Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    Telephone Dougla Ol 8
Red Fern
, . Corset
One of the newest high bust
long waist form. Tho bust
Mr as. to round back over the
form without showing any
most snugly fitting gown. There is a special
fitting feature -in the round lower portion of
the hip gore, which tapers to rt point wlicro
the hose supporters are attached. The hose
supporters have the famous
h , 'Security" Rubber Button Tips.
d'cn?udiLt?A!, ,!1?18dr ,f mPr,l routine, trimmed with soft point
a esprit lace and shirred ribbon and ribbon rosettes
Itonril With
It wine.fif-T eXf,ert ror8,tlerp? "l you with Model 27, Redfern.
it will scera like It was made especially for you. Second floor.
30th 1 90S PLi.THne th Par,s nesPP"a dated January
York bt tt ii.mi? I re8Senerg ,eavln Cherbourg for New
toru Amtv TK:tmeTichn 8teftni8h'P Kalserlu Auguste-VIc
to the government of Spain and the oppres
?L0".afin W,M-" H'ey had revott.d?
" nunimm uncoin nave advist'd that
rourae? I do not think S1. Should we turn
the islands over to Agulnaldoand his mili
tary subordinates? They had themselves in
:n?,.nn rao.nths Intervening tried to rs
labllsh acrfvll government and the tvrannlca
and the insufficiencies of that government
In trying to maintain order would have
made it a criminal act against the whole
people of the Islands for us to dodge re
sponsibility thus nl urek to escae the
burden which .providence seemed to havo
thrust upon us?
WouTA Abraham Lincoln have advised a
policy of shuttle and retreat from the Islands
. in h ave them with no tcovernment and. a
chaos that would only Increase the suffer
ing of those unfortunate people? Clearly
there Is nothing In the Declaration of Inde
pindence as interpreted by Lincoln that
would have compelled this pusillanimous
course. - It Is true that tho Declaration
recites that all Juat government must rely
on the consent of the governed: but that
Is tu be Interpreted as meaning a consent
of the governed who have intelligence suf
ficient to enable them to discriminate as
to what Is government in their own In
terest. Lincoln In his debates with Douglas
did not InsiBt that, the colored men, as
they then were, .Should take part In the
government as voters, but he evidently
treated the jiostulate in the Declaration
of Independence as the ideal toward which
all government should Wbrk. . No man
would have been quicker to scout an lin-
practicable dogmatism, tho bitter criticism,
tl unreasonable opposition and the almost
traitorous sympathy with the opposition of
our government in the Philippines, dis
played by th anllfimperiallsta and thuir
democratic followers, tuau. Uncnln.
Work of Ten 1'esn,
In the now nearly ten years that we have
been In the Islands, we ' have produced
tranquillity and freedom from Ladronlsm
and ulsturbance, whtcli lohg Interfered with
the-, agriculture of the islands. We havo
Uuna this at the cost of blood and treas
ure. Would Abraham Lincoln have disap
proved tins -policy? -
- We havo found a people separated from
eaott other' by sittceu uifferent dialects oi
barharuus chumeter and small vocabulaiy.
and we are now engaged with a school aya-
turn in teaching their children, at the rate
of aW.tuO a yeur, a common medium of com
munication, tho business language of the
I orient and the language of free institution
our own English. W ould Abraham Lincoln
liav. disapproved that policy?
We huve brought about in the islands a
system of sanitation which lias greatly re
ciuceii the death rate and we are graduully
teaching those tropical people to live in
such a way that they may become stronger
and better and far abler to reslat tho dis
eases of the tropic aone. Would Abraham
Lincoln have dissented from tills policy?
We have Introduced a system of taxation
by which the burdens ot government are
borne by the wealthy and the humble -
the proportion of their ability to pay and
have abolished the old Spanish system by
which the taxes wero chiefly exacted from
the poor and humble classes. We havo in
troduced and carried on a system of Im
provement of harbors, roads, railroads slid
fnterlaland communication by steam naviga
tion. We have united tha islands iv im
proving, the means of Intercommunication
and stimulating the spread of common me
dium In language as they never have been
united before. Would Abraham Lincoln
have objected to tills nollcv?
Wa have organise)) autonomy In the mu
nicipalities, autonomy in the provincial
governments; we have Introduced Into the
central government as one branch of the
legislature a national assembly, selected by
me euginie voters oi.ine ciiristmn prova
Inces, and we have now a government that
j is largely a government uf Philippine peoplo
' under the final guidance of an American
executive and one American blanch of the
legislature. Would Atirutiam Lincoln have
dlssentedVffain this policy? Of thus, step by
step, leading 'these pople on to an under
standing of the responsibilities of self,
government and familiarities with Its diffi
culties? Large Measure of Liberty.
Ws ha Ve Ilrt'tr'jtluci'd -t:o the islands all
the constitutional . guarantees under the
federal constitution, except the right to
bear arms and the, right to serve on Juries,
for both of which, aa yotthe civilisation of
the people is entirely unfit, but we have
given them, -and they are now enjoying,
the right to life, liberty and property, and
the pursuit of happiness and freedom from
deprivation of any of those rights except
by due' process of law. 'We iiave given
them a Judtciul sstem, in the impartiality
and efficiency of which they have every
confidence. Would Abraham Lincoln have
dissented from this?'
The truth Is, when the altruistic, liberal
policy inaugurated by McKlrilej and car
ried on under Itoaae'velt, with respect to
the Philippines,'- la. fully understood, and
the life of Lincoln, his Ideals and his po
litical methods are considered, it may be
kfflrmed without nesltation that he would
have approved the Philippine policy from
,lhe beginning to tho end, not as a departure
from,' but as a vindication of, the principles
of the DeettwaHon- of -Independence.
During the administration of Theodore
Roosevelt our Influence as a world power
has exRttded anything before In our his
tory. We-.have dope more toward bringing
about the peace of the world than any
v power In this century. I'nder these cir
cumstances, is there room for doubt that
Abraham Lincoln would have approved the
f.ollv of McKlnley aiid Roosevelt in main
slnlng our position as a World power, in
Increasing the slxe of our navy so thnt
when we do Intervene In International af
fairs we may exercise an Influence com
nienaurate with our greatness as a nation?
y Ll.col.'a Attttud Toward lira ft.
Finally, can thero h anv Houlit .),.
Abraham Lincoln would have stood In the
sues wnich peculiarly d stlnauish tho .!.
-ulnistratloii of Theodora Roosevelt? I refer
to tha struggle which he and his adminls
trstion have made for the elimination from
our business and political fabric of the
corrupting influence of the unlawful busi
ness combinations and the demoralising
tfiect of disobedience to law by our great
nrcro Va Only Ono
'..'' .
Thzt I q
LqizaiiuQ Bomo Quinine
, vsro mr world ovm to curc a oolo in one oat.
Always remember the full name.
fit .aiguatura o avary r..
Heachek nil Departments
models, for the
is soft finished
fullness of the
lines through th
air?;.. im l,"e olp" of 1,18 feet through
all that long frame to the top of his head
Me w., a aemocrat in .the true sense of the
lininnnTiv I. " Prlvlee and class
LJ Fi! y-. "e w? ""t an enemy of wealth
' VeuiMumieo. Me Wo coined and
elraK';'1 '."IT1?1 improvements, and, of
course, cherished prosperity developed by
Sf rri?rnth"PrL,,e' anJ th9 '""""nations
pLI?!1 always exalted in the
cons deration of every Issue the rights of
the Individual and especially of the huni
. HI ",embrs of society, who wore least
-... v. !Muieei inemseives. Therefore we
may know with certainty that cannot brook
an ho- nJn ihat, V1" the rBBla to make
'.?UBlnp" lawr"). to take away from
great corporate combinations the Illegal
privileges and Immunities that official in
vestlgatlona have shown tn many instances
to -prevail Lincoln would have made the
J8.0.0.0.'1 flKht whlch 1,88 endeared Kooso!
nr.M S,""'1 h,,vrts of the martyred
Senator Kays o One Shonld Be Misled
by the Reanlt.
isoinnuiv.x, 'eb. lL.--8enator J. B.
ForaUee tnntffl,, i
evo UUL statement as
to the result of tho primary elections In
Ohio nn T , .. i . ,
. ... . Mini ii.e t art forces
i-itieucaiiy mane a clean sweep of the dele
gates to the state convention.
In his statement. Senator Foraker ai-i
l ,Nk od.1; "nouId, be either surprised or mis-
,"', esun. or me primaries held In
Ohio yesterday. It has been rnmm
Knowledge for weeks that the call for
these primaries was of such character that
my frends throughout the state refused
to participate. Consequently there w
opposition to the selection of Taft deuw
gates. irnrler sucn clrcumstanjes. h
Wolil.l r.t ,,.,....o . i , '
That the result of ths r,ri.Dl.
.... vvw. ,, 1 v evervininar.
tint I ri . I .. n ... '
I"" " ,i noytiiing conclusive should
vota nollo,! ,m .-" ..:" '"l,
"iniiiirni ruin ins met thot
in r LT'"Xrrnl mora 'han
...... in uib repuoiicana of Ohio.
ThWPre on,y -o districts In which
nn tliproacn lO
these contests were rtutt ,
a contest .nj
o the fact that
Htes m each dis-
there were onnnslns- ranHM.i
niei. i ir inn nomination to congress.
JJl y.?, KSh i8,.r!r.t- thf Taft candidate
was nereatect ny 1.0u'5. while In the Fif-
leentli district, Ar. Dawes, the Taft loader
and candidate for nomination, la nrobnhlv
neaicn. according to tho latest advices
have received If there had been a Pi
mary In which wo could have partlclpat
If not probable, all over the state.
Recurring to the state
Files Charges Against oa,th
nmi with tiorernor.
(From h Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. U'.-(epeclal.)-Georgo
Brandeen of Bouth Omnlia hus filed with
overnor Hneidon a lengthy affidavit In
which he charges that Chief pf p0uce
u.b, o, Bouin omaha la guilty of con
duct which, in Ms onlnion. h,..,iH .
tho g-overnor to cause th .
chief. Governor Sheldon was at Papllllon
todav nnH hm n.i . I
,i ., i me i
,.v ou opportunity to
go over the charges carefully, but he will
do so shortly. Brandeen charges that
Brlggs does not properly enforce the law
relating to houses of 111 fame, and Is not
sufficiently energetic In other matters
which are under his Jurisdiction. The
affidavit Indicates also thst Brandeen has
some personal feeling against the chief.
Governor Sheldon has been notified that
many of the western governors are anxious
u... Ma inp io wasnington next May
In a bunch. This Is the trip to be made
at the Invitation of President Roosevelt
wno oesires to consult with the governors
regarding the enactment of laws to pre
vent the further devastation of the forests
snd natural resources of the country. The
meetings havo been fixed for May 13,
and 15. The Baltimore A Ohio sad South
western railroad will put on speclnl cars
on Its limited train for the accommodation
of the governors.
The retail inonuaient dealers of K.
55 convened vesterday at th.
M ZLZ??'tlt!.waiMt,oa
Hloom of nm-h -v..,-- . !
, sj iriuitiaiy t' nicer
I. f I
n If li'l.hKn r ...-j ., " . .
- in uiri 1 1 nnn I
--. ... . .a..uu, v.. uiauu isiana scretsrv- I
treasurer. Their choice liki-lv will k
permanent before the final adjournment
Twenty-six Nebraska monument manufac
ture rs are enrolled at the session. Including
the representatives of monument concerns
in other states. Delegates will be chosen
to the national convention In Chicago next
August. The object of the state organisa
tion Is to prevent trade abuses, such ss
the substitution of spurious material by
unscrupulous monument manufacturers.
;lJrd transportation companion. The
b?. iU"nR lhai dl8li"Kul"hed Lincoln In all
Ills l fe was the contention In favor of the
equal admin strntinn i cz.
suouio ne iwrne in mind that It would be n,T. 1 .r . x Luy co,t ihe th governor- iiemovea rrom Track of supper with the best looking girl In the
composed of the reprecntatlves of onlv 8h.'P of Nebraska. And hear me further, Jim: Baltimore & Ohio Express townshlc for she will be ther sure
one faction of the pnrty Not !ecaiise the Wn,'n 1 "m forgotten, as I shall be, and no Barclr In Time r.' , . . , ' 'ure'
people have so decided, but because the mntlon more of me Is made, say. I taught uareijr in Time. TiIley item8, Beatrice Times.
course of th Taft managers was such as the,' My' HrVn, who thrice trod the path . v -
to bar everybody else out from partlclpa- of B Presidential nomination, found thee a GIRARD, O., Feb. 12.-An attempt to Advertlse-The wife of one of ih m.-r.
Superintendent McBrien Speaki
Banquet of Marquette Club.
Nebraska Is Baa-Bested fop Second
JPlaw. 6a National Ticket
Bererldge and Oarfleld
Atao B peak.
CHICAGO, Feb., lJ.-(SpeclaI.)-Unlted
Brien. state superintendent of public In-
iiukuun in ixeuraina, ana james . aur-
fleld, secretary of tho interior, were the
sneakers at the annual banquet of the
Marquette club hero tonight. Mr. Garfield
spoke on "Special' Privileges," reviewing
the cases In which he has been Interested
In rebating and other forms of corporate
abuse have been alleged. The banquet was
the chief function of the holiday here.
other clubs giving luncheons during the
State Superintendent J. L. McBrlcn of
Nebraska In opening his speech devoted
some time to W. J. Bryan and his nronhe-
clcs and their failures. lie said in part
In 1396, the democrats staked their whole
existence upon Jhe silver Issue. In ltM,
they were forced to confess that they were
WhollV Urrnn lirht vaa ra Kofnrn Unl I.
greatest of all inconsistencies fin3 contra
ctions In the campaign of 1904 was to hear
me propnet crying aloud from one end of
the country to the other: "Vote for Par
But let us not deceive ourselves, gentle
men, as to the prophet's popularity and
strength in the campaign of 1!)H. He has
a greater following In the democratic party
today than at any time since his first
nomination In 1R9. He holds the demo
cratic nomination for the presidency in the
nouow ot ins nana. The trusts prefer him
for president to a Roosevelt republican. He
is a man of irrpOroachnhlA character As
an orator and debater he has no superior
among his countrymen. He Is the most
renownea private citizen In the world.
Sheldon, for Vlco President,
Mr M.D.I.. A .i.. i
llcana, in the lists noV, candidates for the
presidency, and said:
Tk...f.. 1 ... . j.-.,..-
tlon the David ..f the east as our candlrt.Te
for the presidency In the camnalgn of laijg.
. cuuum vo wiiii 4 H I in oenoers-
and permit me to propose the Joshua of the
Of Vermont parentage and traditions ha
has a reverence for the east; Nebraska
born, reared In the field and on the
t-ol vim iiuiniiieH iiir vice, nresiownc.
. .
he has a love for the west. A graduate of
me untversitr of .Nebraska and also of
Harvard university, owner of a ureat p
tate In the west and of a plantation In the
souin ne nas a Knowledge ot and in love
for the entire country. He knows no
north, no south, no east, no west-but
every foot of our soil and every state of
""r,.V"'" JL lParl J11 th;
...... . vosioBU to liuiil rv I If 111 a I Ilia Him
not to yield." -Nominate this Joshua of the
in tha l-.IUv nf K - T 1 1 .. . t ... 1. , , .. . 1.
... - j wit, x mufi, wiiiiu uib
uronhet. surroiinHcH hv rennhiirm lm,l.
to the nortli, to the south, to the east,
and to the west, will be driven Into the
political vauey oi aeain ana irom tnence
no vni.. siisii u .hi. n ,i.
forth as a presidential candidate, entle-
ntfin tllA Tito It II a r.P tin nAot la r?A.t,v.n...
George I,. Sheldon of Nebraska.
- v. ' !-.. vi-s, nrni ta V U t t I I III 1
i hank God, the republican party has men.
Men wnom the lust of office does not
Men whom the spoils of office cannot
Men who possess opinions and a will:
Men who have honor, and will not lie;
Men who stand before a demagogue.
And damn his treacherous flattering with
out. winxing
Tali men, sun-crowned, who live above
t v.,. U, . . ........
u iiuuiiu uuiy anu in private minaing.
Idols of Democracy Palled Down.
no claim to the gift of prophecy. But It is
future Y the past. And. Judging from the
I P?"1' .L8e? MS? Tf h presidential
t"cn tu an men tu iviiu vx nuiiifLiunit; oi me
campaign of 1908 from the beginning. The
wretched sophistries of democracy will be
consumea oy tne eternal truths und won
neriui Hrnipv.m.nri nr rannh n.n .m mm
Zl Kr?" "W:p LSI '5?
i i j j. V . in-iiiui-ic)r
pulield!wn..a"d. hT?' on. breaketh
ftLin b vessel, mai cannot oe mane
whol aBa,n- 1 hear the weeping and bit-
IaTtaiL"",,f. the vanquished, whose
tingling because of thel, overwhelming d-
feat. And in the midst of that babel of
,eaV .
fro,n. N
i.'brk Jtt,Z rl,. ? pr?P.f5
not think to shed a tear In all mv miseries
but thou hast forced me, out of all thou
hast done for my sake, to play the woman.
Dal,.many. I cha"ethee nt of iiLw
ware of navigation congresses. That Ind-
thy master mlsa'd It. Mark but nly falls,
and those that ruln'd me my paramount
Issues free silver. Imperialism, and party
.v.jn.ij i (line. j; uaniman, nahl-
manl 1 I ., .1 1 u... . 1 ... ...
half the zeal I served mv nartv ih nJIiu I
would not have forssken me and left me
" .mine enemies, f arewell. Dah -
man! A. long farewell to all mv irresf
nesses! '
The scene changes. I hear th firm
measured tread of a mighty army. It is
the republican hosts under th iunrfur.hin
of the David of the east and the Joshua
... inn -returning rrom a victorious
.finfttsit rnnsnl.lnn, J 1 1 . .
X . " '"J . . "1V"L "a 8Pr,n-
, .
. ' reading their glory In the na
es. I hear the exulting shouts o:
tionJ' "y
people as the; v rejoice over the
"'"'" viiuiupii or me grand old nartv I
.n?.R.r..them pronounce with loud acclaim
'neM 'U,n.l' "i041 ,.nd '"'thful servant:
ndl'aTl hT, uV,;ln.anhna,rj,WrnrVh'e
inspiring chorus "Vox poptdi, vox Del,"
... '-"v-c u me puopie is jne voice o( God,
(Continued from First Page.)
enesa'and solemnity that not a single
schedule of the Dlngley tariff should be
revised or considered until after the nri.
dential election, "and then only by Its
inenas. ro sound, sane man, he declared
preienaea to Delleve that, and he dirt not
think that the leaders who made such
declarations could expect the country to
take them seriously. The great trusts of
the country, he said, have risen under the
present tariff system, and these "friend
were now engaged In a hii anri m.
to extend the, friendly poVe orV
C?,Tr.tUT and cm'" "by peeking to
""7 icttn ui ine rnninman kf - .1
I am s. . - '"
'" " v.ic, umirsnruea in inn r..t r I
.. "
Reaardlnr the n.Me.
mcnarason saia )t was In
class bv (tacit
and wss in response to the criticisms thnf
the newspaper, had freely passed upon him
..... ,.ic iiuLi,-. oi nis administration.
Many of the recommendations, be declared,
if carried out at once by his psrty, would
undoubtedly be of benefit to the country.
In conclusion, Mr. Richardson said h.
elleved lhat the "predatory wealth "
L ii a
ueuevea inn tne "predatory wealth
"predatory poverty," "swollen fortunes'
and the "criminal rlchf together with the
"trusts." were evil forces abroad In ths
land, and they ought to be controlled and
would-te "when the true and imperishable
democratic principle of equal rights to all
and special favors to non. Is handed out
as a 'square deal' to all alike.'
Mr. Rayaer Conaemas Present lystes
f Baaklaar.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 12.'-Senator Ra'yner
of Maryland spoke st length In the senate
today ou the currency bill, condemning
tba present system of banking In the
I nited States, snd incidentally declaring
that th. president by his methods Vf fight
ing th. encroachments of predator A wealth
bail dons snucn to Intensify tUs panic
w"x. out ot tne wreck, to rlso in thmnrh
through which the country has recently
An amendment to- tho Aldrlch Cur
renry Mil was Introduced by Sen
terms of this measure shall not bo with
drawn from circulation mora rapidly than
at the ,a of ,?np0000 mc,n,h' '"
In accordance with tha nreaent law. Th.
pending- bill removes 4hls limitation. Mr.
Tillman objected to tho banks being" per
mitted to Inflate the currcpey by Issuing
IMO.Ooo.000 In bank notes, and then contract
It at will.
The senate devoted two hours to conoid
erlng the criminal code bill and at 4:47 p. m.
Berkeley Professor Makes Aeaertloa
Ther Are Awakening;
SAN FHANCISCQ. Feb. 11-The men
ace of the "yellow peril" resulting from
tn6 forceful awakening of China by tho
I rores"n powers waa pointed out In a lec-
ture to ""lents yesterday by Prof. John
I Fryer, head of the department of Oriental
'anguagea and literature at tha State unl-
Terslty' 11,9 statements are especially
'anincant on account or i'ror. ryori
long residence In China.
In the course of his leoture he said that
Americans do not begin y realize what Is
taking place in China, do not realise that
with the departure' from conservatism and
the acceptance of a form of Oriental civili
sation it may go further and faster
than have even the Japanese. He pointed
to the millions of people at Its command
to the rise of the "China for the Chinese
movement, to the acceptance of modern
method of education, even to the addition
of the higher education for women, and to
the Increased tendency toward the growth
of a real national spirft, through the en
forcement of the teaching of one dialect
and the spread of railroads, resulting In
the centralization of power.
He said that If they continued to learn
as they are doing now and retalniwl Inito.
m .
China would have an army and navy ready
to meet any of the world s great powers.
utr tlHUHIH I O UOt ALL CrrUn I O
i . ...n.. Dim uiiierB 1 1 in nppnr
i -
aciorr nniintr in Harris.
Durar iriai.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Feb. 12. The de-
fense in the state capltol conspiracy trial
""'ay 10 nave jutigo
Kunkel Issue hinrtlna- instruction. ,h.
jury to discharge the defendants Contrae-
! - . "'s"iarge tne defendants. Contrae-
"arr.e..r.V.' J!aA6
v . .-, lUttiiitrUB tIIU OIIUIUUKCr.
on the around tht th-
find frailO hetwenn tlinrVl U V, V, I
.. ...u , lliaillllK
tit tha rii.i
Counsel was Psnr'VioTtw ,.,.,, 4HJ
,h. 'n-stem ma,
...uvi. vna JUiy lu ncqun
Mflthoe. ir,i ...
defense Th"r, .i
I D 1 ' V""V,I1U' u
Mr. A. T. Benson of Benson & Thorn
Co., who has Just returned from- New
York, says he found conditions very much
improved in the east. Manufacturers re-
port a big house business, which l l
than usual, because of the fact that nearly
an rciaunrs Dougnt lightly when called
upon by traveling representatives last fall.
Retailers are now, flocking Into the city
,0 1111 ,n stocks where needed.
The Making ot a Millenium.'
' Read it.
i . .
Railroad . v .
Carrrinff TnrnfV Per Cent lie-
. i . . . . . -
uu.iiuu uiu r.nrct.
T,lXr, .-I;-':"6
ucvi vuiimujoiuners loaay
ordered the Kansas railroad, to nut the
. , . ,, . , . , ,. . -
"eheluled maximum, freight rate tariff Into
effect Februaiy 14. The new rates will be
"nmea'a"'y- Dut tn roads
wm "ave thirty days to determine whether
Zi m rates or ooey them,
- J :" ""'
aDOUl "percent.
' j
Wreck the New York-Chicago express on chants In this city purchased from a trav
the Baltimore & Ohio railway was made elng agent an article for use in the dining
today. A tile and a pile ot stones were room of her home, and was nroudlv show.
M-.l .1 . 1. V.... j, . . I
"' uul wei uisuoverea Dy
R "ect,on foreman, . who hurriedly moved
'hem Just before tho train passed. Steve
vargo ana jonn Metro were arrested near
me scene.
Richard W. Carey.
Richard W, Carey, 46 years of age, died
at his home, 3008 South Seventeenth street,
Tuesday. He Was a resident of Omaha for
eighteen years and a well known stock-
and four children, George A.. J
3hC- ""d R "
two brothers, John, who is now ai Doui.. umaua. ne leaves a wiro
Jessie is.,
so loaves
In New
Mexico on a business trip, and George Q.
Uoth are stockmen: The funeral will be
held Thursday at 2. p. m. from his lste
residence, Kev. R. Scott Hyde officiating.
Interment will bo at Forest Lawn ceme
tery, where the services will be In charge
of the Bee
Hive kasonlc lodge of Bouth
which deceased was a member.
Omaha, of
" was also a member of the Woodmen of
the World.
Mrs. Minnie Helln.
Mrs. Minnie Helln died Tuesday morning
at hej; home, 3118 Seward street, aged 6.1
years. She leaves two sons snd a daughter,
The funeral will be held Friday at 1 o'clock
from the house. Interment will be In Mt.
Hope cemetery.
Father V. P.
rn Jr.
In this country on the canonical law of
Feb. 12. Rev.
u r n..i,.,i . i
" nuiimn wniuunu u.urni, uivu luaay r
. 1
V"ou"i"i -
Kasle Point Reaches Port.
PHILADELPHIA. b. 11 The Phllsdel-
transatlantic steam
feh f.h'tW J
steamer Kagle Point.
11, for this port.
with a broken
snstl, was reported passing Keldy Island
Del., this morning. The Kagle Point prob-
ably will reach this city, somo time this
afternoon. Captain Lloyd of the Eagle
Itding that she broke her
lmnwiry - The steamer la:
r-oini signalled tne murine onserver at
after crank
V to maklns
repairs until February 2, when th. voyage
wss resumed. The rsptain also reported
very heavy weather.
No use theorizing as to
whether coffee la harmful.
Stop It and usa
10 daya to get facts.
"There", a Reason."
FEHKUAftY 13, 1908.
of Machine. Orer
- cw WOHa HOUte.
vilM AEav, fl-LW IUiiA.
Omaha, (a Be Vlildl hr Contestants
for Iteeord to rarls Across
Bearing; Straits Sottl
NEW YORK, Feb. 12. The six automo
biles contesting In the New York Paris race
started from Times squsro. Forty-second
street and Broadway, at 11:15 a. m. today.
cheered by a throng of several thousand
people. Accompanied by more than TOO
motors of all descriptions, the racing ma
chines made their way up Broadway and
Riverside drive to the city limits, where
they turned north on the road to Albany.
from the city the route to 8an Francisco.
which la the objecflvs point ot tha first
stage of the trip, lies across New York
state to Buffalo, thence through Cleveland
and Toledo to Chicago, Omaha, Chey
enne, Ogdon, Reno, Qoldfield, Ban Luis
Obispo and Ban Francisco. Msyor McClei-
lan was to have given the word to start,
but was detained, and Colgate Hoy L 'of the
I Automobile club of America, took his place,
All traffic In the neighborhood of Times
square was stopped a half hour before the
start. Automobiles clogged the Intersect
lng streets and lined the route for many
blocks up Broadway. No such aggregation
or machines has been seen In New York
city since the last Vanderbllt cup race was
run. A band In the official grandstand
played the anthems of the nations as tha
cara lined up for tha start. A pistol shot
sent the contestants away amid the cheer
lng of the people and the hoarse hooting of
nunareds of automobile horns.
Odd Looking; Machines.
The contesting cars are the queerest look
lng machines ever devised for motoring pur
poses. With heavy equipment of stores and
modern representation of the old prairie
schooner. nn mhi . hv ij...
r.,t,i. i . ...
. i running ooasgs on either
8lJe. equipped with axes, shovels, ropes, and
a dozen other articles. The clothing of the
,ip far. i.i i. , , ...
lu.i.cia.cit v iiuni 1,1,11 . i ,i , m r Hicina m u
Dura white fur ontflt nrf h.,t h,..-
bv a French team
t,all ,, . lm '. ... ' "
,arl, Thrp. ,1,. ,
the foreign machines but there were onlv
L f '"atnines, DUt there were only
American car. The three French
car, are jeered by O. Boucler St. Craf-
M. Ood-ard and M. Pons, the German
nof Kar T 1-. TAAK AM m t r,
car Lieutenant Koeppen, ot he Prus
I 0,. . ,
1 J
lon f ojr., A TJnhertH
oioniague Itooerts.
Katlmates vary as to the length of time
lh( race wl rtquire-
From six to nine
m . i.vmj ., H ,,, , ...
I monins it is believed will bo required. All
the drivers are confident of reaching their
destination through the frozen fields of
Ala8ka and Siberia. Steamers will trans-
port the machices from San Francisco to
Valdc. Alaska, and from Nome to East
'-"P6- omeria, across tsenring strait
Quaint and Cnrlons Featnres of Life
la a Rapidly Urowrlna; .
H. C. Hubbell was an over-ntght visitor
at the Nicholson home on the 31st ult., and
since he went home we are under the Im
pression that he has a recipe for making
pancakes by using potatoes instead of
eggs. We would like very much to have
It, for eggs are rather scarce now. Whistle
Creek Items. Alliance Times.
Com. Prepared-Old maid, and bachelors,
take notice- Ther will h a valantlna an
.1, V ZL . I.!6"""!. ""
..m -"-.""j "uui uus j riuay
evening, February 14, 1908. Ladles will
bring lunch boxes and valentines. Tha
vale.tlne. will be sold to the highest bid
der who has the cash. If vouhuv vsl
entine you get to eat supper with the lady
who rurnisned It. If you don't buy a val
entine,' you don't get any supper nor any
girl either; so look sharp, boys, and If you
haven't the money, rack out and get. It
before the 14th, buy a valentine and eat
. -
mg it to hor husband tho same evening.
exultantly telling him how chean she had
purchased It. The merchant, with his run.
tm h meti.M .v, .v,..
had handled the same article for a number
of years and that he at that time had a
number of them at tho store, and that she
could have purchased one of them at about
one-half the price Bho had paid the trav
eling agent. The wife for a minute was
slightly discomfited, but her quick -reply
was, "Why. dldn t you tell me about It be-
tore? w(lv don't you advertise your stock
anj prices ?"-Columbus Trlbuns
In the Wrong Pew A few evenings ago
when Rev. Von Hagon announced his text,
which contained the words "meet" and
"dogs," he was greeted with heartrending
howls from the throats of a couple of
canines somewhere near the church. As
he occasionally referred to the words
quoted the howlln became more pitiful
and Kov- Hawk tartt' out to quell ths
Hturblng and unseemly racket. When on
the south side of the church the barking
appeared to him to proceed from the south.
but on going to that side of the edifice
the yelping seemed shifted to ths north
Going to the west the yelping suddenly
Came Vom both Bide" n1 for a few m,n
utea uie reverenu gentleman waa non
piussed. Meanwhile, every time the
preacher reiterated the word "meet" the
whining and yowling gained new energy.
At last the pastor went Into the basement
and there found a couple of spaniel pups
that had fallen down a manhole and be
come prisoners. Tilden Citizen
At Final Neaslon of Farmers' Confer.
enee Prlaea Are Annoanced.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 12. (Special.)
The program for the Farmers' Institute
opened yesterday flionilng with an insiruc-
tive address by S. W. Dole of this city, on
the subject of beautlfylhg the farm. The
planting of trees and shrubs should be
planned with the idea of building for future
S. A. Kinney spoke on Vime needs of the
farm, and he was followed by W. D. Me
Kee, who told how to care for pure bred
stock, particularly cattle. I He warned
young men against the spending of a great
amount of money to embark In th. pur.
blood stock business. He said It Is not
advisable to sell to one's neighbors, be
cause they cannot appreciate the value of
one'a stock. A breeder of pure stock helps
the community by giving it a reputation,
and making his neighbors Interested.
After an entertainment given by the
pupils of the Mum ford school at the open
ing of the afternoon session, th. following
officer, wer. elected: A. II. Kldd, presi
dent; J. L. Rhodes, vie. president; R. E.
Blodgett, secretary; M. A. Bhedd, treas
urer. Dr. II. Jensen followed with a very prac-
tlVl tak on "Diseases rf Farm Animals,"
and recommended Some preventives and
cures for different ailments. He spoke of
tho Nebraska steer, "Challenger," and said
that that animal had dons more to adver
tise Nebraska than any other one of Its
products. In the women's section. In the
equity court room, there wits the liveliest
kind of a discussion on "Little Hclts In
Housework." ' '
In the white corn contest Valentine
Knochel won first prise. A. C. Trump of
Blue Springs, second; I,. A. Bloodgood of
Rockford. third; L. E. Bloodgood of Rock
ford, fourth. In the yellow corn contest
first prize was taken by E. R. Ruyle of
Rockford; second by S. A. Klmmerllng of
Beatrice; third by- L. E. Bloodgood, and
fourth by John McCoWan of Beatrice. II.
R. Ruyle took the sweepstakes corn 'prize,
and In potatoes; A. Jamleson.of Beatrice
Was awarded first prise, L. E. Bloodgood
second, S. W. Frerlchs third, snd I Nes-
lon fourth. The first prize yellow corn, ten
ears, sold for $3; second prize, tenears for
tl, and sweepstakes for 13.26. The one
hundredth ear Judging contest was won by
M. P. Miller of Firth, vho selected seven
of the best ten ears out of 100
The attendance at the evening session
wss small on account of the rain, Mr, Me
Kee gave a good talk on the literature for
the farmer and he was followed fiy Dr.
Jensen, who gave an Interesting address on
"Tuberculosis and Home Sanitation."
Don't fall to attend the big fire sale at
Talace Clothing Co. Watch for date of
Nobody knows
why qmnine cures
malaria, but it doea.
Nobody knows whv
Omejja Oil cures the
aches and pains
of old age, but it
does. It is an oily
liniment that
loosens stiff
joints, soft
ens the
rates -the
Noon Lunch
Cream Tortiato Soup 15c
Beaton's Broth ;10c
Ham Sandwiches 10c
Chicken Sandwiches .... .15c
Cream Oyster Stews .2oC
Hot Chocolate and whipped
cream with crackers 10c
Sliced Bananas and Cream. 10c
Ice Cream Sundaes 10c
Fifteenth and Farnam.
The largest and most complete
liife. In the west. Come early to
avoid the rush.
All kinds of fancy Cards V4c and
lc, worth up to 5c.
Latest novelties In Jumping Jack
Valentines, our price 10c.
Valentine Post Cards, c, lc, 2c
and 3c, worth more than four
times what we ask.
Valentine Drop, 3c, Ec, 7c and
10c, worth double.
Lace Valentines, two for l
Regular lc kind.
Lace Valentines lc, seven for 5
Regular 2c kind.
Lace Valentines ... . ..... . .2
Regular Be kind.
Lace Valentines
Regular 10c kind.
Lace Valentines i . , . ,Aj
Regular 12 He kind.
Lace Valentines jj
Regular 15c kind.
Special prices to teachers. We
selr- valentines retail less than
wholesale prices. v . '
Jos.. F. Bilz
. 823 Southj 10th St- Omaha..
State agency for Paris Patterns,
10c. Seams allowed.
We Wish To Announce
That we are now located in our new
store In the Hotel Loyal Building,
219 North ICth Street, where we
have one of tba finest appointed
salesrooms In the west; alBO the
most thoroughly equipped work
rooms In the city, in which
ARK lii'lLT :: ::
You are cordially Invited to In
spect our superb line of Spring
Woolens. New ones arriving dally.
I). II. DHK, Manager.
210 NO. 16th Ktree t.
Hotel Ixiyal Building.
It makes tl e toilet something to ba en.
Joyed. It rem jves all stains and roughness,
prevents prickly beat and chafing, and
leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the
bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which
do common soap caa equal, impartlrg the
Vigor and life sensation of a mild Tutkish
ath- Au. GsocEts and Davocim.
bib . a 9. lata iuhi
Ome&a Oil
IWl ft
k I
ywiB JPBBJJf.'g'Hit" '"WBstfwnssaus.aBisyyg
Quick Lunches
are what, tho 6r0i Imply hrjx
you go to
ThelBosfon Lunch
Have you ever eaten there? No
sitting around until some over
worked waiter, has nned half a
doEen other orders (or '
They hare tho proper system at
Open every hour, every day.
Between Seasons
WE KEEP a large force of Cutters
and Tailors busy by Including an
extra pair of trousers "with'" every suit
order for the price of ult alone. I
Suit and Extra Trousers 55 to' 545
There's little profit In It for ub," but
It cleans up the. surplus' tock--antl
BBBures to us your next order for spring
garments: ' "' , 1
niaik or IUue Suit and Trousers $23
Advance showing of liajntlsomo new
spring woolens this week to torppt t!i
rarly buyer.
EOU-U So. 15th St.
Furnished CLEAN
Ahsolutely good service.
Ask us about our system. .
Towel Supply Co.
Phon. Dong. 1819.
Mr. Business Man
etr TTtl--.
noonday lunch at the
Restaurant Prices' . '.
Grand Survlc. '
Bargain Matinee Todaj
oday 3 Bo and. 60a,
AT 8:15
in walker Whitesld.'s Buocess '
We Are King
Thursday, Prtday and Saturday ' '
Thurs Evening. Urt, Warrsn's Frof.ssiot
rrlday and baturdav Mstl.,,.. ..r.H.,.V
(Saturday Night "Candida"
Beat Sunday Until Tuesday
Th. Ohloago Mnsioal Succtss
Itescrvt'tl Scuts at
1513 BOVOZ.A8 ST.
There are still v. number of good
eats obtainable ' .
PUICKS $1.0M-$t.BO
Second Great Match ;
Former Burns
and '
War Eagle
Seat Bale Betjlns Wednesday ' '
Sfornlr.s;, February 12.
Frlceat SOc, Tfc. 1
' ft CttUCAVt ON M0C
Matins. Bally, fl:19. Xv.ry Wight fn&
THIS WtEI Jan. Courtbop. fc', Co
Helen Bertram, Boyder A Buckisy, Mott.
ros. TroUDH. Lonil Sukill. M.nttl.. k.
Rtev.ns, xwo .ur.ttos, and th ttma.
Vrlces, lOo, SSc, eoc '' j
SA a S4S PHces 16-a5-eor76o.
Z.OTTIE WII,I.IAAla la. t.
Little Dolly Dimples
Roller Ekating All T,his
J Week, Except Wednesday
and. rrlday. ,-. J
l "m,-.Kmjim
I Eat your
1 1
siW'S mm t