8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. FEBRUARY 17." "1908. ' !9 HOUR FIRIM1ER9 FURNITURE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. Feather -rotxr nest Ml KtnMTrnE If you desire goods of high tuaUtp, low (Don ul im; tuni, It k hHTii you to trad at THE PEOPLES STORE 18th U4 PABNAM NTS. IMA NO HII1H CLASS PIANOS Cr7-Tf Btuguli i I - fl Larae eel SSJ" " M. of Websr. W onable Ttnni ected stock Mchlin. Henry and B. A O. Llnrieman. Fontfr ro. Sohlller. XlTTHiWI PIANO CO. Mfgrs. and Dealers 1613-1S Barney. Omaha 'IlL -! PIANOS Everything In Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 'L 1513 Douglas St.. Omaha PIANOS J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers' Stat Agent GRANU and UPRIGHT PIANOS Oft-a He. 19th SU Omaha, Nab. Tel. Red 2841. PIANOS BOHMOLLM mnuiB piano '-'O. tianos Meaafectarwi and DmIvi la High Or ad Pianos ver (W PUim la Slack U11-J313 Karnam St. Omaha, Neb, MIIIC BY MAIL Illustrated Music School, 1611 Fanam Music by Mail Less than 10c I a day. El if tit different courses. Inveatl rntA them at th. store of the Perfleld Piano Co., Omaha.- PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Columbia Phonograph Co. id a uunugrapil WO. d Moulded Bso- ftp to fit any Cyltn- 'hfl Talking Machine (ciUVj de Tou throw 1 ioia ota Jer l. made ' away money If you pay more. 1621 tabnam treiiT Olaars, Rubber floods and Drags. Vr.surlut.iua Accuracy fiumriaiMd. Syringes, Rubber Goods by Mall, oat priors. Rnnd for free catalogue. Bend us your mall orders for druga f ri(ni paid oiviio iois. Clears at cut prices, loo cigars, lo. Mrs J Turn HO. PAIHTt 1416 Harney. DBUOS: 19th and Tarn am. CANDY Craft Guild smans Confections 3old by SEOSOI KOOIIBI, 160S Tarnam BREWERIES Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEG AND BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. dbxnk pum, niBixnra wateb by vszxo mis oumx witzb nLim C. H. HUBER, Mfgr. 1301 Farnam St, Omaha. TELEPHONES IN OMAHA 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES. juiiiei and iurriM or . PHOTO SUPPLIES LABQEST XOU8B IJf T4CB Will. The Robert Dempster Co., ins pabnam nr. omaha. shoe nr. pairing Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 PABNAM Wi do the work right, phone Doug. T54T and w. will call for your work. W' aall polish, laces and shoe special ties. CLEANING ,AND DYEING. We are liemiuuunei s for ull cleaning, dyeing-, pressing' and repairing' ot la dle.' anil gentlemen's clothing. TOUB TBADB SOLICITED THE WARDROBE llt Far.nam H ranch Office. 1711 Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. IT I. ' LAUNDRIES -run mw way" Wa don't Iron shirts at all. We press them.- This gives all attractive flulah Without wearing out the linen. BTAJtB STXAM LAUNDBY Km. iit. Allan a. Hamilton, Mst. Bll B. 11th St. Tel. Douglas 854. TRUNKS AM) LEATHER GOODS TRUNKS ou.nty Salt Catet, Bags sa4 riae rckrt Baoki Fl FLING STEIME TH. . SM. MM rsrasm PUBLICITY DESIGNS H EATON MEBliril PuMc Vesicas 72 -a f r- wmsdi "-k trnm ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the price and in the quality. SURETY BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Home Company wltlt Assets In Msbraska. 314-315 HEW YORK LITE BUXLBIHO. Telephone Douglas 552. MINES AND MINING For Information ooneernlng legiti mate mining in British Colombia, address F. H. KNIGHT Booms -Uj-.O coiumula Bldg. 3FOCABB, WASMIWOTOW. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM & CO. ISIS Tamam St. Omaha BANKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA Capital and Surplus, $1,100,000.00 BANKS United States National Bank OP OMAHA. NEB. United States Depository 16th and rarnasa Sta. BANKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L BRANDEIS & SQHS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK 1Bth and Deuglss ta Oatsha OFFICE FURNITURE Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRIMING CO. 10ta isd Fariam Sts. INCORPORATORS LET EXPEKTS Incorporate Your Company. Mon.y to Promots Good Propositions. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-318 ITtW YORK LIFE BUILDING. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY Ut TB.I8 SAY OP SPECIALISTS you wiuiie time and money selecting your hHp. WE ABB SPECIALISTS The best ability in the city is listed with us. Olve its your net-da let us assist yon no charprr to employers. WEST. BIT. It BOaTD A8SBT. Bnlt 783 n. T. Llfs. Tel. Pong. 49B3 REFERENCE AGENTS HIGH QRAOK POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt Inc. B. B. CX.OYXB, Gtn. lift. Suit 404 Bee Building. HKFKUKXCK AGENTS. BOW WOULD YOU LIKE EXFEBTS to necure your help, suvlnn you tlm and money. t"ompecnt Clerical, Sules and Technical Help furnished em ployers, without charge. GUABABTTEB BET. ft SUBETY CO., 'Phone Bed. 6444. 633-4 Brand.ls Bldg. OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies I very-thing from, a Pin to a PUlsg Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam sts OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES riUng Cabinets, Tiles and Ledgers, Office natures and Supplies of All Kinds. Anchor PubllsMlnrj Co. 308 8. 18th St. TeL Bong. 6563. TYPEWRITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Enchants 1607 Tarnam Phone Bong. 806 AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES J. J. DERIGUT & CO. Wholeaaia sad Retail Safes and Automobiles 1814V1S1S FARM AM STREET Mall Order, Novelty and Prem. Goode. WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOXEBS ABB BI8TBXBTT0B8 Whftl.ml. aleie in BOTELTIES, l-BSMLICM GOODS Kail Order Supplies of All BUada first Class Agents Wanted OAaAHA. KKH. The West Omaha continues to be one ot the few bright spots on the nation's financial map, as shown by the reports of bank clearluss from 100 cities. The Increase for the week Just closed was only 3.7 per cent over the corresponding week of last year, but there were only twenty -cities In the country that did not show a decrease and all of thee are In the west Of these cities, Omaha and Kansas City were the, only cities with clearances of more than $10,000,000 a week that showed Rains over the corresponding week of last year. While part of Omaha's increase Is due to the Inclusion of South Omaha clearings, Its exhibit Is unusually good. " The bank clearings represent the pulse beat of tho nation's commercial arteries and Omaha Is one of the very few limited number of cities In which the pulsebeat has not been below normal. According to districts, the far eastern, the New England and the Pacific coast groups have shown the heaviest decreases for the month of January, amounting to 25 per cent. -The southern group shows a loss of 15 per cent, while the western group shows a decline of but 6 per cent, the gains In Omaha, Minneapolis and Kansas City having cut the general decrease to a point far below that in other sections of the country. The marked decreases were as follows: New York, 29 per cent; Uoston, 24; Philadelphia, 21; San Francisco, 28; Los Angeles, 3 4; Salt Lake, 41; Portland, 22; Seattle, 19; Denver, 9; Cleveland, 10; Cincinnati. 13; Milwaukee, 6; St. Louis, 6; and all that time, Omaha was showing a gain every week. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS B.F.ST1UJNC. Biaaaead Eisert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Special attention to complicated and intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. S Pasrton Block. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Guatkfaon & Henrickaort Snooessers toF.B. TLODHAJf ft OO. Jewelers (EL Watchmakers 1814 Capitol Arenas. PHOTOGRAPHERS nW LOCATION WBAD BLDQV. 18th and Tarnam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOUTH I6th STREET MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 317 SOUTH 16th STREET OMAHA nENTITR Y MATTHEWS OKIGIBTAL PATBTLBSS BBBTTIsTS Largest and Tlnsrt Dental Offls West of Ooloag. Suit 4. Bushman Blk., 16th and Doug. MAiit sroiu; SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSrVE BTAIB STOBB Por Everything; In Hair Goods, air Work, Hair Dressing, Switches, wigs and Topees. 1411 PABNAM ST., OMAHA, NIB. Telephone Dooglas S333. OPTICI AN 9 S The H. J. Panfold Co. WE LEAD. OTKEB FOLLOW SCIXNTTTIO OPTICIANS Bee Our New Torio Louses 140S Farnara Bt. Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy. Mineral Waters. Imported OUt. Oil Direct Prom Italy 33.26 per gallon. Special prtoes to dealers. Agents for Huyler's fins candles. Fresh daily. Agents for White Rook Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myers-Dillon Drag Co. 18th and PVrnam. Engineer and Mfgr. Machinist. P. MELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORK MANUTACTUBING AND BB PAINING OP ALL BUNDS OP MACBTINEBY Erecting a ad Consulting; Bnglnsora N. E. Cor 13th and Howard St. Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WILSON STEAM BOLLEB CO. Nigra, sl Tabular rioe sad rire Bex Betlert n Bll s4 Water Tasks, I ataeks la. IrCMftufl Brealrlaf ts Bus Sollrrs Beaf hi u4M4 Factory ISth and Pierce Bis.. Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEHMER. Baadauartors for Beerytblng Xlsotrloal Sbellway. Steam and Mill BayUe. . Prompt Vklpment and Satlsfaoloa Onsrantoed. 1218 FAR NAM 8TREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Freight Elevators SUPPLIE8 and REPAIRING Phone Douglas BS87. 104 N. lktk and the Bank The following figures show the total clearings ot a number of cities for January, 1907, as compared with those of January ot the present year: . 1908 190T i Chicago $947,986,505 $1,040,404,771 Minneapolis 93.231.842 79.871,521 Omaha 51.17,K9S 45.428,005 Milwaukee 48.539.305 49,S2,878 fit. Paul 40,524.147 37.964,410 Den Molnos 1 1,947.243 13.112,153 Peoria 12.014,639 12.746,291 Sioux City 9,246.184 9,487.680 l'avenport 4,210,021 ,470.30 Lincoln. Neb 6.861.036 6.584.898 ' Springfield, 111 3,644,313 3.677,912 Cedar Haplns 3.466.001 2,954.431 Hockford, ID 2,4"2,75S 2,744.130 Kare-o, N. D 2.260,432 2.266.225 . Sioux Kalla, S. D 2,211.303 1,848,661 Kloomintrton. Ill 2.079,185 1,902,181 ' Qulncy. Ill 2,084.040 2,100,261 Decatur. 111. ........ 1,882,115 1,537,483. Fremont, Neb 1.455.101 1.711.632 Jacksonville, 111 1.119.921 1,068.640 St. l.ou1 272.22;342 290,215,980 Kansas City ......... 147.625.124 139,074,847 Kort Worth i - 40,119.164 85.721.775 St. Joseph .s 23.044.724 25,410,233 Witchtta 6,716.733 6,152.955 Topeka..... 4.177.903 4,767,41 1 Ran Francisco 147,162.112 ' 204.612,323 I.oe Angeles S8, 183. 965 68,240.168 Seattlo 80.920,584 88,478,035 Penver 82,039,646 86,236,823 Portland, Ore 21.696.684 28,1 10.848 Spokane. Wash 21.525,627 22,124.089 Salt LAke City 17,200,073 29,262.682 Tacoma 17.721,340 20,432.749 Helena 2.826,477 3,683.733 This condition is not the result of chance or acci dent. It Is due to the fact that Omaha is the geo graphical, financial, railway, commercial and indus trial center of the most productive section of the globe. PLUMBING SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. BALFE nmnrma, mot witcb ajtb STBAat XEATnrO Oas and Electrlo nxrorsa BWpal Work a Bpeelaltr si. Don. T43. Igor Howard . CLEANING AND PLEATING Pleating-AII Kinds ....DYEING AND CLEANING.... RUCHTNG8, BUTTONS. ETC. Bend for prire list and samples IDAL PLEATING C. 801 Dong-las Block, Omasa, Bab. CORNICE WOUKS Cormloe Bst. .-188S. Steal Ceilings ' BCi L CAJBTXB am METAL WOBKS Ttnlals, Bne4al invooflng, Tanks, Sky. liglita. Sheet Metal, rlra Proof 'Win dows. Large Brook et Metal CsllUur 1711-20-23-14 BL Karys Avenue Tel. Doug. 402. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS BB VM TOM ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TEL. DOUGLAS 1062. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtures Wholosaloand Retail BIRGESS-GBADL CO. TeL Beeq. (81 US S. Iflh St. GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal rang just to hJ water when a Oas Water Heater will givs you enough hot water for a bath in a few minutes. W sell them. OMAHA GAG CO. STEEI. ENGRAVING, PRINTING. ETC KOTERA (EL COMPANY" Stoal and Copper Plat En graving, Embossing and Printing 111,1 JackMB St, emaks. Net. ENGRAVING 3aosrs HALF-TONE a ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER HaoUtak as Retail Dealer is FEED FOR ANIMALO TeL Douglas 1143 80L3-3-7-9-1I N. loth St.. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholesale Bay, Braa. Oats, Teed BEST ORADhlS OF COAL Office, Coal Yard and Grain BUeratox Tel. 1411. mi Nicholas BU WHOLESALE SHOES Hayward Bros. Shoe. Co. 'a STANDARD FOOTWEAR BAB PBOYXN ' BEST BY TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING A Nil STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Mores, Parks and Stores Household Goods. Phone Douglas 1808 1SOT 3jtjnjagg4JyeI3 TWlynch Br v f Clearings RESTAURANTS. DESIGNERS. Let us DRAW you a DRAWING that Will DRAW you trade. B. O. BUBTBELL ft CO, Commercial Artists 82k N. Y Life Douglas 6149 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders W1U Build Yonr BToms for Yen and Let Yon Pay for It Like Bent 81-38 V. S. BTATIOBAXa BABX BLDG. Phone. Doug. 4609 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. ' Wa are sol agenta foe Lows Bros. Bark Standard Patnta and B. ft BL J-ap-A-Lao, P. ft B. BnkoM and a oompleto lias of Yarnlak Call or write for color card. Myers-Dnioa Bras' Oo. BBVMl PAZBTTl 18th and Tarnam. 1418 Barney. SIGN" PAINTING. S. fl. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Bresry Description U08 Dooglas Sa. TaL Bomf. 8818 FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BUILT LIKE A BOILER CLEAN, DUBABLB, ECONOMICAL W. S. HEATON 1318 Ho. 84th St. 'Phon. W.b. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. Or OMAHA 13th and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No lob too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and Tarnam Sts. PRINTING. PRINTING. 'Have Root Print If 1210413 Howard St Omaha, Nebraska., Telephone Douglaa 1604 PRINTING. Geo. B. SaeU Albert T- SNEIX PRINTINO OO. PANTICULAN, PBZNTBBS 810 South 18th Bt Omaha, Neb. , Telephone Douglas 0764 OOLOB WOBX !- BMNOSBZNO PRINTING. Imitation Trpewrltteo Letters. Praotloal Prtntlng, No Job Too Largs sr Too Small. WOBX BUOKT PavICBS BIGXT ANQWB PUBUSULNU CO. '30$ Oo. lain St. TeL Doug. 3869 PRINTING. CONTINENTAL PBINT 8XOP ALL WORK a tn Get our estimates and sava money. Telephone Douglas 4603. Boom 81 U. S. Nat l Bank Bnlldlng, OMAXA, III NFBBASXA. PRINTING TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB TXB BEST BOOSTEBS ioi yjoa busumes WB MaKX TBI PEBTBOT KIND MANGlM (Si CO. Taleoaoaui IMS 108 sV ERNEST QWEET 818 BTw York Ufa Bnlldlng BMllder of High Class Rasldenoas araral Bow Boad at Sard and Bats ay tiTarnam If 111 District) Bee Them Teday REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (SL CO. steal Bcate Aaatraota of Title Inrestmout Boourttlee 1601 rarnam Su Omaha. Neb. HEAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Mala Ploor, BT. Y. Life Bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN DR08. Buy and sail Collect Stents. BJBAL ESTATE. Boat ProportT. Loaa Money on BVeal rata., 1804 TABNAK BT, REAL ESTATE. DIRKETT & TEBBENS BEAT. ESTATE. SPECIAL ATTEN TION TO OANB Or PROPERTIES, XNSUBVANCE, BENTALS AND INYESTMENTB 423 Bea Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. BEAT. ESTATB and INVESTMENTS rami and Ranch Land for Bale or Trade. 308 8U 18th St. TeL Doug. 6569 REAL ESTATB. G-Room House Bath, Cas Grate and a Corner, 11,800 Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1883 TAB NAM. TeL Dong. 419 REAL ESTATE. IP YOU wi8n your property well rented and given proper attention, rrive un the apency. J THE MCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1608 Dodge BL TeL Dong. 416 REAL ESTATB. 6709 N. 94th St., New 7-Boom Bouse, S. B. Pront, Corner Lot, 93,660 8500 Cash, 935 Par Month. J. W. RASP CO., 889 Brandela Bldg;. Douglas 1653. REAL ESTATE. rLariLr. n le.erwc?'''TaTtj I -".Bo.ld' 1 1 J LJir04 Fawwam s. Li L REAL ESTATE. lOB Pacaam, St. Tak Doag. 8887 Shimer Q. Cha.se Co. CATB, TJrYBBTMBBTTa, BBNTALS, XNSUBANCa lUTLTlBmS OP MODBBN XOUSBS Omaha, Nsbraaka. REAL ESTATE. J. BL DUMONT. J. B. DUMOBTT. J. H. D IMONT & SON BEAT. ESTATB, STOCKS, BONDS RENTALS, LOANS, TINE INSUBANCX .60S TABNAM 8TBEBT, TeL Douglas 690. OMAXA. REAL ESTATB. Payne Investment Co. CITY BBAX ESTATB, LOANS AND BENTALS, LANDS AND BLANCHXB -Th. "Alfalfa Land Man" Main Flos. N. Y. L. bldg., Omaha MEAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BJLBX BSTATB, LOANS, XNBUBANCB, BENTALS 80S Ptrst National Bank Building, TaL Doug. TBa. OMAXA, NEB. REAL ESTATE. N.w Nous. 4116 Dodg. Streat Modern house of 7 rooms and re ception hall; finished In oak down stairs, hardwood doors and finished floors throughout. Price, (4,750. Can make terinn to good party. JOHN W. ROBBINB 1808 fmrnmrn T.I. Doug. SIS REAL ESTATE. D. V. SI10LES CO. Real Estate. Insurance 118 BOABD OP TXADB VaL Doug-las 4S. O REAL ESTATB. Louis Berks Ohaa. Stelger DERKA a CO. BBAL BSTATB City Property, Parm Lands, Loans, XsTeetments and Tire lusnraaoe Office: 3 N. Y. Life Bldg. . Tel. Douglas 747. REAL ESTATE. CALL POB OUB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS 91, BOO to 91,800 Each Harrison & Morton 918 X. T. Llfs TeL Dong. 814 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $3,000,000 TO LOAN on Improved city properly Jf desired loans can be closed ailxiout ileiay. W. H. THOMAS, BOB PTBST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. THOMAS 13RENNAN First Floor Now York Llfo Bids. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex. clu.lv.' agency of every piece of nroo erty on his books. Usas Me.ey 1 tat Uwesl rarrent l.le el tatartst REAL ESTATE. DENSON H CARMICUAEL Real Estate, Care of Preperiiee, Insurance, Loans 649 PAXTON BLOCK, OMAXA. REAL ESTATB. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on car line, rents st IS6.O0 4JTR:fi per month, for OU National Investment Co. Phone Douglas 86SI. Doaglas Block. REAL ESTATB. HOME BUILDER All work first-class, will draft your plans without extra expense, let us show you some of our buildings now under construction. 0. P. TRAVERm. ' REAL ESTATB. CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have 15.000 acres cf irrigated 'and In the Upper Snake River Valley" If Interested call or write for terms, excursions every let & 3d Tuesdaya W. 8. THANK Phono Doug. 3800 331 Neville Blk. REAL ESTATB. WALNUT BILL Nine-Boom Hons., south front, large lot, wat.r, light, only half block to car. 93,850. Be. us for tsrms. O'Keefe R.eal Estate Co. 1001 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Omaha REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payna. 6. P. Bostwlck. K. M. Slater PAYNE, IJOSTWICTC & COMPANY BEAL BSTATB, BENTALS CITY LOANS, WSUb!aN0B Mala Ploor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tslephone Douglas 1014. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 433-33-34 Bamgs Bldg., 15th Barney Choice building lot $10 cash, (5 per month. Good cottage homes 2S cash, 110 per month. Modern homes 1100 cash, 20 per month. REAL ESTATE. V. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1380 PABNAM ST. OMAXA. REAL ESTATE. Investments, &eaj Eattte, Rentals. Mortgage Loans INSURANCE M. J. KENNARD a CO. 309-910 Brown Blook. REAL ESTATE. Baal Batata Xnauranos Asatraot of Titles Loans S.ntala The Byron Reed Company 818 South 14th Btroet Phon. 897 OMAN A, NEB. REAL ESTATE. DENSON (SL MYERS 31 S N. Y. Llfo Bldg, OMAH A Special attention given to prop rty for out-of-town clients. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstractors and Title Examiner Ifew Lseaties I0S Ssotb ltk lb ABSTRACT Olf TITLES. NEALE& NORTON ABSTBACTS OP TITLE Tw.nty Y.ars Eap.rl.nos la Omaha, 318 South S.v.nt.anth Btrsot, B.a Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Go. Incorporated 1886 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 Paraam Bt. TeL Doug. B3 A RSTR ACTORS, lEED ABSTRACT CO. Oldeot Abstraot Offioo ul M.braaka. 1711 fanuuB Street, Omaha, Neb, ABSTRACTS OP TITLES. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Eet ' 1 IZ Fl R g? f Abstract 30S 8. 17th Street LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSI'RAISCK TOM S. KLLLY Manager Life and Accil-nt Depart ments for tst.t. of Nebraska. Tha Trarsl.rs Zasuraooo Company liartfort. Conn, tit Baa Bldg. Omaha. Neb.