I 10 1TTE OMATIA DAILY BEE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1908. 12 nz JhwiimiiC XibI REMNMT DAY FRIDAY WELCOME SAINT VALENTKE FRIDAY ALL VALENTINE MERCHANDISE At YOUR OWN PRICES. . MUST CLOSE OUT. rnr?niTn Mall Orders Filled, Except in Case of Hour Sales. Attend the Biff Shirt Sal Saturday. See Ad, Page 2 OlIZZZEZXEZI pfiii) THB RELIABLE STSRI V 7 n D n D n Friday We Announce Special Sales of REMNANTS "Women who appreciate a bargain will certainly sieze this great chance to Rave money Friday. "We have arranged hundreds of special lots of remnant and odd pieces on our bargain squares and counters for Remnant Day. Read these items. Every one is an extra special. Remnants of Allover Laces 15c each These pieces are three-fourths to one yard in length filet, crochet, Point de Faris, etc., in black, white and ecru big bargain at cach. '. i . 15c j' Remnants of Laces in 2 to 10 yd. Lengths Importers sample strips of Torchon, Point de Paris, Plat Vals Lace and Insertions, worth 1 C up to 15c yard, .3 lots at........ aCvJ 2C-JC 35c Wide Embroideries at 15c yard 18 inch wide Corset Cover Embroideries and Skirtings, the accumulation of remnants as well as long lengths, worth up to 35c yard at yard v . ..... w-.0.., 15 c DRESS GOODS REMNANTS 79c A new lot just received from our New York buyer and every yard will be a great bargain. 50 inch Panamas in dark reds, blues and the season's best shades of brown, Copenhagen blues and blacks, a regu lar $1.25 cloth, Friday special at yard DRESS GOODS IN BASEMENT , In our popular basement Dress Goods Section we show thousands of yards of Dress Goods in remnants of all lengths and kinds. If you are looking for genuine bargains in desirable goods, here is the place to find them. Specials for Friday. BASEMENT BARGAINS Fancy "White "Waistings, Lace Lawns, very fine India Linons, 40 inch Victoria Lawns, checked g. and striped Dimities, White Madras Waistv 11 H B ings, etc., all 20c and 25c values, go at yd-. Polka dot, figured and ring pattern ' ! 1 Batistes, in the new desirable linen Sof colored grounds, at yard Remnants 400 Eng lish &az cloth will be sold at yard. , . . . White Nainsook, Lin gerie cloth, 36 and ' 38 Inches wide, very desirable, yard .... 6ic 10c 5c Heavy bleached Mus lin Remnants, yard wide, values up to 12c yard, at yard. . . Printed Lawns, spe cial bargains for Friday, in long mill lengths. T 1 yard. JZl .V...2ic 5000 yards light col ored Shirting Prints at per yard . . . Blue, pink, red and brown Apron check ed ginghams, 10,009 yards for 'Z 1 Friday, yd. . VjC As long as two cases last we will sell short mill lengths, gray fleeced skirting, at, yard . . 1 FRIDAY'S BARGAINS IN LINENS Long mill remnants of fine mercerized table damask qualities worth up to 75c per yard on bargain square Friday, per yard v... 25c IN THE LINEN AISLE BASEMENT Mill remnants of, linen toweling the kind that usu ally sells at, C 10c yd., at, yd. JC I Mill remnants of 54 inch table padding, worth thirty - nine cents yard, at, yard . . . 19c Hemmed cotton tow els, regular price five cent will go on sale at 2ic A SPECIAL ADVANCE NOTICE Men's Fancy Vests WORTH UP TO $5, (ThCO ON SALE SATURDAY AT 0?L f t fWi&3iT fcSXB To CHICAGO Chicago Great rff C-1 Western Tb Svrio i BaoaJ Is PkaaYee. Tw Tnm WayDaJy. laturmaaaaaea Ticks Frnei W. O. DA VIDHON. CUv nuMMfr and Tiektt Agent. f nlon Depot 1611 Farnam St.. Omaha j MA llfT-a YOUR BOY tin!, a. watrh ejid we wunt to It (a va. 1. 1 ... Ws havo them from f 2 (0 and fS.OU to tll.OO good told filled 130.00 and 125.00. Let us show them to you. - Look for the name. ' S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1S10 Douglas Street. d BRANDEIS Boston Store Q A PI.EASAJTT, HBAIaTHTtTI, ztooitdat LiracH unwi tovb rwiaox. Courtney's Restaurant SI Oa Conrtnar'a Bcoond Tloor, SJ 1 Judt the brlKhtB 0 and most economical neatest, airiest SiS tn Omaha. GOOD KX8TAUKACT 4. Come to Courtney's. 17th e3 M and touRla. take the elevator andsj ; ' nee for yourself. You'll find every-V U thing well prepared, well served andU V thoroughly enjoyable.. 5 iJ Little Tabln at Pleasant Windows. W OMAHA'S) fUBB FOOD CSNTXB 2j No. we don't rIvq rreen trading stamps, but we do sell you betters things to eat for so much less money! that it will pay you to trade here.! And we do sell ajtkoiiA coma. the best S-pound for $1.00 Coffee sold In the world. We roast all the Coffee! we Bell and for every cent you spends nere we give you full Coffee value- no schemes or prizes, Just yoar money s worm in good, pure Coffee. Eppe's famous English Cocoa, regular I 2 bo value, H-lb tin for 19o! FISH DEPARTMENT. 1,000 lbs. German Carp, per lb.... Bel Fresh Baby Halibut, per lb 14c t Codfish, fancy middles, per ll....16oJ fancy Smoked New England Broilers, put up In attractive baskets, ea..40o' 17th and Sooclaa Btraata. Tslepaoas SonfUs 647. Private Exohanga Oonnaata All Septa. $3.50 8 $4.00 will buy the handsomest Oxfords or Shoes In MENS' SPECIALS IF YOU BUY THE WALKrOVER YOUR CHOICE OP SPUINQ STYLES AT QUR NEW LOCATION. 814 SOUTH FIFTEENTH ST. Walk-Over Shoe Store (Four Doors South Beaton Drug Co.) Homeseokers Excursions Southwest February 18 March 3 a.nd 17 The rates of fare are very low for these round-trip, first-class Homeseekers' tickets. T o most points but slightly higher than regular fare one-way; to many points even less. Land values are Increasing In the Southwest. Invest your capital and your energy where all conditions are favorable for success. Send for free Home seekers' Excursion leaflet and an illustrated book about the section you would like to look over. Let me know how your Incll- nation lies as to Kansas. Oklahoma, Texas, New Mex ico, Arkansas, Missouri or Colorado so I can send liter ature of especial interest to you. Plan a trip of investigation don'? let a good thing get away jrom you Succ await you in tht South west; will you $ttk itf JOHN SEBASTIAN, Passenger Traffic Manager. CHICAGO. Bill Every Saturday ' Especially Tomorrow W shall sell nice, (rash Saturday Candy Ugslt's) for 77... BM heiuoiaber, this Is a 0c assortment of Chocolates, Nuta and Fruits, jold (Satur day only and In One Store Only in every city in the United Slates. Look out for Imitations, for the market ta full of them but there's only one Liggnc's P-at-urday Cndy which la the genuine and delicious kind, the kind that's sold U every city Saturday only, fresh. lo. KliEIt.M.lN A McCONNELXj 1IKUQ CO. Oormec lstk aa Dodge ata. OWL UKl'G COU'ANV, Goz. lath aag aurur Bta.. Bek WILUAM JEKREMS' SONS. 2oa-ll So. loth St. ONCE MORE IT COMES TO THE wsmms THE 14tH And Heaps of BARGAINS Are Here TABLES ARE LOADED DOWN ; RENEWED EVERY HOU SOMETIMES EVERY HALF HOUR. TRICES NEVER CONCERN VS, WHAT WE WANT IS THE CROWDS AROUND THOSE TABLES HOPE FUL THAT THEY WILL BE INDUCED TO VISIT OTHER PARTS OF THE STORE WHERE BARGAINS FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY ARE EVERY BIT AS ATTRACTIVE. yLUHES' SUITS ET0NS, TIGHT OR SEMI-FIT- TING, SUITS THAT SOLD UP $19.50, ON SALE FRIDAY fit- pun ..T! S ,oo J Five Hundred Pairs of Corsets, some of them sold at $2.50, quite a variety of lengths and colors, and something sure ' l'"""! for every figure (I JL Tf BARGAIN FRIDAY......""- - rip 50 cent Values BENNETT'S Bi Grocery FRIDAY'S LIST OF SPECIALS FRESH FISH SPECIALS Fresh . CauRht Pickrel, 8 pounds 25c Fresh Caught Herring, 6 pounds 25c Eitra fine Finnan Haddlea, per pound ' Bennett' Golden Coffee, pound 88o And 20 O. T. Stamps. Teay Basket Fired, Oo long, Gunpowder, Eng lish Breakfast, lb...46o And 20 O. T. Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb. can.....24o And 20 G. T. Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, package llo And 10 O. T. Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, package Ho Ana lu u. T. Stamps. Bennott'a Capitol Mlnee meat, 3 pkgs a 5c And 10 G. T. Stamps Pickles, assorted, bot. Be Bennett's Capitol Toma toes, two canH aso And 10 G. T. Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Corn, two cans ...85o And 10 G. T. Stamps. Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle, 850 And 30 G. T. Stamps. Four Nickel packages Soda Crackers l5o And 10 O. T. Stamps. 8o bottle Olives, for 8So 75c bottle Olives, for 65o J6c bottle Olives, for 88o 26a bottle Olives, for SOo 10c bottle Olives, for 8o Dixie Sweet Pickles, lOo And 10 G. T. Stamps. Palace Car Preserves, Jar 30o And 20 O. T. Stamps. TM,i?pl;lnB ufrterly Style Boole Just received; fashion's greatest 'authority, contains gEB Coupon good for 15c pattern.......;.... 20 C 1 tALENTlNlE .VV'h. ?"i )? lln. li the wit'' Coin. arlr tOwoM th? ruslJ. .All kinds of fancy Cards V0 and lo, worth up to 6c. Latest novelties In Jumping Jack Valentines, our price lOo. Valentine Post Cards, Wo, lo, 8o and 3o, worth more than four times what we ask. ami xuo, worm oouoie. Lace Valentines, two for . . ; . . 1 Regular lc kind. Lace Valentines lc, seven for 5 Regjilar 2c kind. Lace Valentines 2 1 Regular 6c kind. Special prices to teachers, prices. Valentine Drop, 3c, So, 7o Lace Valentines ..... . .'. . . . .3 Regular 10c kind. Lace Valentines 4k Regular 12 &o kind. Lace Valentines 5 Regular 15c kind. We sell valentines retail less than wholesale Jos. F Bilz 822 South 16th fit.. Omaha. State agency for Paris Patterns, 10c. Seams allowed. PHONE DOUG. 1773 lil3i1ir an article youhavo can be fO V7 M" I IJ bv having IT REFKJISHED and REPUTED BY Ornate Silver Co. Between Farnam and Harney 314 S.13TH ST. We Invite Everyone to Inspect Our Modern and Up-to-Dato Factory Try HjyOg WYOMING COAL Per Ton Delivered AT LAST A WYOMING COAL HAS BEEN FOUND WHICH IN ALL RESPECTS, FOH DOMESTIC USE. EQUALS HOCK SPRINGS DISTRICT COAL AND EXCELS IT IN SOME. ROCK SPRINGS HAS FOR YEARS BEEN UNBEATABLE, BUT HUNDREDS OF CONSUMERS IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE STATE NOW PUT HUDSON AHEAD OF IT ON ACCOUNT OF PURITY, CLEANLINESS AND LASTING QUALITIES. FOR COOKING STOVES HUDSON CANNOT BE EXCELLED. 'PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO US DI- , RECT, OK YOUR DEALER CAN GET IT FOR YOU. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. O. B. HAVENS Cl CO. 180S FARNAM STREET. 'PHONES: DOUGLAS 317. IND. A117L Special Friday Silk Bargains Two Great Hour Sales In the Domestic Room About 10,000, yards of Silk Remnants, including blacks and color Taffetas, beautiful novelties, etc., on sale in two lots: FROM 8 TILL 10 A. M. Novelty and Flain Silks, black and color Taffetas, etc., matchless values, at yard 39c FROM 1 TILL" 5 P. M. A New Lot of plain and novelty Silks in great range of colors and put terns matchless values at per yard 29c 85c SILKS AT 49c One big lot of plain and novelty Silks, full pieces, choicest weaves and patterns, regular valuos to 85c yard, ' choice, at per yard. . ;. 49c Phoenix Mills Black Taffeta Very Special Bargains for Friday Selling These $1.37Va Black Chiffon Taffetaa, 34 inches wide, on sale, at yd. . .89e These $1.77 Black Skirt Taffetas, 3G inches wide, on sale, at yd. $1.00 M7 Ends These $1.97 Black Dress Taffetas, ' 35 inches wide, on sale at' . . . .91.15 A BRAND NEW LOT OF SILKS from the GREAT PHOENIX MILL PURCHASE ON SALE MONDAY. EVEN BETTER VALUES THAN PREVIOUSLY OFFERED. , White Goods Five Casos of White Goods In rem nants from 3 V4 to 8 yds., direct from the mills 25c Piques, 25c Poplins, 19c Woven Dotted Swiss, 39c Im ported English Fancy Jacquards for Heavy Waists, 19c 40-lnch Lawns, 25c Bedford Cords and other high priced White Goods, worth up to 39c yard, at, yard 10 1 case of fast colored Apron Check 'Gingham, regular 7 He grade, 3 1 case colored Prints, full standard 7c grade 3H 1 case of all kinds of Lawns, Muslins, etc., worth 10c yard, will go at, a yard l 10c, 12 Vic, and 15c all Linen Crash Toweling, remnants at, yard . . . .5 Remnants ' of High Grade ' Wool Dress Goods FROM 0 TO 11 A. M. About 5,000 yards of all kinds of fine Dress Goods, ends of bolts from our own stock; Prunellas, Voiles, Pana mas, Henriettas, Serges, Broadcloths, Lansdowne, Cravenettes and all kinds of goods worth from 75c to $3.98 yard, in four lots Lot 1 Lot 2 . Lot 3 Lot 4 25 30 49 59 4 FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. ' Another Grand Sale of Wool Dress Goods like the above In four' lots, at Lot 1 Lot a Lot 8 Lot 4 19 25 39 49 Another shipment of Mill Ends from the leading mills of New England. All new . Spring Styles; Arnold's Print Works, Amoskeg Mills, Windsor Mills, King Phillip Mills, Park Hill Mills. Etc., together with remnants of our own foreign mills. Arnold's Silk Warp Organdies up to 39c( English Mills Silk Warp Ging hams 39c; Scotch Madras and Ging hams 25c; Irish Dimities worth 25c; Windsor Brilliants worth 19c, and several other grades worth up to 50c yard, at, yard 10 Arnold's Swiss Applique, 25c grade; Arnold's Poie de Sole, 39c grade; Pacific's Idealia stripes, worth 19c, at 8 36-inch Windsor Percales, worth 16c; ' 36-lnch Manchester Percales, worth 15c; 36-inch North Star Percales, all long remnants at 7H Remnants of 12 He Amoskeg Flannel ettes, Remnants of Toil du Nord and Red Seal Ginghams, etc., worth up to 12c yard, at, yard 5 Blankets CLOSIN OUT WINTER RLANKETS. Friday Only At TIiono Price 200 pair of $1.00 Blankets, at.. 74 200 pairs slightly soiled Blankets, worth from 4 9c to $5.00, will close Qu,ck at 3544 to $2.50 150 pairs of White Blankets for half marked price. ' 60 pair of Wool Blankets, worth up to $7.60, at exactly . half the marked price. Linen Remnants v Remnants of high grade Irish, Scotch and , German fine Linens; bleached, unbleached and silver bleached, sold from 75c to $2.00 yard, remnants from 2 to 4 yards, will go at, in four lots TiOt 1 Lot a Lot 3 Lot 4 25 39 49 59 Staple Notions for Less Than Half FRIDAY IS THE BIG NOTION DAY AT HAYDEN'S. 3 packages Adamantine Pins 2 8 packages Brass Pins 4V4 15c Metal Back Combs Friday, at 5 20c Dress Shields pair 10 Pearl Buttons, down A 10c Pearl Buttons, dozen 3H Mercerized Crochet Cotton, Friday per ball li 25c Needle Books 3H Grand Valentine Sale Friday ALL VALENTINES TO BE CLOSED AT HALF PRICE- ' Thd best assorted stock in Omaha for selection all at just half regular prices from c up Special Embroidery Snaps Friday The Greatest Snap of the Season. FRIDAY ALL OUR EMBROIDERIES FROM THE GREAT EMBROIDERY AUCTION. All styles and patterns from the small dainty baby patterns to the large floral iatterns for Shirt Waists, on Bale Friday, at, per yard 49c 75c Allover Embroideries 29c 50c Corset Cover Embroideries at. 29c 60c Skirt 00 Flounclngs ..7fC Furnishing Bargains In Domestic Room MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK SHIRTS Over 100 dozen in values to l.noi come in saieeDB, mue, iiiaiuui ), , macK ana wnite I wills, etc., all sizes, greatest lot of bargains ever placed on sale, at. Friday's price 25 c Men's Underwear, heavy fleeced, all sizes, 60c values, Friday garment, at 25 Ludic8' and Children'! Underwear, regular 50c values, Friday, garment, t 15 and 25 23c Fancy Hose, men's and ladles', all sizes, at, pair. 10 lOc Hose, winter weights, men's and ladies', at, pair 5 Children's Winter How, all sizes 6 to 10, with double knee, heel and toe, 15o value TV4 MANY OTHER SPECIAL BARGAINS FRIDAY. Lace Curtain Specials Panel Curtains, 60-in wide, ea. $1.93 Panel Curtains, 36-in wide, each f)K Bonne Femnie Curtains, 36-in wide, 011 sale at, each 73c Lace Curtains, neat designs, great Dargains, at sale price, pair. . . .KO $2.50 Ruffled Net Curtains, bedroom snap, at, pair $1.49 Figured Scrim, for Bedroom Curtains, a 92.50 Zlon City Lace Curtain, 54-Inch wide, 3 yards long, new patterns, at. Pair $1.47 ki.75 Courli Covers, extra heavy, full size, on sale Friday, at $3.08 Irinh Point Curtains, very desirable, great values at, pair .i.08, 92.98, 92.50 and $1.98 new line, splendid values, yard. .25 Grocery Prices That You Know Are Right m rKICE, QUALITY AND FRESH GOODS Jl pound beat Pura Cane Granulated huiar. for 1 nn 10 bars best brands Laundrv H,mr tr,r 10 lb. vack heal pure Buckwheat Klour xor jjc 10 pound aacks beat Granulated White or YII1W fur nrti.il I r - I pound! choice Japan Rice' for" ', '. '.' 'iia a pouncia Deal rearl Tapioca for iio 1 pound Dackane macaroni f..r ' ikn Oil or Hunard Hardlnea, per can . ...3Hc v.uoice laniorma i'runea. per pound 4 Vic Fancy cleaned Currants, per pound . .IHa Fancy Muacatel Ilaialna, per pound ..I Ho California Irlcd Cirupea, per pound ....60 Fancy Mulr Peaches, per pound ....llUo Heeded KalHiiiH, per packaKe 7Uo The beat Kixla or Oj ater .'ru ker, lb. to The beat crlp 1'retzela, per pound ....60 The beat crlap OtiiKer Hnapa. per lb. 60 The beat fancy Cookha, over 10 kinds to chooae fioin, regular lgVfcu and 1 60 t 11 tun. this aala, pr pound loo TRY HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA Bea4 Tke Be te lea rr leads. HAYDEOS. FIRST , v f