Investment; no risk; no competition; water power, railroad, abundance of ore. 1,. J. Roas, president, 51 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, vNub. 'Phone Douglas ii'60. 14J Ma4 23x GREAT OPPORTUNITY-Selllng goods by malll improved plan, new catalogue list ing high-class merchandise. If you tan Invest (26 to fKu write us; we will sh6w you an easy way. MUburn-Hlcks, Cnl- (4)-Mi87 2tx E. O. GANSESTAD can help you get In or out of business. Room 403 Bee' Bldg Omaha. (4) 4oo FOR SALE New blacksmith shop, all mod ern, In best location In live town, with good community to draw irom. Will also sell stock and rent building. A snap tor that trade. Also good location for -Implements In connection. Citizens State Bank Creston, Neb. (4jey 17 ' INSURANCE men looking for large office with good light and fire proof vault, will find a'nlce arrangement In one of several of flees v-whlch we would bn pleaded to show. Apply R. W. Baker. Bunt.. Hoo.a lu6. Bee Bldg. (13) MtiUl FOR SALE Meat market, finest In Fre mont. Neb., elegantly equipped with ud-to-date fixtures, National cash register computing scales, horses and delivery wagons; slaughter house and sausage factory comulete. all canh -n vher bu"'n,'8s- APPly Adani Wilson, PARTNER WANTED Must have small capital. Need not be a resident of city Business pays big profits. 615 Bee Bldg (14-M10 2J STORE BUILDING for rent Good opening. . x """" mvuiun. AUdress Union State Bank, Harvard, Neb (O-tMSS 23 ALL kinds of bargains In rooming houses; caah loaned If needed. Kelly A Stone. 2M Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4664. (4 IdLo FeblS F2I.8aLET20 German American Coffee stock; price 850 per share, and as signment of 1907 dividends. Address Look Box 669. Grand Island. Neb. (4)-M7U 20x IF YOU, want a reliable business; large In come, small Investment, no competition: see Hildreth. 439. Brandels Bldg (4J-M642 FOR SALE-Cheap and on eaay terms, residence and meat market In town of l.WJO, doing good bLaineea. Address Y lOlcaxe of Bee. (4-M636 18x ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all alxea; fur- .. .-'vii. a luoney ii wanted. Gangealad, Room 4uS Bee Bldg. (4) MloO READ the world in your pocket. Llf'a problems, the world s grandest scenl'?y Lc. Addreaa Mrs. B.-J . HanilltorTwa ner. Neb. . 4i mtm "k 8f:T"0rJh0I,, ,n Wakefield, v. .1IU luUS; good opening for married man; cheap rent and llent? of work. Addreaa Box 17, Tekamah; Neb 14.1 MoTS 2dg PARTY with 84.000 or 85 000 can make 20 money, no time required, no rlak. Addreaa O MS, care of Bee s . 4 MSt GOOD opening for doctor, lawyer, general merchandise, harness shop, ' creamery broom factory, hardware, hotel. For Information address Secretary, Commer olal Club, St. Lawrence, 8. D. s t4-MUT 18x BEE want-ads sell estate than BUSINESS DIRECTORY Archltecta. WE CAN offer the best lighted office In the city for this line of work; room ffi2, having a north light, with all conveni ences of a well appointed office building, bee R. W. Baker, bupt.. Room Mb, bee Bldg. (5) M6i4 , Auctioneer. 1 IN NEBRASKA OR 10WA-8xm Hoff, Omaha. (.5) M7ua Febl8x Datha. f HAMMOND BATHS. 107 60' 14th. Tel Douglas 3915. Wednesdaya ladles' day. (5-M 174 Carpet Cleaning;. A. K. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. DtOUi t&J M&08 itelil,. Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company. (5) M17J Chiropodist. DR. P.OY". R. 21506 Firnanl St. Doug. 6197, (nj m Chattel Loans. Chas. D. Sttinton Loan Co , 601 BeeBldg. (6) 463 Deatiata. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir., Paxton. D. 1086. ' 5 404 WE WOULD like to have you look at the orrice room wo. o&o, lacing tne soutn; this room would be particularly well situated for one wishing a well appointed aentist s oriice. Apply to Mr. nn Ker, Supt., Bee Bldg, Room 106. (5) MH02 Florists. HESS . SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) 467 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnara. Tel. D. 1203. to; -tat J. IL BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. 5 469 Dressmaking. f IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney lsoa. w 4t M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Fari nam St. (6) 166 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing by day In families; good work guaranteed. Call evenings. Webster 18U0. 16J-M73S F18x Hotels. THE SCHLITZ. European, 16th and Harneg 15; 471 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4317. (&,-470 Lockainltha. KEYS. etc.. Heflin, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 7I. (I) 471 Millinery. LADIES' hats made over, also new tints made. Experienced milliner. Hats, fea- thers and flowers cleaned or dyed, New material at ploweat prices. Miss E. Loola Pepper, 614 8. 28th St. Tel. Harney i.: . -I t&) MVLl Mlbx PIANO leaaons. Mra. Kltchls. Tel. Web. 2292. (5)-473 BIoTiaa; aad fetorlaar. t , . Expressmen's-Dellvery Co., office. 218 N. loth St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Izard St. , . ... . (5) 474 Office Supplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices 'and office fixtures ana sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 306 S. 18th St. TeU Doug. 6562. I ml. AU562, X (&) M1U6 MC1U7 Osteopathy. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Farnam. Tel. Doug.6370 . tt avt Memo JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (6)-460 Photography. C. E. TRHSSELL, 115 S. 16th St. (5) 475 Printing. BEFORE placing your 19W calendar order don't fall to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad St Jorve, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. (5) 478 EVER STOP TO THINK of the time lost poking up the average printer wnen yon want a 100 in a hurry 7 Ever try oa? ANCHOR PUbUSniNO CO., Printers and Office Furnishers, 806-312 S. 19tU St. 'Phones: Bell. Dotfglas 6362; lnd., A1562. (51 M592 F27 JOB PRINTING Call Beecroft. Doug. 4603. Pabllo Stenographer. Miss Spehard, 804 N.Y.L. pub. stenographer. . 16) M213 Mch5 Shoo Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First class worn, loisft oapitol Ave. 'Phone Red fc. (6)-476 SHOES repaired right, called for and de- nverea rree. Htandard Shoe -Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7667. 16) 177 Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS makes a specialty or Tire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. . 6) 479 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. WANTED Girl for general office work. Apply 609 Merchants National bank. Mr. Ruskell. (7) M976 19 WANTED Ten girls, hot under 14 years oia, to prepare catalogues lor mailing. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) M103 19 Hoasekeepers aad Domeatlea. MILLINERY and dressmaking, hats trimmed. Mrs. Delmar, .Room 14, WeaJ Block, Northeast Corner 20 and Faruvin, (7 M9T0 2D PLEASANT borne work for hutles, $l.j0 aauy. sena stamp. iaaies- uuiid, a East 63d bt., Chicago. (7) M654 1SX HELP furnished; male and female. Tel D. o. tiutuwu viuwv, xoiii ana jjoage. (7) 10 WANTED Girl for general housework. Aptuy morning or evening. Mrs. Shook. 636 Park Ave. l7jJkl2 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no launory; good wages. 13i p 38th Ave. Tel. Harney 80S. (7) 733 20 GOOD first-class woman to do conking uu muuury worn, j a weeg, at 143 N. 31st Ave. Tel. Harney 1103. (D-MS27 ?. COMPETENT gtrl for general housework. ilia curt at. (7) MloO 24x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salaomea. WANTED Realdent slice agents to carry specially in runner snoe line; gixxl seller, Rochester , Foot wear Co., sU2 Cox Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. (,9 M10 Ux any medium in Nebraska HELP WANTED MALE A gent a aad Salesmenton tinned. WANTED Reliable man In each locality to advertise our goods on commission or salary; ISO a month and expenses, 83 per dy. Entirely new plan. Write Empire Medicine Co., London, Ontario, Canada. () M 23x YOU can make $25 to 8100 week In mail order business; no canvassing. I made 8fj.0"Xl first year. Why . work on small salary? Free booklet tells how to gel started. Mgr. American Mail Order Bu reau, Detroit, Mich. (9) M933 M15x .V TO 82't per week to specialty salesmen for South Dakotn. Iowa and Kansas, wholesaling; Only pump equalizers, to canvassers and farmers Your pay first; outfit furnished. Reference and bond re quired. Salesmanship makes position per manent. Equalizer Mfg. Co.. fi'-ti Bee Bldg., Omaha. (91 Mil 19x NOTICE TO FORTRA1T AGENTS If you want good satisfaction and prompt ship ments, let the Inman Portrait Co. do your work. 416 New Era Eidg., Chicago. (9) M123 yeb'.'2x GOOD proposition for live canvassers. 1212 Harney. (J)-Mj,V( Feb27 Clerical aad OOlee. 8KB OUR line or Loose Leaf Ledgers. Binders and labor-savlnK accounting forms. Imperial Loose Leaf Ledger Co.,, OH -Hit ,11 . 1 . . 1 1 . ' nnuixa xiug. lei. iruugini M. ) M377 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha.' (9) 181 Bookkeeper, JSR. I Stenographer, fS5. ('ashler, 8X5. Traveling salesman, soaps and specialties, $150- Alid many other miscellaneous positions, paying from 840 to $t!6 per month. - If you want a good position, see us. -WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC. 721-22 N, Y. Life Bldg. (9) 9D7 17 WANTED Shipping clerk in wholesale hardware; state exporlnce had and wages expected. Address ,Y 32, Omaha Bee. tP M103 24x Factory aad Trades. ' WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good Job and newspaper office In good town In Iowa, puDiismng two papers. write for par liculars. Address L 90S, caro Bee. (9)-M300 WANTED Man who understands French cry cleaning and dyeing; must be sober; good saluTy. New Process Laundry, Mc- Aiestcr. Ukl. (9) M670 18 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks required, best payment work within the reach of noor man. can havn shnn with small capital; wages from $12 to 8J0 weegiy; wondcrrul demand for- barbers; catalogue free. Molcr Barber College, 110 So. 14th St. (91-M750 20x WANTED At once, band Instructor, clari net or cornet; good position for a printer good wages; good opening for tailor or other trades; come or write at once. Lock box z, uarragut. la.. (9) M675 19 POSITIONS open to . firemen and brake men; big pay and rapid promotion; ex perience unnecessary. , Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Rall- way training . ass n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha,, Neb. . . (9) M686 Mchl2 . WANTED Young men te study structural drafting: evening clauses, 8:00 to 10:00 p. m.; tuition payaoie monthly. OMAHA TECHNICAL. SCHOOL "OMATEK," Room S Wead Block. , Uth and Farnam, ' '. ', (9)-Ml34 WANTED Good gejieral blacksmith: must be good plw; man and ober. E. R. Mc Malum, Fairfax. Mo. . . (9) M942 18x BARBER trade taught thotoughiy for In one-half the time and for less than one half the money of any school In th9 country. Write o call for our special redilctlon offer. American Barber Col lege, corner 16th and Leavenworth bu. (9)M812 18X i WANTED Good all around blacksmith, steady work. N. P. Brown, Atlantic, la. (9)-M118 Mchl7 WANTED At once, two machine sheep shearers. Address E. E. Strouse, Webb, Clay Co..' Iowa. (9)-MU5 Mch2 Mlacellaneoaa. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by nusiness men a association; helps work men find positions. 626 N. Y. L. Bldg. (9i-48S WE GUARANTEE YOTJ A TELEGRAPH JOR on the Union Pacific R. R. If you learn ieiegcapny ai our scnoni, and also a place to work for your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks Installed In the school for practice purposes. Write for fuli Informa tion QUICK. Royles Telegraphy College. 1S03 Harney St.. Omaha. Neb. Official training school U. P. R, R. (9) 482 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St., House man, one that can milk. $50. (9I-M114 18 HELP WANTED MALU AND FEMALE. WANTED Men and women of good ability euuii ii Buiiumy 10 repreaent Dodd. Mead & Co.. to sell the new, In ternational encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious experlenee unnecessary. 718 N. Y. L.. Omaha. Neb. (10) M17S Mch4 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehlclea. I BUY', sell and exchange horses on com mission. Ma roe and horses always on hand. Cheap. Myers, 1114 Douglas t. UD-937 TWO rubber tired hacks; good condition, cheap. W. O. Forbes. 1125 P St., Lin coln, Neb. (ll M177 WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horses, If you have any you want to dispose of. We buy and sell on commission. The Harney Street Stables. (11) 187 DELIVERY wagons at Karbach's. (11) M911 March 1 8 HEAT) of horses and mares, buggies and harness for aale at 177 Cass St. Tel. Douglas 4463. . (11) boC 24x -r- TWELVE horses and marss for sale; cash or terms. Rear 2101 Cuming St. Speel min & Jennings. (11) 663 NEW laundry wagon, attractive design, good condition, for sale, at a bargain. L. S. Ashton, 2770 Cummlngs. (llj M818 18 Poultry aad Eggs. SCREENINGS $1.26 per cwt. Wagner. 801 N. 16 St. (1U-485 GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co.. Orraha. ' (11) M102 M2 LOST AtD FOUND LOST Ladies' gold watch and fob, with monogram A. M. K.. between Krug theater and 22 Howard St.: rrward for return to above address. (12) M95 19 LOST Gold watch, between 19th and Leav enworth and 18th and California, Sunday forenoon. Return to 612 8. 16th St. 12)-693 18 LOST Lodge pin with M. E. rf. on; finder please notify Tel. Webster 174; reward. (12; Mil lhx MEDICAL WE HAVE a number of small offices, ranging In price from $10 to $15, for rent; janitor service, electric light and water free; elevator runs until 11 p. m. each night. Apply IV W. baker, Bupt.. 105 Hee Bldg. r (15) Mfcv more real K 9 "'faVaUllUliatf1 MEDICAL Continued. ANY poor girl In need of a friend rail or write to tne matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 2Uh St., Omaha, Neb. (12) Mloti FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night, t 113) -129 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," 81 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnelt Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 4S . MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS needHoney . On account of sickness of any number of small hills pressing you. You know February is one of the hardest months 01 tne year to get over without being pressed for a little ready money. Will YOU NEED any extra money? If you do, don't 'fall to call and see us about It and take advantage of our un- usuaiiy tow rates, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 -Board of Trade Bldg. (14) 738 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans, 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. 1 14) 492 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLR and others without security; easy pay nients. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14) 491 Money 1 TO LOA N-L O W 1ATE in sums to 310 Rea Rldz 'Phnn. Ttmicrlna WiA UNION LOAN COMPANY. (14)-490 P. O. NIELSEN & CO., LOANS. 70S N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2K4. (14) M976 EAGLE I.OAN OFFICE-Rellable, accom modating; all business confidential 13of ixiugiaa. (14) 488 FURNITURE, live stock salary, loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. room 8, Barker Blk. f (14)489 CHATTEI salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnam St, (14) 4H OFFERED. FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: cafe. (15) 494 DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam, (15) 495 FRONT parlor- with board. 2411 Capitol Ave. . (15) 608 17 LARGE front room; also one single room, with board. 123 South 25th Ave. (16W45 20x DESIRABLE room, fine location, walking distance, excellent board. 218 8. 26th St. (15) M926 22x Furnished Rooma. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1318 Farnam. (16) 496 PLEASANT south room, 261U Bt Marys Ave. (16) M249 20x FIRST CLASS furnished rooms; modern house, 2408 Cass SU Tel. Red 6226. (16-M729 TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, 1505 Farnam St., 3d floor. (15) M1S1 NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. 214 N. 25th St. Tel. Doug. 3998. (15) M72 20x VERY deslraHe, references required. 640 8. 24th 8t. (16)-M632 Mchll FINE steam heated, all modern rooms, 2473 Harney St. . (16) M6S8 Mch lOx WE FIND you any kind of rooms, in any part of the city, FREE OF CHARGE. Rooming houses bought, sold and ex changed. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO.. Phone Red 3045. , 642 Bee Bldg. (16)-682 M9 FURNISHED roomt for light housekeeping, 2018- California St. TeU Red 6K90. (15) M666 19 TWO large furnished rooms, steam heat, electric light, private bath. 221 8. 25th St., 3d fiat., 'Phone Red 6186. (16)-768 I7x SblTTH front room, for gentlemen; modern. 1712 Davenport St. (16) M947 lSx LARGE front room, strictly modern, !n Brlvate family. 2222 Ctss St. 'Phono ouglas 6636. (15) 19 17x DESIRABLE room, fine location, walking distance. 218 8. 25th St. (15) M927 22x TWO large housekeeping rooms, with pan try, modern. 1920 Capitol Ave. . (15)J-M801 18x FOR RENT Large front room, elegantly lurninneu, aincuy mnaern, block from car line; breakfast If desired. 2210 Spen cer St. (16)-M792 18x v FURNISHED rooms In private family, all modern; In walking distance; references exchanged. 511 N. 23d. 15) M808 18x NICE rooms, strictly modern; $8. 2563 Bt. wary g Ave. v jijj M814 18 X FRONT room; all conveniences; hot water neat. Zfua Harney. (15) M810 22 DESIRABLE rooms. 218 No. 17th St. (16) M826 22x ROOMS, private family. 2006 St. Mary's Ave. (id) A1KJ9 26x FRONT rooms, first floor, all modern; light, heat and telephone. 1041 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3!92. (15) 991 23 NICELY furnished rooms; heat and light. Did f. luiu Di. lei. uoug. matt. (16N-M106 24x (Jafaralshed Rooms. t ROOMS, ground floor. 1120 N. 17th St. tioi sin S UNFURNISHED rooms. 1120 N. 17th St. U5) M815 Hoaaekeeptag Rooma. THREE rooma, atrlctly modern, for light housekeeping; use of 'phone. 261$ Wool worth Ave. TeU Douglas 6254. (15)-o74 17 BEAUTIFUL south parlor, kitchen and sleeping rooms, 2474 Harney. Telephone Douglas 6300. (15V-etl I-ROOMS. light housekeeping. 3029 Leaven worth St. (16) M913 18x TWO or three furnished housekeeping 1 rooma; modern, $16. 604 So. 2bth. (15)-M798 2?x THREE housekeeping rooms, modern; l;ght snd heat $30. 1041 Park Ave. Tel. Har ney 3992. (15)-990 23 WANTED A good girl for general house work; muat be good cook; good wagea; t In family. 421 N. 40th St. Tel. Har ney 2498. (7) ft Apartaaeata aad Flats. FOIf RENT-1 4-room flat, 29th Ave. and Douglas St. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., 'Phone Douglas 5662. (16) M73S IN SCARGO apartments. South Omaha, six rooms, ail modern conveniences, steam heat. Hall, 317 First National Bank Bldg. TeL IteU-.k. (li.i-M.eJ OFFERED FOR RENT Apartmeats aad Flats Coatlaaed 7-ROOM flat, all modern. 1512 No. 17th St K. J. Sullivan, 1207 Harney St. U5)-64 18 Iloaars and CottaaeO. FOR RENT Three rooma, city water. 1S28 IS. l.tii bl. 1;. At. Bachman, 4. l'axto Blk. tl5)-M13 Maggard Van A Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (15) 5 H HOUSES. Insurance, Ringwalt, Barker Plkl (15) so. FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house. 414 N. illt Pt., X.'l. V THOMAS BRENNAN. Koom 1. New York Life Bld. (lar 4OT BALL room and lodge room. Fraternity Hall, idis Harney, opp. public -library eee janitor (lb) eOl FOR RENT Six-room cot t sire In Brood re pair; modern except heat. 122.50 per niontn, u j., m south Omaha. Conrad loung, 1518 Dodge St. Tel. Douglsa 1671, (16)-746 FOR RENT New 8-room brick house, va cant Feb. 1. modern and complete In every respect, at 1511 8. 29th St. Inquire of She the owner at 1509 S. 29th St. Telephono fiarney itsw. iio) Z(V HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam 1tk joa HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Rldg. (15) M215 $40.00 8-room modern brick flat; 3003 Pacific St.; best reaidence part of clly. Key at 1308 8. 35th Ave. 'Phone Harney 3283. M. ieuner. (15) Mf70 FOR RENT 8-room hous, new and mod ern. 3009 Dewey Ave. $.'(2 00. R. H. LANDER YOU. Tel. Douglas 2151. 412 Board of Trade, (15) M974 18 8-ROOM all modern house, 2710 Davenport St., $26. Call at 312 N. 27th Ave. . (15)-M-2S 18x $17.50 6-room flat, first floor, modern ev cept heat. 1808 N. 22d St. 'Phone Harney " (i) mimi inx THV, elersnt rnaM.nr. t u a r,h a. Council Bluffs, for sale or rent. Apply to J. J. Brown, corner house south, or iu v,. umuer ac o. do) M306 MSX HOUSE- of nlna rooms, modern, east side oi lurner park; price $38. -Inquire at 21: So. 3Kh St. - (161-M7S6 18x 6-ROOM, strictly modern, steam-heated flat Bt ISth Mnrt Nlrhnlm $26, blacksmith shop with complete set of .loom ana it-room cottage in iirst-elass condition; privilege to purchase laler. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (15) 316 - w- - - - - " . i , i , vii,,., ,llu Belial , east front, south part of city, $12 per uji'iiLii. m. naciiinann, je-H r'axton uia. i ei. nca na. (15) 2M NEW MODERN 4-room cottage, 1013 So. Bl. (16) M937 18x FOR RENT 8-room cottage; house mod ern. mi wiarcy tst., 12. Apply to C. I 1 nomas, room U3 llee iiiug. (16) 638 FOR RENT 8-room, modern, close In, $40 per montn. Telephone Harney 1666. (16)-609 17x SIX ROOMS on second floor, 26th and Par ker Bta., 114. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cum- )ng. (16) 731 23D AND BURT. 9-r., all modern, close In 20th a nri Vf nnU Qr all mrut alr ll.h 2Kth Ave. and Douglas," fc-r. cottage. iin ana inanei, n r., ail modern, new. 40th nnrl WoKatar a .11 onn.- Thesa houses must b taken at once. Keys O'KEEFE REAL E8TATK CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (li)-MHS 19 7-ROOM modern cot tape. 602 N. 3t2d St TatanhAna rtAiinlaa Alit tr v .f mm JNEW J-story house, 2015 Willis Ave.; full throughout Particulars, 'phone Harney 4ior m nx HOUSES ,n part of th e,ty- Crelgh (1j)--600 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; jeneap ireignt rates, moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Doug. 394. (15)-604 FRATERNITY HALT 18th and Hsrnev new, ciean. grouna noor. Dsn room; no liquors allowed; $16 a night, N. P. Dodge & Co. Tel. Doug. 829 or lnd. A2829. or see janitor. (JD) M424 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. ism: oi nee I6u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559, lt) 605 4-ROOMS and recepUon hall, In a new, BLiiv-Lijr tui jiiuuern iiouse, lis. 30 fopple ton Ave. (15)-9K9 Bulldlaga. FOR RENT Office space and storage. miliums, uppisue union station, Telephone; Douglas 44. (16) M643 18x s Offlcea. TWO fine large office suites In the Con- iineniai diock; cnoice location for physi cian or dentist. " ' ' ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. O)-607 DESK room for rent; reasonable use of wui.ll pnoues. ua 13 eo xsiag. (15) 169 TWO OFFICES, on sixth floor, suitable iur uocior; rem vciy encap. Apply R y Ilaker, Supt., 105 Bee BJdg. (16) M693 ' OFFICRfl for rent In Cnnun,.,!.. 1...11, - W ft TBbllVrj &JFU1IU ing, modern, oak finish, gaa and electric 1, sin., ueai luiu janiiur service lurnlshed $15 per office. HASTINGS it HEYDEN, 1704, Farnarrf St (16)-M107 18 FOR RENT Desk room In new Brandeis Bldg. v 'Phone Doug. 2286 or address F-6. care Bee. (16)-M104 Store. v $-f TORY and basement, 22x100, 1003 Far nam. Apply 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (16)-6o 4-STORY and basement building on Far nam St., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 8th and loth Sis.; equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R, trackage end loading platform. F. D. Wead, liwl Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1629. OS)-M167 WAREHOUSE, 2 stories and basement. In wholesale district; best location and on track. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam. (16)-M723 20 FOR RENT Store and basement. $21-2$ So. Uth St. E. J. Sullivan. IM1 Harney Bt. (16)-656 18 MODERN store room In new Scargo Bldg 24th St., South Omaha, P. O. block. Hali $17 First Nat, Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. ' (16)-10 1812 Harney St., 82x100, one or two stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc. 8. 8. Curtis, 1808 Harney. (16) 611 OFFERED FOR SALE, Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th bt. Tel. Red 814. (16-2 flaaoa, Orgaae, Maalcal laatrameata. GOING AWAY $300 UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 415 N. 23d El (16)-M8 F20 FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE A good R lat clarinet. Call Monday or Tuesday evening, room $44, Millard house. (16)-M98 19x Typewriter aad Sewing Machines, t FOR BALE High grade second-hand type, writers; goo condition; a bargain at loo. Call room out. Bee Bldg. (16) 671 ALMOST new standard $100 typewriter for sale at a great sacrifice If taken at onr. 441 Brandels Bldg. (lu) i2 F28 TYPEWRITERS Royal, visible, $65, beat any $100 machine. Typewriters for rent, all makes, sold on payments, repaired. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1607 Farnam. U6)-M927 Mchl OFFERED FOR SALE U ontlnmvt.) rnrnltare. i FOR BALE Furniture complete fer frfur rooms. 1766 B. 9th 8t. (16) M96.1 18x Iwiocellaaeoas. FOR BALE New and second-hand Millard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. HrumwW k-Blk Collendar, 407 8. 10th SU . (1)-813 MUST raise cash quick; no trade; 4-K.' diamond ring, $"5; smaller one, $15; -K. stud, $-5; ail beautiful live stones. W. Ritchie, 1212 Harnry. Tel. nri 3MS. (16)-MJ.Q Mch T FOR BALE 1,500 feet 4 second-hand win cable. W. II. Bridges, engineer. Hoe Rldg (16I-M453 x SHERWIN-WILLIAM9 CO., best mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co, U6)-J OAS. ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES ' Largest, most up-to-date atock at lowest prices In the elty, aelect now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS (J RAN DEN CO., 8)1 S. Uth St. Tel. Doug, gi. (16) M514 BEND U8 your mall orders for drugs; freight pld on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 618 COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day aa you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut. coal, 6 bushels for $1. (16) M517 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $10 orders: catalogue free. Sherman & Mc- Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Nob. (16) 616 HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (1)-6.'J 2ND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Singer, 416 N. 16th. (14) 616 FOR BALE Several show cases, new pes. - . . . , I.,,, vuilcv nun, iwu large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (l)-327 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tan. nnerman at fticionnell Drug ( o., Kih and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. (16) IM DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE at a bar- gain. 309 it. I6tn Bt. 116) 191 Fer PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT-S books for inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. 8. & A. B. Lacey, rooma 29-39 Paclilo Bldg., Washington, D. C. .Established lv3. (17)-t2 LARSON & CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. (l-Ja D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7117 (17)-624 H. A. Sturgls, 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 3469. 11l TUtf ll..l.tlu PERSONAL MAQNE' n treatment and bath. Mme. Smith. 1U fi. lath, Id floor. (i) oil LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard. Open eve. (!) hi THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-oft clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to th worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will calL (18) 786 . MASSAGE iP h5v r,mJ; " (18)-M113Mt SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mat!: 1 cut prices, send lor free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 628 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 1516 Farnam St., where they will be di rected to suitable . boarding places or otherwise assisted. 1 (18) IIS WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. cycle Co., Cor. Uth and Harney. (IS) 530 SATIN SKIN POWDER doesn't show, per- 1 UII1CB fcllV selatll 7 ICDll, TT HALO. I Ills., UrU net ' (18) PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 3568. (18) 631 OMAHA Stammerer's Institute, Rams flag. tie) 633 HEADQUARTERS of the great rheuma tism and neuralgia remedy, Jo-He OH, permanently located, 808 Karbach block, 15th & Doug. Sts. T. B. Forgy, Gen'l Agt. (18)-M724 F18 OUR BOOK shows you how to get big life income on email investment. Bend your name. Book free. 616 Bee Bldg. (18)-M9U 2$ &KE Madame True about your face. Com plexion treatment. 2009 St. Mary's Ave. (18)-M79 29JC REPAIRED Stoves, furnaces. Harney 3303. OH) MWJSI 20X H. A. JETT, window cleaner. Tel. Doug. 4096. (18) MS09 Mchlo L. B. W. Disappointed not hearing from you. write as usual. rJ. J. w. . (18)-936 18x NOTICE I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by my wife In my nam. H. F. BEIFERT. (110-91)1 lSx REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE! DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor . Y, Llf. Douglas 1781. U) o GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. x" Tel. Douglii 1 TB4. li w PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Life Bldg. wys oaa CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE.- A BIGSNAP 66x132 ft. on Burt St. between 5th and 16th . All specials paid full. Only $3,500. in The Byron Reed Co:, Phone D. 297. 212 So. 14th. (V3) fcd 13 BUY NOW $3,000 7-room. brand new house on Bristol, near Bsth, paving paid, commutation electric lights and gas fixture, piped for furnace, full lot. $3,000 Fine home on Bpauldlng, 7 rooms. modern except neat, large porcn, coat $500 to build, fine lawn, paving paid: a bargain. $2.850 - room, modern, "dandy home, near ZKth, on Manneraon airesi, raved. full lot. $2,200-6-rooni cottage at 23d snd Mander- aon, moaern excepi neai, ioi , w.. 2,300 New 6-room cottage, hot water heat. electric light, modern, lot twut, barn, nl home. Some fine lola for aale at close prices. O. M. I NDERHILL & CO, 'Phone Webster 1060. Office 3320 North 24th Street. v 19)-M101 U ARE YOU thinking of finding a mor auitable office for your real eaiaie busi i.uic ,'iiiv, . . . . . - - ' . a. 7 The tendency la for an Increase traffic on Weat Farnam St.; why not c at space we are offering In the beat ness r nf 1 i..nu appointed offlre nuiiaing in inia niatiictT Mr. Baker will ahow you. Aak for hint . , , t,ML u MIHor , t Q , I, a FOR QUICK reeulta In selling or renting n.nnrlv Hentsmln I, , -. :o.. 324 Neville Blk. Both phones. 05)-M17l rtt TI HE REED AflBTRACT CO.. established 1mA Prompt servlc. Get our prion. FOR BALE Eight-room modern house. wiui yin, iw r-iricauay nt. la quire F. H. Woodland, (15 Brandels Bldg. ei. jugia awe, lj Mill