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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1003. 7 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lowest Toint Reached on Price. Be came of Liquidation. WHEAT AT EIGHTY TO NINETY Mar Wheat Oprnrd at 03 1-4 and Fell Ttvo Points, tarn and Oaa Fol lovtlnr la. Hapld lie cession. OMAHA. Feb. 13. 190S. Lfars havs control and values slumpron Blderahle on continued liquidation. Outside markets ara all lower and caused those who were, on tlia long aide of the market to let to of the holdings and tho lowest point flf Ilia rrrin r. rntt.'herl Whs.. ... nn enntlnued Bell- Ina- rUi,..i i, ,..k iahl.a and lance Ar- ...;oi I Bullish news was lurking to bring out I any support and values fell to tho lowest DO nt for this iTOD I s and snlpmen receipts last year of 44K.O0t of 44D.O00 bushels and ailipmaniS OI lo,'F"J ouyill-. . tr.f v. ..t ufir-A l infill niisiiein hiiu i . . . ', ' i . i t I ah I nment 741. miT ousneis. aaairuii rci' last veur of a2."00 bushels and shipments Of .TOi.tWO bushels. Clearances were 5S1.000 bushels of corn, 6.1XW bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 1,K3.(X bushels. rivernool closed T4ttld lower on wheat and Hd higher on corn. a heat tn'd 4S,0w bushels of com taken for r - . , 1 u i - nr export. Local range of options: Artlcles.1 Open. lllgh.l Low. Close. Yes y. it 8r "v""- - - the session. Final prices represented V.!?c of the uncovered bears had been Corn wm soft with wheat and wtt no net loss. May. II .01 V(i 1 03 8-16. closed at The Inference pointed to la tl uirn ji :..iV. .i.i7 I 11 ntiw- .inlv n;.iwi.r, ,iowi at sTUn the a-enuln demand for stocks i"", Zr'"A , .foment, and CVliN-KcceipM. IfflTiTO bu." T exports. 139.- present Is light, the supply j 000 bu. 8not. market easy: No. 2, 6bc, ele- luouidation Is also scanty. At hi Urn- th feature and do- vator, and 61c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 Intervals there are sales In tho market of eloi?e into a atrona? bear ooup white, b2c and No. 3 yellow 62c, f. o. b. special clearings up of loans In connection m J niii,.,i t Mr nd closed at 66c. afloat. Option market was without tran- with adjustment of bnnklng affairs holding oLta wort PfalHy steady " on thi star, sactlons, 'closing Vc net lower. May over from the troubled period of last fall, buf soon felt the drag ; ipon wheat ana closed at ; July closed at 68c. With this exception, there d-s not apar .... .-J a.irr.i off eurlv on any selling. uaib iiwuiin, ii.wm uu.; " ui""'i winns, u-u " uu.v. oata ouncd at 4i0 and closed at hu. Sik.I, market steady: mixed oats, K to gest a general Inclination among owriers 5ir 1UC1 ' ,1U 1,1 st pounds. 57M;-; natural white, 26 to 32 to reduce their holdings of stocks. Very 1-rlmarv wheat receipts were 706,000 bush- pounds. &7V'ii"Hc; clipped whlto, 32 to 40 positive assertions on Monday that the I Tlniary W neai rece niB wero iw.irr ..n.1 SuWuibv I'nlnn Pselfln and Hnnthera l'aclfln divl- i A 'Ht.ii nii.n... UBiuni . ' j i - - "Wheat May... 92'i 9;'; oh July... sx, K - fx Kept... K'fc Si'A 2 Corn May... 61 St NS July... Wn RfiVi KV4 Snpt... 64Vk UVk M Dats May... 49Vi 4 49 July... 434 8i;pt... SfiVi 36 Vi 90 9?U US' 62 e5 6fM 64's 40- 4;i'i 64 4PH 30 w n r, a r n o. 1 nam, i"riia-' o 1 6a9c; No. 4 hard, buS5c; no grad(, 750? CORN-No. J. S.WfMc: No. 4, 62Hc: No. 3 yellow. 53'ii03Vc: No. 2 white. 52!c; No. 3 1 white. 52V,'n.i."V.c. I OATS No. 3 white, 47'Ac; No. 4 white, I 47c; standard, 47Vu47c. I RYB-No. 2, IWic; No. S, 7(ST2c Larlot nacelata. Wheat Corn. Oat. Chicago .... Minni.-upolla Omaha , Duluth 7 33S 11:1 1 ...8S2 ... S ... 17 'io '26 CHICAGO lilltiv AHn PROVISIONS Feat area of tho Trading; and Closing; Prices Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 13.-Wheat for May de livery sold on tho local exchange today at a new low mark fur the crop, the price touching M'ic. At the close the net loss was 14kc. Corn was down faf4;c. Oats were H'oHc lower, and provisions were oft I 1WJ-4UC. ' The wheat market was weak all day. with the exception of .a short period im mediately after the opening, when prices rallied moderately .on covering by shorts. There was a general selling througout the week were which formed a new record for exports from that country, also Weakened prices greatly. Receipts In thi; outhwest again snowed a falling off. and clearances were liberal, but the foreign news overshadowed everything. The mar- ICllliO 407 cars, against 2!j5 cars last week and 3J0 cars one year ago. I'i. a ..,vn murk... wl t 1 at OOlt t h A 4l1eRk In l...n. ....Ml lut. In t h dnv tvlien or leefl declined alMDUt lc on realizing. Sentiment 1.. .t. a n,nm hi.iiiah h,n of flrn. ruhlea and unsettled Weather In tho cm belt. The market closed weak. May otiencd Vc to 4o higher at (JlVc to 6IV4C, Sold "off to mfi and closed W9&'. Local receipts were 338 cars, with nono of contract grade. The oats market was weak along wun wheat and corn. Cash houses were the nrlni.ln.1 ullttr. XfflV Otteneil H. S fl Rl 1 Lik .t Kaii.e old at R3'ip. and t hen -de- cllned to 62V:. The close was at 62c. Lo- cai receipts were cars, - Provisions were weak all day, because of liberal recnlnta of live hogs. The demand came chiefly from shorts, although there was some uuymg ior investment, ai ..tor . . . , . a . . , , -a T , . HMi1 17 t" r,' 'ftm. Itre r" a"n,X J..a .f 'Kl, L. 10c to 10fql2Ho lower at lo.Kfh.42 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 11 cars; corn. 4N9cars; oats. 343 cars; hogs. I j , .1 v, - .1 The leading futures ranged as follows: articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Tues'y supDoit. except from shotts. A Id decline tJ7Mlyrei, narU' at Lverpool was a weakening . Iluence &J&1 I'Tart. 66 at the opening, and later the estimate -.rr m a i,iia 6f.u.f,iW- Mrv JulV that the shipments from Argentina for the No. A white, boWuetjc. Alttjt. elC, July. fl ttm, murlint rtu'R VAil lltTllt I . lower atNlib U ;-94o7.oi.ruP toW and VKImoU' s'teady w7ilO440 then declined to !'e. The close was at .kVjmfa M....f f.h..l .wl flour wern t I RN M.JiAL-iHleady, 1-.30. equal to Tm J bushel. Primary receipts SNlV.1?1;,? Soo JJK 00- Kal were 706.0.K) bushels, against 447.hK) bushels rlHA"n'Pii'na y a-o0'1',-00 Pral on the same day last year; Minneapolis, "Vu.v irTiV TiFtl in liuluth and Chlona-o reported receipts of IKON CUl f ON TIES 11.10. Wheat May MSfrs S 93'i 93 9S. July 91 iiM M 90 in", 9IS4 Sept. SWi 74 ST7. , 88' Viwn J May H4lflH 81 Hi 60'i 07fH 81V, July 6iH5UVVi 5SH4i"ii :E0V.1t Sept. 6s 69'i 68 68 6S Ortts aMay RSMi 6?S S?Hlu3HiJHi bMav 61 61t 6-H 6H ,-,114 aJuly . 4&H 41! 46', 454 46 kJuly 41 44 44 44 Pork Mav 11 11 WH 11 60 11 60 11 90 July 13 25 12 25- U 87V4 U 87H 12 22 Urd Mav T KM 7 42 T 22 T 27 7 45 July 7 80 7 tW 7 42 7 42 7 W Rll ' M.iy 8 SO ( 60 8 40 8 41 8 62 July 6 80 8 80 8 65 8 61 8 75 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows FLOL'R Easy ; winter patents, $4-501 54 tin : straights,; spring patents, k.2tVa5.35; straights, 4.4wij4.W; bakers, 13.35 WHBAT-.Vo. I spring. tl.Ot'tfil.0?: No. 3 tnrin.. ioc411.06: No. 2 red. limic. CURN-No. 2, 67J(67c; No. I yellow, 6S "AT8 No, t, BOc: No. I white, 49c RYE No. S. nc. BARI.K V-pFair. to choice malting, 83 Co. - . HEF7DS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 1V.19. Prime timothy, $40. Clover, contract trades. I1SJU. PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose), r..flofi.20. Mens pork, per bbl.. lU.12ia'il.Sn. Ijird, per ltn Ins., $7.02. Short clear sidea 'boxed), 6 3i.U.iO. Following were the receipts and ship ment! ul flour ana grain: Receipts. Shipments. Tlour. bbla.. TS.DOit 57.3110 Mieat. bu ' ?orn. bu.., 7.4t bats, bu 477.WM Hye, bu Barley, bu 167,2y0 1il.&W 3tt,5-i 4Ki i Sl.lno M.7W1 On the Produce exchange today the but- r iiiaiket was steady; creameries. ia.4.1t tulrlts, 2110 290. Kggs. eay; at mark, cases Deluded I8ifll8c; firsts, Kc; prime firsts, Inc; extras, 22c. Cheese, ateady. 111120. I.lverool Grata and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Feb. IX WHEAT Spot. lasy: No. 1 red western winter, 7S 0J. i-M- - urea-, steady; March, 7 2Ji V7. 7s2d; ui', i a d'.a. CORN Snot steady': prime mixed me- Hum, new, 5s 2d; prime mixed American, P 'Id. .ild; new northern. M za. r uture. ; iteudy; February, nominal; March, 6s 2Vd. Mltvraakew Uvala Market. MILWAl'KEE. Fvb. 13. WH EAT Mar- Col lower: No. i northern. I1.itI 0; No. 3 lorthern. fl.iC'al.04: May. 3ic. bid. - HAKLLY Liud. No. 2. $1.01; sample, 65o(3 a ui. . 4 CORN-FirtTUiKa. I cash. tVk&Mo; May. SVc, bid. .. & Mlaaeapolls Grain Market. AIINVK Vlf'l.ia. Feb. 13.-WJ1EAT- slev. V ol Vu-! 1H: July, $1 02jil 0?4 ; No. 1 lard, 1140; No. 1 northern, $102; No, 2 northern, $1 ,? 1.004; No. 1 northern, 9C K I AM Ft Vf ftk and unchanged; first pat ents), $5.2M(5.i; second iaterits. lMm.Ht; first clears,; second dear. H.Vit 3 S6 URAN-In bulk, $20.00. SBW YORK GKXRRAL MARKET Qantatlona of the Par oa Varloaa Common It Ira. NEW YORK. Feb. 13.FIUTR Receipts. Z2,t.W4 bbla.: experts, 2ii.fcK3 bbls. Market iul-t ami easy; Minnesota patents, lo.aur 6 5i; winter straight. $4 40114 5f; Minnesota tinkers . 14.5001.1.00; wlrter extras. roviM ir.; winter patents.- 4.ivrn.4; winter low grades, $j.fiaii4.i. Kye four, barely steady; fair to good. 4.7iut.lR; choice to fancy. $5 2ofiS3. Buckwheat flour, steady: $3 00. CORNMEAlSteady: fine white and yel low. coarse. $1.35hl.40: kiln H rlt SI RYE Dull: No. 1 wrstern. 91e. nominal. f. o. h., No York. WHEAT RocelDts. 57.000 hu.: exnorta. 104.886 bu. Spot, market weak; No. 2 red. I'SUc. L'tcVBtor. Slid WiC. f b. afloat. No. 1 northern, Illllutli. 11.14. f. O. b. afloat: No. 2 hard winter. $1.07. f. o. b. afloat. Demoralized by prospective record breaking; Argentina shipments, wheat lost a " "usiiei unnjr, inn wus unurr inca- HOI'S Biendy ; state, common to choice, ,o,l7 rnn 1,w- V r.rnn Paclflo -. -..w, . ec; 1 46c fia at K.r7 rnn 7W. 1QiA rrnn. 473C. ifc:.L " -. i i Central I American, liHc. FKOVlSIONrt Reef, steady ; family, 114 00 ii.M: mess. HOIKXitlOSO: beef hams. 124.50 1 iii2.6o; racket, $11. 6041 13.00; city extra, India I mess, I.'l.Mi21.fi0. Cut meats steady: ufKfi.O0: tlcklel hams. IS.'O I 'tv r 1 ui 1 1 1 t j ry . f i.irni aim ill Lard, easy ; western prime, 7.Zfi i. 35; I refined, barely tndy; continent, miuui jiiuri .-.,11, 1 ..iu".u...., -f- 7.3i"4. 1'orK, steady; ramuy, i.'hk.w, short clears. tlS.OiK'ulG.Bfl: mess. $14.uufo14.5H. TAL1-OW Harely steady; city (12 per pkg.) rwc: country (pacKages iree oitfi. RIPR Quiet: domestic talr to extra, 3V4''"V4c; Japan, nominal. 1VULTRV-Allvo, firm; western cnica- ens, 12c; fowls, 14V4C; turaeys, nc; M ..1 A I ai.rA ........ . 1 i .... 1 m mnaf nr dressod, firm; western chickens, lOy 17c; Icing by those companies. Tho day s de turkeys, inri;17c; fowls, l(K(13Hc. I velopments bearing on tho general sltua- HUTTEIi Steady : process, secona 10 spe- 1 cial. B4ti3iMie; western factory, nrsi, zjyc;ion tne number of out-of-town buyers ap western factory, held, i'a-'4o. rilFlRSK-Firm; full cream specials, ltsc. KCKiS Easy; western and southern firsts, 22c. wicAirnrn iv Tim r.RAIV TtRI.T r-, - n kuj J""' ' ' - OMAHA, Feb. 13. 1908. Tt. .nti,s. i. m,,h .ni.ioe this mnmim i . ......- i.i. imiM Miiiaiuiimi unu ihmiKhmit tho Misamirl vallev and wt 'into the mountains, and la alitshlly colder on the Pacifio slope. It is warmer throughout tho southern and eastern states. . " .. .Tm.. .. ,..ii.i r.u.ii. n m.- v .... ' " I throughout the west and snow Is railing In Wyoinlng, Colorado and New Mexico, and the outlook is favorab e ror snow in tins :...:.7..: ...7- . i-t.. lu.i. iih I viuuilLjr into t ....H..t t,. . " '.uc:t' J" ""V'1"- 1 c p tat on compared wun tne corresponaing ,!' ... th three vMr' day or the last tnree years. lld8 1907. 1908. 198. Minimum temperature Q. .1 A 90 00 00 3H So rreciuuauon .w .w . Normal temperature ior touay, umii"-;. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 7 Inches. - ' . . Deficiency corresponding period in 1307, 4.07 inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1908, 3.22 incnes. I.. A. WKL81I, Local Forecaster. St. Lonls (ieneral Slarket. 8T. tXUlij,. . Feb. 13. -WHEAT Weak; K7U.,. OACS Nominal: tracic no. z casn. nic: No. 2 white,' 6161; May, 80y,o; July, 434J. it VK-soc. nominal. FLOL'R Steady; red winter patents. ana straigiu, HAtUJINO lOHc. HEMP TWINE 11c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; jobbing. 1 S 1 1 . 6 0, Lard, lower; prime steam, li.Ulht 47.06. Dry salt meats, Bieauy; Doxeu, extra shorts. 17.36: clear rlLis. il.o: aliort Clears, uu. sar in, Bicnuy, uuira, et.a shorts. 18.00; clear ribs, 18.00; short clears, 38.25. , I-OIXTRY-Qulet: chickens. 10c; springs, 11 dip: turkeys, , 11c; du-ks. 10c; geese. 6c. R UTTER Firm; creamery, &taUc; dal- n . iw EUOS 2ic; case count, 19Vc. Receipts. Shlp'ment.a. Flour, Mils.. . . 12,000 20,0(10 . . 80,000 8.1,000 ..161.000 139,000 . . 83,000 119,000 Wheat bu M . Oats, bu. Kan.a. City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 13.-WHKAT-lc i. i .jr.., tin, i l, iii. , n; lowt'r: "V.c; July. 84c. Cash: No. hard, 92Jt-Juc; No. 3. 9oi6'j3V4c! No. I red. DOciUll.W; No. 3, mnTOHc. 6"-' Y-.'io 'a, ft latere: No. 3 white, 64c; No. 3, Mfi66o. OATS I'nchungtid to c lower: Ho. 2 white, 4!-'iWc; mixed, 48490. 74'a78C HAY-Dull; choice timothy, $11.0O(812.00; Choice prairie, 18.76i?i9.00. UUTTKH-Creamery, firm. S3c: Dackinar BtocK, Vic lower, suc. EJUS weak; fresh extras, ZH4c: firsts. Receipts. Shipments. 22,0( 74.000 ..&,U"0 24,0(10 ..13,000 ll.OuO Oats, bu. v The options at Kansas City were: 1 sa fF.r,i; 4 k 11 .ir. runcv Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Wheat Mav ., 91 914 S9i 90i July 85 85 Si 8484 Corn May 65 5Sfl 54 54f? July 65 55V4- 54 64 . Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Feb. 13. CORN-Lnwer? No. 3 yellow. 641i64,c: No. S. 62c: No. A 4av,iiif.ii.c; no grail.-. 404i'4i! Dulath Grata Market. PCLl'TH. Feb. 13 WHEAT No. 1 northern, $ No. 2 northern, 99c; May, ...v., - j . ei.vj. Cotton Market NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-COTTON-Futurea opened steady; March, 10.93c: May. 11.02c; June, ju.soc; juiy. iu.7lo; August, 10.610; Oo lober, 10c. bid: December. 9.96c. Futures closed steady; February, 10.77c; March. 10. stic; April, 10.93c; May, 10.97c; June. 10.79c; July, 10.6c; August, W.47c; vt'" iv.vitT, ucctinuer, s.tfoc. Spot closed unlet and 10 points lower middling uplands, 11.55c; middling gulf, GALVESTON, Feb. lS.-COTTON-Hlgher NEW ORLEANS, Iji.. Feb. IS COT iv.i- oiiui, uuiet anu Bteanv: low or. dlnary, lc, nominal; ordinary. -16o. iioiiiinai. kuou oiuinary, too, nominal: low middling, lie; middling, ll"c; good miuuung. ij a-ioc; middling fair, 1- 11-lbc; fair. 13 5-lSo, nominal; saies, '-760 bales; receipts, 8,822 bales; stock, 229,454 boles. ST. LOC IS. Mo.. Feb. IS. OOTTOM. Pull; middling, 12c; salts and snipments, none: receipts. 654 bales: stock. 2f .jar. oaii Evaporated Apples and Dried Pralts. NEW' YOHK. Feb. 1S.-E VAPORATED APPLES Market Is uuiet, with fancy quoted at lo'.llc, choice at 9c, prime at a-?. i"-Ht- aim iruit at Y'fliufco.. . IH1EU FR'.'ITS Anrlcots are iinchanavri with choice quoted at 21'u'.'3t exlra choice at 231C2.-IO and fancy at 24(i2ic. Peaches are sieauy, wun choice quoud at lotj 1 1 xlra choke at 12ft'13c, fancy at 12t) llc and extra fancy at 14t)14c. Prunes are still niore or has unsettled In the local market, but advices from the roast are rather bullish. Quotations range from 6c to 15c for California fruit, and from 8c to 7c for Oregon 6 s to i. Ralalns are un changed, wilh l..oe Mii.'hoIii quoted at 6t;vc. seeded raWna at 6V.tiac and Lon- aou layers at inu'i ,) HnEWYORRSTOCKS AND BONDS Early Market Active and Higher on Buying" by Short. DEMAND SOON SATISFIED Itelnxatloa Follows and Prlcea Stamp Nearly a Rapidly as They Roae Bond Market la Irregular. NEW YORK. Feb. 13 Tho early stock market today presented graphic evidence that an Important proportion of the con spicuous sel Una; which carried prices down wards on Monday, and again In the clos ing dealings on Tuesday, must have been rather reckless operation on the snort suie of tho market. When those sellers felt Impelled to cover their contracts today they found a scarcity of stocks offering, and a rather mercurial upahoot of prices resulted. Almost equally striking was the relaxed tone of the market when me neeas satisfied. that while for the offering in occasional free selling of those stocks. Tha declara (Inn n HIIH.nH. r. IK... .Iwk. rHsv. It ....... ... w.. . - - unrh.nntit r.fp. nfnrn innlv rauirht an Important short Interest uncovered, and : -.e,- . - , they were foremost in the advancing ten- dency. The coalers also were conspicuous. Not a treat deal of activity characterised the rise and the subsequent sag was pro- ceded by a period of hesitation and dull ness. I'nsettilna- factors were the nressure on American Smelting and violent breaks n several of the Oould stocks with no nmiriiL nuri.iii. Dirvuitvii.n uiri miiinii m American Bmeltlng are large at all times and their motives difficult to trace but Importance was attached to reports today of the retiring of a conspicuous en glneer from the service of the controlling Interests In this company. The woakneBS of the Oould stocks caused the revival of former reports of projects for new flnan- tlon were not lmHrtant. Stress was laid pearlng In the New York wholesale dls- trlcts. Reports of some additional mill resumptions also were made a feature. The pains taken by one of tho leading iron trade authorities to deprecate the news paper reports of plant resumptions as ex aggerated. Had a modifying influence on tne impression which these reports cause A fall in the price of copper, both here and In London, was an Incident of the day that did not conduce to holding prices ( securities Such small Inclination as is preceptlhlo to embark In the stock mar ket Is held in abeyance by the desire to Jf? outcome of tomorrow's sale of r"' " . it. "". V . w oP?Ta"0,n" " tne- outside market io; day In these bonds, "when, and as Issued t I I . , 1 , . ! .1. 1 - r i.' Jv t. i ,WL V n'fh" tnan the average price which bond . .-rt... ...,. .o o.,,,. An average price above 103 would prove erea of tho common ntll,tlo h improvement thus indicated over the I" , " ki a sale, being moderate at that figure. A ma7.u-iA .t,yi..iiii,.n r in..n,.ni .. I mar'""'''l stimulation of investment demand I ... Br,lr,Ill It IB Ut7l irr V rtt, Will tlflCllll Oil a fl"ure for the New York City bonds higher than 103. That the bonds will he abundantly Bubscrihed for Is taken for m-anted. but more attention la helmr nald 1 to the price they will bring. There was no revival of strength In the later stock market. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales txir value, 12,002,000. 1'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of salua and Quotations on stocks were an loiiows; galas. High. Low. Clda. Adams Rxpraaa Amalsamated Coppar ....... Am. C. A P .175 M.srio 4i4 r!y, ii 4100 r, 2i- loH ino t4 ttt M l.tuo II lVa 31 ; ' M 10 ....' 1SH 1,100 Uhi 114 131a 7 44 l.UO 13 12 1 Km SH a IS 70..VX) bl, hA ,, ) l X) 8 4.6ii 11"4 1h"1o4 400 7m, 78 ' T7H l.iiO II sovi I" ei e'4 emi 2t0 UVi 4 14 63 6.100 7 77 77 81 12.IH4 40 SB . 88 1. 146 144L, 144 100 1S 163 175 1U0 i!7 26 2r,1i S'O 3 3 J 4' 188, 1S7L, 13t 18,2U0 lub 103 lub i 15 700 50 4 4fi 800 16 1 1 1,100 21 2- 33 61 100 41 41 41 '"too 'ii 'io lo 600 68 . 67 6 6.80 148 146 14o o"U 900 lil 18 18 4n0 48 . 47 . 60 400 80 . 2 19 1,100 14 11 - 14 18 2tt 27 a 10 211 Jo 20 1,000 11SI4 114 114 SuO 114 lA 1M 6 1 48 10 ill Am. C. A F. ptd Am. cotton oil Am. Cotton oil ptd. American Express '. Am. II. 4 U pfd....... American loo Am. Llnaeed OH Ara. Uuaaed Oil ad Am. Locomotive Am. Loooraotlve pfd..w Am. S. A R Am. B. A A. pfd Amer. Bysar HoAnlns Am. Tobacco pfd ctta Anaconda Mining Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantlo Coaat Llna Kaltlmore A Ohio Hal. It Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr ii Canadian Paclflo Central of Nw Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago Ot. W chlraao & N. w.. C M. A St. P. C'hlcaco T. A T.. oSarod.. Chicago T. A T. pfd ('., c, c. & St. Li Colorado F. A I Colorado A Bo Colo. Bo. 1st pfd Colo. A Bo. M pfd Conaolldated Oaa Corn ProdtlctA Corn Producta pfd Delaware at Huilaun Del., U A W Denver A R. 0 D. A R. 0. pfd Dlstlllera' Securities liiHtlllera Hecuritlea wS . En. let pfd Krl. Id pfd General Kleetric Illinois Central lnteroatioual Paper Int. Papar pld Int. Puinu Int. Pump pfd , Centra! I pfd lows Central Kanaaa City Bo 18 46 88 IT 26 IKl 130 86 to 61 St 60 88 24 40 41 K. C. Bo. pfd 1"0 47 do 17 22 II 'S8 los 64 8 47 8H 17 22 0 ik" 20 63 87 'is so Loulsvllla 4k N 1,400 Mexican Central 1.200 Mian. A Bt. L too M., Ht. P. 8. 8. M 600 U . Bt. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd Mlaaourl Paclnc 7.0 M., K. A T 1.0i) M.. K. A T. pfd 300 National Lead 1.0U0 N. R. R. ot M. pfd, offered New York Central 1,800 N. Y., O. A W too Norfolk A W &0 North American 40 86 So 62 43 2.-, i 4.1 K ino 26 Pennsylvania People'a Oaa P., C, C. Bt. L... 33.1110 11" P ll IU0 64 14 84 66 Pressed Bteal car... 1.100 1 17 18 73 190 M 88 78 15 11 21 Prveaed 8. C. pfd... Pullman Palace Car Headlnc ,....177,100 6 3 Heaillns lat pfd Heading 2d pfd Republic Steel Republic. Bteel pfd. 600 400 10 67 n 53S 21 '7 15 64 V1 22 31 '7 47 Hock Island, lo... 1 4.-1 i.SOO 80 BU Louli It 27 7a Bt. L B. W. pfd. Southern Paclflo .. Bo. Pacina pfd 100 10.400 l u lus Hallway pfd Bo. Hallway kui lo 30 ) 17 U 14 38 34 Texas or r .... aw 17 .... 80U H 200 86 T., Bt. L. A W T.. bt. Lh at w. pin... t'nlon Pactno l nlon Pacific pfd I'. 8. Expreae V. 8. Healty V. 8. Hubbor V. 8. Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel V. 8. Steel pfd V a--Carolina Chemical Va.-Caro. Chem. pld... Wabash ....101,800 116 114 114 83 80 S7 100 II 18 18 78 61.700 27 274, 11.1'JO 81 8- 14 66 000 I 6 8 ' 400 16 14 16 In) 40 1,600 60 48 48 44 6 6 6 i Wabash pfd Welle-Fargo Express .. Weatlnahouss tletlrlo Wuetera l nlon W. 4k L. H Wtaconata Central W la. Central pfd Northern PaclBc St 28.HO 12- 118 11 Ore. I Northern pfd 6.4") 117 ll.M, 116 Central Lealhr Sod !' 4 O 40 1 80 7 PI 78', ' II 38 1 7 ' 18 Central Leather pfd.... Interborousu Met Int. Mrt. pld 18 38 Sloea-abefneld Steel iuO 41 TXital sales for the day, 174. loO aha ret Foreign Financial LONDON, Feb. 13. Money was scarce on the market today, owing to the gathering 1 In of revenue. Discounts were steady. On the Stock exenauge ine satisfactory con elusion of the settlement did not help business, wnicn is still almost entirely professional. Consols lost their Initial Im provement. the favorable bank returns hiv ing 110 erieci. nnme rails, as well as Grand Trunk benefited by bear covering. while foreigners, especially Russians and Japanese, Hardened 011 Pans buying. American snares ruiea dull, around the level of yesterday, until the New York (ipening whs received, when l nlon Pacifii Southern Pacific, I'nlted Htsli-s Steel and Atchlaon lounded un under Wall street buxlng. This strengthened the whole list and caused a strong cloning tone. Copper shares dropped with the metal. PARIS, J-fb. 13. Trading on the Bourse t'uliy was quiet, and prices ruK-d heavy. llii' private rate or discount was per c-nt. HKRI.IN. Feb. IS Trading on the Hourse today was very dull. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. IS.-MONEY-On call. ensy at IVk- per cent; ruling rate, I per cent; closing bid, m per cent; offered at 2 H-r cent; time loans, firm; sixty days, 4 per rent; ninety days, 4V4 per cent; six months, 4'i"'i, per cent; prime mercantile paper. RVvt per cent. STE1U.1NU EXCHANGE Weak-, with actual business In bankers" bills at 14 RMO'ii 4.NM6 for demand and at HW.VUM fW for slxfy-rtny bills; commercial hills, 4 S2I4. PIIjVER Bar, ftic; Mexican dollars, c. HON I B Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on New York bonds were as follows: V. I.-Tof. i. rrc....1Ht.. N. nl. 4. MUj So coupon Man. c. (. 4s. V. . U, re l''S Ma. Ontrml 4a. 14 do coupon lMi do lat Inr 1TV, U. i. n. 4i, re 'Vlnn. A St. U 4... 7 do roupon lli4 M . K. A T. 4a 7 Am. Tobai'oo 4a. 01 -4 do la to do .in R. R. ot M. e. 4a to . M N. Y. C. . M "9 . 87 N. J. C. g. I 121Va . MTi No. Var-lltc 4a. Ion .100 do Sa TIM. . N. t W. r. 4a tt1 . "4 o. t. V. rM. a MS . V Penn. tr. ia . M Readlnx (an. 4a .4 St. U 1. M. e. (a..lo;i4 . It St. I B. F. f. 4a. .10014 t. U 8. W. c. 4a.... K4 . H8(txMrd A. U 4a... 47 . HH 80 farlflc 4a , . do lut 4a ctta Mt . 4.1 8n. Rallwar 6a 47 AtrMaon sen. 4... do adj. 4a. Atlantic I'. L. 4a... Bal. A Ohio 4a do IS" tlrk. R. T. p. 4a... Central nt Oa. 6a... do lt Inc. do d Ine do 8d Inc Chrs. A Ohio 4Ha.. Chlcaxo A A. ISa. . C, D. A 4. n. 4a.. C, R. I. A P. 4a. . do col. Sa ric. A St. L. 4a. M4 "Teiaa A P. la 11J4 Colo. Ind. 6a, i.r. A. 40 T., St. 1. A W. 4a 7i, Colo. Mid. 4a Lnlon rarlfle 4a 74 Vlo. 80. 4a 7 dn ct. 4a (fS uba 6a WJ It 8. Steel Jd 6a 7H I. A R. (1. 4a 9 Wabaah la Kit1 M.tlllra' Sec. 6a.... "do th B 46 Krle p. 1. 4a tl Weatern M4. 4a 64 do gen. 4a H W. A U B. 4a 77 Hoek. val. 4Ha. lne4 Wla. Central 4a M Japan 4a T Atrhlaon ct. 4a t7 do 4Wa etra 4 do 6a t dn M arlea K614 Int. Met. 4a. 66Va Bit. Ofl.raJ. Boston Stocks and Bonds, ROSTON. Feb. 13.-Call loans, 34 Fr cent; time loans, 4V("i per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Atchison adj. 4a.. .. M AtUntlo 10 no 4. Mrx. Central 4a..... Atchlaon do pfd Ponton at Albany... Boaton dV Maine.... Huston Rlevated ... Flu-hours pfd Mexican Central ... N. Y.. N. H. A H. Vnion Pacific Am. Arse. Chem... do pfd Am. 1'neu. Tube.... Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Kdlann Klee. fllu... Oeneral Kleetric ... Msas. Klectrlo .... do pfd Maes. Oaa Cnlted Fruit t'nlted 8. M do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouea Amalgamated Asked. Bld. .. 7 Pinitham 6i .. 7 '"( al. ft Hecla J6 .. 17 H Centennial .. M4 Copper Kans ... . .190 Iialjr Wat , ,.11.',j Kranklln ..126 Granby , ..121 lnla Rnyala .. lfiH Mm. Mining .... Mlrhlmn . .lll'i Mnhawk .. Idi Mont. C. A C... .. W Old Donilnloa ... . . 44 Owaola ..KS1 Parrot , . .11) Uulncy , . .1064 Shannon . . 1 Tamarack . . 70 Trinity . .2iift United Copper .. ..114 I'. 8. Mining.... .. 11 V. B. Oil .. 43 tllah .. fia Victoria ..llttt Winona .. 41 Wolverine .. am North Hutts .. n llutta Coalition . .. ) KeTada ... 2 Cal. & Arizona.. .. Jt 14 Arlrona Com. ... .. ITaUreene Cananea . II . 6ft . . 86 . If . t . in . 48 . 1 . 3.1 . 7 . 13 . 80 . 10 . 13 . 6 . 81 . . 34 4 . t .136 . 41 . 17 .106 . 1 . 7 London Closing; Stocks. LONDON, Feb. 13. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: Consols, money ..86 16-14 M., K. A T. . . ' do account 87 N. Y. Central Anaconda Atchtson do pfd Paltlmora A Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chesapeake Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A St. P.... .. Norfolk A W .. 70 do pfd .. 88 Ontario A W .. 81 Pennsylvania ..14t4 'Hand Mines .. 28 Readme .. 4 Southern Railway .. 43 .. .. 8S .. II .. 61 .. 6 .. 48 .. 10- ....101 do pfd .... 11 Southern Pacific ., .... 18 Colon Pacific .... 64 do pfd .... 14 U. 8. Steel .... 19 do pfd .... 11 Wabash .... 17 do pfd ....137 Spanish 4a .... 34 Amal. Copper ..... .. II lie Peera D. eV R. 0 ... , .. 70 ..111 .. 14 dO Pfd ! Erie , .. J8 .. 13 do 1t pfd do Id pfd .. t .. 16 Grand Trunk Illinois Central . Louisville d N.. .. 1 Ux-dlvldend. - SILVER Bar, ateady, a;d per ounce, MONEY 3Ml,nr cent. The rate of discount In the onen market for short bills is 3VU-4 per cent: for three monius Diua, 3 1-11'yJi per cent. ' . New York Mining; Stocks NI3W YORK, Feb. 13 Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con. ..01 Little Chief I ..loo. Ontario ......too Alice ....4. Breece Brutiawlck Cou. ConialiH-k Tuunel Con. Cal. & Va. Horn Silver, Iron surer Leadvllle Con. .. Offered. .. 10 Ophlr 276 14 , Potual . ... 13 3 . Savage 71 , Sierra Nevada .. 60 Small Hopes 16 Standard , 1 : .. 66 .. 4! .. 18 ..125 Bank of England Statement. LONDON. Feb. IS. The weekly statement or tne wantc or England snows the follow ing cnanges: Total reserve increased 763,000. Circulation decreased 2st).000. Bullion increased 476.899. Other securities Increased 587.000, Other deposits decreased 685,no0. Public deposits Increased 2.977,000. N.tes reserve Increased $'154,000. Oovemment securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week Is 53.48 per cent. Last weeg it was 04.41 per cent. Treasnrr Statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the' gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash bal ance, I2,034, 1 bo; gold coin and bullion $27,968,566; gold certificates, $38,847.00 Dividend on Sugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 1 S Dlreotors of the American Sugar Refining company today declared the quarterly dividends on botn the common and preferred stocks. These dividends are unchanged from the previ ous quarter. German F.xehange. RERLIN. Feb. 13. Exchange on Ixjndon 20 marks 49 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 5 per cent; tbree-month bills, 4 per cent. Bank of England Dlseonnt. LONDON, Feb. 13 The rate of discount . 9 V, 1 1 .. .. 1. .-. I.' .... I .... I ..i... I ui too i-i ii 1 it tl. i.ii.ianu itiiisillKil till changed today at 4 per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Feb. IS. Rank clearings for to day were $1,803,699.18 and for the corre sponding date lust year $1,576,868.92. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 13. M ETALB The London tin market was unchanged to 15c Higher, with soot quoted at 130 5s and fu tures at 129 6s. Ixically the market was quiet, out a shade lower at 29.(i(xij-9 25. Cop per was unchanged 10 10s lower 111 the ltin don market, with spot quoted at 59 and futures at 59 7s 6d. locally the market was weak and lower. I,ake is quoted at $13. 12Tj 13.37, electrnlvtte at $13.87itri3.1! and casting at $12 7512 S7. Lead was lower at 14 .Is 9d In London. The local market was quiet and unchanged. Spelter advanced to 21 5s In London. Locally the niHrket was quiet, nut Tlrmer. with quot tlons ranging from 14.75 to $4 85. Iron was higher In" the English msrket, with stand ard foundry minted nt 47s fld and Cleveland warrants at 4ss 7d. Locally no further change was reported, with No. 1 foundry northern, quoted ar giN.3MHiii.7ti; No. fm nilry. northern. $17.718 25: No. 1 foun drv. southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern soft 117 . 761-1 H 25. ST. LOI'ia. Feb. 13 -METALS Iead 3.70. Spelter, $4.75. Coffee Market. NEW YOPK. Feb. 13 COFFEE Mar ket for coffee futures closed quiet, net unchanged to 5 points higher, rales were reported of 9.260 luigs. Including March at 6.05c; May. 6.06c; June, s.ioc; August, 6 20c; September. 25c; necember. fi 85c Januarv. 6 3T.o. rpot corree quiet: No. Rio, 6r: No. 4 Sitntos. fcl,c; mild cof fee steady; Cordova. 9 4 tf 1 Sc. Dry Good. Market NEW YORK. F.-b. IX largely attended sales were held In the dry goods jobbing houses today on dresses and wash goods Standard printed batistes were gold at f In qti-intltifS, and some lines of wool dress goods fancies! were sold at 12Hc and El.H-c At these low figures the buying was very la r ire. The primary markets rule generallv quiet. Bleach goods are falrlv held bv a cents. Auction sales of silk piece good and dress goods are announced to take place next week. I he men b wear market Is quiet. . Stock la Sight. Receipts of livestock at the tlx prln Clpai western markets yeaiernay Cattle. ll'irs, P i 6 Sort iS.'iOit '1 t1 5-4I T4 0 0 Sheen. South Omaha... Hioux Cltv Karsas City.... .. t noo so .. 4o .. 1 f . . 10 .. 6.Ci 3.1 7:V1 St. Joaenh... 1.7o- St. I.ouis. Chicago .. V 9') 12.00) 1 Total receipts 18,109 9i.5-.2 :i.707 OUAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Pricei Fairly Steady on Cattle, but Movement Slow. H00 RECEIPTS AGAIN LIBERAL Beat Weight and Qaalltr Broanht Five Cents Lower Than Wednes day Few Sheep aad Lambs. SOt'TH OMAHA, Feb. 13, 190S. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6.953 ,'bl .8:t3 800 Official Monday Official Tuesday 4.4.W 5,oH7 3.5.19 1.3.9 13,616 12.106 13.000 Official Wednesday..., Estimate Thursday.... 8,000 Four davs this week.. 16.514 46.101 16.937 Same days last week. ...15.517 8S.216 22.63 Same days 8 weeks ago.. 18.4H9 61.2x3 2o.f' Same days 8 weeks ago.. 18. 216 67io 19.028 Same days 4 weeks ago..23,6i5 36.238 2S.W3 Same days last year 9,322 38.122 4.512 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 191.18. 1907. Inc. Leo. Cattle 128.112 145.990 17,8i3 Hogs 427.175 3hi.oi 127,110 ..... Sheep 164.823 200,348 86.52o The following tarda shows the average price of hogs atvSouth Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons; Date. I 1908 .1907.1906.1905.19O4.1903.19O2. Feb. t.... Feb. 8.... Feb. 4.... 81 6484704736 68 4 16 6 63 4 72 4 tt- 70 5 9$ 4 17 $ 93 . 4 74 4 81 80 M 4 26 6 86 5 53 4 77 6 83 6 12 4 22 ( 91 6 63 4 83 4 81 ( 76 10 4 16 6 81 6 67 4 74 6 74 6 01 4 20 6 87 6 69 4 64 4 89 6 99 6 91 6 70 4 68 4 89 8 72 4 09 5 72 4 77 5 02 6 75 6 00 4 17 6 90 4 77 6 00 6 71 6 02 4 22'a 6 91 6 73 6 00 6 72 6 02 4 13 6 91 6 78 4 81 4 96 6 81 6 96 Feb. 6.... Feb. 6.... Feb. 7.... Feb. 8.... Feb. .... Feb. 10.. Feb. 11. . Feb. 12... Feb. 13... Indicates Sunday. Thn official r. 1 .... 1 . n-. nt ..v ....... ,u. iiuniuri v 1 L tnia i ' i oiui.n brought In today by each road was: f'Attle T-liwra Hhepn. It VS. C. M. & Bt. P 9 5 3 r 8 .. 1 43 1 6 38 1 7 3 50 - .. 4 10 . 1 2 4 6 183 3 7 WnbaHh Missouri Pacific 2 t'nion Pacific 24 C. A N. W east 5 C. & N. W., west 17 C, St. P., M. & O.... 17 C. R. & Q , east -2 C. B. & g., west 33 C. R. I. A P.. east.. 6 H t A T ti..l Illlnrtla Cnnt.n'l Chicago Gt. Western! '7 Total receipts 115 The disposition of the day's rncelnts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hoes. Hheen wmana tracking L.O.... 547 3.146 23 415 2.193 288 620 4.041 10 677 4,064 321 35 26 62 21 15 58 4 112 34 6 21 205 .... S27 Swift and Company... nidahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Vansant & Co Lobman Rothschild Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla McCreary & farcy..., M. Hagertv & Co Sullivan Hros Lehmer Bros Other buyers Totals ! RT.7 13 441 1,729 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were of fair proportions this morning and included a very fair showing of desirable beef steers. All classes of buyers were out early In the morning looking for supplies and Indicated a, willingness to pay at least steady prices for anything that they wanted. Salesmen, however, were generally looking for stronger figures and the result was a rather alow trade. In the main prices aver aged up fully as good as yesterday for any thing at all useful In the way of 'beef Bteers, and although the movement was by no means brisk, a very, fair clearance had been made before noon. , .- 1 he Sllbulv of cows and hett'ers was rather small and, with the usual good de mand from both local packers and eastern and local butchers, the trade was lively right from the start, with to Ices steady to a shade stronger than yesterday for prac tically all grades. There was nothing very choice or fancy here, while on the other nana tne proportion or thin canning stufr was small, so that the average of prices looks better than last week and In fact the advance has been about l315c all around. ine supply ot stockers and reeders was very small and brlces showed no material change as compared wilh yesterday, Any- tning at an uesiranie sola iir(rc nigner than at the close of lust week and for decent stock the demand has been in ex cess of the supply throughout. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $5.10tfi5.W; fair to good corn-fed steers, $4.6Ofj6.00;i common to fair corn-fed steers. $'ii4.Sj,J good to choice cows and heifers, $3.8ftfi4.70; fair to good cows and heifers $3.25ii3.75; common to fair cows and heifers. 12.26'ii3.oi): arnnrl to choice stockers and feeders. $4.10414.6): fair to good stockers and feeders, $3.60d) 4.00; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3. 001&3. 60. Representative sales: BEEF BTEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 1 4 00 10 iim 4 10 10 874 t oil 20 1201 4 70 16 1014 4 85 If....... 1140 4 85 1 1000 4 40 11 1215 4 85 10 1070 4 40 18 Hl 4 86 1M4 4 45 IS 1210 4 15 t 10CI 4 60 16 1115 6 00 24 878 4 66 21 It'o 6 Kl X) 1164 4 60 102 1371 t 16 K 1071 4 60 16 1411 6 80 30 1113 70 COWS. 1 ISO 1 09 K25 i B6 7 IIS 1 36 17 UM! I 80 I ) 1 1163 I 80 3 I 0 6 1133 t 80 4 812 I 60 I it-, 1 I 80 1 800 U It u, to I 81.7 1 80 1 .1075 t 80 4 1045 I 80 14 1151 66 6 ..- 8H4 1 80 10 1IH4 4 00 4 10.17 I 65 I lt.43 4 00 U27 I 00 J 1147 4 06 4 9S5 I 00 1 1186 4 10 6 6 t 00 15 1U78 4 10 4., 8T.S I 00 12 12.17 4 IS 6. 87 I 00 18 i 15 4 1010 I 10 80 l:3 4 16 , I 15 IS l'l 4 18 1120 I 26 27 p6 4 20 1 866 S 30 6 4 20 114 I 80 - t llfto 4 25 T 107 I 60 10 1277 4 10 10 10 t 66 2 13-M 4 16 4 .J076 I 4 IS43 4 40 T 1016 t 80 HEIFERS. 1 l I 85 II m I 80 It 7.-7 1 65 I .;ii I 8ii t tl I 80 IM i M 1 40 I 15 30 8ll 4 20 T 726 I 25 6 Hm 4 go 4 627 I 25 4 176 4 24 6 6f4 S 36 1 75 4 26 20 71S I 40 1 660 4 25 4 685 t :.0 BULLS. II 1414 I 86 1 430 1 r.o I i3f.o I 00 I ie;o 1 to 1 141) t 10 t 1JS0 I 10 J 1180 I 10 1 13) 1 ;0 II 1611 I 20 1 llioo I 7. 1 1200 I 35 1 ti 1 85 t 13.0 I 36 1 2)30 1 wo CALVES. 1 HO 1 60 1 IK) J 00 t 888 I 10 6 128 6 00 1 U0 I 60 1 U ( 00 " "0 I 85 1 140 $ 00 1 120 4 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1., . !3 .1185 . 628 . 471 . 723 . 4A1 I 26 I 60 I 60 I 60 t T5 II... 17... 20... U... 4... ... .. tM .. 767 .. 844 .. 116 .1145 ..I'M I 86 4 00 4 80 4 36 4 15 4 U I . 6.. II.. 10.. 12.. 4.. I TS I 75 840 WESTERNS WYOMING. C. F. Roberxon. 51 feeders.. lail 450 7 feeders. .1105 4 60 12 steers.. ..11H7 4 15 2 feeders. .1015 4 () S feeders.. HC1 4 J 89 c, & hfs..lM S 90 10 cows 1H30 3 40 1 cow 1020 3 40 1IOOS Hog receipts were again quite nuerui una morning and ine quality hardly as good as on yesterday. Buvers did not seem to bo very anxious for the stuff and started out bidding unevenly lower lig urea. Salesmen, however. Were inclined to noid out ror netier terms and In the end prices were not over 6c lower on the bona showing weight ana quality. Light and under weight stuff utta discriminated against irom start to rinlali and the bulk oi tne nusinesa in this line was done on basis or a Fuloc decline and the market ciosea very wt-ug on the medium and to nmn stuff. Tops today brought $1.33. against $t 40 ; evtcrday, and 1 he bulk the trading u around $1. 104.20, against $l.liii4 30 yesterday. Representative galea: No. A. b. Pr. No. Ar. Sh. Pr. l 174 40 I 80 ' 223 40 4 IS 81 is; ... t 81 71 no ... 4 15 M 164 ... 3 81 S.......r.l 180 4 15 61 1 4u I j 64 :.M e0 4 i 88 17 40 4 f l 5.1 ... u 44 lj ... A 00 2.1 ... 4 is To lH ... 4 10 64 2 4 40 4 15 84 W ... 4 00 Ji rsi im 4 15 18 14 40 4 of. Tl 2 80 4 16 81 1HI . . 4 0 1) 80 4 15 tl 14 80 4 Isi 112 '.44 ... 4 15 f I'O 40 4 i l !.-! ... 4 I7H 80 184 ... II. 61 Lit ... 4 l.W ati'nUill'H Tho Updike Grain Co. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT 708 to 714 Drunclels Oldo OMAHAyv -:- -:- -:- MED. O R O K E R S GRAirVJ, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AIJD BONDS -PRIVATE WIRES Talpl8on DouQlas 9478 MEW YORK 78..,. 12.... ...1 ...183 ...17 ...121 ...211 ...114 ...HT ...101 ...182 ... ...208 ...t0 ... ...114 ...III ...1 ...t"8 ...114 ...109 ...l6 ...191 ...2.1 ...216 ...tit ...227 ...148 ,...223 ,...210 ...228 ,...225 4 06 47 231 120 4 IT", 4 06 T8 ?rr ... 4 17 4 06 16 Ml ... 4 17 4 4 05 45 lit ... 4 17 4 06 70 244 10 4 17 4 10 61 !! ... 4 J 4 10 84 24 80 4 20 4 10 61 17 ... 4 20 4 10 16 Jf l ... 4 4 4 10 48 17 ... 4 20 4 10 11 !k- 120 4 20 4 10 17 871 ... 4 20 4 10 81 235 ... 4 80 4 10 47 243 80 4 20 4 10 15 2.10 ... 4 to 4 10 68 22 ... to 4 10 85 208 ... 4 10 4 10 70 1.13 40 4 W 4 12 81 261 ... 4 20 4 12 81 269 ... 4 20 4 12 7C. ...... .241 80 4 ' 4 18 48 800 80 4 SO 4 12 82 K6 ... 4 22 4 15 72 145 ... 4 22 4 15 64 310 80 4 16 4 16 Tl 241 ... 4 26 4 15 69 2f.3 ... 4 26 4 15 44 J vf 80 4 2,7 4 16 14 867 ... 4 "8 4 16 66 816 240 4 0 4 15 64 348 ... I 86 4 IS 46 383 40 4 86 80 80 ... 76.... 74.... 84.... 71.... .... o... 47.... 71.... T.... 67.... 73.... 77.... 66.... 10.... 85.... 82.... 66... (tl.... 72.... 80 60.... 45.... 18.... 80 120 76.... SHEEP There were only a few sheen and lambs on sale this morning and tho market showed no material change in any direction from that of yesterday, and for that matter for the entire week. The trade on mutton grades of sheep has ruled steady for the last several dnys. For lambs a slight decline was noted eurly In the week, but since that time there has been little or no change, so that outside of a possible decline of about loe on heavy lambs on Monday prices are quutarjiy steady an around. Besides a few fresh arrivals today a few loads were carried over from yesterday, but the demand was sufficient this morn ing to clean up the limited offerings in good season. Some 115-pound ewes brought $4.75, some fair Colorado lambs $6.60, also western lambs at $6.50 and some ninety-pound year ling at to. There was a moderate Inquiry for feeder sheep and lumbs, but the receipts were very limited. The demand from tne coun try has been fair and the few sheep re ceived during the week have sold In about last week s notches, so that there Is no quotable change In prices for anything. Quotations on good to choice led sheen and lambs: Lambs. $6.40(&6.80; light year ling wethers, $5,504(6.90; heavy yearling weiiiero, eo.nuu.tfu, wethers. $a.0w6.2o, ewes. 44.tXnii4.90. Representative sales: No. Av. Tr. 86 6 60 60 6 25 71 6 76 69 6 60 83 4 90 78 6 75 150 3 50 115 4 75 71 6 60 268 western lambs 288 Colorado lambs 10 Colorado cull lambs, 281 Colorado lambs .... 623 Colorado ewes 14 Colorado yearlings . 23 Colorado bucks .... 200 western ewes 121 western lambs CHICAGO LIVE) STUCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Five Cents Lower. CHICAGO. Feb. 13.-CATTLR-Recelpts, 6.000 head; market steady; steers, $4.26$)) 6.16? cows, $3.0o4H.75; heifers. $2.6o9J6.26; bulls, $3.2644.5; calves, $3.OOtU''.0O; stockers and feeders. $2.604.75. HOGS Receipts, 36,000 bead; market 6o lower; choice heavy shipping, $l.40f4.45; butchers, t4.4dtfo4.46: light mixed. 11.8014.85; choice light, 4.36Vh4.40; packers, 14.oo-B4.40; pigs, $3.5o-4.30; bulk of aales, $4,3514.40. SHEEP ANU liAMlHJ- itecelpts. 1Z.OI10 head: market steady: sheep. 11.25ii6.4o: lambs, $6,004)6.90; yearlings, $5.0mfi6.30. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 13 CATTLE -Receipts, 4,600 head, including 100 southerns; market steady to 10c higher top, $5.76; choice export and dressed beef steers, $b.20U 5 75; fair to good, $4.35ffr 6.16; western steers, $4.00(5.40; stockers and feeders, $3,604(4.90; southern steers, $4.00446.10; southern cows, $2,505(2 60; native cows, $2.604.85; native heifers. 3.50U6.10; bulls, $3,2544.10; calves, $3.73 Hi 6.26. HOGS Receipts, 18,000 head; market 6o lower; top, $4.46; bulk of sales, $4.15 (14.40; heavy, $4,304(4.45; packers, $4.U M 40; pigs and lights, $3.70 tji 4.22 . SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts, 7,800 head; market steady; lambs, $6 3047 680; ewes and yeurllngs, $4.50(5 50; western yearlings, $5 25i6.25; western sheep. $4 2546 26; muckers and reeders, $3.oov 6.00. 1 St. Lonls Live Stork Market. PT. LOUIS, Mo.. Feb. 13. CATTLE Receipts, 1,800 head, including 276 Tex ans; market steady to strong; native ship ping i and expor steers, $6.506.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.96 4i 5.66; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3 25'ce 4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.40( 4.6o ; cows nmt heifers, J3 15(0 500; cannern, $1.60(&2.40; bulls. $2,50 4(4.50; calves. $3.50i7.6O; Texas and Indian steers, 4)5.25; cows and heifers. $1.75 a 4 00. HOGS Receipts, 10.600 head; market 6o lower; pigs and lights, $3. 604 4 85; pack era, $4.004i 4.45; butchers and best heavy, . 40(1(4. 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head: market ateady; native muttons $3 604T6.60; lambs, $4.504$ 7.00; culls and bucks, $2.754T-3.76; stockers, $3 004 3. i5. Bt. Joseph Live Block Market. ST. J06EPH. Mo, Feb. 13. CATTLE Receipts, 1.909 head; market ateady; na tive. $3,764 6.00, cows and holfeia, $2.25 41-6.00; stockers and feeders, $3 504 4. uO. HOGS Receipts, 11.202 head; market 6c lower; top, $4.40; bulk. $ 4.1 5 4-4.30. SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts, 1.707 head, market strong; lumbs, $6. 00$$. 60; yeurllngs, $5,4046.00. Sloox City Live Stork Market. BIOl'X CITY. Ia., Feb. 13. -(Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 8'W iiead. Mar ket steady; beeves, $3.664jti.3o; cows and heifers. $2,504(4.25; stockers and feeders, $3.0o4(4 15; calves and yearlings, $2 50,:160. HOGS Receipts, 6,8m head. Market 6c lower at $3,9044.30; bulk of sales, $4,154(4-25. OMAHA WIIOLR8LB MARKET. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 20o. BUTTER Common, 16c; fancy tub aad rolls. 174il8c; cieamery. Hue. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, lic; new full cream brick. I.e. do. incstio new Swiss. 18c; new Uuibuiger, lyj lc: young Americans, 17o. LIVE POULTIty-Kprings. Sc; liens, 8o; roc r I era, 3c; ducks, 9c; geese, tic; turkeys, 12c; pigeons, "J per dog. DRESSED POULTRY Soring, fancy, 9o; bens, kc; roosteis. 4c; ducks, 11c; geese, c; turkeys. ltii17c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland. $7 50; medium, $6.!o; No. 1 bottom, $6.uo; off grades, from $4 00 to $5.00. Rye straw, $7.0u; No. 1 al falfa, $11.50, VEGETABLES. POTATOE3 Per uu., B075c. SWEET PUTAlCliS Kansas, per bbl., 7S. L1CTTUCE Florida head, $2 ou; per do., 40c CuCL'MUERS Hot house, Dei box, $:i.0o; 3 dca. choice, pv" hamper. 2 dog . per lmx, II SO. liAl-'isiir-o tiut noiiHv, per uogen. aye. PARSLEY Per dog., 4U-. PEPPERS Florida, t-baaket crates, per crate, $4.00. PARSNI PS Old, per bbl.. $2.3. CAHROTs ANU TUKN 1 PS-' ld. per bbl, 17(0; Canada Rulahages, per lb., l'c. CAHBAUE Wisconsin llolluud fcerd, pgr lb.. 1V.C. ONIONS Spanish, per crate. $1.5; Wis consin Red G1jI, per lb., lc. fill ALLOTS-l't r d n., 90-'. TOMATOES Kb,! iua. extra fancy, per basket crate, $i 00; choice, per tnmk-.-t crate. $4 00; Cuban, faticy. per 6-hagket crate, $1.00. CACLIFLOWER Per 2-doi, ciate. $3 00. JIuKtir.'RAUIHSlt per dui... 9oc. :eT.EK V Michigan, per hunch, 2f-C(io. Kl.'MQL'ATS O-mig to quahlv. per qt., 80c to c. HRL'SSEL 6PROUTS, nr qt.. SX. to AiC. STRAWBERRIES Owing to oualiry. r)e NAVY bKANS I'er bu , Sc. i. $2 w; Lima. 7 per io. TROPICAL FRlMTa. fiRAKCEoV Kancv W sslilngton nave's. l-K.MIl-txli6 lanty mu.- ivellis. per box, 2.7i . sll aire, per tnx. 12 73; estrn furry Sue flower, all sixes, bur bux. iZ.uO; California -:- CHICAGO Tangerines, 800 slxe and smaller, per bog, $2.26 BANANAS Port l.lmon, owing to slia, per ounch, $1.60 to $3.00. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, 64 and 80 lie, per box. $6.00. GRAPES Malaga, choice, per keg, $4.00; Malaga, extra fancy, $4,60; extra choice. 1? er keg, $436; extra fancy, extra heavy. FIGS AND DATES Pmyrna fgs, t- crown, per lb., 14ial5c; Srnvrna figs, a. crown, per lb., l:i&13c: lam-rna figs, 4 ctown, per lb, lotfllc; Calif'.. nla Ogs, boxes 10 cartons, 85c; California figs, boxes, if cartons, 86c; California Iigs. buik. per lb.. (c; Hallowl dates, per lu.. ct Kbadrawi dales, t" lb., 6c; Salr date.., pr, u,., ic; Fard dates, 13-lb. Iwxes, per lb, 80. CRANBERRIES Extra fi.icy Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $10 00; extra rancy Jersey, per bbL, $8.00; extra liscv Jersey, per box, $3.00. LEMONIs Extra Taney tioutherland Beauty, 300 and 300 site, per box. $4.00; ex tra choice Justrile, $oo and 360 slxe, per box, $3.75. FRUITS APPLES Washington Snow, per box, 11. 60; Washington Jonathans, per box, $1.75; Washington Roman Beauties, per box. $1.76; Washington Alexanders. per box. $1.75; Washington Blue Pearmalns. per pox, $1.76; Washington Red Cheek Pippins, per box, $1.76; Washington Kings, oer box, $1.75; Washington Bailey Sweet, per box, $176; Washington No. Spya, per box, $1.75; Cali fornia Red Pearmalns, 4-tlor, per box, $2.00; California Belleflowers. 4-tleu per box, $2 00; New York Baldwins, per bbl., $4.60; New York Northern Spies, per bbl., $4. So; New York assorted varieties, per bbl., $4.60. BEEF CUTS. Ribs: No. 1, 13c; No. 2. 11c; No. 8, 9c. Loin: No. 1, ISc; No. 2, 13Wc; No. S, 1c. Chuck: No. 1, bcl. No. 2, 6c; No. 8, 6c. Round: No. 1, 9c; No. 2. 8c: No, 8, 70. Plate: No. 1, 6c; No. 2. 4c; No. 8, 4o. MISCELLANEOUS. ' CALIFORNIA L)RIEI FRUITS Prunei re somewhat unsettled by freer offering! from second hands, whu seem ileMlrous ot moving supplier of Immediate grades. Quo tations range lroni 60 o 9c .or California fruit and from 6u to sc for Oregon. Peaches are very linn, with fancy yellow quoted nt 13o. SUGAR uianulateu. cane, per sack, $6.40; beet, $5.00; cut louf, trjc; cubes, -kygc powdered. 6.16c. CANNED UOOD3 Corn, standard west em, me. Toiuutoes, fancy, 3-pound can, $1.46; standard, 8-pound cum. 41.20. Pine apples, (.rated, 2-pound, $2,2042.30; gllced. (1.1642.35. Gallon apples, $4.60. Calttoinla apricots, $2.i43.30. Pears, $2.1u3.1u. Peaches, $1.9o43.1s. L. C peaches, $2.10iJ $.15. Alaska salmon, red. $1.40; tancy Cinnook, fiat, i.16; fancy sockuya, flat, $2.16. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.60; three quarters mustard, $3.85. Sweet potatoes, $1,2641.35. Sauerkraut, 96a. Pumpkins, 80a 1.00. Lima beans, 3-pound, ioc4$l.aa. buaked beans. 2-pound. 60c; tauuy, NUTS California No. 1 S. B. walnuts, per lb., 17 c; imported Tairaona almonds, per lb., 18c; tilbuits, Brazil and Jumbo pecans, 13c; butternuts, per lb., 12c; No. 1 II. P, oeanuts, roasted, sc; raw, tki; salted pea nuts, per box, $l.lo; Italian chestnuts, per lb., 10c. COFFEE Roasted, No. 85. 26o; No. 39. tic; No. 26. 19c; No. 20, 14o. FISH Halibut, Uc, trout, 13c: pickerel, 10c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh, fruxen, 12c; while ObIi, 14 y 16c; builalo, 14c; bullheads, skinned and dreased, 13c; calhsli, dressed, 17c; while perch, 7c; while baas, 15c; blaok bass, 200; aunllah, 6u9c; ci apples, i49c; laiga crappies, Joe, htU'iiug. Iiesii froaen, bu, wnii.nsu, frozen, 124vl5c; pickerel, tresh frosen, 13c: red snapper, 12v; flounders,, mackerel, 1J 86c per tisli; codllsh, fresli frozen, 12o; had dock, fresh lrozun, 12c; smelts, Uu; shad roe, 45o per lb.; frog legs, 35o per dog.; greeji sea turtle meat. 26c pur lb HIDES AND TALLOW -Green salted. No. 1. 6c; No. 2, 4c; bull hides, 8c; reoa ungalled. No. 1, 4c; green unsaited, '.o. A 8c; burse hides, $1.0wk2.5o; sheep pu.ts, -i&a tjjl.00. Talloo- No. 1, 4c; .Nu. 3. d0. Wool. 1KUV- ASKS SUPREME COURT UPSET Dnvlil Van Utten After Fifteen Year. Litigation Want. Highest Tri bunal Reversed. David Van Ettcn, whose fifteen years of litigation over his properly at Twenty first and Hurncy streets U a feature of local legal history, virtually aslted a Jury In county court to reverse the No- braska supreme court, because, he says, Its decision In his case la contrary to the constitution of the United States. In the present case Mrs. Florence P. Leavltt Is asking $300 damages from Van Kltc-n and his bondsmun, John Reed, on a supersedeas bond ho gave when he ap pealed tho last (880 to the supreme court. The supreme court decided against him and Mrs. Leavltt began suit for $20 a month rental of the property during the time the case was In the higher court. Van Etten has subpocned City Engineer Roiewater( County Surveyor Ileal and other experts and will renew ,hls olTl de fense that tho inscription of the property In the tax sale certificate waa wrong. This was decided against him by the su preme court, but Mr. Vun Etten contends Is Is contrary to the constitutional pro vision that property ahull not be taken without due process of law. When ho examined the Jurors he created some amusement by asking each one of them if he would support the constitution of the United States regardless of anything else. NEWS OF THE ARMY CIRCLE Two Private. Ho- Their War Out of the 'of Uncle Nam. ' 1 Private Philip E. O'Brien of battery E and Frank Kotelas of buttery C, Bixth field artillery have been granted honorable dis charge from the army by purchase. Captain T. B. Hacker, purchasing com-r mlfcsary I'nlted Slates army, has gone to Valentine, Neb., to Inspect recent purchases of flour at thut pi-lnt for tha government. A detachment of nine enlisted men of tha signal corps Ht Fort Omaha lias been ordered to proceed at once to Fort Monroe, Va., there to embark for Havana, Cuba, for alignment to company I of tho signal corps, army of Cuban pacification. Leave of absence for two months has been granted lo Cuptuln Frad C. Johnson of the Second cavalry. Fort Leg Mulnes. Foley's Honey and Tar cares the moel ob stinate coughs and c-xpela the cold from tha system, a It I mildly laxatlvu. It 1 guar anteed. The gcnulns I In tliu yellow puck one. For aale by all druggists, Hallway .Nolri and I'emonnl. P.ecatire of the locreasi.. in biigino to tin I'liciflc i-ouit the Itock Island Iihm d.i 10 1 id. d to add u daily tourikt t ar ' from Oniulia ilniu.g ii and April, when the low loloniKt rotes nic In effect to tii Pa cific coast. ' A. A. riclK-nk, chief cnglip-er of tho North western, lias gone to I'lilcapo. W. P. JicKurland, h.hhIhiiI giit-erlntond- ent or telegraphs 01 tne rsorlliweeli ' in, liaa cone to Chicago. V.'uit for tl.c l.'g ai Co. il:.iec Cljth- lliilldinv I'l-rmlh. N If. l'clei son, Twi ul) lieu ll, a i, prntt fruiiK- llwi lillc,', 2.r'Kl; 1-; (1. Midi id,-. Thirllelh and CiiIIoiiiIm na.:.- dtvellin;, 12 Mif. Mane, 2'.iK 1 ull, lia u rlwellilik-. $.4 I