Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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luiinui, oiuwm i ui
413-15-17 South
ji O
. Ahiwial
is still attracting hundreds of customers, who are showing
their foresightedness by securing the bargains this sale
TAIN 3 and DRAPERIES are offered in this sale at re
ductions ranging from one-third to one-half.
; All goods are marked with a RED TICKET showing
the clearance price.
' , Goods purchased now may be laid away for future
Prudent buyers cannot afford to overlook the great In
ducements this sale offers.
Hundreds of dollars can be saved in furnishing your
home. - r 1 -
Attorneys for Almack Decide They
Don't Want Convict to Take Stand.
Helates Particular of Marder of Ham
Fak, with Detail hadlrally Dif
ferent front ThoM Given
by Pumphrejr.
Charles Pumphrcy, the ronvlct at the
penitentiary, whom Governor Sheldon re
futed to allow to cohio to Omaha to testify
In the Almack murder will not be
wanted after all.'
Because Fumphrcy's testimony In his own
case and Almack's story as related on the
witness stand yesterday" afternoon differ
Vldely ltj a number of points Almack's at
: jrneys decided they did not core to ca,ll
Humphrey to the stand. Almack and
'nmphrey agree on lome of the main facfa
i to the killing of Ham Pak, but Almack
rtl contradicted Pumphrey la some mnr
erlnl points, and it wua deqklel the total
feet of Pumphrey'e evl4nc 'would not
fry benefliia.1 tQ Alinaek's case.
. Holllster-and W. V. Dodge, Al
s attorneys, after a conferenco, de-
vd they would not use Pumphrey as a
witness, even If Governor Bheldon should
finally consent to allow him to pome. ,
Almack, the defendant, was the only ma
terial witness on the stand yesterday after
noon." He was not as strong and positive
as Pumphrcy was when the latter testified
at the previous trial, nnd frequently In
response to the starchtns; questions put to
. him by County Attorney Wngllsh answered
"I don't' know" or "I ean't recnll."
Almack differed from Pumplirev in re
gard to the time of a number of minor
occurrences that took ploco Just before
the killing of the Chinaman. He said the
first he knew of any trouble was after he
had turned out the lights In the restaurant
and gone back to tke kitchen. He snld he
saw Pak lying on the floor In a pool of
blood, with Pumphrey and Mullen In the
room with him. Fumphrey testified he and
Almack went back to the kitchen together
and saw Mullen beating the Chinaman.
Pumphrcy said In the first case after the
nwfrder Mullen, and Almack went Into the
(dufnaman'a room anil wer there s ne time
jmack testified yesterday he did not go
to the room at all. Ho said when he
Jrrned out the light ho supposed Mullen
ml Pumphrey had left the place together,
le did not know Pak had been murdered
and robbed, ho said, until after the ttlo
had gotten on the train In their flight from
Omaha. At another point in his testimony
he said he ran away because ha feared the
crime would be fastened on him, as he was
employed by Tak. Pumphrey had testified
Mullen forced the two to flee by threaten
ing their lives.
Almack also testified one of the watches
supposed to have been stolen belonged to
blm, as he had bought It of the Chinaman
a short time before.
Co'art Refuses V Bless lie Cnn Show
Inability to Pay Fine.
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. IS. (Special
Telegram.) A new phase 'in ex-Councll-tnan
Ford's case, who was fined 1100 and
costs In the (district court for selling
liquor without a license on Sundays ae
Velored today when he appeared before
.. udge Spufford ant demanded thut he be i
'released from Ju.ll, having served sixty
days, being the amount required to puy
the fine and costs. As the district court
a few days ago ordered Ford to inuke a
showing that he had no property with
which to pay the fine. Judge i?pu?:uid
refused to take any action. It is suld an
execution will be Issued from the district
court to1 levy on any property belonging
to Mr. j'ord. who now resides at,
Institute at Hebron a Saeersa.
HEBRON, Neb., Feb. 13. ttpeclal.)-The
Thayer county Farmers' Institute and
ladles' auxiliary held their annuat Joint
Institute in this city Wednesdsy and Thurs-
The Raven's Gift
Mot dclicloynW flavors!
nke food made.
He an re the food" comes to the table
Wf- When package la allowed to re-
4IU oim n the moUture of the air
uiakee tt touch, in such case Inuixt
Cat tt be dried in an oven as per di
rection on I., then It Is delicious.
Ltfi Jrtjail pia ISo
pobiuru Orwal Co.. Ltd., makers,
Iiattle L'ret'k, Mica..
Sixteenth -Street
day. This was the best Institute held In
the county In the history of the association,
the attendance being 1,200 the first day,
the attendance of farmers showing a large
gain. In addition to tho lectures by
Prof. Montgomery of the state university,
Prof. W. F. Card of Pennsylvania, Miss
Lulu AVOlford of Pawnee City. W. V.
McKee of Polo, Mo., and Dr. H. Jansen of
Weeping Water, the program was filled
by musical numbers given by home talent,
among them being tho Hebron quartet and
the Juvenile brass band. In the corn con
test higher grades were shown this year,
the first prize winner earning eighty-two
points. In the domestic science department
forty-seven entries were made. Tho thirty
prizes given by the business men brought
out many exhibits In this department.
The Institute Is-now self sustaining, the
money In the treasury collected as member
ship fees being sufficient to pay all ex
penses with a cash .reserve for next year.
Sos to net Clothing Containing
Money and Delay la Fatal
. to Htm.
EVANSTON. Wyo., Feb. (Special
Telegram ) The ranch house of Julius
Hanleyion M11L creek, twnty-four miles
southeast of this city, was destroyed by
fire about 3 o'clock on Wednesday morn
ing. Fran .llanley, a lad of 17, aon of
Julius, was burned to death. Julius Han
ley and"' a neighbor, John Freda, with a
boy named Feasler, who were stopping at
the house, escaped In their night clothes
and bare-footed In tho snow made their
way to the rapch of Emll llanley, a
brother of Julius,- one mile away. When
the fire waa first discovered it had
gained such headway that the occupants
had barely time to escape with their Uvea.
Young Franz, hesitated for a brief mo
ment to secure his clothes, which con
tained quite a sum of money. That mo
ment cost his life. Those outside saw
him reel and full where It was impossible
to reach him.
Watch for the opening date of the big
fire salo at the Palace Clothing Co.
Men Mho Shot Railroad Detective
Captured by Efforts of Young
ST. LOUIS, Feb. l3.-Two men giving
their names as Fred Wilson and Robert
Hardt are under arrest charged with hav
ing shot Martin McNlchols, a railroad de
tective, after he had put them off a Chi
cago & Alton freight train last night near
Venice, 111. McNlchols may die. After the
shooting of the detectives the two were
pursued by JXe Davidson a youthful tele
graph operator, and Charles Eberhardt, a
mall carrier, and there was a running fire
of pistol shots from both sides. Citizens
turned out and Wilson and Hardt were
captured. In Wilson's possession was
found a formula for making nitroglycerin.
Hill of Senator Owen for Schools to
Teach Red Men In favor
ably Reported.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The aenate com
mittee of Indian affairs today reported ad
versely a bill Introduced by Senator Owen,
appropriating IJOO.OUO to establish a govern
ment school la Oklahoma for the teaching
of Indian art. It waa "the plan to teach
Indian children how to do bead wok, make
fancy baskets, tan skins and furs and make
tools usd by the Indians In their primitive
state. The committee decided that the In
dians were getting along very Well In this
regard without the introduction of modern
methods of manufacture.
Lovers I'nlted la Old Aajv, Brld Hav
ing Married Money lu
Meantime. ',
NEW YOJtK. Feb. 13 -Parted by a
lovers' quarrel more than forty years ago,
a marriage ceremony reunited William
Dixon Spauldlng and Mrs. Field Bates.
Back In civil war days Fpauldlng waa a
suitor for the hand of Miss Field, but a
misunderstanding parted them, and they
did not meet again until a short time ago.
Miss Field, In the meantime had married
Dr. James Hale Bates, who died four years
ago, leaving her a fortune estimated at
li.000.0O0. Mr. Bpauldlug, who Is well
known writer and glotM trotter, la 75 years
old, and his bride a few years younger.
Eleven Cincinnati Firms Plead Guilty
and Vay S30 and Coeta
CINCINNATI, O., Feb. 13. The eleven
laundries under Indictment for organising
a combine to raise prices today pleaded
guilty and each was fined too and ejU.
The trust also agreed to dissolve and the
Indictments against the laundry proprietors
were nolled. The Indictments were re
turned more than a year ago.
glaaaed with a Manor
wounded with a gun or pierced by a rusty
nail. Bucklea's ArnW-a Salve heats the
wound. Guaranteed, Ko, St sale by
Beaton Drug Co. ...
Party of Badgfer State United for
Bryant Candidacy.
Mark Dleeaasloa Over Possibility of
Sew National Committeeman
Wallace Candidate for Gov
ernor of Missouri.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Feb. 13.-The demo
cratic state convention for the naming of
delegates to the national convention to be
held at Denver, was called to order at tho,
Davidson theater this afternoon by Htate
Chairman H. II. Manson, who Introduced
John F. Duherty of La Crosse, as tempor
ory chairman. A
Mr. Doherty in- sounding the key note,
lauded the principles of government, "pro
claimed by Jefferson and made resplendent
and Illuminated In the light of that master
Intellect, William J. Bryan."
Among other things the speaker said the
democratic party should demand a revision
of the tariff. He concluded his speech
as follows:
Let us rely on tho good sense and con
science of the American people. Our leader
In this great context is already chosen.
Follow him and we cannot fall. He stands
today as democracy's exponent, democracy's
nope, iet us make him the peoples president-William
J. Bryan. .
At the conclusion of Mr. Doherty's speech,
the usual committers were appointed after
which an adjournment was taken until to
morrow afternoon.
Bryan Has Convention.
That the delegation which will goi& the
national convention will be unanimous for
the nomination of William J. Bryan Is a
foregone conclusion, every county conven.
tlon sending delegates to the state conven
tion having passed resolutions endorsing
the Nebraskan.
The big contest In the convention which
will not be pulled off until tomorrow, will
be over the choosing of delegates-at-large
to the national gathering, H. H. Manson,
the present chairman of the state central
committee, is conceded the election as one
of the delcgates-at-large, . Among others
mentioned for these coveted places are
John A. Aylward of Madison, who. ran for
governor two years ago; Congressman
Charles H. Welsse of tho Sixth district
and Melvln A Hoyt, editor of the Milwau
kee Dally News; D. H. Grady of Portage,
Patrick H, Martin of Green Bay, Eot-Gov-ernor
Georgo'W. Peck of Milwaukee and
Congressman J.- W. 'Murphy of the Third
Hard Fight Against Ryan.
. There Is considerable gossip also over the
possibility of naming a new man on the
national committee to succeed Timothy K.
Ryan of Waukesha, who has heldrtho po
sition for a number of years, Thot contest
Is between two factions, headed respec
tively by the so'called stalwart democrats
repreaentlhg-Mr. Ryan and the younger
element, who have as their leader H. H.
Manson, the state chairman.
An announcement was made by friends
of Mr. Ryan that an attempt would be
made to have a. resolution Introduced fa
voring the re-election of Ryan by the dele
gation at. Denver, but this plan Is said to
have been dropped.' Mr. . Mahson is "hot
taking an active part In any. of. the con
tests; -but his friends are doing the work
for him.
Calmlnal Coo ft Judge Will Ran on
Sunday Observance Platform.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. 13. -Judge
William T. Wallace, of the criminal court
of this city, who recently has been making
a vigorous campaign for Sunday observance,
today announced his candidacy for ' the
democratic nomination for governor of
Missouri. His platform declares for "the
state-wide and permanent enforcement of
our Sunday liquor laws." "
Judge Wallace's crusade-has resulted in
the indictment of hundreds of actors,
actresses and theatrical managers and at
taches for the violation of the law making
It a misdemeanor to perform unnecessary
labor on Sunday and he has placed them
under, bonds amounting In the aggregate
close to $100,000. Tuesday he ordered fou
prominent theatrical managers to Jail be
cause they failed to furnish proper bond
and they were only kept from going behind
the bars by securing a writ of habeas
corpua. He has closed hundreds of pool
halls, cigar Btorcs, barber shops and other
small businesses on the Sabbath and the
county grand Jury as a result of his activity
continues weekly to Indicate theatrical per
sons who violate the law.. '
His platform contains these characteristic
declarations: .
The restoration and preservation of the
Sabbath Is one of the greatest moral prob
lems In the life of the republic. The la
borer loiiK fur one day In seven as a day
of rest as he longs for Immortality In the
great beyond. And this rest Is an Inalien
able right which human greed should never
be nermltted to wrest irom nun. it
should be protected by the strong arm of
the civil Dower.
The Bumtay tneaier is srs aemoranzing as
the Sunday saloon and should De sup
pressed. If I am elected, by the plenary
powers of the governorship, our Bunuay
laws shall be enforced throughout tUe
state, not with narrowness and intoler
ance, but with due regard to the necessi
ties of the advanced civilization of our
lntemrerence Is the greatest single enemy
of the human race. That every murderer
tried so far since 1 have occupied tne
criminal bench has been traceable to in
toxicants and that more than 75 per cent
of other crimes have been due to the sama
cause has put me Inexorably against tho
oocn saloon.
I am heartily in favor of local option
and if elected will urge the passage of a
law extending It to cities.
The next legislature sliould submit for
the people's suffrage a constitutional
amendment for a etale-wlde prohibition. If
it becomes a law during my administration
It will be enforced.
Unemployed Printer In "v York
Juiuns from Urooklrn Bridge
and Lifts.
NEW Y'bRK. Feb. 13. John Grant, an
unemployed printer. Jumped from Brooklyn
bridge today and, although he landed
among floating Ice cakes in the river 200
feet below, escaped with only a few nviuor
hurts. He is now at a hospital, under ar
rest on a charge of attempting suicide.
4 rant was riding across the bridge on a
truck, when suddenly he sprang to the
roadway and, scaling the railing near the
Manhattan tower, threw himself Into the
river. He disappeared under the ice near
a small tug boat and when he reappeared
the crew of the tug pulled him on board.
He was unconscious, but revived after be
InK taken to a hospital. It Is believed
Grant was despondent because of Inability
to get work. N
Manager of Chicago Branch of Wood'
ranirr Concern Trie to
End Ills Life.
CHICAGO. Feb. U-Robert J. Ault. 87
years of age, manager of the Chicago
branch of the Ault Woodenware company
of Cincinnati, waa found unconscious In
blood-soaked bed in a Turkish bath estab
lishment early today. His throat had been
rut, A small pocketknlfe. the blade stained
with blood, was found beside him. Ault
had acted strangely he previous evening
and U U belief cd he attempted ato end bis
life. He waa taken to th County hospital.
where physicians ssy he cannot recover.
JANKSVILLE, Wis., Feb. lS.-Mrs. Mar
tha Anderson was found dead early today
with her throat Cut from ear to esr. The
district attorney Is Investigating her death.
(Continued from First Page.)
downward, "the angelic -choir should break
forth In- full chorus."
Ir. .Clark believed that one-third of all
republicans were honestly In favor of re
vising the tariff downward, and, referring
to the declaration of Mr. Tayne In favor
of A maximum and a minimum tariff.
asked If Mr? Fnyne ,was In favor of Mr.
Williams' proposition to make the tariff
45 per cent of the Dlngley rates, or the
proposition of former Representative Mc
Cleary "to make the Dlngley rates the
minimum and the maximum, the blue Vault
of heaven."
Secretary Retires Hurriedly.
In the midst of Mr. Clark's remarks
one of the presidents secretaries ap
peared in the chamber with a message.
Instantly there was general laughter when
the secretary made bis exit Mr. Clark
convulsed the house by decaiing:
'It is a cold day when tne president
does not send a letter ot mcasa&e to
Mr. Clark s remarks wero hailed with
shouts by democrats '.and shrieks of
laughter on both sides of the chamber.
At time, some t the democrats rose In
their seats and wildly manifested their
delight at his utterances. He took his
seat amid a demonstration) seldom wit
nessed on the floor ofthe house.
Criminal Code Amended to Prevent
Sending" Llquora by Mall.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-The senate to
day discussed the law governing the re
serves of national banks, that 'subject be
ing brought up by Senator Rayner, who re
verted till a controversy over statements he
made In the senate yesterday when the
Aldrich currency bill was under considera
tion. The criminal code bill also was a
subject for discussion during a couplo of
hours. Senator Clay and others securing
the substitution of tho old law Instead of
the proposed revised sections, which will
f-effectually prevent intoxicating liquors be
ing sent through tho malls Into "dry"
states or counties.
The liquor question was Injected into
the consideration of the criminal code bill
In the senate today when Senator Clay of
Georgia attacked a provision of the bill
which, he declared, changed existing law to
the extent of permitting the mailing of
liquor into prohibition states or counties.
This was brought about by leaving the
prohibition of that practice out of the law
as revised by th6 code.
"Liquor houses," said Senator Clay," "are
relying upon the change to enhance their
Mr. Clay wished to know whether the,
commission to revise! the codo or the Joint
committee of congress for the same purpose
had left the provision out of the code, nnd
Mr. Heyburn, In charge of the bill, said
the committee had taken that part of . the'
code. from. the commission without change.
On motion of Senator Carter the bid law
was substituted for llhe revised sections,
with a penal clause ' added.
i :'
Chief of C Staff' Submits Increased
Schedule for' Enlisted Men.'
WASHINGTON, .' Feb. 13. -General Bell,
chief of staff, United States army, today
recommended In person to the house com
mittee ori mllltary'affalra an increased
pay schedule for enlisted men of the army,
along the lines laid down In the Dlck
Capron bill, but differing somewhat ' In
scale. ' '
ills recommendations Contained four dis
tinct features. Creation of ' the grade of
warrant officer, for the promotion of de
serving1 noncommissioned officers!' readjust
ment of Initial rates 'of pay so that they
range from $15 to $42 as against the range of
from $10 to $70 In the navy; cash bonus of
three months pay for re-enlistment; and
an Increase of from fl to $9 In pay for
high attainment In marksmanship. The
corresponding increase In the navy Is from
$2 to $10. It was estimated by General
Bell that If these schedules are adopted
the average Increase In pay of enlisted
men will be 3J.3 per cent, making the
average monthly pay $23.64 In the army
as against $33 In the navy.
In conclusion he said:
"I cannot too strongly urge the adoption
of this schedule In Its four essential fea
tures. If any one of these four features is
omitted the whole planl will be very much
weakened and the benefit to the service
materially decreased."
General Bell recommended Increase of
pay for regular army officers as suggested
In the Hayward plan.
Frank W. Carpenjer Promoted.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-Governor Smith
cabled the War department today from
Manila that he Intends to promote Frank
W. Carpenter, assistant secretary, to fill
the position of executive secretary of the
Philippines created by the death of Arthur
W. Ferguson,
Debate Will Close Today.
WASHINGTON, Feb. J3.-The considera
tion of the legislative, executive, and Judi
cial bill was resumed in the house of rip-
resentatlves. An understanding waa reached
that general debate would close today.
Conference Report Adopted.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13.-The conference
report on the urgent deficiency bill was
adopted by the senate today.
Nov Located at 219 North Sixteenth
Street, in Loyal Hotel
The Herzog Tailoring company opened
for business this week In their new store
.room. 219 North 10th street. In Loyal Hotel
building, having Just completed the re
moval of their stock and work room from
their old location at Douglaa street.
They have put In new fixtures through
out. The aales room Is furnished in the
choicest oak fixtures, early English finish,
and Is one of the finest appointed sales
rooms In the city.
Manager Beck says: "We have one of
the most thoroughly equipped work rooms
in the west, besides being light and airy,
it la large enough to enable us to work
twenty-five people during -flic. busy
Special Announcement Regardlns; the
Natronal Pare Food and Draw Law.
We are pleased to announce that Foley's
Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung
troubles Is not affected by the national
pure food and drug law, aa It contains no
opiates or other harmful drugs, and wa
recommend It as a safe remedy for chil
dren and adults. For sale by all drugglsta
George Glover Is Recovering;.
LEAD. 8. T.. Feb. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) George Glover, son of Mrs. Msry
Baker G. Eddy, the leader of the Chris
tian Scientists of Boston, Is suffering from
a slight stroke of paralysis. His physi
cians state that his condition is not serious
and thst lie will -probably recover in
short time.
Italian Foreign Minister Details Con
ditions as They Exist.
Colony Devotes Attention to Produc
tion of Cotton vrltu Hope of
Commercial Progress -Experiments
ROME, Feb. M.-Forelgn Minister Tlt
tronl answered an Interrogation In the
Chamber of Deputes today regarding the
raid some few weeks ago upon Lugh. the
furthermost Italian station In the1 Interior
of Italian Somallland, by 2,000 Abysslrllans.
He made a lengthy and exhaustive expo
sition of the history of the station.
Lugh, he said, had been occupied by Italy
In IW as the result of a treaty with the
sultan of Iugh. Thw sultan, however, at
the same time concluded another treaty
with King Menellk of Abyssinia, and con
sequently Menellk always had sustained
the potentate of Lugh. Lugh, the .foreign
minister declared, was not Included In the
possessions of Italy.
Ah Important and Interesting part of
Signor Tittonl's address and one-that gave
a key to the situation, waa when he said
that shortly before the raid King Menellk
had Insisted on a delimlnatlon of the fron
tier on the ground that tr do so would
give Italy denlte possession of Lugh and
Its territory. King Menellk was to re
ceive pecuniary compensation, ti he did
In 1WK) when the frontier of Erythrea was
dellmlnated. Italy agreed to negotiate on
this basis. " '
Wireless Telegraphy In District.
Continuing, Signor Tlttonl announced that
a system of wireless telegraphy In Somali
land and Erythrea would be ready by the
end of April and that this, together with
the agreement with King Moncllk regarding
the gradual submission of the tribes who
are still rebellion, would ensure the se
curity of the colony before the rebels had
an opportunity to reach an -understanding
with the Mad Mullah, which might make
the situation more serious. In order to
further the work of pacification the mili
tary foroes in Somallland are 4o be raised
to 3,400 natives under the command of forty
six Italian oflcrTs. The, causes that led to
the raid on the Lugh never had been made
clear, the foreign minister satd; King Mene
llk still disclaimed responsibility and
promised to see that those who were ac
countable received befitting punishment. .
The foreign . minister touched on the
growing commercial prosperity of Somali
land and said that In the last ten years
Hhe local commerce had increased ISO per
cent. Two-thirds of the Importations Into
the colony consisted of American woven
goods. . The colony had high hopes regard
ing the cotten cultivation recently under
taken, and cotton can be produced In
Somallland cheaper thun In Egypt. Ex
periments have been made with American,
Egyptian ond Australian cotton pfiTfits, and
when this Industry gets under way Signor
Tlttonl hopes to direct Italian Immigration
Xo the country.
Flood Expetted Aronnd Pittsburg; and
,, People Are Getting; Oat
, ' . of Way. ;
j PITTSbVrG, Pa.. Feb. 13.-Following a
warning by the weather bureau, river men,
bualness houses and persons residing In
the lowlands about Greater Pittsburg are
today moving all perishable goods to places
of safety. Owing to. the high temperature
and threatening heavy rains the snow and
Ice in the watersheds: of the Allegheny and
Toughlogheny rivers rtiay molt and precipi
tate a flood. All the small streams arc ris
ing slowly today and In many ' places the
water Is beyond its banks. f
Nathaniel A,.' Eldrldge.
. Nathaniel A. Eldrldfee, aged S8 years, died
Wednesday evening at the home of his
aon, E. G. Eldridge. 3225 Cuming street.
He was the grandfather of Mrs. Ward
Burgess. The funeral services will be held
In the chapel of the Cole-McKay company
Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, Rev.
G. A: Beecher officiating. The body will
be sent to Hancock, Mass., for Interment.
Mr. Eldridge had livd in Omaha for the
last eighteen years. y
Newton Edmunds.
YANKTON. S. D., Feb. 13. (Special Tel
egram.) Newton Edmunds, ex-governor
of Dakota Territory and president of the
Tankton National fank, died here today
following a series of paralytic strokes
with which he was attacked last 'Sunday.
He was 8S years of age.
N. W. Trevreek.
LEAD. S. D., Feb. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) N. W. Treweek, ex-county com
missioner for Lawrence county and one
of the best know mining men In the city,
died at his home in Lead this morning.
Insufficient Evidence In Case.,
ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 13. The graft case
Sgalnst W. C. Stewart, superintendent of
the city light plant, indicted by the grand
Jury for certifying false payrolls, was dis
missed in the criminal court today on the
grounds of Insufficient evidence.
New York's Fashionable Thoroughfare
and Hotel Ht. Ife-gis..
For half a century Fifth Avenue has
been the select residential thoroughfare
of New York, the most fashionable city1
street in Amorlsa. Formerly private
residences, many of them the homes of
mlllonalres, lined this beautiful street,
but in recent years a few palatial hotels
have entered this select circle, and soci
ety has set Its seal of approval upon
these creations for public comfort and
entertainment by a liberal patronage.
At the social center of 'this famous
thoroughfare, and only four blinks from
Central Park, stands the St. Regis, a
hotel of elegance and reflnment. It Is
thfe chosen permanent home of many
people who once lived In near-by resi
dences, and also the temporary home of
many hundreds of transient visitors to tho
The St. Regis waa conceived, and con
structed with the Idea of perfect con
formity with Its select environment, and
those who share its hospitality are cer
tain to find the utmost comfort and en
joyment, with entire freedom from dis
cordant elements and distracting influ
ences, Within its portals you may enjoy
the best that money can buy, and much
which your money cannot buy.
Yet, with all that these facts Imply,
the St. Regis is not above the means of
the averags person, and it particularly
Invites transient patronage. Its charges
ao not exceed those of first-class hotels
generally. In fact, In proportion to the
comforts provided, they are even leas. A
large well furnished room may be had
for M or one with bath in connection for
16 a day; or a parlor, bedroom and bath
for 112 and upwards; while restaurant
charges are at standard rates.
Such being the case why not choose the
St. Regis as your horns when in New York?
?Greatest Shirt Sale Ever
$1 to $2.50 Griffin
day Feb. 15
Over 2700 Dozen
The entire floor stock of the
kell & Co., New York, secured nt an average of less than
50c cents on the dollar all
in very best styles and patterns, on salo
Saturday, choice
Save your xapney until you got a little of It ahead and you'll
never squander It. 'No person should be without a "reserve fund."
Oet one of our email auxiliary banks to help you, and you will always
be glad of It. Don't put off the beginning or you will never get It done.
4 Interest aid on Deposits.
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Dank In Nebraska.
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
Financial Budget Causes Uproar in
House of Representatives.
Ministry Finally uereasfnl with rinod
Majority After Stormy Tlmr
Seselon Suspended for
Time. .
TOKIO, Feb. 13. After an exciting fir
bate, lasting six hours, which developed
Into a riot on the floor of the
House of Representatives, tho financial
budget was raased by a majority of 102.
Speakers on both" sides occupied n long
time, and toward the lat they howled nt
the chair and charged favoritism, the op
posing members demanding an apology.
The chair suspended the session for half
an hour, and upon resuming tho chair
apologised handsomely to tl.e opposition.
Impressive speeches wero made during
the debate, all making a point of the fea
ture that more than one-half of the budget
was expended in armaments. It was also
urged that the fiscal measure of the gov
ernment did not contain provisions to
prevt-nt an outflow ot gold, while the bal
ance of trade had a tendency against
Japan, fear being expressed that tho basis
of the gold reserve inight be endangered.
Upon the side 'of the ministry, the principal
speakers eloquently argued that It was
both unwise and dangerous publicly to dis
cuss the nation's finances from a pessimis
tic standpoint.' thereby cheating unneces
sary alarm ahroaq. Ho called attention to
the natural resources of Japan, which wfcro
only awaiting development by cheap capi
tal. ' '
ONJ. , ONE! VBnoaiD Qt'IJUNB." -That
Look for the signature of K. W. GHOVE.
Used the world .over-to pure a cold in one
day. Z5c.
Mobile A Ohio I'roposra to Pnt a 1-3
Tent Interstate Rate In
JACKSON, Miss., Feb. 13.-Colonel E. L.
Russell of the Mobllo'& Ohio railroad, and
representing the Southern Railroad, today
submitted to the house committee on rail
roads a voluntary offer to establish a flat
passenger rate of 2H cents per mire on In
terstate business, the experiment to be
tried for twelve months. Other railroads
opposed the plan.
Bed Cross !- Cough Drsps.
warm the lungs on cold mornings. 5c.
Catarrh, Deafness,
and all chronlo diseases yield quickly to
our treatment. Thousands of cures prove
the merits of our treatment. It Is safe,
natural, scientific and most effective.
Stops bead nolsea, stops discharging ears,
opens the ears and restores the hearing).
A Positive
Cure for
Treatment and all
mediclnss for a
short time only.
We make this remarkable offer for the
benefit of sufferers who have not yet test
ed our ability to cure these diseases. Ho
experimenting, 20 years' experience in
handling such diseases enables us to know
fposltively what will cure, no matter who
ins treated you or how long you have
suffered, or who has told you that you
are Incurable. We want you to try our
treatment, as It lias eured when all otlir
treatments have failed. Write today fur
full Information how to cure yourself at
home without nveating a cent. iJon't de
lay. Consultation anil examination costs
you nothing. Offloe hours l a. m. to (
p. m. Evenings. Mon., Wed. and Bat., 6 to
i p. m. Lr. liranaman Co., 20s N. X. Life
Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Note the genuine bargains that we
are offering In well known brands.
15c Stachelberg La Kama, Washing
ton size, Clear Havana Cigars,
Our Price -lOd
5.0 For bx of Fifty.
15c Independente, Ureva Size,
Two for , 15
16c E. H. Gato, Perfecto Site .10
' $5 00 For Hog of Fifty.
10c Club House Teller Cigars,
Five for 25J
I2.W For Box of Fifty.
10c Rein a Louisa. 5(4
11.25 For Box of Twenty-Five
'. 15tfe and-Farnam St a.
Brand Shirts 59c
day Feb. IS
High Grade Shirts
well known firm of "Will Has
',v iu lrss man
new, clean stock,
We. Wish To Announce
That we are now located In our nw
store In tlie 'Hotel Ixyal Hulldlna;.
419 North ICth Street, where we
have one of theflnent appointed.
BalPBrooms In thevwest; also the
toioet thoroughly equipped work
rooms in the city, in which
AH 10 IiriLT : ::
You are cordially Invited to ln--apect
our suptfrb line of Spring
WoflTens. New ones arriving dally.
1. H. ItKCK, Manager.
210 No. 10th Street.
Hotel liyal Hullitiug.
316 Bo. 16tU SUMt
Eat your noonday lunch at the
Restaurant Prices
, . Her Grand Service
mil i ii iii nainiiiiiaiiKMii j'iji
Tke Oraann Dally Dec.
TOWIOHT, Mrs. Warren's Profession
Friday and Saturday Matinee. . ."Qhost"
6aturday Night "Candida"
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Company of 75 People, including
The Ladles Aid of the First Methodist
Church presents
Mr. Frank R, Robirson
the eminent traveler and lecturer for a
series of four illustrated travelogues on
Mouth America and Norway. 'Panama
and the, Canal," Feb. 20; "Land of the
Incus," Feb. 27; "Chill and the Eat
C'oaHt." March 6; "I'lctureanue Norway."
March 12. Two hundred beautiful lantern
pictures in color Illustrate each lecture.
Canal pictures taken last October by Mr.
Kohernnn on the- pot. An educational
and highly entertaining course.
At the First Methodist Church.
Season Tickets $1.00;
Single Admission 50c.
Second Great Match
Farmer Burns
War Ea0le
Beat Bale Begins Wednesday
Morning, February 11
Prices! SOc,Vsc, SI
Katlnee Sally, 8:18, livery Wight gils,
THIS WEEK Jane Courthupe Co,
elen Bertram, Snyder Si Buckley, Hon.
rose Vroose, Lousy JBasasll, BoatUua
Stevens, 'A' wo Xiorettoe, suit tn Also
drome. rrloes, 10c, ase, COo.
' rrlees 15-SS-80-76C.
Little Dolly Dimples
Roller Skating AU This
? Week, Except Wednesday ?
and Friday.