- - ... . - - . . 1 . .. TTtV. fYUVTiW TlATT.V rrf. TTTTTTJCn V TmnnTT i -tt- n MEAL ESTATE I1E.4L I:8TATB DGALCRI. -PATNE 1NV. Douglas 17S1. CO.. let floor N. T. te. )-6.a GEORGE & CO., Farnam. Tel. Dourlis 754. (1 M2 PETERS TRUST CO N. y. Life hm. (1.1) & city morisnTY ron balk. TO t4MONEY'"wIvSTEItSM and OTIIEK HOME RENTERS: Itow can you afford to rent when we can . soil, you such homei these? All In good I repair, well situated, and most reasonable In price- and terms. H 4-room cottage, city water, full lor, ' on car line; (l.UTC; fit cash, per month. 6im, but . larger house, 1.1M, 3-room cottago F0; S0 CBJh, tl per month. 1 4-rpon cottage, city water, aewer, BO ft. lot. ,pear nb end,..r1oward Bt $1.4fi0, 75 cash, SJ3 per irionQi. -room cottage, city' water, gas, corner lot. .small Jarn,. ate, II J3, 175 caab, 111 per month", : , ... J- ooitagoa, : corner lot, clone In. Rental, $1 pecmoplh, ood Jhveafme'nt. Only 11,450. $100 cash, SIB per month. Bargain for mechanic wishing to put In spare time Im proving bu'Jdlngs. . s 6-fofirna, 1 lots, "rtarn," etc.. near 46th and Lafayette' Jive., IU. easy tenne. We nave what you want; ee ua and we'll find If.. , IlUSHELlV &f M'KITRICK CO., 432-44. Rantge Bldg. ' r, 06th and Ilamry Bts. .1 " - ."' ' (W)-6M0 12 KodkrZE PjACE WANT Si1' Is ' OFFER - F.asf ern owner wants offer for ' IKS Binney- Bt.; has 8 room, all "modern, permanent walks, newly papered and pointed, arid In excel lent condition throughout; lot 60x124, south front and beet loca tlon in KounUe Place. Any rca ' sonable ' -of fer submitted. W. FARN AM SMITH & c6., Tel. Dour. 1064, Indv A1044. 1320 Farnam Bt. " (i8)-6 ia LIST your property With Chrla Boyer, fid and Cuming bts. (19)-e3Ji HOME OR INVESTMENT " -v. ; Franklin 8t, throe blocks to car. two 4-room cottages, water and gaa; rent 20j forboth, t,oo. . t , OakSt.," two blocka to car, two newot tsgea, I and S rooms! rent (21; very cheap; for both; 1, 780. ' . ' Flhe corner let In Dundee, only 1600. Two lota, one block to car, for both, cheap at' I860. : ' -Three lota in Omaha View, for all, only $200. .: Fine lot, 88th and Amea, on oar line, $300." j . ..... ; Wright & Lasbury, TeU Douglaa,lB2. 04 South 16th St. (1) tUl 11 FOR $ALlfi 10 acres mllea north of Florencef pnvad road; Improved; $2,000. Address W IW2, Bee. .. . ()9)-M2 Hx RBDUCED PRJCK3 FOR. CASH ONLY $3,B0 For house and lot, aouthwest comer - 25tb and Charlca Sis., lot fronting 120.fr.et nn Charles St. and 63 feet I oh 3Mh Bt. $8,000 For two houaca, 6 and rooms each, -Noa. ml and 2533 Chicago St; 83 feet frnntate. " '"WvJI. GRIFFITH, 2R21 Chicago St. . (!) M6B1 14 ; Pd6r Man's Chance ; ' ' " ". ax - - 4469 Leavenworth Bt, $ , r fdom 'eotUgf, lot B0180, on ' paved atrwotr '"' pi"'tc' $1,460; - nonresident owner la anxloua to ae.ll. 'Will accept $100 or $400r down, balance on time. yk, 'JfRelifffen '''-' : - 1 pyne;' bostwick & CO., ' Main FJoor, N. T, Life Bldg. ' .' 'Phone DouglaalOlC ' Bee, Fen. IU 1908. (1)-661 13 Han sco nf Park District A. P.'TUKEY & SON ' , At 1113 8. Oat BL we are authorised to sell a 10-room house, an modern, with stable. Th property Is In first-class condition In every respect, lias nice easf front, on grade. IT. Owner la leaving tha city " and wishes to Olrpoee of prop erty before going. This la an , - opportunity of getting a first class home at a reasonable ' ' price. Do riot disturb the peo- -. I. . pie In ktha house, but get a , ., carU.trpm u and. you ca aeo f ' tha. property . . . A, P. TUKET & BUM,' ' 444-440 Board of Trade Bldg. ;. r. -. 'Phone Douglaa zUL ' ' (1S 003 U ' ' .. . , i i n i ' : V WALNJCCIHLL Two elegant south front lota on Lafayette Ava., 1aX feet east of 46th ? lots are ouxloO and. lay about throe feet above grade; practically level; sewer In street, wbloh la tUceiy graded; good community; two blocka' from car line and Walnut Hill school. Three lots would be cheap at SdUO each, rJul r offered for quick sale at only M each. Will sell together or sepa rately uiid grant terms to suit purchaser. C. U- Cailberg, vll N. Y. Life Uldg. . . . . . i)-m u A SNAP ire of ,lh'",iiest land In Brown county, NcbraJ (M $JO0 cash, balance one year. Apply ' M. Morearty, owner, til I'axton block, Omuha. tlk MT POfl tiAI-K Ktght-room modern houses with .Urge barn. 1SH Plnckney St. In quire f. i I. Woodland. 6i4 Brandels Bldg. '4'eL Louglas tti6. Ut tiltt ARE &V thinking of finding a more suitable office foj your real estate busi ness? The tendency Is for an Increase of traffic on West Farnam Ht.;why not look at space we arp offering In the best sppointed office building in this district! Mr, UaKcr will shoy you. Ask for hlrn at Room Ii6, Bee Bldg. 118) MtiSO FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your rjoi.erty see Benjtman Real batata Co., 3.4 Neville Blk. Both 'phonea ' v (l5)-Mn8 FtS Tun HEED ABSTRACT CO.. eatabllshed 14. Jroinpt service. Get our prices. 171(1 Ftrnaiu. . '18) Wl I WAhTT an offer on the property, and 11) 8." list St.; two modern houses fcud good bain; wall rented. This property la owned by an eastern party who must S1L - THOMAS PRENNAN, lUom 1. Hw Vvik Life Bldg. "v tl-M403 DKAL E8TATH TITLB TRVST rf -w CUAU hi. WILLIAMSON. Prea OW-63 TWO houses, modern except furnace, eight roome each, well located, handy to two car lines, good condition. Terms can be arranged. Moot be sold this month, hi. J. KKNNARll a CO., Soa-iu Brown Block. . -. (19)-M40 14 ra s REAL ESTATE FARU AKU HAACil LANU FOR 'ALB Clors. OOVltRNMBNT. homestead land, level, enailow tu good waier, healthy climate, lear rallr,id; will grow alfalfa and meat ill vegetation; a stamped envelope wtll eil you where; farma and ranchee from ,to. uo Irrigation t.tred; 17 year acquainted. Writs lid Iin-iaw. Laird. Colo. tX) VI Ux REAL ESTATE FARM AD RANCH LAND FOB ALB (Continued.) Kaa CHOICE Kansaa land In German colony cheap; terms exceptionally easy. B. Hi Ulerer at Co., 411 H9 Bldg. (2u 434 17s "Mlaaaart. f MIsaoCRI farms to suit any purchaser. Call on ua or write for llet. Union Realty Co., Union. Mo. t M660 F3UX Nebraska. FOR BALE. Half eectlon nine miles northwest of O'Neill, level land, excellent eoll, German neighborhood; price, l per acre; easy terms. J. A, DONOHOE, O'Neill. Neb. , a)-M37 14 FOR saij:. M0 acrea, nice level land, unimproved, seven mllea northeast of O'Neill, good oil, good neighborhood; price. $16 per acre. J. A. DONOHOE, O'Neill, Neb. ' 0)-M27l 14 FOR 8ALK. . - Highly Imprrrved farm, thre miles north west of O'Neill, excellent land, fair Im- firovementa, eighty acrea under cultlva lon; price, $32.50 per acre. C F. McKENNA. O'Neill. Neb. 18)-M277 14 . JUST WHAT YOU WANT 640 acrea, Rock county, Nebraska, three mllea from Bassett, the county seat; finest pf Improvements, 7-room house, 3 closets, bam 40x46; othef out-bulldings; 120 acres in cultivation, 10 acrea grove and balance In pasture; good hog pasture, good water, windmill and water tank; nice younif orchard, good school and churchee. Will sell all machinery, cattle, horses, etc., at a very reasonable price to the purchaser. The low price on this rand la only $10,000. or about $16.76 per acre. . About one-half cash la required. This remarkable bargain must be sold by March lat . Benjamin Real Estate Co. 3M Neville Blk.,, Omaha. Neb. (30)-M6S5 II 150 ACRE FARM 10 mllea aouthwest of South Omaha, and Stock Yards, good 7-room house, large barn, corn crib, granary and other build ings, orchard and grove. Must be sold before March 1st, at which time possession can be given. Price $46 per acre. We want an offer. GEORGE b CO.. 1601 Farnam St. . (20) 281 18 SPECIAL ,...)... Eastern owner of 80 acrea good land near Irvlngton in 1 strtieted ua to aeH. Ha now writes ua to greatly reduce hla listed price for an Immediate sale; This, la at present price a big bargain. See us at one If Interested. Real Estate Title Trust Co., Chas. E. Williamson. Pres. Ground floor U, B. Nafl Bank Bldg., lJOl Farnam St. 1 - . (20)-M68S 16 ' FOR SALE. 160 acrea, seven miles northwest of O'Neill, - heavy rich soil, small Improvements, good neighborhood) price, $27.60 per acre, C. F. MoKENNA.. O'Neill, Neb. . , J0) Mii76 14 ' $30 ACRES. Prairie Hay Land, $25.00 oer acre. Will ln,,l rn- i -,...'..... - "f - Foster, Leshara, Neb. (2o 828 12x Oklahoma.. FOR SALE 61 acres. Garfield Co., Okl, $660; buildings. J. I. Case T. M. Co!! Kaclne, Wia. (80) M066 If Mlscellaaeoasf ' WESTERN FARM LANDS. Crop payment plan; two cropa pays for land, whllo the land la doubling In value. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., SS1-6S3 Brandela Bldg. (30)-M640 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm. Raach and Pastara Lada. FARM FOR RENT.. S acres, good 4-room . houne, barn, eta. i land aeeded to timothy and erover; suita ble for email dairy business, or truck gardening; only two blocka from car line, on Dodge etreet paved road, near Dundee; Rental very reasonable. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam. a)-MS77 14 REAL ESTATE LOANS PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. 2)-646 LOANS on improved Omaha property O Keefe K. E. Co., Hl N. X. Life Bldg WANTED City loans and warranta. W Farnam Smith S, Co 1320 Farnam Bt! (2i)-645 PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real estata. N. P. Dodge 4t Co., 1U4 Farnam St. . , , (Hii)-64a LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block. PRIVATE MONEI-CASH" ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. M1THEN. 20-8 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TKL. DOUG. 127a v (E) MU $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. . F. ; Wead. Waad Bldg.. 1m a and Farnam, WANTED City loana. Petara Trust Co. t22)-t43 MONEY TO LOAN-Payns Investment Co. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Hastings 4k Heyden, 1704 Farnam St, . (22)-M529 PRIVATE money to 'loan; no delaya J. 11. Sherwood. 616-617 Biaudals Bidg. (22)-67 - REAL ESTATE LOANS Vt anted aome $l.uOO to $2.UU0 loans on good Omuna property. 1 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. first Floor N. Y. Life Building. Te-phoua Douglas 17S1 i. 2r&iJ7 REAL ESTATE WANTED W ANTED To buy for cash, equity in two or three cottages; no agent. Address H t.J. care Bee. . (234rt TWL,ma11 ml'rved properties of about $1,600 value; must be bargalna and good revenue producers. Owners what have lo agents.) Addresa P t!, M6t 18 WANTED TO BUY 1 SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amouot too large or loo email. Wagner, sui l 16th. tlk) 660 WANTED A nice, clean stock of hardware to Invoice from $3. wo to $4,000. Will Day spot caaU for IU Address. Y 9, Bee - ($6)-M7 Hi CASH raid for secondhand clothing, shoes ate, V N. 16th Bt, Tel Ked 8S2B. ' iai)-6il WANTED To buy secondhapd furniture cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leuins office furniture, old clothes, quilts and all klnda of tooie, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The t'h?t!? prk'LFld' Call the right man. Tel. Douglaa 897L 16-M1T M4 A ROLLER too desk. Tel. Red t5. c)-Jdei ijx WANTED TO RENT W A NTnv For light housekeeping, three or more unfurnished rooms, with mod ern conveniences, within walking dis tance; references given and required. L. M. Oberkotter, care Y. M. C. A. (26)-17 17 WANTED Furnished cottage, 4 or 6 rooms, modern and reasnnable, for $ months or longer. Thona Webster 861. 2fi)-MM9 14X WANTED SITUATIONS MARRIED COL'FLB wanta situation, wtfs thorough, good cook; husband as coach man or bandy man. Nawly arrived from England. .Address Ray P. O., Kearney, Neb, (rT)-M212 ltx ANYBODY who knowa where there Is a place for a painter who Is a good me chanic end workman to start Into bust- , ness will do " favor by addressing M 45, Bee. t2T) 6i3 I2x POSITION wanted, young man, drug clerk; college experience; strictly tem perate; reliable; reference. Max Lac brick, Beavervlew, Kan. (27) M564 16X WANTED-Position as manager of lumber yard, by man of seven years experience. Address K 87, Bee. (27) M4M 16x POSITION wanted by a No. 1 all-around clerk. 10 yeare' experience In general merchandise; capabla of management; reasonable wagea; beat references F Box 800, Hubbard, Neb. (27) M66 ldx YOUNG MAN desires stenographic or clerical work; circular lettera written or envelopes addressed. Address. M 977, Bee. (27) 630 14x YOUNG man desires place to work for board while going to. school. Boylcs col lege. Telephone Douglaa 1984. (27) 836 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Neb., Fob. 6, 1HMS. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be re ceived here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, March 11, 1908, for construc tion of a wagon ahed at Fort Omaha, Ne braska. Full Information furnished on ap plication. U. a reservea the right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing pro posals to be marked "Proposals for Wagon Shed." and addressed to Captain W. H. OURY, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Nebraska, jT10-ll-ll-13Mch-10 OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Neb.. Feb, 6, 1908. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be re ceived here until 10 o'clock a. m central standard time, March 11, 1908, for construc tion of a Storage Shed at Fort Omaha, Ne braska. Full Information furnished on ap plication. U. 8. reaerves the right to re ject any or all Nda. Envelopes containing proposals to i.d marked "Proposals for storage Bhed," and addressed to Captain W. H. OURY, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Omaha. Nebraska. F10-11-12-13M9-10 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived at office of treasurer. Battle Moun tain Sanitarium. N. H. D. V. 8., Hot Springs, Bouth Dakota, until 12 o'clock, m.. February 34, 13, and then opened for fur nishing and delivery of subsistence sun plies, in accordance with Instructions and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other Information, mv be had upon application" to W. A. TUCKER. Treasurer. Jan29-feb6-13 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET Ing. Notice Is hereby given that tha regular annual meeting of Hie stockholders of the South Platte Land company will bu held at the office of aald company at Lin coln. Neb,, t 11 o'clock a. m., on the fourth day -ot March, A. D. 1908. By order of the Board of Directors. C. "H. Morrill, president, A. B. Minor, secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Februar 8. 19US. F-Jd-WX REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Solomon J. Firestone and wtfo to Dean T. Gregg, part lot 8, Klllstone J'ark Place $ 3oo Edward Phelan and wife to Law ..renca -Melnun, lot aa,- block 3, -Missouri Avenue Park 4S0 Alfred I. Croigh to Jennie Sterling, lots 23 and 23, block 2. Lakevlew add. - 650 August Hansen and wife to Hein rlch Soli, lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 8, 6, 19, 20. 21. 22, 28 and 24, block 11, Benson.... 3,200 John W. Goodrich and wife to James and Anna Saunders, lot 11, block 3, -- Isabel add 350 Wilson T. Graham and wife to aame, . lot 10, block 8, Isabel add J50 Andrew B. Anderson to Oharlea Scherer, nft lot 2, Hascall'a suhrll v . iwi Alice A. Havemeyer and huaband to George Stelnert, lot 6, block 1, Port land Place 500 John E. George to Dundee Realty company, block 94, Dundee Place.... 1 United Real Estato and Trust com pany to Fred Vogcl, Jr.. lot 1, block 2. Knnntsn's flonth Rlvtnth at.,.. " .. ..-.vww.,v. uim:ul add Ethel Gumpert and husband to Leo Ixiwenberg, lot 6, block 3, Sheridan Place Total no.aoo RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION lOtb. AND HARCY. t'nloa Paolle. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. 8:60 am a 9 40 pm Tha Colorado Express. .a 8:60 pm a 6:00 pm Atlantic Express al0:16 um Tha Oregon Express. ...a 4:10 pm a 6:u0 pm Tha Loa Angeles Lim..al2:65 pm a 8:16 pm The Faat Mall a 8:30 am a 6:46 pm Th. Chin. M. T.r.sn 4 Mall a 4:00 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 am Colo.-Chlcago Special. .a 12:10 am He&trlc A Rtroms- a 1:60 pm v .iu pm a 7:06 am burg Local bl2:30 pm b 1:40 pm Chicago 4t North wester a. Chicago Daylight a 7:25 am St.' Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:6o am Chicago Local all:30 am Sioux City Passenger. .a 7:o0 am Chicsgo Pasenger tiiMpm Chicago Special a 6:00 pm Bt. Paul-Minn. Llm....a 8:28 pm Loa Angeles Limited. ...a 6:30 pm all:48 pm al0;U0 pin a 8:28 pm a 3:28 pm a 9:46 am a 8:23 am a 6:00 am all:& pm a 6:23 am a 3:04 am a 9:90 am a 8:00 am a 6:40 pm a 10 36 am a 6:40 pm a 6:40 pm b 6:40 pm b 1:36 pm Overland Limited .al0:00 pm Fast Mall Sioux City Local Twin City Limited... Norfolk-Bonesteel ... Lincoln-Long pine... Dead wood-Lincoln ... Casper-Shoshonl Hastings-Superior ... Fremont-Albion Missouri Paclfle. ..a ti pm ...a 8:23 pin ...a 7:50 am ..b 7:50 am ...a 1:00 pm ..a 3:00 pm ,..b 8:00 pm ...b 6:86 pm K. C. & St. L. Txp a 9:00 am a 8:46 am K. C, St. L. Exp all:15 pm a 6:60 pm Chleaa-a Great M'tattrs, St Paul-Minneapolis.,.. 3:80 pm 7 30 am Bt. Paul-Minneapolis 7:) am 11:36 pm Chicago Limited :o8 pm 8:27 am Chicago Expresa 7:30 am 11.86 pm Chicago Express 3:30 pm 3:30 pm Chicago, Rock Islaad A Faclfle. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:00 am all:S Dm Iowa Local a 7:o0 am a 4:40 pm Dta Molnc Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:3.j mn Iowa Local 1)11:40 um b 8:66 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex... a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm Chicago Flyer ..a 6:10 pm a 8:36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain L'l'd..all:l5 pm a 8:50 am Colo and Cel. Ex a 1:10 pm a:Sj pm Okl. and Texaa Ex a 4:40 pm a 1:16 cm HUaols Central. Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 3:45 nm Minn. & 8L Paul Ex. .b 7:15 am a 8:56 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am Minn. 4k St, Paul L t d. .a 8:30 pm a 8:M am Itleaao, MUnsakst Bt. Paul. Chlo. Colo. Special. ..a 7:16 am allOp n Cal. A Ore. Expresa. ...a 6:o0 pm a 3:L'5 Liu Overland Limited a 9:W pm a :3o am Perry Local a ( la put Ul:w) am nskssa. St. Louis Express a 8:30 pm a 8:80 am St.. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:30 am all:U Dm Stanbei ry Local (frem Council Bluffa) b 6:08 pm bl9:l am WBBJTEB TA-1oThT WEBITEH Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...b 6 30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 3:u6 .ru a 10 60 am Emerson Locl ,...a 8:46 am 6.6s pm at Ism art PaelAe. Auburn Local .... ...b $:50 pm bll.25 am a Dally, "b Dally except Sunday, c Bun day only, d Daily xcpt Saturday, e DuLy except Mcnday. RAT STOUE IS men MAN Chicago Bowler Makes Score of 667 in the Individual Event. I00ES LIKE C0MDTG CHAMPION Chalmers and Kites t(ll Retain Lead la Doables East Liver' pl, Ohio, M Makes lllah Averace. CINCINNATI. O., Feb.' U-(SpeHal Tele gram.) Ray Stolke of the Brunswick! of Chicago, rolled a total of 7 In the In dividual event In the e'ghth annual tourna ment of the American bowling congress here yesterday afternoon, and looka like the next national champion. Chalmers and Klene of Chicago still remain high In ie doubles evlth their total of 1,264. the best work In that event during the day being 1,180, by Crable and Kearnei of East Liverpool, O. In the five-men event, the Corinthians, No. 1 of New York, the eastern champions, and the Corinthians No. t tied In the first squad, with 2.696, which put them In third position for the ttme'belng. Robert Crable of Eaat Liverpool. O., rolled wonderful ten-pins In all three events and has an average 'of 212 6-9, the best ever made In a national tournament Ha counted 6t8 In the five-mert event, 643 In the doubles and 623 In the Individuals. Growth of the Pport. The annual report of Treasurer Pasdeloup of the American bowling congress, which will be presented at the meeting of the executive committee here during the week, glvs aome Interesting statistics concerning the game In this league. So far as the club membership la concerned, th Ameri can bowling congress ! stronger than a year ago and It has two more city asso ciations, with prospects of getting more at Cincinnati Where It had 1.266 cluba In 1907, It now has 1,291. There were 108 as sociations twelve months ago and 110 now. Cincinnati- has fallen front 2K8 clubs a year ago to 164 at present, and both Pitts burg and Indianapolis bIbo show a loss In clubs. Detroit, however,' has lncroased from 140 to 818 clubs; Chicago has 161, as compared with 112 last year; Louisville's RTOwth Is thirty-seven to forty-seven; Washington had twenty-two, and now has thirty-six; Cleveland's gain was twenty-four to Its present cluba, numbering sixty-nine; Bt, Louis had 115, an Increase of twenty, and Milwaukee Is unchanged, with a mem bership of ninety-six. Two-Men Teams. The five highest scores of the first shift of . the two-men team, follows: John tend Charles Finn, Cincinnati mo Frank and John Reisinger, Cincinnati... .1116 Joseph and Jacob Pfleuger, Cincinnati. 1079 F. Rlehl and J. Lonm. Cincinnati Iikm O. Smith and W. Neufarth, Cincinnati.. 104& 2:30 p nij ah'ft, flveVhlghest scores: W. Kearns and R. Crable, East Liver pool, 0 1,130 yv Minims ana rtumoerger, liast Liver pool. 0 1 irx R. Alfcld and A. Toemmel, Chicago. ...lia C. F. Brldgea and VV. O. Ratney, Mem- Pi" 1,111 D. Woodbury and R. Stolke. Chicago.. .l.WM Individual Scores. The five highest scores In the three shifts or individual events were. In the 4 o'clock Bhlft: . Henry Hippie, Memphis, Tenn 67 vnnce, lerre name, ina 643 A. Holblaub, St. Louis, Mo 630 . v . .nice, oi. juoins, ruo b.9 Walter . Sohn, Cincinnati 504 In the 4:40 o'clock shift: R. Stolke, Chicago 607 . crable. East Liverpool, O... 623 I ) Wnndliiirv C Vi i ..a . a. i . w J . VIULnpu t,,.VU R. C. Barr, East Liverpool, 0 5JW viio ness, jjnyion, u In the 6:20 p. in. ahi ft i -,.7, Jacob Pfleuger,' Chlcihnatl KM W. Kearns, East Liverpool, -0 674 mmrs oieinmeia. vincinnatl' wia J. W. Williams, Eust Uverpooi,"o!'."!".655 Five-Men Team Scores. s The five high scores on the first shift of five-men teams tonight were as follows: Corinthians No. 1, Newark, N. J 2,695 Corinthians No. 2, Newark, N. J.,., 2,96 Dlmlings, Pittsburgh 2,012 COOK'S " Waiter, be sure and bring me Cook's Imperial' I bave known tbat champagne' for years and con depend on its uniformity of quality -it equals the best vintages of th ' Old World." SiPVtd Everywhtrt (12 sizes) IIM ALFRED A s moke fit f OIT u lilno i- 'i''i . ni!.4Twi t:i a?. i-.. :. 1 1. Si Chtrlci Djoov Cigar Ca. Dlstrtbntors, Oman a, Bsb. RAILWAY TIME CARDC"""- UlKLlQTO.V STA. -lOtk Ci SIASO.V, Borllnaton. Iuve. Denver & California. ...a 410 pm Northwext Special a 4 1 J pm Klack Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Expreas a.l:W pm Nebranka poima a 4:45 am Nebraska Express ,..a 8:1a sin Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:16 pm Uncoln Local . Lincoln Local . .., Lincoln Lo al Sscuyler Plattsmouth.b 8:10 pm Bellovue - I'laltsniouth.a 8:o0 pm I'lnttsmouth Iowa b 8:18 am Bt'llevuc - Plattsmouth. ' Arrive a ) . I'j pm a 8.46 pm a 8.46 pm al0:l pm a t.lD p:u a :10 pin al.' ll pm b ;oK am lo:15 pm a 7:6o pm bl0:J0 am a :5o am b 1 :30 pm a 7:85 am all 5 pm a 8 V, pm a 8 It am all:;-0 am all :o am a 6:30 am a 4.W pm Denver Llmlied a 4:10 pm Chlcsicd fcpeclal a 7 to am Chicago Express a 4 2o pm Chicago Flyer a 4 3o pm Iowa Local a 8:16 am Bt. Louis Express a 4 46 pra Kansas City A St. Joe..al0:4a pm Kansaa City 4k. St. Joe. .a 8.16 am Kniiyus illy it bt Joe. .a 4:ia pm a Lelsy. Pittshurf 1 594 Dayton Mews, Dayton, 0 2.M Several high scores were bowled In the second shift of the five-men teama to night. The Washington No. 1 of Indian apolis took second place, with a ecore of 8.747 and the Indianapolis Turners went into third place with a score of 2.729. The five highest scores In the second shift were: Washington No. 1. Indianapolis 177 Indianapolis Turners, Indianapolis.... t.Trt Crescents No. 1, Indianapolis J.HtO Paulnnna, Denver 164 Marlon Club No. 1. Indlanapolle J.6ij S.-IM , ft WITH TUB BOWLF.RS. The Gate Cltys won two games from the Omahss at the. Association alleya lat night, but went all to-plcree In the final round and the Colts added one more to their string. QJIrde waa high man for the evening, with one of the lowest totals ho has rolled thla season. Score: GATE CITYS. 1st. ?d. 8 d Total. Chandler , 12 1SH 151 601 Bengtson 171 1 4Sl Lucas m M irn GJlrde , ...1S 177 1n 6:D Jones jol 164 136 . 41 Totals 901 OMAHA S. 1st. 14 1 176 1S6 175 8f54 7.16 2.801 fd. 1 1M 1'4H VA m 8 d Total. 134 4M 133 4UI 1'!) v 4KI 201 1 610 152 621 Maurer .,, Larson . . Rea Ohnesorg Hughes . Totals m 831 769 2,416 Captsln Mahoney's rabbit foot did not work so well last night, although his men did do some fine work, but It was not the rabbit that did It and the Omaha Bicycle, Company took three games. Foley toolc all honors for the Gold Tops with a totsl of 658 and Drink Coffee was high man for his team, with an even 600. Tonight the Independente and Cole-McKennas will slay the pins. Score: GOLD TOPS. S d Total. 175 MS 225 65 170 55! 170 4'8 ISO 66 H. Prlmeau 2n 162 C. Prlmeau 172 161 Foley i8 221 Grotte 149 178 Mahoney 213 Totals 848 0,16 920 2,699 OMAHA BICYCLE CO. 1st. Sri. it TntHt iveyi 175 Hinrlchs 178 Gilbreath l5 Drinkwater 181 Hull 1S3 216 19 169 232 178 2"t 136 1T7 1S9 Totals 8S2 98S 824 2,798 Ist night on the br. somen t alleys the Green Rivers and Cubs piaved a double header in which the Green Rivers took four out of six games, which will help them up the ladder a little. Gustafson was high man for the cubs, with a total of 468, and Captain Adklna took all honors with a total of 478. Tonight the Beselins Mixers and Tigers will play some ten pins. Score: GREEN RIVERS. .... 1U 2d. J.d Total. Adklns 164 m 13 478 Straw 101 119 102 822 Biahop 144 127 119 890 Totala 409 CL'BS. 1st. 141 128 119 3S8 Ct.'BS. 1st. 152 130 13J 377 405 1,180 2d. 177 130 114 3 d Total. 150 464 130 3-S 103 S3G Gustafson Loff Jerpe Totals 421 3S3 1,11)4 2d. 146 121 113 3 d Total. 1HB 467 141 401 155 407 Gustafaon Loff Jerpe .... Totala 424 3i6 465 1,276 GREEN RIVERS. 1st. 2d. 8 d Total. Adklna 14! 120 1'44 413 Coffee 150 1d6 129 435 Bishop m 142 156 " 468 Totals 459 418 429 J30 EVENTS ON TUB RUNNING TRACKS Ralbert, to 1, Wins the Fourth Race at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 12.-Jockey Lel bert waa today suspended for a week at the fair grounds after the second race, for the rough ride he gave Ben Wamsley. a 50 to 1 shot. In the aecond race. Ben Wamsluy finished third. The fourth race waa won by Ralbert at 6 to 1. The favor ite, Big lien, waa third. Results: ..V11. race' tnree furlongs, selling: Ellna (106, Notter, 8 to 1) won: Kitty Fisher (113, Mcol, i to 1) second; Exotic (112, Power, 8 to 1) third. Time, 0:3S. Gae, Yoseka, Kuscana, Nellie Free, Nancy Blues. and Essie also ran. Second race, five and a half furlongs, selling: Bobbin Around (112, McDsnlel, jl to 6) won; Ncedmore (109, lieidel, 12 to 1) second: Bun Wamaley 008, Lelbert, 60 to 1) third. Time, l;j2'.. Umpire, Major Mack, Csar, Alcalde, Billy Starr, Rosy Boy, Red Mill, Pink Cap, Calvin, Castllllun and Prowler also ran. Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Flax man (109, Brussel, 8 to 1) won; Baloshed (102, Howard, 4 to 1) second; Pvrtanla (108, Koernor, 100 to 1 third. Time, 1:32. Balnt Noel, Rappahannock, Daring, King Cole, J. D. Dunn, Dapple Gold. Miltladea, Waswift. Skyward, Abe Meyer and Wild Irishman also ran. Fourth race, six furlongs. :iln: Ral bert (105 Notter, 6 tu 1, on; Uoal Onyx (108, Lelbert, 6 to 1) second; Big Ben (101, Brussel, 9 to 5) third, lime. 1:17V. Artful Dodger, Monere, Chief Hayes, Clifton Forge, Posing, Refined and Alencon aUo ran. Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Ethel Carr (92, Hwain, 13 to 6) won; Fred Mui holland (100, Powers, 13 to 61 second; Cop- Ker i3, Sumter, 8 to 1) third. Time, 1:178. Llllochan, Clara Huron, Foxhall, Ed Kano, Dick Rose and Mackert alxo ran. Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards, selling: Dr. McClure (113. McDaulel, 6 to 6) won; Bertha E. (100. Sumter, 12 to 1) second; Sponge Cake (104, Murphy, 12 to 1) third. Time, l:6v. Heart of Hyacinth, Dereske, Paragon, Tinker and Cocksure also ran. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 12.-8anta Anita park results: First race, five and a half furlongs, purse: Merrill (10a, Moriarity, 12 to 1) won; Stray (los. Miller, 9 to 20) second; Daisy FroHt (HI, Ross, 12 to 1) third. Time, LOi. Toddy Hodge, Bunnounce, Lord Rosslng ton, Llabla, Dr. Soule, El Bernardino and Kustlcua also ran. Hccond race, three furlongs, purse: Bold (103, Preston, 10 to 1) won; Palo Alto tl.ti, Buxton, 8 tq I) second; Hteel (110, Dugan, 8 to 6) third. Time, 0:85.. Martin Beck, Who, Right flort Cult Holland, Aleria, lieydentu. Allan Lee, Live Oak, My Lady Fair and Martion also ran. . . Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Pon totoc (luv, Miller, 4 to 6) won; Btoney Lee (lwi, Schilling, 5 to 1) aecond; Bonnie Prince Charlie (104, Blair, 8 to 1) third. Time, 1:27. Lady Laughter, Hlrtle. Myriio H., Bplnstrcss, Dr. Cook, Nellie ll.ckd. Toller and Dewey alBO ran. Fourth race, one mile, the Alhambra handicap: Sydney F. (HI, Ross. 9 to 1) won. Murk Anthony H (1(17. ilmiarltv t tr, 11 second, Marsier (103, Lloyd, 15 to 10) third, 'lime: Laa. Colonel Willie, Light Wool, tiBHaaam sou Aisry a. also ran. Filth race, mile and an eighth, selling: Fasloao (107. Miller. 2 to 1) won, Bird of Passage (loo. Shriner. 12 to 11 .-,-on,l Hinw Spring (102, fcrooks, 4 to 1) third. Time: UH- lianlada, Kelanco, C repp? a Beck ham, Elle, Gentle Harry and Bualiwhacker also run. Bixth race, five and a hull (nrlnnc. ..:i. Ing: Giovanni i'aWlo (104, Harty, 16 to 1) won. Orcston Boy (107, Ros, 6 to 1) second, Bucceed lllitlr, 6 to 1) third. Time: LOiV Norwood, Ohio, Marlon Rose, Nonle Lucille, Halion, Illusion, Bam Nicholas, Koenigen Lulse and Aunt Polly also ran. Seventh race, one mile and seventy ytirds, selling: Hughes (87, Ferris, 15 to 1) won, Gilpin (106, Booker, 7 to 1) second, Creel viw, rv.irinrr, in it inira. 1 line: 1 :&o-. Katie Powera, Delngree, Kebounder. Bister Polly. Sam Rice. SHVoire Falre. Charlatan, Fontioluca and Idalo also ran. OAKLAND, Cal.. Feb. 14. Results: First race, futurity course neiitmr- rti.i. ford (lo7, Wright, 16 to 1) won. Pelham (K7, Gilbert, 18 to 6) aecond, Mra. O Farrell (I. Walsh, 8 to 1) third. Time: 1:15. Earn barber, Wllmore. Miss Charity, Hilgert, Lena S. and Royal N. also ran. Second race, three furlona,- Lackvllle (103. Walsh, 13 to 1) won. Collide m. Coles. 40 to It second. Little Jana (110. Hv. 17 to 10) third. Time: 0:375- Air. Lulu G., Mauretania. Queen Whims and Carinas also ran. Third race, futurftv course, selling- r.. chequer M. Butler, 7 to 1) won. Crystal Wave (91. Walsh. 11 to ll second Rmmu O. (96, Carroll, 2 to It third. Time: 1:16. Zeltna. Abbey, Marian, l.oule, Duke of Orlcana and Big Store also ran. rourin race, one milo and a sixteenth, Lathrop tiandlcap: Fred Bent (103, Kirch haum. ll to 6) won. Hid Inf tut. k,...i,h! 1J to 61 aecond. Standover (90. Gilbert, 40 to 1) third. Time: 1:52. Captain Burnett. Joe Coyne, Treasure tiecker and Celerea also ran. Fifth race, one mile, selling: I.sst Go (S3, Butler. 26 to 1) won. Senator Beckham (11, Musgrave, 13 to I) second, Ranlord (3, Gilbert, t to 1) third, Time: 1:4J!4. Wolf vlll. Bardonla. Contribution, Scplne. KNOWN AG THE DE8T We have been the means of restoring thousand of afflicted auffercra to health. Thousands of dollars spent In researches, year of close study, reinforced by an Im mense practice enables us to give you the best methods of treating and curing dis eases of mon. We are not obliged to ex periment. We know exactly what we can do, and promise nothing more. If you need special medical attention, we are ready to demonstrate our superior skill In the treatment and cure of the class of ailments that constitute our specialty. To restore a man to health, Is worthy of the noblest efforts of a physician's life, and we work earnestly, Intelligently .and scientifically to thla end. s Wo offer you thla aid, this help, thin assurance of restoration If you are suffering from the class of ailments that constitute our spe cialty and will consult us' In time. Don't think because others have, failed to cure you that there Is no cure Tor you. The specialists of the State Medical Inatltute cure obstinate caset after others have failed. . We treat men only and cure promptly, safely and thor oughly, and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, ,NERV0US DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. nrnnrnr comitition iaUsi ind Eiimlnitlon. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Sightly, Jockey Mounce and Alclbadcs also isn. Sixth race, six furlongs, purse: Ruth W. (97, Ktrchbaum, 11 to 2) won, Gargantua (10,, Rice, 6 to 1) second, Belmcro (107, Keogh, 8 to 6) third. Time: 1:32. Royal Boot, Dr. Sherman, Red Ball, Steel Blue, Ethel Abbott, Eduardo, Galves and Mein Llbllnga also ran. WOMEN TAKE INTEREST IV MAT Fair Ones and Wrestlers Will Be Re lieved of Smoke at Next Match. OMAHA, Feb. 10. J. M. Glllan, Manaeer Auditorium: As a patron of the wrestling matchea you are promoting I would like to register a slight "kick." My kick Is the smoke nuisance, which ia allowed full swing during the wrestling matches. 1 suppose that, not being a amoker, I notice It a great deal more than one who doea smoke, but It seems to me that a majority of the patrons would be a great deal better plpased if smoking in the Auditorium waa cut out altogether. It will never cause me to stay away from a match, but It has and will continue to keep me from taking ladies. Of course, It is a sporting event, and men consider that they have a right to smoke, but there are lota of ladles who are admirers of wrestling who stay awuy for no other reason than that they cannot stand the smoke. That Is the only kick I have; in fact, aside from thnt, I have noth ing but words of praise for the way the matchea are pulled off, and I think that la the prevailing opinion. Wishing you suc cess In the promotion of clean sport, I re main, yours very truly. W. E. LEIDY. War Eaglo and Burns will also enjoy tho relief from the smoke. There la no ques tion of tho baleful effect of smoke on a wrestler, and at every match he enters Burns lnvariubly requusts the men not to smoke. The smoke fills the air and stlffles the wrestlers, who, lit times, have hard enoUgli time breathing anyway. After the atruggle has progressed as far as th sec ond bout, and for many wrestlers even before that, wind Is at a premium, and If the air taken into the limps is saturated with smoke, It has. a deleterious effect and may sometimes co.t tho wrestler a mutch. Burns and Eagle are both In the pink of condition. The big Indiun Is determined to utilise the last pound and last vertigo of his herculean weight and strength in this contest. Burns is doing some tall training and Is not disturbed ovec the out come. No sporting event In Omaha has had such ana dvonce sale, and It la no longer a queatlon of ndvertlalng the event, but how to cere for tho people who will want to go. A box office has been placed al the north cntmnce, which will bo open fur all holdera of scats on the an na floor and in the boxes. Those holding gallery tlcketa may pas sthrough the north door on tlio west end of the building, and those desiring tickets will form In line and pass through the other doors. . Orders have been coming from all the neighboring towns and the Indications are the big building will he taxed to care for tho people who want to see Farmer Burns and the giant War Eagle wrestle for honors and the coin. NO 9IORI3 W,ORD PROM O'NEII, asBsasnsaa - Pa Is Sitting; Ry, Patiently Waiting; to See What's What. Pa Rourke has heardv nothing further from Norria O'Nell, president of the West ern league, and as none of the magnates from other cities had shown up by noon it was taken for granted that the annual meeting which was scheduled for cither Wednesday or Thursday would not be held Wednesday. O'Nell has some scheme he Is working through and is evidently hold ing back the definite announcement of the timo of the meeting until he lias his plans perfected. Hoodoo Follows Iowa. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Feb. 12.-(8peclal.)-The followers of athletlca at the I'nlverslty of Iowa are looking for the Iowa hoodoo. In a week foot ball and base ball teams have Inst one of the moat valuable men In the school, Knowlton, who was let out by the faculty on account of alleged misrepresent ations as to his eligibility; thn track squad has lost two men, lilh-y and Stutsman, who wero considered good for at least fifteen points In the state meet and possible win ners In the conference event; on the heels of these calamities coms the news that Ramsell, the tall centerof the basket bull quintet, will be out of the gamo for the rest of the season on account of a failure to pass up all his work In the law depart ment In a manner satisfactory to the powers thnt be. The old adage, "It never ralna but It pours," in requisition among the fans. With the Urinnell game, only ten days off, the task of developing a new renter la a big contruct. Iowa has won from Grlnncll once this year, the Congre gatlonallKta won from Minnesota last week and Minnesota on the next night won from Iowa by a substantial margin. In tho light of these facta the Old Gold Bound Is far from confident of the outcome. of the game on February 22. If Grlnncll wins It will he necessary to play a third game to break the tie. Spencer May Join Oat laws. SKtrx CITY, la., Feb. 12.-(8peclal.) Manager Holmes of the Sioux City Packers '" " ""l 'lit Menrv Spencer, an outfielder bought from the 'Frisco club of .. ....... : .o-iii leurtue, may Join the Cal ifornia Outlaw league. The licus was con tained in a letter from Danny Long of the 'Frisco club, who wrote the outlawa were making inroads nn the coast league, as well as the American and National leagues. SLS.S Whenever a sore or ulcer refuses to heal It is because the blood is Infected with poisonous germs or some old blood taint which corrupts and pollutes tho circulation. Nothing; is more trying than a non-healing, chronic old nicer. The very fact that it resists all external applications, and ordinary treatments, Is good reason fcr alarm, for the same perm which produces cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble bo from any inherited taint. Surface treatment cannot reach the trouble tho blood is at fault and must be purified before a cure can be hoped for. In S. S S will be found a remedy for sores and ulcers of every, kind. It is a perfect blood purifier one that goes directly into the circulation and promptly cleanses it of all impurities, poisons and taints. The ulcer can never heal while the blood discharges into it the noxious matter with which it is infected but when S. S. S. h-s rid the blood of this cause and freshened and built up the circulation the sore wilt heal naturally, and of its own accord. S. S. S. begins at the bottom and heals the place as it should be healed and makes a permanent and lasting cure. Boole on Sores and yicers and any special medical advico Ircc t ail who write. 5. ATLANTA, CA. for CLIBN - THE DEOT KNOWN 11 Office Hours: 8 a m. to 8 p. m. Sunday rf, 10 to 1 only. If you can not call, write Fred Clark, first baseman, secured from Shreveport In the Southern league, and Catcher Jerry Bheehan have sent in their signed contracts. WEST IM)1.T COMES TO OMAHA Boya Determined to Reverse Last I Year's 'Reenlt. The school on the' hill Is Justly proud of Its basket ball boya, who are now working hard in anticipation of the game with W4at Point on Saturday. The visitors will be given a warm reception when thev meet the h'gh school lads, for the purple and white was defeated luat year In West Point's 2x4 gymnasium. . A large crowd of rooters will be out to see the game, which will be preceded by a fust contest between the seniors and sopho mores for tho championship of the school. ' A big schedule of games waa arranged for the winter, and from the hearty sup- fiort offered by students and friends of thn ligh school, it is evident that basket ball will more than pay for Itself. And. better yet, it Is sate to predict that Omaha la on 'no way to the state champkinshlp, which will be cinched by a fsw more such victories as those over York, Lincoln and Sioux City. . Grlnaell Has Ball Ootloolt. GRINNELL, Ia., Feb. 12. (Special. )-The outlook of the Iowa college base ball team Is not promising. Only four of laat year's team 'ill be in the lineup thla spring, Klein, Bander and the Barber brothers. Smlthson, the southpsw, who played with the team two yoars ago. has returned and reported for early uractlce In the cage. The most likely candidates for the positions left vacant are McCarthy, Woodward, Greenwood, Brunfluge, Karrena and Itogera. Smlthson will probably he chosen captain to succeed Fisher, who did not return last Luther College I Schednle. . DECORA H. Ia., Feb. 12. lSeclal.) The schedule of the Luther college baoket ball team for the remainder of the season was announced yesterday as follows: February 13, LeamW Clarlf, at Decorah; February 22, Kt. Olaf, at Northfteld, Minn.; February 24, Minnesota Agricultural college, at St. Paul; February 26, Leender Clark, at To ledo, Ia.; February 20, (Joe. at Cedar Rap ids; February 27 U. I. 1'., at Fayette. Cornell Loaea Track Man. ITHACA. N. Y Feb. 12.-Arthur L. Wil goose, the Cornell distance runner, hag been found deficient In his studies and dropped by tho university. He inlawed a large part of his last year's college ses sion and was unable to make up the work. Ills losa-ls the fifth the Cornell track team has sustained within three weeks, wltlt Alte and Lemohn being appointed Instruct ors in the university and Townscnd and Colpitis being dropped. Ducks Coming; from tho Month. Tha recent warm weather and the warm rain have had a tendency to bring the ducks from the south and several red heads and mallards have been seen wan dering around this section of Uie country. Several of the well known hunters of Omaha are daily waiting for advices from along the Platte calling them forth to meet the early bird. Arthur Mats Llkra the Waves. ' Arthur Metx, president of the Inter-City Base Ball league, writea to the sporting editor of The Bee that he Is dally taking plunges In the surf at Coronado Beach, Cat., envying the ero weather at Omaha and resting up for a strenuous season In Omaha. He wilt en that he will take an automobile trip Into Mexico before return ing. Flshrr to' Coach Wabash. SIOl'x' CITY, Ia., Feb. ltJ.-(Speclal.) Johnny Fisher, formerly of Indianapolis and later of Sioux City, has signed to coach the base bull ten in of the "Little Giants" at Wabash. Fisher has been let out by the Sioux City management, and is free to sign where he pleases. It Is p Toll able that he will sign at Charlevol, Pa. . George Uano Brings $7,500. LEXINGTON, Ky.. Feb. 12. The featura of today's horse sulcs here waa the dis posal of G. J. and G. B. Cecil's stud of Danville. Ky. The be Hi price whs for George Gano, one of the best sons of Gam brtta Wllkua, which was sold for $7,500 to Walter R. Cox of Nashua, N. 11. New Men fur Tbree-I League. CLINTON, la., Feb. 12.-(Bpeclal.)-Tha Clinton Three-J club haa signed Catcher Jack Thclry of Binghitmtnn, N. Y., and Heini and wall, Infielders. from Cleveland. A Shooting; Hcrape - with both parties wounded, demands Buck Ion's -Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores, burns or Injuries. 25u, For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Wuit for the big fire sale at Palace Cloth ing Co. , "The Making ot a Millennium." Read It. Rayner Talks on Currency. WASHINGTON. Feb. 12.-Senator Rayner of Maryland addressed the senate today upon the Aldrlch currency bill. There was a large attendance of both democrats and republicans In the chamber, Including tha leaders on both Aldco. CURES o CHROMIC ULCERS